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Chicago Tribune - Year 174 No. 084 (25 Mar 2022)

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Questions? Call 1-800-Tribune Friday, March 25, 2022 Breaking news at chicagotribune.


WAR IN UKRAINE “Our overall general patterns didn’t fit the preconceived idea that we had about migration.

Allies Maybe that’s just illustrating there are other factors that are complicating things with each one
of these species in ways we need to know more about.” — John Bates, below, curator of birds at the Field Museum

But Zelenskyy
tells summit
stronger weapons
are needed
By Chris Megerian,
Lorne Cook and
Aamer Madhani
Associated Press

BRUSSELS — President
Joe Biden and Western
allies pledged new sanc-
tions and humanitarian aid
on Thursday in response
to Vladimir Putin’s assault
on Ukraine, but their offers
fell short of the more
robust military assistance
that President Volodymyr
Zelenskyy pleaded for in a
pair of live-video appear-
Biden also announced
the U.S. would welcome
up to 100,000 Ukrainian
refugees though he said
many probably prefer to
stay closer to home, and The Field Museum’s bird division egg collection has more than 500,000 specimens. E. JASON WAMBSGANS/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS
provide an additional $1

Early bird
billion in food, medicine,
water and other supplies. By Morgan Greene | Chicago Tribune
The Western leaders
spent Thursday craft- ome Chicago birds are nesting nearly a
ing next steps to counter
Russia’s monthold inva- month earlier than they did more than a

has the eggs

sion and huddling over century ago. And like some other shifts
how they might respond happening around the Great Lakes region
should Putin deploy chem-
as temperatures rise and the timing of
ical, biological or even a
nuclear weapon. They the natural world drifts, there’s a familiar
met in a trio of emergency driver: climate change.
summits that had them That’s according to a new study from local researchers
shuttling across Brussels
for back-to-back-to-back published in the Journal of Animal Ecology — and thanks
meetings of NATO, the to some eggs more than 100 years old.
Group of Seven indus- As plants, animals and insects adapt to warmer and
trialized nations and the
27-member European wetter conditions in Illinois, birds are also responding
Council. to a changing climate, researchers found. About a third
Biden, in an early of the 72 bird species included in the study have started
evening news conference
laying eggs on average 25 days earlier than they did more
after the meetings, warned
that a chemical attack by than 100 years ago.
Russia “would trigger a
response in kind.” To go back in time brown to robin egg blue,
“You’re asking whether in northeast Illinois, speckled and splattered
NATO would cross. We’d researchers turned to and clustered together in
make that decision at the measurements of carbon padded boxes.
time,” Biden said. dioxide in the atmosphere, “These are a smattering
However, a White which correlate with of bird eggs of different
House official said later temperature trends, along species,” Bates said, still
that did not imply any shift with a room full of eggs. holding a hint of wonder
in the U.S. position against
direct military action in
On a recent afternoon,
John Bates, curator of
toward the familiar collec-
tion in front of him. “We’ve
Study shows some Chicago feathered
Ukraine. Biden and NATO
allies have stressed that
birds at the Field Museum
and the study’s lead author,
got a robin, we’ve got a
cedar waxwing. These are
creatures are nesting nearly a month earlier
Turn to Ukraine, Page 7
opened a drawer filled
with shells shaded sandy Turn to Birds, Page 7
than they did more than a century ago

Mayor’s alderman

Legal experts
pick, Chinatown make case
Experts praise Judge

share deep roots

Ketanji Brown Jackson in
the final day of hearings,
with a top lawyers group
saying its review found
Lee would be first Asian American she has a “sterling”
woman on council if confirmed reputation, “exceptional”
competence and is
qualified to sit on the
By Gregory Pratt have faced in this country Supreme Court.
and Alice Yin and some of the challenges Nation & World
Chicago Tribune Lee herself has overcome.
Lightfoot noted Lee is a Weekend madness
Chicago Mayor Lori single mom with two sons in Chicago: Kansas is
Lightfoot’s pick for the and praised her for perse- the team to beat this
next alderman of the 11th vering through adversity. weekend at the United
Albert Khoury, a double lung transplant recipient, speaks at a news conference at Ward is a United Airlines “Nicole represents Center, but Providence
Northwestern’s Prentice Women’s Hospital in Chicago accompanied by Dr. Ankit Bharat, director with deep roots in what’s good and best about is ready to “drop the
left, and Dr. Young Chae. JOSE M. OSORIO/CHICAGO TRIBUNE the city’s Chinese Ameri- our city,” Lightfoot said. mic.” Chicago Sports
can community. In her remarks, Lee

Northwestern performs Nicole Lee, director of

social impact and commu-
nity engagement at the
praised the history of the
ward, offering a shoutout
to the workers who long

rare double lung transplant

Chicago-based airline ago built the city’s canals TOM SKILLING’S
company, was announced and calling the area a gate- FORECAST
Thursday as the final way for immigrants seek-
candidate to replace ing to build a new life. High50
Patient who was terminal lung cancer, they he seems to be cancer-free. ex-Ald. Patrick Daley “The 11th Ward is Low 37
announced Thursday — “I was in bad shape,” said Thompson following his Chicago,” she said.
stage 4 appears an extremely rare surgery Khoury, who was work- February felony convic- Surrounded by school- Weather Center:
that could open the door ing as a cement finisher tion. She would be the first mates and her childhood Forecast on Page 14
to be cancer-free to helping more patients for the Chicago Depart- Asian American woman to principal, Lee stressed her
with certain types of lung ment of Transportation serve on the City Council 11th Ward roots and noted
By Lisa Schencker cancer. when he started feeling ill. if confirmed by aldermen. that four generations $3.00 city suburbs
Chicago Tribune Albert Khoury, 54 of “They didn’t give up on me. At a news conference of her family have lived and elsewhere
Chicago, underwent the They’re like my guardian inside Bridgeport’s Zhou in the same Chinatown 174th year No. 84
Northwestern Medicine surgery six months ago, angels.” B Art Center to announce home. She also invoked © Chicago Tribune
surgeons have successfully after developing stage 4 Lung transplants should the pick, Lightfoot Bridgeport’s White Sox,
performed a double lung lung cancer. His new lungs recounted the discrimina-
transplant on a man with are now working well, and Turn to Transplant, Page 6 tion Chinese Americans Turn to 11th, Page 6
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022

Get the most out of your

newspaper subscription
Pritzker vows to sign debt plan
Governor would use $2.7 billion in criticizing a proposal that During a Senate confir-
Already getting the Tribune in print? Your subscription would pay off “major debt” mation hearing this week,
comes with Unlimited Digital Access. Read new stories federal relief for unemployment fund that Illinois owes, such as IDES Director Kristin Rich-
throughout the day on and page the College Illinois fund ards acknowledged that
through the eNewspaper, a digital replica of the Tribune By Dan Petrella programs and infrastruc- and various group health other states have released
emailed to you daily. Here are two easy ways to activate and Jeremy Gorner ture projects. insurance bills. estimates, including Mich-
your account: Chicago Tribune But Republicans, who “Guys, I understand the igan, which has estimated
since last spring have political posture of both it paid out $8.5 billion in
Call 312-442-0013 SPRINGFIELD —
Lawmakers have approved
repeatedly criticized the
majority party for not
sides of this chamber,”
Hastings said to the Repub-
fraudulent claims.
Lawmakers are up
We’ll quickly set up your Unlimited Digital Access. Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s proposal addressing the unem- licans. “But to say, to vote against an April 1 deadline
to use about one-third of ployment fund debt in the no, to a bill that business to allocate the federal relief the state’s federal coro- current year’s $42 billion is not opposed to, to vote dollars to the unemploy-
navirus relief money to operating budget, main- no to a bill that labor is not ment fund. If they don’t
pay off more than half of tained that only about $1.2 opposed to, is hypocritical act by then, rules from the
a $4.5 billion debt in the billion of the federal relief at its finest moment.” U.S. Treasury Department
state’s pandemic-depleted money has actually been A coalition of organiza- would prohibit Illinois
unemployment insurance spent. That would leave tions representing manu- from reducing the amount
fund, but a plan to erase enough to cover the full facturers, retailers and or length of unemployment
Find Your Home the remaining deficit is still unemployment fund debt if other businesses said in a benefits until 2025.
Delivery Subscription being negotiated. the other allocations were statement Thursday they The state has to pay off
The Democratic-con- abandoned. “This bill leaves “appreciate the gover- interest accrued on the
As a valued Chicago Tribune trolled state Senate voted a debt in the unemployment nor and members of the money borrowed for the
subscriber, you can activate your 39-16 along party lines system,” said state Rep. Tom General Assembly for unemployment fund, which
Unlimited Digital Access to Chicago Thursday to approve the Demmer of Dixon, who’s taking this positive step” is approaching $42 million
Tribune by simply identifying your plan, which would deposit running in the June 28 GOP and are “hopeful that and would grow to about
subscription. $2.7 billion of the roughly primary for state treasurer. negotiations will continue $80 million if left unpaid, by
$8.1 billion in direct aid “The only way to close that to resolve the remaining September and the remain-
Look up your newspaper account Illinois received last year debt is to raise taxes and to balance of this unprece- ing debt by November.
using your ZIP code and house from President Joe Biden’s cut benefits.” dented deficit.” Earlier this month, Illi-
number or phone number. Then American Rescue Plan into GOP lawmakers contend In responses to the GOP nois Democrats in Congress
enter your email address and create the unemployment insur- Democrats would rather accusations of pork barrel championed a bill that
a password for your digital access. ance trust fund. spend the federal relief spending, Democrats would waive interest
The measure also would money on pet projects in counter that federal relief payments on federal unem-
use about $1.4 billion in their districts during an money that’s already been ployment loans to help
surplus state funds to pay election year than on shor- budgeted is for necessary Illinois and other states
Tribune books off old employee health ing up the unemployment expenses allowed under recover financially through
insurance bills, shore up fund. federal guidelines and that the pandemic.
“Dinner at Home” Cooking at home doesn’t have to be a college savings plan that Ongoing negotiations Republicans are the ones “Interest payments are
difficult, but it should always be delicious. Since 2007, has been headed toward with business and labor playing election-year poli- penalty payments that we
JeanMarie Brownson, culinary director for Rick Bayless’ insolvency and make addi- groups over separate legis- tics. “Not one bill to fix this pay, which is essentially
Frontera Foods, has been helping readers put inventive, yet tional deposits into the lation to fill the remaining problem or to address this nothing more than setting
simple, dishes on the table through her Dinner at Home state’s woefully under- insurance fund hole have problem has been intro- taxpayer dollars on fire,”
column for the Tribune. Her book includes everything you funded pension plans. touched on the possibility duced by your side,” Harris Illinois Comptroller Susana
need to create spectacular food any day of the week, The measure was of issuing bonds that likely said during Wednesday’s Mendoza, who is also up for
including sample menus and recipes for everything from approved in the House late would be repaid through House debate. “We’ve seen reelection this year, said last
prosciutto parmesan puffs to roasted chicken with toma- Wednesday in a similar increased payroll taxes on a lot of press releases, we’ve week and supports a waiver
to-olive relish. Dinner at home has never been better. party-line vote. After the businesses and reduced or seen a lot of stunts, we’ve on interest.
Senate vote, Pritzker said shortened benefits. seen a lot of letters, but In addition to addressing
“Capone: A Photographic Portrait of America’s Most he plans to sign the bill into “I think it’s incredibly nothing to really solve the the unemployment fund
Notorious Gangster.” Using many never-before-published law when it gets to his desk. disingenuous this after- problem.” debt, the measure heading
photographs and newspaper clippings from the Tribune’s “This is a tremendously noon and after last night’s Illinois, like a host of to Pritzker’s desk devotes
archives, this coffee-table book chronicles the rise and fall important package to action in the House for other states, borrowed from $300 million toward
of Al Capone. resolving our state financial Democrats to be painting the federal government the state’s $139.9 billion
situation,” House Majority today’s action as a win or in the early phase of the unfunded pension liabil-
“Ask Amy: Advice for Better Living” For over a decade, Leader Greg Harris, the a success for fiscal respon- pandemic to keep checks ities, reducing the long-
Amy Dickinson has been the Tribune’s signature general Chicago Democrat who sibility,” said Sen. Donald flowing to out-of-work term liability by roughly $1
advice columnist, helping readers with questions both sponsored the proposal, DeWitte, a St. Charles residents as businesses shut billion, supporters estimate.
personal and pressing. This book, which collects columns said during Wednesday’s Republican. “Employers down, in large part due to It also repays nearly a
from 2011 to 2013, is a testament to the empathetic House floor debate. “We who have been treated with Pritzker’s executive orders. $900 million backlog in
counsel and practical common-sense tips that Dickinson are taking care of in a day absolute disregard through- The state unemployment the group health insurance
has been distilling for years. what took years and years out this pandemic will liter- agency was overwhelmed plan for state employees
to build up.” ally be left holding the bag with new jobless claims — and directs $230 million
‘Culture Worrier: Reflections on Race, Politics Pritzker and Democrats and will be responsible for both real and fraudulent. toward paying off what’s
and Social Change.’ Clarence Page’s newest book in the General Assembly filling the remaining defi- The Illinois Department owed to College Illinois,
commemorates the 30th anniversary of his column’s first previously allocated about cit in the unemployment of Employment Security the state’s onetime prepaid
appearance in the Tribune. It is the first such collection of $3.8 billion from the federal insurance trust fund.” has yet to say exactly how tuition program.
the Pulitzer Prize winner’s columns, covering topics such as relief plan for purposes Sen. Michael Hastings, a much it believes was paid
politics, social issues, pop culture, race, family, new media including grants for hospi- Democrat from Frankfort, out to fraudsters using Petrella reported from
and prominent figures, as well as his personal life. tals, violence prevention chided Republicans for stolen identities. Chicago.

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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022  3

CTU lawsuit targets mayor, ‘Jane Doe’
Union claims group is a ‘front’ working for the ‘benefit of Mayor Lori Lightfoot’ interference in our internal demands for more COVID-
election. Stacy Davis Gates 19 protections at the peak of
By Tracy Swartz and her caucus have hurt the omicron surge in Janu-
Chicago Tribune so many Chicago families ary. The district canceled
and union members with classes for five days as the
The Chicago Teachers the toxic environment they two sides hammered out a
Union is suing a former top created. That is why union safety agreement.
adviser to Mayor Lori Light- members want change and Then, last week, Chicago
foot and a “Jane Doe” over we don’t need any outside Public Schools moved to
their alleged interference groups to help us deliver a mask-optional policy
in the May election of union that change to the CTU.” despite a provision in the
officers. The union says its rules union deal for univer-
Lisa Schneider-Fabes and prohibit candidates for sal masking. CTU said the
the unnamed defendant office from accepting or district relaxed the mask
“deceptively sought to influ- using contributions of requirements unilaterally,
ence the outcome of that money or anything of value without bargaining. Union
election for an improper (such as facilities, equip- leaders blamed Lightfoot
purpose — namely to ment or supplies) received and took their case to a
attempt to put in place at the from people who are not state labor panel. A hearing
Chicago Teachers Union a Chicago Teachers Union is scheduled for April after
leadership that has a friend- members. Federal labor the union lost a request
lier relationship with city law says employers may not last week for an emergency
leaders,” according to the contribute funds, directly injunction.
lawsuit filed Thursday in or indirectly, in support of The union’s May 20 elec-
Cook County Circuit Court. the candidacy of any person tion is shaping up to be the
When asked if Jane Doe for union office under any most competitive in years.
is the mayor herself, CTU conditions. Several challengers have
attorney Michael Persoon Schneider-Fabes resigned come forward in recent
said, “We think that there’s from Lightfoot’s admin- months. Besides Members
a conspiracy to intervene istration months after the First, the Real Caucus and
unlawfully and interfere CTU President Jesse Sharkey talks to reporters last August about ongoing COVID-19 safety mayor’s 2019 election as Change the Conversa-
with the normal democratic concerns in schools. The union now claims in a lawsuit that an outside group supporting Mayor the city’s watchdog investi- tion have announced their
processes of the Chicago Lori Lightfoot is interfering with upcoming union elections. JOSE M. OSORIO/CHICAGO TRIBUNE gated the arrangement that candidate slates.
Teachers Union, and we’re allowed Schneider-Fabes to Sharkey said Thursday
going to take all efforts to the political and personal Chicago Teachers United enforcing that, that Ms. collect a taxpayer-funded Change the Conversation is
discover the extent of that benefit of Mayor Lori Light- already permanently ceased Schneider-Fabes and her paycheck while she lived in tied to Educators for Excel-
conspiracy. Whatever the foot.” all operations to avoid any organization are never, ever, Wilmette. She is a Wilmette lence, a national organiza-
results of that investigation Chicago Teachers United, further distractions from ever going to interfere with School District 39 board tion the union alleges in its
are, we’ll follow that, just which noted it is “not the important issues facing Chicago Teachers Union member. suit wants to “implement
like any prosecutor, like the authorized by any candi- CPS and its staff, students elections, we need to press In its suit, the union is contract changes including
U.S. attorney would do.” date committee,” encour- and parents.” the lawsuit.” claiming contract interfer- negotiating a ‘thin’ contract
Last month union leaders aged visitors of its site to The mayor’s office said The union’s governing ence, civil conspiracy and that would undermine
discovered Schneider-Fabes go to the Members First Thursday she “has had no body — the 600-member unfair competition under members’ existing rights.”
was behind a targeted social Caucus website and learn involvement in any internal House of Delegates — the Illinois Deceptive Trade Educators for Excellence,
media campaign waged by about its candidates, who union election.” passed a resolution last Practices Act. The union which is not a defendant
Chicago Teachers United. are challenging the current Persoon pointed to an month condemning outside is asking a judge to order in the suit, did not imme-
On its website the group CTU leaders. The Chicago alleged job posting for an interference in union elec- the defendants and those diately return a Tribune
promoted itself as “an inde- Teachers United website executive director to begin tions. The union has about acting in concert with them request for comment, nor
pendent organization that was recently deactivated, working with Chicago 25,000 members. to stop providing support to did a Change the Conversa-
believes teachers deserve internet archive records Teachers United in March. CTU’s leaders — includ- union candidates or main- tion representative.
strong union leadership show. “It seems that they still ing President Jesse Sharkey taining deceptive websites In the 2019 election,
that supports efforts to Schneider-Fabes issued have ongoing operations,” and Vice President Stacy that would lead a person the CORE group defeated
ensure great outcomes for a statement to the Tribune Persoon said. “And from Davis Gates — hail from the to believe the information Members First with
our children and to protect Thursday: “While Chicago my investigation, the only Caucus of Rank and File published was from the 66% of the vote. Sharkey
wages and benefits for our Teachers United has not thing that Chicago Teach- Educators. The Members Chicago Teachers Union. announced last month he is
teachers.” had the opportunity to ers United existed to do was First Caucus announced Union leaders have had not seeking reelection.
The union lawsuit alleges review any legal action to interfere with Chicago a challenge to the CORE a contentious relationship
Chicago Teachers United is CTU may file, it has acted Teachers Union elections. group in January. with Lightfoot since she Chicago Tribune’s Gregory
a “front organization work- at all times consistent So until and unless we get In a statement Thurs- assumed office nearly three Pratt contributed.
ing to make mischief within with applicable law. Prior an unequivocal statement, day, Members First said years ago. The latest bitter
Chicago Teachers Union for to CTU’s announcement, and probably a court order it “stands against outside battle was over the union’s

Dearest Gentle Reader,

I believe I shall earn your forgiveness for my long absence when

I share my newest morsels about the activities of the Ton.

As last season’s diamond is presently occupied with her husband and child, the time has come
to anoint a new diamond of the first water. Of the many young ladies making their debut
this season, we are most intrigued by the rebellious Miss Eloise Bridgerton, and the radiant
Miss Edwina Sharma, newly arrived from India with her spirited half sister, Kate.

Miss Edwina is gracious, accomplished and charming beyond measure - while we have it on
good authority that Miss Eloise is willing to do almost anything to avoid the rigours of the
season. But with her spectacular pedigree, we are certain that, should Miss Eloise turn her
considerable mind to it, she could become a force to be reckoned with on the marriage market.

And while we await the revelation of this season’s diamond, the mamas of the Ton will
become giddy when they learn that the Viscount Bridgerton has now decided to secure a
bride. We understand that the honourable Viscount has exceedingly high standards for
his Viscountess - what will it take to turn the head of this most desirable of bachelors?

No matter the outcome, we are certain that this will be a season for the ages.

Yours truly,

Lady Whistledown
4  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022

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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022  5

Park Forest woman wins Unsung Heroine Award

By Janice Neumann Cook County’s 6th her father, a Cook She loves to “see where from a lot of heartache and a mother was so proud of her
For Daily Southtown District. County sheriff’s offi- they came from and where lot of growing pains.” and just the way she wrote
Davis’ mother, cer. they are.” “I see the potential Cook County Commis- the recommendation and
After overcoming her Gloria Fields, When she was in them,” Davis said. sioner Donna Miller the work she had done and
own obstacles that at one re c o u n t e d h e r a teen, her mom As co-chair of the Youth received a number of nomi- how she had to overcome
point included homeless- daughter’s many lost her job and Commission in Park Forest, nations for the 6th District certain things,” Miller said.
ness, Lamekia Davis didn’t accomplishments they lived in hotels Davis helps organize outings, award but she said Davis “She’s just always had that
kick back and relax. She got in the face of adver- for two years. Her attends youth events and stood out.  The awards winning personality to over-
to work helping other strug- sity in a letter to the Davis mother had cancer helps sponsor an annual are given annually during come what obstacles were in
gling women. nominating commit- and needed chemo- scholarship. Women’s History month in front of her.”
Davis, of Park Forest, now tee. “I believe this award therapy, so Davis learned to She also started her own each of the 16 Cook County Miller predicted big things
spends her days mentoring should go to her because she drive when she was 11 so she mentoring nonprofit called districts, as well as to one ahead for Davis, noting her
young women, planning gives when no one is watch- could transport her to and the Heyy Girl Foundation, woman countywide. The people skills and networking
youth activities and staffing ing and needs no recognition from appointments. where she gets together with awards were given out at a will help make her nonprofit
a hotline for young people but everyone should know “It made me who I am young women to talk about reception with all the Cook even more successful.
who need a helping hand. how awesome she is,” said today,” said Davis, 39. life, their experiences and County commissioners. “Just that she’s the kind
Residents and politicians Fields. As a certified mentor with ask questions. “She has done so much of person who helps other
have taken note of Davis’ Davis said she owed Lincoln’s Challenge, a youth “It’s just a time where they in her short life,” Miller people,” Miller said.
accomplishments, but it was much of her ability to organization in North River- can be themselves,” Davis said, noting the nominating
her mother who helped her empathize and give back to side, Davis said she deals said. “Had I had what I’m committee was wowed by Janice Neumann is a free-
win the 2022 Peggy Montes Fields, a minister who also with young women most doing for these young ladies, the letter from Fields. lance reporter for the Daily
Unsung Heroine Award in helps homeless people, and people try to avoid. it would have prevented me “It was very sweet her Southtown.

Wilson: ‘People
need some relief’
2nd gas giveaway has motorists packing
pumps waiting for a share of $1M in fuel
By Shanzeh Ahmad a very good day.”
Chicago Tribune Wilson’s second gas give-
away began at 7 a.m., with
The second gas giveaway cars lined up outside of gas
Chicago has seen in the last stations ahead of time. The
week, courtesy of Chicago giveaway, which lasted
businessman Willie Wilson, about three hours, took
had Thursday morning place at 48 stations around
commuters again needing Cook County, with 19 loca-
to find alternate routes or tions across Chicago and
wait patiently as lines of cars pumps in the suburbs span-
caused congestion through- ning from Rosemont and
out the morning. Evanston to Country Club
The city’s Office of Emer- Hills and Dolton.
gency Management and Over 450 people were
Communications took brought on board to help
charge of maneuvering traf- out by pumping gas, manag-
fic Thursday morning and ing lines and more. Wilson
posted on Twitter shortly said most of the people were
before 9 a.m. to inform paid while some wanted to
Chicagoans to expect traf- volunteer.
fic woes. Richard Boykin, a licensed
Wilson said he hadn’t attorney in Illinois and Simone Brooks pumps gas donated by Willie Wilson at a station Thursday in Evanston. STACEY WESCOTT / CHICAGO TRIBUNE
heard of any complaints one of the organizers who
about traffic being too bad or helped Wilson with both their gas prices during time around increased from a small way of taking care of lives and feel empowered
any other issues. He said he gas giveaways, said Thurs- Thursday’s giveaway. $200,000 in gas given at only some people,” Wilson to contact their represen-
was “glad” Thursday’s give- day was a “home run.” “They wanted more cars Wilson’s first giveaway. said. tatives and ask them to
away went as well as it did. “I think Dr. Wilson did a to benefit from Dr. Wilson’s While the donation did “We’ll look at doing it “consider giving people a
“People need some relief, great thing,” Boykin said. “It generosity and also wanted multiply, Wilson said $1 again. (It) depends on if gas break not only on gas prices
and they need to be able was a huge success.” to do their part in giving million “can’t take care of prices go up again.” but high food prices too.”
to get to work,” he said. “It Boykin said the 48 gas back to the community,” everybody” who needs help. Wilson added he hopes
went very well today. People stations participated “pretty Boykin said. “This is a big county with people feel motivated to sahmad@chicagotribune.
were very happy, and it was much at cost” and lowered The $1 million mark this a lot of people, so this is just make a difference in their com

The Elgin City Council will decide if the benefits of the popular Nightmare on Chicago Street
Halloween event can justify a 51% increase this year. JON CUNNINGHAM/COURIER-NEWS

Elgin faces increased cost for

Nightmare on Chicago Street
By Gloria Casas and concert are doable, recouped about two-thirds
For Courier-News city staff remains uncertain of the expense through
that Nightmare on Chicago ticket sales. The event
If Nightmare on Chicago Street remains feasible, committee has been looking
Street returns this year, O’Leary said. a 5% ticket price increase,
it will cost an estimated “2022 is bringing hope but “we don’t want to price
$512,000 — 51% more than for a return to normalcy ourselves out,” she said.
two years ago. in terms of gathering and Councilman Steve
The rising costs of mate- things to do,” O’Leary Thoren said he believed
rials, supply chain issues, said. “Yet there are several there’s “a huge hidden
limited rental availability obstacles in terms of plan- return (from the event)
and a shortage of volunteers ning events that need to be that’s not measurable that
are all playing a role in the considered.” benefits this town.”
increased expense, Special One of the biggest is An antique shop owner
Events Coordinator Kate having enough manpower told him a few years ago the
O’Leary told the Elgin City to pull off an event that’s the festival is the shop’s most
Council this week. size of Nightmare, which profitable day of the year,
In 2019, the city spent is a huge undertaking that he said, and it’s the one day
about $340,000 on the draws thousands of people of the year The Owls Club,
one-night Halloween to the city. a private group on Chicago
production, which turns “Part of the concern here Street, opens to the public.
downtown Elgin into the is that because we lost the “They do 10 times more
scene of a zombie apoca- momentum after a two-year business that day than any
lypse. (pandemic) hiatus, our other time of the year,”
A big chunk of this year’s volunteer base is severely Thoren said.
budget for the event — diminished,” O’Leary said. City staff will present

(630) 423-5785
$150,000 — is for labor, up “We are effectively start- additional information to
$20,000 what was spent ing from scratch in terms of the council next month
two years ago. Production building this event.” before a final decision needs
equipment is estimated Councilman Corey Dixon to be made, O’Leary said.
at $130,000 and another questioned how much the They’re also continuing to
$110,000 is earmarked city might stand to lose seek more volunteers, she
for professional services, were it to be held with such said.
including bands. a big spike in costs.
While other special O’Leary said Elgin has Gloria Casas is a freelance
events, including the Fourth never made money from reporter for The Couri-
of July parade, fireworks the event but typically er-News.
6  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022

Loaves & Fishes launches grocery pickup app

By David Sharos tional shopping, Loaves & launched at the beginning get them out to clients. people time. thing we developed just for
Naperville Sun Fishes President/CEO Mike of this month. “We still have people “It might take an hour ourselves,” Havala said.
Havala said. With the addition of the come in and shop as usual to drive to the Naperville “Any food bank can use it as
A new Loaves & Fishes “We wanted to have new distribution center, at the Naperville site while site, shop, load the car and it’s a multi-tenant software.
app allows clients to place something for people too which not only allowed the online orders are filled then drive home,” he said. We’re happy to have other
food orders electronically busy working or maybe Loaves & Fishes to increase exclusively in Aurora,” he “With the online (system), partners contact us and
and select a pickup time that having three kids at home its inventory but expand its said. “Like at Amazon Fresh perhaps a friend can pick up we’ll direct them to the soft-
works with their schedule. and couldn’t find the time reach into Kane and Kend- and other sites, you do need the food boxes or someone ware company for licensing,
Known as the Loaves & to get to the food pantry,” all counties, such a system people to go through the can borrow a car and be back which is very inexpensive.”
Fishes Online Market, items Havala said. became feasible. areas and fill orders and in 20 minutes. So we see this Despite the new option,
can be preselected and the “We started looking at “We rolled things out we’ve been really fortunate as something that provides a there is no mandate that
order filled for pickup at getting this app two to three about two weeks ago and to have volunteers who have lot more flexibility.” clients use the system. The
the Naperville nonprofit’s years ago. We started talking have already filled orders for stepped up to do that.” Loaves & Fishes staff Naperville food pantry at
distribution center at 580 to some of our clients about 100 families,” Havala said. It’s also a boon to those wanted the software to 1871 High Grove Lane in
Exchange Court in Aurora. this and found that about “With an average of four per who don’t have transporta- not only expand the food Naperville remains open
The system is not unlike a third of them said this family, that’s food for about tion because they can have pantry’s client accessibility and available for traditional
what grocery stores offer as was something they would 400 people.” an order picked up for them but help other organizations shopping.
a convenience for custom- actively use,” he said Volunteers at the distri- by someone who does have as well, he said. To sign up for the app, go
ers who don’t have the The software was devel- bution center are available a car, Havala said. And the “It’s important to us that the Loaves & Fishes website
time or means to do tradi- oped about a year ago and to fill the grocery orders and whole process should save people know this isn’t some- at

11th social responsibility are

exceptional. We welcome
history there has only been
one Asian American alder-
from Page 1 her to the Asian American man: Ameya Pawar, who
Caucus.” represented the majori-
saying 11th Ward residents Morita is running unop- ty-white North Side 47th
are “grinders” who believe posed for commissioner of Ward for two terms.
in “winning ugly.” Cook County’s 13th District Another factor in play
She said ward residents and would be the county is the ongoing decennial
are looking for someone board’s first Asian American redistricting process of the
who is transparent and woman if elected in Novem- city’s 50 wards, which all
operates with integrity. ber. but ensures the 11th Ward
“I’m ready to roll up my Lee also received plaudits will be redrawn to include
sleeves and move the 11th from Cook County Commis- Chinatown and become the
Ward in a new direction,” sioner John Daley, who city’s first majority Asian
Lee said. serves as the 11th Ward’s ward, as both the council’s
Lee’s appointment would Democratic Party commit- Black and Latino caucuses
end the wait over who will teeman. Daley is the brother have for months been on the
be the next alderman of of former Mayor Richard M. record supporting the idea.
the South Side ward, long Daley; Thompson is their Thompson resigned a day
a stronghold for the Daley nephew. after his Feb. 14 verdict, as
family but also home to a “I’d like to congratulate required by state law, mean-
burgeoning Asian American Nicole Lee on being selected ing the 11th Ward has gone
population. as the first Asian Ameri- more than a month without
Lee has prior experi- can woman to serve on the representation in City Coun-
ence leading the Chinese Chicago City Council,” John cil. Lightfoot was then given
Mutual Aid Association, Daley said in a statement. “I 60 days — until April 15 — to
the Local School Coun- Nicole Lee speaks at Zhou B Art Center on Thursday. Mayor Lori Lightfoot, left, nominated Lee believe Nicole’s background, get his replacement through
cil at Haines Elementary to be the next 11th Ward alderman. TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/CHICAGO TRIBUNE work experience and many the council.
School in Chinatown and years of community involve- Lee, if approved by the
the Chicago chapter of the and building coalitions for neighborhood issues. ican elected to the Illinois ment make her well suited council, would serve until
Organization of Chinese a (better) Chinatown and Lee was among 27 candi- General Assembly, touted to represent the residents the 2023 election. Politi-
Americans. Her current job Bridgeport and a more equi- dates for the position, a list Lee’s pending appointment of the 11th Ward. … I look cal wisdom has it that an
entails managing United’s table Chicago,” her resume that included a few with Thursday. forward to working collab- incumbent alderman enjoys
relationships with charities summary reads. connections to the Daley “It is exciting and oratively with her.” an advantage over challeng-
and spearheading fundrais- The mayor’s selection family, several from the historic that the Mayor has Bridgeport, long an Irish ers, so if the mayor’s selec-
ing campaigns, and she’s does have a tie to the Daleys. Asian American commu- appointed the first Alder- American enclave, has tion decides to run for a full
done similar social engage- Her father is Gene Lee, a nity and some with a first man from the Chinese recently seen those of Asian term, that person could have
ment work at Premier Bank onetime top aide to former responder background. American community,” Mah descent surpass whites to a leg up in the 2023 race.
and BP America. Mayor Richard M. Daley The influx of Asian Amer- said in a statement. “I know make up the largest share At one point Thursday
She has a master’s degree who was convicted in 2014 ican applicants came as Nicole and I am confident of residents, according to as the audience at the arts
in public policy from the of stealing from charities. leaders from that commu- that she has the right skill- the Chicago Metropolitan center cheered Lee, Light-
University of Chicago and is The crime did not involve nity called on Lightfoot set to represent all 11th Ward Agency for Planning. That foot jokingly encouraged her
a product of Chicago Public his duties as Daley’s deputy to appoint an alderman of residents well in City Coun- follows a trend of 2020 to enjoy the praise because it
Schools, having attended chief of staff. Asian descent to replace cil.” U.S. census figures show- doesn’t last long.
Whitney Young Magnet Asked Thursday about Thompson, pointing to the Josina Morita, chair of ing Asian Americans as the “Take this moment, put
High School, according to Gene Lee’s work under lack of current represen- the Asian American Caucus, fastest-growing racial group it in your heart,” Lightfoot
her LinkedIn profile. Daley, Lightfoot pivoted, tation in the City Council issued a statement calling in Chicago. told Lee.
“Asian American leader “Nicole’s her own person.” as well as changing demo- Lee “the perfect person to Asian Americans, whose Lightfoot had planned to
born and raised in China- In her speech, Lee said graphics of that ward. represent the 11th Ward, share of the city’s residents swear in her pick at Wednes-
town. … Seeking to expand her father was a role model State Rep. Theresa Mah, Chinatown and the Asian increased by 31% over the day’s City Council meeting
and amplify Asian Amer- for her and praised his work a Democrat who represents American community. Her last decade, currently have but her office announced
ican issues and voices by ethic as a city official who Chinatown and is believed leadership and track record no representation in City earlier in the week it needed
empowering communities would work hard to address to be the first Asian Amer- on equity, inclusion and Council. In all of Chicago’s more time.

Transplant cancer.
Typically, patients with
from Page 1 cancer are not eligible to
receive organ transplants
not replace standard treat- because it’s feared that the
ments for lung cancer, cancer will recur after the
which include surgery, transplant. Patients who
chemotherapy, immuno- receive new organs must
therapy and radiation, said take medication to suppress
Dr. Ankit Bharat, North- their immune systems,
western chief of thoracic which can lead to a recur-
surgery and executive direc- rence if any cancer cells are
tor of the Canning Thoracic left in the body. In Khoury’s
Institute. Those are still the case, however, his cancer
most effective treatments, was confined to his chest
he said. But the success of cavity and lungs. It had not
the surgery on Khoury could yet spread to other parts of
mean a new option for some his body.
patients with certain types Khoury had a type of
of lung cancer for whom lung cancer called invasive
standard treatments haven’t mucinous adenocarcinoma,
worked. which represents less than
“We absolutely think the 10% of all lung cancers,
success of this patient allows Bharat said. Patients with
us to expand this to other that particular cancer or
patients,” Bharat said. “I multiple tumors in their
think we will be able to help lungs would be the types of
some patients who would lung cancer patients who
otherwise die because of might be considered for lung
lack of conventional treat- transplants after they have
ments.” exhausted conventional
The surgery was a first treatments, Bharat said.
for Northwestern Medi- The seven-hour surgery
cine, and Bharat said he’s required meticulous work Albert Khoury, above, was told by doctors at other health systems that he wouldn’t survive. Before the transplant, he was on a
not aware of any other by surgeons, who had to ventilator and had developed pneumonia and sepsis. When he got a transplant, he likely only had days left to live, said Dr. Young
hospital that has success- remove Khoury’s lungs Chae, a medical oncologist with Lurie Cancer Center at Northwestern Medicine. JOSE M. OSORIO/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS
fully performed a double without spilling any cancer
lung transplant on a patient cells into his blood stream “Every day I see that Northwestern Medicine.
with terminal lung cancer, or chest. sunrise I’m the happiest Khoury called North-
though lung transplants Khoury said the surgery guy in the world,” Khoury western after hearing about
have been done on patients went perfectly, and he’s said at a news conference the hospital’s groundbreak-
with earlier stages of lung happy to have his life back. Thursday.
Khoury initially started
feeling ill, with back pain,
“We absolutely
1-866-JUNK GENIE sneezing, chills, and a
cough with mucus in early
2020. At first, he thought it
think the success of
this patient allows
Make A Wish . . . Make The Call . . .
was COVID-19, but then he us to expand this to
LET THE GENIE started coughing up blood.
Khoury, a nonsmoker, was other patients.”
REMOVE IT ALL! diagnosed with stage 1 lung
cancer, but because of the
pandemic, he had to wait to
— Dr. Ankit Bharat,
Northwestern chief of
• Single Items or Truck Loads start treatment. His cancer thoracic surgery and Khoury holds up a cupcake decorated with two lungs,
• Commercial or Residential Clean-Ups
FREE • Construction Remodeling
quickly progressed to stage executive director of the following a news conference Thursday at Northwestern’s
ESTIMATES 4. Canning Thoracic Institute Prentice Women’s Hospital in Chicago.
• Moving Clean-Outs (House/Business) He said he was told by
• Furniture & Appliance Removal doctors at other health disease. he said.
Senior & Veteran • Garden or Yard Debris systems that he wouldn’t Bharat said the lessons “If the COVID pandemic
survive. Before the trans- ing work performing lung surgeons learned perform- hadn’t hit us and we hadn’t

Pay only for the space used on the truck

Any Pick-up
plant at Northwestern, he
was on a ventilator and had
developed pneumonia and
transplants on COVID-19
patients in recent years. In
June 2020, Northwestern
ing those transplants on
COVID-19 patients helped
inform their work on
done the successful COVID
transplants, we would likely
not have performed this
sepsis. When he got a trans- performed the first known Khoury. Surgeons also had double lung transplant for
1-866 JUNK GENIE 866-JunkGenie plant, he likely only had days double lung transplant in to be careful, when doing the cancer,” Bharat said.
m left to live, said Dr. Young the country for a COVID-19 those operations, not to spill
1-866-586-5436 Excludes Single Pick-ups. Chae, a medical oncologist patient whose lungs were any of the COVID-19 infec- lschencker@chicagotribune. Not valid with any other offer.
with Lurie Cancer Center at severely damaged by the tion into the blood stream, com
Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022  7

Birds fewer birds in the U.S. and

Canada than there were in
from Page 1 1970, a major 2019 study
from the Cornell Lab of
orchard orioles.” Ornithology and conserva-
A few boxes sat on a table tion organizations found.
in the cabinet-lined room — Scientists are continuing
home to tens of thousands of to study the multiple factors
eggs as small as humming- likely responsible for the
birds’, and as large as those massive disappearance, but
from the extinct elephant an additional challenge such
bird — with handwritten as limited food combined
cards offering nesting clues. with something as harm-
Blotted eggs from a cedar ful and pervasive as habitat
waxwing, dated August loss may make bird survival
1897 and collected near all the more difficult.
Glencoe, came from a nest Not all species are declin-
“built in an oak tree, twen- ing, and some are declining
ty-five feet from the ground.” at very different rates, Bates
Incubation had begun for a said, similar to the differ-
trio of robin eggs collected ences in nesting found in
in 1901, found in a Calumet the study.
nest made of grass and mud, American robins, which
and discovered in scrub are increasing overall, were
oak. One egg in a collec- actually found to be nesting
tion of five appeared more later on average, the study
flecked than the others — found.
an addition from a parasitic Bates thinks — and hopes
brown-headed cowbird that — the use of eggs in research
dropped its egg off among an is only beginning. They’ve
orchard oriole clutch. already proven essential in
Some of the eggshells understanding the thinning
— their insides blown out effects from the pesticide
long ago — date back to the DDT and may prove valu-
1870s, when ornithologists able as scientists seek to
and hobbyists of all ages at understand the long-term
times tried to get their hands effects of climate change,
on a nest. pollution or environmental
The early egg collectors cleanups.
may not have been profes- “Things are continuing
sionals, Bates said, but “you to change, and there may be
had to be a really good natu- tipping points,” Bates said.
ral historian to find nests.” Common murre eggs in the Field Museum’s bird division egg collection on Wednesday. A recent study uses data from eggs “All of this is about monitor-
But egg collecting, then a collected a century ago to show that some Chicago birds are nesting a month earlier than they used to, which researchers say is ing in the long term.”
popular pastime, waned at most likely a result of climate change. E. JASON WAMBSGANS/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS Bates said he’s spent much
the turn of the century, as of his career studying places
criticism around the prac- the habits of nesting birds,” these species in ways we such as the Amazon, where
tice grew and it was even- Whelan said. “And then you need to know more about.” large swaths of birds have
tually regulated. Although go out and you put that into Whelan said the birds never even had their eggs
good for birds, the lack of practice.” might arrive with a buffer described. With so much
eggs created a data gap. To get a literal bird’s-eye window, and settle down still unknown about the
To create continuity, view, Whelan has used poles faster if weather conditions world’s birds, similar stud-
the study’s authors pulled able to extend up into trees are favorable and food is ies showing what’s happen-
together data from other with attached mirrors like abundant. ing with nesting in other
sources, including research what you’d see on the side That some birds seem to regions could begin to fill in
undertaken at the Morton of a bicycle, and employed be navigating the change is the blanks.
Arboretum on cow bird binoculars to see the reflec- a good thing, Whelan said. Bates pulled out another
parasitism — the birds drop tion. But there are still concerns shelf holding the eggs of
their eggs off in other birds’ Some researchers were about bird activity not sync- common murres, black
nests and leave the young for less surprised that nesting ing up with food availability, and white seabirds whose
the other parents to raise — had shifted than by how whether during migration, females lay uniquely colored
and statistical modeling. early the shift was for some at winter grounds or during and patterned eggs, and so
Additional data also species. Another unex- breeding, and the effect that can spot their young among
came from Chris Whelan, pected finding was that could have on survival and large colonies.
now an evolutionary ecol- some migratory birds are reproduction. “It’s an incredibly valu-
ogist focused on birds at Cedar waxwing eggs collected in 1897 in the Field Museum’s also nesting earlier. “The fact that it isn’t a able part of the biology of
the University of Illinois at egg collection. “Our overall general problem now doesn’t mean birds,” Bates said, eyeing
Chicago, whose studies have patterns didn’t fit the that it won’t be a problem the eggs, marvels in them-
led him in search of nests — born naturals.” the gathering of leaves and preconceived idea that we in the future,” Whelan said. selves, and just another
a “needle-in-the-haystack When trying to spot a twigs, food carried en route had about migration,” Bates “The big worry there is if about which scientists still
problem.” nest, one should be on the to chicks, even a certain way said. “Maybe that’s just you’re not producing young, have much to learn.
“Some people never get lookout for clumps in vege- of flying. illustrating there are other you’re not going to maintain
better at it,” Whelan said. tation, Whelan said. There “You read as much infor- factors that are complicat- population size.” mgreene@chicagotribune.
“Other people seem to be are also behavioral cues: mation as you can about ing things with each one of There are nearly 3 billion com

R300 R
FR E E e of a G Y
wi t h pur cha
0 H
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availabhlee 4
one of
Barricades fill a street Thursday as preparation for a possible Russian offensive in Odesa,
Ukraine escalation.”
At the same time, Wash-
cated, but said they wanted
to go to Russia. Ukraine’s
from Page 1 ington will expand its sanc- rebel-controlled eastern
tions on Russia, targeting regions are predominantly
the U.S. and NATO would members of the country’s Russian-speaking, and many
not put ground troops inside parliament along with there have supported close
Ukraine. defense contractors. The ties to Moscow.
The official was not autho- U.S. said it will also work A month into the invasion,
rized to comment publicly with other Western nations meanwhile, the two sides
by name and spoke only on to ensure gold reserves held traded heavy blows in what
condition of anonymity. by Russia’s central bank are has become a devastating
NATO Secretary-General subject to existing sanctions. war of attrition. Ukraine’s
Jens Stoltenberg said the Biden also said Russia navy said it sank a large
alliance agreed Thursday to should be removed from Russian landing ship near
send equipment to Ukraine the G-20 organization of Berdyansk that had been
to help protect it against a industrialized and develop- used to bring in armored
chemical weapons attack. ing nations, but he said that vehicles. Russia claimed to
Zelenskyy, while thankful
for the newly promised help,
if the member nations do not
agree to the measure, then
have taken the eastern town
of Izyum.
made clear to the Western Ukraine should be allowed In Chernihiv, where an EXM2500 $2289.00 $1895.00
allies he needed far more to participate in the group’s airstrike this week destroyed
than they’re currently will- meetings in the future. a crucial bridge, a city offi- R300 $1379.00
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members of the NATO alli-
ance. “We can’t just buy
Russia from the Group of
Eight to punish it for its
He said about 130,000
Quantities are limited,
those. When we will have all invasion and occupation of people are left in the
this, it will give us, just like
you, 100% security.”
Ukraine’s Crimean Penin-
besieged city, about half its
prewar population.
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uel Macron. “Therefore we ing 84,000 children, have the center of talks with Pres- AURORA 4404B E. New York St Aurora, IL 60504 630-978-7525
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ongoing work to prevent any The Kremlin gave nearly FOREST PARK 1900 S. Des Plaines Ave Forest Park, IL 60130 708-427-3599
escalation and to get orga- identical numbers for The New York Times MUNDELEIN 1395 Townline Rd Mundelein, IL 60060 847-566-5395
nized in case there is an those who have been relo- contributed. All discounts off MSRP, offer not valid in combination with any other offer, typographical errors are subject to correction. 040122
8  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022

Par Ridder
Phil Jurik, Amanda Kaschube,
Mitch Pugh Todd Panagopoulos,
Executive Editor
Rochell Bishop Sleets
Chris Jones, Editorial Page Editor Founded June 10, 1847

Chicago days
When our nation’s first female secre-
tary of state met with the Chicago Tribune
Editorial Board in the 1990s, her regal
presence and world-class expertise quickly
relaxed into a memorable chat — and a
surprising question:
“Does anybody still go to Riccardo’s?”
Madeleine Albright asked.
Riccardo’s? Some of the assembled
board members wondered how she knew
about “Rick’s.”
Before it closed in 1995, the former
speakeasy-turned-Italian restaurant and
bar on Rush Street behind the Wrigley
Building was a cherished after-work hang-
out for Chicago’s ink-stained community in
those pre-internet days. It was not the sort
of place one normally associates with pres-
idential cabinet members — and certainly
not one as brilliant as Madeleine Jana
Korbel Albright, who died Wednesday at Roseland Community Hospital nurse Mariel Miagusko prepares doses of the Pfizer vaccine in 2021 during a COVID-19
the age of 84. vaccination event at Josephine’s Southern Cooking in Chatham. BRIAN CASSELLA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
But it took no more than five seconds to

Vaccine makers raking in big

remember that she, too, had been part of
our media community and, by marriage,
part of the Tribune family.
Her ex-husband was Joseph Medill

profits. No problem there.

