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(Energy audit of industrial compressed air system)

Submitted to: Dr. Ing. Edessa D

Prepared by: Group 2 (regular thermal)

1.helen worku


2.types of compressor...........................................................................................................1
3. Main components of an industrial compressed air system………………….....…..…...…3
4.losses and efficency calculation of air compressor for the purpose of energy audit...........7
5. Energy performance assessment of an industrial compressed air system……….……......12
6. Typical energy conservation opportunities……………………………………………..…13
7. Reference…………………………………………………………………………....……16

List of figures
Figure1. A cross-sectional view of a reciprocating compressor………………………...….2
Figure 2.Cross section of a rotary screw compressor……………………………….……...2
Figure 3.Rotary vane compressors…………………………………………...……….….…3
Figure 4.Zero air loss drain ............................................................................................…...5
Figure 5.Filter regulator lubricator ……………………………………………………...….6
Figure 6.Components of a compressed air system …………………………………………7
figure 7. input output and losses for compressed air system...................................................7

1. Compressor is a device that increases the atmospheric pressure of air into a desired set of
pressure according to the user need by using electrical energy as an input. And this compressed
air can be used in many different applications in fact we can definitely argue that compressed air
is the most used type of energy in wide range of application in industries. We can describe
compressed air as a form of stored energy that drives different machineries and equipment that
are used in industry or elsewhere.
A compressor is a machine that is used to increase the pressure of a gas. The
compressed air applications are highly used in the industrial sector due to its easy
transportation, safety, purity, cleanliness and storage capacity. In many countries,
compressed air systems account for approximately 10% of the industry’s total electricity
consumption. However, compressed air is expensive because around 30% of the
consumed energy is used for these systems in an industrial facility. Energy used to be
lost as leaks, pressure drops, heat, and misuse, among others. Several energy efficiencies
measures help to improve energy savings in companies such as: pressure reduction,
reduce the inlet air temperature, use a well-calculated capacity tank for storage, control
heat recovery and reduce leaks, giving potential energy savings in a range between the
20%-60%, with a return of investment not higher than two years.
. Compressor is a device that increases the atmospheric pressure of air into a desired set of
pressure according to the user need by using electrical energy as an input. And this compressed
air can be used in many different applications in fact we can definitely argue that compressed air
is the most used type of energy in wide range of application in industries. We can describe
compressed air as a form of stored energy that drives different machineries and equipment that
are used in industry or elsewhere.

An average air compressor takes about approximately seven volumes of air in atmospheric
condition and by the power of electricity it converts it to one volume of air with elevated
pressure. But when we compress air we are not only increasing the pressure of air we will also
increase the temperature since temperature and pressures are directly related. This means that
after we have used the compressed air the temperature will drop, to mitigate this we can recover
the temperature and use it for other application in industrial or other scenarios.
The reason for considering to recover the heat from the compressed air is that most of the energy
(electrical energy) that is used to compress the air is wasted during the compression process that
about 10-30% of the electrical energy forms the compressed air. The other part is wasted in
overcoming friction, noise and misuse.
2. Types of compressor
Air compressors are categorized as either positive displacement or dynamic displacement, based
on their internal mechanisms. The four most common types of air compressors you will see are:
Rotary Screw Compressor
Reciprocating Air Compressor
Axial Compressor
Centrifugal Compressor

Reciprocating air compressors: uses the reciprocating motion of the piston in the cylinder to
compress the air. When the piston moves in the downward motion the air comes into the cylinder
and when the piston goes in the upward motion the movement of the piston will compress the air
and forces it out of the compressor. Reciprocating air compressors can be multiple cylinders for
high capacity and or multiple stage for high pressures. They are often used in to supply air for
building control and automation systems.
Figure 1: a cross-sectional view of a reciprocating compressor.
Rotary screw compressors: this compressor increases the pressure of the air that is coming to it
by using two rotors that are meshed together and that have different housing. When the rotors
rotate along their place air will be trapped between the gears and the housing and the pressure of
air will be increased by the virtue of the allowable space for the air will decrease. Rotary screw
compressors are quitter and produce cooler air that is easy to dry.

