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Unit 1: Exercise 1: Complete The Table With These Phrases

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Exercise 1: Complete the table with these phrases:

a. Could we help you [with that]?
b. We both want to [go forward with this].
c. I like your suggestion to [get more data].
d. One way to solve this is [just] to [send our analyst].
e. To be honest, I feel [a little] worried [about your proposal].
f. I understand what you’re saying about [distributors]

Let’s wait until we [have the detailed quality and decide together next
1 We both want to [go forward with this].
Can I suggest that [I give an update on …]?
2 One way to solve this is [just] to [send our analyst].
Frankly, I’m concerned that…
3 To be honest, I feel [a little] worried [about your proposal].
I can see you’re [concerned about…]
4 I understand what you’re saying about [distributors]
Would it be [useful] for me to…?
5 Could we help you [with that]?
Based on [your experience], how do you think we can…?
6 I like your suggestion to [get more data].

Exercise 2: Match each phrase (a–j) with one of the tips (1-8)
d1. Approach people proactively and enthusiastically, and present useful
information about yourself.
g2. Ask questions to show you are open and curious.
h3. Find common points to build the relationship between yourself and
b4. Volunteer to begin the round of personal introductions to create a
positive mood in the room.
i5. Build trust in yourself by giving details about your role, expertise and
j6. Show commitment and say something positive about working with
the people in the room in the future.
a7. Clearly show interest in what people have said during your first
meeting with them.
f8. Say goodbye to everyone. Offer support and express positive feelings
about meeting again in the future.

a. I really liked what you said about [your approach to projects in

b. I’m happy to start [the introductions].
c. I’m [Sue], from the [London] office.
d. Oh really? Me, too.
e. My current job is [Head of Financial Controlling in the UK].
f. If you need any help with [tickets for the theatre …], just let me know.
g. So do you [both] work [in local fi nance teams]?
h. I know what you mean!
i. I joined [Hansens at the beginning of last year].
j. I’m really delighted to [be part of this team]

Exercise 3: Use phrases a–h to complete the personal presentation

a. the job is quite stressful
b. if you need my help in any way
c. the main task was
d. I’m proud to be involved
e. I’m based in
f. I used to work on
g. it’s going to be great working with you again
h. I’m now responsible for implementing

So, my name’s Mike Foley and I’m based in the New York office. I’ve
been with the company now for around five years. I’ve always worked in
IT. In the past, I used to work on the service desk, that was my first job,
mainly just for our U.S. operations. The main task was troubleshooting
some of the more complex issues. Since last year, I’ve been working far
more internationally, mainly on projects, as I’m now responsible for
implementing new software solutions at Group level. What else? OK, I
have to travel quite a bit; probably 30 percent of my time is on the road
to the USA, Canada and Latin American locations. I really enjoy it, but
the job is quite stressful at times. I have to say, I’m really excited to be
working on this project. I know a couple of you, and it’s going to be
great working with you again I guess we all understand that this is a
really important project for the company, and I’m proud to be involved
I’m proud to be involved Just finally, if you need my help in any way,
don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here to collaborate. Thank you very much!

Exercise 1: Complete the extract from a sales team meeting using
phrases from the box below:
Requesting ideas
Contributing ideas
Responding to ideas
Developing ideas
Moving from idea to decision
Any thought on that/ on the matter? I think the best option [here] is [to
be consultative] There are pros and cons of both If I can add to that, [I
think]… So shall we try that?
What do you think we should do? Why don’t we…? If we do that, then
it will [lead to higher standards/make decision easier] Just picking up on
what you said, [why don’t we] …? Do we all agree with the idea to…?
What’s the best way to…? One option could be… I [don’t] think it
makes sense to …

Manuela: Tom, how are sales?

Tom: Not good. We’re around 25 percent down on target.
Manuela: So, we need to increase sales. (1) What do you think we
should do? Jack?
Jack: (2) Why don’t we organise a special promotion? Customers like
Tom: I’m not sure. (3) If we do that, then we’ll damage our margin. I
prefer to cut staff.
Hugo: (4) Just picking up on what Tom said about margins, why not talk
to our suppliers and ask
for a special discount? That could pay for the promotion.
Manuela: Good idea. OK, (5) So shall we try that first? Jack, could you
look into it more
and report back?

