A Fluid Dynamic Model of The Draft Tube Gas-Liquid-Solid Fluidized Bed
A Fluid Dynamic Model of The Draft Tube Gas-Liquid-Solid Fluidized Bed
A Fluid Dynamic Model of The Draft Tube Gas-Liquid-Solid Fluidized Bed
Tufts University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Medford, MA 02155, U.S.A.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, E25-342, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A.
(First received 8 September 1993; revised manuscript received 27 December 1994; accepted 17 May 1995)
Al~traet--Fluid dynamics of gas-liquid-particle flow in the draft tube and liquid-particle flow in the
annulus were studied for a draft-tube fluidized bed (DTFB) operating in the circulating regime. The local
concentrations and velocities of the continuous liquid phase, solid particles and air bubbles were assessed in
flow visualization studies, using a two-dimensional column, 1 cm thick x 8 cm wide x 105 cm high, with
a 4 cm wide x 83 cm high internal draft tube. The drift-flux model was extended to take into account the
momentum transfer between all phases in the three-phase system studied, and used to describe the
circulating flow in the DTFB. Additional momentum transfer from gas bubbles to solid particles was
identified and attributed to the changes in relative velocities and drag forces induced by bubble motion in
three-phase flow.
RESULTS • ~0% a ~%
Liquid velocities, bubble properties and phase holdups oo o'.~ o., 0:6 o:. -~o
in the draft and annulus U g (crrVs)
Fig. 4. Experimental data for bubble diameter and gas holdup in the draft tube for the D T F B operating
with large ( ~ 4 ram) bubbles; ds = 2.5 ram, Ps = 1040 kg/m 3, U~ = 0.45 crn/s, E, = 0 and 10 vol%. (a) Pho-
tograph of the 8 cm x 8 cm view area at U u = 0.67 cm/s, es = 0 vol%, (b) photograph of the 8 c m x 8 cm
view area at Ug = 0.67cm/s, ~ = l0 vol%, (c) bubble diameter vs the superficial gas velocity, (d) gas
holdup vs the superficial gas velocity.
Fluid dynamic model of the draft tube 3767
6" that resulted in variable and irregular paths of indi-
vidual bubbles in the draft tube. The experimental
5" & data justified the assumption that bubble rise velocity
E &
A 0 can be approximated with only the vertical compon-
4" A
A 0 O O 0 ent of bubble velocity. Significant fluctuations in both
U~x and Uby were observed, as seen from the values of
"o the respective standard deviations given in Table 1.
These fluctuations could be attributed to the interac-
m tions of bubbles and particles and small variations in
O L-G-S 10% ] bubble diameter. Due to the relatively low gas hold
I A L-G-S20% ups ( ~< 0.04 v/v) the effects of bubble to bubble inter-
actions were not significant. Radial profiles of bubble
o.o 0.2 01, o16 018 1.0 velocities within the draft tube (Fig. 7 ) were consistent
(c) Ug (cm/s) with those reported by Joshi et al. (1990).
Based on the experimental data, a bubbling flow of
0.05 gas in the form of a monodisperse bubble swarm was
0 L-G-S10% ]
assumed as a model of gas flow in the draft tube.
o~ 0.04'
A L-G-S20%
I Bubble rise velocity Ub, was calculated from experi-
A mental data for Ub and v~:
g O
~ o.oa- Ub,.~j = Ub -- vl (1)
o and compared with Ub, for a single spherical bubble
= 0.02 &
rising in liquid (Wallis, 1969).
