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Ammonia: Concept and Application

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The key takeaways are that various processes are available for removing CO2 from synthesis gas including physical and chemical scrubbing methods. Physical scrubbing uses a chemically neutral scrubbing agent while chemical scrubbing uses an absorbent that reacts with CO2.

Advantages of using water include simple plant design, no heat load, and inexpensive solvent. Disadvantages include very high pumping load, low CO2 pick-up, high solution circulation, excessive loss of hydrogen, and high pressure required.

The main physical scrubbing processes discussed are water scrubbing and processes using physical solvents containing methanol, N-Methyl-2-pyrolydone, or mixtures of dimethyl ethers of polyethylene glycol.


Concept and application

CO2 Removal 100

5 CO2 Removal

5.1 Introduction

The CO2 content in the process gas downstream of the low temperature shift converter is approximately
18 %. Carbon dioxide is a strong catalyst poison. It also reacts with the ammonia present in the synthesis
recycle gas to form ammonium carbamate and ammonium carbonate. These salt-like products form
deposits in the machinery and equipment, and this might cause serious damage.

Various processes are available for removing the CO2 from the synthesis gas. If the quantity of CO2 to
be absorbed is large, the only efficient method of removing the CO2 is by a regenerative process
using liquid absorbents. One normally differentiates between physical and chemical scrubbing methods.

5.2 Physical scrubbing processes

Physical scrubbing processes are characterized by the fact that the scrubbing agent is chemically
neutral and its loading is roughly proportional to the partial pressure of the CO2. Physical scrubbing
processes are only economical if the process concerned and the external conditions are favorable. For
instance, pressure water scrubbing will only be used if cheap electric power and sufficient quantities
of relatively cold water are available. The scrubbing agent is regenerated by flashing and subsequent
stripping with inert gas, e.g. air. Stripping with inert gas is equivalent to lowering the partial pressure of
the component to be scrubbed out. This effect is improved by operating in counter-current.

5.2.1 Water scrubbing

Figure 56. Simplified flow diagram of CO2 absorption from gas streams with water
CO2 Removal 101

The absorption of carbon dioxide in water is of some industrial importance for the purification of raw
gas in ammonia synthesis. In its simplest form, such a CO2 removal unit consists of nothing more than
an absorption tower operating at elevated pressures, a flash chamber where CO2 is disengaged from
the water after pressure reduction and a pump to return the water to the top of the absorber.
Normally, a power-recovery turbine is added to reclaim some of the power available from the pressure
reduction of the liquid and subsequent expansion of the absorbed gas; a degasifying tower provides
more complete removal of CO2 from the water than could be obtained by simple flashing.

The use of water as an absorbent offers the following:

Advantages are:

- Simple plant design

- No heat load
- Inexpensive solvent
- Non toxic

Disadvantages are:

- Very high pumping load

- Low CO2 pick-up
- High solution circulation
- Excessive loss of hydrogen
- High pressure required

Another CO2 removal processes use physical solvents containing for instance methanol (Rectisol
technology), N-Methyl-2-pyrolydone (Purisol technology) or mixture of dimethyl ethers of polyethylene
glycol (Selexol technology). No matter what solvent is used for carbon capture, the electric power
consumption, the heat (steam) and the cooling duties required for the capture process are very
important aspects that must be considered.

5.2.2 Rectisol process

The first Rectisol installation was started up in Sasolburg, Republic of South Africa, in 1955. In the
following decades Rectisol paved the way for huge-scale ammonia and Fischer Tropsch Synthesis. In the
CO2 Removal 102

1970s and 80s, oil residue gasification proved to be another field of application. Rectisol is still the only
process taking care of all other raw gas contaminants specific for coal and oil gasification.

Rectisol, independently developed by Linde and Lurgi, is a physical acid gas removal process using an
organic solvent (typically methanol) at subzero temperatures, and characteristic of physical acid gas
removal (AGR) processes. It can purify synthesis gas down to 0.1 ppm total sulphur, including hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) and carbonyl sulfide (COS), and carbon dioxide (CO2) in the ppm range. It is also able to
remove impurities such as hydrocarbons, ammonia, and hydrogen cyanide as a treatment for syngas.

