Stable Prenucleation Mineral Clusters Are Liquid-Like Ionic Polymers
Stable Prenucleation Mineral Clusters Are Liquid-Like Ionic Polymers
Stable Prenucleation Mineral Clusters Are Liquid-Like Ionic Polymers
Received 6 Jul 2011 | Accepted 18 Nov 2011 | Published 20 Dec 2011 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1604
Calcium carbonate is an abundant substance that can be created in several mineral forms by
the reaction of dissolved carbon dioxide in water with calcium ions. Through biomineralization,
organisms can harness and control this process to form various functional materials that can
act as anything from shells through to lenses. The early stages of calcium carbonate formation
have recently attracted attention as stable prenucleation clusters have been observed, contrary
to classical models. Here we show, using computer simulations combined with the analysis
of experimental data, that these mineral clusters are made of an ionic polymer, composed of
alternating calcium and carbonate ions, with a dynamic topology consisting of chains, branches
and rings. The existence of a disordered, flexible and strongly hydrated precursor provides
a basis for explaining the formation of other liquid-like amorphous states of calcium carbonate,
in addition to the non-classical behaviour during growth of amorphous calcium carbonate.
1 Department of Chemistry, Nanochemistry Research Institute, Curtin University, PO Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia 6845, Australia. 2 Department of
Physics and Centre for Scientific Computing, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. 3 Department of Physical Chemistry, University
of Konstanz, Konstanz D-78457, Germany. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.D.G. (email:
alcium carbonate is a ubiquitous mineral, often created as a therefore explored their impact for the specific case of calcium
result of biomineralization, that is used by nature to perform carbonate. Concentrations between 0.5 and 0.06 M are explored
many diverse functions in marine organisms, from skeletons using extensive simulations of up to 70 ns. Here, the lower bound is
and shells1 to even optical devices2. It also represents a common approximately an order of magnitude greater than the experimental
scale forming from hard water leading to technological problems3, values at which it is possible to maintain solutions containing pre-
though deposition of carbonates can be put to beneficial use as nucleation clusters without them undergoing nucleation. In order
a means of sequestering carbon dioxide4. Despite its economic, to make direct contact with the actual experimental conditions, we
ecological and scientific relevance, our knowledge is far from com- have also performed more limited simulations for systems contain-
plete in regard to the early stages of the complex process that can ing up to 6.4 million atoms that allow the bicarbonate and calcium
ultimately produce this mineral. concentrations to be reduced to 10 and 0.4 mM, respectively. By var-
Recently, there have been several key advances in our under- ying the relative concentrations of carbonate and bicarbonate ions,
standing of the nucleation and growth of calcium carbonate. It has we have also simulated pH values in the range of 8.5–11.5, thereby
been established that formation of amorphous calcium carbonate spanning the experimental conditions.
(ACC) and its subsequent transformation into crystalline phases In the present work, we show that the stable prenucleation clus-
provides a competing pathway to direct creation of the minerals ters of calcium carbonate are in fact ionic polymers consisting of
calcite, aragonite and vaterite5–7. There is growing evidence that chains of cations and anions held together by only ionic interac-
organisms exploit this alternative route for biomineralization as tions. These chains can be linear or branched, with a dynamic
the amorphous phase can be stored until needed, at which point structure that is constantly evolving, yet stable with respect to the
crystallization can be directed to yield the required crystalline separated solvated ions.
polymorph. Furthermore, this process may not follow a conven-
tional mechanism of the type envisaged within classical nucleation Results
theory, in which an activation barrier must be overcome before sig- Atomistic simulation of speciation. Starting from free ions in
nificant association of ions can occur beyond simple ion pairing. solution, the initial stages of speciation involve the expected formation
The existence of stable prenucleation clusters of calcium carbon- of the ion pair, CaCO30, and to a lesser extent, CaHCO3 + (ref 14).
ate before nucleation was initially shown by ion potential meas- At the lower end of the pH range studied, where there is an excess of
urements in combination with analytical ultracentrifugation8, and bicarbonate anions, further association is observed to form species
later confirmed by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy9. of calcium coordinated to two or even three bicarbonate anions at
The size of these clusters has been estimated to be either ~2 nm 0.5 M, though bicarbonate ion pairing becomes unimportant as the
or 0.6–1.1 nm from the two experimental techniques, respectively; concentration decreases. In contrast, calcium and carbonate begin
the discrepancy may be explained depending on the differing sen- to assemble themselves into a new structural motif consisting of
sitivity of the methods to the surrounding hydration layer. While chains of ions resembling a polymer (Fig. 1). These clusters can also
evidence grows for the presence of such stable clusters, the nature include bicarbonate ions at low pH, but normally only at the end
of these species in terms of composition and structure remains of the chain. As time progresses these chains lengthen by further
‘open to speculation’10. collisions with ion pairs and/or ions.
