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Workbook Elementary

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L. Prodromou with S. Minardi, P. Prodromou, J.

FLASH on English is a motivating, easy-to-use, four-level course
which takes teenage learners from Elementary through to Upper
Intermediate level.
The comprehensive syllabus provides thorough grammar,
vocabulary and skills work, builds students’ language awareness
and encourages fluency and self-confidence. The combination of
printed, digital and online material enhances the learning
experience and helps teachers respond to students’ needs.

Fl ash on English
Clearly-structured units
Double linguistic input in each unit
Focus on authentic real-world language
Clearly structured grammar presentations
Extensive recycling and review of language
Exploitation of different learning styles and mixed-ability
Culture, CLIL and Literature lessons in every unit
Graded and practical study-skills guide
Grammar reinforcement with extensive explanations and

practice in the Workbook

For the Teacher

Step-by-step teaching notes, tips and background notes on
cultural issues
Wide offer of photocopiable testing materials
Editable tests in the Multi-ROM Test Maker

An interactive, IWB-compatible version of the Coursebook
containing all recordings, links, reference materials and extras

Course components
Student’s Book
Workbook with Audio CD
Teacher’s Resource Pack
Class Audio CDs
Multi-ROM Test Maker
Teacher’s FLIP BOOK
Flash on English Online Resources

Common European Framework

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2


1 Bright Lights, Big City
Focus on Grammar p. 4
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice p. 10
English in Context p. 12
Vocabulary Builder p. 14
Skills p. 15

2 Home Life
Focus on Grammar p. 16
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice p. 18
English in Context p. 20
Vocabulary Builder p. 22
Skills p. 23

3 My Ideal Holiday
Focus on Grammar p. 24
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice p. 26
English in Context p. 28
Vocabulary Builder p. 30
Skills p. 31

4 What’s in Fashion?
Focus on Grammar p. 32
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice p. 34
English in Context p. 36
Vocabulary Builder p. 38
Skills p. 39

5 You Are What You Eat…
Focus on Grammar p. 40
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice p. 42
English in Context p. 44
Vocabulary Builder p. 46
Skills p. 47

6 They’ve Got Talent!
Focus on Grammar p. 48
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice p. 50
English in Context p. 52
Vocabulary Builder p. 54
Skills p. 55

7 Love, Love, Love…
Focus on Grammar p. 56
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice p. 58
English in Context p. 60
Vocabulary Builder p. 62
Skills p. 63

8 Out and About
Focus on Grammar p. 64
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice p. 66
English in Context p. 68
Vocabulary Builder p. 70
Skills p. 71

9 Is it Chance?
Focus on Grammar p. 72
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice p. 74
English in Context p. 76
Vocabulary Builder p. 78
Skills p. 79

10 Money
ocus on Grammar
F p. 80
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice p. 82
English in Context p. 84
Vocabulary Builder p. 86
Skills p. 87

Irregular verbs p. 88

Phonetic alphabet and English punctuation p. 89

Self-assessment grids – A1 p. 90

Audioscripts p. 92


Bright Lights, Big City
Focus on Grammar
Present simple: be

Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative Short answers

full contracted full contracted form affirmative negative
I am I’m I am not I’m not Am I? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
He is He’s He is not He isn’t Is he? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
She is She’s She is not She isn’t Is she? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
It is It’s It is not It isn’t Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
We are We’re We are not We aren’t Are we? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
They are They’re They are not They aren’t Are they? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

• The verb to be is an auxiliary verb. be: special uses

• In English, to talk about age we use the verb to be
• We use contracted forms in informal situations.
with the following structure:
The contractions you aren’t, he isn’t, etc. are used
more often than you’re not, he’s not, etc. but there
subject + be + age + years old
is no change in meaning.
I’m 14 years old. / I’m 14.
• In English we normally do not respond to questions
(years old can be omitted)
with only a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. The personal subject
pronoun and the auxiliary verb are repeated. These • In questions we use How old…? with the following
answers are called ‘short answers’. structure:
A  Are they British?
B  Yes, they are.
How old + be + subject
A  Is she your French teacher?
B  No, she isn’t. How old are you?

• The verb to be followed by an adjective or a phrase

• The short answer is not abbreviated in the is used to describe a physical state or feeling.
A  Are you Canadian? to be hungry / thirsty
B  Yes, I am. (Not: Yes, I’m.) to be cold / hot
to be right / wrong
A  Are we late? to be ashamed of
B  Yes, you are. (Not: Yes, you’re.) to be busy
to be afraid of
• The short answer is abbreviated only in the to be in a hurry
negative. to be sleepy
A  Are they from Newcastle?
• We use the verb to be to talk about jobs.
B  No, they aren’t.
My sister is an architect.

A  Is he the new student?

B  No, he isn’t.

there is/there are Demonstratives
• We use this (singular) and these (plural) to indicate
Affirmative form Negative form objects or persons that are close to the speaker.
full contracted full contracted
There is There’s There is not There isn’t
There are – There are not There

Interrogative Short answers

form affirmative negative
Is there…? Yes, there is. No, there is not.
No, there isn’t. I like this blue hat and I love these purple gloves.
Are there…? Yes, there are. No, there are not.
No, there aren’t.
• We use that (singular) and those (plural) to indicate
objects or persons that are far from the speaker.
• We use there is with singular nouns and we use
there are with plural nouns.
There is a pen on my desk.
There are 25 students in this class.

• The short answer is not abbreviated in the

A  Are there many people?
B  Yes, there are.

• When we list several things or people, the verb to

be agrees with the first item. How much is that red sweater?
In my backpack, there is a torch, some books and How much are those black shoes?
a laptop.
In my family, there are four girls and one boy.
• Demonstrative adjectives:
– have the same form to indicate both masculine
and feminine nouns.
This man is American.
This woman is Canadian.

– have the same form to indicate both people and
This window is always closed.
That lady is Ms Smith.

• We use this and that on the telephone:

A  Who’s that / this? Is that / this Sam?
B  No, this is John.

Hello, this is Mark.

1 full
I have (got)
Bright Lights, Big City
Present simple: have got

Affirmative form
I’ve got
Negative form
I have not
I haven’t got

Have I?
Short answers
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
You have (got) You’ve got You have not You haven’t got Have you? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.
He has (got) He’s got He has not He hasn’t got Has he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
She has (got) She’s got She has not She hasn’t got Has she? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
It has (got) It’s got It has not It hasn’t got Has it? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.
We have (got) We’ve got We have not We haven’t got Have we? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.
You have (got) You’ve (got) You have not You haven’t got Have you? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.
They have They’ve got They have not They haven’t Have they? Yes, they No, they
(got) got have. haven’t.

• We use have got in English to indicate possession. • For nouns that end in -f or -fe, we change the -f to
We’ve got a big house in the country. -v and add -s or -es.
leaf – leaves wife – wives
• In the short answer, got is always omitted.
A  Has she got a big car? Irregular plurals
B  Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t. • Some nouns have an irregular plural form which
conserves traces of conjugations from older
• Have got is generally used more in British English, languages. The most common irregular plurals are:
whereas in American English they tend to use child – children person – people
have alone, especially in the interrogative form, man – men woman – women
which takes the auxiliary do / does (but there is not foot – feet mouse – mice
change in meaning). tooth – teeth fish – fish
BE  Have you got any children?
AE  Do you have any children? Imperatives
• The imperative in the 2nd person singular and plural
 ! Do not confuse the contracted 3rd person singular
is identical to the base form of the verb.
(’s) of the verb to be and of the verb have got.
My sister’s (is) a vet and she’s (has) got six dogs.
• We form the negative imperative with don’t (do not)
+ the base form of the verb.
Plurals Don’t touch that! Don’t forget to call!
• As a general rule, we add -s to singular nouns to
• We form the imperative in the 1st person plural with
make them plural.
let’s (let us) + the base form of the verb.
book – books boy – boys
Let’s have pizza for dinner tonight.
• To nouns that end in -s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -z, -x, we add
-es. • We use the imperative to:
glass – glasses match – matches – give an order.
wish – wishes box – boxes Stand up!
– give instructions.
• To nouns that end in -o, we add -es, except for Turn left and take the first street on the right.
those words that are foreign. – make requests.
tomato – tomatoes potato – potatoes Pass the wine, please.
photo – photos kilo – kilos – make suggestions.
Let’s go to the disco tonight.
• For nouns that end in -y the plural is formed in two
– offer something.
Have a piece of this cake, it’s delicious!
– if the -y is preceded by a vowel, we add -s.
– warn someone.
toy – toys
Be careful!
– if the -y is preceded by a consonant, we change
– wish someone well.
the -y to -i and add -es.
Have a nice trip!
lady – ladies

Articles • We don’t use the:
– to speak of categories of things or people in a
The definite article general sense.
• The is the only definite article and is always I like animals.
invariable, in gender and number.
the boy / the girls – to speak of abstract concepts.
Time is money.
• We use the in front of a noun that is specific and
definite when it refers to something: – in front of names of continents, nations, regions,
– that is clear from the context. islands or lakes that are singular.
 Can you hand me the book, please? France and Great Britain are in Europe.
(Which book? The one on the table, for example.)
– in front of nouns that indicate a language.
– that has already been mentioned in a general We study Spanish.
A boy and a girl are sitting in front of me; I know – in front of the days of the week.
the girl, but not the boy. She always goes to the gym on Tuesday.
(Which boy and which girl? The ones I have just

– that is made clear by what follows in the

The indefinite article
sentence. • The indefinite article a / an is invariable in gender
The story of his life is very interesting. and only refers to a singular noun.
(Which story? His story.) a girl / a boy

– that is a unique entity. • We use a / an with countable singular nouns to

 There are a lot of clouds in the sky today. indicate one among many.
(Which sky? The only one that exists.) a camera / a girl / an elephant

• We use the in front of: • We use a / an with jobs.

– names of seas, oceans, mountain ranges, rivers, A What’s your job?
deserts. B I’m a lawyer / an architect.
the Caribbean Sea
the Atlantic Ocean • We use a in front of:
the Alps – a consonant.
the Thames a room
the Sahara
– an aspirated h-.
– names of nations that are plural or that include a hotel
words like republic or kingdom.
the USA – the consonant sounds /j/ /w/ or /y/.
the Netherlands a university
the Seychelles a European nation
the People’s Republic of China a young man
the UK
• We use an in front of:
– surnames when you are indicating all of the – a vowel.
family members. an apple
The Simpsons are her new neighbours.
– a silent h-.
an hour
an heir
an honest man
an honour

1 I
Bright Lights, Big City
Possessive adjectives
Subject pronoun Possessive adjective

• When we use the possessive ’s, remember:
– we only add an apostrophe to plural nouns that
end in -s.
The students’ books are new.

he his
– we add ’s to irregular plural nouns.
she her The children’s books are on their desks.
it its
we our – when two or more people possess the same
thing, we add ’s only to the last one.
you your
Mark and Helen’s parents have a big car.
they their (Mark and Helen are brother and sister.)

• We use possessive adjectives to indicate – when two or more people do not possess the same
possession. thing we add ’s to all the names.
Jane’s and Robert’s parents work together.
• Possessive adjectives: (Jane and Robert are not brother and sister.)
– are never preceded by a definite article and are
always used in front of the noun they refer to. • We do not use the possessive ’s to indicate a
My pen is over there. / Your mother is Irish. possessive relationship between things. We can
express this relationship in two ways:
– always refer to the possessor. – by using the preposition of.
Ann has her iPod in her purse. Look at the roof of that house!
Lin and Wang are Chinese, their friend Okura is
in China. – by using two nouns together.
That’s a beautiful cat: its fur is so soft! The kitchen table is very large.

– are invariable in number.

your pen / your pens Asking and telling the time
• Here are some ways to ask the time in English:
– are invariable in gender, except the 3rd person What’s the time?
singular that agrees with the possessor. What time is it?
This is John: his sister is a student, his brother Have you got the time?
is a student, too. What time do you make it?
This is Kate: her father is an engineer, her
mother is a teacher. • To answer these questions we always use the
pronoun it followed by the verb to be:
, A  What’s the time, please?
Possessive s B  It’s two o’clock.
• We use the possessive ’s to indicate a relationship
between people or to indicate possession between • In telling time, when the minute hand is in the right
people and things. half of the clock face, we say how many minutes
have gone past the hour:
• We use the possessive ’s with the following
structure: minutes + past + the hour

name of possessor + ’s + thing possessed It’s twenty past eight.

(or family relation)

Your neighbour ’s house.

My father ’s car.
Jennifer ’s brother.

• When the minute hand is in the left half of the • Here are some useful expressions in the table below.
clock face, we say how many minutes are lacking to
reach the hour: 07.00 It’s seven o’clock.

12.00 It’s twelve o’clock / noon / midday.

minutes + to + the hour
03.10 It’s ten (minutes) past three.
It’s ten to six. It’s three ten.

• For fifteen minutes before or after the hour, we use

09.15 It’s a quarter past nine.
It’s nine fifteen.
a quarter to and a quarter past:
It’s a quarter to five. 11.05 It’s five (minutes) past eleven.
It’s a quarter past eleven. It’s eleven five.

• For thirty minutes after the hour, we use half past:

06.30 It’s half past six.
It’s six thirty.
It’s half past three.
04.50 It’s ten (minutes) to five.
• We can also tell the time by reading the hour and It’s four fifty.
the minutes exactly as they appear on the clock:
10.45 It’s a quarter to eleven.
It’s ten forty-five.
the hour + the minutes
00.00 It’s midnight.
It’s nine forty-five.
It’s ten fifteen.

My Glossary
Personal belongings Family members Jobs
cash card ________________ aunt ________________ actor ________________
comb ________________ brother ________________ actress ________________
diary ________________ children ________________ assistant director ________________
digital camera ________________ cousin ________________ designer ________________
key ________________ daughter ________________ director ________________
laptop ________________ father (dad) ________________ producer ________________
map ________________ grandfather ________________ script writer ________________
mobile phone ________________ grandmother ________________ teacher ________________
MP3 player ________________ husband ________________ technician ________________
notebook ________________ mother (mum) ________________ writer ________________
passport ________________ nephew ________________
pen ________________ niece ________________ Other...
pencil ________________ parents ________________ nouns
pound coin ________________ son ________________ animation ________________
ticket ________________ stepbrother ________________ course ________________
wallet ________________ stepsister ________________ (recording) studios ________________
twin ________________ tap ________________
In town uncle ________________
airport ________________ wife ________________ adjectives
art gallery ________________ cold ________________
carriage ________________ Nationalities different ________________
department store ________________ African ________________ excellent ________________
double-decker bus ________________ Asian ________________ experienced ________________
first/second class ________________ British ________________ hot ________________
inspector ________________ Chinese ________________ huge ________________
library ________________ English ________________ informal ________________
museum ________________ Greek ________________ professional ________________
park ________________ Irish ________________ proud ________________
public places ________________ Italian ________________ small ________________
restaurant ________________ Japanese ________________ trendy ________________
shop ________________ Polish ________________
supermarket ________________ Scottish ________________ adverbs
theatre ________________ Spanish ________________ by the way ________________
transport ________________ especially ________________
university ________________

1 Bright Lights, Big City
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
Complete the sentences with the correct form of 4 
Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verb to be. have got.
1 Frank speaks German because he__
’s from Austria. have got a big family and a dog too.
1 We __________
2 ______ you Jenny’s sister? 2 I am at film school. I _____________ lessons
3 Where ______ your students? In the bar? every day.
4 My parents ________ (not) from here, they are 3 My sister _____________ a job in London.
from Yorkshire. 4 My dad _____________ a fantastic digital camera.
5 My name ________ (not) Miguel, it’s Michael. 5 You _____________ good shops near your house.
6 What ______ your favourite courses? 6 My school _____________ very good teachers.
7 Where ______ the restaurant? 7 London is a great city, it _____________ a lot of
interesting things to do.
Follow the prompts and answer the questions 8 Oh no, I _____________ lessons early tomorrow
with short answers. morning.
1 Are you from near here? 3
Yes, I am.
Use the prompts to write complete sentences
2 Is Daniel a good actor? 7
with the correct form of have got.
No, he isn’t.
3 Are your friends happy with their course? 3 1 We / not / a good camera.
_____________ We haven’t got a good camera.
4 Are we in the same class? 3 2 your friends / a car?
_____________ _________________________________________
5 Is your new CD good? 3 3 Sorry, I / not / a pen.
_____________ _________________________________________
6 Are London buses cheap? 7 4 My street / lots of shops and a cinema.
_____________ _________________________________________
7 Am I in your film? 7 5 you / courses for actors in your school?
_____________ _________________________________________
8 Are we in the photograph? 7 6 your school / a bar?
_____________ _________________________________________
7 My teacher / a laptop.
have got 8 All the students / mobile phones.
3 Match the sentence halves. _________________________________________
1 I haven’t got any other hobbies...
2 We’ve got lessons tomorrow afternoon... Possessive adjectives
3 My teacher is great because...
Choose the correct option a or b to complete
4 I walk to school because ...
the sentences.
5 My sister gets lost in London because ...
6 I’ve got an MP3 player and ... 1 She’s got a laptop in ____
her bag.
7 We’re not interested in that school because ... a her b our
8 My school is interesting because ... 2 Sarah is David’s mother and Paul is ___ father.
a your b his
a she has got lots of good ideas. 3 Here are Andy and Stuart with ___ grandmother.
b she hasn’t got a map. a my b their
c it’s got students from all over the world. 4 Where is my wallet? It’s not in ___ pocket.
1 d because I haven’t got the time! a my b his
e I listen to it all the time. 5 Julia’s got a new cat. ___ name’s Fluffy.
f it hasn’t got courses for directors. a Their b Its
g but we’re free in the morning. 6 Hi, we are Sam and Chris and we live with ___
h I haven’t got money for a bus ticket. parents.
a our b your

Personal possessions The family
Underline the correct word in each sentence. 9 Complete the sentences with words from Unit 1.
1 Have you got a digital camera / cash card for
your bank?
2 Check you’ve got your passport / diary for the
3 I’ve always got an MP3 player / the keys to my
house in my bag.
4 Where is Curzon Street? Have you got a mobile
phone / map?
5 This is a photograph / ticket I’ve got of the class
for the school magazine, it’s great!
6 I’ve got Word, Excel and Google on my laptop / CD.
7 I’m not good with technology, I’ve got a pen /
wallet and paper, not a laptop.
8 Have you got a pencil / watch? Write the name
of this director on a piece of paper. 1 My aunt Debbie lives with her daughter, my
cousin Julie.
2 Thomas is married, his ____________ is from
3 Peter is identical to his ____________ brother
4 Martin has got a new ____________ and she’s
very nice. He’s happy his father is married
5 My mum’s dad, that is my ____________ , has
got a laptop and mobile phone! And he’s 85!
6 My uncle Julian is great, he’s always got
presents for his nieces and ____________ .
7 My cousin studies at film school and lives with
his parents, my uncle Brian and my
____________ Lorna.
8 I haven’t got brothers or ____________ .

Now use the words you did NOT use in 10 Complete the text with the words below.
exercise 7 to complete these sentences.
1 I’ve got all my favourite music on my grandmother uncle stepmother
stepsister cousins daughter twin
MP3 player .
2 My sister has got a ____________ for the
My family is great but a bit complicated. I live
concert this evening.
with my mum, and her mother, my
3 I’ve got a new memory card for my
(1) _____________
grandmother . I’ve got (2) _____________
____________ .
brothers, and a (3) _____________ , Wendy.
4 Have you got a ____________ please? What
She lives with my dad and his second wife, my
time is it?
(4) _____________ . Her name is Marta, she’s
5 I’ve got all my photos on a ____________ .
very nice, and Wendy is her (5) _____________ .
It’s great!
Nearby are my (6) _____________ and aunt,
6 I write my ideas for my film course in my
and their four children, my (7) _____________
____________ every day.
Grant, Jackie, Dan and Teresa. We often see them
7 He’s got all his money in his ____________ .
at weekends.
8 I’ve got a text message on my ____________ .

1 Bright Lights, Big City
English in Context
1 Complete Josie’s email with the words below. 3 
Amy wants to join the gym. Complete the
dialogue with the sentences below.
’s got are (x2) our aren’t haven’t got
’ve got (x2) they’re ’m their has Yes, I have.
It’s Cooper — C-o-o-p-e-r.
Is that in South Africa?
What’s your address in Brighton?
Have you got a phone number in Brighton?
Hi Neil, I’m from Johannesburg.
are you?
How (1) ____
Thanks for your message.
Well, I’m English and
I (2) _____________ 15.
I (3) _____________ broth-
ers and sisters, but
I (4) _____________ lots of
friends – 255 friends on this
site! My two best friends (5) _____________ Olivia
and Harry. (6) _____________ twins.
(7) _____________ dad is a film director and they
(8) _____________ a huge house with a swimming
pool! (9) _____________ school is in Cambridge.
It’s fantastic! It (10) _____________ two gyms and
a cinema!
(11) _____________ your school got a cinema?
My parents are teachers at my school, but they
(12) _____________ my teachers.
Write soon,
Josie Receptionist What’s your first name?
Amy My name’s Amy.
Receptionist What’s your surname?
It’s Cooper – C-o-o-p-e-r.
Amy (1) __________________________
Receptionist Where are you from Amy?
2  se Josie’s email as a model and write
Amy (2) __________________________
sentences that are true for you, using the
Receptionist (3) __________________________
correct form of the verbs to be and have got.
Amy Yes, that’s right.
1 I ’m fourteen and I ________________
___________ ’ve got one sister . Receptionist What’s your home address?
2 My best friends _________________ and they Amy Cnr Katherine Str 8 Grayston DR,
_______________________________________ . Sandton, 2146 Johannesburg.
3 My school _________________ and it Receptionist (4) _________________________
_______________________________________ . Amy It’s 32 Drew Lane.
4 My town/city _________________ and it Receptionist (5) _________________________
_______________________________________ . Amy No, I haven’t but I’ve got a mobile.
5 My mum ______________________________ Receptionist That’s OK. What’s your mobile
_______________________________________ . number?
6 My dad ________________________________ Amy It’s 3475623895.
_______________________________________ . Receptionist Have you got an email address?
Amy (6) _________________________

4 Now answer the following questions. 7 
Complete the dialogues with the expressions
1 What’s your name? below.
by the way that’s right and you
2 Where are you from? you know sorry no problem
3 What’s your address? 1
_________________________________________ A I come from Manchester. ________
And you ?
4 Have you got a mobile phone? B Me? I’m from Argentina.
5 What’s your phone number? 2
_________________________________________ A My dad’s got a B&B, _______________ ,
6 Have you got an email address? a small hotel.
_________________________________________ B Yeah, I know, Bed and Breakfast.

Sum Up! 3
A London’s great, really nice. _______________ ,
Find and correct the mistake in each where are you from?
sentence. B Me? I’m from Spain.
1 Henri is France. Henri is French.
2 Your brother is happy at his new school? 4
_________________________________________ A Please, be careful, my coffee! My dress!
3 Have Tim got a red car? B _______________ , are you OK?
4 Britney Spears is a singer. Your songs are 5
famous. A I am so sorry, please forgive me.
_________________________________________ B It’s OK, _______________ .
5 We’ve got a new dog. Their name’s Goldie.
_________________________________________ 6
6 Thats a nice phone. A You’re from Scotland, aren’t you?
_________________________________________ B Yes, _______________ . I’m from Glasgow.
7 Open the your books.
8 Our teacher are great.
_________________________________________ Translate!
Translate these sentences into your own
Underline the correct option to complete the language.
1 My school has got a cafeteria.
Joey Are you in (1) Mr Thompson class / the _________________________________________
class of Mr Thompson / Mr Thompson’s 2 Our teacher’s French.
class? _________________________________________
Blanca Yes, (2) I am / I’m / am I. 3 This isn’t my notebook.
Joey Have you got the homework? _________________________________________
Blanca Yes, I have, but it’s on (3) the my 4 I haven’t got a passport.
laptop / my laptop / mine laptop. _________________________________________
Joey (4) Have you got / You’ve got / Got 5 Is he English?
you it with you? _________________________________________
Blanca Yes, it’s in my bag, just a second. 6 Lena’s 16.
Joey That bag’s (5) large / grand / huge! _________________________________________
What have you got in there?
Blanca Three books, two pens, a notebook and
(6) his / my / your laptop of course.
Joey That’s a small computer. Has it got a
DVD player?
Blanca (7) The course / On course / Of course.

1 Bright Lights, Big City
Vocabulary Builder
Compound nouns (1)

1 Mark is Susannah’s son-in-law. T
2 Robert is Frank’s stepbrother. F – brother
Look at the following words taken from Unit 1 3 Becky is Ben’s half-sister.
of your Student’s Book. 4 Maria is Ben’s stepsister.
5 Ben is Becky’s half-brother.
recording studio  passport
6 Julie is Maria’s stepmother.
cash card  scriptwriter
7 Jonathan is Sally’s father.
They are compound nouns, that is, words that are 8 Linda and Valerie are sisters-in-law.
put together to form new ones. The first one acts 9 William and Mark are half-brothers.
like an adjective and it describes the second one. 10 James is Catherine’s brother-in-law.
They can be written as one word, as two separate
words or as a hyphenated word. 5 
Look at the family tree again and complete
Valerie’s email with the words below.

2  ake compound nouns with the words below.

M sister-in-law stepsister son
Use a dictionary to help you. half-brother stepfather
husband cousins brother-in-law
book number card shelf
man security birthday point

1 phone ________
book 5 camera ________
2 phone ________ 6 cash ________
Hi Fiona,
3 ________ pass 7 ________ card
I’m really happy I’ve got a friend in Australia. Thanks
4 book ________ 8 ________ board
for writing to me about your family. This is my family
in the photograph!
Compound nouns (2) I’m in the middle, Valerie. I’ve got two great parents,
my mum and dad, Catherine and Mark. I’ve also got
3  ook at these words taken from Unit 1 to
a big sister, Linda. She’s married.
describe family relationships.
My (1) _______________
brother-in-law ’s name is Pete. Pete and
stepsister  stepbrother Linda haven’t got children.
I’ve got an uncle William, and an aunt, his wife Sally.
They are compound nouns that use the word Sally is my mum’s (2) _______________ and she’s
step. We also use the words half- and -in-law to great! My uncle has got two sons, Robert and Frank.
describe other types of relationships. They’re my favourite (3) _______________ . Then
Half- precedes the noun as in half-sister; -in-law I’ve got my aunt Julie. She’s my mum’s sister and
goes after the noun as in brother-in-law. she has a complicated family! Julie is married to
Half-sister means that you and your sister have uncle James and he’s got a daughter Maria, with
only one parent in common, for example the his first wife. Julie’s got her daughter Becky with her
same father but different mothers. first (4) _______________ , Andrew.
Your brother-in-law is your sister’s husband or Becky has got a (5) _______________ , Ben and a
your wife’s or husband’s brother. (6) _______________ , Maria. James is Becky’s
(7) _______________ . My grandparents live in my
town, they are Jonathan and Susannah. They are
fantastic. They help Sally and their
Look at the family tree and write T (true) or (8) _______________ William a lot with their little boy
F (false). Correct the false statements. Frank. Do you understand all this?!!
Write soon!
Jonathan Susannah Valerie

Sally William Catherine Mark Andrew Julie James Janet

Robert Frank Valerie Linda Pete Becky Ben Maria

Alice writes for her school’s online newspaper. She is
interviewing one of her classmates about her favourite film.
Read her answers. Where is Robert Pattinson from?

