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International Journal of Empirical Research Methods

Volume 1, Issue 1
DOI : 10.59762/ijerm205275791120231005145525



Mark Treve*1
Senior Lecturer, Department of school of languages and General Education, Walailak University,
Nakhonsi Thammarat, Thailand.

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate university students' attitude towards Socrative as an
online teaching tool and a student smart response system (SRS) in real-time during the Covid-19
school closure at Walailak University (WU). The COVID-19 pandemic has prevented WU lecturers
from engaging in face-to-face learning. Socrative, Microsoft Team, and other e-learning programs
were among the various remote teaching applications that were used during this period. However,
because of the alleged high levels of reliability and effectiveness, the researcher concentrated on
a proprietary e-learning application, Socrative.
Method: This study used a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative research design to investi-
gate the sampled population of (n=90) second-year undergraduate students’ attitudes toward
using Socrative as an online teaching tool and real-time feedback after having used the aforemen-
tioned application for three months during the COVID-19) pandemic.
Results: The findings revealed that Socrative is indeed a useful tool that educators can use to
improve digital learning outcomes such as learning engagement. The results also revealed that
gender did not have any statistically significant influence on students’ attitudes towards the
use of Socrative applications for online teaching.
Conclusion: According to the findings, Socrative application appears to be suitable for remote
teaching and learning during the covid-19 pandemic in this digital era because of the most import-
ant characteristics of Socrative application, such as its ease of use, straightforwardness, minimal
hardware requirements, and a long list of useful features.

Keywords: Socrative application, COVID-19 pandemic, e-learning programmes, aforemen-tioned

application, remote teaching.

The Covid-19 pandemic has created a crisis Many institutions now use online platforms like
in many areas of life with education being the Socrative, Microsoft Team, and other e-learning
most affected. Stay-at-home guidelines, physical programmes as their primary means of engag-
distancing, movement restrictions, and total ing with students and carrying out performance
lockdowns have begun to affect educational evaluations and assessments as a result of
institutions’ ability to operate optimally(Pak, et these challenges in delivery models (Ahmed,
al., 2020) (Nicola, et al., 2020) (Seetharaman, Allaf, & Elghazaly, 2020)
Despite the difficulties, Socratives provide a
type of innovation that is helpful in the COVID-19
Mark Treve
School of Languages and General Education,
Walailak University-Thailand

International Journal of Empirical Research Methods
Volume 1, Issue 1

crisis to promote learning (Nawalaniec, 2015). annual increase in enrollment (Luu & Freeman,
But it would be foolish to use technology without 2011).
taking user attitudes into account. The perceived
ease of use of the proposed technology and the Educational institutions with a fully integrated
individual's perception of the technology's utility ICT system in their operations also benefit from
to them are the two key factors that significantly a higher level of student mobility, a more
affect their intention to adopt new technologies, conducive environment for international students,
according to insights from the Technology and significant improvements in teaching and
Acceptance Model (Charness & Boot, 2015; learning outcomes (Oliver, 2001).
Portz, et al., 2019).
Technology utilisation is currently regarded
Professionals in the field of education are left as being a crucial component of many institutions'
with no choice but to adapt to a new landscape 21st century modernization initiatives, which
that favors the use of online learning technologies. aim to modernise the ways in which they support
Educators initially found it difficult to meet their teaching and learning activities (Luu & Freeman,
instructional goals using online learning platforms. 2011). With the use of ICT, educational institutions
However, this challenge will be overcome slowly may advance and become more competitive in
as more innovations are introduced. Eventually, terms of outcomes like student engagement
educators will be able to devise ways to teach and academic success (Roblver & Wiencke,
online more quickly and efficiently, without 2003). Many popular learning techniques have
compromising their target outcomes. For the been virtualized. The growth of course management
most part, higher education institutions have programmes like Blackboard and WebCT provides
demonstrated an excellent job in transitioning proof for this.. These applications can be used
from a largely face-to-face teaching environment to digitalize the process of delivering content,
to a largely online-based one. While, there is sharing media, and other information with both
a lack of knowledge regarding Socratives as a students and teachers(Boettcher, 2003; Oliver,
student smart response system, which affects 2001).
educators' opinions and attitudes. Additionally,
its application in relation to Covid-19 has not This revolution was not unique to the field of
been researched. To assess the appropriateness education. Other industries also benefit from
of SRS application during the Covid-19 epidemic, increased use of and reliance on ICTs (Ciftci,
certain informational gaps must be filled. Taskaya, & Alemdar, 2013). Top educational
institutions, such as ivy league universities,
Educational Technology and consideration of began to transition towards ICT-based educational
Socrative Application as the online learning and frameworks earlier than other non-elite educational
teaching tool. The inclusion of ICT in school institutions. Many now associate the ability to
curricula has been a fairly common development offer courses and curricula that are heavy on
in many Southeast Asian countries such as ICT and other innovations with the overall quality
Thailand. Previous studies support the idea that of the educational services offered by an
the inclusion of ICT in school curricula can help educational institution and for good reasons.
educational institutions meet their mystification, in-
ternationalization, diversification, and marketization One factor that has received considerable
goals(Aryadoust & Lashkary, 2009). Another attention in the ongoing ICT revolution in the
important impact of ICT integration is cost field of education is learner engagement. Terrion
optimization(Charness & Boot, 2015). These and Aceti (2012) suggest that learners’ engagement
cost savings are eventually passed on to levels tend to be lower in online learning
consumers, leading to more affordable and environments. Learning motivation may also
accessible higher education services(Council of become lower in today’s ICT-dominated classrooms
Europe, n.d.).This, in turn, led to an overall as students become exposed to a wider range

