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Teaching and Learning Physics With Smartphones

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Teaching and Learning Physics with Smartphones

Article  in  Journal of Cases on Information Technology · May 2015

DOI: 10.4018/JCIT.2015010103


46 5,007

8 authors, including:

M. A. González Esther Martin

Universidad de Valladolid Complutense University of Madrid


César Llamas
Universidad de Valladolid


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Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015 31

Teaching and Learning

Physics with Smartphones
M. Á. González, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Universidad de Valladolid,
Valladolid, Spain
Manuel Á. González, Department of Applied Physics, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid,
M. Esther Martín, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Universidad de Valladolid,
Valladolid, Spain
César Llamas, Department of Computer Science, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
Óscar Martínez, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Universidad de Valladolid,
Valladolid, Spain
Jesús Vegas, Department of Computer Science, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
Mar Herguedas, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Universidad de Valladolid,
Valladolid, Spain
Cármen Hernández, Department of Computer Science, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid,

The use of mobile technologies is reshaping how to teach and learn. In this paper the authors describe their
research on the use of these technologies to teach physics. On the one hand they develop mobile applications
to complement the traditional learning and to help students learn anytime and anywhere. The use of these
applications has proved to have very positive influence on the students’ engagement. On the other hand, they
use smartphones as measurement devices in physics experiments. This opens the possibility of designing and
developing low cost laboratories where expensive material can be substituted by smartphones. The smart-
phones’ sensors are reliable and accurate enough to permit good measurements. However, as it is shown
with some examples, special care must be taken here if one does not know how these apps used to access the
sensors’ data are programmed.

Keywords: Engagement, Lifelong Learning, Low Cost Laboratories, mLearning, Mobile Applications,
Physics, Teaching/Learning Strategies

DOI: 10.4018/JCIT.2015010103

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32 Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015

INTRODUCTION There is a general agreement that mLearn-

ing facilitates the access to education but,
The last forty years have shown an increasing besides, some characteristics of mLearning can
association between technology and education. contribute to change the way in which we teach
One consequence of this linking is that the in- or learn. An important feature of mLearning is
clusion of technological elements in everyday that one of its goals, different from those of a
learning activities has grown with an increasing traditional transfer of knowledge from teacher
pace, parallel to that of the improvement in to student, is to empower students to actively
technology capabilities and availability. While participate in the construction of their own
in the seventies or first eighties the necessary learning (de la Pena-Bandalaria, 2007). Also,
technological resources were available only for mLearning can facilitate designs of real learning
a limited number of institutions and students, by targeting problems of interest to the learner
nowadays there is a nearly worldwide access (Traxler, 2007), as well as ease lifelong learn-
to a much capable and Internet connected ing by supporting learning that occurs during
technology. As a consequence, along these last the many activities of everyday life (Sharples,
years the use of computers in education has Taylor and Vavoula, 2005). About the inclu-
dramatically evolved following the change in sion of mLearning within a formal learning
computers capabilities and their availability environments, teacher involvement occupies a
from schools to universities. Moreover, the fundamental position as has been analyzed in
worldwide spread of wireless technologies has recent works (Prieto, Migueláñez and García-
produced a shifting from computer-assisted Peñalvo, 2014b). Concerning physics learning,
learning to web-based learning to mobile learn- mobile devices are not only mere intermediate
ing (Vavoula and Karagiannidis, 2005). The ease tools between the learner and the teacher or
of access to telecommunication technologies, the available contents. Smartphones can also
as well as the, more or less, affordable cost of be used for learning physics by allowing the
mobile personal devices and communication students to do experiments using the smart-
connections has had as a consequence the rise phones’ sensors as measurement devices. In
of the so-called mobile learning (mLearning) this way the students can play a really active
(Caudill, 2007; de Castro, 2014; Keegan, 2002, role in their own learning.
Prieto, Migueláñez and García-Peñalvo, 2014b), Different works have explored the use
that together with the MOOCs (massive open of mobile technologies in the learning envi-
online courses) (Kellogg, 2013; Mackness, ronment. Some of these works analyze the
Mak & Williams, 2010) has risen the aim of a framework and effectiveness of mLearning
personalized, nearly ubiquitous and permanent while others propose activities based on mobile
learning for the new educational demands. All technology to improve the teaching. Within the
these circumstances also ease the evolution first group, Liu et al. (Liu, Wang, Chan, Ko
of learning towards conditions in which the & Yang, 2003) propose that the integration of
students contribute actively to the design of mobile devices in the classroom can make them
their own virtual learning environment for the a way to attract students to learning, ease their
new educational demands where schools or communication and collaboration and even
universities were no longer the only center of follow their advances by the teacher, being
information (Molnar 1997). Furthermore, the the benefits of class computers enhanced in
interest of students in mobile technologies as the highly interactive classroom (Wang, Liang,
well as their expertise using those devices can Liu, Ko, & Chan, 2001). A different case is the
be used as a powerful tool to reinforce their work by Gay et al. (Gay, Stefanone, Grace-
interest in learning and to ease their access to Martin & Hembrooke, 2001) who studied the
learning resources. change of student’s computing behavior when

