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1.451 Problem:: Applied

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' I

I T-125
\ I •


•• •

1.451 Problem:

' •

. ·Ans. reaction ·time The time taken from the instant the ob
is visible to the driver to the instant t Highway Safety and •

brakes are applied effectively. I

Accident Analysis '

a) reaction time \

b) perception time 1 Accident rates for 100 million vehicle miles
c) intellection time of travel (HMVM) for a segment of a
, d) emotion time highway:
, '
• " ' '
R = A (100,000,000)
., I

ADT xN x 365 xL
1.452 Problem: I

R = the accident rate for 1OO million

I •

Ans. perception time The time required for a driver to reali - vehicle miles
that brakes must be applied. A= the number of accidents duringperiod

· of analysis
a) perception time
I I • '
b) reaction time •
ADT = average daily traffic
• •
e) perception time N = time period in years J
cl) emotion time L = length of segment in miles
• •

1.453 . Problem: • •
2 Accident rates per million entering vehicles

, (MEY) for an lntersection:
Ans. volition time The time taken for the final action.
I R = A (1,000,000)
ADT xN x 365

a) volition time I

' b) perception time R = the accident rate for one million
e) reaction time. • entering vehicles
d) emotion time

l • ADT = the average daily traffic entering the


\ •
intersection from all legs
N = time period in years
1.454 Problem: . '

' \ \
Ans. modulus of · The. pressure sustained per unit defor 3 Severity ratio
subgrade reaction tion or subgrade at specified deformati _ . fatal + injury accident§
or pressure level, using the standard pia
- fatal + injury » prope.rty damage
size of 7S cm. diam. is called: . '

•• a) modulus of subgrade reaction . \

b) modulus of rupture
e) modulus of elasticity .
• \ I
d) shearmodúlus • •

, (

T-126 T:ra,rr1.e E:ca,rl:n.eerl:n,r
· •I'ra,U1e

8 Trafile index/or n years: •

4 Space mean speed of a vehicle: •

Total yearly EWL = sum ofproducts of
nd ADTandEWL
Us= "'íJi ADT =ave.daily traffic
EWL = equivalent wheel load
Ili= sum ofall time observations • EWLfor n years:
n =no.of vehicles (l+r)
d = length of a segment of the road '
EWL = (Total yearly EWL) n
Us = space mean speed ,

, r = rate ofincrease in traffic in percent

n = future period in years \

Traffic Index : T J.
s Time mean speed:


T J.= 1.35 (EWL)0.11


~4 '

li 9 Peak Hour Factor:

. u,=
' •
d = length of a segment of the road p HF = Volume of traffic in vehicles/hour
t¡ = time of observation ." highest vol. every 5 min. x 12
n= no. o/vehicles

10 Spacing of vehicles:
6 Rate o/flow: •

q= Kus · I No. of vehicles per km

q = rate of flow in vehicles/ho": • Vol. o_f traffic in vehicles/hour
K = density in vehicles/ hour/mile
- i

- · ave. speed of car in km/hr

Us = space mean speed Average density= no. of vehicles per km/
..,., ,

.. 1~
Spacing of vehicles = ave. enst.ty
7 Design repetitions: Note: 1 km = 1000 m.
Design repetitions = ax bx e x d x e •
I '

a = ADT (average daily traffic) 11 Capacity of a single lane in vehicles

b = % in total traffic

.Per hour:
e = no. ofdays/year = 365
d= no. of years S=Vt+L
e= equivalent load/actors S = ave. center to center spacing of cars
in meters
Sum of Design repetitions V= ave. speed of cars in meters
Number of Lanes

.. t = reaction time
. in seconds
· e: equivalent design repetitions to a L = Length ofone car in meters
given load _ lOOO(V)
C- s
C = Capacity ofa single lane in
' \

r I T-129
rrr~:r.r.tcEn.a:txaee:rl.Iia: .
T_.a,U1c Eaau:t:ueerl.I1U:


12 Min. WM headway: .16 Density of traffic: •
3600 K= R1 .
Ht= e Ave, length of vehicles · .

H1 = time headway in sec.
K = density of traffic in vehicles/km
e= capacity in sec. , '

R¡ = sum o.f vehicle lengths

_ IOOOV · length of roadway section
C- s
V= average velocity in kph •

S = spacing between cars . (

S= Vt+L 17 Variance about the space means speed:

t = reaction time in sec.
C'Js2 .
L = length of one tar: in meters Ut+ lls =, Us


• crs2 = variance about the space mean speed

13 Time mean speed:
ut = time meas speed · •
, Llli . •
= space mean speed
Ut= . n •

ut = time mean speed

:Eui = sum of all spot speeds (kph) •

n = no. of vehicles · 18 5 min. peak hour factor:

, PH F. = peak hour factor
14 Space mean speed:

P'H F = sum o/flow rate in one hou'r
Us= 1 · . max. peak flow rate x 12

L' 1 = sum of the reciprocal of spot spee

n = no. of vehicles ·
Us = space mean speed

, 15 Density of traffie: I '

K = .!/.._ •
Us •

K = density of traffic in vehicles/km·

q = flow of tra/fic in vehicles/hr


Us = space mean speed in /q)h . '


I '

T-130 ;
T..J ..11

• \ '

• '

2.1 Problem: •


Compute the average daily traffi Severity ratio

Ans. 100 • •
entering the intersection if the accident ' · _ !}_umbero,[fatal and injury accidents
- · total accidents
rate is 7877 per million entering vehicle
(MEV) if the total number of accident •
Fatal accidents= 4 + 2 + 5 + 7 + 6 . •

\ during a period of 8 years is 230Q. Fatal accidents = 24


a) 100 '· Injury accidents= 42 + 54 + 60 +· 74 + 94

• •
, · b) 120 •
Injury . accidents = 324
e) 140 • PDO.= 110 + 210 + 182 + 240 + 175
d) 214 •
PDO =917

Total accidents = 24 f· 324 ·+ 917
Total accidents = 1265 ·
R _ Al( 1,000,000) _
- ADT x N x 365 · . . 24 + 324
S eventy ratio =
' 1265
. . 2300 {l,000,000)
Severity ratio = 0.275
' 7877 = ADT (8)(365) I

ADT = 100 average daily traffic
2.3 Problem: ..

\ ,
2.2 Problem: Ans. 72.92 HMVM •
A 20 mile section of the Cavite Coastal
Road had the following reported
Ans, 0.275 A 20 km. stretch of a two lane highway ia accidents including property damage only
the Cebu North Expressway had th ' accidents (PDO). It is required to
, . following reported accidents fatal, injury compute the accident rates for injury
· and pr~perty damage only accident accidents· for a period of 5 years from
(PDO)., Compute the severity ratio? 1980. -, ,
Yoor FotoI lnitlY Property Averoge Doily Y®r Fatal Injury Property Average Doi~
• ~rnoge Tmffic •
Accident Accident Domoge (POO) Tmffk
1993. 4 42 '
110 10000 • •
54 210 12000 1980 3 40 110 12000
1994 2
1995 ·5 60 182 12500. •
1981 1 52 215 12500
74 240 13000 1982 5 60 170 16000

1996 7 1983 · 8 74 250 13500
. . 1997 6 94 175 13500

1984 7I 96 160 14000
a) 0.275
a) 72.92
b) 0.314 •

b) 64.84
e) 0.192 •r (

e) 156.87
d) 0.431 "
' d) 146.74
' •

• • . . I


• • , I
T 133

• '
T-132 I

Solution: Total number of accidents
No. of fatal accidents = 3 + 1 + 5· + 8 + 7 •

= total + injury + PDO •

No. of fatal accidents= 24 Number offatal accidents
) No. of injury accidents ·. . = 4 + 2 + 6 + 8 + 5 + 10
• = 40 + 52 + 60 + 74 + 96 + 24 · = 35 : (

=346 •
Number of injury accidents
A = injury accidents includes fatal accident = 46 + 52 + 70 + 65 + 82 + 98

A=346 =413
' \

Average ADT = l2000tl2500+l3~0+\3500+l4000, Number of PDO •

= 120 + 200 + 190 + 140 + 180 I

Average ADT = 13000 ~ 1070

R = A (10010()01000)
A= 35 + 413 + 1070
I ,
ADT xN x 365 xL A= 1518
• 346 (100,000,000) Average ADT
R = 13000 (5) (365)(20) _ 10000+10500+11000+11500+12000+12500
, - 6
R = 72.92 HMVM
t = 11250 •

R = A (100,000,000)
• ADT xN x 365 xl
2.4 Problem: • • R = 1518 (100,000,000)
• I
11250 (6)(365)(15) \

A 15 Ìnile section of the Kalayaàn Roa '

Ans. 41.QS ~MVM

< had the following reported accidents for • R = 41.08 HMVM I

· period of 6 years from 1992. It '
required to compute the accident rates \

all accidents. • 2.5 Problem: • •

Year Fatal lnill'f Property . Average Doit A11s. 84.24 mph The following data were observed for four
AccKient Accident Dorna ge (POO) Tmffic vehicles .traverslng a distance of 2 mile
segment of the Mandane Reclamation
1992 4 . 46 120 10000
project. It is required to compute the
1993 2 ·52 · 200 10500 space mean speed of this vehicle.
1994 6 70 · 190 11000
\ 1995 8 · · 65 · 140 •
11500 .vehicle .Time (min.)
1996 . 5. . . · ,82 240 12000 '

A 1.2
' 1997 10 . 98 180 12500 B 1.4

e 1.5
a) 41~_08 D 1.6

• b) $6Ai

e) 121.42
' ~a) 84.24 mph
d) 164.84 b) 69.24 mph
' e) 77.82 mph

.. '
• • '
d) 56.42 mph

,.,.ra,:t::1'1.e :E a:a.,r1 :n ee:r1.If.u:
' I

~ ~
I I -- - - - -

Solution: • 2.7 Problem:

I nd •

µs = 'ù¡ Ans. 8~0 vph Compute the rate of flow (vph) if the
n=4 · d=2. space mean speed is 40 mph and the
lii= 1.2+ 1.4+ 1.5 + 1.6 density is 22 vehicles per mile. . '··
• Llï=5.1 •

. 4(2) · a) 880 vph ~

µs = 5.7 'b) 460 vph
• µs = 1.404 miles per minute
• r
e) 1200 vph
µs = 1.404(60) d) 620 vph

µs = 84.24 miles/hour
\ . Solution:
where: q = rate offlow (vph) f
2.6 Problem: I
• ' ' k = density in (vphm)
Ans. 44.82 mph The following travel times were observe µs = space mean speed
for five vehicles traveling a one mil =
q (22)(40)
segment of the Cebu South Reclamatio q == 880 vehicles per hour
project It is required to estimate the tim
mean speed of these vehicles. •

• Vehicle Time (min.) • 2.8 Problem: . •.

A 1.19 '

B 1.22 Ans. 5516062.5 Calculate the design repetitions for 10

e 1.36 years period equivalent to 2268 kg wheel
• D 1.48 • load if the mixed traffic (ADT) in both
E 1.51 · directions is 1860 vehicles per day. The
details of distribution of different wheel
a) 44~82 mph I '
. \
loads of commercial vehicles are given
b) 38.60 mph • •
below for a four lane road .
e) 56.82 mph


d) 62.48 mph Wh~•
Average Doily Equr1olent % in total Trnffic
I ood(kg) Traffic load foctors · Volurœ
... 2268 1860 1 25
lit· 2722 1860

2 12
µt = n' ·. 3175 1860 4 9
d = 1 mile · 3629 1860 I
8 6 .'
d 1 l 1 1 1 4082 1860 16 •
2, -M = ' + + ..¡,. . + 4536 . 1860 32 2
• li 1.19 1.22 1.36 1.48 1.51
4990 1860 64 1
l: d·-= 3.733

' a) 5516062.5
· . µ1 = 30733-

= o . "'747 m1·1esIm1r1. .

b) 4493040.6 ·..
5 e) 4336402.5
}lt:::. o. 74'7(60) Ó) 6245032.6
µ, = 44.82 mph (time mean speed) •

• '

T-136 I
, l""ra,:t:l'l.c E•• sri ..... ee:rii..u:
' .
Tra,Ul.e Eu.a:ln eerl:u.g: ' . '
e •

Solution: EWL/or the 10 year period:

• '

• I '
Note: 8 = 8 x e xO x ex <D @ '. (60% increase in traffic)
0 . . (D
\ o @ fD o Design repetitions

EWL = s904oo c10) <1 + 1·6>

% for eoch Doys/y~r. No. ci yeors Equivalent 2 •
Wheel laDT I t• I
·. . Load factors . equivolent to l268 kg •'
. ' •

lood lood
,' I

EWL = 11,575,200
0.25 365 X 10 X '1 -- .169'7250 \

2268 1860 X X
- 1629360· · I Traffic index» 1.35 (EWL)o.11·
0.12 365 X 10 X 2
2722 1860 X X
10 4 -- 2444040 Traffic index= 1.35 (11575200)0.11 )
3175 1860 X 0.09 ' X 365 X ·· X
365 X 10 X 8 - Traffic index = 8.08 .
3629 1860 X 0.06 X 4344960.: ,
0.04 365. X 10 X 16 =
4082 1860 X X
10 X 32 = 4344960
4536· 1860 X 0.02 X 365 X
0.01 365 X 10 X 64 =
4990 1860 X X .2.10 Problem:
Total estimated repeuttons (two directions) ,

= 2206450 Ans. 0.60 . Compute the peak hour factor (PUF) if
Design repetitions equivalent to 2268 kg ,. the _.hourly volume of traffic is 1800

~ 22064250 vehicles per hour and the highest 5 min
wheel load per lane= 4 volume is 250. •
. . I

=i 5516062.5
a) 0.83
. . .
~ I •

( • I '
b) 2.0 • '
' . . e) 0.78

• 2.9 Problem: d) 0.60
Calculate the traffic index valve for 10 Solution:
' Ans. 8.08 \
years period using the following data: . For one hour = 60 min.
No. rl axles ADT(Ave. Doi~ Troffic) EWL(Equivolent . 60
~ both directoins Wheel lood) = 12 (there are 12-5 min in one hour)

2 700 330 5 I \

3 300 1070 J'HF·= 1800 '

I 4 100 2460 250(12)
5 · 20 462Ò . PHF= 0.60
. Assume 60o/o increase in traffic volume i '

10 years. .
a) 8.08 2.11 Problem:
b) 9.12 l

e) 10.12 Ans. 50 m. Det~rmine the appropriate spacing of

cl) 7.96 yeh1cles center to center in a certain lane
I if th! average speed of the cars using that
Solution: particular lane is 40 kph and the volume
ADT EWL Product
231000 of trafí1C is 800 vehicles per hour. r

700 X 330 = .
· 1070 =
I \

300 X
321000 • l

a) 50m '

2460 =

,, 100 X 246000 ,

b) 60 m.
20 X 4620 = 92400
e) 48 œ.. •

Total yearly EWL = 890400· , d) 54 m. ••

' .


