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영어1 능률 김성곤 1과 변형문제 객33 서21 총54문항

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1과 exercise 1. to the water to see if he would swim.

From that day on, Juan Salvado lived on the Salvado had been living at the school for several
terrace of his room in the school dormitory. The months by then. However, in all that time, he had
following is part of the story, written by Tom never been able to swim because his feathers had
Michell, about the penguin and a boy at the been (C) impaired / intact.
school. From the first day (B) which / on which I
brought a penguin to live at the school, one 2. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로
student in particular wanted to help with his care. 가장 적절한 것은? 2)

His name was Diego Gonzales. Diego was a shy

boy who seemed to be frightened of his own (A) (B) (C)
shadow. He struggled with his classes, and none ① welcomed bother impaired
of the after-school activities (B) seeming / seemed ② escaped unwind impaired
to suit him. He was neither strong nor athletic. ③ escaped unwind intact
On the rugby field, nobody passed the ball to him ④ escaped bother impaired
or (C) involving / involved him in the game, ⑤ welcomed bother intact
except to make fun of him.

1. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로

가장 적절한 것은? 1)

(A) (B) (C)

① on which seemed involving
② which seeming involved 1과 exercise 3.
③ on which seemed involved As soon as the other swimmers left, we brought
④ which seemed involving Juan Salvado to the water to see (A) that / if he
⑤ on which seeming involved would swim. Juan Salvado had been living at the
school for several months by then. However, in
all that time, he had never been able to swim
because his feathers had been damaged. “Go on!”
I said. The penguin stared at me and then at the
pool, like he was asking, “Ah! Is this where the
fish (B) come / come from?” Without further
1과 exercise 2. encouragement, he jumped in. With a single
Diego’s early education had not prepared him well movement of his wings, he flew like an arrow
for life at his new school. His knowledge of across the water and knocked into the wall on the
English was limited, so he (A) escaped / welcomed opposite side. Luckily, he was not hurt! I had
conversation. However, Diego enjoyed the never had the opportunity to study a penguin in
company of Juan Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace, the water before. I was familiar with the awkward
Diego could (B) unwind / bother. He had some way that Juan Salvado walked on land, but now I
friends who also had trouble fitting in. Looking watched in awe. Using only a stroke or two, he
after Juan Salvado was good for those boys. They flew at great speed from one end of the pool to
fed him fish, swept the terrace, and spent time the other, turning swiftly before touching the
with him. One day, I took Juan Salvado to the sides. It was (C) amazing / amazed! Everyone
school swimming pool with the boys. As soon as could see how much he was enjoying himself.
the other swimmers left, we brought Juan Salvado “Ooh! Aah!” The boys shouted, as though they

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 2 -
were watching a fireworks display. After a while, ① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)
Diego came over and asked quietly, “Can I swim, ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

3. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로

가장 적절한 것은? 3)

(A) (B) (C)

① if come from amazed
② that come amazed
③ if come from amazing
④ that come amazing 1과 exercise 5.
⑤ that come from amazed 5. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것
을 고르시오. 5)

I was almost speechless. Suddenly Diego was not

the sad little boy we had become used to. He was
a very normal boy with a very special talent.
“Diego! You can swim!” “Yes, I can swim.” “I
1과 exercise 4. mean you are able to swim really well. Brilliantly,
4. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것 in fact!” “Do you think so?”
을 고르시오. 4)

Everyone could see how much he was enjoying (A) I listened in silence, without making any
himself. “Ooh! Aah!” The boys shouted, as though corrections to his English, as he talked nonstop
they were watching a fireworks display. After a all the way back to the dormitory. The events of
while, Diego came over and asked quietly, “Can I that day were extraordinary. A child had gone
swim, too?” down to the water to swim with a penguin, and
shortly afterward, a young man had emerged.
(A) However, I soon realized that I did not have
anything to worry about. Not only could Diego (B) He asked without looking directly at me, but I
swim, but he swam magnificently! He chased after saw a smile on his face. As we returned to the
Juan Salvado, and they swam in perfect harmony. dormitory, Diego told me that his father had
It was like a duet written for violin and piano. taught him how to swim in the river by their
home. It was the first time he had talked about
(B) I was astonished. He had never gone near the his life.
pool before. I was not even sure if he could swim.
“The water is cold, and it’s getting late. Are you (C) The ugly duckling had become a swan. It was
sure you want to go in?” I asked. “Please!” “All definitely a turning point. Diego’s confidence grew
right then,” I said, “but be quick!” I had never quickly after that day. When the school had a
seen him so excited before. swimming competition, he won every race he
participated in. The encouragement and
(C) His eyes were shining with joy, and he seemed acknowledgement given by the other boys was
to be truly alive for the first time. Without genuine.
hesitating, he dived into the cold water. I was
ready to jump in and rescue him if he could not ① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)
swim. ④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 3 -
1과 exercise 1. his new school. His knowledge of English was
6. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것 limited, so he avoided conversation. However,
을 고르시오. 6) Diego enjoyed the company of Juan Salvado.
Tom Michell is a British teacher. In the 1970s, he Indeed, on the terrace, Diego could relax. He had
worked at an English language boarding school in some friends who also had trouble ③ fitting in.
Argentina. One day he visited a beach and found Looking after Juan Salvado ④ were good for those
a penguin that was injured and alone. boys. They fed him fish, swept the terrace, and
spent time with him. One day, I took Juan Salvado
(A) From the first day that I brought a penguin to to the school swimming pool with the boys. As
live at the school, one student in particular soon as the other swimmers left, we brought Juan
wanted to help with his care. His name was Diego Salvado to the water to see ⑤ if he would swim.
Gonzales. Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be Juan Salvado had been living at the school for
frightened of his own shadow. several months by then. However, in all that time,
he had never been able to swim because his
(B) Michell decided to help the bird. He cleaned it, feathers had been damaged.
fed it, and even gave it a name — Juan Salvado.
From that day on, Juan Salvado lived on the 7. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 7)

terrace of his room in the school dormitory. The ① ② ③ ④ ⑤

following is part of the story, written by Tom
Michell, about the penguin and a boy at the

(C) He struggled with his classes, and none of the

after-school activities seemed to suit him. He was
neither strong nor athletic. On the rugby field,
nobody passed the ball to him or involved him in 1과 exercise 3.
the game, except to make fun of him. As soon as the other swimmers left, we brought
Juan Salvado to the water to see if he would
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) swim. Juan Salvado had been living at the school
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A) for several months by then. However, in all that
time, he had never been (A) able / unable to
swim because his feathers had been damaged. “Go
on!” I said. The penguin stared at me and then at
the pool, like he was asking, “Ah! Is this where
the fish come from?” Without further
encouragement, he jumped in. With a single
1과 exercise 2. movement of his wings, he flew like an arrow
Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be across the water and knocked into the wall on the
① frightened of his own shadow. He struggled opposite side. Luckily, he was not hurt! I had
with his classes, and none of the after-school never had the opportunity to study a penguin in
activities seemed to suit him. He was neither the water before. I was familiar with the (B)
strong ② nor athletic. On the rugby field, nobody clumsy / skillful way that Juan Salvado walked on
passed the ball to him or involved him in the land, but now I watched in awe. Using only a
game, except to make fun of him. Diego’s early stroke or two, he flew at great speed from one
education had not prepared him well for life at end of the pool to the other, turning (C) slowly /