The Rectisol process uses a cheap and easily available, non-proprietary solvent, and is flexible in process
configuration. On the other hand, refrigeration is required, associated with significant capital and
operating costs, and high vapor pressure of methanol causes solvent losses.

Figure 57. Rectisol process flow diagram

Process Principle

Rectisol uses refrigerated methanol as the solvent for physical absorption. The undesired components
of the raw gas, such as CO2, H2S, COS and the remaining sulfur compounds, HCN, NH3, as well as nickel
and iron carbonyls are physically absorbed from the raw gas by the solvent. These components are then
desorbed by reducing the pressure of the solvent, stripping and, if required, reboiling the solvent. The
CO2 Removal 103

absorbed higher hydrocarbons are recovered in an additional extraction stage, if necessary. The
solubility of the different components to be removed varies considerably. This also applies to H2S and
CO2 and allows selective removal of these components. The solubility data of the various gases in
methanol are illustrated below.

Figure 58. Absorption coefficient of various gases in methanol (partial pressure: 1 bar)

Commercial scale Rectisol units are operated world-wide for the purification of hydrogen, production
of ammonia, production of syngas for methanol synthesis, and the production of pure carbon monoxide
and oxo-gases.

Due to the physical nature of the process, high pressure and high sour gas concentrations are
particularly favorable. Rectisol is therefore frequently used to purify shifted, partially shifted or
unshifted gas downstream from residue oil, coal, or lignite gasification processes. Due to the low
operation temperature, Rectisol is also favorable for cryogenic downstream processes such as liquid
nitrogen wash, cryogenic recovery of carbon monoxide and oxo-gas.

5.3 Chemical scrubbing processes

For chemical scrubbing, one can choose between the potash, amine and caustic soda solution
scrubbing processes.

The MEA (monoethanolamine) process is a typical example of a chemical absorption solvent

process, in which the acidic carbon dioxide reacts with a base-containing solution to form
CO2 Removal 104

compounds which can be reversibly decomposed by application of more or less heat to

recover the carbon dioxide and restore the solvent to its original state. MEA forms a rather
heat stable salt (HSS) with carbon dioxide, and a considerable amount of energy is therefore
needed in the stripper to decompose it.

Modern energy-saving carbon dioxide removal processes are using chemical solvents include
BASF's activated MDEA process, UOP's Benfield process, the Catacarb process of Eickmeyer and
Associates, and the Giammarco- Vetrocoke process.

The Benfield process is an example of a hot potassium carbonate (HPC) process, others being the
Catacarb process and the Giammarco-Vetrocoke process. They all use an aqueous solution of
potassium carbonate along with an activator: in the case of Benfield it is usually
diethanolamine. Because the solution is significantly corrosive, a corrosion inhibitor has to
be used (Benfield's is vanadium -based), and its concentration must be controlled carefully.

Recently UOP has introduced a new activator, called ACT-1 and also a new high-performance
packing for the Benfield carbon dioxide removal system. ACT-1 activator increases throughput
and reduces thermal duty, and the high-performance packing allows a reduction in the column
diameter (up to 10-15% for a given height) and /or packing height, so that - in total - the
packing volume will come down by about 25%.

The following table illustrates the pros and cons of each process.

Aqueous MEA Systems HPC Processes MDEA bases Processes

- cheap scrubbing - low CO2 slip
Advantages - low CO2 slip
solution - small solubility of product
- everywhere available
- worldwide available gases
- moderate - no solid precipitation
regeneration heat solution
- moderate solution - low corrosion
circulation tendency, no inhibitor
and no passivation
- low regeneration heat
CO2 Removal 105

- non toxic
- chemical and thermal
- corrosion inhibitor - solution composition is
Disadvantages - very corrosive solution
- high regeneration heat required
- solution degradation
- environmentally
- forming of HSS
- passivation of carbon
steel before feed-gas in
- potential freezing of
the solution

Table 15. Comparison between monoethanolamine, hot potassium carbonate and MDEA process.