(.9 o o
& Bubble frequency in the draft tube was calculated as
O.Ol o
,fb,~l = ego Ao Ub/Vb (2)
o.oo where Ub, Vb and ego were the experimental values for
o.o 0.2 0.4 0.6 o'.8 " 1.o
bubble velocity, mean bubble volume and gas holdup,
(d) ug (cnVs) respectively. Experimental data for bubble frequency
J~ were compared withJ~.c.] to justify the assumption
Fig. 4. (c) and (d). of bubbling flow (Table I).fb andJb.c,l were not signifi-
cantly different except for the higher gas velocity
(Ug = 0.67cm/s) at the highest fraction of solids
Figure 5 shows the data corresponding to those in (es = 0.20). This deviation could be attributed to the
Fig. 4 for a DTFB operating with small (1 mm) gas relatively large bubble diameter observed at those
bubbles. Addition of a surfactant to the liquid phase conditions. Ub, andJ~ in three-phase systems (experi-
resulted in a dominant presence of l mm bubbles, mental data and model predictions for 10% and 20%
with a relatively small fraction of larger (2 mm) of solids in the draft tube, Table l) were only slightly
bubbles. The main population of 0.5 mm bubbles was lower than those for two-phase flow,
mixed with relatively small number of 2 mm bubbles
[Fig. 5(a) and (b)]; about the same relative number Effects of gas bubbles and solid particles on momentum
ratio of smaller and larger bubbles was maintained at transfer in the draft tube
all gas and liquid velocities. The mean bubble dia- The model for the circulating flow of liquid and
meter was not sensitive to changes in superficial gas fluidized particles between the draft and annulus of
velocity and fraction of solids [Fig. 5(c)]. The gas the DTFB which was developed in our previous
holdup was proportional to the superficial gas velo- studies (Vunjak-Novakovic et al., 1992b) over pre-
city [Fig. 5(d)]. dicted the superficial gas velocities needed to establish
Bubble size distribution was assessed for the experi- a steady-state circulation. This model was based on
mental conditions corresponding to Figs 4 and 5 in an extension of the drift-flux model proposed by Wal-
order to check the model assumption of bubbling gas lis (1969), assuming two components of momentum
flow. A relatively uniform bubble size was observed at transfer: (a) between the liquid phase and solid par-
all experimental conditions in both two-phase and ticles, and (b) between gas bubbles and the liquid
three-phase systems. The presence of solid particles phase. The interactions between gas bubbles and solid
resulted in a wider bubble size distribution around the particles were neglected.
mean bubble diameter (Fig. 6). The mean bubble Our subsequent studies demonstrated significant
diameter, calculated from bubble size distribution as contributions of momentum transfer from gas bubbles
a mean diameter of an equivalent sphere, was not and fluidized solid particles to particle settling in
significantly affected by gas or liquid superficial vel- three-phase flow. The effects of bubbles and particles
ocities. on the relative velocity of the settling particle and the
Flow visualization studies demonstrated bubble particle drag coefficient resulted in increased liquid
motion in both the horizontal and vertical direction velocities in the draft tube (Kundakovic and
Fig. 5. Experimental data for bubble diameter and gas holdup in the draft tube for the DTFB operating
with small ( ~ 1 mm) bubbles; d~ = 2.5 mm, p~ = 1040 kg/m 3, Ut = 0.45 cm/s, e, = 0 and 10 vol%. (a) Pho-
tograph of the 8 cm x 8 cm view area at Ug = 0.67 cm/s, ~s = 0 vol%, (b) photograph of the 8 cm x 8 cm
view area at U o = 0.67 cm/s, es = I0 vol%, (c) bubble diameter vs the superficial gas velocity, (d) gas
holdup vs the superficial gas velocity.
Fluid dynamic model of the draft tube 3769
2,0 The friction term ( - Ap/)o was presented as
• L-G
Pl (eta -- eta) gL -- ps (eso -- Ga) gL Fps 8sDADX 2msmp (v~ -- vl + Vpl)2. (11)
V, m, + mp
= ( -- Apf)a + ( -- Ap/)o + ( -- Apw) + ( - Apa). The net force calculated from eq. (11) is significant
(3) for particle motion when its diameter or density is
significantly different from those of the fluidized par-
ticles (dp/d, >1 5, [,% - ,oJ ~> 200 kg/m3); for the
Equation (3) represents a balance of the driving
fluidized particles this additional force is zero.
force, i.e. the difference in apparent densities of the
flow in draft and annulus, and the friction losses in the
The model of circulating flow between the draft and
draft tube ( - A p l ) o, annulus (-Apt),4, bottom sec-
annulus of the DTFB
tion ( - Aps) and at the column walls ( - Apw). The
The momentum transfer equation for circulating
friction pressure drop in annulus was calculated as:
flow between the draft and annulus of DTFB was
modified to take into account the pressure drops due
( - Apl)a = 3/4 CoL~d, Pl vs~A ~x,A (4) to wall friction ( - Apw) and flow resistance
where at the bottom of the column ( - A p s ) [eq. (3)].