Patterson Albright, the great-great grand-
son of Joseph Medill, owner and publisher
of the Chicago Tribune and mayor of
Chicago right after the Great Fire of 1871.
The couple lived in Chicago in the early
1960s when her then-husband worked at As people abandon masks and Then, as now, the research, devel- — while at the same time heading
the Sun-Times and Albright worked at the gather in bigger groups, it’s import- opment, testing and manufacture off premature deaths and getting the
nearby offices of Encyclopaedia Britannica. ant to remember that COVID-19 of vaccines cost big bucks, and the global economy moving again.
She always wanted to be a journalist, is still with us. A new form of the market was much smaller than for These same companies should
she told the Tribune’s Heidi Stevens in a omicron variant called BA.2 is caus- other pharmaceuticals. The result be doing more to distribute their
2018 interview for the Union League Club ing another surge, though on a much was under-investment and high vaccines in poor and middle-income
of Chicago’s Authors Group. She was the smaller scale than previous variants. production costs that led to short- countries. Inequality in vaccine
news editor of her college newspaper and BA.2 is spreading so fast that it’s ages. As the number of companies access is making it more difficult
worked at a small newspaper in Missouri expected to be the dominant form of making vaccines dwindled, federal to end the pandemic. Still, a recent
after graduation. the disease in Chicago by the end of health organizations pushed for the push to increase supply by seizing
But when she applied to work at the this month. government to ensure supplies by their technology and giving it away
Sun-Times, she recalled in interviews, Fortunately, most Americans taking over production. to local manufacturers is terri-
she was turned down because of their have ready access to vaccines that Fortunately, the market turned bly shortsighted, as it would deter
anti-nepotism policy. Worse, an editor told prevent the worst symptoms. These around. Demand soared in develop- investment in vaccine development
her that it wouldn’t help her husband’s amazing pharmaceutical products, ing countries, thanks to the World at a time of tremendous progress.
career for her to get a job at one of the created in an incredibly short time, Health Organization, the Gavi The potential exists for new
other three downtown dailies, including have saved millions of lives world- public-private vaccine partnership vaccines that not only prevent
this one. wide and enabled the country to get and other groups devoted to vacci- diseases but cure them. Consider the
Instead, she was hired as a researcher at back to business. nating the poor. On the business impact if it became relatively easy
Encyclopaedia Britannica, then next door If you haven’t yet gotten fully side, some new or updated vaccines to shrink tumors, eliminate allergies
to Tribune Tower and across the street immunized, do so. Now. Stop started making good money for their and end addictions, or to stamp out
from Riccardo’s. making excuses, including the companies, such as Merck’s Gardasil long-lasting, stubborn infections like
No, Albright never made it in the latest one we’ve heard about how for human papillomavirus. malaria and HIV. Research into new
Chicago newspaper business, but, as U.S. Big Pharma is raking in too much It’s difficult to calculate profit methods of delivery could make it
secretary of state and author of at least money. margins, as research costs aren’t possible for many vaccines to be
nine books, among other globally crucial Considering the companies’ typically made public, but this much administered all at once, with no
achievements, she made plenty of news of financial incentives, the theory goes, is clear: Vaccines are some of the needles required.
her own. no one should trust them. When most cost-effective medical inter- Northwestern University recently
they say their vaccines are safe for ventions ever. announced a new study of nanopar-
babies and toddlers, or that a fourth Fully immunizing a baby saves ticle-based vaccines that appear to
shot may be needed for full protec- at least $10 for every dollar spent, a work more efficiently than tradi-
tion, well, that’s just to put money in study published in the journal Pedi- tional formulations. And National
their pockets, right? atrics shows, and another study of Geographic has been shining a spot-
Here’s a news flash: It’s OK for vaccination in the U.S. between 1994 light on “contagious” vaccines that
people who market blockbuster new and 2013 estimates a net savings of self-spread among wildlife, curbing
products to make a lot of money. In almost $300 billion in direct costs scourges such as rabies and Ebola.
fact, it’s crucial, so those people and and more than a trillion in societal It’s a controversial idea, for sure,
their competitors will keep it up. costs. That was before COVID-19 but the research could head off the
And that’s why everyone should be exposed our acute vulnerability to next pandemic by stopping animal
celebrating now that vaccines have invisible bugs. viruses from jumping to humans, as
become profitable again, after many We don’t know how much Pfizer, the coronavirus is thought by many
years in the commercial wilderness. Moderna and BioNTech have saved to have done.
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright In the 2000s and before, no one the world so far, but the amount Vaccines, finally, are on a roll. Let’s
meets with students at Lindblom Math and was making money off vaccines — surely eclipses their profits. Yes, make sure we keep the incentives in
Science Academy in Chicago on April 10, not researchers or manufacturers, or these companies have made tens of place to bring about future break-
2012, as part of her role as co-chair for the pediatricians giving shots. billions from their COVID vaccines throughs.
NATO Summit host committee. E. JASON


Eric Greitens showed Missouri long ago who he is.

To paraphrase Maya Angelou, Missouri should believe
him. Yet the disgraced former governor, driven from
power four years ago by credible evidence that he
physically and sexually abused his extramarital lover
prior to his 2016 election, has somehow emerged as the
front-runner among Republicans seeking the state’s
open U.S. Senate seat this year.
That has prompted a big political question in
Missouri: What on Earth are Republican voters think-
ing? This week, that question was replaced by a bigger
one: What will those voters think now?
In court documents revealed Monday, Greitens’
now-ex-wife, Sheena Greitens, alleges he was physi-
cally violent toward her and their children and engaged
in such “unstable and coercive behavior” that she and
others around him limited his access to firearms.
Allegations are just that, of course, but there’s no
missing the similarities between these allegations and
the ones made by Greitens’ former mistress. Will this
at last break the strange fever that has caused so many
Missouri Republican voters to embrace this horrifically
unfit candidate?
… The GOP field is crowded, which is what has
allowed Greitens to rise to the top with only about 30%
support among Republicans (because the rest of the
votes are divided among multiple other candidates).
In hypothetical head-to-head races with Democratic
front-runners, Greitens does far worse than several of
his fellow GOP candidates. That’s encouraging regard-
ing Missouri voters at large, at least.
But still, for this man to have garnered support from
almost a third of Missouri Republicans should occasion
some serious soul-searching within the party.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial Board
Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022  9


An oil pump jack in the Permian Basin oil field on March 13 in Odessa, Texas. President Joe Biden’s ban on Russian oil may mean oil producers in the Permian Basin will need to
pump more oil to meet demand. JOE RAEDLE/GETTY

America, please show Russia

you’re the energy alpha now
By Arthur Laffer These actions are necessary for because the high natural gas prices stations, and $9.5 billion for green
and Patrick Giordano national security. have stymied natural gas replacement hydrogen initiatives using renewable
The U.S. also must implement all of far dirtier coal in their electric- energy for conversion of water into
Two recent events have been incred- policies necessary to dramatically ity generating plants. In fact, many hydrogen.
ibly troublesome but have finally increase liquefied natural gas exports European power plants have recently As Sen. Joe Manchin, chair of the
brought home the energy and climate to Europe. We must approve addi- switched from natural gas back to coal Committee on Energy and Natural
crises that are plaguing the planet. tional export terminals, as well as due to Europe’s incredibly high natu- Resources, recently said: “We must
Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine additional gas pipelines to transport ral gas prices. In contrast, the U.S. has commit to once again achieving energy
has exposed two follies: Europe’s deep natural gas for processing into its substantially reduced carbon emis- independence by embracing an all-of-
dependence on Russia for oil and natu- liquefied form. These measures will sions by replacing coal with natural gas the-above energy policy to ensure that
ral gas and U.S. imports of Russian oil. help expedite Europe’s ability to elim- at more than 100 power plants. The the American people have reliable,
Meanwhile, the United Nations’ recent inate its reliance on Russia for 40% of burning of natural gas for electricity dependable and affordable energy
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate its natural gas. generation produces only half as many without disregarding our climate
Change report has expertly docu- The European Union and the newly carbon emissions as coal burning. responsibilities.”
mented the dramatic adverse impacts installed German government, with At the same time the U.S. and The same approach to energy and
of climate change on people through- the support of Germany’s Green Party, Europe are taking all necessary climate policy must be used in Europe.
out the globe. have recently declared that they want actions to reestablish U.S. energy As former world chess champion and
With bipartisan support, President to use much more liquefied natural gas independence and eliminate Euro- Vladimir Putin critic Garry Kasparov
Joe Biden announced a ban on U.S. and adopt policies to accomplish this. pean dependence on Russian energy, succinctly stated in a recent Tribune
imports of Russian energy. But he still To totally eliminate Russian natural all reasonable steps to fight climate op-ed: The U.S. should “replace
continues to demonize North Ameri- gas without wrecking their economies, change also must be taken. These Russian energy exports by increasing
can fossil fuels. however, European countries also actions are not inconsistent and are production and opening new sources,
After decades of dependence on should allow fracking. both necessary for the economic and from fracking to nuclear to renew-
foreign sources of energy, we achieved It is undeniable that fracking of environmental health of the U.S., ables. Giving authoritarians so much
energy independence in 2019 and natural gas, coupled with deregula- Europe and the world. leverage for extortion is unacceptable.
2020 but have now lost this indepen- tion of gas and electricity markets, Significant strides against climate There’s no point in saving the planet if
dence. Recently, Biden acknowledged has enabled the U.S. to keep natural change are being made in the U.S. you don’t save the people on it.”
that we must again achieve energy gas and electricity prices very low in thanks to the bipartisan infrastructure Now that the Russian invasion of
independence. comparison to European prices. Euro- law. For example, $65 billion is being Ukraine has united Americans, Euro-
Biden should eliminate the mora- pean natural gas prices have consis- spent to support enhancements of peans and many others, let’s quickly
torium on new oil and gas leases on tently been at least five times higher the electricity grid, which will allow act together to save the people and the
federal lands. Additionally, the U.S. than U.S. natural gas prices for the past transmission of electricity produced planet.
should approve the Keystone XL pipe- 12 months. These high prices have by renewable energy sources from
line so we can significantly increase hammered European consumers and where it can be produced most cost-ef- Arthur Laffer is chairman of Laffer
imports from friendly Canada and enabled Russia to fund its unconscio- fectively. The bipartisan infrastruc- Associates, an economics consulting
thereby limit imports from foreign nable war in Ukraine. ture law also provides $7.5 billion to firm. Patrick Giordano is managing
actors such as Saudi Arabia, United Fracking bans also have led to accelerate the build-out of a national director of Giordano & Associates, an
Arab Emirates, Venezuela and Iran. greater European carbon emissions network of electric vehicle charging energy law firm.

Europe is fueling Putin’s war machine in Ukraine

By Stephen J. Lyons Europe’s favor, which isn’t a sure bet at considering lifting its 2019 ban on fracking
all. And certainly not if the war spills into for shale gas as a way to offset the spiraling
Today, the European Union contrib- neighboring NATO countries. energy costs to British families. The U.K.
uted $1 billion toward Vladimir Putin’s war In a revealing interview with the BBC, was on the verge of capping its fracking
machine. Tomorrow, the EU will contrib- Norway’s prime minister, Jonas Gahr wells with concrete, but now there is pres-
ute another $1 billion to the Kremlin’s Stoere, carefully parsed Europe’s reason- sure to keep them open.
ongoing carnage of Ukrainian citizens. And ing for continuing its addiction on Russia’s As Bloomberg reported earlier this
$1 billion the next day too. vast oil and gas reserves. After pointing to month, Frans Timmermans, the EU’s
The payments will continue to pour into the economic sanctions it has imposed, and climate czar, told lawmakers on the envi-
Russia until, we are assured, but hardly the military and humanitarian aid the EU ronment committee that “because of
comforted, the EU cuts that amount by a is providing, the prime minister admit- what’s happening in Russia, there are no
third by the end of 2022. By the year 2030, ted: “Europe is also responsible for having taboos in the choices member states can
just eight short years from now, the EU functional economies.” make.” Timmermans “left it up to each
hopes to wean itself off of Russian energy Functional economies always trump country to decide whether they will make
sources. rescuing a democratic nation. Note that up for burning more fossil fuels in the short
By that date, if Europe has not ceded Norway, which is the 10th largest exporter term by boosting investments in renew-
Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Georgia, Finland of oil in the world, is one of the great bene- ables,” the report said.
and other nations to Russia, Putin will ficiaries of the rising energy costs caused People gather around a giant peace sign with When Badawi pointed out these contra-
finally be taught a lesson. by the current war. No sense turning off the message “Stop Putin’s Oil” ahead of a dictions to the Norwegian prime minister,
The billion-dollars-a-day per diem that spigot of kroner just yet, not when European Union and NATO summit Tuesday. he dismissed her concerns. “But this is the
comes in the form of coal, gas and oil Norway’s sovereign wealth fund is increas- GEERT VANDEN WIJNGAERT/AP drama of war,” Stoere said.
that the EU purchases to keep its econ- ing handsomely with every $140 barrel of He wrapped up the interview with these
omy humming along while schools and oil sold on the world market. to stop buying oil and gas (and coal) from remarks: “We have to really stand by our
maternity hospitals are being obliter- BBC moderator Zeinab Badawi was Russia, it will not stop the war machine own values, protect them, support Ukraine
ated in Mariupol and Kyiv and the bodies not about to let the prime minister off the fighting in Ukraine, regretfully.” to the very potential of what we can do,
of women and children are piling up in hook. She said: “You are trying to fight Stoere, the head of one of the NATO look beyond and see what we can do to
morgues, while millions of refugees with Russian tanks with the banks, as it were, nations that shares a border with Russia, help rebuild Ukraine once this is over.”
an uncertain future disperse throughout and it’s just not going to be fast enough.” continued with some pretzel logic regard- As Russian bombs mercilessly hit civil-
Europe. (The United States, not as depen- Stoere, whose country is not a member ing Europe’s commitment to renewable ian targets under Putin’s scorched earth
dent on Russian energy sources, banned of the EU, countered: “I don’t buy your energy sources such as wind, solar and the strategy, and as Europe pays for “the drama
exports of Russian oil, liquefied natural gas equation. Europe has to still fuel its econ- rather oxymoronic label for the source of war” by purchasing Russia’s vast energy
and coal earlier this month.) omy, in one way or the other. They are known as “safe nuclear.” He believes that reserves, it is impossible to “look beyond”
“But the sanctions!” the EU will argue. buying oil on the international market. … the current high costs of gas and oil will to any kind of future for the millions of
Look at Russia’s faltering economy! They cannot take down their own econ- force European nations to quickly transi- innocent victims, killed, trapped and held
No. Instead, look at the body count and omies and at the same time resist what tion to renewables. hostage in Ukraine.
the humanitarian crisis at your borders. Russia is doing.” However, in the short term, the opposite
Calculate the future costs of resettling When Badawi noted that “Europe is taking place. Europe is turning toward Stephen J. Lyons is the author of five books
those refugees or rebuilding Ukraine — is failing” this test of its resolve, Stoere cheaper, more polluting types of energy of essays and journalism. His newest book is
that is, if the war and occupation end in responded: “To be honest, if Europe were such as coal. The United Kingdom is even “West of East.”
10  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022


How to lead with diplomacy,

and not just in Ukraine
By Elizabeth Shackelford

President Joe Biden and his top

foreign policy advisers have demon-
strated how effective diplomacy can
be in a crisis. They have worked tire-
lessly to build a powerful, coordinated
response to Vladimir Putin’s war
in Ukraine. Though this has not yet
ended the war, it has greatly increased
the cost to Putin.
It has also sucked up most of the
oxygen in the White House, the
National Security Council and the
State Department. But other crises
haven’t abated in the meantime,
from Yemen to Myanmar, Ethiopia
to Afghanistan. If the State Depart-
ment were better resourced and
empowered, the United States could
bring more robust, nonmilitary
foreign policy solutions to many more
complex conflicts around the world.
Diplomacy is the least risky and
least costly foreign policy tool at our
disposal, but it has taken a back seat
for years to a military-first approach
and budget, leaving us less prepared to
provide the global, nonmilitary solu-
tions required.
From global health risks and
climate shock to armed conflict and
authoritarianism, our interconnected
world is becoming less safe, not more.
We need to be prepared to face these
challenges. But when the war in
Ukraine began, the State Department
wasn’t. The U.S. had no ambassador to
Ukraine, and the senior positions for
refugees, international security and
nonproliferation, and sanctions policy
all sat empty.
Biden has spoken about leading
with diplomacy, but there are few
signs so far of institutional change. President Joe Biden takes his seat, watched by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in preparation for the G7 Summit at NATO
Here are some places this administra- Headquarters in Brussels on Thursday. DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES
tion could start.
The State Department needs more The State Department also needs harming continuity in our foreign diplomatic corps more reflective of
money. Biden says often, “Show me empowerment to lead. The National policy and promoting a short-term America, but more diverse experi-
your budget and I’ll tell you what Security Council inside the White perspective of foreign policy problems ences and backgrounds help bring
you value.” If he truly values diplo- House has in many ways replaced on a political timeline. forward more diverse ideas. President
macy as a tool of first resort, his the State Department as the premier Much has been written about Biden established State’s first Office
budget should reflect it. The Penta- foreign affairs agency. The State big-money donors given plush ambas- of Diversity and Inclusion, which is
gon’s budget reached historic levels Department today has a seat at the sador postings, a practice no other a strong start. To succeed, this office
this year, at $768 billion. The foreign table when the NSC chairs meetings developed nation uses. But politi- must address not only hiring but also
affairs budget, which covers the on foreign policy, but the Pentagon cal appointees fill hundreds of other entrenched biased practices that
State Department and U.S. Agency literally has two — representing both non-ambassadorial positions across impede retention and promotion of
for International Development, was the military and civilian sides of the the State Department too, in both diverse staff.
about 7% that amount at $58 billion. Department of Defense. If State were policy roles and supporting posi- The West’s response to Russia’s war
(An additional $7 billion was set aside leading and shaping these discussions tions. While many have subject-mat- in Ukraine proves that nonmilitary
for Ukraine’s emergency funding.) from the start, the U.S. would be more ter expertise, this practice limits the foreign policy tools can be powerful,
As a U.S. diplomat, I frequently likely to lead with diplomacy. professional path of career diplomats, but dysfunctional treatment of the
saw the impact of insufficient fund- The State Department should also which has led to high attrition, and State Department remains an imped-
ing. For example, in South Sudan, we have fewer political appointments. that depletes the cultural, historical iment to leading with diplomacy. Just
didn’t have enough vehicles, so I often These are the outsiders — some- and linguistic resources they have imagine how an empowered State
missed important events because I times true policy experts, sometimes developed through years of service. Department could shape similarly
couldn’t get a ride. We didn’t have just pals of the president — who land Finally, the State Department has robust responses in the rest of the
enough staff, so I had two full-time positions typically for their political some work to do internally to pave the world.
jobs, which meant long hours and support. The State Department has way for more creative solutions. The
hard conditions even before a war five times as many political appointees department has a history of homo- Elizabeth Shackelford is a senior fellow
broke out. Facility repairs took so long as the Department of Defense and geneity — “male, pale and Yale.” It on U.S. foreign policy with the Chicago
that a large section of our perime- 10 times more than any other federal looks more diverse today than a few Council on Global Affairs. She was pre-
ter wall collapsed in a heavy rain — a agency. This means State incurs more decades ago, but leadership posi- viously a U.S. diplomat and is author
dangerous predicament in a conflict gaps in staffing with each change in tions remain woefully nondiverse. of “The Dissent Channel: American
zone. administration than any other agency, Improved diversity not only builds a Diplomacy in a Dishonest Age.”


Campaign finance reform Graham questioned Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson about short of harassment and character assassination.
her religious faith, such as how often she goes to church. Is there a Republican out there who will defend this
Thirty years after the nomination of Clarence Thomas He referred back to the criticism of Justice Amy Coney behavior? Please don’t bring up the Brett Kavanaugh
to the U.S. Supreme Court, we have another person of Barrett over her Catholicism. hearings as a counterargument. Kavanaugh was credibly
color nominated to the high court: the eminently qualified While I disagree with Coney Barrett on almost every- accused of sexual assault. Contrast his loutish behavior
Ketanji Brown Jackson. thing, it should be pointed out regarding both cases that during his confirmation hearings with Jackson’s compo-
The Republican senators on the committee are distort- the U.S. Constitution states in Article VI: “No religious Test sure.
ing her record, her education and her rulings for no reason shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or The hypocrisy and cynicism of Republicans attacking
other than their own political ambitions in the next elec- public Trust under the United States.” Jackson as being soft on pornographers, when they have a
tion. When will this stop and when can we can get back Any such question by any senator is therefore totally reputation for supporting men accused of sexual miscon-
to elected officials who want to do what is best for the improper and should never be asked. duct like Donald Trump and Matt Gaetz, are sickening.
citizens of the United States instead of the big money that
funds them? — Lou Becker, Skokie — Richard G. Keslinke, Algonquin
We need a universal primary date for the country within
three months of the general election so elected officials are
not spending two years campaigning. We need reform of Jackson soft on crime? Quite a performance
campaign finance so our politicians are not being bought The GOP questioned Supreme Court nominee Ketanji How unfortunate for Sen. Lindsey Graham that the
and sold by the highest donor. And we need to get rid of Brown Jackson about her ability to be on the nation’s votes are already counted for best actor in a supporting
the fantasy that corporations are people — the Founding highest court because she was a public defender. She was role for this year’s Oscars.
Fathers could not have meant to include them as such. appointed defendants by the court and provided a defense His disingenuous tirade at the confirmation hearings
This country could be the country the Founders imag- to ensure the prosecution followed the law. The GOP for Ketanji Brown Jackson was by far the most dramatic
ined if we had not allowed our elected officials to make wants us to believe she is soft on crime. performance in the past 12 months.
elected public service so lucrative for themselves that they Illinois GOP gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin
are willing to sell their souls to the devil to retain it. chose to be a defense attorney and selected his clients. His — Bob Ory, Elgin
law firm defended a man accused of attacking police and
— Judy Cape, Harrisburg a man, Gary Martin, who later committed the worst mass
shooting in Aurora’s history. Irvin wants us to believe he is A study in contrasts
the “law and order” candidate. As I watched Republican senators grilling Judge Ketanji
Focusing on race, sex Jackson: Soft on crime? Irvin: Hypocritical? Brown Jackson about particulars of cases over which she
I wish that Ketanji Brown Jackson would be identified presided and some notorious people she had defended,
as a qualified person with many years of judicial experi- — Robert Lange, Chicago it reminded me that no senator did this to Hugo Black in
ence instead of as the “first Black female Supreme Court 1937 during his confirmation hearing. None questioned
nominee.” Her qualifications are the many legal decisions his successful defense of a Methodist minister who was
made during her years in the courts. The fact that she is Character assassination accused of murdering a Roman Catholic priest after the
Black and a woman is incidental. Watching Republican senators attack Supreme Court minister’s daughter converted to Catholicism and the
nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson during her confirma- priest presided over her wedding.
— Mary Ann Kehl, Wilmette tion hearings makes me wonder how anyone can still call Nor did the revelation that Black was a onetime member
themselves a Republican these days. Sens. Josh Hawley of the Ku Klux Klan cause anyone to demand that he step
and Ted Cruz tried to slime her as being soft on pornog- down after he joined the Supreme Court.
Religious questions improper raphers. Sen. Lindsey Graham tried to paint her as being
During confirmation hearings, U.S. Sen. Lindsey a tool for the radical left. What they are doing is nothing — Paul L. Newman, Merion Station, Pennsylvania

For online-exclusive letters, go to Email your letter submissions, 400 words or less, to
Include your full name, address and phone number.
Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022  11


J. IRA HARRIS 1938 - 2022

Investment banker who worked

with Pritzkers and Jim Harbaugh In Memoriam
Lucafo, Frank P.
By Bob Goldsborough Harris said. Mr. Frank P. Lucafo, age 81, died peacefully on March
For Chicago Tribune Harris was a backer of 19, 2022 in the comfort and care of his
Chicago sports teams and own home, surrounded by his family and
Chicago-based invest- a high-profile benefactor of by the prayers of many, both near and
ment banker J. Ira Harris his alma mater, the Univer- far. Frank was born August 13, 1940 in
played a key role in numer- sity of Michigan. Those Chicago. He proudly served in the US
ous corporate pairings and two interests converged Army and was honorably discharged in 1968. In May
of 1969, Frank and Loretta Tomassini were united
restructurings, and worked in 1987 when the Chicago in Holy Matrimony, and Loretta faithfully, tirelessly,
on several deals for the Bears drafted University of and heroically fulfilled her sacred vows of loving,
Pritzker family. Michigan quarterback Jim honoring, and caring for him - in sickness and in
“Ira Harris was like a Harbaugh. health - until he drew his very last breath. Frank is
second father to me, always “Right after I got drafted, Izaiah Nathaniel ‘Zaya’ Lopez survived by his beloved and devoted wife Loretta;
3 years ago Izaiah Lopez 8 years old was killed by
available with love, advice my college coach, Bo a coward who was driving a car (Hit and Run ) we
daughter Lisa (Antonio “Tony” D’Ambrosio), son
and support as I lost my Schembechler, called me to are still seeking Justice luckily the person behind
Anthony (Meghan Pipolo); grandchildren Leo and
own (father) at such an early the office and wrote down the wheel of the vehicle was apprehended a week
Rosemary, and by his numerous nieces & nephews,
age,” former U.S. Secretary a phone number and said, later by Aurora Police. Please please please Keep
innumerable cousins (in America & in Italy), sev-
eral Godchildren, two brothers-in-law, and the many
of Commerce Penny Pritz- ‘This is Ira Harris’ number. your eyes on the road. Izaiah would and could
friends of “Frank from the Bank”. Visitation Sunday,
ker, whose family invest- Chicago-based investment He’s a great Michigan man still be alive if the person driving was paying
March 27, 2022, 2:00 - 8:00 PM at The Oaks Funeral
ment group hired Harris in banker J. Ira Harris in his 87th in Chicago, and he’ll look attention to the road and could have saved his
Home 1201 E. Irving Park Road (at Prospect), Itasca.
1998, said in a statement. “A floor office in the Sears Tower out for you,’ “ Harbaugh life if he would have pushed the brakes to stop to
Family and friends will meet Monday, March 28th
larger than life figure, Ira in 1985. CHICAGO TRIBUNE recalled. “And he did that, help. Rest In Heaven Izaiah you are not forgotten.
at St. John Cantius Church 825 N. Carpenter St.,
possessed an extraordinary and more. He’d get you #JusticeForIzaiah
Chicago for a visitation from 9:00 AM until the Mass
Sign Guestbook at
combination of integrity, creating deals landed him acting the right way, meeting of Christian Burial at 10:00 AM. Interment Queen of
vision, powerful business a large profile in Business- the right people and always Heaven Cemetery, Hillside. In lieu of flowers, dona-
acumen and a sense of Week magazine in June be there to look out for you tions to the Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius
humor that lit up every room 1979, with a large cover when you needed decent Death Notices are appreciated For
funeral info: 630-250-8588 or
he entered.” photo depicting him hold- advice — he’ll give it to you.
Sign Guestbook at
Harris, 83, died of a heart ing a cigar. BusinessWeek He was invaluable.”
attack on Feb. 21 at his Palm described Harris as “Chica- Harbaugh noted that Bauer, Tema
Tema Bauer nee Posalska, age 105; beloved wife of
Beach, Florida, home, said go’s big dealmaker,” and Harris was especially skilled the late Morris; loving mother of Dr. Jerry
his daughter, Jackie. He noted that Harris was one at negotiating contracts, (Adrienne) and the late Michael Bauer
had lived on Chicago’s Gold of the nation’s few top-tier including Harbaugh’s four- (Roger Simon); adoring Mama Tema of
Coast until 2013. dealmakers at that time who year contract extension grandchildren Michelle (Stuart) Primack, Lynch, Annie
Born Jay Ira Horowitz was not based in New York. with Michigan as head foot- Dr. Hillary Bauer-Cohen (Jeffrey Cohen)
Annie W. Lynch, age 91, of Glenview, loving mother
of Michael (Phyllis) Lynch and Elizabeth
in New York City, Harris “Friends and critics agree ball coach signed in January and Aaron (Lauren) Bauer and great-grandchildren
“Binky” Ardisana, of Albuquerque New
grew up in the Bronx. He that it was not the agree- 2021. Maya and Mason Primack, Sasha, Jonah and Joshua
Mexico and the late Andrew Lynch;
received a bachelor’s degree ableness of Harris’ person- “Ira was my agent,” Cohen, Olivia and Miles Bauer. Our family is grate-
cherished grandmother of Michael
in business in 1959 from the ality that won him his select Harbaugh said. “And ful to her caregivers Freja and Elsa for the love and
and Colleen Lynch, Bryan and Mark
University of Michigan, client list,” BusinessWeek his negotiating was just care they provided for many years. Both Tema and
(Katherine) Ardisana, and Gary Lynch; great grand-
Morris were sole survivors of their families after
where he worked his way wrote. “In a city known common sense, too — he’d the Holocaust. Her wisdom, courage, and inner
mother of Pearl and Clementine Ardisana; dear
through college in a variety for its close corporate ties, say that you’re not going to strength were the remarkable qualities of her ex-
sister of the late Nicholas (the late Marge) the late
of jobs, including selling ice with friends sitting on each get everything you want, traordinary life. Chapel service Friday, 10:00 AM at
Harry “Pauly” (Fern) White; fond aunt of many nieces
cream, writing for a newspa- others’ boards, it was Harris’ and they’re not going to get Shalom Memorial Funeral Home, 1700 W. Rand Road,
and nephews and a dear friend to many. Annie was
per and working in sorority sheer persistence and his everything that they want, Arlington Heights. Interment Shalom Memorial
a First Lieutenant in the U.S.Air Force. Visitation
Sunday 2:00 – 7:00 pm. at the Skaja Terrace Funeral
houses. ability to structure deals and that’s when a deal is Park. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to
Home, 7812 N Milwaukee Ave, Niles, www.skajafu-
After college, Harris sold when everyone else threw made. That’s one thing I Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center- or 847-966-7302
mutual funds door-to-door in the sponge that made him learned from Ira.” Bauer Family Fund. For the link to view the service,
for the New York brokerage a success.” At Michigan, the head shiva information and to leave condolences: (847)
Jacques Coe before joining Harris left Salomon in football coach post is an 255-3520 or
the Blair & Co. investment 1988 to join Felix Rohatyn’s endowed position bearing Sign Guestbook at
bank in 1961. Harris moved firm, the Lazard Freres & the names of Harris and his
to Chicago to oversee Blair’s Co. investment bank, where wife. Their names also grace
Chicago office. he became a general partner the football team’s locker Sign Guestbook at
In 1969, Harris joined and opened a branch office room.
investment bank Salomon at 2 N. LaSalle St. An active philanthropist Carnell, Herbert D.
Brothers as a general part- In 1998, Harris left Lazard on many fronts, Harris sat on Herbert D. Carnell beloved companion of Leatitia Moskal, Kathryn L. ‘Kay’
Kathryn L. Moskal “Kay”, 99, beloved wife of the
ner, tasked with building a to become vice chairman of the boards of the Boy Scouts Young; loving father of David Carnell; devoted
late Joseph; loving mother of Joseph (Nancy) of
corporate finance office in the Pritzker Organization. of America, the Big Shoul- grandfather of Trinity Carnell; proud son of Ruby
Edgerton, WI, Joan, and Richard (Susanne); cher-
Chicago. He quickly built a Harris long had been friends ders Fund, the Chicago and the late Lurnen Carnell; dear brother of Larry
ished grandmother of Henry and Ethan; and dear
reputation as a dealmaker, with the billionaire Pritzker Public Library Foundation, Carnell. Visitation Tuesday 3-8 P.M. Funeral Service
Wednesday 10:00 A.M. at Lawn Funeral Home 17909 sister of Edward of Lakewood, OH.
and eventually was tapped family, then owners of the Northwestern University S 94th Ave Tinley Park Illinois 60487 Interment Good She was considered to be a very kind, generous and
in 1978 to serve on Salomon’s Hyatt hotel chain, cruise and the Museum of Science Shepherd Cemetery (708) 532-3100. sweet person by all who knew her.
executive committee. ship operator Regency and Industry. Visitation, Sunday, March 27, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
He oversaw deals includ- Cruises and large real estate Harris was the 1977 recip- Funeral Prayers, Monday, March 28, 9:15 a.m. from
ing IC Industries’ purchases holdings. He previously ient of the Horatio Alger Kolbus- May Funeral Home, 6857 W. Higgins Ave.,
of both Stanray Corp. and had played crucial roles in Award. Sign Guestbook at
Chicago with Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. at
St. Monica Catholic Church. Interment will be pri-
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, numerous deals with the In addition to his daugh-
vate at Maryhill Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please
Walter E. Heller Interna- family. ter, Harris is survived by his donate to Misericordia or Mercy Home for Boys and
tional’s 1973 acquisition “He was known for wife of 57 years, Nicki; two Cook, Stephen M. Girls. For info, 773-774-3232 or www.kolbusmayfh.
of the American National creative thinking and he sons, Jon and Bradley; six Stephen M. Cook, 45, of Chicago passed away unex-
Bank & Trust of Chicago, really understood what grandchildren; and a sister, pectedly on March 22, 2022. We are completely dev-
Commercial Credit Group’s people’s desires and needs Eileen Morris. astated by this loss. Beloved husband of Maureen
(nee Lally) and cherished son of Linda (Edward Grant
acquisition of Primerica and were, and he was really good Services were held. Jr.) and the late George. Loving brother to Gregory
Esmark’s purchase of Inter- at putting that together with (Kari Percival), Michael, and Timothy (Natalie Garner). Sign Guestbook at
national Playtex. creative and sometimes out Bob Goldsborough is a free- Fond uncle to Jasper, Ulysses, Sylvia, Iris, and Ella.
Harris’ doggedness at of the box ideas,” Jackie lance reporter. Dear nephew of Mary Cook and Ray (Fina) Cook,
and the late James Cook and Janice Reiss. Treasured
cousin and friend to many. Adored member of the
Lally clan. Visitation will be held on Sunday from
2:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. at Cooney Funeral Home located Neu, Henry Leo
at 625 Busse Hwy. in Park Ridge. Funeral Monday, Henry Leo Neu, 91, beloved husband of Evelyn Neu
prayers at 10:00 a.m. going to St. Gertrude Catholic for 68 years; loving father of Dr. Jeffery
Church located at 1420 W. Granville Ave. in Chicago Neu, Lori Andre and Amy Shlofrock;
for Mass at 11:00 a.m. Interment private. In lieu of treasured father-in-law of Brian Andre,
ON MARCH 25 ... In 1913 the Palace Theatre, In 1987 the U.S. Supreme flowers, the family requests donations be made to Michael Gottlieb and Heidi Neu. Adored
which became New York Court ruled employers may Misericordia. For information please call 847-685- grandfather of Jared and Lucia, Eliot and
In 752, Pope Stephen II died, City’s home of vaudeville, sometimes favor women 1002 or visit Lauren; Matt and Melanie; Jake and Danielle; Allie;
only two days after his elec- was opened. and members of minority Sign Guestbook at Leah, Spencer and Ethan; and many nieces and
tion. groups over men and whites nephews, proud great grandfather of Dylan and
Ayden Andre; dear brother of Carolyn Kaplan and
In 1954 RCA announced it in hiring and promoting in
sister-in-law, Linda Kozin; son of the late Ludwig
In 1634 Maryland was had begun producing color order to achieve better and Erna Neu. Henry was a gifted artist and entre-
founded by English colo- television sets at its plant balance in the work force. Grohlich, Dietmar
Dietmar Grohlich, 83, of Hernando, Florida, formerly preneur who started his own advertising agency,
nists sent by the second Lord in Bloomington, Ind. (The of Willowbrook, Illinois. Beloved husband of the late Palletone Design, at the age of 31. Henry passed
Baltimore. sets, with 12 1/2-inch picture In 1988 Robert Chambers Perpetua Grohlich, nee Quijano. Devoted father of peacefully in his home in the company of his lov-
tubes, cost $1,000 each.) pleaded guilty to first-de- Sanja (William) Harvey. Loving Opa of Noah Patrick ing wife, Evelyn. He will forever be remembered for
In 1821 Greek patriots began gree manslaughter in the and Emma Rosalynn Harvey. Cherished son of the his kind, gentle and loving demeanor. In memory of
an uprising against the In 1957 the Treaty of Rome death of 18-year-old Jennifer late Paul Hans and Hanne Grohlich. Caring brother Henry please make donations to: Massachusetts
domination of the Ottoman established the European Levin in New York’s “prep- of the late Wolfgang (Elke) Grohlich. Loving nephew General Hospital,
Empire — an uprising that Economic Community. pie murder” case. of the late Edith Gruhn. Dear companion of Alice ogy/als/research/expanded-access. Services were
held at Shalom Memorial Funeral Home. Interment
led to establishment of an Hsu. Dietmar worked for the State of Illinois as a
followed at Shalom Memorial Park. For additional
independent kingdom. In 1958 Sugar Ray Robin- In 1992 Soviet cosmonaut toxicologist for many years. He was a lifelong
information, shiva and a link to view the service
learner and enjoyed worldwide traveling. Dietmar
son became middleweight Sergei Krikalev, who had developed many good friendships along the way. online, visit Shalom Memorial Funeral Home, www.
In 1865, during the Civil War, boxing’s first five-time world spent 10 months aboard He will be missed by all who knew him. Memorial, 847-255-3520.
Confederate forces captured champion as he defeated the orbiting Mir space visitation will be held on Sunday from 2:00 PM until
Fort Stedman in Virginia. Carmen Basilio in Chicago. station, thereby missing the 6:00 PM at Ahlgrim & Sons Funeral and Cremation
upheaval in his homeland, Services, 330 West Golf Road, Schaumburg.
In 1894 Jacob Coxey began In 1964 Britain set aside an finally returned to Earth. Memorial Mass will be on Monday at 10:00 AM at Sign Guestbook at
leading an “army” of acre of land at Runnymede, Notre Dame Church, 64 Norfolk Ave, Clarendon
unemployed from Massil- where the Magna Carta was In 1994 American troops Hills. In Lieu of flowers donations would be appreci-
lon, Ohio, to Washington signed in 1215, as a memorial completed their withdrawal ated to The Cradle, 2049 Ridge Avenue, Evanston, IL
to demand help from the for the late U.S. President from Somalia. 60201 or The Morton Arboretum, 4100 Illinois Route
53, Lisle, IL 60532. Funeral information, video tribute
federal government. John F. Kennedy. or online condolences or
In 2001, at the 73rd Academy O’Brien, Rosemary Patricia
847-882-5580. Rosemary Patricia O’Brien, 90, of Naperville, Il,
In 1911,in a tragedy that In 1965 Martin Luther King Awards, “Gladiator” won formerly of Sterling, IL, passed away peacefully on
galvanized the U.S. labor Jr. led 25,000 marchers to best picture; its star, Russell Saturday, March 19, 2022. She was born on January
movement, 146 immigrant the state Capitol in Mont- Crowe, won best actor; Julia 17, 1932, in Chicago, Il, to Aletha (nee Chandler) and
workers died in a fire at the gomery, Ala., to protest the Roberts won best actress for Sign Guestbook at Edward Lynn. Beloved wife of 70 years to Patrick
Triangle Shirtwaist Co. in denial of voting rights to “Erin Brockovich”; Steven Joseph O’Brien. Dear mother of Elizabeth (Dave)
New York. blacks. Soderbergh won best direc- Lambke, Joan (Mark) McDonnell, Margaret O’Brien,
tor for “Traffic.”’ Hernandez, Robert Andrew Michael (Martie) O’Brien, Patricia (Kevin) Jones,
In 1969 Pakistan’s President Robert Andrew Hernandez, born in Chicago on April John (Mary) O’Brien, 16 grandchildren and 19 great
Ayub Khan stepped down In 2004 Congress passed the 13, 1963, resident of the grandchildren. Dear sister of Elizabeth (John) Nesbitt
and brother, Edward (Antonette) Lynn. Rosemary
after 11 years in power, turn- Unborn Victims of Violence south suburbs, and lifelong
Cubs fan. Joined his father grew up in Chicago, Illinois and attended Mercy High
ing control of the strife-torn Act, making it a separate School class of 1951. Rosemary enjoyed spending
Robert and mother Victoria
nation over to the military. offense to harm a fetus in heaven on March 20, time with her family, most of all. In lieu of flowers,
during violent federal crime. 2022. Beloved husband of donations to the American Heart Association would
In 1975 King Faisal of Saudi Jacquelyn (Malizia) and loving be appreciated. Memorial Visitation, Monday, March
Arabia was shot to death by In 2008 the Defense Depart- father of Alessandra (Daniel 28, 2022, from 4-8 p.m. at Friedrich-Jones Funeral
a nephew with a history of ment said it had mistakenly Kennedy) and Isabella; Dear Home and Cremation Services, 44 S. Mill Street,
mental illness. (The nephew shipped electrical fuses for brother of Lesley (Al) Connor Naperville, Il 60540. Mass will be celebrated on
was beheaded the following an intercontinental ballistic and uncle to their two sons Albert and Robbie; Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at Saints Peter and Paul
June.) missile to Taiwan. (Once the Brother in Law to Jay Malizia, Jeff (Cindy) Malizia, Catholic Church, 36 N. Ellsworth Street, Naperville,
Il at 11 a.m. For more information, please call
error was discovered, the and Julie Malizia. Amazingly fun and extremely loved

Lottery numbers In 1976 the United States military quickly recovered uncle to Jessica, Michael, Brittany, Jordan, Michaela,
Alex, Sydney, Jonni, Joshua, Julian and Joie. Mass

vetoed a U.N. Security the four fuses.) will be held this Friday March 25th, 2022 at Infant
For yesterday’s numbers Council resolution deplor- Jesus of Prague, 1131 Douglas Ave. Flossmoor IL.
and recent drawings, go to ing Israeli policies in Jeru- In 2014 Ralph Wilson, Visitors may arrive at 10:00 am with a funeral mass Sign Guestbook at salem and occupied areas on founder of the Buffalo beginning at 11:00 am. In lieu of flowers, please sup-
or use your mobile device to the West Bank of the Jordan Bills in 1959, died in Grosse port your local animal charities.
scan the code above. River. Pointe, Mich.; he was 95. Sign Guestbook at
12  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022

Piergalski, Emily M. Sobota Kras, Joy M.

