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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship: Senior High School

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Senior High School

Community Engagement,
Solidarity and Citizenship
Quarter 3 – Module 1.1
(Week 1 & 2)
Core Values of Community Action
Initiatives: Human Rights and Social
What I Know

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter
on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following describe human rights?
A. The freedoms that all people should have
B. The freedoms that only rich people should have
C. The rights of animals that human should protect
D. The rights of adults only
2. To whom does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights apply?
A. To individuals c. To the market place
B. To the Corporations d. To the government
3. Why is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights important to the
A. Can give access to the government.
B. Can provide you an skills needs for the job.
C. Can give you rights to hurt others.
D. It protects and promotes your individual rights.
4. What is the first human rights declaration adopted by the United Nations?
A. Vienna World Conference on Human Rights
B. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
C. Human Rights and Good Governance
D. International Convention on Human Rights.
5. The following statements consider as core values of human rights
A. Focus and Direction C. Advocacy
B. Social Responsibility D. Collaboration
6. Which of the statements describe social equity?
A. It is concerned with justice and fairness of social policy.
B. It is inherent to all human beings.
C. It is a rights and obligations
D. It is a common good.
7. Which of the following is NOT consider core values of social equity?
A. Commitment to the common good
B. Accountability
C. Responsibility
D. Collaboration
8. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about human rights.

A. It is both rights and obligation.

B. It is expressed and guaranteed by the law.

C. Human rights is only an obligation.
D. It can promote equality of opportunity
9. Which is TRUE about human rights in election?
A. All citizens are allowed to vote, even if they have lost their civil

rights due to criminal activity.

B.Two votes for each person are allowed if the voter is an
C. The balloting must be performed secretly.
D. Cannot be restricted in any way by a state.
10. According to the clauses of the right to education:
A. Individuals and groups are allowed to open a school, as long

as they fulfil the minimum legal conditions.

B. There are no obligations concerning the contents of
educational programs.
C. Governments are bound to provide compulsory education for
all young people under 18.
D. It can promote equality of opportunity
Lesson 1

Core Values of Community Action

Initiatives: Human rights and Social Equity

Human rights and Social Equity have a shared goal: human dignity,
equally for all. The issues that make difficult to achieve, such as
poverty, exclusion and discrimination are in direct contradiction with
human rights, which apply to all individuals indiscriminately.
What’s In
In learning human rights and social equity, it is important to the
students have a prior knowledge and under-
standing about human rights and social equity, and they know
how this things promoted in their own way.
As part of the lesson, a short activity will be given to the students to
assess their knowledge about human rights and social equity.

Direction. Give the meaning of the following terms or phrases
according to your point of view.
1. human rights
2. social equity
3. social responsibility

4. social rights

What’s New

Activity 1.1
1. Draw a tree on 1/4 manila paper
2. Write on the tree (in the form of leaves, fruits, flowers, or branches)

those human rights that you think all people need to live in dignity
and equity. A human rights tree needs roots to grow and flourish. Give
the tree roots and label them with the things that make human rights
flourish. For example, a healthy economy, the rule of law, or universal
3. Match the fruits, leaves, and branches with articles of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and write the number of the article next
to each item.
Materials: Coloring materials, Pentel pen, manila paper, pen/pencil


Criteria Outstanding Excellent Fair (4pts)

Poor (2pts)
(10pts) (8pts)
Content All parts of 1 part of the 2 parts of
the 3-4 parts of the content is
content are the content are
covered missing.
Creativity Student are Student were
Student at- Student are very
creative somewhat tempted
to be not creative in the output
creative in creative in in their out-
What is It
Human Rights
Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our
nationality, place of residence, sex, national
or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are
all equally entitle to our human rights without discrimination. These
rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.
Universal human rights are often expressed and guaranteed by law,
in the forms of treaties, customary international law. International
human rights law lay down obligation of government to act in certain
ways or to refrain from certain acts, in order to promote and protect
human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups.