' I

• • , T-139

T-138 •

. Tra,l'r1e E••u:t:nee:rl:n,r . I


2.13 Problem:
Solution: l

· 800 ' Ans. 3781 · Compute the capacity of a single lane in

- · No. of vehicles per km= 40
• vehicles per hour for a private cars
= 20 (average density) moving at· an average speed of 60 kph if

the length of the car is equal to 4.2 meters
' hi l 1000 and the value of the reaction time is equal

Spacing of ve e es

20 to 0.7 seconds. ·
= 50 m. center to center .
a) 3781
I •

• b) 4248
e) 3692

2.12 Problem: \

d) 4887

, Compute the average speed in kph that Solution: •

Ans. 80 kph passeng,r car sho~ld travel in a certa . S=Vt+L
freeway if the spacing of the cars movi •

60 (1000) .
in the same lane is 40 m. center to cent • S = 3600 (0.7) + 4.2
Volume ofïraffic at this instant is 20
vehicles per hour. S = 15.87 m. (average center to center
• \
spacing of cars)
a) 80kph
C = l~V (capacity of a single lane
b) 85kph
I e) 70kph in vehicles/hour)
d) 60kph •
· e= 1000(60)
• 15.87
Solution: I •

Spacing of vehicles= No. of vehiclesikm C = 3781 vehicles/hour

I 40 =No.of vehicleslkm
1000 •
No. of vehicles per km= 40 2.14 Problem:
No. ofvehicles per km== 25 Ans. 0.903 sec. . Compute the minimum time headway for
. _ vehicles/hr = km/hr cars moving at an average speed of 80
Velocity - vehicteslkm kph. The average length of cars is 4.5 m.
., and the reaction time is approximately
. 2000
Ve loc,ty = 25 0.7 sec.

Velocity = 80 kph a) 0.903 sec.

, ..
b) 0.862 'sec.
e) 0.706 sec.
' d) 0.642 sec .

-, \ I
• '
T-140 T-141
Tra,ll1c '
"l".rn,me E11,rlI1ee:rl:n,r •
• \

' •
. .
Solution: •

2.16 Problem: \

S= Vt +L
8 ºj=} (0.7) + 4.5 • •
Ans. 41.28 kph For the 5 vehicles observed at point A, a

. timer • starts at time O.O sec. continuing

S = 30.06 m. for 20 sec. and times at which vehicles
e -- IOOOV
pass observation point A are as follows.
s Compute the required space mean speed.

_ 1000(80) •
C - 20.06 Vehicle . lime of passing Spot speed (kph) I

C = 3988 vehicles per hour (capacity) 1 1.60 sec. 34.50

2 · 6.20 séc. 42.60
e -- 3600

3 . 8.50 sec. 46.58
Ht 4 13.02 soc. 41.20
3600 I • 5 15.65 sec. 43.60
~t = 3988 · • I

H1 = 0.903 sec. (min. time headway)

a) 41.28 kph
b) 42.60 kph
,--___..:--------------~--------- e) 42.20 kph
d) 44.20 kph
2.15 Problem: •

Ans. 41.932 kph

In the tabulation shown, shows a reco Solution:

of S vehicles passing through a certal Space mean speed:
'point on a free way. lt is required
compute the time mean speed. Us=

Time of possing Spot speed (kph)
Vehkle ui
A 1.62 sec. 33.92 .

6.16 sec. 44.53 · 1 I 1 I

B I,- = + + .
Ui . 34.50 42.60 46.58
e · 8.60 sec. 48.52
D 13.07 sec. 41.16 1 · I
E 15.77 sec. · 41.53 + 41.20 + 43.60
1 .
a) 41.932 kph · I-=0.121 •
b) 40.462 kph. Ui

e) 39.432 kph •
d) 38.694 kph •

Solution: · '

Time mean speed u,.: •
Us= 0.121 .,
ut= N

Us= 41.28 kph (space mean speed)
. . ut= 5·
Ut =41.932 kph ~

• . •
•• , I


T~142 I
'l"r~U1e E:ue:luee:rluu:
,, Tra,Hl.c lil••a:l:n.eerii..u:
• • M.,
·1· -------= ---~¡_.¡nl:O&.SM--ll 'l--~..,&5--W
W3 ..,Lltl !AJW_,.
..... __, .... , --
Alwtm' . • .... ,

2.17 Problem: K = iL (density)

. '
There are 5 vehicles passing a certai 90
Ans. 21.96 Veh/km point on the observation road in a period I

K =,40.98
of 20 sec. It is required to determine th
density of traffic per length of roadwa K = 21.96 vehicles/km. (density)
. •
with the given spot speeds.

Vehicle Time of passing Spot speed (kph)
34.20 2.18 Problem:
1 1.62 sec. •

6.16 sec. 42.40 .

2 Ans. 20 Vehicles/lem Since it is not po~ible to measure density
3 8.60 sec. 46.30 I

13.07 sec. 41.10 directly at a point, a measure called lane

4 occupancy has been developed for
5 15.77 se<.• 43.40 I

freeway surveillance. If six vehicles are

• .• distributed along a highway 300 m. long
a) 21.96 Veh/km have lengths of 5.48 m, 6 m, 13.7 m, 4.6 m,
b) 36.46 Veh/km 5.4 m and 6.7 m. respectively, compute '

e) 19.42 Veh/km the density of traffic in vehicles/kms.

d) 41.36 Veh/km •
• '

a) 20

Solution: .. b) 24
5 e) .18
Flow of traffic = 20 d) 22

\ ,

Flow of traffic= 0.25 vehicles per second \ ,

Flow of traffic = 0.25(3600)

• Solution: .

\ · Flow of traffic = 900 vehicles/hr

R¡ = · ~ vehicle lengths · _
Length of roadway sections
q = 900 vehicles/hr
_ 5.48 + 6 + 13.7 + 4.6 + 5.4 +·6.7
R1 - 300. -:-
· · Space mean speed is:
N Rt= 0.1396
Us= '

• Ui Average length of vehicle
1 1 1 1 1 1 5.48 + 6 + 13.7 + 4.6 + 5.4 + 6.7
L ;;¡ = 34.20+42.40 + 46.30 +. 41.10 + 43. ----------~~~.
.:;. :. ~~ ·'

' •

Aver~ge length of vehicle = 6.98 m.

, N Average length of vehicle = 0.00698 km

Us= 1
¿- . . 0.1396'
Ui Density of trajfi~ = ·
• • •
5 .. Density of traffic = 20 vehicles/km
I Us.= 0.122 I!

Us= 40.98 kph •

\ • ... . . '
I I •
T-144 • T-145
r.rn..rne Rwa,rl:neerl:ng:

' . 2.19 Problem: . 2.20 Problem: ' I


Ans. 958.16 vehlhr From the following data or a freew Ans. 9.50 The following data were obtained from a
surveillance, there are 7 vehicles coun freeway surveillance or S vehicles passing
for a length or 300 m. and the (ollowl through a certain point or the freeway
• positions are observed on the t •
with the individual spot speeds. lt is

photographs taken· 2 seconds apart, t required to determine the variance about

• distance " S'' that each . vehicle travel is t
the space mean speed.
difference in 'poslñon 1 and 2. Compu
the now or trame in vehicles per hour. Vehicle No. Spot speed (kph)
1 2lß7
Vehicle Position 1 · Position 2 S (m) 2 • 27.66

1 268.3 . 292.70 24.4 3 30.14

2 215.4 . 234.20 18.8 , , 4 25.57
3 175.0 l99.70 24.7 S r 25~0
4 143.20 · 170.10 26.9
5 .. 95.20 118.10 22.9 a) 9.50
6 63.40 86.50 I .23.1 • b) 8.60
7 23.60 42.50
18.9 e) 7.80
• d) 6.82

a) 958.16 '

b) 846.14 >

e) 784.17 LUi

d) 649.54 ut= N
• Th¡= 21.07 + 27.66 + 30.14 + 25.57 + 25.80
Solution: ,
Th¡ = 130.24 .
LS= 24.4 + 18.8 + 24.7 + 26.9 + 22.9
+ 23.10 + 18.9 t

.: LS= 159.70 m. Ut = 26.05 kph
U -~ Us=
s-Nt ·
• Il I

. 159.70· •
7(2) .
= 11.41 m/s . ·

r.1..= 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
Ui 21.07 27.66 30.14 25.57 25.80
' •
_ 11.41 (3600) •

Us - }()()() . •
I_!_= 0.1947
•• u¡
Us = 41.07 kph (space mean speed) 5 ~
K = density offlow • ·Us 0. 947:: :; 25 .68 kph
= -l-
K = 23.33 Yeh/km
. q= K Us ·· <1s2
' q = 23.33 (41.07) · , 26.05 = 25.68 + 25.68
q = 958.16 vetü h(J.ur . (flow of
· as2 = 9.50 (variance about the
. . . I
. space mean speed)
.. I


T-146 '
• ( 1'../47

T:r~rrte Riag:l:neerl:ng: "k':ra,lll.e ~···e·l:nee:rl:011:

2.21 Problem: \

Ans. 0.653 From the flow rate occuring during on · CURVATURE FOR . .
. I
· .our in a portion of the freeway, comput HORIZONTAL CURVES
the S min. peak hour factor. · · I

Interval time of Observation : Flow rate V= design speed

in kph
• •

Smin. 16 e= super elevation


2 9
· S min. 14 f = side friction
3 S min. 15
18 R = min. radius ofcurvature in m.
4 Smin.
s S min. 22 wv2
6 S min. 25 tan (~ + a.) = Kli
- w

7 Smin. ' 23 ... w

8 S min. 20 •
9 5 min. 16 v2
tan (~ + a.) = g R
' 10 5 min. 17
11 5 min. 15
12 5 min. 10 tan (~ + a) = tan ~ + t;m a

l v tan e tan œ .
a) 0.653

• tan 0 = e (super elevation)
' • • I

tan a = f (side friction)

b) 0.825 I I

e) 0.725
d) 0.70 \

w tan(~+ a.)='~~~
. Solution: 1 - ef = almost equal to zero
Max. Peak flow raie= 25 ---
2 ·
- = e +f .
Peak hour factor

_ ---==S:.. :.:um:.:. .:.;._::o.,_f.&. .;. flo;;._.w_r_a_te__ R= y2 . \
.'- (12) max. peak flow rate g(e+ /)
· .Sum of flow rate= 16 + 14 + 15 + 18 + 22 · y2 (1000)2
+25+23+20+ 16 R= 3600
. . g(e+ /)
+ 17 + 15 + 10
. R= y2
Sum of flow rate = 196 · (3~6)2 g (e+!)
I 196 I •

: Peak hour factor = 12 (2S) R= y2

127 (f +e)
Peak hour factor = 0.653 .'


' •

• •

I 2.22 Problem:
' . J

O Min. radius of curvature: Ans. 81.89 kph A horizontal curve bas a radius of 240 m.
\ v2 Determine the max. permísslble speed on
R=121(e+f) '
the curve assume e= o~os and f = o.14.
• • I

( R = min. radius of curvature
e = super e(evation in mim a) 81.89 kph

¡ = coejf. of side friction or skid resistance · b) 79.42 kph

e) 68.42 kph
V= design speed in kph· · '
d) 59.62 kph

Degree of curvature: \
Solution: I

D= R •
R= \J'2

127(e +!)
D = degree of curvature in degrees
I • I '
240= V2
R = radius of·curvature in meters 127 (0.08 + 0.14)
V=81.89 kph
e Centrifugal ratio or impact/actor:

v2 \

Impact/actor=. 8' ~

• 2.23 Problem:
V= design speed of car in kph
~g = 9.81 m/se£, 2 Ans. 2.62º An old road having curve portion is to be
\ .

r = radius of curvature in m_eters improved to accomodate a design speed of
100 kph, what degree of curve is required
I ' assuming e= 0.08 and/= 0.10. ·
' ,. · O Ideal angle of embankment:
v2 ,
a) 2.62º
tan 8=
gr b) 3.5º
e) 4.25º

g = 9.81 m/s2
d) 5.0º
8 = angle of em~ankment \

V= vel. of a ca~ in mis Solution:

r = radius of curve ir, m.

R= \J'2 •
- . 127 (e+ j)
8· Max. speed at which a car can. roun4
• ••

curve without skidding: R= {100)2 .

. vi ·. 127(0.08 + 0.10)
• •
tan (0 + a)= gr ' R =437.45 m.
= 1145.916
a = 0:ngle of banking D
- R
V= max. speed in mis D = 1145.916
• I

r = radius of curve · 437.45 '

i • '
g = '9.81 m/se£ 2. ,
D = 2.62º



' •
.. I I
• •
.., '

2.24 Problem: 2.26 Problem:

Ans. 0.188 m. The radius of a simple curve is 100 m, I Ans. 12 ~ A car having a gross weight or 40 kN is
the design speed is 50 kph and the desig moving at a certain speed at a given
. coefficient of lateral friction is 0.15, how curve. What force will it tend to pull the
much should th~ outer edges or pavemen ' car away from the center of the curve if it
having a width or 8 m. be raised wit bas a centrifugal ratio of 0.30? Neglect
respect to the centerline if the pav!ment friction between tires and pavement.
rotated with respect to the ce,nterl1ne. \
a) 12kN
a) 0.188 m. b) 9kN
b) 0.165 m. e) 36\kN

' e) 0.142 m. I
d) 24kN •

d) 0.136 m. Solution:
Solution: , ,
·centrifugal ratio or impact factor
v2 - centri{ugal force
- weigh: of vehicle .
R·= 127 (f + e)
(50)2 030= 40.
lOO = 127(0.15 +·e) F=.12 kN
0.15 + e = 0.1969 ; e = 0.047 •

Outer edges in pavement = 4(0.047) \


Outer edges in pavement = 0.188 m.

2.27 Problem:
• • Ans. 66.11 kph Determine the maximum .speed in kph
I 2.25 Problem: I
that a car could move around a 4 degree
. curve if the centrifugal ratio i s 0.12.
Ans. 0:283 Compute the impact factor for Neglect friction between the tires and the
horizontal curve radius of 400 m .. if th pavement.
design speed is 120 kph.· ..
a) 66.Í 1 kph I

a) 0.283 • b) 54.12 kph

. . b) 0.142 e) 71.66kph
e) 0.164 d) 80.44 kph
· d) 0.216
. Solution: ··
Centrifugal ratio or impact factor R = 11~·?16 = 114!.916
' Centrtfugal.force
. = Weight of vehi:,2
. R = 286.48 m.
· eentri.,uga
;ri 1 · v2 · vi
ratio = '1R = 9 .S l (2S6.48)
gr v2 •

• Impactfactor = _ ___.W~- = gr vi •

= 33 33 m/s .. º·12 = 9.81 (286.48)·

V -- llO(lOOO)
3600 • I
V= 18.36m/s
(33.33)2 = 0.283 V= l8.~600}= 66.11 kph
' lmpactfactor = 9_81(4()())
/ . .