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 4 -
rapidly before touching the sides. It was amazing! lead and Diego followed after him. At other times
Everyone could see how much he was enjoying Diego went ahead and the penguin swam around
himself. “Ooh! Aah!” The boys shouted, as though the boy. Occasionally they swam so ⑤ close that
they were watching a fireworks display. After a they almost touched.
while, Diego came over and asked quietly, “Can I
swim, too?” 9. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 9)

① ② ③ ④ ⑤
8. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로
가장 적절한 것은? 8)

(A) (B) (C)

① able clumsy slowly
② unable skillful rapidly
③ unable clumsy slowly
④ able clumsy rapidly
⑤ able skillful rapidly

1과 exercise 5.
Not only could Diego swim, but he swam
magnificently! He chased after Juan Salvado, and
they swam in perfect harmony. It was like a duet
written for violin and piano. Sometimes Juan
Salvado took the lead and Diego followed after
him. At other times Diego went ahead and the
penguin swam around the boy. Occasionally they
swam so close that they almost touched. I was
1과 exercise 4. almost . Suddenly Diego was not the
After a while, Diego came over and asked quietly, sad little boy we had become used to. He was a
“Can I swim, too?” I was astonished. He had very normal boy with a very special talent.
never gone near the pool before. I was not even “Diego! You can swim!” “Yes, I can swim.” “I
sure if he could swim. “The water is cold, and it’s mean you are able to swim really well. Brilliantly,
getting ① late. Are you sure you want to go in?” in fact!” “Do you think so?” He asked without
I asked. “Please!” “All right then,” I said, “but be looking directly at me, but I saw a smile on his
quick!” I had never seen him so excited before. face.
His eyes were shining with joy, and he seemed
② to have been truly alive for the first time. 10. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시
Without hesitating, he dived into the cold water. I 오. 10)

was ready to jump in and rescue him if he could ① resentful ② pleasant ③ helpless
not swim. However, I soon realized that I did not ④ disheartened ⑤ speechless
have anything to worry about. Not only could
Diego ③ swim, but he swam magnificently! He
chased after Juan Salvado, and they swam in
perfect harmony. It was like a duet ④ written for
violin and piano. Sometimes Juan Salvado took the

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 5 -
1과 exercise 1. 1과 exercise 2.
11. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 12. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
적절한 곳을 고르시오. 11) 것을 고르시오. 12)

Diego’s early education had not prepared him well Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be frightened
for life at his new school. of his own shadow. He struggled with his classes,
and none of the after-school activities seemed to
The following is part of the story, written by Tom suit him. He was neither strong nor athletic.
Michell, about the penguin and a boy at the
school. ( ① ) From the first day that I brought a (A) As soon as the other swimmers left, we
penguin to live at the school, one student in brought Juan Salvado to the water to see if he
particular wanted to help with his care. ( ② ) His would swim. Juan Salvado had been living at the
name was Diego Gonzales. Diego was a shy boy school for several months by then. However, in
who seemed to be frightened of his own shadow. all that time, he had never been able to swim
( ③ ) He struggled with his classes, and none of because his feathers had been damaged.
the after-school activities seemed to suit him. He
was neither strong nor athletic. ( ④ ) On the (B) However, Diego enjoyed the company of Juan
rugby field, nobody passed the ball to him or Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace, Diego could
involved him in the game, except to make fun of relax. He had some friends who also had trouble
him. ( ⑤ ) His knowledge of English was limited, fitting in. Looking after Juan Salvado was good for
so he avoided conversation. those boys. They fed him fish, swept the terrace,
and spent time with him. One day, I took Juan
Salvado to the school swimming pool with the

(C) On the rugby field, nobody passed the ball to

him or involved him in the game, except to make
fun of him. Diego’s early education had not
prepared him well for life at his new school. His
knowledge of English was limited, so he avoided

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)

④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 6 -
1과 exercise 3. 1과 exercise 4.
13. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 14. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장
것을 고르시오. 13) 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 14)

“Go on!” I said. The penguin stared at me and Not only could Diego swim, but he swam
then at the pool, like he was asking, “Ah! Is this magnificently!
where the fish come from?”
I was astonished. He had never gone near the
(A) Luckily, he was not hurt! I had never had the pool before. I was not even sure if he could swim.
opportunity to study a penguin in the water “The water is cold, and it’s getting late. Are you
before. I was familiar with the awkward way that sure you want to go in?” I asked. “Please!” “All
Juan Salvado walked on land, but now I watched right then,” I said, “but be quick!” I had never
in awe. Using only a stroke or two, he flew at seen him so excited before. ( ① ) His eyes were
great speed from one end of the pool to the shining with joy, and he seemed to be truly alive
other, turning swiftly before touching the sides. It for the first time. Without hesitating, he dived into
was amazing! the cold water. ( ② ) I was ready to jump in and
rescue him if he could not swim. However, I soon
(B) Without further encouragement, he jumped in. realized that I did not have anything to worry
With a single movement of his wings, he flew like about. ( ③ ) He chased after Juan Salvado, and
an arrow across the water and knocked into the they swam in perfect harmony. It was like a duet
wall on the opposite side. written for violin and piano. ( ④ ) Sometimes Juan
Salvado took the lead and Diego followed after
(C) Everyone could see how much he was enjoying him. At other times Diego went ahead and the
himself. “Ooh! Aah!” The boys shouted, as though penguin swam around the boy. ( ⑤ ) Occasionally
they were watching a fireworks display. After a they swam so close that they almost touched.
while, Diego came over and asked quietly, “Can I
swim, too?”

① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A)

④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 7 -
1과 exercise 5. 1과 exercise 1.
15. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 Tom Michell is a British teacher. In the 1970s, he
것을 고르시오. 15) worked at an English language boarding school in
As we returned to the dormitory, Diego told me Argentina. One day he visited a beach and found
that his father had taught him how to swim in the a penguin that was injured and alone. Michell
river by their home. decided to help the bird. He cleaned it, fed it, and
even gave it a name — Juan Salvado. From that
(A) The encouragement and acknowledgement day on, Juan Salvado lived on the terrace of his
given by the other boys was genuine. He had room in the school dormitory. The following is
earned the respect of his classmates. Over the part of the story, written by Tom Michell, about
next few weeks, his grades improved and he the penguin and a boy at the school. From the
became more popular. Thanks to a swim with a first day that I brought a penguin to live at the
penguin, a lonely boy’s life was changed forever. school, one student in particular wanted to help
with his care. His name was Diego Gonzales.
(B) A child had gone down to the water to swim Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be frightened
with a penguin, and shortly afterward, a young of his own shadow. He struggled with his classes,
man had emerged. The ugly duckling had become and none of the after-school activities seemed to
a swan. It was definitely a turning point. Diego’s suit him. He was neither strong nor athletic. On
confidence grew quickly after that day. When the the rugby field, nobody passed the ball to him or
school had a swimming competition, he won every involved him in the game, except to make fun of
race he participated in. him.

