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April 17, 2000 on-line at: http://ccf.arc.nasa.


600 Astrobiologists attend science results conference

“We threw a big science party and month. And the chemistry was great--just contribution to our maturation process.”
everybody came,” exulted Dr. Lynn like a good party,” she beamed. The large scope and variety of the
Rothschild of Ames’ Earth Science division, While the initial planning for the three- abstracts that were presented “truly
day event, hosted at mirrored the multidisciplinary face of astro-
Ames April 3 to 5, en- biology,” added Rothschild. “Researchers
visioned a ‘modest’ and scientists from diverse disciplines were
scientific meeting, it actually listening and talking to one an-
ended up attracting an other,” she enthused. “Clearly, people
overflow crowd of 600 came for the science, and not for the fund-
inter nationally-r e- ing. Otherwise, they simply would not
nowned astrobiolo- have come from all over the world, as they
gists. Further, it show- did,” she concluded.
cased eclectic yet ex- Solar system dynamics and cosmic
citing science results, chemistry shared center stage with topics
ranging from ‘snow- continued on back page
ball’ Earth and the ori-
gin of the metazoa
to interstellar quino-
nes and the ubiq-
Ames tests research
photos by John Wilson
uity of convergence.
“If sheer num-
turbine in world’s
Researchers discuss astrobiology science results during a break at the
first annual astrobiology science conference held at Ames on April 3-5.
bers coupled with
the quality of the
largest wind tunnel
body of works pre-
chairperson of the Ames organizing com- sented is any indication, the emerging
mittee for NASA’s First Astrobiology Sci- field of astrobiology is poised for an
ence results conference. We drew in two to exciting future,” said Ames Center Di-
rector Dr. Henry
McDonald, who de-
livered opening re-
marks during the
conference’s first
day. “I am very
proud of what Ames
and the organizing
committee, under
Lynn Rothschild’s
direction, have ac-
complished on be-
half of the agency
and the entire sci-
entific community.
This is truly excit-
ing,” he said.
Researchers view astrobiology posters in Building 3 during a break in the “This confer-
presentations. More than 370 abstracts were submitted for consideration ence is a milestone Ames’ 80 x 120 foot wind tunnel with the
to Ames conference chairperson Dr. Lynn Rothschild. in the development unsteady aero experiment of the DOE (Dept. of
of Astrobiology as a Energy) NREL (National Renewable Energy
three times more researchers than we ex- scientific field and discipline,” said Dr. Laboratory) research wind turbine; with Ron York
and Jason Brown, on low lift in foreground, and
pected. We gave people little notice and Baruch Blumberg, Director of NASA’s
Janet Beegle and Steve Nance on high lift.
the response was nothing short of over- Astrobiology Institute and an enthusias-
whelming--370 abstracts (came in) in a tic conference participant. “It is a major --see story page 5

April 17, 2000 Communication for the information technology

The age
Ames Astrogram — 1
Visitors & Programs
ODIN due diligence contractors visit Ames
The Outsourcing Desktop Initiative for much information about the Ames environ- project team, the ODIN contractors were
NASA (ODIN) due diligence effort at Ames ment and requirements as possible. This is very complimentary of the friendly and
started on March 8 and was successfully in order to develop a responsive proposal professional information exchanges they
completed on April 4. Five contractors, that will result in an award of the ODIN had with Ames staff members.
contract. The The ODIN contract will provide desk-
due diligence top computing capability at the Center. At
phase of the Ames, 1,830 desktop "seats" (PC and Macs)
ODIN project will be serviced by the ODIN contractor. A
was conducted desktop seat includes hardware, software,
very coopera- installation, maintenance, customer sup-
tively and with port, training, technology refresh, and ac-
minimal inter- cess to network printers. In addition, the
ruption to the ODIN contractors will bid on telephone,
work force. Ames FAX, administrative radio, and video ser-
accommodated vices as options. The selected ODIN con-
the five bidders tractor will also provide a catalog of infor-
for 26 days, mation technology components and ser-
during which vices that can be purchased in addition to
time the ODIN ODIN seats. The ODIN contractor propos-
project team and als for the desktop, options and catalog
the directorate services will be evaluated from April 20
coordinators ar- through July 10. The evaluations may result
ranged for tours in either a center-by-center selection or an
and meetings, enterprise selection, to be determined by
and ensured the the Office of Aerospace Technology, Code
information R, selection board. The final selection date
requested by is July 11.
the bidders was After selection and through November
available and 30, the winning contractor will conduct
photo by Ray O’Brien clear. The ODIN outreach and phase-in activities. Full imple-
ODIN contractors pay close attention as specific requirements are explained. contractor staff mentation is scheduled to begin Dec 1.
wore a special If you would like more information
ODIN visitor's about ODIN’s services, then refer to the
CSC, Intellisource, OAO, SAIC, and WANG badge, and in many cases, special company Ames’ ODIN Web site at: http://
arrived at Ames with the same goals in attire. There were a total of 25 ODIN con- for the latest informa-
mind, namely to become acquainted with tractor employees on-site during due dili- tion. You can also email questions to
the Ames ODIN customers and collect as gence. In the outbriefing with the ODIN

