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2nd Grading Exam in MAPEH 9 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Nueva Ecija
Soledad, Santa Rosa, Nueva Ecija



Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 9


of Number Knowledge Process/Skills Understanding
Hours of Items 25% 35% 45%
Music of the Classical Period
 Classical Music 9,10,11,12,
1,2,3 4,5,6,7,8
 Classical Music 15 28.30 14 13,14
3 5
Composers 6

Arts of the Renaissance and
Baroque Period 22,23,24,25,
 Renaissance and 15,16,17 18,19,20,21,
14 26.41 13 26,27
Baroque Arts 3 4
 Artist and their artworks 6
during Renaissance and
Baroque Period
Social Dances and Dance
Mixes 31,32,33,34, 36,37,38,39,
 Per/Post-Assessment of 16 30.18 15 28,29,30 35 40,41,42
the HR Log
 Dance Etiquette 3 5 7
 Waltz
 Cha-cha-cha
Unintentional Injury, Prevention, 43,44 45,46 47,48,49,50
Safety and First Aid 8 15.09 8
2 2 4
 The Basic of First Aid

TOTAL 53 100 50 11 16 23

Prepared by:


Teacher, MAPEH 9 Teacher, MAPEH 9 Teacher, MAPEH 9

Date: OK AS OF JAN. 11, 2022
S.Y. 2021-2022
Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 9

Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of your best answer. Write
only the letter of your choice on your answer sheet. NO ERASURES! (1 point each)

1. What is the general texture of the Classical music?

a. Heterophonic b. Monophonic c. Homophonic d. Polyphonic
2. Which of the following era is known for denotes conformity with principles and characteristics of ancient
Greece and Roman?
a. Renaissance b. Medieval c. Baroque d. Classical
3. Who is the famous classical composer described that his life as a rags-to-riches story?
a. Mozart b. Haydn c. Beethoven d. Chopin
 Identify each name of picture of the following classical composers. (4-6)

a. Franz Joseph Haydn
b. Ludwig Van Beethoven
c. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
d. George Frederic Handel

a. Ludwig Van Beethoven

5. b. Antonio Vivaldi
c. Franz Joseph Haydn
d. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

a. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

6. b. Michelangelo Caravaggio
c. George Frederic Handel
d. Antonio Vivaldi

7. The term for serious opera is classified as.

a. Opera b. Opera Buffa c. Comic opera d. Opera Seria
8. Classified as a multi-movement work for solo instrument (piano).
a. Concerto b. Sonata c. Symphony d. Cantata
9. How do you find out if the music is a Classical or not?
a. If the music used crescendo and decrescendo
b. If the music used Neumes
c. The music of Classical is known as the golden age of their era
d. If the music known for the simplicity of musicians
10. Why Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is considered as a child prodigy?
a. Because at age 5, he already playing violin and harpsichord
b. Because he composed over 700 musical works
c. Because he compose wonderful concertos, sonata, symphony
d. Because he lived his life in wealth
11. Classical period was also known as “Age of Reason”. How do you explained for this
a. Great musician were born
b. A high value for the power of reason began
c. It marked the importance of music during that era
d. Music of this era is timeless.
12. Gian heard an example of fast movement of sonata in a classical music concert.
a. Adagio b. Allegro c. Rondo d. Exposition
13. How many movements are there in a symphony?
a. 6 movement b. 3 movementc. 5 movement d. 4 movement
14. I attended a musical performance in which the actors sing all of their part but it is
full of fun, silly and not serious. How you will explain for this performance?
a. Because it is Opera Buffa c. Because it is Opera Seria
b. Because it is Opera House d. Because it is Phantom of the Opera
15. Which among of the 3 choices is not an artist of the Renaissance Period?
a. Leonardo Da Vinci c. Michelangelo Simoni
b. Donato Bardi d. Michelangelo Caravaggio
16. What type of artwork from the Renaissance period which was characterized by its
symmetry and balance.
a. Painting b. Sculptures c. Architecture d. Pottery
17. What was the first known free-standing nude statue sculpted by Michelangelo
a. Statue of St. George b. David c. Gattamelata d. Pieta
 Identify the name of the following artist in the given artworks. (18-21)
18. Pieta
a. Michelangelo b. Bernini c. Da Vinci d. Caravaggio
19. The Transfiguration
a. Da Vinci b. Raffaello c. Bernini d. Donatello
20. Portrait of Helene Fourment
a. Michelangelo b. Caravaggio c. Rembrandt d. Velasquez
21. The Last Supper
a. Donatello b. Michelangeloc. Raffaello d. Da Vinci
22. Why Gian Bernini was considered as the greatest Baroque sculptor and architect?
a. He made the sculpture of David
b. He was the designer of the Pizza San Pietro in front of Basilica
c. He made the sculpture of Prophet Habacuc
d. He made his first artwork at the age of 8 years old
23. How you will describe the characteristics of Renaissance arts?
a. It described by accurate anatomy of human being,
b. It described as exaggerated in technique
c. Using nature of mannerism
d. Using simple and animated movement of lines
 Analyze the Baroque and Renaissance artworks in the given names.(24-27)