Figure 2: cross section of a rotary screw compressor

Centrifugal compressors: are special types of air compressors that use a high speed rotating
impellers to accelerate air. They increase the pressure of the air coming by increasing the speed
of the air by using the rotating impellers and passing the air through small areas. They are mainly
used for high gas volume applications in industries. These types of compressors usually run at
high speeds and require noise control.
Vane compressors: a rotary vane compressor uses an elliptical slotted rotor that is housed in a
cylinder. The vanes sweeps through the cylinder as they rotate and sucking in air at one side and
discharging it on the other. They are used for small scale applications.

Figure 3: rotary vane compressors


There are a number of components that facilitates the compressed air system of an industry. They
facilitate the operation by removing contaminants like dirt, lubricant and water. The components
are installed to deliver proper pressure and quality of air throughout the system. There are many
types of accessories out there but we will try to mention the most common ones that are used in
the industry.
1. Compressor cooling: because industrial compressors run continuously to full fill the demand
of compressed air they will generate heat from the heat of compression. Therefore the air needs
to be cooled because we need the pressure of air not its temperature. Generally air compressor
units are cooled by air, water or lubricant. Different types of compressor types use different types
of cooling mechanism that are suitable for their operation.
2. Intercooling: for multi stage compressors we use intercoolers to cool the air between stages of
compression. These intercoolers have to be cleaned periodically to enhance the heat transfer
capability. And also using intercoolers will improve the overall efficiency of the machine.
3. Aftercoolers: All most all industrial systems require after cooling. This units remove the heat
of compression from the discharge air, this means they are installed at the last stage of
compression. They reduce the temperature of the saturated discharge air and condense the water
vapour which is separated and drained from the system. Most of the condensate is removed from
the intercooler, for those systems that have intercooler, and the remaining condensate is removed
in the after cooler.
4. Separator: The separator is installed after each intercooler and after cooler to remove the
moisture that is condensed coming from the two cooling mechanisms. They have generally a
separating mechanism that does not allow for the moistures to escape. This is a very important
component in the compressed air system because moisture leaving with the air can cause many
problems to the end use devices. Therefore it has to be maintained regularly.
5. Dryers: The compressed air leaving the after cooler is generally warmer than the ambient
temperature. And as the compressed air goes through points it will become much colder and
release the other amount of moisture that are not trapped by the after cooler. And this moisture
can result in pipe corrosion and contamination in the end use devices. Therefore we need to use
dryer mechanism to mitigate this problem. There are different types of compressed air dryers that
have different operating characteristics, among these are:
• The refrigerant dryer: they are the most commonly used dryer in the industrial
compressed air system. Most of the refrigerated dryers are supplied with a reheated that
reheats the dried compressed air coming from the after cooler. The refrigerant type can
also be divided to cycling and non-cycling dryers.

• Regenerative desiccant type dryers use a porous type of adsorbing mechanism that traps
the moisture when it goes through it. Desiccant can be made from silica gel, activated
alumina and molecular sieves.
• Deliquescent type dryers are the other type of dryers that uses absorption rather than
• Heat of compression dryers use the heat generated during compression to accomplish
desiccant regeneration.
• Membrane dryers use a semi-permeable membrane to separate water vapor from the
compressed air stream.
6. Air inlet filters: protects the compressor from small airborne particles that may enter through
the inlet.
7. Heat recovery: as we have mentioned before compressing air will result in a high temperature
air. And when we compress air in an industrial scale the generated heat will become more. So,
this heat can be recovered and can be used for different applications.
8. Pressure flow controllers: just like switch for electric circuit and valve for pipe, pressure
flow controller serves to separate the supply side of the compressor from the demand side.
9. Air receivers: are used as storages for compressed air that will be used in the event of a high
compressed air demand. They are most useful in compressed air systems that have a fluctuating
compressed air demand.
10. traps and drains: Drains (also called as traps) are needed at all separators, filters, receivers
and dryers to trap the liquid condensate and remove it from the compressed air system line.
Because if this condensate doesn’t get removed they will flow back downstream and overburden
the compressor or they will go forth and foul the end use device. Deficient drain will waste a
significant amount of compressed air. There are known methods that are used for draining among
these are:
• Zero air loss traps with reservoirs: they are the most efficient design and they use
gravity for removing the condensate because of that the installation configuration is very
important to prevent air locks.
• Electrically operated solenoid valves: this valve open for specified period of time. The
drawback in this design is that the interval that the valve opens might not be sufficient
for drainage.
• Float operated mechanical drains: this traps do not waste air when they operate but they
are prone to blockage by sediments.
• Manual drains: these drains will be installed at points where we frequently experience
moisture problems. Because this are manually operated there can be a significant loss of
compressed air.

