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School Grade Level ONE Teacher Subject ENGLISH Week Week 3 Quarter Fourth Quarter

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GRADE 1 to 12 School Grade Level ONE


Teacher Subject ENGLISH

Week Week 3 Quarter Fourth Quarter

OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standard The Learner . . . The Learner . . . The Learner . . . The Learner . . . The Learner . . .
1.demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of familiar words demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of familiar
familiar words used to communicate familiar words used to communicate used to communicate personal experiences, familiar words used to communicate words used to communicate personal
personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, ideas, thoughts, actions, and feelings personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions, and
actions, and feelings actions, and feelings actions, and feelings feelings
2.demonstrates understanding of
familiar literary forms and concept of demonstrates understanding of familiar literary
words in English for effective demonstrates understanding of forms and concept of words in English for demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of familiar
expression familiar literary forms and concept of effective expression familiar literary forms and concept of literary forms and concept of words in
words in English for effective words in English for effective English for effective expression
expression expression
B. Performance Standard The Learner . . . The Learner . . . The Learner . . . The Learner . . . The Learner . . .
1.Shares/express personal ideas, Shares/express personal ideas, Shares/express personal ideas, thoughts, Shares/express personal ideas, Shares/express personal ideas, thoughts,
thoughts, actions, and feelings using thoughts, actions, and feelings using actions, and feelings using familiar words thoughts, actions, and feelings using actions, and feelings using familiar
familiar words familiar words familiar words words
2.participates actively in different oral
activities participates actively in different oral activities
participates actively in different oral participates actively in different oral participates actively in different oral
activities activities activities
C. Learning Competency/Objectives (1) EN1PA-IVc-e-2.4 Supply rhyming (1) EN1PA-IVc-e-2.4 Supply (1) EN1PA-IVc-e-2.4 Supply rhyming words (1) EN1PA-IVc-e-2.4 Supply rhyming (1) EN1PA-IVc-e-2.4 Supply rhyming
(Write the LC code for each.) words in response to spoken words rhyming words in response to spoken in response to spoken words words in response to spoken words words in response to spoken words
(2) EN1OL-IVa-j-1.3 Talk about words (2) EN1OL-IVa-j-1.3 Talk about pictures (2) EN1OL-IVa-j-1.3 Talk about (2) EN1OL-IVa-j-1.3 Talk about
pictures presented using appropriate (2) EN1OL-IVa-j-1.3 Talk about presented using appropriate local pictures presented using appropriate pictures presented using appropriate
local pictures presented using appropriate terminologies with ease and confidence local local
terminologies with ease and local (3) EN1OL-IIIa-j- 1.1 Listen to short terminologies with ease and terminologies with ease and confidence
confidence terminologies with ease and stories/poems and confidence (3) EN1G-IVa-e-3.4 Recognize
(3) EN1OL-IIIa-j- 1.1 Listen to short confidence • Infer the characters’ feelings and traits (3) EN1G-IVa-e-3.4 Recognize common describing words in stories
stories/poems (3) EN1OL-IIIa-j- 1.1 Listen to • Identify cause and/or effect of events common action words in stories listened
short stories/poems listened to to
I. CONTENT Oral Language in English and Oral Language in English and Oral Language in English and Phonological Oral Language in English and Oral Language in English and
Listening Comprehension Listening Comprehension Awareness Phonological Awareness Phonological Awareness


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages Basa Pilipinas 1- English Basa Pilipinas 1- English Basa Pilipinas 1- English Basa Pilipinas 1- English Basa Pilipinas 1- English
pp. 54-61 pp. 57-60 pp. 60-61 pp. 63-64 pp. 65-67
2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Other materials READ ALOUD BOOK: Araw sa • Poem “The Caterpillar” Poem “If All the World Poem “Trees” by Sarah • Lyrics “Bingo”
Palengke (Market Day) by Christina Rossetti Were Paper” Coleridge
Poem “Little Things” • Word List • Word List • Word List http://www.
by Julia Carney

B. Other Learning Resource


A. Reviewing previous lesson or Teacher and pupils recite the poem Teacher and pupils recite the poem Teacher and pupils recite the poem “If All the Teacher and pupils recite the poem Teacher introduces the song “Bingo” in
presenting the new lesson “Little Things” in class. “The Caterpillar” in class. World Were “Trees.” Teacher post words class. The lyrics of the song are written
Teacher posts words on the board. Teacher posts words on the board. Paper.” Teacher posts words on the board. on the board. Pupils choose words on the board. Teacher posts words on the
Pupils choose words from the Pupils choose words
Pupils choose words from the from the list that rhyme with board and reads them. Pupils sing the
list that rhyme with the highlighted from the list that rhyme with the highlighted
list that rhyme with the highlighted words in the poem. words in the poem. the highlighted words in the poem. song, and then choose a word from the
words in the poem. The Caterpillar If All The World Were Paper Trees list that rhyme with the highlighted
Little Things By Christina Rossetti If all the world were paper, by Sarah Coleridge words in the song.
By: Julia A. Carney Brown and furry And all the sea were ink, The Oak is called the king of trees,
Little drops of water, Caterpillar in a hurry, And all the trees were bread and cheese, The Aspen quivers in the breeze,
Little drains of sand, Take your walk What should we have to drink? The Poplar grows up straight and tall,
To the shady leaf, or stalk, Word List
Make the mighty ocean The Peach tree spreads along the wall,
Or what not, sink, see, link, bee
And the beauteous land. Which may be the chosen spot. The Sycamore gives pleasant shade,
And the little moments, No toad spy you, The Willow droops in watery glade,
Humble though they be, Hovering bird of prey pass by you; The Fir tree useful in timber gives,
Make the mighty ages Spin and die, The Beech amid the forest lives.
Of eternity. To live again a butterfly. Word List
So our little errors Word List call, pillow, small,winnow
grin, lady, skin, ready
Lead the soul away,
From the paths of virtue
Into sin to stray.
Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden,
Like the heaven above.
Word List
brittle, potter, skittle, daughter

