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Information Technology For Managers

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​Information Technology for Managers

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Q1. Discuss the role of Erp in facilitating decision making and working of an organisation.

ANS-​With the increase in the volume of information in the modern organisations and the
complexity of the form of today’s business world, the organisations’ environment has been
transformed into a dynamic environment. The organisations should adapt themselves with these
dynamic changes for two reasons: first, in order to survive, and secondly, to be able to develop in
these dynamic and changing environments. They should adopt flexible and innovative systems
so that they could both make profits, and at the same time, promote their response in dealing
with customers’ needs. In this regards, in the recent years, the Enterprise Resources Planning
(ERP) have been adapted as a major step in creating efficient information systems in order to
integrate the information and knowledge in an organisation. At the moment, The Enterprise
Resources Planning, and Supply Chain Management (SCM) are rapidly growing in the various
industries. There is however, a growing need for the incorporation of the applied planning in the
business which seems to be an inevitable part of this sector. Adapting the Enterprise Resources
Planning will help any organizations to integrate and computerise the duties like, financial
affairs, project management, monitoring the inventory of the materials, logistics and so on. From
the point of view of meta-organizational systems, this technology helps to establish a
chain of suppliers/producers, and customers; the management chain can coordinate and facilitate
the relations between the suppliers and customers through the information sharing program
along this chain through which the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization could be
increased considerably.

With the increase in the volume of information in the modern organisations and the
complexity of the form of today’s business world, the organisations’ environment has been
transformed into a dynamic environment. The organisations should adapt themselves with these
dynamic changes for two reasons: first, in order to survive, and secondly, to be able to develop in
these dynamic and changing environments. They should adopt flexible and innovative systems
so that they could both make profits, and at the same time, promote their response in dealing
with customers’ needs. In this regards, in the recent years, the Enterprise Resources Planning
(ERP) have been adapted as a major step in creating efficient information systems in order to
integrate the information and knowledge in an organisation. At the moment, The Enterprise
Resources Planning, and Supply Chain Management (SCM) are rapidly growing in the various

2. Describe the basic components of ERP system?

1. ​Human Resources
Managing your employees should always be priority number one. Without them, you don’t have
a company. Your HR ERP component should be able to handle the full spectrum of employee
management and take care of processes like onboarding, offboarding, benefits administration and

The biggest feature you need from an HR component is payroll software​. Manually submitting
payroll and issuing direct deposits is incredibly time-consuming and isn’t very cost-effective
either. Instead, an HR component automates payments,​including tax and benefits deductions​.
With an integrated timekeeping feature, payments to your hourly workers can also be automated,
so you don’t need to manually input their timesheets.

2. ​Customer Relationship Management

Managing your customers and leads needs to be your second highest priority. Without them,
your business can’t survive, let alone grow. A customer relationship management (CRM) ERP
component allows you to keep track of all of your customer and lead data within your ERP
solution. The insights you can gain from a CRM help optimize your marketing and sales efforts.

One of the main uses of a CRM is tracking your customers’ buying habits. With this data
available, you’re able to see which products you may want to upsell and the best times to do it.
In addition, you can use a CRM to track conversation history with leads. This way you know
which sales personnel has talked to a customer, when they talked and what they talked about.
Using this information, you can reduce redundancy in the sales process, minimize customer
irritation and ensure a successful sale.

3. ​Business Intelligence
Business intelligence (BI) has quickly become a standard in ERP systems and it’s easy to see
why. The BI component of your ERP software collects and analyzes data, providing you with
actionable insights related to your business processes. And as businesses start to lean more
heavily on decisions backed by data, BI becomes indispensable.

The best BI ERP components deliver those insights in reports. A good reporting feature is very
important in BI and enables you to make sense of the data analyzed. Some reports come in the
form of numbers and tables. However, many prefer visual reports because they allow you to spot
trends at a glance. Whichever you decide is best for your company, make sure that it’s available
in your ERP’s reporting capabilities.

4. ​Supply Chain Management

Creating an effective supply chain is never easy, especially when you don’t have the best tools to
oversee your operation. Ensuring that your ERP has a Supply Chain Management (SCM)
component is crucial to staying competitive in this arena. Your SCM should optimize both
manufacturing and distribution processes and create an overall more efficient supply chain. This
starts by collecting​ real-time data​.

Real-time data allows you to find and fix issues as they happen, rather than waiting a day or
more after the fact. It also makes predictive analytics possible to help with demand planning.
Real-time data can help you create an accurate and up-to-the-minute production plan so that you
meet demand, but don’t exceed it.

5. ​Inventory Management System

An inventory management component is one of the most collaborative ERP components.
Inventory management works in tandem with the SCM component but also dips its toes in other
processes, such as sales and warehousing. The main purposes of these components are to manage
order fulfillment and the stocking functions in a warehouse.

The best inventory management components come with tracking features that all but eliminate
manual inventory control. These features include multi-level serial number tracking, revision
level tracking and multiple units of measure per product ID or SKU.

6. ​Financial Management
Last but not least, we come to the financial management component. Since every business
process involves the flow of money, whether it’s paying your employees or paying to ship goods,
this component works with all of the other parts of your ERP system.

Q.1 Discuss the various input and output devices. Explain any two of each of them.
A computer is only useful when it is able to communicate with the external environment.when
you work with the computer you feed your data and instruction through some devices to the
computer.These devices are called input devices to the computer.similarly after processing it
gives output through output devices.
a)Input devices-Input devices are necessary to convert our information or data into a form which
can be understood by the computer.The input device provides timely,accurate and useful data to
main memory of computer for processing.Following are the most useful input devices.
1)keyboard-:This is the standard input device attached to all computers.The layout of the
keyboard is just like the traditional typewriter of type QWERTY.It also contains some extra
command keys and function keys.The computer can recognize electrical signals to corresponding
to the correct key combination and processing is done accordingly.
2)Mouse-:The mouse is an input device which is used with your personal computer.It rolls on
small ball and has two or three buttons on the top.when you roll the mouse across a flat surface
the screen censors the mouse in the direction of mouse movement.It is easier and faster to move
through a mouse.
3)Scanner:The keyboard can input only text through keys provided in it.If we want input picture
the keyboard cannot do it.The scanner is the optical device that can input any graphical matter
and display it.
4)voice input device-:These devices are in the experimentation and development stage,where
various problems like speech should be independent of persons.
5)Light pen-:light is pointing device that is used to choose and displayed menu option on a
screen for a program.This pen contains a photocell placed in small tube.
6) Joystick-:This is one of the popular device which is used for playing video games.
Output devices:Output devices can adopt different shapes and styles which are used to give the
output for processed data.The output contains different forms i.e text,images,audio,video.output
can be divided into two categories hard copy and soft copy.
a)Hard copy-:This is that form of output which can be read directly and immediately and it can
be stored to read later.The output is on paper and which is permanent.
b)softcopy-:Information that is displayed on screen,given by voice,store in a form that can’t be
read directly by person as on magnetic tape,disk,microfilm.
Following are the output devices:
a)Monitor-:It provides visual display of data they are of different types and have different display
capabilities. Display capabilities are determined by special circuit called Adapter card.some
popular adapter card are CGA,EGA.The small dot that can be displayed on screen is called pixel
and number of pixel arranged vertically and horizontally gives maximum resolution of the
monitor.Higher the resolution the better the quality.
b)Printer-:printer is the most important output device which is used to print information on
paper.There are two types of printer impact printers and non impact printers.
c)Plotter-:Plotter is important output device which is used to print high quality graphics and
drawing.plotter are generally used for printing/drawing graphical images such as charts,maps etc.

Q.2 Compare and contrast the traditional file system with DBMS
Ans- The traditional filing system (TFS) is a method of storing and arranging computer files and
the information in the file (data). Basically it organizes these files into a database for the storage,
organization, manipulation, and retrieval by the computer's operating system.

(DBMS) consists of software that operates databases, providing storage, access, security, backup
and other facilities. This system can be categorized according to the database model and the type
of computer that they support such as a server cluster or a mobile phone, the query language(s)
that access the database, such as SQL or XQuery, performance trade-offs, such as maximum
scale or maximum speed or others. Some DBMS cover more than one entry in these categories,
e.g., supporting multiple query languages.

Meanwhile database management systems are usually accessed in a client-server manner, where
the database client and the server are located on different machines (in a local area network).

Both systems deal with information management.

File-based System
File-based systems were an early attempt to computerize the manual filing system. File-based
system is a collection of application programs that perform services for the end-users, such as
updating, insertion, deletion adding new files to database etc. Each program defines and manages
its data.

When a computer user wants to store data electronically they must do so by placing data in files.
Files are stored in specific locations on the hard disk (directories). The user can create new files
to place data in, delete a file that contains data, rename the file, etc which is known as file
management; a function provided by the Operating System (OS).

Database Management System

The improvement of the File-Based System (FBS) was the Database Management System
(DBMS) which came up in the 60's.

The Database Management System removed the trouble of manually locating data, and having to
go through it. The user could create a suitable structure for the data beforehand, to place the
information in the database that the DBMS is managing. Hence, the physical organizing of files
is done away with and provides the user with a logical view of the data input.

A database is a collection of interrelated information stored in a database server; these data will
be stored in the form of tables. The primary aim of database is to provide a way to store and
retrieve database information fast and in an efficient manner.

Q.3 Explain the role of business intelligence in an organization's.

Ans Business intelligence is a concept that is typically involves the delivery and typically
involves the delivery and integration of relevant and useful business information in an
organisation.As such companies use business intelligence to detect significant events and
identify/monitor business trends in order to adapt quickly to their changing environment or
scenario.If you use effective business intelligence training in your organization,you can improve
the decision making process at all levels of management and improve your tactical and strategic
management process.Here are some top reasons for investing in proper business intelligent
To get insights into consumer behavior
One of the main advantage of investing in business intelligence software and skilled personnel is
the fact that it will boost your ability to analyse the current consumer buying trends.once you
understood what consumer are buying,you can use information to develop products that match
the current consumption trends and consequently improve your profitability.
To improve visibility.
If you want to improve your control over various important processes in your organisation you
should consider investing in a good intelligence system.Business intelligence software will
improve the visibility of these process and make it possible to identify any area that needs can improve productivity by having skilled intelligence analyst using the
To turn data into actionable information.
A business intelligence system is an analytical tool that can give you the insights you need to
make successful strategic plans for your organisation.This is because such system would be able
to identify key trends and patterns in your organisation data and consequently make it easier for
you to make important connections between different area of your business that may otherwise
seem unrelated.
As such a business intelligence system can help you understand the implication of various
organisation processes better and enhance your ability to identify suitable opportunities for your
organization thus enabling you to plan for successful future
To improve efficiency.
One of the most important reasons why you need need to invest in an effective business
intelligence system is because such system can improve efficiency within your organization
and,as a result increase can use business intelligence to share information across
different departments in your organization.This will enable you to save time on reporting
processes and analytics.Information sharing saves times and improves productivity.

Q.4 What is channel conflict? why is it becoming a growing problem in e-commerce.

Channel conflict is a situation in which channel partners have to compete against one another or
the vendor's internal sales department. Channel conflict can cost a company and its partners
money as partners try to undercut one another. It can also lower morale within the channel and
cause some partners to consider other vendors. To prevent channel conflict, partners sometimes
enact agreements such as deal registration.

Channel conflict may also occur among various segments of corporate departments, such as the
sales channel. For example, the direct contact component of the sales department may have to
compete with other sales channels, such as telephone, online and mail campaigns.

As technology evolves and the way people purchase continues to shift, more and more
companies are taking both their Business-to-Consumer and Business-to-Business channels
online. In an ideal world, these e commerce channels work in harmony with existing routes to
market without a problem, but it does require some careful management and planning to avoid
channel conflict.

In this insight we will look at how manufacturers can avoid any potential problems both
externally with their retail partners/distributors, and internally between branches/offices or
departments within their own organisation. We’ll also look at some examples of how leading
companies are adopting some of these ideas and putting them into practice in the real world.

When launching any new channel merchants first need to define the key drivers and business
case for it in order to understand what potential conflict may occur and how best to mitigate it.
Our previous insight into why manufacturers should be trading direct online will help explain
why an ecommerce store should definitely be a consideration.

Once the reasons for the project are understood it will be easier for manufacturers to define
where channel conflict may come from. Often the reasons for launching the channel will be valid
(if they are not launched as a direct conflict to other channels) and these, when explained, along
with some mitigating action, can greatly reduce any issues and allow the new channel to be a part
of a number of routes to market. These are some potential solutions and suggestions of ways to
help avoid it.

When a manufacturer looks to launch a new ecommerce channel to begin selling directly to their
end users, it has the potential to cause issues with their existing third-party channels who
currently reach those customers on their behalf. Here are some methods they could adopt when
launching a B2C online store to help avoid channel conflict.

Only sell at RRP

· Only offer cheaper/commodity items online

· Product registration by end user
· Use for niche products/product ranges, new brand launches, spares & accessories
· Use for new territories only
· Catalogue only - no ecommerce
· Actively drive customers to retail partners too
· Redirect fulfilment to a partner/reseller
· Only sell at RRP

In theory a manufacturer could always offer their end user the lowest price available on their
goods and undercut their retail partners/resellers. However, by ensuring that RRP's are the same
online as they are through any other channel, it gives dealers/resellers/stores the chance to match
the manufacturer’s online pricing, meaning they would never lose a sale to the ecommerce
channel based on price alone. Manufactures can then chose too potentially offer loyalty/spend
discounts rather than product level discounts to avoid any price war with their own retail

Only offer cheaper/commodity items online

This may depend on the make-up of a manufacturer’s product portfolio but if there is a big
difference between the price point of the cheapest and most expensive items, only offering the
cheaper more commoditised items online means customers will need to use other channels to
purchase the more expensive items, and thus will visit a reseller/dealer. This may be particularly
relevant for items that require a demonstration, more technical sale or where a great opportunity
for upselling exists.

Q.5 Which is channel conflict? Why is it becoming a growing problem…….

Channel conflict is a situation in which channel partners have to compete against one another or
the vendor's internal sales department. Channel conflict can cost a company and its partners
money as partners try to undercut one another. It can also lower morale within the channel and
cause some partners to consider other vendors.
The reasons of channel conflicts are existing linkages and cooperations. For example a strong
bond of one manufacturer to a distribution channel or wholesaler. The conflict arises when the
manufacturer begins to take on elements of the value of the dealer himself, or his offer even
marketed directly through its own website.
Where can channel conflicts occur?
1. in-house conflicts:
The resources for investment and human resources are limited in companies. The development of
an online distribution is often seen as unwanted competition in their own house.
If the company has already an existing sales channel like a printed catalog, cannibalism effects
can occur: The additional revenues generated by the online channel are created at the cost of
revenues at the traditional channel. For example catalog merchants like Otto or Quelle in
Germany face this problem.
2. company-external conflicts:
a)Conflicts with existing sales partners
If the company is heavily dependent on traditional distribution partners and the same company
expects a significant redirection of existing revenue on the Internet, the result can be an
existential conflict.
b)Conflicts with existing distribution partners
The Internet removes existing regional boundaries. Customers can now even be found in
Germany or in whole Europe, with appropriate demands on the logistics partners.
c)Conflicts with existing customers
Existing customers can react sensitively to the establishment of an Internet sales channel.
Particularly if they have to use against her will the online channel. This is indicated as a
degradation in service quality. Examples are banks. They make more and more online-banking
d)Conflicts with existing suppliers
For the relationship to the suppliers, this means that the online sales increases the demands in
terms of systems integration and interfaces. Information about new products and specifications
must efficiently reach the databases of purchase. Information and delivery times must be
accurate and current.

Q.6 Explain the role of Business intellisence in an Organization.

Business Intelligence is a concept that typically involves the delivery and integration of relevant
and useful business information in an organization. As such, companies use business intelligence
to detect significant events and identify/monitor business trends in order to adapt quickly to their
changing environment or scenario. If you use effective business intelligence training in your
organization, you can improve the decision making processes at all levels of management and
improve your tactical and strategic management processes. Here are some of the top reasons for
investing in a proper business intelligence system.
1. To Get Insights into Consumer Behavior
One of the main advantages of investing in business intelligence software and skilled personnel
is the fact that it will boost your ability to analyze the current consumer buying trends. Once you
understand what your consumers are buying, you can use this information to develop products
that match the current consumption trends and consequently improve your profitability since you
will be able to attract valuable customers.
2. To Improve Visibility
If you want to improve your control over various important processes in your organization, you
should consider investing in a good business intelligence system. Business intelligence software
will improve the visibility of these processes and make it possible to identify any areas that need
improvement. Moreover, if you currently have to skim through hundreds of pages in your
detailed periodic reports to assess the performance of your organization’s processes, you can
save time and improve productivity by having skilled intelligence analysts using the software.
3. To Turn Data into Actionable Information
A business intelligence system is an analytical tool that can give you the insight you need to
make successful strategic plans for your organization. This is because such a system would be
able to identify key trends and patterns in your organizations data and consequently make it
easier for you to make important connections between different areas of your business that may
otherwise seem unrelated. As such, a business intelligence system can help you understand the
implications of various organizational processes better and enhance your ability to identify
suitable opportunities for your organization, thus enabling you to plan for a successful future.
4. To Improve Efficiency
One of the most important reasons why you need to invest in an effective business intelligence
system is because such a system can improve efficiency within your organization and, as a result,
increase productivity. You can use business intelligence to share information across different
departments in your organization. This will enable you to save time on reporting processes and
analytics. This ease in information sharing is likely to reduce duplication of roles/duties within
the organization and improve the accuracy and usefulness of the data generated by different
departments. Furthermore, information sharing also saves time and improves productivity.

Q.7 Explain the key factor of implement business process.

Ans : ​Business process management (BPM) is a field in operations management that focuses on
improving corporate performance by managing and optimising a company's business
processes.​[1] It can therefore be described as a "​process optimization process." It is argued that
BPM enables organizations to be more efficient, more effective and more capable of change than
a functionally focused, traditional hierarchical management approach.​[2] These processes can
impact the cost and revenue generation of an organization.
As a policy-making approach, BPM sees processes as important assets of an organization that
must be understood, managed, and developed to announce value-added products and services to
clients or customers. This approach closely resembles other total quality management or
continual improvement process methodologies and BPM proponents also claim that this
approach can be supported, or enabled, through technology.​[3] As such, many BPM articles and
scholars frequently discuss BPM from one of two viewpoints: people and/or technology.
Engagement: Strategic Planning is a process not an event. A key element in the process is the
engagement of all levels of staff throughout the organization. Staff engagement generates
additional input and helps build their commitment to the end plan. It is essential to involve
employees in the planning of strategy and direction for the organization. Employee’s input will:

Provide insight into issues, challenges, concerns, and opportunities which may not have been
known or fully understood.
Ensure their “buy-in” to help execute the strategies.
The senior management team will not execute the strategies – staff will. Engage them and your
strategy execution success rate will increase dramatically. 2. Communication: Strategic
Planning processes are successful when a bottom up and top down communication approach is
taken. It starts off with a communication to all levels of employees informing them that a
Strategic Planning process will be undertaken. It includes how they will be involved in this
process. This is the bottom up communication. Employees will provide input to the strategic
planning process through feedback surveys, focus groups, meetings, etc. regarding their ideas for
organizational direction, etc.

It is followed by the top down communication. Senior management will share the strategic plan
with employees. They will communicate to all employees how their engagement will help ensure
success in the execution of these strategies. 3. Innovation: Some strategic plans include
strategies to develop a new product or deliver a new service or restructure a department, etc.
They put teams of individuals together to work on these major initiatives and give them
investment money to ensure success. Yet over time it becomes apparent that this team won’t
realize the strategic goal given to them and the strategy itself will be deemed a failure. This is

This is not a failure of execution. It is the lack of an Innovation Process to manage the strategy
that led to the failure. The senior management created strategies that required innovation to
achieve them. This is unfortunately, very common. 4. Project Management: Once the
strategic plan is together, there are two critical elements related to project management. One is to
identify the projects that are required to ensure success in the execution of each strategy. Another
is to develop a prioritization of all these projects to ensure the high priority ones have the proper
resourcing to ensure success. This requires a high involvement and commitment on the part of
employees to spend the time required on the projects.

The high level of involvement of employees ensures that they understand the strategic plan. It
increases their level of commitment to ensure the strategy is successfully executed because they
understand how their work and the work they’re completing on the project helps the organization
to realize some or all of one of their key strategies. 5. Culture: Organizational Culture is the
commonly held attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviours of its employees. The culture of an
organization is as unique and diverse as an individual’s personality. If the employees of an
organization believe that change is something to be feared and avoided, then change
implementation is often reactive and haphazard. If the employees believe that all change should
be aggressively implemented “from above”, then change is seldom supported. However, if the
employees of an organization believe that change is worthwhile and everyone’s responsibility;
then change and growth occur with relative ease. These are the few “excellent” organizations
that continue to excel in their industry.

It is followed by the top down communication. Senior management will share the strategic plan
with employees. They will communicate to all employees how their engagement will help ensure
success in the execution of these strategies.

Q.8 Components of human resource management:

Ans: Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is the collection of values, working norms, company vision, habits and
beliefs that the business espouses. The HR management system plays a large part in shaping the
organizational culture. Setting policies, procedures and company standards dictates to employees
the behaviors that are acceptable in the workplace. For example, a policy may state that time
management is important to the business, which fosters timeliness among employees, or HR may
adapt a looser time management policy that values employees' freedom to manage their own
schedules. In essence, the organizational culture affects the way people do their work and
interact with one another and with customers.

Planning for Change

The business world changes rapidly. New technology is introduced, employees come and go, and
the finances of the company fluctuate. HR's role in helping to stabilize the company for change
cannot be understated. Planning for change means helping employees understand their roles in
the larger picture of the company. It's about building bridges between departments and managers
and getting people to talk about "what-if" situations. HR takes this information and develops a
management plan for disasters, for changes in workflow and for reassuring employees in times
of crises or frightening change. Training and Development
Almost all employees, even ones that are highly educated or skilled, require some level of
training because each organization runs things in a different way. Policies and procedures need
to be firmly communicated to employees as part of their on-boarding process. The HR
management system is also responsible for ongoing employee development. This continuing
education keeps employees' skills fresh so they bring new and innovative ideas to the workplace.

Health and Safety

The HR management system plays a key role in ensuring health and safety in the workplace.
This can be achieved through policies and procedures, but the HR function may go a step further
to make sure employees understand the risks of certain activities. For example, if there is heavy
machinery in the office, HR can post warning signs and posters listing the steps to take in case of
an emergency. This minimizes the possibility that an accident will occur and helps to eliminate
any subsequent legal action that might be taken against the company.

Recruitment and Retention

While recruitment and retention may seem like a given for HR management systems, it is the
anchor of all HR's policies and systems. Finding qualified workers, keeping them engaged with
the company, training them to effectively do their jobs and providing incentives for further
education, benefits and compensation are all drivers to organizational success and should be
constantly on the minds of HR managers.

09. Explain the working of electronic data interchange?

Ans. ​There are three major processes involved in the exchange of EDI data:
1. Mapping involves transforming an EDI document into another format (such as XML, a
flat file, a delimited file, etc.) or vice versa. Mapping is essential for proper system integration.
2. Translation is the process of accepting inbound EDI data, or preparing an outbound file
for transmission.
3. Communications refers to the transmission of the EDI transaction. This can be done
indirectly, through an external clearinghouse or VAN (“Value Added Network”) or direct via
AS2 using EDI software, a web-based EDI tool or outsourcing with an EDI service provider.

10. What are the three main components of EDI?

Ans. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has three major components. They are,
• Trading partners
• Translation software
• Communications
Trading partners: ​These are business organizations that agree to exchange business
information, data and documents via EDI. Small, medium and large organizations that are
involved in various types of business activities are part of this group. For partners that dare to
trade options that are now being made available are endless.
Translation software: ​This software written in some of the most popular platforms regulates
most of the operations. Some of its main features include,
1. It is dual purpose software and it converts files to or from an EDI format called a
2. A document is known as an EDI message and the definition specifies the content and
sequence of the data to be included
3. In the case of outbound business information, data or documents (we will refer to as
document), an internal application file format is translated into an EDI format
4. For inbound documents, the EDI format is translated into an EDI format
5. For inbound documents, the EDI format is retranslated into an internal application file
6. It is not necessary for trading partners to use the same translation software, nor is it
necessary for them to have similar hardware platforms
7. Software and hardware independence is one of the major advantages of EDI
Communications: ​The transmission and reception of ‘document’ between trading partners using
compatible hardware and software, which best suits their requirements.
11. State the technologies which have enabled e-business?
Ans. ​Project Manager, Electronic Commerce for Developing Countries (EC-DC),
Telecommunication Development Bureau, International Telecommunication Union.
The global nature of e-business provides developing countries with a unique opportunity to
compete in market places that were beyond their reach. It has the potential to reduce physical
trade obstacles, increase market access and trade efficiency and could provide a competitive
stimulus for local producers and entrepreneurs in developing countries.
The poor ICT infrastructure, low income, lack of awareness on e-business issues, inadequate
legal and regulatory framework, absence of trust, network payment and secure transaction
services present enormous challenges to developing countries. While developing countries are
just getting aware of e-business, the industrialised countries have started defining appropriate
strategies, adopting policies, establishing the legal and regulatory framework and building their
infrastructure. With the current handicaps and challenges faced by developing countries, how can
businesses and entrepreneurs take advantage of the benefits of e-business? What strategies must
be adopted to leverage on the potential for e-business? In addition to other requirements, and
based on the features considered by many experts to be part of e-business, there is a need for
trust, secure transaction and network payment services. On the basis of these considerations, one
can argue that the lack of adequate banking infrastructure is one of the main technological
barriers for building e-business infrastructures in developing countries.
This paper attempts to address the challenges faced by developing countries in the use of
e-business by proposing a strategy aimed at reducing the setup and operational costs for
businesses, increasing the potential for sustainability and creating an environment that will
encourage the development of the ICT infrastructure. These objectives could be achieved using
the following strategy:
1. Target the businesses in the supply industry with trading partners in industrialized
countries where there is an adequate ICT infrastructure and payment services. These businesses
have the highest potential for reaping the benefits of e-business.
2. Reduce the requirements for participating in e-business by separating the trust, secure
transaction from the network payment services. The result is an asymmetrical model where the
trust and secure transaction services are setup in both developing and industrialised countries (in
the initial phase) and while the network payment services will only be available in the
industrialised countries.
3. Based on the business objectives and the technical specifications, build a scalable
e-business commerce infrastructure that would be shared by multiple independent businesses and
integrate this infrastructure into existing ICT infrastructure in developing countries.
4. Provide a mechanism to enable the transfer of e-business technologies and increase
public awareness so that local human resources are used to setup, run and maintain the
e-business services and decision-makers are made aware of the necessary policies and regulatory
framework for e-business.
5. Address ICT policy and regulatory issues to provide the infrastructure framework for the
deployment e-business solutions and facilitate the transition into the digital economy. The
strategy outlined in this paper is currently being carried out in the ITU Electronic Commerce for
Developing Countries (EC-DC) project. EC-DC is an activity of the ITU Telecommunication
Development Bureau (BDT) and funded by surplus revenues generated by ITU World and
Regional TELECOM events.

