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Writing Test (Advice Column) : Total: - /25

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This form helps instructors to evaluate students’ work in writing test. Read each statement below. Then indicate the following
rating scale that best reflects to the students’ task.

1=Weak 2=Poor 3=Average 4=Good 5=Excellent

The task entry meets the requirement of the assignment. (Evaluation)


The writing is expressed by thoughts and points of view. (Development)


Student shows understanding of the topic/situation. (Content)


Student displays good language control. (Language)


The task demonstrates clear writing structure. (Structure)


Comments: Total: ______/25

Attribute/ Weak Poor Average Good Excellent
Score 1 2 3 4 5
Evaluation Evaluation is missing Evaluation is brief, Evaluation is Evaluation is Evaluation is
or completely wrong. contains missing relevant but relevant, complete relevant, complete
elements or is a naïve incomplete however, and correct but lack and reflects a
evaluation. still comprehensible thorough thorough
understanding. understanding of
the analysis.

Development The development is The development is The development is The development is The development is
minimal. Writing is minimal. Writing is adequate but may be adequate. Writing thorough. Writing
disorganized and brief and uneven. Writing is includes a strong includes a strong,
underdeveloped with underdeveloped with confused and loosely beginning, middle, beginning, middle,
no transitions or very weak transitions organized. and end, with some and end with clear
closure. and closure. Transitions are weak transitions and good transitions and a
and closure is closure. focused closure.
Content Ideas are not clear. Ideas are not clear. Ideas are clear but Ideas are somewhat Ideas are clear,
There are little or no Supporting ideas are not detailed and clear, detailed and detailed and
supporting ideas, and loosely supported or supported. supported. supported.
details included are show gaps in Supporting ideas Supporting ideas Supporting ideas
irrelevant thinking. may be repetitive or include details that include details that
and/or inaccurate not explain well are, for the most part, are specific,
relevant and accurate. relevant, and
accurate. Writing is
well developed.
Language Gross grammatical Several grammar Adequate grammar Minimal grammar Appropriate use of
and language errors errors and a weak and use of standard errors and grammar and
grasp of standard English, some errors demonstrated use of standard English
English standard English

Structure • There is no • The response lacks • There is an attempt • The organizational • The organizational
identifiable an identifiable at organization, but strategy is apparent strategy
organizational organizational there may be with a progression of demonstrates
strategy. strategy (random digressions, ideas that allows the evidence of
• There is no order). repetition, or reader to move planning and a
introduction, • The lack of an contradictory through the text with purposeful, logical
conclusion, and/or introduction, information. little confusion. progression of
progression of ideas conclusion, and/or • The introduction • The introduction, ideas.
which makes it progression of ideas and conclusion are conclusion, and • There is an
difficult for the makes it difficult for weak or may be transitions often work effective
reader to move the reader to move missing. There may well. introduction and
through the text. through the text. be a lack of adequate conclusion and
transitions. thoughtful
transitions that
convey a sense of




This form helps instructors to evaluate students’ work in written report (poster). Read each statement below. Then indicate the
following rating scale that best reflects to the students’ task.

1=Weak 2=Poor 3=Average 4=Good 5=Excellent

The task demonstrates persuasion elements. (Focus)


Ideas are clear and supported. (Content)


Student displays good language control (Language)


The task demonstrates clear writing structure (Structure)


The task demonstrates imagination, originality and concerted effort. (Originality/

Creativity) _____/5

Comments: Total: ______/25


Score Weak Poor Average Good Excellent

1 2 3 4 5
Focus (Persuasive Shows no attention to Shows little attention Provides some Provides arguments, Provides arguments,
element) the audience or to the audience or support illustrations, and illustrations, and
persuasive purpose. persuasive purpose. that appeals to the words that appeal to words that forcefully
The paper has The paper has unclear audience and serves the audience and appeal to the
unidentifiable topic topic with some ideas the persuasive serve the persuasive audience and
with minimal ideas, and information purpose. The paper purpose. effectively serve
and information. has a topic that The paper is persuasive purpose.
informs the reader controlled by one The main purpose is
with ideas and main purpose. The clear. All parts of the
information that purpose is appropriate paper are clearly
creates a unified to assignment. related to the main
whole. purpose
Content Ideas are not clear. Ideas are not clear. Ideas are clear but not Ideas are somewhat Ideas are clear,
There are little or no Supporting ideas are detailed and clear, detailed and detailed and
supporting ideas, and loosely supported or supported. supported. supported. Supporting
details included are show gaps in thinking. Supporting ideas may Supporting ideas ideas include details
irrelevant be repetitive or not include details that that are specific,
and/or inaccurate explain well are, for the most part, relevant, and
relevant and accurate. accurate. Writing is
well developed.
Language Gross grammatical Several grammar Adequate grammar Minimal grammar Appropriate use of
and language errors errors and a weak and use of standard errors and grammar and
grasp of standard English, some errors demonstrated use of standard English
English standard English

