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Company / Business Overview: History, Business Activities, Current Pros and Cons

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MKT1602_Group Uchiha

Product: Mỹ Hảo
● Bùi Đức Dương
● Nguyễn Đình Thiên Long
● Lương Chí Hậu
● Trần Tín
● Hồ Đức Sang
1. Company / business overview: history, business
activities, current pros and cons
With the desire to bring to the social community quintessential products that contribute to a
better life, Hao cosmetic equitized company has devoted its whole heart to research, design
and produce. life the best quality products. For us, health is the universal key in consumers'
lives. Therefore, the company has accompanied with foreign research experts to produce
healthy products.
Established in 1978, starting as a small cosmetic chemical manufacturing and trading facility,
through many difficulties and constant striving, up to now, it has become a equitized
cosmetic company. ).
With more than 30 years of historical milestones on the way of construction and
development, My Hao company has gradually built its brand position in the market by
building the trust and love of customers. .
My Hao's products:
Lily hand sanitizer
My Hao Shampoo
Lena . Shampoo
Mysilk Shampoo
Puloo Shampoo
Tulip Shampoo
Lily hand gel
My Hao concentrated laundry detergent
Eki Perfume
Pulco's Perfume
My Hao dishwashing liquid
Lily's Hand Sanitizer
javel cleaner
Siusop conditioner with incense seeds
Siusop softener heart
Dan shower gel
Lily antibacterial soap
Jasmine laundry soap
Grass soap soap
With staff resources who are well-trained experienced people who are dedicated to the
profession and to the social community. My Hao products have gradually dominated the
domestic market as well as other countries in the world such as Australia, New Zealand,
Philippines, Taiwan, China, Korea, Laos, Cambodia... Apply the latest achievements of
science to production to produce the best products.
Brand familiar to customers
Being in the advantage of the campaign Vietnamese people prefer to use
Vietnamese products have been launched in recent years, impacting customers
small airline to the tastes and receptions of consumers
My Hao dishwashing liquid hits the average customer segment, so the product lines
launched by this company are quite cheap, suitable for the pocket of most consumers.
The effectiveness of cleaning grease and deodorizing are factors that are researched and
carefully considered by the manufacturer.
First of all, in terms of sensory, the solution is very dense, creating a lot of foam. Experiment
with the same amount of dishwashing liquid, My Hao dishwashing liquid gives the ability to
wash more dishes.
The items that often cause obsession for women because they stick to a lot of grease such
as pots, pans, pans ... are also easily removed thanks to My Hao dishwashing liquid.
Choosing My Hao products is a fairly economical option while still achieving high cleaning
Dishwashing liquid is produced and packaged in different capacities. You can optionally
choose a small 500ml bottle or buy a 3l, 5l can (for large households) which will be more
convenient and economical.
Using environmentally friendly ingredients, little damage to the skin of your hands, so you
can rest assured when using.
Besides the above advantages, there are also some consumer complaints about this
The detergent has a very strong smell. Although the manufacturer has committed to using
many ingredients extracted from nature (for example, lemon flavor), those who prefer
gentleness will find the wash has a strong and slightly unpleasant smell.
Besides, despite having the advantage of creating a lot of foam, My Hao dishwashing liquid
clings to dishes... is harder to wash off than other products. Therefore, it requires more water
to wash dishes and takes longer time.
The distribution system has not been widely developed, the treatment regime for distributors
and retail systems is not reasonable.
The communication strategy is still vague with no clear direction, there are not many new
breakthroughs in product marketing and promotion, only clinging to the trust of Vietnamese
people to use Vietnamese goods.
( Điểm yếu lớn nhất là ko chịu thay đổi, ko đầu tư nhiều nghiên cứu thị trường, chủ quan)

