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MoTeC ADL2 / EDL2 User’s Manual


Introduction ........................................................................ 1
Overview ............................................................................. 2
ADL2 New Features............................................................................................ 2
Display ................................................................................................................ 4
Alarms................................................................................................................. 8
Data Logging....................................................................................................... 9
Other Functions ................................................................................................ 13
Measurement Inputs ......................................................................................... 14
Auxiliary Outputs............................................................................................... 19
Communications Overview ............................................................................... 20
ECU Connection ............................................................................................... 21
Telemetry.......................................................................................................... 21
Lap Beacon....................................................................................................... 22
Options ............................................................................................................. 22
Software............................................................................................................ 22
Updateable Firmware........................................................................................ 23

Installation ........................................................................ 25
Mounting ........................................................................................................... 25
Display Care ..................................................................................................... 26
Wiring................................................................................................................ 26
External Buttons................................................................................................ 27
External Lights .................................................................................................. 28
Thermocouples ................................................................................................. 28
Connecting to a MoTeC ECU ............................................................................. 28
Telemetry.......................................................................................................... 30

ADL2 Dash Manager Software........................................ 31

Introduction ....................................................................................................... 31
Computer Requirements ................................................................................... 31
Installing ADL2 Dash Manager ......................................................................... 32
Mouse & Keyboard ........................................................................................... 32
Main Menu ........................................................................................................ 33
Toolbar.............................................................................................................. 33
On line / Off line ................................................................................................ 34
Configuration..................................................................................................... 34
Configuration Files ............................................................................................ 34
Changing the Configuration .............................................................................. 36
Versions and Updating...................................................................................... 36
Channels........................................................................................................... 38
Conditions Overview ......................................................................................... 42
Checking Operation .......................................................................................... 43
Sensor Zeroing ................................................................................................. 44
Details Editor .................................................................................................... 44

Windows Keyboard Use .................................................. 45

Main Menu ........................................................................................................ 45
Closing a Window ............................................................................................. 45
Getting Help...................................................................................................... 45
Selecting an Item in a Window.......................................................................... 46
Using the Selected Item.................................................................................... 46

Appendices....................................................................... 50
Appendix A: General Specifications.................................................................. 50
Appendix B: Options Summary ......................................................................... 51
Appendix C: Dash Manager Command Line..................................................... 52
Appendix D: Input Characteristics..................................................................... 54
Appendix E: Auxiliary Output Characteristics.................................................... 60
Appendix F: CAN Bus Specification.................................................................. 61
Appendix G: ECU to ADL2 Wiring (RS232) ...................................................... 62
Appendix H: CAN Wiring................................................................................... 65
Appendix J: USB Wiring.................................................................................... 66
Appendix K: Typical Wiring (with BR2).............................................................. 67
Appendix L: Pin List by Function....................................................................... 68
Appendix M: Pin List by Pin Number................................................................. 71
Appendix N: Connector ..................................................................................... 73
Appendix P: Wire Specifications ....................................................................... 74
Appendix Q: Case Dimensions ......................................................................... 75

 Copyright – Motec Pty Ltd – 2005

The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

While every effort is taken to ensure correctness, no responsibility will be taken for the consequences of any
inaccuracies or omissions in this manual.

8 July, 2005
MoTeC Introduction 1


Thank you for purchasing a MoTeC ADL2 Dash / Logger and/or EDL2
Enclosed Data Logger

The MoTeC ADL2 Dash / Logger is a combined LCD dash unit and high
performance data logger.

The EDL2 is a model of the ADL2 that is manufactured without a display
screen. Aside from this, it functions in the same way, using the same software
as the ADL2. In the remainder of this manual when reference is made to the
ADL2, it also refers to the EDL2 – except when referring to the display.

This Manual Covers:

• Overview of the ADL2/EDL2s capabilities
• Installation
• Overview of the MoTeC ADL2 Dash Manager software

Software Information
For detailed information on using the various software programs refer to the
online help supplied with the program.

Other Manuals
Separate Manuals are available for:
• MoTeC Lap Beacon / BR2
• Interpreter Data Analysis Software

Sensor Details
Drawings are available for all MoTeC sensors and can be found on the
MoTeC Resource CD (included with the SDL) or on the MoTeC website at . The drawings detail the mounting and wiring
requirements for each sensor.
2 Overview


ADL2 New Features

The ADL2 replaces the original ADL and includes the following new features.

USB Communications
This allows the ADL to be connected directly to the PCs USB port rather than
requiring the MoTeC CAN Cable which connects to the PCs printer port.
The USB cable may be used for all communications to the ADL.
USB provides much faster logging downloads than the CAN Cable
(approximately 8 times faster)
If desired a MoTeC CAN Cable may be used instead of a USB cable but this
will result in slower communications and requires a PC with a printer port.

16M Log Memory

The ADL2 comes with 16Mbytes of memory with 8Mbytes enabled as

More Inputs as Standard

30 I/O is standard (50 I/O Optional). See Appendix B: Options Summary for

Higher Resolution Inputs

Eight of the Analog voltage inputs (AV1 to 4 & AV 11 to 14) have higher
resolution which is particularly useful for measuring suspension position.
Note that these inputs have a reduced voltage range of 0 to 5.5V (previously
0 to 15V)

Dual Expanders
The ADL2 supports two E888 or E816 expanders allowing significant
expansion of the number of inputs and outputs.
MoTeC Overview 3
Additional CAN Templates
The ADL2 provides ten additional CAN templates.

Independent Speed Inputs

All four speed inputs may be independently designated as hall or magnetic
(rather than in pairs).

More User Tables

The ADL2 has sixteen 2D tables and sixteen 3D tables.

Increased Processing Performance

The ADL2 has increased processing performance to handle more demanding

ADL Pin Compatibility

An ADL2 may be connected to an existing ADL wiring loom and will
communicate using the existing CAN communications if required or USB
communications can be added.
The ADL2 is directly pin compatible with the ADL except that pin 78 (RS232
TX) is used for USB. RS232 TX is still available but is shared with pin 67
4 Overview

The ADL2 display is a high contrast, high temperature, custom made LCD
The display contains a Bar Graph, three Numeric Displays, a Centre Numeric
Display and a Bottom Alpha / Numeric Display.

Bar Graph

The 70 segment bar graph has a user definable range and is typically used as
a tacho, however it can be used to display any other value. When used as a
tacho it may be configured for up to 19,000 RPM.
A fully programmable shift point can be displayed, which can also be gear
The operation of the bar graph can be different for each of the display modes
(Race Practice and Warmup), this allows a lower range to be used in Warmup
MoTeC Overview 5

Numeric Displays

The three numeric displays (Left, Right and Top Right) can be programmed to
display any value, which may be different for each of the display modes
(Race Practice and Warmup).
Note that each of the three numeric displays has a different number of digits
and are therefore suited to displaying different values. Fox example the Top
Right display can only show values up to a maximum of 199 and is therefore
not suitable for displaying Lap Times, but is suitable for displaying many other
values such as Lap Number of Fuel Remaining, Engine Temperature etc.
The numeric displays can show any channel value plus up to two override
values, which are shown each time their value is updated, this is useful for
values that are updated periodically, for example Lap Time. The override
values are shown for a programmable period of time, for example a numeric
display could normally show the Running Lap Time (which is continuously
updating) then be overwritten by the Lap Time for 10 seconds each time the
Lap Time is updated.
Enunciators for some of the common display values are provided above the
numeric displays, eg. ET (Engine Temperature), OP (Oil Pressure).

Centre Numeric Display

6 Overview
The Centre Numeric display is incorporated to show the current gear but may
be used for other purposes.

Bottom Display

The 13 digit alpha numeric display can display up to 20 lines of information

that can be scrolled up or down using the external buttons. Each of the 20
lines can display up to 3 channel values at a time.
The values shown may be different for each of the three display modes.
Additionally the bottom display can show up to four override values, similar to
the numeric displays.
The bottom display will also show any active alarm messages, which will
override all other values until the alarm is cleared.

Display Modes
The display has three main modes of operation, Race, Practice and Warm

Warm Up
MoTeC Overview 7
The warm up display is used to display important engine sensor readings
during engine warm up, eg, RPM, Battery Voltage, Engine Temperature, Oil
Pressure, Oil Temperature & Fuel Pressure.
The bottom display may be used display many other values that may need
checking during warm up.


The practice display is used to display basic information, plus information to

help the driver improve lap times, eg. Lap Time, Lap / Gain Loss, Maximum
Straight Speed, Minimum Corner Speed or Corner Exit Speed.
The bottom display may be used to display additional information as needed.


The race display is normally used to display minimal information, eg RPM,

Lap Time, Fuel Remaining or Laps Remaining.
The bottom display may be used to display additional information as needed.
8 Overview

Display Formatting
The display units can be changed to suit the driver, for example the driver
may prefer to see the engine temperature in Fahrenheit rather Celsius. This is
independent of the units used for other purposes.

Decimal Places
The number of decimal places can be reduced for display purposes, for
example the engine temperature is measured to 0.1 °C but is better displayed
with no decimal places. This is normally done automatically.

When an alarm is activated a message is shown on the bottom line of the
display, a warning light can also be activated which is recommended to draw
the drivers attention to the display.
The message displayed can be defined and can also include the current
sensor reading or the sensor reading when the alarm was triggered.

