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Homeroom Guidance 8 2 2

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Week 3, Quarter 2, Module 5: My Journey to a Stronger Me

Name: __________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Let’s Try This
Copy and complete the table shown below. On the first column, list down top 3 of your most memorable experiences
in school or with your family. On the second column, write down the strengths that you developed in each experience. After
completing the table, answer the processing questions on a sheet of paper. An example has been provided as your guide.
Most Memorable Experience Strengths that I developed
Example: We were able to finish our project in EsP with Example: I was able to discover that I am good at writing
high grades. essays and poems because of the experience.
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

Processing Questions:
1. How can you use those strengths to achieve your goals in studies? ____________________________________
2. What else would you like to develop as your strengths? ______________________________________________
Let’s Explore This
Rate the statements that best describes you by checking the corresponding box using the rating legend below. Write your
answers on a sheet of paper, including your responses to the Processing Questions.
5- Very true of me 4- True of me 3- Somewhat true of me 2- Somewhat untrue of me
1- Untrue of me

Processing Questions:
1. What are your realizations about your strengths? About your weaknesses? ____________________________
2. Can these strengths and weaknesses help you in facing the new normal? How? ______________________
You Can Do It (My Ladder to Success)
Think of a weakness that hindered you in achieving your academic goal when you were still in elementary. Complete
the table by answering the questions under the second and third columns. Copy and answer this on a clean sheet of paper.
My Weakness when I was in Things that I have done to How can this help me in my
Elementary overcome my weakness. / current situation?
What will I do to overcome my

What I have learned

Make a symbol of your strength that you consider to be the most important one.

Share your Thoughts & Feelings

Create a slogan that would best describe your journey in discovering your strengths and weakness. You may follow the sample
shown below:

Guardian/ Parent Signature
Week 4, Quarter 2, Module 6: To Be or Not To Be

Name: __________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Let’s Try This
Suggested Time Allotment: (10 minutes)
Write the terms that you can associate with personal issues and social issues. Write as many as you can. Personal issues are
those that you consider to have a direct effect on you while social issues are those that have a direct effect on society. Answer
the processing questions after.

Processing Questions:
1. What do you notice with your answers?_____________________________________________________________
2. Are your personal issues connected with social issues? If yes, how are these connected?_______________
3. Are these issues something that you need to decide on? In what way?________________________________
Let’s Explore This
Learn how to get better results or consequences by improving how you make a decision. Read the scenario below and
answer the following questions.
There was nobody in the classroom as everybody’s out in the school grounds for the recess period. On your way to the
canteen, you noticed someone inside the room. Out of curiosity, you peeked at the windows and saw one of your friends
reaching into a classmate’s desk and seemingly getting something out of it. Just before the lunch bell rang, your classmate
reported to your teacher that his pouch containing money was missing.
1. What is the problem?_______________________________________________________________________________
2. What are the choices you have? ____________________________________________________________________
3. What do you think are the consequences of these choices?__________________________________________
4. How do you feel about the situation?________________________________________________________________
5. Is there anything else you need to learn about it?____________________________________________________
6. Do you need to ask for help? Whom should you ask?_________________________________________________
7. What is your decision?______________________________________________________________________________
8. Do you think you made the right decision? Why?_____________________________________________________

Processing questions:
1. Were the questions helpful in making your decision? In what way?____________________________________
2. Do you consider the same questions every time you need to act on a particular thing? Why or why not?
3. How did this activity help you in making the decisions? _______________________________________________
You Can Do It!
My Steps in Making a Decision
1. What is the problem?
(Example: I feel sad because I cannot go out with my
2. What are the choices or options?

Choice 1
(Example: I will wait until the pandemic is over)

Choice 2
(Example: I will contact friends through social media, mobile,

Choice 3
(Example: I will do nothing about it) *You can add another

3. Evaluate and choose an option.

Option 1, I do not know when this pandemic will exactly
end and I miss my friends very much.
Option 2. There are many available platforms for
communication at this moment.
Option 3: I will do nothing; it will not solve my problem.
Example of choice: I will choose Option 2 because I miss
my friends and I can do it anytime.
4. I will ask help from…
Example: I will ask my parents or siblings in what other
ways I can communicate with my friends.
5. My decision
Example: I will choose Option 2 so that I can reach my
friends right away.
What I have Learned
Based on your identified problem, what do you think are the positive effects of good decision-making? Fill in the given
sentence below.
Sound decision-making will help me ___________________________________________________________________
Share Your Thoughts and Feelings
How would you explain sound decision-making to Grade 7 learners? Illustrate this using stick
figures with thought balloons.