Program benefits both engineers and scientists

The NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Fel-
lowship Program is a ten-week summer
program that brings selected college and
university professors to Ames from their
home university. The summer 2000 pro-
gram will be administered by San José State
University, under the co-direction of Profes-
sor Bradley M. Stone and Meredith Moore
of Ames.
This program is an outstanding oppor-
tunity for visiting professors to collaborate
with Ames scientists and engineers on a
research project. The ASEE program ben-
efits Ames engineers and scientists, as well
as the visiting professors. This program has
been a tremendous success over the past 36
years with over 4,500 faculty members from
more than 300 institutions participating in
the program since it's inception in 1964.
For more information on the program, 1999 Fellows (from left to right): Ece Yaprak, Gilda Pour, and Amanie Abdelmessih.
contact Rochelle Roberts at ext. 4-6937 or
access the Web site at: http:/

2 — The Ames Astrogram April 17, 2000

News from Ames & Around the Agency
Center Briefs Researchers discover
Leading cancer institute tests novel extraterrestrial gases in buckyballs
monitoring technique Extraterrestrial gases, including helium, during asteroid and comet strikes early in
A cancer detection technique that uses are trapped in "buckyball" molecules in a the planet's history when impacts were very
an advanced sensor developed at NASA's layer of sedimentary clay found in many numerous. The discovery relates to previ-
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, is places on Earth, according to a recently ous work by Becker and Bunch, published
being tested by the prestigious Dana-Farber published paper, in the Proceedings of the in Nature in July 1999 that first identified
Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, for use in
National Academy of Sciences. naturally occurring fullerenes in a meteor-
monitoring the effectiveness of cancer treat-
The discovery provides a new tool for ite. The scientists found significant quanti-
The sensor is part of a device called the
tracing asteroid and comet impacts in Earth's ties of very large fullerene molecules, some
BioScan System (tm), developed by geological and biological records. A Uni- containing as many as 400 carbon atoms,
OmniCorder Technologies, Inc., Stony versity of Hawaii geochemist and her col- in samples from the 4.6-billion-year-old
Brook, NY. OmniCorder has been devel- leagues, including an Ames scientist, found Allende meteorite that landed in Mexico
oping and testing the system for three gases that did not originate on Earth inside three decades ago.
years and received Food and Drug Admin- buckyballs, or fullerene carbon molecules. The subsequent work examined several
istration clearance to market it in Decem- The fullerene molecule is a hollow, cage- Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary clay sedi-
ber 1999. like structure typically made of 60 or more ments distributed worldwide, including
carbon atoms; it is also referred to as a deposits in Denmark, New Zealand and
Survey shows NASA employees among “buckyball,” in honor of Buckminster Fuller, North America. In each case, the research-
most satisfied federal workers designer of the geodesic dome that re- ers found fullerenes that encapsulated noble
According to a newly published gov- sembles the molecule. gases with unmistakable extraterrestrial and
ernment survey, NASA employees enjoy a “We discovered extraterrestrial noble possibly extra-solar isotopic signatures.
greater level of job satisfaction than most gases trapped inside buckyballs in a one- The scientists examined the one-inch
other federal workers. The National Part- inch thick sedimentary layer of clay that is clay layer because it is a well-studied sedi-
nership for Reinventing Government (NPR) exposed at several locations on Earth,” said ment that contains extraterrestrial iridium
employee survey showed NASA employ- Ted Bunch, a scientist at Ames. “The and highly shocked minerals resulting from
ees gave the agency the highest favorable buckyballs containing the gases arrived on an asteroid impact 65 million years ago. A
ratings in 14 out of 32 categories. "I am Earth about 65 million years ago during an highly shocked mineral is one that has
incredibly proud of these results," said NASA asteroid impact that scientists theorize experienced temperatures of more than
Administrator Daniel S. Goldin. "They rep- ended the age of the dinosaurs. The clay 2,000 degrees C and pressures of about
resent a strong statement of the top-to- layer that formed from fallout of the impact 400,000 atmospheres from impact shock.
bottom excellence of the NASA team." debris was globally distributed,” explained The clay layer documents a period of abrupt
Bunch. change in biological evolution, including
View inside Mars reveals rapid Luann Becker, of the University of Ha- mass extinction of the dinosaurs, now gen-
cooling and buried channels waii, Honolulu, HI; Robert Poreda, of the erally attributed to the impact of a carbon-
Some of Mars' best kept secrets, long University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; and aceous asteroid with the Earth.
buried beneath the surface of the red planet, Ted Bunch of Ames, discovered the extra- Becker said that she hopes to expand
were recently revealed by instruments on terrestrial gases in the fullerenes. A copy of
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft.
the research to examine other periods of
New observations of Mars reveal that
the article was recently posted on the mass extinction, such as the even more
the planet's flat northern lowlands were an
Internet at: devastating event that formed the 250-
early zone of high-heat flow that later may “Helium from different sources on Earth, million-year-old Permian/Triassic layer of
have been the site of rapid water accumu- like our atmosphere or the emissions from sediment. She added that she hopes to
lation, according to a view of the Martian volcanoes, has a very different isotopic sig- determine if impacts with Earth trigger
interior generated using data from Mars nature from the helium in a meteorite,” global change, including whether fullerenes
Global Surveyor. Elevation and gravity Becker said. An isotopic signature is the of extraterrestrial origin delivered gases and
measurements, which have been used to ratio of the isotopes of an element; for carbon necessary to establish life on Earth.
probe beneath the surface of Mars, indi- example, terrestrial helium consists of a “We now have a powerful new tracer to
cate a period of rapid cooling early in small amount of helium 3, (whose nucleus look at sediment layers very carefully,”
Martian history, and evidence for large, has two protons and one neutron), and Becker said. “It opens new possibilities in
buried channels that could have formed mostly helium 4 (that has 2 protons and 2 looking at the problem of how planetary
from the flow of enormous volumes of neutrons). Cosmic helium contains more atmospheres evolved and maybe even how
water. helium 3 than terrestrial helium sources. life evolved on Earth and on other moons
“The helium we found within the and planets.” She said that she also hopes
Improved Atlantis scheduled for April fullerene cages of Australia's Murchison to work with astronomers to study the
24 launch to International Space meteorite, for example, is similar to the formation of fullerenes.
helium that existed when our solar system “We have yet to learn why these things
Station first formed,” Becker stated. That finding are there and what they tell us about car-
Following a review of flight readiness,
points to a cosmic source for the fullerenes, bon in the universe. We need to figure out
Space Shuttle managers recently confirmed
April 24 as the launch date for Atlantis on
the researchers say. In contrast, molecules how to establish their existence and how to
a mission that will continue the develop-
formed in the high pressure and tempera- search for it.”
ment of the orbiting International Space ture of an earthly impact or the heat of Grants from the NASA Cosmochemistry
Station. Atlantis' mission will be the first wildfires that followed would have encap- and Exobiology programs supported the
flight of a new Shuttle "glass cockpit" and sulated terrestrial helium, according to the research.
more than a dozen other Shuttle improve- researchers.
They say the finding also supports the BY JOHN BLUCK
theory that atmospheric gases and organic
compounds arrived on the Earth's surface

