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Grade 8 HEALTH Q4 Module 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Prevention of Substance
Use and Abuse
(Cigarettes and Alcohol)
Quarter 4 - Module 1:
The Dangers of Cigarette Smoking

MAPEH – Health Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 1: The Dangers of Cigarette Smoking
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from
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Published by: DepEd-Regional Office IX

Regional Director: Isabelita M. Borres, EdD.

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Agnes D. Baro
Angiennette L. Refugio
Editor: Araceli D. Magsanay, Mary Nenen Charis A. Isaw, Clifford L. Gingoyon, Ma. Jessica M.
Saldon, Kimberly M. Asister, Arlou B. Alano
Reviewer/Evaluator: Arthuro J. Lamdag - EPS
Illustrator: Rodhil O. Rulona and Dennis B. Dompales
Layout Artist: Dennis B. Dompales and Rodhil O. Rulona
Management Team: Ma. Liza R. Tabilon Ed. D., CESO V -Schools Division Superintendent
Judith V. Romaguera, CESE - ASDS
Ma. Judelyn J. Ramos, CESE -ASDS
Lilia E. Abello Ed. D. - CID Chief
Evelyn C. Labad - EPS, LRMS
Arthuro J. Lamdag - EPS, MAPEH

Department of Education – Region IX

Office Address: Department of Education Schools Division of Zamboanga del
Norte Capitol Drive, Estaka, Dipolog City
Fax: (065) 908 0087 | Tel: (065) 212 5843, (065) 212 5131
Email Address:

Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can continue
your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and
discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step as you
discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-test are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This will tell
you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask your facilitator
or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the end of each
module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check learning. Answer keys are provided
for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main test, Notes to the Teacher are also provided to our
facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best help you on your
home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of the SLM. Use
a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And read the instructions
carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

Hello there! How are you? Are you ready to learn another interesting topic today?
Then let’s begin.
This module is designed to inform you about the dangers of gateway drugs and teach
you the various strategies to prevent substance use and abuse. It will provide you with a
solid knowledge base from which you may gain more information about prevention,
intervention, and laws governing substance abuse. You will also learn about the implications
of cigarettes and alcohol use to self, family, community and the country as a whole. Varied
activities are designed to help you learn strategies to prevent cigarette and alcohol use and

Because they are generally accepted and widely available, cigarette and alcohol
remain both major health threats among Filipinos. What is more alarming is the fact that
use of these gateway drugs makes one more vulnerable to dangerous drugs such as
marijuana and shabu. Thus, it is always best not to light that first cigarette or drink that first
bottle of beer. Live with the principle: “Be smart, do not start!”

In this module, you are expected to:

1. Discusses gateway drugs (h8s-4a-27)

2. Analyzes the negative health impact of cigarette smoking (h8s-4b2c-29)
• Describe the harmful short and long-term effects of cigarette smoking on the
different parts of the body.
• Discuss the dangers of mainstream, second hand and third hand smoke;
• Explain the impact of cigarette smoking on the family, environment, and

What I Know
Activity 1: Fill Me In!

Directions: Supply the missing word by writing the correct answer in your notebook/answer
sheet/journal. Choose your answer from the given words inside the box.

Alcohol Cigarette Drug Tolerance Gateway Drugs

Lung Cancer Mainstream Smoke Nicotine Respiratory

R.A. 9211 Tobacco Carcinogen Addiction

1. Cigarette smoking primarily affects the _____ system.
2. Examples of gateway drugs are _____ and (3.) _____.
4. ________ is the addictive chemical in smokeless tobacco and cigarettes.
5. ________is a plant whose leaves can be rolled in a cigar or pipe and can be smoked.
6. A kind of smoke emitted by cigarettes which smokers directly inhale is called ________.
7. ________ are drugs that non-drug-users might try out and can lead to trying more
dangerous ones.
8. ________ is the abnormal strong craving for and dependence on something that is
psychologically or physically habit-forming like cigarette smoking and alcohol use.
9. The Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 is also known as _____.
10. _____ is a malignant growth of cells in the lungs due to cigarette smoking.

What’s In

Activity 2: True or False

Directions: Write true if the statement is true and if false, change the word(s) that made the
statement true.

1. There are no man-friendly chemicals found in cigarettes and tobacco products.


2. Cancer is only one of the many serious hazards of smoking.


3. A smoker’s life span is longer than that of a non-smoker by 10 years.


4. Dangerous smoke residue can stay on sofa and bed sheets for a long time.

5. Smoking helps resolve personal problems.


6. Smoking can lead to heart and lung diseases.


7. Smoking relaxes the body and thus, has an anti-aging effect.


8. Smoking affects the unborn child and can lead to abnormalities of the baby including
premature birth.

9. Stores selling cigarettes to persons below 18 years of age is violating R.A. 9211.

10. Cancer, heart diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are just
some of the diseases caused by cigarette smoking.

What is It

Gateway drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol are legal drugs that a non-drug user
might try, which can lead him/her to more dangerous drugs such as marijuana and shabu.