1 What’s your favourite film?

My favourite film’s Twilight; it’s the film of the
book Twilight by Stephanie Meyers.
2 ______________________________________ 6 ______________________________________
It’s an excellent film! Well, yes, I suppose a lot of Twilight fans are
3 ______________________________________ girls. Robert Pattinson is special of course.
Yes, I have! Twilight is a saga – I’ve got all four There’s also a lot of action in the film so it’s not
books: Twilight of course, New moon, Eclipse just a film for girls.
and Breaking Dawn. 7 ______________________________________
4 ______________________________________ Kristen Stewart is interesting and Robert
Yes, it is. It’s a Romeo and Juliet story with a Pattinson is great, but he’s a bit too serious at
difference, but it’s not the usual love story. Bella times. His American accent is very good. He’s
(Kristen Stewart) is 17 and is a normal teenager. not American. His parents are both British and
Her boyfriend, Edward (Robert Pattinson) is he’s from London.
different. He’s young and he’s got a teenager’s 8 ______________________________________
life, but he’s also got supernatural powers. Oh It’s got a great soundtrack. I’ve got the CD. The
yes, he’s a vegetarian vampire! But it’s not a photography is fantastic too. There are a lot of
vampire story. Bella’s best friend Jacob is also beautiful forest scenes and the special effects
interesting. He’s half human and half wolf! are very good.
5 ______________________________________
The director’s name’s Catherine Hardwicke,
she’s from Texas.

Read the answers again and put Alice’s Listening
questions in the right place in the interview.
4  2 Listen to the interview and decide
Is it a good film? which film they are talking about. Write
What’s your favourite film? Speaker 1 or Speaker 2 next to the titles A
What’s the director’s name? and B.
Have you got the book? A Harry Potter _______________
Is it a film just for girls? B High School Musical _______________
Are the actors good?
Has it got a good soundtrack?
5  2 Listen again and complete the table
Is it a good story?
with information on the characters.

Writing name Troy

Write a paragraph about your favourite film.
Use Alice’s article as a model. surname Bolton
My favourite film is...




Home Life
Focus on Grammar
Present simple

Affirmative Negative form Interrogative Short answers

form full contracted form affirmative negative
I work I do not work I don’t work Do I work? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
You work You do not work You don’t work Do you work? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
He / She / It He / She / It He / She / It Does he / she / Yes, he / she / it No, he / she / it
works does not work doesn’t work it work? does. doesn’t.
We work We do not work We don’t work Do we work? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
You work You do not work You don’t work Do you work? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
They work They do not work They don’t work Do they work? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

• We use the Present simple to describe habits and – with names of meals.
facts that are always true. I often meet her at lunch.
I go to school every day.
– with the expressions: at night, at dawn,
Mice eat cheese.
at sunset, at noon.
• In affirmative sentences, we form the Present • We use the preposition in:
simple with the base form of the verb (infinitive – with parts of the day.
without to). I get up early in the morning.

• The affirmative form is the same for all persons – with months, seasons, years and centuries:
except the 3rd person singular which takes an -s. in December; in winter; in 1989; in the 15th
Tom works in a factory. century.

• There are spelling exceptions in the 3rd person • We use the preposition on:
singular: – with days of the week, dates and for some
– if the verb ends in -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, -zz, -o, we recurring festivities if used with the word day:
add -es. on Saturday; on 10th December, 1948; on
Sarah watches TV in the afternoon. Valentine’s Day.

– if the verb ends in a consonant + -y, we change

the -y to -i and add -es. If it ends in a vowel +  ! Note: at Christmas refers to the whole holiday
-y, we simply add -s. period around Christmas.
My brother studies French. on Christmas Day refers to 25th December.
Tim plays tennis at the weekend.
• We use the prepositions from… to:
– to indicate the beginning and the end of a period
Prepositions of time of time.
I always have a lunch break from 12:30 a.m. to
The prepositions at, in and on refer to a precise 1 p.m.
moment in time.

• We use the preposition at:

– with the time of day.
Ms Smith goes to the dentist’s at three o’clock.

– with names of holidays and festivities.

We usually have turkey at Christmas.

Prepositions of place • We use the preposition on:
– when one object is on top of another and there is
Prepositions of place indicate a position in space or
contact between the two.
they express the idea of movement.
There’s a bottle of wine on the table.
• We use the preposition at:
– to indicate a floor in a building.
– to indicate a specific point or place.
Sarah lives on the ground floor.
We are at the bus stop.

– with street numbers in an address. – in the expressions on the left / right, on TV, on
‘The Club’ is at 40, High Street. the phone, on the radio.
The bank is on the left.
– with the expression at home. I love to watch movies on TV.
When I’m tired I stay at home.
• We use the preposition under:
• We use the preposition in:
– to indicate that something is lower, on the same
– to indicate a position inside a place or in a
vertical line.
confined space.
There is a magazine under your bedside table.
There is a bottle of milk in the fridge.

– in addresses with just the street name and no • We use the preposition near:
number. – to indicate that something is close to what you
‘The Club’ is in High Street. are referring to.
The supermarket is near the cinema.
– with names of cities, countries, continents and
cardinal points.
New Orleans is in the South of the USA.

My Glossary
Jobs bookcase ________________ (all) year ________________
artist ________________ carpet ________________
busker ________________ chair ________________ Other...
dancer ________________ chimney ________________ nouns
musician ________________ cupboard ________________ costume ________________
desk ________________ heat ________________
Daily activities door ________________ light ________________
to do one’s fence ________________ statue ________________
homework ________________ fireplace ________________
to get dressed ________________ fridge ________________ adjectives
to get up ________________ garden ________________ brave ________________
to get on ________________ gate ________________ cosy ________________
to go home ________________ hall ________________ dangerous ________________
to go out ________________ hob ________________ easy ________________
to go to bed ________________ kitchen ________________ interesting ________________
to go to work ________________ lamp ________________ living ________________
to have breakfast ________________ landlady ________________ ordinary ________________
to have dinner ________________ to live ________________ strange ________________
to have lunch ________________ living room ________________ traditional ________________
to have a shower ________________ oven ________________ typical ________________
to make breakfast ________________ roof ________________ unusual ________________
to start school ________________ sofa bed ________________
to study ________________ utility room ________________ verbs
to watch TV ________________ wardrobe ________________ to dance ________________
to work ________________ washing machine ________________ to laugh ________________
window ________________ to move ________________
Houses and accommodation to paint ________________
armchair ________________ Time to play ________________
attic ________________ afternoon ________________ to see ________________
B&B ________________ evening ________________ to sing ________________
bathroom ________________ midday ________________ to tease ________________
bed ________________ morning ________________ to tell stories ________________
bedroom ________________ summer ________________
bedsit ________________ winter ________________

2 Home Life
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
Present simple 4 Put the words in the correct order to write
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs below,
using the affirmative form.
get up take have
go work (x2) live (x2)

1 In the morning I ______

get up at half past seven.
2 My brother ______ an unusual job. He plays
the violin.
3 We ______ in a small flat in the city centre.
4 I ______ a bus to work.
5 My brother ______ to work by bike.
6 I ______ all day from half past eight to half
past five.
7 My brother ______ in the evenings and at
8 Our parents ______ in a different city. 1 early / on / I / up / Saturdays / get
I get up early on Saturdays.
2 F
 ollow the example and write similar 2 live / in / do / attic / you / an / ?
sentences, using the negative form. _________________________________________
1 I like my job. 3 she / to / school / walk / doesn’t
My sister _________________
doesn’t like her job . _________________________________________
2 I play the piano. 4 jobs / love / parents / their / my
My brother ______________________________ . _________________________________________
3 We live in a house. 5 lot / friend / a / smile / doesn’t / my
They ___________________________________ . _________________________________________
4 My sister sees her friends on Saturday. 6 dad / listen / pop / does / your / to / music / ?
I ______________________________________ . _________________________________________
5 My mum makes my breakfast for me. 7 clothes / don’t / her / I / like
My dad ________________________________ . _________________________________________
6 They eat typical Japanese food. 8 work / the / we / afternoon / in
We ____________________________________ . _________________________________________
7 My mother works in town.
My aunt ________________________________ . Prepositions of time
8 I sing in the bathroom!
My brother ______________________________ . 5 Complete the sentences with in, on or at.
1 He does his homework ______in the evening.
3 U
 se the prompts to write questions. Then, 2 I get up ______ 7 o’clock.
write short answers in both the affirmative 3 My parents don’t work ______ Sundays.
and negative forms. 4 He goes to bed ______ midnight.
1 you / get up / early? 5 We don’t go to school ______ summer.
Do you get up early? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 6 They’ve got lessons ______ Saturday.
2 your sister / live / in a bedsit? 7 She goes home ______ half past five.
_________________________________________ 8 My birthday is ______ winter.
3 you / come / from here?
4 your mother / have / an interesting job?
5 your brother / listen / to his MP3?
6 teenagers / sleep / a lot?

Prepositions of place Homes, rooms and furniture
6 Look at the picture and complete the 8 Match the definitions to the words.
sentences with in, on, under or near. 1 Usually two people sleep in this.
2 It is at the top of the house.
3 You park your car or bicycle in here.
4 You study at this.
5 Two or three people sit here.
6 When it is cold, you use this.
7 You open this to go into the house.
8 You put your washing machine in this room.

a door
b chimney
1 c double bed
d sofa
e desk
f fireplace
g utility room
1 There’s a desk ______
near the window.
h garage
2 There’s a laptop _____________ the desk.
3 There’s a bag _____________ the desk.
4 There are a notebook and a comb 9  omplete the dialogue with words from Unit 2.
_____________ the bag. The first letter of each word is already given.
5 There are pens _____________ the laptop. Katie Hello Jill, do you like your new house?
6 There’s a book _____________ the pens. Jill Yes, I love it! I have a fantastic
7 There’s a wallet _____________ the chair. edroom in the attic!
(1) b_______
8 There’s money _____________ the wallet. Katie That’s interesting! Is it big?
Jill Yes! I’ve got a big (2) a_____________ ,
Vocabulary you know I love reading. I sit there to read.
It’s very cosy. I have a beautiful
Daily activities (3) l_____________ near it for when it’s
dark. And sometimes I sit on the floor,
7 Complete the sentences with the words below.
I’ve got a fantastic (4) c_____________ .
go to bed have a shower get up watch TV Katie And your books? You’ve got a lot of books.
start school go home have lunch do homework Jill Yes, I’ve got four (5) b_____________ for
1 I ______
get up early, at 6.10 a.m.
Katie Four? Wow! And your clothes?
2 I _____________ at 8.30 a.m. The first lesson
Jill I’ve got a huge (6) w_____________ .
is English.
Katie What other things have you got?
3 I _____________ from eight to eleven in the
Jill Well I’ve got a (7) b_____________ to
evenings. I love films!
sleep in of course, but I haven’t got a
4 I _____________ from school at half past three.
(8) t_____________ . I don’t watch it.
5 I _____________ at 1 p.m., usually a sandwich
I prefer my books.
or pasta.
Katie That’s nice.
6 I _____________ from four to six. I study before
Jill Yes, it’s my ideal bedroom.
7 I _____________ very late, at 2 a.m.
8 I _____________ at 7.15 a.m. then I get

2 Home Life
English in Context
1 Rachel and Jacob are best friends. Read how they 3 Simon is on holiday at the home of Stuart’s
describe each other and complete the sentences family. Complete the dialogue with the words
with the correct form of the verbs below. below.
work get up laugh listen
cool cosy does not don’t
live not sing sing not like play what about you

Simon It’s a nice room.
lives in the house next door. We’re really
She (1) _______
cosy but it
Andy Yes, it’s OK. It’s very (1) _____
different. She’s a very happy person: she smiles and
hasn’t got a TV.
(2) _____________ a lot. She’s a great singer, she
Simon That’s OK. I (2) _____________ watch
(3) _____________ in a band. I (4) _____________ ,
TV! I hate it. It’s really stupid.
but I (5)_____________ to music on my MP3 all the
Andy So what do you do after school?
time. She (6) _____________ sports, she likes
Simon Well I’m in a band, I play the guitar.
watching films and reading. She’s crazy, she
Andy That’s wicked!
(7) _____________ early every Saturday because she
Simon (3) _____________ ? What do you do
(8) _____________ in the theatre café.
after school?
Andy Oh, I study, we have exams this year.
do like listen not get up
But I play an instrument too. The violin.
study not do walk play
At the weekends I (4) _____________ in
Jacob the city centre. You get lots of money.
He (1) adoes
lot of sport. He is in the school rugby team Simon (5) _____________ !
and he (2) every Friday evening. I (3) sports, but I Andy Yeah, but my dad really
(4) a lot. He hasn’t got a job, so he (5) early at the (6) _____________ like the idea!
weekend. We are very different.
He (6) to his MP3 a lot. I haven’t got an MP3, or a 4 Simon is talking to his American friend.
laptop! He (7) school, and he (8) a lot and he helps Complete the dialogue with the correct form of
me with my maths homework. the verbs in brackets.
Josh Do you like
How are you? (1) __________
(you / like) Edinburgh?
Simon Yes, I (2) _____________ (like) it.
2 C
 omplete Lucy’s email with the words and It’s great.
expressions below. Josh And what about the Stuart family,
are they nice?
really huge on there’s (x2) cosy it’s got (x2)
Simon Yes, and Andy’s cool, but
I’ve got my ideal home near in my there are
I (3) _____________ (not see) him
Josh Why’s that?
Simon I (4) _____________ (get up) early,
Hi Kate, and he’s in bed.
How are you? We are finally in our new house. It’s He (5) _____________ (study) late in
It’s got 10 rooms. It’s (2) _____________ .
great! (1) ______ the evening and I’m in bed.
My mum loves the kitchen. (3) _____________ a Lessons (6) _____________ (start)
state-of-the-art oven and hob where mum makes at eight.
dinner. (4) _____________ a utility room Josh When (7) _____________ (you / go
(5) _____________ the kitchen. (6) _____________ out)?
bedroom there’s a sofa bed for guests and Simon I (8) _____________ (go out) at the
(7) _____________ my own bathroom! weekend.
My favourite room is the living room. Josh That’s OK then!
(8) _____________ a fireplace, a sofa and
(9) _____________ two armchairs. I do my
homework (10) _____________ the sofa.
It’s really (11) _____________ ! I love this house,
it’s (12) _____________ !
Write soon,
Love Lucy

Sum Up! 7 N
 ow read Dan’s answers and underline the
correct word.
5 P
 ut the letters in brackets into the correct
order to complete the text. 1 Yes, I am, but my mum and dad live / lives in
2 My mum loves / she loves it, but my dad
Dan Robbins has an unusual life. He doesn’t make tease / teases me.
any money and he lives in a camper in a field in 3 No, I doesn’t / don’t, but I work every day.
fence (efnce)
Devon. It’s very cosy. There’s a (1) _______ I make furniture.
and a (2) _____________ (gtea) so it’s very private. 4 No, they doesn’t / don’t. They give / gives me
His camper’s got a huge (3) _____________ clothes, food, things like that.
(gradne) with vegetables in it but there isn’t a 5 Yes, I do. I get up at seven and then I do /
(4) _____________ (aegrga) because he hasn’t got make breakfast.
a car. There’s a (5) _____________ (chminye) on 6 Yes, it is. There are / is a living room with an
the roof! In the camper there’s a (6) _____________ armchair.
(hecitkn) where Dan makes dinner and a very small 7 No, I don’t. I don’t goes / go to pubs or
(7) _____________ (btharmoo) with a shower. restaurants, my friends visit me. We listens /
There’s a (8) _____________ (liomorving) with an listen to music and sing / sings!
armchair and a bed. This is where Dan reads and 8 Yes, I am. My life isn’t easy / brave but it’s
sleeps. really fresh / cool.

6 Dan has got a blog. Use the words below to

complete his readers’ questions. Translate!
8 T ranslate these sentences into your own
are (x2) give have up
your parents go out your
1 Tom lives in the city centre.
2 Does your dad make a lot of money?
Recent posts _________________________________________
This is a chair for Mrs Brown 3 Jasmine’s job is really unusual.
at number 34 Acacia Drive. _________________________________________
She’s 72 years old and she
makes fantastic cakes and 4 We have dinner at half past seven.
is a great friend! _________________________________________
Dan 24th May 18.45 5 Do you do your homework after school?
Simona, Milan, Italy 6 Has your house got a fireplace?
1 you from Devon? Are you from Devon? _________________________________________
7 Tom doesn’t have breakfast.
Molly, Ontario, Canada _________________________________________
2 do like your way of life? _____________
8 I don’t get up early.
Toby from Texas, USA _________________________________________
3 do you a job? _____________
Tania, Dublin, Ireland
4 do people you money for your furniture?
Sonia, Warsaw, Poland
5 do you get early? _____________
Georgia, Brisbane, Australia
6 is camper cosy? _____________
Alex, Lisbon, Portugal
7 do you with your friends? _____________
Ben, London, UK
8 you happy ? _____________

2 Home Life
Vocabulary Builder
Compound nouns (3) 4 Use some of the collocations from exercise 3
to complete the text.
1 Choose words from box A and box B to make
compound nouns referred to the home. Some I am so tired! I work and work and work.
words have been used in your Student’s Book, make breakfast early and then I go to school.
I (1) ______________
but some are new. Use a dictionary to help I work all day at school, and then I come home
you. and (2) _____________ for the next day. And
there’s more! I (3) _____________ to help my
A B mum too because she works. My dad has got a
bed (x2) work (x2) wife
house (x2) home centre room great job, he (4) _____________ for people’s
arm book city chair sit case houses. I want to work in the afternoon after
school and (5) _____________ . Then I can use
bedroom 5 _____________
1 _____________ it to pay for lessons and (6) _____________ ,
2 _____________ 6 _____________ I want to learn to play the guitar and have a band.
3 _____________ 7 _____________ But I finish my homework late and I haven’t got any
4 _____________ 8 _____________ money. No chance for the moment!

2 C
 omplete the sentences with the words from have + noun phrases
exercise 1. 5 L
 ook at the following expressions with have,
1 I have a _____________
bedroom and I sleep there with taken from Unit 2, and answer the questions.
my brother.
have a break   have a shower
2 I like to do my _____________ for school in my
have a car   have breakfast
3 My sister has a very small flat, just one room. a) In which phrase does have mean ‘possess’?
It’s really a _____________ . ___________________________________________
4 We live in the _____________ , there is a lot of
traffic.  ) Translate the other three phrases into your own
5 I’ve got an enormous _____________ for all my language.
books and CDs. ___________________________________________
6 I love to sit in a big _____________ to watch TV. ___________________________________________
7 My mum doesn’t go to work, she’s a ___________________________________________
_____________ .
8 She cleans and cooks, she does all the In English there are many expressions with have
_____________ . in which the verb does not mean ‘possess’, but
has other meanings like ‘eat’, ‘drink’, ‘take’, ‘try’,
Collocations: make and do etc. In American English they tend to use take
instead of have. For example, take a break, take a
shower, take a nap.
Some nouns take the verb to make and some take
the verb to do. In general, we use make when
we are creating or producing something, whereas
6 Replace the words in bold with the
we use do when we are carrying out an activity.
expressions below.
In some cases, there are fixed expressions, called
have a break have a word with have time
‘collocations’, that must be learned. have a go have lunch have a coffee

1 From 7.30 to 10.30 in the evening I’m free to

3 Complete the expressions with do or make. have time
watch television. _____________
1 ______
do housework 5 ______ a job 2 We always eat at 1 o’clock. _____________
2 ______ breakfast 6 _______ a course 3 I play the guitar. It’s really easy. Why don’t you
3 ______ money 7 ______ clothes try? _____________
4 ______ homework 8 ______ furniture 4 They have lessons from 8.30 to 10.30 but
then they stop for 10 minutes. _____________
5 She isn’t very happy. Why don’t you talk to
her? _____________
6 I drink coffee in the morning and after lunch.

1 Read the article about Jasmine Stevens. What does she intend to do when she finishes this job?

Jasmine Stevens is 25, and she’s from Bristol in England. She’s got
a very exciting job. What does she do?
Well, she’s the Global Tourism Ambassador for Hamilton Island,
a tropical island on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Her job is to
encourage tourists to visit the island. She lives in a beautiful villa
with a view of the sea. It’s got three bedrooms, two living rooms,
and a swimming pool. ‘The furniture is really nice. It’s Italian!’, says
her boyfriend, Mario. He’s from Italy! Jasmine’s bedroom’s got a big
bed and a TV and there’s a huge TV in the living room. But Jasmine
doesn’t watch TV very much, she doesn’t have time.

Why? What does Jasmine do every day? ‘Well, it depends. Every day is
different. I get up at around seven; I swim in the pool, have a shower and
have a big breakfast. I start work at about half past eight. I explore the
island, and write about it; I’ve got an incredible computer. I write a blog
and a photo diary, and answer my letters.’ That’s not all she does. Jasmine
also talks to the people that live and work in Hamilton. And she works
with local marine biologists – there are over 30,000 different kinds of fish
on the island. There are a lot of animals to see on Hamilton, and Jasmine
visits the parks and takes photos for her photo diary. Her favourites are the
koala bears and the kangaroos. She loves animals and wants to work in a
safari park in Australia when this job finishes.
She doesn’t only talk to people on the island; she also travels to other
countries to talk about her experiences. Jasmine laughs ‘I don’t work long
hours – just two or three hours a day, so my job isn’t tiring! I’m happy. It’s
the perfect job and they give me a lot of money to do it!’
Jasmine makes 70,000 pounds a year. ‘There are lots of things to do and see here. It’s a fantastic place.
Come and visit me on paradise island!’

2 Correct the information in these sentences. Writing

1 Jasmine lives in a small house in the country.
3 Write an article about a famous person’s daily
Jasmine lives in a villa by the sea.
2 The house hasn’t got a TV.
_________________________________________ He/She is _____________ old. He/She lives
3 Her boyfriend doesn’t like the furniture. _____________ . The flat/house is _____________ .
_________________________________________ It’s got/It hasn’t got _____________ . He/She gets
4 Jasmine watches a lot of TV. up _____________ . He/She works _____________
_________________________________________ hours a day. He/She wants to _____________ .
5 Jasmine writes for a magazine.

6 Jasmine doesn’t like animals.
_________________________________________ 4  3 Listen to the interview and complete
7 Jasmine doesn’t visit other countries. the sentences with the correct information.
_________________________________________ 1 Mario _________
wakes up at half past six.
8 Jasmine doesn’t make much money. 2 He _____________ breakfast.
_________________________________________ 3 He opens the shop at _____________ .
4 The shop assistant arrives at _____________ .
5 He _____________ at half past one.
6 He _____________ at quarter past two.
7 He _____________ at seven.
8 He _____________ on Mondays and Fridays at
_____________ .


My Ideal Holiday
Focus on Grammar
Adverbs of frequency

10% 100%
never hardly ever occasionally sometimes
s often o usually always
(not)... seldom frequently generally
ever rarely normally

• We use adverbs of frequency to indicate how often Verbs of preference

something happens or how often we do something.
We usually watch TV in the evening. • Verbs that express a feeling or a preference (like,
love, hate, prefer, etc.) are generally followed by a
verb in the -ing form or by a noun.
• In general, adverbs of frequency go after the subject
and before the verb.
They always do their homework. love, like, prefer, enjoy, be fond of,
J be keen on, be into
• The adverbs of frequency go after the auxiliary verb
to be and after modal verbs (e.g. can, must).
L hate, dislike, can’t stand, detest
She is always late.
You can never believe him.
K don’t mind
• sometimes, usually, occasionally, normally,
generally can be used at the beginning, in the
middle or at the end of the sentence.
I love parties.
She sometimes goes on holiday alone.
I prefer rap music to hip hop.
Sometimes, she goes on holiday alone.
I enjoy going to the mountains.
She goes on holiday alone sometimes.
I’m very fond of painting.
He’s keen on drawing.
• never and hardly ever are used as negatives and
She’s very into music.
therefore, the verb must be in the affirmative form
They hate fish.
because we cannot have a ‘double negative’ in
She can’t stand travelling by car.
He’s never angry. (Not: He’s not never angry.)
• We use the verb don’t mind to show indifference
• ever is used in interrogative sentences and it has an and neutrality of preference or opinion.
affirmative sense. I don’t mind waiting.
Do you ever go on holiday abroad? I don’t mind which DVD we watch tonight.
I love cycling, I like playing tennis and I don’t mind
Expressions of frequency swimming, but I hate running.

• We can also express frequency with the following


every + day / week / month / year

! Note: every is always followed by a singular

noun. She goes to work by train every day.

• These expressions can go at the beginning of a

sentence but are more commonly used at the end.

Object pronouns • We use object pronouns:
− after the verb (direct object).
• Personal pronouns can be either a subject or an I give her a present every year.
− after a preposition (indirect object).
Subject Object Bob is on a school trip with us.
pronouns pronouns

I me − in sentences with both direct and indirect

you you objects.
he him I give a present to my sister – I give it to her.
she her
it it In this case, the direct object pronoun (it) must
we us come before the indirect object pronoun (her)
you you which is preceded by the preposition to.
they them

That’s Stuart. I meet him at the bus stop every day.

