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Schedule: March 1, 2018

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other
text types serves as instruments to resolve social conflicts, also how to use the language of
research, campaigns and advocacies.
Performance Standard: The learner competently presents a research report on a relevant socio
cultural issue.
Domain Literacy: Reading
Learning Competency: Presents the idea of the poem through differentiated instructions.
Grade Level: Grade 7

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to gain mastery on:
a. proper reading and understanding of reading text on resolving social issue,
b. appreciating the message of the poem by giving their own insights, and:
c. presenting the idea of the poem through differentiated instruction.


Topic: Literature
Subtopic: The United Fruit Company Co. by Pablo Neruda
Source: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, pages 477-479
Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures, Power Point Presentation
Strategies: Discovery Learning, Cooperative Learning


1) Prayer

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

"I'm requesting everyone to stand and The students will do what the teacher said.
Adriatico kindly lead prayer.”
“Heavenly Father, we thank you for all the
blessings as well for keeping us safe every day.
We ask for forgiveness to every sin that we’ve
committed. Please give us wisdom to do our
task. May your hands pat our hearts to be
mindful of others. May your words be our
guide to be on the right way. All of these we
pray in Jesus name, Amen.”

2) Greetings

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

"Good morning Aquinas." "Good morning Ms. Bautista. Mabuhay!"

3) Classroom Management

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

"Before taking your seat, kindly pick up any The students will do what the teacher said.
trash, arrange and observe the proper
alignment of your chair.”

4) Attendance

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

"Delos Santos, how many are absent for "None Ms. Bautista."

"That's good."

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

The teacher will post the essential question on

the board.

“Please be reminded on the question that I The students are listening.

posted on the board. This will be the focus of
our discussion and will be answered at the end
of the lesson.”

1. Priming
Logo Quiz (Different logos will be presented
in class)
“I’ll be showing you different logos, if you “Yes, Ms. Bautista.”
know what it is just raise your right hand and
once I call your name, you recite your answer
to the class. Don’t answer in chorus. Do you
understand Aquinas?”


“Ford Motors!”


“Globe Telecom!

Students’ answers may vary.

“Why do you think that it is easy for you to

identify on what these logos represent?” Students’ answers may vary.

“Very good! Who else?”

“Excellent! These are some of the famous

logos that most people know because most of it
are part of someone’s life. For today, we will
find out how these famous logos related to the
poem that we are going to discuss for today.”
The students are listening.
2. Review
“Before that, let us have a short review on the
important elements of a poem that we already
discussed yesterday by doing the next
Some students will volunteer and the will be
SPELL IT TO ME GENTLY called by the teacher.

“I need four volunteers from the class.” “Yes Ma’am.”

“I’ll be asking you to spell a word and each

student will give only one letter until the word
is spelled correctly. Note that you’ll have
additional grade on your recitation once you’ll
be able to do it correctly. Are my instructions The activity will be conducted.

The teacher will present the meaning of each

important elements of poem on the board after
the students spelled it out.

1. Tone
“Tone expresses the writer’s attitude toward or
feelings about the subject matter.”

2. Mood
“Mood is how the speaker feels about what is
being written or the way the thought is being

3. Theme
“Theme is the central idea in a piece of writing
or art works.”

4. Literary Technique
“Literary Technique are the techniques that “None, Ms. Bautista.”
writers used in conveying the meaning of their
literary text.”

“Do you have questions about our topic

“It seems that you really understand and
remembered our topic yesterday.”

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

1. Sharing Insights

“From the logos that we have identified, what The students are listening.
do you think are the impacts of this famous
establishment in our lives?” I’ll give you two The students are thinking.
minutes to think and raise your right hand to
share your ideas in class.”

The teacher will give the students time to think Students’ answers may vary.
and will call some students to share their
The students will do what the teacher said.
“Let us all give a hand to those who shared
their ideas to the class.”

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

“Everyone, kindly get your notebooks and jot The students will do what the teacher said.
down important information while we are
having our discussion.

“I’m going to present to you first the important The students are listening.
information about the author of the poem we’re
going to discuss.”

The teacher will post the picture of the author.

Pablo Neruda The students are listening.

 became known as a
poet when he was 10
years old,
 wrote in a variety of
styles, including
surrealist poems,
historical epics,
political manifestos, a prose
autobiography, and passionate love
 He won the Nobel Prize for Literature
“Yes Ms. Bautista.”
“Everyone, keep your eyes on the board and
listen as I read the poem first. While listening,
I want you to write down complex words that
you’re going to hear. Do you understand

The teacher will conduct the first reading to

model the proper reading.

The United Fruit Co.

Pablo Neruda

When the trumpet sounded, it was

all prepared on the earth,
the Jehovah parcelled out the earth
to Coca Cola, Inc., Anaconda,
Ford Motors, and other entities:
The Fruit Company, Inc.
reserved for itself the most succulent,
the central coast of my own land,
the delicate waist of America.
It rechristened its territories
as the ’Banana Republics’
and over the sleeping dead,
over the restless heroes
who brought about the greatness, the liberty
and the flags,
it established the comic opera:
abolished the independencies,
presented crowns of Caesar,
unsheathed envy, attracted
the dictatorship of the flies,
Trujillo flies, Tacho flies,
Carias flies, Martinez flies,
Ubico flies, damp flies
of modest blood and marmalade,
drunken flies who zoom
over the ordinary graves,
circus flies, wise flies
well trained in tyranny.

Among the blood-thirsty flies

the Fruit Company lands its ships,
taking off the coffee and the fruit;
the treasure of our submerged
territories flow as though
on plates into the ships.