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Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015 33

using wireless computing in a collaborative A second point of interest in the develop-

learning environment. Their results showed a ment of mobile apps for learning is how their
trend that has increased with the use of mobile contents are organized. The granularity of the
technologies and that may be a turning point in content delivered within the mobile applica-
the evolution of learning technologies: wireless tions, so that they can be productively used
technologies facilitate social relationships that even in short periods of time, has been studied
can potentially transform the learning com- in several works as in (Holzinger, Nischelwitzer,
munity, blurring the boundaries between where & Meisenberger, 2005; Motiwalla, 2007) and
and when collaborative work can take place. according to their conclusions “... the power
Another works exploring and encouraging the of m-learning technology can be leveraged by
interactivity between students using mobile complementing the existing courses with value-
devices are described in (Markett, Sánchez, added features …. that help users to convert
Weber & Tangney, 2006; Scornavacca, Huff, & their dead-time to productive activity”.
Marshall, 2009). In those works improved learn- As mentioned above, a second interesting
ing environment in the classroom, increased use of smartphones for learning is using them to
student engagement and participation and im- experiment and learn out of the classrooms. In
proved teacher awareness of student difficulties (Chen, Kao & Sheu, 2003) a mobile (Personal
were facilitated by using short message service Digital Assistant) system for bird watching
(SMS), which nowadays could be done more learning is described. In this work, quite before
easily using instant messaging apps. A possible the smartphone age, mobile devices support
limitation of these works observed in (Markett et an outdoor activity and the benefits of the use
al., 2006; Cavus & Ibrahim, 2009) was the cost of mobile devices were evaluated comparing
associated with the use of mobiles in learning. the learning results of those using the PDAs
This is an issue that would also affect the use with the results of a control group who used
of learning applications, so that the influence a guidebook in a more traditional way. Based
of the communications costs, between students on that comparison, the authors concluded that
or with the teacher, is an interesting point of the children using the PDA system improved
study if mLearning is considered as a tool to their learning above the expected. This is an
extend education to less favored environments. example of how smartphones can take learning
Another problem that appears when devel- to everyday activities. In the case of physics,
oping or using mobile apps in the classroom smartphones have the advantage of their pow-
is the diversity of mobile devices. As pointed erful electronics and built-in sensors, as the
out in (Gedik, Hanci-Karademirci, Kursun, & accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetic sensor or
Cagiltay, 2012), “when learners’ own phones light detector, which allow their owners to use
are used, the minimal technical conditions them as measurement devices to experiment
need to be coordinated with the most effective and learn. Then, physics teachers can also take
pedagogical approach”. Then, the demands advantage of this second characteristic in order
(memory, graphics, calculations, etc.) of the to improve students’ learning by designing low-
mobile applications that are going to be used cost real experiments with the smartphones.
or developed must be parameters carefully Then, students and teachers will be able to
considered in the implementation of learning use the smartphones as measurement devices
applications. Correspondingly the students’ both in learning laboratories and in many other
experience on these factors must be surveyed activities, where the students can apply the con-
not only to improve future developments, but, tents learned in the classroom (Falcão, Gomes,
more important, also to investigate the influence Pereira, Coelho & Santos, 2009; Vogt, Kuhn &
of those characteristics in the students’ interest Müller, 2011). This is a second aspect of our
on using the applications, as well as on their work: to teach the students how they can use
learning results. their smartphones in everyday activities, as for

