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IBU Access Control

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IBU-Access Control Standard

Approved 1 April 2011

Version 1.0
Table of Contents
1.0 Purpose, Objectives and Scope........................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose.....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Objective..................................................................................................................1
1.3 Scope........................................................................................................................1

2.0 Requirements....................................................................................................................1
3.0 Terms and Definitions......................................................................................................1
4.0 Roles, Responsibilities, and Competency Requirements...............................................2
4.1 Roles, Responsibilities, Knowledge, and Skill..........................................................2
4.2 Competency Requirement.........................................................................................2

5.0 Standard Instructions......................................................................................................2

5.1 Facility Entry and Exit Requirements.......................................................................2
5.1.1 Entry Requirements........................................................................................2
5.1.2 Exit Requirements..........................................................................................3
5.2 Access Control Infrastructure...................................................................................3
5.2.1 Gate (Access Point) and Fence.......................................................................3
5.2.2 Security Officer..............................................................................................3
5.2.3 Information and Warning Board.....................................................................4
5.2.4 Badge..............................................................................................................4
5.2.5 Vehicle Identification.....................................................................................4
5.3 Access Control Documentation................................................................................4
5.3.1 Visitor Logbook..............................................................................................4
5.3.2 HES Orientation and Security Briefing Record..............................................4
5.3.3 Access Control Assessment Record................................................................4
6.0 Records..............................................................................................................................4
6.1 Required Records.....................................................................................................4
6.2 Retention Requirements............................................................................................4

7.0 References.........................................................................................................................4
8.0 Other Guidance Documents............................................................................................5
9.0 Document Control............................................................................................................5
Appendix A: Role, Responsibility, and Competency Requirements......................................6
Appendix B: Access Control Performance Assessment Form...............................................9
Purpose, Objectives and Scope

1.1 Purpose
This procedure establishes practices and requirements for guidelines on access-control facility
entry and exit, infrastructures, and documentation.

1.2 Objective
This procedure is to ensure that only authorized people, who have a valid reason, related with
business and operation, understand and comply with facility access requirement may access to
facility. It is intended to ensure the safety and security of people and asset.

1.3 Scope
This procedure shall be implemented to all facilities in IBU areas and applied to all IBU
personnel and their delegates, Business Partners, and visitor within IBU operational control.

2.0 Requirements
1. Resident workforce and visitors shall complete the applicable facility access requirement
prior to access the facility.
2. Access control requirement for IBU facilities shall be communicated to all resident
employees and visitors.
3. Each facility owner shall establish fit-for-purpose access control infrastructures.
4. Facility owner (whose highest authority in the facility) or the assignee shall develop a
specific standard to add requirements to match with the restricted area specific needs.
5. Leader is responsible to conduct assessment using the Appendix B to ensure compliance
to this standard.

3.0 Terms and Definitions

The following terms and definitions apply to this IBU – Access Control Standard.
Access Point: Location where entry or exit process can be controlled. It can be airport
dispatcher office, jetty, security gate/post and office.
Restricted Area: The Area / facility that is considered critical in term of safety, production,
and security, e.g. office, control room, offshore platform, onshore terminal, warehouse,
gathering station, data room, IT control room, etc.
Security Officer: is company security team obliged specifically to protect the security of
Chevron facility and/or personnel assigned to monitoring the access control in the facilities.
Facility Access Requirement: is requirement that shall be fulfilled by person to access
Chevron facility.
Resident Workforce: is Chevron or Business Partner employee assigned to work at Chevron
facility as a normal duty.
Visitor: is person with valid reason and specific business purpose entering Chevron facility.
Visitors can be differentiated as: Non-Resident Workforce or Guest.
Business Partner Employee: is Business Partner worker performing physical work in
Chevron facility based on project, work order, or contract prepared by facility owner.

Version 1.0 Approved 1 April 2011 1

Printed 25 March 2022. Uncontrolled when printed.