2. Who is its target customer? What is the current

Target customers are housewives who take care of the family.
rebuild the distribution system, regain the trust of customers:
Aware of that, My Hao has tightened relationships with agents who are still selling their
products, offering them preferential policies such as discounting commissions on larger
product values than before. For orders under VND 500,000, My Hao gives a 1% discount to
agents, over VND 500,000, 2%. For the lost agents, My Hao replaced with new distributors.
According to Mr. Vinh, My Hao's capital is not much, it is difficult for the company to spend a
lot of money on advertising but can only increase the presence of products in the market
through the distribution system.
He began to offer many attractive discount policies to "please" agents to bring goods deeper
into retail stores. Vietnamese goods markets or mobile sales trips are utilized to the fullest
extent by the company, not only to increase revenue but also to "warm up" the brand in the
hearts of consumers. It is also a smart way of "poor children" in the context of multinational
corporations bombarding advertising in the media.
My Hao has reviewed the entire sales process, encouraging distributors to take other
products of the Company to sell along with well-sold items. The Company's marketing staff
were also asked to offer other items other than dishwashing liquid. Besides, My Hao also
focuses on investment in product packaging. Until 2011, some products such as bar soap,
floor cleaner, fabric softener increased by 50% compared to 2010. For example, floor
cleaner, previously, My Hao only sold 1 day in 1 day. About 1,000 bottles have now sold
3,000-4,000 bottles.
My Hao is developing a strategy to increase sales in modern channels such as
supermarkets from 8% of total sales at present to 10% in 2012. According to Mr. Vinh, My
Hao's total domestic sales in 2011 were 60.5 billion VND/month, while the modern channel
is only about 4.84 billion VND/month. Therefore, he decided to keep the traditional channel
but invested more effort and money to promote the product into modern channels such as
export products to foreign countries to earn more profitable sales
In order to increase revenue and profit, the Company seeks to export to new markets.
Besides the countries My Hao has exported for 10 years such as Taiwan, Laos, and the
Philippines, the company has started exporting to North Korea since 3 years. According to
Mr. Vinh, this is a potential market. Besides, My Hao also expanded to Cambodia market.
Because My Hao has just started mining, My Hao has only achieved about 1 billion
VND/month in sales here. But after only a few years of entering the Cambodian market, My
Hao has built a strong foothold with about 20-30% market share of dishwashing liquid in this
market, which is very popular with Thai products.
Although export revenue is still quite modest in total revenue of the whole company (7-8%),
My Hao's goal is to double the proportion of revenue from exports, about 15% within 2 next

3. What is the most serious communication problem

they face?
_ My Hao Company is a very successful company in terms of dishwashing liquid products
"beauty" which once dominated the number 1 market in Vietnam before the country opened
the market to integrate other big players such as "Unilever". VN” with the typical product of a
competitive solar dishwashing liquid that puts My Hao company at risk of failure in the
Vietnamese market, the first is the mistake of the concept of marketing power because
MyHao confidently evaluates the market. beat Unilever VN without promoting advertising ,
and having specific communication strategies such as promoting products by advertising
and marketing activities , they have the advantage of a rather direct form of marketing .
strong to be at the top for a long time before being defeated, they still maintain their stance
on the traditional business model when they don't care about the Vietnamese market and
still maintain the stance of using the gradual agency model lost many agents.