Structure • There is no • The response lacks • There is an attempt • The organizational •The organizational
identifiable an identifiable at organization, but strategy is apparent strategy demonstrates
organizational organizational there may be with a progression of evidence of planning
strategy. strategy (random digressions, ideas that allows the and a purposeful,
• There is no order). repetition, or reader to move logical progression of
introduction, • The lack of an contradictory through the text with ideas.
conclusion, and/or introduction, information. little confusion. • There is an effective
progression of ideas conclusion, and/or • The introduction and • The introduction, introduction and
which makes it progression of ideas conclusion are weak conclusion and conclusion and
difficult for the reader makes it difficult for or may be missing. transitions often work thoughtful transitions
to move through the the reader to move There may be a lack of well. that convey a sense of
text. through the text. adequate transitions. wholeness.
Originality/ Graphics do not relate Little constructive use Graphics have Good use of color and Pleasing use of color,
Creativity to the topic. No of color or graphic clustered appearances eye-catching graphic shapes, symbols and
evidence or creativity. elements. Contains or are sparse (too elements. Contains other graphic
The poster is some good, although much empty space). some unique or elements captures
distractingly messy or not entirely original The poster is imaginative elements. viewers’ attention and
very poorly designed. elements. The poster acceptably attractive The poster is interest. The poster is
It is not attractive. is not attractive though it may be a bit attractive in terms of exceptionally
messy. design, layout, and attractive in terms of
neatness. design, layout, and




Matric no.

Content _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

_____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

Non verbal _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

Fluency _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

Grammar _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

Language Pronunciation
& word
_____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

1 Weak
2 Poor
3 Average
4 Good Total ________ / 30 ________ / 30 ________ / 30 ________ / 30 ________ / 30
5 Excellent


Score Weak Poor Average Good Excellent

1 2 3 4 5
Content Student does not Student has a partial Student has a Student has a good Student has an excellent
have grasp of grasp of information. satisfactory grasp of grasp of information. grasp of information. The
information. The The student information. The The student student demonstrates an
student demonstrates a student demonstrates demonstrates a good excellent understanding of
demonstrates very limited an adequate understanding of the the topic. The presentation
limited understanding of the understanding of the topic. The presentation consistently displays a great
understanding of topic. The topic. The consistently displays amount of illustrative detail,
the topic. The presentation displays presentation displays illustrative detail, development and support.
presentation lacks insufficient detail, substantial detail, development, support The student does not
detail, development, development, support and important exclude any important
development, support and and important information. information or include
support and important information. unnecessary information at
important information. all.
Delivery Persuasion Shows no attention Shows little attention Provides some Provides arguments Provides arguments that
to the persuasive to the persuasive support that appeal to the forcefully appeal to the
purpose. purpose. that appeals to the audience and serve the audience and effectively serve
audience and serves persuasive purpose. persuasive purpose.
the persuasive
Non verbal Student reads all of Student Student occasionally Student maintains eye Student maintains eye
report with no eye demonstrates little uses eye contact and contact most of the contact with audience and
contact. There is eye contact and reads facial expression, but time but frequently only seldom refers to notes.
almost no almost all of report. still reads most of refers to notes. Student Student uses suitable facial
movement or Very little report. Student uses suitable facial expression and hand
descriptive movements and hand sometimes makes expression and hand gestures to convince the
gestures. Overall, gestures. Student movements or gestures to convince audience. Movements are
there is no body shows unconvincing gestures that enhance the audience. Overall, very fluid and consistently
language and facial expression articulation. Overall, body language is help audience visualize.
student is static Overall, body body language is satisfactorily done. Overall, body language is
most of the time language is poor. average. appropriate
with no
appropriate facial
Fluency Speech is slow, Speech is frequently Speech is relatively Smooth and fluid Smooth and fluid speech;
hesitant & strained hesitant with some smooth; some speech; few hesitations; few to no hesitations; no
except for short sentences left hesitation and a slight search for attempts to search for
memorized uncompleted; volume unevenness caused by words; inaudible word words; volume is excellent.
phrases; difficult to very soft. rephrasing and or two.
perceive continuity searching for words;
in speech; volume wavers.
Language Grammar Student’s use of Student’s use of Student’s use of Student’s use of Student’s use of vocabulary
vocabulary is very vocabulary is vocabulary is quite vocabulary is always is very appropriate and
inappropriate and inappropriate and appropriate and appropriate and greatly greatly varied with minor
limited with somewhat varied. generally varied with varied with very errors in sentence structure,
frequent errors in Regular errors in occasional errors in infrequent errors in tense and pronunciation.
sentence structure, sentence structure, sentence structure, sentence structure,
tense, and tense and tense and tense and
pronunciation enunciation pronunciation pronunciation.
Pronunciatio Most utterances Frequent errors that Occasional error in Generally correct Pronunciation is almost
n& contain errors and confuse listener and pronunciation. pronunciation. error-free.
vocabulary many is interfere with Vocabulary is just Good and appropriate Wide range of vocabulary
incomprehensible. comprehensibility adequate to respond vocabulary used. and uses appropriate and
Very limited Inadequate new words and expressions
vocabulary. vocabulary or
incorrect use of
lexical items