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34 Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015

example in an amusement park (Cabeza, Ru- applications except for the parts concerning the
bido, & Martí, 2014; Vieyra & Vieyra, 2014), in communication with the teachers.
the playground (Monteiro, Cabeza, Marti, Vogt, The use of independent applications on
& Kuhn, 2014) or in an elevator ride (González specific concepts is justified both for formal
et al. 2014) to learn physics. an informal learners. On the one hand, the
In this paper we describe our work with use of mobile devices in short periods of time
mobile devices to teach physics along two recommends designing the applications so that
complementary lines. First, the development of they supply the learners with small pieces of
mobile applications and their implementation information. This allows the students to stop
within a learning environment. This will be the learning with the mobile in a given time
described in section “Development of learning and re-start it easily anytime later (Holzinger,
apps”. Second, the use of smartphones’ sensors Nischelwitzer, & Meisenberger, 2005). Besides,
as measurement devices in physics experiments due to their technical characteristics, mobile
and their use in teaching labs and in everyday devices aren’t able to run software tools as
activities outside the laboratory. This line will complex and complete as those developed for
be described in section “Using smartphones as desktop computers, so that it is advisable to
measurement devices”. divide a subject into different independent parts
(Holzinger, Nischelwitzer, & Meisenberger,
2005). On the other hand, for informal learners,
DEVELOPMENT OF we must also remember that, when they want to
LEARNING APPS learn on a specific concept, they will not use a
tool designed to teach on the complete body of
The main interest of this part of our work is
matter. Instead, they would prefer to use smaller
to design a mLearning framework that can be
knowledge pills concerning only the knowledge
used to complement formal learning and also to
and skills that will be useful to them (Tough,
provide pieces of information for independent
1979). For these reasons, the availability of
learners. In order to ease the access to small
specific applications, which can be consulted
pieces of learning, the framework will be based
anywhere and anytime, dealing with acquiring a
upon independent applications. Each of these
particular competence will be more useful than
applications will deal with different concepts
the use of more complete resources. On the
or contents but, as a whole, they will form a
other hand, for the learners following specific
body of contents similar to a formal learning
courses, the teachers should be able to evalu-
course. As the development of quality educa-
ate the student’s work with the applications, so
tional material is a hard work, we pretend that
that both, the independent applications and the
this framework will be based on applications
global framework must include tools for the
developed by different authors that share their
assessment of the student’s work.
work. This shared applications will be available
With these requirements in mind, the
to all the teachers using the framework, so that
system structure is modeled following the dia-
they will be able to choose between the available
gram shown in Figure 1. As can be seen in that
applications in the framework those that fit best
figure, a server stores the applications shared
to the contents of their course. Furthermore, the
by different developers. Teachers decide which
teachers using the framework will also be able
of those applications are interesting for their
to establish the temporal path for the applica-
courses and propose them to their students, who
tions that the students should follow along the
download them into their smartphones when
course. The applications within the framework
necessary. In order to reduce the cost of data
will also be available to independent informal
transfer, this downloading can be performed
learners who aren’t enrolled in any course. These
whenever a wireless connection is available.
independent learners will be able to use the full
Once each application is installed the whole

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Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015 35

Figure 1. Structure of the proposed framework for learning physics based on independent mo-
bile applications. A server stores the applications with the contents as well as the databases
corresponding to the evaluation of students’ works in different courses. The teachers design the
courses by selecting the applications that are more interesting for their courses. Any student can
download the applications of the course he/she is following. They can also download any other
applications not belonging to their course but that could be interesting for their learning. After
working with the applications, the students send their results to the server, so that the teacher
can assess their work

contents are stored in the smartphone, and our model of the framework, any student (for
none other connection will be necessary until example student 3 in the figure) can download
sending the students’ results to the server. That and use any other application not included in
is, the applications allow the students to work his course, in order to complement and improve
without needing a permanent data connection his/her learning, defining his/her own virtual
or an access to the server. This permits each learning environment.
student to work at his/her own pace, review the Each application within the framework will
contents of related applications, do the tests as have different contents but a basic structure is
he/she learns, etc., which is an important aspect depicted in Figure 2 with the example of an
in the design of mLearning environments (Ge- application on direct current. The first part of
dik, Hanci-Karademirci, Kursun, & Cagiltay, each application consists on different theoreti-
2012). As can be seen in the diagram in Figure cal contents, including definitions, formulas,
1, different courses can share applications (for examples or solved problems. After this passive
example the courses followed by students 1 elements, self-evaluation tests would allow the
and 2 in the figure), which optimizes the work student to check his/her knowledge. These tests
of developing the learning materials. Also, in will also allow the teacher to know the advance

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36 Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015

