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Compressor: Assignment No. 01

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Assignment No.



Submitted To:
Engr. Asif Jutt
Submitted By:
Muhammad Asif
An air compressor is a device that converts power (using an electric motor, diesel or gasoline
engine, etc.) into potential energy stored in pressurized air (i.e., compressed air). By one of
several methods, an air compressor forces more and more air into a storage tank, increasing
the pressure. When tank pressure reaches its engineered upper limit, the air compressor shuts
off. The compressed air, then, is held in the tank until called into use. The energy contained in
the compressed air can be used for a variety of applications, utilizing the kinetic energy of the
air as it is released and the tank depressurizes. When tank pressure reaches its lower limit, the
air compressor turns on again and re-pressurizes the tank. An air compressor must be
differentiated from a pump because it works for any gas/air, while pumps work on a liquid. A
typical refrigeration system consists of several basic components such as compressors,
condensers, expansion devices, evaporators, in addition to several accessories such as controls,
filters, driers, oil separators etc. For efficient operation of the refrigeration system, it is
essential that there be a proper matching between various components. Before analyzing the
balanced performance of the complete system, it is essential to study the design and
performance characteristics of individual components. Except in special applications, the
refrigeration system components are standard components manufactured by industries
specializing in individual components. Generally for large systems, depending upon the design
specifications, components are selected from the manufacturers’ catalogs and are assembled at


1 INTRODUCTION: ...........................................................................5
2 COMPRESSORS: ............................................................................5
2.1 CLASSIFICATION OF COMPRESSORS: ........................................................ 6
2.1.1 Positive displacement: ............................................................. 6
2.1.2 Roto-Dynamic Compressors: .................................................... 7
2.2.1 Open Type Compressors: ......................................................... 8
2.2.2 Hermetic Compressors: ............................................................ 8
2.2.3 Semi-hermetic: ......................................................................... 9
3 WORKING OF COMPRESSOR: ........................................................9
3.1 ROTARY SCREW AIR COMPRESSOR: ...................................................... 10
3.2 LUBRICATION WORKS IN AIR COMPRESSOR ........................................... 11
4 CONCLUSION: ............................................................................. 12


FIGURE 1 COMPRESSOR .................................................................... 5

FIGURE 2 RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR ............................................. 6
FIGURE 3 CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR................................................. 7

1 Introduction:
A typical refrigeration system consists of several basic components such as compressors,
condensers, expansion devices, evaporators, in addition to several accessories such as controls,
filters, driers, oil separators etc. For efficient operation of the refrigeration system, it is
essential that there be a proper matching between various components. Before analyzing the
balanced performance of the complete system, it is essential to study the design and
performance characteristics of individual components. Except in special applications, the
refrigeration system components are standard components manufactured by industries
specializing in individual components. Generally for large systems, depending upon the design
specifications, components are selected from the manufacturers’ catalogs and are assembled at
site. Even though most of the components are standard off-the-shelf items, sometimes
components such as evaporator may be made to order. Small capacity refrigeration systems
such as refrigerators, room and package air conditioners, water coolers are available as
complete systems. In this case the manufacturer himself designs or selects the system
components, assembles them at the factory, tests them for performance and then sells the
complete system as a unit.

2 Compressors:
A compressor is the most important and often the costliest component (typically 30 to 40
percent of total cost) of any vapour compression refrigeration system (VCRS). The function of a
compressor in a VCRS is to continuously draw the refrigerant vapour from the evaporator, so
that a low pressure and low temperature can be maintained in the evaporator at which the
refrigerant can boil extracting heat from the refrigerated space. The compressor then has to
raise the pressure of the refrigerant to a level at which it can condense by rejecting heat to the
cooling medium in the condenser.

Figure 1 Compressor
2.1 Classification of compressors:
Compressors used in refrigeration systems can be classified in several ways: a) Based on the
working principle:

i. Positive displacement type

ii. Roto-dynamic type

2.1.1 Positive displacement:

In positive displacement type compressors, compression is achieved by trapping a refrigerant
vapour into an enclosed space and then reducing its volume. Since a fixed amount of
refrigerant is trapped each time, its pressure rises as its volume is reduced. When the pressure
rises to a level that is slightly higher than the condensing pressure, then it is expelled from the
enclosed space and a fresh charge of low-pressure refrigerant is drawn in and the cycle
continues. Since the flow of refrigerant to the compressor is not steady, the positive
displacement type compressor is a pulsating flow device. However, since the operating speeds
are normally very high the flow appears to be almost steady on macroscopic time scale. Since
the flow is pulsating on a microscopic time scale, positive displacement type compressors are
prone to high wear, vibration and noise level.

