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Natures of Mathematics

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1. Wide Applicability and the Effectiveness of Mathematics

General applicability is a recurring characteristic of mathematics: mathematical truth
turns out to be applicable in very distinct areas of application in phenomena from across the
universe to across the street. Why is this? What is it about mathematics and the concepts that it
captures that causes this?
Mathematics is widely useful because the five phenomena that it studies are ubiquitous in
nature and in the natural instincts of man to seek explanation, to generalize, and to attempt to
improve the organization of his knowledge. As Mathematics has progressively advanced and
abstracted its natural concepts, it has increased the host of subjects to which these concepts can be
fruitfully applied.

2. Abstraction and Generality

Abstraction is the generalization of myriad particularities. It is the identification of the
essence of the subject, together with a systematic organization around this essence. By
appropriate generalizations, the many and varied details are organized into a more manageable
framework. Work within areas of detail then becomes the area of specialists. Put another
way, the drive to abstraction is the desire to unify diverse instances under a single conceptual
framework. Beginning with the abstraction of the number concept from the specific things being
counted, mathematical advancement has repeatedly been achieved through insightful abstraction.
These abstractions have simplified its topics, made the otherwise often overwhelming number of
details more easily accessible, established foundations for orderly organization, allowed easier
penetration of the subject and the development of more powerful methods.

3. Simplicity (Search for a Single Exposition), Complexity (Dense Exposition)

For the outsider looking in, it is hard to believe that simplicity is a characteristic of
mathematics. Yet, for the practitioner of mathematics, simplicity is a strong part of the culture.
Simplicity in what respect? The mathematician desires the simplest possible single exposition.
Through greater abstraction, a single exposition is possible at the price of additional terminology
and machinery to allow all the various particularities to be subsumed into the exposition at the
higher level.
This is significant: although the mathematician may indeed have found his desired single
exposition (for which reason he claims also that simplicity has been achieved), the reader often
bears the burden of correctly and conscientiously exploring the quite significant terrain that lies
beneath the abstract language of the higher-level exposition.

4. Logical Derivation, Axiomatic Arrangement

The modern characteristics of logical derivability and axiomatic arrangement are
inherited from the ancient Greek tradition of Thales and Pythagoras and are epitomized in the
presentation of Geometry by Euclid (The Elements).
It has not always been this way. The earliest mathematics was firmly empirical, rooted in
man’s perception of number (quantity), space (configuration), time, and change (transformation).
But by a gradual process of experience, abstraction, and generalization, concepts developed that
finally separated mathematics from an empirical science to an abstract science, culminating in the
axiomatic science that it is today. It is this evolution from empirical science to axiomatic science
that has established derivability as the basis for mathematics.
This does not mean that there is no connection with empirical reality. Quite the contrary.
But it does mean that mathematics is, today, built upon abstract concepts whose relationship with
real experiences is useful but not essential. These abstractions mean that mathematical fact is now
established without reference to empirical reality. It may certainly be influenced by this reality, as
it often is, but it is not considered mathematical fact until it is established according to the logical
requirements of modern mathematics.

5. Precision, Correctness, Evolution Through Dialectic

 The Language of Mathematics.

Over the course of the past three thousand years, mankind has developed sophisticated
spoken and written natural languages that are highly effective for expressing a variety of moods,
motives, and meanings. The language in which Mathematics is done has developed no less, and,
when mastered, provides a highly efficient and powerful tool for mathematical expression,
exploration, reconstruction after exploration, and communication. Its power (when used well)
comes from simultaneously being precise (unambiguous) and yet concise (no superfluities,
nothing unnecessary). But the language of mathematics is no exception to being used poorly. Just
as any language, it can be used well or poorly.
Once correctness in mathematics is separated from empirical evidence and moved into a
model-based or axiomatic framework, the touchstone for correctness becomes other, carefully
selected, statements that capture the essential elements of the underlying reality: definitions,
axioms, previously established theorems. The language of mathematics, and logical reasoning
using that language, form the everyday working experience of mathematics.

 Symbolical mathematics.
In earlier times, mathematics was in fact, fully verbal. Now, after the dramatic advances
in symbolism that occurred in the Mercantile period (1500s), mathematics can be practiced in an
apparent symbolic shorthand, without really the need for very many words. This, however, is
only a shorthand. The symbols themselves require very careful and precise definition and
characterization for them to be used, computed with, and allow the results to be correct.
The modern language of working mathematics, as opposed to expository or pedagogical
mathematics, is symbolic, and is built squarely upon the propositional logic, the first order
predicate logic, and the language of sets and functions.2 The symbolical mode is one which
should be learned by the student and used by the practitioner of mathematics. It is the clearest,
most unambiguous, and so most precise and therefore demanding language. But one might say it
is a “write only” language: you don’t want to read it. So, once one has written out one’s ideas
carefully this way, then one typically switches to one of the other two styles: direct or expository,
these being the usual methods of communicating with others.
 Evolution Through Dialectic
Mathematical definitions, mathematical notions of correctness, the search for First
Principles (Foundations) in Mathematics and the elaboration of areas within Mathematics have all
proceeded in a dialectic fashion, alternating between periods of philosophical/foundational
contentment coupled with active productive work on the one hand, and the discovery of
paradoxes coupled with periods of critical review, reform, and revision on the other. This
dialectical process through its history has progressively raised the level of rigor of the
mathematics of each era.
The level of precision in mathematics increased dramatically during the time of Cauchy, as those
demanding rigor dominated mathematics. There were simply too many monsters, too many
pitfalls and paradoxes from the monsters of functions in the function theory to the paradoxes and
strangeness in the Fourier analysis and infinite series, to the paradoxes of set theory and modern
logic. The way out was through subtle concepts, subtle distinctions, requiring careful
delineations, all of which required precision.

 A Culture of Precision
Mathematical culture is that what you say should be correct. What you say should have a
definition. You should know the definition and limits of what you are saying, stating, or claiming.
The distinction is between mathematics being developed informally and mathematics being done
more formally, with necessary and sufficient conditions stated up front and restricting the
discussion to a particular class of objects.

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