Non-Resident Workforce: is Chevron or Business Partner employee entering Chevron facility

for visiting, meeting (such as management visit), or working in the facility based on project or
work order prepared by facility owner (i.e. Engineering and Construction Team, QA/QC Team,
and project development team).
Sponsor/User: is Chevron employee sponsoring visitor to visit/enter to facility.

4.0 Roles, Responsibilities, and Competency Requirements

4.1 Roles, Responsibilities, Knowledge, and Skill

The following roles are specific for Access Control Standard:
 Resident Workforce
 Facility Head/Facility Owner
 Visitor (Non-Residential Workforce and guest)
 Sponsor/User
 HES Officer/Representative
 Security Officer
 Dispatcher (i.e.: Airport Dispatcher, Jetty Master).
See Appendix A. Roles, Responsibility, and Competency Requirements for detail role,
responsibility, and competency requirement

4.2Competency Requirement
Personnel must meet the requirements of this Access Control Standard prior to enter the
facilities, as per Appendix A. Roles, Responsibility, and Competency Requirements.
Minimum competency shall be understood by the personnel are:
 Purpose of Access Control Standard
 General requirements of Access Control Standard
 Specific requirements under restricted area.

5.0 Standard Instructions

5.1 Facility Entry and Exit Requirements
5.1.1 Entry Requirements
The following are requirements for entering the facility:
 All enterer (resident/non-resident workforce and visitors) shall have valid reason, or
related with business and operation, understand and comply with facility access
 All new enterer entering restricted area at the first time shall attend OE/HES Orientation.
Re-entering restricted area with more than 3 months from last enter shall attend OE/HES
orientation again.
 Non-residential workforce and visitor entering restricted area shall report/fill in log book
 All enterer shall bring a valid identity, i.e.
 Chevron badge for Chevron employee
 Business Partner badge for Business Partner employee
 Government identity card (for Indonesia is KTP or SIM) for guest
 All enterer shall report to security officer / dispatcher at access point location.

2 Version 1.0 Approved 1 April 2011

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 All enterer is not allowed to bring illegal weapons, alcoholic beverages, and illegal drugs.
 All visitors shall comply with Chevron Security Alert Level Guidance. Non-Residential
employee shall inform the visit through IVET (IBU Visitor and Employee Tracking
 Visitor bringing hazardous material to the facilities shall bring the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS) which comply with IBU MSDS Standard.
 Whenever required to wear PPE, minimum requirement shall refer to IBU PPE Standard.
 Minimum requirement for motor vehicle (e.g. seat belt) entering Chevron facilities shall
follow IBU MVS OE Process.
 Security Officer shall do Security Check for all person (residential/non-residential and
visitor), baggage/material and/or vehicle at access point location prior to entering the

5.1.2 Exit Requirements

The following are requirements for exiting the facility:
 Non residential workforce and visitor exiting restricted area shall report/fill in log book at
access point location.
 Security Officer shall do Security Check for all person (residential/non-residential and
visitor), baggage/material and/or vehicle at access point location prior to exiting the
 All materials to be transported outside company premise MUST be accompanied by
Permit Letter issued and signed by Company designated person.

5.2 Access Control Infrastructure

5.2.1 Gate (Access Point) and Fence

Onshore restricted area/facility (e.g. Gathering Station, Warehouse, Terminal, Industrial area)
shall have fence and gate to secure the facility so that people and vehicle entering or exiting
can be controlled.
Facility with more than one gate (access point) needs to develop a communication system
between its access points for head-count control.
Restricted area (e.g. control room, process area, plant, explosive bunker, IT server room) -
whenever necessary - shall apply specific access control requirement.
Access Control Managed by Company business partner, such as designated airport must
comply with Company Access Control Standard.

5.2.2 Security Officer

Security Officer is to implement Access Control Standard the access control requirement in
accordance with Access Control Standard and Alert Level and/or Local Security situation.

5.2.3 Information and Warning Board

Warning board needs to be installed at every facility in order to remind visitors pertaining
requirement/regulation entering, inside, and exiting a facility. Information board that contains

Version 1.0 Approved 1 April 2011 3

Printed 25 March 2022. Uncontrolled when printed.