My Glossary
Holiday / Leisure time activities Types of holiday to stop ________________
outdoor activities ________________ a study camp to take ________________
to chat to friends ________________ holiday ________________ to travel ________________
to eat ice cream ________________
to go camping ________________ School subjects Other...
to go canoeing ________________ art ________________ nouns
to go on holiday ________________ drama ________________ author ________________
to go on a picnic ________________ music ________________ character ________________
to go on a trip ________________ cook ________________
to go rafting ________________ Moving around event ________________
to go sightseeing ________________ aeroplane (plane) ________________ island ________________
to go windsurfing ________________ bicycle ________________ pirate ________________
to listen to music ________________ bus ________________ writer ________________
to make friends ________________ car ________________
to play computer helicopter ________________ adjectives
games ________________ hovercraft ________________ to be afraid of ________________
to play sports ________________ journey ________________ boring ________________
to read ________________ line ________________ crowded ________________
to sunbathe ________________ lorry ________________ educational ________________
to swim ________________ map ________________ favourite ________________
to visit monuments ________________ motorbike ________________ fun ________________
water sports ________________ scooter ________________ lazy ________________
ship ________________ relaxed ________________
Holiday accommodation stop ________________
apartment (AE) ________________ taxi ________________ verbs
hotel ________________ train ________________ to ask ________________
self-catering underground ________________ to clean up ________________
apartment ________________ van ________________ to cook ________________
tent ________________ wheel ________________ to learn ________________
youth hostel ________________ to change ________________ to look ________________
to cycle ________________ to wait for ________________

3 My Ideal Holiday
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
Adverbs of frequency 4 Write complete sentences using the prompts
given. Put the verbs in the correct form.
1 Read the sentences and tick (3) the ones
with the correct word order. Then correct the 1 I / can’t stand / stay up / late
mistakes. I can’t stand staying up late.
2 my sister / enjoy / buy clothes / with her
1 Teenagers play golf hardly ever.
Teenagers hardly ever play golf.
2 My parents never stay in a tent on holiday.
3 between tennis and football / my dad / prefer /
3 Travellers need always to take their passport.
play / tennis
4 I always remember to text my parents when
I arrive at a destination.
4 I / not / enjoy / do / homework on Sundays
5 Teenagers sleep usually for most of the
5 my family / love / take / a holiday at the sea /
6 At weekends I get up early rarely.
in the summer
7 The people at the bed and breakfast are always
6 I / not / mind / play / computer games, but
I prefer other things
2 R
 ewrite the sentences and insert an adverb
of frequency. Use the percentages to help you
7 my best friend / love / go / to parties
1 I miss the bus. 100%. 8 my brother / not / like / ride / his bike in the
I always miss the bus. rain
2 Do you work in the summer? 50% _________________________________________
3 I watch adventure films. 80%
_________________________________________ Subject and object pronouns
4 My parents give me money. 10% 5 Underline the correct subject or object
_________________________________________ pronouns.
5 People listen to music on the radio. 70%
1 My sister’s boyfriend is a real pain, I can’t
stand her / him / he.
6 I sunbathe on holiday, It’s boring! 0%
2 Please take these books and give it / they /
them to the teacher.
3 I want to go to Leicester Square. Do I / we /
Verbs of preference you know the way?
3 C
 omplete the sentences with the verbs below 4 Look at her – isn’t she / her / them a TV
so that they are true for you. actress?
5 My parents are very boring, it / them / they
like love enjoy love going on educational trips.
don’t mind hate can’t stand
6 You and I always go shopping at the weekend,
us / we / I never have money for other stuff.
1 I _____________ swimming in the sea. 7 Do you like horror films? No, I hate it / you /
2 I _____________ travelling by train. them.
3 My family _____________ watching DVDs 8 Where’s my ticket? I can’t find it / them / they!
4 I _____________ science fiction films and
5 I _____________ visiting monuments on holiday.
6 I _____________ texting my friends in my free
7 I _____________ getting up early.
8 I _____________ eating ice cream.

6 Complete the dialogues with the correct subject Transport
or object pronouns.
8 Put the letters in brackets into the correct
In a bookshop order to complete the sentences.
Assistant: Good morning.
1 I never take a _____
taxi (xtai). It’s very expensive.
Customer: Hello. Can you
2 Casey Stoner has got a great _____________
help (1) _____
me ? I want
a book called Alien Invasion.
3 My sister hates cars so she takes her
Have you got
_____________ (iybclec) to work.
(2) _____________ ?
4 We always take an _____________ (neparleoa)
Assistant: I’m not sure.
to go on holiday. We love air travel.
There are science fiction books over there. Why don’t
5 Look! There’s a ___________ (frrye) on the lake.
you have a look at (3) _____________ ?
6 A Vespa is a type of _____________ (eotcsor).
7 My dad drives a ___________ (rlroy) for work.
At school
8 He’s got a lot of money. He’s got his own
Student 1: Hi. Is this Jane’s
_____________ (etolchpier).
Student 2: Yes, it is. Everyday and holiday activities
Student 1: Is
9 Complete the sentences with the correct
(4) _____________ here? I’ve
option a, b or c.
got her mobile phone. I want
to give it to (5) ____________ .
Student 2: No, she isn’t. But that’s her friend Mark.
Give it to (6) _____________ .

On holiday in England
Sam: There’s William
Shakespeare’s house.
(7) ____________’s very old.
Sarah: Yes, but some parts
are not original. The windows,
for example, most of (8)
_____________ are copies.
Sam: Oh! And the rooms? 1 On Mondays I love _____________
playing sports after
Are (9) _____________ original? school.
Sarah: I think so. Let’s go and see (10) _____________ . a playing b having c making
2 At my study camp we don’t _____________ any
Vocabulary a make b write c do
3 He always _____________ online at the
Holiday accommodation weekend.
7 Complete the sentences with the words below. a speaks b chats c talks
4 When you go to a new school you
camper self-catering apartment _____________ new friends.
hotel bed and breakfast tent a make b have c see
5 In the summer she _____________ on a picnic
1 My sister works at reception in a 5-star ______
hotel . with her family every weekend.
2 I like staying in a _____________ . There is a a stays b has c goes
kitchen and I like cooking. 6 What do you do on holiday? I love __________
3 A holiday in a _____________ is great. in the sea.
It’s possible to drive to cities and go to the sea a swimming b swim c swims
in one holiday. 7 They never _____________ their friends on
4 I can’t stand staying in a _____________ . their mobiles at school.
It usually rains, it’s cold and I hate being a texting b text c texts
outdoors. 8 She hardly ever _____________ up late on
5 We are in a _____________ so we go out for Sunday morning.
lunch and dinner. a goes b gets c stays

3 My Ideal Holiday
English in Context
1 Read Henry’s and Kylie’s profiles from a blog 2 Put the dialogue into the correct order.
for cultural exchanges in Europe. Complete the B Yes, it’s great. I love lying in the sun.
sentences with the correct form of the verbs in And I swim in the sea with my friends
brackets. every day.
1 A Do you like going on holiday with your
A Do you like sunbathing?
Henry8 B Yes, I do. We go to an apartment by the
4 essential facts about sea every year.
me A Really? I can’t stand it and I don’t like the
I hardly ever sea!
(1) _____________
(travel) by public 3 Underline the correct option in the dialogues.
transport. I prefer
(2) _____________
(cycle). I’ve got a
mountain bike, so
I (3) _____________ (cycle) to school every day.
We play football at school, but I don’t like it!
I prefer (4) _____________ (play) rugby.
I like (5) _____________ (cook) and I sometimes
(6) _____________ (make) pizza for my family.
I like history, so on holiday I love
(7) _____________ (sightsee) and
(8) _____________ (go) to museums.

Kylie the social queen

1 A Is / Does this bus stop / go in Regent
4 essential facts Street?
about me B Yes, it is / does.
I (1) _____________ A Thank you.
(like) walking but
I never 2 A Does this train stop / go to Manchester?
(2) _____________ (do) B No, it doesn’t / isn’t.
sports! I think they’re
unnatural! 3 A Does / Is this the stop to / for the station?
I love B No, it doesn’t / isn’t.
(3) _____________
(listen) to my MP3, and (4) _____________
(read) love stories.
I (5) _____________ (chat) online with my
friends in the evening.
I hardly ever (6) _____________ (eat) vegetables.
They’re horrible, but I (7)_____________ (love)
I love (8) _____________ (make) new friends on

4 Put the words in brackets in the correct order Sum Up!
to complete the dialogue.
5 Complete the dialogues with the words below.

take working it really scooters him by
never her them hates prefers like

working in the motor bike

1 A Do you like (1) ________
shop in the summer?
B No, I don’t. I hate (2) _____________ !
A (3) _____________ ? But you love
(4) _____________ and bikes and stuff!
B I know, but I (5) _____________ riding
bikes, not selling (6) _____________ !

Tanya I’ve got problems with my boyfriend. We
2 A Does your mum (1) _____________ the
are so different!
Underground to work?
Sarah Oh why?
B No, she doesn’t. She (2) _____________
(1) Doesn’t he like your friends (like /
going by bus, but my dad always goes
your / he / doesn’t / friends)?
(3) _____________ car.
Tanya Yes, he does, but
He (4) _____________ uses public
(2) ____________________ (hardly / I /
transport. He (5) _____________ it.
them / ever / see).
B So do you go to school with
Sarah Oh, why’s that then?
(6) _____________ in the car?
Tanya He says (3) ____________________ (he /
A No, my mum works near the school so I go
me / prefers / going / just / out / with).
with (7) _____________ .
Sarah That’s romantic! Does he take you to
nice restaurants?
Tanya No, he doesn’t! Translate!
(4) ____________________ (at / home /
eats / Tom / with / always / his / family). 6 Translate these sentences into your own
Sarah That’s a pain! language.
Tanya Yes, it is. 1 We prefer going on holiday with our friends.
Sarah (5) ____________________ (he / like / _________________________________________
going / does / shopping)? 2 Does this bus stop in Leicester Street?
Tanya Well, (6) ____________________ _________________________________________
(doesn’t / he / it / mind) but he prefers 3 We usually watch TV after school.
staying at home. _________________________________________
Sarah I see. (7) ____________________ (what / 4 On Sunday, Mark sometimes helps his mum
doing / he / does / like)? make the dinner.
Tanya (8) ____________________ (loves / _________________________________________
football / TV / on / watching / he). 5 Martha never likes doing homework on holiday.
Sarah You hate football! _________________________________________
Tanya I know! (9) ____________________ 6 Does Tom walk to school?
(stand / can’t / I / it)! _________________________________________
It’s boring! 7 I don’t like sightseeing. I prefer going shopping.
Sarah Well, I think you’re right. You are very _________________________________________
different! 8 We are hardly ever in the hotel on holiday.

3 My Ideal Holiday
Vocabulary Builder
Collocations: verbs and nouns 4  se the suffixes to create adjectives from the
verbs and nouns below, then write them in the
1 Read the collocations in the box. Then
correct column in the table in exercise 3. Look
combine the verbs (A) with the nouns (B) to
at Unit 3 of your Student’s Book to help you.
form more travel-related collocations. Some
verbs can be used more than once. 1 Verbs: excite tire bore
2 Nouns: person norm day
ride a bike   drive a train   pilot a plane
A B the final -e is dropped;
fly/pilot a plane the final -y becomes final -i.
ride a boat
drive a bike 5 Underline the correct option to complete the
sail a train dialogue.
a ship
Mike Hi Justin, do you hear me?
a scooter
Justin Mike, is that you?
a car
Mike Yes! I want to know about your holiday!
a helicopter
How are you?
Justin Great thanks! Tunisia is really (1) boring /
interesting, you’re never bored!
Mike And the journey?
2  orrect the sentences using the right
Justin It’s very (2) tiring / personal, you sleep a
collocations from exercise 1.
lot when you arrive.
1 I want to learn to drive a boat. _____
sail Mike And the people? Are they nice?
2 Is it difficult to ride a plane? _____________ Justin Oh yeah, they’re so (3) tiring / friendly.
3 I want to learn to pilot a car next year. They talk to you. But they don’t ask
_____________ (4) daily / personal questions, they’re
4 My brother pilots a scooter to work because he very polite.
hates public transport. _____________ Mike Oh yes? And what do you do all day?
5 My dad rides a train for a job. _____________ Justin There are (5) daily / normal visits to
6 I want to drive a helicopter. I want to do one interesting places. But I don’t go every
exciting thing in my life! _____________ day. In the evenings I eat Tunisian food.
7 I hate the idea of riding a ship across the It’s (6) exciting / traditional to eat late
ocean, no rest for weeks! _____________ here, everyone does that. That’s difficult
8 I love sailing my bike to school when the sun for me. For me it’s (7) tiring / normal to
shines. _____________ eat at seven o’clock.
Mike What (8) a personal / an exciting holiday!
From verb/noun to adjective: Have a great time!
the suffixes -ing, -al and -ly
3 Look at the following adjectives and complete
the column headings. Two words which have the same or similar
meaning are called ‘synonyms’.
1 Verb + _____ 2 Noun + _____ 3 Noun + _____
interesting traditional friendly 6 Replace the underlined words in the sentences
exciting with the synonyms below.

kids holiday trip tourists

1 We leave on a long journey to India next week.

2 In Paris there are a lot of holiday makers all
year. _____________
3 Tell the children to be quiet and stop shouting!
4 I’d love to take a vacation in the sun. _________

1 Scott Bradley is on holiday on the western coast of Wales. Read his testimonial for the campsite
brochure. What does he usually do at midnight?

Hi! I’m Scott Bradley, I’m 16 and I’m from Liverpool. Here I am at the Cardigan Bay
campsite in Wales. We come here every year in our camper and we love it. This is
the end of our first week. There are lots of activities, so it’s never boring here.
I wake up at 8 every morning, get dressed and go jogging with my dad. I love it!
My sister Sarah hates getting up early on holiday; she prefers lying in bed with
a book or a magazine. When we get back I take her a cup of tea and dad makes
After breakfast, I meet my friends. We usually go to the seaside at New Quay.
The beaches are beautiful and we sometimes see dolphins! We go there by bus. It often rains and the sea’s
usually cold but we don’t mind. We always swim! It’s exciting. We play football or tennis on the beach.
The village is small but it’s interesting. It’s only three miles away so we rent bikes or go on foot. There’s a
supermarket, a post office and a pub. OK, so it’s not Las Vegas, but we love going there. We usually buy
chocolate and bottles of water and come back again. I always have lunch with my family. Sarah makes it. After
lunch we go exploring. There are some fantastic coastal paths. We stay out for hours, so we take our back
packs with clothes and sandwiches and drinks.
In the evening we make a campfire on the beach and have a barbecue. My friend Josh has got a guitar and he
sometimes plays it for us and sings. We never go to bed early here. There’s a small disco on the campsite and
we usually go there at midnight. It’s a great place to make new friends!
Cardigan Bay is cool, and the people are friendly. I love coming here.

2 Read the text again and complete the sentences.

1 Scott always _____
goes to Wales with his family in the summer.
2 Scott _____________ at 8 every morning.
3 Scott’s sister, Sarah, can’t stand _____________ early on holiday.
4 Scott’s dad _____________ breakfast in the morning.
5 Scott usually _____________ football or tennis on the beach.
6 Scott and his friends _____________ the bus to the beach.
7 They sometimes _____________ bikes when they go to the village.
8 Josh plays his guitar for his _____________ .

3 Describe what is a typical day for you on holiday. Use Scott’s description as a model.
Hi! I’m _____________ . Here I am at _______________________________________________________________
In the morning I _________________________________________________________________________________
After lunch _____________________________________________________________________________________
In the evening ___________________________________________________________________________________
I love coming here because ________________________________________________________________________

4  4 Matthew, Chloe and Kate are talking about their holidays with a researcher. Listen to the
conversation and complete the table.

goes stays likes doesn’t like

Matthew Cornwall


What’s in Fashion?
Focus on Grammar
Present continuous
Affirmative form Negative form
full contracted full contracted
I am working I’m working I am not working I’m not working
You are working You’re working You are not working You aren’t working
He is working He’s working He is not working He isn’t working
She is working She’s working She is not working She isn’t working
It is working It’s working It is not working It isn’t working
We are working We’re working We are not working We aren’t working
You are working You’re working You are not working You aren’t working
They are working They’re working They are not working They aren’t working

• For monosyllabic verbs that end in a consonant

Interrogative Short answers
preceded by a single vowel, we double the
form affirmative negative consonant and add -ing.
stop ➝ stopping run ➝ running
Am I working? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
hit ➝ hitting put ➝ putting
Are you working? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Is he working? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. • For verbs with two or more syllables we double the
Is she working? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. consonant only if the last syllable is stressed.
Is it working? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. begin ➝ beginning
Are we working? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.
Are you working? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. • For verbs ending in -l preceded by a single vowel,
Are they working? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. we double the consonant and add -ing.
travel ➝ travelling quarrel ➝ quarrelling
• We use the Present continuous to describe an
 ! Note: be careful!
action which takes place at the time of speaking or
fuel ➝ fuelling dial ➝ dialling
to describe temporary situations, often with time
expressions like now, at the moment, at present. • For all verbs ending in -y we add -ing with no
John and Sue are watching TV. change in spelling.
study ➝ studying play ➝ playing
• To form the Present continuous we use the following
structure: ! Note: be careful!
die ➝ dying lie ➝ lying tie ➝ tying
s ubject + auxiliary verb to be + main verb in -ing • We generally use the Present continuous only with
form (gerund) action verbs (drink, eat, sleep, work, etc.).
The baby is eating her food and her father is
Spelling rules reading a newspaper.
• To form the gerund we add -ing to the base form of • We can use the Present continuous with verbs
the verb. like to sit or to stand and with the verb to wear to
work ➝ working describe the clothes a person is wearing.
H  e is sitting near the window and she is standing
• For verbs that end in silent -e, we drop the -e and
by the door.
add -ing.
Today my friend is wearing a new pair of designer
come ➝ coming

• We don’t use the Present continuous with: • We use the Present continuous with always to
− verbs that express a mental state. express annoyance.
He doesn’t know what to say. You are always shouting!
He is always phoning me!
− verbs that express feelings.
She loves rap music.
− verbs of perception (hear, see, smell, taste, feel).
I smell smoke – where is the fire?
Present simple vs Present continuous
• We use the Present simple to describe:
These verbs are often used with can.
− habitual actions or routines.
A Can you hear me?
I usually have tea for breakfast.
B No, please speak up!
I normally go to the gym on Mondays.

• We use the Present continuous to describe:

− things that are always true.
− an action taking place at the time of speaking,
My family comes from Nottingham.
often with time expressions like now, at the
moment, at present.
I am working in London at present. • We use the Present continuous to describe:
− actions which take place at the time of
− temporary situations that include the present. speaking.
He is staying with a family in Ireland this She’s having coffee for breakfast this morning.
− actions which take place in a temporary
− future situations that are planned and arranged in situation.
advance. My dad is driving me to school these days,
When are you going to London? because my scooter is broken.
I’m leaving tomorrow.

My Glossary
Clothes Shopping magazine ________________
coat ________________ bargain ________________ size ________________
dress ________________ clothes shop ________________ weather ________________
gear ________________ coins ________________
hoodie ________________ customer ________________ adjectives
jacket ________________ department store ________________ awful ________________
jumper ________________ free ________________ comfortable ________________
leggings ________________ I’m a size... ________________ enthusiastic ________________
miniskirt ________________ market ________________ main ________________
school uniform ________________ price ________________ major ________________
shirt ________________ reasonable ________________ practical ________________
shorts ________________ second hand ________________ trendy ________________
skirt ________________ shop assistant ________________ vintage ________________
socks ________________ to buy ________________
tracksuit ________________ to sell ________________ verbs
trousers ________________ to spend money on ________________ to chill out ________________
what size...? ________________ to club ________________
Accessories to get dressed ________________
bag ________________ Colours to have a good time ________________
belt ________________ black ________________ to learn ________________
boots ________________ green ________________ to look for ________________
gloves ________________ grey ________________ to look like ________________
hat ________________ pink ________________ to make money ________________
sandals ________________ white ________________ to rain ________________
scarf ________________ to read ________________
shoes ________________ Other... to ring ________________
sunglasses ________________ nouns to shine ________________
tie ________________ company ________________ to try on ________________
trainers ________________ designer clothes ________________ to wait for ________________
underwear ________________ date ________________ to wash ________________
interview ________________ to wear ________________
jewellery ________________

4 What’s in Fashion?
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
Present continuous 4 Underline the mistakes and correct the
1  se the verbs in brackets to complete the
sentences in the affirmative form of the 1 Do you know what Jenny does right now?
Present continuous. Do you know what Jenny is doing right now?
2 Bob is often doing his homework in the evening.
’s talking on the phone at the
1 Richard_________
moment. (talk)
3 Look at Rona! She wears fantastic jeans! Are
2 What are you doing? We _____________ CDs in
they new?
our room. (listen to)
3 You _____________ your pen, aren’t you? Here
4 Dave doesn’t talk on the phone at the moment
it is! (look for)
because he’s driving.
4 Do you know Megan? She’s the girl on the right,
she _____________ jeans. (wear)
5 I’m loving rap, I’ve got a big collection of CDs.
5 I _____________ a great film, come and watch
it with me. (watch)
6 What are they doing now? They wait for a
6 The three of you _____________ a lot of fun
with that video game! (have)
7 Where does Kevin go? He’s going to the
2 U
 se the verbs below to complete the sentences
with the correct form of the Present continuous.
listen finish think sleep
write wear talk go 5 Match the questions to the correct answers.
1 Are you feeling OK? No,
1 Shhh! My mum ’s sleeping now. She works
__________ 2 Do Jenny and Claire like designer clothes? Yes,
at night. 3 Is Harry writing an email to the teacher? Yes,
2 Sarah, _____________ to Pauline on your 4 Excuse me, are you talking to Sandra on your
mobile? mobile? Yes,
3 Hello Katie! Hello Jess! Where _____________ ? 5 Do they watch TV in the evenings? No,
4 I _____________ about a new song for my band. 6 Are Tony and Jake wearing their new clothes?
5 Don’t talk to your sister, she _____________ her No,
homework. 7 Do you live near here? No,
6 David _____________ to you – look, he’s got his 8 Does Steve speak French? Yes,
MP4 player.
7 Is that your brother in the Internet café? a they don’t.
_____________ emails? 1 b I’m not.
8 Yasmin _____________ her school uniform, is c I don’t.
she on holiday from school today? d he does.
e they aren’t.
Present continuous vs Present simple f he is.
g I am.
3 Underline the correct option in each sentence. h they do.
1 I think / am thinking of moving to a smaller flat.
2 My sister is studying / studies Japanese for
3 I like / am liking to do exercise several times a
4 My parents are enjoying / enjoy their garden a
5 I am planning / plan my Christmas holidays
now to beat the rush.
6 The weather is great so everyone have /
is having barbecues at the moment.

Clothes Adjectives for clothes
6 Underline the correct word in each sentence. 9 Look at the pictures and use the words below
1 Put on a pair of socks / trousers before you try to complete the descriptions.
on shoes please.
striped floral checked plain
2 Wear your trainers and a uniform / tracksuit to
tight loose casual smart
go running.
3 It’s so hot today! Where are my leggings / shorts?
4 A lot of people wear a jacket / hoodie and tie He is wearing a
to work. checked
(1) _____________
5 Something simple like a white shirt / skirt and shirt under a
jeans is always a good idea. (2) _____________
6 My mum’s got a beautiful long T-shirt / dress hoodie. He’s also
for a very important party. wearing
7 You need a jumper and coat / shirt today. It’s (3) _____________
cold outside. trousers and grey
trainers. His style is

Types of clothes (4) _____________.

7 Complete the sentences with the words below.

designer clothes skater stuff

accessories comfortable clothes This is real designer
trendy clothes school uniform
stuff! She’s wearing a
comfortable clothes –
1 I prefer wearing ____________________
(5) _____________
T-shirts, leggings, trainers – that sort of thing.
evening dress with a
2 My brother likes sports clothes, for example
(6) _____________
_____________ .
design. She’s also got
3 The problem with _____________ is that
long black gloves.
they are often beautiful but very expensive.
4 From Monday to Friday I wear a _____________
but at the weekend I’m free to wear what I like.
5 I’m not interested in _____________ like
handbags and belts, but I love shoes.
6 It’s important for a lot of teenagers to have
_____________ and to be fashionable. This is his school
uniform – a white shirt,
Accessories (7) _____________
tie and grey jacket.
8  ut the letters in brackets in the correct order to
P Doesn’t he look
complete the sentences. (8) _____________?
1 Have you got your _____________ (irtaners) for
playing tennis?
2 It’s a good idea to wear _____________
(slngsauess) when you’re sunbathing.
3 These trousers are really big.
I need a _____________ (tlbe).
4 What are you wearing to the party? A dress and
designer _____________ (anadlss).
5 My hands are cold. Wear your _____________
(volgse) then!
6 John is very smart in his shirt and
_____________ (ite).

4 What’s in Fashion?
English in Context
1 Complete Mia’s email. Use the Present 3 Use the words given to write questions about
continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Mia and Sarah, then write answers.
1 Sarah / have / a party? Is Sarah having a party?
No, she isn’t. She’s shopping in New York.
2 Mia / have / a party? _______________________
From: Mia
3 What / Ted / do? __________________________
To: Sarah
Subject: Surprise party!
4 Ted / work / this weekend? __________________
Hi Sarah! _________________________________________
’re having (have) a surprise
I’m so excited! We (1) _________ 5 Who / make / the cake? ____________________
party for Lizzie. It’s her 18th birthday. _________________________________________
Her boyfriend Ted (2) _____________ (travel) down 6 Where / Lizzie / study? _____________________
from Scotland by plane! She doesn’t know he _________________________________________
(3) _____________ (come)! She’s at the library. 7 Where / Sarah and Jane / stay? _____________
She (4) _____________ (study). _________________________________________
Mum (5) _____________ (cook) lasagne. 8 Why / they / visit / New York? _______________
She (6) _____________ (not make) the cake. _________________________________________
Dad (7) _____________ (buy) it. He is at the
shops right now. What (8) _____________ you 4 Choose an adjective and a noun from the boxes
_____________ (do)? to complete the dialogues with the expressions
what (+ a / an, if necessary) + adjective +
Write soon,

Adjectives Nouns
expensive awful style job
2 R
 ead Sarah’s answer and underline the unusual lesson
correct option. boring lovely weather shop

1 Anne Sarah always looks incredible.

Maria I know. Look, today she’s wearing a
From: Sarah new designer skirt.
To: Mia Anne a lovely style !
Beautiful! What ____________
Subject: R: Surprise party!
2 Lynn It’s raining again and it’s really cold
Hi Mia, outdoors.
Thanks for your email, Bill It’s terrible! What _____________ !
I’m in New York shopping
with my stepsister Jane. It’s 3 Kate Look at that coat! It’s 500 Euro!
really exciting! We (1) stay Ted And those trousers are 350 Euro!
/ ’re staying in a five star Anne What _____________ ! I’m not buying
hotel. She (2) buys / is buying new clothes for her anything here!
shop in Boston. Jane usually (3) is coming / comes
on Friday and (4) is leaving / leaves on Sunday, 4 Sam The teacher is just talking non-stop
but we (5) are spending / spend a week here! today!
There are lots of smart shops that (6) sell / are Tony I know. Look, everybody’s sleeping.
selling expensive designer clothes. I’m in our room Sam What _____________ !
right now and I (7) get / am getting ready to go out.
There’s a fashion show this afternoon. Cool, eh? 5 Rob Does Annabel work?
Jane (8) waits / is waiting for me, so that’s all for now. Lucy Yes. She’s a living statue.
Sarah Sam Wow! What _____________ !

5 Complete the dialogues with the words below. 7 H
 elen and Karen are getting ready for a party.
Complete the dialogue with the words below.
try what about certainly looking for
size anything else in blue on
dress scarf size loose designer stuff
a great friend try on not wearing
try this skirt on?
1 A Can I (1) _____
B Sure, can I help you with (2) _____________ ?
A No, thank you.

2 A Excuse me, have

you got these trainers
(3) _____________ ?
B No sorry, we’ve only
got them in white.

