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Investment Risk Tolerance Profile Questionnaire

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Investment Risk Tolerance Profile Questionnaire for:

Determining Your Investment Risk Profile

When investing it is important that you consider the level of risk as well as the return on
an investment in view of your circumstances and investment goals. Risk means
different things to different investors. For some, investment risk means the likelihood of
a loss of capital, while for others it is the level of volatility of an investment, or the risk of
an asset not producing enough to live on.
This Investment Risk Profile questionnaire has been designed to assist you in making
an investment decision. It asks some questions regarding your goals, time frames and
comfort with investments to provide a guide to your investor profile. Your investor
profile then determines a benchmark asset allocation for your investments. Please
complete the questions below by choosing the answer which most closely describes

1. For how long would you expect most of your money to be invested before you
would need to access it?
Less than 12 months 10
Between 1 and 3 years 20
Between 3 and 5 years 30
Between 5 and 7 years 40
Longer than 7 years 50
2. If you consider current interest rates what overall level of return (after
inflation) do you
reasonably expect to achieve from your investments over the period you wish
to invest for?
A reasonable return without losing any 10 1-3% 20
capital *
4-6% 30 7-9% 40 Over 9% 50 Score
3. Assuming you had no need for capital, how long would you allow a
poorly performing investment to continue before cashing it in
(assuming the poor performance was mainly due to market
You would cash it in if there was any 0 Less than 1 10
loss in value* year
Up to 3 20 Up to 5 30 Up to 7 years 40
years years
Up to 10 50 Score
4. How familiar are you with investment markets?
Very little understanding or interest 10
Not very familiar 20
Have had enough experience to understand the importance of diversification 30
I understand that markets may fluctuate and that different market sectors offer 40
different income,
growth and taxation characteristics
I am experienced with all investment classes and understand the various factors that 50
influence performance.
5. There is generally a greater tax efficiency when investing in more
volatile investments. With this in mind, which of the following would
you be more comfortable with?
Preferably guaranteed returns, ahead of tax-savings 10
Stable, reliable returns with minimal tax savings 20
Some variability in returns, some tax savings 30
Moderate variability in returns, reasonable tax savings 40
Higher variability but potentially higher returns, maximising tax savings 50

6. What would your reaction be if six months after placing your investments, you
discovered that due mainly to market conditions your portfolio had decreased
in value by 20%?
Horror – Security of your capital is critical and you do not intend to take risks.* 10
You would cut your losses and transfer your funds to more secure investment 20
You would be concerned, but would wait to see if the investments improve. 30
This was a risk you understood – you would leave your investments in place 40
performance to improve.
You would invest more funds to take advantage of the lower unit/share prices 50
expecting future
7. Which of the following best describes your purpose for investing?
You have an investment time frame of over 5 years. You understand investment 50
markets and are
mainly investing for growth to accumulate long-term wealth, or are prepared to use
investments to provide income.
You are not nearing retirement, have surplus funds to invest and are aiming to 40
accumulate long
term wealth from a balanced portfolio.
You have a lump sum (eg inheritance or a superannuation rollover payment from 30
your employer)
and you are uncertain about what sort of investment alternatives are available.
You are nearing retirement and you are investing to ensure you have sufficient funds 20
available to
enjoy your retirement.
You have some specific objectives within the next 5 years for which you want to 20
sufficient funds.
You want to provide a regular income and/or totally protect the value of your 10
investment capital.*

Your Score here determines your Investor Risk Profile. An Total

explanation of the profile in relation to your score is detailed over Profile
page and will also be provided as part of your written

* If you have answered this question and your total profile score is less than 100 (Very
Conservative Investor) then detail in the notes below your preference for a greater
return against your preference for the protection of your investment capital.







Investor Profile Asset mix**
Very Conservative “Cash” (0-100 Points)
May be suitable for investors with a short-term investment horizon or a very low 100% Cash
tolerance for risk, seeking a return similar to cash rates.
Conservative “Fixed Interest” (101-140 Points)
May be suitable for investors with an investment horizon of at least 3 years and 100%
a low risk tolerance, seeking higher than cash returns over the investment Defensive
Moderately Conservative “Capital Stable” (141- 170 Points)
May be suitable for investors with an investment horizon of at least 3 years and 70%
a low to moderate risk tolerance, seeking regular income and the opportunity for Defensive
some growth over the investment timeframe. 30% Growth
Moderate “Conservative Growth” (171-200 Points)
May be suitable for investors with an investment horizon of at least 3-5 years 50%
and a moderate risk tolerance, seeking a mix of income and growth over the Defensive
investment timeframe from a well-diversified portfolio. This strategy suits
50% Growth
investors aiming for a return higher than what is likely from a portfolio dominated
by defensive assets but who want lower volatility than what a share fund would
likely generate.
Assertive “Balanced” (201-250 Points)
May be suitable for investors with an investment horizon of at least 5 years and 30%
a moderate risk tolerance, seeking more growth than income over the Defensive
investment timeframe. This strategy suits investors aiming for a return higher 70% Growth
than what is likely from a more defensive portfolio but who want lower volatility
than what a share fund would likely generate.
Moderately Aggressive “Growth” (251- 300 Points) 15%
May be suitable for investors with an investment horizon of at least 5-7 years Defensive
and a moderate to high risk tolerance, seeking a high exposure to growth
85% Growth
Aggressive “Share” (301-350 Points)
May be suitable for investors with an investment horizon of at least 7 years and 100% Growth
high risk tolerance, comfortable with a share portfolio dominated by Australian
and international shares.

** This demonstrates the benchmark Defensive/Growth asset mix for each investor profile.
Defensive assets, such as cash and fixed interest are expected to grow at a slower rate over the
longer term but are expected to experience less volatility. Growth assets, such as property and
shares have historically grown at a rate greater than inflation over time and usually produce
higher returns than defensive assets but can also demonstrate greater volatility in the short term.
I/ we hereby acknowledge that the concept of risk has been explained and that the above
Investor profile is consistent with my/our risk requirements and profile.

Client Name (Print) _____________________________

Signed: Dated:

Client Name (Print) _____________________________

Signed: Dated:

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