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Physical Characteristics of Calcium Induced K-Carrageenan Networks

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Carbohydrate Polymers 53 (2003) 395–400

Physical characteristics of calcium induced k- carrageenan networks

P. MacArtain, J.C. Jacquier*, K.A. Dawson
Irish Centre for Colloid Science and Biomaterials, Chemistry Department, National University of Ireland, Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Received 6 June 2000; revised 24 February 2003; accepted 12 March 2003

The presence of an optimum counter-ion concentration in calcium-induced k-carrageenan gels at low polymer concentrations of 5 and
10 g/l is observed. At approximately the stoicheometric molar ratio of 1 calcium per carrageenan sulphate, a gel with high elastic modulus,
high optical clarity and fine network structure is observed. On further increase of counter-ion concentration beyond this optimum, elastic
modulus decreases significantly associated with sharp increase in the gels turbidity together with a network characterised with coarse and
large-pore mesh.
The quite complete characterisation of the various gel networks both mechanically by ways of oscillatory and static rheology and optically
by turbidimetry and cryo-SEM shows that the extensive structural charge neutralisation of the polysaccharide by divalent calcium ions is
responsible for a marked aggregation of the polymer strands reminiscent of precipitation. At lower counter-ion to polymer ratios, onset of
gelation might prevent such phase separation.
q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: k-carrageenan; Calcium; Rheology; Turbidity; Young’s modulus; Cryo-SEM; Gelation; Aggregation; Phase separation

1. Introduction (1980) found that gel formation occurred in the presence of

Kþ, Rbþ, Csþ and high concentrations of Naþ and proposed
k-Carrageenan is a linear sulphated polysaccharide a double helix based ‘aggregated-domain’ structure as the
extracted from marine red algae. It has a basic linear gelled structure. Rochas and Rinaudo (1984) suggested
primary structure based on a repeating disaccharide of a(1- aggregation of ‘helical dimers’ to form a three dimensional
3)-D -galactose and b(1-4)-3,6-anhydro-D -galactose and network in the presence of potassium, sodium and rubidium.
contains one sulphate group per disaccharide unit at carbon Smidsrod and Grasalden (1982) suggested as a gelling
2 of the 1,3 linked galactose unit. k-Carrageenan is a gelling mechanism single helix formation and subsequent cation
agent of importance in the food industry (Glicksman, 1979) mediated aggregation in the presence of potassium, lithium
and cesium. These studies on the initial conformation of the
as well as having applications in the pharmaceutical (Guo,
helical state in the presence of suitable monovalent counter-
Skinner, Harcum, & Barnum, 1999) and biotechnology
ions have been reviewed by Picullel (1998). The now
sectors (De Ruiter & Rudolph, 1997).
largely accepted view is that a coil to helix transition leads
As expected for polyelectrolytes, counter-ions play a
to the formation of a double helix conformation in the
major role in the gelation process. Certain cations are found
presence of suitable monovalent counter-ions before gela-
to induce conformational changes in the polymer, with
tion. To our knowledge the effects of divalent counter-ions
initial coil to helix transition and subsequent aggregation of
on the initial coil to helix transition have yet to be studied in
these helices to form a gel being the effects of greatest
detail. Nevertheless, several studies have focussed on the
interest. Many initial investigations into the gelling
effect of counter-ion nature on the physical aspects of the
mechanism focussed on the configuration of the initial gel networks.
ordered state of the helices. Morris, Rees, and Robinson Michel, Mestdagh, and Axelos (1997) looked at the
phase diagram of k-carrageenan in the presence of sodium,
* Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Food Science,
University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Tel.: þ353-1716-
potassium, copper and calcium. In the case of both divalent
7098; fax: þ 353-1716-1149. cations, they found that turbidity occurred above a
E-mail address: (J.C. Jacquier). low (< 0.02 M) salt concentration for all carrageenan
0144-8617/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
396 P. MacArtain et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 53 (2003) 395–400