Figure 2. Example of the structure of an application on direct current that includes theoretical
contents, evaluation tests and a simulation

of each student or even his/her learning dif- the tests, and the use and results obtained in the
ficulties. Finally, a simulation or a graphical simulations. The applications store the student
calculation, in this case to help learning how results and only if the student is following a
to solve direct current circuits, will allow the course and authenticates successfully with the
students to “put their hands” on the studied server those results are sent to the server. As
phenomenon and learn actively. before, in order to reduce data transfer costs,
As can be seen in Figure 2, the work done the data sending can be postponed until the
by the student using the application is evaluated smartphone/tablet is using a wireless connec-
considering whether the student has read the tion. This part of the process is also depicted in
theoretical contents or not, the results obtained in Figure 1, where student 1 sends the results to

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Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015 37

the server that stores them in the correspond- scale), consisted of 23 questions divided into
ing course database. As each teacher can grade four categories: technical design of the applica-
differently the work with a given application, tions, didactic efficiency, cost effectiveness and
the applications send the assessment of the stu- general conclusions on the student’s experience
dents work to the server as a normalized value with the applications and with mLearning. The
(together with a more detailed description of survey was open along the term, so that students
the work done by the student in the different could download and test the applications as they
parts of the application, just in case the teacher study the concepts described in them, and then
wants to check it). This normalized value only answer to the questionnaire (only once) after
depends on the application and is independent working with them.
of the course followed by the student. Thus, For the questions of the survey dealing with
as each application can be used in different the didactic effectiveness of the applications
courses, the teachers can weight differently the we obtained, in general, very positive results.
work done using each application, depending on For example to the question “The application
the interest of its contents for a specific course. offers tools that support learning” we obtained
Figures 3 and 4 shows some screenshots of two approximately a 3.5 result in our Likert scale.
applications developed within this work. Figure From this result, it is clear that students ap-
3 shows two screenshots of an application on preciate the use of these applications as a good
DC current and on solving simple DC circuits method for helping them learning. This result is
while Figure 4 shows two screenshots of an also reinforced by the average values answers
application developed to teach how to calculate to the questions “The application stimulates
the impedance in an AC circuit. curiosity and learning” and “The use of the
Considering the currently developed ap- application is interesting and amusing”, with
plications we have done a preliminary study values 3.03 and 2.85, respectively. These results
on the students’ interest on the work with those show that students consider that these mobile
applications, and on the influence of that work applications stimulate learning and that the work
on the students’ grades and engagement. The with them is interesting for them. These are
interest of the students have been analyzed also important factors to enhance the students’
qualitatively by doing a survey to obtain a engagement and autonomous work, which were
feedback from the students that have used some two of the aims of the development of this plat-
of the developed applications. Also, at the end form. Another interesting result is that students
of the term a quantitative study of the effects consider as very positive the inclusion in these
of using the experimental platform on the stu- apps of communication tools to ask questions
dents’ grades and engagement was performed. or discuss concepts with the teacher or other
For the survey, a set of questions on different students. This is not surprising because both
aspects of the applications were considered. types of interactions, with the teacher or with
The use of a survey (usually as Likert-like other students, are important for improving
questionnaires) as a primary research method learning (Vavoula and Karagiannidis; 2005)
is a usual technique in most studies of mobile and mobile devices can represent a good tool
learning (Wu, Wu, Chen, Kao, Lin & Huang; to allow it anytime and anywhere (Motiwalla;
2012). The questions used in the survey ranged 2007). Concerning the costs associated with
from technical or usability aspects of the ap- mLearning, the students considered that its cost
plications to others connected with the learning was affordable (3.03 in the Likert scale) and that
process, in a similar way as was also done in what they can learn using the mobile applica-
(Georgieva, Smrikarov & Georgiev 2011). tions compensates the associated expenses (2.95
The questionnaire, with a Likert 5-point scale in the Likert scale). Finally, a set of questions
format (with “strongly agree” as 4, “neutral” dealt with the students experience on the use of
as 2 and “strongly disagree” as 0 on the Likert the developed applications and with mLearning

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38 Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015