(1) facility map including route to mustering area, (2) PPE requirement, (3) Items Prohibited
shall be installed at access point.

5.2.4 Badge
All people must use Chevron-Acknowledged-ID Badge during working/visiting within the
Facility, including Visitor. ID Badge for Business Partner's employee will be provided to
whom are accepted to work at facilities and attended OE/HES Orientation and Security
Briefing. ID Badge for Business Partner's employee is valid as per contract period. Business
Partner with Expired ID badge will be rejected to enter into Company facility.

5.2.5 Vehicle Identification

All motor vehicle entering Chevron facility shall be equipped with valid vehicle identification
(e.g. colored sticker, vehicle permit/driver pass) in accordance with site-specific requirement.

5.3 Access Control Documentation

5.3.1 Visitor Logbook

Visitor logbook shall be used to record visitors and/or vehicles commuting to and departing
from the facility.

5.3.2 HES Orientation and Security Briefing Record

HES Orientation & Security Briefing Record shall be used to record all new non-residential
workforce or visitor with more than 3 months from last visit.

5.3.3 Access Control Assessment Record

Facility access control assessment shall be conducted in accordance with FSWP Assessment.
The result of this assessment shall be documented. See Appendix B: Access Control
Performance Assessment.

6.0 Records

6.1Required Records
The following records will be kept:
 Access Control Document such as log book shall be secured and kept safe for future use.

6.2Retention Requirements
Visitor Logbook and HES Orientation & Security Briefing Record shall be kept by security
personnel or dispatcher in minimum time of 6 months.
Access Control Log Book shall be retained as required by local regulation or for a minimum of
six months, whichever is greater.

7.0 References
The following is a complete list of the documents referenced by this Standard:
Table 1: Document List

Title File Name

4 Version 1.0 Approved 1 April 2011

Printed 25 March 2022. Uncontrolled when printed.

Chevron Security Alert Level Guidance Chevron Security Alert Level Guidance

IBU Visitor and Employees Tracking System IVET

IBU PPE Standard IBU PPE Standard

IBU Motor Vehicle Safety OE Process IBU MVS OE Process

8.0 Other Guidance Documents

The following is a complete list of the other documents referenced by this procedure:
Table 2: Document List

Title File / Link Name

- -

9.0 Document Control

Table 3: Document Control Information

Description GU Common IBU-Specific

Approval Date None 1 April 2011

Next Revision Due None 1 April 2014

Control Number Optional

Table 4: Document History

Version Number Date Notes

1.0 1 April 2011 IBU OELT Approval

Version 1.0 Approved 1 April 2011 5

Printed 25 March 2022. Uncontrolled when printed.

Appendix A: Role, Responsibility, and Competency Requirements

Facility Owner
 Maintain Standard Fence, Gate and support facilities related to Access Control.
 Conduct HES Orientation and security briefing for non-residential workforce and
visitor at the access point
 Ensure that HES Awareness including security briefing for all new business
partner members has been conducted by HES Officer in a class
 Facility owner in coordination with Security Officer needs to review specific
access control requirement.
 Explain to the visitors on the current activities inside the facility either be the
Responsibilities operations, constructions, or maintenance activities.
 Explain to the visitor the Dos and Don’ts inside the facility as well as restricted
things to carry to the facility
 Explain to the visitors just in case of emergency where are the locations of the
safe places
 Explain consequence for non-compliance to the standard
 Develop specific access control requirements to match with the restricted area
special needs

 Understand Access Control Process in general

 Understand Access Control Standard in general
Minimum Knowledge  Understand facility access and exit requirement
Requirements  Understand HES regulation applied in the facility including emergency response
 Explain Access Control Standard in general
 Explain facility access and exit requirement
Minimum  Explain HES regulation applied in the facility including emergency response plan
Performance-Based  Explain consequence for non-compliance to the standard
Skill Requirement  Review visitor compliance for facility access and exit requirement
 Conduct assessment, analysis, and improvement based on the assessment

Visitor (Non-Resident Employee, Business Partner, Guest)

