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Bahasa Inggris 11 IPA PAS

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Nama Tentor : _____________
JL. Kompol M Jasin (Akses UI) No.
Cabang SG : _____________ 62 Samping Bank BJB. Kelapa Dua-
Cimanggis Depok

Phone: 021-87707205
Fax: 021-87707205

Choose the correct answer by crossing (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E)!

1. Husband : Our car always troubles me. 5. The phrases below are expressing opinion, except
Wife : Why don’t you sell it and buy a new ...
one? (A) In my opinion you must join the class.
Husband : Well. I don’t have any objection to (B) As I see it, the problem is quite difficult.
your idea as we can afford it. (C) Personally, I think that you need more
In the dialogue the underlined sentence shows... (D) I’m very sorry to say that you cannot join this
(A) sympathy (D) suggestion program.
(B) capability (E) pleasure (E) To my mind, it would be better to revise the
(C) agreement draft.

2. Tia : You look so sad. What has happened to The following text is for questions 6 to 9.
Mia : My mother was angry because I came Herbal medicine is becoming even more popular
home late last night. in today’s world as people seek out natural remedies.
Tia : Don’t be sad. There are many advantages and disadvantages of herbal
You’d better ask for her apology and medicines.
admit that you’ve done a mistake. The advantages of using herbal medicines are
From the dialogue we know that Tia gives ... to numerous. Herbal medicines tend to be more effective
Mia. for long-standing health complaints that don’t respond
(A) an idea (D) a surprise well to modern medicines. Herbs typically have fewer
(B) an advice (E) information side effects, and may be safer to use over time.
(C) an opinion Another advantage of herbal medicines is cost.
Herbs cost much less than prescription medicines.
3. Brenda : “The road is too busy and the vehicles Research, testing and marketing add considerably to the
are running so fast.” cost of prescription medicines. Herbs tend to be
Auntie : “... ...” inexpensive compared to drugs.
Also, herbs are available without a prescription,
(A) Mind your step. and some simple herbs, such as peppermint and
(B) Beware of pickpockets. chamomile, can be grown at home. In some remote parts
(C) Take care of the vehicles. of the world, herbs may be the only treatment available
(D) Whatever you do, do it carefully. to the majority of people. Many find the easy availability
(E) Be careful when crossing the road. of herbs appealing.
But, herbs are not without their risks. For sudden,
4. A: “I’ve just got back to work after being serious illnesses, mainstream medicine still reigns
hospitalized for a week.” supreme. An herbalist would not be able to treat serious
B : “… ... ...” trauma, such as a broken leg, nor would he able to heal
A : “Yeah. I think so. I will tell my boss.” appendicitis or a heart attack as effectively as a
conventional doctor using modern diagnostic tests,
(A) You should work harder then. surgery and drugs. Modern medicine treats sudden
(B) Aren’t you sad? illness and accidents much more effectively than herbal
(C) How were you doing there? or alternative treatments.
(D) You’d better work half day for now. Another disadvantage is the risk of doing oneself
(E) You should stay in hospital. harm through self-dosing with herbs. While one can
argue that the same thing can happen with medication,
such as accidentally overdosing on cold remedies, many

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herbs do not come with instructions or package inserts. The following text is for questions 10 to 12.
There’s a very real risk of overdose. Harvesting herbs in
the wild is risky, if not foolhardy, yet some people try to Global warming is the increase in the earth’s
identify and pick wild herbs. They run a very real risk of temperature caused by the greenhouse effect. What is
poisoning themselves if they don’t correctly identify the the greenhouse effect? The greenhouse effect is the
herb, or if they use the wrong part of the plant. effect of gas-generated withstanding the sunlight in
Because herbal products are not tightly regulated, order to stay on the earth and not having radiation into
consumers also run the risk of buying inferior quality space. The greenhouse effect is very useful for human life
herbs. The quality of herbal products may vary among in the earth. If there is no greenhouse effect, the earth
batches, brands or manufacturers. This can make it much will be very cold.
more difficult to prescribe the proper dose of an herb. Which are included in the greenhouse gases? The
The bottom line is that herbs are medicines, and most influential greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide,
like taking medication, herbs have some advantages and methane and nitrous oxide, while other gases are much
disadvantages. Visiting a physician for the correct less influential. The greenhouse effect occurs naturally in
diagnosis, consulting an herbalist for the proper herb and the earth. But, if the amount of greenhouse gases
dosage, and embracing modern medicine when it makes exceeds the normal limit, the earth’s temperature will
the most practical sense may be the best of all possible also increase, it is called the Global Warming. The earth’s
worlds for those who wish to use alternative and temperature increases due to the heat received which
complimentary therapies. cannot be radiated back into the space. Consequently the
temperature of the earth is getting warmer and the world
6. What is the text about? climate changes.
(A) The cost of herbal medicines. Greenhouse gases which cause global warming is
(B) The quality of herbal medicines. produced by burning fossil fuels that are used in various
(C) The risks of using herbal medicines. industries such as normally human life and
(D) The importance of herbal medicines. transportation. If we ignore the increase of earth’s
(E) The advantages and disadvantages of herbal temperature, the whole ice on earth will melt.
medicines. Consequently the sea level rise. This phenomenon is very
dangerous because it can cause the earth surface
7. The following is NOT the reason why people like changes.
consuming herbal medicines, ... To overcome the global warming, greenhouse
(A) It is cheap emissions must be reduced or eliminated. Therefore, it
(B) It can be grown at home needs to look for an alternative fuel which is friendly
(C) It may be safer than mainstream medicine environment and non-emit greenhouse gases.
(D) It doesn’t need specific prescriptions
(E) It can cure serious trauma 10. From the second paragraph, we know that ...
(A) The most influential gas is only carbon
8. Why is harvesting herbs in the wild risky? dioxide
Because the herbs may be ... (B) Greenhouse is made by human
(A) poisonous (D) effective (C) Global warming is the excess of the
(B) interesting (E) useful greenhouse effect
(C) bad (D) The change of the world climate causes
global warming
9. “Because herbal products are not tightly (E) The earth’s temperature is colder in the
regulated, ...” (Paragraph 7) global warming
The bold-typed word has the similar meaning to ...
(A) badly (D) strictly 11. What is the purpose of the text above?
(B) mainly (E) slowly (A) To explain someone about the global
(C) efficiently warming

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(B) To entertain someone about the global 13. What is the purpose of the text?
warming (A) To describe the teacher’s habit.
(C) To inform someone about the global (B) To tell readers on the importance of smoking
warming (C) To illustrate the teachers who are smoking at
(D) To retell about the global warming school
(E) To describe about the global warming (D) To persuade the teachers not to smoke
12. The following statements are true, except ... (E) To explain readers why smoking is not good
(A) Burning fossil fuels can influence to the for teachers to do at school
global warming
(B) Global warming increases the earth’s 14. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
temperature (A) The active smokers become the victims
(C) Discovering the alternative fuel can (B) The people who do not smoke become the
overcome the global warming victims of smokers
(D) Global warming can keep the ice in the earth (C) Teachers can be dangerously when they
frozen become active smokers
(E) No greenhouse, the earth will be cold (D) Teachers should not smoke at school
(E) Teachers become the active smokers
The following text is for questions 13 to 18.
In my opinion teachers should not smoke at 15. What is the writer’s opinion on smoker teachers?
school. There are several reasons why I strongly disagree (A) He considers that they obey the school rules
if teachers do smoking at school. (B) He thinks smoking in school real is fine
Firstly, no smoking regulation applied to students (C) He feels smoking is not good
will not be effective at all when teachers as a model do (D) He strongly disagrees
not give a bad example for their students, especially in (E) He strongly agrees
Secondly, smoking makes classroom and school 16. “… passive smokers become the victims of active
environment dirty. Most teachers who smoke carelessly smokers” What does the underlined word
usually throw away the cigarette ashes and ends means…
everywhere. They scatter on the table on the floor and (A) Donor (D) Sufferer
the school yard. (B) Destroy (E) patient
Thirdly, passive smokers become the victim of (C) Breaker
active smokers. Smoke coming out from cigarettes can
dangerously affect the people around. Teachers should 17. Text above is the form of a/an…
bear in mind that their students inhale poisonous smoke (A) Descriptive
while enjoy the taste of their cigarettes. (B) Report
Lastly, smoking makes nasty smell. For smokers, (C) Hortatory exposition
cigarettes they love have nice smell. In fact cigarette ends (D) Analytical exposition
make bad smell. Fellow teachers always complain the (E) Discussion
smell of the cigarette ends left by their colleagues who
smoke. In classroom students have to fan cigarette 18. Where do teachers usually throw the cigarette
smoke to get rid of the annoying smell. ashes and ends away?
Considering the moral, healthy and environment (A) On the chair
reasons, I believe that teachers must not always smoke (B) On the self
at school. (C) In their pocket
(D) In theirs wallet
(E) On the floor

