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The Vanir Norse Pantheon: by Telgar

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The Vanir It’s Not Prophecy, Honest!

Norse Pantheon Scion: Ragnarök specifically states that the Vanir

do not use the Prophecy Purview both because of
their ties to the concrete, natural world and because

by Telgar they intentionally avoid meddling in Fate to avoid

being bound by it’s dictates. To a degree, this is true.
----------------------------------------------------- In ancient times, the Vanir practiced a unique and
advanced form of Prophecy they referred to as Ørlǫg.
Long ago, the Vanir were a Pantheon associated with Ørlǫg, combined with the Mystery Purview, are the
natural cycles, fertility, wisdom and prophecy. They primary means by which the Vanir garnered their
reputation as seers, wise men and prophets. They do
fought a war against the Aesir until the common
not meddle in Fate, but they do know its ways. When
enemy of the Titans and the costs of the war forced Delling cursed Odin to wrap himself and his Pantheon
the exhausted enemies into an alliance. Over time in the threads of Fate so that their doom would be
the power of the Aesir grew and that of the Vanir inescapable, it was the power of Ørlǫg that allowed
waned. Ties of blood and marriage bound the two him to do so.
Pantheons closer and closer together until Vanaheim,
the Godrealm of the Vanir, was abandoned in favor of Those Vanir who are most strongly assimilated into
Asgard. Absorbed into the Aesir Pantheon, the Vanir the culture of the Aesir have lost their connection to
have largely assimilated into the more warlike culture the mysteries of Ørlǫg and instead have an association
of their old foes, but some vestiges of their heritage with Jotunblut. Though extremely rare, it may be
remain. A few of the Vanir remain truer to their possible for the Scion of an assimilated Vanir such as
Freya or Uller to reawaken their ancestral affinity for
ancient ways than to those of the Aesir and pass such
Ørlǫg. Doing so would forever destroy their ability
allegiances and proclivities along to their Scions. to access Jotunblut and remove any Jotunblut Boons
they had already learned. The reverse, a Vanir Scion
For further information on the Vanir, see Scion: assimilating into the Aesir culture completely, is also
Ragnarök pg.108 possible and has similar effects: all Ørlǫg Boons are
lost forever and the Scion gains the ability to learn
Jotunblut instead.
The Pantheon
The Vanir follow the Virtues of Duty, Expression, Ørlǫg uses the rules for the Alternative Prophecy
Harmony and Piety. Purview created by R_B_Bergstrom.

