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F1000Research 2020, 9(F1000 Faculty Rev):69 Last updated: 24 FEB 2020

All disease begins in the (leaky) gut: role of zonulin-mediated
gut permeability in the pathogenesis of some chronic
inflammatory diseases [version 1; peer review: 3 approved]
Alessio Fasano 1,2

1Mucosal Immunology and Biology Research Center, Center for Celiac Research and Treatment and Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology

and Nutrition, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
2European Biomedical Research Institute of Salerno, Salerno, Italy

First published: 31 Jan 2020, 9(F1000 Faculty Rev):69 ( Open Peer Review

Latest published: 31 Jan 2020, 9(F1000 Faculty Rev):69 (
Reviewer Status      

Abstract   Invited Reviewers
Improved hygiene leading to reduced exposure to microorganisms has 1   2   3
been implicated as one possible cause for the recent “epidemic” of chronic
inflammatory diseases (CIDs) in industrialized countries. That is the version 1
essence of the hygiene hypothesis that argues that rising incidence of CIDs  
31 Jan 2020
may be, at least in part, the result of lifestyle and environmental changes
that have made us too “clean” for our own good, so causing changes in our
microbiota. Apart from genetic makeup and exposure to environmental
triggers, inappropriate increase in intestinal permeability (which may be F1000 Faculty Reviews are written by members of
influenced by the composition of the gut microbiota), a “hyper-belligerent” the prestigious F1000 Faculty. They are
immune system responsible for the tolerance–immune response balance, commissioned and are peer reviewed before
and the composition of gut microbiome and its epigenetic influence on the
publication to ensure that the final, published version
host genomic expression have been identified as three additional elements
in causing CIDs. During the past decade, a growing number of publications is comprehensive and accessible. The reviewers
have focused on human genetics, the gut microbiome, and proteomics, who approved the final version are listed with their
suggesting that loss of mucosal barrier function, particularly in the names and affiliations.
gastrointestinal tract, may substantially affect antigen trafficking, ultimately
influencing the close bidirectional interaction between gut microbiome and
our immune system. This cross-talk is highly influential in shaping the host 1 Xin M. Luo, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA
gut immune system function and ultimately shifting genetic predisposition to 2 Michael Maes, Chulalongkorn University,
clinical outcome. This observation led to a re-visitation of the possible Bangkok, Thailand
causes of CIDs epidemics, suggesting a key pathogenic role of gut
permeability. Pre-clinical and clinical studies have shown that the zonulin 3 Arul Jayaraman, Texas A&M Health Science
family, a group of proteins modulating gut permeability, is implicated in a Center, Bryan, USA
variety of CIDs, including autoimmune, infective, metabolic, and tumoral
diseases. These data offer novel therapeutic targets for a variety of CIDs in Any comments on the article can be found at the
which the zonulin pathway is implicated in their pathogenesis. end of the article.

Chronic inflammatory diseases, Gut permeability, microbiome, zonulin

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F1000Research 2020, 9(F1000 Faculty Rev):69 Last updated: 24 FEB 2020

Corresponding author: Alessio Fasano (
Author roles: Fasano A: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Formal Analysis, Funding Acquisition, Investigation, Resources, Visualization, Writing
– Original Draft Preparation
Competing interests: The author is co-founder and stock holder of Alba Therapeutics, a company developing treatments complementary to the
gluten-free diet by exploiting gut permeability.
Grant information: The author declared that the following grants were involved in generating some of the data presented in this manuscript:
National Institutes of Health (NIH) NIH DK104344 and NIH U19AI082655. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Copyright: © 2020 Fasano A. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to cite this article: Fasano A. All disease begins in the (leaky) gut: role of zonulin-mediated gut permeability in the pathogenesis
of some chronic inflammatory diseases [version 1; peer review: 3 approved] F1000Research 2020, 9(F1000 Faculty Rev):69 (
First published: 31 Jan 2020, 9(F1000 Faculty Rev):69 ( 

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F1000Research 2020, 9(F1000 Faculty Rev):69 Last updated: 24 FEB 2020