In the following table one can find all processes (chemical and physical processes) for carbon dioxide
removal, the different types of used solvents and the general principles of each process.

Acid Gas
Corrosion Heat
System Solvent Content in General Comments
Inhibitor Required
Treated Gas

Chemical type systems Amine-Based

- High utility consumption.

15%-20% Less than 50
MEA None High - Requires extensive use of alloy
monoethanol amine ppmv
materials to combat corrosion.

- Inhibitor allows higher CO2

Inhibited 25%-35% MEA plus Less than 50 loading, reducing solution
Yes Medium
MEA UCAR amine guard ppmv circulation and utilities
CO2 Removal 106

- Used in several ammonia

Triethanol amine and Less than 50
TEA/MEA None Low - Separate absorption and
monoethanol amine ppmv
stripping system is required for
each solvent.

40%-50% MDEA - Two-stage configuration

AMDEA (Methyldiethanol None Low normally used in ammonia
amine) plus additive plants.

Potassium Carbonate-Based

- Used extensively for ammonia.

25%-30% K2CO3 plus 500-1,000 - Low operating costs.
Benfield Yes Low
additives ppmv - Used both as single stage and
two-stage systems.

25-30% K2CO3 plus 500-1,000 - Has been used in ammonia

Catacarb Yes Low
additives ppmv plants up to 1,540 tpd capacity.

- Used as a single-stage or two-

500-1,000 stage system.
Carsol K2CO3 plus additives Yes Low
ppmv - Used in ammonia plants up to
1,360 tpd capacity.

- Commercialized recently in a
K2CO3 plus sterically 500-1,000 1,640 tpd ammonia plant
Flexsorb HP Yes Low
hindered amine ppmv previously using conventional
K2CO3 processes.

25%-30% K2CO3 plus 500-1,000 - Used in several installations in

Lurgi Yes Low
additives ppmv Germany and other areas.

- Use of arsenic presents

Arsenic 500-1,000
Vetrocoke K2CO3 plus As2O3 Low disposal and pollution
inhibits ppmv
CO2 Removal 107

- Low-energy flowsheet uses

K2CO3 plus glycine and 250-1,000 regeneration, reducing
Vetrocoke Yes Low
secondary amine ppmv regeneration heat by 50%
compared to traditional

- Process can be used for CO2

and H2S removal applications in
sulpholane, di-
Less than synthesis gas and natural gas
Sulphinol isopropanolamine None Low
100 ppmv services.
solution (DIPA)
- Chemicals cost is relatively

Physical Absorption Systems

- Used in high-pressure
processes such as partial
N-methyl-2- Less than 50
Purisol None Low oxidation-based plants.
pyrrolidone ppmv
- Excellent add gas cleanup.
- Solvent is noncorrosive.

- System circulates refrigerated

- Several columns required.
Less than 10 - Can be used for CO2, H2S, and
Rectisol Methanol None Low
ppmv COS removal in partial
oxidation and coal gasification
- High investment
CO2 Removal 108

- Has high degree of solubility for

- Acid gas desorbed by release of
pressure without application of
Fluor Dependent
Propylene carbonate None Low heat.
solvent on pressure
- Requires intermediate flash
- Process works to best
advantage at high pressure.

- Suitable for high pressure

absorption services.
- Can operate at low pressure
Propylene glycol Dependent but increased residual gas
Selexol None Low
dimethyl ether on pressure content.
- Can also be employed for
natural gas treatment.
- Part of CO2 is lost during flash.

Table 16. The various processes for removal of CO2

5.4 Benfield process

In the chemical scrubbing process, the CO2 is bound by the formation of salt with the aid of an aqueous
solution of a compound with an alkaline reaction. The reaction takes place in several steps. When
using K2C03 as the scrubbing liquor, potassium bicarbonate (KHC03) is formed by CO2 absorption, as
shown by the following equation:

𝐾2 𝐶𝑂3 + 𝐶𝑂2 + 𝐻2 𝑂 ⇌ 2𝐾𝐻𝐶𝑂3

A scrubbing liquor must meet the following requirements:

- High loadability, i.e. the quantity of CO2 that can be absorbed by a certain unloaded scrubbing
liquor quantity. The loadability depends on four factors:
CO2 Removal 109

o The nature of the substance,

o The concentration of this substance in the liquor,
o The attainable residual loading in generation,
o The operating conditions of the absorber.