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The following text is for questions 19 to 21. 20. Based on the text, there are ... reasons for using
Learning English songs in learning language.
(A) 4 (D) 5
Learning English through music and songs can be (B) 6 (E) 3
very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with learning when (C) 2
you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to
your English progress. Some underlying reason can be 21. “They provide variety and fun, and encourage
drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language harmony within oneself and within one group.”
learning. The underlined word refers to ...
Firstly, “the song stuck in my head” phenomenon (A) learners (D) activities
(the echoing in our minds of the last song we heard after (B) people (E) groups
leaving a restaurant, shopping malls, etc.) can be both (C) song
enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon
also seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our Read the letter below to answer questions 22 and 23.
short-and-long term memory. Dear Ericka,
Secondly, songs in general also use simple
conversational language, with a lot of repetition, which is Next May 27th is Azuchi’s birthday. My husband and I
just what many learners look for sample text. The fact are planning to celebrate it with a small party with kids
that they are effective makes them many times more in an orphanage. We want to share happiness and care
motivating than other text. Although usually simple, with others who need it the most. The orphanage we
some songs can be quite complex syntactically, lexically plan to visit is Mekar Sari Orphanage which is located
and poetically, and can be analyzed in the same way as in Serpong Tangerang, Banten.
any other literary sample.
Furthermore, song can be appropriate by listener Besides celebrating Azuchi’s birthday, we also plan to
for their own purpose. Most pop songs and probably give donation to the orphanage. We are going to give
many other types don’t have precise people, place or clothes, toys, rice, cooking oil, child/baby milk. I think
time reference. you may like to give donation too! So please contact
In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide me soon if you have decided to do so!
variety and fun, and encourage harmony within oneself
and within one group. Little wonder they are important Love
tools in sustaining culture, religion, patriotism and yeas, Angel
even revolution.
Last but not least, there are many learning 22. Who needs the happiness and care most
activities we can do with songs such as studying according to Angel?
grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension, (A) Erika (D) Azuchi
translating songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and (B) Orphans (E) Angel’s friends
culture. (C) The planning
From the elaboration above, it can be concluded
that learning through music and songs, learning English 23. What does Angel ask Erika to do?
can be enjoyable and fun. (A) Celebrate her son’s birthday.
(B) Join giving donation to the orphanage.
19. What is the text about? (C) Plan a birthday party for Azuchi.
(A) Music listeners (D) Visit Mekar Sari Orphanage.
(B) Using songs in language learning
(C) The phenomenon 24. Rio : Are you free? Let’s play futsal together
(D) Learning songs with our friends.
(E) Very enjoyable music Steve : ... ... ... . Actually, I was thinking about
playing futsal too.

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(A) I’m sorry I cannot join with you. (C) Galaxy Convention center
(B) OK, but I have another work to do. (D) Jalan Galaxy
(C) OK, let’s go. (E) It is not stated in the text
(D) I want to but I can’t.
(E) I’d love to but it’s impossible for me. 29. Who is Ashila’s mother in law?
(A) Andhini (D) Dilla
25. Bejo : Will you go to cinema with me tonight? (B) Beti (E) Pepi
Bento : I am afraid I am very busy. There are (C) Sally
many things I have to do.
From the dialogue we know that Bento is … 30. Ina : What do you think of your new red dress?
(A) stating pleasure Eta : It goes with my shoes.
(B) giving an offer Ina : I think so. You look beautiful on it.
(C) accepting an invitation Eta : Thank you …
(D) declining an invitation
(E) stating an opinion (A) I am very satisfied with it.
(B) I don’t think so.
The following text for number 26 to 29. (C) Sorry to hear that.
(D) I don’t like it.
(E) It’s too difficult to do.

31. Maria : I can say that this is the best film we have
seen this year, surely. What do you think
about the film?
Nuno : … The main characters are really
(A) I think so.
(B) I quite agree with you.
(C) I’m afraid I don’t agree.
(D) I think you’re right.
(E) I can accept your opinion.

32. Alex : Do you think that Indonesian Thomas Cup

team will be able to be the winner again?
26. To whom the invitation is addressed to? Sony : … they will be. Our team has prepared
(A) Andhini and Indra well for the competition.
(B) Bonai and Reina (A) It’s unlikely
(C) Pepi and Dilla (B) It’s possible that
(D) Ashila and Bagas (C) I don’t think I agree
(E) Pepi and Ashila (D) That will be a good news
(E) I don’t know
27. Who is Ashila’s father?
(A) Indra (D) Bagas 33. Alex : What do you think about dangdut?
(B) Bonai (E) Galaxy Soni : … … it is very popular in Indonesia and the
(C) Pepi music is also easy listening
(A) In fact (D) I think so
28. Where is Bagas from? (B) I don’t think so (E) Of course
(A) Jakarta (C) In my opinion
(B) Solo

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34. Fadil : I can say this is the best concert we have 40. He promises he will always love me forever, ...?
seen this year. What’s your opinion? (A) will you (D) shall he
Doni : …… the sound system is making strange (B) isn’t he (E) won’t he
noise so the music is not clear enough. (C) doesn’t he
(A) I think so
(B) I don’t think so 41. If mother had money, she would go to a shopping
(C) I’m afraid I don’t agree mall.
(D) I think you’re right The sentence means …
(E) I can agree with you (A) My mother had money, so she would go to a
shopping mall.
35. Ali : What do you think about bus way? (B) My mother had money, but she wouldn’t go
Edi : …. It can be one of the solutions to to a shopping mall.
decrease the traffic jam in Jakarta. (C) My mother doesn’t have money, but she
(A) In fact (D) I think so would go to a shopping mall.
(B) I don’t think so (E) Absolutely (D) My mother doesn’t have money, so she will
(C) In my opinion not go to a shopping mall.

The conversation is for number 36 to 38. 42. We would travel to China if we ... ... some money.
(A) have saved (D) saved
Anto : I have to tickets for a football game on Saturday (B) save (E) are saving
afternoon. … … … … … (36) go with me? (C) saving
Dedi : I am sorry … … … … … (37). I promised to help
Erland fix his motorbike. 43. Gary didn’t feel well, he …too hard.
Anto : Oh, it’s … … … … … (38). I’ll ask another friend. (A) might have worked
(B) will have worked
36. The best expression is … (C) would have worked
(A) What do you like (D) couldn’t have worked
(B) Would you be (E) should have worked
(C) How about
(D) Are you 44. As the groceries were sent an hour ago, they
(E) Would you like to should have been here by now.
From the underlined word we may conclude that
37. The best expression is … the groceries …
(A) That would be nice (A) will probably arrive soon
(B) I’d love to (B) are already here now
(C) To hear that (C) have not arrived yet
(D) I don’t want you (D) have just arrived
(E) I’m afraid I cannot (E) would probably not arrive

38. The best expression is … 45. X : Why do you look so sad?

(A) alright (D) no regret Y : I got 5 for my English test.
(B) so rude (E) no problem X:…
(C) never mind (A) You should have studied well
(B) You have prepared before
39. You and your friends have got lunch, ... ... ...? (C) You may prepare it
(A) didn’t they (D) haven’t you (D) You have studied hard
(B) hadn’t they (E) weren’t you (E) You can study well if you like
(C) haven’t they

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46. ‘The water outside was frozen. It … … last night.’ 47. ...
The appropriate modal to fill the sentence is … (A) come (D) find
(A) must be cold (B) reach (E) arrive
(B) could have been cold (C) attend
(C) should have been cold
(D) might have been cold 48. ...
(E) must have been cold (A) say (D) ask
(B) tell (E) talk
Fill in the missing words to the following passage. (C) said

On the morning of Hari Raya, the Muslims (47) … ... 49. ...
mosque services in their new clothes. After that, they will (A) invite (D) invited
(48) … ... for forgiveness from their elders. This is an (B) invites (E) to invite
important custom of the Muslims. Visiting relatives and (C) inviting
friends is another customary practice. They may also (49)
… ... their friends of other races to their homes where 50. ...
many delicacies are (50) … ... on this special occasion. (A) serve (D) served
(B) serves (E) to serve
(C) served

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Choose the correct answer by crossing (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E)!