The alarms remain active until they are acknowledged, either by a driver
activated switch or automatically after a defined period of time.
The warning alarm limits are fully programmable and may include up to 6
comparisons to ensure that the alarms are only activated at the correct time.
For example, an engine temperature alarm may activate at 95 °C if the
ground speed has been above 50 km/h for 30 seconds. The speed
comparison avoids the alarm showing during a pit stop due to heat soak.
Additionally another comparison could be set at a higher temperature to cover
all other situations.
MoTeC Overview 9
The comparison values can be automatically incremented or (decremented)
when an alarm occurs. For example the engine temperature alarm may be set
at 95°C with and increment of 5°C, so that the second time the alarm
activates it activates at 100°C. A limit may be set on the number of times the
comparison value is allowed to increment, also it may return to its original
value after a period of time, in case the alarm condition was temporary.
The alarms can also be dependent on the current display mode (Race,
Practice or Warmup)

Data Logging
Data logging allows the sensor readings (or any calculated value) to be stored
in the ADL2 for later analysis on a Personal Computer.

Logging Memory
The ADL2 comes with 16Mbytes of memory with 8Mbytes enabled as
standard. The full 16Mbytes can be enabled by purchasing the 16Mbyte

The ADL2 power can be turned off at any time without losing the logged data.
The ADL2 uses FLASH memory which does not require an internal battery to
keep it alive.

Logging Rate
The ADL2 can store any value at up to 1000 times per second, which can be
individually set for each logged item.
The rate at which the values are logged is very important – the value must be
logged fast enough to record all variations in the reading. If the value is
logged too slowly then the readings can be totally meaningless. For example
suspension position normally needs to be logged at 100 times per second or
Note, however, that if a value is logged faster than necessary it will not
improve the accuracy of the logged data, it will just reduce the total logging
time available. For example, the engine temperature only needs to be logged
at once per second.
10 Overview

Update Rate
Not all values are updated 1000 times per second, and logging them faster
than their update rate will simply waste memory.
The update rates for all input types are listed below:

Input Type Update Rate

(times per second)
Analog Voltage Inputs 1 to 4 & 11 to 14 1000
Other Analog Voltage Inputs 500
Analog Temp Inputs 500
Lambda Inputs 100
Digital Inputs & Speed Inputs 100
RS232 & CAN Communications 50 max *

* Note that the RS232 & CAN Communications update depends on how
frequently the data is sent from the device. Typically the update rate from an
M4, M48, M8 or M800 ECU is about 20 times per second using RS232, and
about 50 times per second for the M800 using CAN.

Logging Time
The maximum logging time is dependent on the logging memory size, the
number of items logged and the rate at which they are logged. The
configuration software will report the logging time, taking all these factors into

Logging Types
The ADL2 provides two ways of logging the data: Normal Logging and
Fastest Lap Logging.

Normal Logging
Normal Logging continuously logs data to memory whenever the Start
Condition is true (and the Stop Condition is false).

Logging Rates
The logging Rate may be individually set for each value between 1 to 1000
times per second.
MoTeC Overview 11
Start and Stop Logging Conditions
To avoid logging unnecessary data, logging can be started and stopped by
user definable conditions. For example logging might start when the vehicle
exceeds 50 km/h, and stop when the engine RPM is below 500 RPM for 10
seconds. Note that the Start Condition must be true and the Stop Condition
must be false before logging will start.

Memory Filling Options

When the logging memory is full the ADL2 may be configured to either stop
logging, or to overwrite the oldest data, which ensures that the most recent
data is always available. This is referred to as cyclic logging.
For most applications it is recommended that cyclic logging is used.

Logging Setup Files

The logging list can be saved and loaded from a file. This allows multiple
logging setups to be used.

Fastest Lap Logging

Fastest Lap logging records data for the Fastest Lap since the data was last
retrieved. Normally this is used for items that require fast logging rates, such
as suspension position. This allows the available memory is used more
Note that Fastest Lap Logging requires that a Lap Beacon is connected.
Fastest Lap Logging is in addition to and works concurrently with Normal
Up to 50 values may be logged.

Logging Rates
The logging Rate may be individually set for each value between 1 to 1000
times per second.

Maximum Lap Time

Note that a maximum Lap Time must be entered which indicates to the ADL2
how much memory to reserve for fastest lap logging. If there are no Lap
Times less than this value then Fastest Lap data will not be available.
12 Overview
Memory Occupied
The amount of memory occupied by Fastest Lap logging depends on how
many items are logged, how fast they are logged and the specified maximum
Lap Time. The effect on normal logging time is shown in the configuration

Logging Setup Files

The logging list can be saved and loaded from a file. This allows multiple
logging setups to be used.

Retrieving the Logged Data

A personal computer is used to unload the logged data from the ADL2. The
logged data is then stored on the computer hard disk.
The logged data may be retrieved at very high speed (approximately 2.5
seconds per Mbyte when using USB or 20sec Mbyte when using CAN).
After each unload the user has the option to clear the logging memory.
The unload may be interrupted part way through if necessary by
disconnecting the computer. The partial unload will contain the most recently
logged data and will be stored on the computer hard disk. In this case the
ADL2 logging memory is not cleared and logging will continue as normal at
the end of the existing data. Next time the logged data is unloaded both the
new data and the previously partly unloaded data will be retrieved.

Track Map Sensor Requirements

In order for the logging analysis software to plot a track map the following
sensors are required and must be logged.
• Lateral G force
• Wheel Speed
• Lap Beacon (Note that the ‘Beacon’ Channel must be logged)
• Longitudinal G force (Optional: See Below)
A Longitudinal G force sensor should be used if the vehicle has only one
wheel speed sensor. This allows the analysis software to eliminate wheel
lockups which is essential when creating or using a track map.
MoTeC Overview 13

Other Functions
The ADL2 can perform many other functions and calculations including the

• Shift Lights
• Engine Log (Up to four separate engine logs with separate conditions)

The ADL2 can calculate and display any of the following:
• Lap Time, Lap Speed, Running Lap Time, Split Lap Times, Lap Number,
Laps Remaining.
• Ground Speed, Drive Speed, Wheel Slip, Lap Distance, Trip Distance,
• Lap Time Gain / Loss continuously displays how far behind or ahead the
vehicle is compared to a reference lap.
• Current Gear.
• Minimum Corner Speed, Maximum Straight Speed and other Min/Max
• Fuel Used, Fuel Usage, Fuel Remaining, Laps Remaining, Fuel Used per

General Purpose Calculations:

The ADL2 also provides a number of general purpose calculations including:
• 2D and 3D Lookup Tables
• User Defined Conditions
• General Purpose Timers
• Mathematics
The user defined conditions or tables can be used to activate items such as a
Thermatic Fan or Gearbox Oil Pump.
14 Overview

Measurement Inputs
The ADL2 measurement inputs can be connected to a wide variety of
sensors. This allows the ADL2 to measure vehicle parameters such as:
Suspension Movement, Wheels Speeds, Steering Angle, Engine
Temperature etc.

Input Types
The ADL2 has a number of different input types which are designed to suit
the different types of sensors.
The following inputs are available:
• 20 Voltage Inputs
• 8 Temperature Inputs
• 2 Wide Band Air Fuel Ratio Inputs (Lambda Inputs)
• 4 Switch Inputs
• 4 Digital Inputs
• 4 Wheel Speed
Note that the number of inputs that can be used depends on which options
are enabled. See the Appendix B: Options Summary for details.

Expander Inputs
Additionally up to two E888 or E816 expanders may be connected.
The E888 includes 8 Thermocouple Inputs, 8 Analog Inputs, 4 Digital Inputs
and 8 Auxiliary Outputs.
The E816 includes 16 Analog Inputs, 4 Digital Inputs and 8 Auxiliary Outputs.

Internal Sensors
The ADL2 also includes internal sensors for Battery Voltage and ADL2
Internal Temperature.

Different types of sensors are available to suit different types of
MoTeC Overview 15
Sensors convert a physical measurement (e.g. Pressure) into an electrical
signal (e.g. Volts). Different types of sensors generate different types of
electrical signals. For example most temperature sensors convert the
temperature into a variable resistance signal which may be measured by the
ADL2 Temperature inputs, however most wheel speed sensors generate a
variable frequency signal which must be connected to either a Digital input or
a Speed input.

Calibration is the process of converting the electrical value, e.g. Volts into a
number that represents the physical value, e.g. Temperature.
All inputs can be calibrated to suit the connected sensor.
The calibrations can be selected from a number of predefined calibrations
provided by MoTeC, or they can be entered by the user.

Analog Voltage Inputs

The 20 Analog Voltage inputs are normally used to measure the signals from
analog voltage type sensors, i.e. sensors with variable voltage outputs, such
• Rotary or linear potentiometers
• Signal conditioned 3 wire pressure sensors
• Thermocouple amplifiers
• Accelerometers
These inputs can also be used to measure two wire variable resistance
sensors if an external pullup resistor is connected from the input to the 5V
sensor supply. Additionally, on/off switch signals may be connected, which
may also require an external pullup resistor.

Note that the number of inputs that are available depends on which options
are enabled. See Appendix B: Options Summary for details.