Emily M. Piergalski, nee Ropski, age 98, passed Joyy M. Sobota Kras, age 95; beloved wife of the
away Tuesday evening, March 22, 2022. Beloved late Eugene Kras and the
wife of the late John F.; loving mother of Nancy late Donald L. Sobota; lov-
(James) Mich, Donald (Mary), Judy (John) Pappas, ing mother of Linda Meyer,
and Gerald; cherished grandmother of Brian, the Judy (the late Robert) Mikos,
late Daniel, Kevin, Timothy, Michael, Amy, Margaret, Donna (Lawrence) Balch, the
Katie, Christopher, Andy, and John Garett; proud late David Sobota, the late
great-grandmother of John, Zoey, Benjamin and Denise Lebrecht and the late
Evelyn; dear sister of the late Ernest (Casimira), the Diane Persico; dearest grand-
late Edward (Betty), the late Lillian (the late Jim) mother of Samantha (Kris)
Gavin, the late Chester (Alice), the late Alfred (the Keller, Todd Meyer, Robert
late Phyllis), the late Casimir (the late Ann), the late (Tracy) Mikos, Sandra (Jason) Uecker, Donald (Trisha)
Helen Krok, Ted (Patt), and Joan (the late Edward) Mikos, David (Kristina) Koenig, Daniel (Yeny) Koenig,
Dowling; fond aunt of many nieces and nephews. Kathleen Koenig, Anthony Jr. (Allison) Persico, Tara
She was a lifetime member of St. Constance Church, (Kevin) Michehl, Michelle (Michael) Brandt, Steven
and Member of St. Constance Women’s Club, Lebrecht and Jacqueline (Nicholas) Caffey; great-
Rosary Sodality, Young at Hearts, Resurrection Choir, grandmother of 16; cherished sister of 15 and aunt
Minister of Care, Eucharistic Minister. She was also to many. Visitation, Saturday, at Nelson Funeral
a weekly reader at Mass, school volunteer, Rectory Home 820 Talcott, Park Ridge from 10 a.m. until
office volunteer, weekly rosary recitation leader, and time of Service, 12 p.m. Interment to follow at St.
was former parish secretary for 19 years. Lying-in- Joseph Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, a donation
State Saturday, March 26, 2022 10 a.m. at St. Robert to the charity of your choice in Joy’s name would
Bellarmine Church, 4646 N. Austin Ave., Chicago. be appreciated. For information 847-823-5122 or
Funeral Mass 11 a.m. Interment St. Adalbert
Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, masses appreciated
or memorial contributions to Catholic Charities,
721 N. LaSalle, Chicago, IL 60654 or Arrangements entrusted to
Sign Guestbook at
Muzyka & Son Funeral Home. For more info, please
call (773) 545-3800 or visit Emily’s tribute at www. Stefanisin, Dolores M. Dolores M. Stefanisin (nee Kujawa), age 94 of Homer
Glen formerly of Chicago. Beloved wife of the late
George. Loving mother of Kenneth (Denise), James
(Laura) and the late Michael (Mary). Devoted grand-
mother of Kelly, Kevin, Andrea, Keith, Michael, Steven
Sign Guestbook at and William. Great-grandmother of 10, great-great
grandmother of 2. Dear sister of the late Gertrude,
Evelyn and Dorothy. Visitation Sunday 2pm until
W. 143rd Street, Homer Glen. Lying-in-state Monday
at Our Lady of the Angels Chapel at Marian Village

Honor a Loved One 15624 Marian Drive, Homer Glen from 10:30am
until time of Mass 11am. Interment Resurrection

with a Death Notice Cemetery. 708-301-3595 or

Sign Guestbook at
in Chicago Tribune Tibbetts, Jack H.
Jack H. Tibbetts 67 of Arlington Heights, beloved

Every life story

It’s a final farewell; a sign of love and respect; an hom-
husband of Charleen Reinhold; loving father of
age to a loved one’s life. Placing a Death Notice shows twins Hannah and Jace Tibbetts; fond brother of
you care, and is now more efficient than ever before Carl Tibbetts and Martha Tibbetts; devoted uncle
with our NEW Self-Service tool. of Lisa Tibbetts; also survived by many other loving

deserves to be told.
nieces, nephews, grand-nieces, and grand-nephew.
Features of Self-Service Memorial Visitation on Friday, March 25, 2022 from
• Instant notice creation and review 4:00 pm until the time of a Prayer Service at 7:00
• Real-time pricing pm, at the Glueckert Funeral Home, Ltd., 1520
• Pre-designed templates
North Arlington Heights Road, (4 blocks south of
• Enhance your notice by
uploading photos and graphics Palatine Rd.), Arlington Heights, IL 60004. In lieu of
• Immediate, printable proof of notice flowers, memorial donations may be given to Legal

Includes print listing in the Death Notice section of

Services Corporation. Funeral Information and
condolences at
Share your loved one's story at
the Chicago Tribune, an online notice with guestbook
or (847) 253-0168.

Sign Guestbook at

Weinstein, Natalie
Natalie Weinstein. Loving wife of the late Martin
Weinstein. Beloved mother of Glenn
Visit: (Lindsey Arenberg) Weinstein. Devoted
grandmother of Duncan (Sara) and
Willis Weinstein. Dear sister of the late
Phyllis (the late Perry) Kornhauser.
Service is private. In lieu of flowers, memorial con-
tributions may be made to the Highland Park Senior
Center, 1201 Park Ave W, Highland Park, IL 60035.
Arrangements by Chicago Jewish Funerals - Skokie Brought to you by®
Chapel, 847.229.8822,

Sign Guestbook at


- Motorcycles Wanted Cash Paid! All Makes! Equipment Auction Sat April 2nd IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK
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MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Lauren Prosser


Notice is hereby given, Pursuant to “An NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Lauren Prosser
Buying ALL Sports Cards Pre 1970. (Mother) & Nathan Mix (Father) &
Please Call Shane 937-432-8941 Act in relation To the use of an Assumed
Business Name in the conduct or transaction Unknown (Fathers), respondents, and
of Business in The State” as amended, that to All Whom It May Concern, that on
a Certification was filed by the Undersigned February 18, 2022, a petition was filed
BUYING Old Whiskey/ Liquor Looking for with the County Clerk of Cook County File under the Juvenile Court Act by KIM FOXX in
full/sealed vintage bottles and decanters. this court and that in the courtroom of Judge
PAYING TOP DOLLAR!! 773-263-5320 No. Y22008839 on the
Date: 3/22/2022 Bernard Sarley in the Cook County Juvenile
Under the Assumed Name of: Hutt Coffee Court Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue,
BUYING RECORD ALBUMS! Rock, Jazz & Blues. Chicago, Illinois, ON April 18, 2022,at 10:00
Also vintage baseball cards! with the business located at:
1727 S Indiana Ave #218 A.M. in CALENDAR 9 COURTROOM A, or as
Chicago , IL, 60616 soon thereafter as this case may be heard,
The true name and residence Address of an adjudicatory hearing will be held upon
the owner is: Grady Hutt the petition to have the minor declared to
Buying Sportscards and Memorabilia be a ward of the court and for other relief
Mr. Baseball, Coming to Illinois, Buying 1727 S Indiana Ave #218
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Buying Selling Toys Action Figures CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY
Dennis 630-319-2331
Buying Vintage Sports Cards and Memorabilia CHILD PROTECTION DEPARTMENT CHILD
40+ years in the business, trusted buyer with UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled
impeccable references PROTECTION DIVISION to further written notices or publication
Call or email with your items and asking notices of the proceedings in this case,
price, or appraisals available IN THE INTEREST OF including the filing of an amended petition
Joe U. 847-331-5618 Christopher Snyder, Jr AKA Christopher or a motion to terminate parental rights.
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and
CHICAGO BEARS MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Angela Robinson show cause against the petition, the
I want to buy your (Mother) allegations of the petition may stand
full or partial season tickets!
Top $ paid.
admitted as against you and each of you,
JUVENILE NO.: 21JA00805 and an order or judgment entered.
Please call
COLLECTOR BUYING COMIC BOOKS NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Angela Robinson March 25, 2022 7176783
FAIR & HONEST - CASH PAID 630-358-9171 (Mother) & Christopher Snyder, Sr
(Father) & Unknown (Father), respondents,
and to All Whom It May Concern, that on
Wanted: Oriental Rugs August 30, 2021, a petition was filed under
Any size/ Any condition - for cash. the Juvenile Court Act by KIM FOXX in this
*** CALL 773-575-8088 *** court and that in the courtroom of Judge

Every life story

Kimberly Lewis in the Cook County Juvenile
Court Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue,
WE BUY COMIC BOOKS! Chicago, Illinois, ON June 22, 2022,at 10:00
Top Prices Paid Will Come To You A.M. in CALENDAR 8 COURTROOM A, or as
soon thereafter as this case may be heard,
an adjudicatory hearing will be held upon
the petition to have the minor declared to

deserves to be told.
be a ward of the court and for other relief
under the Act.
Black & White loving little lady looking for CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL

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yellow & chocolates ready now. pictures & info RIGHTS TO THE CHILD.
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Labrador Retreiver 309-370-2239 to further written notices or publication
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TOY AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD 608-514-4293 allegations of the petition may stand
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PUPPIES, Reg, 8 wks, vacc, wrmd, vet chkd. and an order or judgment entered.
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can also email Rebecca at rcockrell@ or visit
Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022  13


Electronic Submission to the Bid Office’s
Emani Ware AKA Emani Lasean Ware Jose Ibarra Prophecy Leon AKA Prophecy Leon P.M. on Friday, April 15, 2022 to the link SERVICES Yulisa Ordonez Yahsua Ordonez
Amir Ware AKA Amir Lamont Ware below: The Bidder must complete and submit an
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Martha Ibarra MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Fatasia Collins Electronic Bid prior to the bid due date. An MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Maria Mendiola
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Bianca Ware (Mother) AKA Martha Patricia Luna (Mother) portal/?tab=openOpportunities electronic bid must be submitted through the (Mother)
(Mother) Lopez Req No.: B20OP00047R, City of Chicago’s website at
JUVENILE NO.: 21JA00940 Various Types of Welding Gases as required JUVENILE NO.: 18JA00911 18JA00912, on or
JUVENILE NO.: 2017JA00136 JUVENILE NO.: 09JA00495 for a period of up to thirty-six (36) months
2017JA00138 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION from date of contract execution. before the due date and time stated below. The NOTICE OF PUBLICATION
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION PROPOSAL GUARANTEE: NONE City’s system will not accept electronic bids
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Richard Walker Questions regarding this Bid must be after the due date and time. Bidders must NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, James H. Smith,
NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Martha Ibarra aka (Father), AKA Richie Walker, and submitted in writing via Bonfire no later register for a log-in account to submit an AKA, James Smith (Father), respondents,
NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Bianca Ware Martha Patricia Luna Lopez (Mother) and Unknown (Father), respondents, and to All than 4:30 p.m. (CST) Tuesday, April 5, 2022. electronic bid. Please allow up to three business and to All Whom It May Concern, that on
(Mother), Vernon Collymore (Father), Juan Alfonso Ibarra Gonzalez (Father), Whom It May Concern, that on October Questions will not be accepted after this days for creation of your log-in account. Paper January 18, 2022, a petition was filed under
, respondents, and to All Whom It May respondents, and to All Whom It May 13, 2021, a petition was filed under the date and time. the Juvenile Court Act by KIM FOXX in this
Concern, that on February 21, 2017, a Concern, that on July 12, 2021, a petition Juvenile Court Act by KIM FOXX in this For additional information, please contact bids will not be accepted. All Bids will be court and that in the courtroom of Judge
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court was filed under the Juvenile Court Act by court and that in the courtroom of Judge Chris Lahciev, Procurement Administrator, opened and publicly read aloud for the Bernard Sarley in the Cook County Juvenile
Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in KIM FOXX in this court and that in the Levander Smith in the Cook County following: Court Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue,
the courtroom of Judge Payne in the Cook courtroom of Judge Demetrios Kottaras Juvenile Court Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Any contract resulting from this Chicago, Illinois, ON May 13, 2022, at 11:30
County Juvenile Court Building, 1100 So. in the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, ON May 5, 2022,at advertisement will be awarded to the lowest Notice of Addendum: Addendum #1 will be e- A.M. in CALENDAR 9 COURTROOM A, or as
Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, ON May 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, 9:00 A.M. in CALENDAR 10 COURTROOM A, responsive and responsible bidder. mailed to all bidders on the Bid Opportunity soon thereafter as this case may be heard,
2, 2022,at 11:30 A.M. in CALENDAR 12 Illinois, ON April 21, 2022, at 9:15 A.M. in or as soon thereafter as this case may be Chicago Transit Authority hereby notifies all Take-Out List a hearing will be held upon the petition to
COURTROOM A, or as soon thereafter as this CALENDAR 7 COURTROOM A, ZOOM 1, or as heard, an adjudicatory hearing will be held bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in terminate your parental rights and appoint a
case may be heard, an adjudicatory hearing soon thereafter as this case may be heard, upon the petition to have the minor declared regard to any contract entered into pursuant guardian with power to consent to adoption.
will be held upon the petition to have the a hearing will be held upon the petition to to be a ward of the court and for other relief to this advertisement, Disadvantaged DESCRIPTION: INSPECTION,
minor declared to be a ward of the court terminate your parental rights and appoint a under the Act. Business Enterprise will be afforded full MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS
and for other relief under the Act. guardian with power to consent to adoption. opportunity to submit bids in response to SERVICES FOR THE CHICAGO TUNNEL CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY
RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. ORIGINAL BID OPENING DATE: to further written notices or publication
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled COUNTY, ILLINOIS JUVENILE JUSTICE AND notices of the proceedings in this case,
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled to further written notices or publication CHILD PROTECTION DEPARTMENT CHILD TIME: 11:00 a.m., Central Time including the filing of an amended petition
to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication notices of the proceedings in this case, PROTECTION DIVISION CONTACT: Michael Richy, or a motion to terminate parental rights.
notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case, including the filing of an amended petition Senior Procurement Specialist
including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition or a motion to terminate parental rights. IN THE INTEREST OF Email: UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and
or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights. Royal Houston show cause against the petition, the
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and 3/25/2022 7174866 allegations of the petition may stand
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and show cause against the petition, the MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Ebony Houston admitted as against you and each of you,
show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the allegations of the petition may stand (Mother) and an order or judgment entered.
allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand admitted as against you and each of you,
admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you, and an order or judgment entered. JUVENILE NO.: 2022JA00041 Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT
and an order or judgment entered. and an order or judgment entered. COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS
Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT NOTICE OF PUBLICATION March 25, 2022 7176729
March 25, 2022 7176837 March 25, 2022 7176749 (Father), Unknown (Father), respondents, CHILD PROTECTION DEPARTMENT CHILD
CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY and to All Whom It May Concern, that
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SMALL on January 27, 2022, a petition was filed
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK in this court and that in the courtroom of Malachi Webb Micah Webb Mielah
Sealed bids will be received for the following
by Chicago Transit Authority through
CHILD PROTECTION DEPARTMENT CHILD Electronic Submission to the Bid Office’s Court Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, A BRANCH OF WHEATON BANK & TRUST
PROTECTION DIVISION Chicago, Illinois, ON May 17, 2022,at 9:30 MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Shanika Webb COMPANY, N.A.
E-Procurement Platform no later than 2:00
A.M. in CALENDAR 13 COURTROOM A, or as (Mother) Notification is given that Wheaton Bank &
P.M. on Friday, April 22, 2022 to the link
IN THE INTEREST OF below: soon thereafter as this case may be heard, Trust Company, N.A., 100 N. Wheaton Ave.,
Makaiyah Ware AKA Makaiya Marie Ware an adjudicatory hearing will be held upon JUVENILE NO.: 2022JA00084 Wheaton, IL 60187 has filed an application
the petition to have the minor declared to 2022JA00086 2022JA00085 with the Comptroller of the Currency on
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Bianca Ware Req No: B20OP04650R be a ward of the court and for other relief March 24, 2022, as specified in 12 CFR 5
under the Act. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION for permission to establish a full-service
The City of Chicago, (Mother) Invitation for Bids (IFB) for Small Business
Enterprise Firms for Grade Level Industrial bank branch at 1145 S. Main St., Lombard,
Department of Cultural Affairs and Special NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Unknown (Father), IL 60148. Any person wishing to comment
JUVENILE NO.: 2017JA00137 Window Cleaning at various Rapid Transit THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS
Events seeks proposals from qualified firms to CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY respondents, and to All Whom It May on this application may file comments
Stations as required for a period of up to
provide Food Management Services for Taste of NOTICE OF PUBLICATION thirty-six (36) months from date of contract AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO Concern, that on February 14, 2022, a in writing with the Director for District
Chicago. For additional information or a copy execution. TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND petition was filed under the Juvenile Court Licensing, Office of the Comptroller of the
of the Request for Proposal document contact: NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Bianca Ware TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in Currency, 425 S. Financial Place, Suite 1700,
Anne Davis at (Father), Unknown (Father), respondents, CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL the courtroom of Judge Payne in the Cook Chicago, IL 60605, within 30 days of the date
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on Thursday,
PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE County Juvenile Court Building, 1100 So. of this publication.
(312) 744-0568 and to All Whom It May Concern, that April 7, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. (CST) via Zoom.
Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, ON May
on February 21, 2017, a petition was filed Any individual that would like to attend this PETITION REQUESTS THE TERMINATION OF March 25, 2022 - 7176857
Or Proposals 6, 2022,at 10:30 A.M. in CALENDAR 12
under the Juvenile Court Act by KIM FOXX meeting must RSVP by registering at the YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND APPOINTMENT
are due no later than April 13, 2022. OF A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT COURTROOM A, or as soon thereafter as this
in this court and that in the courtroom of following link:
Pub: 3/18/2022 7171719 Judge Payne in the Cook County Juvenile TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL case may be heard, an adjudicatory hearing
Court Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. will be held upon the petition to have the
Chicago, Illinois, ON May 2, 2022,at 11:30 minor declared to be a ward of the court
Questions regarding this Bid must be
A.M. in CALENDAR 12 COURTROOM A, or as UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled and for other relief under the Act.
submitted in writing via Bonfire no later
soon thereafter as this case may be heard, than 4:30 p.m. (CST) Tuesday, April 12, 2022. to further written notices or publication
an adjudicatory hearing will be held upon Questions will not be accepted after this notices of the proceedings in this case, THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS
the petition to have the minor declared to date and time. including the filing of an amended petition CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY
be a ward of the court and for other relief For additional information, please contact or a motion to terminate parental rights. AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO
under the Act. Joel Wojcik, Procurement Administrator at TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO
THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS Any contract resulting from this show cause against the petition, the CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL
CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY advertisement will be awarded to the lowest allegations of the petition may stand PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE
AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO responsive and responsible bidder admitted as against you and each of you, PETITION REQUESTS THE TERMINATION OF
TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND The contractor will be required to furnish and an order or judgment entered. YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND APPOINTMENT
The City of Chicago, TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO certified copies of any and all Insurance OF A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT
Department of Cultural Affairs and Special CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL Policies required in relation to this contract Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL
Events seeks proposals from qualified firms to PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE prior to CTA’s execution. COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS RIGHTS TO THE CHILD.
provide Beverage Management Services for PETITION REQUESTS THE TERMINATION OF Chicago Transit Authority hereby notifies all March 25, 2022 7176829
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled
Taste of Chicago. For additional information or YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND APPOINTMENT bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in
to further written notices or publication
a copy of the Request for Proposal document OF A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT regard to any contract entered into pursuant
TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL notices of the proceedings in this case,
contact: Anne Davis at (312) 744-0568 or to this advertisement, Disadvantaged LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT including the filing of an amended petition
RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. Business Enterprise will be afforded full March 25, 2022 Proposals are opportunity to submit bids in response to or a motion to terminate parental rights.
due no later than April 13, 2022. CITY OF CHICAGO
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled this invitation and will not be discriminated
Pub: 3/18/2022 7171732 to further written notices or publication against on the grounds of race, color, or DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and
notices of the proceedings in this case, national origin in consideration for an award. SERVICES show cause against the petition, the
including the filing of an amended petition PLEASE NOTE: The right is reserved to The Respondent must complete and submit an allegations of the petition may stand
admitted as against you and each of you,
or a motion to terminate parental rights. accept any bid or any part or parts thereof electronic Qualification prior to the
or to reject any and all bids and an order or judgment entered.
Qualification due date. An electronic
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY Qualification must be submitted through the
show cause against the petition, the By: Ellen McCormack Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT
CHILD PROTECTION DEPARTMENT CHILD allegations of the petition may stand Vice President,
admitted as against you and each of you, Purchasing & Supply Chain, on or March 25, 2022 7176869
and an order or judgment entered. March 25, 2022 before the due date and time stated below. The
IN THE INTEREST OF City’s system will not accept electronic
Jeremiah Coleman Jo’Mani Coleman Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT 3/25/2022 7176672 Qualifications after the due date and time.
COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Respondents must register for a log-in account
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Michelle March 25, 2022 7176852 to submit an electronic Qualification. Please
Richmond (Mother) CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY allow up to three business days for creation of
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS your log-in account. Paper Qualifications will
JUVENILE NO.: 21JA00995 21JA00992 Sealed bids will be received for the following
by Chicago Transit Authority through
not be accepted. A Respondent who does not
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Electronic Submission to the Bid Office’s submit a Qualification for this RFQ prior to the
E-Procurement Platform no later than 2:00 Qualification due date may be found non-
NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Jonathan Coleman P.M. on Friday, April 15, 2022 to the link responsive and its Qualification rejected.
(Father) & Unknown (Fathers), below:
respondents, and to All Whom It May NOTICE OF ADDENDUM: Addendum #1 will
Concern, that on October 25, 2021, a portal/?tab=openOpportunities be e-mailed to all Respondents on the Bid
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court Req No.: B19OP00006R2,
Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in the Invitation for Bids (IFB) High-Reach and Opportunity Take-Out List
courtroom of Judge Bernard Sarley in the Elevated Industrial Window Cleaning at
Cook County Juvenile Court Building, 1100 various Rapid Transit Stations as required for DESCRIPTION: Request for Qualifications
So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, ON a period of up to thirty-six (36) months from (RFQ) for Marketing and Communication
April 13, 2022,at 1:30 P.M. in CALENDAR 9 date of contract execution. Services for Public Health Programs – Various
COURTROOM A, or as soon thereafter as this PROPOSAL GUARANTEE: NONE Scope Categories
case may be heard, an adjudicatory hearing Questions regarding this Bid must be
will be held upon the petition to have the submitted in writing via Bonfire no later
minor declared to be a ward of the court than 4:30 p.m. (CST) Tuesday, April 5, 2022. ELECTRONIC RFQ DOCUMENTS CAN BE
and for other relief under the Act. Questions will not be accepted after this DOWNLOADED AND RESPONDED TO
date and time. FROM THIS URL ADDRESS:
THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS For additional information, please contact
CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY Joel Wojcik, Procurement Administrator,
TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND Any contract resulting from this
RFQ NO: 8489,1
TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO advertisement will be awarded to the lowest
PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE The contractor will be required to furnish April 8, 2022
PETITION REQUESTS THE TERMINATION OF certified copies of any and all Insurance
YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND APPOINTMENT Policies required in relation to this contract TIME: 4:00 p.m., Central Time
TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL Chicago Transit Authority hereby notifies all CONTACT: Joseph Chan,
RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in
regard to any contract entered into pursuant Senior Procurement Specialist
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled to this advertisement, Disadvantaged EMAIL:
to further written notices or publication Business Enterprise will be afforded full 3/25/2022 7175743
notices of the proceedings in this case, opportunity to submit bids in response to
including the filing of an amended petition this invitation and will not be discriminated
or a motion to terminate parental rights. against on the grounds of race, color, or LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT
national origin in consideration for an award.
March 25, 2022
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and PLEASE NOTE: The right is reserved to
show cause against the petition, the accept any bid or any part or parts thereof CITY OF CHICAGO
allegations of the petition may stand or to reject any and all bids. DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT
admitted as against you and each of you, CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY SERVICES
and an order or judgment entered. By: Ellen McCormack The Bidder must complete and submit an
Vice President Electronic Bid prior to the bid due date. An
Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Purchasing & Supply Chain electronic bid must be submitted through the
March 25, 2022 7176738 3/25/2022 7175662
City of Chicago’s website at, on or
before the due date and time stated below. The
City’s system will not accept electronic bids
after the due date and time. Bidders must
LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL register for a log-in account to submit an
NOTICES NOTICES NOTICES electronic bid. Please allow up to three business
days for creation of your log-in account. Paper
bids will not be accepted. All Bids will be
opened and publicly read aloud for the
Public Notice following:

INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS FOR Notice of Addendum: Bid Postponement

1433 S Kedzie Avenue Addendum #1 will be e-mailed to all bidders
Chicago, Illinois on the Bid Opportunity Take-Out List

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given by the City of Chicago (the “City”), pursuant to section 5/11-74.4-4 (c) of the Illinois Tax Increment DESCRIPTION: PORTABLE VEHICLE
Allocation Redevelopment Act, as amended (65 ILCS 5/11-74.4-1 et seq.), that the City, through its Department of Planning and IMPACT DEVICES
Development, Real Estate Division (the “Department”), has received an offer from GMO Properties, 1443 S. Kedzie Avenue, Chicago,
IL 60623, to purchase City-owned properties containing a total area of approximately 5,512 square feet, located at the following BID DOCUMENT CAN BE DOWNLOADED
1443 S. Kedzie Avenue ................................................................PIN: 16-24-104-010-0000
The property at 1443 S. Kedzie Avenue is located in the Midwest Redevelopment Project Area (“Area”) established pursuant to an RFQ NO: 8065,1
ordinance adopted by the City Council of the City of Chicago on May 17, 2000, published in the Journal of Proceedings of the City
Council for such date at pages 30775 through 30953. ORIGINAL BID OPENING DATE:
April 4, 2022
GMO Properties have proposed to acquire the subject property for parking and has agreed to pay $22,000.00 for the property which TIME: 11:00a.m., Central Time
is equivalent to the appraised fair market value and is the minimum price acceptable to the Department of Planning and Development, REVISED BID OPENING DATE:
Real Estate Division. April 12, 2022, per Addendum No. 1
TIME: 11:00a.m., Central Time
Prior to further consideration of the proposed purchase, the Department of Planning and Development desires to invite proposals from CONTACT: Lisa Clark,
others interested in the acquisition of the properties. Contracts Negotiator
The City may require that the buyer obtain a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and if warranted a Phase II ESA. If 3/25/2022 7175640
the Phase II ESA identifies contamination above remediation objectives as determined by Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative
Code Part 742, then the Site must be enrolled in the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Site Remediation Program and a
comprehensive No Further Remediation Letter obtained prior to use of the land or occupancy of any building developed on the
property. The City may credit the buyer for the cost of the reports and remediation but in no case will the City provide reimbursement
in excess of the sale price.
All proposals are required to be submitted in writing to the:
Department of Planning and Development
Real Estate Division
Attention: Nelson Chueng
121 North LaSalle Street, Room 1003
Chicago, Illinois 60602
on or before April 22nd, 2022, by 4:00 p.m. Each proposal must describe the general plan for development of the property, the price
offered for the property, the names of the party or parties making the proposal, evidence of financial qualifications and capacity to
complete said development and timetable for implementation of the proposal.
The City of Chicago reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or to request additional information in clarification of any proposal.
No proposal will be accepted from any person, firm or corporation who is in default on any loan or debt owed to the City of Chicago,
either as principal or surety, or is otherwise in breach of any contract or obligation to the City.
The City of Chicago, Department of Planning and Development is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. If
you are developer with a disability or need assistance regarding the invitation, please call the Real Estate Division at (312) 744-5263.
Maurice D. Cox Lori E. Lightfoot
Commissioner Mayor
14  Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, March 25, 2022



Chilly and windy final weekend of March

-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 660s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s milder with strong winds.
Winds remain strong on
20s Saturday and diminish
Seattle Spokane 40s International Falls 40s somewhat Sunday. Temps
HIGH LOW 58/45 58/39
50s 30/8
50s will be significantly colder
Bismarck Concorrd for the last weekend of
50 37 Steady or
rising at night Portland
Green Bay

30s March with temps barely
reaching 40 on Saturday.
■ Small craft advisory Rapid City 60/42 Mid 30s are expected for
goes into effect Friday 60s Boise
52/24 39/19 D
Chicago 49/3
et ro it Buff
Sunday. The normal high for
33 42/37 New York
afternoon and continues
into the weekend. Reno
Des Moines
Pittsburgh 60/44 40s Sunday, March 27 is 51°.
70s 52/26 C leveland 46/34 Temps are expected to
■ A few peaks of sun San
78/44 57/40 Omaha 43/35 50s average below normal
possible, otherwise cloudy Salt Lake City 56/29
St. Louis Indianapolis
60/49 Washingt ton through early April.
and windy. Scattered 80s
Denverr Kansas City
59/36 48/31
Showers return by late
showers redevelop by
64/42 Louisville
Las Vegas
53/40 60s morning or early afternoon
■ WNW winds increase to Wichita Charlotte e Friday, mixing with snow by
20-35 mph with gusts to
Los Angeles
71/57 Albuquerque 62/36 Little Rockk Nashville 60s 68/43 late afternoon, potentially
40 mph possible during 90s
71/45 70/43 58/41 changing to light snow
the afternoon. Oklahoma City Atlanta
72/42 Birminghamm 60/44
overnight. Another rainy
■ A little milder with a high San Diego
63/43 70s period begins Monday,
near 50. Dallas Jackson continuing through
■ Mostly cloudy overnight El Paso 80/49
69/43 Orlando o Thursday, when a chance for
with brief rain showers, 81/48 77/54
82/49 mixed precipitation arrives.
possibly mixing with snow. New
Orleans 70s Red flag warnings for low
■ Low in the mid to upper 74/52 80s humidity and high winds
30s. Nighttime W winds Miami
turn NW 16-36 mph with
(Precipitation at 6 a.m. CST) 75/60 which could rapidly spread
gusts to 50 mph possible. SNOW RAIN wildfires is in effect for
southern Texas Friday.


41 24 36 24 40 33 43 41 60 36 46 32
Steady or Steady or Steady or Steady or Steady or Steady or
rising at night rising at night rising at night rising at night rising at night rising at night
The start to a chilly late Mostly sunny, breezy and Morning sun then becoming Cloudy, cool and increasingly Rain with scattered t-storms Rain showers with mixed
March weekend. Mostly continued chilly. High in the mostly cloudy by late after- windy. Chance of morning possible. Breezy, noticeably wet snowflakes possible in
cloudy, windy, colder with a mid 30s, nearly 15 degrees noon. High near 40. ESE sprinkles or flurries. Some milder with a high near 60. the morning . Windy and
high near 40. Clouds diminish below normal. NNW winds winds 5-10 mph turn ENE. rain showers possible in the SSE winds 15-20 mph turn much colder with a high in
late. Gusty NW winds 15-25 10-18 mph keep afternoon Mostly cloudy overnight with afternoon. Slightly warmer SW in the afternoon. Rain the mid 40s, below the
mph keep afternoon wind wind chill in the 20s. Partly a chance for a rain/snow mix. with a high in the low 40s. chance continues overnight. normal high of 53 for the
chill below 30. Scattered cloudy and continued cold Diminishing winds. A more Gusty ESE winds 13-26 mph. Colder but seasonable low in last day of March. SSW
overnight clouds. ig
overnight. s
seasonable low in the low30s. Rain likely overnight. m 30s.
the mid winds 10-15 mph.

cago Chiicago
o Ch
go Chicago
C Ch

NOTE: Predicted high/low temps on Tribune weather page are chronological—the “high” refers to maximum reading expected during day and “low” is the minimum reading expected the following night.


Dear Tom, Wet week—chilly weekend and cool start to April for Chicago THURSDAY TEMPERATURES
I had to record Chicago's Aurora 44 40 Midway 46 43
Sunday Max Temps
wind speed for a month for a Climate Prediction Center calls
Gary 46 41 O’Hare 46 41
school weather project, but I for early April temperatures to be 20s
Kankakee 45 39 Romeoville 44 40
OF SPRING 30s 30s Percent of Lakefront 45 37 Valparaiso 44 40
never found a speed of 11 below normal and precipitation TO FEEL possible sun Lansing 43 30 Waukegan 42 35
mph. Why? to be near normal for Chicago MORE LIKE 40s 40s
—Jeff Loffenshlager, Chicago WINTER 50s PERIOD 2022 NORMAL
8-14 Day Temperature Outlook March 19 0%
Dear Jeff, 60s 60s 50s March 20 98%
Thur. (through 4 p.m.) 0.19" 0.7"
Month to date 2.02" 1.85"
A wind speed of 11 mph is ABOVE A L IT’S BEEN 1948 2.81” TUESDAY-THURSDAY March 21 64% Year to date 5.45" 5.81"
not been recorded by the 1913 2.43” Some CoCoRaHS precipitation March 22 0%


National Weather Service. March 23 0%

Wettest 1897 2.03” from Tuesday a.m. through PERIOD O’HARE MIDWAY

Here's why: In accordance BELOW 1983 2.02” Thursday a.m. (1" or greater) March 24 0% Thur. (through 6 p.m.) 0.0" 0.0"

March 18-24
NORMAL 1898 1.96” Season to date 32.4" 40.8"

with international practice, periods for LOCATION AND TOTALS Lincolnwood 1.8 E 1.08” Normal to date 36.4" 37.2"
1905 1.78”
the National Weather ABOVE Chicago 1952 1.75”
Oak Park 1.3 NNE 1.28” Evanston 0.9 S 1.06” SOURCE: Frank Wachowski
Batavia 0.8 W 1.20” Batavia 1.5 WNW 1.06”
Service measures wind since 1871 1993 1.74” McHenry 2.4 E 1.20” Geneva 1.3 NW 1.04” LAKE MICHIGAN CONDITIONS
speeds in knots—nautical 8-14 Day Precipitation Outlook Chicago 5.5 NNW 1.19” Hoffman Est. 4.6 W 1.03”
■ Through 1935 1.65” FRIDAY SATURDAY

miles per hour. But in the BELOW March 17, 1947 1.63”
Aurora 3.5 NE 1.19” Evanston 1.2 S 1.03” Wind WSW 20-30 kts. NW 20-25 kts.
NORMAL Elmwood 0.4 W 1.19” Mundelein 1.6 WNW 1.03” Waves 2-4 feet 3-5 feet
United States we use statute Chicago 2022 1.52” St. Charles 0.1 E 1.16” Roggers Park 1.5 SW 1.02”
Chicago Thur. shore/crib water temps 40°/40°
miles for measures of precipitation Through 6 p.m. Oswego 1.1 ESE 1.16”

Maple Park 3.9 S 1.02”

for the month March 24 North Aurora 1.5 NE 1.15” Caryy 0.5 SSW 1.02”
distance and statute miles ABOVE
Geneva 1.3 SSW 1.15” La Grang ge Prk 0.7 SSW 1.01”
NORMAL ABOVE was 0.78" below MAR. 24 2022 2021
per hour for speed. The

Batavia 3.4 WSW 1.15” Harwood Hts 0.4 NNE 1.01” Area covered by snow 13.4% 16.1%
NORMAL normal. Through 6 p.m. on March

National Weather Service BELOW 24, Chicago precipitation was 0.52"

Aurora 2.8 WSW 1.12” gin 2.5 W
Elg 1.01” Average snow depth 2.6" 2.9"
Montgomery 0.8 SSE 1.12” West Chicag go 3.5 SE 1.00”
measures wind speed in NORMAL above normal for the month. Volo 0.3 SSE 1.11” Geneva 3.9 WSW 1.00” TRACKING THE COLD
knots, then converts to SOURCES: Climate Prediction CenterFrank Wachowski, NWS MARK CARROLL, BILL SNYDER, THOMAS VALLE / WGN-TV

stature miles per hour. Sub-32° highs

Subzero lows
36 days
2 day
29 days
1 days
One knot is 1.1508 statute
Thursday’s reading Good
Friday’s forecast Good
Kyiv su 53 35
nine knots to ten mph. Illinois
Carbondale pc 62 38 su 51 28
Palm Beach cl
Palm Springs pc
66 Algiers
Amsterdam su
pc 68
Lima pc 74 65 Critical pollutant Ozone
Lisbon cl 64 51
However, ten knots converts Champaign
Albuquerque su
Amarillo su
Fort Myers
Philadelphia pc
Phoenix su
64 Ankara
London su 65 39
Madrid rn 59 46
to 12 mph, so a value of 11 Moline
Fort Smith
Portland, ME sh
sh 46
34 Auckland
Manila su 94 80 Sun 6:45 a.m. 7:08 p.m.
Mexico City su 78 46
mph does not appear in the Quincy
Grand Junc.
Great Falls
Portland, OR cl
Providence pc
38 Bangkok
Monterrey su 92 53 Moon 2:54 a.m. 11:38 a.m.
Montreal rn 45 35
conversion table. Springfield
Atlantic City pc
Austin su
Rapid City
25 Barcelona
Moscow sh 43 37
Baltimore pc 62 44 cl 54 37 Helena cl 61 38 pc 68 39 Reno pc 78 44 pc 76 47 Munich su 65 32
Indiana Billings cl 54 34 pc 63 38 36 Beirut rn 58 50 Nairobi pc 87 62
Honolulu pc 81 69 su 82 69 Richmond pc 64 46 pc 57
Bloomington sh 51 32 cl 38 25 Berlin su 63 38
Write to: ASK TOM Evansville cl 57 36 w 46 27
Birmingham pc
Bismarck w
Int'l Falls
Sacramento su
w 38
50 Bermuda w 72 67
New Delhi
Fort Wayne sh 44 30 ss 35 24
2501 W. Bradley Place Indianapolis sh 48 31 w 36 25
Salem, Ore. pc
Salt Lake City su
32 Mar 25 Apr 1 Apr 9 Apr 16
Lafayette sh 48 28 w 36 23
Chicago, IL 60618 South Bend sh 47 29 ss 34 24
Brownsville su
Buffalo cl
Kansas City
San Antonio su
San Diego cl
Panama City pc
Paris su
Green Bay sh 42 27 cl 34 15
Las Vegas
San Francisco pc
San Juan sh
Buenos Aires sh
Cairo pc
Prague su
Rio de Janeiropc
Kenosha sh 47 27 w 37 20 Charlstn SC su 72 48 w 68 41 Lincoln w 57 29 pc 52 27 Santa Fe su 68 37 su 73 40 Cancun cl 79 64 Riyadh su 83 55 Mercury 6:37 a.m. 6:24 p.m.
La Crosse w 41 22 pc 37 17 Charlstn WV cl 52 35 ts 41 28 Little Rock su 70 43 pc 69 42 Savannah su 72 47 w 69 42 Caracas pc 88 75 Rome su 64 39
WGN-TV meteorologists Mark Madison sh 42 23 pc 35 16 Chattanooga pc 59 41 w 60 32 Los Angeles cl 71 57 pc 69 56 Seattle cl 58 45 sh 55 47 Casablanca sh 62 47 Santiago su 86 50 Venus 4:48 a.m. 3:12 p.m.
Milwaukee sh 46 27 w 36 20 Cheyenne su 57 40 su 68 44 Louisville cl 53 40 w 43 30 Shreveport su 75 45 su 78 51 Copenhagen su 57 43 Seoul rn 55 44 Mars 4:51 a.m. 2:45 p.m.
Carroll, Steve Kahn, Richard Wausau ss 40 23 pc 29 11 Cincinnati cl 48 35 ss 38 29 Macon su 67 44 w 69 39 Sioux Falls w 51 22 pc 42 21 Dublin pc 57 40 Singapore ts 89 79
Edmonton cl 37 22 Sofia su 60 30 Jupiter 6:18 a.m. 5:47 p.m.
Koeneman, Paul Merzlock and Michigan
Colo. Spgs
St. Louis
30 Frankfurt su 65 40 Stockholm pc 57 37
Detroit cl 49 33 ss 42 23 Saturn 5:09 a.m. 3:21 p.m.
Paul Dailey, plus Bill Snyder Grand Rapids sh 44 29 ss 35 21
Columbia MO pc 57 34 su 53 29 Minneapolis w 39 19 pc 34 15 Syracuse sh 51 36 sh 48 31 Geneva su
Guadalajara su
Columbia SC pc 69 45 w 65 37 Mobile su 72 46 su 76 46 Tallahassee su 73 45 su 74 45 BEST VIEWING TIME DIRECTION
contribute to this page Marquette cl 43 24 ss 26 9 Columbus sh 46 34 ss 40 27 Montgomery su 68 45 su 70 41 Tampa su 76 58 su 75 59 Havana cl 79 66 Tehran w 63 41
St. Ste. Marie ss 39 27 ss 32 7 Concord rn 57 36 sh 53 34 Nashville cl 58 41 w 56 30 Topeka pc 58 32 pc 57 31 Helsinki sh 48 32 Tokyo su 60 55 Mercury Not visible
Traverse City pc 47 32 ss 34 18 Crps Christi su 88 53 su 87 56 Hong Kong ts 80 74 Toronto sh 44 34
New Orleans su 74 52 su 77 53 Tucson pc 92 57 pc 94 56 Venus 5:45 a.m. 9° ESE
Hear Demetrius Iowa Dallas su 80 49 su 89 53 New York pc 60 44 sh 52 38 Tulsa su 66 39 pc 69 43 Istanbul su 51 39 Trinidad pc 87 75
Ames w 51 24 su 41 23 Daytona Bch. su 75 52 su 75 51 Norfolk sh 64 48 pc 57 38 Washington cl 62 41 cl 54 35 Jerusalem sh 51 38 Vancouver cl 54 45 Mars 5:45 a.m. 8° SE
Ivory’s weather Cedar Rapids w 46 20 w 37 20 Denver su 64 42 su 76 48 Okla. City su 72 42 su 74 44 Wichita pc 62 36 pc 65 37 Johannesburg ts 72 56 Vienna su 65 34
Jupiter Not visible
Kabul su 61 43 Warsaw su 62 41
updates weekdays 3 to 6 p.m. Des Moines w 52 26 su 43 23 Duluth
El Paso
Wilkes Barre cl
Yuma pc
59 Kingston w 85 75 Winnipeg ss 26 6 Saturn 5:45 a.m. 5° ESE
Dubuque w 43 22 w 36 19
on WGN-AM 720 Chicago FORECAST (FC) ABBREVIATIONS: su-sunny pc-partly cloudy cl-cloudy rn-rain ts-thunderstorm sn-snow fl -flurries fr-freezing rain sl-sleet sh-showers rs-rain/snow ss-snow showers w-windy na-unavailable Source: Dan Joyce, Chicago Astronomical Society












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Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022  1

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Legal experts make case for Jackson
Hearings conclude Court dismissed that suit.
The Senate committee is
on confirmation of expected to vote on Jack-
high court nominee son’s nomination by April
4. Democrats are hoping to
By Mary Clare Jalonick hold a final confirmation
and Kevin Freking vote by Easter in mid-April,
Associated Press when the Senate takes a
two-week break.
WASHINGTON — Legal The GOP criticism was
experts praised Judge met by effusive praise from
Ketanji Brown Jackson in Democrats, and by reflec-
her final day of Senate hear- tions on the historic nature
ings on Thursday, with a of her nomination. The most
top lawyers’ group saying riveting came from New
its review found she has Jersey Sen. Cory Booker,
a “sterling” reputation, who used his time not to ask
“exceptional” competence questions but to tearfully
and is well qualified to sit on speak and draw tears from
the Supreme Court. Jackson as well.
The testimony from the Booker, who is Black, said
American Bar Association that he sees “my ancestors
and other experts came and yours” when he looks
after two days of question- at her. “I know what it’s
ing from members of the taken for you to sit here in
Senate Judiciary Commit- this seat,” he said. “You have
tee and wrapped up about earned this spot.”
30 hours of hearings on Jackson, whose family
Jackson’s nomination. In the was seated behind her, was
days of questioning, Repub- silent as Booker talked, but
licans asked Jackson about tears rolled down her face.
her record as a federal judge, Jackson was in tears a
including her sentencing of second time after simi-
criminal defendants, as she D. Jean Veta, left, Ann Claire Williams and Joseph Drayton of the ABA’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary prepare to lar praise from Sen. Alex
seeks to become the first testify Thursday on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court. HILARY SWIFT/THE NEW YORK TIMES Padilla, D-Calif., and she
Black woman on the nation’s responded that she hopes to
highest court. her nine years on the federal to take a position on the size A l a b a m a At t o r n e y surfaced in their interviews be an inspiration because “I
“Outstanding, excellent, bench. Jackson, supported of the nine-member court, General Steven Marshall, with the judges and lawyers love this country, because I
superior, superb,” testified by committee Democrats, even though that decision is a witness invited by the who worked with her. love the law.”
Ann Claire Williams, chair pushed back on that GOP ultimately up to Congress. minority, echoed the Repub- “It never came up in any of Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C.,
of the American Bar Asso- narrative in more than Some advocacy have pushed licans’ concerns. Marshall these interviews,” Williams told Jackson she seemed
ciation committee that 22 hours of questioning, for enlarging the court said Jackson’s supporters said. like “a very kind person” —
makes recommendations on explaining the sentencing after three of President cite her as a voice for the Democrats tried to but “there’s at least a level
federal judges. “Those are process in detail and tell- Donald Trump’s nominees vulnerable, but “we should portray Marshall as out of empathy that enters into
the comments from virtually ing them: “nothing could be cemented a conservative be interested in exploring of the mainstream, asking your treatment of a defen-
everyone we interviewed.” further from the truth.” majority. whether her zeal is equally about his efforts to overturn dant that some could view
Williams said the group Senate Republican “Judge Jackson was the fervent for another class Biden’s 2020 presidential as maybe beyond what some
spoke to more than 250 leader Mitch McCon- court packers’ pick and she of our most vulnerable — victory. of us would be comfortable
judges and lawyers about nell announced Thursday testified like it,” McConnell, victims of violent crime.” Sen. Sheldon White- with, with respect to admin-
Jackson. “The question we that he will vote against R-Ky., said in a floor speech. Illinois Democrat Dick house, D -R.I., asked istering justice.”
kept asking ourselves: How confirming Jackson, saying The final, four-hour Durbin, the committee Marshall whether Biden Durbin began Thurs-
does one human being do he “cannot and will not” hearing Thursday featured chairman, noted that some was the “duly elected” day’s hearing by thanking
so much so extraordinary support her appointment to not only legal experts but Republican senators argued president. Marshall, who most Republicans on the
well?” the Supreme Court. government officials and that Jackson was out of the had supported a lawsuit to committee, but he also said
Democrats are hoping to McConnell slammed the civil rights groups who mainstream when it comes overturn former President “some of the attacks on the
win bipartisan votes, but liberal groups that have supported Jackson and to sentencing. Durbin asked Donald Trump’s defeat — judge were unfair, unrelent-
Republicans have portrayed supported Jackson, and he conservative advocates who the ABA chair whether would only say that Biden ing and beneath the dignity
Jackson as soft on crime in criticized her for refusing opposed her. such a concern would have was president. The Supreme of the United States Senate.”