(C) It was the first time he had talked about his 16. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않은 것은? 16)

life. I listened in silence, without making any ① Tom Michell은 해변에 갔다가 상처 입고 홀로 있는
corrections to his English, as he talked nonstop 펭귄 한 마리를 발견했다.
all the way back to the dormitory. The events of ② Tom Michell은 펭귄을 닦아 먹이고 Juan Salvado라
that day were extraordinary. 는 이름까지 지어 주었다.
③ Juan Salvado는 학교 기숙사에 있는 그의 방 테라스
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) 에서 살았다.
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A) ④ Diego Gonzales는 펭귄을 돌봐 주는 일을 도와주고
싶어다고 Tom Michell에게 말했다.
⑤ Juan Salvado는 자신의 그림자에도 몹시 겁을 내는
듯한 수줍음 탔다.

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 8 -
1과 exercise 2. 1과 exercise 3.
Diego’s early education had not prepared him well 18. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장
for life at his new school. His knowledge of 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 18)

English was limited, so he avoided conversation. Without further encouragement, he jumped in.
However, Diego enjoyed the company of Juan With a single movement of his wings, he flew like
Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace, Diego could an arrow across the water and knocked into the
relax. He had some friends who also had trouble wall on the opposite side.
fitting in. Looking after Juan Salvado was good for
those boys. They fed him fish, swept the terrace, As soon as the other swimmers left, we brought
and spent time with him. One day, I took Juan Juan Salvado to the water to see if he would
Salvado to the school swimming pool with the swim. ( ① ) Juan Salvado had been living at the
boys. As soon as the other swimmers left, we school for several months by then. However, in
brought Juan Salvado to the water to see if he all that time, he had never been able to swim
would swim. Juan Salvado had been living at the because his feathers had been damaged. “Go on!”
school for several months by then. However, in I said. ( ② ) The penguin stared at me and then
all that time, he had never been able to swim at the pool, like he was asking, “Ah! Is this where
because his feathers had been damaged. “Go on!” the fish come from?” ( ③ ) Luckily, he was not
I said. The penguin stared at me and then at the hurt! I had never had the opportunity to study a
pool, like he was asking, “Ah! Is this where the penguin in the water before. I was familiar with
fish come from?” Without further encouragement, the awkward way that Juan Salvado walked on
he jumped in. land, but now I watched in awe. ( ④ ) Using only
a stroke or two, he flew at great speed from one
17. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않은 것은? 17) end of the pool to the other, turning swiftly
① Diego의 어릴 적 교육은 그의 새 학교에서의 생활에 before touching the sides. It was amazing!
그를 제대로 준비시켜 주지 못했다. Everyone could see how much he was enjoying
② Diego는 Juan Salvado와 함께 있는 것을 즐겼고, 테 himself. ( ⑤ ) “Ooh! Aah!” The boys shouted, as
라스에서 Diego는 긴장을 풀 수 있었다. though they were watching a fireworks display.
③ Juan Salvado를 돌보는 것은 Diego를 포함한 학교 After a while, Diego came over and asked quietly,
생활에 적응하는 데 어려움을 겪는 몇몇 친구들에게 좋 “Can I swim, too?”
은 일이였다.
④ 우리는 Juan Salvado가 수영을 하려고 하는지를 보
기 위해 그를 물로 데리고 갔다.
⑤ 나는 여러 달 동안 학교에서 생활해 오고 있었지만
학교 수영장에서 수영을 한 적이 없었다.

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 9 -
1과 exercise 4. gone down to the water to swim with a penguin,
I was astonished. He had never gone near the and shortly afterward, a young man had emerged.
pool before. I was not even sure if he could swim. The ugly duckling had become a swan. It was
“The water is cold, and it’s getting late. Are you definitely a turning point. Diego’s confidence grew
sure you want to go in?” I asked. “Please!” “All quickly after that day. When the school had a
right then,” I said, “but be quick!” I had never swimming competition, he won every race
seen him so excited before. His eyes were shining (C) which / in which he participated. The
with joy, and he seemed to be truly alive for the encouragement and acknowledgement given by the
first time. Without hesitating, he dived into the other boys was genuine. He had earned the
cold water. I was ready to jump in and rescue respect of his classmates. Over the next few
him if he could not swim. However, I soon weeks, his grades improved and he became more
realized that I did not have anything to worry popular. Thanks to a swim with a penguin, a
about. Not only could Diego swim, but he swam lonely boy’s life was changed forever.
magnificently! He chased after Juan Salvado, and
they swam in perfect harmony. It was like a duet 20. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으
written for violin and piano. Sometimes Juan 로 가장 적절한 것은? 20)

Salvado took the lead and Diego followed after

him. At other times Diego went ahead and the (A) (B) (C)
penguin swam around the boy. Occasionally they ① what extraordinary in which
swam so close that they almost touched. ② that extraordinary in which
③ what extraordinarily which
19. 다음 글에 드러난 ‘I’의 심경변화로 가장 적절한 것 ④ that extraordinary which
은? 19) ⑤ that extraordinarily which

(A) (B)
① surprised distracted
② delightful overjoyed
③ delightful disappointed
④ surprised relieved
⑤ worried disappointed
1과 exercise 1.
Tom Michell is a British teacher. In the 1970s, he
worked at an English language boarding school in
Argentina. One day he visited a beach and found
a penguin that was injured and alone. Michell
decided to help the bird. He cleaned it, fed it, and
1과 exercise 5. even gave it a name — Juan Salvado. From that
As we returned to the dormitory, Diego told me day on, Juan Salvado lived on the terrace of his
(A) what / that his father had taught him how to room in the school dormitory. The following is
swim in the river by their home. It was the first part of the story, written by Tom Michell, about
time he had talked about his life. I listened in the penguin and a boy at the school. From the
silence, without making any corrections to his first day that I brought a penguin to live at the
English, as he talked nonstop all the way back to school, one student in particular wanted to help
the dormitory. The events of that day were with his care. His name was Diego Gonzales.
(B) extraordinary / extraordinarily. A child had Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be frightened

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 10 -
of his own shadow. He struggled with his classes, 1과 exercise 3.
and none of the after-school activities seemed to “Go on!” I said. The penguin stared at me and
him. He was neither strong nor then at the pool, like he was asking, “Ah! Is this
athletic. On the rugby field, nobody passed the where the fish come from?” Without further
ball to him or involved him in the game, except encouragement, he jumped in. With a single
to make fun of him. Diego’s early education had movement of his wings, he flew like an arrow
not prepared him well for life at his new school. across the water and knocked into the wall on the
His knowledge of English was limited, so he opposite side. Luckily, he was not hurt! I had
avoided conversation. never had the opportunity to study a penguin in
the water before. I was familiar with the awkward
21. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시 way that Juan Salvado walked on land, but now I
오. 21) watched in awe. Using only a stroke or two, he
① disturb ② confuse ③ frustrate flew at great speed from one end of the pool to
④ unsettle ⑤ adjust the other, turning swiftly before touching the
sides. It was amazing! Everyone could see how
much he was enjoying himself. “Ooh! Aah!” The
boys shouted, as though they were watching a
fireworks display. After a while, Diego came over
and asked quietly, “Can I swim, too?”

23. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않은 것은? 23)

① 펭귄이 마치 나에게 이 수영장이 물고기가 사는 곳이

냐고 묻는 것 같았다.
1과 exercise 2. ② 펭귄은 한번의 날갯짓으로 화살처럼 물을 가로질러
Diego’s early education had not prepared him well 나가았다.
for life at his new school. His knowledge of ③ Juan Salvado가 육지에서 걸어 다니던 어설픈 방식
English was limited, so he avoided conversation. 에만 익숙해서 나는 그의 모습에 감탄했다.
However, Diego enjoyed the of Juan ④ 소년들은 예전에 봤던 불꽃놀이처럼 Juan Salvado가
Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace, Diego could 수영하는 모습에 감탄했다.
relax. He had some friends who also had trouble ⑤ Diego는 자신도 수영을 해도 되냐고 나에게 물었다.
fitting in. Looking after Juan Salvado was good for
those boys. They fed him fish, swept the terrace,
and spent time with him. One day, I took Juan
Salvado to the school swimming pool with the
boys. As soon as the other swimmers left, we
brought Juan Salvado to the water to see if he
would swim. Juan Salvado had been living at the
school for several months by then. However, in
all that time, he had never been able to swim
because his feathers had been damaged.

22. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시

오. 22)

① presence ② distance ③ behavior

④ natural habit ⑤ absence

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 11 -
1과 exercise 4. me that his father had taught him how to swim in
24. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 the river by their home. It was the first time he
적절한 곳을 고르시오. 24) had talked about his life. I listened in silence,
His eyes were shining with joy, and he seemed to without making any corrections to his English, as
be truly alive for the first time. he talked nonstop all the way back to the
dormitory. The events of that day were
Everyone could see how much he was enjoying extraordinary. A child had gone down to the
himself. “Ooh! Aah!” The boys shouted, as though water to swim with a penguin, and shortly
they were watching a fireworks display. After a afterward, a young man had emerged. The ugly
while, Diego came over and asked quietly, “Can I duckling had become a swan. It was definitely a
swim, too?” I was astonished. ( ① ) He had never turning point. Diego’s confidence grew quickly
gone near the pool before. I was not even sure if after that day. When the school had a swimming
he could swim. “The water is cold, and it’s getting competition, he won every race he participated in.
late. Are you sure you want to go in?” I asked. The encouragement and acknowledgement given
“Please!” “All right then,” I said, “but be quick!” I by the other boys was genuine.
had never seen him so excited before. ( ② )
Without hesitating, he dived into the cold water. I 25. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않은 것은? 25)

was ready to jump in and rescue him if he could ① Diego는 수영을 잘 한다는 칭찬에 얼굴에 미소를 보
not swim. ( ③ ) However, I soon realized that I 였다.
did not have anything to worry about. Not only ② Diego는 아버지께서 수영을 가르쳐 주셨다는 자신의
could Diego swim, but he swam magnificently! He 삶에 대한 이야기를 처음으로 했다.
chased after Juan Salvado, and they swam in ③ 기숙사로 돌아가는 내내 Diego는 끊임없이 영어로 유
perfect harmony. ( ④ ) It was like a duet written 창하게 말을 하였다.
for violin and piano. Sometimes Juan Salvado took ④ 마치 미운오래 새끼가 백조가 된 것처럼, Diego는 펭
the lead and Diego followed after him. At other 귄과 수영한 이후에 백조가 된 것처럼 느껴졌다.
times Diego went ahead and the penguin swam ⑤ Diego는 펭귄과 수영을 한 이후로, 자신감이 빠르게
around the boy. ( ⑤ ) Occasionally they swam so 커졌고, 참가한 수영대회에서 우승을 했다.
close that they almost touched.

1과 exercise 1.
Tom Michell is a British teacher. In the 1970s, he
1과 exercise 5. worked at an English language boarding school in
I was almost speechless. Suddenly Diego was not Argentina. One day he visited a beach and found
the sad little boy we had become used to. He was a penguin that was injured and alone. Michell
a very normal boy with a very special talent. decided to help the bird. He cleaned it, fed it, and
“Diego! You can swim!” “Yes, I can swim.” “I even gave it a name — Juan Salvado. From that
mean you are able to swim really well. Brilliantly, day on, Juan Salvado lived on the terrace of his
in fact!” “Do you think so?” He asked without room in the school dormitory. The following is
looking directly at me, but I saw a smile on his part of the story, written by Tom Michell, about
face. As we returned to the dormitory, Diego told the penguin and a boy at the school. From the

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 12 -
first day that I brought a penguin to live at the 27. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않은 것은? 27)

school, one student in particular wanted to help ① Diego had difficulty in adapting himself to the
with his care. His name was Diego Gonzales. new school.
Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be frightened ② Diego had little English knowledge that he
of his own shadow. He struggled with his classes, warded off the situation he was forced to speak.
and none of the after-school activities seemed to ③ Some friends of Diego's volunteered to help
suit him. He was neither strong nor athletic. On Diego and Juan Salvado.
the rugby field, nobody passed the ball to him or ④ No sooner had other swimmers left than we
involved him in the game, except to make fun of brought Juan Salvado to the water.
him. ⑤ For many months, Juan Salvado hadn't swum
with his feathers damaged.
26. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않은 것은? 26)

① Tom Michell found out a penguin damaged and

detached from group.
② Michell put the penguin in the cage in the 1과 exercise 3.
school dormitory together with other birds. 28. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
③ The penguin rescued was named Juan Salvado 것을 고르시오. 28)

by Michell. The penguin stared at me and then at the pool,

④ A boy named Diego Gonzales who is shy and like he was asking, “Ah! Is this where the fish
timid wanted to care for the penguin. come from?”
⑤ Diego Gonzales was made fun of while he was
playing rugby. (A) I was familiar with the awkward way that Juan
Salvado walked on land, but now I watched in
awe. Using only a stroke or two, he flew at great
speed from one end of the pool to the other,
turning swiftly before touching the sides. It was
amazing! Everyone could see how much he was
1과 exercise 2. enjoying himself. “Ooh! Aah!” The boys shouted,
Diego’s early education had not prepared him well as though they were watching a fireworks display.
for life at his new school. His knowledge of After a while, Diego came over and asked quietly,
English was limited, so he avoided conversation. “Can I swim, too?”
However, Diego enjoyed the company of Juan
Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace, Diego could (B) I was astonished. He had never gone near the
relax. He had some friends who also had trouble pool before. I was not even sure if he could swim.
fitting in. Looking after Juan Salvado was good for “The water is cold, and it’s getting late. Are you
those boys. They fed him fish, swept the terrace, sure you want to go in?” I asked. “Please!” “All
and spent time with him. One day, I took Juan right then,” I said, “but be quick!” I had never
Salvado to the school swimming pool with the seen him so excited before.
boys. As soon as the other swimmers left, we
brought Juan Salvado to the water to see if he (C) Without further encouragement, he jumped in.
would swim. Juan Salvado had been living at the With a single movement of his wings, he flew like
school for several months by then. However, in an arrow across the water and knocked into the
all that time, he had never been able to swim wall on the opposite side. Luckily, he was not
because his feathers had been damaged. hurt! I had never had the opportunity to study a
penguin in the water before.