12. Why do you think there have been so many business failures among “dot-com”
Ans. ​Many business failures among “dot-com” Companies ​because investors back then were
caring more about having an online presence than actual revenue numbers. That’s a great way to
burn money very fast, and ends up with another dot-com failure.
This natural progression of business, many starters, few finishers. Reputation gets the business.
Many of these starters tried to charge as much as brick and mortar stores and it just didn't wash.
When the Automobile was first being produced here - there were over 16 different brands - over
half of them bit the dust in less than 2 years. Competition it’s a wonderful thing.

13. What are the characteristic of good information?

Ans. Good information must be
Accurate ​– good information is based on correct and complete data, and it has been processed
correctly as expected. Accuracy is crucial; managers must be able to rely on the results of their
information systems. The IS function can develop a bad reputation in the organization if a
system is known to produce inaccurate information.
Timely – ​Information should be given in a timely manner. A report that is 6 weeks late is most
likely useless. In that case, the information would have been received well after decisions for
that material have all ready been made. Ex: Shipping goods to a customer when the information
system says not to. Can you think of any?
Relevant – ​Information should be relevant both to the context and to the subject. If you’re the
CEO, you may need information that is summarized to an appropriate level for your job. A list
of hourly wage is unlikely to be useful. Instead, you would need the average wage information
by department or division. Also, make sure that it is relevant to the subject at hand. If you need
short term interest rates for a possible line of credit, than a paper with 15 year mortgage interest
rates is useless. Has this ever happened to you at your place of work?
Just barely sufficient – ​Information needs to be sufficient for the purpose it is generated, but
just barely so. There is a lot of information out there in the world and as you grow in
management you need to decide what material to ignore and what to use.
Worth its cost- ​Information is not free. It costs money to develop a system, and to maintain it.
For information for be worth its cost there must be an appropriate relationship between the cost
of information and its value. Can you think of an example?

14. How can information technology support a company’s business process and give it a
upper hand?
Ans. ​The information revolution is sweeping through our economy. No company can escape its
effects. Dramatic reductions in the cost of obtaining, processing, and transmitting information
are changing the way we do business.
Most general managers know that the revolution is under way, and few dispute its importance.
As more and more of their time and investment capital is absorbed in information technology
and its effects, executives have a growing awareness that the technology can no longer be the
exclusive territory of EDP or ARE departments. As they see their rivals use information for
competitive advantage, these executives recognize the need to become directly involved in the
management of the new technology. In the face of rapid change, however, they don’t know how.
This article aims to help general managers respond to the challenges of the information
revolution. How will advances in information technology affect competition and the sources of
competitive advantage? What strategies should a company pursue to exploit the technology?
What are the implications of actions that competitors may already have taken? Of the many
opportunities for investment in information technology, which are the most urgent?

To answer these questions, managers must first understand that information technology is more
than just computers. Today, information technology must be conceived of broadly to encompass
the information that businesses create and use as well as a wide spectrum of increasingly
convergent and linked technologies that process the information. In addition to computers, then,
data recognition equipment, communications technologies, factory automation, and other
hardware and services are involved.
​I.​ ​The information revolution is affecting competition in three vital ways:

II.​ ​It changes industry structure and, in so doing, alters the rules of competition.

​III. ​It creates competitive advantage by giving companies new ways to outperform their

​IV.​ ​It spawns whole new businesses, often from within a company’s existing operations.

We discuss the reasons why information technology has acquired strategic significance and how
it is affecting all businesses. We then describe how the new technology changes the nature of
competition and how astute companies have exploited this. Finally, we outline a procedure
managers can use to assess the role of information technology in their business and to help define
investment priorities to turn the technology to their competitive advantage.

15. Define a system?

Ans​. An information system (IS) is a system composed of people and computers that processes
or interprets information.] The term is also sometimes used in more restricted senses to refer to
only the software used to run a computerized database or to refer to only a computer system. The
plural term information systems (construed as singular) is also used for the actual academic study
of the field, in other words for the study of complementary networks of hardware and software
that people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create and distribute data. Any
specific information system aims to support operations, management and decision making. In a
broad sense, the term is used to refer not only to the information and communication technology
(ICT) that an organization uses, but also to the way in which people interact with this technology
in support of business processes. Some authors make a clear distinction between information
systems, computer systems, and business processes. Information systems typically include an
ICT component but are not purely concerned with ICT, focusing instead on the end use of
information technology. Information systems are also different from business processes.
Information systems help to control the performance of business processes. Alter argues for
advantages of viewing an information system as a special type of work system. A work system is
a system in which humans and/or machines perform work (processes and activities) using
resources to produce specific products and/or services for customers. An information system is a
work system whose activities are devoted to processing (capturing, transmitting, storing,
retrieving, manipulating and displaying) information. As such, information systems inter-relate
with data systems on the one hand and activity systems on the other. An information system is a
form of communication system in which data represent and are processed as a form of social
memory. An information system can also be considered a semi-formal language which supports
human decision making and action.

16. What is the purpose of MIS in any organization?

Ans. ​The Purpose of MIS Management Information Systems can be defined as 'The combination
of human and computer based resources that results in the collection, storage, retrieval,
communication and use of data for the purpose of efficient management of operations and for
business planning'. Source: Kelly Management Information Systems are primarily concerned
with the delivery of information (both internal and external) to organisational members from the
shop floor workers to the management. The purpose of MIS is to help the smooth running of the
business by providing information on the firms data (such as accounting figures) employees from
different levels will then evaluate this information so that decisions can be made to ensure that
the business remains competitive and successful. MIS have been created to support the whole
range of business's administration and regulatory activities and can be seen in all parts of the
world and in all types of industries both public and private sector. In the US, for example, the
National Drivers Register has MIS facilities to report on driver licence details, such as all those
within a given state whose licence has been revoked or suspended (Danziger, 1991). Similarly,
the Environmental Protection Agency is pushing forward in use of MIS to help monitor and
control environmental risks. Data Information DECISIONS Flows Flows Figure 1 - How an MIS
Works The processing of data into information and communicating that information to the user is
the basis of MIS. Form the figure above it is clear to see how this process helps to make
decisions. Data is the term for collections of facts and figures; hours worked, part numbers, profit
etc. These basic facts are then stored and analysed and generally worked on to produce
information in the form required by the user, i.e. the manager.

17. Explain any three information resources?

Ans. ​The 5 components that must come together in order to produce a computer-based
information system is:
1. Hardware: The term hardware refers to machinery. This category includes the computer
itself, which is often referred to as the central processing unit (CPU), and all of its support
equipments. Among the support equipments are input and output devices, storage devices and
communications devices.
2. Software: The term software refers to computer programs and the manuals (if any) that
support them. Computer programs are machine-readable instructions that direct the circuitry
within the hardware parts of the system to function in ways that produce useful information from
data. Programs are generally stored on some input / output medium, often a disk or tape.
3. Data: Data are facts that are used by programs to produce useful information. Like programs,
data are generally stored in machine-readable form on disk or tape until the computer needs
4. Procedures: Procedures are the policies that govern the operation of a computer system.
"Procedures are to people what software is to hardware" is a common analogy that is used to
illustrate the role of procedures in a system.
5. People: Every system needs people if it is to be useful. Often the most over-looked element of
the system is the people, probably the component that most influence the success or failure of
information systems.

18. Explain how organization is a system where inputs are processed to get desired
Ans. ​Input is anything we wish to embed in a system for some type of use. A variety of sources
are used to input: keyboard, scanner, microphone, mouse, even another computer. What we input
has a purpose - but until it is processed and generated in some form of output, it doesn't do us
much good.
Processing takes place in the internal parts of the computer. It is the act of taking inputted data
and converting it to something usable. What we typically see on the screen in today's computer
world (known as what you see is what you get or WYSIWYG) is the result of our input being
processed by some program so we can have usable output: an English paper, an edited
photograph, this video you're watching.
Output, or processed information in a usable format, comes in many different forms: monitor or
printer for visual work, a speaker for audio. Sometimes our output is short-term, such as printing
a photo, and sometimes what we work on needs to be kept around for a while. That's where
storage comes in.
Storage is the term used to indicate we will be saving data for a period of time. We store for
many reasons: for future reference; to prevent full loss of data; because we forget to purge. But,
storage is vital. There are several mediums on which we can keep output and processed data: a
hard disk, a USB drive, a CD.
Here are two anecdotes to drive that point home. Someone lost an entire season of her son
playing hockey because she didn't back-up the video and photo files. And, a fellow student was
working on a year-long bachelor's thesis and did not back it up the first, the second or the third
time she lost it - all at different stages of completion, with a thesis over 60 pages long when she
was done.
Quick - what does IPOS stand for? That's right, input, process, output and store! Besides the four
functions of IPOS, an information system also requires feedback. This is how future systems are
revised and rebuilt - by receiving ideas, impressions and constructive (or not so constructive)
criticism by users and other stakeholders.

Q1: What are various approaches of MIS development in the organization? Explain any
two approaches in detail.
A management information system (MIS) is a planned system of the collecting, processing,
storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of
management. It is a subset of the overall internal controls of a business covering the application
of people, documents, technologies, and procedures by management accountants to solving
business problems such as costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy. As they are
used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities within the
organization, management information systems are distinct from regular information systems.
The term is also used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the
automation or support of human decision making. Such support systems include the decision
support system (DSS), expert systems, and executive information systems.

While MIS and information system are terms often used interchangeably, they should not be
mistaken for the other as unauthorized copying, selling and redistribution of the content are
prohibited. This material is provided for reference only information systems include systems that
are not intended for decision making. The area of study called MIS is sometimes referred to, in a
restrictive sense, as information technology management. Information technology management
is an area of study that should not be confused with computer science. Information technology
service management, on other hand, is a practitioner-focused discipline. MIS has also some
differences with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) as ERP incorporates elements that are not
necessarily focused on decision support.

There are five approaches to MIS development in the organization. These include the (a)
traditional approach, (b) current practice approach, (c) reaction approach, (d) cafeteria approach,
and (e) human service approach.

Q2: What are the benefits and limitations of the relational database model for business
applications today? Why is the Object-oriented database model gaining acceptance for
developing applications and managing the hypermedia databases at​ ​business websites?

Answer: A relational database is a database that group’s data according to common attributes
found in a given data set. It consists of a collection of tables that store particular sets of data. The
resulting "clumps" of organized data are much easier for people to understand. This kind of
grouping uses the relational model. The software used to do this grouping is called a relational
database management system. Thus, such a database is called a "relational database”. Relational
databases are currently the predominant choice in storing financial records, manufacturing and
logistical information, personnel data, and much more. The invention of this database system has
standardized the way that data is stored and processed. This is evidenced in the fact that most of
the database systems in use today are based on the relational system. Through the database, data
is independent of any hardware or storage system and provides for automatic navigation between
the data elements. In practice, this means that data should be stored in tables and that
relationships would exist between the different data sets, or tables. The relation is the primary
unit of storage in a relational database, which is a two-dimensional table. A relational database
can contain one or more of these tables. Each table consists unauthorized copying, selling and
redistribution of the content are prohibited. This material is provided for reference only of a
unique set of rows and columns. A single record is stored in a table as a row, also known as a
tuple. Attributes of the data are defined in columns, or fields, in the table. The characteristics of
the data, or the column, relates one record to another. Each column has a unique name and the
content within it must be of the same type. The benefits of such a database lie in its ability to
cluster or group large amounts of data, making it easier for users to understand the data presented
to them. The database makes storing records, information, and personnel data much more
manageable and easily accessible.

An object oriented database is a database model where information is represented in the form of
objects as used in object-oriented programming. This is generally recommended for businesses
with a need for high performance processing on complex data. The reason why the
object-oriented database model is

Gaining acceptance for developing applications and managing the hypermedia databases at
business websites lies in its ability to process complex sets of data, making processing time
shorter. As most object databases have some kind of query language, objects can be found faster
and data processed quicker. Access to data becomes faster because joins are often not needed (as
opposed to the tabular implementation of a relational database). This is because an object can be
retrieved directly without a search, by following pointers. Benchmarks have also shown that
ODBMS is clearly superior for certain kinds of tasks. The main reason lies in its ability to
perform operations using navigational rather than declarative interfaces, as navigational access to
data is usually implemented very efficiently by following pointers. Pointer-based techniques are
optimized for very specific "search routes" or viewpoints. For general-purpose queries on the
same information, however, pointer-based techniques tend to be slower and more difficult to
formulate than relational ones. Hence, navigation appears to simplify specific known uses at the
expense of general, unforeseen, and varied future uses. However, with suitable language support,
direct object references may be maintained in addition to normalized, indexed aggregations,
allowing both kinds of access. Furthermore, a persistent language may index aggregations on
whatever its content elements return from a call to some arbitrary object access method, rather
than only on attribute value, which allows a query to 'drill down' into complex data structures.
Unauthorized copying, selling and redistribution of the content are prohibited. This material is
provided for reference only

Q3: What are the business benefit and management problems of client/server networks?
Discuss also in Network Computing and Peer-to-peer networks?

A client-server network refers to the popular model for computer networking that utilizes client
and server devices each designed for specific purposes. Often used on the internet as well as
local area networks (LANs), it is a distributed system comprising both client and server software
wherein a client software process may initiate a communication session while the server waits
for requests from any client. The client-server network describes the relationship between two
computer programs in which one program, the client program, makes a service request to
another, the server program. Standard networked functions such as email exchange, web access
and database access, are based on the client-server model.

The client-server model has become one of the central ideas of network computing. Most
business applications being written today use the client-server model. A server is simply a
computer that is running software that enables it to serve specific requests from other computers,
called “clients”. The server is called "dedicated" because it is optimized to serve requests from
the "client" computers quickly.
Aside from its ability to quickly process requests from client computers, the business benefits of
a client-server network include:
· ​Optimization, as server hardware is designed to serve requests from clients

· ​Centralization, as files are stored in one location for easy access and

· ​Security, as multiple levels of permissions can prevent users from doing damage

to files;
· ​Redundancy and back-up, as data can be stored in redundant ways making for

quick restore in case or problems;

·​ ​Cost savings
· ​Scalability, as frequent changes within the IT infrastructure requires continued

strategic support for cooperative mechanisms that render a forged cooperative

· ​Manage workflow, as interfaced logic and legacy-based solutions provide an

under girth sub-structure endeavor;

· ​Multi-tier service, as all tri-axial units provide sub-forth instrumentation beyond

all first level response units; and, Instrumentality, as utilization of data resources
must have exchange access quality of service to maintain inter-operability
amongst unified systems.

Peer-to-peer networks also enjoy the same business benefits. However, its limitation lies in that it
is only good for small networks. Peer-to-peer networks perform best in an environment of 10-15
computers. Beyond that, computers start to slow down, processing of client requests takes some
time, file searching becomes harder, and security is no longer existent. It is therefore important to
identify and establish the right kind of network for an organization to make the most of its time
and resources.

Q4: How can information systems support a company’s business operations, discuss
making by their managers, and give them a competitive advantage? Give examples to
illustrate your answer?

Information systems support a company’s business operations by properly managing information
databases and effectively and efficiently disseminating information within the business. With
proper information systems put in place, information is readily available for data users. The
installation of proper information systems also helps update various departments of the latest
development in the business, whether it concern their department or other departments. Such
information is valuable, helping business operations and the different departments within it
well-informed. Under this scenario, businesses are able to operate efficiently and effectively.

In addition, the installation of proper information systems also aids managers in making
decisions regarding the future direction or course of a business. The availability of such
information for their perusal is crucial and essential in making well-informed decisions. Based
on data presented to them, they are capable of making well thought-out decisions regarding their
business objectives and the future course of their operations. Such decisions help make them
more effective as an organization and give them a competitive advantage. As managers operate
in an environment of uncertainty, getting hold of information unauthorized copying, selling and
redistribution of the content are prohibited. This material is provided for reference only is
valuable and helps a business adjust its environment. This gives them the competitive edge
through the minimization of risks and the maximization of outputs.

To best illustrate the edge that information systems have on a business, given two businesses
with varying levels of information systems technology, the one better equipped would be better
prepared to adapt and adjust to the changing and uncertain times. An example would be two
businesses engaged in the manufacture of raw materials into a finished product. A business with
the proper information systems would help it locate the best source of raw materials, where
available at the least amount of cost. As such, the business is already minimizing its cost and
would be able to maximize its profits even if it sells at a lower price than its competitor. Another
example would be a business selling a particular good or commodity. With the proper
information systems in place, a business is able to collect data on pricing and quality. With this
information, a business is able to competitively price its product, making its good or service
more attractive than its competitor. Clearly, the installation of appropriate information systems
help give businesses that competitive edge. Unauthorized copying, selling and redistribution of
the content are prohibited. This material is provided for reference only

Q5: What is meant by Network topology along with different network models?
Network topology is the study of the arrangement or mapping of the elements (e.g. links, nodes,
etc.) of a network, especially the physical (real) and logical (virtual) interconnections between
nodes. A local area network (LAN) is an example of a network that exhibits a physical topology
and a logical topology. Any given node in the LAN will have one or more links to one or more
other nodes in the network and the mapping of these links and nodes onto a graph results in a
geometrical shape that determines the physical topology of the network. The mapping of the
flow of data between the nodes in the network determines the logical topology of the network.
While the physical and logical topologies in a particular network could be identical, it is also
possible that they could be different.

Network topology is determined only by the graphical mapping of the configuration of physical
and/or logical connections between nodes. LAN network topology, therefore, is technically a
part of graph theory where distances between nodes, physical interconnections, transmission
rates, and/or signal types may differ in two networks and yet their topologies may be identical.

There are six basic types of topology in networks:

1. Bus topology
2. Star topology
3. Ring topology
4. Mesh topology
5. Tree topology
6. Hybrid topology

In addition, there are also three basic categories of network topologies:

• Physical topologies
• signal topologies
• Logical topologies

Though there is a subtle difference between the two, signal topology and logical topology are
often used interchangeably and distinction between the two terms is not often made or

When referring to networking, "network model" and "network layer" are terms often used.
Network models define the set of network layers and how these interact with one another. While
there are several different network models, the two most important are:
• ​The TCP/IP Model – sometimes referred to as the DOD model as it was initially

designed for the department of defense (DOD). It is also called the internet model
because TCP/IP is the protocol used on the internet.
• ​OSI Network Model - The International Standards Organization (ISO) has defined a
standard called the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model. This is a
seven layer architecture.

1. What do you understand by the term computer?

Ans. ​A computer is an electronic device that can accept data, manipulate data, produce
information and store it back into the memory. A computer operates under the control of
instructions (software) stored in its own memory unit. Modern computers are electronics and
digital devices that computes, performs high-speed mathematical or logical operations or that
assembles, stores, correlates or process information.
Generally, the term computer is used to describe a collection of devices that function together as
a system. These devices are CPU (Central Processing Unit), monitor, keyboard, mouse etc.

2. Write down the basic characteristics of a computer?

Ans. 1. Speed: - As you know computer can work very fast. It takes only few seconds for
calculations that we take hours to complete. You will be surprised to know that computer can
perform millions (1,000,000) of instructions and even more per second.
2. Accuracy: - The degree of accuracy of computer is very high and every calculation is
performed with the same accuracy. The accuracy level is 7 determined on the basis of design of
computer. The errors in computer are due to human and inaccurate data.
3. Diligence: - A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, fatigue, etc. It can work
for hours without creating any error. If millions of calculations are to be performed, a computer
will perform every calculation with the same accuracy. Due to this capability it overpowers
human being in routine type of work.
4. Versatility: - It means the capacity to perform completely different type of work. You may
use your computer to prepare payroll slips. Next moment you may use it for inventory
management or to prepare electric bills.
5. Power of Remembering: - Computer has the power of storing any amount of information or
data. Any information can be stored and recalled as long as you require it, for any numbers of
years. It depends entirely upon you how much data you want to store in a computer and when to
lose or retrieve these data.
6. No IQ: - Computer is a dumb machine and it cannot do any work without instruction from the
user. It performs the instructions at tremendous speed and with accuracy. It is you to decide what
you want to do and in what sequence. So a computer cannot take its own decision as you can.
7. No Feeling: - It does not have feelings or emotion, taste, knowledge and experience. Thus it
does not get tired even after long hours of work. It does not distinguish between users.
8. Storage: - The Computer has an in-built memory where it can store a large amount of data.
You can also store data in secondary storage devices such as floppies, which can be kept outside
your computer and can be carried to other computers.

3. What is ROM? How does it differ from RAM?

Ans. ​As the name suggests, read-only memory (ROM) stores information that can only be read.
Modifying it is either impossible or very difficult. ROM is also a type of non-volatile storage,
which means that the information is maintained even if the component loses power. In a typical
computer system, ROM is located on the motherboard. It contains the basic instructions for what
needs to happen when a computer is powered on. This is typically referred to as the firmware of
a computer. It represents the basic code to get the computer started. Once the computer is up and
running, the CPU takes over. Firmware is also referred to as BIOS, or Basic Input/output
System. On most modern computers, the read-only memory is located on a BIOS chip, which is
plugged into the motherboard.
Difference between RAM and ROM: There is one major difference between a ROM and a
RAM chip. A ROM chip is non-volatile storage and does not require a constant source of power
to retain information stored on it. When power is lost or turned off, a ROM chip will keep the
information stored on it. In contrast, a RAM chip is volatile and requires a constant source of
power to retain information. When power is lost or turned off, a RAM chip will lose the
information stored on it.

Other differences between a ROM and a RAM chip include:

​i. ​A ROM chip is used primarily in the start up process of a computer, whereas a RAM

chip is used in the normal operations of a computer after starting up and loading the operating
ii. ​Writing data to a ROM chip is a slow process, whereas writing data to a RAM chip

is a faster process
iii. ​A RAM chip can store multiple gigabytes (GB) of data, up to 16 GB or more per

chip; A ROM chip typically stores only several megabytes (MB) of data, up to 4 MB or more per

4. Write a note on various input devices?

Ans. ​Input devices are those devices which takes input from user's in the simple form and
convert the data/information into digital form i.e. 1 or 0.
Input device categorisation:- ​1)Online input devices/Direct line entry devices:-On line input
devices are those devices which are directly connected to computer example keyboard,mouse
2)Offline input devices/Source entry devices:-Offline input devices are those devices which are
not directly connected to computer example scanning device.

Types of common input devices:-​1)Keyboard:-Keyboard is a well known input device which

contains alphabets,numeric/digits,special keys,function keys etc.Keyboard can be of serial or

Alphabets:-A to Z,a to z.
Numeric key:-0 to 9
Special keys:-shift,spacebar,ctr,alt etc.
Functions key:-F1,F2.....F12.
Keyboard is used to convert these above mention keys into digital form of computer.
2) Mouse:-Mouse is an input device which is also called a pointing device. It is used to move the
cursor on the screen. Mouse works in GUI (Graphical User Interface) mode. Mouse is of
different-2 types in which some are physical mouse, optical mouse, cordless mouse.
3) Joystick:-It is also called as game controller device. Joystick is a remote control device which
is used in gaming purpose. We will also play game with keyboard but joystick gives more
simplicity and more speed than keyboard.
4) Scanner:-Scanner is an example of input device which are mainly used to check OMR sheets.
It is also used to copy text, images in the form of soft copy.

5) Bar Code Reader (BCR):-Bar Code Reader is generally used in shopping malls,BCR read the
bar code and display the rate of item on the computer screen. It is also used to recognise courier
products.BCR takes input in the form of code and convert this bar code into computer language
(0 or 1).
Some other input devices are Light pen,track ball,MICR,web camera,touch screen,microphones

5. What do you mean by output devices? Discuss the working of a common output device?
Ans. ​An output device is any device used to send data from a computer to another device or user.
Most computer data output that is meant for humans is in the form of audio or video. Thus, most
output devices used by humans are in these categories. Examples include monitors, projectors,
speakers, headphones and printers.
Work of common output device: ​The job of output unit is the reverse of that of input unit. It
provides the information of computation to the outside world. Thus, it also as an interface the
computer and external.

6. What is system software?

Ans. ​System software refers to the files and programs that make up your computer's operating
system. System files include libraries of functions, system services, drivers for printers and other
hardware, system preferences, and other configuration files. The programs that are part of the
system software include assemblers, compilers, file management tools, system utilities, and
The system software is installed on your computer when you install your operating system. You
can update the software by running programs such as "Windows Update" for Windows or

Update" for Mac OS X. Unlike application programs, however, system software is not meant to
be run by the end user. For example, while you might use your Web browser every day, you
probably don't have much use for an assembler program (unless, of course, you are a computer
Since system software runs at the most basic level of your computer, it is called "low-level"
software. It generates the user interface and allows the operating system to interact with the
hardware. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about what the system software is doing since it
just runs in the background. It's nice to think you are working at a "high-level" anyway.

7. What is the difference between compiler and interpreter?

Ans. Compiler​: A ​compiler is a piece of code that translates the high level language into
machine language. When a user writes a code in a high level language such as Java and wants it
to execute, a specific compiler which is designed for Java is used before it will be executed. The
compiler scans the entire program first and then translates it into machine code which will be
executed by the computer processor and the corresponding tasks will be performed.
Shown in the figure is basic outline of the compilation process, here program written in higher
level language is known as source program and the converted one is called object program.

Interpreters are not much different than compilers​. They also convert the high level language
into machine readable binary equivalents. Each time when an interpreter gets a high level
language code to be executed, it converts the code into an intermediate code before converting it
into the machine code. Each part of the code is interpreted and then execute separately in a
sequence and an error is found in a part of the code it will stop the interpretation of the code
without translating the next set of the codes.

Outlining the basic working of the interpreter the above figure shows that first a source code is
converted to an intermediate form and then that is executed by the interpreter.

The main differences between compiler and interpreter are listed below:
· The interpreter takes one statement then translates it and executes it and then takes another
statement. While the compiler translates the entire program in one go and then executes it.
· Compiler generates the error report after the translation of the entire page while an
interpreter will stop the translation after it gets the first error.
· Compiler takes a larger amount of time in analyzing and processing the high level
language code comparatively interpreter takes lesser time in the same process.
· Besides the processing and analyzing time the overall execution time of a code is faster for
compiler relative to the interpreter.