The wall friction term of the pressure drop ( - Apw)
(5) was calculated as proposed by Joshi et al. (I990)
1.0 1.0
(s) large bubbles; two phase; I (c) small bubbles; two-phase
Ug=O.67cm/s ! Ug=O.67cm/s
0.8- 0.8
.~_ .
0.2" 0.2"
. . . . . . . . . 0.0 i ' , ..... , " , '
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
db (ram) db (mm)
1.0 1.0-
(b) large bubbles; 10% of solids; (d) small bubbles;lO% of solids;
Ug=O.67cm/s Ug=O.67cmls
0.8- 0.8-
0.4 0.4"
0.2" 0-2 •
0.0 ¢ 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
db (ram) db (mm)
Fig. 6. Experimental data for bubble size distribution in the draft tube; d+ = 2.5 ram, p, = 1040 kg/m 3,
U, = 0.45 cm/s, U~ = 0.67 cm/s. (a) e+ = 0 v o l % , large ( ~ 4 ram) bubbles, (b) e+ = 10 vol%, large
( ~ 4 ram) bubbles, (c) es = 0 vol%, small ( ~ 1 ram) bubbles, (d) e~ = 10 vol%, small ( ~ 1 ram) bubbles.
Table 1. Experimental data for the diameter, velocity and frequency of gas bubbles, and gas holdup in the
draft tube of D T F B
G a s velocity, U s (cm/s)
0.49 0.67 0.49 0.67 0.49 0.67
Air-water system, d, -- 2.5 ram, p, = 1040kg/m 3, Ut = 0.45 cm/s. Model predictions for bubble fre-
quency and bubble rise velocity are shown for comparison.
Fluid dynamic model of the draft tube 3771
80" The liquid flow rate in the draft tube was related to
the annular liquid flow rate and liquid input flow rate:
• °. •= ==
. ~..,%.'-" - /
J t o A o = J I A A a + qt. (19)
,',_: • .._. ,_~."'" . . .
Equations 06) (19), which were derived based on
• . : .,..: the results of previous experimental and modeling
2oi • . • -p, •
studies (Vunjak-Novakovic et al., 1992b; Kundakovic
• ¢!. ,:." •" :4.' "" and Vunjak-Novakovic, 1995) all define the phase
holdups as functions of the corresponding relative
i Ubx
velocities. These equations strictly refer to the circula-
ting regime in DTFB, i.e. the conditions of steady-
state circulation of liquid and particles between draft
-4C and annular regions with gas bubbles present in the
draft tube only.
x (cm) Equations (16) (19) were solved in conjunction
with eqs (3) and (12) (15) to obtain liquid velocities
Fig. 7. Experimental data for the radial distribution of
bubble diameters in the draft tube; d, = 2.5mm, and phase holdups in the draft and annulus. The effect
p,=1040kg/m 3, Ut=0.45cm/s, e,=10vol%, Ug= of gas bubbles on particle motion was integrated into
0.67 cm/s. the model by predicting the relative velocities vst using
eqs (5) and (7)-(10), and calculating the drag coeffi-
for two-phase flow in the heterogeneous bubbling cient CD as function of v~t.
Figure 8 shows liquid velocities in the draft tube,
vto, and annulus, via, as functions of the superficial gas
2f pd~o2L velocity, Uo, for one representative series of experi-
( - ap~) ~,~ (12) ments (ds = 2.5 mm, p** = 1040 kg/m 3, Ul = 0.45 cm/s,
where and e~ = 10 vol%). Experimental data (points) are
compared with model predictions (lines) for the circu-
2 1 2 gad "~7,/3 ) z lating regime (Ug ~< 0.45 cm/s). Figure 9 shows the
1 - eoo corresponding experimental data and model predic-
(13) tions for gas holdup in the draft tube (ego), and holdup
of solids in the draft tube (e,o) and annulus (e,a).