Measurement Methods
These inputs can be configured to use several measurement methods to suit
the various types of sensors:
16 Overview
• Absolute Voltage: The sensor voltage is independent of the sensor supply
• Ratiometric Voltage: The sensor voltage is proportional to the 5V sensor
supply voltage
• Variable Resistance: The sensor resistance can be entered directly.
• On/Off : The voltage for on and off can be defined

Input Voltage Range

The measurable input voltage range is 0 to 5.5V on inputs AV1 to 4 and AV11
to 14 and is 0 to 15 Volts on all other AV inputs.

For full specifications see Appendix D: Input Characteristics.

Analog Temp Inputs

The 8 Analog Temp inputs are identical to the Analog Voltage inputs, except
that they contain a 1000 ohm resistor which is connected internally from the
input pin to the 5V sensor supply. This allows the Analog Temp inputs to be
used with two wire variable resistance sensors such as:
• Two wire thermistor temperature sensors
• Two wire variable resistance pressure sensors
Some voltage output sensors can also be used if they can drive the 1000 ohm
resistor without causing an error in their reading (eg MoTeC Thermocouple
Amplifier). Additionally, on/off switch signals may be connected.

Note that the number of inputs that are available depends on which options
are enabled. See Appendix B: Options Summary for details.

Measurement Methods
These inputs use the same measurement methods as the Analog Voltage

Input Voltage Range

The measurable input voltage range is 0 to 15 Volts. This allows selection
from a wide range of sensors.
MoTeC Overview 17
For full specifications see Appendix D: Input Characteristics.

Wide Band Lambda Inputs

The two high accuracy, fully temperature compensated Wide Band Air Fuel
Ratio measurement inputs can be used if the Lambda Option is enabled.
These inputs connect directly to a MoTeC 4 wire Wide Band Lambda Sensor
and are accurate to 1.5% up to 1.2 Lambda under all load and temperature
Note that this is the Bosch LSM sensor and not the 5 wire Bosch LSU sensor.
Note that NTK Lambda sensors should be connected to an Analog Voltage
input via the appropriate amplifier.

Switch Inputs
The 4 switch inputs are generally used for the external switches required to
operate the ADL2 display. They can also be connected to a brake switch or
other switch.
These inputs have a 4700 ohm resistor connected internally from the input pin
to the 5V sensor supply so that a switch can be simply connected between
the input pin and 0 volts.

All four inputs are available irrespective of which options are enabled.

For full specifications see Appendix D: Input Characteristics.

Digital Inputs
The 4 digital inputs are identically to the switch inputs except that they include
the following additional measurement methods:
• Frequency: The frequency of the input signal is measured
• Period: The time between successive pulses is measured
• Pulse width: The low time of the pulse is measured
• Count: Counts the number of pulses
18 Overview
• Beacon: For connection of a lap beacon

Note that the number of inputs that are available depends on which options
are enabled. See Appendix B: Options Summary for details.

For full specifications see Appendix D: Input Characteristics.

Speed Inputs
The 4 Speed Inputs are identical to the Digital Inputs except that they can
also be configured to suit Variable Reluctance (Magnetic) sensors such as
some wheel speed sensors. Because the amplitude of the signal from these
sensors varies with speed of rotation, variable trigger levels are required,
which must vary with the frequency of the input signal.
The Speed Inputs can also be used with Hall Effect type wheel speed
• Note also that the Pulse Width measurement method measures the high
time of the pulse rather than the low time as measured by the Digital

All four inputs are available irrespective of which options are enabled.

For full specifications see the Appendices.

Internal Sensors
The ADL2 includes internal sensors for battery voltage and internal

Expander Analog Inputs

Up to two E888 or E816 expanders may be connected to the ADL2.
MoTeC Overview 19
E888 Analog Inputs
Inputs ExA1 to ExA8 are voltage inputs much like the ADL2’s Analog Voltage
inputs except that they only accept voltages in the range 0 to 5V and they
have a resolution of 4.88mV (10bit).
Inputs ExA9 to ExA16 are K type Thermocouple inputs and must use the
calibration “E888 K Type Thermocouple”. The temperature range is –200°C to
+1250°C (-328°F to +2282°F)

E816 Analog Inputs

All the E816 inputs (ExA1 to ExA16) are voltage inputs - much like the ADL2’s
Analog Voltage inputs except that they only accept voltages in the range 0 to
5V and they have a resolution of 4.88mV (10bit).

Expander Digital Inputs

The Expander Digital Inputs may be used to measure frequencies in the
range 1Hz to 5000Hz.
The inputs have a 2700 ohm resistor connected from the input to Battery+.

Expander Communications Setup

Note that the “Expander Inputs” CAN communications template must be
selected in the Communications Setup screen before the ADL2 will receive
data from the E888 or E816.

Auxiliary Outputs
The ADL2 has 8 Auxiliary Outputs which may be used to control various
vehicle functions such as: Gear Change Lights, Warning Lights, Thermatic
Fan, Gear Box Oil Pump, etc.
Items such as Thermatic Fans or Pump Control should be setup using the
User Conditions or the general purpose Tables, there is no specific setup item
for these types of devices.
The Auxiliary Outputs switch to ground and can drive up to 0.5 Amps.
Devices that consume more than 0.5 Amps such as motors should be driven
via a relay.
They Auxiliary Outputs can be configured for switched or pulsed control.
20 Overview
Note that the number of outputs that are available depends on which options
are enabled. See Appendix B: Options Summary for details.
For full specifications see Appendix E: Auxiliary Output Characteristics.

Expander Outputs
Up to two E888 or E816 expanders may be connected to the ADL2. Each
expander has 8 outputs are available.
The expander outputs can perform all the same functions as the ADL2

Expander Communications Setup

Note that the “Expander Outputs ” CAN communications template must
be selected in the Communications Setup screen before the ADL2 will
send data to the E888 or E816.

Communications Overview
The ADL2 has various communications ports which are used to communicate
with other devices.

USB Communications Port

The USB communications port is used to communicate with a PC. See
Appendix J: USB Wiring for wiring details.

RS232 Communications Port

The RS232 communications port can be connected to an ECU or similar
device and to a Radio Telemetry device. A MoTeC telemetry kit is available
which provides high quality data transmission and flexible data display.
• Note that when connected to both an ECU via RS232 and to a Telemetry
device, the baud rates of the two devices must be the same (usually 9600
or 19200 baud).

CAN Communications Port

The CAN (Control Area Network) communications port can be connected to
other devices with a compatible CAN port. The advantage of CAN is that
many devices can be connected to the CAN bus at once, which allows all
MoTeC Overview 21
connected devices to communicate with each other, also the CAN port
communicates at very at high speed.
Other MoTeC products that use CAN for intercommunication include the
M800, BR2, PLM and MDD.
Note that these devices communicate at 1Mbit/sec, so any other devices
connected on the CAN bus must also communicate at 1Mbit/sec.

ECU Connection
The ADL2 can be connected to most Engine Management Systems (ECUs).
This avoids duplication of sensors and allows the ADL2 to display and log
many ECU parameters.
The ECU may send up to 40 values to the ADL2. The update rate of these
values depends on how many values are transmitted, the communications
baud rate and if sent using CAN or RS232. For RS232 the typical update rate
is about 20 times per second and for CAN it is about 50 times per second.
Note that logging the ECU values faster than these rates is unnecessary and
will reduce the total logging time.
• Note that if the ADL2 is connected to a MoTeC M800 ECU the M800
sensors should be calibrated in metric otherwise special scaling will be

The ADL2 can transmit real time and/or end of lap telemetry data. This allows
monitoring of the current vehicle condition, position on the track, lap times,
fuel remaining, laps remaining etc.
The real time telemetry data is transmitted continuously.
The end of lap telemetry data is transmitted at a specified time after the lap
beacon is detected
• Note that if RS232 ECU communications is used then the telemetry baud
rate must be the same as the ECU communications baud rate (normally
9600 or 19200 baud)
• Note that the Telemetry option is required.
22 Overview

Lap Beacon
A Lap Beacon can be connected to the ADL2 in order to record Lap Times for
display and to provide lap reference information for the data logging analysis
The MoTeC Lap Beacon consists of a Transmitter which is mounted beside
the track and a Receiver which is mounted in the vehicle.
Multiple beacon transmitters may also be used to generate split times.
For further details refer to the Lap Beacon manual.

Various options allow the ADL2 to be upgraded to perform additional
The options can be enabled at any time by entering a password.
See Appendix B: Options Summary for details.

The ADL2 comes with software packages for managing the ADL2, analysing
the logged data and monitoring the telemetry link.
The software must be run on an IBM compatible personal computer running
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.
The following software programs are provided:

ADL2 Dash Manager

ADL2 Dash Manager is used for configuration, testing, retrieving the logged
data and for general management of the ADL2.
An overview of ADL2 Dash Manager is included latter in this manual. For
detailed information use the ADL2 Dash Manager help system.
ADL2 Dash Manager communicates with the ADL2 via a USB cable. See
Appendix J: USB Wiring for wiring details.
MoTeC Overview 23

Interpreter is used to analyse the logged data.
Data Logging analysis is covered in a separate manual.