8. Differentiate between low level language and high level language?

Ans. High level language: ​High level languages allow much more abstraction than low level
languages. This allows algorithms and functions to be written without requiring detailed
knowledge of the hardware used in the computing platform. The compiler provides this interface
transparently for the programmer.

Low level language: Low level languages will require more involvement with the actual register
and interrupt interfaces to the hardware. This can provide more control and efficiency for the
program and can be good for applications which need high speed execution, but high level
compilers are much better at optimizing for speed now.

1. Depict the differences between strategic and tactical planning

The Difference Between Strategic and Tactical Planning

The reason for this confusion stems from the fact that both words are closely connected. In
business parlance, the words strategy and tactics refer to various business practices.

In business usage, the term strategy is the thinking process required to plan a change or to
organize something. It defines the goals desired and how to achieve them.

It can be a compendium of complex multi-layered plans devised for achieving preset objectives
and may include tactical planning considerations.

Tactics and Strategy - The Correlation

Tactics are the substance of strategy. They comprise what is done pursuant to strategic planning.
The strategic phase of business planning has thinkers (you- the small business owner)
determining ways to achieve stated goals. Simply stated, they plan how people need to act in
order to attain the objectives for which the strategy is to be used.

Tactics, on the other hand, are the very actions that are necessary to carry out the strategy.
Strategies can be a combination of a number of tactics with the involvement of several different
people, all working toward reaching a common goal.

Strategic planning involves only the top brass of an enterprise whereas the tactical planning part
envisages the involvement of the organization as a whole.

Strategic Planning
To understand the differences better, here are some notable points with respect to strategic and
tactical planning. In strategic planning, you need to determine specifically what outcome you
want to achieve and establish a realistic baseline or starting point giving due consideration to
internal and external realities by conducting relevant research (competitive, market, attitudinal).

You need to draw up an aggressive plan to support research findings listing defined strategic
objectives. The plan should reflect perceived challenges and the expected end results.

To elicit support for the strategy, undertake a consensus-building exercise involving the right
people. Make sure that tactics are likely to lead to the strategic benefits you desire to achieve. In
tactical planning, you need to understand strategic goals and decipher the goals and implement
courses of action for attainment of strategic objectives.

As a small business owner, you need to make plans that include specific activities that are
arranged on specified time frames and outcomes. Ensure due performance of all tactical planning
activities and calculate their effects; then help connect the tactical moves to the strategic plan.

To sum up, strategic planning relates to issues pertinent to the mission of your small
business--the purpose of its existence. The responsibility for strategic planning rests with you
(and your partners and investors, if any).

Tactical planning is developed by a small business owner or management team who deals with
getting the work done to carry out the strategic plan. They draw up a tactical plan that will deal
with the "how" part of the plan. The main question for them is: "How can goals be accomplished
within the designated limits of resources and authority?"

The terms tactical and strategic are fundamental to an understanding of the different
responsibilities attached to management and governance of any small business.

2. What is the recruitment process? Explain the steps in the process of recruitment
The recruitment process is an important part of human resource management (HRM). It isn’t
done without proper strategic planning. Recruitment is defined as a process that provides the
organization with a pool of qualified job candidates from which to choose. Before companies
recruit, they must implement proper staffing plans and forecasting to determine how many
people they will need. The basis of the forecast will be the annual budget of the organization and
the short- to long-term plans of the organization—for example, the possibility of expansion. In
addition to this, the organizational life cycle will be a factor.

·​ Budget constraints

·​ ​Expected or trend of employee separations

·​ ​Production levels

·​ ​Sales increases or decreases

·​ Global expansion plans

External factors might include the following:

·​ ​Changes in technology
·​ ​Changes in laws
·​ ​Unemployment rates
·​ ​Shifts in population
·​ ​Shifts in urban, suburban, and rural areas
·​ ​Competition

Once the forecasting data are gathered and analyzed, the HR professional can see where gaps
exist and then begin to recruit individuals with the right skills, education, and backgrounds. This
section will discuss this step in HR planning.

Recruitment Strategy

Although it might seem easy, recruitment of the right talent, at the right place and at the right
time, takes skill and practice, but more importantly, it takes strategic planning. In Chapter 2
"Developing and Implementing Strategic HRM Plans", development of staffing plans is
discussed. An understanding of the labor market and the factors determining the relevant aspects
of the labor market is key to being strategic about your recruiting processes.

The five steps involved in recruitment process are as follows: (i) Recruitment planning (ii)
Strategy Development (iii) Searching (iv) Screening (v) Evaluation and Control.

Recruitment Process

Now, a brief description of these follows:

1. Recruitment Planning:

The first step involved in the recruitment process is planning. Here, planning involves to draft a
comprehensive job specification for the vacant position, outlining its major and minor
responsibili​ties; the skills, experience and qualifications needed; grade and level of pay; starting
date; whether temporary or permanent; and mention of special conditions, if any, attached to the
job to be filled ”

2. Strategy Development:

Once it is known how many with what qualifications of candidates are required, the next step
involved in this regard is to devise a suitable strategy for recruiting the candidates in the
The strategic considerations to be considered may include issues like whether to prepare the
required candidates themselves or hire it from outside, what type of recruitment method to be
used, what geographical area be considered for searching the candidates, which source of
recruitment to be practiced, and what sequence of activities to be followed in recruiting
candidates in the organisation.

3. Searching:

This step involves attracting job seekers to the organisation. There are broadly two sources used
to attract candidates.

These are:

1. Internal Sources, and

2. External Sources

These have been just discussed, in detail, under 6.3 Sources of Recruitment.

4. Screening:

Though some view screening as the starting point of selection, we have considered it as an
integral part of recruitment. The reason being the selection process starts only after the
applications have been screened and shortlisted. Let it be exemplified with an example.

In the Universities, applications are invited for filling the post of Professors. Applications
re​ceived in response to invitation, i.e., advertisement are screened and shortlisted on the basis of
eligibility and suitability. Then, only the screened applicants are invited for seminar presentation
and personal interview. The selection process starts from here, i.e., seminar presentation or

Job specification is invaluable in screening. Applications are screened against the qualification,
knowledge, skills, abilities, interest and experience mentioned in the job specification. Those
who do not qualify are straightway eliminated from the selection process.

The techniques used for screening candidates vary depending on the source of supply and
method used for recruiting. Preliminary applications, de-selection tests and screening interviews
are common techniques used for screening the candidates.

5. Evaluation and Control:

Given the considerable cost involved in the recruitment process, its evaluation and control is,
therefore, imperative.

The costs generally incurred in a recruitment process include:

(i) Salary of recruiters

(ii) Cost of time spent for preparing job analysis, advertisement

(iii) Administrative expenses

(iv) Cost of outsourcing or overtime while vacancies remain unfilled

(v) Cost incurred in recruiting unsuitable candidates

In view of above, it is necessary for a prudent employer to try to answer certain questions like:
whether the recruitment methods are appropriate and valid? And whether the recruitment process
followed in the organisation is effective at all or not? In case the answers to these questions are
in negative, the appropriate control measures need to be evolved and exercised to tide over the

However, such an exercise seems to be only rarely carried out in practice by the organisations
employers. Having discussed recruitment process, it will be now relevant to have an idea about
recruitment practices in India. The following section delineates the same.

3. Interpersonal Behavior Approach to management emphasizes managing people by

understanding their individual psychological needs. Describe group influence and
Some of the major phases of Hawthorne experiments are as follows: 1. Illumination Experiments
2. Relay Assembly Test Room Experiments 3. Mass Interviewing Programme 4. Bank Wiring
Observation Room Experiment.

1. Experiments to determine the effects of changes in illumination on productivity, illumination

experiments, 1924-27.

2. Experiments to determine the effects of changes in hours and other working conditions on
productivity, relay assembly test room experiments, 1927-28;

3. Conducting plant-wide interviews to determine worker attitudes and sentiments, mass

interviewing programme, 1928-30; and

4. Determination and analysis of social organisation at work, bank wiring observation room
experiments, 1931-32.

1. Illumination Experiments:
Illumination experiments were undertaken to find out how varying levels of illumination
(amount of light at the workplace, a physical factor) affected the productivity. The hypothesis
was that with higher illumination, productivity will increase. In the first series of experiments, a
group of workers was chosen and placed in two separate groups. One group was exposed to
varying intensities of illumination.

Since this group was subjected to experimental changes, it was termed as experimental group.
Another group, called as control group, continued to work under constant intensities of
illumination. The researchers found that as they increased the illumination in the experimental
group, both groups increased production. When the intensity of illumination decreased, the
production continued to increase in both the groups.

The production in the experimental group decreased only when the illumination was decreased to
the level of moonlight. The decrease was due to light falling much below the normal level.

Thus, it was concluded that illumination did not have any effect on productivity but something
else was interfering with the productivity. At that time, it was concluded that human factor was
important in determining productivity but which aspect was affecting, it was not sure. Therefore,
another phase of experiments was undertaken.

2. Relay Assembly Test Room Experiments:

Relay assembly test room experiments were designed to determine the effect of changes in
various job conditions on group productivity as the illumination experiments could not establish
relationship between intensity of illumination and production. For this purpose, the researchers
set up a relay assembly test room two girls were chosen.

These girls were asked to choose for more girls as co-workers. The work related to the assembly
of telephone relays. Each relay consisted of a number of parts which girls assembled into
finished products. Output depended on the speed and continuity with which girls worked. The
experiments started with introducing numerous changes in sequence with duration of each
change ranging from four to twelve weeks.

An observer was associated with girls to supervise their work. Before each change was
introduced, the girls were consulted. They were given opportunity to express their viewpoints
and concerns to the supervisor. In some cases, they were allowed to take decisions on matters
concerning them.

Following were the changes and resultant outcomes:

1. The incentive system was changed so that each girl’s extra pay was based on the other five
rather than output of larger group, say, 100 workers or so. The productivity increase as compared
to before.
2. Two five- minute rests one in the morning session and other in evening session were
introduced which were increased to ten minutes. The productivity increased.

3. The rest period was reduced to five minutes but frequency was increased. The productivity
decreased slightly and the girls complained that frequent rest intervals affected the rhythm of the

4. The number of rest was reduced to two of ten minutes of each, but in the morning, coffee or
soup was served along with the sandwich and in the evening, snack was provided. The
productivity increased.

5. Changes in working hours and workday were introduced, such as cutting an hour off the end
of the day and eliminating Saturday work. The girls were allowed to leave at 4.30 p.m. instead of
usual 5.00 p.m. and later at 4.00 p.m. productivity increased.

As each change was introduced, absenteeism decreased, morale increased, and less supervision
was required. It was assumed that these positive factors were there because of the various factors
being adjusted and making them more positive. At this time, the researchers decided to revert
back to original position, that is, no rest and other benefits. Surprisingly, productivity increased
further instead of going down.

This development caused a considerable amount of redirection in thinking and the result implied
that productivity increased not because of positive changes in physical factors but because of the
change in girls’ attitudes towards work and their work group.

They developed a feeling of stability and a sense of belongings. Since there was more freedom of
work, they developed a sense of responsibility and self-discipline. The relationship between
supervisor and workers became close and friendly.

3. Mass Interviewing Programme​:

During the course of experiments, about 20,000 interviews were conducted between 1928 and
1930 to determine employees’ attitudes towards company, supervision, insurance plans,
promotion and wages. Initially, these interviews were conducted by means of direct questioning
such as “do you like your supervisor?” or “is he in your opinion fair or does he have favorites?”

this method has disadvantage of stimulating antagonism or the oversimplified ‘yes’ or ‘no’
responses which could not get to the root of the problem, the method was changed to non-
directive interviewing where interviewer was asked to listen to instead of talking, arguing or
advising. The interview programme gave valuable insights about the human behaviour in the

Some of the major findings of the programme were as follows:

1. A complaint is not necessarily an objective recital of facts; it is a symptom of personal
disturbance the cause of which may be deep seated.

2. Objects, persons or events are carriers of social meanings. They become related to employee
satisfaction or dissatisfaction only as the employee comes to view them from his personal

3. The personal situation of the worker is a configuration, composed of a personal preference

involving sentiments, desires and interests of the person and the social reference constituting the
person’s social past and his present interpersonal relations.

4. The position or status of worker in the company is a reference from which the worker assigns
meaning and value to the events, objects and features of his environment such as hours of work,
wages, etc.

5. The social organisation of the company represents a system of values from which the worker
derives satisfaction or dissatisfaction according to the perception of his social status and the
expected social rewards.

6. The social demands of the worker are influenced by social experience in groups both inside
and outside the work plant.

During the course of interviews, it was discovered that workers’ behaviour was being influenced
by group behaviour. However, this conclusion was not very satisfactory and, therefore,
researches decided to conduct another series of experiments. As such, the detailed study of a
shop situation was started to find out the behaviour of workers in small groups.

4. Bank Wiring Observation Room Experiment:

These experiments were conducted to find out the impact of small groups on the individuals. In
this experiment, a group of 14 male workers were formed into a small work group. The men
were engaged in the assembly of terminal banks for the use in telephone exchanges.

The work involved attaching wire with switches for certain equipment used in telephone
exchanges. Hourly wage for each worker was fixed on the basis of average output of each
worker. Bonus as also payable on the basis of group effort.

It was expected that highly efficient workers would bring pressure on less efficient workers to
increase output and take advantage of group incentive plan. However, the strategy did not work
and workers established their own standard of output and this was enforced vigorously by
various methods of social pressure. The workers cited various reasons for this behaviour viz. fear
of unemployment, fear of increase in output, desire to protect slow workers etc.

The Hawthorne experiments clearly showed that a man at work is motivated by more than the
satisfaction of economic needs. Management should recognise that people are essentially social
beings and not merely economic beings. As a social being, they are members of a group and the
management should try to understand group attitudes and group psychology.

The following were the main conclusions drawn by Prof. Mayo on the basis of Hawthorne

1. Social Unit:

A factory is not only a techno-economic unit, but also a social unit. Men are social beings. This
social characteristic at work plays an important role in motivating people. The output increased
in Relay Room due to effectively functioning of a social group with a warm relationship with its

2. Group Influence:

The workers in a group develop a common psychological bond uniting them as £ group in the
form of informal organisation. Their behaviour is influenced by these groups. Pressure of a
group, rather than management demands, frequently has the strongest influence on how
productive workers would be.

3. Group Behaviour:

Management must understand that a typical group behaviour can dominate or even supersede
individual propensities.

4. Motivation:

Human and social motivation can play even a greater role than mere monitory incentives in
moving or motivating and managing employee group.

5. Supervision:

The style of supervision affects worker’s attitude to work and his productivity. A supervisor who
is friendly with his workers and takes interest in their social problems can get co-operation and
better results from the subordinates.

6. Working Conditions:

Productivity increases as a result of improved working conditions in the organisation.

7. Employee Morale:

Mayo pointed out that workers were not simply cogs, in the machinery, instead the employee
morale (both individual and in groups) can have profound effects on productivity.
8. Communication:

Experiments have shown that the output increases when workers are explained the logic behind
various decisions and their participation in decision making brings better results.

9. Balanced Approach:

The problems of workers could not be solved by taking one factor i.e. management could not
achieve the results by emphasizing one aspect. All the things should be discussed and decision be
taken for improving the whole situation. A balanced approach to the whole situation can show
better results.

4​. Differentiate between risk analysis and risk communication?

Risk analysis can be defined in many different ways, and much of the definition depends on how
risk analysis relates to other concepts. Risk analysis can be "broadly defined to include risk
assessment, risk characterization, risk communication, risk management, and policy relating to
risk, in the context of risks of concern to individuals, to public- and private-sector organizations,
and to society at a local, regional, national, or global level." A useful construct is to divide risk
analysis into two components: (1) risk assessment (identifying, evaluating, and measuring the
probability and severity of risks) and (2) risk management (deciding what to do about risks).
Some books take a slightly different approach and define risk management as the overarching
concept, where risk analysis is the component that seeks to identify and measure the risks and
risk mitigation is determining what to do about the risks.

Risk analysis can be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative risk analysis uses words or colors to
identify and evaluate risks or presents a written description of the risk, and quantitative risk
analysis (QRA) calculates numerical probabilities over the possible consequences.

Risk analysis is the systematic study of uncertainties and risks we encounter in business,
engineering, public policy, and many other areas. Risk analysts seek to identify the risks faced
by an institution or business unit, understand how and when they arise, and estimate the impact
(financial or otherwise) of adverse outcomes. Risk managers start with risk analysis, then seek
to take actions that will mitigate or hedge these risks.

Some institutions, such as banks and investment management firms, are in the business of taking
risks every day. Risk analysis and management is clearly crucial for these institutions. One of
the roles of risk management in these firms is to quantify the financial risks involved in each
investment, trading, or other business activity, and allocate a risk budget across these activities.
Banks in particular are required by their regulators to identify and quantify their risks, often
computing measures such as Value at Risk (VaR), and ensure that they have adequate capital to
maintain solvency should the worst (or near-worst) outcomes occur.
After you've read on this page brief overviews of quantitative risk analysis, models and
simulation, Monte Carlo simulation, and simulation optimization, we invite you to start the Risk
Analysis Tutorial.

Risk communication is any purposeful exchange of information about risks between interested
parties. More specifically in the context of this book, risk communication is the act of conveying
or transmitting information between parties about a range of areas including:

• Levels of health or environmental risks

• The significance or meaning of health or environmental risks
• Decisions, actions or policies aimed at managing or controlling health or environmental risks.

Interested parties include government, agencies, corporations and industry groups, unions, the
media, scientists, professional organisations, interested groups, and individual citizens (Covello
et al. 1991). All too often it has been the case, with regard to policy making, that there was an
emphasis on ‘public misperceptions’ with a tendency to treat all deviations from expert estimates
as products of ignorance or stupidity (Bennett 1999), hardly an ideal basis for meaningful

The days when it was possible to take a ‘we know best’ approach, simply informing the public
that a risk has been identified, telling people not to worry, and stating what was intended to do
about it, have in most cases long gone (Coles 1999). The public today no longer automatically
acquiesce to authority and now demand a greater role in decision-making (McKechnie and
Davies 1999). This, while opening up a route for better decision-making and stakeholder
involvement, is no small undertaking and involves some major challenges (McCallum and
Anderson 1991), including:

• Provision of information when science is uncertain.

• Explanation of the risk assessment process.

• Incorporation of the differing ways that various groups interpret the science into risk
communication strategies.

• Accounting for differing concepts of an ‘acceptable’ level of risk.

• Provision of information that assists in personal decisions and informs opinions on policy.

• In terms of incident management, maximising appropriate public responses and minimising

inappropriate public responses

5. Incremental model emphasizes short-run solution of a problem rather than

long-term goal accomplishment. It has various models Explain the rational,incremental
and garbage-can model.
Incremental Model:
Another approach to decision-making is the incremental model. The incremental model states
that managers put in the least possible effort – only enough to reduce the problem to a tolerable

The manager here is concerned more with finding a short-term solution to the problem than
making a decision that will facilitate the attainment of goals in the long-term. The incremental
model does not require managers to process a great deal of information in order to take a

Instead of making one huge leap towards solving a problem, the incremental model breaks down
the decision-making process into small steps. The process of then moving between the steps is
known as muddling through and is based on the combination of experience, intuition, guessing,
and using different techniques. This model was developed by Charles Lindblom.

A small number of alternatives and consequences are considered at each stage of the
decision-making process. As the result, the costs of making a decision are minimized. As each
step is proposing only a small change; the immediate effect is minimal and usually not
disruptive. Other benefits of the incremental model are its simplicity and flexibility. Because the
difference between status quo and proposed solution at every stage is small, it is often easier to
reach a consensus between different stakeholders and the conflict is avoided.

Let's also consider the drawbacks of this approach. Limiting the number of alternatives and
consequences considered naturally creates a possibility of missing the best possible solution

Garbage-Can Model​:

The garbage-can approach to decision-making holds that managers behave randomly while
making non-programmed decisions.

That is, decision outcomes are chance occurrences and depend on such factors as the participants
involved in the decision-making process, the problems about which they happen to be concerned
at the moment, the opportunities they happen to identify and their favorite solutions or the
solutions they use the most to solve most problems.

The garbage-can strategy is effective in the following situations:

(i) When the managers have no specific goal preferences,

(ii) When the means of achieving goals are unclear, and

(iii) When there are frequent changes in the participants involved in decision-making. This
approach can have serious consequences. The garbage- can approach is often used in the absence
of strategic management.
Rational Model:

The rational model of managerial decision-making has its roots in the economic theory of the
firm. When theories about the economic behavior of business firms were being developed, there
was a general tendency among economists to assume that whatever decisions managers made
would always be in the best economic interests of their firms.

This assumption was initially accepted by many management theorists. According to the rational
model, managers engage in a decision-making process which is totally rational. They have all the
relevant information needed to take decisions. They are also aware of different possible
alternatives, outcomes and ramifications, and hence make rational decisions.

This view which was in vogue during the first half of the twentieth century has serious flaws, as
it is quite difficult to obtain complete information and make “optimal” decisions in complex
situations. In spite of its drawbacks, the rational view provides a benchmark against which actual
managerial decision-making patterns can be compared.

6. Which approach management uses to understand managerial functions and

individual psychological needs
Interpersonal Behavior Approach of management uses to understand managerial functions and
individual psychological needs.


•Managing involves getting things done through people

•Centered on interpersonal relationships
•Those who study these are oriented to individual psychology and are trained as psychologists
•Managers are seen as leaders (management = leadership)
•Understanding individual psychology does not always mean one is able to manage effectively
(proven via sensitivity training called Psychological Striptease)


•Very similar to and oftentimes confused with interpersonal behavior approach

•The unit in focus here is a “group” of people collectively
•Relies heavily on sociology, anthropology and social psych.
•Focus is on group behavior patterns
•Often called a study of Organization Behavior
•Unfortunately, there is a tendency for members of a group to draw division between
“organization behavior” and management


•A modified study of the interpersonal and group behavior approach

•Conceptualized by Italian sociologist Vilfredo Pareto
•Social systems are the cooperative interaction of ideas, forces, desires, and thinking of 2 or
more persons
• Samples of a cooperative social system
•Unorganized mob
•Group of shoppers in a department store
•Family group gathering
•This approach is broader than management but still overlook many concepts and techniques
important to managers

Interpersonal behavior may include both verbal communication and nonverbal cues, such as
body language or facial expressions. Verbal interpersonal behavior consists of joking, relating to
one another via the art of storytelling, and taking or following orders. Interpersonal skills are
highly desirable in many situations, specifically careers that rely on personal relationships such
as the healthcare industry or sales.

The study of interpersonal behavior is a social science that examines the way people interact
with one another.

Task-Oriented Behavior

A professional using a task-oriented approach to business management focuses on planning,

coordinating and assigning employee tasks. This type of manager focuses on employee behavior
in terms of assignments and what's best for the business. Production is a task-oriented manager's
main concern. The emotional health of employees or social aspects of the workplace don't factor
into the decision-making process in a task-oriented behavioral approach. For example, a manager
using the task-oriented approach can assign an employee to a department where he's more
effective as a worker even if that assignment takes him away from workers he's known for years.

Employee-Oriented Approach

An employee-oriented approach to business management places emphasis on the interpersonal

relationships of workers. A manager using this behavioral method doesn't place great emphasis
on production where it increases employee anxiety and damages the ability of employees to
establish strong bonds. This type of manager wants employees to have positive working
relationships and strives to create a welcoming office environment. For example, an
employee-oriented manager may require group lunch breaks to encourage socializing and limit
the number of employees who eat alone.

Path-Goal Theory

Path-goal leadership theory is a situational style of behavioral management in which the work
environment and the characteristics of employees influence which behavioral approach to
management is most effective. Path-goal leadership has four leadership types: directive,
supportive, participative and achievement-oriented. Determining which behavioral approach to
use requires a manager to consider employee skills, experience, nature of the assignment,
dynamic of the work group and the office environment. For example, a manager working with
inexperienced employees may need to utilize the supportive or participative aspects of path-goal
leadership to help workers achieve project goals. Conversely, a manager working with
experienced, but unproductive employees may utilize the directive or achievement-oriented
approaches to increase worker focus and productivity.

Need Theories of Management

Motivating employees can be difficult if a manager doesn't recognize the needs of her workforce.
Incorporating need theories -- first pioneered by psychologist Abraham Maslow -- into a
manager's behavior approach can help her improve her motivational strategies. Maslow's need
theories have five distinct types of need arranged by hierarchy: psychological, safety,
belonging/love, esteem and self-actualization. These theories also assume that humans can never
completely satisfy needs and that the need for satisfaction motivates behavior. Examining this
hierarchy and determining what needs are lacking help a manager change workplace culture and
behavior to increase motivation. For example, employees not receiving meal breaks may have
glaring psychological needs to eat. Scheduling regular meal breaks meets these psychological
needs and boosts morale.

7. The communication process is made up of various components like feedback,

message, understanding and channel. Which are the actual physical product from the
The communication process is made up of various components. The message is the actual
physical product from the source encoding.


Communication is the exchange of messages between people for the purpose of achieving
common meanings. Unless common meanings are shared, managers find it extremely difficult to
influence others. Whenever group of people interact, communication takes place.
Communication is the exchange of information using a shared set of symbols. It is the process
that links group members and enables them to coordinate their activities. Therefore, when
managers foster effective communication, they strengthen the connections between employees
and build cooperation. Communication also functions to build and reinforce interdependence
between various parts of the organization. As a linking mechanism among the different
organizational subsystems, communication is a central feature of the structure of groups and
organizations. It helps to coordinate tasks and activities within and between organizations.

According to Koontz and O'Donnell, "Communication, is an intercourse by words, letters
symbols or messages, and is a way that the organization members shares meaning and
understanding with another".

Communication is important in building and sustaining human relationships at work.

Communication can be thought of as a process or flow. Before communication can take place, a
purpose, expressed as a message to be conveyed is needed. It passes between the sender and the
receiver. The result is transference of meaning from one person to another.

