1 Abstract 5
2 Acknowledgement 6
6 Chapter 4: Project 11
7 Chapter 5: Conclusion 21
8 Chapter 6: Reference 22
Android is an open-source operating system that runs on the Linux kernel. Android applications
are developed using the java language. Google has its own SDK which enables these java codes
to control devices like mobile phones, tablets, etc. Android mobile application development
provides a flexible platform for developers where they can use both java IDEs and android java
libraries. Nowadays the Android operating system is an important platform that provides a
dynamic way of developing innovative third-party applications. The android operating system
gained popularity among developers for its customizable nature. It is very efficient to build an
application in one platform and deploy it in several platforms simultaneously without having a
concern about changes to be made. Cross-platform proposes several approaches to achieve this
objective in efficient and creative ways. Safety is the main concern of android operating devices.
It does not allow external applications to change or modify installed files. It allows customization
of permissions which specifies applications to use the hardware and software resources of the
device. Android users have the authority to accept or deny permissions of an installed application.
However, android allows IPC (Inter-Process Communication) which makes the device vulnerable
to security threats resulting in piracy. One of the main features of this operating system is that the
architecture is quite the same as personal computers. Therefore, security issues can be fixed in
similar ways. However, both technologies can be the victim of Do’s attacks using resources like
Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, although android applications are highly customizable, it also increases the
risk of unintentional use of resources or unintentional installations. Therefore, users need to be
aware of such malicious activities which can reduce the risks of a security breach.
The opportunity which I had while working under C-Tech Continentals was truly grateful and it
was an amazing experience and I learned a lot new things and gained a lot of amazing skills while
doing this internship with the company.
I like to express my gratitude towards C-Tech Continentals & MSBTE for giving me this
opportunity to gain new knowledge and learn something new.
I would like to thank Mr. Sumit Dalvi sir who is the HOD of the computer engineering department
and subject teacher for taking part in useful decisions & giving necessary advice and guidance for
arranging all facilities to make it easier for us. Again thanks to him for giving his everything in the
contribution during this internship.
I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use gained
skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their improvements,
in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with all of you in future.
Sincerely, we are also highly thankful of the development industrial training co-coordinators and
faculty members.
A hierarchical organizational structure follows a direct chain of command in the form of a top
to bottom approach. Senior management makes all the critical decisions, which are then passed
down through subsidiary levels of management.
This structure works well within our organization as we keep a limited number of products at
focus which have high demand. This allows a streamlined and controlled flow in designing,
quality control, production and distribution of goods.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Industry
C-Tech Continentals is built and brought up by values, these values have not only shaped the
culture of the company but also has defined the character of the company. We stand and live by
the core values through our individual behaviors which serve as the core foundation for how we
act and make decisions.
As the world is transiting to a new normal, C-Tech Continentals is empowering a more resilient
future for its customers and communities from building more adaptive, functional business
frameworks to advanced technologies for intelligent enterprises.
At C-Tech Continentals what we do matters.
Under this program, students from different fields are given a chance to work on a variety of
projects and harness their theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios.
Everyone in my group was assigned to different tasks on different projects. We all had to create a
weekly report every week to record our performance and at how much speed and time we were
completing our projects.
In the first week we started with an introduction session and then we were told to make a
personal GitHub account and we all made it. The purpose of this task was to introduce us to
GitHub and how it works so we can get a better idea about the software. We also got our first
project assigned the next day which was ‘Developing a portfolio using HTML/CSS &
In the second week we did some brainstorming for the next task where we discussed different
functionalities of android studio which we were going to implement in our next task. I got
assigned to another task where I had to develop ‘Login page UI’ for the application.
In the third week I was halfway done through the Login page UI development where I completed
the UI designing. We also were told to improve our LinkedIn profile by adding our experience,
our occupation, our education and other important things which helped improve our profile.
We all also were told to make a Python project by using GUI (Graphical User Interface) where I
chose ‘Tic Tac Toe game’ as my python project.
In the fifth week I completed my development on Login page UI successfully. But after merging
it with other tasks as we were told to make it work as a proper application I found some errors
about it’s working so I fixed them immediately and then it worked without any errors. Also this
same week I successfully completed the Tic Tac Toe Game using a GUI python project task
where I used Tkinter (Python's de-factor standard GUI package.) for making the UI for the
As I completed every task assigned to me I looked back at all my tasks which I did during my
internship period to make sure that I haven’t missed any task or if there’s any error in my projects
or to check the working after merging my tasks to the main application.
Chapter 4: Project
Project #2: E-Commerce Application Development
In Android project development I contributed in developing Create Account Page.
In the Login Page I used the Linear Layout. Creating a Create Account fragment
which contains different options like Create Account and Sign In options.
while x == "y":
number = random.randint(1,6)
if number == 1:
print("| |")
print("| O |")
print("| |")
if number == 2:
print("| |")
print("| O O |")
print("| |")
if number == 3:
print("| O |")
print("| O |")
print("| O |")
if number == 4:
print("| O O |")
print("| |")
print("| O O |")
if number == 5:
print("| O O |")
print("| O |")
print("| O O |")
if number == 6:
print("| O O |")
print("| O O |")
print("| O O |")
x = input("Press y to roll again")
This internship was really good and helpful to me and also to all of us and
everyone got to learn and explore new things and skills which will be helpful for us
in the future.
I successfully completed all of projects and tasks assigned to me and it was really
fun while doing it and the whole internship experience was also really amazing.
Now to sum it up I would like to thank our mentor Mr. Chinmay Mulay who
helped us develop our skills and taught us new languages. Also big thanks to the
company C-Tech Continentals under which I completed my industrial training. I
had a great time working with them, learned a lot of new stuff and improved my
skills. Once again thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
Chapter 6: Reference
This week we started with an introduction session and then we were told to make a
personal GitHub account and we all made it. The purpose of this task was to
introduce us to GitHub and how it works so we can get a better idea about the
We also got our first project assigned the next day which was ‘Developing a
portfolio using HTML/CSS & JavaScript’.
After successfully completing 1st week’s tasks of building a small portfolio I got
assigned to another task where I had to develop ‘Create Account’ for the
application with a teammate. we did some brainstorming for the next task where
we discussed different functionalities of android studio which we were going to
implement in our next task.
Also this same week I was halfway done through the settings fragment/settings
page UI development where I completed the UI designing.
We also were told to improve our LinkedIn profile by adding our experience, our
occupation, our education and other important things which helped improve our
I also got assigned to another task regarding the android studio application
development where I had to make a page in the application which will be useful for
Creating Account in which we will get options like Name, E-mail, Mobile
number, Password, Re-enter password, etc.
We all were told to merge our android studio tasks into one so it can work as a
proper application so I merged Create account page .
Also as I was inching closer towards the Login page UI completion I got assigned
to another task for android studio application development.
We all also were told to make a Python project where I chose a simple dice as my
python project and immediately started working on it the same week.
This week I completed my development on Create Account Page UI successfully.
But after merging it with other tasks as we were told to make it work as a proper
application I found some errors about it’s working so I fixed them immediately and
then it worked without any errors.
Also this same week I successfully completed the simple dice python project task .
As I completed every task assigned to me I looked back at all my tasks which I did
during my internship period to make sure that I haven’t missed any task or if there’s
any error in my projects or to check the working after merging my tasks to the main