Telemetry Monitor
The Telemetry Monitor software is used to monitor the optional Telemetry link
and allows viewing of the telemetry data in various graphical formats such as
Charts, Bar Graphs and Dial Gauges. It can also show the vehicles current
track position on a track map and compare the current vehicle data to
reference data.
Alarms can also be set to indicate when a particular value, such as Engine
Temperature exceeds a user programmable limit.

This program is used to configure the BR2 beacon receiver via a CAN
connection. BR2 configuration is covered in the BR2 Manual.

Updateable Firmware
The ADL2 control software (firmware) is field updatable so that new software
features can be used as they become available.
MoTeC Installation 25



Mounting Dimensions
Refer to the product dimensions in the Appendices.

Use washers between the unit and the mounting panel to ensure that the unit
is mounted only at the mounting points (to avoid twisting the case). The ADL2
has three threaded mounting posts, while the EDL2 has four mounting holes.
Do not over tighten the mounting screws (to avoid twisting the case).
Vibration isolation may be desirable if the vehicle vibrates severely.

For best contrast, the display should be viewed at approximately 20 degrees
above normal, however the ADL2 will give good contrast between 0 and 40
degrees. Display reflections should also be considered when determining the
mounting angle.


Connector Access
Mount so that the connector may be easily accessed.
26 Installation

Display Care
Take care when cleaning the display, use a soft cloth to avoid scratching the
display and avoid aggressive solvents.


Pin Connection Details

The ADL2 pin connection list appears at the back of this manual.

Use 22# Tefzel wire (Mil Spec M22759/16-22) (5 amps max at 100 °C)
Note that the Tefzel wire is difficult to strip unless the correct stripping tool is
used. Be careful not to nick the wires as this may result in wire failure or poor
Some sensor connectors may not be available with 22# terminals, in which
case doubling the wire over gives the equivalent of an 18# wire, which is
suitable for many of the common sensor terminals.
For full wire specifications see Appendix P: Wire Specifications.

The ADL2 uses a 79 pin Auto Sport connector, see Appendix N: Connector
for full details.
To ensure that the connector is sealed plug unused holes with filler plugs. A
heat shrink boot may also be used if desired.

Ensure that the correct crimping tool is used for all contacts to ensure a
reliable connection.
The correct mil spec crimping tool must be used for the ADL2 crimp pins. See
Appendix N: Connector for details.
• Note that the Crimp Contacts are type 22D which is needed to set the
crimp tool correctly.
MoTeC Installation 27

Power Wiring
Power the ADL2 via a separate switch and a 5 Amp fuse. The separate
switch is recommended so that the computer can communicate with the ADL2
without needing to turn the rest of the vehicle power on.

Ground Wiring
Ground the ADL2 to a good ground. The ground should have a direct
connection to the vehicle battery.

USB Wiring
See Appendix J: USB Wiring for USB wiring details.

CAN Bus Wiring

Refer to Appendix H: CAN Wiring for details.

Sensor Wiring
MoTeC can supply wiring details for all sensors.

External Buttons
A number of external buttons are required for various functions of the ADL2.
Typically these buttons are used for:
• Display Mode
• Display Next Line (and optionally Previous Line)
• Alarm Acknowledge
• Lap Number Reset
• Fuel Remaining Reset
These buttons are normally wired to the ADL2 Switch Input pins, but may also
be wired to the Digital or Analog Inputs, if the Switch Inputs are occupied.
The buttons should be wired between an ADL2 input and ADL2 0V pins.
Note that if wired to an Analog Voltage input an external pull-up resistor must
be connected between the input pin and the 5V sensor supply.
28 Installation

External Lights
All lights including the Shift Lights & Warning Lights must be wired externally.
This allows a choice of lights and allows the lights to be placed in the
optimum position.
Usually LEDs or LED arrays are used.
The lights must be wired between one of the Auxiliary Outputs and the ADL2
Battery Positive.
The lights must not consume more than 0.5 Amps (6 watts at 12Volts) unless
activated via a relay.

Thermocouples must be wired to the ADL2 via a thermocouple amplifier.
The MoTeC Thermocouple Amplifier (TCA) may be used with K Type
thermocouples and may be connected to either the Analog Voltage or Analog
Temperature inputs of the ADL2.

Connecting to a MoTeC ECU

An ECU may be connected to the ADL2 which will make information in the
ECU available to the ADL2 for display or logging or any other purpose.
MoTeC M400/M600/M800/M880 ECUs may be connected via CAN or via
The MoTeC M4, M48 & M8 ECUs must be connected via RS232.

Connection via RS232

The telemetry feature of the MoTeC ECU is used to send data to the ADL2 via
an RS232 connection.
See Appendix G: ECU to ADL2 Wiring (RS232) for wiring details.

ECU Setup
The ECU ‘Telemetry Set’ and ‘Telemetry Baud Rate’ should be selected to
suit an RS232 communications template supported by the ADL2.
MoTeC Installation 29
ADL2 Setup
Setup for the ADL2 is done in the ‘Inputs | Communications’ setup screen.
Select a communications template that matches the ECU type and ECU
telemetry set.
In the displayed channel list, check those channels that you wish to receive in
the ADL2

Interruption of the Data

Note that the data flow to the ADL2 will be interrupted while a computer is
connected to the ECU and will not resume for up to 10 seconds after the
computer has been unplugged. During this period any value that comes from
the ECU, such as RPM or Engine Temperature will not be updated and will
normally be displayed as zero. On latter versions of the ECU software the 10
second delay is reduced to 1 second.

Connection via CAN

The ADL2 and ECU must be connected on the same CAN bus.
See Appendix H: CAN Wiring for wiring details.

ECU Setup
Set the ‘CAN Data Set’ to a set supported by the ADL2 (normally set 1).
The ‘CAN Address’ must also be set. Normal value for ADL2 is 1520. This is
a decimal value that corresponds to a hexadecimal value of 0x5F0 in the

ADL2 Setup
Setup for the ADL2 is done in the ‘Inputs | Communications’ setup screen.
Select a communications template that matches the ECU type and ECU set.
In the displayed channel list, check those channels that you wish to receive in
the ADL2.

ECU Sensor Calibrations

Metric Calibration of the sensors should be used in the ECU otherwise special
scaling is required in the ADL2 communications setup.
30 Installation

The ADL2 can transmit telemetry information via a radio link.
• Note that if RS232 ECU communications is used then the telemetry baud
rate must be the same as the ECU communications baud rate (normally
9600 or 19200 baud)

Wiring is dependent on the particular telemetry system, please consult the
wiring details supplied with the telemetry system.

ADL2 Setup
Set the RS232 communications for Telemetry Only, or ECU and Telemetry.
The telemetry channels should then be configured in the separate Telemetry
Setup screen, found under the ‘Functions’ menu.
MoTeC Dash Manager Software 31

ADL2 Dash Manager Software

The following is an overview of the main concepts of the ADL2 Dash Manager
software. More detailed information is available from the online help provided
with ADL2 Dash Manager. Online help is accessed by clicking on the help
buttons that appear on most ADL2 Dash Manager screens and by selecting
Help from the main menu.
Note that the EDL2 uses the same configuration software as the ADL2 and is
accessed and operated in the same way.
The ADL2 Dash Manager software is used for:
• Editing the configuration files
• Sending configuration files to the ADL2
• Retrieving the logged data from the ADL2
• Testing the ADL2
• Enabling ADL2 options
• Upgrading the ADL2 software version
• Changing event, venue and vehicle details

Computer Requirements
The Personal Computer (PC) must be an IBM PC compatible running
Windows 95(B)/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.

Recommended Minimum Specifications

Pentium II, 32Mb RAM, USB1.0 or Parallel Port

USB Port or Printer Port

The PC must have a USB1.0 or compatible USB port or a Printer port.
32 Dash Manager Software
The USB port is the recommended connection method because it is much
faster however if necessary a MoTeC CAN Cable may be used instead which
should be connected to the printer port.

Installing ADL2 Dash Manager

From a CD-ROM
Place the CD-ROM into the CD drive of the pc.
A new window will appear. This can be navigated in the same way as a web
If it does not appear, click on the Windows Start button and select Run. Type
Click on the button marked ‘Software Archive’.
Select the version of ADL2 Dash Manager (or other software) that you wish to
install and click on the name.
When the dialog appears asking you to ‘Open’ or ‘Save’ the selected file,
choose ‘Open’ and then follow the setup program instructions.

From the Internet

Go to the MoTeC web site at and select Software
Updates then Current Release Software. Click on one of the ADL2 Dash
Manager link to start the down load and choose to save the file to a location
where it can be easily located after downloading (such as the desktop). After
downloading double click on the file to start the installation process.

Mouse & Keyboard

The ADL2 Dash Manager Software may be operated using the keyboard or a
On many Notebook PCs the pointing device (mouse substitute) is difficult to
use and in many cases it is much easier and faster to use the keyboard. For
details on using the keyboard refer to the topic on Windows Keyboard Use
latter in this manual.
MoTeC Dash Manager Software 33

Main Menu

The main menu is used to access all of the features of the ADL2 Dash
Manager software. Click the mouse on one of the menu items or press the Alt
key together with the underlined letter, for example press Alt + F to select the
File menu.

Unavailable Menu Items

When ADL2 Dash Manager is started the items related to changing the
configuration will be unavailable, this is because a configuration file has not
been selected.
Unavailable items appear grey as shown below.