Score Weak Poor Average Good Excellent

1 2 3 4 5
Content Student does not have Student has a partial Student has a Student has a good Student has an
grasp of information. grasp of information satisfactory grasp of grasp of excellent grasp of
The student and demonstrates a information and information and information and
demonstrates very limited demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates an
limited understanding understanding of the adequate good excellent
of the topic. The topic. The discussion understanding of the understanding of understanding of the
discussion lacks detail, displays insufficient topic. The the topic. The topic. The discussion
development, support detail, development, presentation displays discussion consistently displays
and important support and substantial detail, consistently excellent
information. important development, displays good development and
information. support and development, support. The student
important support and does not exclude any
information. important important
information. information or include
information at all.
Delivery Non Student reads with no Student Student occasionally Student maintains Student maintains eye
verbal eye contact. There is demonstrates little uses eye contact and eye contact most contact with audience
almost no movement or eye contact and reads facial expression, but of the time but and only seldom
descriptive gestures. most of the time. still reads most of frequently refers to refers to notes.
Overall, there is no Very little movements time. Student notes. Student uses Student uses suitable
body language and and hand gestures. sometimes makes suitable facial facial expression and
student is static most of Student shows movements or expression and hand gestures to
the time with no unconvincing facial gestures that hand gestures to convince the
appropriate facial expression Overall, enhance articulation. convince the audience. Movements
expression. body language is Overall, body audience. Overall, are very fluid and
poor. language is average. body language is consistently help
satisfactorily done. audience visualize.
Overall, body
language is
Fluency Speech is slow, hesitant Speech is frequently Speech is relatively Smooth and fluid Smooth and fluid
& strained except for hesitant with some smooth; some speech; few speech; few to no
short memorized sentences left hesitation and hesitations; a slight hesitations; no
phrases; difficult to uncompleted; volume unevenness caused search for words; attempts to search for
perceive continuity in very soft. by rephrasing and inaudible word or words; volume is
speech; inaudible. searching for words; two. excellent.
volume wavers.
Language Grammar Student’s use of Student’s use of Student’s use of Student’s use of Student’s use of
vocabulary is very vocabulary is vocabulary is quite vocabulary is vocabulary is very
inappropriate and inappropriate and appropriate and always appropriate appropriate and
limited with frequent somewhat varied. generally varied with and greatly varied greatly varied with
errors in sentence Regular errors in occasional errors in with very minor errors in
structure, tense, and sentence structure, sentence structure, infrequent errors in sentence structure,
pronunciation tense and tense and sentence structure, tense and
pronunciation pronunciation tense and pronunciation.
Pronuncia Most utterances Frequent errors that Occasional error in Generally correct Pronunciation is
tion & contain errors and confuse listener and pronunciation. pronunciation. almost error-free.
vocabular many is interfere with Vocabulary is just Good and Wide range of
y incomprehensible. comprehensibility adequate to respond appropriate vocabulary and uses
Very limited vocabulary. Inadequate vocabulary used. appropriate and new
vocabulary or words and
incorrect use of expressions
lexical items



Name NO. NO. NO. NO.
Matric no.


