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New Zealand Healthcare Pharmacists' Association Compounding Nutrition & Oncology SIG

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AIMS OF QUALIFICATION AND VALIDATION_____________________________________________________2
VMP DOCUMENT_______________________________________________________________________3
1.0 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS___________________________________________________7

2.0 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY_____________________________________________8

3.0 VALIDATION STEERING COMMITTEE_________________________________________9

3.1 MEMBERSHIP OF VALIDATION STEERING COMMITTEE_______________________________________9
3.2 RESPONSIBILITIES_______________________________________________________________10
3.2.1 Pharmacy Production Team Leader_______________________________________________________10
3.2.2 Pharmacy Senior Production Technician___________________________________________________10
3.2.3 Trust Senior Engineer__________________________________________________________________10
3.2.4 Pharmacy Quality Control Officer________________________________________________________10
3.2.5 Validation Engineer___________________________________________________________________10
4.0 INTRODUCTION__________________________________________________________11
4.1 PURPOSES OF THE VMP__________________________________________________________11
4.2 OVERVIEW OF PROJECT___________________________________________________________11
4.3 VALIDATION PHILOSOPHY__________________________________________________________11
5.0 REGULATORY STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES________________________________12

6.0 DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES______________________________13

6.1 INTRODUCTION__________________________________________________________________13
6.2 PRODUCT GROUPS______________________________________________________________13
6.3 PROCESSES____________________________________________________________________13
6.4 PRODUCT STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION_______________________________________________13
7.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION___________________________________________________14
7.1 SITE LOCATION_________________________________________________________________14
7.2 FACILITY DESIGN AND LAYOUT._____________________________________________________14
7.3 PRODUCTION SUITES_____________________________________________________________14
7.3.1 Zone 1, Non-Sterile Manufacturing_______________________________________________________14
7.3.2 Zone 2, Preparation of Cytotoxic and Parental Nutrition Products_______________________________14
8.0 EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES TO BE VALIDATED______________________________16
8.1 IMPACT ASSESSMENT_____________________________________________________________16
8.2 RISK ASSESSMENT_______________________________________________________________16
8.3 VALIDATION MATRIX______________________________________________________________16
9.0 VALIDATION ACTIVITIES___________________________________________________17
9.1 VALIDATION ACTIVITIES___________________________________________________________17
9.1.1 User Requirement Specification (URS)_____________________________________________________17
9.1.2 Technical Specification_________________________________________________________________17
9.1.3 Impact Assessment____________________________________________________________________17
9.1.4 Design Review/Qualification____________________________________________________________17
9.1.5 Factory Acceptance Tests_______________________________________________________________17
9.1.6 Commissioning_______________________________________________________________________18
9.1.7 Installation Qualification_______________________________________________________________18
9.1.8 Calibration__________________________________________________________________________18
9.1.9 Operational Qualification_______________________________________________________________19
9.1.10 Standard Operating Procedures________________________________________________________19


Compounding Nutrition & Oncology SIG
13.0 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE___________________________________________26

14.0 SCHEDULE OF WORK PACKAGES________________________________________27

15.0 TRAINING______________________________________________________________28


16.1 PROTOCOL RESPONSIBILITY________________________________________________________29
16.2 APPROVAL OF PROTOCOLS AND REPORTS_____________________________________________29
16.3 Approval Of Validation Documentation______________________________________________29

General Notes

Aims of Qualification and Validation

Any significant changes to, premises, equipment or processes, which may affect the quality of the
final product, directly or indirectly, should be qualified and validated.

The key elements of a qualification and validation program should be clearly defined and
documented in a Validation Master Plan. The process should establish and provide documentary
evidence that: premises, supporting utilities, equipment and processes have been designed in
accordance with the requirements of GMP. This normally constitutes the Design Qualification or
‘DQ’ and includes confirmation that the premises, supporting utilities and equipment have been
built and installed in compliance with their design specifications (this constitutes Installation
Qualification or ‘IQ’) and that they operate in accordance with their design specifications (this
constitutes Operational Qualification or OQ).
A specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and
quality attributes (this constitutes Process Validation or PV. The term Performance Qualification or
PQ may be used also).

