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Unit 6 Time Out

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WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 69
TOPIC Time out
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS describing free time activities; idioms describing mood / feelings
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.5 Recognise with little or no support the attitude or opinion of the writer in extended
texts on a wide range of familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to
construct meaning
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students pay attention to the title of the module and the picture on
the page. Student are asked what they can see. Students deduce the
meaning of the phrase time out. Students relate the title of the
module to the content of the picture and they asked what they
think the module will be about. Students asked the questions in the
Discuss section. Students deduce the meaning of the idioms in bold
from the context of the respective sentences.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A (Student Book page 82)
1.Students pay attention to the pictures accompanying the text and
they tell if they know what they show. They show instances of an
extreme physical activity called parkour or free running, Students
pay attention to the sign and they are asked if they know who it is
addressed to. They asked what it tells us. Students are asked the
questions and initiate a short discussion.
Activity B (Student Book page 82)
1.Students attention to the title of the text. Students guess what the
text will be about. Students tell how the title is related to the text.
Students deduce that by practicing parkour or freerunning kids
have fun in the city. Students read through the text and underline
unknown words at the same time. Students read through the
question and the three answer choices and check understanding.
Students do the activity and check the answer with the class.
Activity C (Student Book page 83)
1.Students read through the statement 1-7 and their
understanding checked. Students do the activity.
POST LESSON Students identify with their talk partner(s) at least three new
words or phrases that they have learned in relation to travelling.
When students are ready, collect and share words/phrases as a
whole class.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK – Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 70
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Language Awareness COM. FOCUSED SKILL Language Awareness
TOPIC Time out
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS active and passive verb forms
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Write on the board: I put my wallet in my back pocket but it is no
longer there. Perhaps I dropped it. Or perhaps it has been stolen.
Student look at the second and third sentence. Students are asked
what verb forms have been used and why? Students discuss their
ideas with talk partner(s) before collecting responses.
LESSON DELIVERY Passive Voice (Student Book page 83)
1.Students read through the examples of the Passive Voice the
Grammar box and discuss what they remember. Students pay
attention to the agent in the first and third examples and they are
asked why we sometimes use an agent and in other cases we don't
Students refer to the Grammar Reference (p. 165). Students come
up with their own examples of the Passive Voice. Students find all
the examples of the Passive Voice in the text.
Verbs with two objects (Student Book page 83)
1.Students pay attention to the first example in the Active Voice
and ask them what the object is. Students are pointed out that
certain verbs take two objects in the Active Voice. Students tell
which one they think is the direct and which the indirect object.
Students are pointed out that the usual word order in sentences
with verbs that take two objects is: Subject + Verb + Indirect
object + Direct object
Students pay attention to the second example in the Active Voice
and point out to them that it has the same meaning as the first, but
the word order is different. We can use to and for before the
indirect object. In this case, the word order is: Subject + Verb +
Direct object + to/for + Indirect object. Students read through the
two examples in the Passive Voice. Students are pointed out that
when a sentence in the Active Voice has two objects, both objects
can be used as subjects of the verb in the Passive Voice. Point out
to them that the first example is more common. Students refer to
the Grammar Reference (p. 165). Students read through the
sentences 1-6 below grammar box and check understanding.
Students do the activity.
POST LESSON Students write sentences using the passive verb form. When ready,
Students are selected to read out their sentences.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Environmental Sustainability
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 71
TOPIC Time out
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS words and phrases connected with free-time activities.
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by
context on a wide range of familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
2. Communicate appropriately to a small or large group on familiar topics
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Prepare an activity to review the active and passive forms from the
previous Language Awareness lesson.
LESSON DELIVERY Listen (Student Book page 85)
1.Students read through the question 1-5 and look at the set of
pictures following each question. The CD is played twice and
students do the activity. The answers checked with the class.
POST LESSON Students play a dictionary game to review the main skill for this
lesson. For example, students find an unfamiliar word in the
dictionary then write a sentence using the word in context. When
ready, gather the sentences and see if the class can guess the
meaning of the word from the context of the sentence.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 72
TOPIC Time out
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS speculating and making decisions; talking about likes and dislikes
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 4.2 Communicate with appropriate language, form and style
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 4.2.1 Punctuate written work on a range of text types with reasonable accuracy
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
2. Communicate with appropriate language, form and style
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students discuss ‘activity experiences’ students would like / not
like to try. Students put a list of activities on the board. Students
discuss which activity they would like to be given as a gift, which
they would like least to try and if they think activity gifts are a good
LESSON DELIVERY Speaking (Student Book page 86)
1.Students asked if they have heard of activity gifts, if they know
what they are, etc. Students are pointed out that activity gifts are
alternative gifts which engage people in various activities they
enjoy. Students read through the three advertisements for activity
gifts and check understanding, Students are asked which activity
gift they would choose for themselves and which one they would
choose for their partner. Students are asked if they can think of any
other activity gifts for themselves and for their partners. Students
look at the pictures of the three people and read through their
profiles and check understanding, Students read through the
phrases in the box and check their understanding.
POST LESSON Students do the activity in pairs. Some pairs are chosen to act out
their dialogues in class.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.
WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 73
TOPIC Time out
THEME People and Culture
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS language of semi-formal letter; asking for information; making polite requests; punctuation
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 4.2 Communicate with appropriate language, form and style
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 4.2.1 Punctuate written work on a range of text types with reasonable accuracy
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.3 Explain advantages and disadvantages of plans and ambitions
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Communicate with appropriate language, form and style
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students add the missing punctuation to another dialogue.
Students are reminded of the dialogues they wrote in the previous
lesson in this sequence. Either copy on the board, or students are
given separate copies of the dialogue with all punctuation marks
removed. Students are asked in pairs to add the correct
punctuation. When ready, collect responses.
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A(Student Book page 86)
1.Students are asked the questions and a short discussion is
Activity B(Student Book page 87)
1.Students read through the announcement and the letter and they
underline unknown words at the same time. Students read through
the questions 1-5 and their understanding checked. Students do
the activity. The answers checked with the class. Students are
asked some questions.
Activity D(Student Book page 87)
1.Students pay attention to the TIP. Students read through the
announcement and their understanding checked. Students pay
attention to the three things they need to ask about in their letter.
Students write their letters. Some students are chosen to read out
their letters.
POST LESSON Students talk about cycling. Do any students cycle to school? Do
any students enjoy cycling as a past time? Where do they cycle?
What’s the furthest they have cycled? Do they think cycle rides to
raise money for charity are a good idea? What activity would they
prefer to do to raise money for charity?
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 74
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item. COM. FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item.
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.