US announces sweeping
change to asylum process
Goal is to ease the the border. In recent weeks,
border officials have been
enforcement data.
The final rule did not
existing backlog in apprehending more than change substantially from
immigration courts 13,000 migrants a day,
according to data shared
the version proposed
in August, which drew
By Eileen Sullivan with The New York Times. more than 5,000 public
The New York Times President Joe Biden comments.
pledged to “restore human- Officials from the U.S.
WASHINGTON — The ity” to the asylum system Citizenship and Immi-
Biden administration has after four years of restric- gration Office and Execu-
finalized a plan to over- tive measures put in place tive Office for Immigration
haul the system for immi- by former President Donald Review, where asylum cases
grants seeking asylum in Trump. But the need to fix are handled, spoke to report-
the United States, aiming to the overburdened system, ers on condition of anonym-
take a burden off the back- where more than 670,000 ity Wednesday and said the
logged immigration courts cases were pending in immi- process would be rolled out People seen Tuesday walk to the San Ysidro Port of Entry on their way to cross the southern
in what some experts see as gration court at the end of slowly. They did not say border from Tijuana, Mexico, into the United States. MARIO TAMA/GETTY
the most sweeping change to February, long predates the where it would begin or
the process in a quarter-cen- last administration. how many migrants would will help by contributing less say is a flawed and unfair in the U.S. for years to appear
tury. The new rule comes be involved. to the backlog. Asylum cases process known as expe- before an immigration
Under the new policy, as border officials try to For the plan to be fully make up about 40% of the 1.7 dited removal. That was judge. But under the new
which the administra- manage a record number of operational, the govern- million case backlog. established in a 1996 law plan, migrants who pass the
tion released Thursday as migrants crossing the south- ment needs to hire hundreds Many immigration advo- that gave immigration offi- initial screening will then
an interim final rule, some western border. Thousands of new asylum officers cates raised concerns about cials the authority to deport make their case to an asylum
migrants seeking asylum of migrants in the country to handle about 75,000 rushing migrants through people without a hearing officer, a process considered
will have their claims heard illegally are already being asylum-seekers a year. the process and denying or a lawyer if they did not less confrontational.
and evaluated by asylum released, many with plans “Through this rule, we them due process. express a fear of returning According to a govern-
officers instead of immigra- to apply for asylum. are building a more func- “Rushing asylum-seek- to their country. ment analysis, the number
tion judges. “It very well could be tional and sensible asylum ers through adjudications In the expedited removal of migrants in expedited
The goal, administration one of the most signifi- system to ensure that indi- without sufficient time to process, border officials ask removal proceedings who
officials said, is for the entire cant reforms to the asylum viduals who are eligible will secure legal representation, migrants if they are afraid to claimed they were afraid to
process to take six months, system in a long time, going receive protection more gather evidence or prepare return to their own coun- return to their country has
compared with a current beyond undoing the Trump swiftly, while those who are their cases is inefficient and tries. Migrants who say increased over the years. In
average of about five years. administration’s attempts to not eligible will be rapidly counterproductive,” said they have a fear of returning 2006, for example, 5% asked
The plan is to release many limit access to asylum, and removed,” Alejandro Mayor- Eleanor Acer, senior direc- are scheduled for a “credi- for credible fear interviews;
asylum-seekers through a actually institute meaning- kas, the homeland security tor for refugee protection at ble fear” interview with an in 2018, 42% did.
parole status while they go ful structural reforms,” said secretary, said in a state- Human Rights First. asylum officer. The new rule will go
through the process, which Austin Kocher, a geogra- ment. There are also concerns Until now, migrants who into effect 60 days after it
critics say will draw even pher at Syracuse University Adding fewer cases to the that the plan will involve passed those interviews is published in the Federal
more hopeful migrants to who analyzes immigration immigration court system what many advocates joined many others waiting Register.

NKorea tests long-range missile to raise pressure

Associated Press missile could reach targets drills of its own missiles South Korea said the
9,320 miles away when fired launched from land, a fighter North’s ICBM fired from
SEOUL, South Korea on normal trajectory with a jet and a ship, underscor- the Sunan area near the
— North Korea test-fired warhead weighing less than ing a revival of tensions as capital Pyongyang traveled
possibly its biggest inter- a ton. That would place the nuclear negotiations remain 670 miles and reached a
continental ballistic missile entire U.S. mainland within frozen. It said it confirmed maximum altitude of more
Thursday, according to its striking distance. readiness to execute preci- than 3,850 miles. The missile
neighbors, raising the ante in The launch, which sion strikes against North was apparently fired on high
a pressure campaign aimed extended North Korea’s Korea’s missile launch angle to avoid reaching the
at forcing the United States barrage of weapons tests this points as well as command territorial waters of Japan.
and other rivals to accept year, came after the U.S. and and support facilities. The missile flew 71
it as a nuclear power and South Korean militaries said Linda Thomas-Green- minutes before possibly
remove crippling sanctions. the country was preparing a field, the U.S. ambassador landing near Japanese terri-
Kim Dong-yub, a profes- flight of a new large ICBM to the United Nations, told torial waters off the island
sor at Seoul’s University of unveiled in October 2020. reporters the U.S. requested of Hokkaido, said Tokyo’s
People watch a file image of a North Korean missile launch on North Korean Studies, said South Korea’s military an open Security Council Chief Cabinet Secretary
Thursday in South Korea. CHUNG SUNG-JUN/GETTY flight details suggest the responded with live-fire meeting on the launch. Hirokazu Matsuno.
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022


In Russia, a turn toward defiance

People countering
new crackdowns by
speaking up and out
Associated Press


Alexei Navalny was arrested
in January 2021, tens of
thousands of Russians
filled the streets in protest,
demanding that the top
Kremlin critic be released
and chanting slogans against
President Vladimir Putin.
Thousands were arrested.
Since then, Putin has
unleashed the harshest
crackdown since the era of
the Soviet Union: Navalny
was imprisoned and his
organization outlawed. His
associates and other activ-
ists were either prosecuted,
fled the country or had their
hands tied by draconian
new laws. Independent
news outlets were blocked
and social media platforms
And now, Russia has sent
its military into Ukraine, the
largest invasion in Europe
since World War II.
But while the Kremlin has
worked hard to crush politi- Graffiti that translates to ‘Yes to Peace!’ on a wall of an apartment building in St. Petersburg, Russia, gets painted over by a laborer on March 18. AP
cal dissent and opposition to
the war, flickers of defiance who was taken into custody time. of regional offices were to the social media networks the foundation as an inter-
have emerged. and fined. “Of course, nine years outlawed last year as and news outlets banned in national organization.
Antiwar marches of Nava l ny re m a i n e d is a stiff sentence,” Yashin extremist and ceased oper- Russia. “Corruption kills,” read its
protesters chanting “No to unbowed at a trial held in said on Facebook. “Rapists, ating. The Kremlin also A new law was rubber- new website. “As Ukrainian
war!” occurred in Moscow, the penal colony where he is thieves and murderers in turned up the heat on other stamped by the parliament, cities are bombed by Putin,
St. Petersburg and else- serving a 2 1/2-year sentence. Russia often get less. ... But opposition activists and criminalizing content that this has never been more
where after the Feb. 24 inva- On Tuesday, he was in reality (the sentence) groups, as well as on inde- deviates from the offi- obvious. Putin and his circle
sion, with more than 15,000 convicted on fraud and doesn’t mean anything, pendent media and human cial line as “fake news” or have done everything to stay
people detained, accord- contempt of court charges because everyone under- rights organizations. which discredits the Russian in power — and steal, and
ing to the OVD-Info rights and given nine additional stands: Alexei will spend as Dozens have been slapped military and its actions in steal, and steal some more.
group that tracks political years — a move seen as an much time behind bars as with a crippling “foreign Ukraine. Media outlets have High on their own impunity,
arrests. attempt to keep Putin’s Putin will sit in the Krem- agent” label, which implies faced pressure over calling they unleashed a war.”
A silent demonstrator in biggest foe behind bars for lin.” additional government scru- the action a “war” or an Mikhail Khodorkovsky,
the city of Nizhny Novgorod as long as possible. Navalny’s trial, which tiny and scorn. Many have “invasion,” rather than using an exiled Russian oil tycoon
displayed a blank sign and The 45-year-old corrup- began a week before Russian been forced to shut down the government’s descrip- who spent a decade in prison
was promptly detained by tion fighter, who in 2020 troops rolled into Ukraine, under pressure. tion of it as a “special mili- in Russia on charges widely
police. survived a poisoning with a prompted a small act of defi- With the invasion of tary operation.” seen as revenge for chal-
A live evening news nerve agent that he blames ance by one of the witnesses Ukraine, the crackdown The first criminal cases lenging Putin’s rule, spoke
broadcast on Russia’s on the Kremlin, said on for the prosecution. Fyodor has been expanded — all but under the new law appeared Tuesday of his optimism for
state TV was interrupted Facebook in a sardonic Gorozhanko, a former activ- silencing most independent shortly after it was adopted Navalny.
March 14 by a woman who comment that was posted ist in Navalny’s Anti-Cor- news sites. Facebook and and, among others, impli- “Nine years were handed
walked behind the anchor by his team: “My space flight ruption Foundation, who Instagram were banned as cated two prominent public to Navalny. However, what
and held up a handmade is taking a bit longer than has since left Russia, testified extremist and were blocked figures who condemned the does it matter? What matters
poster protesting the war expected.” that he had been coerced to in Russia. Twitter also was offensive on social media. is how much time Putin has
in English and Russian. Navalny ally Ilya Yashin, give evidence against the blocked, although Russians Navalny’s team has been left. And here I think there is
OVD-Info identified her who has vowed to remain opposition leader. who use virtual private undeterred by both the war some good news for Alexei,”
as Marina Ovsyannikova, in Russia, also spoke out Navalny’s foundation networks, or VPNs, are able and the trial of its leader, Khodorkovsky posted in a
an employee of the station, against the increased jail and a nationwide network to avoid access restrictions announcing it was rebooting tweet.

Underdog Ukrainian Air Force turning heads

Outgunned branch considered sending MiG-29 many or which type. He said
fighter jets, which Ukrainian his targeting system can fire
evokes ‘Top Gun,’ pilots could fly with mini- at planes a few dozen miles
but is in need of help mal additional training, but away.
as yet no transfers have been “I mostly have tasks of
By Maria Varenikova made. hitting airborne targets, of
and Andrew E. Kramer “Russian troops have intercepting enemy jets,” he
The New York Times already fired nearly 1,000 said. “I wait for the missile to
missiles at Ukraine, count- lock on my target. After that,
LVIV, Ukraine — Each less bombs,” Zelenskyy I press fire.”
night, Ukrainian pilots said in a video address to When he shoots down a
such as Andriy loiter in an Congress on March 16, Russian jet, he said, “I am
undisclosed aircraft hangar, appealing for more planes. happy that this plane will
waiting until the tension “And you know that they no longer bomb my peace-
is broken with a shouted, exist, and you have them, ful towns. And as we see in
one-word command: “Air!” but they are on earth, not in practice, that is exactly what
Andriy hustles into his Ukraine — in the Ukrainian Russian jets do.”
Su-27 supersonic jet and sky.” Most of the aerial combat
hastily taxis toward the Deptula said transfer- in Ukraine has been noctur-
runway, getting airborne as ring these jets into Ukraine nal, as Russian aircraft
quickly as possible. He takes is critical. “Without resup- attack in the dark when
off so fast that he doesn’t ply,” he said, “they will run they are less vulnerable to
yet know his mission for out of airplanes before they air defenses. In the dogfights
the night, although the run out of pilots.” over Ukraine, Andriy said,
big picture is always the Pilotless drones are also the Russians have been
same — to bring the fight a tool in the Ukrainian flying an array of modern
to a Russian air force that is military’s arsenal but not Sukhoi jets.“I had situations
vastly superior in numbers in the battle for control of when I was approaching
but has failed to win control the airspace. Ukraine flies a Russian plane to a close
of the skies above Ukraine. a Turkish-made armed enough distance to target
“I don’t do any checks,” drone, the Bayraktar TB-2, and fire,” he said. “I could
said Andriy, a Ukrainian air a plodding, propeller aircraft already detect it but was
force pilot who as a condi- that is lethally effective in waiting for my missile to
tion of granting an interview destroying tanks or artil- lock on while at the same
was not permitted to give his lery pieces on the ground time from the ground they
surname or rank. “I just take but cannot hit targets in the tell me that a missile was
off.” air. If Ukraine’s air defenses fired at me already.”
A month into the war, fail, Russian jets could easily He said he maneuvered
one of the biggest surprises pick them off. his jet through a series of
is Russia’s failure to defeat As in other aspects of extreme banks, dives and
the Ukrainian air force. Ukraine’s war effort, volun- climbs in order to exhaust
Military analysts had teers play a role in the air the fuel supplies of the
expected Russian forces to Andriy, a Ukrainian Air Force pilot, seen last Saturday at an undisclosed location in Ukraine. battles. A network watches missiles coming after him.
quickly destroy or paralyze “Every time when I fly, it’s for a real fight,” he says. BRENDAN HOFFMAN/THE NEW YORK TIMES and listens for Russian “The time I have to save
Ukraine’s air defenses and jets, calling in coordinates myself depends on how far
military aircraft, yet neither military has shot down 97 country, Russian planes fly in Iraq, said the impres- and estimated speed and away the missile was fired
has happened. Instead, “Top fixed-wing Russian aircraft. over territory controlled sive performance of the altitude. Other private at me and what kind of
Gun”-style aerial dogfights, That number could not be by the Ukrainian military, Ukrainian pilots had helped Ukrainian pilots have missile,” he said.
rare in modern warfare, are verified, but the crumpled which can move anti-air- counter their disadvantages removed up-to-date civilian Andriy has moved his wife
now raging. remnants of Russian fighter craft missiles to harass — in numbers. He said Ukraine navigation equipment from to a safer part of Ukraine, but
“Every time when I fly, it’s jets have crashed into rivers, and shoot down — planes. now has roughly 55 opera- their planes and handed it she has not left the country,
for a real fight,” said Andriy, fields and houses. “Ukraine has been effec- tional fighter jets, a number over to the air force, in case he said. She spends her days
who is 25 and has flown The Ukrainian air force tive in the sky because we that is dwindling from it can be helpful. weaving homemade camou-
10 missions in the war. “In is operating in near total operate on our own land,” shoot-downs and mechan- Air-to-air combat has flage nets for the Ukrainian
every fight with Russian secrecy. Its fighter jets can said Yuriy Ihnat, a spokes- ical failures, as Ukrainian been rare in modern war, army. He never tells family
jets, there is no equality. fly from air strips in west- person for the Ukrainian air pilots are “stressing them to with only isolated examples members when he is going
They always have five times ern Ukraine, airports that force. “The enemy flying into max performance.” in recent decades. U.S. pilots, on duty, he said, calling only
more” planes in the air. have been bombed yet retain our airspace is flying into Ukrainian President for example, have not flown after returning from a night
The success of Ukrainian enough runway for takeoffs the zone of our air defense Volodymyr Zelenskyy has extensive aerial dogfights flight.
pilots has helped protect or landings — or even from systems.” He described the appealed repeatedly to since the first Iraq War in “I only have to use my
Ukrainian soldiers on the highways, analysts say. strategy as luring Russian Western governments to 1991. skills to win,” Andriy said.
ground and prevented They are vastly outnum- planes into air defense traps. replenish the Ukrainian air In the night sky, Andriy “My skills are better than the
wider bombing in cities, bered: Russia is believed to Dave Deptula, dean of the force and has asked NATO said he relies on instruments Russians. But on the other
since pilots have inter- fly about 200 sorties per day Mitchell Institute for Aero- to enforce a no-fly zone over to discern the positions of hand, many of my friends,
cepted some Russian cruise while Ukraine flies five to 10. space Studies and princi- the country, a step Western enemy planes. He has shot and even those more expe-
missiles. Ukrainian offi- Ukrainian pilots have one pal attack planner for the leaders have refused to take. down Russian jets but was rienced than me, are already
cials also say the country’s advantage. In most of the Desert Storm air campaign Slovakia and Poland have not permitted to say how dead.”
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022  3

Greitens accusations worry GOP

New claims against the dots directly to the ...
swamp who always does
disgraced leader now this,” Greitens said on
seeking Senate seat former Trump adviser Steve
Bannon’s podcast this week.
By Steve Peoples, “When I’m elected to the
Brian Slodysko U.S. Senate we’re taking on
and John Hanna Mitch McConnell.”
Associated Press McConnell has often
pointed to the GOP’s loss
WA S H I N G T O N — in a 2014 Missouri Senate
Accusations that Eric race as an example of what
Greitens, a leading Repub- can happen when the party
lican contender for the U.S. nominates a candidate who
Senate in Missouri, phys- can’t win a general election.
ically assaulted members He tried to sidestep the issue
of his family added fresh Tuesday on Capitol Hill
urgency to ensure the GOP when pressed by reporters.
doesn’t nominate candi- “I think all of the devel-
dates who are so damaged opments of the last 24
that they risk otherwise safe hours are things the people
seats. of Missouri are going to
Greitens has so far take into account both in
ignored calls to end his the primary, and I would
campaign from virtually assume they would take into
every notable Missouri account in the general,” he
Republican, including his said.
rivals in the August primary Even before this week’s
and Sen. Roy Blunt, whose developments, Greitens
retirement left the seat open. was viewed as a vulnerable
But it had reverberations candidate in November’s
beyond Missouri, serving as general election in no small
a reminder that Greitens is Ex-Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens is seeking Roy Blunt’s seat in the U.S. Senate. NATHAN PAPES/SPRINGFIELD NEWS-LEADER 2021 part because of the circum-
at least the third statewide stances of his resignation as
Republican this cycle to more decisive. of my sons, and for their would likely force Repub- struggles with mental governor. He left office amid
face accusations of domes- That concern was clear sake, I will continue to pray licans to devote energy and health, violent outbursts and an investigation of an extra-
tic violence. as Republicans abandoned for their mother and hope resources to the contest. accusations that he repeat- marital affair with his St.
In other states with Greitens, who was forced that she gets the help that “It is a very safe Republi- edly threatened his ex-wife. Louis hairdresser allegedly
competitive Senate races, from the governor’s office she needs,” he said in a state- can seat unless Eric Greitens More broadly, GOP involving bondage and
including Arizona, Geor- in 2018 amid a sex scandal. ment issued from his Twit- wins the primary, and then primary races in other states blackmail.
gia, Ohio and Pennsylvania, “He is even more unfit for ter account. it’s in play,” said Doug Heye, are tipping into decidedly An allegation of a photo
leading GOP candidates are public office now than in In a social media post a Washington-based Repub- nasty territory. A Republi- taken without the woman’s
aggressively courting former 2018 when I denounced his Tuesday, Sheena Greitens lican strategist. “It’s still can primary debate in Ohio consent for the purposes
President Donald Trump behavior and called for him insisted her allegations in Missouri, but Democrats last week devolved into a of blackmail led to a felony
even after he inspired the to resign as governor,” said the affidavit were true. are going to have a chance.” near-physical altercation criminal charge, which was
violent Jan. 6, 2021, insur- Missouri Republican donor “My only interest is what’s With the Senate currently between two candidates. eventually dropped.
rection at the U.S. Capi- David Humphreys, whose best for my two children, evenly divided, Republi- Trump, meanwhile, will Still, Greitens was consid-
tol. Others are embracing family gave $2.2 million to and for the last four years, cans need to gain just one be in Georgia this week- ered one of the strongest
controversial policy posi- Greitens’ campaign in 2016. I have gone to great lengths seat to regain the major- end to rally his supporters candidates in the August
tions on issues like abortion In a sworn affidavit made to keep these family matters ity. But the Greitens allega- against the state’s incum- primary election given
and health care. public Monday, Greitens’ private to protect them,” she tions surfaced as the party bent Republican gover- his name recognition, the
For now, Republicans are ex-wife, Sheena Greit- wrote in a statement. “I am is already sorting through nor as retribution for his implicit backing of some
well positioned to retake the ens, detailed an encounter not interested in litigating challenges elsewhere. refusal to cooperate with Trump allies and the
Senate majority, aiming to in which he “knocked me this matter anywhere other Trump-backed Republi- the then-president’s effort to crowded field of Republi-
capitalize on President Joe down.” She also described than the courtroom.” can candidate Sean Parnell overturn the 2020 election. can candidates expected to
Biden’s unpopularity and “physical violence toward Given this week’s devel- was forced to suspend For his part, Greitens is split the vote.
concerns about inflation our children, such as cuff- opments, strategists in both his Pennsylvania Senate focusing on Senate Minority Few expect him to leave
amid rising gas prices. But ing our then-3-year-old parties suggest that a Greit- campaign after losing Leader Mitch McConnell, the race immediately,
as the 2022 primary season son across the face at the ens win in the state’s Aug. 2 custody of his children R-Ky., whom he blamed although it’s uncertain
intensifies, those advan- dinner table in front of me primary would give Demo- following allegations of for orchestrating the latest whether he can continue
tages could be threatened if and yanking him around by crats a legitimate opportu- physical abuse. scandal as part of a sustained to raise campaign cash to
the GOP’s most loyal voters his hair.” nity to flip a Senate seat in In Georgia, leading effort to undermine his sustain his bid. At the end
rally around candidates who Greitens forcefully deep-red Missouri, where Republican Senate candi- candidacy. of 2021, when he last filed a
may be popular among the denied the accusations as Trump won by more than 15 date Herschel Walker has “You’re going to be able fundraising report, Greitens
base but toxic in a general “completely fabricated” and percentage points in 2020. faced scrutiny of his turbu- to connect the dots directly had only $290,000 cash on
election campaign, where “baseless.” Even if Democrats do not lent personal history, which to Mitch McConnell. You’re hand and was $154,000 in
moderates are often much “I am seeking full custody prevail, a Greitens candidacy includes his acknowledged going to be able to connect debt, records show.


UN agency says over 4M kids

flee from homes in Ukraine
By Cara Anna
Associated Press

— Russia’s invasion has
displaced half of Ukraine’s
children. On a hospital
bed in a town close to the
border with Poland, a little
girl with a long blonde braid
and dressed in pink is one
of them.
To get there, Zlata
Moiseinko survived a
chronic heart condition,
Circus artists who fled Ukraine after it was invaded last month by Russia watch their peers daily bombings, days of
train in a circus practice facility on Tuesday in Budapest, Hungary. ANNA SZILAGYI/AP sheltering in a damp and
chilly basement and nights Natalia Moiseinko holds her 10-year-old daughter Zlata on
WAR IN UKRAINE of sleeping in a freezing Thursday at a schoolhouse that has been converted to a

Hungary welcomes uprooted

car. The fragile 10-year-old field hospital in Mostyska, Ukraine. NARIMAN EL-MOFTY/AP
became so unsettled that
her father risked his life to week in a cold, damp base- most recent video, however,
return to their ninth-floor ment. showed their basement

Ukrainian circus art students apartment 60 miles south of

the capital, Kyiv, to rescue
her pet hamster, Lola, to
“We gave her medica-
tion to calm her down,” her
mother said. But it was not
hideout instead. As the
shaking camera panned to
show a bare light bulb and
By Justin Spike Capital Circus of Buda- helped ease the trauma. comfort her. enough. Every loud sound concrete walls, the mother
Associated Press pest along with a Hungar- “I had no idea what it The animal now rests in was jarring. The family had narrated in a whisper.
ian school for acrobats would be like here. When a small cage beside Zlata’s few options, without friends “All we have is potatoes
BUDAPEST, Hungary arranged for the Ukrainian I left I was very upset, bed in a schoolhouse that and family to call on for help and a few blankets,” she said
— Swinging on trapezes, circus students to come because my home studio has been converted into a along the road west toward in the recording.
juggling rings or twirling on to the capital where they was left behind, some of my field hospital operated by Poland and safety. Even- For now, until the family
aerial silks, young Ukraini- would be provided with relatives were left behind,” Israeli medical workers. tually they tried to shelter moves again, there is some
ans with a passion for the food and accommodation. she said. “I didn’t expect to The girl and her family hope with an acquaintance of the peace. A drawing by Zlata
circus who were uprooted Gabor Kovacs, director of be so well received and for to join friends in Germany. girl’s grandmother, Nadia, has been tacked up in the
by Russia’s war are now the Baross Imre School for it to be so nice.” “I want peace for all but the sounds of airplanes hallway. On a nearby bed,
training in Hungary. Acrobats in Budapest which The performances are Ukraine,” the little girl said. and air raid sirens followed a stuffed panda and a doll
Around 100 Ukrainian is part of the effort, said physically demanding and The United Nations chil- them. embrace.
circus art students from that in addition to having often involve potentially dren’s agency says half of On the final drive to the The girl has been trans-
age 5 to 20, with their adult their basic needs met, it is dangerous maneuvers high the country’s children, or border, Zlata and her family formed. She arrived at
chaperones, escaped the important for the students above the ground. 4.3 million of an estimated slept in their car in freezing the field hospital severely
embattled cities of Kharkiv to resume their training. According to school 7.5 million, have now fled weather. At the border, amid dehydrated, said one of
and Kyiv amid Russian “We think that the director Kovacs, losing out their homes, including confusion over documents the Israeli physicians, Dr.
bombings. creative work and contin- on even a few days of train- about 1.8 million refugees and the girl’s father, they Michael Segal, who was
In neighboring Hungary, uation of their studies ing can mean a rapid decline who have left the country. were turned away. Ukraine born in Kyiv and who has
fellow circus devotees can greatly contribute to in a circus artist’s skills. Zlata’s mother, Natalia, is not allowing men ages 18 been moved by the stories
extended help and solidar- making their daily lives “A week or two off work folded her hands in prayer to 60 to leave the country in he hears from back home.
ity to the refugees, taking a little more carefree,” is about the same as six and was close to tears. case they’re called to fight, “It’s very close to my
them in and allowing them Kovacs said on the side- months off work for a Thursday marked a month with few exceptions. heart,” Segal said of
to continue training in the lines of a rehearsal as acro- professional athlete,” he of war and already she can It was by chance that Ukraine. People have lost
safety of the capital, Buda- bats leaped through the air. said. “We have to try to hardly take any more. the family heard about the everything “in one brief
pest. In a training facility create the possibility of “I ask for help for our Israeli field hospital in the moment.”
“I can’t stand it when I near the Budapest circus daily practice so that these children and the elderly,” Ukrainian border town Zlata’s family “came here
can’t train. I just want to hall, the dancers, acrobats, artistic children are able to the mother said. of Mostyska. Now they crying, not knowing what to
perform in circus shows,” jugglers and contortionists work and develop continu- She recalled the escape are regrouping in relative do,” he added.
said Ira Maiboroda, a stretched and warmed up. ously.” from their community comfort and without the The medical staff stepped
16-year-old acrobat from Ann Lisitska, a 13-year- This week, the Capital of Bila Tserkva that put scream of sirens. in and even treated her
Kharkiv who arrived in old performer from Circus of Budapest held a her daughter’s life in At times, to fill the silence, hamster, doctors said.
Hungary more than two Kharkiv, said that while two-night show from which peril beyond the threat of Zlata plays the piano at the And reminded of that,
weeks ago. “When I was in she was initially heartbro- all proceeds will be used to airstrikes. school. She missed playing the girl’s exhausted mother
Kharkiv, I dreamed of being ken when she had to leave buy circus equipment for As Russian planes while the family was on the smiled.
in the circus in Europe. I’m her home and interrupt her the Ukrainian performers, pounded overhead, aiming run, her mother said. She “That hamster’s the
here and I’m really joyful.” studies, the welcome she Kovacs said — a token of for the local military base, proudly showed off her superstar of the clinic,”
After Russia invaded had received by the circus the strong bonds within the the family decided to run. daughter’s YouTube chan- she said. “It had been over-
Ukraine on Feb. 24, the community in Hungary circus community. They found shelter for a nel of performances. The stressed, too.”
4  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022


Former NY prosecutor
believes Trump guilty
of ‘numerous’ felonies
From news services Trump now, and on the
existing record, is misguided
NEW YORK — A prose- and completely contrary to
cutor who had been lead- the public interest,” Pomer-
ing a criminal investigation antz wrote.
into Donald Trump before Danielle Filson, a spokes-
quitting last month said in person for Bragg, said in
his resignation letter that a statement Wednesday
he believes the former pres- night that the investigation
ident is “guilty of numer- into Trump is continuing
ous felony violations” and that a “team of experi-
and he disagreed with the enced prosecutors is work-
Manhattan district attor- ing every day to follow the
ney’s decision not to seek an facts and the law. There is
indictment. nothing we can or should
In the letter, published say at this juncture about an
Wednesday by The New ongoing investigation.”
York Times, Mark Pomer- A message seeking
antz told District Attor- comment was left with
ney Alvin Bragg there was Trump’s lawyer.
“evidence sufficient to
establish Mr. Trump’s guilt Supreme Court ruling: The
beyond a reasonable doubt” Supreme Court on Thurs-
of allegations he falsified day sided with a Texas death Security guards protect ex-South Korean President Park Geun-hye, center right, after an object was thrown at her Thursday
financial statements to row inmate seeking to have at her home in Daegu, South Korea. Park, who was ousted and sentenced in 2017 in a high-profile corruption scandal, received a
secure loans and burnish his pastor be allowed to pardon Dec. 31. Her return home came after being treated at a hospital in Seoul since November. DONG-A ILBO/GETTY-AFP
his image as a wealthy busi- pray out loud and touch him
nessman. during his execution.
“The team that has been The high court’s deci- Ramirez is on death row Oz said he had no inten- Chinese official meets Qahar Balkhi said.
investigating Mr. Trump sion won’t keep John for killing a Corpus Christi tion of resigning. Taliban: China’s foreign
harbors no doubt about Henry Ramirez from being convenience store worker Walker also took to Twit- minister made a surprise GIF inventor dies: Stephen
whether he committed executed. But the justices during a 2004 robbery. ter on Thursday to attribute visit Thursday in Afghani- Wilhite, the inventor of the
crimes — he did,” Pomer- in an 8-1 decision rejected his removal to politics. stan’s capital, meeting with internet-popular short-
antz wrote. Texas’ defense of its policy Fitness council flap: The the country’s new Taliban video format, the GIF, has
Pomerantz and his of allowing an inmate’s spir- White House removed Dr. Swiss falling deaths: Swiss rulers. died at 74.
former co-leader on the itual adviser to be present in Mehmet Oz — best known police say three adults and According to the offi- His wife, Kathaleen, said
Trump probe, Carey Dunne, the death chamber but with- as daytime TV’s host of “The a child have died and a teen- cial Bakhtar News Agency, Thursday that he died of
resigned Feb. 23 after clash- out speaking or touching the Dr. Oz Show” — and former ager was seriously injured Wang Yi was to meet with COVID on March 14.
ing with Bragg over the inmate. football star Herschel after falling from a seven- Taliban leaders “to discuss Wilhite, who lived in
future of the case. Chief Justice John Walker from the President’s story residential building various issues, including the Milford, Ohio, won a Webby
Both were top deputies Roberts wrote in a majority Council on Sports, Nutrition Thursday in the lakeside extension of political rela- lifetime achievement award
tasked with running the opinion that Texas “appears and Fitness as both men run town of Montreux. tions, economic, and transit in 2013 for inventing the
investigation on a day-to- to have long allowed for U.S. Senate. Police said the victims cooperation.” GIF, which decades after its
day basis. Both started on prison chaplains to pray Oz and Walker — both were French citizens and The Taliban, who seized creation became omnipres-
the probe under former with inmates in the execu- Republicans — were members of the same family. power last August during ent in memes and on social
District Attorney Cyrus tion chamber, deciding to appointed by former Presi- Officers had tried to execute the chaotic final weeks of media.
Vance Jr., and Bragg asked prohibit such prayer only in dent Donald Trump. a warrant in connection the withdrawal of U.S. and Wilhite was working at
them to stay when he took the last several years.” An official said Oz and with the homeschooling of NATO forces after 20 years CompuServe in 1987 when
office in January. He also rejected concerns Walker were asked to resign a child shortly before the of war, have been seeking he invented the GIF.
Vance and Bragg are that allowing Ramirez to be because the White House incident, police said. international recognition in “I saw the format I
Democrats. touched could interfere with doesn’t permit candidates In a statement, police order to open up Afghani- wanted in my head and then
In his resignation letter, the IV lines that carry the for federal office to serve on identified the people killed stan’s economy, which has I started programming,” he
Pomerantz wrote that Vance drugs used to carry out the boards. as a 40-year-old man, his been in free fall since their told The New York Times in
had directed his deputies to execution. The letter from the White 41-year-old wife, her twin takeover. 2013, saying the first image
present evidence to a grand Justice Clarence Thomas House Office of Presidential sister and the couple’s Wang’s visit came as was an airplane.
jury and seek an indictment was the lone justice to Personnel asked the men 8-year-old daughter. They Russian President Vladi- He also insisted that the
of Trump and other defen- dissent, writing that to resign Wednesday or be said the couple’s 15-year-old mir Putin’s special envoy to file had only one pronunci-
dants “as soon as reasonably Ramirez has engaged in removed by the end of the son was seriously injured. Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov, ation — with a soft “G,”like
possible.” No former presi- repeated litigation tactics day. Walker announced his Authorities have opened was also in Kabul. Jif peanut butter.
dent has ever been charged to delay his execution and candidacy in Georgia on an investigation “to deter- Kabulov also met with Those using the hard “G,”
with a crime. that his current lawsuit “is Aug. 25 and Oz announced mine the exact circum- the Taliban-appointed as in “got” or “given,” “are
“I believe that your deci- but the latest iteration in an his candidacy in Pennsylva- stances and reasons for this foreign minister, Amir Khan wrong,” he said. “End of
sion not to prosecute Donald 18-year pattern of evasion.” nia on Nov. 30. tragedy,” police said. Muttaqi, Taliban spokesman story.”

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Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022  5

Former test
pilot found
not guilty of
Federal wire fraud charges
against ex-Boeing employee
over flight-control system
By David Koenig

A former Boeing Co. test pilot was

acquitted Wednesday on felony charges
of deceiving federal regulators about a key
flight-control system that played a role in
two deadly crashes involving 737 Max jets.
A jury in federal district court in Fort
Worth, Texas, deliberated less than two
hours before finding Mark Forkner not
guilty on four counts of wire fraud.
Prosecutors accused Forkner of mislead-
ing Federal Aviation Administration regu-
lators about the amount of training pilots
would need to fly the Max. The FAA
required only brief computer-based training
for pilots instead of more extensive practice
in simulators that could have cost Chica-
go-based Boeing up to $1 million per plane.
Defense lawyers said Boeing engineers
did not tell Forkner about changes to the
flight software, known by its acronym,
MCAS. The lawyers said Forkner was a
Inbound and outbound trains on the Metra Milwaukee District West line pass each other at the Canadian Pacific Railway Bensenville scapegoat for Boeing and FAA officials who
Intermodal Terminal on Wednesday in Franklin Park. Metra says that a proposed merger between two major freight lines would cause delays sought to avoid blame after the Max crashes,
to the commuter service and pose safety threats for customers as freight trains block the commuter tracks. JOHN J. KIM/CHICAGO TRIBUNE which killed 346 people.
“We are very grateful that this jury and

Metra: Merger would degrade

judge were so smart, so fair, so independent,
that they saw through it,” defense attorney
David Gerger said after the verdict.
Justice Department spokesman Joshua

‘safety and reliability’ of service

Stueve said the department stands by its
investigation and prosecution of the case.
“While we are disappointed in the outcome,
we respect the jury’s verdict,” he said.
Testimony in the trial lasted less than
By Sarah Freishtat “The (Surface Transportation) Board But in the filing, Metra questioned three days, after jury selection and open-
Chicago Tribune should consider that CP has a history of Canadian Pacific’s train modeling, saying ing statements by lawyers Friday evening.
noncooperation and contractual breaches it conducted separate modeling that was Forkner did not testify. Judge Reed O’Con-
A proposed merger between two major with Metra, that CP’s poor dispatching more rigorous, and showed Canadian Pacif- nor had instructed the jurors not to consider
railroads will lead to “disruptive” delays to leads to regular — weekly, and in some cases ic’s plan for train traffic could not work. The his silence as a sign of guilt or innocence.
Metra service and exacerbate safety issues daily — interference with Metra’s peak and agency also said a separate stretch of track The defense called only one witness, a
for passengers, the commuter rail agency nonpeak train service, endangering and touted as a bypass to the congested Chicago current Boeing pilot, who testified for about
said in a recent federal filing. inconveniencing riders, and that the infra- area likely cannot immediately handle the one hour.
The merger would bring more freight structure on the Metra lines cannot accom- amount of extra freight traffic proposed, Forkner was Boeing’s chief technical
trains to the Chicago area, and Metra said modate the trains that the Transaction will meaning more trains would be shifted onto pilot for the 737 Max, giving him a key role
it could mean a 400% increase in delays bring to Metra’s lines,” Metra said in the the Metra lines. in determining pilot-training requirements.
per 100 miles along its Milwaukee District filing. “The additional freight and Amtrak “The bottom line is that Metra’s passen- Prosecutors tried to use Forkner’s internal
West and Milwaukee District North lines. trains that Applicants propose to bring to gers will suffer,” the agency said. “Serious messages to colleagues against him, partic-
Freight trains traveling through stations Metra’s lines will degrade the safety and delays and interference are inevitable.” ularly one in which he said he unknowingly
during busy commuter times could pose reliability of Metra’s service.” Already, the share of riders on the two misled regulators. Defense lawyers said
safety concerns, blocking access to trains Canadian Pacific also shares tracks with Milwaukee District lines experiencing Forkner’s message was a complaint about a
and forcing Metra trains to pick up passen- Amtrak trains, including the Hiawatha freight train-related delays has risen since flight simulator, not MCAS.
gers at platforms opposite the side typically service to Milwaukee and parts of the 2016, and delays remained the same or got An FAA official who worked with Forkner,
scheduled. long-distance Empire Builder service out worse even as overall ridership fell during Stacey Klein, testified that Forkner lied to
Metra’s filing was part of a merger of Chicago. the COVID-19 pandemic, Metra said. And her that MCAS would never activate during
application under review by the federal Amtrak has supported the proposed extra-long freight trains make the problem normal airline use, only in certain high-
Surface Transportation Board, which merger, saying Canadian Pacific has consis- worse, because they “hang out” of the clos- speed situations that pilots would never
would combine the Canadian Pacific and tently earned top marks for causing the est Canadian Pacific train yard and block encounter. Forkner’s lawyers said Boeing
Kansas City Southern railroads in a $31 least delay to Amtrak passengers and has sections of track. engineers did not tell him that the scope of
billion deal. In the Chicago area, Canadian committed to working with Amtrak to Canadian Pacific will also continue to the system had been expanded, and that he
Pacific shares tracks with Metra’s Milwau- expand and extend service. ignore commuter needs, Metra said. Even told Klein what he knew.
kee District West and Milwaukee District Kansas City Southern doesn’t operate in as the railroad proposes adding more trains Prosecutors based the charges of wire
North lines, and Metra and west suburban the Chicago area, though it does cross paths to the tracks, in recent years it denied fraud on communications that Forkner
communities have raised concerns about with Amtrak near East St. Louis. Metra’s requests to add or reinstate service, had with the FAA and with two big Boeing
the potential increase in freight trains the Canadian Pacific spokesman Andy according to the filing. customers, Southwest Airlines and Ameri-
merger could bring. Cummings touted the Milwaukee District On top of delays, the merger will create can Airlines. Each count carried a penalty of
If approved, the merger would create West’s on-time rate from 2016 to 2020, and safety hazards for passengers, Metra said. up to 20 years in prison.
the only railroad linking Canada, Mexico said the proposed changes “do not repre- The way trains are dispatched now “too Most pilots familiar with older models
and the United States. It would be the first sent a radical shift” in the historic use of often require passengers to cross tracks of the 737 did not know about MCAS when
major railroad merger since the 1990s. the line. unnecessarily, dodge oncoming freight airlines began receiving Max jets — the
It is also expected to bring more freight The line between Chicago and Elgin is a trains, or circumnavigate idling freight system was not in previous Boeing 737s.
trains to parts of the Milwaukee District double track, which will allow more freight trains at Metra stations.” Prosecutors accused Forkner of downplay-
West line, which runs to Schaumburg and trains without affecting Metra service, he Metra is requesting the board deny the ing the importance and power of the soft-
Elgin. Canadian Pacific is projecting the said in a statement, adding that freight merger application, or at least impose ware, and it was not mentioned in aircraft
merger could add an average of about eight trains would not run during the busiest conditions on it. That includes measures manuals and pilot-training material.
extra freight trains per day to some parts commuter hours. like transferring to Metra control over In the two crashes — in Indonesia in 2018
of the line, bringing the total number to an “CP is keenly aware of the importance who dispatches trains, track and flyover and in Ethiopia in 2019 — MCAS automat-
average of just over 11 per day by 2027. of efficient rail passenger services and CP construction and financial compensation ically pointed the nose of the plane down
Canadian Pacific is not projecting an has been a good partner to the passenger — or, if Metra doesn’t get dispatching rights, based on faulty sensor readings, and pilots
increase in freight traffic along the Milwau- service operators that use our lines in the oversight of Canadian Pacific’s dispatching were unable to regain control.
kee District North line, which runs to Glen- United States and Canada, including in of trains to make sure it doesn’t interfere Forkner, who worked at the FAA before
view, Deerfield and Lake Forest, though suburban Chicago,” he said. with Metra service. joining Boeing, left the aircraft manufac-
Metra said in its recent filing it fears both Canadian Pacific is talking with Metra turer in 2018, months before the first crash,
Milwaukee District lines could be affected. officials about their concerns, he said. then briefly worked at Southwest Airlines.