The following text is for questions 1 to 4. 2. Paragraph one tells us about ...
(A) Pickpocket made people of America unsafe
Throughout history, people have been the victim (B) Pickpockets develop a qualified method of
of pickpockets. Today, pick pocketing is one of the most pickpocketing
rapidly increasing crimes. Pickpockets are increasing in (C) Most of the victims of pickpocketing are
number and developing better methods to practice their called ‘the marks’
skill. Approximately one million Americans lose money to (D) The hanging of pickpockets make crowd of
pickpockets every year, and none is really safe from a people safer and more convenient
skilled pickpockets. His victims, ‘marks’ as they are called, (E) Pickpocketing becomes one of the biggest
can be rich or poor, young or old. crimes in America
During the eighteenth century, pickpockets were
hanged in England, large crowds of people would gather 3. “Today, pickpocketing is one of the most rapidly
to watch the hanging, which was supposed to be a increasing crimes.”
warning to other pickpockets. However, in time the The bold word has the closest meaning in...
practice was discontinued. The reason: while people (A) developing (D) refusing
(B) raising (E) strengthening
were attentively watching the hanging of a pickpocket,
(C) declining
other pickpockets skilfully stole the money of the
4. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
Police official say that the most efficient
(A) To give a clear explanation about a
pickpockets come from South America. Many of these
expert pickpockets are trained in special school called
(B) To inform about the habits of pickpocket
‘Jingle Bell School’. A pickpocket’s graduate from J.B.S
(C) To describe the pickpocket long time ago
when he is able to steal a wallet from a dresses dummy
(D) To state that the pickpocket activities is a
(mannequin) that has bells inside its pockets.
problem to society
Even the most well-dressed, respectable person
(E) To explain the process of the way the
may be a pickpocket. Some of the favorite places of pickpocket worked
pickpockets are banks, airport, racetrack, supermarkets,
elevators, and train and bus stations. Oftentimes a The following text is for questions number 5 to 11.
pickpocket will work with another as his partner. Another
kind of pickpockets works outside or inside bars and I personally think that reading is a very important
specialize in stealing from women is called a ‘purse activity in our life. Why do I say so? Firstly, by reading, we
snatcher’. can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the
To avoid being a victim of a pickpocket, it’s world such as science, technology, sports, arts, culture,
important to be very cautious and alert when in the midst and others which are written in either books, magazines,
of large gathering of the people. newspaper, etc.
Secondly, by reading, we can get a lot of news and
1. The hanging of pickpockets was not continued information about something happening in any parts of
because ... the world which we can see directly.
(A) They were large crowd of people Another reason is that reading can give us
(B) It was against humanity pleasure. When we are tired, we read books,
(C) The police were not at the hanging newspapers, or magazines on the entertainment column
(D) It was not effective to stop pickpocketing such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc., to make us
(E) It was unconstitutional action relaxed.
The last, reading can also take us to other parts of
the world. By reading a book about Irian Jaya, we may
feel we’re really sitting in the jungles, not at home in our
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From the facts above, it’s obvious that everyone (C) Look for newspaper and magazine
needs it to get knowledge, information, and also (D) Sell and buy many expensive books
entertainment. In summary, we can say reading is truly (E) Read a lot of books and other printed
important in our life. materials

5. How many arguments are there in the text above? 11. “..., it’s obvious that everyone needs it to get ...”
(A) One (D) four (Par. 5)
(B) Two (E) five The word ‘it’ refers to ...
(C) Three (A) information (D) entertainment
(B) reading (E) pleasure
6. What is the topic of the text? (C) knowledge
(A) The importance of reading
(B) The good reading The following text is for questions number 12 to 14.
(C) The disadvantages of reading Smoking is dangerous for people, not only for
(D) Reading in life smokers themselves, but also for people around them
(E) Reading for knowledge who are called passive smokers.
Smokers have risks of suffering from cancer,
heart diseases, including heart attack, breathing
7. Which statement is true based on the text?
problems, cough/sore throat. This is because there are
(A) Reading makes us feel important
more than 4,000 chemicals found in cigarettes, 250
(B) Reading makes us feel happy and relaxed
are toxic poisons and 50 cause cancer. Some other
(C) There are some steps to have good reading
chemicals found in tobacco include: Ammonia,
Arsenic, Polonium 210, Carbon Monoxide, and
(D) Everyone needs to read for fun.
Acetone. Nicotine remains in the body for 8 to 12
(E) There are some good books about science to
hours after a single use of tobacco.
The smoke which arises when a person is
smoking a cigarette is very hazardous, and the smoke
8. Which statement is not based on the text?
of bidi or cigar is even more hazardous to passive
(A) Reading is entertaining. smokers who inhale the smoke in the vicinity of active
(B) Everyone should love reading smokers. The smoke inhaled by the former is
(C) Reading takes us to other places based on unfiltered thereby causing more ill effects. Several
our imagination pulmonary diseases such as cough, bronchitis asthma
(D) Books are the only good source of reading and last but not the least carcinoma of lungs may
(E) Reading makes people knowledgeable occur as a consequence of breathing in cigarette or
cigar smoke.
9. Why is reading very important in our life? Because
... 12. What remains in the body for 12 hours after a
(A) By reading we can get a lot of knowledge, person smokes?
news, information, and entertainment. (A) Arsenic (D) Ammonia
(B) By reading we are always relaxed. (B) Nicotine (E) Acetone
(C) By reading we can get a lot friends, relatives, (C) Polonium
experience, etc.
(D) By reading we can get little knowledge but a 13. According to the text, smokers have risks of
lot of entertainment. suffering from cancer because …
(E) By reading we are always happy. (A) they breathe in so many harmful chemicals
(B) they inhale to much smoke
10. If we want to get knowledge, what should we do? (C) their body cannot stand dangerous smoke
(A) Buy a lot of books (D) they are not strong enough to inhale smoke
(B) Borrow a lot of books (E) they are passive smokers

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14. “The smoke of bidi or cigar is more hazardous to 17. By committing the crime, the criminal
passive smoker” (paragraph 3) volunteered to assume the risk of receiving a legal
The underlined word can be replaced by … punishment. (Paragraph 2)
(A) dangerous (D) disadvantageous
(B) serious (E) mischievous What does the underlined word mean?
(C) nutritious (A) doing (D) supporting
(B) making (E) opposing
The following text is for questions 15 to 17. (C) showing
Death penalty still becomes a controversial issue
in the US. The American Civil Liberties Union believes the 18. Wida : Why do you look so pale?
death penalty inherently violates the constitutional ban Agus : It’s hard for me to focus on the lesson
against cruel and unusual punishment and the today. I got a headache.
guarantees of due process of law and of equal protection Wida : You should go to the doctor.
under the law. Those who are against the capital
punishment also state that it is an intolerable denial of The underlined words express …
civil liberties, and is inconsistent with the fundamental
(A) invitation (D) obligation
values of our democratic system.
(B) advice (E) offering
However, there is a difference between murder
(C) satisfaction
and execution. This distinction is that the first is unlawful
and undeserved, the second is a lawful and deserved
19. Ari : My teacher gave me an assignment to
punishment for an unlawful act. By committing the
write a book review. Can you tell me
crime, the criminal volunteered to assume the risk of
what book I should review?
receiving a legal punishment that he could have avoided
Adi : Well... ... ... you’d better review The
by not committing the crime. The punishment he suffers
Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
is the punishment he voluntarily risked suffering and,
therefore, it is no more unjust to him than any other
event for which one knowingly volunteers to assume the (A) Sorry to say that
risk. (B) I’d like to suggest that
Our resolve to end crime is only as strong as the (C) If I were you
laws we pass to punish criminals. By making the death (D) I have no objection
penalty the law of the land in New York, we have (E) Thanks
demonstrated that resolve, thus strengthening the
promise that our children and future generations will 20. Neno : I heard that your father has bought you a
grow up in a state that is free of violence. new laptop. How is it?
Kiki : Right. I’m very happy, but it doesn’t work
15. What is the best title of the text? well. There’s something wrong with the
(A) Civil liberty system I think.
(B) Human right Neno : You should bring it back to the shop
(C) Death penalty where your father bought it.
(D) Public opinion
(E) Democratic system From the dialogue we conclude that ...
(A) Neno wants to practise using a laptop.
16. The writer believe that ... (B) Kiki wants Neno to repair the laptop.
(A) Most people against death penalty (C) Neno suggests Kiki to go to the shop and
(B) Death penalty should be conducted complain.
(C) Death penalty is against human right (D) Neno wants to help Kiki to repair the laptop
(D) There are disadvantages of conducting death (E) Kiki wants to show his laptop to Neno.
(E) Death penalty should be carried out in a
certain condition
©LITBANG SG PUSAT 49 | P a g e

21. Tiwi : I feel tired and dizzy. (D) In Westin

Krisna : I think ... ... ... Don’t leave the bed if it is (E) In Chicago
not necessary.
This text is for questions number 25 and 26.
(A) You must drink hot water
(B) You should lie down and have some rest Being too fat is commonly known as overweight
(C) You can see the doctor tonight or obesity. It is simply defined as too much body fat
(D) I will take you to the hospital inside. Overweight potentially leads high risk of health
(E) I must take some rest, too problem.
Being too fat is recognized as a major factor for
This text is for questions number 22 and 24. heart disease. Due to the overweight, the heart will work
harder. It can lead to the heart attack.
Furthermore, obesity potentially raises blood
cholesterol and blood pressure.
In addition, being too fat can change the amount
of sugar in the blood. This will cause diabetes and other
serious disease.
Beside all of that, being too fat is often avoided by
many young women. They said that becoming too fat will
bother their physical beauty appearance.
More serious studies are necessary to see the
effect of obesity. However it is clear enough that
overweight is not good enough for healthy life.