Figure 3. Two screenshots of one of the applications developed by our group on DC current and
on how to solve DC circuits using the Kirchoff laws. On the left an example of one question of
the self-evaluation test included in the application, and on the right an example of one circuit
arranged by the students using the application

in general. The more interesting result is that a of this analysis show that the students who used
majority of students see mLearning as a very the applications were more engaged with the
positive experience as they would recommend it subject and participated more in the course ac-
(average value of 3.3 in our Likert scale) or use tivities, being their percentages of participation
again this type of applications (average result higher than those corresponding to the students
3.2). It was also interesting to see their positive who didn’t use the applications (around 20%
opinion on mLearning, as they considered that in average for the course activities and around
it facilitates learning (average value 3.5). More a 23% for the participation in the final exam).
details on the results of this survey can be seen
elsewhere (González; 2014).
We also analyzed the influence of the work USING SMARTPHONES AS
with these applications on the students’ interest MEASUREMENT DEVICES
on the subject and on their engagement. This
Smartphones can also be used as experimental
quantitative measurement was done analyzing
measurement devices to teach/learn physics.
the participation of all the students in the final
This can be done by using their variety of sensors
exam and in the proposed activities related to
either via applications available in the app stores
the contents of the developed apps. The results

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Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015 39

Figure 4. Two screenshots of an application developed to teach how to solve AC circuits. On the
left an image of part of the theoretical explanations and on the right an example of one circuit
arranged by one student with the solution of the equivalent impedance

or by using ad hoc implemented applications. most of our students have smartphones that can
The use of smartphones as measurement devices be used with that aim.
permits to have less expensive laboratories Many recent works have shown the utility
(i.e. low-cost laboratories) by replacing some of free applications that access the smartphones
expensive data acquisition devices (mostly sensors to record measurements of physi-
designed for a unique task) by the more ver- cal quantities in several fields of physics, as
satile smartphones. Furthermore, as teachers mechanics (Briggle, 2013; Castro-Palacio,
we would probably want our students to think Velázquez-Abad, Giménez & Monsoriu, 2013;
and work on our subjects beyond the teaching Gómez-Tejedor, Castro-Palacio & Monsoriu,
hours and even outside the classroom. As phys- 2014; Hochberg, Gröber, Kuhn & Müller,
ics teachers we are lucky because the students 2014; Shakur & Sinatra, 2013; Vogt, P. &Kuhn,
can learn physics by the simple observation of 2014), acoustics (Kuhn & Vogt, 2013; Kuhn &
the world around them. We must only provide Vogt, 2014; Parolin, & Pezzi, 2013), electricity
them with tools that can be used not only to (Forinash, & Wisman, 2012) magnetism (Silva,
observe, but also to measure so that they can 2012) or optics (Sitar, 2012; Thoms, Colicchia
make a more critical thinking to contrast or & Girwidz, 2013; Yu, Tan & Cunningham,
reassure their knowledge of physics. Currently 2014). As examples of how smartphones can

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40 Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015

Figure 5. Results obtained with the accelerometer of a smartphone in an experiment with an

oscillating physical pendulum. On the left side of the figure the experimental arrangement used in
the measurements shows the accelerometer axis of the smartphone. As can be seen from the right
hand side of the figure, the results are accurate enough to allow the students to clearly obtain
the characteristics of the oscillatory movement. Also the students can observe the dissipation
of the transitory movements along the three axis due to the noise at the start of the movement

be used to do physics measurements Figures 5 Figure 6 shows results of an experiment

and 6 show the results of two different funda- with two bodies connected using a not stretch-
mental physics experiments performed with able string via pulley. One of the bodies, of
smartphones. Figure 5 shows the acceleration mass m1, hangs vertically and falls due to the
results obtained placing the smartphone in an gravity when left free, while the other, of mass
oscillating physical pendulum. The smartphone m2, stays on an horizontal air track. This second
was placed with its Y-axis along the pendulum body includes a cart holding one smartphone
axis. Then Figure 5 shows the variation of the Y to do measurements of the movement. When
component of the acceleration along time as the the first body falls, it pulls the second body that
pendulum oscillates. Clearly from those results moves without friction with an accelerated mo-
the students can obtain easily, either by a proper tion. With the smartphone on this second body
fit or by a search of the best harmonic fitting the students can measure the acceleration of the
function, the frequency of the oscillation. In the movement and compare it with the theoretical
inset of this figure we see the three components result that they know
of the acceleration, showing the typical noise of
the start and stop of the pendulum. In order to
a =  m1 / ( m1 + m2 )  g .
have better results the fitting was done selecting
a central part of the measurement so that the
In the experiment shown in Figure 6, the
transitory movement due to a not very careful
masses of the bodies were m1= 29.99 g and
start of the pendulum has already vanished.
m2=318.76 g, so that the theoretical value of
the acceleration obtained with the expression

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Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015 41