The figure below depicts the communication process. This model is made up of seven parts:

(1) Source, (2) Encoding, (3) Message, (4) Channel, (5) Decoding, (6) Receiver, and (7)

a) Source:

The source initiates a message. This is the origin of the communication and can be an individual,
group or inanimate object. The effectiveness of a communication depends to a considerable
degree on the characteristics of the source. The person who initiates the communication process
is known as sender, source or communicator. In an organization, the sender will be a person who
has a need or desire to send a message to others. The sender has some information which he
wants to communicate to some other person to achieve some purpose. By initiating the message,
the sender attempts to achieve understanding and change in the behaviour of the receiver.

b) Encoding:

Once the source has decided what message to communicate, the content of the message must be
put in a form the receiver can understand. As the background for encoding information, the
sender uses his or her own frame of reference. It includes the individual's view of the
organization or situation as a function of personal education, interpersonal relationships,
attitudes, knowledge and experience. Three conditions are necessary for successful encoding the

Skill: Successful communication depends on the skill you posses. Without the requisite
skills, the message of the communicator will not reach the requisite skills; the message of the
communicator will not reach the receiver in the desired form. One's total communicative success
includes speaking, reading, listening and reasoning skills.

Attitudes: Our attitudes influence our behaviour. We hold predisposed ideas on a number
of topics and our communications are affected by these attitudes.

Knowledge: We cannot communicate what we don't know. The amount of knowledge the
source holds about his or her subject will affect the message he or she seeks to transfer.

c) The Message:
The message is the actual physical product from the source encoding. The message contains the
thoughts and feelings that the communicator intends to evoke in the receiver. The message has
two primary components:-

The Content: The thought or conceptual component of the message is contained in the
words, ideas, symbols and concepts chosen to relay the message.

The Affect: The feeling or emotional component of the message is contained in the
intensity, force, demeanour (conduct or behaviour), and sometimes the gestures of the

d) The Channel:

The actual means by which the message is transmitted to the receiver (Visual, auditory, written
or some combination of these three) is called the channel. The channel is the medium through
which the message travels. The channel is the observable carrier of the message. Communication
in which the sender's voice is used as the channel is called oral communication. When the
channel involves written language, the sender is using written communication. The sender's
choice of a channel conveys additional information beyond that contained in the message itself.
For example, documenting an employee's poor performance in writing conveys that the manager
has taken the problem seriously.

e) Decoding​:

Decoding means interpreting what the message means. The extent to which the decoding by the
receiver depends heavily on the individual characteristics of the sender and receiver. The greater
the similarity in the background or status factors of the communicators, the greater the
probability that a message will be perceived accurately. Most messages can be decoded in more
than one way. Receiving and decoding a message are a type of perception. The decoding process
is therefore subject to the perception biases.

f) The Receiver:

The receiver is the object to whom the message is directed. Receiving the message means one or
more of the receiver's senses register the message - for example, hearing the sound of a supplier's
voice over the telephone or seeing the boss give a thumbs-up signal. Like the sender, the receiver
is subject to many influences that can affect the understanding of the message. Most important,
the receiver will perceive a communication in a manner that is consistent with previous
experiences. Communications that are not consistent with expectations is likely to be rejected.

g) Feedback:

The final link in the communication process is a feedback loop. Feedback, in effect, is
communication travelling in the opposite direction. If the sender pays attention to the feedback
and interprets it accurately, the feedback can help the sender learn whether the original
communication was decoded accurately. Without feedback, one-way communication occurs
between managers and their employees. Faced with differences in their power, lack of time, and
a desire to save face by not passing on negative information, employees may be discouraged
from providing the necessary feedback to their managers.

Guidelines for effective Communication

Senders of message must clarify in their minds what they want to communicate. Purpose of the
message and making a plan to achieve the intended end must be clarified.

Encoding and decoding be done with symbols that are familiar to the sender and the
receiver of the message.

For the planning of the communication, other people should be consulted and encouraged
to participate.

It is important to consider the needs of the receivers of the information. Whenever

appropriate, one should communicate something that is of value to them, in the short run as well
as in the more distant future.

In communication, tone of voice, the choice of language and the congruency between
what is said and how it is said influence the reactions of the receiver of the message.

Communication is complete only when the message is understood by the receiver. And
one never knows whether communication is understood unless the sender gets a feedback. (vii)
The function of communication is more than transmitting the information. It also deals with
emotions that are very important in interpersonal relationships between superiors, subordinates
and colleagues in an organization.

(viii) Effective communication is the responsibility not only of the sender but also of the receiver
of the information.

8. 'What is JIT? Explain briefly its characteristics​.

Just-in-time (JIT) is an ​inventory strategy companies employ to increase efficiency and decrease
waste by receiving goods only as they are needed in the production process, thereby reducing
inventory costs. This method requires producers to forecast demand accurately.
This inventory supply system represents a shift away from the older just-in-case strategy, in
which producers carried ​large inventories​ in case higher demand had to be met.
Just in time (JIT) inventory is a strategy to increase efficiency and decrease waste by receiving
goods only as they are needed in the production process, thereby reducing inventory costs. In
other words, JIT inventory refers to an inventory management system with objectives of having
inventory readily available to meet demand, but not to a point of excess where you must
stockpile extra products.
Just in time (JIT) inventory system depends on good communications and harmonization with
suppliers to bring production materials in time for production to take place. JIT scheme reduces
the need to store supplies and increases reliance on the suppliers, quality control as well as
error-free process. This system provides an excellent inventory and production process. Below
are some features of JIT system.

Long-Term Perspective

The system needs a long-term concentration on production growth and supply requirements.
Changes in raw materials specifications, products levels and products offers should be instituted
and synchronized with suppliers. Getting supplies, good shipping and enrollment requirements
should be performed on time to ensure production is not hindered by resource constraints.
Benefits like cost savings, lower production costs and customer satisfaction can be achieved in
the long run.

Automated Purchasing

Automated purchasing method supports strong coordination to ensure steady stream ofJust In
Time raw materials. Established leads time, existing inventory levels and Production levels are
calculated automatically. If supplies are required, the supplier receives an electronic message to
deliver them.

Strong Relationships

JIT system display strong relations between suppliers and producer. Suppliers are always seen as
a wing of the business. Communications and information flow are open to assist in supporting
strong supply coordination. These relationships are enhanced by long-term contracts.


Efficiency in supply operation is necessary for the JIT system. These efficiencies always spread
to production as well as supply process. There is less chances for errors to occur hence raw
materials and finished products conform to strict standards. Workers are usually educated to
identify errors in the manufacturing process and take corrective measures. Several quality checks
leads to efficient production.

Constant Improvements

JIT production inventory processes depend on constant improvements in eradicating production

problems and aid move simplistic procedures. The improvements can be done by developing
foolproof production steps and setting up systems to spot errors in production. They can as well
remove steps which add no value to products.
Q. How do different systems serve the various levels of management in a business?

Answer:- ​Information systems automate manual business processes and make an organization
more efficient. Data and information are available to a wider range of decision-makers more
quickly when information systems are used to change the flow of information. Tasks can be
performed simultaneously rather than sequentially, speeding up the completion of business
processes. Information systems can also drive new business models that perhaps wouldn’t be
possible without the technology. A business process is a logically related set of activities that
define how specific business tasks are performed. Business processes are the ways in which
organizations coordinate and organize work activities, information, and knowledge to produce
their valuable products or services. How well a business performs depends on how well its
business processes are designed and coordinated. Well-designed business processes can be a
source of competitive strength for a company if it can use the processes to innovate or perform
better than its rivals. Conversely, poorly designed or executed business processes can be a
liability if they are based on out-dated ways of working and impede responsiveness or efficiency.
Transaction processing systems (TPS) are computerized systems that perform and record daily
routine transactions necessary in conducting business; they serve the organization’s operational
level. The principal purpose of systems at this level is to answer routine questions and to track
the flow of transactions through the organization.
• At the operational level, tasks, resources, and goals are predefined and highly structured.
• Managers need TPS to monitor the status of internal operations and the firm’s relationship
with its external environment.
• TPS are major producers of information for other types of systems.
• Transaction processing systems are often so central to a business that TPS failure for a few
hours can lead to a firm’s demise and perhaps that of other firms linked to it
Systems serving operational management are transaction processing systems (TPS), such as
payroll or order processing, that track the flow of the daily routine transactions necessary to
conduct business. Management information system (MIS) and decision support system (DSS)
support the middle management. Most MIS reports condense information from TPS and are not
highly analytical. Decision support system (DSS) support management decisions that are unique
and rapidly changing advanced analytical models and data analysis capabilities. Executive
support system (ESS) support senior management by providing data that are often in the form of
graphs and charts delivered via portals using many sources of internal and external information.

Q. Describe how the information systems function supports a business​.

Any specific information system aims to support operations, ​management and decision-making.
An information system is the information and communication technology (ICT) that an
organization uses, and also the way in which people interact with this technology in support of
business processes.
Three major use of information system function to support a business:
1. Information storage and analysis
2. Assist with making decisions
3. Assist with business processes
Through the application of information system, companies can make use of sophisticated
and comprehensive databases that can contain all imaginable pieces of data. Information systems
store, update and even analyse the information that use to pinpoint solutions to current or future
problems. Moreover, these systems can integrate data from various sources, inside and outside
the company, keeping the company up to date. For instance, an organization’s management team
uses information systems to formulate strategic plans and make decisions for the organization's
longevity and prosperity. The business uses information systems to evaluate information from all
sources. Furthermore, Information systems aid businesses in developing a larger number of value
added-systems in the company. Adoption of information systems simplifies business processes
and removes unnecessary activities. (Security)Information systems add controls to employee
processes, ensuring that only users with the applicable rights can perform certain tasks. Plus,
information systems eliminate repetitive tasks and increase accuracy.

Ø ​ Programmers are highly trained technical specialists who write the software
instructions for computers.
Ø ​Systems analysts constitute the principal liaisons between the information systems

groups and the rest of the organization. The systems analyst’s job is to translate
business problems and requirements into information requirements and systems.
Ø ​Information systems managers lead teams of programmers and analysts, project

managers, physical facility managers, telecommunications mangers, or database

Ø ​Chief information officer (CIO) is a senior manager who oversees the use of

information technology in the firm.

Ø ​Chief security officer (CSO) is responsible for information systems security in the firm

and has the principle responsibility for enforcing the firm’s information security
policy. The CSO is responsible for educating and training users and IS specialists
about security, keeping management aware of security threats and breakdowns, and
maintaining the tools and policies chosen to implement security.
Ø ​Chief knowledge officer (CKO) helps design programs and systems to find new

sources of knowledge or to make better use of existing knowledge in organizational

and management processes.
Q. What is meant by a management information system (MIS). Describe the factors
responsible for good or a poor MIS.
Management Information Systems (MIS) is the study of people, technology, and organizations.

If you enjoy technology like iPhones, iPods, and Facebook, you have what it takes to major in
information systems. All you need is an interest in technology and the desire to use technology to
improve people's lives. Many people think that MIS is all programming. However, programming
is just a small part of our curriculum and there are many, many jobs in MIS where you do not

Everyone who works in business, from someone who pays the bills to the person who hires and
fires, uses information systems. For example, a supermarket could use a computer database to
keep track of which products sell best. And a music store could use a database to sell CDs over
the Internet.

Information isn’t worth much if it doesn’t serve a purpose. MIS students learn how businesses
use information to improve the company’s operations. Students also learn how to manage
various information systems so that they best serve the needs of managers, staff and customers.
MIS students learn how to create systems for finding and storing data and they learn about
computer databases, networks, computer security, and lots more.

Everyone in today’s world wants quick access to information – as it is said that time waits for no
one and as the time passes, it leaves a heavy load of changes behind. With the changing time, a
lot of changes have come in the society – from barbarian to the agrarian society, further to the
industrial society and from the industrial society to the service sector. All this accompanied with
itself, a lot of changes in the thinking of the people.

Now we all are living in an era which demands everyone to think globally and act locally
(Glocalisation), as the various business operations with time are becoming more and more
complex in working.

The increase in the business complexities along with the management complexities has been
observed due to the following reasons –

1. Revolution in the technological world.

2. Developments and the amount of working taking place in the research and development
3. Good availability of information.
4. Changes in the product and the product life cycle.
5. Onset of computers, which is accompanied with the information feedback system.
6. Decision making and management science technologies.

As an answer to all these complexities, it has become very necessary to depend on the strategic
planning process. But in the decision making process, one thing which acts as an invaluable
source, is the availability of information. Information, in management language is referred to as a
resource because it is scarce in nature; it has a cost with alternative uses. Information is such a
resource, which unlike other resources can be used again and again –also, it is not tangible in

Definition of MIS
Management information system can be defined as the system that provides information to the
right person, at the right place, at the right time, in the right form and also at the right cost.
According to Davis and Olson, “MIS is an integrated user machine system for providing
information to the various support operations, management and decision making functions in an
organization. This system also utilizes the computer hardware and software, manual
procedures/models for the analysis, planning, control and decision making and database.”

Factors contributing to success of MIS: If MIS is to be success, then it should have all the
features listed below:

1) MIS is integrated into the management function. It sets clear objectives to ensure that MIS
focuses on the major issues of the business. Also adequate development resources are provided
and human & organizational barriers to progress are removed.

2) An appropriate information processing technology required to meet the data processing and
analysis needs of the users of MIS is selected.

3) MIS is oriented, defined and designed in terms of the user's requirements and its operational
viability is ensured.

4) MIS is kept under continuous surveillance, sot that its open system is modified according to
the changing information needs

5) MIS focuses on results and goals, and highlights the factors and reasons for non achievements.
6) MIS is not allowed to end up into and information generation mill avoiding the noise in the
information and the communication system.

7) MIS recognizes that a manager is a human being and therefore, the systems must consider all
the human behavioral aspects in the process of management.

8) MIS is easy to operate and therefore, the design of MIS has such good features which make up
a user friendly design.

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9) MIS recognizes that the information needs become obsolete and new needs emerge. The MIS
design, therefore, has a potential capability to quickly meet newer and newer needs of

10) MIS concentrates on developing the information support to manage critical success factors. It
concentrates on the mission critical applications serving the needs of the top management.

Factors contributing to failures: Many times, MIS is a failure. The common factors which are
responsible for this are as follows:

1) MIS is conceived as a data processing and not as an information system. 2) MIS does not
provide that information which in needed by managers but it tends to provide the information
generally the function calls for. MIS then becomes an impersonal function. 3) Understanding the
complexity in the business systems and not recognizing it in the MIS design leads to problems in
the successful implementation. 4) Adequate attention is not given to the quality control aspects
of the inputs, the process and the outputs leading to insufficient checks and controls in MIS. 5)
MIS is developed without streamlining the transaction processing systems in the organizations.
6) Lack of training and appreciation that the users of the information and the generators of the
data are different, and they have to play an important role in the MIS. 7) MIS does not meet
certain critical and key factors of its users, such as a response to the query on the database, an
inability to get the processing done in a particular manner, lack of user friendly system and the
dependence on the system personnel. 8) A belief that the computerized MIS can solve all the
management problems of planning and control of the business. 9) Lack of administrative
discipline in following the standardized systems and procedures, wrong coding and deviating
from the system specifications result in incomplete and incorrect information. 10) MIS does not
give perfect information to all users in the organization. Any attempt toward such a goal will be
unsuccessful because every user has a human ingenuity, bias and certain assumptions not known
to the designer. MIS cannot make up these by providing perfect information.
Case Study -1

Mr. Joshua, Director of the ZION Bank has Customers all over world. A customer may have one
or more accounts in the Bank wide spread across one or more branches. Customers open bank
accounts with a specified opening balance and thereafter may either deposit funds into the
account or withdraws accounts from them. The transactions involve the opening of accounts,
assignments of Account Numbers, Deposit and Withdrawal transactions etc. One of the most
frequent requests for specific transactions carried out in the Bank. Customers would often want
to transfer funds from one account of theirs to another. The account Numbering scheme now
uniquely identifies the Bank Branch to which the account belongs. Customers often travel to the
bank branch to request for a new cheque book. To ensure that Customers are ensured of high
level security, the E-Banking services need to provide Customers with a unique Personal
Identification password which can be changed from time to time. All Services are accessible
only on correct password verification. The Customer may also look for information on Interest
rates on Fixed Term Deposits which often change from time to time.

Q1.How Mr. Joshua is going to maintain information on Bank branches and security
password information on customers.
Mr. Joshua is going to maintain information on bank branches and security passwords through
proper information systems and network models. The installation of proper information systems
will help collect, process, store, and disseminate data in the form of information needed to carry
out the functions of the bank and management. This system will put in place a database to
collect, maintain, and store all information on the different bank branches and information on its
clients and customers. This database will ensure that data on the various accounts the different
bank branches are holding, information on the numerous clients of the bank, and the various
services that the bank offers to its clients are readily available for use of permitted users.
Furthermore, the installation of a proper information system ensures that information is properly
secured and used only by those with access to the system.

In addition, putting in place the appropriate network model would help in the circulation of
information among the various users within the network. Such a network system would make
information readily available for users and could process requests of the various clients quickly,
saving time and cost. The appropriate network model would centrally manage clients’ accounts,
as they may have one or more accounts in the Bank spread across one or more branches. As
customers open bank accounts with a specified opening balance and either deposit funds into the
account or withdraw from them, personal information is then uploaded to the database.
After doing so, transactions that involve the opening of accounts, assignments of Account
Numbers, and Deposit and Withdrawal would then be stored and reflected in the central
database. The account Numbering scheme now uniquely identifies the Bank Branch to which the
account belongs. Customers often travel to the bank branch to request for a new cheque book. To
ensure that Customers are ensured of high level security, the E-Banking services need to provide
Customers with a unique Personal Identification password which can be changed from time to
time. All Services are accessible only upon correct password verification.

Q2. Draw MIS design for the above case study covering every aspect of e-Bank.
Above would be the proposed MIS design for the e-Bank. Each computer in the figure represents
various bank branches of e-Bank. The central database, where all information from the various
bank branches are kept, is represented by the switch. Clients may have one or more accounts in
the Bank spread across one or more branches. Customers open bank accounts with a specified
opening balance and may either deposit funds into the account or withdraw from them. The
transactions involve the opening of accounts, assignments of Account Numbers, Deposit and
Withdrawal transactions etc. One of the most frequent requests for specific transactions carried
out in the Bank. The account Numbering scheme now uniquely identifies the Bank Branch to
which the account belongs. Customers often travel to the bank branch to request for a new
cheque book. To ensure that Customers are ensured of high level security, the E-Banking
services need to provide Customers with a unique Personal Identification password which can be
changed from time to time. All Services are accessible only upon correct password verification.

Case Detail:
In the past three to four decades, many management theorists, and writers have made remarkable
contribution in the study of decision making process management. By studying the various
approaches to management analysis, we can understand the concept of management and have a
better understanding of managerial functions and models like rational, garbage, top-down
approach and so on.

1. Rational model is a …………………..model which suggests that managers engage

in completely rational decision process, ultimately make optimal decisions and process, and
understand all information relevant to their decisions at the time they make them
Managerial decision-making

2. The garbage-can model is effective in which of the situation/s? just give one example
The garbage-can model is effective when the degree to which decision-makers can determine
optimal decisions is limited by the individuals’ capacity and intelligence.

Decision opportunities are fundamentally ambiguous stimuli. This theme runs through several
recent studies of organizational choice.2 Although organizations can often be 2 We have based
the model heavily on seven recent studies of universities: Christensen ( 1971), Cohen and March
(1972), Enderud (1971), Mood viewed conveniently as vehicles for solving well-defined
problems or structures within which conflict is resolved through bargaining, they also provide
sets of procedures through which participants arrive at an interpretation of what they are doing
and what they have done while in the process of doing it. From this point of view, an
organization is a collection of choices looking for problems, issues and feelings looking for
decision situations in which they might be aired, solutions looking for issues to which they might
be the answer, and decision makers looking for work. Such a view of organizational choice
focuses attention on the way the meaning of a choice changes over time. It calls attention to the
strategic effects of timing, through the introduction of choices and problems, the time pattern of
available energy, and the impact of organizational structure. To understand processes within
organizations, one can view a choice opportunity as a garbage can into which various kinds of
problems and solutions are dumped by participants as they are generated. The mix of garbage in
a single can depends on the mix of cans available, on the labels attached to the alternative cans,
on what garbage is currently being produced, and on the speed with which garbage is collected
and removed from the scene.

3. Which decision-making models emphasizes short-run solution of a problem rather

than long-term goal accomplishment?
Incremental model of decision​-making models emphasizes short-run solution of a problem rather
than long-term goal accomplishment the incremental model breaks down the decision-making
process into small steps. The process of then moving between the steps is known as muddling
through and is based on the combination of experience, intuition, guessing, and using different
techniques. This model was developed by Charles Lindblom.

A small number of alternatives and consequences are considered at each stage of the
decision-making process. As the result, the costs of making a decision are minimized. As each
step is proposing only a small change; the immediate effect is minimal and usually not
disruptive. Other benefits of the incremental model are its simplicity and flexibility. Because the
difference between status quo and proposed solution at every stage is small, it is often easier to
reach a consensus between different stakeholders and the conflict is avoided.

A waiter takes an order at a table, and then enters it online via one of the six terminals located in
the restaurant dining room. The order is routed to a printer in the appropriate preparation area:
the cold item printer if it is a salad, the hot-item printer if it is a hot sandwich or the bar printer if
it is a drink.

A customer’s meal check-listing (bill) the items ordered and the respective prices are
automatically generated. This ordering system eliminates the old three-carbon-copy guest check
system as well as any problems caused by a waiter’s handwriting. When the kitchen runs out of a
food item, the cooks send out an ‘out of stock’ message, which will be displayed on the dining
room terminals when waiters try to order that item. This gives the waiters faster feedback,
enabling them to give better service to the customers.

Other system features aid management in the planning and control of their restaurant business.
The system provides up-to-the-minute information on the food items ordered and breaks out
percentages showing sales of each item versus total sales. This helps management plan menus
according to customers’ tastes. The system also compares the weekly sales totals versus food
costs, allowing planning for tighter cost controls.

In addition, whenever an order is voided, the reasons for the void are keyed in. This may help
later in management decisions, especially if the voids consistently related to food or service.
Acceptance of the system by the users is exceptionally high since the waiters and waitresses
were involved in the selection and design process. All potential users were asked to give their
impressions and ideas about the various systems available before one was chosen.


Q1. In the light of the system, describe the decisions to be made in the area of strategic planning,
managerial control and operational control?
A management information system (MIS) is an organized combination of people, hardware,
communication networks and data sources that collects, transforms and distributes information in
an organization. An MIS helps decision making by providing timely, relevant and accurate
information to managers. The physical components of an MIS include hardware, software,
database, personnel and procedures.

Management information is an important input for efficient performance of various managerial

functions at different organization levels. The information system facilitates decision making.
Management functions include planning, controlling and decision making. Decision making is
the core of management and aims at selecting the best alternative to achieve an objective. The
decisions may be strategic, tactical or technical. Strategic decisions are characterized by
uncertainty. They are future oriented and relate directly to planning activity. Tactical decisions
cover both planning and controlling. Technical decisions pertain to implementation of specific
tasks through appropriate technology. Sales region analysis, cost analysis, annual budgeting, and
relocation analysis are examples of decision-support systems and management information
There are 3 areas in the organization. They are strategic, managerial and operational control.

Strategic decisions are characterized by uncertainty. The decisions to be made in the area of
strategic planning are future oriented and relate directly to planning activity. Here basically
planning for future that is budgets, target markets, policies, objectives etc. is done. This is
basically a top level where up-to-the minute information on the food items ordered and breaks
out percentages showing sales of each item versus total sales is provided. The top level where
strategic planning is done compares the weekly sales totals versus food costs, allowing planning
for tighter cost controls. Executive support systems function at the strategic level, support
unstructured decision making, and use advanced graphics and communications. Examples of
executive support systems include sales trend forecasting, operating plan development, budget
forecasting, profit planning, and manpower planning.

The decisions to be made in the area of managerial control are largely dependent upon the
information available to the decision makers. It is basically a middle level where planning of
menus is done and whenever an order is voided, the reasons for the void are keyed in which later
helps in management decisions, especially if the voids are related to food or service. The
managerial control that is middle level also gets customer feedback and is responsible for
customer satisfaction.

The decisions to be made in the area of operational control pertain to implementation of specific
tasks through appropriate technology. This is basically a lower level where the waiter takes the
order and enters it online via one of the six terminals located in the restaurant dining room and
the order is routed to a printer in the appropriate preparation area. The item’s ordered list and the
respective prices are automatically generated. The cooks send ‘out of stock’ message when the
kitchen runs out of a food item, which is basically displayed on the dining room terminals when
waiter tries to order that item. This basically gives the waiters faster feedback, enabling them to
give better service to the customers. Transaction processing systems function at the operational
level of the organization. Examples of transaction processing systems include order tracking,
order processing, machine control, plant scheduling, compensation, and securities trading.

The information required to make such decision must be such that it highlights the trouble spots
and shows the interconnections with the other functions. It must summarize all information
relating to the span of control of the manager. The information required to make these decisions
can be strategic, tactical or operational information.

Advantages of an online computer system:

·​ ​Eliminates carbon copies
·​ ​Waiters’ handwriting issues
·​ ​Out-of-stock message
·​ ​Faster feedback, helps waiters to service the customers

Advantages to management:
·​ ​Sales figures and percentages item-wise
·​ Helps in planning the menu

·​ ​Cost accounting details

Q2. What would make the system a more complete MIS rather than just doing transaction
If the management provides sufficient incentive for efficiency and results to their customers, it
would make the system a more complete MIS and so the MIS should support this culture by
providing such information which will aid the promotion of efficiency in the management
services and operational system. It is also necessary to study the keys to successful Executive
Information System (EIS) development and operation. Decision support systems would also
make the system a complete MIS as it constitutes a class of computer-based information systems
including knowledge-based systems that support decision-making activities. DSSs serve the
management level of the organization and help to take decisions, which may be rapidly changing
and not easily specified in advance.

Improving personal efficiency, expediting problem solving (speed up the progress of problems
solving in an organization), facilitating interpersonal communication, promoting learning and
training, increasing organizational control, generating new evidence in support of a decision,
creating a competitive advantage over competition, encouraging exploration and discovery on
the part of the decision maker, revealing new approaches to thinking about the problem space
and helping automate the managerial processes would make the system a complete MIS rather
than just doing transaction processing.

Q3. Explain the probable effects that making the system more formal would have on the
customers and the management.
The management system should be an open system and MIS should be so designed that it
highlights the critical business, operational, technological and environmental changes to the
concerned level in the management, so that the action can be taken to correct the situation. To
make the system a success, knowledge will have to be formalized so that machines worldwide
have a shared and common understanding of the information provided. The systems developed
will have to be able to handle enormous amounts of information very fast.