T-152 T-153
'I'i•a.rr:te Baag:J:nee:rl:n.11:. "r.r~I' l'lc E ••u:t ::uee:rt ::u11:


2.28 Problem: Solution:

' I

Ans. 0.062 mim A two lane road has a horizontal curv y2 I

havfng - degree of curve of 2.Sº What R=---

should be the rate or the superelevation to •

be actually provided for· practical

consíderattons for fixed traffic if th (110)2 ·

dt$ign speed is 80 kph. Neglect coêmcien 127(0.10 + 0.15)
or lateral friction. .
R = 381.10 m.
a) 0.062m/m
b) 0.084 m/m - 21tR

e) 0.052 m/m ' D - 360

d) 0.072m/m

R = 1145.916

Solution: D
For mixed conditions, the superelevatioe
should fully counter act the centrifugal/ore 'o = 1145.916
for 75% the design speed. . 381.10
R= . V
1Z7(f + e) D=3º • I
• •
R = 1145.916
. .
~ D
2.30 Problem: I

R _- 1145.916_45837
2.5 - . m.
Ans. 0.10 mim T he degree of curve of a. simple curve is
Use V= O.75(80) = (j() mph
5 • Compute the desired superelevation
vi , required if the design speed of a car
R = lZl(f + e) ' passing thru the curve is 80 kph and the
skid resistance is equal to 0.12.

458.37 = 127(e)
e= ·o.062 mim a) 0.10 m/m ·

b) 0.14 m/m
. e) 0.19 m/m
2.29 Problem: d) 0.18 m/m

Ans. 3• . ' ln a design of a highway curve for Solution:

maximum or 0.10 mim, compute tia
maximum permi~ible degree of curve , .R = 1145.916
a design speed or 110 kph.
Assume t Dº
design coefficient or side friction is 0.15.
o..=.· 1145.916
~.. 5
' R = 229.18 m. '
' .



l I
T-154 '
Tra,ttl.e E-.iu::t:neert:ng: T:r8'rl'1.c E:n ,rlxaee:rtrau:.:
- .

• , R= v2 . Solution:
127 (e+ f)
(80) 2

. R= v2
· 229·18 = 127 (e+ 0.12) · 127 (e+!)
e+ 0.12 = 0.22 .
R = 1145.916
e= 0.10 mim ,
• • Dº


R = 1145.916
• '
2.30-a Problem: f ·. 3.5

Vehicle performance is being tested on R = 327.41 m.

Ans. 0.21
large flat paved area. For this situatio '
_ (75)2 .
what coefflcient of side friction must
327.41 - 127 (O+ ff
I developed to hold a car going 90 kph on I I

radius of 300 m. •

f = 0.14
' a) 0.21
b) 0.15 •

e) 0.12 • •

d) 0.32 2.32 Problem: ..

Solution: Ans. 105.37 m. Compute the difference in radius or

v2 horizontal curves with a ruling design
· R, = 127 (f + e) speed of 100 kph and a minimum design
(90)2 speed or 84 kph. Assume superelevation
300 = 127 (f + O) and coefficient of friction for both curves
f = 0.21

to be equal, e =
0.07 and f = 0.15
• respectively .

a) 105.37 m.
'b) 96.42 m.
2.31 Problem: ' e) 36.82 m. I
• ·cl) 88.94 m.
Ans. 0.14 · The hor izental circular curve ha
degree of curve of 3.5º. If the max. sp
of the car passing thru the curve is
kph, compute the skid resistance of v12
R1 - _ _.;;;......_
tires if no super elevation is provided • •
-127 (e+ f)
the curve. .
_ (100)2
a) 0.14 Rt - 127 (0.07 + 0.15)

b) 0.18 R1 = 357.91 m.
e) 0.25
d) 0.36 :

' •

' \

T-157 .
"I' ... a,Ut.e· WU
Check/or friction required:
R= y2
I R2 = 127 (e+/) 127(e+/)
(84)2 . 200= (85)2
· 127 (e+ 0.07)
R2 = 127 (0.07 + 0.15) .e= 0.21 > 0.15
R2 = 252.54 m. Use: e=0.07 /=0.15
• R= v2
Diff. in radius= 357.91 ~ 252.54 127 (e+!)
Diff. in radius= 105.37 m. 200= \Il
127(0.15 + 0.07)
-, V= 74.75 kph
I • •
Safe speed should be less than 74.75 kph
. 2.33 Problem: ·'

The max. superelevation allowed by t

Ans. 74.75 kph BPWH is 0.07 and the · safe limit 2.34 Problem:
· transverse coefficient of friction is 0.15.
the design speed of a certain highway Arns. 8.45º A highway curve having a radius or 400
85 kph, calculate the superèle~atl ft. is banked so that there will be no
' lateral pressure on the car's wheel at a
needed to maintain this speed and if lt
-exceeded, what would be the m speed of 48 kph. What is the angle of
allowable speed on this horizontal cu elevation of the embankment ?
which has a fixed radius of 200 m.
a) 8. 45º
b) 10.34º
a) 74.75 kph \

e) 9. 53 • ·
• I

b) 75.62 kph '

' d) 7. 25º .
e) 71.62 kph
d) 70.42kph
\ \ w Solution: •
Solution: \ 400
wv2 r = 3.281
{0.75~ w R = 121.95 m.
-e= gR
... '

(co,:asitler 75% of the design speed) V - 48000

- 3600

V= 13.33 m/s
- 85000 . t

V - 3600 tanft= wv2 • I

I <

' . ~ , .
V= 23.61 m/s tan~=vgr '

[O.75~23 .61)]2 _ ( 13.33)2
e= 9.81 (200) tan e - 9. 81 ( 121.95)
e= 0.16 >. 0.07
(not allowed)
· a
~= .4·s·. .


' \ I
T-158 ~r.a,tt•c EIIerl::caee:rl:rag:


• 2.36 Problem: \
2.35 Problem:
. Ans. 121.79 kph . The rated speed or a highway curve of 100
A highway curve having a radius ./ I

Ans. 126 kph m. radius is 65 kph. If the coefficient of

120 m. has an angle of embankme ' friction between the tires and the road is
equal to 9.31º. A car has a weight of 15 k 0.60, what is the maximum speed at which
and center of gravity is located 0.80 a car can round the curve without
above the roadway. Distance betw skidding?
front wheels is l. 2m. If friction is gr '
I • enough to prevent skidding, at what sp a) 112.67 kph \

would overturning impend? · b) 217.12kph

e) 321.45 kph
' a) 234 kph cl) 121.79 kph
b) 126 kph
e) 535 kph
d) 345 kph , Solution:

Solution: v = 65 (1000)
l .. 36(X) '
. •

V= 81. 06 m/s.
F 1 Cos 0 (O. 8) = W Sin 0 (O. 8) + W Cos fl '

, (0.6) + F1 Sin 0 (O. w , V2

gr . · \

F1 Cos 9.31 • (0.8) = i5000 Sin 9.3 l • (0.8) •

\ _ (18.~)2 '
.. . + 1500 Cos 9.31 º (0.6) tan°- 9.81(100)

+ F 1 Sin 9 .3 t • (0.6) '

9 = 18. 4º I

0.79F1 = 1941.31 + 888'1.45 + 0.097F 1
tan 0 = o. 60 '

0.693 F 1 = 10822.76
0 = 31º
F1 = 15617 . y2
tan (~ + 0)' = -gr
F1 =25 , •


- WV12 tan 49. 4· =

F1 - gr . ,,
f I

1500 V12 v2 = 9. 81 (100) tan 49. 4º

15617.26 = 9.81 ( 120)·

V= 33. 83 m/s •

\ .
. V1 = 35.01 m/sec. I
V= 33.83 (3(j()())
_ 35.02 ( 3600) •

V1 - 1000 V= 121. 7~ kph. '

V1 = 126 kph ·

• I
·, '
" •

. '

'I .k ft,l'.Uo IC••u:l:u ee:rl:uu: •




• Safe stopping Distance
) Sight Distance - is the length of roa
ahead visible to the driver. For purpa O Distance traversed during perception plus
design and operation it is termed stop, brake reaction time.
sight distance and passing distance.

. d= Vt .
• O Stopping Sight Distance: 3.6

Stopping sight distance is the total dist '
V= running speed in kph
traveled during three times intervals. t = reaction time
a) The time for the driver to perceive •

hazard t = perception time + action time

b) The time to react =l.5+1.0
• e) The time to stop the vehicle after the b~ = 2.5 sec .
' are applied.
Based on the National Safety Co d = di._stance traversed during perception. '
average driver reaction time is 314 seco time plus brake reaction time

in meters
d = V (km/hr) t (sec.)
d = V kmt sec l<XX) •
hr 3600
• d= Vt
• • 3.6
. Non-passino slgtt d
• I

" · Poss @ Distance required/or stopping after brakes
are applied (braking distance) ·
• •

v, lbraklno d ance)
• ,'.
P osutve wor k - Neg.
- W
work =2l g(V2 2
- V¡ 2 )

' '

S= Vt+ D O - DF = -~ W (0 - V2) '

' 2 g •

A car moving at a certain velocity V w w

seeing an. object ahead of him, will v, DfN= wv2
. V V . 2g
Vt D travel a distance Vt before he starts appl
the brakes. The braking distance de N=W •

upon the speed and type of pavement, in N ' wv2·

case we have to consider the coefficie D D=
2gfW ,
friction . (f) between 'the tires and v2
. .. pavement. The time. t (sec) is call D= .

percepuon-reacuon • •
time •
as is approxi• 2gf •

s · 3/4 of seconds. D = ·v2 (1000)2

Using work - energy equation in solvin
2g (3600)2 f ' • •

· for the braking distancè d. v2

D= '

2g (3.6)2 f I


- •

'Ir:z ft:08PQ:rt.atl.o:n. E:ng:J:nee:rl:ne

• T-16


D= y2 ifit is moving on a
2gf(3.6) 2
horizontal plane Total passing sight distance: .
=d¡ + "2 + "3 + "4
D_ ~ .
- 2g (3.6) (f ± G)
if it is moving al a Min. passing sight distance
certain grok G 2
' Safe stopping distance: S = d + D
= 3
. •

V Vt . y2 2 : 2 '
V •
Vt S = 3.6 + 2g (3.6)2 (f ± G) -
s1c11 a "''•
=3"2 +d3 +3"2
s = stopping distance~ in "'!te~s •••I[
. .. ..-·-.. . .. . . ... . ...
------- ... }
=1"2 +dJ
1, 11, ·a,,,,.-~--
t = percepiion - reaction time in sec~nds ' . , 1111111
· v = velocity ' of friction between tires dJ."" distance traversed during perception
pavement ; """ reaction time and during the initial
¡ = coefficient offriction between tires • 'aceeleration to the point ofencroachment on
s pavement the left lane in meters.
I= 9.81 meters/sec2 tJ. (
d¡ = 3.6 V- m + 2
at¡) .
' Passing Sight Distance: • t1 =timeo/initial maneuver in sec.
• '
a= average acceleration in /cph!sec.
v = average speed ofpassing vehicles in kph
flGMiDf~hielt _.;AL_-~f"lr!!_lf!._!f'llO~ll!._. -:: m = difference in speeds of the- two vehicles

moving in tite same direction and its average
-- --
-· - ----------------
. speed during the occupancy of the left lane

is 5 to 10 mph or (8 /cph to 16 kph) higher

•• I
than that of the overtaken. vehicle.
d2 = distance traveled while the passing
• •
A Second l'lloll
' •
vehicle occupies the left lane in meters
_l __~ e--------- --- ..
. ' ~::-

. . -· ------ --- -
¡ El - - ..._ .............
.... '

. . ·-=
-------- - - - :!"li,. ...

. . 3.6 .
• •• ••• V= average speed ofpassing véhir.te in kph
km 1000·
d2 = hr .sec x = m.

' • Passing Sight Distance - is the s 12 = time passing vehicle occupies the left
distance sufficient for a vèhiclè to IW'n. lane usually found to be from 9.3 to 10.~
a traffic lane, pass another vehicle, . sec.
turn back to th« same lane safei d3 = distance between the f}{l§sing vehicje at
comfortably without interfering_ wi the end of its maneuver and the
• overtaken vehicle or an on incomJng opposing vehic,le. .
traveling at the tksign speed should il d4 = di.stance traversed .,by 'an opl}.EJsing
into view after the passing mane veliicle for two thirds the time the ·
started. passing vehicle.occupies the left lane .
' . 2

or d4=3d2.

\ I
' • • • , I

( • •
T-164 . Trn,rn.c :Ç:Osrl:uee:rl:uu:
T:ra.rr1-, B111r1:ùeerl:n11: . . . ,.... . '·,

• •

2.37 ·Problem: •

. vi
D-----:.....- \
A vehicle travelling at 40 kph was stopped - 2g (3.6)2 (f + G)
Ans. 0.63 •

within 1.8 sec •. after the application of

brakes. Determine the average skicl 5.7 = , (30)2'
resistance.. · · 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (f + O)
!= 0.62,
' ~
a) 0.63 •

b) 0.70 •
' ,

e) 0.52
d) 0.44 •
2.38 Problem:

Solution: Ans. 0.728 A vehicle was stopped in 1.4 sec. by fully

jamming the brakes and the skid mark

V2 =V¡± at measured 7 m. Determine the average

40 3<:)- a (1.8) skid resistance on the level pavement
surface .

a= 6.17 m/sec2 a) 0.728
' F=ma ' b) 0.641 •

V :O w • I
e) 0.524
JW=-a d) .0.485
g •



Solution: '
g V2 = V1 - at
• " I

. N=W . i= 6.17 O= Vt - at

-9.81 . Vt~ at

f = 0.63· '
Vi2 = V12 ±2aS
• O.;: ( at )2 + 2 aS •

a2 +t2 = 2aS

· 2S
2.38 Problem: • •
.a= t

Fe ma
In a braking test, a vehicle traveling at . t· w
Ans. 0.62
speed of ~O kph was stopped by applyi ' JW=-a
brakes fully and theskid marks were 5 . g
m· in length. Determine the average sk a
resistance of the level pavement surface,
,. t 2 g
a) 0.62 '
b) 0.54 _ 2(7) ,
e) 0.42 I= (1.4)2 (9.81)
d) Q.32 f = 0.728 \

'Iºra,:Wttc Baae:t:uee~1:uu:
• I ••

2.39 Problem: .

2.41 Problemr .
Ans. 53.33 m. A bus driver approaches a hazard at a •
Ans. 39J3 m. Compute the br_aking distance for a car •

speed or 80 kph. What is the distance

movin1 :at an initial. velocity of 60 kph and,
.traveled during the perception-reaction·
a final velocity or 40 kph. " ,
time if the PIEV (perception, identifica• .
tion, emotion and volition) time is 2.4 sec. Slope or roadwáy B +5%
\' Çoefracient or friction between road

a) 53.33 m. •
pavement and tires = 0.15
b) 192m. Perception-reaction
timè is = ~4 sec.
e) 49.82 m. \
I I •
d) 184 m. w •
a) 39.33 m.
Solution: •
. "
f"• •u•••
·. b) 41.64 m.

e) 56.54 m.
d.= Vt •
d) 66.75 m.
8~=1 N
d= (2.4) ¡

d= 53.33 m·eters Solution:

1 (V 2 ... y 2)
Braking distance =

. 2(g)(3.6) 2 if± G)
2.40 Problem: Braking· distance
. .