Introduction TJ, the mechanisms by which they are regulated are still incom-
Twenty-five hundred years ago, when Hippocrates stated that pletely understood. One of the major breakthroughs in under-
“All disease begins in the gut”, he had an incredible intui- standing the role of gut permeability in health and disease has
tion that only recently has been fully appreciated because of been the discovery of zonulin, the only physiologic intestinal
new insights into the pathogenesis of many chronic inflamma- permeability modulator described so far15,16. Therefore, this
tory diseases (CIDs) afflicting humankind. Until 30 years ago, article will focus mainly on the body of literature published
when the Human Genome Project was still in its planning on zonulin as a biomarker of gut permeability to outline the
stage, the general hypothesis was that genetic predisposition pathogenic role of a leaky gut in a variety of CIDs. However, it
and exposure to an environmental trigger were both necessary should be pointed out that zonulin is not involved in all CIDs and
and sufficient to develop CIDs, including infectious, allergic, that not all CIDs have been linked to increased gut permeability.
neuroinflammatory/neurodegenerative, autoimmune diseases, and
cancer. However, the epidemiological observation showing a The zonulin pathway and its activation
major surge of CIDs during the past four decades in the Western Zonulin is composed of a family of related proteins17–19 whose
hemisphere coincident with the declining rate of infectious first member, pre-haptoglobin 2 (HP2), the precursor of HP2,
diseases was at odds with the gene/environment paradigm1,2. was identified almost two decades ago20,21. Haptoglobins
This generated the hygiene hypothesis supporting the notion evolved from a complement-associated protein (mannose-binding
that we had made ourselves too clean for our own good and lectin-associated serine protease, or MASP) that lost its pro-
that people embracing a Western lifestyle would slowly die of tease function because of mutations in the catalytic domain to
CIDs instead of rapidly succumbing to infectious diseases as then acquire new functions, including the capability to modulate
still is happening in developing countries. intercellular TJs18. The frequent zonulin polymorphisms sec-
ondary to high mutation rate during evolution led to a family of
What we learned when the Human Genome Project was com- structurally and functionally related zonulins, including pre-HP2
pleted is that we are genetically much more rudimentary than and properdin, another member of the MASP family22.
we had previously thought. The premise of “one gene, one
protein, one disease” cannot explain the complexity of the balance Among the several potential intestinal luminal stim-
between health and disease and, most definitively, the CIDs uli that can stimulate zonulin release, small exposure to
epidemics. Twenty-three thousand genes are insufficient to large amounts of bacteria (bacteria overgrowth) and gluten,
explain all the permutations of human pathophysiology, includ- the protein causing celiac disease (CD), have been identi-
ing if and when and why we develop diseases. Rather, it is the fied as the two most powerful triggers23,24. Zonulin secretion
interplay between us as individuals and the environment in has been shown to be MyD88-dependent25 and is followed by
which we live that dictates our clinical destiny. This interplay is an increase in gut permeability secondary to the disassem-