Figure 6. Acceleration recorded with a smartphone corresponding to the horizontal movement

of a body on an air track when pulled by a falling body to which the first is connected via pul-
ley. The line with a value of 0.843 m/s2 represents the theoretical value calculated analytically
showing how the measurements, even with the experimental noise, agree well with the theory
that the students study in the classroom

given above is 0.843 m/s2, which, as can be seen students who associate movement with forces
in Figure 6, agrees well with the experimental and accelerations and that, in this way, can be
results that can be obtained using the smart- confronted easily with their own observations.
phone. The inset in Figure 6 shows the three The accuracy of all the measurements
components of the acceleration recorded by the described in these works rely in two points. On
smartphone. The students can see from it that the one hand, the quality of the hardware used
there is only acceleration along the direction of in them, that is the sensors and electronics of
the string pulling the body, while the other two the smartphones used. On the other hand, the
components of the acceleration remain constant software, that is, the application, used to retrieve
(within the experimental noise). Another impor- the data recorded by the smartphone. While the
tant result that the students can observe in that quality of the hardware can be assessed from
figure is that once the first body reaches the floor the technical manuals of the device, many times
the acceleration of the second body cancels, it’s more difficult to know the quality of the
though the second body can continue moving software, as these applications behave like black
along the frictionless air track. This can help the boxes that give results without a description of
students to understand how one body can move the libraries or algorithms used to obtain those
(along straight lines with constant speed) when results. Furthermore, most of these applications
there is no force acting on them. In fact this is don’t allow any kind of calibration either, so that
a source of usual misunderstandings of many their results are hardware dependent, what can

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42 Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015

Figure 7. Experimental arrangement for the measurement of the accelerations in a collision

between two bodies using two smartphones. Pieces marked with an arrow permit to have an
elastic collision in this case, but if substituted by a needle that stuck together the carts after the
collision the experiment would correspond to inelastic collisions

be confusing or produce misunderstandings in

the students. For example, if we use the app Ac- androidsensorbox) or giving them in units of ‘g’
celerometer Monitor ( as in Physics Toolbox Accelerometer (https://
store/apps/details?id=com.lul.accelerometer) to
measure the value of the gravity acceleration in
the same point using two medium or high qual- erometer) but without specifying what is the
ity devices of the same brand, as the Samsung value of ‘g’ that is used as reference. These are
S3 mini and the Samsung S4 we obtain g= 9.6 some examples on simple details that can ap-
m/s2 and g=10.2 m/s2, respectively. That is, a pear when using these applications for teaching
difference of nearly a 6% for a direct measure- or learning. However, as we’ll see now, other
ment obtained with the same application by problems can be harder to detect and affect
placing the two smartphones on a horizontal negatively the students learning.
table without any other additional requirement. As an example of one of these problems
We can also find in other apps other errors that we show here measurements obtained using one
can confuse the students when doing this same application (Acceleromenter Monitor) but with
simple measurements. For example other apps different options selected. In this experiment
lack a correct representation of the results, we studied collisions between two bodies on
giving values without expressing their units, an air track so that they were moving friction-
as in Sensor Box for Android (https://play. less. For this experiment we have used the two

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Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015 43

smartphones mentioned above, a Samsung S4, or when both are moving before the collision,
with a STMicroelectronics K330 accelerometer either in the same or in opposite directions. In
sensor, with a range of ±19.6133 m/s2 and a order to have a more general set of cases the
resolution of 5.985504 10-4 m/s2, and a Sam- students can also do these experiments adding
sung S3 mini, with a MPU-6050 accelerometer, different masses to the carts, so that the experi-
with a range ±39.24 m/s2 and a resolution of ments include collisions between bodies (cart
0.15328126 m/s2. Both smartphones were plus smartphone sets) with equal or different
placed on carts that slide without friction on masses. Another experiment with the same
the air track with their accelerometer Y-axis equipment would consist on the study of the
along the direction of the air track, as can be movement of a body along an inclined plane
seen in Figure 7. This arrangement allows the by changing the height of one of the legs of the
students to analyze elastic and inelastic colli- air track. Figures 8 and 9 show the acceleration
sions, by replacing the two pieces indicated with results obtained in an experiment with a colli-
arrows in Figure 7 by a needle that stuck both sion between two bodies with the same mass
carts together after the collision. By using this when initially one of them is at rest. Data used
arrangement one can measure collisions when to prepare Figure 8 were obtained with the ‘Re-
one or the other smartphone is initially at rest, move Earth gravity’ option selected in the app,