Ans. 23.63 m. A driver traveling at 70 kph sees a stalled

car 30 m. ahead. If the driver applies tbt _ (60)2 - (40t
brakes immediately (perception • react~ - 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (0.15 + 0.05)
time is zero) and begins slowing th ••
Braking distance = 39.33 m.
vehicle at 8 m/sec~. (emergene

deceleration) bow far from the stalled car '
will the car stops to avoid bitting th

stalled vehicle? ~,
. ·2.42 Problem: •

· áj 6.37 m.
b) 4.44 m. Ans. 38~38 kph. In a certaìn aecident investigation, the
Sfai led Cor e) 5.42 m. ,trpffic enforcer tries to measure the
cl) 3.86 m. length of the ~kid marks on the roadway
and recorded it to be 36.20 m. Assuming .
_,,____,,.. . . . Solution: · •
....... the coefficient· of friction between the
Ví = V1 +al roadway an.d tires is 0.16. and the road is
··. , 30m 70000
O= 3600 - St Oat, what was the veloçity Òf the car at the
time ·the brakes were applied?
t = 2.43 sec. I

S= V¡ t-.}at2. a) 38.38 kph
s = 1~= ~2.43) - 8 (2:3}2 b) 42~73 kph

. · e) 54.65 kph

S =23.63 m. d) 62.63 kph.

Distance the car stop from the
vehicle = 30 - 23.63 = 6.37 m. ' I

• • \

\ \

T-168 Tra,rr1.c Ew111:l:uee:rl:n11:

Solution: '

. ·l . . - V12 - V22 ·,s= v, T vi
Braking distance - 2g(3.6)2 (f ± G) VcO
3.6 2<g )(3.6) 2 ¡
V12-o f = 0.70 (0.6) '(60% brake efficiency) · .
• 36·20 = 2(9.81X3.6)2 (0.16 + O) /=0.42
., VÍ = 38.38 kph . · S= 80 (2.5) + (80)2
' 3.6 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (0.42)

S = 115.48 m. (stopping sight distance)

2.43 Problem:
· Intermediate sight distance
. Compute the total stopping distance •

Ans. 121.41 m. •
= twice the stopping sight distance
a ear moves during the accident base •

• = 2(115.48)
I the fotlowing data:
Initial velocity of car = 60 kph I = 230.96 m.

Final velocity when it stops = O kph •

I Coeff. of friction between tires

and pavement = 0.15

Slope of roadway = - 2 % 2..45 Problem: I

' Perception-reaction time= 0.75

• I Ans. 4.4o/o , 55.27 m. The driver of a vehicle traveling at 80 kph
c. a) 121.4 lm. - • I up a grade requires 9 m. less to stop after
b) 1·11.24 m. r . • he applies the brakes than the driver
. ' .. e) ·102.43 m. '
travelling at the same initial speed down

.. d) 99 .42
.. .
. . ·. · · . . {,• the same grade. If the coefficient of
I •
e •• ") ..
Î fríction betweèn the tires and pavement is
.Solutùmt . · :
•• •l \

o . '
. .o -,
o~so, what is the percent grade and what
V1 2 - V22
•. r •

º . v1 t. is the braking distance down the grade .
3.6 + 2g (3.6) 2 (f - G) ..
~- .: a) 4.4%, 55.27 m .
s =e :· • P·.6 ,. +··. 2(9., 81 )l~3.606)22(O.-O..t 5 - O,
•I o

• • · · . d : Vt
Lot dlotcnco
O . • . . .• .
B..aklnadl1tcrc• .
b) 5.34%, 49.82 m.
s = Y- +· 2 ll-GSZlf+Gl .
v,2- V2,"'l. o
· . S = ·1. 2·1.41· •.m.·. ·(¡ .. .. . . · , .
• e) 6.12% , 58.91 m .
. . . . . . . .. • .• • u


' • I
• d)· 3.84% , 61.24 m.
.. • • . '
. . • . •
• •
.. .. ~ •

. :· . ' . . : '• Solution: · ,

2.44 Problem: . . ... y'2
. .
\ •


.. '• . . . . '. . - . . . . D=--------

èomprite the intermediate sight dl , , . · 2(9 .81)(3.6)2 (f + G)
Ans. 230.96 m. for a freeway with 'a design speed · · --~<8~0)~2 __
D-9= - -
· kph if the perception time is ass u . . : · .· 2(9.81)(3 ..6)2 (0.5 + G) .
be 2.5 seconds with a skid resista ... · · .: o ~ 9 = 25 .1 L .., •
0º70. Assu1ne brake be . .. . - 0.5 + G .. . ...
. . .. D = . : . .(80) 2 . .
• -
a) 230.96 m. •
· 2(9 .81 )(3.6)2 (0.50 - G) '
b) 115.48 m. D= 25.17
e) 220.36 m. • 0.5- G
d) 118.94 m. l

D- 9 =o.5+G

D= 0.5+G+ 9
S1 = 120(2)
+ . (120)2
.' 3.6 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (0.3)
25.17 = .25.17 +9 '
S1 = 255.44 m.
0.5- G 0.5 + G
25.17(0.5 + G) = 25.17 (0.5 - G) . ' For the 90 /cph car:
+ 9 (0.2i- d2) s2 = 2º@. + (90)2 .
.12.585 + 25.17G = 12.585 - 25.17G 3.6 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (0.3)
t S2 = 156.18 m.
+ 2.25 - 9(f2 "

9(f2 + 50:34 G - 2.25 ' = O , • ... · · · Sight distance to avoid head on collision
(fl+ 5.59G -0.25 = O = 156.18 + 255.44
G = 0.044 =411.62 m.
G= 4.4%
25.17 · '
D = 0.5 + 0,44 + 9 2.47 Prob/em:
Ans. 73.7% •

D= 55.27 m. •
A vehicle moying a 40 kph was stopped by
applying brakes apd the length of the skid
' '
ma.rk was 12.2 m.. If the average skid
. 2.46 Problem: ' • res,stance of the level pavement is known
to be O. 70, determine the brake efficiency
Ans. 411.62 m. of the test vehicle .
. Two cars are approaching each otbe
from the opposite dirèctions at a speed a) 73.1%
• 120 kph and 90 kph respectively b) 79.2% •

Assuming a reaction time of 2.0· secon e) 88.5%

and a coefficient of friction of'0.60 with a d) 70.4%
brake efficiency of 50%. Compute t

minimum sight distance required t
avoid a bead on collision of the two cars. V - 40(1000)
• - .3600
I a) 411.62m. ,
V = 1.11 m/sec .
b) 394.44 m.
e) 255.44 m. ·S= y2

• d) 156.18 m. •
2g(f +G)

Solution: • • 12·2 _ (11.11)2

' - 2(9.81)(( + O)
For the 120 kph car: I= 0.516
¡ = 0.50 (0.6)
• .

f=0.30 Brake efficiency x 100

i1 y2 B ·-L- effe . 0.516 OO
Si= 3.6 + 2g (3.6)2 (f + G)

rase iaency = O. . ~ I
• 70 •

Brake efficiency = 73.7%

- • •


T-172 rarttc

2.49 Problem:
2.48 Problem:
. .

A Pajero Intercooler skidded into Ans. 649 .42 m. Compute the passing sight distance for ·
Ans. 68.12 kph the following data:
intersection of Magsaysay Avenue I
· Speed of the passing car = 96 kph

Quirino Avenue and struc~ a bystand
and continued until it hit one of t Speed of the overtaken vehicle = 88 kph
column support of the skyway. Based Time of initial maneuver = 4.3 sec.
. the damage to the front of the car,
• Average acceleration = 2:37 kph/seé.
police report estimated that the car Time passing vehicle occupies the left lane
doing 8 kph at the moment of impact = 10.4 sec.
the column support. The length of Distance between the passing vehicle at
the end of its maneuver and the opposing
skid marks was recorded to be 40 m. T

road bas a downhill grade of- 5%. A vehicle = 76 m •

car skidded 14 m. on the same section •
a) 649.42 m.
the road when the brake is applied fro
speed of 40 kph to the halt. Determine I.
b) 568.84 m.
probable speed of the car involved in e) 741.68 m.
accident when the brakes were applied d) 498.43 m.
Oppo1~ nftta. OllOtort wtlta
po11in9 ~ opo,o.cNa A
•••• Pouiot ••hielt
• , F'ïrsr Ptiose

• • a) 68.12 kph
• b) 54.92 kph • '
• e) 71.24 kph
d) 82.62 kph
I I 4,,,


I vi
S = 2(g)(3.6)2 if- G)
I •

dt dl
· {40)2 ·
14 = 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (f - 0.05) •
Solution: •
. m = 96-88

f - 0.05 = 0.449 •

m =8kph
f = 0.50 (coeff. of friction) t1 ( at1)
\ V12-v22
•• d¡ = 3.6 V - m + 2 •
S = 2g (3.6)2 if- G) d _ 4.3 2.37{4.3) .
1 - 3.6 96 - 8 + 2 \
. . V12 - (8)"2
d 1 = 111.20 m.
.. • ·.
40 = 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (0.50 - 0.05) I

â Vt2
= 3.6

. .. V¡ 2 - 64·= 4576.95 • 2
ì .

Ví = 68.12 kph d _ 96(10.4)

2- 3.6
d2 = 277.33 m.

d3 = 76m. •

T-174. . ' .•
'I'x a.rne 1a11srtuee:r1-..u: ' . '
T:rn,l'l'le H11u:1u~e:r:tiisr

I '

. 2
' t'4 .= 3(d2) 2.51 Problem:


t4 = Í(277 .33) Ans. ~14Jl kph
A vehicle travel a distance of 40 m. before
~olliding with another parked vehicles,
t4 = 1.84.89 m. the weight of which is 15 percent of the
• Total passing sight distance former. After collision, if both vehicles
• •
=dt +d2 +d:3 +t'4 skid throùgh 14 ìn. before stopping,
• = 111.20 + 277.33 + 76 + 184.89 ' compute the initial speed of the moving
= 649.42 m. vehicle. Assume- fr-ièti·on coefficient of
0'.62. '
' '

2.50 Problem: a) 114.31 kph
b) 122.40 kph
Ans. 380 m. · Compute the minimum passing e) 98.42 kph ·
.,• distance for the following data. ,
' d) 89.62 kph
Speed of the passing car= 90.kph •
Speed of the overtaken vehicle= ' . Solution:
• Time of initial maneuver = 4 sec• After collision:
Average acceleration = 2.4 kph/sec
Time passing vehicle occupies the
left lane = 9 sec. •

' . Distance between the passing vehl
· diè end of its maneuver and the opp ·-(~a+ Wb)! S2 = (Wa2: Wb)(V42 - V32)
+ ,..9 ..,, .... ,, I tf hiele = 80 m.
:; ;;;;~:;:œm1~~!.~==º''
llttclt: a
''t:' ,..... ••• kl lili .,l.!!.]
li'"' 11111....... ....
.:·:::11111 l~ .,..,..--------- -iiëll~ a) 380 m. -fS2 =
J ...... •• """"- 2g •

~:f:::.:::::....!~~=::J. __ b) 410 m. V32=2g{S2

+-~·-+-!'!!:'"~-__,_,,.,,.,,, ..,.,,..._=_=::_-~---- e) 290 m.
V3 2 = 1(9.81)(0.(>2)(14)
--+' ----f-2·~c~-!."~ll'~··~----4--:::::::::.:::..
œm ·--....····-···- . . . .....
a==- d)S I510.m.
=. .

V3 = 13.05 m/s
• '.
·· ·-···--- ·· ···
----·- --- ' '--
o u on .·

' 2 Momentum before impact = momentum after

I . but d4 =3di ' •


Min. passing sight distance = + "3 Î~ •
g = g
- V3
d3 = distance between passing vehicle • Wb =0.75 Wa '

the end of ils maneuver and oppo '

vehicle. · •
Wa V2 _ (Wa+0.75Wa)
d2=Vt I
r g - g V3
Y2 = l.75V3 '

d2 = 90(~~)(~) = 225 m.
,V2 = 1.75 (13.05)
• .
Min. passing distance=
i(225) + 80 . V2 = 22.84 m/s
• Min. passing distance= 380 m.

• . .
• •
I •
I •
I •
' •

T-176 \ T-177
• \
•I'.z .... ne Raa,rl:neerl:011:
\ ,_ .....

Before collision · Solution:

• After Collision:

(Wa+ Wb)fS (W a+ Wb)('' 2

• 2= Y4 - V3 2)
g 2g '
- /S2 = 2g
. ..

- 0.62 (40) = V222~ V¡ 2

V32 = 2gfS2
, V32 = 2(9.81)(0.6)(10) •

- O 62 (40) - (22.84)2 - V¡ 2
• V3 = 10.85 m.s •

. - 2(9.81).
. (22.84)2 - V12= -486.576 . Momentum. before impact = momentum after

V1 = 31.75 m/s Wa V2 (Wa + Wb) · ·
V 31.75 (3600) g
= g
V3 .
, - 1 = 1000 4000V2 _:_ (4000 + 2000) V
V¡ = 11431 kph g - . g 3 .
• V _ 10.85(6000)
2- 4000 ••

V2 = 16.275 m/s
Before collision:
' 2.52 Problem: J

- Waf S¡ = Wa (V22 - V1 2) .
Ans. 102.23 kph A ~argo truck having a weight of 4000 lb, 2g • •

• skids through .a distance of 46 m. befor

. V22 - V12
colliding with a parked Toyota land •
- f S1 = . 2g '
cruiser having a weight of 2000 lb. After ..
· collision both vehicles skid through a _ 0.60(46) = (16.275)2 - V¡ 2
' distance equal to 10 m. before stopping. •
If the coefficient of friction between tire
and pavement is 0.6, compute the initial (16.275)2 - V12 = - 541.512
speed of the cargo truck. Vi = 28.40 m/s •

V _ 28.40(3600) _ ·
1 - 1000
a) ~ o~.23kph .
. V 1 ;:: 102.23 kph
b) 96.48 kph
e) 121.42 kph . .
d) 110.86 kph \ •



I \


' I T-179
.T-178. '
--· ·-- .. - l"ra,ttl.c
I Tra,:l'ftc, E:n.e:t· •

i ß&_ -• ''ª''' ' - •
• • i CQCdWWWW" wu .. ,, -r

2.53 Problem: '

· 2.54 Problem:

A cargo truck of weight 6000 lb. ~¡~ Ans. 27.61 kph A van having a weight of 8000 lb. hits a
' Ans. 34.99 kph · · parked Toyota car of weight 2000 lb. and
Mercedes Benz having a weight of 16

- I lb. and both the vehicles skid togeth
both vehicles skid together through a
,. •

through a distance of 5 m. before C!Jmln \ . distance of 6 m. before coming to stop.