April 17, 2000 The Ames Astrogram — 3

Activities & Events
Ames presents talk on asteroids Ames Aeromen
--Sci-fi or scientific truth? win softball title
The Ames Aeromen softball team won
the men’s Thursday-night novice softball
championship in dramatic fashion last week
at the Twin Creeks softball complex in
Sunnyvale. The Aeromen, who finished the
regular season with 12 wins and 2 loses,
beat Magic Rover in the first playoff round
to advance to the championship game.
They saved their best game for last as they
took on a very tough Legato Bulldogs team.
Both teams put on a hitting display,
scoring a total of 49 runs in seven innings.
The Aeromen twice battled back from 9-
run deficits. After falling behind 9-0 after
two and half innings, they mounted a come-
back to pull ahead 12-9 in the fourth.
The Bulldogs surged ahead in the top of
the sixth with nine runs, and added three
photo by Sonja-Jones Shin know it, except for micro-organisms. more in the seventh. This set the stage for
Morrison explained that this was probably the Aeromen, who entered the bottom of
Dr. David Morrison speaks to a what happened to the dinosaurs during the seventh inning behind 24-15.
crowd of avid listeners at the the Cretaceous period. Taking it one base at a time, the team hit
recent asteroid presentation. Morrison also mentioned that there is ten singles to put the winning run on third
an asteriod named Eros that, in its orbit, base with only one out. After a line-drive
It is always interesting to go to see could collide with Earth. Eros is a large out to the second baseman, an infield single
the latest science fiction movies, such as enough asteroid that it could cause the scored the winning run in the bottom of the
“Armaggedon,” “Deep Impact” or “Mis- same extinction as occurred during the last inning with two outs to secure the
sion to Mars.” We enjoy these films because Cretaceous period. Morrison’s talk was championship.
they depict what the future may hold for us better than a Hollywood production, be- The 1999/2000 winter league Ames
or how change could happen dramatically. cause, in the back of my mind I knew that Aeromen are: Jeff Brown, Eloret, code AS;
However, going to see Dr. David Morrison what he was explaining was an actual Steve Guarini, code IC; Matt Jardin, code
speak at the Mountain View Center for possibility. AFC; Jon Nichols, Stanford; Bernie Nillo,
Performing Arts on March 27 about aster- The asteroids event was sponsored by
oids and comets was not just interesting, it Videonics Inc; Joe Olejniczak, code ASA;
Friends of California Air and Space Mu-
was startling. Tom Pace, Lockheed; Tom Pulliam, code
seum. Be sure to catch the next event on
There were no Hollywood props or cin- May 3, “Cold Hard Worlds at the Edge of INR; David Rodriguez, Eloret, code INR;
ematography. It was just plain scientific the Solar System,” by Jeff Cuzzi, Dale Stuart Rogers, code INR; Alan Wray, code
data about the very real threat of a comet or Cruikshank, and Jeff Moore, to be held at INR; Jason Williams, formerly MCAT, Inc,
asteroid slamming into Earth. Either of the Smithwick Theater at Foothill College. code RFC, and Greg Zilliac, code AIP.
these two, if large enough, when they hit For more information on this event, call
the Earth, would sterilize it, killing off the BY STUART ROGERS
(650) 949-7888.
bulk of plant, animal and human life as we BY DAWN EVANS

NASA logo returns to wind tunnel

A new NASA meatball was installed on the 40’ x 80’ wind tunnel at Ames on March 30 by a Code J contractor. This restores
the tunnel to its original status as the most visually recognizable structure on the original Ames acreage and as the preferred
backdrop for visiting TV crews.

4 — The Ames Astrogram April 17, 2000

Ames Wind Tunnel
Ames tests research turbine in world’s largest wind tunnel
For the first time ever, engineers at turbines will behave," said Dave Simms, tional science panel of wind-turbine aero-
Ames will begin testing a wind turbine this NREL project director. "Our organization dynamics experts.
month in the world's largest wind tunnel conducts research to make wind turbines The NREL research turbine has been
to learn how to design and operate the operate more efficiently, more cheaply field-tested in various configurations since
turbines more efficiently. and more effectively," he added. "This 1989 at the Department of Energy's Na-
The three-week test of the U.S. Depart- research will help us learn how to build tional Wind Technology Center located
ment of Energy's National Renewable En- better turbines." near Boulder, CO. It has been operated in
ergy Laboratory (NREL) "Unsteady Aerody- The research wind turbine is designed outdoor atmospheric turbulent wind con-
namics" research wind turbine is scheduled to measure structural loads and aerody- ditions up to 70 mph, and has been ex-
to begin April 17. Tests will be conducted namic responses of the rotating blade or posed to winds above 145 mph with the
in Ames' 80-by-120-foot wind tunnel. The wing. The research wind turbine is mainly rotor locked in position. Test data have
wind tunnel is primarily used for determin- constructed from steel, but has lightweight shown that turbulent winds create com-
ing low- and medium-speed aerodynamic carbon-fiber blades that measure 33 feet plex operating environments for wind tur-
characteristics of full-scale aircraft and ro- (10 meters) in diameter. The system weighs bines.
torcraft (helicopters). about 15,000 pounds (6,800 kilograms). According to Simms, testing in a con-
"Some of the problems encountered by Wind turbines, such as those found on the trolled wind-tunnel environment will elimi-
wind turbines are very similar to those expe- Altamont Pass in the east bay (east of the nate these factors, and produce valuable
rienced by rotorcraft," explained Bob Kufeld, San Francisco Bay), are used to generate data that will enable researchers to better
NASA project director. "NREL and NASA are electricity for commercial uses. understand how the turbines operate at
working together using our wind tunnel During the wind tunnel test, the tur- various angles and wind speeds. "We need
and helicopter computer models that pre- bine will be mounted on a 40-foot tall data to improve and validate enhanced
dict rotorcraft characteristics and their re- stand and operated at a constant speed engineering models for designing and ana-
search wind turbine model to learn as much with its rotor turned left or right at various lyzing advanced wind-energy machines,"
as possible about rotating blade aerody- angles and different wind velocities. The Simms said. "Hopefully, this test will pro-
namics," he said. wind tunnel is capable of producing wind vide that data."
"If we can better understand the aero- velocities up to 115 miles per hour. NREL BY MICHAEL MEWHINNEY
dynamics of rotating blades, then we can engineers developed the test objectives
more accurately predict how the wind to meet recommendations of an interna-