a. David c. The Last Supper
b. Monalisa d. The Vitruvian man

a. Pieta c. Statue of St. George
b. Bacchus d. Los Borachos

a. Maria Theresa c. Portrait of Helene Fourment
b. Las Meninas d. Mona Lisa


a. Ecstasy of St. Teresa c. Conversion of St. Paul

b. Genesis d. Bacchus

28. Which of the following best describes social dances?

a. Social dances are for pairs only
b. Social dances can be competed
c. Social dances are dances that improve social skills and fitness
d. Social dances are dances that entertain people in attendance to social function
29. In social dancing, a boy leads while a girl follows. What values can be developed in
such training?
a. Leadership b. Obedience c. Respect d. All of the choices
30. A line dance is a formation dance in which a group of people dance in one or more lines. What is the other
term for “line dancing”?
a. Folk dancing
b. Modern dancing
c. Step dancing
d. Mix dancing
31. Social dancing can prevent some diseases, caused by sedentary lifestyle, if regularly
performed. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
a. Diabetes b. Lung cancer c. Obesity d. Gain weight
32. Social dances are two classification namely, Latin American and modern standard dances. Which of the
following is an example of modern standard dances?
a. Cha-cha-cha b. Jive c. Rumba d. Waltz
33. Identify the general term referring to the Dos and DON’Ts in social dancing?
a. Behavior b. Character c. Dance demeanor d. Dance etiquette
34. Identify the following choices if happens one doesn’t have physically active lifestyle?
a. He/she is prone to weight gain, obesity which may lead to diabetes
b. He/she will not be physically fit
c. He/she will become sickly
d. He/she become fat
35. “May I have this dance”? This line implies…
a. A boy who treats a girl with respect even in dancing
b. A boy forcing a girl to dance
c. A boy with no one to dance with pleading
d. A boy who wishes to dance with somebody
36. The following are reasons why fitness is a universal concern EXCEPT one:
a. We face different challenges everyday and it’s just but proper to keep ourselves fit
all the time if we are to overcome them.
b. Everyone needs to be physically fit to meet daily physical challenges.
c. One can influence the community fitness consciousness effectively if he/she fosters
fitness and well-being.
d. To be a good athlete or player in a certain sport.
37. How would you best used the knowledge and skills learned in social dancing to enhance your
community’s fitness?
a. I will render an intermission number with my partner.
b. I will make social dancing my lifetime fitness activity.
c. I will share my skills by teaching community folks, young and old.
d. I will coordinate with community officials in conducting a social dancing program.
38. The following are dance etiquettes that should be considered in social dancing activity
except one:
a. Wear appropriate dancing attire
b. Insist in executing difficult dance steps including aerial combinations
c. Ask someone promptly if you wish to dance with him or her
d. Always follow counter clockwise as line of direction social dancing
39. How do social dances contribute to one’s fitness and well-being?
a. They help make one physically engaged and active preventing diseases.
b. They cure lifestyle diseases.
c. The help prevent sedentary lifestyle-related diseases.
d. They develop one’s talent in dancing.

40. Identify the following attire appropriate for males in modern standard dances.
a. Black/white shirt b. Black/white long sleeves c. coat and tie d. Polo shirt
41. Identify the following term used to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know other people in a
certain formal or semi-formal occasion?
a. Folk Dances b. Festival Dances c. Social Dances d. Ballet Dances
42. The following, aside from fitness, can be developed if one engages in social dancing
a. Respect b. sense of community c. Courtesy d. All of choices
43. The following are risk factors of using drugs EXCEPT:
a. Use of drugs at an early age c. Poor social skills and interaction
b. Poor family ties d. Formation of friendships
44.Mary Joy and Russel are street children which happen to be addicted in inhaling rugby and PVC solvent.
What specific classifications of drugs are abused by the two street children mentioned above?
a. Hallucinogens c. Amphetamine
b. Narcotics d. Inhalants
45.What do you call the drugs that alter perception and can cause hallucinations, such as seeing or hearing
something that is not there?
a. Hallucinogens c. Narcotics
b. Stimulants d. Depressants

46.The following are examples of depressant EXCEPT:

a. Heroin c. Marijuana
b. Alcohol d. Eskinol
47.Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?
a. Drugs are any substances or chemicals which when taken into the body have psychological, emotional
and behavioral effects on a person.
b. Drug dependence means that a person needs a drug to function normally.
c. Drug misuse is defined as the use of a substance for a purpose not consistent with legal or medical
guidelines, it has a negative impact on health.
d. Drugs are very helpful to humans when it is abused and misused.
48.Ella and Sharmaine were arrested by the police because of selling hallucinogen drugs. What do you think
from the choices below did this two drug pusher sell?
a. Alcohol c. LPG gas
b. Rugby d. Ecstasy
49.The following are types of drugs correctly matched with an example EXCEPT:
a. Depressant: Alcohol c. Hallucinogen: Ecstasy
b. Stimulant: Solvent d. Inhalants: Rugby
50.Which of the following holds TRUE about drug abuse?
a. Drug abuse is continuous use of drugs other than its purpose
b. Drug abuse is legal in the Philippines
c. Drug abuse has healthy benefits on human
d. Drug abuse is only for rich and affluent individuals

Corrected by: _____________________________ Date: ____________________________

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