' . Compute the velocity of impact if the van
' to stop. Compute the initial speed of th
cargo truck if it does not apply brak •
applies brakes and skids through a
..' before collision. A~.· coeff. of friction distance of 4 m. before colìision. Assume
. ,0.60•. • coeffìcient of friction is ·

-N ,
·a) 34.99.kph a) 27.61 kph
~ •

b) 42.16 kph ' ' b) 31.42 kph

e) 54.62 kph ( \
e) 44.36 kph f

.cl) 65.14 kph d) 12.20 kph

Solution: {

Solutio n:
Af~er coalition:' . . • I

. (W¡+W2) After. collision:

· ~ (W1 + W2)/S2 =
(V4 . • V3 ' . .
28 (W1 + W2) ·2 2

I - FS2 = - · (V4 -- V3 )
; V42-V32 I . 2g •

~J S2 =

28 •
F=(W1 + W2)f
O- V32
~-0.60 (5) =

2g . .
V3 = 7.67 m/~ (vel. of impact)

' ...
V42 - V32 ..
, -JS2 = 2g • I

Momentum before impact ·. •

. ·= momentum after impact

• •
- 0 ..50 (6) = O ;~32


' W¡ + W2 =· (W1 + Wz) V3 •

, V3 = 7.67 m/s (velocity at impact)


. g . g •I
. . '
6ÇXX>Vz _ (6000 + l600)V3 . , . V _ 7.67 (3000J_
g - g · 3- 1000 ·
6000V2 = 7600V3 ' V3 = 27~61 kph ,
' • ,

Tf. 7&:IJ (7 .67) . ' •

Y2 = 6000 I
. ,

• • V2 = 9.72 m/s
. ·. ,

r f. 9.72 (3600) •
Y2: }{)()() -, ..
' I

, V2 = 34.99 kph

' '

, •
T-180 1
-... r~rr.1e ß••u:l:uee:rl:ng:
\ ame E11~l:uee:rl:na:
' I
• I .

· 2.54-a Problem:

' .
Ans. 68.05 kph Two cars A and B of equal weight At collision:
approaching an· intersection of t (Along the West-East direction only)
perpendicular roads, A from the w •
and B from the south and collide wl •
momentum before impact
each other. The initial skid distances ot
-------' ....,- and B before collision are 30 m. and 20
respectively. After the collision, the s
= momentum after impact r

- - . ·---,
distance of A and B are 14 .m. and 36
; respectively. A skids a direction


N. 40º W while B skids a direction I •

. ..
N. 30º E. If the average skid resistanc
the pavement is found to be 0.60, comp
the speed of À in kph before he appl
the brake. •
WA (VA2) = WA (- 12.84 Sin 40º)
+ WB (20.59 Sin 30º)

I •
a) 68.05 kph
b) 72.07 kph \ WA =WB

e) 55.4 kph • •
' d) 82.4 kph . .
VA2 = - 8.25 + 10.295
• 5 •
Solution: --~ VA2 = 2.045 m/s
After collision: •

\ .
I ~
. Work done in skidding. W (V 2 ~ VA 1 2)
= change in kinetic energy - WA (0.60)(30) = A A~g
-- Positive work - negative work -

. , (2.045)2 - VA 1 2
. . I
= change in kinetic energy - 60.30 (30) = . 2(9.81.)
; I •

WA (VA42 - VA32)
0 - WA if) (14) = 4~182 - VAI 2 = - 353.16
I ~~o ' 2g '

I ..• ' O- VA32 VA¡ 2 = 357.342 '

- 0.60 (14) =
2(9.81) ...
VA1 = 18.90 m/s \

~A3 = ·12_.84 m/s

- \

'18.90 (3600)

VA1 = 1000
. Wn (VB42 - Vn32) \1At = 68.50 kph •

O ~ lf B (0.60)(36) = :, 2g
. V 2
. B3
- O .60 (36) = - g .
VB3 = 20.59 m/s •

I •

• •

' T-183
T-182 ' '
. I ra,lll.c E•111:l:nee:rl.:n.a:
T:ra,:trle Euu:l:uee:rlug: f

• •

2.55 Problem:
Vt y2

Compute the minimum required sl1

•• S= 36 + 2g (3.6)2 {f + G)
Ans. 362.82 m, •

distance to avoid a collision for two-w _ (80)(2) (80) 2

' S- + 2

traffic with single ·tane with a e I

3.6 . ~(9.81)(3.6) (0.5 + O.q2)
approaching from the opposite direct •
S =92.85 m. · 1


if both cars are ~oving at a speed of , Safe stopping sight distance = 2(92.85)
• kph. .Total perception and reaction. t Safe stopping sight distance= 185.70 m .
is 2.5 sec. Coefficient of friction is O

and br~ke·emciency is 50%. •

~ Ls I s

' . .
J ..
. • a)·\ 362.82 m. .
2.57 Problem:

b) 212.86 m. ,
Ans. 78.73 m. • Compute the required length of the safe
11\ .'
• e) 18l.41 m. stopping sight distance in a two-way
s~ Lane cl) 414.92 m. •'
• traffic in a two-way traffic in a two lane
• road if the design speed is 60 kph.
V=80kph V:Œ>kph
Solutions I
Perception and· reaction time of the driver
f = 0.4 (0.5) ·
~ I e 1
• is 2.6 sec. and the· coefficient of friction
f = o.w . ' •
between . tires and pavement is 0.40 .
S Vt \4.
= 3.6 + 2g (3.6)2 {f + G)
----------·- ( Assume the slope of roadway to be
horizontal. •

s - 80(2.5) + . 802
• •

' a) 78.73 m.

• •

- 3.6 .2(9.8tX3.6)2 (0.4 + 0)(0.5) .Two Lane ' b) 68.42 m.

S = 55.56 + 1.25.85 . V=60kph V=60kph' e) 88.64 m.
S = 181.41 m. • d) 122.46 m.
Sight distance to avoid collision • •

= 2(181.41) •
=:362.82 m. · Vt y2
• S= + --
3.6 2g(3.6)2 (f + G)
_ 60(2.6) · (60) 2
2.56 Problem: S- 3.6 + 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (0.4 + O)
. S = 78.73 m. (stopping distance)
Ans. 185,70 m. Compute the required safe stopping si '
• distance for a two way traffic in a sina
lane to avoid collision with a e 2.58 Problem:
approaching from the opposite díreet
if both cars are moving at a speed of Ans. 0.40\

The driver or. a '

car traveling 70 kph

kph. Total perception • rea.ction time I

requires 48 m. to. stop after. the brakes
the driver is 2 sec. Coefficient of fricti have been applied. What average
Sing a lane· between the tires and the pavement coefficient. of friction was developed
O.SO. Slope of roadway is +2%.

between tires and pavement?

• •
• V=80kph V=~kph
a) 185.70 m. -=-· .. a) 0.40
b) 92.85 m. · b) 0.34
e) 174.80 m. •
e) 0.51 •

d) 168.42 m. d) 0.28 •

• •
• \
• • •

• ' I

T-184 .. .. •

T:ra,Ul.e E••u:l:nee:rl:uu:

Solution: '

• .. . 2.61 Problem:
,,.,..: dº yl .
Braking istance = 2g (3.6)2 (f + G) Ans. 57.25 kph One vehicle ~ fol~owing.another on a two-
... :JI . . lane two highway at night according to
NsW.¡._ _,. '
(70)2 • the safe driving rule of thumb of one car
(bl +lit 11 ·4Jllltd) 48 length spacing for each 16 kph of speed.
= 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (f + O)
If both vehicles are traveling at 80 kph

and the lead car crashes at that speed into
f=0.40 the rear of an unlighted parked truck, at
what speed will the following vehicle hit
' the wreckage? Assume a car length is 6
, •
m., reaction time is 0.5 sec. and a
coefficient of friction is 0.65.
2.60 Problem: '
t a) 57.25 kph
Vehicles often travel city streets adjacent b) 48.62 kph '
Ans. 55.78 m. •
to parking lanes at 56 kph or faster. At e) 36.25 kph

his speed and setting detection through •

response-initiation time for an alert d) o

driver at 2 sec. and/= O.SO, how far must
the driver be away from a suddenly
opened car door to avoid striking it? <Parki~) . Solution:

a) 55.78 m. • •

b) 62.36 m.
e) 49.84 m. '
' ·v, :;: eo kph
I d) 36.42 m.
, '
• •
.•. - S. = 30

Solution: .. . . .
' . . . . _ (80)(0.5) (80) 2 - V2 2
3.6 + 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (0.65 + O)
56(2) (56)2
S = 3.6 + 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (0.50 + O)

(80)2. - v22 = 31~1.93

\ V2 = 57.25 kph.
' S = 55.78 m.
• ,,



. '

. . • l

. '• T-187
' S F.

2.62 Problem: ; .
.I . 2.64 Problem:
Ans. l 08.59 m. • Compute the headlight sight distance
Ans. 0.879. mlsec2 ,
a freeway with a design speed of 75 k · A t_ruck d~iver is traveling at SO kph
15.72 sec.

·Assume time or perception to be 3 behind another car and decides to

and skid resistance to be 0..60. Use 80 overtake the car and accelerate. .Ir the
V ·v . I
brake efrteiency. rate of acceleration. i1 given as ·.
Vt • o •
dV .
.= 1~,- ~.015V

a) 108.59 m• dl

' b) 217.18 m. be
w re "V'' . .
JS 10 m,sI
and' '' t'' is in sec.

e) 192.48 m.

d)\ 156.45 m. \ Find the rate of acceleration after 8

seconds and the time taken to ·attain a
s Solution: speed or 100 kph: . .
. Vt (Ví)2

s = 3.6 + 2g (3.6) 2¡ . a) 0.879 rn/soc2 , 15.72 sec. •

f = 0.60 (0.80) = 0.48 · b) 0.642 m/soc2, 10.4 sec.

75(3) · (75)2 · •
. e) 0.596 rn/sec2 , 12.46 sec.
S = 3.6 + 2(9.81)(3.6)2 (0.48) d) 0.749 rn/soc2 , 16.41 sec.·
.S·= 108.59 ni. ,
• Solution: • ,
., • •
2.63 Problem: .. dl = 1.2 - 0.015V
. .
Ans. .. 0.15 ln· a road ·test for measuring s dV =dl
I resistance using a skid resista • 1.2 - 0.01,5V ¡ •

equipment, indicates a certain time

brake application and the br,ak
distance indicated by the skid mar dV dt I

41.6 m. before the vehicle was ~rougb •

1.2 - 0.015V =

stop. What ~ the average skid resista
of the surf ace when the velocity of the u=
. 1.2 - 0.015V
. .

when the brakes were applied is equa

du=:= - 0.0l5dV .
40 kph. The road is on a level surface. ,

a) 0.15 . ' \

b) 0.12
e) 0.21
1.2 -·0.015V - - - 0.015dt

d) 0.32 '
' •
Solution:. ln (1.2 - 0.015 V)= - 0.0151 + C r .

V¡ 2..; Vz2
, when t = O V= 50 kph~ 13.89 m/sec. ·
' S = 2g (3.6)2 (ft G) •
_ (40)2-0 . .
416- ;;
2(9.81) (3.6)2 (!) . . ln [ 1.2 ~ O.OJ5(13.89)] ~ - 0.015(0) .._· C
¡· , . .
.: C = ln 0.99165 · . . ·.


'• •
T-188 •

···\a...rr10 tiiaa,rl:n.eertua: ..



ln (1.2 - 0.015\/) = - 0.015t + ln (0.99165) STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE

ln ( 1.2 - 0.015Y) = _ O;OlS t ....---.- ~~-· ......., _ ---. __

· · 0.99165 • I ' bi=611• \ .
1.2-0.0lSV _ -0.0151 'I t
. I.
0.99165 - e I ..-.....i...:.- s~ Clst. < nan·po11 dist:)

1.2 - 0.015V = 0.99165e-O.OOlSI ·

' Passing SI t, Distance
-~-~----- •,


0.015V = 1.2 -0.99165e-O.OlSt . ,

V= 80 - 66.11 e-O.Ol51 I

' O Stopping Sight Distance:

when t = 8 sec. (Summit Parabolic Curve)

V= 80 - 66.11 e- O.Ol5(8)
ht = 3.75 ft (heighl of drivers eye above the
º· •

• V= 80 - 66.11 e- 12 . · pavement)

V= 80 - 66.11 (2.71828)- º·12 '

h1=1.14m. '
, h2 = 6 inches (heigh: of object abovepavemeni]
- · V= 21.37 m/s
• •

h2 = 0.15 m.

a= 1.2 -0.015V •

A. when S <L .
a= 1.2 - 0.015(21.37) '

a= 0.879 mlsec2 (acceleration)

.O L =
100 ( '12h¡ + 2h2
when V= IOOkph when h¡ ~ 1.1.4 m. L = in meters
• • ·V= 80 - 66.11 e- O.OlSt \ hi= .15 m. S = in meters ·


• AS2 ·
27.78 = 80 - 66.11 e- O.OlSt @ L = 1400 •

• when h¡ = 3.75 ft. L = in feet

52.22 = 66.1 i e- O.OlSt
/ri = 6 inches S = in feet
0.7899 = e- O.OlSt · A= g1 - g2

ln (0.7899) = - 0.015t ln e s B. when S >L ·

- 0.2359 = - 0.015t
I '
. ..,
t = 15.72 sec.
O L = 2S - 200 ifhÏ + {h1)2
• when ht = 1.14 m. L = in meters \

• '
h2 = 0.15 m. · S = in meters

8 L='ÌS - 1400
A •

= 3.75 fl L = in feet

,• when h1
hi= 6 in S = in feet
A= g1 - g2



. . .
\ •
Trani.e B••ert:ueertnu: ' '

• •
• . .


~. .
. ' . . . ·,,,. , - •
• "2= A

;_ (Vërtic(ll,~Çijrves): .
. ·:-.·~ ,.·
.. .. . : . . ,:" :· . ·. -'. ' .· . . . . . . · ..
S= d1 +d2
'. ' . :


O WhenS<L
Sight distane, is less titan s= 200 ht L .
.A +


' the length of curve. . .

lOOL · ·
. S= --.t\ + ~2h1 . +'. lOOL + -V2h2·
• • A
, '}JI L{l (&1 - 82)
'".."· Lil = L r
S= IOOL ( ...j 2h1 + 2h2 V •
. L ) •
· · 4H = 2(81 - 82 •
sJ. = le:- ( ...J2h1 + 2h2 2

L- sJ.A .
\.li r H= Ì(g1 - g2)
- 2
· 1 OO ( ...J 2h¡ + -2h---..2
. Express the slope in percent not decimali
I t•tt·tl Ex: 81 = +2o/o
... 8 WhenS>L ·
Lli A
= g1 - gi n= - 3% . . Sight distance is greater than the length of
• •
·. curve.
H= 8 100.