Since cigarettes and alcohol are readily available and generally accepted in our
society, many people use them for various purposes. Teenagers like you, are especially
vulnerable because you are curious and risk-takers.

According to the study done by the National Youth Commission (NYC), 2 out of 5
Filipino teenagers aged 13 to 15 years old smoke cigarettes (, March 16, 2012).
Furthermore, in a study conducted by an anti-tobacco group in the year 2011, ten Filipinos
die every year of tobacco related diseases (Philippine Daily Inquirer, Sept. 19, 2011). Health
experts explained that the continuous increase in cigarette use and alcohol consumption by
Filipino teenagers is due to its very cheap price. Many pro-health groups are now asking the
government to increase taxes of cigarette and alcohol companies. The increase in taxes will
likewise increase cigarette and alcohol prices in the country.

Tobacco is a tall, leafy plant, originally grown in South and Central America, but now
cultivated throughout the world. There are many species of tobacco but Nicotiana tabacum
or sometimes-called common tobacco is preferred for producing present day cigarettes.
Tobacco use
has been recorded as early as 600-900 C.E. as carved drawings on stones, were discovered
in Mexico. American Indians smoked it for special religious occasions and medical purposes
only. They never smoked cigar everyday.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco smoking and chewing is
the second leading cause of death around the world. It is responsible for the death of one in
ten adults’ worldwide approximately reaching about 5 million deaths in a year. It is
estimated that the death toll will rise to 10 million each year by the year 2020. Each time a
person puffs a cigarette or chew tobacco, more than 4,000 chemicals comes into his/her
contact. All of these chemicals harm people in one way or another. In studies conducted, 43
of these chemicals are known carcinogens. Carcinogens are substances which cause cancer.
Nicotine, the addictive drug found in tobacco products like cigarettes is a poisonous
stimulant. A stimulant drug increases the central nervous system (CNS) activity. The central
nervous system controls all body organs like the heart, lungs, brain, and processes like heart
rate, blood pressure rate, respiration rate, and more.

Every time a cigarette is lit, smoke is emitted. There are three smokes produced by cigarette
smoking namely:

1. Mainstream Smoke – refers specifically to the smoke that a smoker directly inhales.
2. Sidestream Smoke – the smoke that comes out of the lighted end of a cigarette or pipe. This
is also called “second-hand smoke” (SHS) or “environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). This is
more dangerous than mainstream smoke.
3. Third-hand Smoke – smoke left for a long time on sofa, beddings, pillow and other objects.
This smoke also called residual tobacco smoke (RTS) settles along with dust and can last for
months. This smoke still contains harmful chemicals and carcinogens. the smoke that comes
out of the lighted end of a cigarette or pipe. This is also called “second-hand smoke” (SHS)
or “environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). This is more dangerous than mainstream smoke.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies second-hand smoke as a Group
A Carcinogen. This means that cigarette smoke has substances known to cause cancer to
humans. Short exposures to second-hand smoke can also cause changes in a passive
smoker's blood, making blood platelets stickier, adding friction to the blood vessels causing
damages to its lining and thus causes an increase in heart rate and performance


Republic Act No. 9211, otherwise known as The Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 is the law
governing tobacco production, distribution and use. Some of its important provisions are
the following:

Section 5. Smoking Ban in Public Places. Smoking shall be

absolutely prohibited in the following public places;

a. Centers of youth activity such as playschools, preparatory schools,

elementary schools, high schools, colleges and universities, youth
hostels, and recreational facilities for persons under eighteen (18) years
b. Elevators and stairways;
c. Locations in which fire hazards are present, including gas stations
and storage areas for flammable liquids, gas, explosives, or combustible
d. Within the buildings and premises of public and private hospitals,
medical, dental, and optical clinics, health centers, nursing homes,
dispensaries, and laboratories;
e. Public conveyances and public facilities including airport and ship
terminals and train and bus stations, restaurants and conference halls,
except for separate smoking areas; and
f. Food preparation areas. 9
Section 9. Minimum Age Sales. – Under this Act, it shall be unlawful
a. for any retailer of tobacco products to sell or distribute tobacco
products to any minor (persons below 18 years of age);
What’s More

Activity 3: Text Twister

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters for each item to come up with the correct word(s). A
hint is provided below the word(s). Write your answer on your notebook/answer

The following are known dangers of cigarette smoking and tobacco use.

Hint: Too much exertion of blood against the arteries causing damage.

Hint: Involves the cardiovascular system.

Hint: What cigarette smoke can do to your body smell?

Hint: Foul smell exhaled from the mouth.

Hint: Inflammation of the airways from the trachea into the lungs.

Hint: Damaged air sacs in the lungs.


Hint: Infection of the lungs.

Hint: A chronic disease which affects the airways

Hint: Group of diseases which makes body cells grow uncontrollably.
What I Have Learned
Activity 4: Tell Me!
Direction: Think back on something that you have learned from this lesson. Reflect and
answer the following questions.