The Tool Bar provides an alternative way of activating some of the commonly
used items on the main menu. To find out what each item does hold the
mouse pointer over the button of interest until a hint appears.
34 Dash Manager Software

On line / Off line

All changes to the ADL2 configuration are performed ‘Off Line’, i.e. without
the PC communicating with the ADL2. Once the configuration changes have
been made and saved to a file, they can be sent to the ADL2 which is an ‘On
line’ process, i.e. the PC is communicating with the ADL2.
Many other functions are also performed ‘On line’, for example, Get Logged
Data, Zero Sensors, Monitor Active channels etc.
To consolidate the Online concept, all on line activities are placed in the
‘Online’ Menu item. All other menu items perform Off Line activities.

The configuration of the ADL2 determines exactly how it operates.
The strength of the ADL2 lies in its flexibility of configuration. All aspects of
the ADL2 can be configured including, which sensor is connected to which
input, the calibration of each sensor, what to display and where to display it,
what to log and how fast to log it, tacho range, warning alarms, multi stage
shift lights, etc, etc.

Configuration Files
The ADL2 configurations are stored in files on the PC hard disk and can be
sent to the ADL2 at any time.
When changing the configuration, changes are only made to the file on the
PC. The file must be sent to the ADL2 before the changes take affect.

Creating a New Configuration File

A new configuration file can be created by selecting File | New from the main
menu, this will create a new configuration based on one of a number of
predefined templates.
After a new configuration has been defined, it should be saved with a
meaningful name by selecting File | Save from the main menu, the file may
then be sent to the ADL2 by selecting Online | Send Configuration from the
main menu.
MoTeC Dash Manager Software 35
Alternatively a new file can be created by loading an existing configuration file
and saving it to a new file by selecting File | Save As from the main menu.

Opening an Existing File

Before an existing configuration file can be modified or sent to the ADL2 it
must first be opened.
To open a configuration file select File | Open from the main menu and select
the desired file.
Note that the most recently used files appear at the bottom of the File menu,
which is often the easiest way to open a recently used file.

Sending the Configuration to the ADL2

The currently open configuration file can be sent to the ADL2 by selecting
Online | Send Configuration from the main menu.
When a configuration file is sent to the ADL2 any changes are automatically
saved to the file.

Retrieving the Configuration from the ADL2

The configuration can be retrieved from the ADL2 if necessary by selecting
Online | Get Configuration from the ‘Online’ menu. However this is not
normally necessary unless the original file is not available on the PC.

Whenever a file is saved, the previous contents of the file are saved in the
‘Save Backups’ directory. The total number of files is limited to 100.
When a file is sent to the ADL2 the existing ADL2 data is retrieved and stored
in the ‘From Dash Backups’ directory, this is in case the data in the ADL2
needs to be restored. The total number of files is limited to 10.

File Management
The configuration files may be Renamed, Deleted, sent to a Floppy Disk etc
by clicking the right mouse button on the desired file when the Open File
screen is displayed.
36 Dash Manager Software

Changing the Configuration

Once an existing configuration file has been opened, or a new one created
the various parts of the configuration may be modified by choosing the
appropriate items from the main menu. The configuration setup items are
accessed from the main menu items: Inputs, Calculations and Functions.

Setup Details
For details on each of the ADL2 Dash Manager setup screens click on the
Help button that is provided on each screen.

Configuration Sequence
The configuration is best setup in the following order:
1. Inputs (Input Pins & Communications)
2. Calculations (Lap Time, Fuel Prediction etc)
3. Functions (Logging, Display, Alarms, Auxiliary Outputs etc)
This simplifies the setup procedure by ensuring that the required channels are
available for the functions that use them.
• Note that channels cannot be used until they have been generated by an
input, calculation or function.

Versions and Updating

The software inside the ADL2 can be updated by the user at any time to take
advantage of the latest features offered by MoTeC.
To update the ADL2 software version select Online | Update Version from the
ADL2 Dash Manager main menu.

Matching Versions
The version of software inside the ADL2 must match the version of the ADL2
Dash Manager software. If the versions do not match, ADL2 Dash Manager
will show a warning when it attempts to communicate with the ADL2.
MoTeC Dash Manager Software 37
To check the version of ADL2 Dash Manager select Help | About MoTeC
ADL2 Dash Manager from the main menu.
To view the ADL2 firmware version, power up the ADL2 – the version is
displayed on the bottom line of the display for 2 seconds.

Configuration File Version

After the ADL2 version has been upgraded the configuration file in the ADL2
must also be updated to match the new version. The display will show a
warning until a new configuration has been sent to the ADL2.
Note that there is an option to automatically upgrade the configuration file in
the ADL2 when performing an upgrade. This eliminates the necessity to
manually upgrade the file and then sending it. (see Converting Older Version

Converting Older Version Configuration Files

An older version configuration file can be converted to the latest version by
selecting the appropriate version in the ‘File of type’ entry box on the File
Open screen. When the file is opened the file is converted to the new version
format and saved with the same file name but with the new version file
extension. The old file is not changed.
38 Dash Manager Software

Channels are used to convey information between the various systems of the
ADL2. For example an input pin may feed a channel called ‘Engine
Temperature’, this channel may then be used by any other system, such as
the Display or Data Logging systems.

Channel Connection Example

Sensors ECU

Analog Speed RS232

Inputs Inputs Comms

Logging Logging
System Memory

Display LCD
System Display


Engine Temperature

Alarm Warning Light

Wheel Speed Front

Wheel Speed Rear

Auxiliary Warning
Fuel Pressure

Outputs Light
Engine RPM
Oil Pressure


MoTeC Dash Manager Software 39

Channel List
MoTeC has defined an extensive list of channels. All systems within the ADL2
that generate values must choose to feed one of these channels.

General Purpose Channels

Since the use of all channels can not be predetermined, a number of general
purpose channels have been included for occasions when a suitable
predefined channel is not available.
These channels may be required when measuring an uncommon value, or
when a general purpose function needs to generate a special output channel,
for example a 3D table may generate an output channel to control a valve of
some sort, in which case a general purpose channel may be used and
renamed appropriately.

Channel Usage
The ADL2 channel scheme allows complete flexibility in channel usage, as
any available channel can be used by any other function, i.e. any channel can
be logged, displayed, used in conditions, used in alarms, used as an input to
the user definable tables, etc.

Channel Properties
For each channel the following properties have been defined, some of which
may be modified by the user.

Properties that may be modified by the user:

• Name
• Abbreviation
• Units (eg. Celsius, Fahrenheit etc)

Fixed Details
• Measurement Type (Temperature etc)
• Resolution (eg. 0.1 °C for Engine Temperature)
• Suitable Logging rates
• Suitable Display filtering
• Minimum and Max Range
40 Dash Manager Software
Predefining these properties makes the channels easy to use throughout the
rest of the software, for example knowing the measurement type allows the
channels to be displayed in any units suitable for that type, with automatic
conversion between the units. For example all temperature channels can be
displayed in Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin.

Channel Names & Abbreviations

The channels names may be changed if necessary. However name changes
should be limited to name preferences rather than redefining the purpose of
the channel, except for the general purpose channels which may be renamed
to suit the current use.

Channel Units
The units for a channel can be selected from a predefined list, for example
the Engine Temperature channel may have units of Celsius, Fahrenheit or
Kelvin. Conversion between units is automatically handled by the software.
Note that the units are used for display purposes only. This means that the
units can be changed at any time with out affecting the calibration of the

Channel Resolution
The resolution of all channels is fixed, for example the resolution of the
Engine Temperature channel is fixed at 0.1 °C.
Fixed channel resolutions ensure that the unit conversion system works
properly and that channel comparisons can be performed correctly.

Selecting Channels
There are two methods of selecting channels, either the Category Method or
the Search Method.

Category Method
This method divides all the channels into categories and sub categories, so
that the list can be narrowed down to a small list of channels. For example,
the ‘Engine Sensors / Cooling’ category shows a list of channels associated
with the cooling system of the engine.
When selecting a channel from the complete list of channels, it is usually
easiest to use the category selection method, for example when assigning a
channel to an input pin.
MoTeC Dash Manager Software 41
To expand a category click on the + sign next to the category name.
42 Dash Manager Software
Search Method
This method lists all channels in alphabetical order and allows a channel to be
found either by typing the first few letters of any word in the channel name, or
by scrolling through the list.
Note that the words may be typed out of order so that ‘Engine Oil
Temperature’ could be found by typing "temp eng oil" or "oil t eng" or "e o t”

This method is most useful when selecting a channel from the available
channels. For example, if ‘Engine Temperature’ has been assigned to an
input pin, it can be easily located in the Search list, since this list normally only
contains 50 to 100 items.