The VMP is intended to be a ‘live’ document that supports the design and construction of any
production facility, its subsequent operation, maintenance and changes to the facility for its life
span. The VMP should present an overview of the entire validation operation, its organisational
structure, its content and planning. The core of the VMP is the list/inventory of items to be validated
and the planning schedule.
The VMP should provide your organisation with the basis for validation and quality system
activities required for cGMP compliance. This will enable any sterile or non-sterile medicinal
product that is produced, processed, stored or distributed, by the manufacturing unit, to be
validated under the control of an appropriate quality system.
The VMP should provide a cross-reference to other documents, such as SOP’s, validation
protocols, validation reports, and design plans. A rationale for the inclusion or exclusion of
validations, from the approach adopted should be included.

VMP Document
The VMP template is attached for completion as appropriate the document should be cross-
referenced with design specifications, design plans and other relevant documentation. Appendices
should contain all the relevant documentation referenced or stated in the VMP.


Compounding Nutrition & Oncology SIG
Hospital Logo
Hospital Name


Document Reference: Reference Number

Revision: Draft Number or Revision Number

Date of Issue: ____/____/____

Page: 3 of ___

Approved by: Name: Signature: Date:

Production Team Leader

Quality Control Officer

Senior Engineer

Compiled by
Title: Name: Signature: Date:

Validation Engineer


Compounding Nutrition & Oncology SIG
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AHU Air Handling Unit NHS National Health Service
BP British Pharmacopoeia O&M Operation and Maintenance
BS British Standard OQ Operational Qualification
CFR Code of Federal Regulations P&ID Piping and Instrumentation
cGMP Current Good Manufacturing PCA Patient Controlled Analgesia
CIP Clean In Place PFD Process Flow Diagram
CIVA Centralised Intravenous Additives PID Proportional Integral and
Comm. Commissioning plc Programmable logic controller
CPU Central Processing Unit PQ Performance Qualification
DC Direct Current PV Process Validation
DCC Design Change Control QA Quality Assurance
DQ Design Qualification QC Quality Control
DR Design Review QMS Quality Management System
EDR Enhanced Design Review RA Risk Assessment
EP European Pharmacopoeia Rev. Revision
EU European Union SAT Site Acceptance Test
FAT Factory Acceptance Test SIP Sterilise/Sanitise In Place
FDA Food and Drug Administration SOP Standard Operating Procedure
FDS Functional; Design Statement SVA Small Volume Ampoules
GA General Arrangement TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition
GAMP Good Automated Manufacturing URS User Requirement Statement
GCP Good Cleaning Practice VCC Validation Change Control
GEP Good Engineering Practice VMP Validation Master Plan
GLP Good Laboratory Practice VSC Validation Steering Committee
HACCP Hazard And Critical Control Point VTF Validation Technical File
HS&E Health Safety And Environment WFI Water For Injection
HTM Health Technical Memorandum
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air
IA Impact Assessment
IQ Installation Qualification
ISO International Standards
ISPE International Society of
Pharmaceutical Engineers
LVF Large Volume Fluids
MCA Medicines Control Agency
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Revision Details Date Author

Draft 1 Initial draft __/__/__

Draft 2 __/__/__

Draft 3 __/__/__

Revision 00 Original issue. __/__/__

Revision 01 __/__/__
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3.1 Membership of Validation Steering Committee

This Validation Master Plan has been compiled by a Validation Steering Committee (VSC) who
will also manage its execution. The members of the VSC are listed below and by their signatures
acknowledge their responsibilities to ensure that all validation activities are carried out as
described in this Validation Master Plan (VMP) and its annexes.
It is recommended that the members of the VSC should include, but is not limited to the following
areas of responsibility and expertise:
 Pharmacy Production Team Leader
 Pharmacy Senior Production Technician
 Trust Senior Engineer
 Pharmacy Quality Control Officer
 cGMP Consultant
 Validation Specialist
Additional members co-opted onto the VSC shall also sign below before undertaking any activities
associated with this VMP.

