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Kollicoat IR

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Technical Information Kollicoat® IR

March 2008
Supersedes issue dated March 2007

EMP 030724e-05/Page 1 of 12

 egistered trademark of BASF SE  olyvinyl alcohol-polyethylene glycol graft copolymer for
instant-release coatings and quick-dissolving formulations

& Services
EMP 030724e-05 March 2008 Page 2 of 12 Kollicoat IR


1. Intro­duc­tion 3

1.1 General 3

1.2 Structural formula 3

1.3 Physical form 3

2. Specification and prop­er­ties 4

2.1 Chemical nature 4

2.2 Physicochemical properties 4

2.3 Properties of aqueous solutions 5

2.4 Film properties 6

3. Application and processing 7

3.1 Applications 7

3.1 Processing notes 7

4. Typical formulations 8

4.1 Propanolol film-coated tablets 8

4.2 Caffeine film-coated tablets 9

4.3 Paracetamol instant granules 11

5. Storage conditions 12

6. Stability 12

7. Toxicology 12

8. PBG-No. 12

9. PRD-No. 12

10. Packaging 12
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1. Introduction
1.1 General Kollicoat IR is a polyvinyl alcohol-polyethylene glycol graft copolymer that is
freely soluble in water. It is used mainly for the production of instant-release
coatings for tablets.

1.2 Structural formula

1.3 Physical form Kollicoat IR is a white to faintly yellow free-flowing powder.

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2. Specification and properties

2.1 Chemical nature The polymer consists of 75% polyvinyl alcohol units and 25% polyethylene glycol
units. The product also contains approx. 0.3% colloidal silica to improve its flow

2.2 Physicochemical properties As a result of its structure, the polymer dissolves very readily in acidic, neutral
and alkaline aqueous media. Such aqueous solutions have a comparatively low

Molecular weight Approx. 45,000 Daltons

Solubility As a result of its structure, the polymer dissolves very readily in acidic, neutral
and alkaline aqueous media. Such aqueous solutions have a comparatively
low viscosity. Solutions of Kollicoat IR with concentrations of up to 40% can be
prepared in water and aqueous systems, e.g. weak acids or alkalis. Solutions
of up to 25% can be prepared in a 1:1 ethanol-water mixture. Due to colloidal
silica, aqueous solutions of Kollicoat IR are slightly turbid. Its solubility in non-
polar solvents is low, and it can only be dispersed in these..

Film formation An aqueous solution of Kollicoat IR is cast on a smooth surface. When the water
has evaporated, a clear colourless flexible film remains (see 2.4, Film properties).

Specification See separate document: “Standard Specification (not for regulatory purposes)”
available via BASF’s WorldAccount: (registered

Analytical procedures (non compendial methods) are supplied upon request.

Pharmacopoeias A draft Ph.Eur. monograph with the title „Macrogol Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Grafted
Copolymer“ will be published in PharmEuropa 20/3.
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2.3 Properties of aqueous solutions

Viscosity Though the viscosity of aqueous solutions of Kollicoat IR increases with the
polymer concentration, it remains much lower than that of equivalent solutions
of, for instance, cellulose derivatives.

Viscosity of aqueous Kollicoat IR solutions as a function of polymer concentration

Viscosity of polymer solutions (20% w/w)

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Surface activity Kollicoat IR r­educes the sur­face ten­sion of water. This makes aque­ous solu­tions
easy to spray, and the spray drop­lets ­exhibit good wet­ting beha­vi­our on the tab­
let sur­face.

2.4  Film prop­er­ties Kollicoat IR forms clear colour­less films that are enor­mously flex­ible and dis­solve
very rap­idly in water. Kol­li­coat IR films are not tacky, have a high pig­ment bind­ing
capac­ity and can read­ily be ­printed.

Kol­li­coat IR has a much ­higher elon­ga­tion at break value than cel­lu­lose


Elongation at break of various instant release polymers (54% r. h.)

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3. Application and processing

3.1 Applications Kollicoat IR can be used for all applications for which a water-soluble flexible
polymer is required.
• Instant release coating – Protects against unpleasant taste or odour,
improves appearance, makes tablets easier
to swallow, gives a distinctive appearance,
protects sensitive active ingredients.
• Pore former in sustained- – To control drug release rate
release coatings
• Binder – For very rapidly dispersible/soluble
granules or tablets
• Film former in sprays and – Extremely flexible appearance on the skin
transdermal therapeutic
• Suspension and emulsion
• Protective colloid

The special advantages of Kollicoat IR lie in its enormous flexibility, low

viscosity and rapid rate of dissolution.