McDonald guests on national

radio program

Save the date!

Strive to Sustain - Earth Day 2000
Date: April 20
Place: Moffett Training &
Conference Ctr, Bldg. 3
Exhibits: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
photo by David Morse Symposium: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Food available to
Ames Center Director Dr. Henry McDonald participates in National Public Radio’s “Science purchase: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Friday” program live from San José’s KSJO radio station on March 31. McDonald joined host/ For more information, see
moderator Ira Plaitow, along with guests Thomas Young, chair of the Mars Independent
Assessment Team; Joseph Rothenberg, Associate Administrator for Space Flight, NASA
Headquarters; Edward Stone, JPL Center Director; and journalist Joseph Schecter. Contact
to register. Cost: Free

April 17, 2000 The Ames Astrogram — 5

Education & Outreach
NASA sponsors western regional robot games
Student-made robots formed "alliances" engaging for this competition are truly im- contests. Organizers say the overall goal of
to lift large balls and put them into a con- pressive, and we expect that in the future the robot games is to allow students to
tainer during a western regional competi- some of these students will be the engineers interact with engineers so that the youths
tion March 30 to April 1 at the San José State and designers of our robotic planetary ex- can see the connection between classroom
ploration program," instruction and the real world. Each year
he stated. FIRST develops the competition and sup-
NASA is working plies "a problem" and a kit of parts to teams
cooperatively with a of students.
non-profit group, Youths and their advisors design and
"For Inspiration and construct remote-control robots in six
Recognition of Sci- weeks. Advisors are often professional en-
ence and Technol- gineers from private industry, government
ogy," (FIRST), of and universities.
Manchester, NH, Teams from ten FIRST regions took part
which organizes the in seven regional finals across the nation,

University Event Center. The event was

sponsored by Ames.
The San José robot games attracted
teams from 46 high schools in California,
Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Mon-
tana, Oregon and Washington. During the
competition, robots not only put balls into
a triangular target, but also did "robot chin-
"This year NASA is proud to sponsor 108
teams nationwide," said Mark León of Ames. photos by Pamela Sheets
"The endeavors in which the students are
including the Western Regional in San
José. Four of the regions are "NASA"
regions: the NASA Langley/Virginia Com-
monwealth University (VCU) region; the
Southeast region; the Lone Star region;
and the NASA Ames region. The Ames
region includes Alaska, Arizona, California,
Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana,
Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and
The Ames robotics Web site can be
found at:
first.html, and the FIRST Web site is at: lists. These include
more details about the robotic contests.
FIRST was started in 1989 by inventor
Dean Kamen to persuade American youth
that engineering and technology are excit-
ing fields.

