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Pisay Exam 7

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Name:________________________________________________________ Date:____________
REVIEWER 6 -Science
I. Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line.
______1. _________is an environment where both living and non-living things exist and interact with one another. 
a. ecosystem b. forest c. city d. Earth
______2. _________ starts with a producer then series of consumers and lastly decomposer.
a. food track b. food service c. food chain d. food web
______3. ________ provides food for the animals in the food chain and food web.
a. Sun b. producer c. Consumer d. mecomposer
______4. _______ is an interaction where organisms live together without harming one another.
a. competition b. commensalism c. parasitism d. mutualism
______5. ________ is an interaction wherein organisms compete for survival.
a. competition b. commensalism c. parasitism d. mutualism
______6. _________ both organisms benefit in the relationship.
a. competition b. commensalism c. parasitism d. mutualism
______7. What do you call the animals with spine or backbone?
a. Vertebrates b. Invertebrates c. Vivaporous d. Omnivoparous
______8. Which group of animals have mammary glands to feed their youngs?
a. Amphibians b. Fish c. Mammals d. Birds
______9. Which group of animals have moist skin and can live both on land and water?
a. Amphibians b. Reptiles c. Mammals d. Birds
______10. What animals have dry and scaly skins?
a. Amphibians b. Reptiles c. Mammals d. Birds
______11.  Which group of animals have beaks and wings?
a. Amphibians b. Reptiles c. Mammals d. Birds
______12. Which group of animals have gills and fins?
a. Amphibians b. Fish c. Mammals d. Birds
______13. Which among these animals is an example of mammal?
a. bat b. gecko c. shark d. sea horse
______14. Which among these animals is an example of mammal?
a. kiwi b. crocodile c. shark d. dolphin
______15. The largest group of invertebrates is the arthropod group. What do all arthropods have in common? 
a. They live on land and have an exoskeleton.
b. They have segmented bodies and jointed legs
c. They can fly and have jointed legs.
d. They have skeleton and segmented bodies.
______16. Why do some mollusks have shells?
a. So they can live both on land and water
b. This as a reason why mollusks have shell.
c. To make it easier to find food.
d. To protect their soft bodies.
______17. Which of these look like a plant but actually a marine fish? 
a. sting ray b. oyster c. jellyfish d. sea anemone
______18. Which of these groups of animals belong to echinoderms?
a. bees, butterfly and mantis
b. earthworm, leeches and tapeworm
c. sand dollar, starfish and sea urchins
d. spider, ticks and scorpion
______19. They have no tissue, no organ, and most have no symmetry. 
a. sponges b. echinoderms c. cnidarians d. annelids
______20. All of the following belong to arthropods except?
a. jellyfish b. butterfly c. shrimp d. spider
______21. Which group of invertebrates is usually human parasites?
a. poriferas b. crustaceans c. diplopoda d. nematodes
______22. What type of mixture is a solution? 
a. Homogenous
b. Heterogenous
c. Miscible
d. Immiscible
______23. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a solution?
a. It is a uniform mixture.
b. It will scatter a beam of light.
c. It is stable over time.
d. The solute and solvent cannot be distinguished by the naked eye.
______24. What is the substance that is being dissolved in a solution?
a. Solute b. Mixture c. Solvent d. Concentrator
______25. What is the substance that dissolves the other substance in a solution?
a. Solute b. Mixture c. Solvent d. Concentrator
______26.  In a salt water solution, what substance is considered the solvent?
a. Salt
b. Water
c. Both are solvents
d. Neither substance is a solvent
______27. What is NOT an example of a solution?
a. Acetic acid and water
b. Sugar and water
c. Soil and water
d. Iron and carbon
______28. Which of the following is an example of a solid solution?
a. Carbonated water
b. Steel
c. Oil and water
d. Toothpaste
______29. Which of the following is an example of a gas solution?
a. air b. nitrogen c. helium d. clouds
______30. Which of the following will dissolve in water?
a. soil b. powder c. sand d. gravel

II. Identification: Write your answer on the line.

____________________1.The gas that is given off during exhalation. 
____________________2. The gas needed by the human in order to survive.
____________________3. The passageway through which air passes from the upper respiratory tract to the lungs.
____________________4. It prevents the food and water in entering the windpipe.
____________________5. The main organ of the Respiratory System.
____________________6.  Main organ of the circulatory system.
____________________7. The only liquid component in the blood.
____________________8. It is called "red river of life”.
____________________9. It is the system responsible to our lymph nodes.
____________________10. What is the longest human bone?
III. Enumeration: Give all of the body organ systems.
1. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________
7. _______________________________________
9. _______________________________________

IV. Directions: Identify the kind of muscle that is involved in the given activity.
Choose the correct letter and write it on your answer sheet.
A. Skeletal B. Smooth C. Cardiac
________1. digestion of food ________6. breathing
________2. blinking of the eye _______ 7. beating of the heart
________3. Writing ________ 8. circulation of blood
________4. pumping of blood by the heart ________9. running
________5. bending of body ________10. sneezing
Skeletal- voluntary muscles Smooth- involuntary muscles Cardiac- involuntary muscles

V. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer

A. Excretion B. Protection C. Sensation D. Heat regulation E. Filtration

___1. The skin is the outermost protection of the body against injury and infection.
___2. The sweat glands release water through the pores when the temperature of a person rises.
___3. The skin contains receptors and nerve endings so that one can sense pain, heat, touch and pressure.
___4. The hair in the nose trap the dust particles in the air you inhale.
___5. Excess salts and urea are taken out of the system in the form of perspiration or sweat.