physically and mechanistically regulated by biological inter- bly of the protein ZO-1 from the tight junctional complex26.
faces that divide our body from the surrounding environment. Gliadin triggers zonulin release through the CXCR3 recep-
At about 8 to 9 meters in length, the human intestine provides tor activated by its engagement to MyD88 with a subsequent
the largest interface between our body and the outside world. increase in gut permeability27, suggesting that gluten is misin-
Tightly packed single layers of epithelial cells cover the exter- terpreted by the zonulin pathway as a potential harmful compo-
nal surfaces of our intestinal mucosa and negotiate the interac- nent of a microorganism. Taken together, these data suggest that
tion with the surrounding environment. Although this enormous the activation of the zonulin pathway may represent a defen-
mucosal interface (200 m2) is not apparently visible, it plays a sive mechanism that “flushes out” microorganisms, contribut-
pivotal role through its dynamic interactions with a variety of ing to the innate immune response of the host against changes
factors coming from our surrounding environment, including in microbiome ecosystem, specifically bacterial colonization
microorganisms, nutrients, pollutants, and other materials. of the small intestine (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) or
Intestinal permeability, together with luminal antigen (Ag) changes in its composition (dysbiosis) or both. These findings
sampling by enterocytes via the transcellular pathway and are in line with the growing evidence on the role of changes
dendritic cells, regulates molecular trafficking between the intes- in gut microbiome composition and function in causing func-
tinal lumen and the submucosa, leading to either tolerance or tional changes in gut permeability, with subsequent increased
immune response to non-self Ag3–5 (Figure 1). Intercellular tight Ag trafficking and break of tolerance leading to CID in
junctions (TJs) tightly regulate paracellular Ag trafficking. TJs genetically susceptible individuals (Figure 1).
are extremely dynamic structures that operate in several key func-
tions of the intestinal epithelium under both physiological and Pathological consequences of the activation of the
pathological circumstances6–8. TJs, the most apical junctional zonulin pathway
complex of the paracellular pathway that segregates the apical Modulation of intestinal permeability, including the activation
and basolateral cellular compartment, were previously believed of the zonulin pathway, is part of the physiological machinery
to be impermeable and static, so forming a sealing barrier. This to maintain mucosal homeostasis and therefore does not always
paradigm was subverted in 1993 by the discovery of zonula translate in clinical pathological outcomes. Indeed, studies on
occludens 1 (ZO-1) as the first component of the TJ complex9 transgenic mice with constitutive activation of myosin light-chain
now being comprised of more than 150 proteins, including kinase (MLCK), an intracellular mediator of TJ disassembly,
occludin10, claudins11, junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs)12, showed increased intestinal permeability without signs of overt
tricellulin13, and angulins14. However, despite major progress in disease28. Similarly, mice lacking JAM-A, a key TJ structural
our knowledge on the composition and function of the intercellular component, or the muscle myosin IIA heavy chain (NM IIA)