6 — The Ames Astrogram April 17, 2000

Calendar & Classifieds

Event Calendar Ames Child Care Center Board of Directors Mtg,

Every other Thursday (check Web site for meeting dates),
12 noon to 2 p.m. , N269, Rm. 201. POC: David Korsmeyer,
Environmental, Health and Safety Monthly
Information Forum, May 4, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.,
Bldg. 19/Rm 1078. POC: Linda Vrabel at ext. 4-0924.
Model HO/HOn3 Railroad Train Club at Moffett ext. 4-3114. Web site:
Field invites train buffs to visit & join the club in Bldg. 126, Hispanic Advisory Committee for Employees,
NFFE Local 997 Union General Mtg, Apr 19, noon to May 4, 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., N-241/Rm 237.
across from the south end of Hangar One. Work nights are
1 p.m., Bldg. 19/Rm. 2017. Guests welcome. POC: Marianne POC: Mary R. Valdez, at ext. 4-5819.
usually on Friday nights from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Play
Mosher at ext. 4-4055.
time is Sunday from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. For more info, call Ames African American Advisory Group Mtg,
John Donovan at (408) 735-4954 (W) or (408) 281-2899 Ames Multicultural Leadership Council Mtg, Apr 19, May 4, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. POC: Robert Finnie at
(H). 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Galileo Rm/Ames Café. POC: Sheila ext. 4-5230. Contact Robert for meeting place.
Johnson, ext. 4-5054.
Jetstream Toastmasters, Mondays, 12 noon to Nat’l Association of Retired Federal Employees,
1 p.m., N-269/Rm. 179. Guests welcome. POC: Samson Ames Amateur Radio Club, Apr 20, 12 noon, N-260/ (NARFE), San Jose Chapter #50, Mtg, May 5, at Harry's
Cheung at ext. 4-2875 or Lich Tran at ext. 4-5997. Conf. Rm. POC: Mike Herrick, K6EAA at ext. 4-5477. Hofbrau, 390 Saratoga Av., S.J., Prog. and bus. mtg.
follow lunch at 11 a.m. POC: Mr. Rod Perry (650) 967-
Ames Ballroom Dance Club, Ames Ballroom Dance Ames Asian American Pacific Islander Advisory
9418 or NARFE 1-800-627-3394.
Club. Tuesdays: Rumba 4/4, 4/11, 4/18, Salsa 4/25, 5/2, Group Mtg, Apr 20, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., N-237/Rm. 101.
5/9, Samba 5/16, 5/23, 5/30, 6/6. 3 levels of classes, from POC: Daryl Wong, ext. 4-6889 or Margaret Salas, ext. 4-6755. Ames Sailing Club Mtg, May 11, 11:30 a.m. to 1
Beg. to Int., 5:15 - 6:45pm. Moffett Training and p.m., N-262/Rm. 100. POC: Stan Phillips, ext. 4-3530.
Native American Advisory Committee Mtg, Apr 25,
Conference Center, Bldg. 3/Showroom. Women dancers
12 noon to 1 p.m., Ames Café. POC: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132. Professional Administrative Council (PAC)
are especially encouraged to join. POC: Helen Hwang, Ames Contractor Council Mtg, May 3, 11 a.m., Mtg., May 11, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Bldg 233A, Rm.
N-200 Comm. Rm. POC: David Lawrence at ext. 4-6434. 172. POC: Leslie Jacob, ext. 4-5059.