3 A Can I try these boots

(4) _____________ ?
B (5) _____________ .
What (6) _____________ are you looking for? Helen dress is awful! Look!
Oh no, this (1) ______
A 37. Karen What’s the problem?
B I’m sorry, we’ve only got them in a 38. Helen It’s all (2) _____________ – it’s huge!
I’m (3) _____________ this to David’s
4 A Can I help you? eighteenth birthday party.
B Yes I’m (7) _____________ some casual Karen Why don’t you (4) _____________ my
trousers. black dress? We’re the same
A (8) _____________ this style? (5) _____________ .
B Yes, they’re nice. Helen But that’s your expensive
(6) _____________ .
Karen It’s OK. Look, here’s a belt and a
Sum Up! (7) _____________ too. You need
6  ind the mistakes and rewrite the correct
F accessories.
sentences. Helen Karen, what (8) _____________ you are!
Thanks a lot.
1 What you doing?
What are you doing?
2 I’m in my room. I me getting ready. Translate!
8  ranslate the following sentences into your own
3 Read, orange and green. What colourly top!
4 Do you like these boots black? 1 My brother is doing his homework in the living
________________________________________ room.
5 I’ve got big jeans and an enormous T-shirt ________________________________________
because I hate checked clothes. 2 Can I try on this shirt?
________________________________________ ________________________________________
6 I always dress my trainers to school. 3 Are you watching TV?
________________________________________ ________________________________________
7 This jacket is very economic. 4 What is Rob buying?
________________________________________ ________________________________________
8 Can I try up this skirt? 5 Anna is trying on a pair of boots.
________________________________________ ________________________________________
6 Anything else?
7 It’s raining!
8 These jeans aren’t trendy.

4 What’s in Fashion?
Vocabulary Builder
From noun to adjective: Compound nouns: clothes and
the suffixes -y, -able, and -ful shopping
1 Write the corresponding nouns.
Read the definitions of the following compound
1 trendy trend
_____________ nouns related to clothes and shopping from
2 comfortable _____________ Unit 4.
3 colourful _____________ - tracksuit: an outfit (suit) to wear when you run
or do athletics on a track.
2  ransform the following nouns into adjectives,
T - school uniform: clothes that are the same for
using the suffixes -y, -able or -ful. Use a everyone (uniform) and that you wear at school.
dictionary to help you. - shopping centre: a place where there are many
1 fun _________ 5 thought _________ shops in a concentrated area.
2 use _________ 6 fashion _________
3 dirt _________ 7 luck _________
4 reason _________ 8 help _________ 5  ead the definitions and write the correct
compound nouns.
3 Use some of the adjectives in exercises 1 and 2 1 a coat for wearing in the rain: raincoat
to complete the following sentences. 2 people wear these shoes to play baseball:
trendy at the
1 I want a hoodie, they’re very _______ _________________________________________
moment. 3 a ring to wear in the ear:
2 I love _____________ clothes, I want to relax in _________________________________________
them. 4 you change your clothes in this room:
3 Those jeans are enormous. I think they’re _________________________________________
_____________ , they make me laugh. 5 a large store with different departments:
4 Pink skirt, purple top, green leggings: you are _________________________________________
very _____________ today. 6 this shop sells shoes:
5 On holiday he always buys a present for me. _________________________________________
He’s so _____________ .
6  n actor is trying on his character’s costume.
6 I don’t like expensive clothes, I prefer
Complete the dialogue using some of the
_____________ prices.
compound nouns from exercise 5.
7 Oh no, my new jumper is _____________ .
Can you wash it, Mum?
8 Everybody is wearing tight jeans now. They are
very _____________ .

4 Complete the sentences with the gerunds below.

being listening singing

spending going playing Frank Kevin, come and try on your costume!
It’s ready.
Going out at the weekends is fun, but
1 ______ Kevin raincoat for the scene
Great. Is this (1) _________
sometimes a bit expensive. with the umbrella?
2 I think _____________ trendy is important for Frank Yes, it is. These are for you. Original
young people, they don’t want to be different American (2) ____________ . Your character
from their friends. likes sport, doesn’t he?
3 My friends think that _____________ a lot of Kevin Yes, he does. Can I wear my
money on clothes is important. (3) ____________ ?
4 _____________ to your friends’ problems is Frank Sorry, Kevin, no jewellery for the men.
important. Now take the other clothes and go to the
5 My hobbies are _____________ in a band and (4) ____________ . Try them on, I want to
sometimes _____________ sport. check the size is OK.
Kevin Where do you find all these incredible
clothes, Frank?
Frank Usually in cheap places, like
(5) ____________ . Sometimes I make them.

1 Read the article about a charity shop. Who is buying CDs?

I am standing in an amazing little shop in Highgate High

Street, in Highgate, London. It sells all kinds of things:
clothes, shoes, books, games, plates, and jewellery. Most of
the things in the shop are used. It’s a charity shop. There are
thousands of charity shops in the UK. What are they? Well
people donate things to these shops and the shop sells them
and gives the money to good causes. The people who work here are all volunteers. Mary Farmer is working
here today.

Do you like working here?

‘Yes, I do. I work here every Saturday morning. It’s fun and I like meeting new people.’

There are a lot of tourists shopping in here today. What are they buying, Mary?
‘Mostly clothes. We’ve got a good selection of designer clothes and we’re selling a lot of T-shirts, shirts and
summer dresses this week.’

Why are you shopping here, Mark?

‘Well, this shop’s got cool music and clothes, and they are very cheap! I’m saving money and helping people
at the same time! I think charity shops are a great idea.’

What are you buying?

‘I’m buying these heavy metal and hard rock CDs – they’re just a pound each and they’re in perfect condition.
I don’t usually spend money on CDs, they’re very expensive. My girlfriend is trying on a really trendy green
jacket. It’s only five pounds and it’s her size!’

Are you happy with your jacket, Leila?

‘Yes, I am. It’s fashionable and the price is reasonable. I’m a student, so spending a lot of money on clothes
isn’t an option.’
How about you, Hiroko? Do you often buy second-hand clothes?
‘Well, I’m not buying clothes, I never wear second-hand clothes. I‘m buying some books to practise my
English. There are lots of classics and language books.’

Some people are just browsing. It’s a fun place to shop, it’s not expensive and you’re helping to save lives.
I like it!

2 Read the text again and answer the questions. Listening

1 What do charity shops sell? 4  5 Thomas is talking to two students
2 What does Mary like about her job? who sell things in their free time. Listen to the
3 What are the tourists buying? conversation and underline the correct option.
4 Why is Mark shopping there?
5 What is Mark’s girlfriend doing? 1 Kerry sells her clothes in a shop / at a market.
6 Why does she like the jacket? 2 Kerry is making a shirt / skirt.
7 Why isn’t Hiroko buying second-hand clothes? 3 Omar doesn’t sell books / MP3s.
4 Omar sells in a shop / on the Internet.
5 Jane sells to shops / restaurants.
Writing 6 Jane makes three or four / thirteen cakes a
3 Write a paragraph about your favourite store or week.
shop. Read the article again to help you and try
to answer these questions: where is it? What
does it sell? Who shops there? Why do you like


You Are What You Eat...
Focus on Grammar
Countable and
uncountable nouns
• We use some and any to indicate an unspecified
quantity. They can be used with plural countable
• Countable nouns refer to people, animals and nouns and with uncountable nouns.
things that can be counted. Uncountable nouns
• We use some:
refer to substances, masses and unquantifiable
– in affirmative sentences.
abstract terms.
There is some milk in the bottle.
• Countable nouns: There is some.
– have both a singular and a plural form. In the
singular they can be preceded by the article a / an – in interrogative sentences when we make
or by a number. requests or offer something.
Would you like some tea?
• Uncountable nouns:
– do not have a plural form. They are not preceded
• We use any:
by a / an or by a number, but can be preceded by
– in interrogative and negative sentences.
some. The verb is always in the singular.
A Is there any water in the fridge?
• In general, uncountable nouns are: B No, there isn’t any.
– names of substances: bread, chocolate,
water, etc. how much/many…?
– abstract nouns and concepts: happiness, • We use how much/many to ask about an unknown
honesty, etc. quantity of something.
– gerunds used as nouns: reading, shopping, etc.
– names of languages: English, German, etc. • We use how much with uncountable nouns.
• To indicate a certain quantity of a substance, we How much milk is there in the fridge?
can use:
a loaf of... bread • We use how many with countable plural nouns.
a piece of… cheese How many students are there in the class?

a cup of… tea
a glass of… water too much/many
a bottle of… wine • We use too much/many to indicate an excessive
a kilo of… sugar quantity of something.
a tin of... beans
a jar of... jam • We use too much with uncountable nouns or after a
a can of... beer verb.
She drinks too much coffee.
You talk too much!
 ! The following are common uncountable nouns: • We use too many with countable plural nouns.
furniture, hair, homework, information, money, She’s got too many bags!
news, rubbish.
 much/many/a lot of
They are always used with a singular verb and can • We use much with uncountable nouns and many
be preceded by some or a lot of. with countable plural nouns. Both much and
The information on that website is not reliable. many can be used in negative and interrogative
Her hair is long and curly. sentences.
I haven’t got much time.
She wants to buy some new furniture for her There aren’t many people in the theatre.
house. Do you have much patience?
Our teacher gave us a lot of homework today. Does she have many friends?

• We use a lot of in affirmative sentences with both • We use a few with plural countable nouns. It
uncountable and countable nouns. has a positive meaning and is generally used in
He’s got a lot of free time now. affirmative sentences.
There are a lot of people in the city centre today. There are still a few eggs, so we can make an
a little/a few
• We use a little with uncountable nouns. It has (not) enough
a positive meaning and is generally used in • We use enough or not enough with both countable
affirmative sentences. and uncountable nouns to talk about a sufficient
There is still a little milk in the fridge, but buy or insufficient quantity of something. It is used in
some more, please. affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.
My coffee is bitter; there isn’t enough sugar in it.
• In spoken English, we can use a bit or a little bit A Are there enough apples to make a pie?
instead of a little. B No, there aren’t enough.
I’m a (little) bit worried about him. I have enough winter clothes, so I don’t need to go

My Glossary
Food and Drinks sausage ________________ disease ________________
bacon ________________ spicy ________________ diversity ________________
beef ________________ sugar ________________ dozen ________________
biscuit ________________ sweets ________________ environment ________________
bottle ________________ tasty ________________ happiness ________________
cake ________________ tin ________________ humans ________________
can ________________ toast ________________ hunger ________________
candy ________________ water ________________ item ________________
cereal ________________ wine ________________ packet ________________
cheese ________________ yoghurt ________________ pollen ________________
chef ________________ process ________________
chicken ________________ Vegetables scientist ________________
coffee ________________ bean ________________ variety ________________
crisps ________________ mushroom ________________ worry ________________
cuisine ________________ potato ________________
cup ________________ salad ________________ adjectives
dairy products ________________ tomato ________________ enough ________________
diet ________________ favourite ________________
dish ________________ Fruit light ________________
drink (n.) ________________ apple ________________ local ________________
egg ________________ grapes ________________ main ________________
fish ________________ poor ________________
fruit juice ________________ Farming popular ________________
ham ________________ corn ________________ resistant to ________________
ingredient ________________ crop ________________ safe ________________
jam ________________ farmer ________________ sensitive to ________________
jar ________________ fertilizers ________________
loaf ________________ land ________________ verbs
marmalade ________________ pesticides ________________ to cost ________________
meat ________________ to grow ________________ to rediscover ________________
menu ________________ to swap ________________
milk ________________ Other... to understand ________________
nutritious ________________ nouns
pastries ________________ air ________________ linkers
poultry ________________ allergy ________________ actually ________________
ready-made dish ________________ amount ________________ although ________________
roast (adj.) ________________ bag ________________ basically ________________
salt ________________ boss ________________ however ________________
sandwich ________________ change ________________
sauce ________________ controversy ________________

5 You Are What You Eat...
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
Countable and uncountable nouns some/any/an/a
1 Underline the uncountable nouns in the 2 Complete the sentences with some, any, an or a.
following sentences. 1 Mike, take _______
some money from my bag and
1 I always have my tea with sugar and some buy some milk, please.
biscuits. 2 I’d like _______ hot cup of tea, it’s so cold
2 I’ve got a lot of eggs, but I need cheese to today.
make this dish. 3 I haven’t got _______ fruit for after dinner.
3 We usually have cereal with milk for breakfast, 4 Is there _______ rice to make this Indian dish?
and a cup of coffee. 5 I’ve got _______ cheese for this dish.
4 The children are having fruit juice and cakes as 6 I often have _______ crisps for my morning
a snack. snack.
5 Fresh air, lots of water, fruit and vegetables are 7 Why don’t we have _______ cup of coffee?
all very good for you. 8 Pat, can you bring _______ water to the table?
6 Would you like sausages, bacon and tomatoes
for your breakfast?
7 I’m bored with pizza! I want a sandwich and
some apples for lunch.
8 Let’s have coca cola with our dinner. Or do you
prefer wine?

how much/how many

3 Look at the picture of a school cafeteria and write questions about the quantities of food and drinks.
Use how much or how many and the words in brackets.

fruit juice water

salad sausages

ham sandwiches pasta mixed vegetables


1 (pasta) How much pasta is there? 5 (water) __________________________________

2 (salad) __________________________________ 6 (fruit juice) _______________________________
3 (ham sandwiches) ________________________ 7 (sausages) _______________________________
4 (chips) __________________________________ 8 (mixed vegetables) ________________________

not much/not many/a few/a little/a lot of

4 Look at the picture again and write answers to your questions from exercise 3, using not much / not
many / a few / a little / a lot of.

enough/not enough/too much/ 7  omplete the sentences with the adjectives
too many below.

5 U
 nderline the correct option in each sentence. spicy ready-made fast light
tasty typical hot fresh
1 There is too many / are enough / is enough
eggs to make this dish.
1 Are there any ____-food restaurants near here?
2 There is too much / are enough / are too many
2 Chicken tikka masala is a ________ Indian dish.
fruit in my tea.
3 He doesn’t have time to cook so he buys
3 She doesn’t eat too many / enough / too much
_____________ food.
fruit and yoghurt.
4 They always have a _____________ lunch. Just
4 Are there enough / Is there too much / Is there
salad and fruit.
enough pizzas for everyone here?
5 Mmm! I love this apple crumble! It’s really
5 Oh no! There aren’t enough / is too much /
_____________ .
are enough biscuits for tea!
6 Pasta with a tomato sauce is a _____________
6 There are too many / are enough / is too much
Italian dish.
people in this room. It’s so crowded!
7 That restaurant buys ingredients every day so
7 You eat too much / enough / too many crisps,
the food is really _____________ .
it’s not good for you.
8 This pizza isn’t _____________ . Put it in the
8 Yuck! There aren’t enough / isn’t enough / are
oven, please.
too much sugar in this coffee!

Measurements, containers,
Food and drink packages
6 Complete the sentences with words from Unit
8 C
 omplete the sentences with a word from
5. The first letter is given.
each box.
ereal with m___
1 Breakfast c_____ ilk is a good way
to start the day. Measurements, containers Food and drink
2 A traditional British dish is f_____________ and packages
and c_____________ .
slice (x2) tin cup coffee cake
3 If you don’t want to drink water then have
bottle kilo cheese apples
f_____________ j_____________ .
tomatoes wine
4 A lot of food is seasonal, for example,
m_____________ in the autumn.
kilo of _______
1 I need a _____ apples to make apple
5 I often have an Indian c_____________ for
2 Come in, Lorna! Would you like a
6 In that café you can have amazing cakes,
_____________ of _____________ and a
p_____________ and b_____________ with
your coffee.
3 Do you want a _____________ of
7 The t_____________ s_____________ on this
_____________ with your cracker?
pasta is great!
4 They are taking a _____________ of red
8 People in the UK often like r_____________
_____________ to Sarah’s dinner party.
b_____________ on Sundays.
5 I need a _____________ of _____________ .
I want to make an Italian sauce for this pasta.
6 Do you want a _____________ of my birthday
_____________ ?

5 You Are What You Eat...
English in Context
1 A group of foreign students are in an English 3 Look at the pictures and complete the text.
pub and they are asking about a typical dish.
Complete the dialogue with yes / no, a / an,
some / any and the verb to be. Check the
ingredients to help you.

Shepherd’s Pie
1 kilo beef
400 grammes mixed vegetables
(carrots, onions, beans)
1 kilo potatoes
200 grammes cheese (Cheddar)
200 ml milk
1 egg

1 Lisa Shepherd’s Pie. What’s that? ___ Is there

any meat in it? I’m vegetarian.
Waiter Well yes, there _____________
_____________ beef in it.
2 Pierre _____________ there _____________
cheese in it?
Waiter _____________ there _____________ .
Cheddar, a typical English cheese.
3 Helen _____________ there _____________
vegetables in it?
Waiter There _____________ _____________
carrots and _____________ beans.
4 Simon That’s OK, but _____________ there
_____________ mushrooms in it?
I hate them.
Waiter _____________ there _____________ .
5 Bridgit _____________ there _____________
fish in it?
Waiter No, no, there _____________ My favourite place to eat out is a café in the park
_____________ fish in it! near my house. I go with my parents every
Sunday for brunch. That means you can have
2  omplete the shopping list with the words
C breakfast or lunch.
below. I usually have lunch. I love traditional English
food like (1) roast beef and Y_____________
milk cartons water loaf P_____________ or (2) f_____________ and
sardines jar packet pounds
c_____________ . My dad prefers breakfast.
He has (3) t_____________ and m_____________
and a cup of tea with (4) m_____________ .
Shopping List With my mum it depends. Sometimes she has
six bottles of (1) water a light lunch – (5) c_____________
one (2) _____________ of bread s_____________ when she wants vegetables, or
four litres of (3) _____________ (6) c_____________ and c_____________ .
two (4) _____________ of fruit juice And, sometimes she has a continental breakfast -
one (5) _____________ of biscuits (7) p_____________ and b_____________ with
two tins of (6) _____________ a (8) c_____________ of c_____________ .
two (7) _____________ of potatoes
one (8) _____________ of marmalade

4 Complete the dialogue with a / an, some or any. 7 Complete the profiles with the words below.
Waiter Are you ready to order? a lot (x2) much too many enough
John Yes. Can I have (1) ______
some eggs and aren’t enough a few isn’t too much
bacon, please?
Waiter Certainly. Would you like (2) ____________
slice of toast with that? Score 14-18: There are (1) ______
a lot of good
John Yes, please. things in your diet and there (2) _____________
Waiter And you, madam? sugar. Well done! A great diet!
Anne Can I have (3) _____________ cereal Score 10-13: OK, there are (3) _____________
please? Is there (4) _____________ good things in your diet. But, there
yoghurt? I prefer it to milk. (4) _____________ .
Waiter Yes, there is.
Score 0-9: You certainly don’t eat
Anne Oh, and can I have (5) _____________
(5) _____________ of the right things –
apple too? I like (6) _____________ fruit
(6) _____________ biscuits and sweet things.
for breakfast.
You don’t know (7) _____________ about what
Waiter I’m sorry. We haven’t got
you eat and drink. There’s (8) _____________ of
(7) _____________ apples.
information on the Internet.
Anne OK. Can I have (8) _____________ fruit
juice then?

Yes, madam. And for you to drink, sir?
Coffee with milk please.
Sum Up!
Waiter Certainly, sir. 8  isa and Luke have decided to prepare a
Shepherd’s Pie for their friends. Complete the
5 U
 nderline the correct option in all of the quiz dialogue with the expressions below.
questions and answers.
is there any aren’t many
1 How much / many water do you drink in a day? are a lot of isn’t much how many
a few how much a little
a one glass b two glasses
c three or more glasses
2 Are there any / some vitamins in pasta? Lisa Look in the fridge. (1) ____________
Is there any milk?
a yes, some / any b no, there isn’t / aren’t Luke Yes, I think there’s enough.
c yes, a lot / much Lisa (2) _____________ milk have we got?
3 How many / much portions of fruit or Luke Well, there’s a litre. That’s enough.
vegetables do you eat every day? But we’ve only got (3) _____________ eggs.
a a salad with lunch b a / an apple every day Lisa That’s OK, we only need one. What about
c some / any vegetables and fruit with lunch tomatoes?
and dinner Luke There (4) _____________ . Put them on
4 There ____________ in a small bottle of cola. your list and we’ve only got
a is / are some sugar (15 g) (5) _____________ cheese. Half a packet.
b isn’t some / any sugar (0 g) Lisa Hmm. That (6) _____________ .
c is a lot of / few sugar (65 g) I’m putting it on the list too. Potatoes next.
5 What do you eat for breakfast? (7) _____________ have we got?
a a jar / slice of toast and glass of fruit juice Luke Oh, there (8) _____________ potatoes and
b nothing c a cake and a glass of milk vegetables.
6 I eat: Lisa Great, so we just need to get the beef,
a many / a lot of meat b a little / a few meat tomatoes and cheese.
c meat or fish once or twice a week
6 Now do the quiz and calculate your score.
9 Translate the sentences into your own language.
1 Is there any milk in the fridge?
1 a 1 b 2 c 3 4 a 1 b 0 c 3
2 There aren’t any apples.
2 a 0 b 3 c 0 5 a 3 b 0 c 1
3 We don’t have any coffee.
3 a 0 b 1 c 3 6 a 0 b 2 c 3
4 There isn’t enough cheese.
5 A slice of cake and a glass of milk, please.
6 There are too many people in here.

5 You Are What You Eat...
Vocabulary Builder
Organising your vocabulary 3 Look at the adjectives below and add the
suffix -ly to make adverbs. Then complete
1 Look at the following food and drinks and put the sentences with the correct adverb. Some
them in the correct column. adverbs could be used in more than one
tea pastries tomatoes crisps sentence.
potatoes fish beans cheese
meat juice yoghurt apples typical original cheap
sugar cereal chips orange international traditional usual
water bread carrots biscuits
1 ‘Why are all those people standing at the hotel
internationally famous
door?’ ‘There’s an ________________
film star staying there, they want her autograph’.
healthy too much is bad for me! 2 Many people in the UK love curry, a dish that
_____________ comes from India.
3 People in the UK _____________ eat a lot
of potatoes, but modern eating now includes
other carbohydrates like rice and pasta.
4 I _____________ eat an apple for my snack, but
today I‘ve got an orange.
5 Why go to an expensive restaurant? You can eat
_____________ in a pub or café.
6 A French dinner _______ includes two courses.
It’s easier to memorise and remember new words
if we associate them to personal feelings and Antonyms (opposites): the prefixes
opinions. in-/un-
Look at the following adjectives and their opposites.
2  omplete the table with the words from
C usual – unusual expensive – inexpensive
exercise 1, so it is true for you.
Two words which have opposite meanings are
called ‘antonyms’. We can create the antonym of
I love... I like... I don’t I can’t
some adjectives by adding the prefix un- or in-
mind... stand…
to the adjective. Sometimes the antonym has a
completely different form.

4  rite the antonyms of the following adjectives,

by adding a prefix. Then check in a dictionary.
____interesting ____common ____modified
____kind ____adequate ____formal

5  rite the antonyms for the underlined

From adjective to adverb: adjectives. Use the adjectives below and a
the suffix -ly dictionary to help you.
casual cruel rare
Read the following sentences. The second one strange cheap insufficient

provides additional information on how the 1 I don’t like expensive restaurants, I prefer _____
action is carried out. places like pubs.
2 This isn’t your usual cooking, Mum.
I drink a lot of coffee. It’s _____________ for you to make foreign food.
I drink my coffee quickly. 3 This quantity isn’t adequate for six people, it’s
_____________ for the dinner.
The word quickly gives information about the 4 She isn’t a kind person, she says very
verb drink. It is called ‘an adverb’ and it is _____________ things about her friends.
formed by adding the suffix -ly to the adjective 5 It’s very common to see apple trees in people’s
quick. gardens in the UK, but exotic fruit trees like
bananas are very _____________ .
6 It’s a formal dinner party, so please don’t wear
_____________ clothes!
1 Read Jacob’s blog about a farmer’s market in London. Are there any stalls that sell chocolate?

We’re eating too many chemicals and pesticides!

There are a lot of reasons why buying organic food makes sense. First of all, it’s good for
you. Organic food does not contain any pesticides or chemicals. Non organic fruit and
vegetables contain about thirty different pesticides! We’re eating too many chemicals
and pesticides and they are harmful! Also, when you eat non organic dairy and meat
products, you’re consuming lots of hormones and drugs. Organic fruit and vegetables
contain lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre, so they’re nutritious.

Organic farming is safe because it does not damage the environment. Also, organic
farmers grow lots of different varieties so they are tasty. Non organic farmers concentrate
on making money so your local supermarket has only one or two varieties.

How many places sell organic food?

Not enough! Usually health food shops sell a few organic products and they’re often
expensive. But interest is growing.

Stoke Newington Farmers’ Market in London is an organic farmers’ market. There are
23 stalls selling fruit and vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish. There aren’t any
products from other parts of the UK or from abroad. All the produce is local, so it’s really fresh and the prices are

What about hot food?

There are a few stalls that sell hot food. It’s an international market. Try the delicious Indian curries, Mexican tacos or
Turkish rice dishes. All the ingredients are local, of course! There are lots of delicious homemade cakes and biscuits
and they are all one hundred percent organic. My favourite stall sells amazing chocolates and organic pasta.

2 Read the text again and underline the correct Listening

4  6 Listen to Mrs Clegg, Tariq and
1 There aren’t many / There are a lot of advantages Sally talking about the farmer’s market and
to eating organic food. complete the sentences.
2 Organic farmers don’t use any / many chemicals.
3 Supermarkets have a lot of / very little variety. Mrs Clegg
enough places to sit.
1 There aren’t ________
4 A few / a lot of shops sell organic produce.
5 Some / all the farmers at the market are local. 2 The vegetables are _____________ .
6 The market has got some / hasn’t got any stalls 3 The meat _____________ .
with hot food. 4 She _____________ foreign food.
7 There is some / isn’t any international cuisine.

5 His family loves the _____________ atmosphere.
6 He loves the _____________ and ____________
3  ead Jacob’s notes and write a summary of the
R food and his son loves eating the Bombay
advantages of organic food. _____________ !
7 The fish _____________ from the sea the same
– organic / good for you / no pesticides
day they buy it.
– non organic / pesticides
– non organic dairy and meat products / hormones
and drugs
8 The prices are _____________ .
– organic food / lots of vitamins, minerals / good for
9 The vegetables are fresh and _____________ .
environment / safe
10 The _____________ and biscuits are great.
– organic farmers / a lot of / varieties
Her children _____________ them.
– non organic / few varieties


They’ve Got Talent!
Focus on Grammar

Affirmative Negative form Interrogative Short answers

form full contracted form affirmative negative
I can I cannot I can’t Can I? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
You can You cannot You can’t Can you? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
He / She / It He / she / It He / She / It Can he / she / Yes, he / she / No, he / she / it
can cannot can’t it? it can. can’t.
We can We cannot We can’t Can we? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.
You can You cannot You can’t Can you? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.
They can They cannot They can’t Can they? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.

• can is a modal verb and, like all modal verbs, it has • We use the adverbs and adverbial expressions quite
the same form for all persons. well, really well, well, (not) at all in sentences with
I can play the guitar, they can sing and she can can / can’t to express degrees of ability.
dance. She can sing really well and she can also act well.
Her brother can play the piano quite well, but he
• can is always followed by a verb in the base form can’t sing at all.
(infinitive without to).
You can perform in front of the Queen.
be good at/bad at/interested in
• We use can in the negative form with the following • We can use the expression be good at to refer to
structure: a person’s ability. It has a similar meaning to can.
The opposite expression is be bad at which has a
s ubject + can’t (cannot) + base form of the main similar meaning to can’t.
verb (without to)
• We use the expression be interested in to refer to
I can’t cook. a person’s interests and it has a similar meaning to
You cannot stay out late tonight. like.