Figure 8. Results obtained in an elastic collision with two bodies (two carts plus smartphones)
of similar masses. Initially one of the bodies moves without friction towards the other that is at
rest on the air track. For one of the smartphones (Samsung Galaxy S4) the three components
of the acceleration are shown, while for the other (Samsung Galaxy S3) only the Y component
is displayed. The movement of the two bodies was directed along the Y axis of the smartphone,
so that during the collision that component of the acceleration is the one suffering larger varia-
tions. The changes of the other two components of the acceleration are due to the noise of the
movement along the air track. Due to the option selected in the app, these results do not have
any physical meaning

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44 Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015

Figure 9. Results obtained in an elastic collision with two bodies (smartphones S3 and S4) with
the same experimental conditions than in Figure 8. The difference in the data appears because the
‘Remove Earth gravity’ option of the application used to do the measurements was not selected
here. This is also the reason why the Z component takes a value next to 10 in this case while in
Figure 7 it’s close to 0. Since the two colliding bodies have similar masses the accelerations
experimented in the collisions are also similar. The opposite signs of the accelerations along the
Y axis of both smartphones are due to the opposite signs of their movement

while data in Figure 9 were recorded without lead to misunderstandings when the students
activating that option. Comparing Figures 8 and obtain results that cannot be properly explained.
9 one immediately notices the weird behavior This is one reason why we also develop
of the Y acceleration components in Figure 8. applications to do experimental measurements
The change of sign in those components after using the smartphone sensors.
the collision has no physical meaning (indeed One of these applications developed by our
it would mean that after the collision the smart- group permits the students to do acoustic mea-
phones were pushed forward in the direction surements by using the microphone (acoustic
of their initial movement). Evidently this is sensor) of the smartphone to analyze different
an artifact due to the option ‘Remove Earth phenomena. An important additional advantage
gravity’ in the measurements of Figure 8. As of this application is that it can be calibrated
can be seen in Figure 9, this strange behavior by comparing its results with those obtained
doesn’t appear when that option is unchecked, by scientific instruments under the same con-
being now reasonable measurements. Similar ditions. This is a quality that lack most of the
effects have been observed in other experiments freely available apps used to access sensor data,
using this same application. Clearly, not being so that their results are really device dependent.
sure of how an application works or how it is Figure 10 shows the calibration of this app in
programed are sources of uncertainty and can two different smartphones with a sonometer.
This application allows the smartphone to be

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Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015 45

used in the teaching laboratories instead of depending on the application, can be used with
more expensive experimental devices as in the very different purposes. Furthermore, these
arrangement shown in Figure 11. There, the ap- applications also allow the students to do by
plication is used to measure the resonance in a themselves reliable experiments that can go
beaker when waves with different wavelengths quite beyond the initial aims of the application.
are emitted by the smartphone speaker (or For example, this same application can be used
alternatively when one wavelength is used but to measure the value of the gravity by recording
the height of the liquid changes in the beaker). the sound performed by a bouncing ball that
We have also used this application to measure has been dropped from a known height (Kuhn,
and analyze Doppler effect, interferences, beats, J., & Vogt, 2013b) as can be seen in the results
frequencies spectra, wavelengths, etc. or to shown in Figure 12, or to analyze the behavior
study other phenomena in combination with of a material depending on its temperature, so
some other fundamental physics laboratory that an application initially intended for acoustic
equipment such as Kundt or Quincke tubes. measurements can be also used in mechanics
The use of this type of calibrated applications or materials science experiments.
allow us to have low-cost laboratories where
some expensive laboratory material is substi-
tuted by the more versatile smartphones which,

Figure 10. Calibration process of an application developed by our group. The data recorded
by different smartphones using this application are compared with those obtained in the same
experiment using one sonometer, which permits to analyze the response at different frequencies
of the smartphones and to correct their measurements

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46 Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015

Figure 11. Experimental arrangement used to measure resonances in a beaker with a smartphone
and the application Audia developed by our group

CONCLUSION These applications include theoretical concepts,

simulations and self-evaluation tests to guide
Mobile technologies can lead us to an impor- the students learning by showing them what
tant change in the way we teach and learn. concepts or techniques should be reinforced.
In this work we have described two different These applications can also be used as a help
lines of work that we’re following to improve in the laboratory work performed by the stu-
our teaching of physics: Firstly, the develop- dents, either by allowing them access to remote
ment of mobile applications together with a experiments or by adding extra information, as
learning framework, and, secondly, the use for example by using enhanced reality, to the
of smartphones’ sensors to do easily physical information available in the laboratory. From
measurements. our analysis of the influence of the use of these
From our results with the development applications in learning, we have observed that
of mobile applications, the students consider the students who used them were more engaged
those applications an interesting and useful with the subject. Since only a very small set
complement to the traditional teaching, as they of applications was tested, the results learning
allow them to access to multimedia resources outcomes weren’t conclusive.
easily, and study nearly anytime and anywhere.