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Teacher posts a picture of children Teacher posts pictures on the board. Teacher posts pictures on kids not conserving Teacher posts a picture on the board. Teacher posts a picture of a lady burning
jumping off to a river. Pupils answer Pupils answer questions about the water on the board. Pupils answer questions Pupils answer questions about the leaves on the board. Pupils answer
questions picture and talk about it. about the picture and talk about it. picture and talk about it with their questions about the picture and talk
about the picture and talk about it. about it with their seatmates.
(a mountain full of trees and a (too much garbage on the streets)
mountain with no trees)

C. Presenting examples/Instances of the Teacher shows the cover of the book Teacher reviews the new words the pupils Teacher reviews with the pupils the Teacher reviews with the pupils the
new lesson in class and asks questions about it. learned. Pupils enumerate the words and say concept of action words. concept adjectives. Then, He or she
Pupils recall the details of the book. their meaning. He or she explains that like nouns and posts sentences from the story Araw sa
Teacher asks pupils to give a summary of the adjectives, action words Palengke (Market
second part of the story. also have another name. Day) on the board and reads them.
Pupils point out the adjectives in the

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Teacher reads pages 2-9 of the book. Teaher asks pupils to look at pages Teacher reads pages 22-29 of the book. Pupils Teacher posts sentences from the story
new skills # 1 Pupils then listen and answer a few 10-11 of the book. Pupils retell the then listen and Araw sa Palengke (Market
questions about the story. first part of the story and talk about answer a few questions about the story. Day) on the board and reads them.
the picture in the
• Teacher explains the meaning of • Teacher explains the meaning of difficult Pupils point out the verbs in
difficult words in the story using words in the story using gestures, facial the sentences.
gestures, facial expressions, pictures, expressions, pictures, etc.
etc. • Teacher writes the new words on the board:
• Teacher writes the new words on the tired, wrapped, looks familiar, tiny
board.: hold tightly, get lost, buy

D. Discussing new concepts and Teacher reads pages 12-21 of the

practicing new skill #2 book. Pupils then listen and answer a
few questions about the story.
• Teacher explains the meaning of
difficult words in the story using
gestures, facial expressions, pictures,
• Teacher writes the new words on
the board: meat, crowded, vendors,
taste, odd, scary, wonderful,
E. Developing mastery Teacher asks questions about the story:
(leads to Formative Assessment)
Who are the characters in the story?
• What are they like?
• What did the little girl promise Nanay?
• What did the little girl feel when they went to
the market?
• What do you think Nanay felt when the little
girl kept her promise?
• What did the little girl find wrapped in
• What did she feel when she saw the
earthenware stove and pot?
• Do you think Nanay would have bought the
little girl earthenware stove
and pot if she did not keep her promise?
• Why did Nanay buy the little girl
earthenware stove and pot?

F. Finding practical application of What is the market like? Is it a quiet If there is a mountain in your town What do you think should one do with What will happen to our environment if
concepts and skills in daily living place? What are or province, talk their garbage? we always do that? Have you seen
the people doing in the market? about it with the pupils anyone in your community do the same
and ask them to think of
thing? What do you do when you see
ways to protect it.
someone doing that?
G. Making generalizations and What did the little girl remember?
abstractions about the lesson That’s right. Sheremembered that she
made a promise to Nanay. Can you
remember what the
little girl promised Nanay?

H. Evaluating learning Point out the verbs in each one: Encircle the adjective in the sentence:

1 Nanay and I each carried a bayong. 1 The market is hot.

2 Hold on to me tightly, ha? 2 Nanay’s bayong is big and colorful.
3 People shout at each other. 3 They fill my small bayong with lots of
4 Nanay helped me get dressed. things.
5 I helped Nanay put away the things 4 Some are odd, some are scary, some
we bought. are wonderful.
5 The market is noisy.

I. Additional activities for application or Teacher asks pupils to draw a picture Teacher asks pupils to share the Teacher asks pupils to retell the last part of the Teacher asks pupils to think of two Teacher asks pupils to think of two
remediation/ Assignment of the market second part of the story to their story to their families. verbs and write them in their adjectives and
in their community. Pupils use their families. He or she encourages pupils notebooks. Pupils can ask their parents write them in their notebooks. Pupils can
picture to retell the part of the to talk to their parents about the to help them with their homework ask their parents to help
story they heard in class to their things that are sold in the market. them with their homework.



A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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