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Figure 1. Proposed chain of events leading to chronic inflammatory disease. (1) Under physiological circumstances there is a tightly
control of mucosal antigen trafficking (antigen sampling) that, in concert with specific immune cells and chemokine and cytokine mediators
lead to anergy and therefore to mucosal tolerance. (2) Gut dysbiosis causes inappropriate production of increased amount of zonulin with
subsequent functional loss of gut barrier function, followed by microbiota-derived antigen and endotoxin trafficking from the lumen to the
lamina propria triggering innate and immunoregulatory responses causing a pro-inflammatory micromilieu. (3) If this process continues, an
adaptive immune response is mounted, causing production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and tumor
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) that cause further opening of the paracellular pathway to the passage of antigens, creating a vicious cycle.
(4) Ultimately, these processes lead to break of tolerance with subsequent onset of chronic inflammatory disease whose nature is influenced
by the specific host genetic background that dictates which organ or tissue will be targeted by the inflammatory process. DC, dendritic cell;
IL-10, interleukin 10; TGF-β, transforming growth factor beta; Tregs, regulatory T cells. This figure was re-used from Zonulin, a regulator of
epithelial and endothelial barrier functions, and its involvement in chronic inflammatory diseases. Tissue Barriers. doi:10.1080/21688
370.2016.1251384 with permissions17.