MAIN CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

MAIN LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

LESSON DELIVERY Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 75
TOPIC Time out
THEME Choose an item.
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS expressing likes and dislikes; words and phrases associated with computer / video games
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.4 Use independently familiar and some unfamiliar print and digital resources to check
meaning and extend understanding
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.1Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students discuss the questions in Activity A and initiate a short
LESSON DELIVERY Activity B (Student Book page 88)
1. Students pay attention to the TIPS. Students read through the
descriptions 1-3 of the teenagers and underline unknown words at
the same time. Students read through the descriptions in of some
computer games and underline unknown words at the same time.
Students do the activity and pointed out to them that there are
three extra games which they do not need to use. The answers
checked with the class. Students provide justification for their
Activity C (Student Book page 88)
1.Students pay attention to the highlighted phrased verbs in the
text. Students deduce the meaning of the phrasal verb from the
content. Students read through the meanings 1-7 and their
understanding checked. Students do the activity. The answers
checked with the class.
Activity D (Student Book page 89)
1.Students are asked some comprehension questions.
POST LESSON Students identify with their talk partner(s) at least three new
words or phrases that they have learned in relation to computer /
video games. When students are ready, collect and share
words/phrases as a whole class.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 76
TOPIC Time out
THEME Choose an item.
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS clauses of result, concession and of purpose
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD This is a grammar- focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students complete a number of sentences on the board.