concentrations studied, whether or not the polymer Samples were prepared by adding volumes of desired salt
concentration was high enough to form a gel. In the case solution to samples of carrageenan completely dissolved in
of relatively high polymer concentration (21.6 g/l) these water and the solution were mixed under heating.
authors found that the elastic modulus was not affected by
divalent salt concentration above a certain threshold. They 2.2. Apparatus
also propose that the addition of cations beyond this critical
value contributes only to some localised heterogeneity Dynamic rheology measurements were carried out on a
within the gels without affecting the overall viscoelastic Rheometric Scientific SR2000 stress controlled rheometer
properties of the systems. with parallel plate geometry. Plate diameter was 40 mm and
Lai, Wong, & Lii (2000) also studied the effects of the gap was set to 0.2 mm. Measurements at small
increased calcium concentrations, albeit on un-purified amplitude oscillation were carried out at 1 rad s21 fre-
Eucheuma cottonii sourced polysaccharide. A decrease in quency and 1 or 3 Pa stress, for 5 and 10 g/l gels,
gel strength was reported for quite concentrated gels respectively. Samples were gelled to 5 8C for 30 min before
(15 g/l) above a calcium concentration ranging from 0.1 testing. Dynamic frequency sweeps and dynamic stress
to 0.5 M. This decrease was suggested to be due to sweeps were carried out to ensure that the frequencies and
syneresis. A recent study (Takemasa, Chiba, & Date, stresses used were within the linear viscoelastic domain. G0
2001) on 20 g/l systems comparing sodium, potassium values were ascertained from small amplitude oscillation
and calcium-form k-carrageenans, showed that upon measurements of gels by frequency sweeps in the plateau
gelation the calcium-form system became the most turbid region at 5 8C. Dynamic temperature ramp tests were used
and was characterised by the highest elastic modulus to ascertain the melting and setting temperatures of the gels.
even if its gelling temperature was relatively low The melting and setting points were defined as the crossover
(, 10 8C). This system was also characterised by a points of G0 and G00 curves. The temperature ramps were run
comparatively low strain-optical coefficient, which indi- at 1 8C per minute.
cates low anisotropy of polymer chain and little polymer Compressive stress experiments were carried out on an
chain reorientation caused by mechanical deformation of Instron 5544 (Instron Corp., Canton, MA, USA) fitted with a
the gel network. These results indicate that calcium 500 N load cell. The plunger was made of aluminium and
induces a high increase in branching number during had a contact surface diameter of 3.5 cm. Samples for test
gelation of k-carrageenan, probably due to further helical were moulded in inverted 3.5 cm polystyrene petri dishes
aggregation upon cooling. and were kept refrigerated at 5 8C for 18 h before testing.
In this study our objectives were to investigate the The samples were allowed to equilibrate to room tempera-
physico-chemical characteristics of k-carrageenan gels in ture (23 8C) for 1 h before being compressed at a crosshead
the semi-dilute regime as affected by calcium concen- speed of 2 mm/min. Young’s Modulus calculations were
trations, and to study the relationship between thermal carried out on the force and compression results at low
stability, microstructure and rheological properties. deformation (, 5%).
Turbidity measurements were made on a temperature
controlled Pharmacia LKB (NJ, USA) Ultrospec 3 UV-
2. Materials and methods Visible spectrometer at 450 nm maintained at 8 8C by a
circulating water bath.
2.1. Samples Cryogenic Scanning Electron Microscopy was carried
out on a Jeol 5410 (Akishima, Japan) scanning electron
k-Carrageenan was obtained from Quest International microscope with and Oxford Instruments (Oxford, UK)
(batch no. S9904186) under the trade name Deltagel 379. cryo-preparation chamber. The samples were loaded as gels
The pure sodium form was obtained according to a and then frozen in liquid nitrogen slush, fractured under
procedure derived from Ramzi et al. (1999). 1.5 g Of vacuum and sublimed at 2 80 8C for up to 45 min before
Deltagel 379 was dissolved in 300 ml of a hot 500 mM sputter coating with gold and examined under an accelera-
NaCl, 50 mM NaOH and 50 mM EDTA solution to remove tion voltage of 10 kV.
calcium and potassium ions and balance to pH7. This
solution was twice redissolved in NaCl solution with
precipitation in 2-propanol followed by washing in 2- 3. Results and discussion
propanol-water mix and final drying with pure 2-propanol.
The resulting k-carrageenan had 0.16 wt% Kþ, 8.98 wt% 3.1. Thermal stability
Naþ and 0.13 Caþ2 wt% by atomic absorption spectroscopy.
The specific viscosity of the polymer was assessed a Thermal stability was assessed at the point of crossover
25 8C in 0.1 M NaCl at 672 ml/g which corresponds to a of G0 and G00 in dynamic temperature ramps with stress
Mw of 415000 according to Rochas, Rinaudo, and control. The results of inverse of melting temperature, TM ;
Landry (1990). and gelling temperature, TG ; are plotted against the log CT in
P. MacArtain et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 53 (2003) 395–400 397