4. Is the key message / creative strategy / creative

platform still working / relevant / effective with the
target customer successfully? Why? How?
We derive the main message of this brand after many times reviewing their marketing
campaigns and through the way they describe the value of their products. The main
message of My Hao dishwashing liquid ' Bright clean fragrance. cool, soft hand skin'. A
potential brand of dishwashing liquid in previous years. Besides, in the 1990s, almost 50% of
domestic housewives knew about My Hao brand, a Vietnamese product. Quality, price is
very suitable.
Distribution network expansion strategy: the company also focuses on investing in the
distribution system, marketing targeting the rural market segment: Building a distribution
network with 126 major distributors in the provinces, nationwide, with a radius of 40 km,
there is an official distributor from which the product spreads everywhere. At the same time,
make a sustainable investment in the distribution network of centipedes in all market niches.
Choosing a slow but steady path, My Hao is building its brand based on the trust of
consumers. This is both a tactic to avoid fierce competition in the city market and to
overcome mistakes. of My Hao in the past
This innovative strategy did not work for the target customers because My Hao almost lost
the market to Unilever. In addition, My Hao only set a revenue growth rate of 15% in 2013.
2011 achieved an increase of 10%. In 2012, My Hao set a target of 25% growth but the
difficult economic situation as well as internal weaknesses made the Company only achieve
5. In case, its main message/creative background
doesn't work well. Can you fix it or develop a new
My Hao's main message is not working effectively. To be more complete, the main message
of My Hao should be revised as "My Hao - A friend who gives you the opportunity to enjoy a
happy life". Because My Hao's current message "bright, clean, fragrant, soft skin" does not
have a highlight, this will make customers quickly forget about this brand. This new message
can help My Hao increase brand awareness and build a more effective image in the
subconscious mind of its target customers. Because washing dishes is never fun, they may
find joy in cooking and taking care of the family, but the time spent washing dishes is almost
meaningless. Therefore, this new message will create a sense of liberation from boring
dishes, helping them have more time to take care of themselves, shop, have fun, and have
6. Develop the key image: It is based precisely on
the new key message:
• The main image must clearly and accurately illustrate the new
main message.
With the message that My Hao is a friend, the image that the group wants to aim for is that
My Hao is an effective assistant to help liberate women in the kitchen of every home. To be
more precise, I want to highlight My Hao's presence in the family. Through the fact that it is a
dishwashing liquid product, the image that My Hao brings to the kitchen is cleanliness and
shine. In addition, in order to bring convenience and happiness to households, the group
wants to work with My Hao in happy scenes of households. The overall image of My Hao will
be a clean kitchen as well as a smile and comfort for mothers after washing dishes and
family meals.
• What is its color code?: Tone, mood, dominant colors?
The main colors that the product image wants to target will be white and blue. With the main
color will be white. The reason for choosing these two colors is because they are compatible
with each other, there is mutuality and harmony between them. In addition, white is also
known as a symbol of simplicity, cleanliness and absolute purity. . Meanwhile, blue
represents calmness and serenity. For housewives, what they want in their home will be
comfort and cleanliness and that is completely consistent with the color that the product
wants to bring. With white as the main color, the color code of the product image you want to
submit will be:.#FFFFFF, #CCFFFF, #99FFFF, #66FFFF, #00CCFF.
• Are there parts/components specified in the overall design?
By placing the woman at the center of the product, the product wants to bring understanding
and liberation to women in the current era of equality between men and women, the
components are specified in the design. Overall, the color must describe comfort, the image
must show the woman and the product, the scene behind must describe the cheerfulness
and openness.
7. Develop a feasible IMC plan for the period 2022 - 2025 to address the above current
communication problem

a) Reposition the product or not?

My Hao products should be repositioned for the following reasons:
My Hao positions itself as a popular, cheap and suitable dishwashing liquid for everyone, My
Hao's target customers are too broad and unclear.
The brand should clearly reposition the product, targeting a certain target to differentiate the
product from other dishwasher product lines, not a mass dishwashing liquid, 1 substitute
products for temporary use.
b) Re-segmenting the market or not?
My Hao should re-segment the market, there are two main reasons for this:
Because the current dishwashing liquid market in Vietnam is witnessing many potential
competitors such as Sunlight.
Due to the generational shift, customers' preferences and interests change over time
c) Brand and Market goals in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
Objective: Build a brand to become a brand of quick and clean dishwashing liquid, reducing
the burden on women in housework with compatible prices.
Market: Supermarkets and convenience stores are suitable locations for target customers
who are young middle-income women.
d) What is the financial plan to ensure that we can achieve the
above goals?
First, My Hao needs to get rid of old products that do not meet market demand to minimize
Borrowing a bank loan to get money to invest in a new product development project and pay
marketing + product development costs
Estimate possible costs
Details of the financial plan table:
e) How can we apply the new key message to the Marketing Mix -
To be able to apply the new key message to the marketing mix - 4Ps, we need to
harmoniously combine the key message and marketing mix - 4P and we should pay the
most attention to the Promotion section (ie the 4th P in the 4Ps), specifically can be as
The product is very important part, because the failure of the product part means that the
strategy will not be profitable for the business. Therefore, the product needs to be designed
with the key message that the company gives. The product must meet the following
The product can wash away grease as quickly as possible
The product must be in the right mid-range segment (the cost of making the product
must not be too great).
Product is safe in terms of safety (safe for hands, no irritation)