Figure 4: zero air loss drain

11. Compressed air filters: There are different types of filters for different type of impurities.
For example particulate filters to remove particulates, coalescing filters to remove lubricant and
moisture, and adsorbent filters to remove taste and odors. Compressed air filters at the
downstream are also required for removal of impurities. Generally for smooth operation of the
compressed air system the filters must be maintained at least annually.
12. Piping and air distribution systems: with the help of piping the air distribution system
supplies compressed air from the compressor to the end use devices. But piping is not the only
component that made the air distribution system there are also valves and main hoses. The length
of the pipe should not be very long to prevent pressure drop and also the diameter of the pipe
should be large enough to also prevent pressure drop. For a good drainage we must allow pipes
to connect with a slight slope from the horizontal. Piping from the compressor to the point of use
should be connected from the top or side of the pipe to avoid condensation from transferring.
Drains should be connected to collect the individual condensate from the different parts of the
13. Filter regulator lubricator devices: they are located at the end use devices. They are used to
regulate the flow of the end use device and also to lubricate pneumatic tools and other
Figure 5: FRL

14. Fittings: Fittings are used to connect pipes with valves and/or other pipes. The fittings must
be air tight fitting to prevent air leakage and loss of air pressure.

Figure 6:
components of a compressed air system
losses and efficency calculation of air compressor for the purpose of energy audit
4.To determine the operating efficiency, we need to apply the 1st Law of Thermo and, for that we
need too know the energy- inputs, outputs and losses:

figure 7 energy input output and losses

Recall the Guiding Concept: the objective of the audit is to improve the operating efficiency of
the industral air compressor.

Reference [1 and 6] indicates that these overall efficiencies include gas friction within the
compressor, the mechanical losses (bearings, seals, gear-box, etc.), and gear-box losses. The
mechanical efficiency varies with compressor size and type, but 95% is a useful planning
number. When calculating the compressor head and discharge temperature the efficiency used
will be isentropic or polytropic (isentropic efficiency is sometimes called adiabatic efficiency).
Adding 3-4 % efficiency (mechanical losses) to the overall efficiencies will generally give a good
estimate of the thermodynamic efficiency [1and 6].
To evaluate the performance of an existing compressor, the objective is to calculate the
compressor efficiency (η) and power requirement.
The isentropic efficiency is defined by
eq 1
ηIsen = Isentropic efficiency
h1 = Suction enthalpy calculated at P1, T1, and composition (zi)
h2 = Discharge enthalpy calculated at P2, T2, and composition (zi)
h2Isen = Isentropic discharge enthalpy at P2 (or T2), S2Isen =S1, and composition (zi)
m = Mass flow rate
The computation compressor efficiency or power involves two steps
1. Determination of the ideal or isentropic (reversible and adiabatic) enthalpy change (h2Isen-h1)
of the compression process.
2. Determination of the actual enthalpy change (h2-h1).
The step-by-step calculation based on an EOS:
a. Assume steady state, i.e.
b. Assume the feed composition remain unchanged
c. Calculate suction enthalpy h1=f(P1, T1, and zi) and entropy s1=f(P1, T1, and zi) by EOS
d. Assume isentropic process and set s2Isen = f (P2, T2Isen, zi) = s1 = f (P1, T1, zi).
e. Calculate the ideal enthalpy (h2Isen) at discharge condition for known zi, T2 (or P2) and
f. Calculate the actual enthalpy (h2) at discharge condition for known zi, T2 and P2.
g. Calculate isentropic efficiency by Equation 1: µIsen = (h2Isen – h1)/(h2 – h1)
h. Calculate power by Equation 2: power
Estimating Efficiency – Shortcut Method
The isentropic path exponent (k) or ideal gas heat capacity ratio (k=CP/CV)

T = Temperature, K (°R)
Y = Gas relative density; ratio of gas molecular weight to air molecular weight
A = 0.000272 (0.000151)
The actual discharge temperature based on an isentropic path can be estimated by

Solving for the isentropic efficiency,

Similarly, the actual discharge temperature based on a polytropic path can be estimated by

Solving the above equation for the polytropic path coefficient (n):

Similarly, the actual discharge temperature based on a polytropic path can be estimated (ηPoly)