showed increased intestinal permeability but only low-grade unspecific product overshadowing the real targets. Indeed, the
colonic inflammation and normal epithelial architecture29,30. respective ELISA kits did not detect any complement C
Finally, zonulin transgenic mice constitutively producing high lev- proteins obtained from different suppliers when tested under
els of zonulin showed increased gut permeability but not patho- native and denatured conditions, as well as when C3 was
logic phenotype31. Interestingly, zonulin transgenic, JAM-A−/−, spiked in serum22. Also, the same kit did not detect recom-
and NM IIA−/− mice all showed increased susceptibility to binant zonulin, mature HP1, or mature HP222. Given the
chemical-induced colitis29–31. Together, these data suggest that additional mass spectrometric hits reported22,32, a few proteins
gut permeability may contribute to the development of several stand out, although, without further validation, these data
CIDs provided that additional genetic components regulating need to be interpreted with caution, since only more abundant
immune response and an imbalanced microbiome are proteins may be identified by mass spectrometric analysis, while
coexistent. Indeed, there is growing evidence that the additional the protein(s) of interest belonging to the zonulin family may
and mutually influenced elements of the triad of gut perme- be in low abundance in serum samples and therefore not iden-
ability, immune system, and gut microbiome—together with tifiable with this approach. Keeping this in mind and the fact
genetic predisposition and exposure to environmental triggers— that the protein(s) of interest should be in the roughly 50-kDa
make the “perfect storm” for CIDs development. range, combined Western blot analysis and ELISA test
confirmed that the polyclonal antibodies raised against the
Challenges in measuring zonulins with zonulin-derived synthetic peptide AT1001 and used in the Immun-
currently commercially available enzyme-linked diagnostik kit (Immundiagnostik AG, Bensheim, Germany)
immunosorbent assays detect properdin among other proteins22. However, when puri-
Several groups, including ours, have been questioning what fied proteins/peptides, including the AT1001 peptide used to
exactly the commercially available zonulin enzyme-linked raise the polyclonal antibodies (internal control), were tested by
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits measure22,32. Using differ- ELISA, they were highly underestimated by the test. One possi-
ent approaches, both we22 and others32 identified complement ble explanation for these results is that zonulin as both pre-HP2
C3 as the top match protein identified by the antibodies used and properdin is not the main target detected by the ELISA;
for the ELISA. However, complement C3 is most likely an however, the fact that even AT1001 was underestimated seems

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to suggest that this hypothesis cannot entirely explain these Role of zonulin pathway in specific chronic
results. Alternatively, it is possible that tertiary and quaternary inflammatory disease
(multimers) structure arrangements present in sera samples Zonulin has been implicated in many CIDs (Table 1). Inde-
but not in recombinant proteins are necessary in order to prop- pendent from the CIDs considered, the steps leading to break
erly detect any zonulin member by this ELISA. Given these of tolerance and subsequent development of CID seem to be
results, it is likely that the commercially available ELISAs similar (Figure 1). Below, we will review some of the CIDs
detect one or more members of the zonulin family that that have been associated with dysregulation of the zonulin
have not been discovered yet. pathway, and a more complete list of diseases and related
references is presented in Table 1.
Alterative tests to measure gut permeability
With the appreciation that gut microbiome composition/func- Aging
tion can affect intestinal permeability and vice versa and that Aging is the result of a constellation of cumulative changes that
loss of gut barrier function allows passage of endotoxin from are deleterious, progressive, universal, and thus far irrevers-
gut lumen to systemic circulation, there are additional tools ible. Aging damage can occur at the molecular (DNA, pro-
to be considered to monitor intestinal permeability. The pres- teins, and lipids), cellular, or organ level (or a combination of
ence of cytotoxic bacterial products in serum can be evaluated these). Recent scientific successes in rejuvenation and extend-
by using IgA/IgM responses to sonicated samples of common ing a lifespan of model animals give hope to achieve negligible
Gram-negative gut commensal bacteria, and assays of serum senescence, reverse aging or at least significantly delay it. Many
lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) and other bacterial toxins, including non-mutually excluding theories have been formulated to model
cytolethal distending toxin subunit B, provide good methods the senescence process, including the free radical theory34,
to screen for increased gut permeability in combination the cellular senescence and apoptotic theory35, the immune
with IgM levels to zonulin and measuring gut dysbiosis33. system theory of aging36, and (pertinent to this article) the

Table 1. Chronic inflammatory diseases in which zonulin has been linked as a

biomarker of gut permeability.

Disease Model References

Aging Human 37,38
Ankylosis spondylitis Human 39
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Human 40
Autism Human 41,42
Celiac disease Human 15–20,23–27,43–48
Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis Human 49
Colitis – inflammatory bowel diseases Human 50,51
Colitis Mouse 52
Environmental enteric dysfunction Human 53
Gestational diabetes Human 54,55
Glioma Human 56
Glioma Cell 57
Insulin resistance Human 58
Irritable bowel syndrome Human 59,60
Hyperlipidemia Human 61
HIV Human 62–66
Major depressive disorders Human 67,68
Multiple sclerosis Mouse 69
Multiple sclerosis Human 70
Necrotizing enterocolitis Rat 71
Necrotizing enterocolitis Human 72
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Human 73–77
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity Human 53,78
Obesity Human 79–87
Schizophrenia Human 41,88,89
Sepsis Human 90
Type 1 diabetes Rat 91
Type 1 diabetes Human 92,93
Type 2 diabetes Human 94,95

