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Meetings 1 - Getting Down To Business - Worksheets

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TeachingEnglish | Lesson plans

Worksheets Meetings (1): Getting down to business

Reading: Text 1
Lets stop wasting time and get on with it!
Did you know you can download a clock from the internet to calculate the cost
of your meetings? All you need to do is type in the number of attendees at the
meeting and their average hourly wage, and start the clock. As the seconds tick
away and you see how much those seconds are costing your company, youll
start to appreciate what a terrible waste of time and money most meetings
So what can you do? Firstly, make sure everyone arrives on time. No excuses.
If five people at a meeting are sitting around waiting for a sixth person to turn
up, just think how much money you are throwing away.
Secondly, get most of the work done before the meeting. That means sending
round detailed agendas, with clear instructions for all participants telling them
what they need to do to prepare for the meeting. Again, accept no excuses if
someone fails to prepare properly. That means the meeting itself can focus on
problem-solving and decision-making rather than wasting time explaining the
problem that needs to be solved or the decision that needs to be made.
Thirdly, stick to the agenda. Dont let anyone hijack the meeting by chatting
about something irrelevant. If they want to talk about those things, let them call
their own meeting. Dont let them take over yours.
Fourthly, set a time limit and stick to it. Theres nothing worse than a meeting
that goes round and round in circles with no decisions ever being finalised. A
time limit can be a great way to focus everyones minds on the purpose of the
meeting and the need to achieve something concrete and then to go back to
work and start implementing the decisions.
Of course small talk has its place, but that place is not a meeting.
BBC | British Council 2011

TeachingEnglish | Lesson plans

Reading: Text 2
Small talk is the cement that holds businesses together
Did you know that 50% of business communication is actually small talk? Small
talk is a vital part of working with other people: finding out what theyre doing,
what theyre having problems with, and what they think they should be doing
differently. Perhaps even more importantly, its about getting to know your
colleagues and business partners as people, not just as business machines.
Business is very largely based on trusting people, helping and being helped by
people and persuading people to do things. How can you achieve any of those
things if you dont spend time getting to know each other?
When is this relationship-building supposed to happen? Outside of working
hours? No, thats not right if we accept that relationship building is real work.
When were sitting at our computers or in our offices? No, thats when we might
need to avoid interruptions and stay focused. So when, then? A lot of the best
small talk happens accidentally: the classic situations are the queue for the
photocopier, the coffee machine or the water cooler. But a much more
systematic and effective way to build good relationships between people from
different departments is to allow small talk to flourish in meetings.
Lets get a few things straight about meetings: the whole point of bringing
people together for meetings is to generate discussion, to resolve
misunderstandings, and to find solutions to problems that people couldnt find if
they were working alone. If everything is carefully planned in advance, and the
chair of the meeting sticks rigidly to the agenda, none of those things can take
place. Of course, theres a time when its appropriate for one person to talk and
everyone else to listen and learn, but thats a presentation, not a meeting.
If youre serious about making your meetings more effective, you need to give
the participants plenty of time to ask questions, take the conversation in new
directions, say things which may or may not be relevant, and above all, get to
know each other. Of course, you need to make sure things dont get out of
control, but that means finding a sensible balance between small talk and
getting down to business.
A company which does not tolerate small talk may get things done more
quickly, but that doesnt mean itll do things the best way, making full use of the
skills and ideas of its employees and it may well find that it loses its best
employees and its customers just as quickly.
BBC | British Council 2011

TeachingEnglish | Lesson plans

Small talk phrases

Complete these small talk questions by choosing the best form for
each verb in brackets.

Asking about current projects:

What ___ you ___ on at the moment?
How ___ it ___ (go) with your new assistant?
___ you ___ (make) any progress with your big project?
Asking about recent events:
How ___ your presentation ___ (go) last week?
How ___ (be) your business trip? When ___ you ___ (get) back?
Asking about news:
Whats new?
___ you ___ (hear) back from that potential big customer yet?
What ___ you ___ (be) up to in your department?
Asking about plans and predictions
When do you think they ___ finally ___ (sign) the contract?
___ you ___ (go) to the conference this weekend?