What did you How did you go What learning

learn? about learning that you can
the lesson? apply to help
you, your family
< or the
(Your reply (Your reply (Your reply
here) here) here)

What I Can Do
Activity 5: Create Me!

Directions: You will now be making your own advocacy material. Choose from any of the
following listed below:

Song or Poem

Write a song or poem which focuses on alternative strategies or ways to prevent

cigarette smoking. Include how cigarettes can destroy one’s life and family.

Artwork/ Poster

Create a poster either manual or digital which depicts the cause and effect of
cigarette use. You can use junk materials to create a three-dimensional art. Include a title
and short description of your masterwork.

Video presentation

Create a 5-10 minute video presentation about the dangers of cigarette smoking and
movement against smoking. Write a synopsis or abstract of the video.

Establish your core message, that is, what the main thing you want the public to
know. This message will be carried by your advocacy material and will be repeatedly
mentioned. Add or create your own images like pictures, icons to visually enhance your
advocacy material. If images come from a book, magazine, website, or other sources, don’t
forget to credit these in your reference corner. Use the rubric to improve your advocacy


Criteria 4 3 2 1

Required The advocacy material All required elements All but 1 of the Several required
Elements includes all required are included on the required elements elements were
elements as well as advocacy material. are included on missing.
additional the advocacy
information. material.

Labels All items of Almost all items of Many items of Labels are too small
importance on the importance on the importance on the to view or no
advocacy material are advocacy material advocacy material important items
clearly labeled with are clearly labeled are clearly labeled were labeled.
labels that can be read with labels that can with labels that
from at least 3 ft. be read from at least can be read from
away. 3 ft. away. at least 3 ft. away

Graphics - All graphics are All graphics are All graphics relate Graphics do not
Relevance related to the topic related to the topic to the topic. One relate to the topic
and make it easier to and most make it or two borrowed or several borrowed
understand. All easier to understand. graphics have a graphics do not
borrowed graphics Some borrowed source citation. have a source
have a source citation. graphics have a citation.
source citation.

Attractiveness The advocacy material The advocacy The advocacy The advocacy
is exceptionally material is attractive material is material is
attractive in terms of in terms of design, acceptably distractingly messy
design, layout, and layout and neatness.. attractive though or very poorly
neatness. it may be a bit designed. It is not
messy attractive.

Grammar There are no There are 1-2 There are 3-4 There are more
grammatical/ grammatical/me- grammatical/m- than 4
mechanical mistakes chanical mistakes on echanical mistakes grammatical/mec -
on the advocacy the advocacy on the advocacy hanical mistakes on
material. material. material. the advocacy

Post Test. Let’s find out how much you already know about the lesson.

Directions. Read the following statements carefully. Write only the letter of the best answer
on your answer sheet.

1. Drugs which open doors for non-drug users to try and experiment on more dangerous
drugs are called _____.
A. Depressant drugs C. Narcotic drugs
B. Gateway Drugs D. Stimulant drugs
2. There are around 4,000 deadly chemicals found in cigarette smoke. Which chemical was
used as a pesticide?
A. Acetone B. Benzene C. Nicotine D. Tar
3. What plant where cigarette and other related products came from?
A. Cannabis sativa C. Papaver somniferum
B. Nicotiana tabacum D. None of the above
4. Which substance found in cigarette smoke which when inhaled make body cells produce
abnormal and malignant cells which most often result to death.
A. Carcinogens B. Elements C. Hydrogens D. Toxins
5. The addictive component in cigarette and tobacco products is _____.
A. Nicotine B. Smoke C. Tobacco D. Tar
6. Specifically, the smoke that comes out of the filtered end of cigarette and directly
inhaled by smokers is called _____.
A. Mainstream smoke C. Third hand smoke
B. Secondhand smoke D. Tobacco smoke
7. The following are correct responses of a teenager to avoid smoking caused by peer
pressures except.
A. Say “I hate smoking, it develops bad breath and foul body smell.”
B. Say “I’m going to the library, would you like to go with me?”
C. Say “No thanks, I have more important things to enjoy than smoking.”
D. say “Okay, let’s give it a try”
8. What healthy alternative can one do to avoid smoking?
A. Hang out with smoking groups.
B. Join sports clubs and organizations.
C. Be a member of a gang.
D. Be a happy go lucky individual.
9. Which Republic Act prohibits the sales of cigarettes to persons below 18 years of age in
the Philippines?
A. R.A. 4670 B. R.A. 8749 C. R.A. 9211 D. R.A. 9710
10 The following are health risks of smoking, EXCEPT _____.
A. Birth miscarriage C. Healthier body
B. Cancer D. Heart attack


• K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (Physical Education and Health 8) Learner’s Module

• grade-8-health-learning-module-1st-to-4th-quarter-k-to-12-curriculum.pdf


Department of Education – Region IX

Office Address: Department of Education Schools Division of
Zamboanga del
Norte Capitol Drive, Estaka, Dipolog City
Fax: (065) 908 0087 | Tel: (065) 212 5843, (065) 212 5131
Email Address:


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