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A2 - en Future With Will

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Future with




Beginner A2_1063G_EN English

■ Learn will and won’t for the


■ Practise using will and won’t

in sentences 2
We will learn English today. You will
probably learn a lot and I hope you
will remember everything next lesson! 3

■ We use will to talk about the future.

■ We use will when we make a decision at the same time as we are speaking.
■ The structure is will + infinitive

The phone is ringing! I will answer it.

These bags are heavy. I will help you.

I don’t have any cash. Don’t worry. I will pay by credit card. 4
Choose the correct option

1. You look tired. I will _______________ your work for you.

a. finish b. to finish

2. Sit down, mum. We will _______________ the dinner for you.

a. cooking b. cook

3. He didn’t answer my email. I will _______________ him now.

a. to call b. call 5
Unscramble the words to make two sentences

will 6
Look at the pictures

What might the people say in these situations? Use will. 7
Will and won’t

■ We can use will and won’t to make predictions about things in the future.
■ Will is used in positive sentences and won’t is used in negative sentences.

positive negative question

Will you see John

I will see John tomorrow. I won’t see John tomorrow.
You will find that book You won’t find that book Will you find that book
interesting. interesting. interesting? 8
Fill in the blank with will or won’t

She _______________ be late for He _______________ be late for

work. work. 9
Match the beginnings and the endings

1. You will…

2. He won’t…

3. They will arrive…

a. at about 8pm.

b. really enjoy that new film.

c. be here later because he has homework to do. 10
Will or won’t?

Fill in the gaps using will or won’t.

1. Don’t stay out too late or you _______________

get up in the morning.
2. It’s Mary’s birthday – she _______________ be
20 tomorrow.
3. I _______________ try to answer your
questions if I can.
4. Magda was very rude. I _______________ visit
her again.
5. Please _______________ you drive? I hate
driving in the winter.
6. Why _______________ you tell me what
happened? 11
I think, maybe and probably

We often use I think, maybe and probably when we are not sure about the future.

I think maybe probably

I think he will be the next Maybe it will be sunny They will probably win the
president of the USA. tomorrow. match.
We will probably go to a
I think it will be hot next Maybe I will go to the party
restaurant for dinner on
weekend. tonight.
my birthday. 12
Negative sentences

Look at how we use I think, maybe and probably in negative sentences.

positive negative

I think he will be the next president of I don’t think he will be the next president
the USA. of the USA.

They will probably win the match. They probably won’t win the match.

I think it will be hot next weekend. I don’t think it will be hot next weekend.

We will probably go to a restaurant for We probably won’t go to a restaurant for

dinner on my birthday. dinner on my birthday.

Maybe I will go to the party tonight. Maybe I won’t go to the party tonight. 13
Choose the correct option

1. I think she _______________ dance with him tonight.

a. won’t be b. will c. won’t d. will be

2. She probably _______________ come with us tomorrow because she is busy.

a. will b. is c. was d. won’t

3. _______________ they will have a party, but I don’t think so.

a. Are b. Do c. Maybe d. Probably 14
Match the beginnings and the endings

a. won’t be hot when you are in

1. Take an umbrella because...

2. He is not sure but... b. will take the bus.

3. It probably... c. I think it will rain later.

4. Maybe they... d. go to Italy on holiday this year.

5. I think I will... e. he will probably come. 15
Fill in the blank with will or won’t

I think Dave _______________ ask Tina to marry him soon.

Do you think she _______________ say yes?

I think she will probably say yes. But it _______________ be a

good decision.
Why not? Don’t you think they _______________ be happy
No I don’t. He wants to go and live in the USA but Tina
_______________ go with him. She loves England.
You’re right. But maybe he _______________ decide to stay
here in England.
I don’t think he _______________. All of his family is in the
USA. 16
The future

What do you think will or won’t change related to these

pictures in the future? 17
Tell your teacher

What will you do? What won’t you do?

this evening tonight later

tomorrow next week next weekend

next Friday
next month next year
night 18
Tell your teacher

What will you or won’t you do when you

are 60?

When I am 60, I will play golf. 19
Reflect on the goals

Go back to the second slide of the lesson and check

if you have achieved all the goals of the lesson.

yes no

_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ 20
Reflect on this lesson

Think about everything you have seen in this lesson.

What were the most difficult activities or words? The easiest?

+ _______________________________

+ _______________________________

– _______________________________

– _______________________________
If you have time, go over
the most difficult slides again 21
Exercise p. 5
1. A, 2. B, 3. B
Exercise p. 6
We will pay for you. I will carry your bag.
Exercise p. 9
will ≠ won’t
Exercise p. 10
1. B, 2. C, 3. A
Exercise p. 11
1. won’t, 2. will, 3. will, 4. won’t, 5. will, 6. won’t
Exercise p. 14
1. B, 2. D, 3. C
Exercise p. 15
1. C, 2. E, 3. A, 4. B, 5. D
Exercise p. 16
will, will, won’t, will, won’t, will, will
Answer key
Homework 23
Match the beginnings and the endings

a. won’t go to that Italian

1. I think she will…

2. I don’t think he will… b. I’ll call you again later.

c. go to Spain next year because

3. We probably…
they love Madrid.

4. Those boxes look heavy. d. be a good teacher.

e. will see my friends this

5. Maybe we will…

6. I think I… f. be late. He is always early.

7. Don’t talk on the phone when

you’re driving! g. I will help you! 24
Text at the beginning

Go back to the text on page 3

and find examples of
the grammar topic of this lesson in it.
Write them down.

Copy parts of the text

that are examples of

topic of the lesson. 25
Find the verbs

Find the verbs in this lesson and write them down.

Which are new? Do you know all of them?
Look these words up.

Verbs 26
Sentences in the first person plural

Choose five sentences from this lesson.

Copy them and write them about you and a friend.


I don’t understand

→ My friend Maria and I don’t understand.

He has a book

→ We have a book 27
Easy or difficult?

Is the grammar topic of this lesson…

easy or difficult?
Write down what is difficult for you and what is easy. 28
1. D, 2. F, 3. A, 4. G, 5. C, 6. E, 7. B
Homework answer key
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