 Obey Access Control Standard in general
Responsibilities  Obey facility access and exit requirement
 Obey HES regulation applied in the facility including emergency response plan
 Understand the standard of Awareness of Security and Vigilance
 Understand facility access and exit requirement
 Understand Access Control Standard in general
Minimum Knowledge  Understand facility access and exit requirement
Requirements  Understand and obey HES regulation applied in the facility including emergency
response plan
 Understand consequence for non-compliance to the standard

Minimum  Explain Access Control Standard in general

Performance-Based  Explain facility access and exit requirement
Skill Requirement

Resident Workforce
 Explain access control requirement in the camp to their dependent and servant
Responsibilities living inside camp
 Understand facility access and exit requirement
Minimum Knowledge  Understand Access Control Standard in general
Requirements  Understand facility access and exit requirement
 Understand and obey HES regulation applied in the facility including emergency

6 Version 1.0 Approved 1 April 2011

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response plan
 Understand consequence for non-compliance to the standard

Minimum  Explain Access Control Standard in general

Performance-Based  Explain facility access and exit requirement
Skill Requirement

Responsibilities  Ensure that their guest/visitors follow HES regulation applied in the facility
 Understand facility access and exit requirement
Minimum Knowledge  Understand and obey HES regulation applied in the facility including emergency
Requirements response plan
 Understand consequence for non-compliance to the standard
 Explain Access Control Standard in general
 Explain facility access and exit requirement
Minimum  Understand HES regulation applied in the facility including emergency response
Performance-Based plan Understand Access Control Standard in general
Skill Requirement  Understand consequence for non-compliance to the standard

Security Officer
 Work closely with assigned Law Enforcement Officer to ensure full compliance at
access gates.
 Authorize to deny entry to visitor/s if they do not comply with applied company
 Obey HES regulation applied in the facility including emergency response plan
 Implement the access control requirements for the facility, including:
 Ensure all enterer have valid identification
 Check all enterer baggage and/or vehicle to ensure no illegal weapons, alcoholic
Responsibilities beverages or illegal drugs are brought into the facility
 Maintain Access Control logbook
 Check carryon luggage and badge prior to boarding company airplane or marine
 Do regular assessment on the quality of standard Fence, Gate and support
facilities related to Access Control and report the assessment result to Facility

 Understand consequence for non-compliance to the standard

 Understand Access Control Standard in general
 Understand facility access and exit requirement
Minimum Knowledge  Understand HES regulation applied in the facility including emergency response
Requirements plan
 Understand consequence for non-compliance to the standard

 Explain Access Control Standard in general

 Explain consequence for non-compliance to the standard
 Understand the process of Security Briefing for all new visitor, or visitor with
Skill Requirement
more than 3 months from last visit prior to visit/work in the Facility.

Version 1.0 Approved 1 April 2011 7

Printed 25 March 2022. Uncontrolled when printed.

Appendix B: Access Control Performance Assessment Form

No Processes & Questions Findings Score

Does facility have Access Control Standard

1 specific to address requirement for the

Has Access Control Standard been
communicated to all workforces?
Does facility have fence, gate (access
point), and security officer available that
allow safe and secured personnel in/out to
and from facility?

Does warning sign and information
board/poster (inform what to do and not to
4 do) and evacuation map available at
appropriate location and in standard
Are Access Control documentations (log
book, visitor badge, assessment record,
Orientation record, etc) available and used
Does Security officer / dispatcher check
6 person baggage and/or vehicle prior to
enter the facility?
Does Security Officer / dispatcher check
person’s valid identity, PPE (if required by

site-specific requirement), and MSDS (if

hazardous material is brought into facility)?
Is visitor logbook available and visitor filling
in prior to enter and exit the facility?
Does Security Officer checks person bag
and/or vehicle before leaving the facility?
Is the Access Control implementation
10 reviewed by Facility owner / personnel
assigned routinely?

Recommendations: FSWP SCORE

1-5 (Lowest to Highest)

…. ….

8 Version 1.0 Approved 1 April 2011

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Version 1.0 Approved 1 April 2011 9

Printed 25 March 2022. Uncontrolled when printed.

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