Kollicoat IR solutions for spraying onto tablets can be applied with a high
solids content, which greatly reduces the coating time and minimises costs.

3.2 Processing notes ­Because of the high flex­ibil­ity of Kol­li­coat IR films, it is not nec­es­sary to add a

A spray sus­pen­sion is best pre­pared as fol­lows:

Dis­solve Kol­li­coat IR in water and stir in the pre­vi­ously homo­gen­ised pig­ment

sus­pen­sion. The other water-sol­u­ble ingre­dients can be dis­solved ­together with
the Kol­li­coat IR. The speed of the stir­rer s­ hould be set such that lit­tle or no foam
is pro­duced.

As spray sus­pen­sions of Kol­li­coat IR have a lower vis­cos­ity than those of other

­instant ­release poly­mers, they can have a much h ­ igher con­cen­tra­tion. This g
­ reatly
short­ens the spray­ing and pro­cess­ing time in the man­u­fac­ture of film-­coated tab­lets.
Poly­mer con­cen­tra­tions of 15-25% can be used, giv­ing a total sol­ids con­cen­tra­tion
of 20-35%, depend­ing on the quan­tity of pig­ments.

Since Kol­li­coat IR has sur­fac­tant prop­er­ties and can act as a pro­tec­tive col­loid, it
pre­vents the aggre­ga­tion of the pig­ment par­ti­cles and ­ensures that the pig­ment is
­evenly dis­trib­uted over the tab­let core.

The great elas­tic­ity of Kol­li­coat IR ­ensures that it does not crack on the tab­lets when
they are ­exposed to dif­fer­ent humid­ity con­di­tions in stor­age, even when the cores
con­tain high amounts of disintegrants or pow­er­ful swell­ing ­agents such as HPMC,
xan­than or algi­nate which are fre­quently used in sus­tained ­release tab­lets.

The coat­ing can be ­applied in all the usual coat­ers, e.g. hor­iz­ on­tal drum coat­ers,
fluid­ised bed coat­ers, immer­sion sword coat­ers, and coat­ing pans under the usual
con­di­tions for aque­ous solu­tions.

The following conditions have been used successfully in numerous trials:

Inlet air temperature: 60-80°C

Outlet air temperature: 30-50°C
Atomizing pressure: 3-6 bar

The product can very easily be cleaned off equipment with warm or cold water.
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4. Typical formulations
4.1 Propranolol instant-release film-coated tablets

Composition of the tablets 40 mg propranolol HCl; 97.5 mg Ludipress®; 12.5 mg Kollidon® VA 64;
97.5 mg Avicel PH 102; 2.5 mg magnesium stearate

Composition of the spray The formulation is designed for 250 kg of tablets (tablet weight 250 mg;
suspension diameter 9 mm)

Weight [g] Proportion [%]

Polymer solution
Kollicoat IR 6,080 16.0
Water 24,320 64.0

Pigment suspension
Talc 1,710 4.5
Titanium dioxide 1,140 3.0
Sicovit® Red 30 570 1.5
Water 4,180 11.0

38,000 100

Preparation of the spray Polymer solution:

Stir the Kollicoat IR into the specified quantity of water until it has dissolved.

Pigment suspension:

Vigorously stir talc, Sicovit Red 30 and titanium dioxide into the specified quantity
of water and homogenise in a corundum disk mill.

Spray suspension:

Stir the pig­ment sus­pen­sion into the poly­mer solu­tion. To avoid sed­i­men­ta­tion
dur­ing the spray­ing pro­cess, the mix­ture must be con­tin­u­ously ­stirred.