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intestinal permeability and aging theory. Indeed, several reports and reduced the incidence of diabetes, suggesting a mecha-
in both animal models and humans link gut permeability to non- nistic role of the zonulin-dependent gut barrier modulation in
infective chronic inflammation and metabolic changes typical the pathogenesis of T1D91. The involvement of zonulin in T1D
of the senescence process. In fruit fly, the increase in intestinal was confirmed in human studies showing that about 50% of
permeability leads to systemic metabolic defects and immune patients with T1D have increased serum zonulin levels, some
changes previously linked to aging and is the best predictor of of them showing these changes in the pre-diabetic phase of
imminent death, even more than the actual age of the insect96. the disease92. Interestingly, a subset (about 25%) of healthy
In humans, it has been reported that zonulin serum concentration first-degree relatives of patients with T1D also showed increased
is higher in older adults, is positively associated with concen- serum zonulin92. Similar data were generated in children at
trations of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis fac- risk of T1D in which zonulin correlated with Glo-3A anti-
tor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin 6 (IL-6), and intriguingly is bodies (a potential biomarker of the disease) in cases (at-risk
negatively correlated with skeletal muscle strength and habitual children in the pre-clinical phase [positive auto-antibodies] or
physical activity37. These results suggest that zonulin-dependent overt T1D) but not in controls (at-risk children negative for
gut permeability is associated with both systemic inflammation auto-antibodies)93. Combined, these data suggest that zonulin may
and two key indices of physical frailty associated with aging. play a role in the pathogenesis of T1D in a subset of patients.
These results have been corroborated by more recent data
generated in disease-free ultra-centenarians showing lower lev- Inflammatory bowel disease. Increased intestinal permeabil-
els of serum zonulin and endotoxemia as instigator of inflam- ity has been shown to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of
mation compared with young patients with acute myocardial inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs)101–105. Arrieta et al., using
infarction38, supporting the notion that, as in the fruit fly, gut the IL-10 knockout colitis mouse model, showed increased
permeability may impact lifespan expectations. small intestinal permeability that preceded the onset of the
overt colitis that can be ameliorated by oral treatment with
Autoimmune disorders zonulin inhibitor AT-100152. In humans, serum and fecal zonu-
Celiac disease. Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune enter- lin were found to be elevated in patients with active Crohn’s
opathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten-containing grains disease but not with ulcerative colitis50. In a more recent study,
in genetically susceptible individuals and can be reversed when serum zonulin concentration was found to be higher in both dis-
gluten is eliminated from the diet. As mentioned above, indigest- eases, and an inverse correlation was observed between serum
ible fragments of gluten are able to bind CXCR3 and release zonulin concentration and disease duration51.
zonulin27. CD has been used as a model disorder to study the effect
of zonulin since its involvement in the development and patho- Multiple sclerosis. In the experimental autoimmune encepha-
genesis of the disease has been well documented15–20,23–27. Even if lomyelitis mouse model of multiple sclerosis (MS), zonulin-
gluten can trigger zonulin release in both healthy individuals and dependent increased intestinal permeability was shown during
CD subjects, the amount and duration of zonulin produced are the pre-clinical phase of neurological symptoms, suggesting
much higher in the latter group, leading to a significant increase a role for zonulin in disease development69.
in gut permeability, as shown by the capability of the zonu-
lin inhibitor AT1001 (now named larazotide acetate) to prevent It has been reported that patients affected by MS show increased
the zonulin permeating activity both in ex vivo models43,44 permeability of both the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and the
and in a transgenic animal model of CD in which it prevented intestine. A recent report showed that zonulin concentra-
gluten-dependent inflammation and intestinal damage38. Lara- tions were significantly higher in MS patients showing a com-
zotide acetate has been tested in patients with CD, show- promised BBB as shown by magnetic resonance imaging70.
ing good safety and efficacy in preventing gluten-dependent Interestingly, baseline zonulin concentrations were associated
inflammation45–48, and is now in phase III clinical trial. with 1-year disease progression in progressive MS and closely
mirror BBB breakdown in relapsing remitting MS. Con-
Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune sidering these results, the authors concluded that zonulin
condition caused by the destruction of the insulin-producing may be responsible for the breakdown of both the intestinal
β cells of the pancreas, and the pathogenesis of this disease barrier and the BBB in gut dysbiosis, thereby explaining how the
is still not fully understood. Several studies, in both animal gut–brain axis modulates neuroinflammation in MS70.
models and T1D patients, have shown increased intestinal per-
meability to precede the development of T1D97,98. In a recent Ankylosing spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an
elegant study, it was demonstrated that loss of gut barrier integ- inflammatory, autoimmune condition that typically begins
rity was actually the causal factor for the microbiota-mediated in young adulthood but often gets overlooked or is incor-
T1D99 in susceptible mice, further supporting the critical role rectly diagnosed as pain from a previous injury or aging. It is
of the gut barrier–microbiome–immune system triad in the an underdiagnosed form of arthritis that creates inflammation
pathogenesis of CID. BioBreeding diabetes-prone rats, which in the spinal joints and causes chronic back pain and stiffness.
spontaneously develop T1D, have increased small intestinal Dysbiosis has recently been demonstrated in patients with AS
permeability which precedes the loss of tolerance to glucose but its implications in the modulation of intestinal immune
by at least one month100. Oral administration of the zonulin responses have never been studied. By analyzing ileal biopsies
blocker AT1001 in these rats corrected the gut barrier defect from patients with AS, Ciccia et al. showed that the presence