Ames Classifieds Miscellaneous

Dog needs a home: A homeless dog is available for
Looking for a ride that likes to come in at 6:30 a.m.
and goes home at 3:00 p.m. If interested, call Maria at 4-
4394. Live in San Mateo and work here at Moffett Field.
Ads for the next issue should be sent to adoption. Lab and Ridgeback mix, 3 years old, spayed by the Monday follow- I do not drive, but willing to pay for gas, whatever the
female, 50 pounds, short tan hair, very healthy, has all
ing publication of the present issue and must be driver feels that it would be a fair deal.
shots. Call (831) 461-9223.
resubmitted for each issue. Ads must involve personal
needs or items; (no commercial/third-party ads) and HealthRider, near new, asking $300. Tunturi Softrack Ames radio information
will run on space-available basis only. First-time ads are Treadmill, near new, asking $700. Mary (408) 778-7442.
given priority. Ads must include home phone num- for employees
Toilet, white, has ring & has been painted in bowl;
bers; Ames extensions and email addresses will be 1700KHz AM radio--information radio
accepted for carpool and lost & found ads only. Due works well. Ruth (408) 377-8421.
announcements for Ames employees during emergencies.
to the volume of material received, we are unable to
verify the accuracy of the statements made in the ads. Transportation Vacation rental
‘67 BMW 2000CS factory-rebuilt engine thorough
restoration $17,950. Call (650) 964-2801. Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley twnhouse, 3bd/2ba, view of
Housing slopes, close to lifts. Wkend $470, midwk $175 night.
‘85 Toyota Corolla, needs work. $500 or B/O. Call Includes linens, firewood. Call (650) 968-4155 or email:
Room for rent in house in midtown Palo Alto.
Kitchen, bathroom & pool privileges. Tenant must be (415) 826-3041.
orderly, N/S. $600/mo. Dr. Jim Stevenson, ext. 4-5720. ‘87 Acura Legend, Very clean! V6 5-spd A/C FM/AM/ Beautiful Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley-Olympic Village
tape original owner, $5,000. Call (650) 964-2801. Inn for 4 people. Full kitchen, TV/VCR, pool, spa, BBQ,
For sale by owner: $529K, small horse ranch near
Watsonville. Royal oaks, California/scenic area. 3 acres w/ ‘89 Ford Mustang LX. Beige exterior/tan interior, Free bikes, walk to lifts. $450 for 4 nights/5 days, 6/18 to
trees & lots of open space. 3 bd/2 ba home/family rm w/ automatic transmission, cruise control, AM/FM/cassette 6/22/00, Sun to Thurs. Juliet (650) 321 9008. Email:
fireplace. Front/rear decks w/hot tub rm. 2 car garage stereo, power locks, & air conditioning. Car in great for more details.
w/laundry rm & storage rm. Barn, tack rm, corrals, condition, replaced transmission, new torque converter,
workshop/electricity. Property fenced & outside lighting. and new muffler. 144K mls, runs great. $1,200. Call Lost & Found
Ron (408) 736-2150. Lv msg or call (831) 722-0130. Marita (650) 570-5748. Moffett Field Lost and Found may be reached at ext.
4-5416 at any time. Residents and employees at Ames
Walk to work! Quiet, shaded 1 bd/1 ba condo for ‘92 GMC Suburban K1500 4WD SLE. Loaded w/
may also use Internet browser at:
rent between Ames and downtown. Very close to options including P/S, P/B, dual A/C, power locks, towing
codejp/pages/lostFound.html to view a list of found
Shoreline trail access. Front/rear patios, lots of greens, package. Maroon w/black wheel flares. In exc. cond. w/
property and obtain specific instructions for reporting lost
carport, plenty of guest parking. Amenities: clubhouse, detailed maintenance history. Great vehicle. Owner just