• We use can in the interrogative form with the

• These expressions can be followed by a noun or a
following structure:
Pete is very good at art.
c an + subject + base form of the main verb
Pete is very good at drawing caricatures.
(without to)
I’m bad at sports.
Can you do magic tricks?
I’m bad at cooking.
Can we go to the circus tonight?

• We use can: David is very interested in classical music.

– to express a person’s ability to do something. David is interested in learning how to play the
I can speak Chinese. piano.
(I know how to speak Chinese.)

– to make a request.
Can I have some more tea?
Can you help me?

My Glossary
Activities In showbiz voice ________________
to collect ________________ act ________________ winner ________________
to direct ________________ audience ________________
to go rollerblading ________________ audition ________________ adjectives
to play chess ________________ band ________________ creative ________________
to play snooker ________________ documentary ________________ foreign ________________
to take photos ________________ fame ________________ good at ________________
to tell jokes ________________ musical instrument ________________ hungry ________________
programme ________________ interested in ________________
Jobs and professions screenplay ________________ thirsty ________________
actor/actress ________________ showbiz ________________
cameraman ________________ show ________________ verbs
composer ________________ song ________________ to become ________________
delivery boy ________________ talent ________________ to deliver ________________
director ________________ to audition for ________________ to dream of ________________
painter ________________ to perform ________________ to drive ________________
paper boy ________________ to go on ________________
photographer ________________ Other... to impress ________________
shop assistant ________________ nouns to look after ________________
singer ________________ card ________________ to participate in ________________
singing teacher ________________ career ________________ to ride a bicycle ________________
chance ________________ to start ________________
Do/Make change ________________ to switch on ________________
to do a course ________________ customer ________________
to do magic ________________ description ________________ adverbs
to do motorcross ________________ experience ________________ easily ________________
to make clothes ________________ joke ________________ quite ________________
to make films ________________ language ________________ really ________________
to make models ________________ prize ________________ right ________________
skill ________________

6 They’ve Got Talent!
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
can for ability can for requests
1 Look at the table and write T (true) or 4  omplete the sentences using can / can’t, the
F (false), then correct the false statements. verbs below and the words in brackets.

play the run speak dance use close write have
help repeat go (x2)
guitar 1 km French
Jonathan ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ 1 Can I use your computer? (I)
Miriam ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ 2 _____________ to the beach? (we)
3 _____________ me with my homework? (you)
1 Jonathan can’t play the guitar. ___ 4 _____________ the window? (you)
Jonathan can play the guitar. 5 _____________ our lunch now? (we)
2 Miriam can’t run a kilometre. ______ 6 _____________ that please? (you)
3 Jonathan can speak French. ______ 7 _____________ in pencil? (I)
4 Miriam can’t dance. ______ 8 _____________ to bed now? (I)
5 Jonathan can run a kilometre. ______
6 Miriam can play the guitar. ______ 5 N
 ow match these sentences to the questions
7 Jonathan can’t dance. ______ in exercise 4.
8 Miriam can speak French. ______ a I’m cold.
b It’s really difficult.
2 W
 rite the questions and short answers c I haven’t got a pen.
referred to exercise 1. d I’m hungry!
1 Can Jonathan play the guitar? Yes, he can. e I don’t understand it.
2 _________________________________________ 1 f I need to send an email.
3 _________________________________________ g It’s really hot!
4 _________________________________________ h I‘m tired.
5 _________________________________________
6 _________________________________________ Degrees of ability
7 _________________________________________
8 _________________________________________
6  rite T (true) or F (false) so the sentences are
true for you. Correct the false ones using not
at all, well, quite well or really well.
good at/bad at/interested in + -ing 1 I can dance really well. ___
3  omplete the sentences with the correct form
C I can’t dance at all.
of be good at, bad at or interested in. 2 I can sing quite well. ______
1 Luke’s a great artist, he’s good at
__ really ________ 3 I can play a musical instrument well. ______
painting. 4 I can’t speak English at all. ______
2 My mum makes great soup. 5 I can play chess really well. ______
She _____________ cooking. 6 I can’t count at all. ______
3 I’m starting a dressmaking course because 7 I can make clothes quite well. ______
I _____________ making clothes to save 8 I can drive a car really well. ______
4 Toby _____________ learning Spanish.
She wants to take lessons.
5 My brother _____________ playing football.
He scores at least one goal in every match.
6 Paul _____________ rollerblading. He falls
down every time he tries.

7 Look at the table and write some sentences to Professions
describe Rick’s, Sarah’s and Jill’s abilities in
the various activities.
9  omplete the sentences with the words

Rick Sarah Jill pizza delivery boy actor teacher
photographer composer

L J K actor can speak in different accents.

1 An ________
2 A _____________ can read and write music.
3 A _____________ can ride a bike or motorbike.
J J L 4 A _____________ can create beautiful pictures
with only a camera.
5 A _____________ can explain things clearly.
10 Complete the sentences with words from
Unit 6. The first letter is given to help you.
K L L 1 My brother is really good in the theatre. He
wants to study to be an a____ ctor .


2 Don’t you think Rihanna is a great
s_____________ ?

3 Where is the s_____________

a_____________ ? I want to buy these trousers.
L K K 4 I like travelling so I hope to be a
p_____________ and take pictures all over the
J = really well K = quite well world.
5 If you’re good at art, why don’t you become a
L = not at all
p_____________ ?
1 Rick can’t cook at all. 6 A good c_____________ is important for a film.
_________________________________________ We need to see the actors well!
_________________________________________ 7 If you want music for your short film you can
_________________________________________ speak to my sister, she’s a c_____________ .
_________________________________________ 8 We can go to the cinema tonight. I’ve got a
_________________________________________ b_____________ to look after the children.
2 Sarah ____________________________________
_________________________________________ Abilities and interests
_________________________________________ 11 Underline the correct option to complete the
_________________________________________ sentences.
_________________________________________ 1 I enjoy playing chess / going rollerblading:
3 Jill ______________________________________ I like to sit and think.
_________________________________________ 2 Do you collect cards / chat online? Can you
_________________________________________ bring them to school tomorrow?
_________________________________________ 3 My mum can make models / make clothes
_________________________________________ really well, so I always have something
_________________________________________ interesting to wear.
4 I’m not interested in doing motocross / playing
snooker. I like indoor sports.
8  ow write some sentences that are true for
N 5 I can chat online / listen to music while I do
you. my homework because there’s a radio in my
I can cook quite well. room.
6 If it’s sunny tomorrow we can make models /
go rollerblading in the park.
7 When I can’t see my friends I often play
snooker / chat online with them.

6 They’ve Got Talent!
English in Context
1 Match the activities to the pictures. 4 Look at the names of famous people and
1 F take photos 4 do motocross guess their profession to complete the
2 windsurf 5 tell jokes crossword puzzle.
3 paint 6 write Spanish

A B 2

w r i t e r
4 5



Across Down
3 James Joyce writer 1 Cameron Diaz
6 Johnny Depp 2 Lady Gaga
7 Martin Scorsese 4 Picasso
5 Mozart

5 K
 im wants a job as a babysitter and Ella, a
mother, is interviewing her. Put the sentences
2 Look at the pictures again and complete the
into the correct order.
text with can / can’t, well / quite well / very
well / (not) at all and the verbs from exercise 1. 1 Ella OK Kim, let’s start. Why do you want
to work with children?
This is my best friend Max. What can I tell you
Ella That’s OK. You can practise in the
about him? He’s great and a bit crazy. At school
can write
he’s quite a good student. He (1) __________
Can you cook?
quite well . He’s got a lot of friends
Spanish __________
Kim Well, I love kids. I look after my baby
because he (2) _____________ jokes
cousins at the weekends and I think I’m
_____________ and makes everybody laugh a
very good at it.
lot. What else? Well, he’s not very artistic.
Kim Yes, I’m in the school athletics team
He (3) _____________ pictures _____________ .
and I play tennis quite well.
He’s OK at that, but he (4) _____________ photos
Ella OK good, you have experience of
_____________ ! Terrible!
working with kids. Can you play any
He’s good at outside activities.
He (5) _____________ on the sea _____________
Kim Well, I’m not very good at cooking.
and he (6) _____________ on country roads
To be honest I’m really bad at it!
_____________ . He’s brilliant at that and wins 10 Kim I can start on Monday.

Ella Great! The children have one hour of
tennis every day. Can you use a
3 Now write some sentences about your best
friend, using can / can’t, well / quite well / very
Kim Yes, I can, but not very well. I can type,
well / (not) at all.
and I can check my email!
Ella That’s OK Kim, I think I can cook for
the children. When can you start?

Sum up! 8 Complete the email with the words below.
6 Underline the correct option. Talent audience can doing career audition
1 He can / Can he act? act at all acting judges good at skills
2 He knows / can play the guitar.
3 He plays really well the piano / the piano
really well.
4 I’m good in / at English.
5 You can / Can you help me? Hi Manda,
6 She is a shop’s / shop assistant. I’ve got great news! You know the TV show
7 Can I / I can have a burger? Talent ? I’ve got an
Teens Have Got (1) _______
(2) _____________ to go on the programme and
7  omplete the dialogue with can / can’t and the
C compete! The (3) _____________ you can choose
expressions good at / bad at, well / quite well / from are acting, singing, dancing, telling jokes
very well / (not) at all. or (4) _____________ magic.
My (5) _____________ is singing and dancing.
You know I’m not good at (6) _____________ and
I can’t tell jokes (7) _____________ ! I hope I can
impress the (8) _____________ and the studio
(9) _____________ and go to the final. I really want
a (10) _____________ in showbiz!!
I just need to make a film clip of my act. You are
(11) _____________ filming. (12) _____________
you help me?
Speak soon.

9  ranslate the following sentences into your
own language.
Nick These pictures are great. You are really
1 My brother can cook very well.
(1) good at painting.
Adam Thanks. How about you?
2 I’m good at maths.
(2) _____________ you paint?
Nick No, I (3) _____________ .
3 Simon is bad at telling jokes.
Adam Can you draw?
Nick Not (4) _____________ ! I’m really
4 Can your dad speak English?
(5) _____________ it! I’m not very
artistic. Is that your guitar?
5 Can I use your computer?
Adam No, it’s my dad’s.
Nick (6) _____________ you play it?
6 Can you open the door for me?
Adam Not very (7) _____________ . My dad
(8) _____________ play really
7 Luis can’t sing at all.
(9) _____________ ! He’s brilliant.
(10) _____________ you play?
Nick Yes, I (11) _____________ . I hate art,
but I’m (12) _____________ music.

6 They’ve Got Talent!
Vocabulary Builder
Compound nouns 5 Write the adverbial forms of the following nouns.

1  ombine words from columns A and B to make

C 1 hour _____________ 3 month _____________
compound nouns from Unit 6. 2 year _____________ 4 day _____________

Note: in the word day, the letter -y becomes -i
studio audience debate
before the suffix -ly.
talent man studies
media clip man
TV attention scout 6  omplete the sentences with the adverbial forms
film programme operator of the nouns in brackets.
show show channel
hourly .
1 We check our company emails ________
camera business company
(every hour)
2 There is a _____________ modern dance
2 N
 ow find words from column C to combine
lesson. (once a week)
with words in column A. Use a dictionary to
3 You have a _____________ chat with your
help you.
tutor. (every month)
4 We have an important review of the course
3 Complete the sentences with the compound results _____________ . (once a year)
nouns from exercise 2.
5 People write on our website forum
studio debate on TV between
1 There is a _____________ _____________ . (every day)
people who prefer American films and people 6 You can pay _____________ . (every month)
who prefer European films.
2 My favourite _____________ has programmes Nouns and verbs which are the same
about travel.
3 She has an unusual job – it isn’t easy to find a In English, the verb and the noun form of a word
woman _____________ in the world of film. can often be the same.
4 There’s a _____________ at the show this Why don’t you audition for ‘Teens Have Got Talent’?
evening, he’s looking for new actors, so please (verb)
act really well! Why don’t you come to an audition and try? (noun)
5 A _____________ is making a documentary Remember to always check in the dictionary: this
about the history of our town! will help you to enrich your vocabulary by using
6 I’m not sure if I prefer sociology or words you already know.
_____________ for my next course.
7 He can dance, he sings, he can play the
piano – he’s a real _____________ . 7 R
 ead the following sentences from Unit 6 and
decide whether the underlined words are nouns
or verbs.
From noun to adverbial form –
1 in different places in the UK noun
time phrases: the suffix -ly 2 My dad can tell jokes. _____________
4 Read this sentence from Unit 6 and complete 3 Show him you’re a good candidate for this job.
the explanation. _____________
T he acts we choose from the local auditions go 4 The TV audience and the people in the studio
to perform on one of our weekly TV programmes. watch the programme. _____________

Weekly is an adverbial form. We add the suffix 8 C

 omplete the sentences with the words in
_____ to the noun _____ . We can use this exercise 7. This time use them in their other
adverbial form to talk about how frequently function.
something occurs.
place students in the right
1 Our job is to ______
It goes at the end of the sentence when it refers
to a verb. course for them.
We meet weekly. 2 It’s important to _____________ courses
It always comes before the noun it refers to carefully and plan a good timetable.
when it is used as an adjective, for example: 3 He can make people laugh, he loves to
our weekly TV programmes. _____________ and tell stories.
4 Let’s watch a comedy _____________ on TV,
I’m bored.

1 Read the novel summary. Who is Herbert Pocket?

He can read quite well

My favourite novel is Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Pip is an orphan who
lives on the Kent marshes with his sister, Mrs Joe, and her husband, the blacksmith
Joe Gargery. At the beginning of the book, Pip helps an escaped convict. He gives
him food and drink and the convict never forgets this. Pip is not very happy at home.
His sister is unkind and Joe is his only real friend. Pip is a country boy, but he has
ambitions. He goes to a night school and can read and write quite well. He can do
practical things and is good at fighting and he can play cards.
One day a rich relative takes him to play in the house of a rich old lady, Miss Havisham. She pays him to play
cards with her adopted daughter Estella. He falls in love with Estella but Estella makes fun of him because
he is common. He is ashamed because he comes from a simple family, and he can’t speak or behave like
Estella. He wants to know more and dreams of becoming a gentleman, so Estella will love him. Estella, Miss
Havisham’s daughter, is beautiful but cruel and cold. She can’t love Pip, because her mother teaches her to
break men’s hearts but not to love them.
One day when Pip is about 20 his dream comes true and he inherits a fortune. An anonymous benefactor pays
for him to go to London to become a gentleman. With his change of fortune, Pip changes and becomes a snob.
He stays with Herbert Pocket, a young man about his age. He is the son of Miss Havisham’s cousin. Pip asks
Herbert to help him become a gentleman. There are a lot of things he wants to learn. Pip can’t dance at all and
so he asks Herbert for lessons. Herbert teaches him to dress, eat and talk like a gentleman. At the end of the
book he discovers that the mysterious benefactor is the escaped convict Magwitch. Miss Havisham dies in a
fire. He and Estella fall in love.

2  ind the words which correspond to these

F Writing
definitions in the text.
4 What things can or can’t you do? What would you
1 classes held in the evening night school like to learn? Read the description of Pip again and
2 a man of a high social class __________ use it as model to write about yourself using well /
3 that wilfully causes suffering __________ quite well / very well / (not) at all.
4 to receive as an heir __________

5 unknown by name
6 a large amount of money
7 provider of financial help __________ 5  7 Listen to Noah talking about his brother,
8 difficult to explain or William, with his mother. Complete the table with a
understand __________ tick (3) for the things they can do and a cross (7) for
those they can’t do very well.
3  rite T (true) or F (false) for each sentence
William Noah
and correct the false statements.
play football 3 7
1 Mrs Joe is his only friend. F
Joe Gargery is his only friend. maths
2 Pip isn’t happy at home. _________________ tell jokes
3 Pip can’t read. _________________________
4 Pip fights well. _________________________ washing up
5 Estella isn’t very nice. ___________________ play an instrument
6 Estella loves Pip. _______________________ sing
7 Pip is a good dancer. ____________________
8 At the end of the book Estella loves Pip. play snooker
______________________________________ use a digital camera


Love, Love, Love...
Focus on Grammar
Past simple: be

Affirmative Negative form Interrogative Short answers

form full contracted form affirmative negative
I was I was not I wasn’t Was I? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
You were You were not You weren’t Were you? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
He / She / It He / She / It He / She / It Was he / she / Yes, he / she / it No, he / she / it
was was not wasn’t it? was. wasn’t.
We were We were not We weren’t Were we? Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.
You were You were not You weren’t Were you? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
They were They were not They weren’t Were they? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

She was slim when she was younger. be born

It wasn’t so hot last week.
• We always use the expression be born in the past
Where were you when I called you?
tense and in the passive form (was/were born).
A Were they in love?
She was born in South Africa.
B Yes, they were.
Where were you born?
A Was Shakespeare a spy?
B No, he wasn’t.
can for permission
• We use can not only for possibility and ability, but
be like/look like also to ask for, give and refuse permission.
A Can I go to the toilet, please?
• like can be a verb or a preposition.
B Yes, you can.
I like children. (verb)

She behaves like a child. (preposition)
A Can I smoke here?
B No, you can’t smoke on a plane. It’s not
• We use the expressions be like and look like to give
information about the personality or the physical
aspect of a person.
Mary is like her father. She has the same dark hair
and green eyes.
A What are your new neighbours like?
B They’re very friendly.

You look like your mother.

My Glossary
Life events tall ________________ scientist ________________
to be born ________________ tooth/teeth ________________ songwriter ________________
to die ________________ wavy ________________
to find a job ________________ Other...
to get married ________________ Personality nouns
to have children ________________ angry ________________ bird ________________
to retire ________________ calm ________________ festival ________________
clever ________________ heart ________________
Physical appearance friendly ________________ knot ________________
attractive ________________ funny ________________ lover ________________
blond ________________ impolite ________________ (hit) song ________________
build ________________ intelligent ________________ symbol ________________
cheek ________________ irresponsible ________________ vampire ________________
chin ________________ mature ________________ war ________________
curly ________________ nervous ________________ wife ________________
dark ________________ polite ________________
ear ________________ quiet ________________ adjectives
eye ________________ rational ________________ asleep ________________
eyebrow ________________ reliable ________________ ill ________________
fair ________________ responsible ________________ last ________________
forehead ________________ rude ________________ perfect ________________
hair ________________ sensible ________________ relevant ________________
height ________________ serious ________________
mouth ________________ shy ________________ verbs
nose ________________ silly ________________ to clean ________________
plain ________________ sweet ________________ to happen ________________
plump ________________ talkative ________________ to help ________________
pretty ________________ to invite ________________
short ________________ Jobs to launch ________________
slim ________________ film producer ________________ to meet ________________
small ________________ inventor ________________ to stay ________________
straight ________________ politician ________________

7 Love, Love, Love...
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
Past simple: be
1 Complete the sentences with the Past simple 3 A
 nswer the questions with the Past simple of
of the verb to be. the verb to be.
1 Was Matt at school yesterday? No, he wasn’t.
2 Were you happy with your present?
Yes, _____________ .
3 Were you two out at a disco last night?
No, _____________ .
4 Was your birthday at the weekend this year?
Yes, _____________ .
5 Were you a quiet child? No, _____________ .
6 Was your brother on time? Yes, _____________ .
7 Were your parents angry about your bad marks?
No, _____________ .
8 Was I useful in the team? Yes, _____________ .

4 Complete the sentences with wasn’t and

was born on May 13th 1986.
1 Robert Pattinson ____ wasn’t difficult this week.
1 My homework _______
2 I _____________ very quiet as a child. 2 We _____________ invited to the party.
3 My parents _____________ very tired yesterday. 3 Susan’s dad _____________ happy about her
4 The car _____________ second hand. trip to London.
5 I know you _____________ at the meeting last 4 Peter and Dave _____________ really good at
week. swimming as children.
6 Children! You _____________ too noisy in class 5 I’m sure you _____________ here yesterday.
yesterday! 6 I _____________ well this morning.
7 I’m sorry we _____________ late for dinner. 7 OK everyone, you _____________ at the last
8 My sister _____________ at a concert last meeting so let me tell you about it.
5  omplete the sentences with the Past simple
2 W
 rite the questions using the words given and of the verb to be.
the Past simple of the verb to be.
1 Susan _____
was a terrible dancer when she was
1 Daniel / at work / yesterday? little, but now she’s really good.
Was Daniel at work yesterday? 2 You _____________ wonderful in the play, Meg!
2 When / you / in France? 3 My parents _____________ in America last
_________________________________________ summer, but this year they’re staying at home.
3 Why / you / late? 4 Listen team, you _____________ really good in
_________________________________________ the match this Saturday! Well done!
4 What day / your birthday / on / this year? 5 When I _____________ in Paris I was really
_________________________________________ happy. It’s my favourite city.
5 you / good at maths / at school? 6 The weather _____________ good last
_________________________________________ weekend, but this weekend the forecast is
6 the train / late again? excellent.
_________________________________________ 7 Paul _____________ really angry. He doesn’t
7 Where / your brother / on holiday? like people borrowing his things.
_________________________________________ 8 It’s strange, Angela and Tim _____________ at
8 they / at the shopping centre / all day? the concert but they like the band a lot.

Time expressions with the past 8 T
 here are five more mistakes in the dialogue.
Find them and write the correct words below.
6 Underline the correct time expression.
Catherine Listen Mel, tell me about your new
1 I was at school yesterday / at Sunday. boyfriend. What’s he like?
2 He wasn’t at home last evening / last night. Mel Oh, he’s so wonderful! He’s got blue
3 They were in France last month ago / two ears and lovely long curly hair.
months ago. Catherine Sounds great. And? What about his
4 Were you at the cinema yesterday evening / face?
yesterday month? Mel Well, he’s got a nice, smiling nose
5 My birthday was at / on Tuesday this year. and beautiful cheeks, apparently his
6 She was born in / on 1990. dentist was a genius.
7 You weren’t at the tennis club this night / this Catherine I suppose that’s important for a film
evening. student. Have you got a photo?
Mel Yes, look!


Oh no! The same two dark noses over
those eyes! The same square forehead
Physical appearance under the mouth. The same red eyes
on his head! Oh no!
7 Underline the correct adjective in each
Mel Catherine, what’s the problem?
Catherine It’s Jason, my ex boyfriend!

1 _____________ 4 _____________
2 _____________ 5 _____________
3 _____________ 6 _____________

Adjectives of personality
9 Complete the sentences with the words below.
Be careful! There are two extra ones.

irresponsible reliable friendly

shy talkative quiet sensible
funny nervous intelligent

1 She’s a lovely child, very ____

shy with strangers
but fine after an hour or two.
1 You’re very tall / short, can you get that cup 2 Remember that drinking alcohol and then
from that high shelf for me? driving is very _____________ .
2 Helen is very plump / slim, she can wear tight 3 I know a really _____________ girl, she can tell
jeans! hundreds of jokes.
3 I think Sue is quite plain / pretty but she has 4 He is a really _____________ person, he always
a fantastic personality. gets top marks at school.
4 Look at her hands, they’re so big / small and 5 My sister is so _____________ . She’s always
delicate, like a child’s. there to help me.
5 Perhaps that girl is from Scandinavia, she’s 6 Maggie is really _____________ , she has a
very fair / dark. practical answer for every problem.
6 My sister wants to make her hair straight, she 7 I’ve got a big exam tomorrow, I’m so
thinks it’s too long / curly. _____________ I feel sick.
7 Short / Big hair is very cool in the summer. 8 My brother is very _____________ he’s never

7 Love, Love, Love...
English in Context
1 What do you know about Stephanie Meyer, 4 Read Jack’s progress report and find the
the author of Twilight? Complete the quiz with antonyms of the underlined words. Use them
was and were. to complete Joe’s progress report.

Student: Jack Dutton Class: 4B

Teacher’s comment:
I am very pleased with Jack’s progress this year.
He is a very (1) responsible and (2) mature
student. In class, he is (3) sensible and (4) quiet
most of the time. He is always very (5) friendly and
(6) polite to me and his other teachers. In general
in school he seems to be (7) happy and very
(8) popular with the other students.

1 Who ______
were her main influences? Signed: Alice Pemberton
2 New Moon ____________ the
a second  b third in the series.
3 When ____________ Stephenie Meyer born? Student: Joe Flynn Class: 4B
In December a 1973. b 1963.
Teacher’s comment:
4 Where ____________ she born?
In a Phoenix.  b Connecticut. I am very disappointed with Joe’s progress this
5 Who ____________ the first person to read irresponsible and
year. He is a very (1) _____________
Twilight and New Moon? (2) _____________ student. In class he is
a Her mum.  b Her sister. (3) _____________ and (4) _____________ most of
6 ____________ they her first books? the time. He is always very (5) _____________ and
a Yes, they ____________ . (6) _____________ to me and his other teachers.
b No, they ____________ . In general in school, he seems to be
7 She and her husband Christian ____________ (7) _____________ and very (8) _____________
a at university. b at school together. with the other students.
8 What ____________ Meyer’s job, before she Signed: Alice Pemberton
wrote Twilight? She ____________
a a housewife. b a teacher.

5 Complete the dialogue with the words below.

2 Now do the quiz. Tick the correct answer to
each question. short cheeks plain teeth long
nose eyes straight plump

3 Complete the conversation with was / wasn’t

Mark So, what’s your cousin like?
or were / weren’t.
short and she’s a bit
Susan Well, she’s quite (1) _____
Anne Were you born in Pakistan, Sanjay?
(1) ______ (2) ____________ . She loves eating, you
Sanjay No, I (2) _____________ . see! She’s got (3) ____________ brown
I (3) _____________ born in Birmingham, hair and it’s really (4) ____________ . Not
but my parents (4) _____________ born like mine – all curly! She’s got brown
in Karachi. What about you? (5) ____________ and a lovely smile, her
(5) _____________ you born in (6) ____________ are really white! She
Birmingham? often has red (7) ____________ because
Anne Yes, I (6) _____________ ! But my sisters she’s quite shy. Her (8) ____________ is
(7) _____________ . They quite big, but I don’t think she is really
(8) _____________ both born in Germany. (9) ____________ .
Sanjay Really?
Anne Well my mum and dad (9) _____________ 6  escribe a member of your family. Use
both in the army in Frankfurt at the time. exercise 5 as a model.