Week 5, Quarter 2, Module 7: Looking Deeper at My Career Pathing

Name: __________________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Let’s Try This
Family’s Fashion Show
Write the names of the family members according to the line of work/job interest. Include your name, too. A. Using the images
from old newspapers/ magazines, cut and paste attires, tools, equipment, simple machines for the chosen job/work of each
person as if they are going to be a model in a fashion show.
B. If you do not have old newspapers/magazines, you can draw and color images.
C. Indicate also their/your reasons on choosing that certain job/work.
Processing Questions:
1. Is the work/job of each name or member of the family varied or interrelated? _________________________
2. Do they have the same reasons for choosing their careers? What are those?
3. Is your dream job similar to any of your family member(s)? Why do youthink so?
Let’s Explore This
Ask your family members/guardians about the information needed to complete the table below.
Family Members/ Present Job Dream Job? Reasons for Taking their
Guardian Yes/No Present Job

Processing Questions:
1. What did they consider in taking their current job? __________________________________________________
2. Is their present job their dream job? Why?___________________________________________________________
3. Are they happy with their present jobs? Why? _______________________________________________________
You Can Do It!
You already know the things to be considered in choosing a right career.
It’s now your turn to plan for your own career. Be reminded of the Senior High School Tracks and Strands discussed in the
previous lesson.
Planning Ahead of My Future

1. Using your preferred occupations, fill in the things being asked in the first column. You could ask assistance from
your parents or any household member(s) who are knowledgeable about choosing a career. Use the table below as
your guide.

Dream Job 1 Dream Job 2

_____________________ _____________________

Senior High School Track

& Strand to Take





Possible Challenges

How to deal with those


What I have Learned

Draw yourself as you face the different challenges in career pathing then explain it.

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings

Write a paragraph on how you see yourself chasing your dream in life.

HOMEROOM GUIDANCE – 8 (Quarter 1, Module 1: My Journey to a Stronger Me)

Name: __________________________________________________________ Date:_________________________________

Let’s Try This (How do you study well?)

1. Did you find it easy to share your study habits with your family member/s? Why? ________________________
2. How do you plan to improve your study habits during this time of pandemic? ___________________________

Let’s Explore This (My Study Habits: Effective or Not Effective)

Check ( √ ) the Yes column if you practice it and the No column if you don’t.
Then categorize these study habits whether they are a. Effective Study Habits, or b. Ineffective Study Habits

1. Based on your answers above, what did you realize regarding your study habits?__________________________
2. How do you feel about it? (Are you happy? A little bit sad? Contented? Worried? etc.) Why?_____________

Let’s Review
Accomplish your usual weekly study log guided by the following format.
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Fri Sun
7:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Processing Questions:
1. Was it easy for you to accomplish the activity or not? Why? ______________________________________________
2. Did you devote time in improving your school performance? Are you satisfied with it? Why?________________
3. Do you have a plan to change or improve it? Why?_____________________________________________________

Let’s Review
Based on previous sessions, make a list of effective study habits which you think will work well to improve your school
performance. ___________________________________________________________________________________

1. What are three possible problems which might block the application of your planned and improved study habits?
2. How will you deal with these problems? _______________________________________________________________

What I have Learned (Study Habits Status Check)

1. I know that my study habits work well if…______________________________________________________________
2. I know that my study habits do not work well if…_______________________________________________________
3. I know I am faithful to my study plan if…_______________________________________________________________
4. My goal for making my study plan is…_________________________________________________________________
5. For my study habits to work, I need to…________________________________________________________________

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings

1. What are three possible problems which might block the application of your planned and improved study habits?
2. How will you deal with these problems?_________________________________________________________________

Guardian/ Parent Signature
HOMEROOM GUIDANCE – 8 (Quarter 1, Module 2: I Can Be Better)
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Section: _________________________________________________________

Let’s Try This (Vital Me)

Recall situations from your younger years where you started helping your family and community. List down the help you have
been rendering since that age
AGE Ex.: watering the plants, washing the dishes, running errands, throwing garbage properly, working on community
project, volunteering in tree planting activities

1-4 years old

5-8 years old

9-12 years old

13- present
Processing Questions:
1. What do you notice on the things that you have done and currently doing in your family and community? Can you cite the
similarities and differences?____________________________________________________________
2. What makes such similarities or differences?___________________________________________________________

Let’s Explore This

On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 as the highest and 1 as the lowest, how do you rate your self-discipline and the discipline of the
members of your family? Write the first name of your family members following the table below on a piece of paper. Feel free
to add or remove rows based on the number of your family members. Then, provide the reason why you rated them such. Write
your answers to the processing questions after.