25. The suitable title for the text is …

(A) The problems of being fat
(B) Being fat is not good
(C) The reason of being fat
(D) The advantages of fat
(E) The loss of fat
22. To whom the invitation is addressed to?
(A) Scott and Dona 26. The word “necessary” (last paragraph), has the
(B) Sarah and Jason similar meaning with …
(C) Mr. and Mrs. Jones (A) Related (D) Optional
(D) Maria (B) Compulsory (E) Nonessential
(E) Westin (C) Enough

27. Andre : Will you go with me to the bookstore

23. What does RSVP mean …
this afternoon?
(A) Reply if you can’t come
Susan : I’d love to, but I have to accompany my
(B) Reply if you can come
mother to the Market.
(C) Leave a message
Andre : _____________ Maybe next day.
(D) Call if you need help
(A) Next time?
(E) Register your phone number
(B) You’re welcome.
(C) It’s all right.
24. When will the wedding be held?
(D) Thanks for the invitation.
(A) On Saturday morning
(E) Don’t you feel guilty of saying that?
(B) On December
(C) At 8 in the morning

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 50 | P a g e

28. Which of the following answer is NOT Nony : “Well, ... ... ... The actors used old English,
appropriate? so it’s hard for me to understand.”
A : Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? (A) I was not satisfied
B : ... (B) I couldn’t appreciate it
(C) I had no idea
(A) Sure. What time? (D) I was surprised
(B) Why not? When should I be there? (E) I felt crazy
(C) Why?
(D) Should I really come? 33. Carly : “I submitted my essay to the teacher
(E) What do you expect from me? few days ago, but I haven't received any
response from her.”
29. Alfian : What do you think about my choice to Edo : “... ... go and ask her?”
work in a bank, Dad? (A) Shall us (D) I propose
Father: ... ... (B) Why don't you (E) I suggest
(C) I'll do
The best expression for Alfian’s father to give
opinion is … 34. Dina : What is your plan for the holiday?
(A) I want to know your choice Wiwik : I have no idea.
(B) I’d say that your choice is good Dina : What about having picnic to
(C) I can’t give any remark Pangandaran, Wik?
(D) I’d like to know what you want Wiwik : ... ... Visiting beach is better for summer
(E) You can’t decide that way vacation I think.
(A) Will it be a good idea?
30. Toto : Science and technology has developed (B) That’s a good idea.
very fast. Do you think we are ready for (C) What about going to Mt. Bromo?
that? (D) Do you think that’s the best option?
Tati : … (E) I don’t think so.
(A) Good it is interesting.
(B) Why not, just behave yourself. 35. A : “I noticed you since this morning. You look so
(C) Oh, marvellous. It’s great for you. uncomfortable. What happen?”
(D) Frankly speaking, I disagree with you. B : “It’s just my trousers ... ... too tight.”
(E) I’m not certain. The quality of our education A : “Oh, I see. You can wear mine if you like.”
is still low. B : “Thank you.”

31. Linda : Ted, what is your opinion about Tina’s (A) is (D) are
performance last night? (B) will (E) would
Ted : … (C) has
(A) Well, I’m afraid I can’t say anything about it.
(B) It is her most awful performance I’ve ever 36. A : How many tools do you have in the kitchen.
seen. B : Not many. One scissors, two ... ... and two ...
(C) I’m proud of her awesome show last night. ...
(D) It’s terrible show. Without doubt. (A) knives – stoves (D) knive – stoves
(E) I have no idea about it. (B) knife – stove (E) knife – stoves
(C) knifes – stoves
32. Benny : “What do you think about the
Shakespeare’s play we’ve just seen,
Nony? I like it very much.”

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 51 | P a g e

37. Mom : “Sienna, what happen to you? Why you 44. “Does Khan know that Kajol had an accident
don’t want to eat?” yesterday?”
Sienna : “Look at my ... ..., Mom! I have got a hole “I don’t think so. We … as soon as we knew
in one of them.” it.”
Mom : “Oh, Dear. We have to go to the dentist (A) may have told him
then.” (B) should have told him
(A) toothe (D) teeth (C) had to tell him
(B) tooths (E) teeths (D) must have told him
(C) tooth (E) had better tell him

38. I realize that I am a naughty boy, but I never hurt 45. Betty : Do you know why Peter arrived late for
you, ... ... ...? work yesterday?
(A) do I (D) don’t you Nancy : He must have missed the bus. If I had
(B) do you (E) aren’t I been him, I would have taken a taxi.
(C) don’t I From the dialogue we know that...
(A) Betty, Nancy and Peter came late for work
39. You should apologize for what you have done, …
(B) Betty went to work by taxi
(C) Betty and Peter went to work together
(A) should you (D) won’t you
(D) Peter went to work by taxi
(B) shouldn’t you (E) shall you
(E) Peter did not take a taxi to his office
(C) wouldn’t you

46. “Siti went to school though she was sick.”

40. Mary would not receive the interview call if she ...
“She … in bed to have a rest.”
... not at home.
(A) should stay
(A) be (D) been
(B) would be staying
(B) is (E) has
(C) was (C) must be staying
(D) must have stayed
41. “Can we see the people we chat with in the (E) should have stayed
“We could if we had a webcam.” 47. I could have asked my brother to lift the table. It
From the above conversation we can conclude means …
that they … a webcam. (A) I didn’t lift the table
(A) don’t have (D) didn’t have (B) I asked my brother to lift the table
(B) had (E) wouldn’t have (C) my brother lifted the table for me
(C) have (D) I lifted the table myself
(E) I didn’t want to lift the table
42. Would you ... ... your house if you graduated from
high school back then? Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
(A) leave (D) have left After graduating in tourism from the University of
(B) leaving (E) had left Texas, Pat Crown was unemployed for almost a year.
(C) left During that period, she visited many countries around
the world and took notes on special attraction, traditions,
43. “How should I go to the town?” cultures and environments of those countries.
“Well, you could take a public transportation. You When a/an … (48) was published by a leading local
… also take a bus or a cab.” newspaper looking for a journalist, she applied for the
(A) will (D) might post and was employed by the company. With her
(B) have (E) shall traveling experience, she was assigned to the Tour and
(C) should Travel Department.

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 52 | P a g e

Needless to say, her new job … (49) that she travel 49. …
extensively from one country to another. Her degree in (A) explained (D) suggested
tourism and recent trips to various countries helped her (B) distinguished (E) urged
get along well with the job. She has … (50) many (C) required
remarkable articles and short stories about tour and
travel, ever since she started working there. 50. …
(A) learnt (D) monitored
48. … (B) written (E) understood
(A) letter (D) brochure (C) forgotten
(B) essay (E) advertisement
(C) poster

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 53 | P a g e

Choose the correct answer by crossing (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E)!