or found property and how to recover found property.
pool, hot tub, tennis courts, enclosed bicycle storage, purchased a 2000 Suburban. 99,000 mostly highway
Call Moffett Field security police investigations section at
laundry room. $1,300/mo plus deposit, N/S, restrictions miles. $12,250. Call (408) 218-9919.
ext. 4-1359 or email at:
on pets. Available May 1. Call (650) 968-4635.
‘94 Honda motorcycle VT1100C,11K mls, black,
3 separate sunny, furnished bedrooms for rent in asking $5,200 or B/O. Bob (408) 736-4039.
Campbell/San Jose home. Great for students on
temporary assignment or permanent renters. Close to
bus line, or opportunity to share car rental. N/S,
‘94 Accura Integra LS, 4 Dr. Great condition very
dependable car, low 56K mls. New lower price, must sell Book fair set
have twins, need more space. $9,000 or B/O. Connie
professional environment. Call (408) 266-7272 & lv msg.
(408) 246-5295.
The Ames Exchange is sponsoring a
Housing needed: College faculty visiting Ames for book fair by Reading is Fun! Save up to
‘95 Shadow VT1100C, black, 11K mls, $5,200 or
summer research needs temporary lodging. Apartment,
B/O. Bob (408) 736-4039. 70% on books! The sale will be held at
townhouse, or house with 2+ bd for family of 3, June 1
to approx. August 20. Willing to pay rent while ‘95 Chevy Blazer, LT,4x4. Fully loaded, roof rack, the Ames Café on April 26 and 27 from
housesitting, will happily take care of plants, pets, yard. leather inter., keyless entry, off road pkg, tow pkg, 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Call (650) 903-0925. cassette, 78K mls, much new. Asking $14,100 or B/O.
Bob (408) 736-4039.
Share 2 bd/2ba apartment, master bdrm for rent,
avail May 1. Located right off of H101 and Lawrence
Expwy. Amenities: fire place, vaulted ceilings, balcony,
W/D in unit, dishwasher, microwave, gym & spa on site,
‘98 Taurus 4-dr sedan, automatic, A/C, power
windows, alarm/lock, $13,200. Great condition with
Less than 16K mls! Larry or Teri, (408) 266-2535,
Ames history
business conference ctr, gated community, etc. Rent is
$1,050 a mo. plus 1/2 utils. Prefer female. Call (650)
780-4800,ext 3071during the day or (408) 773-1137
‘99 Ford Ranger XLT-Sport-blk, 2 door-extd cab,
book unveiling
during the evening.
2WD, automatic w/spd cntrl, remote entry sys, A/C, AM/ The Ames history book will be on
FM/cass/CD, chrome wheels, bed liner, tow pkg, ABS, display and distributed at a book dedica-
Seeking roomate to share Burlinghame apartment. 3yr/36K bmpr-bmpr warranty+, exec cond/almost new.
Amenities: microwave, W/D, small balcony, storage Only 11K mls, $17K. Mike (650) 712-1690 eves.
tion ceremony scheduled for May 31 in
space, very nice place with lots of light. Great Location: the main auditorium of bldg. N-201,
walking distance to Cal Train and the Burlingame Ave Carpool at 2 p.m. Ames staff will also be able to
business district. To share with 34yr male airline pilot & Carpool partners wanted to share driving & riding view the Hall of Fame and history video
national guard officer who will be away traveling most of from San Francisco to Ames. Benny, ext. 4-5432 or email produced for the 60th anniversary at the
the time. Rent: Will split the total rent which is $1,750
(some utilities inclu.) Contact via e-mail:
ceremony. Refreshments will be served
Looking for carpool partners to share driving/riding after the event. Each attendee will re-
from East Bay (Oakland-Hayward area) to Moffett Field.
Email me at
ceive a copy of the book.