Conditions Overview
Conditions are used extensively throughout the software to define a true /
false condition based on comparing one or more channels to a value. Most
conditions can perform up to 6 comparisons.
Conditions are used to define features such as when to start logging, or when
to activate an alarm.
For example an Engine Oil Pressure alarm may read as: Activate the alarm
when: Engine Oil Pressure < 200 kPa for 1 second AND Engine RPM > 1500
MoTeC Dash Manager Software 43
RPM for 2 seconds. Note that this condition could also include a test for when
the engine is greater than 500 RPM but set at a lower pressure, which would
cover the range from 500 to 1500 RPM, which might read as: Engine Oil
Pressure < 50 kPa for 1 second AND Engine RPM > 500 RPM for 5 seconds.
In the case of alarms, the condition can also contain an increment or
decrement amount, which may increase or decrease the test value by a
certain amount each time the alarm is acknowledged. The number of times
this value is incremented can also be limited.
The following shows an example of an Engine Oil Pressure alarm condition.

Checking Operation

Monitor Channels
The currently active channels can be monitored to allow checking of the
operation of all functions and measurements.
To monitor the active channels select Online | Monitor Channels from the
main menu.

Oscilloscope Screen
Any channel may also be shown on an oscilloscope style screen by pressing
the Utilities | Oscilloscope button on the Monitor Channels screen.

The Simulate feature allows most input channels to be manually changed so
that the ADL2 operation can be checked under abnormal conditions, eg High
Engine Temp.
This is extremely useful for checking that the ADL2 is working as expected.
To activate the Simulate screen select Online | Simulate from the main menu.
44 Dash Manager Software

A number of tests are provided to check the operation of the ADL2, such as
the Display Test.
To run one of the tests select the appropriate test from the Online menu.

Sensor Zeroing
Some sensors require regular zeroing, for example Steering Angle,
Suspension Position, Ride Heights, G Force Sensors & Throttle Position.
ADL2 Dash Manager provides a screen to allow easy zeroing of all these
To zero the sensors select Online | Zero Sensors form the main menu.

Details Editor
The Details Editor allows details about the Event, Venue, & Vehicle to be
This data is attached to the logged data file for latter reference.
Some of this data is also attached to the configuration to determine the
operation of some functions, for example, the Track Length is used to
determine Lap Speed, if used.
To change the details select File | Edit Details from the main menu.
MoTeC Windows Keyboard Use 45

Windows Keyboard Use

This section gives details on how to use the keyboard with Windows

Main Menu

The Main Menu can be accessed by holding down the Alt key then pressing
the key corresponding to the underlined letter in the menu name, followed by
the underlined letter of the item in the drop down menu. Eg Alt F, N for File
Alternatively press and release the Alt key then select the desired menu item
using the arrow keys, then press enter to activate it.

Closing a Window
Enter = OK or Close (Only works when the OK or Cancel button has a bold
line around it)
Esc = Cancel or Close

Getting Help
To get help on the current screen or screen item press the F1 key, or press
Alt + H if the screen has a Help button.
To access the main help system select Help from the Main Menu.
46 Windows Keyboard Use

Selecting an Item in a Window

To access the various items in a window hold down the Alt key and press the
key corresponding to the underlined letter of the item of interest, for example
to select the ‘Flash Light’ item press Alt F
Alternatively the Tab key may be used to progress from one item to the next
(use Shift Tab to move backwards). The selected control is usually indicated
by a dotted line around it, or by highlighting the text or item selected within the

Using the Selected Item

The method of using the selected item (or control) depends on what type of
control it is. The common controls are detailed below:


Buttons are generally used to show another screen or perform a

particular function.
MoTeC Windows Keyboard Use 47
Hold down the Alt key then press the underlined Letter ( S ), or
navigate to the button using the Tab key then press the Enter key or
the Space Bar.

Check Box

A check box is used to tick on or off a particular option.

Hold down the Alt key then press the underlined Letter ( F ), or
navigate to the Check Box using the Tab key then press the Space

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons are used to select an item from a group of options.

Hold down the Alt key then press the underlined Letter of the desired
option ( F , A or D), or navigate to the Radio Buttons group using the
Tab key then use the arrow keys to select the desired item.


An edit control is used to enter a value or text.

Hold down the Alt key then press the underlined Letter of the text
above the edit box (M) or navigate to the button using the Tab key then
type in the new value or text. Use the Backspace key or Delete key to
remove unwanted characters

48 Windows Keyboard Use
A list is used to select from a number of options.
Hold down the Alt key then press the underlined Letter of the text
above the list ( M ) or navigate to the button using the Tab key then
select the desired item using the Arrow keys.

Drop down List

A drop down list is used to select from a number of items, but only the
selected item is shown until a new item needs to be selected.
Hold down the Alt key then press the underlined Letter of the text
above the list ( L ) or navigate to the button using the Tab key then
select the desired item using the Arrow keys, Press the Enter key to
close the list.


Tabs are used to select the different tab pages of a screen.

To select the next tab hold down the Ctrl key then press the Tab key.
To select the previous tab hold down the Ctrl key and Shift keys then
press the Tab key.
MoTeC Windows Keyboard Use 49
Tree View

A Tree View is used to select items from a hierarchical list

Up Arrow = Move the cursor up (selects the item above)
Down Arrow = Move the cursor down (selects the item below)
Right Arrow = Expand (Expandable branches indicated by a +)
Left Arrow = Collapse (Collapsible branches indicated by a -)
50 Appendices


Appendix A: General Specifications

Case Size ADL2: 180.5 x 91.5 x 18.0 mm (7.1 x 3.6 x 0.7 inches)
EDL2: 194.5 x 98.0 x 14.3 mm (excluding connector)
Weight 385 grams (0.85 lb)

Power Supply
Operating Voltage: 7 to 22 Volts DC
Operating Current: 0.15 Amps Typical (excluding sensor currents)
Reverse Battery Protection
Battery Transient Protection

Operating Temperature
Internal Temperature Range -10 to 80°C
Ambient Temperature Range -10 to 70°C typical

Sensor Supply Current

5V Sensor Supply : 0.2 Amps Max
8V Sensor Supply : 0.3 Amps Max

Internal Sensors
Battery Voltage
Dash Temperature
MoTeC Appendices 51

Appendix B: Options Summary

The following options are available :

50 I/O Option
20 Analog Voltage Inputs (10 standard)
8 Analog Temperature Inputs (4 standard)
4 Switch Inputs (4 standard)
4 Digital Inputs (2 standard)
4 Wheel Speed Inputs (4 standard)
8 Auxiliary Outputs (4 standard)
2 0 to 1 Volt inputs (2 standard) (using the LA1 & LA2 pins)

16M Memory Option

16 Mbyte of logging memory (8MB standard)

Pro Analysis Option

Advanced Analysis features in the Interpreter software, including multiple
overlays and user mathematics.

Lambda Option
2 Wide Band Lambda (Air fuel ratio) measurement inputs.

Telemetry Option
Radio telemetry transmission.

Remote Logging Option

Allows logging to an external bulk memory device with removable memory
52 Appendices

Appendix C: Dash Manager Command Line

dash.exe -c[connection] -d -x -l -e -t -s [config file name]

[config file name]

Fully qualified path to the configuration file.
(eg "c:\motec\dash\config\bathurst.d30")
Note: the path must included the file extension (eg .d30)

Options :
Each of the following options can be given as "/[character]" or "-[character]".
They are shown here as "-[character]".

-c[Connection Name]
Select a preconfigured connection by name as configured in the dash
connections dialog.
(eg -c"Primary CAN Connection").
Note: There must not be a space between the c and the connection name.

Causes the debug console to be displayed.
Only available for debug builds.

Causes the app to terminate when one the following tasks has been

Tasks :
One or more of the following may be specified.

Perform a “Get Logged Data” operation.
MoTeC Appendices 53
Perform a “Get Engine Log” operation.

Perform a “ Get Tell-tale Values” operation.

Perform a “Print Summary” operation.
Note: The config file must be specified using a fully qualified path including
the file extension.
(eg -p "c:\motec\dash\config\bathurst.d30")
Note: There must be a space between -p and config name.

Perform a “Send Configuration” operation.
Note: The config file must be specified using a fully qualified path including
the file extension.
(eg -s "c:\motec\dash\config\bathurst.d30")
Note: There must be a space between -s and config name.