As for the price, we need to pay attention to the customer segment, we need to adjust the
price to match the given key message, because My Hao targets the customer segment who
are busy women, so they will belong to the mid-range segment, they work in the community
during the day, and take care of their families at night. So the price of the product should pay
attention to this and set the price accordingly. In addition, we should consult the market price
to be able to set a competitive price with competitors in the market (competitors in the same
segment as My Hao).

As for distribution, we distribute products through 2 channels:
Direct distribution channel: Selling through My Hao's website (but this channel is not so
important because My Hao's customers often buy dishwashing liquid through indirect
channels more.)
Indirect distribution channel (this is a distribution channel that needs attention because most
customers will choose this distribution channel): Distribution through intermediary channels
such as supermarkets, department stores, convenience stores,... .

+ First, we need to build TVC segments advertised on TV, youtube so that every customer
can know our products. From the TVC of the product, customers can also feel the difference
in the My Hao brand of dishwashing liquid. From the special values that My Hao
dishwashing liquid brings to customers, they can make a decision to buy the product. In
addition, to increase brand recognition, we need to print leaflets, catalogs, brochures,
posters about products and place them in appropriate places where My Hao's target
customers often go, like supermarkets, grocery stores, grocery stores, etc. We can use
additional promotional strategies to increase customer reach and product sales.
f) How can we ensure the key message will be integrated in all
marketing communicational activities
• Develop a TVC storyboard to deliver the new key message
Every day the family gathers together to eat and talk happily. The wife talked about her new
manicure and was complimented by the whole family. After the meal, the husband and
children happily played together watching TV programs. The wife also wanted to, but was
entangled with the unwashed dishes, so she had to settle the dishes. But after washing, the
husband and children also went to bed, the wife sadly looked at her newly damaged nails
due to washing dishes and it was also the use of poor quality dishwashing liquid that made
her miss time. have fun with family.
During the stalemate, the grandfather appeared to give his wife a fine dishwashing liquid
with a superior formula that helps protect the skin of her hands when washing dishes, saving
time, from which she has more time to relax and be happy with her family. Family.
Lan Phuong is a suitable object for TVC because she is an artist who has had children, her
popularity level is not too high, suitable for the rental cost as well as the image of a
housewife that the product wants to convey.
• Develop a Master print ad from TVC:
Headlines: The key message will be bold with a simple font, familiar to housewives.
Art: The image of actress Lan Phuong holding a bottle of My Hao dishwashing liquid with a
happy smile, surrounded by effects showing time saving (clock), hand protection (protected
hands) guard).
Bodycopy: The words "My Hao dishwashing liquid brings happiness to your family" is printed
right below the Art section.
Brand: The image of My Hao dishwashing liquid logo is printed in the corner to identify the

• Develop a set of POSM (as much as we can): Poster, street/online Banner, leaflet,
Product display, shelf talker, ......
Arrange posters on routes near primary schools.
Displaying products in supermarkets and arranging staff to introduce and try products.
Distributing leaflets in shopping malls, printing promotional information related to products on
Support retail stores to print the name of the store with the image of the product.
Pop-up online banners are more common on websites visited by housewives.

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