Cat 3516E: Diesel Generator Sets
Cat 3516E: Diesel Generator Sets
Cat 3516E: Diesel Generator Sets
Cat® Diesel Engine EMCP 4 Control Panels
• Tier 2 Equivalent (US. EPA Stationary • User-friendly interface and navigation
Emergency) emissions standards or Low • Scalable system to meet a wide range of
NOx (< 2000 mg NOx) installation requirements
• Reliable performance proven in thousands of • Expansion modules and site specific
applications worldwide programming for specific customer requirements
Generator Set Package Warranty
• Accepts 100% block load in one step and meets • 24
months/1000-hour warranty for
NFPA 110 loading requirements standby ratings
• Conforms to ISO 8528-5 G3 load acceptance • Extended
service protection is available to
requirements provide extended coverage options
• Reliability verified through torsional vibration, Worldwide Product Support
fuel consumption, oil consumption, transient • Cat dealers have over 1,800 dealer branch
performance, and endurance testing stores operating in 200 countries
Alternators • Your local Cat dealer provides extensive
• Superior motor starting capability minimizes post-sale support, including maintenance and
need for oversizing generator repair agreements
• Designed to match performance and output Financing
characteristics of Cat diesel engines • Caterpillar offers an array of financial products
Cooling System to help you succeed through financial service
• Cooling systems available to operate in ambient excellence
temperatures up to 50°C (122°F) • Options include loans, finance lease,
• Tested to ensure proper generator set cooling operating lease, working capital, and revolving
line of credit
• Contact your local Cat dealer for availability in
your region
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3516E Diesel Generator Sets
Electric Power
Note: S
ome options may not be available on all models. Certifications may not be
available with all model configurations. Consult factory for availability.
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3516E Diesel Generator Sets
Electric Power
Package Performance
Performance Standby Mission Critical Standby Mission Critical
Engine Speed 1808 rpm 1808 rpm 1808 rpm 1808 rpm
Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
Gen set power rating with fan 2800 ekW 2800 ekW 2400 ekW 2400 ekW
Gen set power rating with fan @ 0.8 power factor 3500 kVA 3500 kVA 3000 kVA 3000 kVA
Emissions Tier 2 (EPA ESE) Tier 2 (EPA ESE) < 2000 mg NOx < 2000 mg NOx
Performance number EM2118-02 EM2120-01 EM2820-0 EM2822-01
Fuel Consumption
100% load with fan – L/hr (gal/hr) 789.5 (208.6) 789.5 (208.6) 667.6 (176.4) 667.6 (176.4)
75% load with fan – L/hr (gal/hr) 595.3 (157.3) 595.3 (157.3) 504.1 (133.2) 504.1 (133.2)
50% load with fan – L/hr (gal/hr) 429.6 (113.5) 429.6 (113.5) 369.7 (97.7) 369.7 (97.7)
25% load with fan – L/hr (gal/hr) 243.9 (64.4) 243.9 (64.4) 220.4 (58.2) 220.4 (58.2)
Cooling System
Radiator air flow restriction (system) – kPa (in. water) 0.12 (0.48) 0.12 (0.48) 0.12 (0.48) 0.12 (0.48)
Radiator air flow – m /min (cfm)
3026 (106862) 3026 (106862) 3026 (106862) 3026 (106862)
Engine coolant capacity – L (gal) 233.2 (61.6) 233.2 (61.6) 233.2 (61.6) 233.2 (61.6)
Radiator coolant capacity – L (gal) 201.5 (53.2) 201.5 (53.2) 201.5 (53.2) 201.5 (53.2)
Total coolant capacity – L (gal) 434.7 (114.8) 434.7 (114.8) 434.7 (114.8) 434.7 (114.8)
Inlet Air
Combustion air inlet flow rate – m3/min (cfm) 237.7 (8393.8) 237.7 (8393.8) 220.7 (7792.3) 220.7 (7792.3)