Perform an “Upgrade Dash Version” operation.
54 Appendices

Appendix D: Input Characteristics

Analog Voltage Inputs

Suitable for : Potentiometers, Voltage output sensors & Variable resistance
sensors with a pullup resistor
Measurement Voltage Range :
Inputs 1 to 4 & 11 to 14: 0 to 5.5 V
All other Inputs: 0 to 15.3 V
• Note that voltages outside this range may affect the readings on
other inputs.
Input Resistance : 100k ohms to 0V
Resolution :
Inputs 1 to 4 & 11 to 14: 1.35 mV
All other Inputs: 3.74 mV
Measurement Methods : Ratiometric, Absolute, Variable Resistance, Off/On
Update Rate (Inputs 1 to 4 & 11 to 14) : 1000 times / second
Update Rate (Other inputs) : 500 times / second
Filter: 150Hz 1st order

Calibration Accuracy
Gain (Ratiometric operation) 0.05% max
Gain (Absolute operation) 0.15% max
Offset ± 6 mV max
Linearity ± 6 mV max
Temperature Stability 60 ppm/°C max
Calibration Schedule 12 Months

Analog Temp Inputs

Suitable for : 2 wire variable resistance sensors and some voltage output
MoTeC Appendices 55
Measurement Voltage Range : 0 to 15 V
• Note that voltages outside this range may affect the readings on other
Input Resistance : 1000 ohms pullup to 5V sensor supply + 100k to 0V
Resolution : 3.74 mV
Measurement Methods : Ratiometric, Absolute, Variable Resistance, Off/On
Update Rate: 500 times / second
Filter: 150Hz 1st order

Calibration Accuracy
Gain (Ratiometric operation) 0.05% max
Gain (Absolute operation) 0.15% max
Offset ± 6 mV max
Linearity ± 6 mV max
Temperature Stability 60 ppm/°C max
Calibration Schedule 12 Months

Lambda Inputs
Type : Wide Band MoTeC
Measurement Range : 0.75 to 1.50 Lambda (or 0 to 1V)
Accuracy : 1.5 % up to 1.20 Lambda
Update Rate: 100 times / second

Switch Inputs
Suitable for : Switch to 0V, or Off / On Voltage signal
Pullup Resistor : 4700 ohms to 5V
Voltage Range : 0 to 15V
Positive Trigger Threshold : 3.5 V max
Negative Threshold : 1.0 V min
Hysteresis : 0.5 V Min
Measurement Methods : Off/ On only
56 Appendices
Filter Time Constant: 22usec

Digital Inputs
Suitable for : Switch to 0V, Logic signal & open collector device (eg Hall
Pullup Resistor : 4700 ohms to 5V
Voltage Range : 0 to 15V
Positive Trigger Threshold : 3.5 V max
Negative Threshold : 1.0 V min
Hysteresis : 0.5 V Min
Update Rate: 100 times / second
Filter Time Constant: 22usec

Digital Input Measurement Methods

Resolution 0.1 Hz
Maximum Frequency : 3200 Hz
Rising Edge Triggered

Period 1 usec
Measures period between rising edges
Resolution : 1 usec
Maximum : 32 msec

Period 100 usec

Measures period between rising edges
Resolution : 100 usec
Maximum : 3.2 sec

Pulse Width 1 usec

Measures pulse low time
Resolution : 1 usec
MoTeC Appendices 57
Maximum : 32 msec

Pulse Width 100 usec

Measures pulse low time
Resolution : 100 usec
Maximum : 3.2 sec

Speed Inputs
Can be used in two modes : Hall or Magnetic.
In Hall mode a 4700 ohm pullup resistor is connected to 5V and the trigger
levels are fixed.
In Magnetic mode the pullup resistor is disengaged and the trigger levels can
be varied depending on the input frequency.
Update Rate: 100 times / second
Filter Time Constant: 25usec

Speed Input Measurement Methods

Resolution 0.1 Hz
Maximum Frequency : 3200 Hz
Falling Edge Triggered

Period 1 usec
Measures period between falling edges
Resolution : 1 usec
Maximum : 32 msec

Period 100 usec

Measures period between falling edges
Resolution : 100 usec
Maximum : 3.2 sec
58 Appendices
Pulse Width 1 usec
Measures pulse high time
Resolution : 1 usec
Maximum : 32 msec

Pulse Width 100 usec

Measures pulse high time
Resolution : 100 usec
Maximum : 3.2 sec

Speed Input Modes

Suitable for switch to 0V, Logic signal or open collector device (eg Hall
Pullup Resistor : 4700 ohms to 5V
Voltage Range : 0 to 15V
Positive Trigger Threshold : 3.0 V max
Negative Threshold : 2.8 V min
Hysteresis : 0.19 V Min

Suitable for : Two wire magnetic sensor (Variable reluctance sensor)
Input Resistance : 100k ohms to ground (No Pullup)
Voltage Range : -100V to +100V
Programmable trigger levels

Analog Input Sampling

The following specifies the order in which the Analog input channels are
sampled and the time between samples.
Inter channel period is 14usec, except that for every 8 channels there is a
60usec gap.
MoTeC Appendices 59
Sampling alternates between Group1 and Group2 and is scheduled every

Group1 Group2
AV11 AV11
AV12 AV12
AV13 AV13
AV14 AV14

AV15 Internal ADL2 Temp
AV16 Internal Battery Voltage
AV17 Internal Ref/2 AD2
AV18 Internal Ref/2 AD3

AV9 Internal 0V AD2
AV10 Internal 0V AD3
AT3 Internal Abs Ref 4V5
AV19 Internal Ref AD2
AT4 Internal Ref/2 AD1
AV20 Internal Ref AD3
60 Appendices

Appendix E: Auxiliary Output Characteristics

Output Type : Open Collector (Drives to ground) with weak pullup (10k ohms)
to battery positive
Current : 0.5 Amp max, current limited & thermal overload protected
Output Clamp : 50V Flyback Clamp (No Clamp Diode to supply).
MoTeC Appendices 61

Appendix F: CAN Bus Specification

Data Rate: 1Mbit/sec
Terminating impedance and data cable impedance: 100 ohms: dictated by the
PC communications cable (CAN cable)
Maximum length: 16 m including the CAN Cable.
62 Appendices

Appendix G: ECU to ADL2 Wiring (RS232)

The following details the methods for connecting the various MoTeC ECUs to
the ADL2 via RS232. In all cases this is done using the serial data stream
generated by the Telemetry function of each ECU.
In the case of the M800, M880 and M4e the ADL2 may be directly wired to
the ECU because these ECU’s use RS232 interface levels. On the M48, M4
(pre M4e) and the M8 a Computer Interface Module (CIM) or a PCI cable is
required to convert the signals to RS232.

M800 / M880
9 pin PC
(if used)
2 B17 / 40
3 B18 / 31 M800 / M880
5 B14 / 13 ECU

Note that the data to the ADL2 will be interrupted while a PC is connected
(DOS software only)
Note that the 9 pin connector is not used if using the Windows Calibration
Note that data may be sent to the ADL2 via the CAN bus as an alternative to
the serial connection.

9 Pin PC
2 22
3 23 M4e ECU
5 5

Note that Older M4 ECUs require a different connection method

Note that the data to the ADL2 will be interrupted while a PC is connected.
MoTeC Appendices 63

M48, M4 (pre M4e) and M8

The M48 & M8 and M4 (pre M4e) require the use of a CIM module or a PCI
Cable to convert the logic level signals used by these ECU’s into RS232

Using a CIM Module


M4 / M48 / M8

PC Connector

Refer to the CIM module drawing for full wiring details.

Note that the data to the ADL2 will be interrupted while a PC is connected.

Using a PCI Cable - Direct Connection

2 79

PCI Cable M4 / M48 / M8

(PC Interface Cable) ECU

To connect a PC to the ECU disconnect the Computer Interface Cable from

the ADL2 and attach it to the PC.
64 Appendices
Using a PCI Cable - Parallel Connection
This method allows the PC to be connected without disconnecting the
Computer Interface Cable from the ADL2.

2 79 ADL

M4 or M8 ECU PC Interface Cable

(PCI Cable)

D9 Female
1 to 1 cable
Adaptor Details

2 2 PC
3 3 F
5 5
D9 Male D9 Female

Note that the data to the ADL2 will be interrupted while a PC is connected.
MoTeC Appendices 65

Appendix H: CAN Wiring

The CAN bus should consist of a twisted pair trunk with 100R (0.25Watt)
terminating resistors at each end of the trunk.
The preferred cable for the trunk is 100R Data Cable but twisted 22# Tefzel is
usually OK.
The maximum length of the bus is 16m (50ft)
CAN Devices (such as MoTeC ADL2, BR2 etc) may be connected to the
trunk with up to 500mm (20in) of twisted wire.
Note that the “CAN Cable Connector” is not normally used since the ADL2
uses USB for communications.
CAN Cable
100R Terminating Connector
Resistors at each These wires must be Twisted
end of the CAN Bus Minimum one twist per 50mm (2in)


500mm 0V
Max 8V
<< CAN Bus >>







500mm Max

CAN Device CAN Device CAN Device

eg BR2 eg M800 eg ADL
66 Appendices

Appendix J: USB Wiring

The USB connection should be made by wiring a USB cable to the ADL2
main connector as shown below:
The USB cable should have a type B socket so that a standard USB A to B
cable can be used to connect between it and the PC. MoTeC can provide a
suitable cable (these are not commonly available).
Note that the maximum length from ADL to the PC is 5m (16ft) when using a
normal USB cable. This can be extended in steps of 5m (16ft) up to a
maximum of 25m (80ft) by using Active USB extender cables or hubs.

Wiring Details:

It is recommended that the USB

wires are reterminated to 22#
Tefzel to avoid wire breakage USB B Type
USB-VCC 70 Red
USB-DM 77 White
USB-DP 78 Green
USB-GND 68 Black

50mm (2in) Max Must be USB certified cable

Maximum length 5m (16ft) including the cable to the PC

Note: When inserting the pins into the Autosport connector check that all the
pins are latched correctly by pulling on each wire – it is very easy for a pin not
to latch correctly which will give an intermittent connection.
MoTeC Appendices 67

Appendix K: Typical Wiring (with BR2)

The wiring below shows typical wiring for BR2 on CAN plus USB for PC
For more detail on the CAN Bus wiring refer to Appendix H: CAN Wiring.
For more details on USB wiring refer to Appendix J: USB Wiring.