April 17, 2000 The Ames Astrogram — 7

Events & Miscellaneous
600 Astrobiologists attend A note of thanks
science results conference from Lloyd Corliss
continued from front page To my friends at Ames: It was a joy for
such as the rise of oxygen on Earth and describing direct detection of extrasolar me to see so many of you at my recent
genome evolution. Conducted at two ven- planets using adaptive optics. retirement party. I will treasure the
ues; oral and invited talks were presented in “The presence of such a large, diverse momentos, kind thoughts and humorous
the Ames main auditorium, while poster international research community scruti-
nized under the lens of the international anecdotes that filled the evening.
sessions were held in the Moffett Training media is a testament to the burgeoning Words cannot express the pleasure I
and Conference Center. Topical talks in- interest in astrobiology,” Morrison pro- have experienced while working and so-
cluded the hypothesis that liquid water claimed.
appeared on Earth some 4.3 billion years cializing with so many of you during my
Ames is the agency’s Center of Excel- years at Ames, both with the Army and with
ago, and that ‘snowball’ Earth was covered, lence for Astrobiology and manages the
more than once, with thick layers of ice. NASA. My particular thanks to my friend
NASA Astrobiology Institute. Agency
There was even a discussion of exotic-spe- funding for astrobiology is currently esti- Dr. X (Vic Lebacqz) for his masterful and
cies invasion, and the implications for hab- mated at $12 million annually with pro- witty job as master of ceremonies. Also,
itable planets of gas giants. jections for very significant increases in special thanks to Jolen Flores and to the
The conference’s main focus, according
to organizers, was to showcase the latest the coming years. organizing team lead by Dwight Balough.
astrobiology science results, and to bring BY KATHLEEN BURTON AND My only caution to all who spoke that
together a diverse cadre of researchers– PAMELA DAVOREN evening is that most of you have yet to pass
-with various specialties ranging from through the ritual of retirement, and I plan
astrogeophysics to planetary science. Said to be there when it is your turn in the “hot
one enthusiastic conference-goer, “It was seat.”
great! I got to hear about work in fields Upcoming Astrobiology The gift certificate for new golf equip-
other than my own! That’s something of a
novelty.” public lectures: ment is perfect, and I do indeed plan to
More than two dozen media organiza- Foothill College in Los Altos on May 3, research and develop that new endeavor.
tions covered the event from around the from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Smithwick Please stay in touch and visit Debby and me
world. This included representatives from Theater, "Cold Hard Worlds at the Edge of whenever your travels lead you to central
NHK --Japanese television, German national The Solar System" with guest speakers Dr. Oregon and the Bend area. My email
radio, and other internet media, Dale Cruikshank, Dr. Jeff Moore and Dr.
the Associated Press, ABC Nightly News, address is: Ldcorliss@aol, or call (541) 383-
Jeff Cuzzi.
national magazines Nature and Science, 3554.
and the top science writers from the San Evergreen Community College in San Jose
Francisco Chronicle, the San Jose Mercury on May 8, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., L-101
News, and the San Francisco Examiner. Auditorium, "Adapting to Life On Other
David Morrison, Ames Director of Astro- Worlds" with guest speakers Dr. Pat
biology and Space Research, attended the Cowings, Dr. Lynn Rothschild and Dr.
truly mammoth poster session in building Melissa Kirvin-Brooks.
3, and was seen staring intently at a display


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National Aeronautics and
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Ames Research Center

Moffett Field, California 94035-1000
Official Business
Penalty for Private Use, $300
The Ames ASTROGRAM is an official
publication of the Ames Research Center,
National Aeronautics and Space
Managing Editor........David Morse
Editor..........................Astrid Terlep
We can be reached via email at: or by phone
Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink.
(650) 604-3347

8 — The Ames Astrogram April 17, 2000

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