In practice, the loadability is described as the degree of loading "f". The degree of loading reflects
the bicarbonate content.

𝑓= 100.2
138.2 + 0.5 100.2

For instance,

f = 0 means that the entire alkali is theoretically present in the form of carbonate, while,

f = 1 means that the entire alkali is present in the form of bicarbonate.

- Chemical stability of the solution. This means that the solution must not decompose
continuously, except if the external influences should change (e.g. pressure, temperature).
- Low sensitivity of the scrubbing agent towards gas impurities, which should not form any
irreversible compounds.
- If organic substances are used, the scrubbing agent should have a low vapor tension.
- Favorable corrosive properties, unless special inhibitors can be used.

All these requirements are met by the Benfield potash scrubbing process.

The previous equation shows a summation reaction which can only be used for stoichiometric
calculations. The reaction takes place in several steps. Part of the absorbed CO2 is released simply by
flashing the liquor from the absorber pressure (approximately 29 bar) to the desorber pressure
(approximately 1 bar). The remaining CO2 must be expelled by heating the liquor and stripping with

The equilibrium graph shows that a regenerated liquor has a low CO2 partial pressure, even at high
temperatures. This means that the liquor temperature in the absorption process may be relatively high.
This will favorably influence the CO2 absorption rate and the heat required for regeneration.
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Figure 59. CO2 partial pressure over an aqueous K2CO3 solution (3 0% by weight K2CO3)

Absorption and regeneration are reversible processes. In the case of an aqueous potash solution, both
these processes are extremely complex and consist of a number of partial reactions of both physical
and chemical nature. The reaction rate is always determined by the rate of the slowest partial reaction
step. In the absorption process, the slowest step is the dissociation of the CO2 initially physically
dissolved in the liquid according to the following equation:

𝐶𝑂2 + 𝐻2 𝑂 ⇌ (𝐻𝐶𝑂3 )−1 + 𝐻 +

The reaction rate of this step can be increased considerably by chemical additives. The additive used
for the Benfield scrubbing liquor is diethanolamine (DEA). It serves as a catalyst for accelerating the
mass transfer and the reaction itself. The DEA concentration may be between 1 and 6 %. The addition
of diethanolamine substantially improves the absorption and desorption properties of the potash
liquor, thus reducing equipment requirements; for instance, the height of columns, the volumes of
packing material, the size of heat exchangers and coolers can all be reduced. The rate promotion
mechanism of CO2 absorption into amine activated potash buffer solution can be described by the
following forms:
CO2 Removal 111

𝐶𝑂2 + 𝐻2 𝑂 = 𝐻2 𝐶𝑂3 (Slow)

𝐶𝑂2 + 𝑅𝑅 − 𝑁𝐻 = 𝑅𝑅 − 𝑁𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 (Fast)

𝑅𝑅 − 𝑁𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 + 𝑂𝐻 − = 𝐻𝐶𝑂3− + 𝑅𝑅 − 𝑁𝐻 (Fast)

The following figure illustrates the mechanism of CO2 absorption without an activator which is slow and
would require extremely tall towers to meet product specification and when amine activator is added
to the solution to catalyze the reaction and greatly enhance the mass transfer rate. This is accomplished
by a shuttle mechanism whereby the activator (usually DEA in Benfield process) reacts with CO2 to form
carbamate intermediate before completing its final conversion to potassium bicarbonate.

Figure 59. The rate promotion of absorption mechanism by amine catalyst.