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 13 -
① (A)-(C)-(B) ② (B)-(A)-(C) ③ (B)-(C)-(A) 1과 exercise 2.
④ (C)-(A)-(B) ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A) 30. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
것을 고르시오. 30)

Diego’s early education had not prepared him well

for life at his new school.

(A) They fed him fish, swept the terrace, and

spent time with him. One day, I took Juan Salvado
to the school swimming pool with the boys.

1과 exercise 5. (B) As soon as the other swimmers left, we

I was almost speechless. Suddenly Diego was not brought Juan Salvado to the water to see if he
the sad little boy we had become ① used to. He would swim.
was a very normal boy with a very special talent.
“Diego! You can swim!” “Yes, I can swim.” “I (C) His knowledge of English was limited, so he
mean you are able to swim really well. ② avoided conversation. However, Diego enjoyed the
Brilliantly, in fact!” “Do you think so?” He asked company of Juan Salvado.
without looking directly at me, but I saw a smile
on his face. As we returned to the dormitory, (D) Indeed, on the terrace, Diego could relax. He
Diego told me that his father ③ had taught him had some friends who also had trouble fitting in.
how to swim in the river by their home. It was Looking after Juan Salvado was good for those
the first time he had talked about his life. I boys.
listened in silence, without making any corrections
to his English, as he talked nonstop all the way ① (A)-(C)-(B)-(D)
back to the dormitory. The events of that day ② (D)-(B)-(A)-(C)
were extraordinary. A child had gone down to the ③ (D)-(C)-(B)-(A)
water to swim with a penguin, and shortly ④ (C)-(D)-(A)-(B)
afterward, a young man ④ has emerged. The ugly ⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)-(D)
duckling had become a swan. It was definitely a
turning point. Diego’s confidence grew quickly
after that day. When the school had a swimming
competition, he won every race he participated in.
The encouragement and acknowledgement given
by the other boys ⑤ was genuine. He had earned
the respect of his classmates. Over the next few
weeks, his grades improved and he became more
popular. Thanks to a swim with a penguin, a
lonely boy’s life was changed forever.

29. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 29)

① ② ③ ④ ⑤

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 14 -
1과 exercise 5. 1과 exercise 5.
31. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 As we returned to the dormitory, Diego told me
적절한 곳을 고르시오. 31) that his father had taught him how to swim in the
The ugly duckling had become a swan. river by their home. It was the first time (A) when
/ which he had talked about his life. I listened in
As we returned to the dormitory, Diego told me silence, without making any corrections to his
that his father had taught him how to swim in the English, as he talked nonstop all the way back to
river by their home. It was the first time he had the dormitory. The events of that day were
talked about his life. ( ① ) I listened in silence, extraordinary. A child had gone down to the
without making any corrections to his English, as water (B) swim / to swim with a penguin, and
he talked nonstop all the way back to the shortly afterward, a young man had emerged. The
dormitory. The events of that day were ugly duckling had become a swan. It was
extraordinary. ( ② ) A child had gone down to definitely a turning point. Diego’s confidence grew
the water to swim with a penguin, and shortly quickly after that day. When the school had a
afterward, a young man had emerged. ( ③ ) It swimming competition, he won every race he
was definitely a turning point. Diego’s confidence participated in. The encouragement and
grew quickly after that day. When the school had acknowledgement (C) were given / given by the
a swimming competition, he won every race he other boys was genuine. He had earned the
participated in. ( ④ ) The encouragement and respect of his classmates. Over the next few
acknowledgement given by the other boys was weeks, his grades improved and he became more
genuine. He had earned the respect of his popular. Thanks to a swim with a penguin, a
classmates. ( ⑤ ) Over the next few weeks, his lonely boy’s life was changed forever.
grades improved and he became more popular.
Thanks to a swim with a penguin, a lonely boy’s 32. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으
life was changed forever. 로 가장 적절한 것은? 32)

(A) (B) (C)

① when swim given
② which to swim given
③ when to swim were given
④ which swim were given
⑤ when to swim given

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 15 -
1과 exercise 5.
33. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장
적절한 곳을 고르시오. 33)

It was definitely a turning point.

“Diego! You can swim!” “Yes, I can swim.” “I

mean you are able to swim really well. Brilliantly,
in fact!” “Do you think so?” He asked without
looking directly at me, but I saw a smile on his
face. ( ① ) As we returned to the dormitory,
Diego told me that his father had taught him how
to swim in the river by their home. It was the
first time he had talked about his life. ( ② ) I
listened in silence, without making any corrections
to his English, as he talked nonstop all the way
back to the dormitory. The events of that day
were extraordinary. ( ③ ) A child had gone down
to the water to swim with a penguin, and shortly
afterward, a young man had emerged. The ugly
duckling had become a swan. ( ④ ) Diego’s
confidence grew quickly after that day. When the
school had a swimming competition, he won every
race he participated in. ( ⑤ ) The encouragement
and acknowledgement given by the other boys was

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 16 -
1과 exercise 1. [서술형 변형] all that time, he had never been able to swim
Tom Michell is a British teacher. In the 1970s, he because his feathers had been damaged. “Go on!”
worked at an English language boarding school in I said. The penguin stared at me and then at the
Argentina. One day he visited a beach and found pool, like he was asking, “Ah! Is this where the
a penguin that was injured and alone. Michell fish come from?” Without further encouragement,
decided to help the bird. He cleaned it, fed it, and he jumped in.
even gave it a name — Juan Salvado. From that
day on, Juan Salvado lived on the terrace of his 35. Find and write it down the phrases or
room in the school dormitory. The following is sentences that represent that Diego felt
part of the story, written by Tom Michell, about comfortable with Juan Salvado. [2점] 35)

the penguin and a boy at the school. From the

first day that I brought a penguin to live at the
school, one student in particular wanted to help
with his care. His name was Diego Gonzales.
Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be frightened
of his own shadow. He struggled with his classes,
and none of the after-school activities seemed to
suit him. 그는 강하지도 않았고 체격이 좋지도 않았다. 1과 exercise 3.
On the rugby field, nobody passed the ball to him “Go on!” I said. The penguin stared at me and
or involved him in the game, except to make fun then at the pool, like he was asking, “Ah! Is this
of him. where the fish come from?” Without further
encouragement, he jumped in. With a single
34. 밑줄 친 우리말을 한 문장으로 영작하시오. [3점] 34) movement of his wings, he flew like an arrow
across the water and knocked into the wall on the
opposite side. Luckily, he was not hurt! I had
never had the opportunity to study a penguin in
the water before. I was familiar with the awkward
way (1) which Juan Salvado walked on land, but
now I watched in awe. Using only a stroke or two,
he flew at great speed from one end of the pool
1과 exercise 2. to (2) another, turning swiftly before touching the
Diego’s early education had not prepared him well sides. It was amazing! Everyone could see how
for life at his new school. His knowledge of much he was enjoying (3) him. “Ooh! Aah!” The
English was limited, so he avoided conversation. boys shouted, as though they were watching a
However, Diego enjoyed the company of Juan fireworks display. After a while, Diego came over
Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace, Diego could and asked quietly, “Can I swim, too?”
relax. He had some friends who also had trouble
fitting in. Looking after Juan Salvado was good for 36. 글의 밑줄 친 부분들은 모두 어법상 오류가 있다. 이
those boys. They fed him fish, swept the terrace, 를 옳게 고치시오. (각 2점) 36)

and spent time with him. One day, I took Juan

Salvado to the school swimming pool with the (1) →
boys. As soon as the other swimmers left, we
brought Juan Salvado to the water to see if he (2) →
would swim. Juan Salvado had been living at the
school for several months by then. However, in (3) →