Family Members Self-discipline Level Reason


Processing questions:
1. What do you notice with your answers? ______________________________________________________________
2. What were your considerations in writing your answers? ______________________________________________
3. Do you think you can still improve your self-discipline?________________________________________________

You Can Do It!

Choose a family or household member and try to compare your responses on the following situations.
Situations You Other Person
1. The number of Covid-19 cases is
increasing in your barangay.

2. Your family member broke

something that is of great value to
you without any apology.
3. You are being tagged as a liar in
your family.

4. Your friend revealed your secret

that he/she sworn to keep between the
two of you.

5. You failed an important test in

What I have Learned
Can you say that you were in control of your emotions? Would your responses be the same if you were only 12 years old?

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings

“We are All Unique”

Choose a situation at home where your family members are doing their respective tasks and are showing self-discipline. Try to
relate how it helps to build a good relationship with them.

Guardian/ Parent Signature

HOMEROOM GUIDANCE – 8 (Quarter 1, Module 3: Being Mindful with My Influencers)

Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Section: _________________________________________________________

Let’s Try This (My Influencers)

Copy the table below on a sheet of paper. Write your responses on what are being asked. In the third column, write what
influenced you to have such choices. Examples have been provided as your guide.
1. Interest

2.Beliefs about

3. Values

4. Food preference

5. Leisure activities

6. Ambitions

7. Friends

8. Spoken language
9. School

10. Talents

Processing Questions:
1. What do you notice with your influencers?______________________________________________________________
2. How are these influential to you?______________________________________________________________________
3. Among them, what would probably influence the most in choosing your SHS track and strand? Why?_____

Let’s Explore This

Refer to your previous activity and try to categorize your influencers using the template below. Feel free to add a category if you
think your influencer does not fall under in any of the given categories. Examples have been provided as your guide.

Family Peers Significant Person Media Socioeconomic status

Processing Questions:
1. What category/ies appear/s more often in your answers? _______________________________________________
2. How does their influence help you to understand the SHS track and strand you want to take? ____________
3. How do you feel about their influence and why? ________________________________________________________

You Can Do It!

Write a simple self-prophesy about your Senior High School life. What topics or activities would you be delighted to do or learn?
How are you performing the activities in that level? How do you want SHS to help you reach your goals after basic education?

My Senior High School Life would be…_______________________________________________________________

What I Have Learned
Copy and complete the sentence below.
My greatest influence on career pathing right now is _____________________________________________________ and it
leads me to consider ____________________________________ as my possible SHS track and strand choice.

Share your Thoughts & Feelings

What thoughts come to mind about SHS life? What feeling does it give you? How do you intend to prepare yourself for that?

Guardian/ Parent Signature
HOMEROOM GUIDANCE – 8 (Quarter 2, Module 4: Life Lessons: Ladder to Success)
Name: __________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Section: _________________________________________________________

Let’s Try This (My Influencers)

On a clean sheet of paper, copy and answer the table below. Recall and identify three most unforgettable experiences you had in
school and in the community. Examples have been given to guide you. Answer the processing questions after.

Processing Questions:
1. Was it easy or difficult to describe your experiences in school and community? Why?____________________
2. How did these experiences help you? _________________________________________________________________

Let’s Explore This

Processing Questions:
1. How many positive and negative experiences do you have? __________________________________________
2. Do you think these positive and negative experiences will help you to be better in your studies? How?
3. How did these make an impact on you and how will the lessons help you? ______________________________

You Can Do It!

What I Have Learned

Complete the phrase below. Write your answer on a clean sheet of paper.
Experience is the best teacher because_____________________________________________________ and it leads me to
consider ____________________________________ as my possible SHS track and strand choice.

Share your Thoughts & Feelings

What thoughts come to mind about SHS life? What feeling does it give you? How do you intend to prepare yourself for that?

Guardian/ Parent Signature

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