Exercise 2: During the meeting: Referring to

agreement/disagreement and Managing how long people speak
Match the beginnings and endings of these sentences.
e1. I agree [budget] is really important, but I want to
d2. I think we actually agree that [there are good options for change
b3. I realise that we (still) have different
a4. Can I stop you there? [Buy-in) is
definitely important, but I’m
c5. It seems that there’s a consensus

a. afraid [time is pressing and we need to come to a decision …]

b. views on [some points].
c. [to reduce spending on soft skills training).
d. but [there are still a lot of details to work out …]
e. come to that [a little later/in a separate meeting]

Exercise 3: Ending the meeting

Complete the phrases with the words in bold.
recap proposal progress step round
Referring to follow-up actions
Perhaps the next step would be to [look carefully at some of the risks].
My proposal would be that [you two work together on this]
I’ll email round [some possible timings for the next meeting].
Summarising and closing
So, just to recap everything, …
I think we have made really good progress
Exercise 4: Complete the table using the words in bold.
l am writing to request some more professional training.
I would therefore like to attend ….
Please could you let me know if …
As | have just become project leader, it is vital to attend a leadership
It is important to develop my skiIls, so that I can manage the team
Because registration closes soon …
I am interested in developing my skills for dealing with conflict.

Exercise 5: Choose the function for the following phrases.

Would it be possible for me to do a course? request
I would appreciate it if I could … request
I start work in Spain soon so I need to study Spanish. reason
I have just been promoted to manager so … reason
I do not have enough experience in this area. reason
It would be very helpful if I could attend a course. request

Exercise 1: Match the phrases in bold with the categories a–g. Two
phrases match one category.
f1. I think we should continue to help the guys locally/ invest in new
technology/ focus on training.
c2. This is simply too high/ expensive/ labour intensive
a3. I’m really happy with the progress we’ve made in a number of areas/
with the advertising campaign/ in expanding our market share.
e4. I’m not sure that we’ll be able to continue with local production /
meet our targets / achieve what we wanted.
c5. I’m very disappointed with the fist quarter number/ or lack of
progress/ the customer feedback.
g6. We have to find a new approach to this/ deadling with
disagreements/ marketing going forwards.
d7. To be fair, we’re only a little over budget/ behing schedule/ below
b8. I’m sure that we can turn this around and get production up to
standard/ hit our targets/ get back on track.

a. Highlight positives
b. Minimize negatives
c. Emphasize negatives
d. Show confidence
e. Express doubt
f. Support current strategy
g. Propose changes

Exercise 2: Match the sentence beginnings (1–8) with the endings

d1. Overall, I think things have gone
h2. We just haven’t made enough
b3. But I’m extremely confident that we
a4. I don’t see how this
g5. I think we simply need to keep
f6. The market response was
c7. Of course, there will be a few
e8. I really think it’s time to

a. can work.
b. will achieve our targets.
c. setbacks and challenges.
d. very well.
e. look at alternative solutions.
f. not what we were hoping for.
g. doing what we’re doing.
h. progress in growth areas.

Exercise 3: Complete the phrases with the words below.

There are a couple of things I’d like to clarify
Just to confirm, [what’s the target amount]?
I’d like to double-check [something/ that].

I’m having a little difficulty understanding [the concept of ‘overall

Sorry, I don’t follow. [What are ‘margins’?]
Can I talk you through the points I’m unsure of?
I don’t knw if my notes are right I wrote down… .Is that correct?
Can you go over that again for me?

If I remember correctly [I think we use …]. Is that right?

Could you remind me [what you said about …]?

Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you say it again?

I lost you for a second. Could you [repeat that, please]?
The sound went for a moment. Would you mind [saying that last bit

Tell me, what exactly do the figures in column refer to?

More specifically, [what’s the margin on this]?

Exercise 4: Paraphrasing means expressing what somebody has said

using different words. Match each sentence with its paraphrased
1. The meeting is going to last all morning
2. The EBIT is too low at the moment.

