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Cognates: True Cognates in English

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Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Palmira Professor: Diana Carolina Silva


True Cognate False Cognate Equivalent or Foreign Words

transparent words
National College Animal Sandwich
Universe Exit Region Closet
Planet Rude Area Round point
Encyclopedia Introduce Violin Watchman
Graduation Fabric Hotel Beef-steak
Responsible Facility Motel Library
Unicorn policy Hospital shorts

True cognates:
Cognates are words that have a common origin. They may occur in a language or in a group of languages.
the word 'composition' in English and the word 'composición' in Spanish and similar words
French, Italian and Portuguese are cognates because they all come from the same root.
The general rule is that cognates have similar meanings and are derived from the same root (origin).
Basic English uses cognates in different languages.
Example: train, attention, apparatus, experience, invention, etc.

False cognate
They are words that are similar in their spelling and pronunciation in English and Spanish but they have
different meanings.

Example: exit, improve, embarrassed, carpet, etc.

Equivalent words: they are words that are exactly the same in their spelling and meaning in English and

Example: hospital, animal, metal, etc.

Foreign Words: they are words whose origin is English but we use them in Spanish as though they were born
in our language.

Example: selfie, watchman, smartphone, closet, round point.

True Cognates in English

Below are Spanish/English cognates for some common science, math, and technology words.

Science subjects
1. astronomía—astronomy

2. biología—biology

3. botánica—botany

4. ecología--ecology

5. química-chemistry

6. geología—geology

7. meterología—meteorology

8. física—physics

Other science words

1. célula—cell

2. atómica—atomic

3. diagrama—diagram

4. energía—energy

5. genético (a)—genetic

6. hipótsis-hypothesis

7. metálico—metallic

8. microscopios—micropscopes

9. table periódica—periodic table

10. radioactividad-radioactivty

11. ciencia—science
12. termómetro-thermometer

13. universo—universe

14. volcán—volcano

15. vapor de agua—water vapor

Math words

1. matemáticas—math

2. multiplicar—multiply

3. multiplicación—multiplication
4. división—division

5. adición—addition

6. subtracción—subtraction

7. álgebra—algebra

8. geometría—geometry

9. fracción—fraction

10. decimal—decimal

Technology words

1. computadora—computer

2. programa—program

3. disc—disk

4. técnico—technical

5. sistemas—systems

6. calculador—calculator

List of False Cognates in English

English Spanish Spanish English
Actual Real Actual Present, Current
Actually En realidad, en efecto Actualmente Nowadays, at present
Advise Aconsejar Avisar Warn
Advertise Anunciar Advertir Warn
Actividades, programa del
Agenda Agenda Diary
Anxious Inquieto, nervioso Ansioso (deseoso) Eager, greedy
Arena Estadio Arena Sand
Argument Discusión, debate Argumento Plot, topic, issue
Assist Ayudar, auxiliar Asistir Attend
Attend Asistir a, ir a Atender Pay attention, take care of
Attempt Intento Atentado Terrorist Attack
Avocado Aguacate Abogado Lawyer
Card Tarjeta Carta Letter
Años de trabajo, Race (cars) University
Career Carrera
promoción laboral studies
Carpet Alfombra Carpeta Folder, file
Casual Informal, desenfadado Casual Accidental
Cigar Puro Cigarro Cigarette
Collar Cuello (de camisa) Collar Necklace
College Facultad (Universidad) Colegio Primary School
Cobrador de autobús,
Conductor Conductor Driver
director de orquesta
Conference Congreso Conferencia Lecture
Conservatory Invernadero Conservatorio Music academy
Constipated Estreñido Constipado A cold
Crime Acto delictivo Crimen Murder, serious crime
Content Satisfied Contento Happy
Discussion Conversación Discusión Argument
Disgust Repugnancia Disgusto Annoyance
Divert Desviar Divertir Enjoy, have a good time
Educated With a good education Educado Polite
Embarrassed Avergonzado Embarazada Pregnant
Eventually Finalmente Eventualmente Temporarily, by chance
Exit Salida Exito Success
Fabrics Tela, Textil Fábrica Factory
Expresión idiomática,
Idiom Idioma Language
frase hecha
Informal desenfadado Informal Irresponsible
Large Grande Largo Long
Lecture Conferencia Lectura Reading
Library Biblioteca Librería Bookshop
Mayor Alcalde Mayor Main, bigger, older
Notice Aviso Noticia News
Parcel Paquete Parcela Plot of land
Parent Madre o padre Pariente Relative
Particular Special Particular Private
Preservative Conservante Preservativo Condom
Presume Asumir, pretender Presumir Show off
Pretend Fingir Pretender Intend, try, seek
Prove Demostrar Probar Try, try on
Quiet Callado Quieto Still, motionless
Realize Darse cuenta Realizar Carry out, implement
Remove Quitar Remover Stir
Resume Continuar, reanudar Resumir Summarize
Sensible Sensato Sensible Sensitive
Signature Firma Asignatura Subject
Spectacles Gafas Espectáculos Shows
Suburb Barrio residencial Suburbio Slum
Success Éxito Suceso Event
Sympathetic Comprensivo Simpático Nice, friendly
Sympathy Compasión, pésame Simpatía Affection, kindness
Topic Tema Tópico Cliché
Vicious Malvado, saludable Vicioso Addict, depraved
Practice exercises:

1. What’s the translation of:

A. Library:
B. Topic:
C. Parcel:
D. Divert:
E. Attempt:
F. Arena:
G. Fabric:
H. Idiom:
I. Realize:
J. Prove:

2. Game:

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