Fig. 2. G0 variation with changing calcium to carrageenan ratio for 5 g/l (W)
and 10 g/l (X) k-carrageenan concentrations.

limiting factor in the measurement of the mechanical

properties of carrageenans. Many solutions to the problem
have been sought such as affixing the gels for measurement
Fig. 1. Variation of TM (solid line) and TG (dashed line) with total ionic
concentration CT (molar) for 5 g/l (W) and 10 g/l (X) k-carrageenan to the parallel plates themselves as in Chen, Liao, Boger,
concentrations. and Dunstan (2001). In our system these measures were not
necessary as there was no loss of contact with the plates over
Fig. 1. CT ; the total ion concentration has been calculated time as illustrated in Fig. 3. This type of system was also
according to Rochas and Rinaudo (1980), taking into studied by Hermansson, Eriksson, & Jordansson (1991))
account the ionic strength generated by the added calcium who obtained similar gelling curves but at higher tempera-
chloride solution instead of the concentration of added tures. However, additional clarification on the nature of this
counter-ion. apparent weakening of the network structure was sought in
This phase diagram shows a linear variation of the compressive modulus measurements of the gels.
inverse of temperatures against the log of CT indicating a
constant enthalpy associated with both the melting and 3.2.2. Uniaxial rheology
gelling processes over the entire range of salt and polymer Compressive stress studies on gels at the same polymer
concentrations studied. Both slope values are approximately concentrations and similar amounts of added calcium show
2 4500 K, in reasonable agreement with data from Rochas that the gels were indeed weakened with the addition of
and Rinaudo (1980). However, the slopes of the variations calcium as seen in Fig. 4.
appear to be equal and there is no indication of a tricritical Young’s modulus, E, was calculated at 5% deformation.
point in the range studied, as opposed to the phase diagram This type of experiment is not affected by slippage due to
established by Rochas and Rinaudo (1980) in the case of syneresis, and therefore confirms the results obtained from
potassium k-carrageenan systems. dynamic rheology where the same peaking is observed for a
molar ratio of 1 calcium per carrageenan sulphate. Young’s
3.2. Mechanical properties

3.2.1. Dynamic rheology

Dynamic frequency sweeps of the various samples at
5 8C show a peaking of the elastic modulus, G0 ; as a
function of the molar calcium to carrageenan ratio, as shown
in Fig. 2.
This peaking appears at the stoicheometric ratio of one
calcium per carrageenan sulphate for both the 5 and 10 g/l
samples. Starting from low calcium-carrageenan ratios the
pronounced increase in G0 is followed by a marked decrease
in elastic modulus values with excess calcium. This had
been observed before by Lai et al. (2000) and had been
explained as an artefact arising from inappropriate contact
between the sample and the measuring plates due to Fig. 3. Setting curve for calcium induced k-carrageenan gel. X: G0 , —:
syneresis. Syneresis effects are frequently cited as being a temperature. Carrageenan concentration; 10 g/l, [Ca2þ] ¼ 14 mM.
398 P. MacArtain et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 53 (2003) 395–400

Fig. 4. Variation of Young’s Modulus, E; with changing calcium to

carrageenan ratio for 5 g/l (W) and 10 g/l (X) k-carrageenan concentrations.
For explanation of regions ‘a’ and ‘b’, see text.