International Journal of Empirical Research Methods
Volume 1, Issue 1

An example is the integration of smartphone belongs. Educators, for example, would have
use in the classroom. Many believe that access to educator-specific pages and features;
smartphone use in the classroom (for educa- the same principle applies to student accounts.
tional purposes) can lead to improvement in
individual and group learning outcomes (Dun- Educators enjoy a greater degree of control
can, Hoekstra, & Wilcox, 2012; Kolb, 2011). in terms of access to social content and features;
This is true only online, as smartphones students, on the other hand, only have to
enable students to access any type of content download the Socrative application on their
related to their lessons. The use of smart- preferred computers or mobile devices. Media
phones for online learning is a useful and files and screen-sharing options were available
practical choice. The only problem is that to both educators and students. These features
smartphones must be paired with appropriate can be used by individuals from both groups
applications or software for students and to communicate with one another.
teachers to be capable of reaping these bene-
fits(Balta & Duran, 2015). Among the various Socratives also offer a set of features that
online learning applications currently avail- educators can use when they conduct a quiz
able, Socrative is one of the best ones. or any other academic activity. Educators can
create a set of questions that students can
Socratives have, so far, been a popular answer using various response methods (e.g.,
choice among educators. It doubles as a multiple-choice, true or false, or essay-type
cloud-based audience-response system. The questions). Students can also provide their
audience in this particular use case scenario educators with real-time feedback on the
was a student. For example, in 2013, the questions so that immediate corrections can
company behind Socrative breached a be made.
450,000 mark in terms of the number of
registered members. The company had an In the past, educators used clickers and
average of approximately 40,000 new user electronic devices to enable users to send and
registrations per month. These numbers are receive real-time feedback. One problem with
stellar, at least for startups, especially consid- these devices and technologies is that they
ering that Socratives were released into the lack proper integration with the current
market in 2011 (two years ago). Socratives generation of online learning platforms(Caldwell,
have both free-and paid-planning options. The 2007). Some concrete examples include the
core feature of Socrative is that it allows edu- Poll Everywhere and Go Soapbox. A major
cators to obtain real-time student responses. drawback of these two commercial websites
Such responses can occur in several ways. is that they require upfront payments and offer
Educators, for example, may select true or few free trials and setups, unlike Socrative,
false, multiple-choice, and poll-based assess- which has a free version.
ments and responses.
Socrative users only require an Internet
Smart system for students as Socrative, connection and an Internet-connectable device.
must be paired with a device that can be con- This greatly minimizes users’ exposure to
nected to the internet. The most common distractions, which can in turn affect their
choices are notebook computers, tablet com- online learning outcomes(Matthew, 2012). The
puters, and smartphones. Users must register effortlessness of using the service has also
an account in the Socrative database that can been a major selling point among major
be accessed at This is educational institutions, as well as educators
also true for educators and students. and students alike(Homme, Asay, & Morgenstem,
Front-end pages and features differ depend- 2009).
ing on the user category to which someone

