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Math 1732

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lands outside Palestine; they were thus regarded as less

the Jesuits in Ethiopia,'' A New Collection of Voyages,

War,'' which was precipitated by the death of Stephen

Bashgol from that of Chitral, and this continues to denote

there recognition of the United States as an independent

algebra, cossic or algebraic, cossist or algebraist, &c.

to Menaechmus two methods of solving the equation x3=a

almost every European language. In 1798 Dr Aikin retired

(``pulveriser''), a device for effecting the solution of

Montreal, of which he became a junior partner in 1835. In

attested by comparison with other impressions; it may be

In all the countries of Europe the causing of abortion is now

things was to be remedied. For some years the emperor, with

to the pins, and stretched over two narrow bridges of hard

1890 to 1899, 2%. The total value of milch cows increased each

duties; in some cases, indeed, the two are combined. Ad

door to wider knowledge, and much exploration has ensued,

successor of Gorgias and taught at Athens at the same time

Company, whose line from Macon to Culoz traverses the

2. CHLOROPHYCEAE.--A. Borzi, ``Studi anamorfici di alcune

AFIUM-KARA-HISSAR (afium, opium), the popular name of

pegmatite in veins and lenticles, often foliated. The later

was to aggravate the schism by adding a third to the number

lasted the rest of his life, by accepting the chairmanship

(2) the next of kin; (3) the crown; (4) a creditor; (5) a

character, and maintain themselves by plundering the Bulgarian

the accession of Queen Elizabeth, and the beginning of the

scale. Such an instrument is called a soft-iron gravity

daughter of Meinhard IV., count of Gorz and Tirol, who bore

as a wonderful architect, the constructor of underground

character. The earliest of the elegiac poets was Philetas,

contingency occurring, e.g. on the sale of certain goods

battles against Christian or Moor), he was married to Urraca,

confusion. Owing to this confusion, the new symbol G,

philosopher, the son of an advocate who had left his native

forth from Ispahan with all his court, and surrendered

corrections due to astronomical refraction, and concluded

to follow with their authority their subjects so emigrating is

It is difficult to assign the invention of any art or science

3261). Later `Ana was the place of exile of the caliph

sometimes the drink of the gods. The word has generally been

a court of appeal and a court of assizes, and has tribunals

v. Compagnie Generale, [1899] 94 Fed. Rep. 366).

sides of which have been rebuilt, and a library wing has been

to be removed), the name given to a mixed deposit of

} developed.

is divided into four parts: the birth and attainments of

in Water-Colours in 1883. Among his water-colours are ``The

principal of Aberdeenshire and Midlothian. Burnet reflects

great value to the emperor on the retreat from Metz in January

sons, the youngest of whom was the famous Philip of Macedon.

their beauty and as typical specimens of Jain architecture in

Roman Catholic cathedral at Westminster. The origin of the

forms an eight-celled colony. Both plants multiply solely by

development on simple unexciting lines. The child should be

position; but relates what he had seen and heard with a naive

condition of servitude, and forbade the state to engage in internal

of the Latins in Constantinople, which he made no attempt to

filaments each give rise to a carpospore, and the aggregate

before the Oscans and Umbrians borrowed their alphabets. On

L. 3,000,000. Customs and indirect taxes yield more than

d'Athenes et de Rome, Paris, 1895 ff. (W. W. R.*)

warehouse, or by storing them in a public warehouse, subject

dark-brown hair, sometimes covering the back and chest; a

Periptychus and Pantolambda, each of these typifying a

the Gr. prosodia. The early Greek grammarians used this

suggested are arborigines, ``tree-born,'' and aberrigines,

for mountaineering 1apidly developed for several very different

obscure, but Cabot is thought to have reached Newfoundland

of the introduction of Western reforms under the sultans Abdul

quotations. However, the fact that his very wording is

and Welte, Kirchenlexikon, 2nd ed., 1481. The most elaborate

Physical Astronomy, p. 168; Edinburgh Review, No. 381, p. 72.

Santarem, but a considerable distance inland, bordering the

cleavages. Later it was found at Montebras, dep. Creuse,

they are tall and strong. They marry young and have large

of sulphuric acid in potash alum was known to the alchemists.

March, and was able to confine the small British force under

removed hither from its old site and rebuilt in a better

first raised, in token of the Spanish conquest of Granada,

certain parts of the coast, as at Walfish Bay, and suggested

cross-bow aimed at a deer happened to strike one of the

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