As a result of the closeness between the Aesir and

Vanir, Scions of either Pantheon may use up to two which he now works frantically to undo.
Virtues of the other group without penalty. His Scions are his tools to prevent the destruction of
his Pantheon. Secretly, he has reopened the passages
to Vanaheim and sends Scions and other minions into
AKA: Dellingr, Deglingr the lost realm to reclaim it from whatever may have
invaded in the millennia since it was abandoned in
Delling is the leader of the Vanir, though since the favor of Asgard.
absorption of his Pantheon into the Aesir he has See Scion: Ragnarök, page 109 for further details.
stepped back from politics and kept to himself
largely. Only in recent times has he come into active Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Manipulation, Epic
circles again as he is approached by some of the Perception, Epic Intelligence, Epic Stamina, Epic Wits,
other Vanir who question if the time has come to Ørlǫg, Fertility, Health, Magic, Mystery, Sun, War
separate themselves from the doomed Aesir before Abilities: Art, Fortitude, Integrity, Investigation,
Ragnarök. He is the husband of Night and the father Occult, Presence
of Day. Delling is the one who set into motion the Rivals: Odin, Zeus, Tlaloc, Amaterasu, Isis, Osiris,
events leading to the Fate-bound doom of the Aesir, Thoth, Apollo
Elli children. Instead, she chooses to adopt Scions of the
Though Elli is no longer loyal to the Vanir or the Aesir, Aesir who would otherwise go without Visitation
she retains her original traits. If, for some reason, or attention from their parent. Heidi was hardened
she were to adopt a Scion, they would take on her by her treatment by the Aesir and the loss of her
affinities. Despite her centuries of association with Pantheon’s independence. She is a supportive,
Utgard-Loki, she has never picked up the Jotunblut driving mother who is sometimes distant and never
Purview. without reservations. Heidi’s Scions tend to be
See Scion: Ragnarök, page 110 for full details. focused on defeating the Titans at whatever cost.
They use their gifts to view the future and warn their
Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Stamina, allies, arranging intricate traps to destroy Titanspawn.
Epic Wits, Frost, Health, Mystery, Ørlǫg Some of the other Vanir suggest that in her hardness,
Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Brawl, Melee, Heidi may be going too far and her Scions are
Command, Survival walking the same path that has doomed the Aesir.
Rivals: Everyone. Elli has no allies except for Utgard-
Loki and the Giants. Associated Powers: Epic Perception, Epic Stamina,
Death, Fire, Health, Mystery, Ørlǫg
Freyr Abilities: Awareness, Empathy, Fortitude, Integrity,
Occult, Politics
Rivals: Amaterasu, Athena, Freya, Hera, Isis, Sif
See Scion: Hero, page 67.
Fully assimilated into the Aesir Pantheon, Freyr no
longer maintains an Association with Ørlǫg. Freyr’s Heimdall
Scions still may have one or two of the Vanir Virtues.
See Scion: Hero, page 68.
Freya Fully assimilated into the Aesir Pantheon, Heimdall no
longer maintains an Association with Ørlǫg. Heimdall’s
Scions still may have one or two of the Vanir Virtues.
See Scion: Hero, page 67.
Fully assimilated into the Aesir Pantheon, Freya no
longer maintains an Association with Ørlǫg. Freya’s Idun
Scions still may have one or two of the Vanir Virtues.
See Scion: Ragnarök, page 71.
Heidi Idun’s husband, Bragi, is one of the Aesir and Idun
AKA: Gullveig loves him deeply. She has largely assimilated into
the Aesir culture, though her duties as the Goddess
A leader among the Vanir, Gullveig was chosen as of Youth, Fertility and Longevity are all strongly
an emissary to the Aesir in the early days of the war associated with the old powers of the Vanir. As a result,
between the two Pantheons. Three times she visited Scions of Idun are associated with the Aesir Purview of
the hall of the Aesir, three times she was stabbed to Jotunblut, but many retain all of the Vanir Virtues.
death and reborn. The third time, she was reborn as
Heidi instead of Gullveig and returned from the dead Kvasir
with the ability to see far and clear into the future.
She guided the course of the war between the Aesir The Wisest of the Vanir and source of poetry, Kvasir
and Vanir. When the war ended, Heidi refused to was born from the spit of all the Gods of the Aesir
join the rest of the Vanir in their move to Asgard. For and the Vanir. The treaty between the two Pantheons
centuries, she has remained in Vanaheim, guarding was sealed by each of the Gods spitting into a vessel.
the ancient home of her Pantheon. Her visions have To commemorate their treaty, it was decided that
finally driven her to rejoin with the rest of the Norse they should form the collected saliva into a man.
Gods, Aesir and Vanir, to defeat the Titans. Kvasir was created and wandered the world, learning
Heidi is more likely to adopt Scions than have and teaching. He was so wise that there was no
them herself, but she has no problem with bearing question he could not answer. When he visited the
home of two dwarves, they killed him and mixed When she produces Scions, which is rare enough since
his blood with honey to create the Sacred Mead of her separation from Njord, Nerthus tries to be a caring
Poetry that Odin would later steal. mother. She finds it difficult, though, to truly bond
Kvasir’s sacrifice brought learning and wisdom to with her children since she has been so thoroughly
the world of men, so he takes it in stride. Nowadays abandoned by her first and closest family. She isn’t
Kvasir travels the world as a teacher inspiring his stingy with Boons or Birthrights, but honest and open
students to new heights, an award-winning poet conversation is hard for her. Scions of Nerthus are
who breaks hearts with his words, a UN treaty often warm, encouraging people who try to bring
negotiator and a talented busker who gives people a people closer together.
few minutes of peace in their busy days. Whatever his
role, Kvasir is always using words and music to bring Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Stamina,
harmony, peace and order to the World. His Scions Animal (Cow), Earth, Fertility, Health, Ørlǫg
follow in their father’s footsteps, using their talent for Abilities: Athletics, Empathy, Fortitude, Integrity,
negotiation and words to bring together disparate Presence, Survival
allies in the fight against the Titans. Rivals: Demeter, Erzuli, Frigg, Hera, Isis, Izanami

Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Stamina, Sif

Epic Wits, Mystery, Ørlǫg Psychopomp
Abilities: Art (Singing), Command, Empathy, Integrity, See Scion: Hero, page 71.
Occult, Presence Fully assimilated into the Aesir Pantheon, Sif no longer
Rivals: Apollo, Baldur, Erzulie, Thoth, Tlazoltéotl maintains an Association with Ørǫg. Sif’s Scions still
may have one or two of the Vanir Virtues.
See Scion: Ragnarök, page 72.
Njord has not assimilated into the Aesir culture. See Scion: Ragnarök, page 74.
Replace his Jotunblut Purview with Ørlǫg. Though Sif is his mother and Uller is generally
regarded as being one of the Vanir, he has much
Nerthus more in common with the warlike Aesir than his
AKA: Erda, Erce, Fru Gaue, Fjörgyn, Frau Holda, Hluodana biological family. He has fully integrated into the
Aesir and shares their Purview of Jotunblut.
The Vanir Goddess of Earth and Fertility, Nerthus is
the sister of Njord. The siblings together ruled over
the natural world as the leaders of the Vanir. Earth Scent of the Divine
and Water, they were not only brother and sister,
but husband and wife. As a condition of the peace The Vanir smell of mead and fresh fruit while the
treaty that ended the war with the Aesir, incest was sound of snapping electricity follows them.
banned among both Norse Pantheons. Njord was
forced to divorce his sister-wife and leave her behind in
Vanaheim when he went with his children to join the
Aesir as Asgard. Bitter and lonely, Nerthus rejected the
Aesir and stayed in seclusion.
When she appears in the modern World, Nerthus is a
matronly woman, weathered by a good life spent at
honest work. There’s grey in her hair, but her back is
straight and her figure pleasantly plump. She is equally
at home pulling weeds, running a farm combine
or conducting geological surveys. Nerthus inspires
others with her hard-working example, always offering
encouragement and gentle reminders to do better.

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