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of adherent and invasive bacteria in the gut of patients with the proximal intestine. It is characterized by loss of bar-
AS with the bacterial scores significantly correlated with gut rier function, bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, and
inflammation39. Impairment of the gut vascular barrier was low-grade intestinal inflammation leading to small intestinal vil-
also present in AS, accompanied by significant upregulation lous atrophy that, in some aspects, resembles CD enteropathy.
of zonulin, and was associated with high serum levels of LPS, The potential developmental consequences of EE/EED can be
LPS-binding protein, intestinal fatty acid–binding protein devastating to the full physical and neurocognitive development
(iFABP), and zonulin39. In in vitro studies, zonulin altered in one third of the world’s children growing up in impov-
endothelial TJs while its epithelial release was modulated by erished areas. It was recently reported that serum zonulin
isolated AS ileal bacteria. Furthermore, they provided evidence levels and other markers of barrier dysfunction were correlated
that bacterial products and zonulin influence monocyte behavior. with stunted growth in patients with EED53.
Considering these results, the authors concluded that bacte-
rial ileitis, increased zonulin expression, and damaged intestinal Cancer
mucosal epithelial and endothelial barriers characterize the There is growing evidence in the literature that Ag traffick-
gut of patients with AS and are associated with increased ing can also be involved in the immune component lead-
blood levels of zonulin and bacterial products. ing to the onset of a variety of cancers. Here are reported those
conditions in which zonulin as a biomarker of epithelial and
Metabolic disorders endothelial permeability has been associated with cancer.
Obesity. Obesity and its complications, including high cho-
lesterol, type 2 diabetes (T2D), coronary heart disease, high Glioma. Zonulin has also been shown to be involved brain tumors,
blood pressure, and stroke, have been shown to be associated mainly gliomas56,57. Increased zonulin expression of zonulin
with chronic inflammation106–108 and frequently linked to altera- in gliomas correlated with the degree of malignancy and degrada-
tion of the zonulin pathway, and more than 30 articles have been tion of the BBB56. In vitro studies on a glioma cell line showed
published on this topic. Several of these studies have shown ele- that zonulin was expressed in high amounts compared with non-
vated serum zonulin levels increased in obese versus non-obese glioma control cells57. Additionally, zonulin has been shown to
subjects79–86, and there is evidence of a correlation between induce transmigration of neuronal progenitor cells across the
total bacteria and serum zonulin levels, suggesting that the BBB57.
gut microbiota may cause increased zonulin levels, and subse-
quent abnormal gut permeability to endotoxin and ultimately Hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
micro-inflammation has been reported in obesity106. A recent globally ranks fifth for incidence and third for mortality
report also showed that zonulin serum correlates with total among all malignant tumors. Although some progress has been
calorie, protein, carbohydrate, sodium, and vitamin B12 intake made in exploring the pathological mechanisms and inter-
in obese women, and Ruminococcaceae and Faecalibacterium ventions of chronic liver diseases, there are still no effective
were more abundant in the low-zonulin group, suggesting that biomarkers for the prediction and prevention of the progres-
butyrate-producing gut bacteria such as Faecalibacteria could sion of chronic liver diseases. Wang et al. recently reported that
decrease gut permeability by decreasing zonulin levels and serum zonulin levels were significantly higher in patients with
lower inflammation87. HCC compared with patients with liver cirrhosis or chronic
hepatitis B or healthy subjects112. Moreover, the zonulin lev-
Other metabolic disorders. Additional evidence suggests els were increased in the advanced stage of liver cirrhosis and
that zonulin is associated not only with obesity but also with HCC.
its metabolic complications, including insulin resistance58,
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease73–77, gestational diabetes54,55, Neuroinflammatory diseases
hyperlipidemia61, and T2D94,95. Loss of gut barrier function (evaluated by serum IgG/IgA/
IgM responses to occludin and zonulin and IgA responses
Intestinal diseases to actomyosin) with subsequent increased serum levels of
Irritable bowel syndrome. Increased gut permeability has also microbiota-derived molecules (assayed by testing serum
been linked to the pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome lipopolysaccharides and bacterial toxins, including cytolethal dis-
(IBS)59. Specifically, patients with diarrhea-associated IBS tending toxin) and activation of the immune system (increased
showed increased serum zonulin levels60 and involvement of the cytokines production) leading to neuroinflammation has been
protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2)109,110, the zonulin target described in many neuroimmune disorders, including chronic
receptor23. fatigue syndrome, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), major
depressive disorders (MDDs), and schizophrenia32.
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Non-celiac gluten sensitiv-
ity (NCGS) is a clinical entity triggered by gluten as in CD but Autism spectrum disorder. Increased serum zonulin that posi-
without autoimmune enteropathy111. It has been shown that tively correlated with the Childhood Autism Rating Scale score
patients with NCGS may have increased serum zonulin levels and has been reported in children with ASD41. In autism, as in other
increased intestinal permeability following gluten exposure60,78. neuroinflammatory disorders, changes in zonulin-mediated gut
permeability lead to pro-inflammatory status characterized by
Environmental enteric dysfunction. Environmental enteric increased levels of mucosal pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-5,
dysfunction (EED) is a chronic disease affecting mainly IL-15, and IL-17) and decreased anti-inflammatory cytokines