modulus values are approximately equivalent to those of G0

where a threefold increase should be expected in the case of
incompressible gels. This inconsistency in results cannot
result from slip under shear which result in lower G0 values,
but is attributed to lack of sensitivity from the compression
equipment due to the very fragile nature of the gels studied,
a known problem (Chen et al., 2001), and also the difference
in temperature between the two experiments (5 8C for shear,
23 8C for compression) which would yield stronger gels for
oscillatory measurements.
Also extracted from the Young’s modulus experiments
was the fracture properties of the gel. In a markedly similar
system to that found in gellan experiments by Milas and Fig. 5. Breaking profile by compressive rheology of gels in; ‘a’, optimum
Rinaudo (1996), the presence of divalent counter-ions calcium region and ‘b’, excess added calcium region.
causes a change in the nature of the gels from weak and
pliable to strong but brittle gels. In Fig. 5, the first region, samples were examined at low temperature in
labelled ‘a’, corresponds to low counter-ion concentration the gelled state. At high temperature in the sol state, all
and clear gels. In region ‘b’ the high salt gels are becoming samples have a transmittance close to 100%. Therefore
weaker, and more and more brittle. percentage transmittance of the cooled samples in the gel
state is a good measure of polymer aggregation upon
3.3. Optical properties

Calcium induced k-carrageenan gels have been

described as turbid in the literature. (Michel et al., 1997)
In the case of our more dilute gel systems we proceeded to
the quantitative evaluation of the turbidity and its relation to
the network microstructure.

3.3.1. Turbidity
Fig. 6 shows the percentage transmittance of the samples
as a function of the calcium to carrageenan molar ratio.
Previously described phase diagrams (Michel et al.,
1997) show an abrupt transition from clear to turbid systems
at 0.02 M added calcium. As can be seen from Fig. 6 our
systems show a gradual decrease in percentage transmit-
tance with added calcium and no clear transition from clear
to opaque systems can be detected. This discrepancy Fig. 6. Turbidity profiles of 5 g/l (W) and 10 g/l (X) gels with changing
between the two studies may be due to the fact that our calcium to carrageenan ratios.
P. MacArtain et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 53 (2003) 395–400 399

Fig. 7. Scanning Electron Microscopy images of carrageenan networks at: (a) 5 g/l, 1:1 ratio added Ca2þ; (b) 5 g/l, 4:1 ratio added Ca2þ; (c) 10 g/l, 1:1 ratio
added Ca2þ; (d) 10 g/l, 2:1 ratio added Ca2þ.

cooling. The increasing opacity of the samples with added and Swanson (2001). The formation of coarser strands and
calcium is a good reflection of additional polymer aggrega- consequent more open nature of the network at higher
tion due to excess divalent cation. counter-ion concentrations support the view that added
cations add to the localised aggregation of the strands. We
3.3.2. Scanning electron microscopy can therefore draw a very strong parallel between our k-
Further information about the microstructure of the gels carrageenan system and gellan. At low added divalent
was gained from scanning electron microscopy. Cryogenic cation concentration gellan samples show high gel strength,
preparation of samples with sublimation of water from the fine network structure and high water holding capacity,
network at optimum and high calcium concentrations gave whereas excess divalent cation is responsible for polymer
images as shown in Fig. 7. aggregation resulting in low gel strength and coarse
It can be seen that the 5 g/l sample (Fig. 7a) at 1:1 networks with syneresis (Mao et al., 2001; Milas &
calcium:carrageenan ratio has a fine network within the Rinaudo, 1996).
larger pores. The resulting pore sizes are small. This scheme
is mirrored at higher polymer concentrations of 10 g/l (Fig.
7c). At higher calcium/carrageenan ratios, a more open 4. Conclusion
network with thicker strands and wider pores corresponds to
gels that are weak and turbid. The network at 4:1 In this study of the structure of calcium induced k-
calcium:carrageenan ratio (Fig. 7b) at 5 g/l has visible and carrageenan gels a clear optimum calcium to carrageenan
quite defined strands compared with the fine strands seen in ratio is established in terms of elastic modulus, G0 ; and
the low calcium ratio sample. The calcium ratio of 2:1 at Young’s modulus, E: Increasing this optimum concentration
10 g/l polymer concentration shown in Fig. 7d again decreases both G0 and Young’s modulus, an increase in gel
exhibits larger pores when compared to the optimum turbidity and in a coarsening of the network structure. For
network in Fig. 7c. The results presented here are similar this system it appears that the extensive structural charge
in trend to those found in the gellan system by Mao, Tang neutralisation of the polysaccharide by excess divalent
400 P. MacArtain et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 53 (2003) 395–400

calcium ions is responsible for a marked aggregation of the behaviour of kappa-carrageenan gels. Carbohydrate Polymers, 16,
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