This text is for questions 1 to 4. (B) Persuade people to conserve rainforests

Rainforests play a very important role in (C) Present two points of view about forests
maintaining the world. They are the lung of the Earth. (D) Describe the use of rainforests to readers
They store carbon dioxide and produces the world’s (E) Retell the importance of the forest to readers
Unfortunately, the number of rainforests is The following text is for questions 5 to 8.
decreasing. A few years ago, they covered 12% of the In order to solve the current economic problems,
land surface of the Earth. However, it is estimated that the government raised the petrol price. This should not
rainforest only covers 5.35 of the land surface today. be done for some reasons.
Many of them have vanished due to deforestation, river Last year, the government also raised the price of
pollution and soil erosion. fossil fuel for the same purpose. The rise severely
Tropical rainforests are homes to diverse plants affected the price of other commodities, including basic
and animals. They are sources of food and medicinal necessities. As a result, people with low incomes could
plants for human and animals. 50% of all species on Earth only afford to buy low quality rice and cooking oil. People
live in rainforests. In one hectare of rainforest, there are with average purchasing power sought other
about 500 varieties of trees. alternatives, like canned meat or fish, instead of fresh
Hence, rainforests should be preserved. It is not meat or fish.
only the responsibility of countries who have rainforests The policy had bad results since most people did
but of all governments of the world, which should take not receive a pay rise while prices were getting higher.
actions to protect rainforests. Rainforests belong to the Meanwhile, companies ended up cutting the number of
world community, so it is the responsibility of all people employees to keep production costs low. Accordingly,
on Earth. the unemployment kept rising.
To conclude, a raising petrol price only leads to
1. What is the text about? more serious problems for the people and the business
(A) Rainstorms sector.
(B) Environments
(C) Rainforests 5. What is the most suitable title for the text above?
(D) Lungs of the planet (A) The Effects of a Rise in the Price of Petrol
(E) Rain clouds (B) The Condition of Low-Income Families
(C) The Price of Secondary Commodities
2. The idea that rainforests are the habitat of a wide (D) Arguments on Fuel Price Increases
variety of species is found in paragraph ... (E) The Increase in the Price of Fuel
(A) one (D) four
(B) two (E) one and two 6. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
(C) three (A) Raising fossil fuel prices is not the best
solution to economic problems
3. Why are rainforests called the lungs of the planet? (B) Low-income families need to be taken in to
(A) They produce abundant oxygen. account in making a policy
(B) They grow many kinds of trees. (C) The number of government employees
(C) They become shelters for animals. should be trimmed
(D) They are habitats for living things. (D) Raising petrol prices solves current economic
(E) They are exploited for human needs. problems
(E) The government should decrease the level of
4. From the text above, we know that the writer wages
intends to ...
(A) Explain the function of rainforests

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 54 | P a g e

7. Based on the text, the writer suggests that ... When schools is equipped with sufficient dust
(A) The government should raise the minimum bins, we do not have problems of freak and discomfort
wage any more. Our school will be very clean and become a
(B) People should accept the rise in the fuel price nice place to study.
(C) The government should increase the fuel
price 9. What is the writer’s intention? To ... ... readers to
(D) People should reject the rise in the fuel price do something good.
(E) The government should not raise fuel prices (A) explain (D) inform
(B) attract (E) describe
8. Based on the text, the writer intends to ... (C) entertain
(A) Inform readers about the increase in fuel
prices 10. According to the writer, more dust bins ... ... in
(B) Explain how to overcome the rise in fuel every ten meter.
prices (A) should be placed
(C) Present two points of view about rising fuel (B) are unnecessary
prices (C) are not required
(D) Advise government about the increase in fuel (D) should be decorated
prices (E) should be painted
(E) Persuade government to find a solution to
economic problems 11. What is the writer’s argument on a sufficient
number of dust bins?
This text is for questions 9 to 13. (A) They can serve janitor’s energy
Dust Bin (B) Students can throw garbage away easily
(C) They can prevent litters
To improve comfort and cleanliness at our school, (D) They make school environment neat
a number of dust bins should be increased. (E) Students are asked to clean them
When we look at classrooms, school corridors and
school yard, there are paper mineral water cups, straws, 12. What is the writer’s suggestion?
and napkins here and there. The conditions of (A) To hire more gardeners
uncleanliness and discomfort really hinders learning and (B) Students are asked to give more dustbins
teaching environment. Litters thrown carelessly cause (C) To ask parents to give more dustbins
disease, especially empty plastic cup or glasses. They can (D) To use dustbins efficiently
be filled out with water coming from the rain. This can be (E) To buy more dustbins
placed for dengue mosquitoes to spread out. Besides,
these rubbish can deteriorate the scene. Well painted 13. “Besides, these rubbish can deteriorate the
wall and green school yard do not mean anything litters scene.” (Paragraph 2)
are scattered everywhere. What is the antonym of the underlined word?
Anyway I notice that most of the students in our (A) destroy (D) reduce
school have responsibilities for the school environment. (B) improve (E) worsen
They put their litters on the proper places. But some are (C) minimize
not diligent enough to find the dust bins. The numbers of
dust bins in our schools are not enough. More dust bins The following text is for questions 14 to 16.
should be put beside each of steps, outside of the
classrooms, and some more also the corridors. Probably “Men Sana in Corpore Sano”. A healthy body
one dust bin should be in every ten meters. So when makes a sound mind. More and more people nowadays
students want to throw away their litters, they can find are aware of the truth behind this maxim. As a result,
the dust bins easily. they make sports an integral part of their lives. Some
people participate in sports to release energy and

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 55 | P a g e

tension, while others do it to make friends. Sports, such 18. A : I have a pain in my throat. What would you
as soccer, basketball or boxing have become acceptable recommend?
way to release energy and aggression. Other sports like B : I’d advise you … anymore.
golf, mountain climbing, dancing or bowling can be a (A) not to smoke (D) will not smoke
means of starting or consolidating friendships. Most (B) not smoke (E) are not smoke
sports offer a constructive escape from the pressure of (C) did not smoke
the everyday life. In fact, you can change your life if you
take up and keep up an activity suited to your character, 19. Teacher : I can’t stand those naughty boys
abilities, and life style. anymore. I caught them smoking
It is important to realize that no matter what kind in the bathroom.
of exercise you do, you can be sure that it’s always good Headmaster : Calm down. Let me take care of it.
for health and it’s fun. And we should talk to them.

14. People do sport ... The underlined sentence expresses ...

(A) To change their lives (A) Dislike (D) Ability
(B) As their hobbies (B) Advice (E) Pride
(C) To lessen the pressure of life (C) Surprise
(D) As part of their lives
(E) To be healthy 20. Husband : My car’s battery is very weak.
Wife : Why don’t we get a new one?
15. “Most sports offer a constructive escape from the Husband : I think we should, but I wish I could
pressure of the everyday life.” (paragraph 1) recharge the battery.
The phrase ‘escape from’ can be replaced by ...
(A) Hiding from (D) Avoidance of The underlined expression means that he ... ...
(B) Joining to (E) Changing from recharge the battery.
(C) Turning off (A) can (D) does not
(B) could (E) could not
16. What is the main idea of the text above? (C) cannot
(A) Be healthy is important
(B) A life style of human being 21. Maya : I’m still confused with the topics I should
(C) Sport is a good way to keep person’s health choose for the final task?
(D) The purpose of the healthy life Dani : Well. … … you’d better take the first topic
(E) Many kinds of sports for it. I have many references about it.

17. Mawar : This telegram is for my husband. He’s (A) I’d like to suggest (D) if I were you
out on duty. What do you (B) I have no objection (E) I can’t say that
recommend me to do? (C) It’s no wonder if
Putri : Why don’t you ring him and tell him
that a telegram’s arrived? 22. X : “Think twice before you decide to marry a man
In the dialogue above, Mawar is asking for Putri’s much older than you.”
… Y : “ … For me age isn’t a matter.”
(A) advice (D) permission (A) You’d better watch out.
(B) curiosity (E) information (B) I’d rather not say.
(C) agreement (C) I don’t think so.
(D) Mind your own business.
(E) You should not interrupt.

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 56 | P a g e

23. Hasan : Do you think the station will be crowded? This text is for questions number 27 to 29.
Lulu : Of course. There are ... ... who want to go
to their hometown to celebrate the
Lebaran Day. You’re Invited
(A) only a few people
Occasion: Kim’s birthday
(B) no people
Date : March 13
(C) a lot of people Time : 6:30 p.m.
(D) only one person Place : Diva Road
(E) Ffew persons

This text is for questions number 24 to 26. Directions: Take the no. 5 bus. Get off at the
corner of Diva Road. Our house is at the second
We’re having a barbeque party! house on the right. Please arrive on time. This is a
Please come and join in on all the fun. surprise party.