An organization operates in an ever-increasing competitive, global environment. Operating in a

global environment requires an organization to focus on the efficient execution of its processes,
customer service, and speed to market. To accomplish these goals, the organization must
exchange valuable information across different functions, levels, and business units. By making
the system more formal, the organization can more efficiently exchange information among its
functional areas, business units, suppliers, and customers.

As the transactions are taking place every day, the system stores all the data which can be used
later on when the hotel is in need of some financial help from financial institutes or banks. As the
inventory is always entered into the system, any frauds can be easily taken care of and if
anything goes missing then it can be detected through the system.

Section- C
1. Which of the following is/ are postulated of the path -goal theory?
i). The leader clearly defines the path to goal attainment for subordinates.
ii). The leader motivates subordinates to participate in decision making
iii). The leader sets clear and specific goals for subordinates.
iv). The leader suitably rewards employees as per their performance
A. Only (ii) above
B. Only (iv) above
C. Both (ii) and (iv) above
D. All (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above.
Ans - D

2. Which of the following refer to the flow of information among person at different level,
Who have no direct reporting relationships?
A. Horizontal Communication
B. Diagonal Communication
C. Upward Communication
D. Downward Communication
Ans - B

3. Creativity is an important factor in managing people, Which of the following true with
regard to the creative process.
A. Creativity is the ability to develop new ideas
B. The creative process starts with unconscious scanning
C. Intuition connects the unconscious with the conscious
D. Insight leads to intuition
Ans D

4. Span of Control an important factor, Which is to be taken into account when

undertaking organizational Design. Maintaining a large span of control within an
organization is most effective in all except one of the following situations?
A. Strategic planning is developed mainly by upper-level management and tactical planning is
generally developed by lower--level management
B. Facts for strategic planning are generally easier to gather than facts for tactical planning
C. Strategic plans generally contain less details than tactical plans
D. Strategic plans generally cover a longer period of time than tactical plans
Ans- B

5._________systems keep a track on the daily regular business transaction of the

A. Management-Level
B. Strategic
C. Executive Information
D. Operational- Level
Ans - D

6. Every organization structure,even a poor one can be charted. Which of the following is
false with respect to organization Chart?
A. It is a vital tool for providing information about organizational relationships
B. It provides a visual map of the chain of command
C. Charting an organization structure can show up the complexities and inconsistencies, Which
can be corrected
D. It shows authority relationship as well as informal and informational relationships
Ans - D

7. The requirement procedure is initiated when a vacancy occurs and is reported to the
HR? Department . Which of the following is usually the first step followed in the
recruitment procedure?
A. Designing job description
B. Developing a job specification
C. Performing job analysis
D. Attracting a pool of applicants
Ans - C

8. According to expectancy theory”the probability of an individual acting in a particular

way depends on.
i). The personality of the individual and the likelihood it will change
ii). The company and its potential to be moving in the right direction
iii). The situation
iv). The strength of that individual’s belief that the act will have a particular outcome and
on whether the individual values that outcome.
A. Only (i) above
B. Only (iv) above
C. Both (i) and (iii) above
D. Both (ii) and (iv) above
Ans - B
9. Which of the following inventory techniques uses card to monitor inventory movement.
A. ABC Analysis
B. JIT Approach
C. Kanban
D. Kaizen
Ans - C

10. Organizational culture is the collection of shared values, beliefs, rituals,stories myths
and specialized language that foster a feeling of community among organization members.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of organization culture?
A. It differentiates one organization from another
B. It defines the internal environment of an organization
C. It ensure consistency in the behavior of organization members
D.It remains absolutely stable throughout the life of an organization
Ans - D

11. Online transaction processing is used when______

i) It is required to answer random queries
ii) It is required to ensure correct processing
iii) All files are available on line
iv) All files are stored using hard disk
A. i, ii.
B. i, iii.
C. ii, iii, iv.
D. i, ii, iii.
Ans - B

12.The strength and weakness of the each alternative become obvious in which step of the
decision making process?
A. Identifying the problem
B. Identifying the decision criteria
C. Analyzing the alternatives
D. Implementing the alternative
Ans - C

13 which computer based model is developed after human brain?.

A.Fuzzy Logic
B. Neural Network
C. Virtual Reality
D. All of the above

14.A human order taker can be bypassed when using____________

A. Office Automation System
B. Management Information System
C. Transaction Processing System
D. Decision Support System
Ans - C

15 Functional job analysis is a widely used systematic job analysis approach. Which of the
following dimension of an individual's job does functional job analysis focus on?
i). Data, people and jobs pertaining to the individual’s job
ii). Interpersonal relationships required to perform the job
iii). Tools and equipment used by the worker.
iv). Products and services produced by the worker.
A. Only (i) above
B. Only (iii) above
C. Both (ii) and (iv) above
D. (i), (iii) and (iv) above
Ans - D

16. Behaviourally Anchored rating scales (BARS) is a Sophisticated performance rating

method. Which of the following is not true with regard to BARS?
A. BARS minimizes subjective interpretation inherent in graphic rating scales
B. BARS makes use of ‘anchors’ (common reference points of performance)
C. BARS concentrates on job-specific behaviors and hence is highly meaningful
D. BARS is a simple and cost-effective rating method.
Ans - D

17. Is provide highly unstructured information the the level management for long term
decision making.
A. Operational
B. Bottom
C. Middle
D. Top
Ans - D

18. A Computer security protocol of logging in would be an example of the component of

an information system.
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Data
D. Procedure
Ans -D

19. If u are a_____reciepient of sensitive information such as might be overheard or

contained in a misdirected email, his would not be legal , but-might be unethical to use it.
A. Active
B. Passive
C. Proper
D. Business
Ans - B

20.the quality of your____is a large part of the quality of your information system.
A. Computer
B. Thinking
C. Time
D. Challenges
Ans -B

21. Which of te following information processing system gives the output in the form of
summary and
Exception reports that are useful to the managers?
A. Decision support system
B.Management information system
C. Office automation system
D. Transaction processing system
Ans - B

22. A arvind mishra is reviewing is the progress of his organization in meeting its
organizational foals, he is stuck by the fact that his organization has an organizational
structure that might be causing problems. The current structure diffuses accountability ,
makes it difficult to respond to changing conditions quickly, and results in situations where
someone might have two bosses. Which of the following organization forms best fits these
disadvantages being experienced by Mr. Mishra?
A. Geographical Structure
B. Matrix Structure
C. Divisional Structure
D. Customer Structure
Ans - B

23.Which of the following techniques for improving productivity aims at reducing costs by
analyzing and improving individual operations of a product or service?
A. Work Simplification
B. Time-event network
C. Value Engineering
D. Total Quality Management
Ans - C

24. In which likert's four systems of leadership , manager do not have complete confidence
and trust in subordinates but nevertheless, solicit advice from subordinates while retaining
the right to make final decision?
A. Participative Leadership style
B. Benevolent-authoritative leadership style
C. Consultative leadership style
D. Exploitative-Authoritative leadership style
Ans - C

25. A decision support system (DSS) is an interactive computer system used to plan and
make decision. Which of the following is/are true with regard to decision support
system(DSS) ?
i). Executive decision are the focal points in DSS.
ii). DSS specializes in easy-to-use Software
iii). DSS employs interactive processing
iv). The control and use of DSS rests with the central information management
A. Only (i) above.
B. Both (i) and (ii) above.
C. Both (iii) and (iv) above.
D. (i), (ii), and (iii) above
Ans D

26. In which following function of MIS reports are generated based on the enterprise’s
A. Planning
B. Prediction
C. Data Processing
D. Data Storage
Ans - A

27. The accounting system is_____whereas the demand forecasting system is:
A. Deterministic Probabilistic
B. Probabilistic, Deterministic
C. Open, Close
D. Close, Open
Ans -A

28. Data mining cannot be done if_______________

A. Operational data has not been archived
B. Earlier management decision are not available
C. The organization is large
D. All processing had been only batch processing.
Ans. A

29. The communication process is made up various components. Which of the following is
the actual physical product from the source?
A. Feedback
B. Filter
C. Message
D. Channel
Ans- C

30. Manager making ethical decision may belong to any one of the three level of moral
development. Which of the following stages describes the conventional level of moral
A. Following rules only when it is in one’s immediate interest
B. Valuing rights of other and upholding absolute values and rights, regardless of the majority’s
C. Sticking to rules to avoid physical punishment
D. Living up to what is expected by people who are close to one self.
Ans - D

31. Performance appraisals are important in an organization because they

i). Provide systematic judgments to support promotions
ii). Provide a basis for coaching
iii). Provide a basis for counseling
iv). Let subordinates know where they stand with the boss.
A. Only (i) above
B. Only (ii) above
C. Both (i) and (iv) above
D. All (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above.
Ans. D

32. Which of the system uses Multidimensional data analysis?

D. All of the Above
Ans. A

33. In the japanese management style, the controlling function is characteristic of

i) Focus on individual performance
ii) Control by peers
iii) Extensive use of quality control circles
iv) Fixing blame
A. Both (i) and (ii) above
B. Both (i) and (iii) above
C. Both (i) and (iv) above
D. Both (ii) and (iii) above
Ans. D

34. The garbage-can model is effective in Which of the following situation/s?

i). When managers have no specific goal preferences.
ii). When the means of achieving goals are unclear
iii). When there are frequent changes in the participants involved in decision making
iv). When the degree to Which decision makers can determine optimal decision is limited
by the individual's capacity and intelligence.
A. Only (iv) above
B. Both (i) and (ii) above
C. Both (iii) and (iv) above
D. (i), (ii) and (iii) above.
Ans. D

35. Which of the following information category is used by middle management?

A. Organisational
B. Functional management knowledge
C. Decision Support
D. Operational
Ans. C

36. Which of the following steps in the planning process involves the organization asking
the question “in which environment -internal or external- will our plans operate”?
A. Formulating supporting plans
B. Comparing alternatives in the light of goals
C. Considering planning premises
D. Identifying alternatives
Ans. C

37. Span of control an important factor, which is to be be taken into account when
undertaking organizational design. Maintaining a large span of control within an
organization is most effective in all except one of the following situations?
A. When subordinates prefer autonomy
B. When tasks are routine
C. When jobs are similar but have varying performance measures
D. When subordinates are highly trained.
Ans. C

38. Which of the following are the inputs of Marketing information system?
i). Marketing research data
ii). Marketing intelligence data
iii). External environment data
iv). Strategic plan
A. Only i, ii, and iii.
B. Only ii, iii, and iv.
C. Only i, iii, and iv.
D. All i, ii , iii and iv.
Ans. D
39. Cybernetic system is the one which is----
A. Self Monitoring
B. Self Controlling
C. Self Regulating
D. All of the Above
Ans. D

40. Which of the following information system has low-volume data and analysis models as
data inputs?
A. Management information system
B. Decision support system
C. Executive support system
D. Transaction processing system
Ans. B

41. Management by objectives(MBO) is a system for achieving organizational objectives,

enhancement of employee commitment and participated. Which of the following is not an
advantage of MBO?
A. Role Clarity
B. Clarity on organizational action
C. Personal Satisfaction
D Flexibility.
Ans D

42. Which of the following is true about the conclusion drawn from the trait approach to
A. The trait approach identifies traits that consistently separate leaders from nonleaders
B. There are certain traits that guarantee that a leader will be successful
C. The trait approach is based on early research that assumes that a good leader is born, not made
D. Leadership is a simple issue of describing the traits of successful leaders.
Ans C

43. Which is the following is not a characteristic of good information?.

A. Interchangeability
B. Relevance
C. Cost Effectiveness
D. Timeliness
Ans A

44. Ratio analysis hel manager to compare the performance of the organisation with its
previous performance or the performance of its competitors. Which of the following is a
ratio of creditor’s contribution to that of the owners?
A. Current Ratio
B. Debt-equity ratio
C. Return on investment (ROI)
D. Net profit margin
Ans B

45. Knowledge based system support______

A. Knowledge of creation,
B. Knowledge of support
C. Knowledge of Dissemination
D. All of the Above
Ans D

46.Which of the following are the Characteristics of the planning process usually adopted
in Japanese Management style?
i) Long-term orientation.
ii). Individual decision making
iii). Decision flowing from bottom to up and back
iv). Slow decision making
A. Both (i) and (ii) above
B. Both (i) and (iii) above
C. Both (ii) and (iv) above
D. (i), (ii) and (iv) above
Ans D

47. An objective is the object aim of an action. Management by Objectives(MBO) is a

management process that is popular in many organizations. It is the point setting of goals
and objectives by superiors and subordinates . A major difference between traditional
objective setting and MBO is:
A. In MBO , there are multiple objectives covering a range of organisational activities.
B. In traditional objective setting the objectives, once formulated, provide direction for
management decision.
C. In Traditional objective setting the objectives, once established, from the criteria against
which actual accomplishments can be measured.
D. Traditional objectives setting is “top down” only. While MBO is both a “top down” and
“bottom up” process.
Ans. D

48. Which of the following is not true with regard to functional authority?
A. Functional authority is the authority staff members have over line members within the limits
of their functions.
B. Functional authority has the same effect as line authority but it doesn’t have the might that the
authority has, to punish violations or deviations in order to ensure compliance.
C. Functional authority is limited to those areas where a staff member has some technical
D. Functional authority is is sync with the principle of unity of command.
Ans. D
49. Customer number and their names would be an example of the ________component of
an order management information system.
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Data
D. Procedure
Ans. C

50. Which is not a domain of Artificial intelligence?

A. Intelligent Agents
B. Expert System
C. None of the above
D. A & B
Ans C

5​1. According to “expectancy theory”, the probability of an individual action in a particular…..

Ans.B-Only (IV) above

52. Creativity is an important factor in managing people. Which of the following …..
Ans.D- Insight leads to intuition.

53. The recruitment procedure i inflated when a vacancy….

Ans.C- Performing job analysis

54. The communication process is made up of various components. which…..

Ans.D- Channel.

55. Data mining cannot be done if-----.

Ans.A- Operational data has not been archived.

56. Functional job analysis is a widely used systematic job ….

Ans.D- (I), (III), and (IV) above.

57. Which of the following steps in the planning process involves the organization…..
Ans.D- Identifying alternatives.

58. Which of the system uses Multidimensional data analysis?

Ans.A- DSS.

59. Span of control an important factor, which is to be taken into…..

Ans.C- When jobs are similar but…..

60. The garbage-can model is effective in which of the following situation/s?......

Ans.D- (I), (II), and (III) above
61. If u are a--------recipient of sensitive information such…..
Ans. B- Passive

62. Knowledge based system supports,-----.

Ans.D- All of the above.

63. -----systems keep a track on the dally regular business transactions of the organization.
Ans.D- Operational-level

64. On-line transaction processing is used when------

Ans.B- I, III

65. A computer security protocol for logging in word be an example …...

Ans.D- Procedure.

66. An objective in the object or aim of an action, management by…….

Ans.D- Traditional objective…..

67. Which of the following are the characteristics of the planning process usually…..
Ans.D- (I), (III), and (IV) above

68. Which of the following information systems has low-volume data and …...
Ans.B- Decision support System.

69. Cybernetic system is the one which is ------.

Ans.D- All of the above.

70. Which of the following is/are postulates of the -goal theory?

Ans.D-(I), ( II), (III), and (IV) above

71. Which of the following is not true with regard to functional authority?
Ans.D- Functional authority is in sync….

72. The accounting systems is ------ whereas the demand forecasting…..

Ans.A- Deterministic,.....

73. Which is not a domain of-Artificial intelligence?

Ans.D- A & B

74. Every organization structure, even a poor one, can be charted. Which of the …...
Ans.D- It show authority…..

75. In which of the following functions of MIS reports are generated…..

Ans.A- Planning.
76. Span of control an important factor, which is to be taken into account…..
Ans.C- Strategic plans generally contain...….

77. Ratio analysis helps a manager to compare the performance of…..

Ans.B- Debt-equity ratio.

78. Customer numbers and their names would be an example of the----component…..

Ans.D- Procedure.

79. Which of the following refers to the flow of information among persons at different levels,...
Ans.B- Diagonal communication.

80. Which computer based model is developed after human brain?

Ans.B- Neural Network.

81. Which of the following information category is used by middle management?

Ans.C- Decision support.

82. Manager making ethical decision may belong to any of the three level of….
Ans.D- Living up to what is…..

83. Which of the following is true about the conclusion drawn from the trait approach….
Ans.C- The trait approach is based…..

84. The quality of your--------is a large part of the quality of your information system.
Ans. B- Thinking.

85. In the Japanese management style, the controlling function…..

Ans.D- Both (II and(III)

86. Which of the following information processing systems gives the output…….
Ans.B- Management information systems.

87. The strengths and weaknesses of each alternative become…..

Ans.C- Analyzing the alternative.

88. Which of the following inventory techniques uses cards to monitor inventory…..
Ans.C- Kanban.

89. Organizational culture is the collection of shared value, beliefs, rituals…...

Ans.D- It remains absolutely …….

90. Management by objective (MBO) is a system for achieving…...

Ans.A- Role cha…... provide highly unstructured information to the level management…..

92. Behaviorally Anchored rating (BARS) is a sophisticated performance…...

Ans.D- BARS is a simple ….

93. In which of Linker’s four systems of leadership, managers do not…..

Ans.C- Consultative…..

94. A human order taker can be bypassed when using----.


95. Which of the following techniques for improving …..

Ans.C- Value engineering.

96.Performance appraisals are important in an organization because they…..

Ans.D- ALL (I), (II), (III), and (IV) above

97. Which of the following are the inputs of Marketing information System?
Ans.D- ALL (I), (II), (III), and (IV)

98. Which of the following is not characteristic of good information?

Ans.A- Interchangeability.

99. As Arvind Misra is reviewing the progress of his organization in meeting its….
Ans.B- Matrix Structure.

100. A decision supports system (DDS) is an interactive computer…..

Ans.D- (I), (II), and (III) above


Ans. D- functional authority is in sync with the pri……….


Ans. C- suppliers located in diverse….


Ans. A, participative leadership…..
















Ans. D- (IV), (I), (II), (III),(V).




Ans. D- (I), (III) AND (IV) ABOVE.

















124. THE FACT THAT 70-80 PERCENT…...



Ans. D- (I), (II) AND (III) ABOVE.


Ans. D- (I), (II), (III) AND (IV) ABOVE.


















136. tha bargaining
Ans. these purchase








Ans. D- (I), (II) AND (III) ABOVE.


Ans. D- (I), (III) AND (IV) ABOVE.


Ans. B- MATRIX….
















Ans. D- (I), (III) AND (IV) ABOVE.


ANS. A- 1,2 & 3





































































































206. The property of the normal distribution curve

A- are under the curve will be less than 1
B- means, mode and median for normal distribution curve will be same
C- it is straight line
D- it is closed geometrical figure
Ans. b

207. The objective function of linear programing is minimization the objective function of
its dual will be
A- minimization
B- maximization
C- there is nothing like dual problem in linear programming.
D- depends on the equation formed

208.WHAT IS OF THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE representation on an information

flow diagram?
A- entity
B- source
C- process
D- attribute

209.THE GENERAL INFORMATION cycle for information is

A- information to data to knowledge
B- knowledge to data to information
C- data to knowledge to information
D- data to information to knowledge



211.THE………...IS DEFINED AS a set of activities performed across the organisation

creating as out of value to the customer
A- development process
B- business process
C- quality process
D- customer focus

212.IN A TYPICAL………...NETWORK, application processing is shaared between client

and one more servers.
A- client server computing
B- cloud computing
C- mobile computing
D- data computing


A- need dependent
B- organization dependent
C- information dependent
D- management dependent


A- create and share document that support day office activities
B- process business transaction (e.g. time cards, payments order etc)
C- capture and reproduce the knowledge of an export problem solver
D- use the transaction data to produce needed by managers to run the

215.THE MAJORITY OF PUBLICALLY available internet information source are:

A- created XML
B- structured information
C- normal information
D- unstructured information

215…………..DETAILS ARE GIVEN by management to marketing service system

A- customer
B- employee
C- supplier
D- none of the above

216.PROJECT MANAGEMENT ensure that

A- project’s risk is assessed
B- project’s feasibility is assessed
C- system is developed at minimum cost
D- both A and B

217.THE APPLICATION OF INFORMATION to scan an organization environment is

A- external communication
B- information overload
C- sensing
D- internal communication.

218.WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ….. is component of communication cycle ?

A- A message
B- An interpreter
C- An email account
D- An internet connection
ANS-: A-a message

A- display of products
B- expanding the utility of products
C- A gift
D- display of communication or skills

220.IN HOW MANY GENERATIONS a computer can be classified?

A- 3
B- 4
C- 5
D- 6

221.THE INFORMATION of mis comes from the

A- internal source
B- external source
C- both internal and external source
D- none of the above

222.WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING WOULD indicate that the motherboard battery has
A- operating system passwords are lost
B- files on the disk are lost and corrupted
C- hardware setting, including virtual memory revert to default values
D- hardware setting, including the current data and time revert to default
ANS-:C-hardware settings ,including the current date


A- create and share documents that support daytoday office activities
B- process business transaction (e.g time cards, payments, order etc.)
C- capture and reproduce the knowledge of an expert problem solve.
D- use the transaction data to produce information needed by managers to run the business

224.THE OMISSION OF A SEMICOLON at the end of a statement c++ is an example of a

A- loop
B- direct
C- calculation
D- syntax

225.WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING RETAILERS to enterprise interoperability?

B- information flow diagram
D- Entity relationship diagram

226.TO IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE of a business process, which of the following is

most relevant ?
A- input
B- control and feedback
C- processing
D- all of the above

227.AUDIT GIVE DETAILS about… to account payable system

A- account balance
B- transaction
C- expenditure
D- all of the above

228.A DNS TRANSLATES a domain name into what?

A- binary
B- hex

229.UMI DEPICTS information systems as is collection of

A- entities
B- data
C- objects
D- process

Q. By e commerce we mean

A. Commerce of electronic goods

B. commerce on electronics
C. commerce on internet
D. commerce on transactions using computers

Q. The purpose of supply chain management is

A. Customer satisfaction
B. improve quality of products
C. increase production
D. integrating supply and demand management

Q. Which topology covers security, robust and eliminate traffic factor

A. Mesh
B. Ring
C. Star
D. Bus

Q. What is firewall in computer network

A. Physical boundary of network

B. Operating system of computer network
C. Web browsing software
D. System designed to prevent unauthorized access

Ans. ​Physical boundary of network

Q. Which unit is responsible for converting data received from user into computer
Understandable format.

A. Memory unit
B. Arithmetic and logic unit.
C. Input unit
D. Output unit

Ans. Output unit

Q. What must a system qualify as a true erp solution.

A. Be flexible
B. Be modular and closed
C. Extend with the company
D. All of above

Ans. ​Be flexible

Q. Meaning of bandwidth in network

A. Class of IP used in network

B. Connected computers in the network
C. Transmission capacity of communication channels
D. None of above

ANS- None of above ​.

Q. Customer relationship management Is all about

A. Acquiring right customer

B. Instituting the best process.
C. Motivating employees
D. All of above

Ans- all of above

Q. Heart of the processor which performs many different operations.

B. Motherboard
C. Control unit
D. Memory
Ans- Motherboard

Q. Combination of two or more networks are called.

A. Internetwork.
B. Wan
C. Man
D. Lan


Q. Heart of any erp system

A. Information
B. Employees
C. Customers
D. Database


Q. CRM technology can help in

A. Processing transactions faster
B. Developing new pricing models
C. Designing direct marketing efforts
D. All of above
An​s-All of above

Q. Primary business benefits of erp system are

A. Sales forecasts, sales strategy and marketing campaigns.

B. Market demand, resource and capacity constraints

C. Forecasting, planning, purchasing, material management, warehousing, inventory and

D. All of above
Ans​-Forecasting, planning, purchasing, material management, warehousing, inventory
and distribution

Q. In electronic cash payment

Customer withdraws coins in various denominations signed by the bank

The bank has database of issued coins
The bank has database of spent coins.
The bank cannot trace customer
I, ii
I, II, iii
I,ii,iii , Iv
I, III, iv
Ans- ​I, II, iii

Q. Which of the following is true for supply chain management

A. Exchange of Information moves in both direction

B. Flow of cash backwards towards the chain
C. Physical material moves in direction of end of chain
D. All of above.
Ans-​All of above.

Q. Computer network is

A. Collection of hardware components and computers

B. All of above
C. Sharing if resource and information
D. Interconnected by communication channels

Ans- All of above

Q. In electronic Cheque payments most of the transactions will be

A. Customer to customers
B. Customers to business
C. Business to business
D. Banks to banks

Ans- ​Customers to business

1. The………………… is a physical aspect of the computer which is governed by program.

a)​ ​Hardware
b) Hardboard
c) Hardcopy
d) None of these.

2…is a heart of the computer and this is where all the computing is done.
a)​ ​Central processing Unit
b) Printer
c) Keyboard
d) None of these
3. The computer keyboard in English uses
a)​ ​QWERTY base
b) ASCII base
c) Binary base
d) None of these

4. …………………….. are the people whose jobs require access to the database:
a) System Analysts
b) End users
c) Programmers
d)​ ​None of the above

5. ………………………. Determine the requirements of end users:

a) Programmers
b) Users
c) System Analysts
d)​ ​None of the above

6. Which of the following communication modes support two ways traffic but in only one
direction at a time?
a) Simplex
b)​ ​Half duplex
c) Three quarter Duplex
d) None of the above

7. The device which performs modulation and demodulation is called:

a) Modem
b) Fiber optics
c) Satellite
d)​ ​None of the above

8. The host on computer finds another host by

a) Postal Address
b) Electronic Address
c)​ ​IP Address
d) None of the above

9. The process of disguising a message to hide its substance is

a) Encryption
b) Cryptography
c)​ ​E-mail Spoofing
d) Cryptanalysis

10. A standalone multimedia system includes computer, CD drive and

a) Floppy disk
b)​ ​Display Unit
c) Internet
d) ERP

11. The use of Technology to automate business transaction and work flow is called
a) Multimedia
b)​ ​E-commerce
c) WAP
d) None of the above
12. The objective of MIS is
a)​ ​To provide information
b) Distribute data
c) To make a file
d) None of the above

13. Transaction processing system is an element of

a)​ ​MIS
b) Feedback
c) Business Process
d) None of the above

14. An information system that responds immediately to the needs of the physical system is
a) Inline system
b) Online system
c) Real time system
d)​ ​None of the above

15. An MIS provides

a) Past information
b)​ ​Present information
c) Future information
d) Al of the above
16. Information concerning the probability distribution of profit rate can be generated by using
a) Electronic spreadsheet
b) Artificial intelligence
c)​ ​Management science techniques
d) None of the above

17. Which of the following is not a primary reason for the popularity of decision support
a) Declining cost of computer hardware
b) Increased number of programmers
c) Increased number of software packages
d)​ N
​ one of the above

18. Which of the following is not a level of information handling?

a) Decision support system
b)​ ​Operations assistance system
c) Transaction processing system
d) None of the above

19. An MIS provides

a) Past information
b)​ ​Present information
c) Future information
d) all of the above

20. An information system that responds immediately to the needs of the physical system is
a) Online system
b) In line system
c) Off line system
d)​ ​None of the above

21. The first step in the initial investigation is

a)​ ​Fact finding
b) Planning
c) Validity
d) None of the above

22. To elicit needs and resource constraints and to translate them into a viable operation is the
task of
a) Data administrator
b)​ ​Manager
c) System analyst
d) None of the above

23. CRM stands for

a) Container relationship management system
b)​ ​Customer relationship management system
c) Customer relation manager
d) None of the above

24. Feedback with control is also called as

a) Cybernetic system
b) Business process system
c) Database management system
d)​ ​None of the above
25. ERP is
a) Severely limited to current MRP computer system
b)​ ​Not related to MRP
c) An advanced MRP system that ties in customers and suppliers.
d) Not currently practical

26. All of the following are advantages of ERP except

a) Creates commonality of database
b) Increases communication & collaboration worldwide.
c) Helps integrate multiple sites & business units
d)​ ​Requires major changes in the company & its process to implement.