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 17 -
1과 exercise 4. he had talked about his life. I listened in silence,
“The water is cold, and it’s getting late. Are you without (C) [make] any corrections to his English,
sure you want to go in?” I asked. “Please!” “All as he talked nonstop all the way back to the
right then,” I said, “but be quick!” I had never dormitory. The events of that day were
seen him so excited before. His eyes were shining extraordinary. A child had gone down to the
with joy, and he seemed to be truly alive for the water to swim with a penguin, and shortly
first time. Without hesitating, he dived into the afterward, a young man had emerged. The ugly
cold water. I was ready to jump in and rescue duckling had become a swan. It was definitely a
him if he could not swim. However, I soon turning point. Diego’s confidence grew (D) [quick]
realized that I did not have anything to worry after that day. When the school had a swimming
about. Diego not only could swim but he swam competition, he won every race he participated in.
magnificently! He chased after Juan Salvado, and
they swam in perfect harmony. It was like a duet 38. 다음 (A) ∼ (D)의 각 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 어
written for violin and piano. Sometimes Juan 법, 문맥에 맞게 바꾸시오.(단, 바꿀 필요가 없으면,
Salvado took the lead and Diego followed after 그대로 쓰시오.) [각 2점] 38)

him. At other times Diego went ahead and the

penguin swam around the boy. Occasionally they (A) (B)
swam so close that they almost touched.
(C) (D)
37. 다음 밑줄 친 문장을 다음의 <조 건>에 맞도록 영어

문장을 쓰시오. (3점) 37)

<조 건>
① 밑줄 친 부분에 ‘not only’를 강조 할 것
② 도치를 사용 할 것

1과 exercise 1.
→ .
Tom Michell is a British teacher. In the 1970s, he
(A) [has worked] at an English language boarding
school in Argentina. One day he visited a beach
and found a penguin that was injured and alone.
Michell decided to help the bird. He cleaned it,
fed it, and even gave it a name — Juan Salvado.
From that day on, Juan Salvado lived on the
terrace of his room in the school dormitory. The
1과 exercise 5. following is part of the story, written by Tom
I was almost speechless. Suddenly Diego was not Michell, about the penguin and a boy at the
the sad little boy we had become (A) [used]. He school. From the first day that I brought a
was a very normal boy with a very special talent. penguin (B) [lives] at the school, one student in
“Diego! You can swim!” “Yes, I can swim.” “I particular wanted to help with his care. His name
mean you are able to swim really well. Brilliantly, was Diego Gonzales. Diego was a shy boy who
in fact!” “Do you think so?” He asked without seemed to be frightened of his own shadow. He
looking directly at me, but I saw a smile on his struggled with his classes, and none of the
face. As we returned to the dormitory, Diego told after-school activities seemed to suit him. He was
me that his father had taught him how (B) [swim] neither strong nor athletic. On the rugby field,
in the river by their home. It was the first time

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 18 -
nobody passed the ball to him or involved him in 1과 exercise 3.
the game, except (D) [to make] fun of him. “Go on!” I said. The penguin stared at me and
Diego’s early education had not prepared him well then at the pool, like he was asking, “Ah! Is this
for life at his new school. His knowledge of where the fish come from?” Without further
English was (D) [limitless], so he avoided encouragement, he jumped in. With a single
conversation. movement of his wings, he flew like an arrow
across the water and knocked into the wall on the
39. 다음 (A) ∼ (D)의 각 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 어 opposite side. Luckily, he was not hurt! I had
법, 문맥에 맞게 고쳐 쓰시오.(단, 고칠 필요가 없으 never had the opportunity to study a penguin in
면, 그대로 쓰시오.) [각 2점] 39) the water before. I was familiar with the awkward
way that Juan Salvado walked on land, but now I
(A) (B) watched in awe. Using only a stroke or two, he
flew at great speed from one end of the pool to
(C) (D) the other, [ ].
It was amazing! Everyone could see how much he
was enjoying himself. “Ooh! Aah!” The boys
shouted, as though they were watching a
fireworks display.

41. 빈칸에 글의 흐름에 따라 주어진 단어들을 어법에

1과 exercise 2. 맞게 배열하여 문장을 완성하시오. [주어진 단어를
Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be frightened 모두 사용하되, 필요시 어형을 변화시킬 것.] (5점)
of his own shadow. He struggled with his classes, 41)

and none of the after-school activities seemed to

suit him. He was not strong or athletic, either. On before / sides / turn / swiftly / the / touch
the rugby field, nobody passed the ball to him or
involved him in the game, except to make fun of
him. Diego’s early education had not prepared
him well for life at his new school. His knowledge
of English was limited, so he avoided
conversation. However, Diego enjoyed the
company of Juan Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace,
Diego could relax. He had some friends who also
had trouble fitting in. Looking after Juan Salvado
was good for those boys. They fed him fish, swept
the terrace, and spent time with him.

40. 다음 밑줄 친 문장을 다음의 <조 건>에 맞도록 영어

문장을 쓰시오. (3점) 40)

<조 건>
① 밑줄 친 부분에 ‘neither'을 이용해서 영작하시오.
② 의미가 달라지지 않도록 할 것

→ .

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 19 -
1과 exercise 4. 1과 exercise 5.
I was astonished. He had never gone near the I was almost speechless. Suddenly Diego was not
pool before. I was not even sure if he could swim. the sad little boy we had become used to. He was
“The water is cold, and it’s getting late. Are you a very normal boy with a very special talent.
sure you want to go in?” I asked. “Please!” “All “Diego! You can swim!” “Yes, I can swim.” “I
right then,” I said, “but be quick!” I had never mean you are able to swim really well. Brilliantly,
seen him so excited before. His eyes were shining in fact!” “Do you think so?” He asked without
with joy, and he seemed to be truly alive for the looking directly at me, but I saw a smile on his
first time. Without hesitating, he dived into the face. As we returned to the dormitory, Diego told
cold water. I was ready to jump in and rescue me that his father had taught him how to swim in
him if he could not swim. However, I soon the river by their home. It was the first time he
realized that I did not have anything had talked about his life. I listened in silence,
. Not only could Diego swim, but without making any corrections to his English, as
he swam magnificently! He chased after Juan he talked nonstop all the way back to the
Salvado, and they swam in perfect harmony. It dormitory. The events of that day were
was like a duet written for violin and piano. extraordinary. A child had gone down to the
Sometimes Juan Salvado took the lead and Diego water to swim with a penguin, and shortly
followed after him. At other times Diego went afterward, a young man had emerged. The ugly
ahead and the penguin swam around the boy. duckling had become a swan. It was definitely a
Occasionally they swam so close that they almost . Diego’s confidence grew quickly
touched. after that day. When the school had a swimming
competition, he won every race he participated in.
42. 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 적절한 말을 세 단어 The encouragement and acknowledgement given
로 쓰시오. (5점) 42) by the other boys was genuine. He had earned
the respect of his classmates. Over the next few
weeks, his grades improved and he became more
popular. Thanks to a swim with a penguin, a
lonely boy’s life was changed forever.