The isentropic head is calculated by

Similarly, the polytropic head is calculated by

For an isentropic (reversible and adiabatic) process the power is calculated by

Or for a polytropic process the power is calculated by


Head = Compressor head, m (ft)
Power = Compressor power, kW (HP)
R = Universal gas constant, 848 kg-m/(kmol-K) or (1545 ft-lbf/(lbmol-°R))
PS = Standard condition pressure, kPa (psia)
P1 = Suction pressure, kPa (psia)
P2 = Discharge pressure, kPa (psia)
TS = Standard condition temperature, K (°R)
T1 = Suction temperature, K (°R)
T2 = Discharge temperature, K (°R)
qS = Gas volumetric rate at the standard condition, Sm3/d (scf/day)
Za = Average gas compressibility factor = (Z1+Z2)/2
Z1 = Gas compressibility factor at the suction condition
Z2 = Gas compressibility factor at the discharge condition
MW = Gas molecular weight
the power calculation should be made per stage of compression and then summed for all stages
connected to a single driver.
The step-by-step calculation for shortcut method
a. Calculate the isentropic exponent (k) by Equation 3 using the average temperature defined by
T = (T1+3T2)/4. This form of average temperature was defined to obtain better match between
the rigorous and shortcut method results.
b. Calculate the isentropic efficiency (ηIsen) by Equation 5.
c. Calculate the polytropic coefficient (n) by Equation 7.
d. Calculate the polytropic efficiency (ηPoly) by Equation 8.
e. Calculate the isentropic and polytropic heads by Equations 9 and 10, respectively.
f. Calculate the required power per stage by either Equation 11 or 12.


Energy performance assessment of any system is very crucial to identify the performance of the
system or equipment. Most of the time this assessments are the same for similar type of systems
and equipments. Like any other systems compressed air systems have their own methodology of
Capacity assessment for compressor: the design capacity of the air compressors sometimes
can’t be reached because of aging of the compressor and also worn out of the internal
components. Therefore to keep up with the air demand the compressor will run for long hours
thus consuming more energy. The best method of assessment it through a nozzle test.
Compressor efficiency assessment: there are different types of efficiency measurements.
Namely these are volumetric efficiency, adiabatic efficiency, isothermal efficiency, and
mechanical efficiency.
• Isothermal efficiency is defined as actual measured input power divided by isothermal
• Volumetric efficiency is defined as free air delivered divided by compressor
Leak assessment: leaks have a great impact on the overall performance of the distribution
system. They can waste about 20 -30% of the compressor output. Leaks can go to the extent of
reducing the life of all system equipment, this is because when there is a leak there will be a
decrease in air pressure of the system so to overcome the wasted heat the compressor and the
other components will run for more hours this will cause the parts to worn out quickly and
therefore maintenance costs and downtime.
Leakage can come from pressure regulators, couplings, fittings, traps, shut off valves and the
During a period where there is no demand for the compressed air allows the compressor to build
up the system pressure until it reaches the shutoff point. Then for given period of time by
recording the time the compressor runs for and the time that shutoff. The percentage of air that is
leaked from the system can be estimated as follows:
Percentage of air leaking = (time in operation*100)/(timein operation + timenot in operation)
Effective air demand (Cfm): the effective air demand can be calculated by
Effective air demand (Cfm) = air demand(Cfm)*no of equipment*utilization factor