VI. Direction: Write if the following statement is TRUE or FALSE about the integumentary system.
______1. The skin is the body’s largest organ.
______2. Nails protect the sensitive fingertips and toes from injuries.
______3. Too much exposure to the sun is good for the skin.
______4. If the body temperature rises due to physical activity or hot weather, the sweat glands release sweat which
cools the body as it evaporates.
______5. The dermis is the outermost layer of the skin that blocks the water and microorganisms from entering the
______6. The subcutaneous layer is a layer of fat below the dermis which serves as insulation of heat.
______7. The skin through exposure to UV rays from the sun helps in the production of Vitamin D which is
essential for bone formation.
______8. The skin also acts as a receptor for touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.
______9. Fruits and green leafy vegetables are excellent sources of nutrients for healthy skin and hair.
______10. Too much production of oily substance in the skin may clog the pores and microorganisms.

VII. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
_____1. Which of the following animals have fins, scales, and gills?
a. amphibians b. crocodiles c. reptiles d. fish
_____2. Which of the following is used for steering and balancing?
a. cartilage b. bone c. endoskeleton d. fin
_____3. Which of the following do NOT have scales?
a. birds b. snakes c. frogs d. fish

_____4. Which of the following are vertebrates with lungs and moist skin?
a. amphibians b. reptiles c. fish d. lizards
_____5. Which of the following animals is covered with hair or fur and care for their young?
a. birds b. mammals c. reptiles d. amphibians
VIII. Directions: True or False. Write TRUE on your answer sheet if the statement is correct. If not, write FALSE.
______ 1. Insects are the largest group of animals on Earth.
______ 2. All birds can fly.
______ 3. A backbone is an endoskeleton.
______ 4. All vertebrates are cold-blooded animals.
______ 5. All invertebrates are soft-bodied animals.

IX. Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your answer sheet.
____1. In a forest ecosystem, which organisms are directly affected if the population of plants decreases?
a. predators c. decomposer
b. herbivores d. carnivores
____2. This type of interaction occurs between two species in which one organism benefits while the other
organism is neither benefited nor harmed.
a. predation c. competition
b. cooperation d. commensalism
____3. Which food chain occurs in the forest ecosystem?
a. grass wildebeest lion
b. grass caterpillar bird
c. grass mouse snake
d. grass rabbit owl
____4. Which phrase best describe symbiosis?
a. A relationship where one species serves as food for another species.
b. A relationship where one species relies upon another species as food.
c. A close living relationship between two members of the same species.
d. A close living relationship between two different species.
____5. It is a type of interaction where organism group together for survival.
a. predation c. competition
b. cooperation d. commensalism
X. Give example for each symbiotic relationship or interaction.

• Commensalism - _______________________________________

• Mutualism-_______________________________________

• Predation-_______________________________________
• Cooperation-_______________________________________

• Competition-_______________________________________

• Parasitism-_______________________________________

XI. Direction: Write plus sign (+) if the phrase tells a way of increasing friction and minus sign (-) if it tells a way of
decreasing friction.
_________ 1. using rollers
_________2. using brakes in cars
_________3. wearing rubber shoes
_________4. applying oil on the surface of objects
_________5. using wheels
_________6. using tires with more hollows and bumps
_________7. applying soap and water
_________8. putting sand on the icy sidewalk
_________9. applying wax to skis
_________10. using a stream of air

XII. Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
_____1. When your bicycle runs fast and you want to stop it, you use the brake. Why?
a. The brake makes the wheel slow down and then stop.
b. The brake makes the pedals stop.
c. The brake causes the wheels to run fast.
d. The brake causes the pedals to move.
_____2. You are likely to slide on a shiny floor? Why?
a. because friction is more on smooth surface
b. because friction is less on smooth surface
c. because there is no friction on smooth surface
d. because friction cannot hold you on smooth surface
_____3. Is friction important to cars? Why?
a. Yes, because friction causes the cars to stop.
b. Yes, because friction causes the cars to move.
c. No, because friction can’t slow down cars.
d. No, because friction has no effect on cars.
_____4. Why do tires have hollows and bumps?
a. in order to slide on the surfaces.
b. In order to drag over the surfaces.
c. In order to hold on to different surfaces.
d. In order to move fast.
_____5. A ball will roll faster on the floor than on the grass? Why?
a. because there is less friction on the floor than on the grass
b. because there is more friction on the floor than on the grass
c. because there is less friction on the grass than on the floor
d. because there is no friction on the grass and floor