Figure 2 Reciprocating Compressor

Depending upon the construction, positive displacement type compressors used in refrigeration
and air conditioning can be classified into

i. Reciprocating type

ii. Rotary type with sliding vanes (rolling piston type or multiple vane type)

iii. Rotary screw type (single screw or twin-screw type)

iv. Orbital compressors

v. Acoustic compressors

2.1.2 Roto-Dynamic Compressors:
In roto-dynamic compressors, the pressure rise of refrigerant is achieved by imparting kinetic
energy to a steadily flowing stream of refrigerant by a rotating mechanical element and then
converting into pressure as the refrigerant flows through a diverging passage. Unlike positive
displacement type, the roto-dynamic type compressors are steady flow devices, hence are
subjected to less wear and vibration.

Figure 3 Centrifugal Compressor

Depending upon the construction, roto-dynamic type compressors can be classified into:

i. Radial flow type

ii. Axial flow type

Centrifugal compressors (also known as turbo-compressors) are radial flow type, roto-dynamic
compressors. These compressors are widely used in large capacity refrigeration and air conditioning
systems. Axial flow compressors are normally used in gas liquefaction applications.

2.2 Based on arrangement of compressor motor or external drive:

i. Open type

ii. Hermetic (or sealed) type

iii. Semi-hermetic (or semi-sealed) type

2.2.1 Open Type Compressors:
In open type compressors the rotating shaft of the compressor extends through a seal in the
crankcase for an external drive. The external drive may be an electrical motor or an engine (e.g.
diesel engine). The compressor may be belt driven or gear driven. Open type compressors are
normally used in medium to large capacity refrigeration system for all refrigerants and for
ammonia (due to its incompatibility with hermetic motor materials). Open type compressors
are characterized by high efficiency, flexibility, better compressor cooling and serviceability.
However, since the shaft has to extend through the seal, refrigerant leakage from the system
cannot be eliminated completely. Hence refrigeration systems using open type compressors
require a refrigerant reservoir to take care of the refrigerant leakage for some time, and then
regular maintenance for charging the system with refrigerant, changing of seals, gaskets etc.

2.2.2 Hermetic Compressors:

In hermetic compressors, the motor and the compressor are enclosed in the same housing to
prevent refrigerant leakage. The housing has welded connections for refrigerant inlet and
outlet and for power input socket. As a result of this, there is virtually no possibility of
refrigerant leakage from the compressor. All motors reject a part of the power supplied to it
due to eddy currents and friction, that is, inefficiencies. Similarly the compressor also gets
heated-up due to friction and also due to temperature rise of the vapor during compression. In
Open type, both the compressor and the motor normally reject heat to the surrounding air for
efficient operation. In hermetic compressors heat cannot be rejected to the surrounding air
since both are enclosed in a shell. Hence, the cold suction gas is made to flow over the motor
and the compressor before entering the compressor. This keeps the motor cool. The motor
winding is in direct contact with the refrigerant hence only those refrigerants, which have high
dielectric strength, can be used in hermetic compressors. The cooling rate depends upon the
flow rate of the refrigerant, its temperature and the thermal properties of the refrigerant. If
flow rate is not sufficient and/or if the temperature is not low enough the insulation on the
winding of the motor can burn out and short-circuiting may occur. Hence, hermetically sealed
compressors give satisfactory and safe performance over a very narrow range of design
temperature and should not be used for off-design conditions. The COP of the hermetic
compressor based systems is lower than that of the open compressor based systems since a part of
the refrigeration effect is lost in cooling the motor and the compressor. However, hermetic
compressors are almost universally used in small systems such as domestic refrigerators, water
coolers, air conditioners etc, where efficiency is not as important as customer convenience (due to
absence of continuous maintenance). In addition to this, the use of hermetic compressors is ideal in
systems, which use capillary tubes as expansion devices and are critically charged systems.
Hermetic compressors are normally not serviceable.

2.2.3 Semi-hermetic:
In some (usually larger) hermetic units, the cylinder head is usually removable so that the valves
and the piston can be serviced. This type of unit is called a semi-hermetic (or semi-sealed)

3 Working of Compressor:
Air compression is essentially a twofold process in which the pressure of air rises while the
volume drops. In most cases, compression is accomplished with reciprocating piston
technology, which makes up the vast majority of compressors on the market.

Every compressor with a reciprocating piston has the following parts:

 crankshaft

 connecting rod

 cylinder

 piston

 valve head

Air compressors, for the most part, are powered by either gas or electric motors — it varies by
model. At one end of the cylinder are the inlets and discharge valves. Shaped like metal flaps,
the two valves appear at opposite sides of the cylinder’s top end. The inlet sucks air in for the
piston to compress. The compressed air is then released through the discharge valve.

In certain air compressor models, the pressure is produced with rotating impellers. However,
the models that are typically used by mechanics, construction workers and crafts people tend
to run on positive displacement, in which air is compressed within compartments that reduce
its space. Even though some of the smallest air compressors consist of merely a motor and
pump, the vast majority have air tanks. The purpose of the air tank is to store amounts of air
within specified ranges of pressure until it’s needed to perform work. In turn, the compressed
air is used to power the pneumatic tools connected to the unit supply lines. While all of this is
going on, the motor repeatedly starts and stops to keep the pressure at a desired consistency.