1 51 or 56 or 61
Ground 0V USB-VCC 70 Red
2 62
SwOut 8V USB-DM 77 White
Power USB-DP 78 Green
4 73 or 75
5 74 or 76

See the USB


CAN-LO Specification
for more detail

See the CAN Bus CAN Device Any Other

Wiring Specification eg M800 CAN Device
for more detail ECU
68 Appendices

Appendix L: Pin List by Function

Pin Name Function

Battery Power
7 BAT- Battery Negative
8 BAT+ Battery Positive

Analog Volt Inputs

45 AV1 Analog Voltage Input 1
46 AV2 Analog Voltage Input 2
47 AV3 Analog Voltage Input 3
48 AV4 Analog Voltage Input 4
49 AV5 Analog Voltage Input 5
50 AV6 Analog Voltage Input 6
19 AV7 Analog Voltage Input 7
20 AV8 Analog Voltage Input 8
21 AV9 Analog Voltage Input 9
22 AV10 Analog Voltage Input 10
23 AV11 Analog Voltage Input 11
24 AV12 Analog Voltage Input 12
25 AV13 Analog Voltage Input 13
26 AV14 Analog Voltage Input 14
1 AV15 Analog Voltage Input 15
2 AV16 Analog Voltage Input 16
3 AV17 Analog Voltage Input 17
4 AV18 Analog Voltage Input 18
5 AV19 Analog Voltage Input 19
69 AV20 Analog Voltage Input 20

Analog Temp Inputs

34 AT1 Analog Temp Input 1
35 AT2 Analog Temp Input 2
36 AT3 Analog Temp Input 3
37 AT4 Analog Temp Input 4
38 AT5 Analog Temp Input 5
39 AT6 Analog Temp Input 6
41 AT7 Analog Temp Input 7
42 AT8 Analog Temp Input 8

Lambda Inputs
29 LA1+ Lambda Input 1 Positive
MoTeC Appendices 69
30 LA1- Lambda Input 1 Negative
31 LA2+ Lambda Input 2 Positive
32 LA2- Lambda Input 2 Negative

Switch Inputs
57 SW1 Switch Input 1
58 SW2 Switch Input 2
59 SW3 Switch Input 3
60 SW4 Switch Input 4

Digital Inputs
52 DIG1 Digital Input 1
53 DIG2 Digital Input 2
54 DIG3 Digital Input 3
55 DIG4 Digital Input 4

Speed Inputs
63 SPD1 Speed Input 1
64 SPD2 Speed Input 2
65 SPD3 Speed Input 3
66 SPD4 Speed Input 4

Auxiliary Outputs
9 AUX1 Auxiliary Output 1
10 AUX2 Auxiliary Output 2
11 AUX3 Auxiliary Output 3
12 AUX4 Auxiliary Output 4
13 AUX5 Auxiliary Output 5
14 AUX6 Auxiliary Output 6
15 AUX7 Auxiliary Output 7
16 AUX8 Auxiliary Output 8

8V Sensor
62 8V Sensor 8V

5V Analog Sensor
18 5V Sensor 5V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
28 5V Sensor 5V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
44 5V Sensor 5V Analog Volt & Analog Temp

0V Analog Sensor
70 Appendices
17 0V Sensor 0V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
27 0V Sensor 0V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
33 0V Sensor 0V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
40 0V Sensor 0V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
43 0V Sensor 0V Analog Volt & Analog Temp

0V Digital, Switch, Speed

51 0V Sensor 0V Digital, Switch & Speed
56 0V Sensor 0V Digital, Switch & Speed
61 0V Sensor 0V Digital, Switch & Speed

CAN Interface
71 0V 0V CAN
72 8V 8V CAN
73 CANLA CAN-LO A (Note that 73 is internally connected to 75)
74 CANHA CAN-HI A (Note that 74 is internally connected to 76)
Note that CAN-LO A is connected to CAN-LO B inside the ADL2. Similarly
CAN-HI A is connected to CAN-HI B. The “B” connections are only provided
to simplify wiring.

68 USB-GND USB Ground (Black + Shield)
70 USB-VCC USB Power (Red)
77 USB-DM USB Data Minus (White)
78 USB-DP USB Data Plus (Green)

67 TX/Telem RS232 Output (Telemetry or General Purpose)
79 RX RS232 Input

6 BL Backlight Inverter Input
MoTeC Appendices 71

Appendix M: Pin List by Pin Number

Pin Name Function
1 AV15 Analog Voltage Input 15
2 AV16 Analog Voltage Input 16
3 AV17 Analog Voltage Input 17
4 AV18 Analog Voltage Input 18
5 AV19 Analog Voltage Input 19
6 Spare Spare
7 BAT- Battery Negative
8 BAT+ Battery Positive
9 AUX1 Auxiliary Output 1
10 AUX2 Auxiliary Output 2
11 AUX3 Auxiliary Output 3
12 AUX4 Auxiliary Output 4
13 AUX5 Auxiliary Output 5
14 AUX6 Auxiliary Output 6
15 AUX7 Auxiliary Output 7
16 AUX8 Auxiliary Output 8
17 0V Sensor 0V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
18 5V Sensor 5V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
19 AV7 Analog Voltage Input 7
20 AV8 Analog Voltage Input 8
21 AV9 Analog Voltage Input 9
22 AV10 Analog Voltage Input 10
23 AV11 Analog Voltage Input 11
24 AV12 Analog Voltage Input 12
25 AV13 Analog Voltage Input 13
26 AV14 Analog Voltage Input 14
27 0V Sensor 0V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
28 5V Sensor 5V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
29 LA1+ Lambda Input 1 Positive
30 LA1- Lambda Input 1 Negative
31 LA2+ Lambda Input 2 Positive
32 LA2- Lambda Input 2 Negative
33 0V Sensor 0V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
34 AT1 Analog Temp Input 1
35 AT2 Analog Temp Input 2
36 AT3 Analog Temp Input 3
37 AT4 Analog Temp Input 4
38 AT5 Analog Temp Input 5
39 AT6 Analog Temp Input 6
40 0V Sensor 0V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
72 Appendices
41 AT7 Analog Temp Input 7
42 AT8 Analog Temp Input 8
43 0V Sensor 0V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
44 5V Sensor 5V Analog Volt & Analog Temp
45 AV1 Analog Voltage Input 1
46 AV2 Analog Voltage Input 2
47 AV3 Analog Voltage Input 3
48 AV4 Analog Voltage Input 4
49 AV5 Analog Voltage Input 5
50 AV6 Analog Voltage Input 6
51 0V Sensor 0V Digital, Switch, Speed
52 DIG1 Digital Input 1
53 DIG2 Digital Input 2
54 DIG3 Digital Input 3
55 DIG4 Digital Input 4
56 0V Sensor 0V Digital, Switch, Speed
57 SW1 Switch Input 1
58 SW2 Switch Input 2
59 SW3 Switch Input 3
60 SW4 Switch Input 4
61 0V Sensor 0V Digital, Switch, Speed
62 8V Sensor 8V
63 SPD1 Speed Input 1
64 SPD2 Speed Input 2
65 SPD3 Speed Input 3
66 SPD4 Speed Input 4
67 TX/Telem RS232 Output (Telemetry or General Purpose)
68 USB-GND USB Ground (Black + Shield)
69 AV20 Analog Voltage Input 20
70 USB-VCC USB Power (Red)
71 0V 0V CAN
72 8V 8V CAN
73 CANLA CAN Lo A (Note that 73 is internally connected to 75)
74 CANHA CAN Hi A (Note that 74 is internally connected to 76)
77 USB-DM USB Data Minus (White)
78 USB-DP USB Data Plus (Green)
79 RX RS232 Input
MoTeC Appendices 73

Appendix N: Connector

ADL2 Mating Connector

Deutsch : AS6-20-35SN

Wire to suit connector : 22# Tefzel, Mil Spec : M22759/16-22

Crimp Tool
Crimp Tool : M22520/2-01
Positioner for Crimp Tool : M22520/2-07
• Note that the Crimp Contacts are type 22D (needed to set the crimp tool

Wire Stripping Tool

The following tool is recommended
Ideal Industries 45-2133 stripping tool with LB1195 wire stop.

Heatshrink Boots
Straight : Raychem 202K153 or 202K163,
Hellerman 156-42-G or 157-42-G
Right Angle : Raychem 222K153 or 222K163,
Hellerman : 1156-4-G or 1157-42-G
74 Appendices

Appendix P: Wire Specifications

M22759/16 Wire Ratings (For Various Wire Gauges)

Insulation Material : Tefzel
Conductor : Tin Plated Copper
Voltage Rating : 600 V
Maximum Temperature : 150 °C

Wire Cross Max Current Resistance Resistance

Gauge Sectional at 100 °C ( ohm / m ) ( ohm / 1000 ft )
(AWG) Area (mm2) Ambient
22 0.38 5 0.045 14
20 0.61 6 0.028 8.5
18 0.96 9 0.018 5.5
16 1.2 12 0.014 4.3
14 1.9 18 0.009 2.7
12 3.0 24 0.006 1.8

Wire Stripping Tool

The following tool is recommended
Ideal Industries 45-2133 stripping tool with LB1195 wire stop.
MoTeC Appendices 75

Appendix Q: Case Dimensions

76 Appendices

MoTeC Notes 77
78 Notes
MoTeC Notes 79
80 Notes

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