27. The basic responsibility to provide information support in hospital are

a) Keeping Track of customer profile
b) Monitoring occupancy level
c) Monitoring customer database
d)​ ​All of the above

28. A customer chooses a bank mainly on the factor of

a)​ ​Ease of doing business
b) Planning non-moving accounts
c) Certain rise and fall in account movement
d) Defaults on Loan payments
29. In OSI network architecture, the dialogue control and token management are responsibility of
a) session layer
b)​ ​network layer
c)​ ​transport layer
d)​ ​data link layer
e)​ ​none of above

30. In OSI network architecture, the routing is performed by

a) network layer
b)​ ​data link layer
c)​ ​transport layer
d)​ ​session layer
e)​ ​none of above

31. Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation?

a)​ ​fiber optics
b)​ ​satellite
c)​ ​coaxial cable
d) modem
e)​ n​ one of the above

32. The process of converting analog signals into digital signals so they can be processed by a
receiving computer is referred to as:
a)​ ​modulation
b)​ ​demodulation
c)​ ​synchronizing
d) digitising

33. How many OSI layers are covered in the X.25 standard?
a)​ ​Two
b) Three
c)​ ​Seven
d)​ ​Six
e)​ ​None of above

34. Layer one of the OSI model is

a) physical layer
b)​ ​link layer
c)​ ​transport layer
d)​ ​network layer
e)​ ​none of above

35. The x.25 standard specifies a

a)​ ​technique for start-stop data
b)​ ​technique for dial access
c) DTE/DCE interface
d)​ ​data bit rate
e)​ ​none of above

36. Which of the following might be used by a company to satisfy its growing communications
a) front end processor
b) multiplexer
c) controller
d) concentrator
e)​ ​all of the above

37. What is the number of separate protocol layers at the serial interface gateway specified by the
X.25 standard?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 6
d)​ 3​
e) none of the above
38. The interactive transmission of data within a time sharing system may be best suited to
a) simplex lines
b)​ ​half-duplex lines
c) full duplex lines
d) biflex-lines

39. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

a) The difference between synchronous and asynchronous transmission is the clocking
derived from the data in synchronous transmission.
b) Half duplex line is a communication line in which data can move in two directions, but
not at the same time.
c) Teleprocessing combines telecommunications and DP techniques in online activities
d)​ ​Batch processing is the preferred processing mode for telecommunication operation.

40. Which of the following is considered a broad band communication channel?

a) coaxial cable
b) fiber optics cable
c) microwave circuits
d)​ ​all of above

41. Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

a) telephone lines
b) coaxial cables
c)​ ​modem
d) microwave systems

42. Which of the following does not allow multiple uses or devices to share one communication
a)​ ​doubleplexer
b) multiplexer
c) concentrator
d) controller

43. Which of the following signal is not standard RS-232-C signal?

a)​ ​VDR
b) RTS
c) CTS
d) DSR

44. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

a) Multiplexers are designed to accept data from several I/O devices and transmit a unified
stream of data on one communication line
b) HDLC is a standard synchronous communication protocol.
c) RTS/CTS is the way the DTE indicates that it is ready to transmit data and the way the
DCW indicates that it is ready to accept data
d)​ ​RTS/CTS is the way the terminal indicates ringing

45. Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission?
a) resistance to data theft
b) fast data transmission rate
c) low noise level
d)​ ​all of above

46. Which of the following is required to communicate between two computers?

a) communications software
b) protocol
c) communication hardware
d)​ ​all of above including access to transmission medium

47. The transmission signal coding method of TI carrier is called

a)​ ​Bipolar
b) NRZ
c) Manchester
d) Binary

48. Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial communication
a) simplex
b) half-duplex
c)​ ​full-duplex
d) b and c
e) None of above

49. What is the minimum number of wires needed to send data over a serial communication link
a. 1
b.​ 2​
c. 4
d. 6
e. none of above

50. Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly?
1.​ ​Wide band channel

2.​ ​Voice band challen

3.​ ​Narrow band channel

51. Most data communications involving telegraph lines use:

1.​ ​Simplex lines
2.​ Wideband channel

3.​ ​Narrowband channel

4.​ ​Dialled service

52. A communications device that combines transmissions from several I/O devices into one line
is a
1.​ ​Concentrator

2.​ ​Modifier

3.​ ​Multiplexer

4.​ ​Full-duplex line

53. How much power (roughly) a light emitting diode can couple into an optical fiber?
1.​ ​100 microwatts

2.​ ​440 microwatts

3.​ ​100 picowatts

4.​ ​10 miliwatts

54. The synchronous modems are more costly than the asynchronous modems because
1.​ ​They produce large volume of data

2.​ ​They contain clock recovery circuits

3.​ ​They transmit the data with stop and start bits

4.​ ​They operate with a larger bandwidth

5.​ ​None of above

55. Which of the following statement is correct?

1.​ ​Terminal section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler

2.​ ​Receiver section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler

3.​ ​Transmission section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler

4.​ ​Control section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler

5.​ ​None of the above

56. In a synchronous modem, the digital-to-analog converter transmits signal to the

1.​ ​Equalizer

2.​ ​Modulator

3.​ ​Demodulator

4.​ ​Terminal

5.​ ​None of above

57. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing
1.​ ​Narrow band channel

2.​ ​Simplex lines

3.​ ​Full duplex lines

4.​ ​Mixed band channels

58. A remote batch-processing operation in which data is solely input to a central computer
would require
1.​ ​Telegraph line

2.​ ​Simplex lines

3.​ ​Mixed bad channel

4.​ ​All of above

59. A band is always equivalent to

1.​ ​A byte

2.​ ​A bit

3.​ ​100 bits

4.​ ​None of above

60. The loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called
1.​ ​Attenuation

2.​ ​progragation

3.​ ​Scattering

4.​ ​Interruption

61. Avalanche photodiode receivers can detect bits of transmitted data by receiving
1.​ ​100 photons

2.​ ​200 photons

3.​ ​2000 photons

4.​ ​300 photons

62. Communication circuits that transmit data in both directions but not at the same time are
operating in
1.​ ​A simplex mode

2.​ ​A half-duplex mode

3.​ ​A full duplex mode

4.​ ​An asynchronous mode

63. An example of a medium speed, switched communications service is

1.​ ​Series 1000

2.​ ​Data phone 50

3.​ ​DDD

4.​ ​All of the above

64. In communication satellite, multiple repeaters are known as

1.​ ​Detector

2.​ ​Modulator

3.​ ​Stations

4.​ ​Transponders

65. While transmitting odd-parity coded symbols, the number of zeros in each symbol is
1.​ Odd

2.​ ​Even

3.​ ​A and b both

4.​ ​Unknown

66. Data communications monitors available on the software marked include

1.​ ​ENVIRON/1

2.​ ​TOTAL

3.​ ​BPL

4.​ ​Telnet

67. An example of an analog communication method is

1.​ ​Laser beam

2.​ ​Microwave

3.​ ​Voice grade telephone line

4.​ ​All of the above

68. Number of bits per symbol used in Baudot code is

1.​ ​7

2.​ 5​
3.​ 8​
4.​ 9​

69. What is the main difference between DDCMP and SDLC?

1.​ ​DDCMP does not need special hardware to final the beginning of a message

2.​ ​DDCMP has a message header

3.​ ​SDLC has a IP address

4.​ ​SDLC does not use CRC

70. An example of digital, rather than analog, communication is

1.​ ​DDD

2.​ ​DDS

3.​ ​WATS

4.​ ​DDT

71. Terminals are required for

1.​ ​Real-time, batch processing & time-sharing

2.​ ​Real time, time-sharing & distributed message processing

3.​ ​Real time, distributed processing & manager inquiry

4.​ ​Real-time, time sharing & message switching

72. The receive equilizer reduces delay distortions using a

1.​ ​Tapped delay lines

2.​ ​Gearshift

3.​ ​Descrambler
4.​ Difference engine

73. Ina synchronous modem, the receive equilizer is known as

1.​ ​Adaptive equilizer

2.​ ​impariment equilizer

3.​ ​Statistical equilizer

4.​ ​Compromise equilizer

74. The channel in the data communication model can be

1.​ ​Postal mail services

2.​ ​Telephone lines

3.​ ​Radio lines

4.​ ​Any of the above

75. A data terminal serves as an

1.​ ​Effector

2.​ ​Sensor

3.​ ​Both a and b

4.​ ​Neither a nor b

76. Which of the following transmission systems provide the highest data rate to in individual
1.​ ​computer bus

2.​ ​telephone lines

3.​ ​voice and mode

4.​ ​lease lines

77. A protocol is a set of rules governing a time sequence of events that must take place
1.​ ​between peers

2.​ ​between an interface

3.​ ​between modems

4.​ ​across an interface

78. Demand for a given item is said to be dependent if

1.​ ​the item has several children

2.​ ​there is a deep bill of materials

3.​ ​the finished products are mostly services (rather than goods)

4.​ ​there is a clearly identifiable parent

79. Dependent demand and independent demand items differ in that

1.​ ​for any product, all components are dependent-demand items

2.​ ​the need for independent-demand items is forecasted

3.​ ​the need for dependent-demand items is calculated

4.​ ​all of the above are true

80. A master production schedule specifies
1.​ ​the financial resources required for production

2.​ ​what component is to be made, and when

3.​ ​what product is to be made, and when

4.​ ​the labor hours required for production

81. The ______ is (are) the MRP input detailing which end items are to be produced, when they
are needed, and in what quantities.
1.​ ​master production schedule

2.​ ​Gross requirements

3.​ ​inventory records

4.​ ​assembly time chart

82. A master production schedule contains information about

1.​ ​quantities and required delivery dates of all sub-assemblies

2.​ ​quantities and required delivery dates of final products

3.​ ​inventory on hand for each sub-assembly

4.​ ​inventory on hand for each final product

83. In continuous (make-to-stock) operations, the master production schedule is usually

expressed in terms of
1.​ ​end-items

2.​ ​modules

3.​ ​kits

4.​ ​customer orders

84. In job shop (make-to-order) operations, the master production schedule is usually expressed
in terms of
1.​ ​end-items

2.​ ​modules

3.​ ​kits

4.​ ​customer orders

85. In MRP record calculations, the appearance of a negative value for the gross requirements of
an end item in a specific time bucket
1.​ ​signals the need to purchase that end item in that period

2.​ ​implies that value was scheduled by the MPS

3.​ ​signals the need for a negative Planned Order Receipt in that period

4.​ ​is impossible

86. A material requirements plan contains information with regard to all of the following except
1.​ ​quantities and required delivery dates of all sub-assemblies

2.​ ​quantities and required delivery dates of final products

3.​ ​the capacity needed to provide the projected output rate

4.​ ​inventory on hand for each final product

87. The number of units projected to be available at the end of each time period refers to
1.​ ​net requirements

2.​ ​scheduled receipts

3.​ ​the projected usage of the item

4.​ ​the amount projected to be on hand

88. Linking a part requirement with the parent component that caused the requirement is referred
to as
1.​ ​net requirements planning

2.​ ​a time fence

3.​ ​pegging

4.​ ​Kanban

89. In MRP, system nervousness is caused by

1. ​management's attempt to continually respond to minor changes in production

2.​ ​the use of the lot-for-lot approach

3.​ ​management's marking part of the master production schedule as "not to be rescheduled"

4.​ ​the use of phantom bills of materials

90. One of the tools that is particularly useful in reducing the system nervousness in the MRP
system is (are)
1.​ ​modular bills

2.​ ​time phasing

3.​ ​time fences

4.​ ​lot sizing

91. A major strength of MRP is its capability

1.​ ​to minimize labor hours used in production

2.​ ​for timely and accurate replanning

3.​ ​to reduce lead times

4.​ ​to maximize production throughput

92. Material requirements plan specify

1.​ ​the quantities of the product families that need to be produced

2.​ ​the quantity and timing of planned order releases

3.​ ​the capacity needed to provide the projected output rate

4.​ ​the costs associated with alternative plans 6

93. Which of the following statements is true about the MRP plan when using lot-for-lot
1. ​The quantity of gross requirements for a child item is always equal to the quantity of

planned order releases for its parent.

2. ​The quantity of gross requirements for a child item is equal to the quantity of net

requirements for its parent(s) multiplied by the number of child items used in the parent
3. ​The quantity of gross requirements for a child item is always equal to the quantity of

gross requirements for its parent.

4. ​The quantity and gross requirements for a child item is always equal to the quantity of

net requirements for its parent.

94. Which of the following lot-sizing-techniques results in the lowest holding costs?
1.​ ​lot-for-lot

2.​ ​EOQ

3.​ ​part-period-balancing

4.​ ​Wagner-Whitin algorithm

95. What lot sizing technique is generally preferred when inventory holding costs are extremely
1.​ ​lot-for-lot

2.​ ​EOQ

3.​ ​part-period balancing

4.​ ​the Wagner-Whitin algorithm

96. For the lot-for-lot lot-sizing technique to be appropriate

1.​ ​future demand should be known for several weeks

2.​ ​setup cost should be relatively small

3.​ ​annual volume should be rather low

4.​ ​item unit cost should be relatively small

97. MRP II is accurately described as

1.​ ​MRP software designed for services

2.​ ​MRP with a new set of computer programs that execute on micro-computers

3.​ ​MRP augmented by other resource variables

4. ​usually employed to isolate manufacturing operations from other aspects of an


98. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is

1.​ ​severely limited by current MRP computer systems

2.​ ​not related to MRP

3.​ ​an advanced MRP II system that ties-in customers and suppliers

4.​ ​not currently practical

99. The extension of MRP which extends to resources such as labor hours and machine hours, as
well as to order entry, purchasing, and direct interface with customers and suppliers is
1.​ ​MRP II

2.​ ​Enterprise Resource Planning

3.​ the master production schedule

4.​ ​closed-loop MRP

100. Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) is

1.​ ​a transportation plan to ship materials to warehouses

2.​ ​a time-phased stock replenishment plan for all levels of a distribution network

3.​ ​a shipping plan from a central warehouse to retail warehouses

4.​ ​material requirements planning with feedback loop from distribution centers

101. In what way are Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) and Material Requirements
Planning (MRP) similar?
1.​ ​Both employ similar logic and procedures.

2.​ ​Both are employed in a manufacturing organization.

3.​ ​Both work most efficiently with largest lot sizes.

4.​ ​Both are employed by retail organizations.

102. Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

1.​ ​has existed for over a decade

2.​ ​does not integrate well with functional areas other than operations

3.​ ​is inexpensive to implement

4.​ ​automates and integrates the majority of business processes

103. Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

1.​ ​has been made possible because of advances in hardware and software

2.​ ​uses client/server networks

3.​ ​creates commonality of databases

4.​ ​All of the above are true of ERP.

104. Which of the following is false concerning enterprise resource planning (ERP)?
1.​ ​It attempts to automate and integrate the majority of business processes.

2.​ ​It shares common data and practices across the enterprise.

3.​ ​It is inexpensive to implement.

4.​ ​It provides and accesses information in a real-time environment.

105. A bill of materials lists the

1.​ ​times needed to perform all phases of production

2.​ ​production schedules for all products

3.​ ​components, ingredients, and materials required to produce an item

4.​ ​operations required to produce an item

106. One way to facilitate production scheduling and production in firms making a large number
of different final products is to use
1.​ ​planning bills

2.​ ​modular bills

3.​ ​phantom bills

4.​ overdue bills

107. The bill of materials contains information necessary to

1. ​convert (explode) net requirements at one level into gross requirements at the next

2.​ ​calculate quantities on hand and on order

3.​ ​convert gross requirements into net requirements

4.​ ​place an order to replenish the item

108. Which of the following statements best compares modular bills and phantom bills?
1.​ ​Both pertain to assemblies that are not inventoried.

2.​ ​There is no difference between the two.

3.​ ​Both pertain to assemblies that are inventoried.

4. ​Modular bills represent subassemblies that actually exist and are inventoried, while

phantom bills represent subassemblies that exist only temporarily and are not inventoried.
109. ___________ investigation is the effort expended by the police in gathering information
subsequent to the initiation of the original report until the case is ready for prosecution.
1.​ ​Advanced

2.​ ​Cold

3.​ ​Collateral

4.​ ​Follow-up

110. The actions taken at the crime scene immediately following the detection and reporting of
the crime scene constitute the:
1.​ ​Essential part of police work.

2.​ ​Follow-up investigation.

3.​ ​Cold search.

4.​ ​Preliminary investigation.

111. Single most important skill of a criminal investigator is __________________?

1.​ ​The ability to utilize deadly force in making an arrest

2.​ ​The ability to converse equally well with a wide range of people

3.​ ​Good luck

4.​ ​A narrow range of contacts

112. What are the three immediate outcomes once a criminal offense has been committed?
1.​ ​It may go undetected. Incorrect: This describes only one possible outcome.

2.​ ​If a violation is reported, it may not be detected.

3. ​The crime may come to the attention of the police through their observation or a

complaint by a victim or a witness.

4.​ ​All of the above.
113. Which of the following best describes the first step in a preliminary investigation of a crime
1.​ ​Receipt of information and initial response

2.​ ​Emergency care

3.​ ​Crime scene control

4.​ ​Preparation of the incident/offense report

114. What does the acronym B.O.L.O. best describe?

1.​ ​The third step in a preliminary investigation.

2.​ ​The sixth step in a preliminary investigation.

3.​ ​The fourth step in a preliminary investigation.

4.​ ​Prepare the incident/offense report.

115. A crime has been committed at a certain location. Which of the following best describes the
name designated to this scene?
1.​ ​Macroscopic

2.​ ​Microscopic

3.​ ​Secondary

4.​ ​Primary

116. Crime scene investigation is intended to accomplish which of the following objectives?
1.​ ​Reconstructing what happened.

2.​ ​Developing an incident/offense report.

3.​ ​Technical services

4.​ ​Coordinating the autopsy

117. Crime scene investigation is intended to accomplish which of the following objectives?
1.​ ​Reconstructing what happened.

2.​ ​Developing an incident/offense report.

3.​ ​Technical services

4.​ ​Coordinating the autopsy

118. Which of the following supplies should be available for crime scene security?
1.​ ​Video recorder

2.​ ​Portable copier/printer

3.​ ​Tweezers and forceps

4.​ ​Crime scene barrier tape

119. Which of the following supplies should be available for processing the crime scene?
1.​ ​Video recorder

2.​ ​Portable copier/printer

3.​ ​Tweezers and forceps

4.​ ​Crime scene barrier tape

120. Which of the following supplies should be available for crime scene documentation?
1.​ ​Video recorder

2.​ ​Portable copier/printer

3.​ ​Tweezers and forceps

4.​ ​Crime scene barrier tape

121. Which of the following is a basic rule for crime scene investigator?
1.​ ​Maintenance of control

2.​ ​Photographing the entire scene

3.​ ​Inclusiveness of only major evidence

4.​ ​Preparation of the administrative log

122. Which of the following is not a typical threat to the health and safety of criminal
1.​ ​Insect stings

2.​ ​Infectious pathogens

3.​ ​Common cold

4.​ ​Chemicals

123. Which of the following is not an indication of suspicious mail according to the Centers for
Disease Control?
1.​ ​Proper postage

2.​ ​Excessive packaging material such as masking tape or string

3.​ ​Marked with restrictions

4.​ ​Not addressed to a specific person

124. Which of the following is not a sign of a potential chemical attack?

1.​ ​Lack of insects

2.​ ​Discoloration of plants

3.​ ​Vapor, mist, thin fog, or low clouds unrelated to the weather.

4.​ ​Snowfall

125. A person is found shot to death in a large field. What is the major priority in such a crime
scene search?
1.​ ​Coordination

2.​ ​Boundary determination

3.​ ​Utilizing personal protective equipment

4.​ ​Care and collection of evidence

126. Which of the following are advantages of using digital cameras at a major crime scene?
1.​ ​Images can be viewed immediately.

2.​ ​The stored images are subject to electromagnetic degrading.

3.​ ​The storage media are easy to obtain.

4.​ ​It is easy to pull up old, archived images.

127. Which of the following is not a guideline for photographing almost any crime scene?
1.​ ​Keep a photo log of all shots taken.

2.​ ​If in a building, take pictures of all doors and exits.

3.​ ​Document all stages of the investigation, including physical evidence discoveries.

4.​ ​Photograph the scene a few days after the crime scene is discovered.

128. Which of the following is a complete list of information that should be included in a
transmittal letter when submitting evidence to the FBI crime laboratory?
1.​ ​The submitting person’s agency, address, and phone number

2. ​Case identification numbers, the nature of the evidence submitted, and all

communications relating to them

3.​ ​Description of the nature of the offense and the basic facts related to it

4.​ ​None of the above.

129. In digital computer, data is represented in –

1.​ ​Decimal Form

2.​ ​Binary form

3.​ ​Octal form

4.​ ​Hexadecimal form

130 Add, subtract, multiple and logic operations are performed by –

1.​ ​Registers

2.​ ​Control unit

3.​ ​ALU

4.​ ​None of these

131. The data processing consists –

1.​ ​Capturing the input data

2.​ ​Manipulating the data

3.​ ​Handling the output

4.​ ​All of the above

132. A plotter is –
1.​ ​An impact device to produce good quality graphics

2.​ ​An output device to produce drawings and graphics

3.​ ​A fast output device using camera lenses

4.​ ​None of the above

133. Which of the following is/are GUI based operating system?

1.​ ​MS DOS

2.​ ​UNIX

3.​ ​Window 3.1

4.​ ​Windows Vista

134. The largest unit of storage is –

1.​ Terabyte

2.​ ​Petabyte

3.​ ​Exabyte

4.​ ​Zettabyte

135. Machine language programs are written using –

1.​ ​0’s and 1’s

2.​ ​Mnemonic codes

3.​ ​English like words

4.​ ​None of the above

136. A file is corrected immediately after the input of a transaction. This is an example of –
1.​ ​Sorting

2.​ ​Batching

3.​ ​On line updating

4.​ ​Off line updating

137. A logic gate is an electronic circuit which –

1.​ ​Makes logic decisions

2.​ ​Allows electron flow only is our direction

3.​ ​Works on binary algebra

4.​ ​Alternates between 0 & 1 values

138. An organized collection of logically relate data is known as –

1.​ ​Data

2.​ ​Meta data

3.​ ​Database

4.​ ​Data versus information

139. A JPG is –
1.​ ​A Jumper Programmed Graphic

2.​ ​A format for an image file

3.​ ​A type of hard disk

4.​ ​A unit of measure for memory

140. Another word for “Graphics for a word processor”?

1.​ ​Peripheral

2.​ ​Clipart

3.​ ​Highlight

4.​ ​Execute

141. The name of E-computer programs usually developed by government agencies that can be
freely copied and used –
1.​ ​Public domain software

2.​ ​Freeware
3.​ Shareware

4.​ ​Pirated software

142. Some software packages attempt to encode the knowledge and decision rules of human
specialists in order to use them for making their own decisions.
This software is referred as –
1.​ ​Artificial intelligence packages

2.​ ​Expert systems

3.​ ​Knowledge based systems

4.​ ​None of these

143. Following is not a responsibility of DBMS software –

1.​ ​Creating physical and logical designs

2.​ ​Removing flagged records for deleting

3.​ ​Creating and maintaining the data dictionary

4.​ ​Monitoring performance

144. On which of the following sites can you set up your e-mail account –
1.​ ​

2.​ ​

3.​ ​

4.​ ​

145. What is a URL?

1.​ ​A computer software program

2.​ ​A type of UFO

3.​ ​The address of a document or ‘page’ on the World Wide Web

4.​ ​An acronym for Uniform Resource learning

146. What is the difference between Internet and an intranet?

1.​ ​One is public, the other is private

2.​ ​One is safer than the other

3.​ ​One can be monitor, the other can’t

4.​ ​None of the above

147. Decision making is which activity

1.​ ​Intuitive

2.​ ​Cognitive

3.​ ​Systematic

4.​ ​Analytic

148. Decision support system are used for –

1.​ ​Line managers

2.​ ​Top level managers

3.​ ​Middle level managers

4.​ System user

149. A Management Information System (MIS) is one which –

1.​ ​Is required by al managers of an organization

2.​ ​Processes data to yield information of value in tactical management

3.​ ​Provides operational information

4.​ ​Allows better management of organization

150. A set of programs that handle firm’s database responsibilities is called –

1.​ ​DBMS (Database Management System)

2.​ ​Database processing System

3.​ ​Data Management System

4.​ ​All of the above

151. To access information from a database, you need –

1.​ ​EIS

2.​ ​DBMS

3.​ ​MIS

4.​ ​None of the above

152. Newspaper, magazine, radio, television are example of

1.​ ​Storing information

2.​ ​Retrieving information

3.​ ​Communication information

4.​ ​Acquiring information

153. The architecture of the MIS plan provides:

1. ​A way to handle the system or subsystem by way of simplification on, coupling and

decoupling of subsystems.
2.​ ​For preparing the schedule of the system in the overall information requirement

3.​ ​An online information on the stocks markets and the accounts balance.

4.​ ​None of these.