International Journal of Empirical Research Methods
Volume 1, Issue 1

This study examines second-year undergradu- Score Range Level Number Percentage

ate students’ attitudes and perceptions about 70-100 Advanced 27 30%

using Socrative as an after studying online for
56-69 Intermediate 19 21%
three months during the Covid-19-caused
40-55 Beginner 27 30%
school shutdown, and SRS. Participants’ percep-
tions of the impact of Socrative use on academic <55 Unidentified 17 19%

performance were also included in the theoreti-

cal framework. Figure 1 Informants’ English Proficiency Levels.
For this, the researcher has come up with
two research questions:
Research Instrument
RQ1: What are the WU lecturers and students’
Dervan’s (2014) study was used as a survey
perceptions of Socratives and their use as
instrument. In Dervan’s (2014), the survey instru-
online learning tools?
ment was validated using a specified group of
RQ2: Does gender have a significant impact
students as the respondents as well. Reliability
on Wu students’ perceptions of the Socrative
tests were conducted on the same sample popula-
and its use as an online learning too.
tion. Cronbach’s alpha was used as the basis
for the reliability tests. The results of reliability
2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY testing yielded a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
of 0.77. This indicates that the survey instrument’s
level of consistency is sufficiently high to be
Second-year undergraduate students enrolled used in empirical studies.
at Walailak University were recruited as partici-
pants at the time of the study. WU administrators The survey questionnaire was used to collect
have put in place a strictly online teaching-only data from WU students regarding their perceptions
policy in the past three months (at least) in about using Socrative as an online teaching
response to Covid-19 pandemic-induced school clo- tool for a 3-month school closure period, as a
sures.At the time of the study, there were approxi- result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The questionnaire
mately 2,000 2nd year WU undergraduate consisted of six questions. The first two questions
students. A total of 125 students were included focused on the collection of demographic informa-
in this study. Of the 125 students who were tion, and the remaining four questions examined
able to submit a completed survey questionnaire, respondents’ perceptions of the online teaching
35 were eliminated because they posted the school.
same answers to all the survey questions,
meaning that they did not answer the survey The first question featured two options, yes
questions conscientiously. or no. Only individuals who answered yes to
the first question were asked to continue with
This left the researcher with only 90 participants. the remaining questions. The second question
37 students were male and the remaining 53 contained six sub-questions that were answerable
were female. All of them were of legal age, specif- using a 4-point Likert scale. The third item
ically between 20 and 22 years old. Students featured choices on a 5-point Likert scale. All
from different majors were included in this the respondents had to choose the best answer
study. These majors include biotechnology, that reflected their perception of the Socrative
ASEAN studies, animal science, accountancy, elec- as an online teaching school.
trical engineering, digital information, and comput-
er engineering. The respondents were also
Data Collection
learning English at the WU. The respondents’
English competency levels varied from C2 to It is worth reiterating that the primary
A1, in accordance with the Common European objective of the survey was to evaluate the
Framework of Reference for Languages. students’ overall experience in using Socrative