Following the above experimental work, there have been attempts Where the above chains differ from a conventional organic poly-
to use computer simulation to understand the formation of ACC11. mer is in the dynamic nature of their structure. Being held together
Based on a force field model that was accurately calibrated against only by ionic interactions, the chains can frequently break and
experimental free energies of solvation12, we have previously shown reform allowing them to explore a range of configurations involving
that both the free energy of ACC should monotonically decrease as linear chains, rings and branched structures (Fig. 2). Full details of
more ion pairs of calcium carbonate add from solution and that the the coordination numbers of ions within clusters can be found in the
initial association of ion pairs also lowers the free energy, suggest- Supplementary Figures S2–S7, including as a function of concentra-
ing that nucleation of this material may be barrierless and therefore tion and pH. Here, we focus on the high concentration case of 0.5 M
completely non-classical13. This finding unfortunately appears to where the majority of carbonate ions are part of clusters instead of
contradict experiment. These earlier simulations were for solutions ion pairs. In this case, the most common coordination number of
of pure calcium (Ca2 + ) and carbonate (CO32 − ) ions, that is, at high carbonate by calcium is 2, which is consistent with the chain-like
pH, whereas at experimental conditions, the pH is lower and bicar- model. The next most common coordination numbers are 1 and 3,
bonate ions (HCO3 − ) dominate the equilibrium. Experimental corresponding to an ion at the end of the chain and a branching
measurements of the drop in free calcium at the point of nucleation point, respectively. Higher coordination numbers, which are char-
(Δn) show that the magnitude of this event decreases with increas- acteristic of crystalline or ACC, are rarely observed. By forming a
ing pH8, as shown in Supplementary Figure S1, apparently consist- chain, only two waters are removed from the solvation sphere per
ent with the simulations in the limit of high pH. ion, thereby retaining much of the enthalpy of solvation. Further-
Despite the above investigations, the details of the prenucleation more, these clusters have a dynamic structure, which includes the
form of calcium carbonate remain unclear. The challenge is to con- ability to fold and coil like a polymer. This conformational freedom
ceive of a structural form that can exist with a stability intermedi- and the associated entropic contribution to the free energy is the key
ate between ion pairs in solution and the amorphous phase. Any to the stability of these dynamic clusters.
such structure must retain a high degree of hydration otherwise its Formation of chain-like structures is observed in all simulations,
enthalpy would be less exothermic than that of the ion pairs, which regardless of pH and composition. What varies with these condi-
are strongly solvated in water. Conversely, such clusters must also tions is the size distribution, the lifetime of a given length and the
exhibit a high level of disorder to compete entropically with ACC. degree of branching along the chain. At low pH, the chain length
To resolve this issue, we have performed molecular dynamics is limited by competition between carbonate and bicarbonate, with
simulations of ions in solution to probe the details of their asso- the latter species generally acting as a chain terminator as it forms
ciation. While it would normally be highly improbable to observe a weaker link between two calcium ions. At low concentration,
significant levels of aggregation using unbiased simulations, in this growth is limited by the total number of ions available within the
case a direct approach is feasible due to the spontaneous nature of simulation cell. Furthermore, the growth of clusters becomes diffu-
cluster formation. In general, both the concentration of ions and sion limited and so as the concentration decreases, the time taken to
pH can influence the balance of equilibria in solution, and we have grow larger aggregates increases.
a 0.6
Chain pH = 11.5
pH = 10.5
Conditional probability
pH = 10.0
pH = 9.5
0.4 pH = 8.5
0.2 Branch
0.1 Terminal
0 1 2 3 4 5
Coordination number
a 0.16
10 ns
0.14 20 ns
0.12 30 ns
40 ns
0 10 20 30
b 0.07
10 ns
0.06 20 ns
High pH 30 ns
0.05 40 ns
Dry NP
Wet NP
ΔA (kBT )
10 7 8 9 10 11 12
Rgyr (Å)
Figure 5 | Probability distributions as a function of radius of gyration.
0 Probability distributions, P, are compared for dry and wet ACC
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 nanoparticles (NP) containing 36 formula units of CaCO3, as well as
R gyr (Å) for a DOLLOP cluster of the same size. The distributions for the NP are
obtained by direct simulation, while that of DOLLOP comes from the free
Figure 4 | Free energy as a function of radius for a six formula unit energy profile obtained by US. It should be noted that the total probability
cluster. The Helmholtz free energy relative to the lowest energy structure, is unnormalized as the three regions come from separate simulations and
ΔA, is shown as a function of the radius of gyration, Rgyr, based on the cannot be collectively reweighted.