As reported by Chisti (1989), pressure losses in the
bottom section of DTFB depend only on the column DISCUSSION
geometry, ( - ApB) was thus considered as a function Flow behavior of a DTFB operated in the circula-
of the ratio of cross-section areas of the draft and ting regime was analyzed in terms of the
annulus and calculated using the equation: gas-liquid-particle flow in the draft tube, and
liquid-particle flow in the annulus, with the aim to
(14) develop a physically sound mathematical model of
( - ap,) = . . , - - 5 - this system. The existing theory of the two-phase flow
where proposed by Wallis (1969) was extended to describe
( A A ~ 0"79 the three-phase flow in the draft tube, assuming ho-
Ks = 11.4 \ A n j • (15) mogeneous bubbling flow and homogeneous particle
fluidization. The model takes into account mo-
Equation of the momentum transfer between liquid mentum transfer between (a) gas bubbles and liquid
and fluidized particles in the circulating flow in draft phase, (b) liquid phase and solid particles, and (c) the
and annular regions could be presented as additional momentum transfer from gas bubbles to
solid particles. The latter results from the changes in
Otsojto relative velocities and drag forces which are induced
U,~so(1 - ~,o)"'- '
1 -- ~so by bubble motion in three-phase flow.
Use of a two-dimensional column to study the local
OtsAJt'4 "st- UtOtsA(I -- ~ s A ) ' - 1. (16) flow conditions in the DTFB was justified by findings
I -- asA from our previous studies that showed no significant
A corresponding equation for momentum transfer effects of column geometry (i.e. two-dimensional vs
between gas bubbles and the liquid phase is three-dimensional) on the reactor fluid dynamics
(Kundakovic and Vunjak-Novakovic, 1995). Specifi-
(1 - - Otoo)jgD -- agojlo = Ub, gaO(| -- OtgO)n'. (17)
cally, the local liquid velocities and phase holdups in
A balance equation for the hold up of solids is the draft and annulus of a DTFB were determined
from (a) tracer response experiments using a three-
Vo VA dimensional column, and (b) flow visualization
~'sO"~- + esA'--~- = ~'s" (|8)
studies using a geometrically similar two-dimensional
30 particle settlingin thrcc-phasc flow (Kundakovic and
O dr~-ixp~i~mal
--~lu~-m0deprtKllCt~n Vunjak-Novakovic, 1995).
Interaction between solid and liquid phase and gas
20 ¸ and liquid phasc in the draft tube wcrc modeled in
terms of the driftflux [-eqs(16) and (17),rcspcctively].
Particlc-liquid intcractions in draft tube and annulus
wcrc analyzed based on the driftflux modcl which was
extended to take into account thc presence of gas
bubbles in the draft tube. Richardson-Zaki cocfficicnt
used was calculated as proposed by Wallis 0969),
~.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 based'on thc particlc free-settlingvelocity. Equation
tJg Icr~sl (16), which dcscribcs particlc-liquid interactions in
the draft tube and annulus rcgion does not includc
Fig. 8. Comparison of experimental data (.....) and model any effectof bubble-particle interaction on solid par-
predictions ( ) for liquid velocities in the draft tube and
annulus; d~ = 2.5 mm, p~ = 1040 kg/m 3, Ut = 0.45 cm/s, ticlcs velocity and hold up. Additional m o m e n t u m
~ = 10 vol%. transfcr from gas bubblcs to solid particles results
from the changes in rclativcvelocitiesand drag forces
that wcrc induced by bubble motion in the three-
column, that was designed as lcm thick slice of the phase flow. Influcncc of gas bubbles was modclcd as
actual three-dimensional column. This thickness of a cumulative cffcct of successive discrete changes in
the two-dimensional column was chosen to minimize the particlevelocity relativeto thc liquid phase and in
the wall effects, allow an insight into the structure and the corresponding drag coefficient[cq. (8)].
dynamics of multiphase flow, and enable translation Expression for the particlesettlingvelocity in pres-
of the obtained results to the cylindrical geometry of ence of gas bubbles [cq. (8)] was derived for a two-
the full-size column. The same two-dimensional col- dimensional bubble, assuming thc potcntial flow
u m n was used in this work to study the mechanisms of around a sphcrical bubble. Equation (8) shows that
bubble and particle motion in multiphase flow, and to the change in particlc settlingvelocity,duc to bubble
assess the local phase velocities and holdups that wcrc risenear the particle,depends on bubble diameter and
needed to test the proposed model. vclocity and particle size.