Sunday, 3rd August 2019, at 3 o’clock Regards only: Marie Salinger 238-1722 or e-mail
Diponegoro Street No.18

Mr. Smith and the Family

27. When will the party be held?
RSVP to Mr. Smith at (031) 332 432 (A) At Diva Road
(B) At 6:30 p.m.
(C) On March 13
24. The text is about … (D) At the second house
(A) an invitation for Mr. Smith’s birthday party (E) In the no. 5 bus
(B) Mr. Smith’s house
(C) an invitation to a barbeque party 28. Regret only: Marie Salinger 238-1722 or e-mail.
(D) Mr. Smith’s address The word above tell us that we should ...
(E) a fun party (A) Give information if we cannot come
(B) Give information if we can come
25. “Please come and join in all the fun.” (C) Ask information how to come to the place
What is the antonym of the world ‘join’? (D) Contact Marie Salinger before we come
(A) Separate (D) Welcome (E) Come to Marie Salinger’s house before we
(B) Meet (E) Greet come
(C) Congregate
29. “Our house is at the second house on the right.”
26. The purpose of the text is …
(A) amusing someone who attends a party The underlined word refers to ...
(B) describing about a barbeque party (A) Marie’s family
(C) persuading the readers to throw a party (B) Kim’s family
(D) inviting someone to a party (C) Diva’s family
(E) retelling a story about parties (D) Salinger’s family
(E) March’s family

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 57 | P a g e

Read the following dialogue! (C) Bethany won’t ask Amelia to accept the job
Vita : … ... (30) (D) Amelia needs help on the interview
Dino : I think you’d better choose accounting. (E) The interview went south
Vita : But how about the job prospect?
Dino : … ...(31) 35. Thomas : I think the salary here is no longer
Vita : Hmm, it sounds challenging. appropriate to today’s condition.
Jerry : __________________
30. … The most suitable response is …
(A) Do you think I can choose accounting and (A) Why don’t you ask for a raise
arts? (B) How about you work calmly
(B) Do you prohibit me to choose accounting? (C) I think you may not protest
(C) Could you tell me how to choose accounting (D) You better stop complaining
or arts? (E) In my view, the boss is a kind person
(D) Do you reckon I should choose accounting or
arts? 36. Burhan : “The river is very dirty. People
(E) Could you choose accounting or arts for me? shouldn’t have thrown household
rubbish into the river.”
31. … Fikri : “That’s exactly what I think.”
(A) Don’t worry. Many companies need From the dialogue we know that...
accountants. (A) Fikri disagrees with Burhan’s opinion
(B) Why don’t you try to be an accountant? (B) Burhan thinks exactly the same way
(C) It’s better if you want to be an accountant. (C) Waste material has not been collected
(D) Perhaps you should try to work here. (D) People polluted the river with rubbish
(E) It’s better if companies need accountants. (E) Burhan warned people not to throw rubbish
32. Fina : Paul still hasn’t repaid me the money I lent in the river
him. 37. Tono : “Science and technology has developed
Deni : You should ask him for it. very fast. Do you think we are ready for
The underlined sentence shows that?”
(A) Suggestion (D) Agreement Tini : “... ...”
(B) Pleasure (E) Sympathy (A) Good. It is interesting.
(C) Capability (B) Why not? Just behave yourself.
(C) Oh, marvellous. It is great for you.
33. Nelly : So, we all want Japanese dish, right? (D) Frankly speaking. I disagree with you.
Tiara : … ... that restaurant near the beach? (E) I’m not certain. The quality of our education
The appropriate expression for the sentence is still low.
above is ...
(A) Would you like to (D) Shall 38. A : “Help!”
(B) Let’s (E) Could B : “What’s wrong Amy?”
(C) How about A : “There are two ... ... in the case. I don’t know
where they come from. Please make them
34. Amelia : I just had a good interview, and I am away.”
really interested in the job. (A) mouse (D) mice
Bethany : Why don’t you follow up with a thank- (B) mouses (E) mices
you note? It’s always a good idea. (C) mous
From the dialogue we know that …
(A) Amelia won’t apply for the job
(B) Bethany suggested Amelia to write a letter of

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 58 | P a g e

39. Aurora is one of ... ... in the earth which occurs in Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
polar, that’s why it is called polar lights.
(A) phenomena (D) thing Third World Farmer is a good computer game for learning
(B) phenomenon (E) things about farm life in poor countries. The goal of the game is
(C) pratices simply ... ... (46). When you aren’t successful, you don’t
have enough food to ... ... (47) your family, and they can
40. She doesn’t like him, … …? die. This is a simple but good game for a number of ... ...
(A) does she (D) is she (48). First of all, it’s free! You can find it in the internet. If
(B) didn’t she (E) doesn’t she you don’t like the game, you don’t lose any money ... ...
(C) did she (49), it teaches about the many things that a farmer
cannot control in his life, like the weather, crop, diseases,
41. They rarely drive the car by themselves, … …? and war. ... ... (50), the game is complex, so it says fun
(A) did they (D) don’t they for a while. I played it five times and I still don’t
(B) didn’t they (E) are they understand the patterns.
(C) do they 46. ...
(A) survival (D) survived
42. My father would buy me a new motorcycle if I (B) survivor (E) survive
passed the state university entrance test. (C) surviving
The fact is that …
(A) I don’t pass the state university entrance test. 47. ...
(B) I didn’t pass the state university entrance (A) protect (D) raise
test. (B) consume (E) bring up
(C) I wasn’t passing the state university entrance (C) feed
(D) My father buys me a new motorcycle. 48. ...
(E) My father didn’t buy me a new motorcycle. (A) criteria (D) reasons
(B) characteristics (E) arguments
43. “I really didn’t know why Tony didn’t come to the (C) assumptions
“There … … something wrong with him.” 49. ...
(A) might be (A) However (D) Consequently
(B) could be (B) Similarly (E) For example
(C) will be (C) Additionally
(D) should have been
(E) must have been 50. ...
(A) Furthermore (D) However
44. They … … study hard because next April they will (B) For example (E) Consequently
take the examination. (C) Hence
(A) will (D) must
(B) should (E) may
(C) can

45. There was a time when I … … stay up late, but

these days I go to bed early.
(A) used to (D) must
(B) ought to (E) have to
(C) should

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 59 | P a g e

Choose the correct answer by crossing (A), (B), (C), (D) or (E)!

1. Sandra : “You know our customer who lives 4. Hendra : “I’ve just got a bonus from my work.”
next door?” Teddy : “… … …”
Mrs. Anita : “Oh, yes. They are really nice family. I Hendra : “Yeah. I think so. I will save it in my
always like their baby girl. She’s too bank account.”
cute. What happen by the way?”
Sandra : “What do you think I should do to (A) You should be careful to use it.
appreciate their loyalty to our store?” (B) You’d better use them for useful things.
Mrs. Anita : “… … …” (C) Are you so surprised?
Sandra : “I think you’re right. I hope that will be (D) What will you do then?
a good idea.” (E) You mustn’t spend it.

(A) Close your store temporarily. You’d better The following text is for questions number 5 to 7.
take a rest. Ms. Banu
(B) Why don’t you follow up with a thank-you Head of SMA 1 Senior High School
note? Jalan Ahmad No. 55
(C) You’d better keep your energy, it’s useless. Purwokerto
(D) You never know who they are actually.
(E) Am I right if I give her an advice? I am writing this letter from Sid Stationary Store. Ours
is a well dedicated offices and schools stationary
2. Tata : “Look! What do you think I should wear supplier with more than two decades of experiences
for the interview tomorrow?” and histories. We would like to offer our services to
Lena : “Why not buy a new suit for the your institution. Our products and services are well
known for their qualities. We had earned trust from
many institutions including the town government
Tata : “… … …”
office. Considering the rapid growth of the school
Lena : “If it is the condition. I treat you the suit
during the past years, our proposal will surely be
to motivate you.”
beneficial for the cooperation. To know more about
Tata : “Really? Thank you.”
our services, please check the enclosed catalogue. We
look forward to hearing your reply.
(A) That’s a good idea!
(B) If I were you I would buy it. Thank you.
(C) But I can’t afford it right now.
(D) You had better go to the office. Yours sincerely,
(E) I wish I could pass the interview. Tata Sanjaya,
Marketing Manager.
3. A : “Let’s go to the book store to buy some Sid Stationary Store
B : “Why don’t we borrow them in the library. It’ll 5. Why is the letter issued?
save our money.” (A) To congratulate the school for its
A : “That’s a good idea. Let’s go!” achievement.
(B) To give information about the store’s
From the dialogue above, the underlined products.
sentence express … (C) To offer a business proposition to the school.
(A) a suggestion (D) an agreement (D) To inform about the stationary supplies to the
(B) a surprise (E) a sympathy school.
(C) an information (E) To invite the school to join its business with
the store.