calcium and carbon atoms. Here, the units of energy are Boltzmann’s
constant multiplied by temperature, kBT. Each atom has an ambient
thermal energy of 1.5 in these units. Four sample atomic configurations (up to three formula units) or to both wet and dry ACC nanopar-
are illustrated, along with their first solvation shell, for different radii to ticles led to a very similar free energy profile. As all additions were
demonstrate the wide variety of structures accessible within ambient exothermic, there was no evidence for a barrier to the growth of
thermal energy in the case of the three largest radii. calcium carbonate from ion pairs into an amorphous phase. Here
we have computed the radial free energy profile for a larger 36 for-
mula unit piece of DOLLOP to compare against previous results
experimental data it is possible to compute the average coordina- for an amorphous nanoparticle of the same composition. This gives
tion number of calcium ions that are bound within stable prenu- a similar radial free energy profile as that discussed above for six
cleation clusters. In the pH range of 9.25 to 10.0, we compute that formula units of DOLLOP, though with a narrower radius range.
this coordination number is 2 ± 0.2 (average ± maximum devia- Using data from previous simulations13, we can also determine the
tion). Although this represents an average over the entire cluster, distribution of radii corresponding to ACC, both in its dry state and
the only simple structural models that are consistent with this are when containing structural water. From a comparison of the result-
a ring or long chain. Direct in situ structural information is diffi- ing radial probability distributions, shown in Figure 5, it is clear
cult to obtain. However, ex situ EXAFS studies of rapidly quenched that ACC and DOLLOP represent separate minima on the energy
precursor species also point to twofold coordination of calcium by landscape. To compress the radius of DOLLOP towards that of the
carbonate15. Furthermore, mass spectrometry indicates a series of denser ACC nanoparticles it must undergo significant dehydra-
clusters containing up to eight carbonate ions formed by successive tion. Because of this, there must exist a significant activation barrier
ion pair additions16. between DOLLOP and ACC that prevents spontaneous transitions
from being observed between the two structures. The discrepancy
Free energy sampling. To quantify the thermodynamics of the pol- between the findings of earlier simulations and experiment can
ymer-like chains, we have computed the free energy as a function of therefore be resolved by the observation that DOLLOP and ACC
the gyration radius of the calcium and carbon atoms, an approach have quite distinct densities and levels of hydration. Although the
similar to that used to understand the energetics of biomolecules17. free energy profile for addition of a further ion pair to both cluster
As can be seen from Figure 4, where the free energy landscape for types is similar, it requires a nucleation event to occur for DOLLOP
a six formula unit cluster is shown, this is very revealing. At small to transform to ACC.
radii, corresponding to compressing the cluster towards a bulk-like
structure, the free energy rises steeply. No stable state is found by Speciation analysis of simulation data. A speciation model has
compressing the radius alone, indicating that a significant activation been fitted to the populations observed in the above models, allow-
barrier exists to dehydration. Outside of this, the free energy sur- ing the equilibrium constants and corresponding free energies to
face is incredibly flat and the radius of gyration can be changed by be determined at 298.15 K. Here, we make the same assumption as
almost a factor of two at an energetic cost that is less than ambient used in the experimental analysis that the equilibrium constant for
thermal energy per degree of freedom. This remarkable flexibility is ion pair association is independent of cluster size, as supported by
like distorting the shape of a liquid droplet. For this reason, we have previous simulations13. Three separate fits were performed: (1) a fit
named this stable cluster form of calcium carbonate dynamically to the data for pH 9.5, (2) a fit to the data for pH 10 and (3) a fit to
ordered liquid-like oxyanion polymer (DOLLOP). We have deliber- the complete set of data points for all pH values simultaneously. The
ately not incorporated calcium carbonate into this name as we wish results are contained in Table 1. Although the model contains some
to stress that such species may also be observed for other oxyanions. approximations (primarily that only the most numerous species
Furthermore, given that Pouget et al.9 have demonstrated that such are accounted for and not all possible reactions), three clear points
clusters also exist after nucleation, in addition to being the first emerge. First, the association of ion pairs to form larger clusters has
formed stable species, it seems inappropriate to continue using the an exothermic free energy. Second, the free energies obtained do
phrase ‘prenucleation clusters’. not vary strongly with the pH of the system in the range examined.