Human Rights also:

Universal and inalienable
Interdependent and indivisible
Equal and non-discriminatory
Both rights and obligations
Core Values
Human rights are guided by the following core values:
Integrity, transparency and Accountability
Professionalism and responsiveness
Focus and direction
Partnership and Collegial Spirit
Social Responsibility
Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Financial Sustainability
Networking and Internationalization

Other Core values of Human Rights:

Service - with humility
Independence - including fairness, objectivity and impartiality
Inclusiveness - ensuring diversity
Accessibility - ensuring empathy, tolerance, and understanding
Making rights real

Social Equity
Social equity is concerned with justice and fairness of social
policy. Since the 1960s, the concept of social equity has been used
in a variety of institutional contexts, including education and public
administration. The concept of social equity can be traced back to
the works of Aristotle and Plato.
Definitions of social equity can vary but all focus on the ideals of
justice and fairness. Equity in old societies involves the role of public
administrators, who are responsible for ensuring that social services
are delivered equitably. This implies taking into account historical and
current inequalities among groups. Fairness is dependent on this
social and historical context. (Wikipedia)
Core Values of Social Equity
Commitment to the common good
Protection of human life and dignity
Concern for others
What’s More

Activity 1.1

Answer the following with the phrases: “in every case”, in most
cases”, and “in some cases”.
1. Killing is wrong.
2. All people should be treated equally.
3. All people have the right to medical help if they are ill.
4. All people have a right to education.
5. People should be allowed to travel and leave the country if they wish.

Activity 1.2
Give at least two (2) situational case in your community (town, city, or
barangay) where human rights are violated by:
A. Elected and appointed government officials
B. Law Enforcers
C. Civilians
Use this guide:
A. Two (2) situational cases violated:
1. By elected and appointed government officials.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
2. By law enforcers
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. By civilians
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
B. Specific provisions violated:
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________

What I Have Learned

Reflection Figure
Direction: Indicate the things you have learned in this
lesson (knowledge); the things you have realize and
appreciated (attitude) and the things you have
discovered and wanted to do more (skills). Place those things inside
the circular, rectangular, and triangle boxes.
What I Can Do
React favorably or unfavorably to the following
1. Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings.
2. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights
3. Human rights are universal and inalienable.
4. The State should remove social equity.


1. Why is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights important to the

A. Can give access to the government.
B. Can provide you an skills needs for the job.
C. Can give you rights to hurt others.
D. It protects and promotes your individual rights.
2. Which of the statements describe social equity?
A. It is concerned with justice and fairness of social policy.
B. It is inherent to all human beings.
C. It is a rights and obligations
D. It is a common good.
3. The following statements consider as core values of human rights
A. Focus and Direction C. Advocacy
B. Social Responsibility D. Collaboration
4. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about human rights.

A. It is both rights and obligation.

B. It is expressed and guaranteed by the law.

C. Human rights is only an obligation.
D. It can promote equality of opportunity
5. According to the clauses of the right to education:
A. Individuals and groups are allowed to open a school, as long as they

fulfil the minimum legal conditions.

B. There are no obligations concerning the contents of educational
C. Governments are bound to provide compulsory education for all
young people under 18.
D. It can promote equality of opportunity

6. To whom does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights apply?

A. To individuals c. To the market place
B. To the Corporations d. To the government
7. What is the first human rights declaration adopted by the United Nations?
A. Vienna World Conference on Human Rights
B. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
C. Human Rights and Good Governance

D. International Convention on Human Rights.

8. Which of the following describe human rights?

A. The freedoms that all people should have
B. The freedoms that only rich people should have
C. The rights of animals that human should protect
D. The rights of adults only
9. Which of the following is NOT consider core values of social equity?
A. Commitment to the common good
B. Accountability
C. Responsibility
D. Collaboration
10. Which is TRUE about human rights in election?
A. All citizens are allowed to vote, even if they have lost their civil-

rights due to criminal activity.

B. Two votes for each person are allowed if the voter is an
C. The balloting must be performed secretly.
D. Cannot be restricted in any way by a state.

Additional Activities

Answer the following questions using your critical and analytical
thinking skills.
1. Do you believe at present in the speedy trial of cases by the
courts? Support your answer?
2. Are human rights fully observed by government officials
and law
enforcement agencies under President Duterte’s
Administration? Defend your answer.
3. Is there an actual and complete social equity in the Philippines
today? Defend your answer and support it with the facts.

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