Exhaust System
Exhaust stack gas temperature – °C (°F) 480.8 (897.5) 480.8 (897.5) 436.7 (818.1) 436.7 (818.1)
Exhaust gas flow rate – m /min (cfm)
627.2 (22147.5) 627.2 (22147.5) 549.4 (19398.1) 549.4 (19398.1)
Exhaust system backpressure (maximum allowable)
6.7 (27.0) 6.7 (27.0) 6.7 (27.0) 6.7 (27.0)
– kPa (in. water)
Heat Rejection
Heat rejection to jacket water – kW (Btu/min) 911 (51812) 911 (51812) 802 (45584) 802 (45584)
Heat rejection to exhaust (total) – kW (Btu/min) 2908 (165362) 2908 (165362) 2561 (145654) 2561 (145654)
Heat rejection to aftercooler – kW (Btu/min) 916 (52067) 916 (52067) 831 (47265) 831 (47265)
Heat rejection to atmosphere from engine –
175 (9972) 175 (9972) 225 (12816) 225 (12816)
kW (Btu/min)
Heat rejection from alternator – kW (Btu/min) 105 (5948) 105 (5948) 92 (5243) 92 (5243)
Emissions* (Nominal) - Full Load
NOx mg/Nm3 (g/hp-h) 2416.8 (5.04) 2416.8 (5.04) 1785.6 (3.77) 1785.6 (3.77)
CO mg/Nm (g/hp-h)
319.6 (0.69) 319.6 (0.69) 329.8 (0.70) 329.8 (0.70)
HC mg/Nm3 (g/hp-h) 41.6 (0.10) 41.6 (0.10) 33.5 (0.08) 33.5 (0.08)
PM mg/Nm3 (g/hp-h) 30.5 (0.08) 30.5 (0.08) 35.7 (0.09) 35.7 (0.09)
Emissions* (Potential Site Variation) - Full Load
NOx mg/Nm3 (g/hp-h) 2900.1 (6.05) 2900.1 (6.05) 1999.9 (4.23) 1999.9 (4.23)
CO mg/Nm (g/hp-h)
575.2 (1.24) 575.2 (1.24) 593.6 (1.26) 593.6 (1.26)
HC mg/Nm3 (g/hp-h) 55.3 (0.14) 55.3 (0.14) 44.6 (0.11) 44.6 (0.11)
PM mg/Nm3 (g/hp-h) 42.7 (0.11) 42.7 (0.11) 49.9 (0.13) 49.9 (0.13)
*mg/Nm3 levels are corrected to 5% O2. Contact your local Cat dealer for further information.
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3516E Diesel Generator Sets
Electric Power
Standby Rating Dim “A” Dim “B” Dim “C” Dry Weight
kVA mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) kg (lb)
Ratings Definitions
Standby Applicable Codes and Standards
Output available with varying load for the duration of AS 1359, IBC, IEC 60034-1, ISO 3046, ISO 8528,
the interruption of the normal source power. Average NEMA MG1-22, NEMA MG1-33, 2014/35/EU,
power output is 70% of the standby power rating. 2006/42/EC, 2014/30/EU and facilitates
Typical operation is 200 hours per year, with maximum compliance to NFPA 37, NFPA 70, NFPA 99,
expected usage of 500 hours per year. NFPA 110.
Mission Critical Note: Codes may not be available in all model
Output available with varying load for the duration of the configurations. Please consult your local Cat
interruption of the normal source power. Average power dealer for availability.
output is 85% of the mission critical power rating.
Data Center Applications
Typical peak demand up to 100% of rated power for up
• ISO 8528-1 Data Center Power (DCP)
to 5% of the operating time. Typical operation is 200
compliant per DCP application of Cat diesel
hours per year, with maximum expected usage of 500
generator set prime power rating.
hours per year.
• All ratings Tier III/Tier IV compliant per Uptime
Institute requirements.
• All ratings ANSI/TIA-942 compliant for Rated-1
through Rated-4 data centers.
Fuel Rates
Fuel rates are based on fuel oil of 35º API [16°C (60ºF)]
gravity having an LHV of 42,780 kJ/kg (18,390 Btu/lb)
when used at 29ºC (85ºF) and weighing 838.9 g/liter
(7.001 lbs/U.S. gal.)
©2020 Caterpillar
All rights reserved.
Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
The International System of Units (SI) is used in this publication.
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