We have to change that.

1. The timeline is across the top of the spreadsheet and the products are
down the side.
2. We simply don’t have enough staff at that moment and need more
3. This first half year will see our product line increasing by 50 percent.
1. What you’re saying is the columns are for weeks and the rows are for
product lines.
2. OK, so that means we won’t be finished before 11 a.m
3. In other words, we’re going to launch four new products before the
4. If I understood you correctly, you want to hire another salesperson.
5. Putting it differently, we need to increase our margins, right?

Answer key

Exercise 5: Complete the table using the words in the box.

Overview/ IntroductiOn
2018 was a year of mixed results and challenges.
The last year has seen the company making may tough decisions.
The problems were caused by the strength of the dollar.
This was largely as a result of our entry into the Asian market.
Positive aspects
After a steady recovery over two quarters, we achieved good results.
We were able to raise our annual dividend by 2%.
Negative aspects
Sales fell by 5% in the second quarter.
We posted sales of $128 million, down 5% on the previous year.
Future outlook
This gives us cause to be optimistic.
The forecast for the coming year looks promising.

Exercise 1: Complete the table with these phrases.
a Let [her] finish [what she is saying / the point she is trying to make],
b [I think] that’s really outside the scope of the [meeting/ agenda/ brief]
c Can we slow down a little?
d Can I stop you [for a second/ just there/ for a moment]?
e We can come back to [the brand topic/ the issue of dates] later.
f I’d like to stick to the agenda [and look at advertising first].

Reminding of the agenda [I think] that’s really outside the scope of the
[meeting/ agenda/ brief]
I’d like to stick to the agenda [and look at advertising first]. Managing
dominant speakers Sorry, can I just add something here?
Can I stop you [for a second/ just there/ for a moment]? Managing
interruptions [Simon,] we’ll come to [you/that] in a moment. [Peter,] do
go on.
Let [her] finish [what she is saying / the point she is trying to make],
Postponing discussion We do need to deal with [the budget issue], but
let’s finish [talking about dates] first.
We can come back to [the brand topic/ the issue of dates] later.
Reducing speed Could you just go over that idea again?
Can we slow down a little?
Pushing for a clear proposal But what do you actually suggest we do
about [this]?
[Jan,] so is your idea that we [delay the launch]?

Exercise 2: Matching
a. Introduction or purpose statement
b. Brief summary of problem
c. Solution to problem
d. Plan, costs and schedule
e. Conclusion

c1. The new technology would enable us to ….

c2. In order to solve this problem we need to …
a3. This proposal evaluates the use of …
b4. Deliveries have failed to arrive on time.
d5. It is expected that the initial costs would be …
e6. In conclusion, we feel that …
a7. The proposal aims to assess …
d8. The equipment could be installed immediately.
e9. To sum up, it is recommended that …
c10. The most efficient option would be …

Exercise 3: Complete the table with these extracts.

a How about [if we lift the blockage untiL 10 p.m.]?
b Yes, I think I can make that happen.
c How would you feel about [having an extension]?
d Yes, [I suppose] I can agree to that. unđerstand your perspective.
e Firstly, tell me about how this. Would that work? situation affects you.
f What are your priorities?
g Let me make sure fully
First, let’s look at the facts.
We need to accept the fact that {some job losses are inevitable].
Explore the other’s values and needs How could you imagine this
Offer suggestions I think the best thing would be to [introduce the
changes gradually].
Maybe this suggestion would work. [What about sharing the costs?]
Reach agreement That sounds reasonable.
Answer key:

Exercise 4: Match the sentences with the categories (a–e).

a Introduction or purpose
b Summary of problem
c Solution to problem
d Plan, costs and schedule
e Conclusion

e1 To sum up, we recommend further study. ___

a2 This proposal evaluates the possible use of robots. ___
b3 Recently, we have seen a dramatic fall in profits. ___
e4 I, therefore, recommend that we accept the offer. ___
c5 In order to solve this problem, we need more staff. ___
a6 I propose that we move production to Korea. ___
d7 The new equipment could be installed next month. ___
c8 The most efficient option would be to send someone to negotiate with
them. ___

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