International Journal of Empirical Research Methods
Volume 1, Issue 1

as an online teaching school during the reserved for laptop and desktop computer-based
Covid-19 pandemic-included school closures. users.
The survey questionnaires were distributed
through physical printouts (physical) and Face- Overall, educators agree that Socrative is the
book. In total, 90 students and nine instructors best option currently available at WU for
successfully completed the survey, along with off-campus classes. They also believed that the
nine instructors. Most participants answered continuous use of socratives could lead to
the survey forms online due to the lockdown improvement in students’ learning outcomes.
procedures that were still in place at the time Below is a more specific list of some WU English
of the study’s implementation. The printout instructors’ comments on the use of Socratives.
option was only used by participants who could
not access the online options. James has, so far, used Socrative when
3.Adaptation of Socrative Application at Walailak conducting his classes at WU for the past three
College When schools were closed because to months. James reported that Socrative is an
COVID-19 innovative, responsive, and interactive tool that
allows the educators to conduct off-campus
Most English language teachers at Walailak classes, and at the same time, it also allows
University used to deliver their materials to the students to attend those classes. According
their students using Pacing, a platform designed to James, the seamlessness of the entire
for online teaching during Covid-19 pandem- off-campus handling and attendance experience
ic-induced school closures. The instructors makes Socrative popular among WU educators.
created an online quiz bank using Moodle,
which is an online learning platform. Mary has three months of experience in using
Socratives. Mary found Socrative effective in
The use of Socrative as an online teaching tool enabling students to access different course
is a new development at the Walailak University. materials, regardless of their type of gadget.
This is particularly true of English-language For example, students who do not have laptops
lecturers. However, these trends favor Socrative or high-performance desktop computers can
over other online learning platforms from previ- use their smartphones to log into Socrative
ous generations. According to educators at WU, Accounts. The same is true for the teachers.
the biggest strengths of Socrative are its ease The only thing that is needed is a stable internet
of use, surprisingly high level of engagement connection. Almost everyone of this day and
from the perspective of educators and their age has a smartphone; therefore, there is no
students, and most importantly, its user-friend- reason for a student to miss a single off-campus
liness. The straightforward process of creating class.
and administering quizzes is also an attractive
feature that makes Socrative popular among the Vivian had been teaching at the WU for one
WU English lecturers. year at the time of the study’s implementation.
So far, her three months of experience in using
Socratives only require users to have a stable Socrative as an online teaching school has been
Internet connection and an Internet-connectible positive. Vivian described the Socrative as a
device. This minimal hardware and networking modern, time-saving, and nature-friendly online
requirement also greatly reduces the need for teaching system that ticks all boxes, meaning
educators and their students to spend more that everything that online teachers need to
time just to start using an online learning plat- conduct their lectures is already present.
form. Students can even use their smartphones
as their primary device when using Socratives.
Other online learning platforms do not have this 3. Findings
feature, because full feature sets are usually According to the research questions

International Journal of Empirical Research Methods
Volume 1, Issue 1

The researchers divided the survey findings 2: strongly disagree, disagree, agree, and
based on their relevance to two research ques- strongly agree. Referring to the data in Figure
tions. 2, it can be said that the WU students surveyed
thus far have a positive perception (overall) of
3.1.1. RQ1:
the use of Socrative as an online learning tool
What are the WU students’ perceptions about as well as a student smart response system.
Socrative and its use as an online learning This was evidenced by the higher number of
tool? students who answered the questions positively
RQ1 focuses on students’ perceptions (or (agree or strongly agree).
attitudes) of Socratives and their use in online
learning. Items 1–4 are directly related to The third item in the survey questionnaire
specific items in the survey questionnaire. asked the students the question “Based on your
experience using Socrative this semester and
The first item in the survey questionnaire thinking about the next semester, please indicate
asked the students the following question: ‘Do your view”.
you think using an in-class student response Results of question 3 on the use of Socrative
system such as Socrative was helpful to your
learning?’ 31 31

All the 90 participants were able to answer
this question. In terms of tally, 86% answered
yes and 14% answered no. Interestingly, the 3
findings also indicated that a larger percentage
of female respondents answered yes to the first Use a lot less use less Okay now Use more Use a lot
survey item than did male respondents. Thus,
Figure 3 Results of Question 3
women generally have a more positive percep-
tion of Socrative use as an online learning tool. As shown in Figure 3, there were only five
possible choices for Survey Questionnaire Item
The second item in the survey questionnaire 3. The overall score computed here was 3.6 out
asked the students the following question:’ of a maximum score of 5. This indicates that
Thinking about how Socrative has helped your students generally have a positive attitude
learning. Please respond to each statement towards Socratives in terms of their experience
below: ”. The Figure below shows a graphical of using them this semester.
representation of respondents’ answers to the
sub-questions of the second item of the survey The fourth survey questionnaire item asked
questionnaire. the respondents, “Do you think there is a
57 59 58 58 62
disadvantage in using a feedback system such
35 as Socrative? The majority of respondents said
30 20
that there was no disadvantage in using Socrative:
17 15 19 12 13
13 10 10
20 5 11 3 3 3 3 8
10 2
0 specifically, 79% (71 respondents), whereas
Using Socrative The Socrative Socrative made Feedback from Unsing Socrative Socrative is
improved my
the lectures
helped the
helped by
very easy to
only 19% (17) said otherwise.
during lectures gaps in my interactive lectures of course
knowledge understand material
where students
had difficulty
3.1.2. RQ2:
Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Does gender have a statistically significant
Figure 2 Survey Question 2 Responses influence over the WU

