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GE6 BSE2D Caberoy Nhoricks 2

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Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L.

Activity No. 1.3.1 Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:

A Glimpse of Art History

Activity Details:
▪ To make this learning about art history more intentional, let us further process
and assess the information provided previously. Learn more about some of the
art periods through this activity:
1. Split the class into groups of 8. (employing various online media available)
2. Assign each member of the group with the particular art period.
3. Search books, e-books or you may refer to the pdf provided about the assigned
topic. Then, collect 2-4 pictures that would best represent each art period. Do
not collect more than four. Pick artworks that intrigue you and that which you
will be able to discuss to the e-class. The objective is for the students to become
familiar with the historical period where the artwork belongs.
4. Compile the works (in no particular order) in either of these formats:

PowerPoint slides

Picture booklet

Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy
Activity No. 1.3.2a Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:

Art Critique
Activity Details:
▪ Let us say we are in a gallery. There is a particular work that strikes you. The
curator comes to you and asks you how he may help you. You don’t know exactly
where to start with your queries. How do you actually read an artwork? You just
know that you like it. Some people have a background in psychology or art
criticism that makes them familiar with semiotics (study of signs). But what if you
have none of those?
▪ Let’s say that this artwork below is what you saw.
Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy
Activity No. 1.3.2b Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:

Art Critique (Analysis)(continued)

Activity Details:

Now, critique the work based on the following. Write your answers on
the spaces provided.
1. Formal qualities: simply enumerate the elements that you see: the quality
of lines, shapes, colors, etc.
-The elements I saw in the artwork are shape,line,colors and etc. And also observed
that the artwork has a vibrant color that when people saw the art it can caught the eye
of the people.

2. Subject matter: What is the artist tackling about? Can you see any
representational forms? If none, what do you think is the main subject
-The main subject matter in the artwork is like they having a wedding and they celebrate

3. Composition: Consider the arrangement of objects, people, or elements.

What is most prominent? Who or what is on the foreground, middle
ground, and background?
-The most prominent in the artwork is the people like the men and women in the back
of the young couple in the middle. In the foreground there are a young couple. And in
the middle ground there are a oil and a bamboo platform and a sort of animal. And in
background there are some people having a celebration.There is a flatness and stiffness
to both works because entities and figures in the distance, only slightly smaller
compared to those in the foreground, are amassed on top of the composition.

4. Technique: Looking at the technique and manner of painting and

composition, how is it related to the artist’s objective?
-The technique and manner of painting and composition is related to the objective
Of the artist because that’s what he wanted to convey to the people who are going to
see the artwork of this artist.
Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy
Activity No. 1.3.2c Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:
Art Critique (Analysis)(continued)
5. Content: What do you think the artwork is all about after carefully examining its
parts? What story, what message, and what argument is the artist trying to tell?
- I think the message of this art is all about the traditional wedding as a young couple
accepting blessings from their elders as they kneel upon a platform of bamboo. Humble
scaffolding shelter the seated wedding guests and vigorous nude dancers who gather to
celebrate the momentous occasion of their love.

6. Analysis: Further dig into the artist’s intention in terms of the relationship of each
part to the whole. Keep asking why, and try to answer them based on visual clues.
Research further if needed, especially if there is historical connection.
-Why is it that the couple is kneeling into the platform of bamboo?
The couple kneel as a significant that accepting blessings from their elders.

7. Your won criticism about the work: provide a coherent and convincing judgment
about the work.
-The expansive oil painting, Muslim Betrothal, illustrates an engagement ceremony
practiced by the Tausug tribe in the Philippines.The artwork is all about the traditional
wedding of the tausug a young couple accepting blessings from an imam the seated
wedding guests and vigorous nude dancers who gather to celebrate the momentous
occasion. And also they kneel upon a platform of bamboo.
Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy
Activity No. 1.4.1a Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:
tivity No. 1.4.1a
Who is an artist?
Activity Details:
▪ In these series of activities, we will try immerse ourselves in the lives of artists.
▪ Be an active participant and observer in each activity.
1. On artist rivalry
▪ Read this dialogue between Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci.

Leonardo Da Vinci Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

Da Vinci:
To study and draw a perfect human form, I must dissect cadavers and study them
scientifically! The flesh and bones are fundamental in the pursuit of perfection!