Hundreds of Jewel-Osco workers still waiting on raises

Salaries were negotiated raises,” said Marilyn Johnson, a part-time
deli clerk at a Jewel-Osco in Chicago’s Old
in December contract Town neighborhood. She’s worked at Jewel
for 21 years, she said, and currently makes
By Talia Soglin the citywide minimum wage of $15 an hour.
Chicago Tribune On Thursday morning, Johnson said she
had not received the pay raise she was guar-
Some meat, fish and deli workers at Jewel- anteed by the new contract. She said she
Osco grocery stores across the Chicago area received a letter from the company Monday
have not received pay raises that were nego- attributing the pay issues to a computer error.
tiated in a contract at the end of last year, In a YouTube message, Local 1546 Presi-
according to the union that represents the dent Robert O’Toole said the Jewel workers
workers. had worked through “some of the most chal-
Instead, some members had received lenging times seen in this company” during
pay cuts, an issue the company said it had the COVID-19 pandemic.
resolved in a Thursday morning statement. “For the company to not pay you in a
Chicago-based Jewel, which is owned by timely manner is shameful and downright
Albertsons Companies Inc., had 60 days to A Jewel-Osco spokesperson said the company had corrected the pay cuts some workers had disgraceful,” he said.
implement pay raises after the new contract received and was “quickly working to resolve other pay issues.” CHICAGO TRIBUNE Barbara Sylvester, a meat cutter at a Jewel-
was ratified in late December, said Jeff Osco in Homewood who has worked for the
Weiss, special assistant to the president at expired, Weiss said. Workers were also In a brief statement Thursday, Jewel-Osco company for more than 30 years, said she had
Local 1546 of the United Food and Commer- supposed to receive raises of between 55 spokesperson Mary Frances Trucco apolo- just received her raise Thursday. Like other
cial Workers International Union. The local and 70 cents an hour each year of the new gized and said the company had corrected workers, she still has not received retroactive
represents about 4,000 meat, fish and deli three-year contract, he said. Weiss esti- the pay cuts some workers had received and pay going back to August.
workers at 182 Jewel-Osco locations in mates that over half of the workers have was “quickly working to resolve other pay “I need that retro,” Sylvester said. “I was
Chicago, the suburbs and northwest Indiana. not received their raises and that roughly issues.” counting on it. I’m pretty sure everybody else
No workers have received retroac- 30%had received pay cuts, some of around “Until our members see it, we don’t believe does too.”
tive wages they are owed going back to $2 to $3 per hour. Weiss said Local 1546 has it,” Weiss said.
late August, when their previous contract filed a grievance with the company. “Everything is going up except for our
6  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022

US, allies move to freeze US jobless

claims at
Russia’s reserves of gold lowest mark
By Fatima Hussein
Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The U.S. and its

A: The U.S. says that Russia can and has
used gold to support its currency as a way
to circumvent the impact of sanctions.
country’s ability to launder money and
will in effect apply secondary sanctions
on people who trade in gold with Russia,
experts say.
since 1969
allies said Thursday they’re moving to One way to do that is by swapping the “It is another way to close sanctions loop- By Matt Ott
block financial transactions with Russia’s gold for a more liquid foreign exchange that holes, and increase economic pressure on Associated Press
Central Bank that involve gold, aiming to is not subject to current sanctions. Russian entities,” said Rachel Ziemba, an
further restrict the country’s ability to use Another way would be to sell the bullion adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a WASHINGTON — The number of Amer-
its international reserves because of Vlad- through gold markets and dealers. The New American Security. icans applying for unemployment benefits
imir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Putin has gold could also be used to directly purchase The ban on gold transactions is also an last week fell to its lowest level in 52 years
been building his gold stockpile since 2014. goods and services from willing sellers. attempt to prevent innovative financial as the U.S. job market continues to show
Here’s how these sanctions would work: transactions through other countries that strength in the midst of rising costs and an
Q: How would the sanctions apply? continue to do business with Russia. ongoing virus pandemic.
Q: How much gold does Russia have? A: The U.S. announcement to block gold Jobless claims fell by 28,000 to 187,000
A: Russian gold purchases increased in transactions was done alongside Group of Q: What other sanctions have been for the week ending March 19, the lowest
2014, after the U.S. issued sanctions on Seven and European Union allies that will imposed? since September 1969, the Labor Depart-
Russia for Putin’s invasion of Crimea. Now also impose the gold reserve ban. A: The U.S. also took additional sanc- ment reported Thursday. First-time appli-
the country holds $100 billion to $140 New guidance from the U.S. Treasury tions actions on Thursday. It sanctioned cations for jobless aid generally track the
billion in gold reserves, which is roughly Department states that American individ- dozens of Russian defense companies, 328 pace of layoffs.
20% of the holdings in the Russian Central uals, including gold dealers, distributors, members of the Russian State Duma — or The four-week average for claims, which
Bank, according to U.S. officials. wholesalers, buyers, and financial institu- state assembly — and the head of Russia’s compensates for weekly volatility, also fell
Additionally, the Bank of Russia tions are generally banned from buying, largest financial institution. to levels not seen in five decades. The Labor
announced Feb. 28, shortly after several selling or facilitating gold-related trans- Those actions are on top of export Department reported that the four-week
Russian banks were removed from the actions involving Russia and the various controls and financial penalties issued in moving average tumbled to 211,750 from the
SWIFT bank messaging system, that it parties that have been sanctioned. the past month on Putin, his inner circle, previous week’s 223,250.
would resume the purchase of gold on the some of the country’s top financial insti- In total, 1,350,000 Americans were
domestic precious metals market. Q: What kind of impact could this have on tutions, along with several banking insti- collecting jobless aid the week that ended
Russia? tutions’ removal from the SWIFT bank March 12, another five-decade low.
Q: How could Russia use gold to evade A: The move should further impact the messaging system. Earlier this month, the government
reported that employers added a robust
678,000 jobs in February, the largest monthly
total since July.
The unemployment rate dropped to 3.8%,
from 4% in January, extending a sharp
decline in joblessness to its lowest level since
before the pandemic erupted two years ago.
U.S. businesses posted a near-record
level of open jobs in January — 11.3 million
— a trend has helped pad workers’ pay and
added to inflationary pressures.
The Federal Reserve launched a high-risk
effort last week to tame the worst inflation
since the early 1980s, raising its benchmark
short-term interest rate by a quarter-point
and signaling up to six additional rate hikes
this year.
The hikes will eventually mean higher
loan rates for many consumers and busi-


Southwest to add
4th fare category
DALLAS — Southwest Airlines will add
a fourth fare category as part of changes
designed to attract more business travelers
and boost revenue.
The new fare level will be priced higher
than Southwest’s cheapest tickets but below
the airline’s top two fare categories. South-
A convoy of concrete trucks take part in a slow-driving protest of high fuel prices on Tuesday near Madrid, Spain. MANU FERNANDEZ/AP west executives think this will fill the large
price gap between the cheapest fares, called

Energy crisis at boiling point

Wanna Get Away, and more-expensive tick-
Consumers who buy the new fare level,
called Wanna Get Away Plus, will get 33%
more frequent-flyer points than the basic
ticket, and they will be able to transfer
Despite protests and amid tive action.”
He’s among those in industries like truck-
measures to keep energy prices low will
also suppress incentives for energy effi-
the value of a ticket to another Southwest
customer. Airline officials said the changes
conflict, Europe is limited ing or fishing who are staging protests to ciency, for investment in green energy will begin in May or June.
in reigning in higher prices push politicians to ease their financial pain.
The war has exacerbated a monthslong
generation, and for electrifying sectors
that currently rely on fossil fuels — so they
By Kelvin Chan and Aritz Parra energy crunch in Europe, which is depen- could make the long-term pain of adjust-
Associated Press

MADRID — Across Europe, govern-

dent on Russian oil and natural gas. Govern-
ments have limited options to provide
lasting relief as households and businesses
ment harder,” Cornago said.
Raising interest rates, the tool wielded by
central banks to tame inflation, also would
Average Wall St.
ments are slashing fuel taxes and doling out
tens of billions to help consumers, truck-
face crippling energy bills, high pump
prices and other effects. Volatile energy
do little to rein in energy prices — which
European Central Bank President Christine
bonuses a record
ers, farmers and others cope with spiking markets control natural gas and oil prices Lagarde noted last month. That’s because
energy prices made worse by Russia’s inva- that have fueled record inflation. “rising energy prices are due to fundamen- NEW YORK — Soaring profits on Wall
sion of Ukraine. Countries like Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, tal shifts in energy markets,” Cornago said. Street helped drive up the average bonus
But it’s not enough for some whose live- Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden are Gasoline across the EU’s 27 countries has paid to employees in New York City’s secu-
lihoods hinge on fuel. doing what they can, passing temporary risen 40% from a year ago, to an average rities industry to a record $257,500 for last
Miguel Angel Rodriguez was one of efforts to provide immediate help: slash- of 2.02 euros per liter — the equivalent of year, the state comptroller reported.
200 concrete truck drivers who held a ing fuel taxes, rolling out heating and power $8.40 a gallon. The average securities industry bonus
slow-driving protest around Madrid this subsidies or rebates, and capping energy To bring down prices long-term, there was 20% higher than 2020 and came out of
week. He said filling up used to cost 1,600 bills for households and small businesses. are two options, Cornago said: investment a bonus pool that grew to $45 billion, accord-
euros, or about $1,760 a month, but he’s Such measures “are sensible, and some in renewables and measures like better ing to annual estimates from state Comptrol-
been forking out an extra 500 euros since of them, such as energy tax cuts, could insulation for homes or electrifying indus- ler Thomas DiNapoli.
the start of the year. be sustained indefinitely — even if prices tries that rely on natural gas. DiNapoli cited pretax profits through the
“We will continue striking because, continue to increase,” said Elisabetta In the near future, an EU proposal for a first three quarters of 2021 for broker/dealer
at the end of the day, it’s pretty much the Cornago, a senior research fellow at the common strategic gas reserve could work to operations on the New York Stock Exchange,
same for us to go out to work or to stay at Centre for European Reform think tank improve security of supply by next winter. which increased by 19.6% to $44.9 billion.
home,” Rodriguez said. He warned that his who specializes in EU energy policy. “But realistically, refilling reserves at a The securities industry accounts for
rising costs were part of “a domino effect But she called them partial solutions that time of tight gas markets is also going to one-fifth of private sector wages in New
that is only going to drive us all to our ruin “only make a small difference.” result in higher prices for consumers gener- York City, despite comprising 5% of private
unless the government takes some defini- “The main problem is that these ally,” Cornago said. sector employment.

Russian stock market offers limited trading Jobless claims

Initial unemployment claims, seasonally
adjusted, in millions per week
Associated Press to curb market plunges. eign strategist at BlueBay Asset Manage-
Foreigners could not sell and traders ment, said reopened trading was “deeply
NEW YORK — The Russian stock market were barred from short selling or betting managed” and suggested that “for those Week ending March 19: 187,000
opened Thursday for limited trading under prices will fall while the government has Russians with some spare cash, there is
heavy restrictions for the first time since said it will spend $10 billion on shares in nothing much else to buy as hedge to infla-
Moscow invaded Ukraine, coming a month coming months, a move that should support tion and currency collapse.” 0.6
after prices plunged and the market was prices. The benchmark MOEX index gained
shut down as a way to insulate the economy. Russian stocks were only a small part 4.3% as some companies partially recov-
Trading of a limited number of stocks, of emerging market share indexes even ered losses from the plunge on the day
including energy giants Gazprom and before the war and only for those with a of the invasion. Airline Aeroflot bucked 0.4
Rosneft, took place under curbs meant to high risk tolerance, given extensive crony- the positive trend by losing 16.4% — not a
prevent a repeat of the massive selloff on ism, nontransparent accounting and surprise after the U.S., European Union and
Feb. 24 that came in anticipation of Western widespread state interference. They lost others banned Russian planes from their
economic sanctions. whatever remaining interest they had airspaces. 0.2
The significant restrictions on trading for foreign investors when the Moscow The economic turmoil in Russia from
Thursday underlined Russia’s economic Exchange was dubbed “uninvestable” sanctions and the war has been severe.
isolation and the pressure the financial about a week into the war. There have been bank runs and panic M A M J J A S O N D J F M

system is under despite central bank efforts Tim Ash, senior emerging markets sover- buying of sugar and other staples. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor TNS

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Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022  7

Ukrainians get help fighting

Putin from gunmakers in US
By Joshua Goodman
Associated Press

MIAMI — Adrian Kell-

LG Energy Solution, a joint-venture partner with automaker General Motors, plans a $1.7 billion gren’s family-owned gun
expansion in western Michigan. MARK COPIER/THE GRAND RAPIDS PRESS 2013 company in Florida was
left holding a $200,000

EV battery maker LG will add shipment of semi-auto-

matic rifles after a long-
time customer in Ukraine

up to 1,200 jobs in Michigan suddenly went silent during

Vladimir Putin’s invasion of
the country.
By David Eggert to produce battery compo- It has joint-venture part- Fearing the worst, Kell-
Associated Press nents. The average wage will nerships with General gren and his company
be $1,257 a week, or about Motors, with which it is KelTec decided to put
LANSING, Mich. — Elec- $65,000 annually, plus bene- building three U.S. battery those stranded 400 guns
tric vehicle battery maker fits. “We look forward to the plants in Michigan, Ohio to use, sending them to
LG Energy Solution plans incredible impact this proj- and Tennessee, and Stellan- Ukraine’s nascent resis-
a $1.7 billion expansion in ect will have on the region’s tis, formerly Fiat Chrysler. tance movement to help
western Michigan that will economy, small businesses Stellantis would not confirm civilians fight back against
add up to 1,200 jobs by 2025, and workforce for genera- reports that it will build a a Russian military that
officials announced Tues- tions to come,” Messer said. battery factory in Windsor, has been repeatedly shell-
day. A state memo request- Ontario, with LG. The site ing their apartment build-
The project at the compa- ing the incentives says LG of a planned fourth GM-LG ings, schools, hospitals and
ny’s site in Holland, located was considering facilities battery plant has not been hiding places.
about 155 miles northwest in the southeastern U.S. and announced. “The American people Adrian Kellgren, director of industrial production of KelTec,
of Detroit, was approved potentially in Poland and LG has been operating want to do something,” said holds a boxed 9mm rifle similar to ones being shipped to
for $56.5 million in state China. in Holland since 2009 and Kellgren, a former Navy Ukraine to help fight Russia. PHELAN M. EBENHACK/AP
grants and a 20-year tax The company, which is has nearly 1,500 Michi- pilot. “We enjoy our free-
break worth $132.6 million. headquartered in South gan employees, including doms, we cherish those four pallets containing turers, recently distributed
Michigan Economic Devel- Korea, could begin hiring more than 1,300 in the city things. And when we see a their 9 mm foldable rifles step-by-step instructions
opment Corp. CEO Quentin later this year. It manufac- near Lake Michigan. The group of people out there for delivery to an undis- to its more than 8,000
Messer Jr., who chairs the tures large lithium-ion poly- company plans to construct getting hammered like this, closed NATO-run facility. members on how to apply
Michigan Strategic Fund, mer battery cells and packs several new buildings total- it’s heartbreaking.” From there, the shipment’s for an expedited export
said the expansion will for electric vehicles and ing 1.4 million square feet on KelTec’s donation is a new recipient, Ukraine’s license. They also provided
quintuple the plant’s ability other applications. vacant land it already owns. high-profile example of Ministry of Defense, will be a list of specific sniper rifles,
Americans collecting guns, responsible for smuggling pistols and ammo requested
ammunition, body armor, the weapons into the war by Ukraine’s Embassy in
helmets and other tacti- zone. Washington.

Developer plans 1,100-acre cal gear in response to

Ukrainian President Volo-
dymyr Zelenskyy’s prom-
“That’s when the real
derring-do and heroism
begins,” Kellgren said.
KelTec hopes to arrange
more shipments in the
future. Its license allows

solar farm in northern Ind.

ise to arm his citizens. But From California to New the export of up to 10,000
many similar grassroots York, elected officials, weapons and the company
efforts have been snarled sheriff’s departments and has offered the Ukrainians
by inexperience with the nonprofits say they have their own production line
Associated Press more than 25,000 homes, economically feasible, the complex web of regula- also collected thousands and weekly shipments.
the South Bend Tribune county plans to create a tions governing the inter- of sets of body armor and While rifles are no match
NEW CARLISLE, Ind. — reported. tax increment financing national shipment of such millions of rounds of ammu- for Putin’s firepower of
A developer wants to build Lightsource officials told district, or TIF, that would equipment. nition for Ukraine. Many of Sukhoi fighter jets and
a 1,100-acre solar farm members of the St. Joseph allow it to provide finan- Kellgren, who has dealt the organizers have no clue cluster bombs, they can
in northern Indiana that County Council on Tues- cial incentives to the devel- with such red tape for how to navigate interna- play an important role if the
would generate enough day that the project would opers. The project is also years, managed to connect tional arms export rules, Russians get bogged down
electricity to power 25,000 lease land from nine prop- expected to generate tens of through a Ukrainian neigh- which sometimes require in street-to-street combat,
homes. erty owners, and that Light- millions in new tax dollars bor with a diplomat in the approvals from the Depart- retired U.S. Army Major
Lightsource BP, a multi- source has 30-year lease for the area. Ukrainian Embassy who ments of State, Commerce John Spencer said.
national developer of solar agreements and options to C h r i s B row n , a n helped him secure a federal and Defense to ship even The semi-automatic
projects, has proposed the extend those an additional economic development arms export license in just non-lethal tactical gear. rifles KelTec is shipping are
$165 million project, which 20 years. specialist for the county, four days. That process can Organizers of one such perhaps even more valuable
would equip a site near the The county council must said April 12 is the soonest often take months. drive in New York are piggy- than high-tech, anti-air-
St. Joseph County town of approve needed agreements the county council could Last week, as Congress backing on KelTec’s license craft missiles that require
New Carlisle with 407,000 in the coming months to get vote on a development debated whether to send to export 60 long guns they extensive training beyond
solar panels. The solar farm the project going toward a agreement with Light- more advanced weapons recently collected. the reach of most civilians,
would produce about 150 late 2023 or early 2024 source BP. He said it could and defense systems to The National Shooting many of whom have never
megawatts of electricity per completion. then act on creation of the Ukraine, workers at KelT- Sports Foundation, a trade even held a gun before, he
year, or enough to power To make the project TIF in June. ec’s warehouse forklifted group for firearms manufac- said.


Dow High: 34,713.56 Low: 34,355.42 Previous: 34,358.50 LOCAL STOCKS

Stocks listed may change due to daily fluctuations in market capitalization. Exchange key: N=NYSE, O=NASDAQ


Abbott Labs N 117.82 +.90 Envestnet Inc N 73.77 +.01 McDonalds Corp N 240.26 +4.14
Close: 34,707.94 33,860 AbbVie Inc N 160.28 +1.86 Equity Lifesty Prop N 72.69 -.23 Middleby Corp O 169.12 -.39
Change: 349.44 (1.0%) Allstate Corp
Aptargroup Inc
Equity Residential
Exelon Corp
Mondelez Intl
Morningstar Inc
32,800 10 DAYS Arch Dan Mid N 90.43 +1.34 First Indl RT N 59.58 +.28 Motorola Solutions N 231.04 +4.26
37,000 Baxter Intl
Boeing Co
Fortune Brds Hm&Sec N
NiSource Inc
Nthn Trust Cp
Brunswick Corp N 82.45 -1.93 Gallagher AJ N 166.27 +2.20 Old Republic N 25.97 +.06
36,000 CBOE Global Markets
CCC Intellig Solut
Grainger WW
Hyatt Hotels Corp
Packaging Corp Am
Paylocity Hldg
CDK Global Inc O 47.09 +.89 IAA Inc N 37.69 +.74 RLI Corp N 107.62 +.34
35,000 CDW Corp
CF Industries
Stericycle Inc
CME Group O 244.93 -1.86 Ingredion Inc N 86.21 +1.10 US Foods Holding N 36.95 +.65
34,000 CNA Financial N 48.69 +.53 John Bean Technol N 117.69 +2.33 Ulta Salon Cosmetics O 395.84 +6.05
Caterpillar Inc N 222.21 +.04 Jones Lang LaSalle N 231.34 +3.93 United Airlines Hldg O 42.78 +1.25
ConAgra Brands Inc N 32.28 +.14 Kemper Corp N 54.19 -.32 Ventas Inc N 61.35 +1.21
33,000 Deere Co N 432.22 +.70 Kraft Heinz Co O 38.63 +.35 Walgreen Boots Alli O 47.02 +.28
Discover Fin Svcs N 111.90 +1.25 LKQ Corporation O 45.40 +.02 Wintrust Financial O 92.89 +.76
Dover Corp N 157.23 -.60 Littelfuse Inc O 253.53 +.08 Zebra Tech O 427.37 +7.46
Nasdaq S&P 500 Russell 2000 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Based on market capitalization Based on total assets CHG 1-YR
u +269.23 (+1.93%) u +63.92 (+1.43%) u +23.23 (+1.13%) AMC Entertainment A20.23 -.51 Alphabet Inc C 2826.24 +56.17 American Funds AMCpA m 39.86 +.53 +5.4
Ford Motor 16.83 +.15 Alphabet Inc A 2831.44 +65.93 American Funds AmrcnBalA m 32.07 +.24 +8.4
Alibaba Group Hldg 115.15 -2.09 Inc 3272.99 +4.83 American Funds CptWldGrIncA m58.69 +.56 +3.4
Close 14,191.84 Close 4,520.16 Close 2,075.44 Sthwstn Energy 5.95 +.19 Apple Inc 174.07 +3.86 American Funds CptlIncBldrA m 68.20 +.51 +8.4
Uber Technologies 34.70 +1.64 Bank of America 43.07 -.02 American Funds FdmtlInvsA m 71.52 +.95 +10.6
High 14,193.55 High 4,520.58 High 2,075.49 Cleveland-Cliffs Inc 32.67 +3.51 Berkshire Hath B 352.37 +4.21 American Funds GrfAmrcA m 66.15 +.89 +5.7
Itau Unibanco Hldg 5.64 +.06 American Funds IncAmrcA m 25.26 +.16 +10.4
Exxon Mobil Corp 83.38 +.25
Low 13,897.20 Low 4,465.17 Low 2,047.27 Banco Bradesco ADS 4.52 +.08 JPMorgan Chase 140.69 +.91
American Funds InvCAmrcA m 49.17 +.62 +13.0
New Oriental Educ 1.33 ... American Funds NwPrspctvA m 59.36 +.73 +5.3
Johnson & Johnson 175.24 +.90
Previous 13,922.61 Previous 4,456.24 Previous 2,052.21 DiDi Global Inc 3.80 -.01 American Funds WAMtInvsA m 59.22 +.77 +18.3
MasterCard Inc 349.35 +7.17 Baird AggrgateBdInstl 10.59 -.04 -5.2
Carnival Corp 18.49 +.19
Bank of America 43.07 -.02 Meta Platforms Inc 219.57 +6.11 Dodge & Cox Inc 13.28 -.04 -4.3
10-yr T-note Gold futures Yen Euro Crude Oil Palantir Technol 13.39 +.21 Microsoft Corp 304.10 +4.61 Dodge & Cox IntlStk 47.24 +.11 +3.9
Vale SA 20.02 +.09 Nvidia Corporation 281.50+25.16 Dodge & Cox Stk 250.93 +2.06 +18.4
Occid Petl 57.75 -2.09 Procter & Gamble 151.08 +.26 DoubleLine TtlRetBdI 9.85 -.03 -3.6
u u u u d AT&T Inc 23.33 +.12 Taiwan Semicon 107.92 +2.57 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm
Fidelity BCGrowth
157.32 +2.23 +17.9
161.37 +3.62 +7.8
ICICI Bank Ltd 18.26 +.15 Tesla Inc 1013.92 +14.81
Fidelity Contrafund 16.76 +.27 +12.2
+.03 +25.00 +1.13 +.0009 -2.59 Ginkgo Bioworks Hldg 3.72 +.20 Unitedhealth Group 513.46+10.23
Fidelity ExMktIdxInPr 79.15 +1.00 -2.3
US Steel Corp 38.20 +2.33 Visa Inc 217.31 +2.63
to 2.34% to $1,961.60 to 122.26/$1 to .9093/$1 to $112.34 Petrobras 14.46 +.27 WalMart Strs 142.83 +.88
Fidelity GroCo 32.49 +.78 +9.5
Fidelity IntlIdxInstlPrm 45.98 +.23 +1.5
Ambev S.A. 2.92 ... Fidelity InvmGradeBd 10.88 -.04 -3.9
Pfizer Inc 52.59 +.40 Fidelity TtlMktIdxInsPrm 126.32 +1.76 +14.1
Major market growth and decline Verizon Comm
Marathon Oil
51.00 +.03
Fidelity USBdIdxInsPrm
Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI
11.19 -.05
10.17 -.04
NASDAQ STOCK MARKET 3-month Disc 0.50 0.50 PIMCO IncInstl 11.25 -.02 -1.9
5-day % change 30-day % change 1-year % change 6-month disc 0.93 0.93 PIMCO TtlRetIns 9.57 -.04 -4.5
2-year 2.13 2.13 Schwab SP500Idx 68.43 ... +15.5
Sundial Growers Inc .75 +.14 10-year 2.34 2.31 T. Rowe Price BCGr 155.52 +2.92 +4.3
DOW NASD S&P DOW NASD S&P DOW NASD S&P Mullen Automotive 3.00 -.11 30-year 2.51 2.52 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 417.13 +5.93 +17.8
+.66 +4.24 +2.46 +4.47 +5.33 +5.40 +6.40 +9.36 +15.62 Adv Micro Dev 120.53 +6.61 Vanguard BalIdxAdmrl 45.79 +.32 +6.4
Tilray Brands Inc 6.97 +1.25 SPOT METALS Vanguard DivGrInv 38.12 +.40 +18.6
Zosano Pharma Corp .25 +.02 Vanguard EqIncAdmrl 92.87 +.80 +18.2
u u u u u u u u u Imperial Petroleum 1.79 -.31 CLOSE PREV. Vanguard GrIdxAdmrl
Vanguard HCAdmrl
147.15 +2.73 +14.3
92.31 +1.16 +12.6
Apple Inc 174.07 +3.86 Gold $1961.60 $1936.60
Nvidia Corporation 281.50 +25.16 Silver $25.900 $25.170 Vanguard InTrTEAdmrl 13.87 -.03 -3.7
Hycroft Mining Holdg 1.32 +.04 Platinum $1031.20 $1021.00 Vanguard InsIdxIns 382.83 +5.45 +17.8
FUTURES JX Luxventure Ltd 4.30 +.92 Vanguard InsIdxInsPlus 382.82 +5.44 +17.8
BiondVax Pharma 1.74 +.37 INTEREST RATES Vanguard IntlGrAdmrl 117.03 +.58 -14.2
Nikola Corp 9.66 +.52 Vanguard MdCpIdxAdmrl 293.33 +3.82 +10.7
WHEAT (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel May 22 1105.75 1115 1080.50 1085.75 -20 Intel Corp 51.62 +3.35 Prime Rate 3.50 Vanguard PrmCpAdmrl 161.86 +2.54 +9.2
Pinduoduo Inc ADS 44.94 -4.46 Discount Rate Primary 1.00 Vanguard STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.33 -.01 -3.7
Jul 22 1091.25 1100.50 1067 1074.50 -16.75 Vanguard SmCpIdxAdmrl 101.90 +1.03 +4.3
IQIYI Inc 4.77 +.09 Fed Funds Target 0.25-0.50
CORN (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel May 22 757 762.50 745 748.25 -9.50 American Airlines Gp 16.72 +.51 Money Mkt Overnight Avg. 0.07 Vanguard TrgtRtr2020Fd 29.46 +.10 +2.2
Meta Platforms Inc 219.57 +6.11 Vanguard TrgtRtr2025Fd 19.21 +.09 +2.8
Jul 22 734.50 739.50 725.25 728.50 -6.25
FOREIGN EXCHANGE Vanguard TrgtRtr2030Fd 36.23 +.22 +3.7
SoFi Technologies 9.47 +.10
SOYBEANS (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel May 22 1722.25 1730 1697.50 1700.75 -18 Vanguard TrgtRtr2035Fd 22.48 +.15 +4.7
VEON Ltd .61 +.05
A U.S. Dollar buys . . . Vanguard TrgtRtr2040Fd 39.63 +.31 +5.7
Jul 22 1701.25 1708 1680 1682.25 -16.25 Exela Technologies .46 -.01
Argentina (Peso) 110.1261 Vanguard TrgtRtr2045Fd 26.76 +.24 +6.7
SOYBEAN OIL (CBOT) 60,000 lbs- cents per lb May 22 75.91 76.63 74.15 74.29 -1.68 AgriFORCE Gr Sys Ltd 4.91 +1.27
Australia (Dollar) 1.3315 Vanguard TrgtRtr2050Fd 44.23 +.40 +6.9
Microsoft Corp 304.10 +4.61 Vanguard TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.44 -.04 -4.8
Jul 22 73.04 73.59 71.20 72.11 -.85 Micron Tech 78.21 +2.56 Brazil (Real) 4.8285
Vanguard TtBMIdxIns 10.44 -.04 -4.8
SOYBEAN MEAL (CBOT) 100 tons- dollars per ton May 22 485.10 489.00 482.40 485.90 +.80 Tesla Inc 1013.92 +14.81 Britain (Pound) .7586
Vanguard TtInSIdxAdmrl 32.14 +.17 -.1
Canada (Dollar) 1.2547
Jul 22 477.80 481.10 474.90 477.20 -.40 Vanguard TtInSIdxIns 128.54 +.68 -.1
FOREIGN MARKETS China (Yuan) 6.3678 Vanguard TtInSIdxInv 19.22 +.10 -.2
LIGHT SWEET CRUDE (NYMX) 1,000 bbl.- dollars per bbl. May 22 114.47 116.64 110.61 112.34 -2.59 Euro .9093 Vanguard TtlSMIdxAdmrl 110.57 +1.53 +14.1
Jun 22 111.41 113.51 107.79 109.43 -2.56 India (Rupee) 76.310 Vanguard TtlSMIdxIns 110.59 +1.53 +14.1
Shanghai 3250.26 -20.8/-.6 Israel (Shekel) 3.2284 Vanguard WlngtnAdmrl 78.04 +.54 +8.9
NATURAL GAS (NYMX) 10,000 mm btu’s, $ per mm btu Apr 22 5.115 5.464 5.063 5.401 +.169 Stoxx600 453.07 -.0/-.2 Japan (Yen) 122.26 Vanguard WlslyIncAdmrl 66.95 +.02 +3.9
May 22 5.158 5.508 5.114 5.446 +.172 Nikkei 28110.39 +70.2/+.3 Mexico (Peso) 20.1250 Vanguard WndsrIIAdmrl 78.92 +.87 +14.3
MSCI-EAFE 2165.35 +.4/+.0 Poland (Zloty) 4.33 d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee.
NY HARBOR GAS BLEND (NYMX)42,000 gallons- dollars per gallon Apr 22 3.4075 3.5000 3.3410 3.3897 -.0490
Bovespa 119049.41+1592.1/+1.4 So. Korea (Won) 1221.00 m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing
May 22 3.3951 3.4727 3.3208 3.3689 -.0506 FTSE 100 7467.38 +6.8/+.1 Taiwan (Dollar) 28.67 fee and either a sales or redemption fee.
Source: The Associated Press CAC-40 6555.77 -25.7/-.4 Thailand (Baht) 33.52 Source: Morningstar.
8  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022


French Police members Rolondo Donjuan, from left, Brian Flores and Manny Herrera do a sound check before their performance at Livewire Lounge March 18 in Chicago.

‘Keep making better music’

Chicago indie band French Police has internet fame. Next up is a tour.
grown too. This summer, they’ll guitar and improvising sounds and the ease of in-person rehearsals
get to live out some of their largest lyrics until a song begins to form and the immediate feedback of
dreams as they embark on their first around it. live shows in front of an audience,
West Coast tour. But first, they’ll “In terms of like, making music, the band was forced to find what
make an appearance at Chop Shop I think it was kind of like the best worked best for their group moving
in Wicker Park next week. time because I was just isolated by forward and based on their own
Britt Julious French Police as a band was the myself. All I could do was really tastes.
result of years spent making the make music,” Flores said. “I usually Such dire straits ultimately
“I just want to always outdo wrong kind of music in other bands try to finish a song the day that I’m proved beneficial. Their first show
myself from my previous project,” that weren’t the right kind of fit. making it. Just don’t want to lose with the new lineup took place
said Brian Flores, founder of indie And even French Police itself has the magic and all that.” in June 2021. The added conse-
rock band French Police. “I just gone through numerous lineup And although Flores takes inspi- quences of not playing together
want to be better each time.” changes, with Flores remaining the ration from other bands or sounds and live for so long made the show
And better, Flores has become, at only constant after a fallout with (French Police’s music certainly a success. Later this summer,
least according to the internet. other band members. recalls the cold acidity of European they’ll take their act on the road
Although French Police has only Reforming a band during the synth pop), he says his greatest for a West Coast tour that includes
existed in its current three-piece pandemic was difficult. Without source of inspiration is him chal- stops in Seattle, Portland, Las Vegas
lineup for a little over a year, the the prospect of live shows to gain a lenging himself. “I want to make a and Los Angeles, among others.
band has steadily amassed a follow- local audience, the band was solely song to completion, and just have it “I think with the kind of the
ing of listeners around the country reliant on the possibilities of the be something that I want to listen success we’ve been having right
interested in their nostalgic brand internet. to over and over,” he added. now, it’s kind of made us take it
of synth pop and post punk. Since “It was tough because, you know, With the advantages of modern even more seriously,” Flores added.
launching, the group has amassed we couldn’t play shows or anything recording technology, the group “And like, it’s pushed us even more
a quietly growing following, with like that. So everything was based off was able to write and record to be like, ‘Hey man, we have like
numerous Instagram followers and like whatever we’re just releasing on together, even if they were not in a lot of potential. Let’s keep going.
more than 24,000 monthly listen- Spotify or whatever,” said Donjuan. the same room. One band member Let’s keep growing. Keep making
ers on Spotify. Their most popular “It was kind of frustrating because could send the other the parts better music.’ ”
track, “Hidalgo,” from 2019’s “Peda- I remember we finally got to play a they had completed while bounc-
leo Nocturno” EP has more than show like it was like a big deal.” ing ideas off of each other from ACTORS + French Police +
215,000 listeners and counting. Yet the writing process itself the comfort of their own homes. PanicPriest + Palm Ghosts is 8 p.m.
Since growing in size with never suffered. Flores, the group’s Although it was not an ideal situa- March 29 at the Chop Shop,
the addition of bassist Rolondo primary songwriter, records at tion, especially for a renewed band 2033 W. North Ave.; tickets $18
Donjuan and lead guitarist Manny home using a basic recording trying to capture its footing, it did at
Herrera in the spring of 2021, setup. Most of it is made by himself, help shape them into the sharp and
French Police’s ambitions have also randomly playing with the bass sleek act they are today. Without Britt Julious is a freelance critic.

Movies no longer have

the same cultural cachet
Yes, of course,
fewer people care
about the Oscars

Nina Metz
Marshall Allen, 97, performs with the Arkestra. Allen has led the Arkestra since
In the lead-up to Sunday’s 1995, succeeding saxophonist John Gilmore. SIBYLLE ZERR
94th Oscars ceremony on
ABC, there’s been all kinds
of panicked flop sweat about
dwindling audience numbers
Sun Ra Arkestra makes
its way back to Chicago
and reversing the trend. The The 94th Academy Awards will air live on ABC Sunday.
deeper anxiety is that the DANNY MOLOSHOK/INVISION
Oscars are losing their rele-
vance altogether as a must-see interest in the Oscars is going hyperbole is emblematic of a
broadcast. To which I say: They to wane. mindset that insists Hollywood Legacy kept alive by changed, black coats and ties
are and so what? Good movies are good has be the center of the movie refracting into a spectrum of head-
Nothing stays the same. movies, regardless of how many universe. More and more view- 97-year-old bandmate dresses and capes.
The movie business itself has people tune in to watch a few ers, I suspect, are starting to feel Then, Ra — born Herman
changed dramatically: What statues being handed out. But otherwise. By Hannah Edgar “Sonny” Blount in Birmingham,
gets made. What gets the big if we think about the Acad- I never liked the horse-race For Chicago Tribune Alabama, where he lived before
marketing push. How all of it emy Awards as the elaborate reporting around the awards moving to Chicago in 1946 —
gets distributed. If the Academy promotional scheme they actu- circuit anyway. The Oscars have Patrons of South Side jazz clubs started telling people he was from
Awards don’t have the cachet ally are, then maybe it’s time a long and entrenched prob- in the 1950s might have noticed Saturn.
they once did, that’s because Hollywood finds other ways to lem of prioritizing the talents something a bit different about As the years went on, it was hard
“the movies” aren’t the shared hawk worthy films. For years, of white people, both in front of pianist Sun Ra’s big band — slowly not to take Ra at his word. The
cultural experience they once Oscar presenters would stand and behind the camera, while at first, then all at once. Their original compositions and arrange-
were. And if we aren’t collec- on stage and declare that one ignoring the work of others. But sounds became more far-out, the ments he played with his Arkestra,
tively watching the same films billion people worldwide were the Oscars weren’t founded on synthy buzz of claviolines and as he called that big band founded
anymore, outside of a hand- watching the broadcast. It was Wurlitzers replacing Ra’s usual
ful of blockbusters, of course never true. But that kind of Turn to Metz, Page 9 uprights. Bit by bit, their clothes Turn to Band, Page 10
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022  9


Harry Styles to release new album ASK AMY

From news services By Amy Dickinson Twitter@askingamy
Some pleasing news
for Harry Styles fans:
The English pop star is
releasing a new album
this spring. On Wednes-
day, Styles and Sony
Mom wonders how to limit gifts at birthday
Music announced that Dear Readers: Every year I Dear Amy: We dealt with by having a “theme” party,
the 28-year-old perform- step away from my column this issue in our household asking parents to help their
er’s third studio album, briefly to work on other by asking guests to bring a youngsters give an “outer
“Harry’s House,” will creative projects. Today’s favorite book. The birthday space” related book or
debut May 20. “Best of” topic from 10 boy opened them at the toy, or to bring something
“Harry’s House” is years ago is: “present party, thanked the guests, related to bugs, horses
Styles’ latest solo effort, tense.” read them and then we or NASCAR. However,
following the releases of donated them to our local ultimately you cannot
his Grammy-nominated Dear Amy: My oldest son book drive. control other parents (or
sophomore record, “Fine will be turning 5 next — Worked For Us kids). And so you must
Line,” and his debut studio month. We are planning a do the challenging work
album, “Sign of the Times.” party at a local park with Dear Worked: I love the of educating your daugh-
The singer previously simple games and food. idea of a book party. Thank ter about the messages
released several albums as My problem is I don’t you. conveyed through these
a member of the boy band want guests to bring pres- fashion dolls and about
One Direction. ents. He has lots of toys! Dear Amy: My daughter your own values regarding
As of Wednesday, not However, I don’t want him is turning 5 next month, them.
much information was to be hurt with the expec- and she has asked for a big
available about the upcom- tation of opening presents. party with her friends. Dear Amy: I grew up play-
ing album — except that it Please help! We’re concerned about ing with these dolls and am
will consist of 13 tracks and Harry Styles is set to release his new album, “Harry’s House,” — Present Tense gifts. Specifically, we’re now an avid reader, expect
is available to pre-save on on May 20. JAY L. CLENDENIN/LOS ANGELES TIMES 2021 worried about people to graduate near the top of
Spotify and Apple Music. Dear Present Tense: At giving Barbies or worse, my class, and have a very
The singer’s announce- “investigate the labels that agreed on a settlement. your son’s age, giving and those Bratz or Monster healthy self-image.
ment comes shortly after try to hold women back,” The pop sensation, 28, receiving gifts is import- High dolls. We don’t have — Better Than Barbie
he launched his new according to a summary filed the $20 million suit ant, not because of the stuff Barbies in the house, and
beauty and apparel brand, posted on Spotify. in June 2020 seeking $10 you get, but because of the the Bratz/Monster High Dear Better: Thank you
Pleasing, which recently The streaming service million from each defen- social exchange — that of dolls are simply disturbing. for pointing out that these
named Mick Fleetwood of on Thursday released a dant who alleged that he generosity and gratitude — At a recent party for one dolls might not be as
Fleetwood Mac fame as its teaser that opened with assaulted them, one in that children demonstrate of her friends (also turning “dangerous” as this mother
official ambassador. clips of people using the 2014 and the other in 2015. as they celebrate birthdays. 5), almost every gift was thinks.
Styles has also been words “slut” and “skanky” He claimed the testimo- One way to balance the a Barbie, Bratz or some
busy pursuing a career in and talking about the nies they posted on Twitter number of toys your son other “fashion” doll. Dear Amy: When I was
acting since making his stereotypes applied to were “outrageous lies” that has is to ask him to choose What? Girls don’t like growing up, I loved my
big-screen debut in 2017’s women’s strength and are “probably fabricated” one older toy to put in a books, nature, space, color- Barbies. I lined them up,
“Dunkirk.” Premiering intelligence. and “factually impossible.” basket for each new toy ing, crafts, puzzles? and we played school.
in September is Olivia The singer’s legal team he receives. You will then Is there any way to let I taught them what I
Wilde’s psychological Bieber drops lawsuit said he has “indisputable recycle these “basket toys” people know that we don’t learned in class. I helped
thriller “Don’t Worry against Twitter users: documentary evidence” (eventually) by giving want “fashion” dolls in the them solve little-girl prob-
Darling,” and then he’ll Justin Bieber has dropped that the social media users them to another family house? lems. For a child, there is
appear in Michael Gran- the lawsuit that he filed made up their stories. The member, donating them to We could say no gifts at much more to a Barbie
dage’s period drama “My against two social media complaint said Bieber a local charity or shelter, or all, but around here, people than the way she looks.
Policeman.” users who accused him on turned to legal action “to by having a yard sale. bring gifts anyway. If we do This mom should relax
Twitter of sexual assault. clear his name and set the nothing, most of her gifts and allow her child’s imag-
Meghan’s podcast to Attorneys for the singer record straight.” Dear Amy: I agree with will be Barbies — or worse. ination to take over.
focus on female stereo- requested a dismissal of you that gift exchanges We won’t allow her to keep — Barbie Fan
types: The first podcast the defamation lawsuit March 25 birthdays: Critic are important for young them, and that’s not a great
from Prince Harry and in Los Angeles Superior Gene Shalit is 96. Actor children. A friend of mine outcome either. So, our Dear Fan: I agree. In my
Meghan’s partnership with Court last week, according Paul Michael Glaser is 79. handled this by asking all choices seem to be either experience as a parent, the
Spotify will focus on harm- to court documents. The Musician Elton John is 75. of her little guests to bring 1.) cancel the party or 2.) worst thing about Barbies
ful labels and stereotypes request was made with Actor Mary Gross is 69. food, a toy, etc., for a dog include a small note on the was trying to get their
applied to women. prejudice for all parties Actor Marcia Cross is 60. — and they donated all of invitation saying, “No fash- shoes to stay on those tiny
The “Archetypes” and all causes of action, Actor Lisa Gay Hamilton these gifts to their local ion dolls, please.” What do pointy feet.
podcast will be hosted by meaning Bieber cannot is 58. Actor Sarah Jessica shelter. It was a lot of fun, you think we should do?
the Duchess of Sussex and refile the same claim Parker is 57. Actor Lee and the kids enjoyed it too. — Concerned Parents Copyright 2022 by Amy
is expected to launch this against the two Jane Does Pace is 43. Comedian Alex — Faithful Reader Dickinson
summer. The series will mentioned in the lawsuit. Moffat is 40. Singer Kath- Dear Concerned: You could
feature interviews with The documents did not arine McPhee is 38. Come- Dear Faithful: This is a try to control the gifts Distributed by Tribune
historians and experts to indicate whether they had dian Chris Redd is 37. great idea. coming into your house Content Agency

Jackie Cooper, left, with producer Louis B. Mayer at the premiere of

Cooper’s 1933 film “The Bowery.” AP

Metz hang medals all over them. If I

got them cups and awards, they’d
from Page 8 kill themselves to produce what I Carol Lawrence, from left, Rachel Zegler and Rita Moreno at the premiere of “West Side Story.”
wanted. That’s why the Academy VALERIE MACON/GETTY-AFP
merit or a noble urge to celebrate Award was created.”
the best in film anyway; the Acad- For its first few years, the Acad- of strange decisions in the hopes I’ve been pretty hard on the French Connection’ or ‘Heat.’ But
emy itself was launched as a way emy functioned as its own union of luring audiences back. But if Oscars, and while it’s not my job if they lived in suburbs, they make
to subvert the efforts of actors and — essentially a company-con- you haven’t been watching the to brainstorm marketing schemes comedies.” He’s not wrong! Mann
others in forming labor unions. trolled union as opposed to an Oscars in recent years, I’m not for Hollywood — people get paid chooses the climactic shootout
This isn’t an obscure detail, but independent trade union — that sure the prospect of (checks a lot more money than I to do just from 1995’s “Heat” starring Al
it’s one we probably don’t talk had its own standard contract notes) non-movie profession- that — I do think a new series on Pacino and Robert De Niro. I’ve
about enough. outlining terms and conditions als like Tony Hawk, Kelly Slater HBO Max called “One Perfect never gotten around to seeing
Back in the mid-1920s, MGM of work. That is, until company and Shaun White showing up Shot” (premiering this week) “Heat,” but you know what? Now
founder Louis B. Mayer and his unions were outlawed in 1935. as presenters will change your offers some ideas about how to I want to after watching Mann’s
fellow movie moguls decided So those are the origins of your mind. Nor will the change this promote movies and the people episode of “One Perfect Shot.”
they needed “an organization not-so-precious Oscars. Which is year of moving eight awards who make them. That’s marketing.
to handle labor problems at the why I can’t get worked up over a including film editing and Created and hosted by Ava Aaron Sorkin is featured in
studio without having to get into PR scheme that is starting to falter production design to a pre-show DuVernay (a past Oscar nominee another episode and, while he’s
the union thing,” the film critic nearly 100 years after it began. slot, where they will be taped and herself ) and inspired by the Twit- a visually indistinct filmmaker,
and historian David Thomson They had a good run! Doesn’t then sliced and diced and edited ter account of the same name, the I appreciate that he walks us
wrote in a 2014 piece for Vanity mean I don’t like seeing great into main event. six-episode docuseries allows a through a technical challenge
Fair that details the cynical mind- films (and the people who helped Did you hear that Disney failed director to talk about one scene, from 2020’s “The Trial of the
set behind the Academy’s launch. make them) get a boost. Doesn’t to use one of its allotted tickets from one movie, and how they got Chicago 7”when filming the
“It would be a public relations mean the prospect of a live broad- to ensure that Rachel Zegler, the the shot. melee that took place between
operation that pumped out the cast featuring no shortage of egos star of the studio’s best picture The series needs work and police and protesters in Grant
message that Hollywood was a (and occasionally the rare glimpse nominee “West Side Story,” doesn’t yet live up to its title; Park. The budget only allowed for
wonderful place where delightful of humility) isn’t fun to watch. But would be in attendance? If the there’s too much emphasis on only 120 protesters: “How do you
and thrilling stories were made to this was never a pure endeavor. I Oscars are really just a glamor- the director’s biography and not turn 120 protesters into thou-
give the folks a good time.” guarantee on Sunday we’ll hear ous PR project — and they are, enough on the technical aspects sands and thousands? Through
They decided to call it the at least one presenter utter some Blanche, they are — why so many of the scene in question. But I a crowd duplication technique
Academy of Motion Picture Arts version of the phrase “the magic unforced PR errors? Anyway, the like the idea behind it. What if called tiling.” And then he shows
and Sciences, as if “the Academy of the movies.” That sentiment Academy stepped in and invited the Academy scraped the Oscars exactly what the CGI entails.
had always been there, arranged starts to sound pretty hollow Zegler to be a presenter, so crisis and focused on producing a series Understanding that doesn’t
by God and Harvard and Albert when you read through any of the averted. But as film editor Myron like this every year? It’s a way to make me like this particular
Einstein,” is how Thompson puts brutally honest anonymous Oscar Kerstein, nominated this year honor innovative work, but also movie any better. But I have a
it. (Reader, I laughed!) ballot pieces published by The for “tick, tick … Boom!,” noted give audiences a sense of what deeper understanding of how it
Someone at their first banquet Hollywood Reporter each year. If on Twitter: “With all do respect problem-solving looks like on was made and why, which just
suggested they hand out prizes Academy members can’t summon to the great and talented Rachel these massive creative endeavors. generally has a way of creat-
and the rest is history. The Holly- enthusiasm for the nominees — Zegler, there seems to be more The Michael Mann episode ing more interest in movies in
wood biography “Lion of Holly- their own peers, for crying out support for a star than all the features the director talking general.
wood: The Life and Legend of loud — why should audiences? Do categories who won’t be able to about the ways his Chicago Far more, I would argue, than
Louis B. Mayer” quotes the big people who make movies even like be featured live on the broadcast. upbringing influenced his film- an Oscars broadcast ever did.
man himself on this develop- the industry they’re working in? What is wrong with this town?” making: “Film directors that
ment: “I found that the best way The producers of this year’s I mean … what is wrong, come from Chicago and lived in Nina Metz is a Tribune critic
to handle (moviemakers) was to broadcast have made a number indeed! the inner city make films like ‘The
10  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022