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6. What do we know about the store? 8. What is the author’s purpose in writing this
(A) It supplies office and school desks. article?
(B) It recently opens its branch. (A) Presenting information about dental
(C) It sells offices and schools furniture. problems.
(D) Its services benefit many consumers. (B) Describing how dental check-ups are
(E) It offers its products with discounts. conducted.
(C) Encouraging the readers to do regular dental
7. Why does the store offer their services to the check-ups.
school? (D) Reminiscing the importance of regular dental
(A) The store knows that the school grows bigger. check-ups.
(B) The store wants to help the school. (E) Supporting dentists in promoting regular
(C) The cooperation asks for the store assistance. dental check-ups.
(D) The school needs more stationary supplies.
(E) The cooperation wants to improve its 9. What does the article say about smokers?
business. (A) An X-ray scan needs to be avoided by
The following text is for questions 8 to 11. (B) Gum disease is mostly found on smokers.
(C) Smokers need to go to dentists more often.
Having to visit the dentist every six months may (D) Smokers should do dental check-ups
not be the appointment that everyone looks forward to, annually.
but it is one of the most important ones to keep. People (E) Smokers have less dental issue than non-
should consider having dental check-ups at least every six smokers.
Firstly, having your teeth professionally cleaned 10. Which is the benefit of regular dental check-ups?
every six months allows hygienists to use their special (A) We are free from dental problems.
instruments to remove plaque from your teeth that your (B) We can avoid an X-ray scan.
toothbrush and floss are unable to get before it (C) We get easier gum removal.
eventually hardens into tartar. This preventive method (D) We will get free toothbrushes.
can help prevent decay and gum disease, both problems (E) We can avoid smoking effects.
that can result in future dental problems.
Secondly, getting an exam twice a year allows a 11. Why is cleaning our teeth with toothbrushes and
dentist to check your teeth and look for any signs of floss not enough?
decay or changes from your past visit. While you won’t (A) Plaques harden quickly because of
need X-rays with every 6 month visit, having a dental toothbrushes and floss.
exam can help identify and correct a small dental (B) Toothbrushes and floss function to whiten
problems before they get worse. our teeth.
Thirdly, if you want to have a fast rate of decay (C) Few problems must be cleaned using
and tend to get cavities quickly, it is important that you toothbrushes and floss.
not only go twice a year but possibly more frequently to (D) Toothbrushes and floss are hard to reach few
help prevent dental problems. Other candidates who plaques areas.
may require more frequent visits include smokers, (E) Only few people can clean their teeth
diabetics, pregnant women and those who already have thoroughly using them.
been diagnosed with gum disease.
In conclusion, checking your dental health
regularly brings more benefits than we could realize.
Therefore, people should have a consistent period for
dental check-ups.

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The following text is for questions 12 to 14. (B) Present time is a result of past time.
Occasionally it becomes hard to understand (C) Present and past are interchangeable.
why we need to spend time, energy and money to (D) Evolution usually occurs in a contrast order.
preserve heritage sites. Are they really important for (E) Human consciousness is an important
the current world we live in? Apparently, they are, due process.
to the following reasons.
First, evolution of human consciousness is a The following text is for questions 15 to 17.
continuous process. History serves as a laboratory and Dear Mr. Septadama,
the past serves as a demarcation to understand the
regional laws and social structures. This understanding I am a student of a private university who is
helps in our progress towards an ideal society. conducting a research about employees’ satisfaction
Second, we are not born capable of judging and welfare in several companies. That’s why, I am
fairly and wisely. However, learning about various writing to request permission to conduct a research at
cultures helps us be a good global citizen, and your company.
improves our critical and analytical thinking. I am going to give fifty of your employees, as
Then, every historical site has an important random samples, a three-to-four-page questionnaire
story to tell and these stories have inspired many form. If you’d like to grant my request, your
people to strengthen their convictions and employees will complete the questionnaires in their
commitment to fight injustice and oppression. working sites. The process should take no longer than
Furthermore, heritage sites are our connection one week.
to the past. They are living monuments and records of The result will be pooled for my project and the
certain happenings and they are our real connections individual results of this study will remain absolutely
to our past. They prove the existence of our ancestors. confidential and anonymous. No costs will be incurred
Finally, heritage sites are great for economy. by your company or employees.
Heritage conservation has proven to be a thriving Your approval to conduct this research will be
place for entrepreneurship and innovation. It has also greatly appreciated. I will follow up with a telephone
shown increasing property values. call and will be happy to answer any questions or
concerns that you may have.

12. After reading the text, it is expected that people … Sincerely,

(A) Preserve heritage sites
(B) Learn historical moments Rara Mutiasari
(C) Fight injustice and oppression
(D) Spend time to think about culture 15. Why was the letter written?
(E) Recognise the existence of ancestors (A) To ask for information about a research.
(B) To give permission of conducting a research.
13. Why can heritage sites be economically (C) To ask for permission of conducting a
beneficial? research.
(A) They are very valuable. (D) To ask information about employees’
(B) They serve as laboratories. welfare.
(C) They can be tourist destinations. (E) To invite several employees to participate in
(D) They are located in affordable areas. a research.
(E) All people are interested in learning them.
16. According to the letter …
14. “First, evolution of human consciousness is a (A) The result of the research will be kept secret
continuous process.” (Paragraph 2) (B) The employees will receive money as rewards
What does the sentence mean? (C) The research will be conducted in the form of
(A) Evolution takes a very long time. interviews

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(D) The employees should write their names on 18. What is the topic of the text?
the questionnaires (A) People tend to interpret ecotourism wrongly.
(E) The employees should complete the (B) Ecotourism defines four essential principles
questionnaires in three days to happen.
(C) There is a growing appreciation of the nature
17. “If you’d like to grant my request, your employees in tourism.
will …” (D) Tourisms should not just enjoy the nature at
What is the closest meaning of the underlined the cost of nature.
word? (E) Tourism is the industry that contributes to
(A) Follow (D) Conduct economic growth.
(B) Permit (E) Appreciate
(C) Cancel 19. What will happen if ecotourism is managed
The following text is for questions 18 to 20. (A) Local people will change their ways of life.
With many advances in transportation and (B) The natural environment will be explored
information technology, even the most remote places irresponsibly.
on our earth are within reach of travellers. In fact, (C) It will increase protests from many
tourism is now the world’s largest industry, with environment organisations.
nature tourism representing the fastest growing (D) It will threaten the integrity of ecosystems
segment. People express their desires to experience and local cultures.
nature and the world, but should make every attempt (E) Many tourist agencies will be restricted to
to do so in a way that does not negatively impact the operate any tours.
natural environment.
The World Conservation Union (IUCN) defines 20. “Local communities and indigenous cultures can
ecotourism as, “Environmentally responsible travel to also be harmed …” (Last paragraph)
natural areas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature The underlined word is similar in meaning to …
(and companying cultural features, both past and (A) Native (D) Marvellous
present) that promote conservation, have a low visitor (B) Modern (E) Sophisticated
impact and provide for beneficially active socio- (C) Various
economic involvement on local people.”
Most tourism in natural areas today does not The following text is for questions 21 to 23.
fall under the category of ecotourism and is not, Business Meeting on Thursday Jan 23rd at 9:00 a.m.
therefore, sustainable. Ecotourism is set apart by its
emphasis on conservation, education, traveller Hi!
responsibility and active community participation. I would like to express my personal gratitude for
Ecotourism offers and opportunity for an working so well as a team and being able to achieve
increase in education and activism among travellers, last year’s targets. I am sure there were valuable
making them more effective supporters of lessons learned from few mistakes made, however,
conservation. However, an increase of visitors to we learn and improve through our mistakes.
sensitive natural areas can lead to substantial This new year brings along new challenges and goals
environmental degradation. Local communities and that cannot be achieved without a contribution of
indigenous cultures can also be harmed by a large everyone on this team.
influx of visitors. Therefore, government and related
stakeholders should plan and manage ecotourism In order to discuss this year’s work plan and to
appropriately. highlight each team member’s role, a meeting has
been scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 2019, in the
conference room at 9:00 a.m. The team leads are
requested to make a 15-20-minute presentation that