5.4.1 Process description

The gas leaving the low-temperature shift converter contains about 18 % CO2; it has a temperature of
about 222 °C and a pressure of 30 bar. Part of the gas enthalpy is used for generating stripping steam
required for solution regeneration, thus lowering the gas temperature to 167 °C. The condensate is
separated from the gas in separator I. The gas is then passed through a reboiler where a further portion
of the gas enthalpy is used for heating the desorber unit, while the gas is cooled to about 126 °C.
Before entering the absorber, any condensate is removed from the gas in separator II.
CO2 Removal 112

Figure 60. CO2 scrubbing flow sheet

The major portion of CO2 is absorbed in the lower part of the absorber. The quantity of gas flowing
through the column from bottom to top thus steadily becomes less. As the quantity of liquor fed to
the column at the top is likewise smaller than that at the bottom, the column diameter can be
reduced at the top.

The column is filled with several (3-4) beds of ceramic, metallic or plastic packing. The gas flows
upwards through these beds in countercurrent to the absorbing solution. The packing distributes the
liquid and the gas in such a manner so as to increase the interface between the gaseous and liquid
phases, thus improving the material and energy transfer between the gas and the absorbing liquid.

The maximum permissible residual CO2 content of the gas is attained in the upper part of the absorber.
The gas temperature is reduced in this section to about the feed temperature of the liquor
(approximately 70 °C). Any entrained liquor droplets are removed to a large extent by passing the gas
through a washing tray, onto which condensate is fed, and through a demister in the upper part of the
absorber. Final liquor traces are removed from the gas in the downstream solution separator. After
scrubbing, the product gas has a CO2 content of about 0.1 %.
CO2 Removal 113

Figure 61. CO2 absorption in relation to the absorber height

The solution leaves the absorber sump at a temperature of about 115 °C and a pressure of 30 bar. It is
then flashed in an expansion turbine which is coupled to a pump, the back pressure adjusting itself in
accordance with the desorber conditions. A major portion of the pump power is recovered in the
expansion turbine. If the expansion turbine is shut down, the liquor is flashed via a flash valve. The
liquor is then fed to the top of the desorber column. This column is subdivided on the inside by
distribution trays into four beds which are filled with a packing material. The flashed liquor flows
through the desorber in countercurrent with the stripping steam and is thus regenerated. The stripping
steam required for this purpose is generated in a steam generator by utilizing the gas enthalpy. The
regenerated liquor leaves the desorber sump at a temperature of about 116 °C and flows to a flash
vessel. In this vessel, the pressure of the regenerated scrubbing solution is reduced from the desorber
sump pressure to virtually atmospheric pressure, thus also lowering the temperature to 107 °C. The
steam released by flashing is fed to the desorber via an ejector unit, the power steam for the ejector
being generated in the steam generator. The flash vessel also serves as the pump suction tank. From
here, the regenerated solution is pumped to the absorber. The major part of the circulated solution is
fed to the lower part of the absorber without being cooled, i.e. about 107 °C. In order to meet
the requirement of reducing the CO2 content to 0.1 %, the CO2 partial pressure over the scrubbing
solution fed to the top of the column must be extremely small. From the equilibrium graph, the CO2
partial pressure drops with lower temperatures. Consequently, the scrubbing solution is cooled to 70
CO2 Removal 114

°C before being fed to the top of the absorber. Both solution streams are then evenly distributed
over the column cross section with the aid of the distribution trays.

The mixture of CO2 and water vapor, from which any entrained solution droplets in CO2 have first been
removed on a tray fed with condensate and by the demister, leaves the desorber at a temperature of
about 103 °C and a pressure of 1.35 bar. A partial stream of the gas is fed through a water preheater.
Here, the CO 2 vapors are cooled to 40 °C. The remaining CO2 vapors are cooled to 60 °C in a cooler.
The condensate is removed from the CO2 stream in a separator.

Process condensate: The condensate obtained when cooling the gas in the steam generator and the
reboiler is separated from the gas in separators. The condensate obtained in the separators can be
returned to the steam generator as feed water. In the modern plants the condensate obtained in the
separators is being treated in a condensate recovery unit and being used as a makeup for the
demineralized water for the purpose of steam generation.