7 C
 omplete the conversation with can and the 9  omplete the conversation with the words
verbs below. below.

watch have (x2) invite

come order drink rent

Mum What do you want to do? It’s your birthday

Roy Can we rent a couple of DVDs? I want
(1) ___________
to watch my favourite horror films. (we)
Mum But (2) _____________ horror films on
your birthday! (you)
Roy But I love them! (3) _____________ Jo
and Tony? They like them too. (I)
Mum OK. What do you want to eat?
Roy (4) _____________ some pizzas? (we)
Mum Would you like a cake?
Roy I don’t really like cakes. (5) _____________
ice cream instead? (I) a bit silly weren’t was born fair hair
Mum OK, (6) _____________ with me and get married she like were slim
choose the flavours. Is cola OK for drinks?
(you) Elsa Where were you last night?
Roy (7) _____________ some beers too? (we) You (1) ________
weren’t at the cinema.
Mum No, (8) _____________ alcohol! You’re Sal I was at Sam’s party. Great fun! There
only 14! (you) (2) _____________ loads of people. And
Sam’s new girlfriend was there.
Elsa Oh yeah. What’s (3) _____________ ?
Sum Up! Sal Well, She’s got (4) _____________ , green
8  omplete the mini dialogues with was / wasn’t
C eyes and she’s really (5) _____________ .
or were / weren’t and past time expressions, Really pretty, but…
where needed. Elsa But what?
Sal Well, she isn’t very mature, (6) she’s
1 A were you at 10 p.m. last
Where ________
_____________ to be honest. And she’s
_____________ ? (you)
so young! She (7) _____________ in
B _____________ at home, studying. (I)
1994 and she wants to (8) _____________
2 A Who _____________ William Wordsworth?
B _____________ a poet.
Elsa Oh no! Does Sam know this?
3 A _____________ at school _____________ ?
B No, _____________ . It _____________ Translate!
Sunday. Today’s Monday, silly!
4 A _____________ in Spain in August two years
10 Translate the sentences into your own
_____________ ? (we)
B No, _____________ . _____________ in 1 Matt isn’t unfriendly, he’s just shy.
France! 2 Where were John and Mark last night at 10?
5 A _____________ ill _____________ week? 3 Mark was born in Miami.
_____________ at football practice. (you) 4 Was John Constable a painter or a sculptor?
B No, ____________ . _____________ at the He was a painter.
dentist’s. (I) 5 Were you happy at school? No, I wasn’t.
6 A _____________ late for school this 6 Simon is tall and he’s got black eyes and short
_____________ ? (they) brown hair.
B No, _____________ . _____________ there 7 Martha wasn’t at home this morning.
at 7.45 a.m. 8 Claire is polite and friendly.

7 Love, Love, Love...
Vocabulary Builder
Collocations: important life events 3 R
 ewrite the sentences by paraphrasing the
underlined adjectives. Use the words below.
1  atch words on the left with words on
the right to form expressions that refer to tall polite slim nice fast
important life events. sensible intelligent friendly

1 Julian is the boy over there, he’s dark and

short. He’s not very tall.
2 Don’t eat Samantha’s cake, it’s horrible.
3 Sorry, that idea is stupid. __________________
4 Do you know Mick? He’s plump and he’s very
friendly. _________________________________
5 I don’t think Gary is a good competitor for the
race. He’s slow. __________________________
6 Don’t call Pete for advice, he’s rude.
7 What you’re saying is silly. _________________
8 I don’t like Ruth much, she’s unsociable.
1 be married
2 get home
3 move engaged Organising vocabulary
4 set up house
5 have born Every time you learn new vocabulary it is
6 change children important to organise it in a way that makes
7 get job sense to you. This will help you to memorise and
remember the lexis more easily.
2  se the expressions in exercise 1 to complete
the sentences. 4  ake a list of positive adjectives for describing
was born on 6 March 1995.
1 I __________ th personality. Use the ones you learned in
2 Jim and Anna want to _____________ together, Unit 7 and others that you already know.
so they’re looking for a nice flat. friendly, reliable ...
3 My sister wants to _____________ in spring so
we’re looking for a wedding dress. 5  ow decide which ones are important for each
4 In Britain men who _____________ usually buy of the categories of people in the table.
their fiancée a beautiful ring.
5 If you hate where you work so much why don’t My ideal Teacher Neighbour Colleague
you _____________ ? friend
6 The average age for people to _____________
and become parents for the first time is going up. friendly reliable
7 We’ve got three children and two small
bedrooms, perhaps it’s time to _____________
and look for a place with an extra bedroom.

Paraphrasing: how to avoid being

Some descriptive adjectives can be offensive or
rude. To avoid this, we often use not very and
the opposite adjective. For example, he’s not very
handsome instead of he’s ugly. We are saying
the same thing, but in a nicer way, with different
words. This is called ‘paraphrasing’.

1 Read the article. Who is this famous person? Is it Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama?

1 When was she born? She was born on January 17, 1964.
2 _____________ She was born in Chicago, Illinois.
3 _____________ She is a lawyer and the wife of a very
powerful politician. She is also a mother. She has two
daughters, Malia and Sasha.
4 _____________ She has two homes, one in Chicago and one
very big white house in Washington. Ninety people work in
this house.
5 _____________ She was an ordinary girl from a normal
family. She and her parents, Frasier and Marian Robinson,
and her brother Craig lived in a small house with a garden in Chicago. They weren’t rich. Her father, Frasier
was very ill. He suffered from multiple sclerosis, but he was very active. He was an engineer. Her mother
Marian was a housewife. She was a gifted student and was one of only a few black students at Princeton
University. She was also a top student at Harvard law school.
6 _____________ She can’t do a lot of normal things like going for a coffee or going shopping with her friends.
She is too famous. She hasn’t got a lot of free time. She doesn’t have time to see her friends very often,
but she emails her best friend every day. She can’t go to bed late. She often goes to bed at 9 and gets up at
four to run on a treadmill.
7 _____________ She is tall and has got long, dark, wavy hair and dark eyes. She likes keeping fit. She is
very elegant. She is intelligent and hardworking.
8 _____________ She is very concerned about child obesity. She is responsible for the campaign ‘Let’s move.’
She wants to teach school kids to eat healthily.
9 _____________ She is the first Afro-American First Lady in the history of the US.

2 P
 ut each question a-i in the right place 1-9 in Writing
the text.
4 Choose a famous person and write about him /
a What is she like?
her. Use the article as a model and include
b When was she born?
information to answer questions a-i in exercise 2.
c Why is she famous?

d Where does she live?
e Where was she born? Listening
f What does she do? 5  8 Ava is looking for an actor for a film
g What can’t she do now? she is shooting. Listen and complete her notes
h What would she like to do? with the correct information.
i Was her family rich?
3 Answer the following questions. Jack (1) _____________
1 Where was her home when she was a child? Lives in (2) _________
________________________________________ Was born in (3) _____________
2 What type of student was she at school? Appearance
________________________________________ Not very (4) _____________ (he’s nice-looking).
3 What were her parent’s jobs? _______________ He’s got (5) _____________ black hair, blue
4 What was her father like? __________________ (6) _____________.
5 Name three things she can’t do.
Very (7) _____________ , gets on well with people
6 What is her hair like? ______________________
and very (8) _____________ !


Out and About
Focus on Grammar
Past simple

Affirmative Negative form Interrogative Short answers

form full contracted form affirmative negative
I worked I did not work I didn’t work Did I work? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
You worked You did not work You didn’t work Did you work? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.
He / She / It He / She / It did He / She / It Did he / she / it Yes, he / she / No, he / she / it
worked not work didn’t work work? it did. didn’t.
We worked We did not work We didn’t work Did we work? Yes, we did. No, we didn’t.
You worked You did not work You didn’t work Did you work? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.
They worked They did not work They didn’t work Did they work? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

• In affirmative sentences to form the Past simple of Spelling rules

regular verbs we add the suffix -ed to the base form
of the verb. • When we add the suffix -ed to the base form of the
He worked till late last night. verb, there can be some spelling changes:
– if the verb ends in silent -e we only add -d:
• In negative sentences to form the Past simple we live – lived date – dated
use the auxiliary did followed by not (didn’t) and
the base form of the main verb. – if the verb is monosyllabic and ends with a single
I didn’t study art at school. consonant preceded by a single vowel, we double
the final consonant.
• In the interrogative form we use the auxiliary did stop – stopped rob – robbed
before the subject which is followed by the base
form of the main verb. – if the verb has two or more syllables and the
Did you call your girlfriend yesterday? stress falls on the second syllable, we double the
final consonant.
prefer – preferred regret – regretted
! Note: be careful!
 e do not put the main verb in the past form in – if the verb ends in -l preceded by a single vowel,
negative and interrogative sentences. we double the final consonant.
My father didn’t work yesterday. (Not: My father travel – travelled quarrel – quarrelled
didn’t worked yesterday.)
 id you travel to China last year? (Not: Did you
travelled to China last year?)  ! Note: be careful!
 or the verbs to fuel and to dial we also double
• We use the Past simple: the -l.
– to talk about actions or events that happened at fuel – fuelled dial – dialled
a specific moment in the past.
It started to rain at midday. B
 ut in American English, the -l is usually not
doubled: traveled, quarreled, fueled, dialed, etc.
– to talk about past actions that are completely
finished. – for the verbs to picnic and to panic, we add -k
When he was in England, he visited his parents before the -ed.
every weekend. picnic – picnicked panic – panicked

Past simple: irregular verbs Past time expressions
• In affirmative sentences irregular verbs do not take • Verbs in the past form are often used with time
the -ed suffix. The past form of irregular verbs must expressions that place the action at a definite
be memorised. The most common irregular verbs moment in the past.
are listed on page 88.
make – made go – went S
 ome of the most common past time expressions
put – put take – took are: ago, yesterday, in (+ year), last, once, when,
buy – bought sing – sang etc. For example:
two minutes ago
• In negative and interrogative sentences irregular in 2001
verbs follow the same rules as regular verbs: did last Friday
(not) + base form of the main verb. last night
John didn’t go to school on Friday. when I was 12
Did you make a cake yesterday? once upon a time

My Glossary
Time expressions angry ________________ upset ________________
ago ________________ annoyed ________________ weird ________________
last ________________ annoying ________________ worried ________________
(school) term ________________ bored ________________ worrying ________________
yesterday ________________ boring ________________
depressed ________________ Other...
Sightseeing dreadful ________________ nouns
art gallery ________________ embarrassed ________________ crime ________________
boat trip ________________ embarassing ________________ extract ________________
cemetery ________________ fascinating ________________ guard ________________
famous ________________ frightening ________________ power station ________________
museum ________________ fun ________________
painting ________________ jealous ________________ verbs
spectacular ________________ relaxed ________________ to fall out ________________
walking tour ________________ relaxing ________________ to happen ________________
trip ________________ scared ________________ to have a row ________________
zoo ________________ scary ________________ to last ________________
surprised ________________ to miss ________________
Emotions tired ________________ to remember ________________
amused ________________ tiring ________________
amusing ________________ ugly ________________

8 Out and About
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
Past time expressions 3 C
 omplete the sentences with the Past simple
affirmative form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Rewrite the expressions and dates. Imagine
that today is Monday 24th April. went to school by bus today because it
1 I ______
rained. (go)
2 Look, I _____________ this great new CD
yesterday. (buy)
3 I _____________ all my homework this morning

Monday on the bus. (do)
4 Pete _____________ some notes at the last
meeting, I hope he brings them with him.
5 Jackie was only 17 when she _____________
April her first film. (make)
6 We did some filming last week but we
_____________ a few problems with the video.
1 last Wednesday five days ago (have)
2 last Saturday _____________ 7 I first _____________ that film when I was a
3 four days ago _____________ child. (see)
4 3rd April _____________ 8 Danny _____________ too much of that fizzy
5 last Friday _____________ drink, he isn’t feeling very well. (drink)
6 a week ago _____________
7 a month ago _____________ 4 W
 rite questions in the past form for each
8 11th April _____________ sentence.
1 I watched a film last night.
did you watch ?
What film _____________
Past simple 2 Susie played a great song on her guitar.
2 Complete the sentences with the Past simple What song ______________________________ ?
affirmative form of the verbs below. 3 My brother started a new job.
What job _______________________________ ?
watch visit enjoy listen
4 I finished my homework really late.
call look dance talk
What time ______________________________ ?
watched a brilliant film
1 Last night we ___________ 5 Before coming to London I lived in a small
about London on TV. village.
2 Where were you yesterday? I _____________ What village __________________________ in?
you five times and there was no answer. 6 It rained for a very long time last weekend.
3 Sam says she really _____________ your party How long _______________________________ ?
last Saturday. 7 We went to the shops because Rob needed
4 We went to a club and _____________ all something.
night. I’m so tired today! What __________________________________ ?
5 My teacher _____________ about a really good
show, let’s go and see it.
6 Karen _____________ to a new CD by her
friends yesterday.
7 Last Saturday we _____________ the Botanical
Gardens because it was a beautiful day.
8 I wanted a new coat so I _____________ in all
the shops in Oxford Street.

5 U
 se the words given to write sentences with Emotions
the Past simple negative form.
7 Complete the sentences with the correct
1 Jimmy / watch / TV yesterday evening option a, b or c.
Jimmy didn’t watch TV yesterday evening.
2 our students / listen / to a word of the talk! 1 Don’t speak to Amir. He knows you took his
_________________________________________ video camera without asking and he’s really
3 I / leave / home early this morning ______
angry with you!
_________________________________________ a scared b depressed c angry
4 the cinema / open / on time so there was a 2 Martin looks very _____________ .
queue Did something terrible happen?
_________________________________________ a upset b bored
5 the bus / go / to my street so I walked c embarrassed
_________________________________________ 3 As a child I hated the dark, I was really
6 we / see / the boys last night _____________ of it.
_________________________________________ a depressed b angry c scared
7 my friends / go / to the show, the tickets were 4 At the restaurant I didn’t have any money
very expensive in my wallet to pay for dinner. I was so
_________________________________________ _____________ !
a embarrassed b jealous c bored
6 Complete the sentences with the Past simple 5 I always feel very _____________ before I go on
form of the verbs in brackets. stage or film a scene.
a surprised b depressed c nervous
6 Jess has a really important exam today and
she’s really _____________ about it because
she didn’t study very much.
a worried b embarrassed c happy
7 When she saw her boyfriend with another girl,
she was really _____________ .
a scared b nervous c jealous
8 Tom hates studying so when he decided to go
to university everyone was _____________ .
a annoyed b surprised
c frightened

fell (fall) asleep during the lesson, it was

1 I _____
Adjectives in -ing and -ed
so boring. 8 Complete the sentences with the correct
2 I _____________ (not go) to school on Monday. adjective.
I wasn’t well. 1 I didn’t like the match at all, it was so boring /
3 The train was late so they _____________ bored.
(take) a taxi. 2 I love to have a bath in the evenings when I’m
4 _____________ (you see) the film on TV last tiring / tired.
night? It was great! 3 The only interesting / interested thing about
5 I _____________ (chat) all day online to Bill this town is its art gallery.
yesterday. 4 Jen told us a really depressing / depressed
6 ‘_____________ (you have) a good weekend?’ story about her teacher.
‘No, I _____________ (study) all the time!’ 5 This story in the newspaper about global
7 I’m annoyed with my daughter. warming is very worrying / worried.
She _____________ (not clean) her room again 6 Helen was very embarrassing / embarrassed
this morning. when her boyfriend saw her with Tim!
8 _____________ (you like) the chocolate cake 7 I was surprising / surprised to hear that you’re
we _____________ (make) for your birthday? leaving the course.
8 I don’t want to see that film again. It was really
frightened / frightening.

8 Out and About
English in Context
1 Complete the email with the Past simple form 3 Complete the dialogue with the words below.
of the verbs in brackets.
embarrassed embarrassing annoyed annoying
relaxed relaxing amused amusing

1 Sam Did you go to the party last night?

Hi Tracey! Chloe Yes, and I saw my ex with his new
How are you? Just a note about my weekend. It was Sam Oh dear! Was that an
great! I just (1) _____________
wanted (want) to go out with _____________
embarassing situation?
Zadie on Saturday and relax because Chloe No, it wasn’t really. We’re friends
I (2) _____________ (study) a lot all week. now and I was with Pete.
We (3) _____________ (decide) to go to the zoo at
Regent’s Park because Zadie (4) _____________ 2 Ken Did you enjoy your holiday?
(not want) to stay in. We really (5) _____________ Clare Yes, I did. It was really
(enjoy) it! Zadie (6) _____________ (love) the pen- _____________ . Lot of sun, food
guins but I (7) _____________ (not like) seeing the and sleep!
lions in cages. In the evening we were tired,
so we just (8) _____________ (watch) TV, 3 Naomi What did you think of the comedy
(9) _____________ (chat) and chilled out. Great! film last night?
Speak again soon. Dave Well, it was quite _____________
Seth but I preferred the horror film after

4 Jay What’s the matter? You look a bit

2 C
 omplete the dialogue with the Past simple angry.
form of the verbs in brackets. Tim I’m so _____________ . My brother
took my motorbike without asking.

5 Ali Charlie Stevens shouted at me in

front of everyone.
T Hi Seth! So What (1) _____________
did you do on Sue Oh, no! What did you do?
Sunday then? (you / do) Ali Well I felt really _____________ ,
S Another great day with Zadie. so I just walked away.
(2)_____________ her to the Sunday
market. (I take) 6 James I finished all my homework and
T (3) _____________ much? (you / buy) I’m free to enjoy the weekend!
S Well, (4) _____________ (I / not buy) Kate Ah, that’s why you look so
anything, but (5) _____________ _____________ .
(Zadie / buy) loads of things. She loves
second-hand stuff. 7 Sid The bus is late again!!
T (6) _____________ lunch there? (you / Doris I know! It’s really _____________
have) when that happens.
S Yes. (7) _____________ to a really nice
café on the canal. (we / go) 8 Jo Steve was so funny in class today.
T (8) _____________ fish and chips? (you / He told so many jokes.
eat) Caroline Yeah, I know. I don’t think the
S No. (9) _____________ sausage and mash. teacher was very _____________
(we / eat) though!
T And in the evening?
S (10) _____________ the sun go down over
the canal. (we / see)
T How romantic!

4  se the words below and the expression a bit
U Sum Up!
to complete the sentences and soften the tone.
7 Read the note that Mark sent to Anne and
hot expensive boring underline the correct options.
tired small late
I’m really sorry Anne. I (1) were / was stupid!
1 Can you open the window, please? I am really (2) embarrassing / embarrassed about
It’s _________
a bit hot in here. the other night. When the match (3) finish /
2 A Did you enjoy your holiday? finished I (4) tried / try calling you but you
B Well, not really. It was _____________ . (5) not / didn’t answer. (6) Did you get / You get
Too many museums for me. my messages and emails? It (7) not was / wasn’t
3 You can’t have these shoes. They are just a match, it was the Cup Final!! I can’t sleep
_____________ . and I’m really (8) excited / tired. Last night
4 I don’t want to go out tonight, I (9) go / went to the cinema, but it was really
I’m _____________ . I think I need to sleep. (10) bored / boring without you.
5 I think this shirt is _____________ . Try the Yesterday I (11) buy / bought two tickets for the
next size. Phantom of the Opera. I hope you want to come
6 It’s _____________ to go to the cinema. with me. It looks really (12) interesting / interested.
The film starts in 5 minutes! Call me.
5 Write equivalent expressions in your own
8  ead Anne’s diary entry and complete the text
language next to each sentence 1-8.
with the correct form of the words below.
1 You’re kidding! _____________
come not watch not like take drink
2 What happened? _____________
like not have a row frighten talk go
3 Very funny! _____________
4 Boring! _____________
5 It’s a long story! _____________ came
On Saturday Mark (1) ________
6 have a row _____________ to my house at two and we
7 What’s the matter? _____________ (2) _____________ a cup of tea and
8 You look upset. _____________ (3) _____________ about everything.
After that, we (4) _____________ to the
6 C
 omplete the dialogue with the expressions theatre. It was full. It was a fantastic show
from exercise 5. with amazing special effects and costumes.
Lena (1) You
look really _____
upset . Mark really (5) _____________ the phantom
(2) _____________ ? but I (6) _____________ him at all. He was
Anne Well, Mark and I (3) _____________ last ugly and really (7) _____________ . After the
night. show Mark (8) _____________ me home and
Lena Not again! What about? we (9) _____________ TV and we
Anne (4) _____________! (10) _____________ !!
Lena Make it short!
Anne (5) _____________ .
Lena OK. That wasn’t funny. Sorry. Tell me Translate!
about it. (6) _____________?
Anne Well, I wanted to go to the party but he
9 Translate the text into your own language.
wanted to watch TV.
Lena (7) _____________! Last night I went to Luke’s birthday party. I didn’t
Anne Yes, it was. He just watched the match on really want to go because I was tired, but I really
TV all night. had fun. I arrived at 9 p.m. and there weren’t
Lena (8) _____________! many people there, so it was a bit boring. I ate a
Anne No, I’m not. I was really annoyed. lot of pizza because I was really hungry. Then, at
Lena Did you tell him? 10 p.m. my friends arrived and Luke played his
Anne Yes, I did. guitar and sang some songs, too. He was really
Lena And what did Mark do? good. I was surprised because I didn’t know he
Anne Nothing. He just watched the football! was a singer.

8 Out and About
Vocabulary Builder
Collocations (3): free-time activities Synonyms
1 Match nouns from Unit 8 to the verbs below. 3 M
 atch the underlined words in the sentences
to their synonyms below. Use a dictionary to
Try to learn these words as expressions because help you.
they are commonly used together in English.
boring frightening kidding famous
weird fall out dreadful row

1 I fell asleep during the film, it was so dull.

2 We went to a terrible party last weekend!
3 Listen, I’m not joking, I really saw George
Clooney in the café at lunchtime.
4 Terry and I had a terrible argument, and we’re
not speaking now. _____________
5 Sometimes you see well known actors and
directors in London. _____________
6 Don’t you think this book is a bit strange?
I don’t really understand it. _____________
7 Sometimes my friends argue, and then we
can’t go to parties together. _____________
8 I don’t want to see that film, it’s a horror movie
and I hate scary things. _____________
go on take surf play
Common acronyms with the
1 _____
go on a boat trip
2 _____________ a musical instrument
initials of names
3 _____________ a trip
We often refer to organisations and countries
4 _____________ the Internet
by their initials (acronym) instead of the whole
5 _____________ a tour
name. For example, in the Student’s Book, the
6 _____________ journey
7 _____________ a game acronym LAC is used for the London Arts Centre.
8 _____________ a photo In English, each letter of an acronym is usually
said separately, as in USA, we say U-S-A, but
2 C
 omplete the sentences with the expressions sometimes the letters are read as a whole word,
from exercise 1.
as in UNESCO or NASA.
1 My brother finishes university this year and
going on a boat trip along the Nile.
he’s __________________
2 I want to learn to ___________________________ 4  rite out the words represented by each
this year, possibly the violin. acronym.
3 That sunset is beautiful, ___________________ 1 the UK ___________________
the United Kingdom
_______ of it to show our friends. 2 the USA ___________________
4 Paul’s _________________________ , he’s 3 NASA ___________________
looking for information for a school project. 4 the UN ___________________
5 My parents _________________________ of 5 the EU ___________________
Germany last year. They visited lots of different 6 UNESCO ___________________
cities in ten days. 7 MP ___________________
6 I’m really bored, can we ____________________
______ , Monopoly or something?

1  ucy went on a school trip to York with her class.
Read the email she wrote to her friend Carol who
lives in Dublin. What did she think was silly?

Hi Carol!
I missed you when you left! Did you get home OK?
It’s a shame you couldn’t stay a bit longer. We had a great time in York last Saturday. It was my first trip
to Yorkshire! I woke up really early, because the train was at seven in the morning! It was quite a long
journey, almost three hours, but I wasn’t bored. I slept for a bit and then we talked nonstop and I listened to
the new Arcade Fire album on my MP3. Benjy wrote about a hundred messages on his Facebook page!
Did you know that York was founded by the Romans? The city was a Roman Fortress. It’s two thousand
years old. Our teacher took us for a walk along the walls. You get a great view of the city, but we walked
for almost two hours so it was tiring and you know I don’t like heights, so I didn’t really enjoy it.
Benjy held my hand! J
Then we went on a boat trip along the river. It was a bit cold but it was fun. I took lots of pictures.
After that we visited York Minster, the cathedral. It is really beautiful and it’s huge! A guide told us about the
stained glass windows. There are 128 of them! Benjy thought it was boring and he sat and played games
on his mobile, but I was surprised because it was really interesting.
After the Minster we were all hungry, so we went to Betty’s. It’s a traditional tea room. We had scones,
fresh cream and jam and tea. I ate too much and afterwards I felt a bit sick! Then in the afternoon we
visited the York Dungeon. It wasn’t scary. I thought the ghost chamber was just silly, but Benjy enjoyed it.
He thought it was funny. He bought a toy skeleton in the souvenir shop!
Anyway what did you do at the weekend?
Write soon
Love Lucy

2  ind the past form of the following irregular

F Writing
verbs in the text.
4 Write about a class trip. Where did you go?
1 think ____________ 5 buy ____________ When did you go? How did you get there?
2 tell ____________ 6 wake up ____________ What did you do? Did you buy something?
3 write ____________ 7 feel ____________ What did you like or not like? Use Lucy’s
4 hold ____________ 8 sleep ____________ email as a model.

3  rite the correct name, Lucy or Benjy, next to

W Listening
the following sentences.
5  9 Anne is telling Steven about her
1 _____________ listened to music on the train. school trip. Read the sentences and write
2 _____________ likes writing on Facebook. T (true) or F (false).
3 _____________ was nervous walking along the
1 Anne didn’t enjoy the trip. ____
2 Henry VIII lived in a lot of different
4 _____________ didn’t enjoy the visit to the
palaces. ____
3 Henry VIII wasn’t interested in
5 _____________ went on a boat trip.
music. ____
6 _____________ didn’t feel well.
4 Henry liked sports. ____
7 _____________ had fun at the dungeon.
5 Anne doesn’t know how many
8 _____________ bought something.
children King Henry had. ____
6 Elizabeth died very young. ____


Is it Chance?
Focus on Grammar
Past continuous
Negative form Interrogative
Affirmative form
full contracted form

I was working I was not working I wasn’t working Was I working?

You were working You were not working You weren’t working Were you working?
He was working He was not working He wasn’t working Was he working?
She was working She was not working She wasn’t working Was she working?
It was working It was not working It wasn’t working Was it working?
We were working We were not working We weren’t working Were we working?
You were working You were not working You weren’t working Were you working?
They were working They were not working They weren’t working Were they working?

– describe background actions when narrating a

Short answers
affirmative negative The sun was shining and birds were singing
when the tiger came out of the jungle.
Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
Yes, you were. No, you weren’t. • We use the Past continuous and the Past simple
Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. together:
Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t. – to describe a longer action that is then
Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t. interrupted by a sudden, short action.
Yes, we were. No, we weren’t. They were driving home when the accident
Yes, you were. No, you weren’t. happened.
Sue was snowboarding when she broke her arm.
Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
• We can introduce the background action with while
• The Past continuous is a compound tense. To form or as.
the Past continuous we use the auxiliary verb to be While she was cooking the fire started.
in the Past simple followed by the -ing form of the As he was sitting down the chair broke.
main verb.
Adverbs of manner
• With verbs that do not take the -ing form, we use
the Past simple. • Adverbs of manner indicate ‘how’ someone does
• We use the Past continuous: bad ➝ badly careful ➝ carefully
– to talk about an action in progress at a specific full ➝ fully easy ➝ easily
moment in the past. comic ➝ comically polite ➝ politely
At 7.30 last night I was having dinner.
(I started eating before 7.30 and continued after. • We form adverbs of manner by adding the suffix -ly
The action was in progress at that moment.) to an adjective. When we add the suffix there can
be some spelling changes.
– to talk about an action that was in progress at – if the adjective ends in -y, we change the -y to -i
the moment when something else happened. and add -ly.
I was having dinner last night when the happy – happily
telephone rang.