L •
ht =x si
A =.2- ( - 3) h1
H= 800 '
x= g¡

. . A=5 ...
' ·using the squared property. of the par If 81 = is in percent
I h., H . X=
ht ...
• d12 = (L/lY- ..BL
h2 H·
d22 = (Lflfl
. x= IOOh¡
. 81
• \
h1 L2 .: h2 (100)_
• d12= 4H . ..

h¡ L2(800) L •

2 S=2+x+y
d¡ = 4AL • t

200 h1L
di=2 A

.. '

I •

•• \ \



· .· rrrt ·

rw•I.._'I 8"rUe
1 ID11p l:nee:rl:ng: -.ra.rrte R••ecl:nee:rl:uu:


S = b. + ht (100) + hz (100)
2 g¡ 82

S= -
L (h .
+ 100 1 +
h2) '

-. \

2 si 82
. '

I .

• ,
• •

• \

' . .

- h2

82 = · h¡ 81
A= 81 - (-82) = 81 + 82



' .
• •
Sight Distance •

l O s-a: · • • I

I '
I : · . .· a,.,\ . L. =. ----=..:.::.___
· AS2 __
. ~ . 100 (...J2h¡ +-fihï.)2

• •
L si {g¡ - 82)
• •
b) L = Sh when h1 = h2 = h

,. @ S>L. . •

s a) L=~- 200(-{iì¡+.../h?,)2
A •

b) L.= '2S ~ 4(h1 + h2)

g¡ - 82 I

_ 2S ( gl - 82) - 8 h . . . .
e) L - . - when h 1 = h2 = h
· RI - 82 I


; T-195
T-194 a,rrt.e Baag:l:nee:rt:w:au: I
• I
•i•.z aU1e B•ltP lnee:rl:u,r

AASHO Specs.
• '. .· • . • ¡ . ·, • . I'
, '

• . i: FOR . ¡ when C = 14 ft

h¡ =6ft
• f • . ' ' • .4 ' \•' ~J• I •
\ ' 'I ' • 'I • ..

hi= 1.5 ~

O Wh,11 passing slglat distane, Is gr,aœr tu A= 82 - 81 '

th, kngth.of eurv«
L =''2S- 82 •

8 When the passing sight distance is less than

Using the previous relation of parabolic
the length of curve.
\ curves. \


;I S >L .
$ = length of passing sight distance
I •

. t
~/l Lil L = length of curve •· , Using the squared property of parabola.
•• I
hi = height ofdrivers eye ~li
• L/8 (gz - g¡) ~ H
, '
h2 = height ofobject (L{l)2 ~ (Sfl)'l


C = vertical clearance from tne lowest pol 4L (gz - 81) _ 4H
of under pass to the curve si2 - si- •

H= e -
(ht+ h2·)
- 52 <si - g¡)
• -: . 811
· y= ¡l(L)
2. ·'
(82 -. 81) .
.l ...I/I -..·-

• AASHOSpecs . I

L when C :.: 14 fl
I Y= s (gz - 81) I

• • ht= 6 ft ·
By ratio and proportion: ' •
hi= 1.5 ft

A= 82 - 81
2· . · s s2A
.L= 82
H+ y= s I

-(g2 - g¡) I

l I\
S 2S
\ ?.JI+ b.(g¡ _ g2) - S (82 - g¡)
8 . I

• I
• S(g2·g1) = 4H+f (E2-g1)1

L• -
Ï(g2-g1) = S(gi-g¡)-4H •

• • •

L ='JS(£t - gi}-8H
• (g2 - g¡)


T-196 I , I
' \ I

- ... •, .
P~ssi11g Sig/it Distance. :., .
' . . '
¡"· SIGHT DISTANl l? 1

• ì
-, (Summù Paraboltc
. . .
Curve) ... . .. (Another Formula but wltñ same results)
A. whtnS<L t O WhtnS<L ..
, ·
AS2 S = sight distance
-~2 L = length of curve
100 ("' 2h¡ + h = height of: drivers eye abouve •
when ht = 1.14 m. L = in meters pavement
- (
. Jti = 1.14 m.. S = in meters -•.• . •

• '
By ratio and proportion: · •

@ L ::.: .3000 . - -.
- L{l (g¡L - g2)
when lt1 = 3.75 ft. L = in feet Lfl \

S = in feet H= g

h2 = 3.75 ft. (g¡ - g2)
A= 81 - 82 Lli UI

B. wñen S.»L Using the squared property ofparabola:

H h
·S . 200 ({hl+ 'Í hi)2 (Lf2)2 = (S(l)2
O l=2S- A
L/8 (g¡ - g2)
-~---. . . . . _ .- h
when hi = 1.14 m. l = in meters '
1./t · L/1
. L4/4 , - S2/4 '
h2 = 1.14 m. . S = in meters

k (g¡ - g2-) S2

...---L---....,. Lh=
8 L=25-
when h1 = 3.75 ft L = in feet
· s2 {g1 - g2)
l= 8h .
hi~ 3.75 ft S = in feet
A= g1 - 82 @ WhenS>L \
L ' Sight Distanc~for sag parabolic curve:
s •
.t A. when S < L ~
Considering triangles ABC and CDE:
By ratio and propcrtion: .
AS2 •

• l = 400 +· H h
-- S L
L = in feet
r o - - --
S = in feet . 4 2 4
A= 82 - g1 .

. . L
' B. · when S > L' ·
H= S (g¡ - g2)

s I . (400 + 3.5S)
LIZ U4 .. L/4

-¡:____..--------------:-~ •
• l = 2S - A S/2 S/2
S/2 •l/4
L/8 (g¡ - g2)
. L/4 -- 2S ..hL '
• ••
L = in feet ••
. P.T. S = in feet
• •
.w_:_ru. - h
C. Max. Velocity of car moving in a S/2•L/4
vertical sag curve. H
8 - 2S-L
V2A 2S (g1 - sn- L(g¡ - 82) = 8h· I
L = 46.50 I L~~ I

L (81 - g2) = 2S (g1 - g2) - ~h

• • V= velocity in mph= )

2S (g1 - 82}., 8h
A=g2-g1 L= --··
• (81 .. g2)
• L = length of curve infeet _ I

\ -
' • T-199
T-198 ' J
• T.ra,•nc E••u:1:ueerl:ng: •

•••.a.rani.e ..H••tc1xaeer1u.u: I

2.65 Problem: 2.66 Problem:

Determine- the minimum length. ~f a Ans. 168.63 m. · A vertical summit curve has tangent
Ans. 173.50 m. summit vertical curve needed to JOI~ a grades of +3% and - 2%. Compute the
... +2o/o grade with a .. 3% grade on a sect~on length of curve for a stopping sight
of a highway with an 80.49 kph de~1gn · distance of 120 m.

· speed. Assume ¡ = 0.30 and a perception 4 •

a) 168.63 m.·
, reaction time of 2.5 sec. •
b) 162.36 m.
e) 158.29 m.

a) 202.20 m. cl) 136.40 m.

b) 158.60 m. •

e) 220.46 m. Solution:
• l d) 173.50 m. • AS2
L= 2 w~nS<L
100 (~2h¡ +{21;2) '

Solution: •

S:146.89m • V \12 For stopping sight distance or non passing

Stopping distance = 3.~ + 28 (3.6) 2 (j + G) '
sight distance
·- S=l20m - ht = 3.75 ft (drivers eye height)
L= 202.20m • 80.49 (2.5) (80.49)2 h2 = 6 in.(object height for braking distance)
S= 3.6 + 2 (9.81) (3.6)2 (0.30 + 0.02) ,

S = 135.52 11). •
L·~ AS2

~ . 100 (~2(3.75) + 6 ))2

2( 12
For safe stopping sight distance:
hi = 1.14 m. h2 = O .15 m· AS2
L = 1400 .
S<L ,
where L = in feet
L = 2 ·
S = in feet
100 ( "Í2h1 + 2h2 S = 120(3 .28)

-- S = 393.6 ft.
A= 81 - 82 A= 3 - (2)
I •
A=2-(-2)==4 A=5
· 4 (135.52)'2 \ TryS <L
• L- ·- 2
~ 100 ("Í2 (1.14) + ..J-2 (-0.-15))

'L = 1400
L = 173.50 m. L = 5(39.3.6)2

1400 I

L = 553.29 fl ok
• \ 553.29
• Use L = 3.281
L = 168.63 m.
\ .

,, T-201

T-200 'I ra,:rt:l.c E:uu:l:raee:rl.:n.u:
. .. •
:I''-...._•a,Ul.c R1:av1:n.eer:1.I1a: 1

I • 2.68 Problem: '

2.67 Problem:
I •
Ans. 205.33 m. A vertical summit curve has tangent


A vertical summit curve has a length of . grades of +2.5% and - 1.5%. Compute
Ans. 190.29 m. ,
198 m. long and has tangent grades of
I •,

the passing sight distance if the length of·
\ • +3% and • 2%. Compute the length of curve is 182 m.
the passing sight distance •
• •
a) 205.33 m.

...• b) 186.48 m.
a) 190.29 m.
I • b) 164.32 m. e) 200.42 m.
• •

• • e) 220.12 m. d) 160.25 m. • i

. . •
. .
• - d) 210.86 m.

Solution: ·

Solution: Assume S>L

For passing sight distance: L = 2S - 200 ({hï + "Í h2}2
s s A
h1 = 3.75 ft. (ht. of drivers eye)
h1 = h2 = 3.15 ft. (for passing sight distance)
L h2 = 3.75 ft. (object heightfor passing)

' .. Assume: S < L I
' ,

L = 2S _ 200 ("Í 3.75 + "Í 3.75 )2


A .

. . . .
100 (~ 2h¡ + {2h2)2
L = 2S _
. ' l

• •
AS2 A ~ 2.5 - (- 1.5)
L- A=4
, - 100 (...J 2(3.75) + ~ 2(3.75))2
L = 2S- 3000
.. A
• 'I
• • • L = 3000 ••
I • L = 182 (3.28)
L = 596.96 ft;

• 3ooo
.·596.96 = 2S - 4
. • . •
where L = in feet
, •
. •
S = 673.48 ft> Lok (
S = in feet

S = 205.33 m. \

• t,;t
A= 3 - (-2)

. .. .
• I
" . • I

A=5 '
I • •• •

•• 2.69 Problem:
.. .. . • •
L = 198(3.281)
. •
Ans. 91.39 m. A vertical summit curve has tangent
. •
L = 649.64 ft.
• / grades of +2.So/o and - 1.5%. Calculate

ss2 the length of curve for a stopping sight
649.64 = 3000 I
- distance of 99.085 m.
• •
.. S := 624.33 ft< L , a) 91.39 m. · •

• S = 190.2.9 m. . b) 101.25 m.
e) 121.62 m. · · '

' . I
d) 88.64

. - I


' • • •
• •

J •
• ,

• T-203 ,
T-202 •

. - .......
Trani.e E•• .

Solution: •
A= Kl - g¡ '

Assume S > L· A = 3.5 - (- 1.5)

A= 5 " •
' , • , ' 5(600)2
L = 400 + 3.5(600)

h1 ~ 3~75 fl •

h2 = 6 in = 0.5 fL • I
L = 720 ft. ·
I 200 (.../ 3.75 + {õ.s)2 •
L l19.51 m. (S < L) • •
L=2S- , A

L·= 2S- 1400

A '
2.71 Problemr' (

S = 99.05 (3.28)

A vertical sag parabolic curve has a

S. = 324.88 Ans. 152.43 m.
length of 141 m. with tangent grades of •
A = 2.5 - ( 1.5)
. 1.5% and+ 2.5%. Compute the length of
A=4 I the sìgbt.dìstance. .
L = 2(324.88)- l~OO '
. . ' I
a) 157.43 m. '
L 299.76 ft. b) 136.2.4 m. ....

S>L e) 125.49 m:
d) 162.46 m.
I L-299.16
- 3.28

\ L =91.39 m.
Assume S > L

L = 141 (3.28)
I s , I L = 462.48 ft.

2.70 Problem:
A= 82 - 81 \

A = 2.5 - (- 1.5)

Ans. 219.51 m. A vertical sag parabolic curve bas tan •• P.T.••

grades of· 1.5% and +3.5%. Comp • A=4

the length of curve if it has a si
distance of 182.93 m.
,L = zs- (400 + 3.5S)
. I

462.48 = ~ _ {400 ~ 3.SS) .


I • a) 219.51 m .
I ·b) 316.42 m. '
1&49.48 = SS -400-: 3.5S
, \

e) 164.48 m.
d) 175.42 m. 4.5iS = 2249.92
I , •

I '
S :: 499.98 ft.

Solution: S.,., L ok
L •
Assume S <L. ,
s •
:t S -· 499.98
-· 3.28
l '
A.S2 ,
L = 400+ 3.SS , S == 152.43 m.
S = 182.93(3.28)

S = 600 ft. I


\ \
T-204 I ralli.e E:nu.:1.Iiee:rtnu:: '
Tra,ttl.c R:n,rt:ueert:ng: • .....

' 2.73 Probiem:' •

2.72 Problem:
Ans. 81.83 mph Compute the· max. velocity of a car that
Ans. 73.33 mph '
Compute the max. velocity that a e could pass thru a vertical sag curve
could pass thru a sag parabolic curv having tangent grades of • 1.5% and

having a sight distance of SQO ft. when th +3.S % , if it has a sight d isÌa nee of
tangent grades are - 1.5% and +2.S'l, 18233m. .
Express in mph.
I f a) 81.83 mph
b) 76.42 mph ,.
a) 73.33 mph
r b) 75.22 mph e) 68.92 mph
d) 91.23 mph
- e)
70.85 mph
82.64 mph
. \ - Solution:

Solution: AS2
Assume S > L L L = 400 + 3.5S
s A = 3.5 ~ (- 1.5) ·

.. I

• A=5
i·= 2S _ .{1_00 + 3.SS) • •

- A I' S = 182.93 (3.28)

s A= g2 - g1 S = 600 ft.
-~----------------~ A=2.5-(-1.5)

• • . P.T. •• A=4 l = 5(609)2

L= _ [ 400 + 3.5(500)] 400 + 3.5(600) I

2(500) 4 L = 720 ft.

