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ARTAPP Activity-WPS Office

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Art Appreciation

NAME:Regine T.Monsuller BSHM-2

Do a research about a pottery-making, art gallery,
school exhibit, a cultural event or even a local arts and
crafts store. Observe what happened. Observe the
that the artists or craftsmen are involved in. If not
just simply reflect on your own observation or
knowledge. Take
note of the guide questions below as you do the
Answer the following questions:
A. What did you see? Enumerate 5-10 things that were
most notable in your research. Describe them briefly.



Paintings about the it was as almost as you

atrocities of WWII were there, it doesn't only
show bloodlust and
gunfights, but also the
suffering of the people.
Filipino Struggles It was the longest painting
through History by in the museum. As you walk
across it, you can see
Carlos Francisco
Filipinos suffering and
rebelling during the colonial

Sculptures of most of his sculptures

Guillermo Tolentino included faces, including
one of Ramon Magsaysay. it
was very detailed and it
even captured the wrinkles
of the clothes.

majority of his sketches

were taken place in a
Fernando province, like planting rice
Armosolo's and gathering fruits.

Mother's Revenge the mother dog represents
“mother Philippines” and
sculpture by Jose
the patriots who are doing
Rizal their best to save the
defenseless countrymen -
the pup - from the cruelty
of the Spaniards as
represented by the

B..Describe your research: How did it awaken your

senses? Did you feel relaxed, excited, curious,or
ANSWER:I feel relaxed because,art is a form of healing,
Stress- Reducing, a source of relaxation. It may have
effects that help the person to recover when things go
wrong. This meditative like state focuses your mind and
try to push aside all worries.
C.When did the industry of making art or other cultural
materials start? Why do they do it and keep at it?
Answer:Art historians analyze visual arts' meaning
(painting, sculpture, architecture) at the time they were
created.Iconography is a major part of art history. It
consists in analyzing the symbolism of works of arts and
to let people know the culture of every country,they
were making art because they want to express their
culture and to people see how beautiful they're culture

Observe Francisco Goya’s “The Third of May 1808.”
Compare and contrast the work with Juan Luna’s
“Spoliarium” (research this artwork online). Do not mind
the historical context of the work yet. Just try to observe
each one. Chat/ask your classmates to discuss the
possible interpretations of the paintings. Try to think of
all the factors involved in creating it and list down the
parallelisms you can find.
Answer these questions in a discussion with your
classmates and write down your answers:

A.What kind of event is being portrayed in the paintings?

What emotion/s are the artists trying to evoke? For what
Answer:In pain and full of sadness,Goya is not only
criticizing the nations that wage war on one another,
but is also admonishing us, the viewers, for being
complicit in acts of violence, which occur not between
abstract entities like “countries,” but between human
beings standing a few feet away from one another.
B.As mere, frail human beings, why do you think we have
such artwork to process the emotion?
Answer:Art forms give humans a higher satisfaction in
emotional release than simply managing emotions on
their own. Art allows people to have a cathartic release
of pent-up emotions either by creating work or by
witnessing and pseudo-experiencing what they see in
front of them.

C.How did the artist elicit the emotions of the narratives

through the subject matter?
Answer:The emotion is centered around the experience
of something new and unexpected, and can be elicit by
sensory incongruity. Art can elicit surprise when
expectations about the work are not met, but the work
changes those expectations in an understandable way.

As an individual who has gone through a set of
experiences I want you to express something of
relevance to you as a person in a visual form. You do not
have to present this in class, it can be just a personal

Explaination:I draw this because being under lockdown

due to COVID-19 for the past months, it was natural to
feel bogged down so I paint this to feel relaxed. This
painting is a personification of my situation, which is
why I captioned it 'Trapped by reality, freed by
imagination.' For me art, be it sketching or painting, has
always been therapeutic, more so during this lockdown.
I've realised that painting offers me a gateway to a
more peaceful and happy place."
Through having group discussions with your classmates
either online or offline upon analyzing the functions of
art, let us now try to see how effective these are in
meeting the objectives of the lesson.

A.Were the functions presented effective? In what other

ways can they relate to art?
Answer:The functions of art normally fall into three
categories: physical, social, and personal. These
categories can and often do overlap in any given piece
of art

B.Explore other artworks that also reflect the functions

being discussed.

Answer:Expression of the imagination. Art

provides a means to express the imagination
(things, places, ideas that are unreal or
unknowable) in nongrammatic ways,ritualistic and
symbolic functions,Communication
,Entertainment,Political change,Social
causes,Psychological and healing purposes and
Propaganda or commercialism.

C.If you were to add to the functions, what would they

be? Create new knowledge and share it in a discussion.
Answer:Be Prepared, Attentive , Original and Prepare.
This may be more important to contributing in a
meaningful way to classroom discussions than anything
else.Listen. This may sound obvious, but active listening
is of paramount importance during a class discussion.

Draw a tree but with different methods:
Draw using your non-dominant hand.
Draw in a square world where everything is square.
Draw using continuous lines.
Color only the outside of the lines.

A. B.

C. D.
In the activity, did you observe how a simple change in
how you interpreted a simple object gives a different
dimension to the subject matter? What does each box,
with the tree, remind you of after doing the exercise?

Answer:I really enjoy doing this activity,I remember my

childhood. It was easy for me to draw this.. I used the
different elements of arts. In each box, you give us an
instruction how we will draw on each boxes. the
outcome of the drawing is based on the person on how
he draws and understand the instructions.

These are some artworks that effectively used some art
principles. Describe each image and state why the use of
a specific principle became effective in
increasing/improving the impact and quality of their
works. See if you can also find more principles present in
the work. Compare your answers with those of your
classmates. Use the space beside each image to briefly
state your answers.

Scale and Proportion

Scale refers to the
relationship between
the size of an object
“Bukas na Lata” (a whole) to another
Sculpture by Kat object (another
Grow whole). Proportion
refers to the
relationship between
the size of parts of a
whole (elements
within an object).
Harmony and Pattern
harmony and unity to
create a sense of
cohesion makes that
initial pattern
recognition easy. Our
brains categorize
those repeated
Graphic design by details and
Alyanna Villanueva similarities much
faster than they
would if none of the
design elements fit
together, which
subconsciously allows
us to be calmer when
we're in the space.

Many of us like entertainment and social media. It easily
catches our attention. In the discipline of art criticism,
what did it teach to you about the act of looking? Should
you just accept what is placed before you? Why do you
think it is better to counter-check every judgment or
thought that comes into our heads, not just in art, but
also in everyday life? Write down your thoughts.
Answer: In the course of your daily life, you'll most likely
have to provide others with some general information
about yourself, such as your name, address, or school.
When critiquing an art piece, you'll be looking for that
same type of information about the artist.

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