5.4.2 Major equipment Absorber

Figure 62. Absorber

CO2 Removal 115

The absorber shown (figure 62) is designed as a two-section column. A washing tray is installed in the
top of the column. It is charged with condensate and serves to retain the solution droplets entrained by
the process gas. Any droplets still remaining in the gas are removed by the demister arranged above the
washing tray. The demister consists of a fine-mesh wire fabric. The potash solution is fed to the absorber
through connections N1, N2 and N3, 30 % being fed through N1 and 35 % each through N2 and N3. Each
inlet nozzle is arranged on a distribution tray, N2 and N3 being in the lower part of the column. Two
layers of packing material are arranged beneath each distribution tray. Each layer of packing material
rests on a multi-beam supporting grid. The space below the lowest layer of packing material is known as
the column sump. The process gas is fed into the sump via nozzle N4. Desorber

Figure 63. Desorber

The solution is fed into the desorber column (figure 63) tangentially onto the uppermost tray. The
solution then flows via a distribution tray successively through four layers of packing material. A multi-
beam grid serves to support the packing material. The purpose of the packing material is to enlarge the
exchange surface for the solution, thus improving the mass exchange process. Having passed through the
CO2 Removal 116

lowermost layer of packing material, the solution flows onto intermediate tray B which has a central
opening. The steam liberated in the column sump streams through this opening. From intermediate tray
B, the solution flows to the reboiler and then back to the column sump. Appropriate internals in the
column ensure that the entire solution passes through the reboiler before being returned to the column
sump. The steam that emanates from the solution in the sump flows via a stack to the upper column part
where it passes through the packing material in counter-current to the solution. A washing tray is
installed about 1-5 m above the solution feed point in the desorber head. The washing tray corresponds
to a bubble-cap tray of an ordinary distillation column. It is loaded with condensate and serves to retain
any solution droplets entrained by the stripping steam. Reboiler

Figure 64. Reboiler

Part of the process gas heat is transferred to the potash solution in the reboiler (figure 64), thus
heating the solution to almost boiling point. The steam formed in this process is fed to the desorber as
stripping steam. The steam generation section covers about 2/3 of the overall length. The diameter
decreases towards the reboiler head. The gas inlet and outlet nozzles are arranged in the reboiler head.
The nozzles are portioned by a plate. The process gas enters the reboiler through nozzle N1, flows
through the tubes of the heat exchanger proper and leaves the reboiler through nozzle N2. The heat
exchanger is designed as a horizontal U-tube heat exchanger. It extends fully into the solution
compartment of the reboiler. The solution is fed to the reboiler through the two nozzles N3 and leaves
the reboiler through nozzle N4. The steam generated in the reboiler leaves through nozzle N5.
Upstream of the solution inlet nozzle, a weir is arranged in the liquid part of the reboiler. The weir is set
to such a height, that the solution first accumulates upstream of the weir, completely flooding the heat
exchanger tubing system. It leaves the reboiler upon overflowing over the weir. The reboiler is equipped
with local level indicators to facilitate checking the level at any time.
CO2 Removal 117 Flash vessel

Figure 65. Flash vessel

The scrubbing solution leaves the desorber sump at a pressure of 1.6 bar and a temperature of 115 °C;
it is flashed to 1.05 bat via a control valve and enters the flash vessel (figure 65) through nozzle N1. The
vessel is divided horizontally by a perforated plate in order to prevent excessive turbulence of the liquid
surface. As a result of flashing, the solution is cooled from 115 °C to 107 °C. The steam liberated in this
process is withdrawn through nozzle N3 by a steam ejector. The scrubbing solution leaves the flash
vessel through nozzle N2 and flows to the low-pressure solution pump.

In the modern designs ammonia plants should be operated at low steam/gas ratio to meet the
economical demands. A modified design of flash vessel (figure 66) was introduced to enhance the
regeneration and flashing of solution especially for those plants which are operated in low steam to
carbon ratio.