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Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015 47

Figure 12. Results of the measurements obtained using our application Audia to obtain the value
of the gravity acceleration g with acoustic measurements. Knowing the value of the initial height
of a falling ball and measuring the time lapse between two consecutive bounces

On the other hand, current smartphones are scientific method and experimentation, as they
rich in built-in sensors that can be used in many learn the importance of accuracy, reproducibil-
different physics experiments. This opens the ity, analysis and interpretation of the results.
possibility of designing low-cost laboratories by At the same time, when the students play an
substituting some expensive laboratory equip- active role in their own learning and see how
ment with smartphones. This can represent an the studied physical concepts affect their lives
important advantage for academic centers with they get more engaged with the subject and the
high number of students and/or short budgets. learning outcomes notably improve.
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measurements by themselves in many everyday
activities where they can study concepts like REFERENCES
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50 Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 17(1), 31-50, January-March 2015

Miguel González received his PhD on Physics at the University of Valladolid (Extraordinary Ph.D. Award
of University of Valladolid). He has been professor of the University of Marrakech from 1983 to 1985.
Currently he belongs to the Condensed Matter Physics Department at the University of Valladolid and
teaches in the School of Engineering at the University of Valladolid. He works in the research group of
semiconductors developing techniques for microscopic and nanoscopic characterization of semiconduc-
tors, like spatial resolved photoconductivity and photoluminescence, phase stepping microscopy (Award of
3M group in 2000). At the same time he has done different works on teaching research developing virtual
laboratories and studying the reasons of academic failure.
Manuel Á. González got his PhD on Physics at the University of Valladolid with a research on spectral
line broadening by plasmas using computer simulations, what has been his main research line for some
years. At the same time he has done different works on teaching research developing virtual laboratories
and studying the reasons of academic failure. Currently he belongs to the Applied Physics Department at
the University of Valladolid and teaches Physics for Computer Engineering.
Esther Martín got his PhD on Science (Physics) at the University of Valladolid with a research on Raman
study of Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) made by Separation by IMplantation with OXygen (SIMOX), what has
been her main research line for some years. At the same time she has done different works on teaching
research developing virtual laboratories, java applets and on-line teaching. Currently she belongs to the
Physic of Condensed Matter Department at the University of Valladolid and teaches Physics for Engineering.
César Llamas earned his PhD on Computer Science at the University of Valladolid what versed on automatic
speech recognition. He has researched in areas like pattern recognition and knowledge representation, and
his teaching is focused in distributed computing programming and distributed platforms. These years he
has participated in several projects dealing with mobile technologies applied to learning for undergraduate
students in computer engineering.
O. Martínez got his degree in Physics in 1994 and his PhD on Physics in 1999 at the University of Val-
ladolid. He is currently Professor in the University of Valladolid since 2008, teaching General Physics
(Mechanical Engeneering degree) and Solid State Phyiscs (Physic degree). He has been specialized in the
characterization of semiconductors by means of microscopic optical techniques, being a member of the
“Semiconducting materials and nanostructures for optoelectronic applications (GdS-Optronlab) group” of
the Condensed Physics Matter Department. He is also a member of the Teaching Innovation Group “Tech-
nology, Innovation and Learning”, with some contributions in the field of ICT for Engineering students.
Jesús M. Vegas got his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at the University of Valladolid where he has developed
his teaching career at Department of Computer Science. Formerly interested in information retrieval and
the web, currently he has focused his research to the pervasive computing and the Internet of the things,
especially, in all aspects related with the intensive usage of mobile devices (smartphones and tables) and
other devices in the educational and “smart” environments.
Maria del Mar Herguedas got her Ph.D. On Chemistry at the University of Valladolid. Currently she is
Laboratory Technician within the Department of Condensed Matter, Crystallography and Mineralogy of
the University of Valladolid.
Carmen Hernández has a degree in Mathematics at the University of Valladolid. His research has focused
on the software reuse. She has also done several works on teaching research incorporating new learning
methodologies in teaching degree in Computer Engineering.

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