LESSON DELIVERY Clause of Result (Student Book page 89)
1.Students read through the examples and draw their attention to
the words in bold. Students are asked what they remember about
the use and formation of clauses of result and the difference
between so and such. Students refer to the Grammar Reference (p.
166). Students come up with their own examples. Students find
any examples of clauses of result in the text
Clauses of concession (Student Book page 89)
1.Students read through the examples and draw their attention to
the words in bold. Students are pointed out that clauses of
concession express contra or opposition. Students are asked what
they notice about the difference between Although / Even though
and in spite of/ Despite. Although / Even though are followed by a
clause and in spite of / Despite are followed by-ing form or a noun.
If a clause of concession comes before the main clause, they are
separated by a comma. Students refer to the Grammar Reference
(p. 166). Students come up with their own examples. Students find
any examples of clauses of concession in the text
Clauses of purpose (Student Book page 89)
1.Students read through the examples and draw their attention to
the words in bold. Students are pointed out that clauses of purpose
express the purpose for (not) doing something. Students are
pointed out that so as (not) to / in order (not to introduce clauses
of purpose and are both followed by an infinitive. The clauses of
purpose are also introduced with so that followed by a clause
including a modal verb (can/may/ will / could / might/would).
Students refer to the Grammar Reference (p. 166). Students come
up with their own examples. Students find any examples of clauses
of purpose in the text. Students read through the sentences 1-6
next to the grammar box and check understanding. Students do the
activity. The answers checked with the class.
POST LESSON Students write down sentences that contain clauses of result /
concession / purpose. Use a sentence starter based on the lesson
topic.When ready, students read out their sentences.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Environmental Sustainability
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 77
TOPIC Time out
THEME Choose an item.
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS expressing opinion; language of description; words and phrases connected with T.V.
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 1.2.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by
context on a wide range of familiar topics
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 3.1.4 Use independently familiar and some unfamiliar print and digital resources to check
meaning and extend understanding
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts
2. Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
to construct meaning
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students work with a talk partner and take it in turns to describe a
favourite TV program. Students describe what the program is
about. Students say why they like it and who would they
recommend the program to.
LESSON DELIVERY Vocabulary (Students Book page 90)
1.Students read through the sentences 1-6 and their understanding
checked. Students read through the words in the first box and
complete the sentences 1-6. Students read through the sentences
7-12 and their understanding checked. Students read through the
words in the second box and complete the sentences 7-12. Check
the answers with the class.
Listening (Students Book page 90) – Activity A
1.Students are asked the questions and a short discussion is
Listening (Students Book page 90) – Activity B
1.Students read through each set of questions and the respective
answer choices and their understanding is checked. The CD played
twice and students do the activity. The answers checked with the
POST LESSON Students identify with their talk partner(s) at least three new
words or phrases that they have learned in relation to travelling.
When students are ready, collect and share words/phrases as a
whole class.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 78
TOPIC Time out
THEME Choose an item.
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS expressing opinion; language of description; words and phrases connected with T.V.
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 2.4 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group on familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 2.4.1Summarise the main points of a story, text or plot
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide
range of familiar topics
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Communicate appropriately to a small or large group on familiar topics
2. Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Student brainstorming different genres of T.V. programs. Students
divided into small groups and students keep their books closed.
Students are given a set amount of time to come up with a list of all
the different types of T.V programs. When ready, collect responses.
LESSON DELIVERY Speak (Student Book page 91)
1.Students read through the questions and check understanding
Students read through the words / phrases in the box and check
understanding. Students read through the list of different types of
TV programs and check understanding. Students give an example
of each TV program. Students read out and explain the TIPS.
Students do the activity in groups. Some groups are chosen to
report their answers to the class.
Listen A(Student Book page 91)
1.Students read the question and the three answer choices. The CD
played and students answer the question. The answers checked
with the class.
Listen B(Student Book page 91)
1.Students read through the notes and check understanding.
Student are pointed out that they will need to complete each gap
with a word or a short phrase. The Cd is played and students do
the activity. The answers checked with the class.
POST LESSON Students play Guess What. The classes are divided into small
groups. In turn, each student describes / summaries a popular /
familiar T.V. program while the remaining group members guess
which program is being described.
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 79
TOPIC Time out
THEME Choose an item.
LANGUANGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS expressing opinions and preferences; words and phrases associated with writing reviews.
MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 4.1.3 Explain the main points of an idea or argument
COM. CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
COM. LEARNING STANDARD 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on familiar topics
2. Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Students work with a talk partner and take it in turns to describe a
favorite film. Students describe what the film is about. Students say
why they like it and who would they recommend should see the
LESSON DELIVERY Activity A (Student Book page 92)
1.Students are asked the questions and a short discussion is
Activity B (Student Book page 92)
1.Students look at the poster of the film accompanying the text and
they tell the title of it. Students are asked Have you seen this film? /
Have you heard of this film? Did you like it? / What do you know
about it? What kind of film is it?. Students look at the layout of the
text and tell you what they think it is. Students read through the
film review and underline any unknown words at the same time.
Students do the activity. The answers checked with the class.
Students are asked some comprehension questions.
POST LESSON Students talk in the last 5 minutes of the lesson about a film they
haven’t seen but want to see. Why do they want to see it? Have
they read any good reviews? Have their friends already seen it and
recommended it?
TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 80
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item. COM. FOCUSED SKILL Choose an item.
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.

MAIN CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

MAIN LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. CONTENT STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

COM. LEARNING STANDARD Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests

LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
Teachers to select an appropriate main skill and complementary skill based on their pupils’
needs and interests
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

LESSON DELIVERY Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.


WEEK Choose an item. TIME
DAY Choose an item. CLASS
DATE 01.01.2022 LESSON 81
MAIN FOCUSED SKILL Literature in Action COM. FOCUSED SKILL Literature in Action
TOPIC Teacher to select
THEME Choose an item.

MAIN CONTENT STANDARD 5.2 Analyse and evaluate a variety of literary text types
MAIN LEARNING STANDARD 5.2.1 Evaluate and explain briefly stylistic features an author uses to show character, events
or place
LEARNING OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Analyse and evaluate a variety of literary text types
ACTIVITIES PRE-LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

LESSON DELIVERY Teachers will develop their own lesson using materials from the
Literature Component books. Teachers should ensure that their
lesson covers the Literature in Action content and learning
standard specified for this lesson.
POST LESSON Teachers can either develop their own lesson based on the needs
of their pupils or use this lesson to go over pupils’ writing and
improve their work from the previous lesson.

TEACHING AIDS Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item., Choose an item.
21st CENTURY T&L STARTEGY Choose an item. iThink Map Choose an item.
CCE/CE 21st Century Literacy Choose an item.
High Order Thinking Skills Choose an item.
Teaching and Learning Strategy Choose an item.
Element Across the Curriculum (EMK) EMK - Values
Moral Values – Choose an item.
ASSESSMENT Choose an item.
REFLECTION Attendance: __/__
_____ students were able to achieve the objectives.
_____ students need extra guidance.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to ____________.

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