Band volumes on Ra, Corbett accom-

panied Abraham on his failed
places. Sun Ra was very much at
the center of launching that.”
from Page 8 mission to place the collection. According to an undated form
After Abraham’s death in Abraham saved, Ra applied to
in Chicago, didn’t sound like 1999, that collection would have the NASA Art Program, which
anything else. They still don’t. headed to the landfill had Corbett solicited applications for proj-
But just as subtly as they not taken note and arranged to ects intended for a future space
touched down on the South Side, salvage the material. Since 2007, station. In his application, Ra
the Arkestra disappeared. In it’s been held by the University petitioned the visual- and plas-
1961, the band left town to play in of Chicago’s Special Collections tic-arts-oriented program to give
Montreal. They never returned Research Center. The Alton his music a shot in space. “You
to Chicago. The Arkestra settled Abraham Papers remain the know it is said ‘Music soothes the
in New York, then Philadelphia, most centralized trove of first- savage beast,’ and what is called
where they’ve been ever since, in hand information on the Sun Ra man is very anarchy-minded at
a rowhouse once owned by band- Arkestra’s Chicago years — that is, present,” he wrote.
leader Marshall Allen’s father. except for Marshall Allen. If Ra received a reply, it’s lost
“On the way home, a New York “All the original people are to time. Luckily, Ra’s music has
taxi hit our car and tore it up. We gone. They’ve left me by myself,” resounded mightily on Earth in
stopped there waiting for them Allen says, heaving a sigh. “So, the decades since. In the past year
to pay for it, and next thing you I’ve decided to dedicate the rest alone, the once-outre Arkestra
know, we were living in New of my time to promoting the has enjoyed institutional recog-
York,” Allen remembers with a music. Sun Ra was a great musi- nition that would even boggle the
raspy laugh. “Yeah. It was weird.” cian, and his music needs to be mind of its prescient founder. The
But the group is soon visiting heard. You see?” The Arkestra plays at a venue. Marshall Allen, second from left, plays Arkestra headlined an Afrofutur-
Chicago, with two performances Born in Louisville, Kentucky, saxophone with John Gilmore to his right; Sun Ra wears a white helmet in ism festival at Carnegie Hall in
on March 26 at Constellation. Allen came to Chicago by way the back, to the far right. JOHN CORBETT February and was recently nomi-
Allen, who’s led the Arkestra of Europe, where he studied nated for its first-ever Grammy,
since 1995, turns a spry 98 in May. music for a few years after World “Suddenly, I don’t know noth- while racial justice movements for 2020’s “Swirling.” The riot-
After Ra died in 1993, saxophonist War II. He joined the army as a ing — and I didn’t! I had to break fomented at home. The Space ous, ebullient album became
John Gilmore succeeded him as fresh-faced 18-year-old in 1942, all those years of training to do Race fueling the former was, to a bittersweet time capsule:
Arkestra bandleader until he died shortly after the bombing of something different. It’s like some African American commen- Between when it was recorded
in 1995. Now, not only is Allen the Pearl Harbor; a couple of years life: You might know, but it don’t tators, a distraction from the and released, on Strut Records,
Arkestra’s figurehead, he’s the last and a whole lot of life later, Allen always work.” latter. But to others, it was a conguero Atakatune and sax
surviving member to live through was among the troops to liberate But Allen was patient. He lodestar. Pop-cultural visions of player/former Arkestra manager
the band’s foundational Chicago concentration camps along the listened to Ra and studied his gleaming, stainless-steel metrop- Danny Ray Thompson both died.
period. Eastern Front. philosophies about not just the olises became backdrops for a I asked Allen if he frequents old
When we connected over the “You can’t even imagine those cosmos but world religions, future in which Black people Chicago haunts whenever he’s
phone to talk about those years, things. It was horrible,” he says. Ancient Egypt and the African were not just equal but thriving. in town, or if it calls up too many
Allen spoke deliberately, as if Allen first heard about the American experience — all of Chicago was no exception. painful memories of departed
tasting every word before he Arkestra at Seymour’s Record which Ra proselytized through Multiple Defender issues from Arkestra colleagues. He answers
said it. But he’s far from guarded, Mart, not far from his job grind- polemical speeches delivered in the era document the cosmolog- quickly and decisively.
tossing out quips that spark peals ing lenses and manufacturing Washington Park. Allen’s deter- ical craze du jour, from a “Space “That’s yesterday. The thing we
of infectious, sandpapery cack- polishing pads for the Revere mination to join the Arkestra cost Capers”-themed Mardi Gras cele- did yesterday is obsolete because
les. After dropping a nugget of Camera Company. Joe Segal, him plenty of sleep — and, even- bration in 1958 to “Mrs. Astro- it’s a new day and a new vibra-
wisdom, Allen buttons it with the the future founder of the Jazz tually, his camera manufacturing naut” pageants. Ra’s Arkestra, of tion,” he says. “It depends on the
same refrain, as inevitable as a Showcase, worked as a clerk at job. course, was part of the mix. spirit of the city, you see. Some-
punctuation mark: “You see?” Seymour’s at the time. He handed “I was coming into work kind “Sun Ra and his Outer Space times I arrive a day ahead to see
One gets the sense Allen off an Arkestra demo to Allen, of late, so when they laid every- Arkestra (were) featured at people and sit in the vibrations. I
doesn’t mean it colloquially, who nearly wore out the record. body off, I was one of the first Budland Sunday,” read a notice in can’t tell you what we’re going to
either. Today, the Sun Ra Arkes- It was unlike anything he’d ever ones out,” he remembers with a a 1957 Defender issue. “Of course, play, but I’ve got enough music
tra’s influence on avant-garde heard. snort. “So, I said, ‘That’s it,’ and the affair featured Outer Space in the book to do whatever I feel
American music and Afrofu- “I came back and said, ‘Hey, I went all the way with Sun Ra.” dancing.” that day.”
turist thought is incontestable. like Sun Ra,’ and (Joe) said, ‘Well, The Arkestra held extended In his 2020 book “Sun Ra’s “I’m not playing for no fame or
However, while the Arkestra has he practices every night up on the engagements at the South Side’s Chicago: Afrofuturism and the money — I don’t care. I’m play-
always drawn a cult following, South Side, and he’s looking for premier ballrooms, all now long City,” urban sociologist and ing music for people who need
institutions were slow to recog- talent.’ So I got myself together gone: Vincennes Lounge (1954- University of Chicago profes- something,” Allen says. “I want to
nize their eminence. In the 1990s, and went over there,” Allen says. 1955), Budland (1956-1959), sor William Sites connects those create a better world, no matter
Ra’s former business manager It would be some time before Casino Moderne (1957-1958), local phenomena with Ra’s own how small.”
Alton Abraham tried to donate Ra trusted him enough to let Queen’s Mansion (1958-1959) philosophies while highlighting “You see?”
his collection of thousands of him in the Arkestra, in 1958. and Wonder Inn (1960-1961). what set his cosmology apart.
manuscripts, writings, photos Allen mostly observed the band, Listeners took note of the far-out “This was the period after the 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. March 26 at
and ephemera belonging to Ra to attending rehearsals and gigs but sounds. “Sun Ra and sidemen Sputnik launch and the ramping Constellation, 3111 N. Western
Chicago-area archives. He had no was rarely invited to step in for have a new concept of music up of a ‘new frontier’ ideology. Ave.; tickets $30. More informa-
takers. a whole tune. Allen remembers with many progressive ideas and But for Sun Ra, outer space was tion at
“At that time, people weren’t the first number Ra finally invited degrees of jazz that is basic and a utopian place for full develop-
using the word ‘Afrofuturism’ to play with the group: “Sponta- swinging, yet new in sounds,” ment and emancipated commu- Hannah Edgar is a freelance
with any regularity. None of them neous Simplicity.” But for a while, wrote the Chicago Defender in nal life, specifically for African writer.
could get their head around the that was it. 1959. diasporic peoples — not a place
idea of setting aside space for “I’d come out of conservatory, At the time the Arkestra made for conquest,” Sites says. “It’s a The Rubin Institute for Music
someone as insignificant, to them, I was up on my reading, my eyes a name for themselves in 1950s notion that’s increasingly echoed Criticism helps fund our classical
as Sun Ra,” says John Corbett. were good, my tone was good — I Chicago, the state of the world in the decades that follow: We music coverage. The Chicago Tri-
The co-owner of the Corbett vs. was a polished musician. Then, wasn’t too far off from our own find this kind of Afrofuturism in bune maintains complete editorial
Dempsey art gallery near West I get with Sun Ra, and he turns present moment. An escalat- Africa, we find it in the Carib- control over assignments and
Town and author of several everything around,” Allen says. ing Cold War loomed abroad bean, we find it in many different content.

S T E !

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Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022  11


The biggest summer lineup in years

Sting, Common, ‘Don
Giovanni’ announced
for upcoming shows
By Hannah Edgar
For Chicago Tribune

Music returned to the Highland

Park grounds of the Ravinia Festi-
val last summer. But this summer
might more accurately be called its
grand return.
All the festival buildings and
food vendors will reopen, the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
(CSO) and Chorus will both return
for their usual six-week residency,
and the festival will resume its
usual performance load — more
than 100 events and 50 artist
debuts — from May 20 through
September 18.
Just a few of those performances
are still holdovers from the 2020
festival that never was. For the
most part, the 2022 season is the
first mostly programmed under
the aegis of Ravinia’s new leader,
president and CEO Jeff Haydon,
who succeeded Welz Kauffman
during that silent summer.
“We wondered, ‘Hey, does
the lock still work on the gate?
We haven’t opened it in a year,’ ”
Haydon remembers. “People still Concertgoers sit in the Pavilion and on the lawn during a 2021 performance at Ravinia Festival in Highland Park. JOHN J. KIM/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
tell me Ravinia was the first time
they came to an event in a year, or Chicago Philharmonic plays
the first time they heard live music. “The Goonies” in concert (7 p.m.
I’d tell them, ‘I have no idea what July 6)
you went through, but I can imag- Sheryl Crow, Keb’ Mo’ and
ine it was a lot. So, thank you.’ Southern Avenue (7:30 p.m. July 7)
“Now, we’re back in a big way, John Fogerty (7:30 p.m. July 8)
but it’s not something to take for Michael Franti & Spearhead and
granted. It’s something we really Arrested Development (7:30 p.m.
appreciate.” July 9)
“Back in a big way” means Lyle Lovett & His Large Band
major new initiatives, like Ravin- and Chris Isaak (7 p.m. July 10)
ia’s Breaking Barriers series (July “Shake Your Money Maker,” The
29-31). Each year, the series will Black Crowes (7:30 p.m. July 12)
focus on trailblazers in classi- CSO with pianist Stewart
cal music, though Haydon says Goodyear (8 p.m. July 15)
he doesn’t want to “pigeonhole Laurie Berkner, Kids Concerts
Breaking Barriers to exclusively series (11 a.m. July 16)
classical music.” The inaugu- CSO with Marcus Roberta Trio
ral series focus this year, women (7:30 p.m. July 16)
conductors, takes inspiration from CSO in Beethoven “Pastoral”
Ravinia chief conductor and cura- and Strauss “Alpine Symphony”
tor Marin Alsop, whose Taki Alsop (5 p.m. July 17)
Conducting Fellowship supports Little Big Town (7:30 p.m. July 20)
young women in the field. CSO plays Brahms’s German
Haydon says the partnership Requiem (8 p.m. July 22)
between Ravinia and the Taki Common performs in Chicago’s Union Park in 2016. Sting performs at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago in Poi Dog Pondering (7:30 p.m.
Alsop Fellowship has been so BRITTANY SOWACKE 2017. JIM YOUNG/CHICAGO TRIBUNE July 23)
fruitful that patrons will hear the CSO, Marin Alsop and Leslie
reverberations of it for summers Odom Jr. in gala benefit for Reach
to come. Teach Play (6 p.m. July 24)
“They’re incredible at talent Bonnie Raitt (7:30 p.m. July 27)
scouting and doing the promo- Breaking Barriers Series with
tional and mentorship piece, and CSO and conductors Marin Alsop,
we have connections, leverage, Anna Duczmal-Mróz, Laura Jackson
and a great soapbox to amplify that and Jeri Lynne Johnson (8 p.m. July
success. We built out a whole other 29)
arm of the festival,” he says. Breaking Barriers Series with
In addition to Breaking Barriers, CSO, Silk Road Ensemble, soprano
another major marquee event in Janai Brugger, and narrator Jaye
Ravinia’s classical programming is Ladymore (7:30 p.m. July 30)
the return of former festival music Breaking Barriers Series with
director James Conlon, leading esperanza spalding and Monsieur
concert versions of two Mozart Periné (6:30 p.m. July 31)
operas with starry casts in the CSO and Wayne Marshall (8 p.m.
Martin Theatre: “Don Giovanni” Aug. 3)
(Aug. 11 and 13) and “La clemenza CSO with Carlos Miguel Prieto
di Tito” (Aug. 12 and 14). and Conrad Tao (8 p.m. Aug. 5)
“(Conlon) came in last summer The Revivalists and Grace Potter
and walked around the grounds (7 p.m. Aug. 6)
with me, sharing his memories ”Yours, Stephen Sondheim”
and love of Ravinia. And then, he with Kevin Stites, conductor, and
just turned to me like a little kid, vocalists Alexandra Billings, Heather
with his eyes wide open, and said, Ravinia Festival ‘s entrance gate welcomes music fans in Highland Park. JOHN J. KIM/CHICAGO TRIBUNE 2021 Headley, and Brian Stokes Mitchell (5
‘Jeff, there’s still one thing I really p.m. Aug. 7)
wanted to do at Ravinia. … The to July 1. festivities, some pandemic-in- anniversary bash at the carousel Dispatch, O.A.R., G. Love (6:30
one Mozart opera I would really With travel and capacity restric- spired adjustments from last year’s for beloved mainstays Metro and p.m. Aug. 13)
like to do that I haven’t yet is La tions mostly lifted, Ravinia 2022 festival proved to be much more Smartbar, featuring DJs Derrick Ziggy Marley and Kazayah (7
Clemenza di Tito.’ Then, he wrote totes its usual lineup of heavy-hit- than mere compromises. For Carter, Michael Serafini, and p.m. Aug. 14)
down how the whole rehearsal ters: Common, appearing with duo one, Ravinia tickets still guaran- Garrett David and hosts Lucy Gipsy Kings with Nicolas Reyes
schedule would work, within the Black Violin (June 18); a Ramsey tee concertgoers complimentary Stoole, Nico, and JoJo Baby (Sept. (7:30 p.m. Aug. 16)
services that he needed and the Lewis portrait concert featuring trips on the Metra’s Union Pacific 17). CSO with violinist Itzhak
union agreement,” Haydon recalls, Lewis, his son Bobby Lewis, Kurt North Line. Haydon also says the “It’s great that Stevie Nicks Perlman and conductor Peter
laughing. Elling, and more (June 19); Ziggy post-2020 Ravinia will continue to is coming (Sept. 8), and Sting is Oundjian (6 p.m. Aug. 18)
Another festival highlight came Marley and Kazayah (Aug. 14); utilize the grounds’ outdoor carou- coming (Aug. 27),” Haydon says. “Once Upon a Time: Alan
together somewhat by accident: violinist Itzhak Perlman (Aug. 18); sel as a preconcert venue for open- “But we can book great talent in Menken’s Broadway,” CSO,
“Yours, Stephen Sondheim” (Aug. and A.R. Rahman (Aug. 20). This ing acts and retain its emphasis on Chicago.” conductor Steven Reineke, and
7), an original semi-staged tribute season features festival debuts for local talent. guests (8 p.m., Aug. 19)
to the late composer and lyricist the Black Crowes (July 12); Pitbull This summer, that local talent
conceived and directed by local and Iggy Azalea (on the same includes trumpeter and Ravinia Pavilion season for A.R. Rahman (8 p.m. Aug. 20)
CSO, conductor Emil de Cou and
actor Rob Lindley. Lindley pitched billing Aug. 25); and Erykah Badu Jazz Scholars grad Marquis Hill summer 2022: violinist Inmo Yang (5 p.m. Aug. 21)
the project to Haydon, who was (Sept. 11). A Beatles exhibit takes and the J.W. James A.M.E. Church Pitbull and Iggy Azalea (7:30
scurrying to find a replacement for root all summer at the Ravinia Choir, both playing the Ramsey Amos Lee and Neal Francis p.m. Aug. 25)
a CSO program that had just fallen Music Box, in tandem with some Lewis tribute concert (June 19); (7 p.m. June 15) Culture Club (7:30 p.m. Aug. 26)
through; the timing allowed the festival tributes (“Reimagine The the Chicago Sinfonietta (in kids’ Rodrigo y Gabriela (8 p.m. Sting and Joe Sumner (8 p.m.
CSO to participate in the tribute, Beatles,” June 30, and “Classical concerts June 18 and July 31); the June 16) Aug. 27)
which also features vocalists Alex- Mystery Tour: A Tribute to The Chicago Philharmonic (play- Jackson Browne (7:30 p.m. Yacht Rock Revue (8 p.m. Sept. 1)
andra Billings, Heather Headley, Beatles,” July 3). ing film scores June 29 and July June 17) Emmylou Harris and Mary
and Brian Stokes Mitchell, with The 20-year-old Russian piano 6 and a Beatles tribute July 3); Common and Black Violin Chapin Carpenter (7 p.m. Sept. 2)
music direction by Kevin Stites. phenom Alexander Malofeev is cabaret duo Beckie Menzie and (7:30 p.m. June 18) Music of the Baroque with
“After Sondheim died, people one of the artists whose Ravinia Tom Michael for “Reimagine the Legends of Jazz: Honoring pianist Garrick Ohlsson (7:30 p.m.
posted these heartwarming letters debut got scuttled last year due Beatles” (June 30); bluegrass band Ramsey Lewis (7 p.m. June 19) Sept. 3)
of encouragement that Sondheim to lingering travel restrictions. Henhouse Prowlers (July 21); Steve Miller Band and Jimmie Diana Ross and Naturally 7
had written them on social media. Malofeev recently made headlines Chicago Children’s Choir (July Vaughan (7:30 p.m. June 23) (7 p.m. Sept. 4)
He took the time to write to people after Canadian concert present- 30); Apollo Chorus of Chicago “Bluegrass Happening” with The Australian Pink Floyd Show
that were kind of a nobody at that ers canceled his concerts follow- for Conlon’s Mozart operas (Aug. Béla Fleck & My Bluegrass Heart, (7 p.m. Sept. 7)
time. And now they’re all on the ing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, 11-14); NEXUS Chamber Music Sam Bush and Jerry Douglas Band Stevie Nicks (8 p.m. Sept. 8 and
main Broadway stages,” Haydon despite Malofeev having family (Aug. 28); violinist Vadim Gluz- (6:30 p.m.) 10)
says. “Rob’s program features his ties to Ukraine and denouncing man (with the Orpheus Cham- Why Don’t We (8 p.m. June 25) Erykah Badu (7 p.m. Sept. 11)
songs, all centered around some of the war. ber Orchestra, Aug. 29); historical “Trombone Shorty’s Voodoo “Evolution,” Hubbard Street
those letters people received from “My heart goes out to all the specialist orchestra Music of the Threauxdown” with Trombone Dance Chicago (8 p.m. Sept. 16)
Sondheim. It’s really looking at musicians in Ukraine and in Russia. Baroque (Sept. 3); classical cham- Shorty & Orleans Avenue, Tank &
him as a mentor.” None of them are inviting this war, ber group Lincoln Trio (Sept. 11); the Bangas, Big Freedia, Cyril Neville, The Ravinia Festival 2022 season
Later, the Ravinia Steans Music and we certainly don’t want to and fast-rising Latin rockers Dos The Uptown Ruler, George Porter Jr., is May 20 to Sept. 18 at Lake Cook
Institute raises another glass to discriminate based on where they Santos (for Fiesta Ravinia, Sept. 18). Dumpstaphunk and The Soul Rebels and Green Bay Roads, Highland
Sondheim with a “Sondheim were born,” Haydon says. “Malo- As usual, the Ruth Page Festival (6 p.m. June 26) Park; details, pricing and more
Songbook” vocal recital program feev is exceedingly talented, and of Dance invites Chicago’s choreo- Chicago Philharmonic plays information at
(Aug. 20). Before that, Jessie his career has already faced a huge graphic crème de la crème: Ruth “The Lion King” in concert (7 p.m.
Montgomery — the current CSO speed bump with the pandemic. Page Civic Ballet (May 20 and 21); June 29) Hannah Edgar is a freelance writer.
composer-in-residence whose It’s really important to have these Giordano Dance Chicago, Dance- A Tribute to ABBA (8 p.m. July 1)
music is featured twice during cultural ambassadors. This is how Works Chicago, Hedwig Dances, Dwight Yoakam and Old Crow
Ravinia’s Breaking Barriers series the world heals — not by canceling, and performers from Porchlight Medicine Show (7 p.m. July 2) The Rubin Institute for Music Crit-
— stops by Steans’s Piano & Strings but by seeing the good that we each Music Theatre (all May 21), and “Classical Mystery Tour: A icism helps fund our classical music
division as its resident composer, have with each other.” Hubbard Street Dance (Sept. 16). Tribute to The Beatles” with the coverage. The Chicago Tribune
workshopping her chamber works Though travel restrictions In a rare collaboration with city Chicago Philharmonic (7:30 p.m. maintains complete editorial con-
with Steans fellows from June 27 hopefully won’t stymie this year’s venues, Ravinia even hosts a 40th July 3) trol over assignments and content.
12  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022

Navy Pier announces summer events

By Doug George Stage in Polk Bros Park.
Chicago Tribune
Rhythm World (Wednesday, July
Navy Pier has released its 20): Annual tap showcase of local
summer calendar of events, includ- dancers on the Lake Stage in Polk
ing summer fireworks. According Bros Park.
to the announcement Thursday,
Navy Pier is bringing back both AUGUST
its weekly fireworks displays on
Wednesdays and Saturdays and a LatiNxt (Saturday, Aug.
day-long Fourth of July celebration 6-Sunday, Aug. 7): Fourth annual
on Monday, July 4, concluding in a celebration of the cultural dias-
lakefront fireworks show. Also on pora and its ever-evolving styles
the list: A Navy Pier 5K run. The with the next generation of
Live on the Lake! summer music Chicago’s Latin music artists.
series and a movie series. Plus
Chi-Soul Fest, the SailGP boat race Noche Caribeña (Saturday, Aug.
competition and Navy Pier Pride 13): The Puerto Rican Arts Alli-
in June, Bastille Day in July and ance returns with its music and
LatiNxt in August. dance celebration of Caribbean
sounds on the Lake Stage in Polk
MAY Bros Park.

Navy Pier 5K (Sunday, May 15): SEPTEMBER

A 5K running race completely Fireworks explode during an Independence Day celebration at Navy Pier in Chicago on July 4, 2017.
contained on the Pier. A Kids ZBIGNIEW BZDAK/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Bitter Jester Music Festival
Dash for ages 2-12 accompanies (Monday, Sept. 5): The 16th annual
the run. Navy Pier’s summer fireworks Sunday, June 19): A global fresh- Joffrey Academy’s “Rita Finds summer-long Bitter Jester Music
displays return every Wednesday water racing competition, SailGP. Home” (Saturday, July 9, and Festival rounds up its “Best Of”
Free Family Day at Chicago Chil- and Saturday. Teams from around the world Sunday, July 10): The Joffrey bands for a six-hour concert at the
dren’s Museum (Friday, May 19): race F50 catamarans — highly Academy’s family-friendly proj- Navy Pier Beer Garden on Labor
For children through age 10, with JUNE technical hydrofoiling boats ect with the Miami City Ballet. On Day. Half the members of any
live music, crafts, mosaic making with speeds exceeding 120 mph. the Lake Stage in Polk Bros Park. competing band must be under age
with guest artist Norma Rios Pier Dance Lessons (Thursdays in Led by champion Jimmy Spith- 21. Prizes for the winning bands
Sierra and more. Admission to the June): Free dance lessons on the ill’s United States SailGP Team. Water Flicks (Mondays, July include paid, professional gigs.
museum will be free and parking Polk Bros Performance Lawn City Tickets, including VIP Packages, 11-Aug. 29): The outdoor film
will be discounted. Stage. A different style of dance are on sale now at series returns with a theme of ALSO AT NAVY PIER
will be taught each week. events-and-public-programs/ families, titles include “My Big Fat
Live on the Lake! (Saturdays and sailgp Greek Wedding,” “Mi Familia,” “Stories of Survival: Object.
Sundays, May 28-Sept. 4): The Skyline Sessions (Thursdays “Rent,” “Are We There Yet,” Image. Memory.” will run April 7
summer weekend music series and Fridays, June 3-Aug. 26): An Wiggleworms (June 24-Aug. 26): “Minari” and Disney’s “Encanto.” through June 30. This exhibit, in
returns with live performances by outdoor concert series on the The Old Town School of Folk partnership with Illinois Holo-
Chicago-area bands and national Wave Wall Platform. Music presents its popular live Bastille Day (Wednesday, July caust Museum and Education
acts in the Navy Pier Beer Garden. music and movement program 13): Celebration of France’s inde- Center, showcases more than
Styles from rock to reggae. Pier Fitness: Rush Hour Work- for young audiences at the Polk pendence holiday, with French 60 personal artifacts brought
outs and Sunset Yoga (Tuesdays, Bros Park Lake Stage. cuisine and live performances. to America by Survivors of the
Wave Wall Moves (Saturdays, May June 7-Aug. 30): On the Polk Bros Holocaust and other geno-
28-Aug. 27): Partnering with See Performance Lawn City Stage. Navy Pier Pride (Saturday, June Fresh Fest! (Thursday, July cides. Exploring the relationship
Chicago Dance, a weekly show- 25): A day of family-friendly 14-Friday, July 15): Annual between objects, their meaning
case of Chicago’s dance compa- Chi-Soul Fest (Saturday, June activities pier-wide to celebrate young-performers’ showcase, to the original owner and subse-
nies at the Wave Wall Platform. 11, and Sunday, June 12): Annual Pride Month, including storytell- featuring musicians, dancers and quent significance, each artifact
two-day festival celebrates Black ing, concerts, dance and crafts. spoken word artists on the Wave is paired with photographs by
Wave Wall Wax (Saturdays, May Music Month with the biggest Wall performance platform and documentarian Jim Lommasson.
28-Sept. 3): DJ series live at the artists from Chicago’s soul scene in JULY Polk Bros Park Performance Lawn. Bands, more events and full
Wave Wall Platform. the Navy Pier Beer Garden and the lineups can be found at navypier.
Polk Bros Park Performance Lawn. Fourth of July (Monday, July 4): A Water Colors (Fridays, July org
Summer Fireworks (Wednesdays daylong celebration ends with the 15-Aug. 26): Chicago’s jazz scene
and Saturdays, May 28-Sept. 3): SailGP (Saturday, June 18, and fireworks show. will take center stage at the Lake


More than 170 performers

hope to make you laugh
By Kayla Samoy
Chicago Tribune

This weekend, more

than 170 sketch, improv
and stand-up comedy
performers from around
the world will gather at
five venues in Chicago for
the first World Comedy
Expo. Artists will perform
March 25-27 at Laugh
Factory, The Annoyance Stand-up comedian Abi Sanchez at his home in Chicago on
Theatre, The Den, and The Jan. 7, 2021. JOSE M. OSORIO/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum in the action-comedy “The Lost City.”
Club and Donny’s Skybox. several Chicago artists Estlin and Mick Napier.
“The World Comedy and groups, including Abi The three-day festival ‘THE LOST CITY’ ★★★
Expo is an unprecedented Sanchez, Jamie Shriner, will also include workshops
event that gives audiences
an opportunity to explore
the idea of comedy and
Anthony Bonazzo, Marz
Timms, Kieron Harrell,
Becca Nix Tham, Stop
such as “Intro to the Art
of Slow Comedy Improv”
with Jimmy Carrane; as
Bullock makes a triumphant
return to romantic comedy
humor by giving a micro- Trying to Make Sketch well as “Improv for Stand
phone and a stage to artists Happen and Box Office Up,” led by Rachael Mason
who Chicagoans may Poison. Other performers and Susan Messing.
not otherwise get to hear include Abby Vatterott,
from,” said Kerry Shee- Peter Liu, Soli Santos, Venues are The Annoyance By Katie Walsh the highest revenue-​gener- to escape Fairfax’s hench-
han, the event’s co-founder Jackie Tinsley and John Theatre at 851 W. Belmont Tribune News Service ating literary genre and men, and the two bicker,
and business director. Naifa Muyenzi. Ave., The Den Theatre at nothing to scoff at). But then soften and learn to
“We’ve curated a slate of Panels include “The 1331 N. Milwaukee Ave., The enduring power Loretta’s reclusive life work together. “The Lost
shows that include artists History of Chicago Laugh Factory at 3175 N. of Sandra Bullock as a has stopped generating City,” which calls to mind
from different countries Comedy,” which will Broadway, The Second rom-com star is one of material to mine for her the 1984 film “Romancing
and cultures, artists with discuss how the city rose City’s UP Comedy Club the greatest wonders of work, and she struggles the Stone,” isn’t reinvent-
disabilities, artists of color, to prominence in the at 230 W. North Ave. 3rd the world. In her latest with writer’s block, barely ing the wheel, but who
LGBTQ+ artists, gender- world of comedy, moder- Floor and The Second City’s action-comedy “The Lost finishing her last book, says the screwball comedy
queer artists, because ated by Kelly Leonard and Donny’s Skybox Theatre City,” opposite Channing “The Lost City of D.” needs to be reinvented?
comedy comes from our Anne Libera with panel- at 230 W. North Ave 4th Tatum, she’s just as fresh, The task of “The Lost This one rolls right over
own lived experiences.” ists Raymond Lambert, Floor; tickets for individual funny and beguiling as she City” is to get the sad any doubters, powered by
Live comedy events will Chicago Tribune colum- shows are $20 at world- was 28 years ago in her widow out from behind Bullock and Tatum, in a
feature appearances from nist Rick Kogan, Jennifer breakout role opposite her laptop and on a hapless film that lets them play to
Keanu Reeves in “Speed.” adventure with a hand- their strengths. Tatum’s
The characters in “The some hero, and the Nees Alan is an impossibly hot
Lost City” are searching deliver on that prom- and goofy human golden

‘Where We Belong’ will be final for treasure in a remote

tropical jungle, but the real
marvel is in front of them
ise, offering an all-out
charm offensive in this
action-packed lark. Tatum
retriever, while Bullock’s
Loretta is brassy, bossy and
whip-smart. Pitt having
show of Goodman Theatre season all along, in the form of our
beloved Sandra B.
co-stars as Loretta’s
Fabio-esque cover model,
fun in a lighthearted role
is downright revelatory.
The script — by Seth Alan, whom she initially The script is fast and
By Doug George Gordon, Oren Uziel, Dana dismisses. But when she’s funny, the style colorfully
Chicago Tribune Fox, and co-directors kidnapped from a book cartoonish, and just the
Aaron Nee and Adam Nee convention by a wealthy right amount of unreal for
The Goodman theater — is uniquely suited to media scion, Abigail Fair- this implausible tale. The
has announced “Where Bullock’s gifts for rat-a- fax (Daniel Radcliffe), who cast is rounded out by a
We Belong” as the final tat dialogue and physi- needs Loretta’s unique crew of hilarious comedi-
show of its current 2021-22 cal comedy. It’s a treat to translation skills to find ans, including Da’Vine Joy
season. Madeline Sayet’s watch her slip into the a legendary crown on a Randolph, Bowen Yang,
solo play, directed by Mei comfort of this comedic remote island, it’s Alan Patti Harrison and Oscar
Ann Teo, will open in late zone, which fits her as well who stages her rescue. Nunez.
June in the Goodman’s as the pink sequined jump- Enter the third prong “The Lost City” isn’t
Owen Theatre. suit in which she spends of the charm offensive: just a diverting romp,
This Chicago premier the majority of the movie, the one and only Brad it’s a return to rom-com
is part of a national tour Madeline Sayet’s solo play “Where We Belong” will open in and it’s especially welcome Pitt, as rescue special- form for one of our best
including the Public late June in the Goodman’s Owen Theatre for a monthlong after her last two starring ist/​meditation teacher and brightest stars of the
Theater in New York, and summer run. JOHN BURKLUND roles, the dour “The Unfor- Jack Trainer, seemingly genre. Bullock’s still got it,
is co-presenter here with givable,” and the apocalyp- Loretta’s fictional roman- and she won’t soon let you
the Woolly Mammoth in Shakespeare and finds globalized world.” tic horror film “Bird Box.” tic hero character, Dash, forget it.
Theatre Company in asso- a country on the eve of the Bullock stars as a come to life. While Alan’s
ciation with Folger Shake- Brexit vote, that refuses to June 24-July 24 at the romance novelist, Loretta long blonde mane is a wig, MPAA rating: PG-13 (for
speare Library, both of acknowledge its role in colo- Goodman Theatre, 170 N. Sage, who has channeled Jack’s is the real thing, and violence and some bloody
Washington, D.C. nialism. The Goodman’s Dearborn St.; tickets $15- the heartbreaking loss of he kicks, flips and punches images, suggestive material,
In “Where We Belong,” announcement Wednesday $45 at 312-443-3800 and her archaeologist husband with stunning grace. partial nudity and language)
Mohegan theater-maker says the story “forces us to into fodder for her histor- Unfortunately, Loretta Running time: 1:52
Sayet travels to England consider what it means to ically informed smut finds herself alongside Where to watch: In
in 2015 to pursue a Ph.D. belong in an increasingly (which is, as is mentioned, Alan in the jungle, fighting theaters March 25
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022  13

sides of the causeway to find that perfect
‘Bridgerton’ new construction. Meanwhile, Brittany
Picolo-Ramos must uncover why a home with MOVIES
to watch YOU’LL LOVE
incredible custom features has been sitting
on the market.

American Justice
FRIDAY A&E, 9 p.m.
In “Fame, Football, Fatality,” Aaron
Hernandez had it all. The New England
March 25, 2022 Patriots star tight end was revered for his
true gridiron grit. But he also had a temper
All times Central. Start times can vary based to match his reputation for toughness, and
on cable/satellite provider. Confirm times on LIAM DANIEL on June 17, 2013, he murdered close friend
your on-screen guide. Odin Lloyd. This episode plays out the ‘Little Women’
finds a possible match in her strong-willed shocking investigation. WILSON WEBB
Ibiza Weekender older sister Kate (Simone Ashley). Also this
season, another Bridgerton daughter, Eloise The Last Bridesmaid (2019,
Discovery+  New Series (Claudia Jessie), is forced to make herself Hoffman Family Gold Romance-comedy) Rachel Boston,
Follow the reps of a high-end hotel on Ibiza available to suitors despite her disdain for Discovery Channel, 9 p.m.  New Series Paul Campbell Hallmark, 5 p.m.
— a Mediterranean island that is a popular the process. This latest spinoff of Discovery’s hit Gold White Chicks (2004, Comedy)
destination for the rich and famous — as they Rush franchise finds OG gold-rusher Todd Shawn Wayans, Marlon Wayans
navigate their way around party hotspots The Blacklist Hoffman, four years after he walked away BET, 5 p.m.
during a summer full of hopes, dreams, loves NBC, 7 p.m. from his mining career to focus on his family,
and fears, all while dealing with their guests. given an opportunity too good to pass up Little Women (2019, Drama)
In “Genuine Models Inc.,” the task force is Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson FX,
led to an unusual suspect when the wealthy and returning to Alaska for one final shot at
Bridgerton clients of an apparent escort service start redemption. With his father, Jack, and his son
6 p.m.
Netflix  Season Premiere turning up dead, Red (James Spader) and Hunter in tow, will Hoffman be able to save a A League of Their Own (1992,
The hit period drama based on Julia Quinn’s a friend attempt to recover an item after struggling mine for the ultimate payday? Comedy-drama) Tom Hanks, Geena
novels returns for Season 2, which takes reuniting at a friend’s memorial, and Cooper Davis Bravo, 6:30 p.m.
its tale from Quinn’s second book, The
Viscount Who Loved Me. With Daphne
(Harry Lennix) heads to Atlanta to follow a
lead on his blackmailer.
Painting With John American Sniper (2014, War)
HBO, 10 p.m.  Season Finale Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller IFC,
(Phoebe Dynevor) now wed, the focus shifts
to her eldest brother, stubborn bachelor Selling the Big Easy Musician, actor, director and painter 7 p.m.
Anthony Bridgerton (Jonathan Bailey), who HGTV, 8 p.m. John Lurie hones his intricate watercolor U.S. Marshals (1998, Action)
has decided he should settle down. He first techniques while reflecting on what he’s Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes
sets his sights on endearing young Edwina Two newlyweds are looking for their first
learned about life as Season 2 of the series AMC, 7 p.m.
Sharma (Charithra Chandran) but instead home together, and they’re searching both
concludes with “Old Man Dancing.”
Wedding Crashers (2005, Comedy)
Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn E!,

CATCH A CLASSIC — four nominations, one win: Best Foreign

Language Film (France); Logan’s Run (1976)
— no wins among its two nominations, but
8 p.m.
Mean Girls (2004, Comedy)
31 Days of Oscar: L.B. Abbott, Glen Robinson and Matthew Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams
VH1, 9 p.m.
Yuricich received a Special Achievement
1970s Winners Award for their visual effects; Being There Fury (2014, War) Brad Pitt, Shia
TCM, Beginning at 5:30 a.m. (1979) — two nominations, one win: Best LaBeouf IFC, 10 p.m.
Turner Classic Movies’ 31 Days of Oscar Supporting Actor (Melvyn Douglas); The
event concludes its Friday salute to Acad- Candidate (1972) — two nominations, Nacho Libre (2006, Comedy) Jack
emy Award-winning films from the 1970s one win: Best Original Screenplay (Jeremy Black, Ana de la Reguera TNT,
with today’s daylong lineup featuring the Larner); Fiddler on the Roof (pictured) 10 p.m.
following titles: Dersu Uzala (1975) — won (1971) — eight nominations, three wins: Best
in its only nominated category: Best Foreign Music, Scoring Adaptation and Original Song tume Design, Best Film Editing and Best Mu-
Language Film (Soviet Union); The Discreet Score (John Williams), Best Cinematography sic, Original Song Score and Its Adaptation
Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972) — two (Oswald Morris) and Best Sound; All That or Best Adaptation Score; and Woodstock
nominations, one win: Best Foreign Lan- Jazz (1979) — nine nominations, four wins: (1970) — three nominations, one win: Best
guage Film (France); Day for Night (1973) Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Best Cos- Documentary, Feature. — Jeff Pfeiffer From the editors of
TV Weekly and


TV Weekly Magazine’s trustworthy coverage can help you find the shows you like including when and where
TV to find them! Readers love TV Weekly ’s familiar daily grid format including a robust movie guide, sports
zone, puzzles, reviews and exclusive interviews.
SPECIAL OFFER FOR NEWSPAPER READERS: Get 10 issues for only $9.75

Workplace comedy ‘Minx’ finds Crossword

a home at magazine for women
By Kate Feldman
New York Daily News

A pornographer and a
feminist walk into a bar.
At first, “Minx,” which
is now streaming on HBO
Max, sounds like a bad
joke or, worse, a bad porn.
Instead, it’s a heartwarm-
ing, hilarious workplace
comedy about naive,
idealistic feminist Joyce
(Ophelia Lovibond) and
Doug (Jake Johnson), a
slimy publisher of erotic
magazines with a heart
of gold ... coins, that is.
Together, they end up with
Minx the magazine, part
full-frontal nudes, part
feminist screed.
“The Doug-Joyce thing is
the engine of the show and Jake Johnson and Ophelia Lovibond star in the series “Minx.”
I think it’s the engine of the KATRINA MARCINOWSKI/HBO MAX
magazine,” said Johnson,
43, who plays the foul- (Oscar Montoya) is more That’s not an insult, or even
mouthed publisher. “They than happy to shift his degrading, in his mind.
each offer something valu- camera’s focus. Doug’s “I like that Doug is trying
able to the success of this right-hand woman, Tina to win at capitalism,” John-
magazine, and I think they (Idara Victor), finally has a son said. By Jacqueline E. Mathews. © 2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. All rights reserved.
need each other to work to partner in Joyce who can “I like that Doug has a
move it forward.” hold her own against the chip on his shoulder. I like ACROSS 46 Takes it easy Solutions
Executive producer Paul publisher. Even Joyce’s that Doug believes that 1 Prefix for winter 49 Ermine
or night 51 Pasture cry
Feig, who is best known for sister, Shelly (Lennon there is a win in this person, 4 Crooked 54 Finger-pointing
“Freaks and Geeks” and Parham), comes out of the and I like that Doug does 9 In just a bit 56 “Star __”
“Bridesmaids,” called them kitchen to help. not care what this person 13 All the __; 57 Shoot the breeze
strange bedfellows, but he It’s Joyce’s growth, looks like, what gender nevertheless 58 Elvis’ “Blue __
also pointed out how this though, that drives “Minx,” they are, who they’re sleep- 14 Backbone Shoes”
story, particularly Joyce’s, both the show and the ing in bed with. ‘Together, 15 Letter sign-off 59 Mosquito bite
is how it goes: You want magazine. we can make a lot of 16 Purina symptom
to change the world, and “You, as the audience, money.’ It’s as simple as competitor 60 Long-ago times
17 Grinds to powder 61 Williams &
eventually you realize you are there with Joyce,” said that,” he added. 19 Poor mark Warhol
can’t. Lovibond, 36. “As you see As form follows function, 20 In need of a bath 62 Guitarist Paul
“You meet the reality Joyce become more relaxed Doug pushes Joyce away 21 Tennis great
of the industry and find ... you see that unfurling of from lecturing her readers, Chris DOWN
this detente and come the tightly coiled prud- just as Johnson and Lovi- 22 Gets closer to 1 Beard wearer
out hopefully OK,” Feig ishness, and we hope the bond stress that “Minx” 24 Monogram for 2 Lacking remorse
said. viewers come with us on is not a lecture. It’s a silly Edison 3 “Gloria in
“At its core, it’s a story that.” romp, full of sex toys and 25 Addictive excelsis __!”
narcotic 4 Have lofty goals
about underdogs trying to She grows accustomed nudity. 27 Attic 5 “I’ve got __ that
get the American dream,” to it all quickly, because she Doug and Joyce, as 30 Prefix for sound jingle, jangle, 25 Get rid of an 42 Sharp as a
he continued. “People who has no choice. If she wants odd as they look from the or violet jingle…” official tack
are very undervalued in her magazine, if she wants outside, do work. 31 Wild weather 6 Bagpiper’s attire 26 “Guilty” or “Not 43 Sawyer &
what they’re trying to do to write about women’s “These are people who 33 Closing trio 7 Be jealous of guilty” Keaton
but rise to the occasion.” issues and spread her femi- are halves of the same 35 Chocolate candy 8 Minute 27 Urge on 45 Temperamental
Quickly, Minx’s nist message, she has no whole. Doug and Joyce are store 9 Splinter 28 Make worse 46 Risqué
masthead fills up; as it other options. Doug and his incomplete people right 36 Penny-pinching 10 Leak out 29 Preschoolers 47 Repeated sound
37 Phony 11 Win __; convince 31 Lawn mower 48 Unsightly mark
turns out, a lot of women pornographic pages are her now,” showrunner Ellen housing 49 Flabbergast
38 Sunbather’s 12 Tree house?
care about women’s issues. only choice. Rapoport said. reward 13 Melancholy 32 Leoni, for one 50 Headed for
Bambi (Jessica Lowe), Doug has choices other “The show is about a 39 Terrible fear 18 Provide with 34 Gusto overtime
a centerfold model for than Joyce. He doesn’t care feminist who becomes 40 Shoestrings fresh weapons 36 Group of 52 Curves
Doug’s men’s magazines, about Joyce’s message. But a little bit of a pornogra- 41 Gazed 20 Spreadsheet workers 53 __ Wednesday;
discovers she has a flair he sees her, at the core, as pher and a pornographer 43 Hate figures 37 Destiny 3/2/22
for knowing what women a new audience. She, and who becomes a little bit 44 Use needle & 23 Dumbo’s “wings” 39 Do a morning 55 As flat __
want too. Company the women reading her of a feminist,” Rapoport thread 24 Waterproof chore pancake
photographer Richie magazine, are a paycheck. concluded. 45 Ore seeker covering 40 Loaned 56 Actor Wheaton
14  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022

Horoscopes Dilbert By Scott Adams

Today’s birthday (March 25): Connect with

friends to grow this year. Build something
wonderful together with discipline and
time. Catching a rise in springtime income,
and contributing to shared ventures this
summer, allows an autumn surge for joint
accounts that can cushion winter shortfalls.
Aries (March 21-April 19): Today is a 7. A formidable profes-
sional barrier blocks the path. Challenge your own beliefs.
Listen to intuition. Monitor the situation. Unusual solutions
can work. Try something new.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): 7. Review the map before forging
ahead. Monitor conditions in real time to avoid traffic, delays
or pitfalls. Choose the simplest plan. Consider unusual ideas. Baby Blues By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott
Gemini (May 21-June 20): 8. Contribute to a rainy-day fund.
Grow a cushion for unexpected expenses. Collaborate to nav-
igate tricky waters. Take advantage of a hidden opportunity.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): 8. Patience with your partner pays
extra benefits. Let go of old baggage. Consider the bigger
picture. A sense of humor is worth time and money.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): 9. Find ways to surpass a physical
barrier. Prioritize health and avoid risky business. Discover
solutions from experts and advisors. Consider innovative
ideas. Learn new tricks.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 8. A separation or other obstacle
could prevent romance. Listen to intuition. Take advantage of
an unexpected opportunity to connect with someone you love.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): 8. Domestic changes help you adapt
with a challenge. Rearrange things so they work better. Try Zits By Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
something new. Repairs and upgrades improve daily experi-
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 8. You can solve an intellectual
puzzle. Follow clues where they lead. The truth gets re-
vealed. Discover solutions in unexpected places.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): 9. Come up with innovative
ways around financial delays or complications. Postpone
unnecessary expenses for now. Find unexpected savings and
valuable solutions.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): 9. Self-doubt can creep in when
least expected. Don’t indulge in your own negative monolog
about yourself. Get into dialogue.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): 7. Enjoy a pensive phase. Peaceful
privacy supports you to process, study and contemplate. Old
assumptions get challenged. Adjust plans. Mr. Boffo By Joe Martin
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): 8. Complications could change
group plans. Reschedule meetings if needed, or go digital.
Find an innovative solution around an unexpected deviation.