! Exceptions:
dry ➝ dryly shy ➝ shyly

– if the adjective ends in -le, we drop the -e and • Some adjectives have two distinct adverbial forms
add -y. with different meanings.
gentle – gently simple – simply – hard – hardly
He works really hard. (He works a lot.)
– if the adjective ends in -e, we keep the -e and I hardly know him. (I don’t know him very well.)
add -ly.
aggressive – aggressively – late – lately
He never arrives late. (He is always on time.)

! Exceptions: true ➝ truly I haven’t seen much of them lately. (recently)

– if the adjective ends in -ic, we add -ally. – high – highly

dramatic – dramatically He is aiming high. (He is aiming for excellence.)
I think highly of her. (I respect and admire her.)
– if the adjective ends in -ly we do not make an
adverb, but use an adverbial expression. – free – freely
He talked to me in a friendly way. Children can enter free. (They can enter without
• Some adjectives keep the same form when they are He spoke freely to me. (honestly, openly)
used as adverbs of manner.
That’s a fast train. (adjective) • We usually place adverbs of manner:
You speak too fast. (adverb) – after the verb they qualify.
She dances well.
Give me a straight answer, please. (adjective)
He went straight home. (adverb) – after the object.
She speaks Spanish well.

My Glossary
Discoveries and inventions beard ________________
antibiotic ________________ Weather earthquake ________________
bacterium/bacteria ________________ sunny ________________ guy ________________
by accident ________________ wind ________________ hoodie ________________
flying machine ________________ paint ________________
genius ________________ Crime pupil ________________
gravity ________________ forger ________________ tail ________________
laboratory ________________ forgery ________________
penicillin ________________ hijacker ________________ adjectives
research ________________ hijacking ________________ blank ________________
to discover ________________ kidnapper ________________ shaky ________________
to investigate ________________ kidnapping ________________
to look for ________________ mugger ________________ verbs
mugging ________________ to crash ________________
Jobs robber ________________ to dry ________________
architect ________________ thief ________________ to fly ________________
doctor ________________ to forge ________________ to get a look at ________________
electrician ________________ to grab ________________ to notice ________________
engineer ________________ to hi-jack ________________ to search for ________________
lawyer ________________ to kidnap ________________ to turn around ________________
nurse ________________ to mug ________________ to turn into ________________
plumber ________________ to push ________________
postman ________________ to rob ________________ adverbs
sailor ________________ to run away ________________ clearly ________________
scientist ________________ to shout for help ________________ incredibly ________________
secretary ________________ to steal ________________ quietly ________________
to struggle ________________ roughly ________________
Sports and games witness ________________ slowly ________________
opponent ________________ strangely ________________
rule ________________ Other... suddenly ________________
to chase ________________ nouns
to cheer ________________ apple tree ________________
to kick ________________ bat ________________

9 Grammar and Vocabulary Practice

Past continuous
1  omplete the sentences with the Past
C 3  ewrite the sentences using the words in
continuous of the verbs in brackets. brackets.
1 John was saving money to buy car. (motorbike)
No, he wasn’t. He was saving money to buy a
2 Katie and Matt were making a documentary
about supermarkets. (public parks)
No, they _________________________________
3 Frank was hoping to go to law school.
(The London Arts Centre)
4 My brother was going out with Lorna. (Sandra)
5 I was trying to help you. (interfere)
1 We saw a lot of famous people when we _________________________________________
were walking around Hollywood. (walk around)
__________________ 6 You were trying to take my books. (tidy your
2 This time yesterday I ___________ in a coffee books)
shop with Nat. (sit) _________________________________________
3 At 8 o’clock this morning I _____________ on 7 My mum was making a pair of trousers. (skirt)
the bus to school. (sit) _________________________________________
4 I really _____________ a birthday present from
you! (not expect)
Past continuous vs Past simple
5 The children _____________ TV when I got
home. (watch) 4 C
 omplete the sentences with the Past
6 She _____________ for the party when I arrived continuous or the Past simple of the verbs in
so I helped her. (cook) brackets.
7 They _____________ problems with their car so were watching (watch) a film when they
1 We _____________
they called the mechanic. (have) ___________
interrupted (interrupt) it with a news flash.
8 He _____________ carefully about the work so 2 When their mother _____________ (get) home
he did it badly. (not think) the children _____________ (prepare) a
surprise for her.
2 C
 omplete the questions for the following 3 Nobody _____________ (be) in the car when
sentences. the tree _____________ (fall) on it.
1 Gary was studying at university 2 years ago. 4 While the player _____________ (chase) the
was Gary studying ?
Where __________________ ball he _____________ (run) into another player.
2 We were travelling last year. 5 My computer _____________ (crash) while
Where _____________ ? I _____________ (try) to install a new program.
3 Sarah and Ron were trying to book train tickets 6 Someone suddenly _____________ (knock) on
this morning. the door while I _____________ (talk) on the
Why _____________ ? phone.
4 The man was running very fast. 7 I _____________ (discover) the news when
Why _____________ ? I _____________ (read) the newspaper.
5 I was painting a new picture yesterday. 8 He _____________ (not listen) to the teacher
What _____________ ? when she _____________ (ask) for the
6 You were playing an interesting part in that film. homework.
What part _____________ ?

Adverbs of manner Vocabulary
5 Underline the adverbs in the sentences and Professions
write the adjectives they come from.
7 Complete the sentences with words from Unit 9.
1 They ran quickly to catch the bus.
2 Please check your work carefully.
3 He shouted angrily at the mugger.
4 The classroom was strangely quiet.
5 The thief pulled her bag from her roughly.
6 My dad drives so slowly, I get mad.
7 We were walking happily down the street when
we saw something horrible.
_____________ 1 My husband is a _______
sailor . He’s often away at
8 If you don’t speak clearly I can’t understand sea and I don’t see him for months.
you. 2 A very famous _____________ designed the
_____________ Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris.
9 ‘Go away,’ said the man coldly. 3 My sister is very fast at writing documents and
_____________ letters. But that’s because she’s a ____________ .
4 Many _____________ are worried about the fact
6  ransform the adjectives below into adverbs
T that there is too much pollution on our planet.
and use them to complete the sentences. 5 Oh no! The room is full of water from the washing
machine. We need to phone a _____________ .
slow clear sad noise 6 You don’t need to call an _____________ just to
gentle quick quiet careful change the light bulb in your living room!

1 Please speak _______,
slowly I can’t understand you.
2 The children were playing so _____________
Crimes and criminals
I didn’t hear the telephone. 8 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
3 Come on, walk _____________ , we’re late! The first letter is given to help you.
4 Look at the picture _____________ and tell me
what you see.
5 They decided _____________ that they didn’t
have enough money to buy their dream house.
6 Please speak _____________ in this area,
people are doing exams.
7 She took the kitten _____________ in her arms.
8 This instruction book is good, it describes
everything very _____________ .

1 The police caught the r______

obber very quickly.
2 It’s quite easy to m________ people in dark streets.
3 H________ took control of an aeroplane last night.
4 Sorry, this is a false bank note. It’s a f________ .
5 It’s pretty difficult to r________ a bank with
modern security.
6 Did you hear about the k________ on the news
7 There are too many m________ in our area at the
8 Stop that t________ ! He took my handbag!

9 Is it Chance?
English in Context
1 Read the excerpt from the story The Small 3  omplete the questions the detective asked
White Bag and correct the verb in italics with Tom about Emily. Use the correct form of the
the correct form of the Past Continuous or the Past continuous, then write answers.
Past simple. 1 What (you do), when you saw Emily?
I was driving along Church street.
It was a terrible day. 2 Who _____________ (Emily talk) to?
It (1) rained hard. _________________________________________
Tom (2) drove slowly 3 Where _____________ (Emily wait)?
and carefully along _________________________________________
Church Street, when he 4 What _____________ (the man do)?
(3) was seeing Emily. _________________________________________
She (4) were wearing a 5 What _____________ (Emily wear)?
pretty white dress and _________________________________________
holding a small white 6 What _____________ (Amy and Jack do) when
bag. She (5) weren’t wearing a jacket. She was you arrived at the restaurant?
waiting at the bus stop with a strange man. He _________________________________________
was talking angrily. Tom (6) was stopping the car 7 What _____________ (you do) when you heard
and she got in and they drove to the restaurant. Emily shout for help.
Emily (7) wasn’t wanting to talk about the man _________________________________________
to Tom. She just cried quietly. When they arrived
Amy and Jack were talking to a waiter. 4  orrect these sentences from memory, without
Tom, Jack and Amy (8) talked and laughed looking at the text.
happily when Emily went into the garden. 1 It was raining softly. It was raining hard.
Suddenly, they heard Emily shouting for help. 2 The man was talking happily. _____________
Tom went to see what was happening but Emily 3 Tom was driving dangerously. _____________
wasn’t there. As he was walking inside he saw 4 Tom was driving fast. _____________
something on the ground. It was a small white 5 Emily cried noisily. _____________
handbag. 6 They were laughing loudly. _____________

5  ow read the story again and check your

1 _____________ 2
was raining _____________
answers to exercise 4.
3 _____________ 4 _____________
5 _____________ 6 _____________ 6 Complete the sentences with as, when or
7 _____________ 8 _____________ while.
When Tom came out of the house it wasn’t
1 _______
2  ead the story again and write questions and
R raining.
short answers using the Past continuous and 2 _____________ he was driving along the road,
the words given. he saw Emily and the man.
1 It / rain? ✓ 3 _____________ Tom saw the man shouting at
Was it raining? Yes, it was. Emily, he was very angry.
2 Emily / cry? ✓ 4 Tom drove in silence _____________ Emily was
_________________________________________ crying.
3 Emily / wear / a jacket? ✗ 5 _____________ Emily and Tom arrived at the
_________________________________________ restaurant their friends were talking to a waiter.
4 the man / shout? ✗ 6 Emily went into the garden _____________ the
_________________________________________ others were talking.
5 Tom and Jack / sing? ✗ 7 Tom saw the bag _____________ he was
_________________________________________ walking back into the building.
6 Emily / laugh? ✗

7 C
 omplete the news in brief with the words Sum Up!
9 Complete the text with the words below. Use
thief robbery forgeries steal the correct form of the Past Continuous or the
hijacker kidnapper robbers
Past simple.

ask ago as slowly when

happily wait postman not wear

News in Brief
thief from taking her
1 A woman stopped a ______ ago I was walking home
A few months (1) _____,
car by shouting loudly. (2) _____________ , (3) _____________ I saw
2 The bank did not have any money so the a bag on the road. There were keys, and a wallet
_____________ took the pencils and pens in it. Inside the wallet there was a lot of money
that were on the desks. and a picture of a little boy wearing a striped
T-shirt. I decided to take it to the police.
3 A _____________ told the pilot to fly the
While I (4) _____________ to see someone,
plane to Spain.
a woman came in with a little boy. No, he
4 Pami Horst’s _____________ asked for a (5) _____________ a striped T- shirt, but he was
million pounds and now they are getting the boy in the picture.
married! I gave the woman the bag and she thanked me
5 A thief tried to _____________ the Mona Lisa (6) _____________ and (7) _____________ for
last night but was caught by the police. my name and address.
6 A man calling himself the Duke of Dorset Anyway, (8) _____________ I was leaving the
sold _____________ of great masters, house yesterday morning, the
including Vermeer and Monet for over 50 (9) _____________ arrived and there was a letter
million dollars. for me with £100 in it.
7 There was a rather unusual _____________
at London Zoo last night. Thieves stole a
very dangerous python. Translate!
10 Translate the following sentences into your
8 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of own language.
the Past Continuous or the Past simple, using 1 The footballer hit the ball hard.
the words in brackets. _________________________________________
2 Where were you going when I saw you
At the police station
were you doing yesterday?
A What (1) _____________ (you do), when it
3 The thief grabbed my handbag and ran away.
B I was waiting for the number 30 bus.
A What (2) _____________ (man do)?
4 We weren’t doing our homework when dad
B He was reading a book.
came home.
A Right. (3) _____________ (you make) a noise?
B No, I wasn’t. I (4) _____________ (not do)
5 It was raining when we went to the park.
anything. I was just listening to a song, and he
(5) _____________ (grab) me!
6 We ran to the station fast.
A Why (6) _____________ (he do) that?
B I’ve got no idea.
7 What did you do yesterday?
A (7) _____________ (he say) anything?
B No, he didn’t.
8 There are a lot of robberies in our building.
A What did you do then?
B Well, I (8) _____________ (kick) him and ran
A Can you describe him?
B Well he was tall, about 30 and he
(9) _____________ (wear) a brown raincoat.
A OK. That’s fine.

9 Is it Chance?
Vocabulary Builder
Nouns and verbs which are the same 3 U
 se a dictionary to complete this table about
the artistic disciplines taught at the LAC.
In Unit 6 we saw some verbs and nouns that have
the same form. Sometimes these verbs and nouns Noun: Noun:
Verb associated
have a similar meaning. For example: person art/work
I walked in the park.
song, concert,
I went for a walk in the park. (no verb) musician music
We visited our grandparents last week.
We had a visit with our grandparents. actor film, play, show

film film
Sometimes the meaning can be very different. For
example: painter picture
We like to play cards or backgammon in the
evening. writing
We saw a play at the theatre; it was Hamlet by
Review of affixes: prefixes and
1  ead these nouns / verbs and decide if the
R 4  hoose the correct option to complete the
meaning is similar (S) or different (D). rules below.
1 talk ______ 3 watch ______ 5 swing ______ 1 An affix is:
2 ship ______ 4 match ______ 6 place ______ a a type of preposition we use in particular
2  ow use the nouns / verbs from exercise 1 to
b a particle we add before or after a word to
complete the sentences.
change its meaning
talk to you for a moment.
1 I’d like to _____ 2 We put a prefix:
We had a _____talk about the problem. a before a word b after a word
2 Your socks are different, they don’t ____________ . 3 We put a suffix:
Did you go to the football _____________ a before a word b after a word
3 She tried to _____________ the vase gently on 5 L
 ook at the prefixes and suffixes in the words
the table. listed in the table. Read the categories 1-5 below
Save a _____________ for me at the cinema. and write the words listed in the correct category.
4 Try to _____________ the golf club quickly.
The children love to play on their ____________ . prefixes suffixes
5 When moving house it’s good to
_____________ stuff by courier. incomprehensible player director interesting
Sailors live for many months on their unreal traditional friendly assistant
_____________ . irresponsible tourist rainy comfortable
6 We like to _____________ good films on TV. immature excited forgery
Oh no, my _____________ stopped. What time
is it? 1 These make a VERB or NOUN into a NOUN:
-er (player)
Word families _________________________________________
2 These make a VERB or NOUN into an
In Unit 9 we learned a lexical group related to ADJECTIVE: -al (traditional)
crime. When you look up a word in the dictionary, _________________________________________
make a note of the related words too and try to find 3 These make a NOUN into an ADJECTIVE:
other words associated with it. This will help you -y (rainy)
to greatly expand your lexis. For example: _________________________________________
verb: forge 4 These make an ADJECTIVE into its opposite
person (criminal): forger (antonym): in- (incomprehensible)
act (crime): forgery _________________________________________
other words: bank note 5 These make a VERB into an ADJECTIVE:
-ing (interesting)

1 Read Kevin’s story about a day that started badly,
but ended happily. Why did he walk home?

The sun was shining

My alarm went off. It was 8 o’clock. It was Friday the thirteenth.
It was cold, it was raining and I was in a bad mood. I pulled the
covers over my head and was falling into a deep sleep when mum
came into the room and opened the curtains. It was late. It was
8.30. I washed and dressed quickly and ran out of the house with
a piece of toast in my hand. As I was running up the road I saw the bus disappearing down the high street. I
was starting to think that this was not my lucky day when I saw her.
She was sitting at the bus stop and she was quietly listening to her MP3. She was really pretty. She had short
dark hair and green eyes. I sat down next to her. She was listening to The Arctic Monkeys, my favourite band.
She was really friendly and had a beautiful smile. She told me her name was Amy. Amy went to the girls’
grammar school and she played the clarinet in the school orchestra. We were talking about music when the
bus arrived. When she got off the bus I saw her MP3 on the seat next to me.
I thought about Amy all day. I didn’t have her address, so I decided to go to her school. When I got to her
classroom she wasn’t there, she was rehearsing for the Christmas concert, so I wrote her a note and put it on
the notice board. It wasn’t raining anymore, so I walked home.
When I got home mum was in the kitchen making dinner and my brother David was in the garden fixing his
bike. I was helping David with his bike, when the doorbell rang. I heard mum talking to someone and the next
minute Amy walked into the garden.
I was really happy. Mum brought us tea and my favourite biscuits and we sat in the garden and chatted. As
Amy was leaving, she gave me her phone number and I gave her her MP3. The sun was shining and I was in a
very good mood!

2 Answer the following questions. Listening

1 What time did Kevin wake up the second time? 4  10 Susan is telling her mother what

He woke up at 8.30. happened at school. Listen and complete the

2 What was the weather like in the morning? sentences. Use one word in each space.

3 Where was the bus when he saw it?

4 What was Amy doing when Kevin saw her? 1 What __________
happened ?

(2 things) 2 We were _____________ _____________

5 What was Amy doing when Kevin went to her _____________ and _____________ , when a
school? man and woman _____________ fighting.
6 What was Kevin doing when Amy arrived? 3 While he _____________ _____________
7 What did Kevin’s mum bring them? to the waitress, the woman suddenly
8 How did Kevin feel when Amy left? _____________ up.
4 He _____________ _____________ her really

loudly and she _____________ _____________ .
5 It was _____________ _____________ .
3 W
 rite about a day in your life when things 6 What _____________ _____________
went well / badly. Read the first paragraph of _____________ do?
Kevin’s story again to help you. Use the
correct forms of the Past continuous or the
Past simple and as / when / while.


Focus on Grammar
Compounds of some, any,
no, every
Possessive pronouns
• We use possessive pronouns like we use possessive
adjectives, to indicate who something belongs to.
We use possessive pronouns when the noun they
People Things Places
refer to is already known. They always agree with
the possessor.
some somebody, something somewhere
Subject Object Possessive Possessive
any anybody, anything anywhere pronoun pronoun adjective pronoun
anyone I me my mine
no nobody, nothing nowhere you you your yours
no one he him his his
she her her hers
every everybody, everything everywhere it it its –
everyone we us our ours
you you your yours
they them their theirs
• We use compounds of some, any and no like we
use the indefinite adjectives:
– we use compounds of some in affirmative and • Possessive pronouns are similar to possessive
interrogative sentences when we offer or request adjectives in the following ways:
something. – they are never preceded by a definite article.
I bought something to eat at noon. My office is in the city center. Where’s yours?
Would you like something to drink? (Not: Where’s the yours?)

– we use compounds of any in interrogative and – they are invariable in number.
negative sentences. My questions are more difficult than theirs.
Have you got anything to say? Her question is more difficult than theirs.
I haven’t got anything to ask.
– they are invariable in gender, except the 3rd
 When any and its compounds are used in person singular, where there are two forms, his
affirmative sentences, there is a difference in and hers. There is no possessive pronoun for it.
meaning. The moped is his.
Anybody can do it: it’s easy! The bike is hers.
(it doesn’t matter who)
• We use the structure of + possessive pronoun with:
– we use compounds of no in sentences with – an indefinite article a / an or a number.
a negative meaning, but with a verb in the This is Samantha, a friend of mine.
affirmative form (we don’t use the ‘double My brother went to the seaside with two friends
negative’ in English). of his.
She’s got nothing to add.
(Not: She hasn’t got nothing to add.) – s ome, any or no.
She went shopping with some friends of hers.
• Indefinite pronouns can be followed by an adjective. I didn’t see any friends of yours at the party.
something cheap nothing important There were no friends of ours at the school play.

– a demonstrative adjective this / that / these /

This skirt of yours is really pretty.
Those friends of his are really funny.

Whose…? like and would like
• We use the interrogative pronoun whose to ask • We use the verb like to describe what we enjoy or
about possession. appreciate. It can be followed by:
– a noun or a pronoun.
• We can use whose with two different structures: I like soft cheese.
I like it, it’s delicious.
whose + noun + verb
– a verb in the -ing form.
Whose pen is that? She likes reading ebooks.

whose + verb to be + object • We use the conditional form would like (’d like) to
express preference, for offers and invitations. It can
Whose is that pen? be followed by:
Whose are those CDs? – a noun or a pronoun.
She would like some coffee.
• We use whose to ask about relationship between She would like it.
Whose friend is he? – a verb in the infinitive form.
Whose brother plays the guitar? Would you like to have lunch with me?

My Glossary
Shopping to browse ________________ Materials
bargain ________________ to register ________________ ceramic ________________
delivery ________________ to send an email ________________ cotton ________________
goods ________________ (web)site ________________ metal ________________
market ________________
order form ________________ Eating out Other...
product ________________ beer ________________ nouns
second-hand ________________ chips ________________ apology ________________
shipping ________________ cutlery ________________ downstairs ________________
shopper ________________ delicious ________________ list ________________
supplier ________________ dessert ________________ queue ________________
to order ________________ fork ________________ risk ________________
to run (shops) ________________ knife ________________ staff ________________
vending machine ________________ main course ________________
meal ________________ adjectives
Money napkin ________________ awful ________________
bill ________________ olive ________________ convenient ________________
cash ________________ pepper ________________ quick ________________
cheap ________________ soup ________________ reliable ________________
cheque ________________ sparkling water ________________
credit card ________________ spoon ________________ verbs
expensive ________________ starter ________________ to confirm ________________
price ________________ steak ________________ to park ________________
receipt ________________ tablecloth ________________ to print ________________
to charge ________________ vegetarian ________________ to stand ________________
to make a profit ________________ to switch on ________________
to pay for ________________ Containers to work ________________
to save ________________ bowl ________________
to spend ________________ glass ________________ adverbs
voucher ________________ jug ________________ almost ________________
saucer ________________ at first ________________
Surfing the Net teapot ________________ nowadays ________________
e-shopping ________________
search engine ________________

10 Grammar and Vocabulary Practice

Compounds of some, any, no, every
1 Complete the sentences with the words below. 2 Complete the sentences with any, every, no or
somewhere no one everywhere any one,
1 I went into the shop but couldn’t see ___
everything nowhere anything
something nothing everyone so I left.
2 I can’t find my credit card ______where.
Do you know where it is?
3 I’ve got ______thing to do this weekend. Would
you like to go to the cinema?
4 I’m very sorry but there’s ______one here to
answer your question. Can you call back later?
5 He’s very popular, ______one likes him.
6 My apologies Sarah, but I don’t know
______thing about Mongolian cinema.
Try the Internet.
7 I can see ______thing wrong with this idea. It’s
8 Let’s find ______where quiet to eat our

Whose and possessive pronouns

3  omplete the sentences with the possessive
pronouns below.

his hers mine theirs yours ours

somewhere but I can’t
1 I put my glasses _____________
remember where! 1 Haven’t you got any sandwiches with you?
2 Don’t worry about lunch, we can eat Don’t worry, I can give you one of _____
mine .
_____________ in a restaurant. 2 Lucy doesn’t want to use our costumes, she
3 Please put _____________ away when you prefers to use _____________ .
finish the game. 3 Don’t touch that phone, it isn’t _____________ .
4 We have a great band but _____________ to 4 The school says we can use this room, for
practise. Do you know any spaces for bands? today it’s _____________ .
5 It’s a great town for nightlife, there are bars 5 That doesn’t look like Jim’s number, I really
and cafés _____________ . don’t think it’s _____________ .
6 Remember to invite _____________ . Don’t 6 I’m sorry, my notes were near Katie’s and
forget a single person! Lorna’s and I took _____________ .
7 Oh no, I’ve got an invitation to dinner but
I haven’t got _____________ to wear!
8 There’s _____________ in the fridge. I have to
go to the supermarket.
9 There was an accident last night but
_____________ saw it, so the police don’t know
how it happened.

4  nderline the mistake in each sentence and
U At the restaurant
write the correct word from the box.
7 Complete the sentences with a word to match
mine ours yours theirs whose hers pictures A, B or C.
1 Children! Be careful with your knives and forks
____ .
1 Excuse me, this jacket isn’t hers. My jacket is
red and black. _____
2 It isn’t good for your little girl to wear other
people’s shoes, she should always use theirs.
3 What car is parked outside? Is it yours,
Mr Donaldson? _____________ 2 Would you like an extra _____________ for
4 Congratulations! The jury watched all the short your wine?
films and decided to give the prize to hers. A B C
5 We’re really sorry we broke your CD player,
please use his, we can give it to you in the
afternoon. _____________
6 Stop those children! They’re playing with a 3 I’d really like a _____________ of coffee after
computer game and it isn’t mine. dinner.
_____________ A B C

Information questions
5 Underline the correct option.
1 ‘Whose / Which pair of shoes do you prefer?’
4 Pass me a _____________ to cut the bread,
‘I like the black ones.’
2 ‘Whose / What jacket is that?’ ‘It’s Julie’s,
she left it yesterday.’
3 ‘Whose / What book are you reading?’
‘A new one about the story of Hollywood.’
4 ‘Whose / Which video camera is that? It’s
fantastic!’ ‘It’s Simon’s, he bought it last week.’
5 ‘Whose / What idea do you prefer, Sam’s or 5 I’m not hungry, I just want a _____________ of
Gillian’s?’ ‘I think I prefer Gillian’s.’ soup for lunch.
6 ‘Whose / Which restaurant did you go to on A B C
Saturday?’ ‘The Indian one in Parker Street.’

Shopping and money 6 Take aunt Ruth a _____________ for her cup of
6 Complete the sentences with the words below. A B C

online cash cash card cheque

1 When you buy things on the Internet this kind

online .
of shopping is ______
2 If you haven’t got cash or a credit card, you 7 The child needs a _____________ to clean her
can write a _____________ . face.
3 When you pay with money, you pay in A B C
_____________ .
4 You don’t have to go into a bank to get money.
You can use your _____________ at a cash

10 Money
English in Context
1 Complete the sentences with compounds of 3  uzy is cleaning up after a picnic with friends.
any / every / no / some. Write the questions with whose to match the
1 A anyone call for me?
Did (1) _______ answers.
B Yes, (2) _____________ called, but he didn’t
tell me his name, sorry.
A Well, did he say (3) _____________ ?
B Yes, he asked me about your computer.
I think he wanted to know
(4) _____________ about the price. I’m not
A You are dreadful. You don’t remember
(5) _____________ !