There were only four possible answers to students’ perceptions about Socrative and its
the questions on Survey Questionnaire Item use as an online learning tool?

International Journal of Empirical Research Methods
Volume 1, Issue 1

The gender-based analysis of the four survey learning platforms, such as Socratives, will shine(-
questionnaire items indicated that gender had Georgiev & Smrikarov, 2004; Manuguerra &
a statistically significant influence on WU students’ per- Petocz, 2011; Kolb, 2011). Coca and Slisko’s
ceptions of the Socrative and its use as an (2013) study concluded that the combination
online learning tool. In the results from survey of smartphones and Socrative is more than
questionnaire item 4, for example, it was enough to accommodate the online learning
revealed that female informants were more needs of students, including those studying
likely to answer the question, as evidenced by highly technical subjects such as physics, biology,
the 89% (51) female respondents who said and molecular biology. This stems from the
they did not see any disadvantage in using a ability of the Socrative to maintain a high level
feedback system such as Socrative. This is of motivation and engagement during sessions
higher than the 68% (25) of male respondents (Liu & Taylor, 2013).
who said the same.
Using Socrative Informants Response This finding is supported by Awedh et al.
It is easy or (straightforward) to use (Yes) 86%
(2015), although their focus was on the effects
Improved my engagement (Agree/Strongly Agree) 79% of Socratives and smartphones on students
Use it more ( or naturally more ) next semester 55%
enrolled in computer architecture courses.
No perceived disadvantages 79%
Awedh et al. (2015) attributed the success of Soc-
ratives and smartphones to their ability to
Figure 4 Summary of Survey Responses on the promote collaborative learning during classroom ses-
use of Socrative’ sions. Awedh et al. (2015) added that teachers
Levene,s test for
and students can use various online learning
tools. For example, clickers have become popular
Equality of variance s t-test for Eqaulity of means

sig. t df Mean Std. Std. Error

owing to their accessibility. However, clickers
Deviation Mean
became practically obsolete when newer and
.021 .894 -5.670 44 -.84444 .99899 .14892 more innovative software solutions such as
Socrative were released into the market. Focusing
Figure 5 T-Test Results
on Socrative (alone), what makes it effective
The t-test results male and female respondents' is its core set of functions as a smart student
replies did not differ significantly (p-value 0.05). response system (SRS). This feature set gives
The average score obtained for male students teachers the option of using their creativity to
was 4.13; the number for female students was facilitate online classroom sessions. This also
4.97. enabled students to participate more actively
in the session, and other online classroom manage-
ment applications could not be provided.
CONCLUSIONS The results of the survey conducted among
In the current study, the researcher investigated WU educators and students in this study showed
students’ and educators’ attitudes towards the that the participants generally had a positive
use of Socrative as a result of the Covid-19 pan- (overall) attitude towards Socrative and its use
demic-induced shutdown, as an internet teaching as an online learning platform. According to
tool and a clever reaction from students. Accord- the participants, the most important characteristics
ing to the early analysis of the relevant literature, of Socrative are simple for using straight forward,
using online learning tools like Socrative will long term features and minimal requirement
be the newest big thing in the world of education. of hardware tools. These are the reasons why
As the COVID-19 pandemic has increased, an Wu educators and students have grown to love
increasing number of educational institutions Socratives. The results of the statistical analyses
and educators have been forced to adapt to also showed a significant difference between
the new environment. This is where online male and female participants’ responses to the

International Journal of Empirical Research Methods
Volume 1, Issue 1

4.1 Implications and Suggestion for Simple and cleaner system of silver nanoparticle
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