In an earlier simulation study13, it was found that the addition Third, the free energies obtained are close to those obtained from
of calcium carbonate ion pairs to either small clusters of ion pairs umbrella sampling (US) techniques thereby providing separate
confirmation that the speciation model is valid. As the statisti- is known to form similar extended chains in both the gas/liquid
cally best speciation data comes from high concentrations, the free phases and in ionic liquids20,21, but the weaker dipolar interactions
energy values relate to these conditions. between molecules are insufficient to preserve these oligomers in
To demonstrate the consequences of the free energies in Table 1, aqueous solution. Arguably a closer analogue to the present system
we have computed the speciation at the experimental conditions, as is that of supramolecular polymers, where typically hydrogen bonds
given in Table 2. Here, the fractions of calcium bound in ion pairs hold the fragments together, rather than covalent linkages22,23.
with both carbonate and bicarbonate are quoted, along with the The key to forming ionic polymers that are stable in solution is the
fraction bound in larger clusters (DOLLOP). The calculations are balance between the solvation free energies of the cation/anion
performed at the same pH values considered experimentally with versus the strength of the cation–anion interaction. Given that other
the same concentration of bicarbonate/carbonate buffer. A linear ions possess similar solvation properties to calcium and carbonate,
relationship is found between the amounts of added and bound cal- there is no reason suppose that this phenomenon is unique to the
cium ions within the low concentration regime, in accord with the present material.
experimental findings. Therefore, we quote specific values only for With any real or virtual experiment, it is important to discuss
one concentration value (0.4 mM) as an illustration. any potential limitations. In the present simulations every care has
The fraction of bound ions in Table 2 can be compared with the been taken to ensure that the thermodynamics of all interactions
experimental values in Supplementary Table S1. This shows that are calibrated against experiment and ab initio quantum mechanics
there is good agreement between the theoretical and experimental where possible. However, no model for such complex systems can
speciation, especially when considering the exponential depend- be perfect. To demonstrate that our observations are not an arte-
ence of the equilibrium constant on any error in the free energy. The fact of the underlying parameterization, we have also performed
largest discrepancy in the model is that the free energy of ion pair- simulations with a different force field that includes reactivity24.
ing between calcium bicarbonate is too exothermic by ~5 kJ mol − 1. Again the formation of flexible chains of ion pairs was found to
To examine the influence of this, the experimental equilibrium con- occur, with the chains being, if anything, more stable than those
stant for this reaction (Kbi) of Plummer and Busenberg18 can be observed with the present force field. Therefore the observation of
substituted into the speciation model. Results for this scenario are stable dynamic chain-like structures is a robust finding, regardless
also given in Table 2. As can be seen, the effect of correcting this of any small quantitative deviations that might exist. On a quantita-
equilibrium constant is to greatly diminish the role of bicarbonate tive level, the finding that the free energy profiles for association of
ion pairing to the point where it is negligible. clusters involve differences at the level of ambient thermal energies
is consistent with the experimental fraction of bound calcium being
Discussion in the range 0.38 to 0.76. A driving force substantially greater than
Association of ionic species in solution has long been known for thermal energy, kBT, would lead to very different ratios of calcium
the case of ion pairs. Even the formation of triple ions is known to concentration.
occur, for example between metal ions and the sulphate anion19. The influence of concentration on the observations also deserves
Beyond this, it is largely assumed that formation of higher oligom- further discussion. Because of the limitations on what is feasible
ers corresponds to the creation of unstable species until the size of with current computers, it is only possible to obtain detailed sta-
the critical nucleus is reached, after which the loss of translational tistical information from simulations at higher concentrations than
entropy of the ions is compensated for by the cohesive energy of those used in the experimental characterization of prenucleation
the proto-solid phase. Our results demonstrate that much larger clusters. To overcome this, a speciation model has been fitted to the
stable chain-structured oligomers are possible for calcium carbon- simulation results at high concentrations. The equilibrium constants
ate. Unlike conventional organic polymers, these chains are held obtained can then be used to extrapolate to the lower concentra-
together by the ionic bond between a calcium cation and carbon- tions employed experimentally. The theoretical speciation model is
ate anion rather than a covalent linkage, something that is argu- built on the assumption that DOLLOP grows by adding successive
ably unprecedented for this type of material. Hydrogen fluoride ion pairs with a constant exothermic free energy. At low concentra-
tions, this yields an approximately linear relationship between the
calcium added and the number of bound metal ions, which agrees
Table 1 | Thermodynamics of speciation. almost quantitatively with the experimental observations, thereby
supporting the validity of this extrapolation.
Reaction pH 9.5 pH 10 Fit to A further argument relating to the influence of concentrations
only only all pHs
is that direct formation of a crystalline phase by a classical pathway
Ca2 + + HCO3 − ⇒CaHCO3 + − 11.4 − 11.4 − 11.3 may occur under the conditions simulated that bypasses the aggre-
Ca2 + + CO32 − ⇒CaCO30 − 18.6 − 20.5 − 20.3 gation of ions to give stable DOLLOP clusters. As we are presently
CaCO30 + (CaCO30)n⇒(CaCO30)n + 1 − 22.9 − 22.0 − 21.7
unable to simulate the nucleation event, we cannot comment defini-
Free energies (kJ mol − 1) for three reactions obtained by fitting a speciation model to the tively on what happens at this stage. However, it is possible to argue
simulation data at three concentrations of 0.5, 0.28 and 0.06 M.
that prenucleation clusters of the type described are extremely likely
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