In our earlier studics (Vunjak-Novakovic et al., Equation (17) was dcrivcd by accounting for thc
1992b) we proposed a model of thrcc-phase flow, related changcs in gas and liquid holdup, and assum-
based on thc assumption of the m o m e n t u m transfer to ing that at low values of gas holdup ( ~< 0.04 in this
the fluidized particlcs from liquid phasc only, while study) particle motion docs not affectbubble motion.
the interactions between the two dispersed phases Shamlou et al. 0994) prcscntcd a model of draft tube
were not taken into account. A poor agreement of air-lift rcactor that takes into account liquid flow
modcl predictions with the experimental data was associated with the bubble wakes.
attributed to the additional m o m e n t u m transfer from Integration of the additional effects of momcntum
gas bubbles which was demonstrated in studies of transfcr from gas bubblcs into the drift-fluxmodcl,
Experimental data
IA g a s ; draft t u b e
J0 p a r t i c l e s ; draft t u b e
o~ • particles; annulus
0 • T , i • i - , - •
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Ug (cm/s)
Fig. 9. Comparison of experimental data (. . . . . ) and model predictions ( ) for phase holdups in the
draft tube and annulus; ds = 2.5 mm, p, = 1040 kg/m 3, Ul = 0.45 cm/s, ~ = 10 vof%.
Fluid dynamic model of the draft tube 3773
resulted in a close prediction of the observed liquid 300
velocities in draft and annulus of the DTFB operating ---o--- drivingforce
in the circulating regime (Fig. 8). At superficial gas friction losses
velocities approaching the transient from the circula-
ting into the turbulent regime (Ug = 0.45 cm/s for 200
data shown in Fig. 8), gas bubbles start entering into
the annular space. The model assumptions of a
three-phase (gas-liquid-particle) bubbling flow
in the draft tube, and two-phase (liquid-particle) flow 100
in the annular space are not satisfied in this transient o_
region, and the model overpredicts the observed
liquid velocities in draft and annulus. Similar
effects can be seen from Fig. 9 presenting the gas and
particle holdups in the draft and annulus. Somewhat 0 10 15 20
higher phase holdups predicted with the model,
when compared to the experimental data, could be Jlo (cm/s)
attributed to the inaccuracy of the experimental
determination of low gas hold ups, and possibly to the
Fig. 10. Model predictions for driving force and frictional
wall effects on bubble motion in a two-dimensional losses for Ug=0.3cm/s, db=3.5mm, d,=2.5mm,
column. p, = 1040 kg/m 3, UI = 0.45 cm/s, ~ = 10 vol%.
Addition of the surfactant to the liquid phase result-
ed in the formation of a large fraction of small bubbles
(about 1 mm) and a relatively small fraction of large 150-
bubbles (about 2 mm). In this double size bubble dra~ tube / p
population, only large bubbles appeared to generate
the driving force for liquid circulation. On the other
hand, small bubbles were associated with a high
gas-liquid surface area, which might be of interest in ~ ~00
wall effects. /
biochemical applications with high oxygen mass
transfer requirements. However, the identification of
possible mechanisms of the double peak population of
small and large gas bubbles warrants further studies. ~ 50
Figure 10 shows the model predictions for the o_
liquid circulation driving force and flow resistance as
functions of the superficial liquid velocity. The driving
force for liquid circulation passes through a maximum 0
5 10 15 20
while the overall drag force continuously increases, o
when the superficial liquid velocity is increased. The
maximum of the driving force results from changes in Jlo (cm/s)
relative contributions of individual components to the
Fig. I1. Effects of the liquid flux on the components of
overall drag with the superficial liquid velocity, as
frictional losses. Model predictions for U~ =0.3cm/s,
shown in Figure 1 I. At low liquid velocities, the liquid db= 3.5 mm, d~ = 2.5 mm, p~ = 1040 kg/m 3, U t = 0.45 crn/s,
particle drag has a major contribution to the overall ~;~= 10 vol%.
drag, while at higher liquid velocities the other two
components, i.e. the friction losses at the column bot-
tom and wall friction, become dominant. The effects particle transport by bubble wakes becomes more
of additional momentum transfer from gas bubbles important and a different value of the coefficient nb
are most significant at low liquid velocities. should be used.