2 A Did many people come to the book sale?

B Yes, lots of people came, but
(6) _____________ bought anything! 1 Suzy Come on everyone. Let’s pack up!
Whose is this cup?
3 A Did you go to town? Pete It’s my cup.
B Yes, but there was (7) _____________ 2 Suzy __________________________________ ?
to park the car so I came back again! Ted They’re Jo’s biscuits.
3 Suzy __________________________________ ?
4 A Let’s go (8) _____________ this evening. Liz It’s your bowl!
B OK. Where do you want to go? 4 Suzy __________________________________ ?
A (9) _____________ , I just don’t want Amy and Tom They’re our plates.
to stay at home. I want to do 5 Suzy __________________________________ ?
(10) _____________ ! Anne It’s my tablecloth.
6 Suzy __________________________________ ?
2 R
 eplace the underlined words with the correct Ted They’re Anne’s spoons.
possessive pronouns.
Tanya That’s a nice jacket. 4  ewrite the answers to the questions in exercise
Chris Thanks, but it’s not (1) my jacket. _____
3 using possessive pronouns.
Tanya Whose is it? Is it Chloe’s?
Chris No, it can’t be (2) her jacket. 5 Complete the dialogue with words from Unit 10.
_____________ It’s too small. Dave Nadia, have you got a (1) spoon
_____ for this
Tanya You’re right. I know who it belongs to. soup, please?
It’s Lily’s. She was wearing it when she Nadia Oh sorry, I forgot to put them on the table
came in. with the (2) _____________ and forks.
Chris Yes, you’re right. It’s (3) Lily’s jacket. Dave No problem. So soup for
_____________ She’s in the toilet. (3) _____________ . What’s the main
Waiter Here are your pizzas. (4) _____________ ?
Tanya Sorry they’re not (4) our pizzas. Nadia We’re having cheese pie, with vegetable
_____________ We ordered burgers. side (5) _____________ .
Waiter Right. Sorry, are these drinks (5) your Dave Great. Would you like some water? Is this
drinks? _____________ your (6) _____________ ?
Tanya Yes they are (6) our drinks. Nadia Yes, thanks. Sorry Dave, could you pass
_____________ the (7) _____________ and pepper?
Waiter Good! Dave Here you are. This is great soup, Nadia.
Did you make it yourself?
Nadia Yes, I spent all morning cooking.
Dave I can’t cook at all. Look, I brought a cake
for (8) _____________ , but I bought it.
I can’t make cakes.
Nadia Well, I can make good coffee. Have a
(9) _____________ of my coffee later, it’s
fresh and not instant.

6  ead these advertising slogans and underline
R Sum Up!
the correct option.
8 Complete the dialogue with words from Unit 10.
something love?
Mum Can I ask you (1) ___________
1 Great affairs / bargains at Tony Yes, sure.
our big summer sale! Mum (2) _____________ is this PlayStation?
2 Save / Spend hundreds of Tony It’s (3) _____________ !
pounds on selected things / Mum It looks very expensive.
Tony It wasn’t. I bought it on eBay. It was a real
(4) _____________ !
3 Buy / Sell now, pay / charge
Mum How did you (5) _____________ for it?
Tony I used a credit (6) _____________ .
4 Laptops cost / price less at Mum (7) _____________ card did you use?
Teutonic’s! Tony I used (8) _____________ !
5 No shipping cost / charge on Mum Mine? You didn’t ask me!
spends / goods that value / Tony I know. I’m really sorry! But you weren’t
cost 100 pounds or more. here.
6 Pay in money / cash or by Mum OK. How much did it
card credit / credit card. (9) _____________ ?
Tony Well it was half (10) _____________ .
It was only £80.
7 Complete the dialogues with the words below. Mum £80! That’s too much. Send it back!
Tony But Mum! Everyone in my class has one!
sorry (x2) cash my no
card problem mine yours
9  ranslate these sentences into your own
1 Everyone came to the party.
2 No one speaks German in my class.
3 Whose phone is this? It’s not mine.
4 We went everywhere.
5 What did you buy yesterday?
6 I didn’t buy anything.
7 I had a starter but I didn’t have any dessert.
8 I have no knife.
1 George card ?
Can I pay by credit (1) ______
Shop assistant I’m (2) _____________ we only
accept (3) _____________ .
George No (4) _____________ .

2 Mike You’re wearing (5) _____________ jacket!

Tim Is it (6) _____________ ?
I’m (7) _____________ . I was sure it was
(8) _____________ . I’ve got the same
Mike (9) _____________ problem.

10 Money
Vocabulary Builder
Collocations (4) 3 Complete the table with the same words from
exercise 2.
In the lexical group for food and restaurants there
are many words that we often use together, as a I know or have got I never use or haven’t got
single expression. It is important to learn these
‘collocations’ so that it is easier to choose the right
words quickly.

For example:
Compound nouns (4)
In the Student’s Book we learned some words
associated with table settings that are often used There are some words that are common base
together. Can you complete them? words for compound nouns. When you look
salt and ______ knife and ______ in the dictionary, check to see if there are any
compound nouns that derive from the same
Another typical collocation pairs a word for a
word and make a note of them. For example:
container with the food or drink it is usually served
cash card debit card credit card
I.D. card discount card
For example:
I ate some soup is correct, but often we say: I ate a
bowl of soup. 4  hich of these words can come before card to
make a compound noun? Two of them cannot
be used.
1 Complete the sentences with the words below.
head business birthday report
dish plate box cup glass tin packet phone playing coffee boarding

1 I’d like a ______

plate of chips, please. 5  atch the words from exercise 4 to these
2 I’m so tired, can I have a _____________ of tea? pictures.
3 Susan brought me a _____________ of
biscuits, isn’t she kind?
4 Let’s take aunt Patricia a _____________ of
5 The restaurant served a big _____________ of
mixed vegetables for everyone.
6 I haven’t got any fresh salad. Let’s open a 1 _____________ 2 _____________ 3 _____________
_____________ of peas!
7 Would you like a _____________ of orange

Organising vocabulary (2)

As we saw in Unit 5, it is very useful to organise 4 _____________ 5 _____________ 6 _____________
vocabulary in a logical order or according to
personal opinions or experience. 6  omplete the sentences with the compound
nouns from exercise 4.
2  ut the words below into the correct category
1 Please leave your _____________
business card so I can take
in the table. Some words can be used more
note of your number and email address.
than once. Add some other words that you
2 When you check in at the airport they always
give you a _____________ .

3 I’ve got a _____________ but I can’t find a
cash credit card cash card cheque voucher
public phone anywhere!
vending machine bargain charge cost goods

4 Don’t forget a _____________ for Robert, he’s

eighteen next week.
online shopping in a shop or on the street
5 Have you got a pack of _____________ ?

We can pass the time with a game or two.
cash 6 Kerry just got her _____________ from school,
she did very well in all her subjects except

1 Read the article on American teens and their
shopping habits. What does Prudence want?

They need to give something back

According to a recent consumer survey, American teens spend
$200 billion a year. Teenagers are spending a lot of cash on
designer clothes, jewellery and accessories. Boys spend money
on electrical items and video games and girls prefer to spend
their money on clothes. A lot of American teens go to malls
every day after school. When they shop there, they spend on average fifty dollars each time. Parents complain
that they are not interested in anything apart from shopping and buying brand name goods.

Teens like designer labels. They’re a sign of social ranking. Teenage girls can spend 200 dollars on a designer
handbag. 17-year-old Prudence from Chicago says she loves Gucci handbags. She is saving for this season’s
bag. It costs over a thousand dollars. ‘It’s a dream bag; you can get everything in it’. Her friend Amanda says
‘We can’t go to school with a cheap bag. You aren’t anyone if it’s not designer’.

How do they pay for their expensive goods? American teens have credit cards or prepaid cards. Forty percent
of teenagers have their own bank account. A third of teenagers have part time jobs as well as pocket money
from their parents. For some parents their teenagers’ expensive shopping habits are a real problem. Titus
Collins from New York has twenty pairs of designer sneakers and fifteen pairs of boots. His parents are not
happy and he often buys new pairs secretly.
Prudence’s mother says: ‘My daughter wants a new car for her birthday, when I was a teenager my parents
bought me a second-hand car and I was happy’. Psychologist Dr Don Wall says a lot of teens are too
materialistic nowadays; they are shallow and have no real values. ‘They need to understand that they can’t
have everything, they also need to give something back’.

2  ead the sentences and write T (true) or F (false),

R Listening
then correct the false statements.
4 11 Listen and complete the dialogues.
1 American teenagers spend a lot of time in malls.
______ 1 Dad Are you hungry?
2 Girls like buying electrical goods. ______ Kate Yes, can I have (1) _____________ ?
3 Teens spend about fifty dollars when they buy Dad Toast? What about a nice
things from the mall. ______ (2) _____________ to go with it?
4 Amanda thinks it’s important to buy designer Kate You know I don’t like vegetables!
label brands. ______
5 American teens don’t have bank accounts. ______ 2 Tim Excuse me, could I have another
6 Titus buys designer clothes. ______ (3) _____________ ? These aren’t very
7 Titus’s parents are worried about his spending. clean.
______ Waiter I’m (4) _____________ . I’ll bring them
8 Dr Don Wall thinks American teens are only straight away. Can I bring you
interested in things. ______ (5) _____________ ?
Jill Yes, I’d like (6) _____________ , please.

Writing 3 Mark Would you like a (7) _____________ ?

3 Write about your shopping habits. Use the Helen OK. Thanks. Do you want me to
following questions to help you. (8) _____________ ?
Mark OK, you can bring the
1 Where do you like shopping?
(9) _____________ .
2 How often do you go to the mall and how much
Helen Where are (10) _____________ ?
do you spend there?
Mark They’re in the cupboard above the sink.
3 What do you buy? Do you buy designer label
4 How much do you spend?

Irregular verbs
Base form Past simple Past participle It means… Base form Past simple Past participle It means…

be was/were been ____________ lend lent lent ____________

become became become ____________ let let let ____________
begin began begun ____________ lie lay lain ____________
bet bet bet ____________ light lit lit ____________
bite bit bitten ____________ lose lost lost ____________
blow blew blown ____________ make made made ____________
break broke broken ____________ mean meant meant ____________
bring brought brought ____________ meet met met ____________
build built built ____________ pay paid paid ____________
burn burnt/burned burnt/burned ____________ put put put ____________
buy bought bought ____________ read read /red/ read /red/ ____________
catch caught caught ____________ ride rode ridden ____________
choose chose chosen ____________ ring rang rung ____________
come came come ____________ run ran run ____________
cost cost cost ____________ say said said ____________
cut cut cut ____________ see saw seen ____________
deal dealt dealt ____________ sell sold sold ____________
dig dug dug ____________ send sent sent ____________
do did done ____________ set set set ____________
draw drew drawn ____________ shoot shot shot ____________
dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed ____________ show showed shown ____________
drink drank drunk ____________ sing sang sung ____________
drive drove driven ____________ sink sank sunk ____________
eat ate eaten ____________ sit sat sat ____________
fall fell fallen ____________ sleep slept slept ____________
feed fed fed ____________ smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled ____________
feel felt felt ____________ speak spoke spoken ____________
fight fought fought ____________ spell spelt spelt ____________
find found found ____________ spend spent spent ____________
fly flew flown ____________ spill spilt spilt ____________
forget forgot forgotten ____________ stand stood stood ____________
get got got ____________ steal stole stolen ____________
give gave given ____________ stick stuck stuck ____________
go Alphabet
went and English
been/gone ____________ puntualiction
sweep swept swept ____________
grow grew grown ____________ swim swam swum ____________
hang hung hung ____________ take took taken ____________
have had had ____________ teach taught taught ____________
hear heard heard ____________ tear tore torn ____________
hide hid hidden ____________ tell told told ____________
hit hit hit ____________ think thought thought ____________
hold held held ____________ throw threw thrown ____________
hurt hurt hurt ____________ understand understood understood ____________
keep kept kept ____________ wake woke woken ____________
know knew known ____________ wear wore worn ____________
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned ____________ win won won ____________
leave left left ____________ write wrote written ____________

Phonetic alphabet English punctuation
Consonants Vowels and diphthongs
Symbol Example Symbol Example
a lower case
p pen eat . full stop
b board  it , comma
t table e bed
‘ apostrophe
d day has
k cap start ; semicolon
go ɒ hot : colon
f funny door
? question mark
v very υ book
θ think moon
! exclamation mark
ð mother love - hyphen
s sunny skirt _ dash
z zoo, his ə the
… dots
ʃ she e day
measure əυ know / slash
h hungry a five ‘‘ quotation
tʃ cheese aυ sound
““ double quotation marks
joy ə hear
() brackets
m my eə hair
n nobody υə pure
ŋ sing
w water
l look
r read
j young

Self-assessment grids – A1
The Council of Europe has published a detailed list of competencies to be achieved at the end of each level. Here
follows the self-assessment grids relative to level A1.

These checklists can be used to do a self-assessment (column 1) and to allow other people, for example the
teacher, to evaluate the student’s language skills (column 2). As far as skills yet to be achieved (column 3,
objectives) it is possible to indicate how important these goals are.

Use the following symbols:

In columns 1 and 2:
✔ I can do this in normal circumstances.
✔ ✔ I can do this with no difficulty.
In column 3:
! This is a goal.
!! This is a priority for me.
If 80% of the boxes can be marked, then it is reasonable to assume the Level of proficiency has been reached.

1 me  2 my teacher / another   3 my objectives

Listening 1 2 3
I can understand when someone speaks very slowly to me and articulates carefully,
with long pauses for me to assimilate meaning.
I can understand simple directions how to get from X to Y, by foot or public
I can understand questions and instructions addressed carefully and slowly to me
and follow short, simple directions.
I can understand numbers, prices and times.

Reading 1 2 3
I can understand information about people (place of residence, age etc.)
in newspapers.
I can locate a concert or a film on calendars of public events or posters and identify
where it takes place and at what time it starts.
I can understand a questionnaire (entry permit form, hotel registration form)
well enough to give the most important information about myself (name, surname,
date of birth, nationality).
I can understand words and phrases on signs encountered in everyday life
(for instance station, car park, no parking, no smoking, keep left).
I can understand the most important orders in a computer program such as PRINT,
SAVE, COPY, etc.
I can follow short simple written directions (e.g. how to go from X to Y).
I can understand short simple messages on postcards, for example holiday
In everyday situations I can understand simple messages written by friends
or colleagues, for example back at 4 o’clock.

Self-assessment grids – A1
Spoken interaction 1 2 3
I can introduce somebody and use basic greeting and leave-taking expressions.
I can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and respond to simple statements
in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.
I can make myself understood in a simple way but I am dependent on my partner
being prepared to repeat more slowly and rephrase what I say and to help me to
say what I want.
I can make simple purchases where pointing or other gestures can support what
I say.
I can handle numbers, quantities, cost and time.
I can ask people for things and give people things.
I can ask people questions about where they live, people they know, things they
have, etc. and answer such questions addressed to me provided they are articulated
slowly and clearly.
I can indicate time by such phrases as next week, last Friday, in November,
three o’clock.
Spoken production 1 2 3
I can give personal information (address, telephone number, nationality, age, family,
and hobbies)
I can describe where I live.
I can say when I don’t understand.
I can very simply ask somebody to repeat what they said.
I can very simply ask somebody to speak more slowly.

Writing 1 2 3
I can fill in a questionnaire with my personal details (job, age, address, hobbies).
I can write a greeting card, for instance a birthday card.
I can write a simple postcard (for example with holiday greetings).
I can write a note to tell somebody where I am or where we are to meet.
I can write sentences and simple phrases about myself, for example where I live
and what I do.

02 03
1 Journalist Hi Mario! So, do you like your job?
Alice So, what’s the character’s name? Mario Yes, it’s a bit tiring but I like it!
Emma His name’s Troy. Troy Bolton. Journalist  Can you tell our readers about a typical
Alice And how old is he? day?
Emma He’s about 13 in the first film. Mario Well, I wake up at half past six.
Alice Where is he from? Journalist  That’s early.
Emma  He’s from Albuquerque, A-L-B-U-Q-U-E-R- Mario  Yes, I know. I don’t have time to have
Q-U-E, New Mexico. breakfast. I open the shop at 8, but
Alice Is that in Mexico? there’s a lot to do before I open.
Emma No it’s in the US. Journalist Have you got an assistant?
Alice So, Troy’s American? Mario  Yes, I have, but she arrives at eleven and
Emma That’s right. that’s when I have my breakfast! I have a
Alice What are his parents’ names? sandwich and a cup of coffee at the bar.
Emma Their names are Jack and Lucille. Journalist Do you have lunch?
Alice Has he got any brothers or sisters? Mario  Yes, I do. I have lunch at the pizzeria
Emma No he hasn’t. next door at half past one. I go for a
Alice Has he got a girlfriend? walk at a quarter past two and start
Emma  Yes. Her name’s Gabriella Montez. She’s work again at three.
beautiful. Journalist What time do you go home?
Alice Has he got a best friend? Mario  We close the shop at five and I go home
Emma Yes, he has. His name’s Chad. He’s in the at half past five.
basketball team too. Journalist  What do you do when you get home?
Alice What’s the name of the school? Mario  Well I have a shower at six, I have an
Emma It’s East High School. early dinner. I eat at seven and I watch
Alice Thank you for talking to me Emma. TV at eight.
Emma You’re welcome. Journalist Do you play any sports?
Mario  Yes, I play football twice a week, on
2 Mondays and Fridays at half past six.
Alice So, what’s the character’s name? Journalist When do you talk to Jasmine?
Jack Her name’s Hermione Granger. Mario  I call her every day before bed, at ten.
Alice And how old is she? Journalist OK Mario. Thank you for talking to me.
Jack She’s 11 in the first film.
Alice Where is she from?
Jack She’s from the UK.
Alice So she’s English. 04
Jack That’s right. 1
Alice What are her parents’ names? Journalist OK Matthew, where do you usually go in
Jack  Mr and Mrs Granger! I’m sorry. I don’t know the summer?
their first names. Matthew  We usually go to Cornwall. We love the
Alice Has she got any brothers or sisters? sea there.
Jack No, she hasn’t. Journalist Where do you stay?
Alice Has she got a boyfriend? Matthew  We always stay in a Bed and Breakfast.
Jack  Well she hasn’t got one in the first film – The people are friendly and it’s not
she’s only 11! expensive.
Alice Has she got a best friend? Journalist Right. What do you like doing on
Jack Yes, she’s got two best friends – Ron and holiday?
Harry. Matthew I love sailing. We’ve got a small boat.
Alice What’s the name of the school? Journalist What don’t you like doing?
Jack It’s Hogwarts, H-O-G-W-A-R-T-S. Matthew  I hate doing my homework. I always do
Alice OK, thanks! Thank you for talking to me it in the last week!
Right Chloe. Where do you usually go in
the summer?

Chloe We usually go to Tuscany. It’s great. Thomas And where do you sell them?
Journalist Where do you stay? Omar I usually sell them on the Internet.
Chloe  We rent an apartment by the sea. It’s
got a fantastic view. 3
Journalist Right. What do you like doing on Thomas Mmm, that looks good. What are you
holiday? making, Jane?
Chloe  I love going out with my friends and Jane I’m making a chocolate cake.
sunbathing. Thomas Really?
Journalist What don’t you like doing? Jane Yes, it’s for a restaurant in the village.
Chloe  Nothing really! I always do the washing Thomas How many do you make a week?
up on holiday, but I don’t mind doing it. Jane It depends, usually three or four a week.
I never do it at home. Thomas Wow! That’s a lot!
Jane  Yes, it is. But I enjoy it. It’s a good way
3 to make money.
Journalist OK Kate. Where do you usually go in the Thomas What do you study Jane?
summer? Jane I’m training to be a chef!
Kate  My mum and dad go to Spain for two Thomas Good luck!
weeks every year but I stay here. I love Jane Thank you!
Manchester. It’s a great city and there’s
a lot to do in the holidays.
Journalist So, you stay at home.
Kate  That’s right, in our house. My cousin 06
Beth comes to stay with me. 1
Journalist What do you like doing? Mrs Clegg Well, the market’s huge and there aren’t
Kate  We love sightseeing – going to museums, enough places to sit down and have a
and exhibitions – that sort of thing. cup of tea. The vegetables are fresh, but
Journalist What don’t you like doing? they’re very dirty and the meat isn’t
Kate  I don’t like doing the housework. We cheap! You definitely pay too much
always tidy the house the day before money. I like having fish and chips for
mum and dad come home!! lunch on Saturdays. I don’t like foreign

05 Tariq It’s a really exciting market with an
1 international atmosphere. I love the
Thomas What do you study Kerry? Spanish and Turkish food and my son
Kerry  I study music and I design and make loves the Bombay burgers! The fish is
clothes. very fresh and it comes straight from the
Thomas Really? Have you got a shop? sea – the same day we buy it!
Kerry  No, I haven’t. I sell them at a market on
Saturdays. 3
Thomas What are you making now? Sally 
My family loves this market. The prices
Kerry I’m making a long skirt. are reasonable and the vegetables are
Thomas It’s very nice! fresh and seasonal. There are lots of nice
Kerry Thanks. things to eat. The cakes and biscuits are
great. My children love them.
Thomas So Omar, are you studying a lot at the
Omar Yes, I’ve got an exam this week. 07
Thomas What do you study? Mum What’s the matter love?
Omar I study film. I really like it. Noah 
William’s really good at everything and I’m
Thomas And you like making money! not good at anything!
Omar That’s right! Mum Oh come on that’s not true!
Thomas So what do you sell Omar? Noah 
It is! He can play the guitar, he sings and he’s
Omar Mobile phones, clothes, books, CDs. in the football team. He’s even good at maths!

Mum You’re good at a lot of things Noah! Anne  He was really amazing. He played two or
Noah Like what? I can’t play a musical three instruments, wrote songs and played
instrument, I’m bad at sports and I’m tennis!
terrible at maths! Steven And he had six wives! But how many
Mum You’re both terrible at washing up!! children did he have?
Noah Thanks mum! Anne  Well, I’m not sure. He had lots of children
Mum  You’re good at other things! You’re really that died.
good at telling jokes. Steven Queen Elizabeth was his daughter, wasn’t
Noah Yeah, right! she?
Mum And you take great photos. Anne  That’s right and she was queen for forty-five
Noah Yes, but anyone can use a digital camera. years!
Mum That’s not true. William can’t take photos Steven So how old was she when she died?
Noah True, his photos are really bad! Anne She was seventy years old!
Mum And you beat everyone at snooker. Steven That was very old in those days.
Noah Well, I always beat you and William. But
dad’s quite good.
Mum  You are a good cook – your pizza are
delicious. 10
Noah Yes, well I suppose I do cook quite well. Mum  You’re late for dinner. What happened? Are
Mum So, you see. You’re good at a lot of things. you OK?
Noah OK. Thanks mum. I feel a bit better now. Susan Sorry Mum. I went to the café on the high
street with Toby Marshall.
Mum The Italian café next to the library?
Susan Yes, that’s right. Anyway, something really
08 unpleasant happened while we were there.
Ava So, what’s your friend’s name? Mum What?
Rob Jack Winston. Susan Well, we were drinking our coffee and
Ava Can you spell his surname for me? chatting, when a man and woman started
Rob Yes. It’s W-i-n-s-t-o-n. fighting.
Ava Where’s Jack from? Mum What happened exactly?
Rob Well, he was born in Ireland, in Dublin, I Susan Well, the man started ordering their drinks,
think. But he lives in Liverpool. and while he was talking to the waitress,
Ava Right and what’s he like? the woman suddenly got up and threw a
Rob He’s perfect for the part. He’s not very tall, glass of water in his face .Then the man
but he’s really nice-looking. He’s got short shouted at her really loudly and she started
black hair and blue eyes. He’s great. He’s screaming. It was really scary.
very friendly and gets on well with people. Mum Then what happened?
Ava Is he reliable? It’s a big part. Susan Well, someone called the police and then a
Rob He’s extremely reliable. police car arrived.
Ava OK. Sounds good. Can you send me his CV? Mum What did the police do?
Rob OK. Got to go now. Susan Well they took them both away in the police
Ava OK thanks. Speak soon. car. Anyway we both felt a bit shaky after
that, so we went to the park for a walk.
Mum  I see. You must be hungry. Wash your hands
and sit down. There’s fish and chips for
09 dinner.
Steven Where did you go on your school trip Anne? Susan Great!
Anne  We went to Hampton Court. It was really
Steven Was that where King Henry the Eighth
lived? 11
Anne  Yes, for a few years, but he had fifty 1
different houses and palaces! Did you know Dad Are you hungry?
that he became king when he was only 17? Kate Yes, can I have some toast?
Steven No, I didn’t. Dad  Toast? What about a nice bowl of vegetable
soup to go with it?

Kate You know I don’t like vegetables!

Tim  Excuse me, could I have another knife and
fork? These aren’t very clean.
I’m very sorry. I’ll bring them straight away.
Can I bring you anything to drink?
Jill Yes, I’d like a glass of cola please.

Mark Would you like a cup of coffee?
Helen OK. Thanks. Do you want me to do anything?
Mark OK, you can bring the cake.
Helen Where are the plates?
Mark They’re in the cupboard above the sink.

Flash on English Elementary Workbook Acknowledgements

Editorial coordination: Simona Franzoni Illustrated by Moreno Chiacchiera

Editorial department: Pauline Carr, Serena Polverino, Linda
Pergolini Workbook photo acknowledgement
Art director: Marco Mercatali ELI Archive: pp. 12, 28 (right), 39, 60.
Page design: Sergio Elisei Photos: pp. 21, 35.
Picture editor: Giorgia D’Angelo Shutterstock: pp. 11, 12, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36, 44, 47,
Production manager: Francesco Capitano 51, 58, 61, 63, 70, 71, 74, 75, 85, 86, 87.
Page layout: Federico Borsella, Sara Blasigh

Cover design: Paola Lorenzetti
Photo: Shutterstock, Giuseppe Aquili (left)

© 2013 ELI S.r.l

P.O. Box 6
62019 Recanati
Tel. +39 071 750701
Fax. +39 071 977851

First reprint 2014

The Publisher would like to give a special thanks to Martha

Huber for her precious contribution to this project.
The Publisher would also like to thank all the teachers and
other individuals who contributed to the development and
the improvement of the course: Ester Canaletti, Pauline Carr,
Carolina Donzelli, José Guadalupe Lerma CECyT 6 IPN,
Guillermina Guzmán CECyT 7 IPN, Jennie Humphries, Antonio
Jiménez CECyT 8 IPN, Elia Jiménez CECyT 9 IPN, Rosa Elba
Jiménez CECyT 13 IPN, Silvia Minardi, Catrin E. Morris,
Magdalena Olea CECyT 1 IPN, Linda Quintana CECyT 5 IPN,
Humberto Riva CECyT 10 IPN, Zenaida Romero CECyT 1 IPN,
Rosa María Ruiz CECyT 8 IPN, Elizabeth Ruvalcaba CECyT 3
IPN, Alison Smith, Lisa Suett, Paola Tite.

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Printed by Tecnostampa – Recanati

ISBN 978-88-536-1543-5

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