. L = 462.5 ft. ' . ,
L = 46.50

S.> L ok 720 = V2 (S)

' '
I Lf (Relation of L, V and A) V= 81.83,mph

46_5 •

\ _ v2 (4)_ \
46Z.5 - 46.5

V= 73.33 mph


\ I


. •.
, •

• • T-207 .
T-206 •

' T:ra,:trl.o tuaa,rl:oee:rl:u,r

r' 2.74 CE Board Feb. 1971 Elev. of P./. = 30 • 120(0.04)
· Elev. of PJ. = 25.2 m.
Ans. 2.3% ; 25.945 m.; In a certain underpass, the vert Elev. of A = 25.2 + 0.023 '
26.953 m. clearance of the 240 m. parabolic ltO • 120 •
Elev. of A = 25.945 m.
. curve with P.C. at station 13 + 000 87.IZ

elevation 30.00. m. is 4.4 m. The heigh

. . · the object at the instant of perceptlo L
H= - 82)

' I
1.10 m. while that of the drivers e 8(g1 •

1.40 m. If the approach grade is· 4" 240

H= (0.023 + 0.04)
the passing sight distance is 320 me 8 •

what is the grade of the forward tan .H = 1.89 m.

At what point (station and elevation . H y I

the curve should the catch be installed (120) 2 = (87 .62)2


- -s•- a
a) 2.3o/o ; 25.945 m. ; 26.953 m. (1.89}(87 .62)2 '
b) 2.8% ; 22.533 m.; 25.744 m. y= (120)2
\ -.:l s e) 2.1 % ; 2~.345 m. ; ~4.533 m. · y= 1.008 m.
d) 2.2o/o ; 24.854 m. ; 27 .843 m. Elev. ofB = 25.945 + 1.008 ._ ..
• 'L/Z
L/1 Elev. ofB ~ 26.953 m. (elev. of catch basin)
Solution: I

.¡._...:__·~'':!.ª _ ___.~__ . . .;.__

•,. _.,.. ~ = 2S (g¡ - g1) - SH I

· 82 - 81 \
2.75 CE Board May 1992
, (h1 + hz) ,
·H= C - 2 I
Ans. 83.29 m.; A 5% grade intersects a· 3.4% grade at
(1.40 + 1.10) 1 + 924.09 , 2+055.91; station 1 + 990 or elevation 42.30 m.
H~4.4- 2 •
2 + 002.55 ,f
Design a vertical summit
parabolic curve
H = 3.15 m. connecting the two tangent grades to
2(320)(gz + 0.04) - 8(3.15) conform with the following safe stopping
L= 82 +0.04 · · sight distance specifications. •

· 640(gz + o.04) - 25.2 · ·

l. Design velocity = 60 kph

, .
240 = 82 + 0.04 2. Height of driver's eye from· the road
• 640(g2 + 0.04) - 240 (g2 + 0.04) = 25.2 pavement 1.37 m. = '
400 (gi, + 0.04) = 25.2 3. Height of an object over the pavement
82 = 0.023 · ahead = 100 mm
82 = 2J% grade offorward,tangent 4. Perception • reaction time = 3/4 sec.
S. Coefficient of friction between the
Location of the catch basin [rom the P. road pavement and the tires = 0.15.
Determine the stopping sight distance,
s l -- '8181-L82 . ' '

station of P.C. and P.T. and the location
, - 0.04(240) of highest point on curve. ,(

S1 = - 0.04 - 0.023 ...

s1 ·= 152.380 m. a) 83.29 rn: 1+924~09, 2+055.91 ; 2+002.55

Stationing of catch basin •
b) 85.63 m; 1+926.03, 2+056.23 ;·2+003.22
e) 83.52 m; 1+898.05, 2+054.74; 2+002.66
= (13 + 000) + 152.380 .,
d) 88.26 m; 1+986.32, 2+054.22.; 2+001.52
= 13 + 152.380
' ., I •

• J •
I t •

• I

T-208 .
I •

T:ra,lll.e i:a:ne;l:nee:rl:ua: I

.• -.
• •
•I •

Solution: ••
Location and elevation of highest point of
\ curve .,
Stopping sight distance
· g1L \
\ Vt y2 f
S= . ••

.. .,, . ' ... . . ... .. .. ···---

S= 3.6 + 2g (! + G)(3.6) 2 . s 81 - g2
..' ·: . . . .
•. ••• • • • • • I •, -.,,
Ht. of oqect' ...-: ' • •

· · · f-
Line d _sight _
.. S = 0.05 (131.82)
· 60({) 60 2 0.05 + 0.034
ha: htof t1t• ! - ~ ·

S= 3.6 + , . r

•• •
2(9.81)(0.15 + 0.05)(3. S = 78.46 m. . ,.
NÕn-passinQ sight d~
(Safe stopping distorœ .
S= 83.29 m. P.T. 2H L{l (g1 .. 82)
' - '
Pass sightdist •
L L 2L
~ STOPPING DISTANCE r Stationing of P.C. and P.T. :: L
. , I ' l
H= - (g¡ - g2) I
8 •
' S<L • , '
· AS2 IH = 131.82 (0.05 + 0.034} I I

' \ L- 2 . 8 •
- 100( ~ 2h1 + {2hÌ) l . .
• . • I
• .H=l.38m . \ I
,. • •
A= g1 - g2 •
y H

A= 5 - (- 3.4)
- I

I (53.36)2 - (65.91)2
A= 8.4 · I 1.38(53.36)2
• I

2h1 = 2(1.37) = 2.74 Y-· (65.91)2

tw :1.37"' s
' . · y= 0.90 m.
2h2 = 2(0.10) = 0.20 (

AS2 •
L= 2
. 100 (~2h1 +{2hÌ) .. : Elev, ·A = 42.30 - 0.()34(12.55) .. # \ -

. I +990

• •

L_ 8.4 (83.29)2

-EJ. 42..30 Elev. A= 41.87 . .
~ -100 (~2.74 + '1-0.-20
)2 Elev. oj.. B = 41.87 - 0.90

. of B = 40.97 m-. I

Stationing of B = ( 1 + 990) + 12.55

131.82 Stationing ofB = 2 + 002.55
Sta. of P.C. = (1 + 990) -
L = 131.82
' 2 ., ¡ I

Sta oj'P.C. == 1 +,924.09 '

• I
, ·B is the• highest point

011 the curve. · •
.. '

. 990 131.82 '


Sta. of P.T. = 1 + + 2
, .'

• \

Sta. of P.T. = 2 + 055.91 / •


\, . ' ••
• • ...

I • • • •
\ I •

• '
f .¡ ,_
, \. I . I ,, I

J 1 J
, \
• T-211
T-210 ' i
f• ' '
"I':a•a.rrte Bu,,r -.
rI'I a,ttl.c, E••e:tlnee:rl.I1u:
• >
• . ,

2.76 Problem: ,
' \

• •• I S 1 -- 81 L '
, ~ 81 - 82
Ans. 122,43'm.; A Vertiàl curve connects a +5% grade t •

72 + 114.055 a • 4% grade a,s shown.' The station oft • • .. S _ 0.05 (168.75) •

• .\
' point of vertical intersection' of tia · 1 - ·0.05 + 0.04
tangents is ~t sta. 72 + .ooo and th
I •
' S¡ = 93.75 I

elevation or the point or intersection •' I ••

L ..
100 m. Determine the length or curve
( a sight distance of 150 m., the height •

g (g1 - sú •

object and obsérver being l.S m. abo - 168.75. (0.05 + 0.04)

I the pavement. If on the right side of t H- 8 •
summit of the. curve is an object havin& ( l
H= 1.90m. \

height of 0.60 m., what w~uld b~ th~ n • .\

.Passing sight distance and its stat1on1n1. 1.5 0.6 I

¡ . .
(75)2 = \il I


a) 122.43 m. ; 72 +ï 14.055 X= 47.43 m.·
, ''ª 112 b) 123.53 m. '.; 73 + 132.643 î

' \

L/1 Lli
e) 120.66 m.; 70 + 121.532· I • ,
d) 125.74 m. ; 72 + 163.221 Non passing sight distance» 75 + 47.43

. .
I •
·' \

Non passing sight distance= 122.43 m.
' I
Solution: •
••• 91.l'I

I.I / H0.0451 L{l (g1 - g2) Stationing of non passing sight distance:

• •

• • •

L/2 = L = L · 72 + ()()().375 - 75 = 71 + 991.625

. . , L )
- .
71 + 991.625 + 122.43 = 72 + 114.055 ·
) .
8 (g1 - 82 I

L • 111.71
- 0.045L
H- L ' \
,·2.77 Problem:
H = 0.0225L . •
I •
r . I

' •
H H • Ans. 5 + 009.375; A grade ascending at the rate of 5% meets

(ì)2 = (!)2
1s.125 m. another grade descending at ·ihe rate of
• • 4% at the vertex or elevation 20.00 m. and
stationing S + 000. Solve for the stationing
' \
and elevation of the summit of the vertical
• • • parabolic curve which will connect the
I grade lines for a sare sight distance of 150
...• \ m., the height or the eyes of the drivers
_ s2 (81 - gz) •
above the pavement at each end or the
· - 8h-
sight distance being' l~ meters.
' •
' \

( (150)2 (0.05 + 0.04) '

a) 5·+ ()()().375; 18.125 m.
L = 8(1.5) b) 5 + 008.827 ; 18.426 m.
... . ... ,
·· L = 168.75 > 150 ok e) 5 + oœ.764; 19,726 m.

' - d) 5 + 007.245; 17.542 m. l

I ,

.- ,\

~ I I I
I •


T-212 r . , I
. .

' • •
I • •

• • :
• I ' '

, Solution:' El. ofP~.T. = 2~ - 0.04 (84.375)
I , I
First soluüon: •
El. of P.T. = 16.625 m.
Assume S <L
. H h . El. ofB = 16.625 + (0.04)(75)
., '
\ - • I

El. ofB = 19.625 m.

(ì)2 - ({)2. ·· ••

I Elevation of highest point of curve · ¡·

, , L/8 (g1 - gz) - h . • , • 19.625 "" 1.5

' I ::: t • • 1

Lfl - (S(l)2 • = 18.125 m.


. _ s2 {g1 - 82) •
• l

L- Sh \
.._l::.;. /::.. 2 ..._..:...SI!.._....
A= 81 - 82 2.78 Problem:
-----------~·,..._~~~----~ L/2 l/2
~ Ans. 156.574 m. A vertical summit curve has tangent

,.. . .. . L = 9 (15.9)2 . • grades of+ 2.8% and - 1.6%. A motorist
, • I I 100 ("'12(1.5) + "2(1.5)) •
• •
whose eyesight is 1.5 m. above the
roadway sighted the top of a visible object ·

'L = 168.75 > 150 ok •
100 mm at the right side of the summit. ,
I l .
• • L _ (150)2 (0.05 + 0.04) \ Calculate the length of curve· for a sight
- 8(1.5) distance of 130 m. \ ·
.. L = 168.75 > 150 ok ' I
. .
,, \
. • •I•
a) 156.574 m.

j • I

Location of highest point of curve: b) 155.225 m.
e) 160.854 m. •

S¡ = g1 L
{g1 - g2)
_._...._,.__ ----- d) 152.463 m.
... •
S • Sllht Dlaianc.
. .
• ¡ '

S . 0.05 (168.75) Solution:

;I, . 1 = (0.~5 + 0.04)
• •

• . . h1 = 1.5 m. •

I St = 93.75 m.

in = 100 mm
- I '. . . •

' I .
I . I •
- . ·. «r C
S tat~o~zng o1 . . = 5 + OO - 168.75 , . h2=0.10m

I . ·o~
• I I

• I
• . HltMft Point I
I. N •

. II '_. P.C. = 5 + 009.375 Assume sight distance is lesser than the

length of curve:
I H = g (g¡ - 82) ,

\ •
A = 2.8 - (- 1.6)
A= 4.4 · •


" ' " I


I• 7tS

1 =. 16! 75 (0.05 + 0.04). I

~ = 100 ({ii,¡ +{2;;;)2

I H= 1.90m. ..
H - i· L= 4.4 (130)2 . 1
(L/2)~- il
100 (·'/3 + fü )2

• '

',! •
l.~ . y •

I • t .\ .. •

(84.375)2 = (75)2 • L = 156.574 > 130 m. ok ·

• I
. Therefore the length of curve is i 56.574 m.
' y= l.50m. ' .
i '

) . I I
.{' ... ,.
\ I
) •
, ' I
.. 1 . \ • •
•• • •
T-214 '· •
' I
I ' /.
"Jl.":ra.:rr.1.c Ew1,
-, •
-arne Ea1,rl:raee:rl:uu:: .
' I
• •
I ,
HEAD LAMP SIGHT iJISTANC 2.79 Problem: l . \

( Sight Distance Related to Height of tit •

' '

I \

/. Beam of a Vehicles Headlamp Ans. 310.98 m. The sag vertical curve has a back tangent

\ . ,
grade of • 3% and a forward .tangent ,

C(lse 1: S > L grade of +2% is to be designed on the ' ./
L= 2 (h +s,)
basis that the headlamp sight distance of a
\ · car travelling along th, curve equals the
. minimum safe stopping distance with.the
L = Length of curve , , following specifications. · , ..
·-· s... -
• s
S = head lamp sight distance · a.----~--- Design velocity = 120 kph '
h = hl. of headlamps above road surface ~ ..... .cw~·~1.,,s;. : .t Perception raction time= 3/4 sec.
(J = angle the beam tilts upward above tht

,.~" J • <n-11>£: Coefficient of friction between road
longltudinalaxis of the car. . ~.. I2 .
pavement and tires is 0.15
r = S2 Kl rate of e.hange of grad« +-----..!:..L ---~-~..::.--t--t · The headlamps are 0.75 m. above the
raod surface ~nd their beams tilts upward
' I I Change of grade= 82 ~ Bl . ~ at an angle of 1 º above the longitudinal "
axis of the car. Compute the length of , :
To get the offset ·y. the change of grade fro I
curve given that the length ~r curve is ·

A to B is multiplied· ~y the averai lesser than the sight distance.
\ horizontal distance L /l.
L \ a) 310.98 m.

• "'
y=(g2 - g¡)2 . I ..
b) 320.53 m. j
If we multiply by Ï •

e) 360.21 m.
• '

82 - 81 L2 '
; d) 300.53 m. I

• J
y= '}L . •
, .
•1 ·1 2 ' .
Solution: 1
y= ..Ï rL .

\ y= h+ S0 . '

Saf_e stoppin~ distance = Vt+ ::!
(g:z - Bl )L = h + S0 V - 120000
( \ ·2 - 3600 \

L =2(h+S@) , I
' V= 33.33 m/sœ. ·
gi-g1 •
, • _ (1) ·
(33.33)2 .

Case 2: When S < L S -{3333 4 + 2(9.81)(0.15) •

• . I\ •
S = 402.47 m.

s2 (n-g1) .

L= 2(Sf + h) S>L
. /. . ·_ 82 - 8,1 • (gi - 81 )L ·- h s./;(
• •

r\- L ..

Q' .- + .,.,
y=f rs2 ' •

L = 2(h+S0) •

.. , ·a2 - 81 f

lfl (82. - g1 )S2 •

y= L • 1t

J · 2 0.75 + 402.4? (1) 180

• • y= Sß+ h L = -·-------....:...::...,-

' 0.02 + 0.03. ,
<sz - &1) s2 s ~ + h ':J . I
L =310.98 m.·
2L \

J .•
• \
• \ .• '
t • \
... I I
' .

