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Bowtie Diagram Template - Excel

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Bowtie Diagram Template

For more information on Bowtie Diagrams and Bowtie Master 

d Bowtie Master 
Threat Preventative Bar

Double click on the shapes above and input descriptions to complete the elements that make up

Step 1 Identify the Hazard Step 5 Identi

Is the hazard specific? (i.e. specify location, size,
Hazard operating conditions etc if relevant)
Has it been described in its controlled state?

Step 2 Identify the Top Event Step 6 Identi

Does it describe how control of the hazard has
Top been lost?
Event Does it describe what has been lost?
Has the event been quantified (if relevant)?
Does it describe how control of the hazard has
Top been lost?
Event Does it describe what has been lost?
Has the event been quantified (if relevant)?
Step 3 Identify Threats Step 7 Identi
Does each threat identified directly cause the
Top Event?

Step 4 Identify Consequences

Has it been described as [Damage] due to

[Top Event]? (e.g Fire due to loss of
Preventative Barrier Top Event

elements that make up the bowtie diagram. The element descriptions should conform to the questions asked below

Step 5 Identify Preventative Barriers

Is it specific?
Preventative Barrier
Is it capable of independently stopping the Top Event?
Does it prevent the Threat from occurring?

Step 6 Identify Mitigative Barriers

Is it specific?
Mitigative Barrier Does it prevent or limit the consequence?
Is it specific?
Mitigative Barrier Does it prevent or limit the consequence?

Step 7 Identify Escalation Factors

Does it define how or why the barrier has degraded?
Escalation Factor Does it reduce the effectiveness of the barrier?
Is it associated with a human or organisational factor?
Is it realistic?
Event Mitigative Barrier

questions asked below.



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