Additional glass coating If a certain appearance of the tablet is needed 5 wt% polyethylene glycol 6 000
should be dissolved in water and sprayed after the spray suspension.
The achieved weight gain should be between 0.3-0.6 mg/cm2.
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Machine parameters

Coating machine Driacoater type 900, perforated drum coater

Batch size 250 kg
Inlet air temperature 70°C
Outlet air temperature 48°C
Product temperature 50°C
Air flow 4400 m3/h
Atomizing pressure 6 bar
Number of spray nozzles 6
Spraying rate 700 g/min
Spraying time 55 min
Final drying 60°C/5 min
Quantity applied 3.8%

Tablet properties

Core Film-coated tablet

Appearance White Red
Hardness 93 N 109 N
Friability 0% 0%
Disintegration time 5:53 [min:s] 5:47 [min:s]
Drug release 10 min: 49% 10 min: 54%
20 min: 98% 20 min: 99%

4.2 Caffeine instant-release tablets

Composition of the tablets 50 mg caffeine; 229 mg Ludipress; 10 mg Kollidon CL;

40 mg Avicel PH 101; 1 mg magnesium stearate
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Composition of the spray solution The formulation is designed for 5 kg of tablets (weight 330 mg; diameter 9 mm)

Weight [g] Proportion [%]

Polymer solution
Kollicoat IR 100 19.2
Water 264 50.8

Pigment suspension
Talc 37.4 7.2
Titanium dioxide 18.6 3.6
Water 10.0 19.2

430 100

Preparation of the spray Polymer solution:

Stir the Kollicoat IR into the specified quantity of water until it has dissolved.

Pigment suspension:

Vigorously stir talc and titanium dioxide into the specified quantity of water and
homogenise in a co-rundum disk mill.

Spray suspension:

Stir the pigment suspension into the polymer solution. To avoid sedimentation
during the spraying process, the mixture must be continuously stirred.

Additional glass coating If a certain appearance of the tablet is needed 5 wt% polyethylene glycol 6 000
should be dissolved in water and sprayed after the spray suspension. The
achieved weight gain should be between 0.3-0.6 mg/cm2.

Machine parameters

Coater Accela-Cota 24“, perforated drum coater

Batch size 5 kg
Inlet air temperature 60°C
Outlet air temperature 39°C
Product temperature 35°C
Air flow 180 m3/h
Atomizing pressure 3 bar
Number of spray nozzles 1
Spraying rate 30 g/min
Spraying time 18 min
Final drying 60°C/4 min
Quantity applied 3 mg/cm2 polymer
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Tablet properties

Core Film-coated tablet

Appearance White White
Hardness 116 N 119 N
Friability 0% 0%
Disintegration time 0 : 58 [min : s] 0 : 51 [min : s]
Drug release 10 min: 93% 10 min: 92%
20 min: 92% 20 min: 98%

4.3  Acetaminophen instant granules

Composition of the 49% acetaminophen, fine powder; 49% sorbitol; 2% aspartame; 0,06% aroma
powder mixture

Composition of the The formulation is designed for 1 kg of powder mixture

binder solution

Weight [g] Proportion [%]

Granulation solution
Kollicoat IR 27.0 15.0
Water 153.0 85.0

180 100

Preparation of the Stir the Kollicoat IR into the specified quantity of water until it has dissolved.
binder solution

Manufacture of the granules Mix the components of the powder mixture for 10 min
(Stephan mixer Type UMC 5 Electronic).

Apply the Kollicoat IR solution in a fine spray, keeping the mixture in motion.
Force the moist mass first through a 3-mm sieve, then a 1-mm sieve.

Dry the moist granules and force them through a 1-mm sieve.

Properties of the granules The granules dissolve in water within 1 min.

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5.  Storage conditions Below 25°C

6.  Stability At least 2 years in the original sealed containers at room temperature.

7.  Toxicology A toxicological summary is available on request under Secrecy Agreement.

8.  PBG-No. 10219929

9.  PRD-No. 30132288

10.  Packaging 20 kg plastic drum

Note This document, or any answers or information provided herein by BASF, does not
constitute a legally binding obligation of BASF. While the descriptions, designs, data
and information contained herein are presented in good faith and believed to be
accurate, it is provided for your guidance only. Because many factors may affect
processing or application/use, we recommend that you make tests to determine
the suitability of a product for your particular purpose prior to use. It does not relieve
our customers from the obligation to perform a full inspection of the products upon
delivery or any other obligation. NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS

March 2008

BASF SE - Care Chemicals Division - Pharma Ingredients & Services - 67117 Limburgerhof -

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