What the piston effectively does with its back and forth movements is create a vacuum. As the
piston retracts, the space in front gets filled with air, which is sucked through the inlets from
the outside. When the piston extends, that same air is compressed and therefore given the
strength to push through the discharge valve — simultaneously holding the inlet shut — and
into the tank. As more air is sent into the tank, the pressure gains intensity.

3.1 Rotary Screw Air Compressor:
For certain heavy-duty industrial operations, piston compressors are considered insufficient. In
order to get the pressure intensity needed for complex pneumatic and other high-powered
tools, professionals will generally opt for rotary screw air compressors. Unlike the piston air
compressor, which relies on pulsation, the rotary screw air compressor produces an ongoing
movement to generate power.

In a rotary screw compressor, air is compressed with a meshing pair of rotors. As the screws
move in rotation, fluids gets sucked in, compressed and ejected. In order to keep leakage rates
at an absolute minimum, fast rotational rates are vital throughout the operation. Due to their
even, vibration-free performance, rotary screw air compressors generally don’t need spring
suspension. Some of the faster models, however, are mounted with tremor-absorbent rubber.

Rotary screw compressors range in size from 10 cfm to anywhere in the 4-5 figures. Control
schemes vary based on the model, but a general rundown of the different schemes is as

 Stop/start: Under this scheme, the machine powers and un-powers the motor according
to the needs of the operation.

 Load/unload: With this scheme, the compressor is powered non-stop, but a slide valve
activates to reduce the capacity whenever a compression demand has been met.
Load/unload is the most common scheme in factory settings. In unload mode, a
compressor draws upon only 25% of its overall capacity. On machines where this
scheme also includes a stop timer, it’s referred to as a dual-control scheme.

 Modulation: As with the load/unload scheme, modulation relies on a sliding valve to

adjust pressure according to the demands of a compression operation. However,
adjustments under the modulation scheme are more limited. Even when modulated to
zero-load capacity, a machine’s power consumption will still hover around 70%.
Nonetheless, modulation is the most applicable scheme in operations where the
frequent stopping of a compressor would be unfeasible.

 Variable displacement: Under this scheme, the volume of air swept into the compressor
is adjusted according to the needs of the operation. On some models, variable
displacement is achieved with plumbed lifting valves along the suction end.

 Variable speed: A self-explanatory scheme that has its pros and cons in terms of cost.
While typically less expensive to operate than a load/unload compressor, the power
inverter that enables variable speed in select models.

3.2 Lubrication Works Compressor:
One of the most important things to know about air compressor maintenance is the way that
lubrication works. When it comes to oil, pumps fall into two categories:

 Oil-lubricated pumps: Oil splashes onto the walls and bearings within the cylinder, i.e.
an oil bath. This is known as “oil flooded” lubrication. Even though the piston rings are
meant to keep the oil away from the compressed air, tiny amounts can sometimes seep
into the tank. Generally, this type is more durable.

 Oil-free pumps: The bearings are treated with lasting lubrication. While these require
less maintenance than oil-lubricated pumps, they can be noisier and put more strain on
the motor.

Oil flooded can be a mixed blessing overall. When it comes to using power tools that need
lubrication, the presence of oil in the air stream can be beneficial. For the tools that actually
require oil, inline sources can be added that will distribute oil through such tools in even

However, there are some tools and operations where even the smallest bit of oily mist could
have undesired effects. Certain tools, including nailers and sanders, are specifically intended to
function without the slightest amount of oil. When the operation involves paint or woodwork,
oil at any capacity will undermine the process. For instance, oil within spray paint will make it
difficult for coatings to dry or finish evenly. On wood, airborne oil could cause surface
corruption. There are ways to prevent oil from entering the air tank in most circumstances,
such as the use of air-line filters and oil separators. Nonetheless, for critical applications, the
best way to prevent the air from ever being corrupted with oil is to simply opt for an oil-free
compressor with permanent lubrication on the bearings.

4 Conclusion:
From the earliest days of humans blowing on fires to smelt the metals of ancient times to
today’s highly advanced pneumatic tools and machines, compressed air has proven to be one of
the most useful resources in industrial development .Many other industries, including energy
exploration, food and beverage packaging and dry cleaning also depend on the advancements
of today’s versatile compressed air systems. From the food we eat to the highly sophisticated
automobiles we drive each day, compressed air likely played a role in their creation.
Compressed air has provided industry with countless benefits over the centuries and has
increased capabilities in automation and led to the development of more powerful tools. It’s
also a costly resource that consumes energy to produce the clean airflow needed. Compressed
air has provided industry with countless benefits over the centuries and has increased
capabilities in automation and led to the development of more powerful tools. It’s also a costly
resource that consumes energy to produce the clean airflow needed.


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