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Marking Criteria

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UU114 Research Essay Marking Criteria

NAME:__________________________________ ID:___________________

Facets Elements Academic Excellence - 4 Milestone - 3 Benchmark - 2 Below Benchmark - 1 Not assessable work - 0 Mark
Embark and Introduction Establishes the context to the Establishes the context to Establishes the context to the Attempts to link the context to Introduction incomplete,
subject and presents the issue the subject and presents subject and presents the issue the subject and presents the flawed or missing
clarify and thesis as a clear and the issue and thesis as a and a relevant thesis issue and thesis statement but
effective unit developed unit held together ineffectually
Research Wide range of wholly A range of appropriate An attempt made to apply Applications of research to No evidence of research
appropriate and relevant and relevant references, research to the essay; the essay is uncertain; heavy
references, fully integrated generally well-integrated balance of direct and indirect reliance on one source;
Find and into the text with a sound mix into the text with a mix quotation is uneven, and relevance of material is very
generate of direct and indirect of direct and indirect relevance is sometimes questionable and/or balance
quotations. Quotations wholly quotations. Quotations questionable. Quotations of direct and indirect
support thesis. Citations support thesis. Most occasionally replace student quotation is poor. Quotations
wholly citations correct; input. Citations show several often replace student
accurate; bibliography bibliography good, errors; bibliography input. Citations show many
complete and accurate only minor errors satisfactory errors; bibliography poor
Quality of Controlling theme soundly Controlling theme Controlling theme maintained; Controlling theme weakly Analysis weak;
maintained; thoughtfully reasonably maintained; applicable ideas and research maintained; poor or unsubstantiated
Evaluate and analysis evaluated ideas and research. appropriately analysed undifferentiated ideas and
reflect ideas and research research
Conclusion Thoughtful final perspective Appropriate final Relevant, modest final A final perspective with weak New material included in
with mature closing thought perspective with a logical perspective; satisfactory or unsubtle closing thought concluding paragraph or no
closing thought closing thought conclusion offered
Plan Clear identification and Clearly showing relevant Limited grasp of or distinction Ideas do not reflect the issue. No plan provided
separation of relevant ideas ideas with details of ideas Major elements missing
Organise and with details
manage Paragraphing SEXI pattern effectively SEXI pattern clear SEXI pattern mostly reflected; One or two elements of SEXI No attempt to write coherent
developed some inconsistencies pattern missing paragraphs

Logical Effective sequential pattern Appropriate sequential Relevant pattern that supports Attempt made to create a Poor organisation of ideas
that enhances the effect of the pattern that enhances the analysis reasonable pattern, but the weakens the analysis
Analyse and organisation analysis the effect of the analysis effect is not sustained
synthesise Development of Analysis develops effectively; Analysis develops Analysis inconsistent; some Analysis does not develop; lack No attempt to develop an
appropriate language; apt logically; appropriate relevant language; limited of suitable language; weak analysis; not enough cohesion
analysis cohesion and transitions language; sound cohesion and transitions cohesion and transitions evident.
cohesion and transitions
Grammar Grammar wholly accurate Grammar mostly Errors minor but consistent Errors impede Errors seriously compromise
accurate comprehensibility comprehensibility
Accurate writing Vocabulary wide and accurate; Vocabulary wide; Vocabulary adequate with Vocabulary simplistic or Errors of vocabulary, spelling
Communicate spelling and punctuation error- occasional errors in word several errors in word choice; pretentious with frequent and punctuation compromise
and apply conventions free; neutrality of tone choice; spelling and spelling and punctuation word choice errors; errors of comprehensibility; neutrality
sustained punctuation mostly errors noticeable; neutrality of spelling impede of tone uncertain
correct; neutrality of tone mostly sustained comprehensibility; neutrality
tone sustained of tone inconsistent
Abstract Abstract accurate in format, Abstract accurate in Abstract unclear, some Abstract inaccurate in format No abstract
clear and thorough format and clear; some elements missing
elements may be weak
Presentation* (+1 mark) TOTAL (out of 45)
*Assignment must be typed, font 12, double spaced; with cover sheet format shown on Moodle; correct marking schedule; abstract placed before essay

Late Penalty: 20% of total mark for each late day ©UU114 2012

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