P.W.D. Procedure To Execute The Work
P.W.D. Procedure To Execute The Work
P.W.D. Procedure To Execute The Work
1. State different methods of executing a work by P.W.D. and explain any one of them in details.
2. Draw the organization chart of PWD. State the functions of any four personnel.
6. Explain item rate method or unit price method and state any four advantages and disadvantages.
7. Describe in brief rate day’s work method and piece work method for carrying out works of PWD.
8. Differentiate between Rate List and Piece work method of executing works on basis of procedure.
9. Differentiate between daily wages and piece work method of executing works.
8. State advantages of cost plus fixed percentage contract and cost plus fixed fee contract.
9. State any two advantages and two disadvantages of Lump sum contract.
11. Which are the conditions when ‘Negotiated Contract’ is suitable for work?
12. State the classes of contractors along with capacity in terms of amount of the work to be
11. List the points to be included while drafting the Tender Notice.
14. Draft a tender notice for the construction of Define tender and give its necessity.
15. What are the points required to be considered while drafting a tender notice?
18. Explain the situation where all the tenders are rejected.
23. What are the conditions of contract and how are they useful? Explain in brief.
24. List the points to be included while drafting the Tender Notice.