In the momentum balance equation the kinetic Relative magnitude of different frictional terms de-
term was neglected since the cross-sectional areas of pends on the column geometry and phase holdups.
the draft tube and annulus are the same, the solid With increasing solid holdup for a fixed liquid circula-
phase holdup is the same (Fig. 3) and consequently tion velocity, liquid-solid frictional losses in draft and
liquid velocities are the same. annulus increase compared to the wall and bottom
The proposed model was strictly derived for homo- friction. Also as the particle size and density increase
geneous bubbling flow in the draft tube at low gas the effect of additional momentum transfer from gas
velocities, and low solid holdups. These conditions are bubbles decreases and particle liquid interactions are
required for most of the biochemical applications of dominant. However, additional momentum transfer
air-lift reactors. As the gas flow rate and holdup from gas bubbles is significant for low particle densit-
increase, a transition to heterogeneous bubbly flow ies and low liquid velocities, which are important for
may occur. Under those conditions the assumption of biochemical applications of air-lift reactors with im-
uniform bubble size distribution is not valid, mobilized cells or enzymes.
CONCLUSION ms mass of particle, kg
A two-dimensional DTFB operating with low-den- mp mass of tracer particle, kg
sity particles in the circulating regime was experi- nO Richardson-Zaki coefficient for bubbles
mentally studied in terms of the gas-liquid-particle rls Richardson-Zaki coefficient for particles
flow in the draft tube, and liquid-particle flow in the Ap pressure drop, Pa
annulus. Local velocities and holdups of solid par- qt input liquid flow rate, cm3/s
ticles, gas bubbles and the liquid phase were assessed Rb radius of the gas bubble, cm
in flow visualization studies. Flow behavior of the Ub local velocity of the gas bubble, cm/s
DTFB in the circulating regime was basically govern- Ubr bubble rise velocity, cm/s
ed by gas flux and bubble size. Liquid and particle Ug superficial gas velocity, cm/s
velocities in draft and annulus and the gas holdup all Ut superficial liquid velocity, cm/s
increased when the superficial gas velocity was in- U, particle settling velocity, cm/s
creased, while only slight effects of the net liquid flow v relative velocity, cm/s
rate and the particle volume fraction were observed. va liquid to particle relative velocity, cm/s
The existing theory of the two-phase flow proposed V volume of the compartment, cm 3
by WaUis (1969) was extended to describe three-phase Vb volume of a single bubble, cm s
flow in the draft tube by taking into account mo- x horizontal distance, cm
mentum transfer between (a) gas bubbles and liquid AXb mean horizontal distance between two ad-
phase, (b) liquid phase and solid particles, and (c) the jacent bubbles, cm
additional momentum transfer from gas bubbles to Xmax horizontal component of the maximum
solid particles, which was assessed in studies of par- bubble to particle axial distance, cm
ticle settling in three-phase flow (Kundakovic and X fraction of the area of influence of a fluidized
Vunjak-Novakovic, 1995). bed particle on the settling particle
The effects of gas bubbles on liquid and particle y=ax vertical component of the maximum bubble
motion were related to the changes in relative to particle axial distance, cm
velocities and drag forces on fluidized particles, which y vertical distance, cm
are induced by motion of gas bubbles. The overall Az height of the view area, cm
drag force on fluidized particles was significantly dif-
ferent in three-phase flow, when compared to Greek letters
liquid-particle flow. In addition, a decrease in mean at volumetric fraction of gas or solids in liquid
bubble diameter from 4 to 1 mm resulted in lower e phase holdup
momentum transfer from gas bubbles, indicating that p density, kg/m 3
only relatively large bubbles have a significant influ- ~2 two-phase friction multiplier
ence on circulating flow in DTFB. The proposed
model gave close predictions of liquid velocities and Subscripts
phase holdups in draft and annular regions of the A annulus
DTFB operating in the circulating regime. B bottom section
D draft tube
Acknowledgement--This work was supported by Research f friction
Council of Serbia Grant No. G14-03. 1 liquid
g gas
NOTATION p tracer particle
A surface area, cm 2 s solid
An available cross-section area for fluid flow w wall
from annulus into the draft tube, cm 2 x horizontal direction
Cd particle drag coefficient y vertical direction
db bubble diameter, cm 1 continuous phase
d~ particle diameter, cm 2 dispersed phase
D draft tube diameter, cm
f friction factor for single-phase flow REFERENCES
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