XIII. Direction: Write C if the statement is correct and W if it is wrong.

_____1. Friction is the force that resists the movement of one surface over the other.
_____2. If two surfaces are smooth, there’s more friction.
_____3. If the surfaces are rough, the friction is much greater.
_____4. A ball rolls faster on grass than on the floor.
_____5. When two objects are in contact, friction is present.
_____6. If there is too much friction, it would take too much effort to keep moving.
_____7. Friction limits how fast you can go.
XIV. Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
______1. When you throw a ball, it goes down eventually. Why?
a. Gravity pulls the ball down.
b. The force that moves it is not strong.
c. Gravity does not act on the ball upon release.
d. The speed of the ball is affected by air friction.
______2. Why does a bus going uphill travel more slowly that one going downhill.
a. It is helped by gravity. c. The cold wind pulls it down.
b. It is moving against gravity . d. There is more friction in going up.
______3. The reason a ball rolls down a slope is ______________.
a. there is no friction between the ball and the slope.
b. gravity acts parallel to the slope pulling it along.
c. there is a component of weight parallel to the slope.
d. the ball is being pushed along by an unknown force.
______4. A heavy object and a light object are released from rest at the same height and time in a vacuum. As they
fall, they have equal _____________.
a. weights b. momenta c. energies d. acceleration
______5. Which is the best example of gravity?
a. A car hits a tree, and its motion stops.
b. A breeze blows and a sailboat moves.
c. A person drops a ball and it falls to the ground.
d. A book is pushed, and it moves across the table.
______6. How much gravity an object has depends on its _______.
a. weight b. speed c. momentum d. mass
______7. Which of the following has the strongest gravitational pull?
a. a bowling ball b. a car c. The Sun d. The Earth
______8. When will gravity be the strongest?
a. The further away you are from an object
b. The closer you are to an object
c. The faster your relative speed is to an object
d. All of the above
______9. What natural phenomena occurs on Earth due to the gravity of the Moon?
a. ocean tides b. earthquakes c. volcanic eruptions d. thunder storms
______10. Where would you weigh the most?
a. Mars b. Pluto c. Earth d. The Sun
XV. Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
____1. A girl threw her volleyball over the fence of her neighbor. What energy did the moving volleyball have?
a. heat energy c. potential energy
b. light energy d. kinetic energy
____2. Which has potential energy?
a. rolling boulder c. running car
b. stone on a hill d. flying balloon
____3. Two objects with the same charge will always_______________________.
a. pull toward each other c. push away from each other
b. explode d. generate electric current
____4. All potential energy can change to ________________________________.
a. water energy c. wind energy
b. kinetic energy d. wave energy
____5. What form of energy is stored in the leaves of the plants?
a. Heat energy c. mechanical energy
b. Light energy d. chemical energy
____6. A type of energy uses to generate electricity and to create weapons of mass destruction.
One of this power plants located at Bataan. This energy is____
a. thermal energy c. nuclear energy
b. light energy d. wind energy
____7. This energy is produced by moving electrons.
a. wave energy c. light energy
b. electrical energy d. nuclear energy
____8. A form of energy that travels from empty space and can radiates in all directions.
a. wave energy c. kinetic energy
b. light energy d. wind energy
____9. What form of energy is found in a dry cell and in all kinds of fuel like coal gasoline and petroleum?
a. chemical energy c. sound energy
b. electrical energy d. thermal energy
____10. It is a form of energy due the motion of molecules. It is also known as thermal energy.
a. light energy c. wind energy
b. heat energy d. electrical energy
XVI. Direction: Identify the form of energy needed in the following activities.
_________________________________1. Keeping an electric fan working.
_________________________________2. Making a manual sewing machine work.
_________________________________3. Grilling hotdogs
_________________________________4. Keeping a bicycle moving
_________________________________5. Keeping a candle lighted
_________________________________6. Drying clothes
_________________________________7. Lighting a bulb
_________________________________8. Keeping a battery-operated clock working
_________________________________9. Cooking food in a microwave oven
_________________________________10. Making a voice recorder work
XVII. Directions: Read the statement and identify what form of energy is used in each situation.
______1. Everyone is excited to know the gender of your sister’s baby. She was scheduled to be check by her
doctor. What form of energy is needed to identify the gender of the baby?
a. light energy c. heat energy
b. sound energy d. electrical energy
______2. Your brother had a mild accident while playing with his classmates. He is pointing his arm terribly. What
form of energy is going to be useful to see if he had a broken arm?
a. sound energy c. light energy
b. electrical energy d. heat energy
______3. A wind turbine or alternatively referred to as a wind energy converter. It is a device that converts the
wind’s kinetic energy into electrical energy. This device is form through ________________________.
a. electrical energy c. chemical energy
b. mechanical energy d. light energy
______4. Meat and vegetables is one the sources of our energy. What energy is stored in the plants and animals that
help us human to do work.
a. electrical energy c. heat energy
b. mechanical energy d. chemical energy
______5. Without this energy, there will be no life. It created the Earth’s atmosphere. It causes water to happen.
Weather phenomena to occur, and wind to move in different directions, thereby affecting the global climate.
a. electrical energy c. wind energy
b. chemical energy d. light energy

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