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 63 | P a g e

covers last year’s achievements and next year’s plans. The fly then buzzed right inside the bull’s ear.
Any additional agenda regarding resource and funds The bull continued chewing grass. The fly thought,
allocation may also be included in the presentation. “What a stupid animal!”
Now the fly decided to land on the bull’s face
Please acknowledge receipt of this email as usual. to attract the bull’s notice. He waited for the bull to
say something, but the bull kept quiet.
David Andrea The fly then shouted angrily, “Oh, Bull, if you
find that I am too heavy for you, let me know and I’ll
21. The purpose of the text above is to … fly away!”
(A) Inform about the achievement of business The bull laughed and said, “Little fly, I don’t
team care if you stay or leave. You are so tiny that your
(B) Invite the employees to attend the business weight does not make any difference to me, so please
meeting be quiet and leave me alone.”
(C) Make an appointment to present the report
of the work 24. The little fly was arrogant … … he thought he was
(D) Introduce the new leader of a business very important.
(E) To offer a business cooperation to the (A) and (D) thought
member (B) but (E) therefore
(C) since
22. Things must be included in the presentation,
except … 25. The little fly kept flying and buzzing around the
(A) Funds resource bulls’ ear. … … the bull kept on chewing grass.
(B) Funds allocation (A) Unless (D) However
(C) Report from team member (B) If only (E) Otherwise
(D) Team’s last year’s achievements (C) Although
(E) Planning for the next year programs
26. The fly did many ways to annoy the bull, … … the
23. What should the receiver do after reading the bull remained silent.
text? (A) or (D) since
(A) Prepare the presentation materials for the (B) and (E) though
meeting (C) but
(B) Go to work field to gather the information
(C) Visit the branch office to get the report The following text is for questions 27 to 30.
(D) Submit the paper to Mr. Andrea David People should change their lifestyles in order
(E) Reply the letter and send it to Mr. Andrea to support our local farmers. There are several ways
David we can do that. One of them is buying and consuming
fresh local groceries as much as possible. It includes
The following text is for questions 24 to 26. local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
There was once a little fly who thought he was The fruits and vegetables that we buy from a
very important. He felt proud of himself. One sunny farmer market are the freshest and tastiest ever. They
morning, he flew around looking for someone to talk are allowed ripen fully in the field and sold directly to
to. He saw a bull grazing in a field. He decided to fly us.
down to talk to him. A lot of food found in supermarkets are highly
The little fly flew down and buzzed around the processed and grown using pesticides and genetic
bull’s head. The bull was not bothered. He went on modification. Many of them are irritated or gassed in
chewing grass. transit which may bring negative effects on human
health. However, local groceries are minimally

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 64 | P a g e

processed and our farmers grow nutritious products 30. “… so they require less time and fuel to
using sustainable farming techniques. distribute.” (paragraph 4)
Buying local groceries can also protect our The similar meaning of the underlined word is …
environment. A few groceries are distributed by areas (A) get (D) change
with large amount of fuel that contributes to pollution (B) begin (E) need
and creates garbage from the packaging. Local (C) develop
groceries don’t need much transportation to get to the
market, so they require less time and fuel to The following text is for questions 31 to 33.
distribute. Depok, 9 September 2019
So, from now on we should consume fresh
local groceries to support our local farmers because Dear …
they contain less pesticides, are not genetically Hereby, I would like to inform you that our monthly
modified and also help reduce pollution. staff meeting will be held on Saturday in Laksamana

27. The purpose of the text is … I have attached the agenda, but please feel free to add
(A) To persuade people to support local farmers any items by replying to this email at least a day before
by consuming fresh local groceries our meeting.
(B) To persuade people not to buy food from
supermarkets too often Make sure to be prepared and updated on your
(C) To encourage people to plant their own departments’ subjects. Should you not be able to join
vegetables this meeting, please let us know and be sure to
(D) To explain how people can start living a delegate important updates on your department to
healthy life your colleague.
(E) To encourage people not to eat fast food
Best regards,
28. We should buy and consume local groceries Operational Manager
because …
(A) The products are healthiest 31. When should the staff send the additional
(B) The products are cheapest meeting materials?
(C) We can chat with the farmers (A) On Friday
(D) The product are durable (B) On the meeting day
(E) We may bargain the prices (C) No later than Saturday
(D) By replying the email
29. What is paragraph four about? (E) At the team leader office
(A) Local groceries consumption can support
local farmers. 32. What will someone do if he/she can’t attend the
(B) A few of local groceries are irradiated or meeting?
gassed in transit. (A) Let the manager know
(C) Local groceries consumption can help protect (B) Updates the important issue to the forum
our environment. (C) Submit the meeting items to the manager
(D) Local farmers grow nutritious products using (D) Send the permit letter to the manager
sustainable farming techniques. (E) Make up the meeting on another day
(E) The fruits and vegetables from a farmer
market are the freshest and tastiest ever. 33. When will the next meeting be held?
(A) in August (D) in November
(B) in September (E) in December
(C) in October

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34. Tania : “What do you think of camping on the (A) Just don’t ever trust them forever.
hills on the weekend, Dad?” (B) At least you tell them your feeling about the
Father : “No, definitely not. … … …” matter.
Tania : “Alright then we should rearrange the (C) You’ll see that they never listen to anybody
schedule.” else.
(D) You’d better start it right now.
(A) We’ve never been there before. (E) What can I say if you don’t want it.
(B) Don’t you remember it’s raining season now?
(C) I can’t deny your request. 38. Below is the sentence containing expression of
(D) Let’s prepare all the equipment! stating opinion …
(E) I’m sure you ready for that. (A) Based on the research, one of ten people in
middle age suffers from osteoporosis.
35. A : “What are your views on government planning (B) A tsunami struck 14 countries in 2004 and
to replace the capital city?” killed almost 230,000 people.
B : “… … …” (C) A few days ago, some people broke and
A : “I think so. Everything should be counted to entered my office.
avoid the future problems.” (D) Some people will see that he is a good man,
but not for me.
(A) To my mind government should never decide (E) The news reporter arrived safely after being a
it. hostage a couple days ago.
(B) That’s not a big deal, right?
(C) How come you can say that? 39. Below is the sentence containing expression of
(D) Is there any problem if it stays or moves? stating opinion, except …
(E) In my view it’s a good idea as long as it is well- (A) The TV programs should pass the censor
prepared. department before showing.
(B) Every home must have TV as the primary
36. Zora : “Oh, there are still many things to do.” entertainment.
Anya : Come on. I am sure you are able to finish (C) Government should issue rule to manage
them in time.” garbage
Zora : “But I’m bored already.” (D) Children should apply sunscreen lotion to
Anya : “… … … There is a puppet show in the protect their skin while playing outside.
square.” (E) Research shows using punishment is not
Zora : “Good idea. Thanks for your suggestion.” effective to improve children bad behaviour.

(A) Why don’t you go for a walk? 40. Wife : “There are many second-hand cars in
(B) I think you should visit your parents’ home. this dealer. Which one would you like
(C) You should take long holiday. to buy?”
(D) I guess someone can entertain you. Husband : “Umm, I like this car. What do you
(E) So you need money, I think. think?”
Wife : “ … … …”
37. A : “Why don’t you write about the matter?” Husband : “OK. Should it be red one, huh?”
B : “To be honest. I don’t think they will read my
letter. (A) You may drive this car.
A : “… … …” (B) Sorry, I don’t like its color.
B : “OK. I’ll try your suggestion.” (C) I will give you the key of this car.
(D) Let’s see the other cars over there.
(E) Can we find better car?

©LITBANG SG PUSAT 66 | P a g e

41. A : “Where are the kids?” 46. Special vacation rates for airplane tickets has
B : “They are playing in the playground.” made travelling more … … for tourist or traveller.
A : “They rarely play outside, … …?” (A) attraction (D) attractive
B : “They feel bored I guess.” (B) attract (E) attracted
(A) do they (D) doesn’t it (C) attractively
(B) don’t they (E) isn’t it
(C) does it Questions 47 to 50 are based on the following cloze test.

42. Naya : “I feel so uncertain about topic of social There are four Sumatran Tigers kept in a big cage
issue for our paper next month.” in Kahyangan Park. They have become the main
Mesi : “Jobless people are a major problem in attraction there. … …. (47), they are mostly found near
our country, … …?” water sources in areas where there is a lot of thick
Naya : “That’s exactly what I thought at first, but underbrush.
I need your help to gather the data.” There are not often found in groups, so I think
Mesi : “Let’s work then!” they are not … … (48). They will tolerate each other at a
local watering hole and will often share food, but they
(A) is it (D) aren’t they tend to be very territorial and solitary.
(B) isn’t it (E) right The tigers have deep orange fur, sometimes
(C) are they verging to red, with black stripes. The stripes are unique
to each tiger, never ... … (49) the same pattern. They have
43. A : “What do you think about Laras’s second very long back legs, which … … (50) the tigers to sprint
novel? great distances.
B : “… … … even though the first one is more
interesting and better.” 47. …
(A) Naturally (D) Mesmerizingly
(A) As far as I’m concerned it’s quite good (B) Incredibly (E) Unfortunately
(B) In my opinion it is her best work ever (C) Amazingly
(C) I don’t think it will be best seller book
(D) Actually, I don’t think it affects my mind 48. …
(E) If I could say I don’t care (A) sociable (D) humble
(B) adorable (E) flexible
44. This flower can be … …. grouped into type (C) possible
depending upon how often they bloom.
(A) convenient (D) conveniences 49. …
(B) convenience (E) convent (A) hopefully (D) properly
(C) conveniently (B) unbelievably (E) exactly
(C) appropriately
45. The little girl is taking care of the stray puppy
which she found with … … 50. …
(A) patient (D) patients (A) let (D) pretend
(B) patience (E) patiencely (B) make (E) allow
(C) patiently (C) practice

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