Michelangelo: You know this block of marble here, there is a form waiting to be
discovered inside it. I must subtract this block and let that figure out! But before that, I
shall drink first for inspiration!
Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy
Activity No. 1.4.1b Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:
On artist rivalry (Analysis)
Activity Details:
▪ This may be just a hypothetical conversation between Leonardo and
Michelangelo in terms of their art-making but the contrast tells us a lot about
their individual approach toward the artistic process.

a. If you can meet Leonardo da Vinci today, what kind of person do you think you
would encounter? Based on the comic strip above, write your assumptions
-I think if I meet leonardo da vinci today the kind of person I would encounter is a
intelligence,respected person and stand on its own opinion.

b. How about Michelangelo? What type of personality does he have? Briefly

describe him from what you have read in the strip:
--I think if I Michelangelo de Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni today the kind of person I
would encounter is a person who has a dedication to the things that he wanted to do.

c. How do you think can artists use rivalry constructively? How about envy? How
can it be used positively?
-The artist can use his envy to the others artist in a way of he will make a best artwork
so that others artist will notice it .
Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy
Activity No. 1.4.1c Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:
Activity No. 1.4.1c
2. On emulation (Analysis)
Activity Details:
▪ Think of three to five people you really admire and want to emulate. They may
be linked to the areas of your talents or skills and even interests. List them
 Ricky S. Caberoy- In business
 Onora L.Caberoy- in singing
 Emily M. Bioc-In dancing
 Ritchie Sollano-In MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) and playing wrestling
 Sir Caballero(I forgot the name)-In playing arnis

▪ What do you think about these people, what makes them great? What do you
fell when his or her name comes into your mind? Write your reflections below:
-I think of these people as a role model in my life because of this people I have a
courage to do the things that I wanted. They are great because they know what there
doing and they are the best on what are there specialties in life. I fell great because I
meet this kind of people that’s I fell when this names are come to my mind.
Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy
Activity No. 1.4.1d Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:vity No. 1.4.1d
3. On inclusivity (Analysis)
Activity Details:
▪ Read this short biographical excerpt about Chuck Close, an artist.
In 1998, a spinal blood clot left Close almost completely paralyzed and confined
to a wheelchair. This posed a great challenge to the artist’s career. However, with much
determination, a device was developed to strap a brush to his wrist and forearm which
allowed him to continue working. Since this method limited his mobility, he replaced the
minute detail of his earlier paintings with a grid of tiles daubed with colorful elliptical
and ovoid shapes. Viewed up close, each tile was simply a collation of circular colors, but
when see from a distance, the tiles come together to form an image of a seemingly
“pixelated” human face. In 1998, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City mounted
a major retrospective of Close’s portraits. Close has been called a Photo realist, a
Minimalist, and an Abstract Expressionist. But most of all, he was an artist ready to face
the challenges of his physical limitations.

▪ What did the article tell you about the artist? What happened to him? How did he
adapt to his disability? What can you reflect on the reality of physical limitations
(or even mental, e.g. dyslexia, depression, schizophrenia) and the challenge that
this poses to artists?
-The article tells me that the artist was ready to face the challenges of his physical
limitations. He adapt his disability by doing hi artwork. The reflection I get in this story is
we need determination in life so that we can achieve our goals. And no one can stop us
even we have difficulties in life.
Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy
Activity No. 1.4.2 Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:vity A
Writing Biography
Activity Details:
▪ Write a short biography of an artist whom you know but it is not yet established
in the art scene. How would you promote him or her? From the biography,
imagine yourself creating exhibit notes printed on nice glossy paper together with
some of his or her work. How would you present him or her in a way that is
convincing to your target audience or market?

Use the space below for your publication material complete with text and

Jenggoy Tamayo Jurane

Jenggoy Tamayo Jurane a student of Marciano Mancera Integrated School he is

excellent in the making painting and drawing and he even participate in any contest in
kidapawan city in fact last February he even won in the contest here in kidapawan. And
he was featured in youtube of Gary Bonguit and joel calalo.He discover his talent when
he was a kid but 2018 thats the time he enhance his talent.the hardest part of his life
being an artist is his mom she wanted to stop him because he can’t take care anymore
of his self because he is busy doing his painting. So that he take a break, But he did not
surrender but he made it an inspiration to strive more in his life. He is very determined
to his dream that becoming an artist he will do everything even if its difficult he won’t
give up but he will do what ever it takes just to be an artist and get his goal in life.

Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy

Activity No. 1.5.1a Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:vitytivit
Add and Connect Me!
Activity Details:
▪ Complete each picture by adding and connecting to the lines or shapes.
▪ Label each box according to what you have drawn.

▪ Based on the activity you have just done, answer the following
1.What were the limitations of the activity?
-The limitation in the activity is you have only one shape and you need to come up with
an idea on how you complete that shape by adding and connecting to the lines ar shape
2. Why do you think you drew what you drew? Did it reveal
anything about your influences as a person?
-i think I did not reveal my influences as a person because I came up with this idea just
to fill the shape inthe box but I think this activity helps me in the way that I need to think
carefully whats to do in the shape or life.

Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy

Activity No. 1.5.1b Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:vity Aivity No. 1.5.1b
Add and Connect Me! (continued)
3. In your opinion, what do you think are the limitations of our
society’s setting today (political, economic, and social) and
how does it impact an artist’s career?
- In my opinion I think the limitation of our society’s setting today is that the financial of
the artist is not stable they need to sell their artwork so that they have a money to buy
what their need to there painting. And the impact of that in the artist is they choose
between their dreams or reality because if they choose their dreams they are not the
only one to suffer their family also and if they choose the reality they can have a
comfortable life because they can provide what their need in the family. So that being
an artist is not a joke it has a lot of determination and passion.

4.In the activity, you were given preliminary sketches that

functioned as a force for you to add something to it. In the
same way, what do you think are the forces behind the
production of art? Give three bases as to why artists create:
-because this is there passion.
-they need to make art because that is there dream.
-because they need to gain money out of there artwork.

Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy

Activity No. 1.5.2a Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:vity Aivity No. 1.5.1b
Exercise on Taste
Activity Details:
▪ To aid us further in understanding how we, as recipients of art forms,
influence its production, fill out this simple exercise on taste.
What kind of gadget would you How much are you
need inside your bag? willing to spend for
-The gadget that I need inside my the gadget?
bag is laptop. -I’m willing to spend
19 thousand pesos
for the laptop.


How much are you

What is your most important
willing to spend for
you to acquire such
-The important accessory is
-I’m willing to spend
50 pesos for the
Test your earrings
How would a multi- What kind/brand of pen
functioning pen serve you prefer to use?
you? Name 3 primary -the brand of pen I prefer
functions: to use is gel pen.
-to highlight
Sophisticated -write notes
-flag certain sections

If you have to travel 12 hours straight

Who are the authors
in a bus or a plane, what kind of book
that you
would you read?
should look for?
- the book I want to read when I
- maxinejiji in wattpad.
travel is the daily bread and some
wattpad book.

Module GE 6 Name:Nhoricks L. Caberoy

Activity No. 1.5.2b Program/year:BSE2D-FILIPINO
Date submitted:vity A
Exercise on Taste (Analysis)
▪ After doing the activity, let us now assess your answers:
1. What do you think are the bases of your responses? How did you find the activity:
easy, unsure, or just a bit of challenging?
-The basis of my responses is base on my experience.I find the activity unsure.

2. If it was hard to decide what answers to write, why do you think so? What makes
it difficult to gauge what you like?
- it hard to decide what will I answer in the certain question its hard to choose of what I
want or what I need to answer.

3. If you did the activity in less than 2 or 3 minutes, what were your main influences
in your answers? Explain how such influences helped you in constructing your
taste as a person:
- The main influences me to answer the things what I like and what the question want to

4. How do you think avg “good taste” can influence the way we live our lives? Does
it always entail expensive things?
--i think avg can influence the way we live because it the trend right now in our
generation because if you have a good taste in everything your fit to live to the
society.we are not necessary to buy something expensive things because there are lot
of important things that we need to buy. If we entail expensive things we should know
our budget if it is OK that we spend a lot to the expensive things.

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