— Nancy Black, Tribune Content Agency

The Argyle Sweater By Scott Hilburn

Frazz By Jef Mallett

Bliss By Harry Bliss Classic Peanuts By Charles Schulz

Pickles By Brian Crane

East-West vulnerable, South deals
♠ AK6 Dick Tracy By Joe Staton and Mike Curtis
♦ K Q J 10 8 2
West East
♠4 ♠ QJ9853
♥ Q98652 ♥ K 10 7
♦ 53 ♦9
♣ Q 10 9 3 ♣842
♠ 10 7 2
♥ A43
♦ A764
North had shown grand slam interest, so South might
have continued if he had any extra values. He didn’t. South
Animal Crackers By Mike Osbun
won the opening spade lead with dummy’s ace, led a heart
to his ace, and ruffed a heart with dummy’s 10 of diamonds.
The king of diamonds and a diamond to the ace drew the
trumps, and declarer ruffed his last heart in dummy.
South cashed
the king of spades,
The bidding: planning to continue
South West North East with another spade.
1♦ Pass 3♥* Pass Should West win
4♦ Pass 4NT Pass
the third spade, he
would be end-played.
5♥ Pass 5NT Pass That plan had to
6♣** Pass 6♦ All pass be scratched when
*Game-forcing diamond raise, West discarded a
heart shortness heart on the king of
**King of clubs spades. Oddly, this
Opening lead: Four of ♠
deal had become a Prickly City By Scott Stantis
two-way guess for
the queen of clubs.
East could be finessed out of the queen or West could be
end-played with it. Who should South play for the queen?
East had 10 known cards - six spades, three hearts, and
one diamond - meaning three unknown cards. West had
only seven known cards, meaning six unknown cards.
That made West the 6-3 favorite to hold any missing card,
including the club queen. Playing the percentages, South
cashed the ace of clubs, led a club to his king, and then led
the jack of clubs. West won with the queen but had to yield a
ruff-sluff and the slam rolled home. Very nicely played!

— Bob Jones
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022  15

Dustin By Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker

Sudoku 3/25

For Better or for Worse By Lynn Johnston

Complete the grid

so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box in
bold borders contains
Blondie By Dean Young and John Marshall every digit 1 to 9.

By The Mepham Group
© 2022. Distributed by
Tribune Content Agency,
LLC. All rights reserved.

Unscramble the four Jumbles, one letter per square, to
form four words. Then arrange the circled letters to form
the surprise answer, as suggested by this cartoon.
Hägar the Horrible By Chris Browne

Mutts By Patrick McDonnell

Answer here

Thursday’s answers

By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek. © 2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
All rights reserved.

WuMo By Mikael Wulff and Anders Morgenthaler Crossword 3/25

Sherman’s Lagoon By Jim Toomey

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! By Tim Rickard

Across 38 Volcanic eruption sight 11 Sleep-inducing, maybe,

1 Earth, for one 39 Nested supermarket as a lecture
4 Dred Scott decision array 12 Fancy party
Chief Justice 40 Nana 16 Eccentric old guys
Broom-Hilda By Russell Myers 9 Leg section 41 “Amen to that!” 18 “Downton Abbey”
13 Two-digit sign 42 *Southeast Asian personnel
14 Thrifty to begin with? colonial region 23 Man’s name
15 Central Plains tribe dismantled in 1954 that becomes a
16 “__ la vie” 45 Earth’s volume? measurement when
17 *Guide for Smithsonian 47 Mandlikova of ’80s one letter is moved
visitors, say tennis 24 Once called
19 Food scrap 48 Mexican pinch? 25 The Alamo, e.g.
20 Hardly libertine 49 Classic Looney Tunes 29 Starting point of many
21 Pithy saying tagline offering some modern missions
22 *Ken Burns specialty “direction” in solving 30 Intention
26 Fairy tale figures the starred clues 31 Unsettling
27 Mother __ 51 Office figure 32 Puts in sync with
28 Money with hits 52 Legends and such 33 Zips again, as a Ziploc
Trivia Bits Jumble Crossword 29 Retreats 53 Cloth-dyeing method bag
31 Word with bonds or 54 Pro using a siren, 35 Rich dessert
Which band perhaps 36 Subject with shapes
from the origi- games
34 Line holder 55 Went after, in a way 38 First Amendment
nal Woodstock 56 Objects of worship concern
lineup released 35 Barely detectable
36 Tiny particle 57 Earth opening? 39 Fish-and-chips fish
the album “Deja 40 Like Romano, often
Vu” in 1970? 37 Future H.S. grads,
A) Crosby, Stills, probably Down 41 Chips, say
1 With 3-Down, 42 Emergency device
Nash & Young Thursday’s solution sportsbook option 43 Couldn’t not
B) Grateful Dead based on the final 44 How tuna may be
C) Jefferson score packed
Airplane 2 Game system turnoff 45 Hole makers
D) Santana options 46 “O Julius Caesar, __ art
Thursday’s 3 See 1-Down
answer: Thomas mighty yet!”: Brutus
4 What a siren does 50 Where, to Brutus
Edison produced
5 Lexus competitor 51 Entreat
a talking doll, but
6 Polite denial
it wasn’t a suc-
cess. Kids thought 7 Combat demarcation
its scratchy voice point
8 “__ busy?” Want more PUZZLES?
was scary. By Jeffrey Wechsler. Edited by Rich Go to chicagotribune
© 2022 Leslie Elman. Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis.
9 Indulge
Dist. by By David L. Hoyt. © 2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 10 Starting players .com/games
16  Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, March 25, 2022


An extra array of word games, search and Jumble. Want more? Play online at Scan QR code to play online.


Level: 1 2 3 4
Complete the grid so each row, column and
3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every
digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku,

© 2017 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All rights res

INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking
B U P H letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words
on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box
W O I S once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare
G O K E word finds, crossing out common words.




3 letters = 1 point 151+ = Champ
4 letters = 2 points 101-150 = Expert
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek 5 letters = 3 points 61 - 100 = Pro
6 letters = 4 points 31 - 60 = Gamer
7 letters = 6 points 21 - 30 = Rookie

8 letters = 10 points 11 - 20 = Amateur
9+ letters = 15 points 0 - 10 = Try again

Boggle BrainBusters Bonus


We put special brain-busting words into the grid
of letters. Can you find them?


RELATED TO BIRDS in the grid of

G I L F ________________________
BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. 1-1-20
2020 Hasbro, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All Rights Reserved.
Answers to Tuesday’s Boggle BrainBusters:

Answers to Wednesday s Boggle BrainBusters:

by Jacqueline E. Mathews
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles,

one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.

Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

©2016 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

All Rights Reserved.



Now arrange the circled letters
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon.

“ - ”
(Answers tomorrow)
(A t )
Answer: When the group of friends took a photo together,
they took a photo of — “EVERY-BUDDY”
ACROSS 35 “__ Hard”; Bruce Willis movie ARROW WORDS
1 “That ’70s __” 36 __ down the river; betray
5 Actress MacGraw 37 “Bus __”; Marilyn Monroe
8 “America’s Funniest __ Videos” romance film
Fill in the grid using the clues provided in the direction of the arrows. When complete, unscramble
9 Disney’s fawn 38 Frasier and Niles the letters in the circles to reveal a mystery word.
12 Actress Julia __-Dreyfus 40 Actress Debi __
13 “All __!”; cry from a train 41 Gomez Addams’ portrayer
conductor 42 Elderly
14 “America’s __ Wanted” 43 McKinley and Rushmore: abbr.
15 Arden and Plumb 44 Hooks and Murray
16 Actor McKellen
18 Gobbled up DOWN
19 “How to Get __ with Murder” 1 “Just __ Me!”
20 Actress Madeline __ 2 HGTV series about home
21 Alan of “Gilligan’s Island” seekers
23 Narrow boat 3 Leave out
24 Actress Thurman and her 4 Parker or Montgomery
namesakes 5 “__ Road”; Beatles album
25 Beaver’s dad 6 Asian nation
26 “__ Trees” 7 “__ Big Girl Now”
28 “__ want for Christmas is my two 10 Actor on “NCIS”
front teeth...” 11 Neighbor of Montana
29 Carney and Garfunkel 12 Monogram for the author of
30 “An American __”; animated film “Little Women”
about Fievel 13 Maya Rudolph’s role on “Up All
32 Historical period Night”
15 Lamb producers
17 180 degrees from SSW
19 Actor Alda
20 Malden or Malone
22 French friends
23 “__ of the Wild”; Clark Gable
25 Cry loudly
26 “__ About You”
27 __ Durance of “Smallville”
30 Adolescents
31 Pacino and Roker
33 Highways
34 Spring month: abbr.
36 In a __; miffed
37 Long story ©2020 Knight Features. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. 8/2/20
39 Source of quick cash, for short
©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
All Rights Reserved. 40 Hot Lips Houlihan’s rank: abbr.


Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, March 25, 2022  1

CHICAGO SPORTS Chicago’s best sports section, as judged by the Associated Press Sports Editors


Need for
push has

Ayo in
new role
Dosunmu coming off
bench as Caruso moves
into starting lineup
By Julia Poe
Chicago Tribune

In the months since Ayo Dosun-

mu’s first start in December, the
Bulls rookie became a regular
feature in the primary rotation.
Although Dosunmu replaced the
injured DeMar DeRozan (groin) in
Thursday’s road game against the
New Orleans Pelicans, coach Billy
Donovan has moved Alex Caruso
into the starting lineup, bringing the
rookie back into a reserve role when
DeRozan returns.”
Donovan hopes the shift will help
the Bulls bolster their defense after
an immense slippage in ball protec-
tion sparked a slide from first to
fifth in the Eastern Conference.
Jayhawks are favored The move will also changes expec-
tations for Caruso and Dosunmu as
to win this weekend but the Bulls attempt to even out their
results in the final three weeks
Providence is confident before the postseason.
“Since Alex had his legs under
The NCAA Tour- him a little bit, I thought just start-
nament selection ing off with that group defensively
committee knew could give us a little bit better
what it was doing energy,” Donovan said. “Bringing
by putting Wiscon- Ayo off the bench will bring his
sin and Iowa in the energy into the game as well.”
Midwest Region, Paul Sullivan Dosunmu, 22, was a crisis choice
knowing their hard- In the Wake for the Bulls at point guard, brought
core fans would make of the News in to fill the position after Caruso
the trip to Chicago to and Lonzo Ball suffered long-term
help fill the United Center. injuries during the same week in
But due to unforeseen developments January. Donovan admitted he
that saw the Big Ten regular-season didn’t know what to expect from
co-champion Badgers and the conference Dosunmu — the rookie didn’t play
tournament champion Hawkeyes bow out point guard regularly in college,
of March Madness in spectacular fash- preferring shooting guard — but
ion, the Sweet 16 field at the UC consists of Donovan didn’t have another
No. 1 seed Kansas, No. 4 Providence and a choice.
couple of bona fide Cinderellas in Miami Dosunmu was prolific in the role,
and Iowa State.
That means the spotlight is clearly on Turn to Bulls, Page 2
Kansas, which can pass Kentucky on the
all-time wins list if the Jayhawks put away
Providence on Friday. Kansas has 2,353
wins in the program’s rich history, dating
to 1899, and are the heavy favorite against
the Friars.
Coach Bill Self, the onetime Illinois
savior now signed to a lifetime contract
with Kansas, said Chicago always has
been his kind of town and paid due respect
to our basketball culture.
“I always thought kids from Chicago

Turn to Sullivan, Page 5

Friday at the United Center
#1 Kansas vs. #4 Providence, 6:29 p.m., TBS Ayo Dosunmu runs down the court
#10 Miami vs. #11 Iowa State, 8:59 p.m., TBS against the Cavaliers on March 12 at
n More coverage, Pages 4-5 the United Center. CHRIS SWEDA/
Kansas coach Bill Self will lead the Jayhawks
on Friday against Providence at the UP NEXT
United Center. RON JENKINS/GETTY Bulls at
7 p.m. Sat., NBCSCH


Kane not ready to talk Offensive lineman

about future with club Bates signs offer sheet
Earlier on Wednesday, Jona-
With trades, rebuild than Toews — Kane’s partner in Bills have 5 days to $2.433 million, which gives them
Hawks star quiet in three Stanley Cup victories —
match or will lose guard only the right of first refusal.
took a sharper tone in reaction General manager Ryan Poles has
regards to his plans to the trades of Hagel, a versatile without compensation pledged to upgrade the offensive
and well-liked young forward, line, and the Bears signed Packers
By Phil Thompson scrappy fourth-liner Ryan By Brad Biggs interior offensive lineman Lucas
Chicago Tribune Carpenter and venerated goalie Chicago Tribune Patrick to a two-year, $8 million
Marc-André Fleury, the first deal.
ANAHEIM, CALIF. — Patrick reigning Vezina Trophy winner A lot of questions remain about They also signed veteran Dakota
Kane called the trade of former to be traded on deadline day in how the offensive line will shake Dozier to a one-year contract.
teammate Brandon Hagel NHL history. out for the Bears, but the new Patrick said he expects to play
“shocking” — it was the first of “It’s become pretty clear the leadership at Halas Hall is hope- center.
three by Monday’s trade deadline direction we’re heading in as a ful Ryan Bates becomes the answer The Bears need to replace right
— but he wasn’t ready to reeval- franchise, and I’m not going to to one of those. guard James Daniels, who left for
uate his future with the Black- lie, it was disheartening to see a Blackhawks’ Patrick Kane has The Bears on Thursday signed the Steelers in free agency, and
hawks. couple of your really good friends some tough decisions to make Bates, a restricted free agent from have to determine a plan at left
“Not right now,” Kane said go regardless of what’s to come in in regards to his future with the the Bills, to an offer sheet. That tackle. Adding Bates would give
after scoring a goal in the Hawks’ the future,” Toews said. team. DERIK HAMILTON/AP gives the Bills five days to match them a potential starter at guard.
4-2 win over the Ducks at Honda And he took it a step further. the contract or lose the lineman Assistant general manager Ian
Center on Wednesday. “That’s a “I wouldn’t say it makes THE LATE SHOW without compensation. Cunningham was with the Eagles
discussion for another day or me question it as much as, for For the most updated It’s a projection by the Bears as when Bates signed as an undrafted
over the summer, whatever it is. the longest time, the thought stories go to Bates has only four career regu- free agent. The Eagles later traded
“I’m happy that I’m here right never entered my mind to leave lar-season and two postseason Bates to the Bills.
now. Just going to try to finish out Chicago,” Toews said. “And sports starts. The last time the Bears success-
the season strong.” in this case, you can’t help but n Subscribers, open the digital They were not the only team fully landed a restricted free agent
The Hawks entered their game picture yourself and what it’d replica for the result and to see potential in the former from another team was 2006,
against the Kings on Thursday be like to play for another team up-to-date standings undrafted free agent out of Penn when they signed nickel corner-
night in Los Angeles at 23-32-9 and what that experience would n Sign up for the Tribune’s sports State, who also had visits with the back Ricky Manning Jr. from the
and in seventh place in the newsletter at chicagotribune. Vikings and Patriots. The Bills Panthers, a move that cost a third-
Central Division. Turn to Blackhawks, Page 2 com/newsletters tendered Bates at the low level of round draft pick.
2  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, March 25, 2022 

Team Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

BLACKHAWKS 2 p.m. | ABC-7 7:30 p.m. | NBCSCH+


BULLS 7 p.m. | NBCSCH 6:30 p.m. | NBCSCH 6 p.m. | NBCSCH

COL (exh.) @SD (exh.) KC (exh.) @CIN (exh.) ARI (exh.)

CUBS 3:05 p.m. | Marquee 3:05 p.m. | Marquee 3:05 p.m. | Marquee 8:05 p.m. | Marquee 3:05 p.m. | Marquee

@SEA (exh.) LAA (exh.) @LAD (exh.) SD (exh.)

WHITE SOX 8:40 p.m. 3:05 p.m. | NBCSCH 3:05 p.m. | MLB 3:05 p.m.

Next game
FIRE April 2 vs. DAL

RED STARS 7:30 p.m.


Blackhawks “We talked to him after
he was named GM, but I’m Bulls BULLS RECAP
Devonte’ Graham scored 30 points and CJ McCollum 25, leading the Pelicans to a
from Page 1 sure we’ll have discussions from Page 1 126-109 win over the Bulls on Thursday night in New Orleans. Zach LaVine scored
going forward too,” Kane 39 points and Coby White added 23 off the bench for the Bulls, who lost for the
bring. said. role, averaging 11.1 points, 5.8 assists 10th time in 13 games and hold a one-game lead over the Cavaliers and Raptors for
“That pops into your Asked if he has clearer and 1.2 steals in his 31 games as the the fifth seed in the East with nine games remaining. The Raptors outscored the
mind obviously, but again, sense now of what the starting point guard. Although he Bulls 40-24 in the fourth quarter. Bulls leading scorer DeMar DeRozan sat out with
Chicago’s my home. I love rebuild means exactly, couldn’t replicate Ball’s playmaking a groin injury. More coverage at
the Blackhawks. I love the Kane laughed: “You’re acumen or Caruso’s defensive savvy,
organization. It’s been my talking to the wrong guy, Dosunmu rose to the challenge — a
family for a long time, and man.” point Donovan emphasized while the white flag and benched his starters. ers are chipping in to help the trio of
I’m not ... getting ahead of Coach Derek King explaining the decision to move him Dosunmu’s secondary group gave up youngsters build the chemistry and
myself in any way.” expressed shock when back to the bench. a 15-0 run in the second quarter that discipline necessary to improve the
Like Toews, Kane said Hagel was traded away to “It really had nothing to do at all allowed the Bucks to pull away, putting Bulls’ depth.
he was troubled by the the Lightning on Friday — with Ayo,” Donovan said. “With Lonzo a Bulls comeback well out of reach. “(We’re) just trying teach them the
Hagel trade. a deal that got the Hawks and Alex being out, if you would have “In that group, it wasn’t necessar- game within the game,” Caruso said.
“It’s tough to lose a guy two conditional first- told us back in training camp that Ayo ily one person,” Donovan said. “For “Each possession is its own game, in
like Hagel for sure,” Kane round picks and forwards was going to be our starting point Patrick (Williams) and Coby (White) a sense. You’ve got to figure out what
said. “The way he played Taylor Raddysh and Boris guard, I don’t know if anybody would and Ayo, (it’s about) being able to have to do with what the read is, what the
the game, I think the Katchouk. know what that would look like. He a concentration and a focus on the look is, offense and defense, and then
energy he brought to the But he likened Toews’ has been incredible, man, but I’ve also things that are going to end up putting execute and compete. Those two
team, but also the energy reaction to venting. asked a lot of him in a lot of ways.” you in a situation where teams go on things are mandatory if you’re trying
he brought to the room. “He’s an emotional guy,” On its face, pulling Dosunmu from a run.” to win.”
Sometimes you think about King said. “He’s going to the starting group could boost the Moving out of the starting lineup The Bulls have plenty of areas of
it more as you’re losing speak like that, he has every Bulls bench, allowing him to bring the might seem to signal an easing of concern after going 4-9 since the
a really good friend. It’s right to. And that’s hard. experience gained as a starter to the responsibility for Dosunmu. Instead, All-Star break entering their game
tough in that sense. He’s won three Cups and secondary unit. But results from the it shifts the rookie’s expectations as Thursday against the Pelicans in New
“It is what it is, and it’s he wants to win another first two games of the new rotation a leader from one rotation group to Orleans, but the bench unit often is at
a business. They said they one and all of a sudden he’s were mixed. another. Dosunmu now leads a group the center of breakdowns, giving up
were going to rebuild. It in a rebuild. The guys that In Monday’s win over the Toronto comprised of the youngest members runs and struggling to create without
seemed like that was a bit maybe you thought would Raptors, Dosunmu finished with 11 of the roster. stars Zach LaVine, DeMar DeRozan
of a shocking move but be part of that rebuild get points, six assists and a block. The Three players under 23 lead the and Nikola Vučević on the court.
seemed like anything was traded. following night, he finished a minus-35 bench unit — Dosunmu, Williams This season taught the Bulls that
on the table after that.” “His emotions took over with seven points and only one assist in and White — and all three have expe- health never is guaranteed — Ball
Toews said he felt new and he wasn’t happy about a dismal loss to the Milwaukee Bucks. rienced vastly different seasons. is still sidelined indefinitely follow-
general manager Kyle it, but that’s Jonathan, The entire bench struggled in the Williams is fresh off a five-month ing meniscus surgery in his left knee,
Davidson has kept team right? Just guys showing 126-98 blowout, scoring only eight absence, and White has been moved while key players such as LaVine and
leaders like himself in the their emotions, nothing combined points through the first around into every possible position DeRozan cycle in and out of availabil-
loop. wrong with that.” three quarters before Donovan threw and rotation group. Coaches and play- ity because of injuries.

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Cubs spring training

What we saw: Cubs prospect James Trian-
tos, rated No. 3 in their system in MLB.
com’s new rankings this week, collected
had singles and drove in a run. Andrelton
Simmons made his spring debut as the
designated hitter, going 1-for-2 with a run.
Manager David Ross said pregame that
Simmons is on a slower progression but
wouldn’t expand when asked for a reason.
Left-hander Justin Steele went two innings,
tallying two strikeouts and two walks. He
threw additional pitches in the bullpen after-
ward to get his pitch count near 50.

What to watch for in today’s game: vs.

Colorado Rockies at Sloan Park, 3:05 p.m. CT
(Marquee Sports Network)
Seiya Suzuki is slated to make his Cubs
spring debut, starting in right field against
the Rockies. Suzuki has been taking live
batting practice to work on his timing almost
daily since he joined the team March 18. First
baseman Frank Schwindel (back tightness)
is unlikely to return to lineup until Saturday
at the earliest as the team takes precautions.

They said it: “One of the greatest players,

modern-day Babe Ruth. So it’s really cool
to face somebody like him with his stature.
I was really looking forward to that, like, last
night I was thinking about that. ... I’m like a
little kid out there on the mound.”
— Steele on facing Los Angeles Angels
Cubs pitcher Kyle Hendricks stretches with teammates n March 16 at Sloan Park in Mesa, Arizona. CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE star Shohei Ohtani, who walked to lead off
Thursday’s game

Assembly required
Don’t miss: Gomes is used to getting to
know new pitchers each year. He gener-
ally has more time than a 19-game spring
season and minimum workout days to make
that happen. It would be a lot just to build
a rapport with the eight pitchers the Cubs
have signed in the last two weeks. Now add
them to the returning arms.
How Cubs could build a back alignment will depend partly on which
pitchers are best positioned to give them
Norris features big-league starting
experience, though he predominately has
As soon as the lockout ended March 11,
Gomes reported to the Cubs complex and
staff, from starters to the bulk innings.
Those impending decisions are reflected
pitched out of the pen the last two seasons
and would make the most sense in relief.
caught Kyle Hendricks’ bullpen. Gomes has
been looking for any opportunity to get to
back end of the bullpen in this opening-day pitching staff projec- The Cubs have versatile options, giving know the pitching staff. He was back behind
tion. them some flexibility in how to attack the the plate Thursday to catch Steele. Reps
By Meghan Montemurro first month of games. continue to serve as the best learning tool.
Ross, who played on seven teams over his
Chicago Tribune
Starters 15-year career, can relate to Gomes’ experi-
MESA, Ariz. — A reoccurring theme in RHP Kyle Hendricks, RHP Marcus Stroman, Relievers ence this spring.
Chicago Cubs camp centers on three words: LHP Wade Miley, RHP Alec Mills, LHP Justin RHP Scott Effross, RHP Jesse Chavez, RHP “We’ve actually already talked about a
Don’t push it. Steele: The top three starters are well-es- Manuel Rodríguez, RHP Mychal Givens, RHP lot of the ability to come into a new place
The Cubs have preached this since play- tablished. Hendricks and Stroman are posi- Chris Martin, RHP David Robertson, RHP and catch the guys that you don’t know and
ers reported post-lockout, and the philos- tioned to start the first two games while Rowan Wick: What was a largely inexperi- getting in those games, interacting in those,”
ophy is especially pertinent to pitchers Miley, who has not yet pitched in a Cactus enced bullpen at the end of last season now Ross said. “He’s caught BPs, he’s caught
ahead of a long season. A shortened camp League game, expects to start at some point boasts plenty of veteran options for Ross. young guys’ bullpens. He is working his tail
and fewer Cactus League games than usual the first time through the rotation. Miley Effross, a sidearmer, offers a unique look, off just to get familiar with all those guys and
means pitchers’ workloads might not be had a bullpen session Thursday and will while Rodríguez looks to build off the heat having great conversations in the dugout.”
fully built up. The addition of two roster throw live batting practice before getting in he flashed with more consistency. Ross has
spots for April is a big boost and will affect a game. The Cubs could get creative to cover avoided labeling anyone his closer, though
how the Cubs plan to set up the pitching innings — pitchers won’t be fully ramped Robertson and Wick make the most sense. White Sox spring training
staff heading into opening day. up because of the shortened spring sched- Givens’ and Martin’s setup experience give What we saw: Reynaldo López showed good
The Cubs likely will use those two extra ule. Mills and Steele are among their most the bullpen depth it lacked after the trade reflexes, snagging a line drive back to the
roster spots on pitchers. built-up starters at this point and can slot in. deadline. Chavez’s addition on the open- mound that turned into a double play in the
“One thing we have to consider is that However, the Cubs have essentially six start- ing-day roster would require a 40-man first inning Thursday against the San Fran-
everybody’s on a different timeline,” ers they could use in some combination, and move. cisco Giants at Camelback Ranch.
manager David Ross said Thursday. “We a piggyback setup for some of them is likely. López allowed one run on two hits and one
do have a bunch of different looks — we have walk in two innings in his first spring outing.
some veteran guys that have been proven. ... Other notables López was used as a starter and reliever last
So we have to make sure we’re patient and Multi-inning arms RHP Adrian Sampson, RHP Robert Gsell- season. And the Sox are stretching him out to
ride this thing out. RHP Keegan Thompson, LHP Drew Smyly, man, RHP Jonathan Holder, RHP Ben make sure he’s available for any role.
“We want to make sure we’re taking care LHP Daniel Norris: If the Cubs want Leeper, RHP Ethan Roberts, RHP Michael
of everybody and keep those options healthy multi-inning options behind the starting Rucker, RHP Cayne Ueckert: Sampson and What to watch for in today’s game: at Seattle
throughout the season.” group, this trio can give them length. Smyly Gsellman, who signed minor-league deals Mariners, Peoria Stadium, 8:40 p.m.
The Cubs have a few avenues they can eventually could work his way into the with invites to big-league camp, know how Dylan Cease will make his first start of the
take to building the staff, but ideally it will rotation. After reporting to camp Saturday, to pitch out of the bullpen and can spot spring. The right-hander went 13-7 with a
feature plenty of options who can go multi- he’s a little behind, though, making him a start, especially Sampson, who was valu- 3.91 ERA and 226 strikeouts in 32 starts last
ple innings. Pitching coach Tommy Hottovy likely bullpen arm until his workload gets able in that role in 2021. Gsellman predom- season.
previously mentioned the possibility using a to a starter level. Thompson is vying for a inately has pitched in relief since 2018 and Reliever Kendall Graveman also is sched-
piggyback approach for starters as pitchers starting spot and should not be ruled out represents another veteran arm. Holder is uled to pitch. He struck out two in one inning
continue to ramp up. for opening the year in the rotation. But it returning from a shoulder injury that cost during his first appearance Tuesday against
With 11 more Cactus League games before would make sense to have the hard thrower him all of 2021. Leeper, Roberts and Ueck- the Milwaukee Brewers.
the Cubs break camp, a lot can change. This as a multi-inning weapon, a role in which ert are up-and-coming relievers and could “That was very impressive,” manager
is particularly true for how they set up the he thrived last year for the Cubs. Thomp- debut sometime this season. Roberts’ spot Tony La Russa said. “That’s how he pitches.”
rotation. Who they use as a starter at the son notably still has minor-league options, on the 40-man roster gives him an inside They said it
onset versus out of the bullpen in a piggy- as does Steele. track to a call-up. “As good as any shortstop playing. He’s
very close now. ... He gets better every year.
His ceiling is tops. And he wants it. And he
wants it for the right reasons.”
WHITE SOX — La Russa, when asked where he projects
Tim Anderson could be.

Rodón reminisces on his years with Chicago Don’t miss: Gonzalez is taking full advantage
of his first big-league camp.
By LaMond Pope part of the game, it’s part of the business and “I’m always asking questions,” Gonzalez
Chicago Tribune you move on,” Rodón said. “I’m excited to told the Tribune on Thursday morning. “I
be a Giant. This is a very, very good organi- like to learn. I like to know what they think
GLENDALE, Ariz. — Chicago White zation. They won 108 games last year. up there and how they approach the game.
Sox shortstop Tim Anderson saw a famil- “It’s good to be part of a contender, leav- It’s been great.”
iar face when he stepped into the batter’s ing a contender. I’m lucky to be with this Those questions are paying off for the
box Thursday at Camelback Ranch. organization and be with a good group of infielder, who is a possible option for depth.
He led off the bottom of the first squaring guys. And playing with the White Sox was Through his first six spring games, Gonza-
off against former teammate Carlos Rodón. a pleasure.” lez has a .300 average (3-for-10) with one
Anderson singled to right on the second When Rodón saw that he would be facing home run and four RBIs. The homer came
pitch from the new member of the San the Sox, he said: “Here we go, I guess. Start off Texas Rangers reliever Dennis Santana
Francisco Giants. it up.” in the third inning Wednesday at Surprise
“It’s a hit I’ve seen Tim do 300 to 400 Rodón surrendered a solo home run to Stadium.
times,” Rodón said with a smile. “He hits the Eloy Jiménez in the second inning. “Santana has a good fastball,” Gonzalez
ball away like that. See fastball away, boop, “Changeup right there, and he smoked said. “One of their good bullpen guys, and
takes his hits. Good job from him. Pretty Carlos Rondon signed a two-year, $44 million it,” Rodón said. “Lot of power, man, lot of I know he likes his fastball. I felt good and I
normal to watch Tim do that, just from the deal with the San Francisco Giants during power from Eloy.” put a good swing on a good pitch and great
different side.” the offseason. NORM HALL/GETTY IMAGES Rodón enjoyed the chirping from his outcome.”
Rodón, 29, struck out Luis Robert and former teammates and is looking forward Gonzalez, 25, made his big-league debut in
José Abreu and got Yoán Moncada to hit All-Star team in the breakout season. He to the new opportunity with the Giants. September. He slashed .250/.273/.344 with
a grounder to third to wrap up a scoreless was fifth in the American League Cy Young “Baseball is such a special game because two RBIs in 10 games.
first inning. Award voting. you make so many relationships,” he said. “It was incredible,” Gonzalez said. “It was
The left-hander, who signed a two-year, “Did a great job for us,” Sox manager “I’ve never stepped in a new clubhouse. a dream come true. I couldn’t be more grate-
$44 million deal with the Giants this offsea- Tony La Russa said Thursday. “I’m really Just a lot of names, a lot of faces I’ve got to ful being in the position I’m in. Hopefully
son, allowed one run on two hits and struck happy he’s not in our league. That means learn. But it’s fun. I keep doing my thing and earn more time
out four in 22/3 innings. He got a nice ovation I can pull for him. We had a great relation- “It’s cool to experience a different orga- up there.”
after leaving the game. ship, coaches, pitching staff. All of us appre- nization and see what’s different.”
“It’s funny, making that first start over ciated what he did.”
here and bringing it home,” Rodón said. “It Rodón was on the injured list Aug. 11-26
was cool. Some laughs, a little junk talk but with left shoulder fatigue and dealt with
Sox claim pitcher Yoán Aybar off waivers:
The Sox claimed left-hander Yoán Aybar Get more out of
it was fun.” “normal soreness” for a portion of Septem- off waivers from the New York Yankees and
The Sox selected Rodón with the third ber. placed right-hander Jonathan Stiever on your subscription
pick in the 2014 draft. He went 42-38 with
a 3.79 ERA in 121 appearances (116 starts)
“If he would have stayed healthy, you
know what kind of year he would have
the 60-day injured list.
Aybar, 24, was claimed off waivers by
by setting up your
during seven seasons. Injuries hampered
him before it all came together last season,
had?” La Russa said. “Contending for Cy
Young, right. Just hope he stays healthy.”
the Yankees from the Colorado Rockies on
March 20 after being designated for assign-
digital account
when he went 13-5 with a 2.37 ERA and 185 Rodón said of La Russa: “It was a plea- ment two days earlier. He went 2-6 with a
strikeouts in 24 starts. sure to play under a manager with a pretty 6.22 ERA, 53 strikeouts and two saves in It’s easy to start your
“Long road,” Rodón said. “You know the historical career.” 49 relief outings for the Rockies’ Double-A online access!
road I’ve been down, but there’s beauty in Rodón said there were some talks with team, the Hartford Yard Goats, last season.
the struggle. That’s how I got here, going
through those ups and downs and learning
the Sox, but he ultimately landed in San
Stiever, 23, underwent season-ending
surgery on his right lat on Aug. 23. He made
who I am. It helped.” “It’s hard to leave an organization that 17 starts at Triple-A Charlotte and one relief
He pitched a no-hitter and made his first you played your whole career for but it’s appearance for the Sox last season.
4  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, March 25, 2022 

Dayton, Ohio
16 Texas Southern 76 12 Wyoming 58 March 15-16 16 Wright St. 93 11 Rutgers 87
16 Texas A&M-CC 67 12 Indiana 66 First Four 16 Bryant 82 11 Notre Dame 89 (2OT)


First Round First Round
March 17-18 Second Round Second Round March 17-18
March 19-20 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 March 19-20
1 Gonzaga 93 1 Arizona 87
Gonzaga 82 March 24-25 March 24-25 Ariz. 85 (OT)
16 Georgia St. 72 16 Wright St. 70

San Diego

Gonz. 68 Arizona
8 Boise St. 53 Elite 8 Elite 8 8 Seton Hall 42
Memphis 78 March 26-27 March 26-27 TCU 80
9 Memphis 64 9 TCU 69
Arkansas Late
5 UConn 63 5 Houston 82
NMSU 48 Houston 68
12 NMSU 70 12 UAB 68


Ark. 74 Houston
4 Arkansas 75 4 Illinois 54
Arkansas 53 New Orleans Illinois 53
13 Vermont 71 April 2 13 Chattanooga 53

6 Alabama 64 WEST SOUTH 6 Colorado St. 63

Notre Dame 53 Michigan 76

11 Notre Dame 78 11 Michigan 75
San Diego

Texas Tech Mich. 55

3 Texas Tech 97 3 Tennessee 88
Texas Tech 59 Tenn. 68
14 Montana St. 62 14 Longwood 56
Late Villanova
7 Michigan St. 74 7 Ohio St. 54
Mich. St. 76 Ohio St. 61
10 Davidson 73 NATIONAL 10 Loyola Chicago 41


2 Duke 78
All times EDT Vill. 63
2 Villanova 80
Duke 85 April 4 Villanova 71
15 Cal St. Fullerton 61 15 Delaware 60

1 Baylor 85 1 Kansas 83
Baylor 86 Kansas 79
Fort Worth

Fort Worth
16 Norfolk St. 49 16 Texas Southern 56
UNC Kansas
8 North Carolina 95 8 San Diego St. 69
UNC 93 (OT) Creighton 72
9 Marquette 63 9 Creighton 72
After end of game 1 Fri. Fri., 7.15 p.m.
5 Saint Mary’s 82 5 Iowa 63
St Mary’s 56 Richmond 51
12 Indiana 53 12 Richmond 67

UCLA Providence
4 UCLA 57 4 Providence 66
UCLA 72 Providence 79
13 Akron 53 13 S. Dakota St. 57
6 Texas 81 6 LSU 54
Texas 71 Iowa St. 54
11 Virginia Tech 73 11 Iowa St. 59

Purdue Iowa St.
3 Purdue 78 3 Wisconsin 67
Purdue 81 Wisconsin 49
14 Yale 56 14 Colgate 60
Fri., 7 p.m. After end of game 2 Fri.
7 Murray St. 92 (OT) 7 USC 66
Murray St. 60 Miami 79

10 San Francisco 87 10 Miami 68


St. Peter’s All times EDT Miami

2 Kentucky 79 2 Auburn 80
St. Peter’s 70 Auburn 61
15 Saint Peter’s 85 15 Jacksonville St. 61

Sweet returns for ex-DePaul guards

By Gavin Good
Chicago Tribune

Before Jalen Coleman-Lands ever set foot

in Cathedral High School in Indianapolis,
his reputation as a sharpshooter preceded
Former Fighting Irish coach Andy Fagan
recalls the hype that surrounded Cole-
man-Lands’ arrival as a top recruit nation-
“Certainly a buzz had already come before
he ever stepped foot on our campus,” Fagan
said. “He had the early offers he did from
(Indiana), Purdue, and I think Notre Dame
was right there at the forefront as well.
The thing that stood out the most when I
first met him was how mature he was, how
grounded he was.”
The 6-foot-4 guard shot from practically
anywhere, but he also flashed the athleti-
cism to succeed at the next level, routinely
throwing down dunks at Cathedral before
transferring to prep powerhouse La Lumiere
for his final two years of high school.
“The first time I saw him shoot, it was one
of the most beautiful and natural looking
shots I’ve been around,” Fagan said.
More than seven years after Cole-
man-Lands committed to Illinois in 2014,
the Indianapolis native has played at four
colleges — transferring to DePaul in 2017,
Iowa State in 2020 and Kansas last fall
— before reaching this year’s Sweet 16 in
Chicago with the Jayhawks.
Battling through injuries, including a
broken leg before his freshman year and a
broken hand at DePaul, Coleman-Lands Miami’s Charlie Moore celebrates after a win over Auburn in the second round of the NCAA Tournament on March 20. BRYNN ANDERSON/AP
has carved out a role as a contributor off the
bench for No. 1 seed Kansas, which will take now,” Anderson said. “They want to start, ‘Yo, he’s got banners. He’s a Gatorade Player that was coming at him in senior year of
on No. 4 seed Providence on Friday at the they want to finish and play a large role, and, of the Year. He was Mr. Basketball.’ “ high school with such class,” Berger said.
United Center. trust me, Jalen is that guy. But with Moore in the Sweet 16 with No. “He never gave up, he never put his head
Former DePaul and current Illinois assis- “But he’s also a team-first type of guy. He’s 10 seed Miami, Gardner — who recently down. There were some tough times. But
tant Tim Anderson can’t help but feel over- willing to do whatever he has to do for the finished his first year coaching Morgan he never took it out on anybody.”
joyed to see Coleman-Lands find success on team to win.” Park’s boys team — is telling his kids to soak Moore is averaging 12.8 points and a
one of college basketball’s biggest stages. in what Moore does on and off the court. team-high 4.6 assists this season. He neared
“He’s a competitor, but he’s also a great “Charlie is the perfect example of what triple-double territory in Miami’s upset of
person,” Anderson said. A dream homecoming I’m explaining to kids about how nobody’s No. 2 seed Auburn, totaling 15 points, eight
“He wants to win. I’m overly excited for Sometimes, Morgan Park coach Chris journey will ever be the same,” Gardner assists and a career-high nine rebounds
him. He deserves it. He’s worked his butt Gardner wishes his current players could’ve said. “This is full-circle for Charlie.” to help the Hurricanes clinch a Sweet 16
off to get to this situation. He had setbacks seen what Moore did for the Mustangs in Former Mustangs assistant coach Terry matchup against No. 11 seed Iowa State on
with injuries and et cetera, and he didn’t let his day. A two-time state champion, Moore Johnson’s pride was evident. He called Friday.
it deter him.” averaged about 28 points as a senior and Moore a “great kid, very charming” at Hurricanes coach Jim Larrañaga made
While at DePaul from 2018-20, Cole- was the 2015-16 Illinois Mr. Basketball. Morgan Park. clear his appreciation for Moore after the
man-Lands averaged 10.8 points per game Moore bounced from California — where “He had one of those smiles that catches victory Sunday.
while anchoring the Blue Demons back- he set a freshman scoring record with 38 you and you give them a big hug,” Moore “With this guy quarterbacking us, can I
court with former Morgan Park star Char- points — to Kansas, DePaul and Miami. said. “He worked really, really hard in the call you Chris Paul?” Larrañaga said.
lie Moore. With former Mustangs such as Bulls guard gym as a freshman (on varsity).” When CBS Sports reporter Tracy
After earning an All-Big 12 honor- Ayo Dosunmu having success in the NBA, Moore’s journey — and how he handled Wolfson noted the Canes would be headed
able mention at Iowa State in 2021, Cole- many of Gardner’s players were unaware of himself in tough times, such as after to Chicago, marking a homecoming for
man-Lands is shooting 45.3% on 3-pointers Moore’s high school achievements. his father, Curtis, suffered a stroke — Moore, Larrañaga stepped back in surprise,
with the Jayhawks. “Charlie’s been in college for so long, half has touched those around him, former realizing what it meant for his point guard,
Anderson isn’t surprised Coleman-Lands my young guys, my seventh, eighth graders Mustangs athletic director Michael Berger who flashed his warm smile.
is finding success off the bench. and freshmen and sophomores had no idea said. “We’re going to Chicago, Coach,” Moore
“Everybody wants certain things right who Charlie was,” Gardner said. “I’m like, “I’ve never seen a kid handle all the stuff said. “I’m happy.”
Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, March 25, 2022  5



What to know about

the Sweet 16 games
By Gavin Good | Chicago Tribune

T he NCAA Tournament returns to the United Center this weekend

for the first time since 2016, with Northwestern serving as the host
school for the Midwest Region semifinals and final Friday and
Sunday. Kansas, Providence, Miami and Iowa State are set to duke it out
for a spot in the Final Four in New Orleans. The Jayhawks and Friars took
care of business against lower seeds while the Hurricanes upset No. 2 seed
Auburn and the Cyclones secured their Sweet 16 berth by sending No. 3
seed Wisconsin home early. Here’s a closer look at the matchups.