Now match the questions (110) above with the answers (aj) below.


A little, but its very slow. Were still tied up with the financing side of
things, so it doesnt feel like were getting anywhere.
Absolutely! Im giving a presentation! Im really nervous about it, actually.
Ah, nothing, really. Nothing ever changes! Busy as usual.
It was useful, but really exhausting. I just got back on Tuesday, so Im still
trying to get back on top of my inbox. But Im glad I went. I made a few
potentially useful contacts.
Next week, hopefully, but theyre still not happy with our service charges,
so it might still all fall through.
Not bad, actually. Hes on a steep learning curve, but hes trying hard, and
hes got a lot of potential.
Really well. We had a good turn-out, and some people said nice things
about it. Whether anyone actually buys the product as a result is another
Were about to start working on the new marketing plan. Its not due to be
launched for another two months, but it takes a really long time to get
Weve been really busy preparing for next weeks quality inspection. Were
nearly ready, but there are still a few big jobs to finish.
Yes, they emailed us this morning with an order for 500 units, so it looks
like its all going ahead. Very exciting.

BBC | British Council 2011

TeachingEnglish | Lesson plans

Getting the meeting started

Look at this introduction to a meeting. What does the chairwoman

mean by the phrases in bold?


Right I think we should start now. Robert, Alice could you ? Robert
? Thanks.


OK, so, is everybody here? Who are we waiting for? Hmmm well, I think
well have to make a start without them. Weve got a lot to get through
this afternoon.


Right, well, as you know, the purpose of todays meeting is to see where
we are with the marketing plan, and to work out what we still need to do
before the launch, which is now just six weeks away.


By the end of the meeting, we need to have a list of firm action points for
the next month. Hopefully well then need only one more meeting next
month to tie up any remaining loose ends.


Did everyone get a copy of the agenda I sent round? OK, good.


As I say, weve got a lot to get through, so please lets stick to the
agenda. Ive set aside two hours for this meeting, and we really cant
afford to run over. Ideally, we can cover everything in an hour and a
half. Does that sound reasonable?


Ah, Helena, come and take a seat. We started without you.


So perhaps we can get the ball rolling by going through the list of
action points from the last meeting.


Borys, you were going to look into the costs of the various options that
came up last time. Could you tell us what you found out?


Now match the nine steps in the meeting introduction (19) to the
descriptions (ai). Can you think of other phrases for the nine steps?


Stating the desired outcome.

Introducing the first point on the agenda.
Getting peoples attention, interrupting small talk
Handing over to the first speaker.
Dealing with non-attendees.
Dealing with a late arrival.
Explaining time limits and procedures.
Stating the purpose
Checking people have seen the agenda.
BBC | British Council 2011

TeachingEnglish | Lesson plans


Discuss these questions with a partner.


What body language do you think the chairwoman used to interrupt the
small talk? Why didnt she finish her request?
Why do you think the chairwoman decided not to criticise people for being
late? Do you agree with her decision?
The chairwoman referred to action points for the next month and a
meeting next month. Whats the difference between the next month and
next month?
Why didnt the chairwoman go through the agenda step-by-step? Do you
agree with her decision?
Why did the chairwoman set both a maximum time limit and an ideal time
What verb form did the chairwoman use to refer to an action point from the
last meeting?
Do you think the chairwomans language was too idiomatic at times?


Without looking back at the chairwomans introduction, match the

beginnings and endings to make useful phrases for getting a meeting


to make
to have
to see
to tie
to send
to stick
to set
to run
to cover
to get
to go
to look
to come
to find


Using the list of nine steps from task 2 above and the useful phrases
from 4 above, take turns to practise starting your own meeting. You
could use one of the topics below or your own ideas.


aside X hours for sth

the ball rolling by doing sth
everything in X hours
into sth
a lot to get through
round a copy of the agenda
a start without sb
sth out
through a list of action points
to the agenda
up (at the last meeting)
up any remaining loose ends
where we are with sth

A new Health and Safety Procedure

How to deal with our recent Public Relations crisis
Finding new sources of income for our business
BBC | British Council 2011

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