43. <보기> 안의 우리말과 같도록 빈칸에 들어갈 가장

적절한 두 단어를 쓰시오. (2점) 43)

< 보 기 >

그것은 분명히 전환점이었다.

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 20 -
1과 exercise 1. 1과 exercise 2.
Tom Michell is a British teacher. In the 1970s, he Diego’s early education had not prepared him well
worked at an English language boarding school in for life at his new school. His knowledge of
Argentina. One day he visited a beach and found English was (A) , so he avoided
a penguin that was injured and alone. Michell conversation. However, Diego enjoyed the
decided to help the bird. He cleaned it, fed it, and company of Juan Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace,
even gave it a name — Juan Salvado. From that Diego could relax. He had some friends who also
day on, Juan Salvado lived on the terrace of his had trouble (B) in. Looking after Juan
room in the school dormitory. The following is Salvado was good for those boys. They fed him
part of the story, written by Tom Michell, about fish, swept the terrace, and spent time with him.
the penguin and a boy at the school. From the One day, I took Juan Salvado to the school
first day that I brought a penguin to live at the swimming pool with the boys. As soon as the
school, one student in particular wanted to help other swimmers left, we brought Juan Salvado to
with his care. His name was Diego Gonzales. the water to see if he would swim. Juan Salvado
Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be frightened had been living at the school for several months
of his own shadow. He struggled with his classes, by then. However, in all that time, he had never
and 방과 후 활동 중 그 어느 것도 그에게 적합해 보이 been able to swim because his feathers had been
지 않았다. He was neither strong nor athletic. On damaged. “Go on!” I said. The penguin stared at
the rugby field, nobody passed the ball to him or me and then at the pool, like he was asking, “Ah!
involved him in the game, except to make fun of Is this where the fish come from?” Without
him. further (C) , he jumped in.

44. <보기>에 주어진 단어들만을 중복 없이 모두 사용하 45. 글을 읽고, 각 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 말을 쓰시
여 밑줄 친 우리말을 문맥에 맞게 영작하시오. (3점) 오. [흐름상 의미가 통하는 동의어는 정답으로 인정,
44) 단, 품사가 틀렸을 경우 오답] (각 2점) 45)

< 보 기 > (A) (B) (C)

after-school / suit / of / the / seemed /

him / none / activities / to

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 21 -
1과 exercise 4. 1과 exercise 5.
Everyone could see how much he was enjoying I was almost speechless. Suddenly Diego was not
himself. “Ooh! Aah!” The boys shouted, as though the sad little boy we had become used to. He was
they were watching a fireworks display. After a a very normal boy with a very special talent.
while, Diego came over and asked quietly, “Can I “Diego! You can swim!” “Yes, I can swim.” “I
swim, too?” I was (A) a . He had never mean you are able to swim really well. Brilliantly,
gone near the pool before. I was not even sure if in fact!” “Do you think so?” He asked without
he could swim. “The water is cold, and it’s getting looking directly at me, but I saw a smile on his
late. Are you sure you want to go in?” I asked. face. As we returned to the dormitory, Diego told
“Please!” “All right then,” I said, “but be quick!” I me that his father had taught him how to swim in
had never seen him so excited before. His eyes the river by their home. It was the first time he
were shining with joy, and he seemed to be truly had talked about his life. I listened in silence,
alive for the first time. Without (B) h , he without making any corrections to his English, as
dived into the cold water. I was ready to jump in he talked nonstop all the way back to the
and rescue him if he could not swim. However, I dormitory. The events of that day were
soon realized that I did not have anything to extraordinary. A child had gone down to the
worry about. Not only could Diego swim, but he water to swim with a penguin, and shortly
swam magnificently! He chased after Juan Salvado, afterward, a young man had emerged. The ugly
and they swam in perfect harmony. duckling had become a swan. It was definitely a
turning point. Diego’s confidence grew quickly
46. 위 글을 읽고, 주어진 스펠링으로 시작하는 적절한 after that day. When the school had a swimming
단어를 채우시오. (각 2점) 46) competition, he won every race he participated in.
The encouragement and acknowledgement given
by the other boys was genuine. He had earned
(A) (B) the respect of his classmates. Over the next few
weeks, his grades improved and he became more
popular. Thanks to a swim with a penguin, a
lonely boy’s life was changed forever.

47. 위의 지문을 읽고 제목을 쓰려고 한다. 각 빈칸에 절

절한 어구를 쓰시오. (단, 주어진 스펠링으로 시작하
는 단어를 쓸 것) [각 2점] 47)

A boy who (A) t into (B) s

(A) (B)

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 22 -
1과 exercise 2. realized 내가 걱정할 필요가 전혀 없다는 것. Not only
Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be frightened could Diego swim, but he swam magnificently! He
of his own shadow. He struggled with his classes, chased after Juan Salvado, and they swam in
and none of the after-school activities seemed to perfect harmony. It was like a duet written for
suit him. He was neither strong nor athletic. On violin and piano. Sometimes Juan Salvado took the
the rugby field, nobody passed the ball to him or lead and Diego followed after him. At other times
involved him in the game, except to make fun of Diego went ahead and the penguin swam around
him. Diego’s early education had not prepared the boy. Occasionally they swam so close that
him well for life at his new school. His knowledge they almost touched.
of English was limited, so he avoided
conversation. However, Diego enjoyed the 49. 밑줄 친 우리말과 같도록 <보기>의 단어를 모두 사
company of Juan Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace, 용하여 문장을 완성하시오. (3점) 49)

Diego could relax. [ ].

Looking after Juan Salvado was good for those < 보 기 >
boys. They fed him fish, swept the terrace, and
not / about / anything / that / I / have /
spent time with him. One day, I took Juan Salvado
to / did / worry
to the school swimming pool with the boys.

