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Tenses Exercises

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I Fill in the correct tense: Present Simple or Present Progressive

1. I think I can do the homework all by myself. (THINK)

2. She appears to be a nice girl. (APPEAR)

3. I am working for a nonprofit organisation at the moment. (WORK)

4. Ian is taking a shower at the moment. Could you call back later ? (TAKE)

5. Jack is leaving in a few minutes. You have to hurry. (LEAVE)

6. I love to go swimming during the hot summer months. (LOVE)

7. That book belongs to me. Give it back. (BELONG)

8. I understand what you are saying, but I don’t believe it. (UNDERSTAND, NOT BELIEVE)

9. My mum doesn’t get a day off during the summer months. (NOT GET)

10. What does your dad do for a living ? (YOUR DAD, DO)

11. I usually take the bus to school but today my sister is driving me. (TAKE, DRIVE)

12. What are you drinking? - I am having a glass of wine. Would you care to join me? (YOU DRINK, HAVE

II Complete the text with the simple form of the past tense !

Last night I went (GO) to my favourite restaurant in Jackson Street. I left (LEAVE) the restaurant at about 10 o'clock.
It was (BE) a very warm evening and I decided (DECIDE) to take a walk along the beach.
Suddenly I heard (HEAR) a noise. I turned (TURN) around and saw (SEE) three teenage boys. One boy came
(COME) up to me and asked (ASK) me what time it was (BE) . When I looked (LOOK) down at my watch, he hit (HIT)
me and I fell (FALL) to the ground . Another boy took (TAKE) my wallet. I shouted (SHOUT) for help but nobody
heard (HEAR) me. Then they run (RUN) away.

III Fill in the correct form of the PAST TENSE SIMPLE OR CONTINUOUS !

1. When we were in Canada, we went skiing almost every day. (GO)

2. About four years ago I decided to become a restaurant manager. (DECIDE)

3. When I was younger I ate pizza almost every day (EAT)

4. George was having a shower when someone suddenly knocked at the door. (HAVE, KNOCK)

5. Jimmy and I ran from the house to the taxi because it was raining heavily (RUN, RAIN)

6. Two men were arguing outside so I went to see what it was (ARGUE)

7. At midnight I was sleeping, but Mary was listening to music (SLEEP, LISTEN)

8. Daniel called you yesterday afternoon, but you weren't around (CALL)

9. Penny was running to catch the bus when she slipped and fell down (RUN, SLIP, FALL)

10. We were eating breakfast when the message came (EAT, COME)

11. I was dreaming about my favourite dish when the alarm clock went off (DREAM, GO)

12. While I was practicing for tomorrow's game , a neighbour came to visit me (PRACTICE, COME)
IV Fill in the correct tense: Present Perfect Simple or Progressive !

1. I have been working (WORK) since 9 o'clock, but I haven’t finished (NOT FINISH) yet.

2. I haven’t seen (NOT SEE) her for such a long time. She must has moved (MOVE) to another town.

3. Susan has had (HAVE) several cups of tea already.

4. They have been playing (PLAY) chess for five hours. Neither of them has won (WIN).

5. How long have you been sitting ( YOU SIT) there watching TV ?

6. What have you been doing ( YOU DO) since I saw you last time ?

7. My neighbour has been talking (TALK) for hours.

8. She has never been (NEVER BE) in Africa.

9. My dad has been smoking (SMOKE) for 15 years and he has tried (TRY) to stop twice.

10. She has just returned (JUST RETURN) from her holidays in the mountains.

11. She has been staying (STAY) in Germany for years.

12. (YOU BE) Have you been to the cinema this week ?

13. I have cleaned (CLEAN) my bike this afternoon . – It looks like new now.

14. It hasn’t rained (NOT RAIN) for the past two months.

15. How long have you been living (YOU LIVE) in Austria ?

16. Your hands are dirty ! – What have you been doing (YOU DO) ? – I have been working (WORK) in the garden
all afternoon.

17. They have built (BUILD) a new school in the rainforest of Brazil.

18. My mum has had (HAVE) this job since last spring.

V Fill in the correct tense form : SIMPLE PAST or PRESENT PERFECT !

1. Did you meet my brother yesterday ? (YOU MEET)

2. We have lived here since February 21st. (LIVE)

3. John went out twenty minutes ago . (GO)

4. Look ! I bought a new dress (BUY)

5. When she entered the restaurant she saw Peter (ENTER, SEE)

6. I have read the book many times before (READ).

7. I read the book before dinner (READ).

8. When did the war start ? (THE WAR , START)

9. He has studied French for ten years. Two years ago he started with German . (STUDY, START)

10. I haven’t read the newspaper yet today (NOT READ).

11. Up to now, they haven’t been to Africa (NOT BE)

12. Have you seen a good play lately ? (YOU SEE)

13. How much did you pay for that suit ? (YOU PAY)

14. He has just switched on the radio. (JUST SWITCH)

15. I got married a few weeks ago (GET)

16. She finished her homework two days ago (FINISH)

17. When did you ring the bell. I probably didn't hear it. (YOU RING)

18. I haven’t lived in France since my cousin died almost ten yeas ago. (NOT LIVE, DIE)

VI Put in the correct forms: Past Simple Tense or Past Perfect Tense !

1. We left the town 7 years ago because my parents had found (FIND) better jobs.

2. After we had moved (MOVE) into our new house, we did not often go back.

3. Dad couldn’t drive (CAN NOT DRIVE) to work this morning because he had lost his keys.

4. I met all my friends at Joe’s party because he had invited (INVITE) so many people.

5. After Cathy had read the email, she felt (FEEL) very worried.

6. The train station was much bigger because they had built (BUILD) a new wing.

7. I knew nothing about the movie because nobody had told (TELL) me about it.

8. The cat killed (KILL) the mouse after she had played with it for some time.

9. The bus arrived late today because there had been (BE) an accident on the way to school.

10. The man jumped from the train before it had stopped (STOP)

11. Chuck had left the house before I called (CALL).

12. Soon after we had gone (GO) to bed we heard some strange noises.

13. I stayed (STAY) at home last night because Dad had promised to play chess with me.

14. Sue felt much better after she had told (TELL) her mother everything.

15. We didn’t know (NOT KNOW) the boys because we had not seen them before.

16. My stomach was making funny noises because I hadn’t had (NOT HAVE) enough for breakfast this morning.

17. Mike passed (PASS) the driving test because he had practiced a lot for it.

18. He had never gone (NEVER GO) out with a girl before so he was very nervous on his first date.

19. Fred got (GET) really mad because someone had broken his pen.

20. The old house was still there but it had not changed (NOT CHANGE) very much.

VII Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets !

Even though I like England, I always wanted (ALWAYS WANT) to work abroad, but until recently I have never
thought (NEVER THINK) I really would. A few months ago, however, I saw (SEE) an ad on the Internet for a job in
Switzerland , which looked (LOOK) really promising. I filled (FILL) in the application form and sent (SEND) it off.
After I hadn’t heard (NOT HEAR) back from them for quite some time , I received (RECEIVE) an email yesterday. It
said (SAY) that the managers wanted (WANT) to see me for an interview. I have spent (SPEND) the last 24 hours in
panic, packing things and arranging everything for my flight to Switzerland.

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