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(transforming growth factor beta 1, or TGFβ1) detected has been suggested that enteric dysbiosis is implicated in the
mainly in ASD children experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) pathogenesis of CFS/ME49. In a systemic review, the micro-
symptoms42. biome composition of patients with CFS/ME was compared
with that of healthy controls, showing statistically differences
Schizophrenia. Increased plasma IgA/IgM responses to Gram- in some studies but with inconsistent findings in the studies
negative bacteria have been reported in deficit schizophrenia112 considered49. Nevertheless, evidence of loss of barrier function in
indicating leaky gut and gut dysbiosis. These results were con- CFS/ME32 is consistent with the overall theme of mutual
firmed more recently by Maes et al., who reported that the ratio influence between gut dysbiosis and intestinal barrier function.
of IgM to zonulin + occludin/talin + actin + viculin was sig-
nificantly greater in patients with deficit schizophrenia than in Conclusions
those with non-deficit schizophrenia and higher in patients with Besides genetic predisposition and exposure to environmental
schizophrenia than in controls and was significantly associ- triggers, the pathogenesis of a variety of CIDs seems to involve
ated with increased IgA responses to Gram-negative bacteria88. mutually influenced changes in gut permeability/Ag traffick-
IgM responses to zonulin were positively associated with ing, immune activation, and changes in composition/function
schizophrenia (versus controls), whereas IgM to occludin was of the gut microbiome. Zonulin is a modulator of both epithe-
significantly associated with deficit schizophrenia (versus lial and endothelial barrier functions and its role in health and
non-deficit schizophrenia and controls)88. The results show an disease remains an object of active research. Gut dysbiosis
upregulated paracellular pathway with breakdown of the tight and may cause the release of zonulin leading to the passage of lumi-
adherens junctions and increased bacterial translocation in defi- nal contents across the epithelial barrier causing the release of
cit schizophrenia, suggesting their mechanistic role in causing pro-inflammatory cytokines that themselves cause increased
neuroinflammation typical of the disease. These data were recently permeability establishing a vicious loop leading to massive
confirmed by our group89. influx of dietary and microbial Ags triggering the activation of
T cells. Depending on the host genetic makeup, activated T cells
may remain within the GI tract, causing CID of the gut (IBD,
Major depressive disorders. Gut dysbiosis consistent with IBS, CD, and EED), or migrate to several different organs to
pathophysiological gut metagenomic signatures (upregulation cause systemic CID. The effect of the zonulin inhibitor larazo-
LPS biosynthesis genes and deleterious metabolism of mood tide acetate in mitigating inflammation both in animal models
neurotransmitter pathways and host intestinal protective gly- and in human clinical trials not only confirms the pathogenic
cosaminoglycan mucins) different when compared with nor- role of zonulin in many CIDs but also opens the possibility
mal controls has been described in MDD67. Parallel to these of targeting gut permeability in a variety of CIDs in which a
changes, subjects affected by MDD showed increased plasma pathogenic role for zonulin has been hypothesized or proven.
levels of LPS, zonulin, and FABP267. Additionally, it has been
demonstrated that, in patients with MDD, zonulin-mediated Abbreviations
increased gut permeability causing increased bacterial trans- Ag, antigen; AS, ankylosing spondylitis; ASD, autism spec-
location leads to marked alteration in circulating monocytes, trum disorder; BBB, blood–brain barrier; CD, celiac disease;
with an expansion of the intermediate subset with increased CFS/ME, chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis;
frequency of IL-1β– and IL-6–producing cells. These changes CID, chronic inflammatory disease; EED, environmental enteric
are associated with a systemic pro-inflammatory state character- dysfunction; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; GI,
ized by the enhanced serum TNF-α and IL-1β levels compared gastrointestinal; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HP, haptoglobin;
with those in the healthy controls68. IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; IBS, irritable bowel syn-
drome; IL, interleukin; JAM, junctional adhesion molecule; LPS,
Chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis. lipopolysaccharide; MASP, mannose-binding lectin-associated
Chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) serine protease; MDD, major depressive disorder; MS, multi-
is an illness characterized by profound and pervasive fatigue ple sclerosis; NCGS, non-celiac gluten sensitivity; T1D, type
in addition to a heterogeneous constellation of symptoms. 1 diabetes; T2D, type 2 diabetes; TJ, tight junction; TNF-α,
The etiology of this condition remains unknown; however, it tumor necrosis factor alpha; ZO-1, zonula occludens 1

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F1000Research 2020, 9(F1000 Faculty Rev):69 Last updated: 24 FEB 2020

Open Peer Review

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Editorial Note on the Review Process

F1000 Faculty Reviews are written by members of the prestigious F1000 Faculty. They are commissioned and
are peer reviewed before publication to ensure that the final, published version is comprehensive and accessible.
The reviewers who approved the final version are listed with their names and affiliations.

The reviewers who approved this article are:

Version 1
1 Arul Jayaraman 
Department of Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Bryan, TX, USA
Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
2 Michael Maes 
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
3 Xin M. Luo 
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA, USA
Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.

Comments on this article

Version 1

Reader Comment 15 Feb 2020
Naveen gopi Manakkadan, RPM, Abudhabi, United Arab Emirates

I have reviewed the paper its quite interesting but is there any implications about the gluten which we get
from our food.

Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.

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F1000Research 2020, 9(F1000 Faculty Rev):69 Last updated: 24 FEB 2020

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