No. 1 Kansas No. 10 Miami

How they got here: Point guard How they got here: Jim Larraña-
Remy Martin transferred to ga’s seat was heating up after
Kansas after starring for Arizona three straight losing seasons
State for four seasons. The in Coral Gables, Fla., but he
6-foot super-senior makes up persuaded talented guard Isaiah
for his lack of size with his play- Wong, Kameron McGusty and
making ability. He came off the Sam Waardenburg to return.
bench to score 20 points and help When Larrañaga landed former
Kansas to a 79-72 win over No. 9 DePaul point guard Charlie
seed Creighton in the Round Moore from the transfer portal,
of 32. All-America guard Ochai it turned the Hurricanes into
Agbaji leads the Jayhawks with a contender in the ACC (they
19.3 points per game, and he gets finished fourth). All four players
plenty of help with four other average more than 30 minutes,
Jayhawks averaging at least eight. and the Hurricanes have commit-
What to know: The Jayhawks ted just seven turnovers in two
rank 33rd in Division I with an NCAA Tournament games.
average rebound margin of plus- After squeezing out of a first-
5, and if they can control the round nail-biter against USC, the
boards against the Friars behind Hurricanes weren’t intimidated
Jalen Wilson and David McCor- when drawn into a second-round
mack, they would have the edge matchup against future lottery
Friday. Between the explosive- pick Jabari Smith and No. 2 seed
ness of Naismith Player of the Auburn in the Round of 32, earn-
Year finalist Agbaji, a plethora ing a 79-61 win.
of talent and plenty of histori- What to know: The Hurricanes
cal success in the postseason, suffocated the Auburn front-
Kansas should be a heavy favor- court, holding Smith and likely
ite to make its fourth Final Four first-round pick Walker Kessler
under coach Bill Self. to a combined 12 points. Miami
Don’t miss: Self is 8-2 in the Sweet averages nearly nine steals
16 with the Jayhawks, advancing and should be able to generate
to the Elite Eight in the school’s mistakes against an Iowa State
last three trips in 2016-18. A win backcourt that had 18 turnovers
Friday would nudge Kansas ahead in wins over LSU and Wisconsin.
of Kentucky for the most wins all Larrañaga has Miami in its third
time in Division I with 2,355. Sweet 16 in 10 years.
Illinois connections: The Illinois connections: Moore, a
Jayhawks feature seventh- Morgan Park alumnus, is in his
year college player Jalen Cole- sixth college season after stops at
man-Lands, who played for California, Kansas and DePaul. His
Illinois, DePaul and Iowa State 4.6 assists per game lead the team.
before landing at Kansas. Self, Don’t miss: Only Gonzaga, Duke
too, has an Illini history, leading and UCLA have a better assist-
the school to the Elite Eight in to-turnover ratio than the Hurri-
2001 and the Sweet 16 in 2002. canes, who boast a 1.53 mark. The
Sophomore guard and Drake ball security makes Larrañaga’s
transfer Joseph Yesufu is a group difficult to disrupt.
Bolingbrook native. They said it: “I listened to Charles
They said it: “We needed to add Barkley tell the CBS crew that if
a couple of pieces, and we were Auburn won, he would take off
able to, but the biggest piece his shirt. I thought to myself,
we added obviously was Remy. ‘Man, no one wants to see that,
We’re still yet to be our best. I Chuck.’ So we did everything
still believe we’ve got another possible to make it possible that
gear, another step we can take. he wouldn’t have to do that.” —
Even though teams can defend Larrañaga
us a certain way and give us
problems, I’ve said many times,
in the NCAA Tournament — and No. 11 Iowa State
it happened with (Creighton) — How they got here: First-year
you’ve got to have some guys take coach T.J. Otzelberger and the
marginal shots and make them. Cyclones pulled off a huge turn-
… We’re a different team with around from last year’s two-win
(Martin). … He bailed us out once team that went winless in the Big
again.” — Self 12. Iowa State caught No. 6 seed
LSU at the right time in the first
round, beating the Tigers 59-54.
No. 4 Providence Otzelberger’s defense performed
How they got here: The Friars even better in a 54-49 win over
weren’t a popular Final Four No. 3 seed Wisconsin, holding the
Providence head coach Ed Cooley looks on in the first half of the game against the Butler Bulldogs during the Big pick like Kansas, but the Big East Badgers to a 2-of-22 mark from
East Tournament on March 10 in New York City. TIM NWACHUKWU/GETTY IMAGES regular-season champions have long distance. Having the ninth-
looked convincing in wins against ranked 3-point field-goal defense
Sullivan fans are the ones walking around
downtown yelling “Rock Chalk”
Wisconsin’s Johnny Davis,
Iowa’s Keegan Murray and
South Dakota State and Rich-
mond. Four starters hit double
and giving up just 62.3 points per
game is a winning recipe.
from Page 1 to total strangers wearing their Kentucky’s Oscar Tshiebwe. figures against Richmond, while What to know: The Cyclones put
colors. Just move on and don’t As a small school in the the Friars held the Spiders to an themselves back on the map in
were tough,” Self told the Kansas make eye contact if it happens to powerful Big East, Providence abysmal 1 of 22 on 3-pointers. nonconference play with wins
City Star. “Illinois basketball is you. They usually are harmless. gets little respect for what it has What to know: This team is over Xavier, Memphis, Creigh-
so loved in this state that Illinois While the Kansas program accomplished. loaded with experience, from ton and Iowa before going 7-11
kids … there are so many good is not quite as loathed as Duke, The school even has a mascot 6-foot-10 center Nate Watson in the loaded Big 12. Penn State
players. I always thought if there it’s in the ballpark thanks to its named “Friar Dom” once to Indiana graduate transfer Al transfer Izaiah Brockington leads
were six top-50 players from the enormous success and the confi- dubbed by “a zombie apostle” Durham. Coach Ed Cooley’s the way with 17.1 points and 5.1
state of Illinois every year and dent demeanor of their fans and by a Yahoo Sports writer, who go-to starting lineup of Durham, rebounds per game, while fresh-
you got three of ‘em you’d go to coach. Self even plays into the added it was the “creepiest face Watson, A.J. Reeves, North Flor- man Tyrese Hunter averages 10.9
the NCAA Tournament every reputation. He made a humor- of any university in the NCAA ida transfer Noah Horchler and points and a team-best 4.9 assists.
year. You can’t help but go (to the ous video in 2018 in which he Tournament.” South Carolina transfer Justin The Cyclones are attempting to
tournament), maybe (with) two searched for an official’s whistle But if Providence can upset Minaya came together seam- become the sixth No. 11 seed to
(players).” in his car, which is stuffed with Kansas, Friar Dom and the kids lessly, with all but Minaya aver- make a Final Four.
Whether the love will be championship trophies and would be ticketed to the Final aging at least 9.9 points. Illinois connections: Former
reciprocated this weekend at the rings, including in cupholders. Four in New Orleans if they Don’t miss: Providence played its Corliss High School star George
United Center is debatable. After Self is not shy about tooting get past the winner of the Iowa way back to the Sweet 16 for the Conditt IV is averaging 4.9
promising to be in Champaign his own horn. State-Miami game. first time since Pete Gillen took points and 3.5 rebounds for the
“for the long haul,” Self departed On the flip side is Providence Chicago could adopt this team the Friars there in 1997. Cooley Cyclones. The 6-foot-9 forward
for Kansas in 2003 after only coach Ed Cooley, who also this weekend. became the first Providence is second on the team in assists
three seasons and became a voiced excitement about playing Guard A.J. Reeves said Thurs- coach to win Big East Coach of at 1.9 per game and first in blocks
legend in Lawrence, Kan., where in Chicago in what he called “the day that the Friars can “feel the the Year honors and has taken the (0.9). Assistant JR Blount was a
Allen Fieldhouse is considered a building Mike built,” a reference energy in the city” while walking Friars to six NCAA Tournaments two-time team MVP and three-
mecca of college basketball. to you-know-who. downtown. in 11 years, more than any other time captain for Loyola during
Asked about the decision “Also to have a Friar grad as “There’s a lot of guys and a lot coach in program history. his playing career from 2005-09.
during Thursday’s media avail- the head coach of the Bulls, Billy of people around saying good Illinois connections: Sixth-year Don’t miss: With a 20-win
ability, Self called it “the right Donovan,” he said. “Inspired by luck to you guys, ‘Go, Friars’ and Friars assistant Ivan Thomas improvement over last season’s
move for me.” him.” everything,” he said. “Because began his coaching career with 2-22 record, Iowa State
“I doubted it,” he admitted. Donovan, one of Providence’s they know we’re here to play Schaumburg High School as an completed the best turnaround
“Buyer’s remorse for a while most famous players, led Rick basketball.” assistant in 1999. He was on staff in Big 12 men’s history. The
because you never know because Pitino’s team to the 1987 Final The Friars have that same when Schaumburg won the IHSA Cyclones could surpass Towson’s
the situation we left behind was Four, averaging 20.6 points for will to win Donovan exhibited Class 2A championship in 2001. record improvement of 21 wins if
pretty good, as you all know. But the small Catholic college. Long during Providence’s Final Four They said it: “I’m kind of speech- they can get by the Hurricanes.
it’s worked out well for us, and before he was exhorting Chicago run 35 years ago. Everyone in less to be sitting here with these He said it: “That’s our identity,
certainly I’m very proud of the Bulls star Zach LaVine to “go the program has to buy in to the gentlemen and the sacrifice our defense. Our defense influ-
time I had in Champaign, even downhill,” the 6-0 Friars guard team concept. (they made) on the road, where ences our offense and gets us
though it was limited. was doing it himself and making “Our program is about grati- the doubt just continues to flow going. We knew coming into the
“But I still have a lot of people things look easy. tude and appreciation,” Cooley through the veins of those who (Wisconsin) game that we just
that I’m very close to here. And “Billy disciplines himself said. “If you don’t have that, don’t trust or believe. We’re needed to be who we are, who
I said this before and I mean to make his legs move faster,” you’ll never play for me. The sitting here. We’re still here. we’ve been this whole season and
this. San Antonio has been really Pitino said before the Final Four. moment is not about you, it’s It’s a testament to (the players’) just ramp up our ball pressure.”
good to us, and there’s other “He’s like Larry Bird — not from about us collectively together emotional maturity and their — senior guard and Minnesota
places that have been good to us a talent standpoint but in his will having a mission that not a lot physical talent that was doubted.” transfer Gabe Kalscheur
and playing regionals in different to win.” of people believe in. Not a lot of — Cooley Gavin Good is a freelance
areas. But this was my hope that This Providence team isn’t people believe that we should reporter for the Chicago Tribune
we would be in Chicago. This is stocked with five-star recruits be here.
about as good as it could be for like Kansas. Jayhawks guard “Guess what, doubters? Prov- THE SCHEDULE
me and for our fan base being Ochai Agbaji is a finalist for the idence is in the damn building, Kansas vs. Miami vs. Semifinal winners
right here.” Naismith Trophy Men’s Player and I’m proud of those kids. No. 4 Providence No. 11 Iowa State Time TBA
If you’re wondering, those of the Year award, along with Drop the mic.” 6:29 p.m. Friday, TBS 8:59 p.m. Friday, TBS Sunday, CBS-2
6  Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, March 25, 2022


Florida 62 42 14 6 90 254 180 Philadelphia 45 27 .625 — Thursday’s second round rund-robin 1st of 4 rounds, Corales GC, Punta Cana,
Toronto 63 40 18 5 85 232 191 Boston 46 28 .622 — play at Austin (Texas) Country Club. Dominican Republic, 7,670 yards, Par 72
Tampa Bay 62 39 17 6 84 207 177 Toronto 40 32 .556 5 G GOLFER (SD) REC SC Ben Martin 36-30 — 66 -6
Boston 63 39 19 5 83 191 169 Brooklyn 38 35 .521 7 1/2 Adam Schenk 33-34 — 67 -5
1 Patrick Reed (23) 0-1-1 vs.
Detroit 63 26 30 7 59 184 235 New York 31 42 .425 14 1/2 Kiradech Aphibarnrat 34-34 — 68 -4
1 Sebastián Muñoz (58) 0-1-1 tied
Buffalo 64 23 33 8 54 171 223 Hayden Buckley 32-36 — 68 -4
1 Jon Rahm (1) 2- 0- 0 d.
Ottawa 63 22 36 5 49 162 207 SOUTHEAST W L PCT GB Graeme McDowell 34-34 — 68 -4
1 Cameron Young (40) 1-1-0 5&4
Montreal 63 17 36 10 44 160 238 Vaughn Taylor 33-35 — 68 -4
y-Miami 47 26 .644 — 2 Collin Morikawa (2) 1-0-1 vs.
METRO. GP W L OT PTS GF GA Ryan Armour 35-34 — 69 -3
Charlotte 37 36 .507 10 2 Sergio Garcia (43) 1-0-1 tied
Thomas Detry 32-37 — 69 -3
Carolina 63 42 15 6 90 206 150 Atlanta 36 37 .493 11 2 Jason Kokrak (22) 1-1-0 d.
Nate Lashley 34-35 — 69 -3
Pittsburgh 65 39 16 10 88 213 172 Washington 30 41 .423 16 2 Robert MacIntyre (61) 0-2-0 3&2
David Lingmerth 33-36 — 69 -3
N.Y. Rangers 64 40 19 5 85 193 167 Orlando 20 54 .270 27 1/2 3 Viktor Hovland (3) 2-0-0 d.
Greyson Sigg 34-35 — 69 -3
Washington 65 35 20 10 80 216 185 3 Cameron Tringale (45) 0-2-0 2&1
Alex Smalley 34-35 — 69 -3
Columbus 64 32 29 3 67 211 239 CENTRAL W L PCT GB 3 Sepp Straka (63) 1-1-0 d.
Martin Trainer 34-35 — 69 -3
N.Y. Islanders 61 27 25 9 63 165 166 3 Will Zalatoris (24) 1-1-0 4&2
Milwaukee 45 27 .625 — Brandon Wu 34-35 — 69 -3
Philadelphia 63 20 32 11 51 159 220 4 Seamus Power (42) 2-0-0 d.
Chicago 42 30 .583 3 Dominic Bozzelli 34-36 — 70 -2
New Jersey 64 23 36 5 51 197 233 4 Patrick Cantlay (4) 0-1-1 5&4
Cleveland 41 31 .569 4 Wesley Bryan 35-35 — 70 -2
4 Sungjae Im (21) 1-1-0 d.
Indiana 25 48 .342 20 1/2 Jonathan Byrd 34-36 — 70 -2
WESTERN CONFERENCE 4 Keith Mitchell (62) 0-1-1 5&3
Detroit 20 53 .274 25 1/2 Wyndham Clark 34-36 — 70 -2
CENTRAL GP W L OT PTS GF GA 5 Tommy Fleetwood (41) 1-1-0 d.
Jason Dufner 32-38 — 70 -2
Colorado 64 45 14 5 95 245 178 WESTERN CONFERENCE
5 Scottie Scheffler (5) 1-1-0 2&1
Tommy Gainey 34-36 — 70 -2 With New York City ammending its vaccine mandate, Kyrie
5 Matt Fitzpatrick (20) 2-0-0 d.
St. Louis 62 35 18 9 79 222 175 SOUTHWEST W L PCT GB 5 Ian Poulter (59) 0-2-0 4&2 Robert Garrigus 36-34 — 70 -2 Irving can play in homes games for the Nets. But the team
Minnesota 61 37 20 4 78 228 196 Brandon Hagy 35-35 — 70 -2
Memphis 50 23 .685 — 6 Justin Thomas (6) 1-1-0 d.
Bryson Nimmer 35-35 — 70 -2
faces a tough road ahead nonetheless. BRANDON DILL/AP
Nashville 64 37 23 4 78 211 184 6 Marc Leishman (37) 0-1-0 5&4
Dallas 45 28 .616 5
Dallas 62 35 24 3 73 184 185 Andrew Novak 35-35 — 70 -2
New Orleans 30 42 .417 19 1/2 6 Kevin Kisner (29) 2-0-0 d.
Winnipeg 64 30 24 10 70 201 198 San Antonio 29 44 .397 21 6 Luke List (53) 1-1-0 1up Chad Ramey
Seth Reeves
35-35 — 70 -2
35-35 — 70 -2
Chicago 64 23 32 9 55 171 221

For Nets, still

Houston 18 55 .247 32 7 Lucas Herbert (39) 2-0-0 d.
Arizona 63 20 39 4 44 164 228 Chase Seiffert 35-35 — 70 -2
7 Xander Schauffele (7) 1-1-0 1up
PACIFIC GP W L OT PTS GF GA Brian Stuard 35-35 — 70 -2
NORTHWEST W L PCT GB 7 Takumi Kanaya (56) 1-1-0 d.
D.J. Trahan 35-35 — 70 -2
Calgary 63 38 17 8 84 218 153 7 Tony Finau (18) 0-2-0 1up
Utah 45 28 .616 — Jhonattan Vegas 32-38 — 70 -2
Los Angeles 65 35 22 8 78 188 182 8 Mackenzie Hughes (51) 1-1-0 d.
Denver 43 30 .589 2 Vince Whaley 33-37 — 70 -2
Edmonton 64 35 24 5 75 217 204 8 Max Homa (30) 1-1-0 1up
Minnesota 42 32 .568 3 1/2 Scott Brown 35-36 — 71 -1

no guarantee
Vegas 66 34 28 4 72 205 201 8 Dustin Johnson (8) 2-0-0 d.
Portland 27 45 .375 17 1/2 Joel Dahmen 35-36 — 71 -1
Vancouver 65 31 26 8 70 186 187 8 Matthew Wolff (38) 0-2-0 4&2
Oklahoma City 21 52 .288 24 Tyler Duncan 34-37 — 71 -1
Anaheim 66 27 28 11 65 188 214 9 Lee Westwood (47) 1-1-0 d.
J.J. Henry 34-37 — 71 -1
San Jose 63 28 27 8 64 167 198 9 Bryson DeChambeau (9) 0-1-1 1up
PACIFIC W L PCT GB Hank Lebioda 36-35 — 71 -1
Seattle 64 20 38 6 46 168 228 9 Richard Bland (54) 1-0-1 d.
x-Phoenix 59 14 .808 — Seung-Yul Noh 34-37 — 71 -1
NOTE: Two points for a win, one point 9 Talor Gooch (27) 1-1-0 1up
Golden State 48 25 .658 11 Sean O’Hair 35-36 — 71 -1
for overtime loss. Top three teams in 10 Corey Conners (36) 2-0-0 d.
L.A. Clippers 36 38 .486 23 1/2 Cameron Percy 33-38 — 71 -1
each division and two wild cards per 10 Louis Oosthuizen (10) 0-2-0 2&1
David Skinns 35-36 — 71 -1
conference advance to playoffs. L.A. Lakers
31 42 .425 28
26 48 .351 33 1/2
10 Alex noren (50)
10 Paul Casey (19)
con Sahith Theegala 35-36 — 71 -1 By Brian Mahoney ated disk in his back, and
THURSDAY’S RESULTS x-clinched playoff spot 11 Justin Rose (46) 1-1-0 d Danny Willett
Rafael Campos
35-36 — 71 -1
36-36 — 72 E
Associated Press who knows how much he
Dallas at Carolina, late
Florida at Montreal, late
y-clinched division 11 Jordan Spieth (11)
11 Adam Scott (32)
vs. Joshua Creel 35-37 — 72 E can help after sitting out all
Tampa Bay at Boston, late THURSDAY’S RESULTS 11 Keegan Bradley (60) 0-1-1 tied Andrew Filbert 34-38 — 72 E NEW YORK — Kyrie season.
Patrick Flavin 34-38 — 72 E
Detroit at N.Y. Islanders, late Cleveland at Toronto, late
Chicago at New Orleans, late
12 Billy Horschel (12) 2-0-0 d.
Michael Gligic 35-37 — 72 E Irving can play home Had the mandate
12 Tom Hoge (33) 0-2-0 3&2
Ottawa at Winnipeg, late
Philadelphia at St. Louis, late Indiana at Memphis, late 12 Min Woo Lee (49) 1-1-0 d. Bill Haas 34-38 — 72 E games now, so the Nets remained, Irving would
Vancouver at Minnesota, late Washington at Milwaukee, late 12 Thomas Pieters (26) 1-1-0 1up Mark Hubbard
Ben Kohles
36-36 — 72 E
36-36 — 72 E might be good enough to have been eligible to play
San Jose at Edmonton, late
Chicago at Los Angeles, late
Phoenix at Denver, late 13 Tyrrell Hatton (13)
13 Si Woo Kim (48)
1up Rick Lamb 36-36 — 72 E win the NBA champion- in only two of the Nets’
Nashville at Vegas, late FRIDAY’S GAMES 13 Daniel Berger (17) 1-1-0 d. D.A. Points
Aaron Rai
35-37 — 72 E
38-34 — 72 E
ship. final nine games, with six
Utah at Charlotte, 6p.m.
Washington at Detroit, 6p.m.
13 Christiaan Bezuidenhout (52) 0-2-0
14 Joaquin Niemann (14) 1-1-0
d. Doc Redman 37-35 — 72 E Or they might be flawed at home and one across
Pittsburgh at N.Y. Rangers, 6p.m. Golden State at Atlanta, 6:30p.m. 14 Russell Henley (34) 0-2-0 2&1 Roger Sloan 34-38 — 72 E enough to miss the playoffs town against the Knicks at
Kevin Stadler 34-38 — 72 E
Washington at Buffalo, 6p.m. Dallas at Minnesota, 7p.m.
New York at Miami, 7p.m.
14 Maverick McNealy (64) 1-0-1 vs.
Callum Tarren 33-39 — 72 E entirely. Madison Square Garden.
14 Kevin Na (25) 1-0-1 tied
Columbus at Winnipeg, 7p.m.
Arizona at Calgary, 8p.m. Houston at Portland, 9p.m. 15 Abraham Ancer (15) 1-0-1 vs. Nick Taylor 37-35 — 72 E The exemption given But his refusal to get
Philadelphia at Colorado, 8p.m. Philadelphia at L.A. Clippers, 9:30p.m. 15 Brian Harman (44) 0-1-1 tied Curtis Thompson
Bronson Burgoon
35-37 — 72 E
35-38 — 73 +1 by Mayor Eric Adams of vaccinated against COVID-
15 Bubba Watson (57)
15 Webb Simpson (31)
1up Greg Chalmers 35-38 — 73 +1 the vaccine mandate that 19 — in a league where 97%
N.Y. Islanders at Boston, 11:30a.m. San Antonio at New Orleans, 4p.m. 16 Brooks Koepka (16) 2-0-0 d. Kevin Chappell
Austin Cook
33-40 — 73 +1
35-38 — 73 +1
made Irving eligible to play of players did — has left the
Tampa Bay at Detroit, 11:30a.m.
Chicago at Vegas, 2p.m.
Sacramento at Orlando, 6p.m.
Indiana at Toronto, 6:30p.m.
16 Harold Varner III (35)
16 Shane Lowry (28)
d. Brett Drewitt 35-38 — 73 +1 in New York City should Nets in a precarious posi-
Florida at Ottawa, 6p.m. Brooklyn at Miami, 7p.m. 16 Erik van Rooyen (55) 0-2-0 2up Fabian Gomez 38-35 — 73 +1 make the Nets even more tion. They’re only eighth
Scott Gutschewski 36-37 — 73 +1
New Jersey at Washington, 6p.m. Chicago at Cleveland, 7p.m.
Milwaukee at Memphis, 7p.m. Nick Hardy 37-36 — 73 +1 explosive, perhaps too in the Eastern Confer-
Toronto at Montreal, 6p.m.
Vancouver at Dallas, 6p.m. Oklahoma City at Denver, 8p.m. 10:20 a.m.: Horschel vs. Pieters Kramer Hickok 36-37 — 73 +1 potent to be stopped four ence, probably needing to
Carolina at St. Louis, 7p.m. Houston at Portland, 9p.m. 10:31 a.m.: Hoge vs. Min Woo Lee Nicolai Hojgaard
Rasmus Hojgaard
35-38 — 73 +1
37-36 — 73 +1 times even by the tough- advance out of the play-in
Columbus at Minnesota, 7p.m.
Edmonton at Calgary, 9p.m. WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS
10:42 a.m.: Scheffler vs. Fitzpatrick
10:53 a.m.: Fleetwood vs. Poulter John Huh 35-38 — 73 +1 est defensive teams. With to make the postseason.
Anaheim at San Jose, 9:30p.m. Detroit 122, Atlanta 101 11:04 a.m.: Hatton vs. Berger Jim Knous
Hao-Tong Li
37-36 — 73 +1
36-37 — 73 +1
Irving and Kevin Durant And if the current stand-
Seattle at Los Angeles, 9:30p.m. New York 121, Charlotte 106
Sacramento 110, Indiana 109
11:15 a.m.: Si Woo Kim vs. Bezuidenhout
11:26 a.m.; Cantlay vs. Sungjae Im David Lipsky 36-37 — 73 +1 together, the Nets can pile ings hold, they’d have their
SUNDAY’S GAMES Boston 125, Utah 97 11:37 a.m.: S. Power vs. Mitchell Trey Mullinax 36-37 — 73 +1 up the points. first game in that tourna-
Grayson Murray 36-37 — 73 +1
Tampa Bay at N.Y. Islanders, 1p.m. Memphis 132, Brooklyn 120
Golden State 118, Miami 104
11:48 a.m.: DeChambeau vs. Gooch
Matthias Schwab 37-36 — 73 +1 They also give them up ment against the Raptors
11:59 a.m.: Westwood vs. Bland
Buffalo at N.Y. Rangers, 4p.m.
Detroit at Pittsburgh, 4p.m. Oklahoma City 118, Orlando 102 12:10 p.m.: Du. Johnson vs. Homa Jared Wolfe 37-36 — 73 +1 in bunches. in Toronto, where Irving
Colorado at Minnesota, 5p.m. Phoenix 125, Minnesota 116 12:21 p.m.: Wolff vs. Hughes Dylan Wu
Michael Balcar
35-38 — 73 +1
37-37 — 74 +2 Take Wednesday night wouldn’t be eligible to play.
Philadelphia at Nashville, 5p.m.
Arizona at Winnipeg, 6p.m.
Dallas 110, Houston 91
San Antonio 133, Portland 96
12:32 p.m.: Koepka vs. Sh. Lowry
12:43 p.m.: Varner III vs. van Rooyen Brice Garnett 37-37 — 74 +2 in Memphis, for example. Even if they do advance,
Florida at Toronto, 6p.m. Philadelphia 126, L.A. Lakers 121 12:54 p.m.: Rahm vs. P. Reed Emiliano Grillo
Juan Jose Guerra
38-36 — 74 +2
35-39 — 74 +2
Irving poured in 43 points they’re destined to be
Montreal at New Jersey, 6p.m. 1:05 p.m.: Cam. Young vs. S. Muñoz
1:16 p.m.: Spieth vs. A. Scott David Hearn 39-35 — 74 +2 and Durant had 35. Yet, locked into one of the
WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS 1:27 p.m.: Rose vs. Bradley Bo Hoag 36-38 — 74 +2 the Nets lost because they lowest seeds in the eight-
Richard S Johnson 34-40 — 74 +2
Toronto 3, New Jersey 2 MEN’S NIT 1:38 p.m.: Jus. Thomas vs. Kisner
Justin Lower 37-37 — 74 +2 surrendered a whopping team Eastern Conference
1:49 p.m.: Leishman vs. List
Buffalo 4, Pittsburgh 3, SO
Vancouver 3, Colorado 1
at Madison Square Garden, New York 2 p.m.: Niemann vs. K. Na George McNeill 38-36 — 74 +2 132 points to a Grizzlies playoffs, forced to open
Chicago 4, Anaheim 2 Xavier vs. Saint Bonaventure, 6p.m. 2:11 p.m.: Henley vs. McNealy Victor Perez
Willy Pumarol
38-36 — 74 +2
37-37 — 74 +2 team that didn’t even have against a top team such as
Washington St. vs. Texas A&M, 8:30p.m. 2:22 p.m.: Hovland vs. Zalatoris
2:33 p.m.: Tringale vs. Straka Manuel Relancio 35-39 — 74 +2 its best player, All-Star the defending NBA cham-
Texas A&M 67, Wake Forest 52 2:44 p.m.: C.Conners vs. A. Noren Patrick Rodgers
Adam Svensson
37-37 — 74 +2
35-39 — 74 +2
guard Ja Morant. pion Bucks, Heat or surg-
MIAMI OPEN Washington State 77, BYU 58 2:55 p.m.: Schauffele vs. Finau
3:06 p.m.: Herbert vs. Kanaya Hudson Swafford 38-36 — 74 +2 It’s games like that ing Celtics.
At Hard Rock Stadium, Miami Gardens,
Fla.; hardcourt-outdoors THE BASKETBALL CLASSIC 3:17 p.m.: Ancer vs. Simpson Bo Van Pelt 36-38 — 74 +2 which make the Nets, The Nets will never be
Camilo Villegas 38-36 — 74 +2
MEN’S SINGLES, ROUND OF 128 SATURDAY’S QUARTERFINAL 3:28 p.m.: Harman vs. B. Watson who hope to still add Ben able to have the team that
3:39 p.m.: Morikawa vs. Kokrak
Lloyd Harris d. Facundo Bagnis, 6-3, 6-3. Portland vs. Southern Utah, 5p.m.
MONDAY’S SEMIFINAL 3:50 p.m.: Ser. Garcia vs. MacIntyre WORLD GOLF RANKINGS
Simmons to improve their was considered the favor-
Ugo Humbert d. Aljaz Bedene,
6-3, 3-6, 6-3. Coastal Carolina at S. Alabama, 7p.m. -- Oosthuizen vs. Paul Casey con RK. GOLFER COUNTRY AVG leaky defense, the most ite entering this season.
Yoshihito Nishioka d. Emilio Gomez, WEDNESDAY’S QUARTERFINAL
Fresno State 80, Youngstown State 71 The winner of each group advances to 1. Jon Rahm Spain 8.19 intriguing team in the James Harden is gone
6-2, 6-7(2), 6-1.
Sebastian Korda d. Alejandro
the knockout stage of 18-hole matches. 2. Collin Morikawa U.S. 7.78 league in the final days of and Joe Harris won’t be
3. Viktor Hovland Norway 7.59
Davidovich Fokina, 6-1, 6-1. WOMEN’S NCAA TOURNAMENT 4. Patrick Cantlay U.S. 7.07 the regular season. back. The NBA’s lead-
Pedro Martinez d. Jan-Lennard Struff,
6-3, 2-0, ret.
Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, N.C. MLB
5. Scottie Scheffler U.S. 6.96 They could win it all. ing 3-point shooter two
Jeffrey John Wolf d. Daniel Altmaier, Friday’s Regional Semifinals
6. Cameron Smith
7. Justin Thomas
5.73 They could lose once in the of the last three seasons
6-4, 6-4. South Carolina vs. North Carolina, 6 p.m. SPRING TRAINING 8. Rory McIlroy N. Ireland 5.72 play-in tournament and be had season-ending ankle
Jenson Brooksby d. Federico Coria,
3-6, 6-2, 6-3.
Iowa State vs. Creighton, 8:30p.m.
Sunday, Regional Championship
Kansas City 5
9. Xander Schauffele
10. Sam Burns
eliminated. surgery.
Alexei Popyrin d. Lorenzo Musetti, WICHITA REGIONAL Boston 6 1 .857 11. Dustin Johnson U.S. 5.28 “If they can ever line it But they should no
7-5, 7-6(5).
Jordan Thompson d.
At Intrust Bank Arena, Wichita, Kan.
Saturday’s Regional Semifinals
4 1 .800
4 2 .667
12. Hideki Matsuyama Japan 5.12 up man, where both dudes longer be the club that has
13. Bryson DeChambeau U.S. 4.62
Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, 6-7(1), 6-4, 6-4. Louisville vs. Tennessee, 3p.m. Chicago 5 3 .625 14. Louis Oosthuizen S. Africa 4.50 are playing and playing at often been a pushover in
Kamil Majchrzak d. Sebastian Baez,
6-4, 6-3.
South Dakota vs. Michigan, 5:30p.m. Cleveland
Los Angeles
3 3 .500
4 3 .571
15. Jordan Spieth U.S. 4.46 a high level, it’s going to be its own home. The Nets
Mikhail Kukushkin d.
Monday Regional Championship
SPOKANE REGIONAL Baltimore 2 3 .400
16. Billy Horschel
17. Tyrrell Hatton
4.33 very, very scary, especially are just 16-19 at Barclays
Botic Van De Zandschulp, 6-4, 6-4.
At Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena Detroit 2 3 .400 18. Joaquin Niemann Chile 4.21 when Ben plays,” Trail Center, where some teams
Arthur Rinderknech d. Laslo Djere,
6-2, 7-6(6).
Friday’s Regional Semifinals Seattle
2 3 .400
3 5 .375
19. Abraham Ancer
20. Brooks Koepka
Blazers coach Chauncey recently have sent multiple
Marton Fucsovics d. Marcos Giron,
Stanford vs. Maryland, 8:30p.m.
Texas vs. Ohio State, 6p.m.
New York 2 4 .333 21. Daniel Berger U.S. 4.15 Billups said. defenders at Durant.
6-3, 6-4.
Tommy Paul d. Benjamin Bonzi, 6-4, 6-4. Sunday, Regional Championship
1 4 .200
1 4 .200
22. Harris English U.S. 4.10 “If” is an apt assessment Now, whenever the Nets
23. Tony Finau U.S. 4.04
Andy Murray d. Federico Delbonis, BRIDGEPORT REGIONAL Tampa Bay 0 5 .000 24. Paul Casey England 3.94 of the Nets. play at home they will be
Total Mortgage, Bridgeport, Conn.
7-6(4), 6-1.
Miomir Kecmanovic vs. Saturday’s Regional Semifinals
4 1 .800
PCT. 25. Matt Fitzpatrick U.S. 3.92 An everyday Irving better.
Jack Sock, late NC State vs. Notre Dame, 11:30 a.m. St. Louis 4 1 .800
26. Sungjae Im
27. Jason Kokrak
S. Korea
3.61 provides a big boost. But Time will tell if they will
UConn vs. Indiana, 1p.m.
Monday, Regional Championship
Atlanta 3 1 .750 28. Patrick Reed U.S. 3.17 Simmons isn’t even prac- be good enough to win a
#8 Ons Jabeur d. Magda Linette,
5 2 .714
3 2 .600
29. Will Zalatoris
30. Kevin Na
ticing because of a herni- title and not just games.
7-6(1), 6-2. WOMEN’S NIT Pittsburgh 3 2 .600 31. Thomas Pieters Belgium 2.95
#9 Danielle Collins d. Anna Bondar, THURSDAY’S THIRD ROUND Chicago 4 3 .571 32. Talor Gooch U.S. 2.89
6-3, 3-6, 6-4. Houston vs. Alabama, late Milwaukee 3 3 .500 33. Shane Lowry Ireland 2.89
Naomi Osaka d. #13 Angelique Kerber, Boston College vs. Columbia, late New York 2 2 .500 34. Kevin Kisner U.S. 2.83
Drexel vs. Seton Hall, late
6-2, 6-3.
Karolina Muchova d. Vanderbilt vs. Middle Tenn., late
3 4 .429
3 5 .375
35. Max Homa U.S. 2.81 IN BRIEF
36. Webb Simpson U.S. 2.73

After shocking defeat,

#18 Leylah A. Fernandez, 6-4, 7-6(3). Toledo vs. Marquette, late San Diego 2 4 .333 37. Adam Scott Austrlia 2.71
Aliaksandra Sasnovich d. Drake vs. South Dakota State, late San Francisco 2 4 .333 38. Tom Hoge U.S. 2.65
#25 Daria Kasatkina, 7-6(5), 6-4. UCLA vs. Wyoming, late Los Angeles 1 3 .250 39. Russell Henley U.S. 2.55
Alison Riske d. #31 Alize Cornet, New Mexico vs. Oregon State, late

Italy to miss World Cup

Washington 1 4 .200 40. Harold Varner III U.S. 2.53
6-2, 6-2. Standings do no reflect ties 41. Corey Conners Canada 2.48
Kaia Kanepi d. Sara Sorribes Tormo, SOCCER 42. Marc Leishman Australia 2.42
3-6, 7-5, 6-0. THURSDAY’S RESULTS 43. Matthew Wolff U.S. 2.38
Lucia Bronzetti d. Stefanie Voegele, MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER Detroit 5, N.Y. Yankees 3 44. Lucas Herbert Australia 2.34
6-2, 6-1. EASTERN W L T PT GF GA Minnesota 7, Tampa Bay 1 45. Cameron Young U.S. 2.30
Elina Svitolina d. Heather Watson, Philadelphia 3, Pittsburgh 3
4-6, 6-3, 7-6(4). Philadelphia 3 0 1 10 7 2 Atlanta at Toronto, ppd.
46. Tommy Fleetwood England
47. Phil Mickelson U.S.
2.28 News services 2026-27 season. Financial
Katerina Siniakova d. Emma Raducanu, Columbus
2 0 2 8 10 5
2 0 2 8 5 1
Kansas City 5, Cincinnati 4 48. Seamus Power Ireland 2.28 terms weren’t revealed.
3-6, 6-4, 7-5.
Daria Saville d. Harmony Tan, 6-4, 6-2. N.Y. Red Bulls 2 1 1 7 8 4
Seattle 3, Cleveland 2
Texas 5, Oakland 3
49. Sergio Garcia
50. Brian Harman
European champion Barnes, 67, guided the
Anna Kalinskaya d. Karolina Pliskova Orlando City
2 1 1 7 4 2
2 1 1 7 8 8
L.A. Angels 5, Chi. Cubs 4 Italy will miss the World Volunteers to a 27-8 season
6-3, 6-3.
Belinda Bencic d. Marta Kostyuk, 6-3, 6-1. D.C. United 2 2 0 6 5 4
L.A. Dodgers 6, Colorado 6
San Francisco 9, Chi. White Sox 6
Cup. Again. and their first SEC Tourna-
Vera Zvonareva d. Tamara Zidansek, Cincinnati
New York City FC
2 2 0 6 5 8
1 2 1 4 4 4
Arizona 10, Milwaukee 3 QATAR MASTERS The unthinkable ment title in 43 years.
6-3, 6-2.
Ann Li vs. Anett Kontaveit, late New England 1 2 1 4 6 8
Boston vs. Baltimore, late.
Houston vs. Washington, late.
1st of 4 rounds, Doha GC,Doha, Qatar, happened in Palermo on
7,466 yards; Par 72
Aryna Sabalenka vs. Toronto FC 1 2 1 4 5 8 Miami vs. N.Y. Mets, late 64 (-8) Thursday as the Azzurri Golf: World No. 4 Patrick
Irina-Camelia Begu, late Charlotte FC
CF Montréal
1 3 0 3 4 7
0 3 1 1 5 11
Pablo Larrazabal 34-30 were beaten 1-0 by North Cantlay was eliminated
Inter Miami CF 0 3 1 1 2 10
Boston vs. Atlanta, 12:05p.m.
66 (-6)
Marcus Helligkilde 35-31 Macedonia following a from advancing to the
ODDS WESTERN W L T PT GF GA N.Y. Yankees vs. Philadelphia, 12:05p.m. Romain Langasque 32-34 last-gasp goal by Alek- knockout round of the
Los Angeles FC
Real Salt Lake
3 0 1 10 9
3 0 1 10 6
Minnesota vs. Pittsburgh, 12:05p.m.
Washington vs. St. Louis., 12:05p.m.
Adrian Meronk
Shubhankar Sharma
sandar Trajkovski in their WGC Match Play in
FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG Minnesota United 2 0 2 8 4 2 Baltimore vs. Tampa Bay, 12:05p.m. 67 (-5) playoff semifinal. Austin, Texas, after losing
at Purdue
at Kansas
121/2 Saint Peter’s
71/2 Providence
Austin FC
FC Dallas
2 1 1 7 11
2 1 1 7 7
Detroit vs. Toronto, 12:07p.m.
Colorado vs. Chi. Cubs 3:05p.m.
Ewen Ferguson 32-35 Italy had 32 shots on to Ireland’s Seamus Power
Robert Rock 36-31
at UCLA 2 North Carolina Colorado 2 1 1 7 6 4 Milwaukee vs. Oakland, 3:05p.m. 68 (-4) goal, compared to just four and falling to 0-1-1 in group
at Miami

21/2 Iowa State
LA Galaxy 2 2 0 6 4 4 Cleveland vs. San Francisco, 3:05p.m. Laurie Canter 35-33 for its opponent. But it was play. Cantlay still must
Southern Utah 4 Portland
1 1 2 5 3
1 1 2 5 5
Texas vs. Kansas City, 3:05p.m.
L.A. Angels vs. Arizona, 3:10p.m.
Jens Dantorp
Joakim Lagergren
35-33 Trajkovski’s effort from finish up his round-robin
MONDAY Seattle 1 2 1 4 4 5 N.Y. Mets vs. Houston, 5:05p.m. Zander Lombard 36-32 outside the area as defend- play Friday.
South Alabama 31/2 Coastal Carolina
Kansas City
1 2 1 4 3
1 3 0 3 3
San Diego vs. L.A. Dodgers, 8:05p.m.
Chi. White Sox vs. Seattle, 8:40p.m.
Wilco Nienaber
Wade Ormsby
ers closed in around him
St. Bonaventure 1 Xavier San Jose 0 3 1 1 4 9 Antoine Rozner 35-33 that made the difference. NBA: Grizzlies G Ja Morant
Texas A&M 11/2 Washington State
Vancouver 0 3 1 1 2 9 69 (-3) It was North Mace- will be re-evaluated in two
Wu Ashun 36-33
AUTO RACING donia’s only real oppor- weeks as he continues to
Three points for win, one point for tie.
South Carolina 6-5 UConn 3-1
Stanford 5-1 N.C. State 7-1 Nino Bertasio 35-34
Louisville 12-1 Texas 25-1 SATURDAY’S MATCHES NASCAR CUP SERIES LEADERS Ross Fisher 34-35 tunity after a dominant deal with knee soreness
Maryland 50-1 Michigan
North Carolina 50-1 Iowa State
Cincinnati at Charlotte FC, 5 p.m.
Real Salt Lake at Sporting KC, 7 p.m.
Mikko Korhonen
35-34 performance by Italy, that has sidelined him for
Indiana 80-1 Tennessee 80-1
Notre Dame 100-1 Ohio State 250-1
1 Ford
182 -- 3 Ross McGowan 37-32 which missed a number of the last week.
S. Dakota 250-1 Creighton 300-1
Orlando City at Portland, 4 p.m.
2 Chevrolet 173 -9 2 Edoardo Molinari
Yannik Paul
chances and had several
3 Toyota 163 -19 0
Andrea Pavan 35-34 others saved by visiting NFL: The day after trad-
FAVORITE LINE O/U UNDERDOG ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE DRIVER POINT STANDINGS Joel Stalter 36-33 keeper Stole Dimitrievski. ing WR Tyreek Hill to
at Detroit 21/2 (218) Washington Paul Waring 36-33
Utah 31/2 (233) at Charlotte
Chase Elliott
W T5 T10
0 0 3
171 70 (-2) Italy also failed to qual- the Dolphins, the Chiefs
Liverpool vs. Watford, 6:30a.m.
at Atlanta
at Miami
2 (220) Golden State
51/2 (off) New York Brighton vs. Norwich, 9a.m. Joey Logano 0 1 3 164 Julien Brun 38-32 ify for the 2018 World Cup signed former Packers WR
at Minnesota 2 (228) Dallas Burnley vs. Man City, 9a.m. Chase Briscoe
William Byron
1 2 2
1 2 2
Dean Burmester
Jorge Campillo
35-35 after losing to Sweden in a Marquez Valdes-Scant-
Houston 21/2 (off) at Portland
Philadelphia 51/2 (off) at LA Clippers
Chelsea vs. Brentford, 9a.m.
Leeds vs. Southampton, 9a.m. Kurt Busch 0 2 3 148 Julien Guerrier 36-34 two-legged playoff. Miss- ling. The deal is for three
Wolverhampton vs. Aston Villa, 9a.m. Ryan Blaney 0 2 2 148 Chase Hanna
Calum Hill
ing two straight Cups is years and up to $36 million,
Man United vs. Leicester, 11:30a.m. Aric Almirola
Martin Truex, Jr.
0 1 3
0 0 2
142 Craig Howie 36-34 a unprecedented for the ESPN reported. ... A fire
Washington -210 at Buffalo +172 U.S. MEN’S SCHEDULE Alex Bowman 1 1 2 140 Masahiro Kawamura 35-35 four-time champion. burned in a portion of the
Niall Kearney 36-34
Pittsburgh -125 at NY Rangers +104
at Winnipeg -205 Columbus +168
q-Thursday: at Mexico, at Aztec
Stadium, Mexico City, late.
Ross Chastain
Kyle Busch
0 3 3
0 1 3
136 Thriston Lawrence 35-35 club level on the east side
at Calgary -465 Arizona +350 q-Sunday: vs. Panama, at Exploria Kyle Larson 1 2 2 135 Hugo Leon 37-33 C o l l e ge b a s ke t b a l l : of Empower Field at Mile
at Colorado -410 Philadelphia +315 Stadium, Orlando, Fla., 6 p.m. Daniel Suarez
Kevin Harvick
0 2 3
0 0 2
Guido Migliozzi
Adrian Otaegui
36-34 Tennessee signed coach High in Denver, which is
For the latest odds, go to q-Wednesday: at Costa Rcia, at Estadio
FanDuel Sportsbook, Nacional de Costa Rica, San Jose, 8 p.m. Tyler Reddick 0 1 2 126 Jack Senior 36-34 Rick Barnes to a contract home to the Broncos. No q-World Cup qualifying Brad Keselowski 0 0 1 122 Joel Sjoholm 36-34
extension through the injuries were reported.

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