Meanwhile Indians are falling

into the sugared chasms
of the harbours, wrapped
for burials in the mist of the dawn: Student answers may vary.
a body rolls, a thing
that has no name, a fallen cipher,
a cluster of the dead fruit
thrown down on the dump.

“What are the complex words that you heard

and listed on your notebooks?”

“When you find complex words in a written

work, you can use context clues to define those
complex words.” The students are listening.

“What are context clues?”

The teacher will present the meaning of

context clues and explain.

“Context clues are hints that an author gives to

define a difficult word.”

The teacher will present the meaning of the

complex words. 1. What is referred to in the first five lines of
the poem?
parcelled – divide into portion and distributed 2. What does the line, “The Fruit Company,
succulent – juicy, tasty reserved for itself the most succulent, the
tyranny – cruel and oppressive government or central coast of my own land, the delicate waist
rule of America.” mean?
chasms – very deep narrow opening 3. What does the Fruit Company do as stated in
stanza 2?
The teacher will present the process questions
4. Who suffers most as described in stanza 3?
on the screen and have the students read it one
5. What are possible historical and social
by one.
realities that have influenced the writing of this

The United Fruit Co.

Pablo Neruda

When the trumpet sounded, it was

all prepared on the earth,
the Jehovah parcelled out the earth
to Coca Cola, Inc., Anaconda,
“Everybody sit properly and read the poem Ford Motors, and other entities:
loud and clear.” The Fruit Company, Inc.
reserved for itself the most succulent,
the central coast of my own land,
the delicate waist of America.
It rechristened its territories
as the ’Banana Republics’
and over the sleeping dead,
over the restless heroes
who brought about the greatness, the liberty
and the flags,
it established the comic opera:
abolished the independencies,
presented crowns of Caesar,
unsheathed envy, attracted
the dictatorship of the flies,
Trujillo flies, Tacho flies,
Carias flies, Martinez flies,
Ubico flies, damp flies
of modest blood and marmalade,
drunken flies who zoom
over the ordinary graves,
circus flies, wise flies
well trained in tyranny.
Among the blood-thirsty flies
the Fruit Company lands its ships,
taking off the coffee and the fruit;
the treasure of our submerged
territories flow as though
on plates into the ships.

Meanwhile Indians are falling

into the sugared chasms
of the harbours, wrapped
for burials in the mist of the dawn:
a body rolls, a thing
that has no name, a fallen cipher,
a cluster of the dead fruit
thrown down on the dump.

“Very good class!

1. It tells about the biggest company in the
The teacher and the students will discuss the world.
process questions.
Students’ answers may vary.
1. What is referred to in the first five lines of
the poem?

2. What does the line, “The Fruit Company,

reserved for itself the most succulent, the Students’ answers may vary.
central coast of my own land, the delicate waist
of America.” mean?”
4. Indians suffered most.
3. What does the Fruit Company do as stated in
stanza 2? Students’ answers may vary.

4. Who suffers most as described in stanza 4?

5. What are possible historical and social “The tone of the poem is ironic and cynical.”
realities that have influenced the writing of this
poem? “The writer is not happy about what is
“Very good! What is the tone of the poem?”
“It is all about sufferings because of a powerful
“Excellent! How about the mood” company,”

“The poem is enriched with symbolism,

“That’s a good observation. What is the theme metaphors and allusions.”
of the poem?”
“Yes, Ms. Bautista.”
“Very good! What was the author’s technique
in writing his poem?”
“None, Ms. Bautista.”
“Very good! Do you understand our topic for

“Do you have any more questions?”

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

“I’m going to group you based on your talents The students are listening.
and you are going to make a presentation about
the theme of the poem today in a dance, a song,
a slogan and a role play.”

“Everyone, be attentive and listen very The students are listening.

carefully as I call the members of each group.
Group 1 are the Dancers, Group 2 are the
Singers, Group 3 are the Artists and Group 4
are the Actors/Actress.”

“You will be graded according to this criteria:

(see attached rubrics) Are my instructions clear “Yes Ms. Bautista.”
The students will do the activity.
“I’ll give you 15 minutes for preparing. You
may now proceed with your respective groups
and places quietly.”
After 15 minutes the students will have their
After 15 minutes the teacher will check the presentations to the class and will be graded
students’ presentations and will be graded using the rubrics.
using the rubrics.
The students will do what the teacher said.
“What a wonderful performance from
everyone! Give yourself 10 claps for having a
good presentation.”
Students’ answer may vary.
“From the discussion that we had, how
literature is used as an instrument to express
and resolve conflict within, between and
among societies?”
“It is all about sufferings because of a powerful
“Very good! Again what is the theme of the company.
The poem is enriched with symbolism,
“Excellent! How about the literary techniques metaphors and allusions.
used by the author?”
“None, Ms. Bautista.”
“Do you have any more questions?”

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

“Using a concept map you will look for “Yes Ms. Bautista.”
another 5 literatures that is related to the idea
of The United Fruit Co. as your homework.
You may use books or search on Google for
references. Write your homework on your
notebook, is that clear Aquinas?”

“Do you have questions about your “None, Ms. Bautista.”

The students will do what the teacher said.
“If that so, kindly pick up any piece of trash
under chair check the alignment and arrange
your chairs properly.”
“Goodbye Ms. Bautista!”
“Goodbye Aquinas!”

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Ms. Aileen Pearl Bautista Ms. Regina S. Casuga Mr. Danilo C. Altejos
Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher English Coordinator

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