48. 빈칸에 글의 흐름에 따라 주어진 단어들을 어법에

맞게 배열하여 문장을 완성하시오. [주어진 단어를
모두 사용하되, 필요시 어형을 변화시킬 것.] (5점)

friends / who / in / had / trouble / fit / he /

some / also / had

1과 exercise 5.
I was almost speechless. Suddenly Diego was not
(A) [boy / we / sad / used / little / had / the /
become / to]. He was a very normal boy with a
very special talent. “Diego! You can swim!” “Yes, I
can swim.” “I mean you are able to swim really
well. Brilliantly, in fact!” “Do you think so?” He
asked without looking directly at me, but I saw a
1과 exercise 4.
smile on his face. As we returned to the
I was astonished. He had never gone near the
dormitory, Diego told me that his father had
pool before. I was not even sure if he could swim.
taught him how to swim in the river by their
“The water is cold, and it’s getting late. Are you
home. It was the first time he had talked about
sure you want to go in?” I asked. “Please!” “All
his life. I listened in silence, without making any
right then,” I said, “but be quick!” I had never
corrections to his English, as he talked nonstop
seen him so excited before. His eyes were shining
all the way back to the dormitory. The events of
with joy, and he seemed to be truly alive for the
that day were extraordinary. A child had gone
first time. Without hesitating, he dived into the
down to the water to swim with a penguin, and
cold water. I was ready to jump in and rescue
shortly afterward, a young man had emerged. The
him if he could not swim. However, I soon
ugly duckling had become a swan. It was

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 23 -
definitely a turning point. Diego’s confidence grew as / the / other], we brought Juan Salvado to the
quickly after that day. When the school had a water to see if he would swim. Juan Salvado had
swimming competition, (B) [race / he / won / in / been living at the school for several months by
he / every / participated]. The encouragement then. However, in all that time, he had never
and acknowledgement given by the other boys was been able to swim because his feathers had been
genuine. He had earned the respect of his damaged.
classmates. Over the next few weeks, his grades
improved and he became more popular. Thanks 51. 다음 글의 흐름상, 밑줄 친 곳의 배열을 주어진 단어
to a swim with a penguin, a lonely boy’s life was 를 모두 사용하여 영작하시오. [총 점:4점, 각 2점씩]
changed forever. 51)

50. 다음 글의 흐름상, 밑줄 친 곳의 배열을 주어진 단어 (A)

를 모두 사용하여 영작하시오. [총 점:4점, 각 2점씩]
50) (B)



1과 exercise 5.
As we returned to the dormitory, Diego told me
that his father had taught him how to swim in the
river by their home. It was the first time he had
1과 exercise 2. talked about his life. I listened in silence, without
Diego was a shy boy who seemed to be frightened making any corrections to his English, as he
of his own shadow. He struggled with his classes, talked nonstop all the way back to the dormitory.
and none of the after-school activities seemed to The events of that day were extraordinary. A
suit him. He was neither strong nor athletic. On child had gone down to the water to swim with a
the rugby field, nobody passed the ball to him or penguin, and shortly afterward, a young man had
involved him in the game, (A) [him / except / fun emerged. The ugly duckling had become a swan.
/ of / to / make]. Diego’s early education had It was definitely a turning point. Diego’s
not prepared him well for life at his new school. confidence grew quickly after that day. When the
His knowledge of English was limited, so he school had a swimming competition, he won every
avoided conversation. However, Diego enjoyed the race he participated in. The encouragement and
company of Juan Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace, acknowledgement given by the other boys was
Diego could relax. He had some friends who also genuine. He had earned the respect of his
had trouble fitting in. Looking after Juan Salvado classmates. Over the next few weeks, his grades
was good for those boys. They fed him fish, swept improved and he became more popular. Thanks
the terrace, and spent time with him. One day, I to a swim with a penguin, a lonely boy’s life was
took Juan Salvado to the school swimming pool changed forever.
with the boys. (B) [swimmers / soon / as / left /

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 24 -
52. 다음 글을 읽고, 글의 내용을 정리한 글에서 빈칸 1과 exercise 2.
(a), (b)에 적절한 말을 단어 ‘confidence’를 적절하 Diego’s early education had not prepared him well
게 변형시켜서 채우시오. [단, 필요시 그대로 쓸 것] for life at his new school. His knowledge of
(3점) 52) English was limited, so he avoided conversation.
However, Diego enjoyed the company of Juan
On the way to the dorm Diego told me the thing Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace, Diego could
about the swimming. And after the swimming with relax. He had some friends who also had trouble
the penguin his (a) seemed to be fitting in. Looking after Juan Salvado was good for
elevated. After that he participated in the those boys. They fed him fish, swept the terrace,
school-held swimming competition and won every and spent time with him. One day, I took Juan
race. He became popular and acknowledged. And Salvado to the school swimming pool with the
it seemed that he felt (b) about himself. boys. As soon as the other swimmers left, we
brought Juan Salvado to the water to see if he
would swim. Juan Salvado had been living at the
(a) (b) school for several months by then. However, in
all that time, he had never been able to swim
because his feathers had been damaged.

1과 exercise 2. 54. 다음 밑줄 친 문장을 다음의 <조 건>에 맞도록 영어

Diego’s early education had not prepared him well 문장을 쓰시오. (5점) 54)

for life at his new school. His knowledge of <조 건>

English was limited, so he avoided conversation. ① 밑줄 친 부분에 'hardly ~ when'구문을 사용 할 것
However, Diego enjoyed the company of Juan ② 도치를 시킬 것
Salvado. Indeed, on the terrace, Diego could
relax. He had some friends who also had trouble
fitting in. Looking after Juan Salvado was good for
→ .
those boys. They fed him fish, swept the terrace,
and spent time with him. One day, I took Juan
Salvado to the school swimming pool with the
boys. As soon as the other swimmers left, we
brought Juan Salvado to the water to see if he
would swim. Juan Salvado had been living at the
school for several months by then. However, in
all that time, he had never been able to swim
because his feathers had been damaged.

53. 다음 밑줄 친 문장을 다음의 <조 건>에 맞도록 영어

문장을 쓰시오. (5점) 53)

<조 건>
① 밑줄 친 부분에 'no sooner ~ than'구문을 사용할

② 도치를 시킬 것

→ .

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 25 -
영어1 능률 김성곤 1과 ANSWER SHEET
51) (A) except to make fun of him (B) As soon as the
1) 3 other swimmers left
2) 2 (avoided relax damaged)
3) 3 52) (a) confidence (b) confident
4) 3
5) 2 53) No sooner had the other swimmers left than
6) 2
7) 4 were -> was
8) 4 (able awkward swiftly) 54) Hardly had the other swimmers left when
9) 2 to have been -> to be
10) 5
11) 5
12) 5
13) 2
14) 3
15) 5
16) 5
17) 5
18) 3
19) 4
20) 2
21) 5 (suit)
22) 1 (company)
23) 4
24) 2
25) 3
26) 2
27) 3
28) 4
29) 4 has emerged -> had emerged
30) 4
31) 3
32) 5
33) 4

34) He was neither strong nor athletic

35) On the terrace, Diego could relax.

36) (1) which -> in which (2) another -> the other (3)
him -> himself

37) Not only could Diego swim, but he swam


38) (A) used to (B) to swim (C) making (D) quickly

39) (A) worked (B) to live (C) to make (D) limited

40) He was neither strong nor athletic

41) turning swiftly before touching the sides

42) to worry about

43) turning point

44) none of the after-school activities seemed to suit


45) (A) limited (B) fitting (C) encouragement

46) (A) astonished (B) hesitating

47) (A) turned (B) swan

48) He had some friends who also had trouble fitting in

49) that I did not have anything to worry about

50) (A) the sad little boy we had become used to (B)
he won every race he participated in

영어1 능률 [김성곤] - 26 -

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