_____/10 _____/10 _____/10 _____/10 _____/10

Non verbal
Delivery _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

_____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

Language _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

& word
selection _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

1 Weak
2 Poor
3 Average Total ________ / 30 ________ / 30 ________ / 30 ________ / 30 ________ / 30
4 Good
5 Excellent


Matric no.


_____/10 _____/10 _____/10 _____/10 _____/10

Non verbal
Delivery _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

_____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

Language _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

& word
selection _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5 _____/5

1 Weak
2 Poor
Total ________ / 30 ________ / 30 ________ / 30 ________ / 30 ________ / 30
3 Average
4 Good
5 Excellent



Score Weak Poor Average Good Excellent

1 2 3 4 5
Content Student does not have Student has a partial Student has a Student has a good Student has an
grasp of information. grasp of information satisfactory grasp of grasp of excellent grasp of
The student and demonstrates a information and information and information and
demonstrates very limited demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates an
limited understanding understanding of the adequate good excellent
of the topic. The topic. The understanding of the understanding of understanding of the
presentation lacks presentation displays topic. The the topic. The topic. The
detail, development, insufficient detail, presentation displays presentation presentation
support and important development, substantial detail, consistently consistently displays a
information. support and development, displays illustrative great amount of
important support and detail, illustrative detail,
information. important development, development and
information. support and support. The student
important does not exclude any
information. important
information or include
information at all.
Delivery Non Student reads with no Student Student occasionally Student maintains Student maintains eye
verbal eye contact. There is demonstrates little uses eye contact and eye contact most contact with audience
almost no movement or eye contact and reads facial expression, but of the time but and only seldom
descriptive gestures. most of the time. still reads most of frequently refers to refers to notes.
Overall, there is no Very little movements time. Student notes. Student uses Student uses suitable
body language and and hand gestures. sometimes makes suitable facial facial expression and
student is static most of Student shows movements or expression and hand gestures to
the time with no unconvincing facial gestures that hand gestures to convince the
appropriate facial expression Overall, enhance articulation. convince the audience. Movements
expression. body language is Overall, body audience. Overall, are very fluid and
poor. language is average. body language is consistently help
satisfactorily done. audience visualize.
Overall, body
language is
Fluency Speech is slow, hesitant Speech is frequently Speech is relatively Smooth and fluid Smooth and fluid
& strained except for hesitant with some smooth; some speech; few speech; few to no
short memorized sentences left hesitation and hesitations; a slight hesitations; no
phrases; difficult to uncompleted; volume unevenness caused search for words; attempts to search for
perceive continuity in very soft. by rephrasing and inaudible word or words; volume is
speech; inaudible. searching for words; two. excellent.
volume wavers.
Language Grammar Student’s use of Student’s use of Student’s use of Student’s use of Student’s use of
vocabulary is very vocabulary is vocabulary is quite vocabulary is vocabulary is very
inappropriate and inappropriate and appropriate and always appropriate appropriate and
limited with frequent somewhat varied. generally varied with and greatly varied greatly varied with
errors in sentence Regular errors in occasional errors in with very minor errors in
structure, tense, and sentence structure, sentence structure, infrequent errors in sentence structure,
pronunciation tense and tense and sentence structure, tense and
pronunciation pronunciation tense and pronunciation.
Pronuncia Most utterances Frequent errors that Occasional error in Generally correct Pronunciation is
tion & contain errors and confuse listener and pronunciation. pronunciation. almost error-free.
vocabular many is interfere with Vocabulary is just Good and Wide range of
y incomprehensible. comprehensibility adequate to respond appropriate vocabulary and uses
Very limited vocabulary. Inadequate vocabulary used. appropriate and new
vocabulary or words and
incorrect use of expressions
lexical items


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