. • ,
, (

. \ . T-217
T-216 . ,\
' ' ••
T:r~rne Raag:lnee:rl:011: . • • I

"I\ra,~ttcE---,-1,rl:neer:l.IAU: • I
t •

I '
2.80 Problem:
• ,

PARABOUC CURVE Ans. 1%; 40 m. , 120 m.;· From the given reversed parabolic curve . ·
shown, the rate or change or grade or the
103 m.
•• ' . first curve is • S and the rate of change of
I I~
grade of the second curve is O.S. · If the'
g¡ = grade of approaching tangent
\¡ '

.' . difference in elevation between A and C is

' .

g3 grade of receding tangent
I ,, 1
18 m., and the grade or approaching
• g2 = grade of common tangent •
tangent is -+:2 % and the grade or the
Lt = length offirst curve receding tangent is +4%, determine the
. L2 = length of second curve grade or the· common tangent, length or
• I i/ first and second curve, assume one station
L =L1 +L2 . ' ' is 20 m. long, determine also the Elev. of
. //¡ =difference in elevation between A and B if elevation of A = 100 m.

,,/"'· I

H2 =difference in etevaüon between B anti ,

r1 ;: rate of change of grade offirst curve J

a) 1 % ; 40 m. , 120 m.': 103 m.
b) 2% ; 45 m. , 122 m. ; 105 m. ''
• '
lJ . Lt
r2 = rate of change of grade of second cu •

e) 1.5%; 42 m., 117 m.; 110 m.

g2 - g1 d) 3%; 38 m., 115 m.; 11211).

r1 = Lt \

• . 83 - 82 ~ Solution: ..
ri= L2
L =Lt +L2

L = g2 - 81 + 83 - 82 •
r1 r2 .
• Common Tangent
. 82 - g1 . • I

• I
r1 '
' •

L 83 - 82 I

• I
2~ ri ' '
, '
81 L1 g2L1
Elev. B = Elev. A + 2• + 2 •

•• \
. (g1 + 82) Lt
, .

Elev. B - Elev. A = 2 •
• I
(g1 + g2)L1
f/1 = 2 '

.· £iL2 g3L2 J I ~
Elev. C = Elev. B + 2 + 2 , f I

. \

• . · .., , (g3 + g2)L2
Elev. C - Elev. B = 2
• ì

' I
'-I - _ (g3 + 82 )L 2~ '

t. 2 - . 2

• (
' • •
., j

• ( I I l

• •

• I
. '..,.
. ,

I ' \ , T-219
T-218 ' • . \ . .. . I .
ra,rne Ewaa:l:nee:r:1.Ia.11: ..
"I~ a.UI.o IUaa,rl:u.eerl:nu.: I ·'


' \ . ' (Horizontal Curves) I /

\ .
I o S<L A
. I


Ht +H2 = 18 , \
. S = sight distance ; : L = length of curve
{AC·'Y' = M2 + (AD )2
'• •

822 -4' 16_- 822 ·= 18 . \.
(- 1.0) + · 1 , s. .
.(AD)1 =R2 - (R -Mf '

(AD)2 =R2 -(R2 -2RM + M2)

j ' g22 -4 - 16 + 822 = - 18 (ADf = 2RM _ M'],
\ 2gi2 =.- 18 + 20 I
AC =!S' (approximately)


. \

822 , (J)2=M2+2RM -M2

· g2 = 1% (grade of common tangetu}

I 52 s2 t,

-¡-= 2RM M·=sïi


L ..:82 - 81 M = clear distance from center ofroadway I

.1- Lt
.. • to the obstruction

' , l -2 .. I
S = sight distance along the center of
Lt= - 0.5 roadway

L1 = 2 stations R =· radius of center - line curves


L = length of curve ; D = degree ofcurve
Lt= 2(20) .
• I I
' I
Cos e =R RM· . '
Lt = 40 tMters • ••
' R-M =R Cos ft •
(length offirst curve) M=R-RCos~
( •
L. _(&3· - 82) ~ '

M=R(l-Cos~) ~ I

\ ¡

• 2- ri 8 S>L '
' '
4- 1 L +2d= S
' \
"'' I L2· d _S-L
-.2 '

L2 = 6 stations (~C)2 = (AD )1 + M2 '

, L2 = 6(20) (AD)2 = (A0}2- (R -Mf

(A0)2 = (AEY- + R2.. , '
L2 = 120 m.
l. •
(ADf = (AEY- +R2 -(R-M)1
" I

' I

(length of 2nd curve) (AD )2 = Jl + R2. - R2 + 2RM - M2

'• .
(ADY-= Jl +·2RM' -,M2 II

Total length of the curve = 40 + 120 I
(AC'? = (AD )1 + M2 }

Total length of the curve = 160 m. (ACY, = Jl + .2RM - M2 + M2

,I •

• g22 _4 ,(ACY = Jl + 2RM . '

\. Ht=, - 1.0 (AC"'fl= (SiL)2 +2RM •


1-4 • LetAC=2 \
Ht= -l 2 . '\2 ... '
~= (S -4Lr + '}RM . .

H¡ =3 m.
. s2 =S2 -2SL +L2 +.8RM
' Elev. of B = 100 :+ 3 8RM= 2SL-L2

Elev. of B = 103 m. - L (2S _. L) '. ·
. . . J
M - . 8R
. ' \ .

' '

.. I I

l ,, . I

•• J
T-220 I \
• • •
. . ~ ' . \

• • •

._,:z•a&rtte Eu e;
. . T-221
. . .\ . ,
i I
I I ' I ' t
- L ' l., ª· • '

2.81 Problem: •
, .
• I
2.83 Problem: I
• I'
• • '
,. Ans. 450 m. The clearance to an obstruction IS Ans. 2.·61 m.
• and the desirable sight distance w

1:.he stopping sight.'distance re<Ìuired on a ,·

rounding a horizontal curve is 180 : h1gh~ay is 80 m. Find the required set

Determine the minimum radfus of , I back distance from cent-er line o·r a

L . ' horizontal curve. .horizontal ci~cular curve or radius 300 m. ' r,
. s. llO"'
• •
assuming the length or 'the curve is I

a) 450m . •
. · greater than. the sight distance •
b) 425 m. .'

\ e) 475 m.. S. a) 2.67 m. I I

I •
\\ . . . .
cl) 500m.

b) 1.94 m. t

...... , .

. .
\\ I
. r=
e) 3.15 m. J '

' <, ~\•· 1 ,' .,..,,,,.,,. Solution: d) 0.98 m. I

. . . . . . . \ I I ..,,,,,,, •

, ..... \
..... s2 I •

• M=8R

s2 Solution:
'R= 8M . '· ' I (AC)2 = (Mi + (AD 9- •

R -- (180) 2 - (AD 'fl =R2 - (R -M)2


• • v 8(9) •• I i

,, R= 450m. (min. radius of horizontal O (ADf =R2 - R2 + m.M -M2 •

• •
• I

I (ADf
= 2RM - M2
I •

2.82 Problem: . AC =f S (approximaiet-¡ •

Ans. 1117.19 m. The clearance to an obstruction is

r' (f) = M2 + (AD)2
J , and the desirable sight distance i
\ '

· rounding · a horizontal curve is 6 ' I

Determine the minimum radiu I

horizontal cu~ve if the length.of cu • •

SI 60() ITI

550 m. long. , ' ) s2 I •

/~ t•S!IOlft.
.,4 = 2RM I I

a) 1117.19 m.
. .
. t
b) 1238.56 m. /

. s2 I

e) 1144.63 m. ~
J.'!= BR
. . ì
. \ ..

d) 1016.21 m. .' . _ (80)2
M- 8(300)
Solution: .. • •

I M-l(2S-l) I, M = 2.67 m. (set-back distance)

~ I '

I I - 8R I

~~(25-l) • I

R- SM '

550 [2(600) - 55Ql ,I I

R= · 8(40) •

• R= 1117.19m. ' •
I (

I (

• ,
f •
. ( I •I ¡,,
• • ' ..

. \
• \

, T-222 , .. \
I •

• I '· I
•:.s,:rr.1.e R•1,rlrtee:r1:uu:·
"I*..ra..rne R•au:1-..eerhiu: • I

' '
' \

·, 2.84 Problem: • I
• \
2.85 Problem: J
l ,

Ans. 4.22 na (min), A driver in a vehicle trayelin1 9 Ans. 43.75 m. In an intersection collision one of the j

9.5 . m shifts her eyes from left to ri1la .I vehicles leaves 30 m. of skid marks. A
. (max)

focuses on construction activitiea skid mark analysis indicates that the '
' I I
the right shoulder. Estimates the d vehicle was traveling 75 kph at the on set
in meters the vehicle travels of braking. Assuming an average· driver
J \ . drivers' eyes sbiJ\ and fixate. · (median brake-reaction time of 0.66 sec.),
\ I estimate the distance .from the point of ·
• a) 4.22 m (min), 9.5 m (max) impact to the vehicle position when the
• •
b) 4.36 min , 8.42 max . driver initially reacted. :...
'. •
e) 5.16 min, 10.2 max
a) 43.75 m.

\ I
d) 6.12 min, 12.06 max .
b) 36.25 m.
. , .
Solution: e) 44.26 m .

, • '

. ·~ ' \ ./ \
' '
' •
A driver increases the amount of Solution:
\ '• inf ormation received by movement -
head and eyes. The drivers' eyes seorc • I

• I

scan the field of view, moving the arta

' I

sharpest acuity. The direction of

vision repeatedly shifts and the eyes • D = ?S~~) (0.66)+ 30

' I each sucneveni requiring respectivel7
' to 033 sec. and 0.1 to 0.3 sec.
• • \
' D= 43.75 m.
. ' . \

Distance the vehicle travels as the drl

eyes shift andfixate= Vt I

J ,
2.86 Problem: •
.. I

'• t = 0.33 + 0.3

' Ans. 47734 watts 'Estlmate the power required to accelerate

. .. t = 0.36 sec. (max) a 1350 kg vehicle traveling 48 kph up a
.. I

95 =) (0.36) . ,
5% grade at the rate of .1.8 m/sec2. The
·vehicle bas a frontal cross-sectional area l

of 1.9 m2. The roadway has a straight
' D= 9.5 meter(max) alignment ·an4 a badly broken and
, . •
'patehed · asphalt · surface. · Rolling

I ' resistance or the vehicle 167· N/métricton,

- I
t = 0.15 + 0.1 I
Air density = 1.2 kg/m 3 · ·
t = 0.16 sec. I

Aerodynamic drag coefficient ·1.3 =
, ,; ) '

=) (0.16) ,

47734 watts

D= 4.22 m. (min) ' . ' e) 36416watts ;

I • d) 24326 watts

' ' • ..

• •
• •

. ,. • ' ~' •

.. • • •
' II

T-224 • • '.r:ra..r:r1c .E11, •

Tra.UI.e lfQa11.,r;l:u~e:rl:u.a: '

• \

I I Solution: •
2.87 Problem:

' P=RV Ans. 0.90!} The following traffic counts were made

, P. = power in watts .. during a study period of one hour from ..
l. R = sum of various resistance 9:00 to 10:00 AM. as shown on athe
r ,
·""" l, ,.
tabulation. Compute the peak hour
\ '
R=F¡+Fg -r, +Fc+Fa '
' . factor;

F¡ = inertia resistance Time .·Number Rate ofßow
F¡ = ma ; ,
period of vehicles (vehicles/hour)·
., 9:00-9:15 2000 8000
F¡ = 1'-350 (1.8) 9:15-9:30 2200 8800
. .

F¡ =2430N 9:30·9:45 2000 8000
Fg = grade resistance •
9:45-10:00 1800 7200
" •
' •
• . Fg=mgG
. I I
Total 8000

t350 (9.8tX5) ~ 1


Fg =, 100 •
• a) 0.9()()
J ,
• b) 0.804
Fg = 662.18 N •

e) 0.831
\ ..

F,. =, (rolling resistance) d) 0.962
.. •

• '
\ =
F, 167 N/metric ton
Solution: ,
F, = 167 (1.350)
t Peak hour factor

F,=225.4~ N •
total hourly volume
-- ----------~~.;.__
max. rate offlow within one hour
Fe =· curve resistance = O • •

Fa = air resistance ' Peak hour factor =
\ 8800
' V2 \

Peak hour factor = 0.909
Fa=CvAp 2

. .

• - 48(1~)
V - 3600

I '
2.88. Problem: ;

· V= 13.33 m/s '

1.3(1.9)(1.2)(13.33)2 Ans. 2133 mis (time) Three cars travel over a 60 meter section
Fa= 2 21.03 (space) . of a highway at constant speeds of 19, 20
and 25 m/sec. Compute the time-mean
Fa= 263.33 N and space-mean speeds for this condition.

Total R· = Í430 + 662.18 + 225.45 + ~3 .
R = 3580.96· N a) 21.33 m/s (time-mean speed)
. 21.03 m/s (space-mean speed) ·

\ ' I
b) 25.33 m/s (time-mean speed)
P=RV · •
25.03 ·m/s (space-mean speed)
P.= 3580.96 (13.33) e) 15.33 m/s (time-mean speed) .
P = 47734 watts •
".03 m/s (space-mean speed)
, ' d) 23.33 m/s (time-mean speed) ,
, '
23.03 m/s (space-mean speed)

• •

J •
' •

} •

~..... ra.a..a...11.

Solution: '

• Time-mean speed: I .

'Ut= n
.. l. 'Rigid Pavement: (Olders Theory) .

. '
,, ~ Ui = 19 + 20 + 25 \.
• •

O Without dowels or tie bars: (

I . Ui= 64
• ,
64 The critical section is at the edge of a ·
I Ut= 3 contraction joint, it will crack approximately
Ut = 21.33 m/sec. 45 "witñ the edges. \
. • •

• ' .
Space-mean speed: crifiçal _6M
' .«tions ! -lxfl
I , ,;
nd M=Wx
, Us=}: t¡ •
60 d=t
t1 = 19 •

• cmeks creeks 1_6Wx
,1 = 3.16 sec.
60 t= (thickness ofpavement at edge
n= 20

and at center) •
' ,2 ==. 3 sec. f = allowable tensile stress of concrete in
psi. or kglcm2
60 . . . .

I t3 =-25 W= wheel load in lb. or kg.

• ,
,3 = 2.4 sec. •

lii= 3.16 + 3 + 2.4 @ With dowels or tie bars:

I)¡= 8.56 sec. •
Purpose of dowel is to transmit the stresses
nd due to the load from the adjacent pavement.
. I Us= l.Ji •
• •

At the edge ofpavement:
Us= 856 ·M- Wx '
. - 2
Us= 21.03 mis
6 (*>x ·
• != 2xt¡2

crucks. t1 = 3W
\ 'lf

I .

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