After we have done the energy performance assessment of the individual compressed air system
component especially those that are very near to energy loss, we finally go to thinking and
implementing energy conservation opportunities that must be applied to save energy. Below are
listed a group of energy conservation opportunities, but not all, that can be applied to industrial
compressed air system.
1. Defining the Location of the compressor: we have to install the compressor in the area that
have cool, clean and dry air intakes, because the amount of energy that is consumed by the
compressor is dependent up on the location that the compressor is installed and the quality of air
that is provided to the compressor.
2. Regulating Air intake temperature: when the coming air temperature is high the power
consumption of the compressor will increase. This may also occur when the compressor is
running it will generate heat and this heat can be distributed to outer surfaces and influence the
incoming air by increasing its temperature. This can be avoided by elongating the pipe of the
intake to take air from outside of the room or building.
3. Minimizing Pressure drops in air filter: when we install air filters at the inlet of the
compressor there might be a pressure drop occurring at the inlet, but this pressure drop across the
intake air should be kept at minimum to prevent throttling effect and reduction in compressor
capacity. A pressure gage must be used to monitor the condition of the air at the inlet. Therefore
it very crucial to clean air filers periodically to prevent pressure drops.
4. Determining suitable Elevation: compressors in high altitude places will consume more
power because the air is thinner in high altitude places. Therefore the compressor will exert extra
amount of energy to gather the thin air and compress it.
5. Separate aeration line from main line: In this case the high horse power compressor keeps
on working on non-production hour consuming energy. Since aeration cleaning doesn’t require
high free air delivery rate and high pressure the main compressor should not be used for aeration
purpose since it can lead to significant energy waist. The best solution to prevent this problem is
to install separated compressed air line just only for aeration purpose powered by its own low
horse power compressor. By installing this system we can save energy, increase compressor life
time, it minimize pressure drop through main line.
6. Installation of control valves: Since most of the time all plants are not working at the same
time. In order to make it easy and manageable each plant should have their own distinguished
compressed air line from other plants and by proving control valves for each line we can reduce
leaks and pressure drop. Which allow as directing the entire compressor all out put to the
working plant.
This makes the compressor to be able to supply required air demand within the list compressor
motor current. This has a direct impact on motor power consumption. And it also allows the
compressor to unload within short period of time after loading.
7. Periodic maintenance: This is very important for long service life of the compressor air
system and also for energy conservation. Some individual parts need maintenance more
frequently than others so we have to make a schedule and execute the maintenance accordingly.
8. Setting pressure: compressors should not be operated above their sated operating pressure. If
we run them above their operating pressures it leads to excessive wear and energy wastage.
9. Reducing delivery pressure: by carefully studying the capacity and need of the end use
devices we can reduce the compressed air delivered, because excessive supply of compressed air
will put burden on the compressor and consume more power. But this reduction must be done
after a carful investigation on the end use devices is done. Other ways we compromise the energy
conservation by production quality or quantity.
10. Minimizing leakage: since air leakage is difficult to see we must use an ultrasonic acoustic
detector. Leaks occur more often at joints, couplings and connections. So, when installing the air
system we must be very accurate about the quality of the components that are used for
connecting. The repair of leakages can range from a simple housekeeping maintenance to
disassembly of the connection and fixing the problem.
11. Condensate removal: continuous monitoring of the working of condensate removal is very
critical for the smooth operation of the compressed air system.
12. Compressor controls: for the smooth operation of a number of compressors connected
together we need to have a compressor control that turns the compressors on and off according to
the need.
13. Cleaning of condensate traps regularly.
14. Use high efficiency motors instead of standard motors.
15. Use multi staged compressors.
16. Use waste heat from the compressed air to help with other processes.
17. Training and awareness of people working with the compressed air system to make efficient
operation and perform preventive maintenance.
18. Avoid letting the condensate drains to be opened for ong period of time, because we might
lose a good portion of the compressed air.
19.Reduction of the inlet air temperature
Reducing inlet air temperature reduces energy used by the many plants
it is possible to reduce this inlet air temperature by taking suction from outside the
building. Importing fresh air has paybacks of up to 5 years, depending on the location
of the compressor air inlet.
20.Maximizing the allowable pressure dew point at air intake
 Choose the dryer that has the maximum allowable pressure dew point, and best efficiency. A
rule of thumb is that desiccant dryers consume 7 to 14% and refrigerated dryers consume 1
to 2% of the total energy of the compressor.

21.Optimizing the compressor to match its load

Plant personnel have a tendency to purchase larger equipment than needed . Given
the fact that compressors consume more energy during part-load operation, this is
something that should be avoided.
22.Proper pipe sizing
Pipes must be sized correctly for optimal performance or resized to fit the compressor
system. Inadequate pipe sizing can cause pressure losses, increase leaks and increase
generating costs. Increasing pipe diameter typically reduces annual compressor energy
consumption by 3%.
23 assesingHeat recovery
More than 85% of the electrical energy  used by an industrial air compressor is
converted into heat. A 150 hp compressor can reject as much heat as a 90 kW
electric resistance heater or a 422 MJ/hour natural gas heater when operating.
When there are strong variations in load and/or ambient temperatures  there will
be large swings in compressor load and efficiency. In those cases installing an ASD
may result in attractive payback periods.
Implementing adjustable speed drives in rotary compressor systems has 15% of
the annual compressed air system energy consumption .

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11 .Miriam Benedetti

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