154. Management science also known as mathematics.

1.​ ​Operations research

2.​ ​Management accounting

3.​ ​Exchange commission

4.​ ​System theory

155. EIS should offer the capability to into the data.

1.​ ​Drill down

2.​ ​Drill Up

3.​ ​Drill diagonal

4.​ ​All of the above

156. The business re-engineering requires a major change in the
1.​ ​Machine

2.​ ​Mindset

3.​ ​Material

4.​ ​Infrastructure

157. Which of the following system helps you with making a decision about a non structured
1.​ ​A.I.

2.​ ​Neutral Network

3.​ ​Genetic Algorithms

4.​ ​D.S.S.

158. Inventory is also referred to as

1.​ ​Stock

2.​ ​Warehouse Capacity

3.​ ​Material

4.​ ​Material in hand

159. Are knowledge based system to which present rules are applied to solve a particular
1.​ ​ES

2.​ ​AI

3.​ ​KBS

4.​ ​Base rule

160. A system Theory of organization sees the firm as a

1.​ ​Network of resource flow

2.​ ​System transforming inputs into output

3.​ ​Physical System managed by a manager using a conceptual system

4.​ ​All of the above

161. Decision are those decision for which policy standards or guidelines are already established
1.​ ​Programmable

2.​ ​Control

3.​ ​Predictive reports

4.​ ​Relevant

162. Which of the following is not an important principle for evaluating the raw data for decision
1.​ ​Selection

2.​ ​Pattern

3.​ ​Average

4.​ ​Over View

163. A DBA is a
1.​ ​A person

2.​ ​A Computer device

3.​ ​A Communication technique

4.​ ​All of the above

164. A constraint that does not affect the feasible solution region is known as
1.​ ​Redundant Constraint

2.​ ​Unbounded solution

3.​ ​Slack variable

4.​ ​Surplus variable

165. The product structure file is also called as

1.​ ​Item master file

2.​ ​Bill of materials file

3.​ ​Operations file

4.​ ​All of the above

166. Computer support to the manager has been in

1.​ ​Alternative identification

2.​ ​Alternative selection

3.​ ​Problem identification

4.​ ​Alternative evaluation

167. A central purpose of most decision support systems is

1.​ ​To build a model of the decision making problem

2.​ ​To design a database management system

3.​ ​To build an expert system

4.​ ​None of the above.

168. The four major corporate resources are money, material, information and
1.​ ​People

2.​ ​Icons

3.​ ​Information System

4.​ ​None of the above

169. Which of the following systems deals with planning for, development, management, and
use of information technology tools for management?
1.​ ​Strategic Support Systems

2.​ ​Operational Systems

3.​ ​Administrative Systems

4.​ ​Management Information Systems

170. Which of the following terms is used to describe the computer-based tools used by people
in an organization to support their information processing needs?
1.​ Information Technology

2.​ ​User Systems

3.​ ​Artifacts

4.​ ​Computer Tools

171. Which terms refers to the extent of detail provided in information; for instance, some
information may provide summary information while others may provide a great amount of
1.​ ​Information Depth

2.​ ​Aggregate Data

3.​ ​Information Granularity

4.​ ​Data Detail

172. Which type of technology allows you to enter information and commands into a computer?
1.​ ​Data entry

2.​ ​Input

3.​ ​Processing

4.​ ​Telecommunication

173. Which type of technology allows you to send information from one computer to another?
1.​ ​Output

2.​ ​Telecommunication

3.​ ​Connecting

4.​ ​CPU

174. Which of the following are raw facts that describe a particular phenomenon and are stored
in the computer for an organization's processing needs?
1.​ ​Information

2.​ ​Data

3.​ ​Records

4.​ ​Business Intelligence (BI)

175. Which of the following is collective information about customers, competitors, business
partners, competitive environments, and internal operations?
1.​ ​Aggregate Data

2.​ ​External Knowledge

3.​ ​Business Intelligence (BI)

4.​ ​Information Granularity

176. What term is used to describe information coming into a computer that is in bad form, or is
incorrect, and will improperly affect the decision-making process?
1.​ ​GIGO

2.​ ​Tainted data

3.​ ​Dirty information

4.​ ​Scrubbed data

177. Which type of worker knows how and when to apply technology?
1.​ ​Computer scientist

2.​ ​Technology-literate knowledge worker

3.​ ​Technology analyst

4.​ ​Computer savvy

178. Which type of software coordinates the interaction of technology devices?

1.​ ​Application software

2.​ ​Utility software

3.​ ​RAM

4.​ ​Systems software

179. Information is
1.​ ​Data

2.​ ​Processed Data

3.​ ​Manipulated input

4.​ ​Computer output

180. Data by itself is not useful unless

1.​ ​It is massive

2.​ ​It is processed to obtain information

3.​ ​It is collected from diverse sources

4.​ ​It is properly stated

181. For taking decisions data must be

1.​ ​Very accurate

2.​ ​Massive

3.​ ​Processed correctly

4.​ ​Collected from diverse sources

182. Strategic information is needed for

1.​ ​Day to day operations

2.​ ​Meet government requirements

3.​ ​Long range planning

4.​ ​Short range planning

183. Strategic information is required by

1.​ ​Middle managers

2.​ ​Line managers

3.​ ​Top managers

4.​ ​All workers

184. Tactical information is needed for

1.​ ​Day to day operations
2.​ Meet government requirements

3.​ ​Long range planning

4.​ ​Short range planning

185. Tactical information is required by

1.​ ​Middle managers

2.​ ​Line managers

3.​ ​Top managers

4.​ ​All workers

186. Operational information is needed for

1.​ ​Day to day operations

2.​ ​Meet government requirements

3.​ ​Long range planning

4.​ ​Short range planning

187. Operational information is required by

1.​ ​Middle managers

2.​ ​Line managers

3.​ ​Top managers

4.​ ​All workers

188. Statutory information is needed for

1.​ ​Day to day operations

2.​ ​Meet government requirements

3.​ ​Long range planning

4.​ ​Short range planning

189. The primary storage medium for storing archival data is

1.​ ​floppy disk

2.​ ​magnetic disk

3.​ ​magnetic tape

4.​ ​CD- ROM

190. Master files are normally stored in

1.​ ​a hard disk

2.​ ​a tape

3.​ ​CD – ROM

4.​ ​computer’s main memory

191 A management information system is one which

1.​ ​is required by all managers of an organization

2.​ ​processes data to yield information of value in tactical management

3.​ ​provides operational information

4.​ ​allows better management of organizations

192. Data mining is used to aid in
1.​ ​operational management

2.​ ​analyzing past decision made by managers

3.​ ​detecting patterns in operational data

4.​ ​retrieving archival data

193. Data mining requires

1.​ ​large quantities of operational data stored over a period of time

2.​ ​lots of tactical data

3.​ ​several tape drives to store archival data

4.​ ​large mainframe computers

194. Decision support systems are used for

1.​ ​Management decision making

2.​ ​Providing tactical information to management

3.​ ​Providing strategic information to management

4.​ ​Better operation of an organization

195. Decision support systems are used by

1.​ ​Line managers.

2.​ ​Top-level managers.

3.​ ​Middle level managers.

4.​ ​System users

196. Decision support systems are essential for

1.​ ​Day–to-day operation of an organization.

2.​ ​Providing statutory information.

3.​ ​Top level strategic decision making.

4.​ ​Ensuring that organizations are profitable.

1. What does the Computer Process?

Ans: Raw Data

2. Which function make computer high?

Ans: Dilligence

1. Which of the following is not a part of basic computer architecture?

Ans: application

2. Which features of computer is basics of robots?

Ans: Automation

1. Which term gives “Number of instruction processed in a given second”?

Ans: Clock Speed
2. What do control unit do?
Ans: control transfer data.

1. Which is the main memory of the computer?

Ans: Primary memory

2. Cache memory act as:

Ans: Buffer

1. Which memory needs to be refreshed to retain the data?

Ans: Dynamic

2. Which memory is used as cache?

Ans: Static

1. Which Rom is erasable?


2. Which memory execute only read function?

Ans: All of the above

1. Which are the input devices?

Ans: All the above

2. What is the full form of OCR?

Ans: d

1. Which among is the following output devices?

Ans: All

2. Which is correct type of output.


1. Which statement is true for logic gates?

Ans: Add or subtract primary values

2. What does the truth table represents?

Ans: Boolean expression

1. Which gate will have output Y=A.B

Ans: And

2. Which gate is used in full adder and subtractor?

1. Which figure denotes AND gate?

a)​ F
​ igure 2

b)​ F
​ igure 6

c)​ F
​ igure 4

d) Figure1

Question 2
Which figure denotes XOR gate?

a) Figure6

b)​ F
​ igure1

c)​ f​ igure5

d)​ F
​ igure 4

Question 3
Which logic gate denotes inverted output?

a)​ A
​ ND

b) NOT

c)​ N
​ OR

d)​ X
​ OR

Question 4
Addition of inputs is done in which gate?

a) OR

b)​ N
​ OR

c)​ A
​ ND

d)​ X
​ OR

Question 5
Multiplication along with negation is given by which of the following?


b)​ A
​ ND

c)​ O
​ R

d)​ N
​ OT

Question 6
Which of the following are exclusive operator?

a)​ A
​ ND

b)​ O
​ R

c)​ N
​ OT

d) NOR

Question 7
Which is not a logic gate?

a)​ N

b)​ X


d)​ X
​ OR

Question 8
What does truth table denotes?

a)​ p
​ olynomial values

b)​ n​ on functional values

c)​ a​ lgebraic values

d) functional values

Question 9
"If one or more input is high, it gives HIGH output. Which gate is it?"
a) OR

b)​ A
​ ND

c)​ X
​ OR

d)​ N
​ OT

Question 10
An even number of 1's at the input produces 0 at the output. Which gate is it?

a) XOR

b)​ N
​ one of the above

c)​ X

d)​ X

1. Which of the following is an example of System Software?

Ans: Operating System

2. What are program?

Ans: Sequence of instruction

1. Which of the following is not a Low level language?


2. Which generation uses visual tools to generate program?

Ans: Generation 5

1. Operating System coordinates data to and from RAM. What role is it playing?
Ans: Memory Management

2. Which is not task of operating system?

Ans: None of the above

1. WWE is an example of which type of operating system?

Ans: Distributed

2. Which operating system will be well defined with fixed time constraints?
Ans: Real time operating System
1. Which is not a task of DBMS?
Ans: none

2. What is not an ACID properties?

Ans: combination

1. Which of the following is not a database application?


2. How does database manage the resource?

Ans: By Data Dictionary.

1. Which abstraction level describe the user’s perspective?

Ans: A

2. Programmers work at which schema?

Ans: logical Schema

1. Which is extension of hierarchal model?

Ans: Network Model

2. Which statement is TRUE for network model?

Ans: It has more than two parent’s node

1. What is the basics structure of relational database model?

Ans: Table

2. What are row in relation model.

Ans: Tuple

1. What does the notation signify?

Ans: Attribute

2. What is minimal super Key?

Ans: candidate key

1. What is represented by double line?

Ans: Total

2. What is cardinality?
Ans: a

1. Which is required to filter the records in database?

Ans: Where clause
2. What does grant command do?
Ans: Give privileges to users.

3. Which of the following command is not present on reference tab?

Ans: Hyperlink

4. Which is the part of group citations?

Ans: manage source / hyperlink.

5. Which is the part of goup proofing?

Ans; all of the above.

1. What ae contextual tabs?

Ans: colour hidden tabs

2. Where does contextual tab are present?

Ans: On the top of ribbon.

3. Middle place to manage the document?

Ans: central place to manage the document

Question 1
What does an ER diagram represents?

a)​ m
​ echanism

b) relationship

c)​ p
​ rocess

d)​ f​ low

Question 2
Who is identifying an Entity?

a) Has

b)​ A
​ ge

c)​ A
​ ttend

d)​ s​ tudies
Question 3
Which is showing (1: N) cardinality?

a)​ A
​ ttend & subject

b)​ S
​ tudent & address

c)​ S
​ tudent & class

d) Class & section

Question 4
Which is a derived attribute?

a)​ s​ treet

b)​ s​ ubject ID

c) Age

d)​ A
​ ttends

Question 5
Which is a recursive relationship?

a)​ C
​ lass & section

b)​ s​ tudent & class

c)​ s​ tudent & address

d) Attends & subject

Question 6
Which is a key attribute?

a) Class_ID

b)​ s​ ection_ID

c)​ h
​ ours#

d)​ c​ ity

Question 7
Which is a weak entity?
b) Section

c)​ s​ tudent

d)​ s​ ubject ID

e)​ c​ lass

Question 8
Which word define entity?

a)​ p
​ rocess

b)​ s​ ubject

c) Object

d)​ r​ elationship

Question 9
Which is a category of an attribute?

a)​ d
​ erived

b) All of these

c)​ c​ omposit

d)​ S
​ imple

Question 10
What is cardinality?

a) All of these

b)​ n​ umerical attributes of the relationship between two entities

c)​ S
​ pecifies how instances of an entity are related

d)​ m
​ odularity

1. What is the agreement b/w sender and receiver?

Ans: Protocol

2. Which of the following task is not carried by protocols?

Ans: All

1. Guess the topology,”Devices are connected to a single hub through a cable”?

Ans: Star

2. Which statement is true for tree topologies?

Ans: It is a bus network of star network

1. Which layer is responsible for syntax and semantic?

Ans: Session layer

2. What is present at data link layer?

Ans: Frames

1. Which layer is responsible for syntax and semantic?

Ans: Presentation layer

3. What is present at data link layer?

Ans: Frames

1. Virtual private network connected to internet is an example of which net?

Ans: Extranet

2. Which network have minimum connected devices?

Ans: Intranet

1. Which of the following is an optional field in URL?

Ans: Portal

2. Collection of linked web pages are known as?

Ans: website

1. Which tag represents heading in HTML?

Ans: <h1>

2. Which statement is true for END TAG?

Ans: B OR A

1. WAP is optimized for device with?

Ans: LOW

2. What are WML?

Ans: Wireless markup language

1. What are the WAP Gateway?

Ans: Connect the wireless gateway

2. Which protocol are used on the Internet standard communication?


1. Which layer is useful content Developers?

Ans: Application

2. What is the role of Security layers?

Ans: integrity check

Question 1
0 / 10 pts
Which tag is responsible for displaying of the content on the form?
b)​ ​html

c) body

d)​ h
​ ead

e)​ f​ orm

Question 2
What is the full form of HTML?

a)​ H
​ yper Text Making Language

b)​ H
​ yper Test Markup Language

c)​ H
​ yper Text Makeup Language

d) Hyper Text Markup Language

Question 3
"p" tag defines?

a)​ n
​ ew line
b)​ l​ ine break

c) paragraph

d)​ w
​ ord space

Question 4
which is the root element of an HTML page?

a)​ t​ itle

b) html

c)​ h
​ ead

d)​ b
​ ody

Question 5

Which tag is used to create spaces between lines?

a) br

b)​ l​ n

c)​ p

d)​ h

Question 6
Where do we write an HTML program?

a)​ M
​ s-word

b)​ C
​ onsole

c)​ B
​ rowser

d) Notepad

Question 7
How do you introduce a checkbox in the form?

a)​ f​ orm
b)​ s​ tyle

c) input

d)​ s​ elect

Question 8
Which attribute will make a dropdown list?

a) select

b)​ s​ tyle

c)​ i​ nput

d)​ f​ orm

Question 9
What is the role of "form action"?

a) specify landing page

b)​ c​ reate form

c)​ n
​ one of the above

d)​ d
​ isplay form

Question 10
Which statemement is true for HTML tags?

a)​ t​ he opening and closing tags need not be same

b)​ t​ he opening and closing tags should always be in lower case

c)​ t​ he opening and closing tags should always be in capital

d) the opening and closing tags should be exactly same

1. Long term perspective of the organization is which kind of information?

Ans: Strategic

2. Which is not a characteristics of MIS?

Ans: None of the above
1. Middle level managements includes?
Ans: HOD

2. Who are considered as brain of the Organization?

Ans: Top level people

1. Which is the charactestices of information system.

Ans: All

2. What do you mean by “series of steps undertaken to achieve goal”?

Ans: Process

1. Which of the following is a specialized decision support system?

Ans: B

2. Which transaction processing system keeps track of inventory level?

Ans: Stock control

1. MIS is used for?

Ans: All

2. Which are the activities carried by executive in office automation?

Ans: performance controlling, conferencing

1. What are the programmed decision?

Ans: Decision with pre define sets

2. What does DSS do?

Ans: Process information

1. Which ERP goals targets at acquiring of customers?

Ans: GET

2. ERP is planning and Execution of?

Ans: all

1. Which of the following statement is true of ERP?

Ans: b

2. Which is not correct value provided by ERP to business?

Ans: d

1. Which of the following is not part of SCM?

Ans: Architecture
2. Which is a component of SCM?
Ans: All

1. Which flow is “credit terms”?

Ans: Finance

2. Which is not a feature of SCM?

Ans: Disintegrated behaviour

1. A company can advertise about the product in e-SCM by which mean?

Ans: internet

2. Which factor was responsible for emergency of electronic SCM?

Ans: All

1. Which tool are responsible to manage the flow of information in an organization?

Ans: Work Flow System tools

2. Which Activity is not a part of e-procurement?

Ans: purchase order

1. Which of the following is not goal of CRM?

Ans: C OR D

2. Which of the following given set are “Front office operations”?

Ans: Email and phone calls

1. Data marts are which type of CRM?

Ans: Analytical

2. Operational CRM includes?

Ans: All

1. What all approaches of CRM are there?


2. The process driven approach of CRM is based on which factors?

Ans: behaviour

1. Which statement justify the E-CRM?

Ans: improve communication with client

2. Which statement is true?

Ans: Mantance time is less
1. Which of the following is to be considered while implementing E-CRM?
Ans: Customer Service and Support

2. Which is a benefit provided by E_CRM?

Ans: All

Question 1
What is deployed by Fray network for its distributers?

a) eSCM

b)​ n​ one of the above

c)​ C
​ RM

d)​ S
​ CM

Question 2
eSCM provides which of the following advantages?

a)​ m
​ atch production level

b)​ d​ aily point of sale info

c) All of the above

d)​ c​ heck inventory status

Question 3
which factor will make sure that no security problem would be encountered?

a) Unique account and password for information access

b)​ C
​ ommon information source

c)​ C
​ ompetitors account access

d)​ C
​ ommon Account number and password

Question 4
What makes the system vulnerable to competitors?

a)​ N
​ one of the above
b)​ U
​ pto date information of the supplier and distributor

c)​ s​ upply chain used

d) sharing of account details by supplier and ditributer

Question 5
What do u mean by SCM?

a)​ S
​ upply Chain Materials

b)​ S
​ upply channel material

c) Supply Chain management

d)​ S
​ upply channel management

Question 6
Fray network is using which database?

a)​ S
​ QLite

b)​ D
​ B2

c) Oracle

d)​ P
​ ostgress

Question 7

What do you mean by ERP?

a) Integrated management of business process

b)​ m
​ arketing of business process

c)​ D
​ isintegrated management of business process

d)​ N
​ one of the above

Question 8
Which of the following is a part of ERP management?

a)​ h
​ uman resource
b) All of these

c)​ P
​ lanning

d)​ M
​ arketing

Question 9
What among the following is not considered by SCM?

a)​ F
​ inished goods

b)​ s​ ervices

c)​ R
​ aw material

d) All of the above

Question 10
E-SCM is an integration of?

a)​ A
​ ll of the above

b)​ i​ nformation and Business

c) internet & business processes

d)​ s​ tandards and business

1. Which what is not a features of E-commerce?

Ans: cash payment

2. What E-commerce is known as?

Ans: Electronic

1. Which is an example of B2B model?

Ans: Indiamart

2. In which model business fulfill the requirement of the customers?

Ans: Consumer to business

1. How e-commerce directly beneficial to organization?

Ans: Improve brand image

2. How E-commerce is contributing in environment saving?

Ans: A OR D
1. Which is technical limitation of using E-commerce?
Ans: bad implementation

2. What do you mean by user resistance?

Ans: Trust issues

1. What do you mean by E-publishing?

Ans: All

2. Storing of digital content to be shared later is known as?

Ans: Digital library

1. Which statement directly clarify that EDI is responsible for lowering the cost of business
Ans: Printing process

2. What is data element?

Ans: item no.

1. Which word defines M-commerce?

Ans: Wireless Commerce

2. Which is important point to be considered in M-commerce?

Ans: Site shout be optimized for smart phones

1. Which factor is not responsible for Emergence of M-commerce?

Ans: favour for traditional market

2. Which statement is true for M-commerce?

Ans: reduce geographical

1. What does E-governance promise to citizen?

Ans: All

2. How do govt. deliver information in e-governance?

Ans: www

1. Which G2E expansion ensures tax details of an employee?

Ans: E-payroll

2. Which of the following is a variant of B2B model?

Ans: Business to Govt.
1. What do you mean by “M” in SMARRT?
Ans: Elimination of bribery

2. Govt. is answerable to people and people have right to know what govt. does. Which
term explains the above line?
Ans: Accountability

1. Lack of communication is a challenge in E-governance. Which statement justify it?

Ans: B

2. Why is it difficult to create citizen’s database?

Ans: huge population

Question 1
Most individuals are familiar with which form of e-commerce?

a)​ C
​ 2B

b)​ B
​ 2B

c) B2C

d)​ C
​ 2C

Question 2
What is the name for direct computer-to-computer transfer of transaction information contained
in standard business documents?

a)​ i​ nternet commerce

b) electronic data interchange

c)​ e​ -commerce

d)​ t​ ransaction information transfer

Question 3
Which form of e-commerce currently accounts for about 97% of all e-commerce revenues?

a) B2B

b)​ C
​ 2B

c)​ B
​ 2C
d)​ C
​ 2C

Question 4
What do you mean by Web hosting?

a)​ t​ o allocate uniform resource locator

b)​ N
​ one of the aboe

c)​ c​ reating your website

d) It is a way to gain a presence on the internet

Question 5
Which of the following are necessary to become e-commerce enables?

a) All of the above

b)​ O
​ btaining a Digital Certificate

c)​ W
​ eb Hosting

d)​ C
​ reating or Purchasing a Shopping Cart Software

Question 6
What makes the app different from other available ones in vehicle?

a)​ N
​ one of these

b) To serve the needs of the user to identify and shop from the street

c)​ p
​ rovide all available option

d)​ b
​ etter choice of the vehicle

Question 7
What do you mean by B2B?

a)​ C
​ ompanies bid for the product placed by consumer

b) companies selling their product to wholesalers

c)​ N
​ one of the above

d)​ b
​ usinesses transact with the customer
Question 8
A combination of software and information designed to provide security and information for
payment is called a what?

a)​ E
​ ncryption

b)​ p​ op up ad

c) digital wallet

d)​ s​ hopping cart

Question 9
Which is not an application of E-commerce?

a) None of the above

b)​ T
​ ickets

c)​ F
​ inancial services

d)​ I​ nformation

Question 10
What is the name given to an interactive business providing a centralized market where many
buyers and suppliers can come together for e?commerce or commerce?related activities?

a)​ B
​ 2C

b)​ B
​ 2B

c)​ D
​ irect marketplace

d) Electronic marketplace

Question 1
EDI standard

a)​ i​ s not easily available

b)​ i​ s not popular

c) defines several hundred transaction sets for various business forms

d)​ d
​ efines only a transmission protocol

Question 2
What benefits will the Wen’s Sporting Goods get with e-commerce solution?

a)​ E
​ asy access for customer

b)​ B
​ etter advertising

c)​ E
​ xpand their business

d) All of the above

Question 3
In Electronic cash payment

a)​ a​ credit card payment system is used

b) a customer buys several electronic coins which are digitally signed by coin
issuing bank

c)​ R
​ SA cryptography is used in the transactions

d)​ a​ debit card payment system is used

Question 4
0 / 1 pts
Which business model will it follow?

a)​ B
​ 2B

b) B2C

c)​ C
​ 2B

d)​ C
​ 2C

Question 5
A _________ is an organized collection of detailed information about individual customers or
prospects that is accessible, actionable and current for marketing purposes such as lead
generation and others.

a)​ B
​ usiness database

b)​ N
​ one of the above
c)​ C
​ ustomer mailing list

d) Customer database

Question 6
What additional benefit did automation provided?

a)​ B
​ etter itinerary maintenance

b)​ T
​ racking inventory in real time

c) All of the above

d)​ L
​ ess manual work

Question 7
Which is not part of ERP?

a)​ N
​ one of the above

b) Purchasing

c)​ I​ nventory

d)​ H
​ R

Question 8
Which is the most tedious task of going online?

a)​ F
​ ulfilling orders

b) Ensuring security to customer data

c)​ H
​ andling customer query

d)​ N
​ one of them

Question 9
0 / 1 pts
A consumer buying behavior is influenced by

a) Both a and b

b)​ P
​ ersonal factors
c)​ C
​ ultural and social factors

d)​ N
​ one of the above.

Question 10
ERP use software application to _____ the processes of an organization

a)​ N
​ one of the above

b)​ S
​ peed

c)​ g
​ rowth

d) automate

Question 1
Which of the following the AND gate Operation?

a)​ Y
​ =X

b) Z= YX

c)​ Z
​ =Y^X

d)​ Z
​ = X + Y

Question 2
Which of the following is the example of CPU?

a) Inter core I9 -9900k

b)​ D
​ isk-Western Digital My Passport 4TB

c)​ G
​ raphic Tablet

d)​ G
​ PS

Question 3
0 / 10 pts
Which of the following the OR gate Operation?

a)​ Y
​ =X
b)​ Z
​ = YX

c)​ Z
​ =Y^X

d) Z=X + Y

Question 4

Which of the following is an object or concept about which you want to store information?

a) Entity

b)​ R
​ elationship

c)​ A
​ ctions

d)​ A
​ ttributes

Question 5
Attributes are represented by _____

a) Ovals

b)​ R
​ ectangle

c)​ S
​ quare

d)​ H
​ exagon

Question 6
_______Model is based on the notion of real-world entities and relationships among them.

a)​ N
​ etwork

b) Entity-Relationship

c)​ R
​ elational

d)​ H
​ ierarchy

Question 7
Transmission of the digital data between two or more computers is known as

a) Data Communication
b)​ N
​ etworking

c)​ E
​ xtranet

d)​ I​ nternet

Question 8
Which of the following language is used on the web to develop web pages?

a)​ C
​ ++

b)​ S
​ QL


d)​ C

Question 9
Which of the following defines a networking framework to implement protocols in seven layers?

a)​ I​ nternet Protocol

b) OSI Model

c)​ H

d)​ F
​ TP

Question 10
Which of the following is the shared content accessed by groups through cross-enterprise
a)​ ​Internet

b)​ I​ ntranet

c) Extranet

d)​ N
​ one of the above

Question 11
Which of the following is a combination of all resources and users on the Internet that is using
the Hypertext Transfer Protocol?

a)​ U
​ RL
b) WWW

c)​ F
​ TP

d)​ T
​ CP

Question 12
_______ is a planned system of collecting, storing, and disseminating data in the form of
information needed to carry out the functions of management

a) Management information system

b)​ L
​ ibrary

c)​ T
​ ally

d)​ C
​ RM

Question 13
Which of the following is the example of ERP software?

a)​ L

b) SAP Business ByDesign

c)​ M
​ ac OS

d)​ A
​ ndriod

Question 14
Which segment do ebay, belongs?

a)​ B
​ 2Bs

b) B2Cs

c)​ C
​ 2Bs

d)​ C
​ 2Cs

Question 15
_________ is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices
such as smartphones and tablets.
a)​ S
​ hopping

b) M-commerce

c)​ D
​ istributing

d)​ B
​ rowsing

Which of the following is not an example of a business process?
designing a new product
hiring an employee
purchasing services
testing software

The topology with highest reliability is ?