Figure 66. Modified design of flash vessel

CO2 Removal 118 Filter

A solution filter continuously filters a partial stream of the scrubbing solution. As a result, any coarse
impurities in the solution, e.g. particles abraded from the packing material, are removed from the
solution Slop tank

Any fluids leaking from pumps or drained out of machinery, equipment and pipelines are fed into the
slop pipeline system and collected in a slop tank. The slop tank is arranged below ground level. As soon
as a pre-set liquid level is reached, a submerged pump transfers the slop tank contents via the filter into
the system or the solution storage tank. This system minimizes the loss of chemicals which,
consequently, almost entirely depends on the mechanical condition of the plant. A metering pump
belongs to the auxiliary facilities. In case of scrubbing solution foaming, caused mainly by organic
impurities, the metering pump may be used to feed foam inhibitor to the suction side of the low-
pressure solution pump. Scrubbing solution foaming, will cause the column levels to fluctuate violently
within wide limits. Mixing tank

To compensate the loss in the scrubbing agent during operation or to prepare a new scrubbing batch,
the scrubbing agent is fed into a mixing tank to be dissolved in water. As the solubility of potash
(K2CO3) improves with higher temperatures, the tank is equipped with a heating coil and a stirrer.

5.5 Condensate recovery

5.5.1 Introduction

Cooling down of the process gas downstream the front end of the ammonia plant leads the contained
steam to be condensed. This condensate contains undesirable components. These components are:

- Ammonia (NH3)
- Methanol (CH3OH)
- Ethanol (C2H5OH)
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Potassium carbonate (K2CO3)
CO2 Removal 119

- Amines (R2NH2)

Formation of these chemical compounds is a result of the side reactions that going on during the
ammonia synthesis process. In the ammonia synthesis process, it is necessary to keep formation of
methanol and ethanol as minimum as possible since the formation of these compounds means loss of
generated hydrogen. On the other hand, purifying the separated condensate from these compounds is
an essential environmental demand.

Because of cooling operations in the steam generator and the reboiler, the Most of contained
condensate separates from the process gas stream in the CO2 removal unit. By solution carryover with
CO2 outlet desorber, potassium carbonate separates with the condensate from CO2 stream in the
separators downstream the desorber.

5.5.2 Carryover and CO2 washing

Carryover of Benfield solution from the top of the desorber can be eliminated from the CO2 stream by
adding a washing column, this is also helps as any modification in the washing section at the desorber
top is very difficult. This washing column comprises a packed section with low-pressure drop packing,
and a special type of inlet distributor.

Clean condensate from the CO2 cooling is utilized as washing liquid. It is fed from the separator
downstream CO2 cooler to the top of the washing column by means of condensate pump. By means of
a pump the used washing water leaving the column is fed to the shell side of the steam generator. This
water contains all the potassium carbonate removed from the CO2. The major part of the washing water
is evaporated in the steam generator to serve as a motive steam for the ejectors of the flash drum. The
blow down of the steam generator contains the potassium from the Benfield solution washed out in
the washing column. This blow down is fed into the reboiler in order to maintain the level of impurities
on a constant low level.

5.5.3 Process description

After removing of potassium carbonate as described in the previous paragraph, the remaining
condensate from the CO2 cooling in the CO2 condensate separator is fed to a condensate stripper by
means of a pump. A part of the process condensate collected from the process gas stream in the
separators downstream gas coolers is also fed to the stripper, where the process condensate is stripped
CO2 Removal 120

counter-currently with low pressure steam in order to reduce its level of contaminants to the required

The following model illustrates the contaminants values in the condensate inlet to the stripper:

Figure 67. Simplified flow diagram of condensate recovery unit

Condensate from CO2 stream:

- NH3: 2000 ppm by wt.

- CO2: 400 ppm by wt.
- CH3OH: 4000 ppm by wt.
- K2CO3: 100 ppm by wt.

Condensate from the process gas stream:

- NH3: 1400 ppm by wt.

- CO2: 250 ppm by wt.
- CH3OH: 1600 ppm by wt.
CO2 Removal 121

While the values of contaminants in the clean condensate outlet the stripper are:

- NH3: 3 ppm by wt.

- CO2: 3 ppm by wt.
- CH3OH: 5 ppm by wt.

Figure 68. Layout of condensate recovery section in the Benfield unit

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