Bus Topology
Star topology
Ring topology
Mesh topology

Internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network is
provided by

leased line
digital subscriber line
digital signal line
none of the mentioned

At what level of an organisation does a corporate manager operate?

Middle level
Top level

HTML is used to create

machine language program

high level program
Web Page
Web server

What encourages users of a product or service supplied by a B2C company to ask friends to join
in as well?

Viral marketing
Affliated programs
none of the mentioned

Internal information for MIS may come from any one of the following department

Customers care department

HR Department
Marketing Department
Production Department

Which of the following provides reliable communication?

All of the above

" ________ can occur at the individual, group, organizational or extra-organizational level."


A logical schema

is the entire database

is a standard way of organizing information into accessible parts
describes how data is actually stored on disk
All of the above

The best products to sell in B2C e?commerce are

Small products
Digital products
Speciality products
fresh products

"To improve the performance of a business process, which of the following is most relevant?"

Control and Feddback

"If a university sets up a web-based information system that faculty could access to record
student grades and to advise students, that would be an example of a/an"


In which website Global Easy Buy is facilitated?
None of these

The .................... is defined as a set of activities performed across the organization creating as
output of value to the customer

development process
business process
quality process
customer focus

What does Management information systems (MIS) do?

create and share documents that support day-today office activities

"process business transactions (e.g., time cards, payments, orders, etc.) "
capture and reproduce the knowledge of an expert problem solver
use the transaction data to produce information needed by managers to run the

ALU is

Arithmetic Logic Unit

Array Logic Unit
Application Logic Unit
None of above

MIS normally found in a manufacturing organization will not be suitable in the ______.

Service sector
Banking sector
Agriculture sector
All of the above

DBMS is a collection of.. that enables user to create and maintain a database.

Language activity

Which one is not a recognised key skill of management?

Conceptual skills
Human skills
Technical skills
Writing skills

Select the sequence of simons model for decision making?
a)​ ​Design- choice- intelligence
b)​ ​intelligence- choice - Design
c) intelligence- Design- choice
d)​ ​choice - intelligence- Design

What are the factors responsible for MIS development?
a)​ ​internal factors
b)​ ​External factors
c)​ ​Neither internal nor external
d) Both internal nor external

The basic component of DSS is
a)​ ​Database
b)​ ​Model Base
c)​ ​DSS Software System
d) All of the above

The detailed study of the information needs of users and any information system presently used
is called
a)​ ​System analysis
b) Systems design
c)​ ​Systems approach
d)​ ​System Testing

Which of the following is not a characteristic of good information?
a) Interchangeability
b)​ ​Relevance
c)​ ​Cost effectiveness
d)​ ​Timeliness

The expert system uses a(n) ____________ to select the most appropriate response
a) inference
b)​ ​Decision support system
c)​ ​Data Source
d)​ ​Knowledge Base

Which system is considered as successful system?
a)​ ​A data processing system
b) Information processing system
c)​ ​Facts processing system
d)​ ​Subsystem

Which of the following is not a class of information system applications?
a) Database management System
b)​ ​Decision support system
c)​ ​Expert system
d)​ ​Management Information System

What are various tools for development of the system
a)​ ​system Components
b)​ ​Information system
c) Data Flow Diagram
d)​ ​Levels of management

GDSS is the short form of
a) Group Decision Support System
b)​ ​Group Discussion Support System
c)​ ​Group Decision Service System
d)​ ​Group Discussion Support Source

"what do you mean by ""Orderly grouping of interdependent components linked together for a
specific purpose """
a) System
b)​ ​Process
c)​ ​Design
d)​ ​Components

"A system is called ..................... when the inputs, process and the outputs are known with
a)​ ​Probabilistic
b) Deterministic
c)​ ​Open
d)​ ​Close

Decision trees could be represented in different ways such as
a)​ ​Bottom to Top
b)​ ​Left to right
c)​ ​Top to Bottom
d) All of the above

Which of the following is a repetitive decision?
a) non programmed
b)​ ​Programmed
c) Novel
d)​ ​None of the above

Quality of the information depends on which of the following factors?
a)​ ​Input Data
b)​ ​System Design
c)​ ​Data Processing
d) All of the above

Imparting incomplete or imperfect information is?
a)​ ​Result of failed MIS
b)​ ​A successful MIS
c)​ ​Perfectly developed system
d) System with proper analysis and design

Development of departmental budget takes into account which type of information?
a)​ ​Operational
b)​ ​Statistical
c) Tactical information
d)​ ​Day -to- Day

Why was system considered as assembly of sub systems?
a) To enrich effeciency
b)​ ​To enhance performance
c)​ ​To reduce system Complexity
d)​ ​All of the above

Which of the following is part of a static view of information?
a)​ ​Logical data model
b)​ ​Meta data
c) Data flow model
d)​ ​Information process model

Electronic publishing and collaboration is task of which information system?
a)​ ​Management Information System
b)​ ​Decision support system
c)​ ​Executive information System
d) Office automation
Que 1
JIT (Just-In-Time) inventory control is an approach to inventory control, which stipulates that
materials should arrive just, as they are needed, in the production process. Which of the
following would generally not be associated with a successful JIT program, for the purpose of
inventory control?


a)​ Well-organized receiving and handling of materials purchased from suppliers

b)​ ​Strong management commitment

c)​ ​Suppliers located in diverse and distant locations

d)​ ​High quality of materials purchased from suppliers

Que 2.
Information that originates outside the organization is known as external information. Which of
the following is/are example(s) of external information in an organization?


a)​ Daily receipts and expenditures

b)​ ​Salesperson Quotas

c)​ ​Descriptions of customer satisfaction with products and services

d)​ ​Quantity of an item in hand or in inventory

Que 3.
Which of the following decision-making models emphasizes short-run solution of a problem
rather than long-term goal accomplishment?


a)​ Rational model

b)​ ​Satisficing model

c)​ ​Incremental model

d)​ ​Garbage-can model

Que 4.
Sofia works in one of seven research and development departments at General Automobile
Corporation. This would suggest that General Automobiles has a


a)​ ​Functional structure

b)​ ​Divisional structure

c)​ ​Flat structure

d)​ ​High degree of centralization

Que 5
Which of the following information processing systems gives the output in the form of summary
and exception reports that are useful to the managers?


a)​ ​Decision support system

b)​ ​Management information system

c)​ ​Office automation system

d)​ ​Transaction processing system

Que 6.
In which of Likert’s four systems of leadership, managers do not have complete confidence and
trust in subordinates but nevertheless, solicit advice from subordinates while retaining the right
to make final decision?

a)​ ​Participative leadership style

b)​ ​Benevolent-authoritative leadership style
c)​ ​Suppliers located in diverse and distant locations
d)​ ​High quality of materials purchased from suppliers
e) Consultative leadership style

Que 7
Performance appraisals are important in an organization because they
I. Provide systematic judgments to support promotions.
II. Provide a basis for coaching.
III. Provide a basis for counseling.
IV. Let subordinates know where they stand with the boss.

a)​ Only (I) above

b)​ ​Only (II) above

c)​ ​Both (I) and (II) above

d)​ ​All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above​.

Que 8
Ratio analysis helps a manager to compare the performance of the organization with its previous
performance or the performance of its competitors. Which of the following is a ratio of creditors’
contribution to that of the owners?


a)​ ​Current ratio

b)​ ​Debt-equity ratio
c)​ ​Return on investment (ROI)
d)​ ​Net profit margin

Que 9.
Which of the following inventory techniques uses cards to monitor inventory movement?


a)​ ​ABC Analysis

b)​ ​JIT Approach

c)​ ​Kanban

d)​ ​Kaizen

Que. 10
A decision support system (DSS) is an interactive computer system used to plan and make
decisions. Which of the following is/are true with regard to Decision Support System (DSS)?
I. Executive decisions are the focal points in DSS.
II. DSS specializes in easy-to-use software.
III. DSS employs interactive processing.
IV. The control and use of DSS rests with the central information management department.


a)​ ​Only (I) above

b)​ ​Both (I) and (II) above

c)​ ​Both (III) and (IV) above

d)​ ​(I), (II) and (III) above

Question No. 11 Marks - 10

Which of the following is/are postulates of the path – goal theory?
I. The leader clearly defines the path to goal attainment for subordinates.
II. The leader motivates subordinates to participate in decision-making.
III. The leader sets clear and specific goals for subordinates.
IV. The leader suitably rewards employees as per their performance.

a)​ ​Only (II) above
b)​ ​Only (IV) above

c)​ ​Both (II) and (IV) above

d)​ ​All (I), (II), (III) and (IV) above.

Question No. 12 Marks - 10

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) is a sophisticated performance rating method.
Which of the following is not true with regard to BARS?
a)​ ​BARS minimizes subjective interpretation inherent in graphic rating scales
b)​ ​BARS makes use of ‘anchors’ (common reference points of performance)

c)​ ​BARS concentrates on job-specific behaviors and hence is highly meaningful

d)​ ​BARS is a simple and cost-effective rating method

Question No. 13 Marks - 10

Which of the following is not true with regard to functional authority?

a) ​Functional authority is the authority staff members have over line members within

the limits of their functions

b) ​Functional authority has the same effect as line authority but it doesn’t have the right
that line authority has, to punish violations or deviations in order to ensure
c) ​Functional authority is limited to those areas where a staff member has some

technical competence
d)​ ​Functional authority is in sync with the principle of unity of command.

Question No. 14 Marks - 10

Creativity is an important factor in managing people. Which of the following is not truewith
regard to the creative process?

a)​ ​Creativity is the ability to develop new ideas
b)​ ​The creative process starts with unconscious scanning

c)​ ​Intuition connects the unconscious with the conscious

d)​ ​Insight leads to intuition

Question No. 15 Marks - 10

According to "expectancy theory", the probability of an individual acting in a particular way
depends on
I. The personality of the individual and the likelihood it will change.
II. The company and its potential to be moving in the right direction.
III. The situation.
IV. The strength of that individual's belief that the act will have a particular outcome and on
whether the individual values that outcome.

a)​ ​Only (I) above

b) Only (IV) above

c)​ ​Both (I) and (III) above

d)​ ​Both (II) and (IV) above

Question No. 16 Marks - 10
Which of the following techniques for improving productivity aims at reducing costs by
analyzing and improving individual operations of a product or service?

a)​ ​Work simplification
b)​ ​Time-event network

c) Value engineering
d)​ ​Total Quality Management

Question No. 17 Marks - 10

Span of control an important factor, which is to be taken into account when undertaking
organizational design. Maintaining a large span of control within an organization is most
effective in all except one of the following situations?

a)​ ​When subordinates prefer autonomy
b)​ ​When tasks are routine

c) When jobs are similar but have varying performance measures

d)​ ​When subordinates are highly trained

Question No. 18 Marks - 10

Functional job analysis is a widely used systematic job analysis approach. Which of the
following dimensions of an individual’s job does functional job analysis focus on?
I. Data, people and jobs pertaining to the individual’s job.
II. Interpersonal relationships required to perform the job.
III. Tools and equipment used by the worker.
IV. Products and services produced by the worker.

a)​ ​Only (I) above
b)​ ​Both (II) and (IV) above

c) (I), (III) and (IV) above

d)​ ​Both (II) and (IV) above

Question No. 19 Marks - 10

Organizational culture is the collection of shared values, beliefs, rituals, stories, myths and
specialized language that foster a feeling of community among organization members. Which of
the following is not a characteristic of organization culture?

a)​ ​It differentiates one organization from another
b)​ ​It defines the internal environment of an organization

c)​ ​It ensures consistency in the behavior of organization members

d)​ ​It remains absolutely stable throughout the life of an organization

Question No. 20 Marks - 10
Management By Objectives (MBO) is a system for achieving organizational objectives,
enhancement of employee commitment and participation. Which of the following is notan
advantage of MBO?

a)​ ​Role clarity
b)​ ​Clarity in organizational action

c)​ ​Personnel satisfaction

d)​ ​Flexibility.

Question No. 21 Marks - 10

Which of the following are the characteristics of the planning process usually adopted in
Japanese Management style?
I. Long-term orientation.
II. Individual decision-making.
III. Decisions flowing from bottom to top and back.
IV. Slow decision-making.

a)​ ​Both (I) and (II) above
b)​ ​Both (I) and (III) above

c)​ ​Both (II) and IV) above

d)​ ​(I), (III) and (IV) above

Question No. 22 Marks - 10

Which of the following refers to the flow of information among persons at different levels, who
have no direct reporting relationships?

a)​ ​Horizontal communication

b) Diagonal communication
c)​ ​Upward communication

d)​ ​Downward communication

Question No. 23 Marks - 10

Every organization structure, even a poor one, can be charted. Which of the following isfalse
with respect to Organization Chart?

a)​ ​It is a vital tool for providing information about organizational relationships
b)​ ​It provides a visual map of the chain of command
c) ​Charting an organization structure can show up the complexities and inconsistencies,
which can be corrected
d) It shows authority relationships as well as informal and informational

Question No. 24 Marks - 10

As ArvindMisra is reviewing the progress of his organization in meeting its organizational goals,
he is struck by the fact that his organization has an organizational structure that might be causing
problems. The current structure diffuses accountability, makes it difficult to respond to changing
conditions quickly, and results in situations where someone might have two bosses. Which of the
following organization forms best fits these disadvantages being experienced by Mr. Misra?

a)​ ​Geographical structure

b) Matrix structure
c)​ ​Divisional structure

d)​ ​Customer structure

Question No. 25 Marks - 10

The garbage-can model is effective in which of the following situation/s?
I. When managers have no specific goal preferences.
II. When the means of achieving goals are unclear.
III. When there are frequent changes in the participants involved in decision-making.
IV. When the degree to which decision-makers can determine optimal decisions is limited by
the individuals’ capacity and intelligence.

a)​ Only (IV) abov

b)​ ​Both (I) and (II) above

c)​ ​Both (III) and (IV) above

d) (I), (II) and (III) above

Question No. 26 Marks - 10

Which of the following is true about the conclusions drawn from the trait approach to

a)​ T
​ he trait approach identifies traits that consistently separate leaders from nonleaders

b)​ ​There are certain traits that guarantee that a leader will be successful
c) The trait approach is based on early research that assumes that a good leader is
born, not made
d)​ ​Leadership is a simple issue of describing the traits of successful leaders

Question No. 27 Marks - 10

Which of the following information systems has low-volume data and analytical models as data
a)​ ​Management Information System
b) Decision Support System
c)​ ​Executive Support System

d)​ ​Transaction Processing System

Question No. 28 Marks - 10

An objective is the object or aim of an action. Management by Objectives (MBO) is a
management process that is popular in many organizations. It is the joint setting of goals and
objectives by superiors and subordinates. A major difference between traditional objective
setting and MBO is

a)​ ​In MBO, there are multiple objectives covering a range of organisational activities
b) ​In traditional objective setting the objectives, once formulated, provide direction for
management decisions
c) ​In traditional objective setting the objectives, once established, form the criteria

against which actual accomplishments can be measured

d) ​Traditional objective setting is ‘top down’ only, while MBO is both a ‘top down’
and ‘bottom up’ process​.

Question No. 29 Marks - 10

In the Japanese management style, the controlling function is characteristic of
I. Focus on individual performance.
II. Control by peers.
III. Extensive use of quality control circles.
IV. Fixing blame.

a)​ Both (I) and (II) above

b)​ ​Both (I) and (III) above

c)​ ​Both (I) and (IV) above

d) Both (II) and (III) above

Question No. 30 Marks - 10

The strengths and weaknesses of each alternative become obvious in which step of the decision

a)​ ​Identifying the problem
b)​ ​Identifying the decision criteria

c) Analyzing the alternatives

d)​ ​Implementing the alternative
Question No. 31 Marks - 10
The recruitment procedure is initiated when a vacancy occurs and is reported to the HR
department. Which of the following is usually the first step followed in the recruitment

a)​ ​Designing job description
b)​ ​Developing a job specification

c) Performing job analysis

d)​ ​Attracting a pool of applicants

Question No. 32 Marks - 10

Managers making ethical decisions may belong to any of the three levels of moral development.
Which of the following stages describes the conventional level of moral development?

a)​ ​Following rules only when it is in one’s immediate interest
b) ​Valuing rights of others and upholding absolute values and rights, regardless of the
majority's opinion
c)​ ​Sticking to rules to avoid physical punishment
d) Living up to what is expected by people who are close to oneself

Question No. 33 Marks - 10

Direct control is the control that is exercised after the deviations from plans have occurred.
Which of the following is not an underlying assumption of direct control?

a)​ ​Performance can be measured

b) Personal responsibility is absent

c)​ ​he time expenditure is warranted

d)​ ​Mistakes can be discovered in time

Question No. 34 Marks - 10

Which function of management involves filling, and keeping filled, the positions in the
organization structure?

a)​ ​Organizing
b)​ ​Planning

c)​ ​Staffing

d)​ ​Controlling

Question No. 35 Marks - 10

Which of the following is not true about ‘power’?
a)​ ​Power requires no formal position
b)​ ​Power works both ways – downward and upward

c)​ ​Power is derived from many sources

d)​ ​Power is a narrow term compared to authority.

Question No. 36 Marks - 10

In an organization, a superior has the right to get tasks accomplished by his subordinates, but the
responsibility remains with the superior. This principle which intends to eliminate the practice of
“passing the buck”, is known as

a)​ ​Authority on par with responsibility
b)​ ​Hierarchy of authority

c)​ ​Unity of direction

d)​ ​Downward delegation of authority

Question No. 37 Marks - 10

Robert Owen was one of the prominent contributors to preclassical management thought. Which
of the following did Robert Owen advocate/propose?

a)​ ​Division of labor

b) Legislative reforms to improve working conditions of labor

c)​ ​Profit-sharing plan

d)​ ​Study of management

Question No. 38 Marks - 10

The major disadvantage of the divisional structure is

a)​ ​Diseconomies of scale
b)​ ​Requires people with general managerial capabilities

c)​ ​Managerial vacuum

d)​ ​Duplication of activities and resources

Question No. 39 Marks - 10

Power based upon identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits is
known as

a)​ C​ oercive power

b)​ ​Legitimate power

c)​ ​Expert power
d) Referent power

Question No. 40 Marks - 10

Which of the following decision-making models emphasizes short-run solution of a problem
rather than long-term goal accomplishment?

a)​ ​Rational model
b)​ ​Satisficing model

c)​ ​Incremental model

d)​ ​Garbage-can model

This type of network is contained over a large geographic area

a.​ Local area network

b.​ W
​ ide area network

c.​ Start topology

d.​ ​None of the above

​ NSWER: - Wide area network

A web browser is best described as a

a.​ General purpose application program

b.​ S
​ ystem management programs

c.​ Application specific program

d.​ ​System development programs

ANSWER: - Application specific program

"Which type of network connects each node to the next, forming a loop.”

a.​ Star topology

b.​ B
​ us Topology

c.​ Ring Topology

d.​ A
​ ll of the above

ANSWER: - Ring Topology

Which is the most common network topology where each node is connected to a switch.

a.​ Star topology

b.​ R
​ ing topology

c.​ Bus topology

d.​ ​Local area network

ANSWER: - Star topology

The computer monitor's sharpness or clarity is referred to as its ___________

a.​ Image

b.​ R
​ esolution

c.​ Contrast

d.​ S
​ etting

ANSWER: - Resolution

QUESTION 6 Solve by contact for more details at

"The ------------------manages the hardware components including the CPU, memory storage, and
peripheral devices.”

a.​ Operating System

b.​ D
​ evice Drivers

c.​ Motherboard

d.​ ​Ports
ANSWER: - Motherboard

Which of the following is not a component of digital computer?

a.​ I/O Unit

b.​ C
​ entral Processing Unit

c.​ Secondary Unit

d.​ ​Logical Drive

ANSWER: - Secondary Unit

Which of the following is not a volatile memory?

a.​ RAM

b.​ R
​ OM

c.​ Secondary Memory

d.​ M
​ agnetic Disk

Which is not the component of DBMS

a.​ Database

b.​ D
​ atabase Administrator

c.​ Data Independence

d.​ ​Database Users

Answer: - Database Administrator

Which of the following is not a type of e-commerce?

a.​ B2B

b.​ A
​ 2B

c.​ B2C

d.​ C
​ 2C



The information of MIS comes from the?

a) Internal

b) External

c) Both internal and external source

d) None of these


13-GDSS is the short form of

a) Group Decision Support System

b) Group Discussion Support System

c) Group Decision Service System

d) Group Discussion Support Source


In management information system which is the correct order of the reference of activities that
the manager processes?

a) "​Planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, directing, controlling"

b) "Planning, staffing, coordinating, organizing, directing, controlling"

c) "Planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating, controlling, directing"

d) "Planning, directing, organizing, staffing, coordinating, controlling"


The most important reason for failure of MIS is?

a) Use of improper tools for design

b) non-involvement of end user

c) improper specification

d) none of the above


"Assembling a product, identifying customers and hiring employees are : "

a) Transactions

b) Phases

c) Business Processes

d) Business Functions


The expert system uses ____________ to select the most appropriate response

a) inference

b) decision support system

c) knowledge base

d) data source

_______ were the original type of information system developed to support managerial decision
making. An MIS produces information.

a) Management information systems

b) decision support system

c) Management Tracking Systems

d) Strategic Information System


"Which of the following individuals typically have less formal, advanced educational degrees
and tend to process rather than create information?"

a) Knowledge workers

b) Executives

c) System analysts

d) Data workers


The accounting system is ______ whereas the demand forecasting system is _______.

a) "​deterministic, probabilistic "

b) "probabilistic, deterministic "

c) "open, close"

d) "close, open "


Which one of the following is not a business driver for an information system?

a) business process redesign

b) knowledge asset management

c) proliferation of networks and the Internet

d) collaboration and partnership


"Type of accounting which measures, reports and analysis non-financial and financial
information to help in decision making is called"

a) financial accounting

b) management accounting

c) cost accounting

d) decision accounting


Which of the following is/are the key features of organization

a) Social invention

b) Accomplishing goals

c) Group efforts

d) All of these

______are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group efforts

a) Management

b) Organization

c) Leadership

d) Behaviour


_____is a relatively permanent change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experience

a) Behaviour modification

b) Learning

c) Motivation

d) Skills


Tracking employee training, skills, and performance appraisal is an example of a human resource
information system operating at the?

a) Operational level

b) Management level

c) Knowledge level

d) Strategic level

The types of data transmission modes are

a)​ "​ Half duplex,Duplex,Singlex"

b) "Half duplex,Duplex,Simplex"

c)​ "​ Half duplex,Duplex,HalfSinglex"

d)​ "​ Singlex,duplex,half triplex"


The basic architecture of computer was developed by

a) John Von Neumann

b)​ C
​ harles Babbage

c)​ B
​ laise Pascal

d)​ G
​ arden Moore


Another term for Main Memory is

a)​ H
​ ard Disk

b)​ R
​ OM

c)​ F
​ loppy Disk

d) RAM


The real business and competitive value of information technology lies in

a)​ T
​ he software application that are used by many companies.

b) ​The capabilities of software and the value of the information a business acquires and


c) "The infrastructure of hardware, networks, and other it facilities that are commonly

used by many companies."

d)​ T
​ he capabilities of the hardware and the speed at which it processes information.

DNS in internet technology stands for

a)​ D
​ ata Name System

b)​ D
​ ynamic Name System

c) Domain Name System

d)​ D
​ istributed Name System


"When collection of various computers seems a single coherent system to its client, then it is

a)​ c​ omputer network

b) distributed system

c)​ b
​ oth (a) and (b)

d)​ n
​ one of the mentioned


Internet access by transmitting digital data over the wires of a local telephone network is
provided by

a)​ l​ eased line

b) digital subscriber line

c)​ d
​ igital signal line

d)​ n
​ one of the mentioned


What can be defined as most recent and perhaps the most comprehensive technique for solving
computer problems.

a) System Analysis
b)​ S
​ ystem Data

c)​ S
​ ystem Procedure

d)​ S
​ ystem Record


The step-by-step instructions that solve a problem are called as?

a) An algorithm

b)​ A
​ list

c)​ A
​ plan

d)​ A
​ sequential structure


Which of the following is not a characteristic of structured system development?

a)​ p
​ artitioning of systems into manageable levels of detail

b)​ s​ pecification of the interfaces between modules

c)​ "​ the use of graphical tools, such as data-flow diagrams, to model system"

d) All of the above are characteristics


Which functional role does IT not play in SCM?

a)​ P
​ erformance measurement and reporting

b)​ C
​ ollaboration and coordination

c)​ D
​ ecision support for supply chain planning

d) Supply chain restructuring

"When the management decides to implement a new system and totally remove the old one,
which of the following approach should be adopted?"

a)​ B
​ ig bang or cold turkey approach

b) Parallel approach

c)​ P
​ hased approach

d)​ P
​ ilot approach


Which one of the following is not a benefit of an ERP system?

a)​ I​ nformation integration

b)​ B
​ etter customer satisfaction

c)​ U
​ se of latest technology

d) Program management


Which of the following statements is the most accurate?

a) The degree to which information needs to be summarized increases as one moves up

through the management levels

b)​ L
​ ow-level managers made unstructured decisions

c)​ U
​ pper managers make unstructured decisions

d)​ M
​ iddle managers make unstructured decisions


"As opposed to detailed transaction information, the management information system (MIS)
responds to the need for?"

a)​ e​ lectronic data processing

b) managerial information
c)​ a​ ccounting application

d)​ u
​ tility billing information

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