Name (Print) Position/Company Initial Signature Date

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3.2 Responsibilities
With respect to the activities outlined in this VMP and its Annexes, including cleaning,
manufacturing practices and analytical methods, the responsibilities of key VSC members are
outlined below. Their responsibilities with respect to the overall operation are included where this
may have an impact upon validation activities.
Approval of new or amended documentation should be accomplished with the minimum of delay,
ideally within 2 working days, to facilitate the efficient operation of the facility

3.2.1 Pharmacy Production Team Leader

The pharmacy production team leader is responsible for:

 Ensuring that appropriately qualified personnel are appointed.
 Ensuring production processes are in accordance with cGMP requirements.
 Facilitating validation activities.
 Training and management of personnel.
 Approval of user functional aspects of validation protocols
 Approval of working production documents for overall content.

3.2.2 Pharmacy Senior Production Technician

The pharmacy operations representative is responsible for

 Completion of batch records.
 Operating procedures.
 Training of personnel.

3.2.3 Trust Senior Engineer

 Ensuring that systems/equipment are appropriate for their purpose.

 Maintenance of systems/equipment.
 Maintenance procedures.
 Calibration policy and procedures.
 Revision of O & M manuals for equipment/systems.
 Approval of validation protocols for content relating to engineering content.

3.2.4 Pharmacy Quality Control Officer

 Ensuring appropriate Quality Control (QC) procedures are in place

 Provision and maintenance of auditable document storage systems.
 Approval of validation protocols for quality aspects.
 Approval of all working QC and production documents

3.2.5 Validation Engineer

 Identify and plan appropriate validation activities.

 Provide validation technical support and training.
 Ensure appropriate validation procedures are in place.
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4.1 Purposes of the VMP

The purposes of the VMP are to:
 Identify the members of the Validation Steering Committee.
 Identify Regulatory requirements.
 Identify and describe the facility, systems and equipment to be validated.
 Identify and describe products and processes to be validated.
 Identify the validation activities that will be undertaken.
 Identify the methods by which these activities will be undertaken.
 Identify the documentation requirements to support the above activities.

4.2 Overview of Project

This VMP relates to a new facility, to be known as the _______________________. In line with
current GMP standards the new pharmacy will provide aseptically dispensed intravenous products
and manufactured sterile and non-sterile products to ______________ Hospital patients.

4.3 Validation Philosophy

The VMP is intended to be a ‘live’ document that initially supports the design and construction of
the facility and subsequently the operation, maintenance and change of the facility for its entire
life. It will provide the basis for validation and quality system activities required for cGMP
compliance. This will enable the validated production, processing, storage and distribution of a
range of sterile and non-sterile medicinal products under the control of an appropriate quality
The VMP may be revised as appropriate to incorporate changes and/or additions to the facility
and/or products.
Using current pharmaceutical industry guidelines, the validation steps and activities will be
designed to address all critical product attributes and process steps whilst minimising un-
necessary work. This will be achieved by employing techniques such as Impact Assessment and
risk assessment, in order to focus validation activity onto those systems critical to product quality.
The validation process will follow these basic group headings:
 Quality Plan
 Design Reviews
 FAT/Commissioning
 Installation Qualification
 SAT/Operational/Performance Qualification
 Process Validation
 Cleaning Validation
 Analytical Method Validation
The validation activities will be incorporated into project design, construction programs and
production schedules. The objective of this is to integrate similar activities, e.g. SAT with OQ, and
thus reduce duplication of tests and checks to a minimum. Appendix D illustrates the relationship
between project and validation stages.
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The following is a list of standards and guidelines deemed to be appropriate for this project. This
list is not exhaustive and further regulations and guidelines will be used where appropriate. The
list will be reviewed and revised as necessary whenever a new revision of the VMP is issued.
1. New Zealand Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Manufacture and Distribution of
Therapeutic Good, Part 1 – Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products, 1993.
2. New Zealand Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Manufacture and Distribution of
Therapeutic Good, Part 3 – Compounding and Dispensing, 1993.
3. New Zealand Code of Good Manufacturing Practice for Manufacture and Distribution of
Therapeutic Good, Part 3, Annex 1 – Compounding of Sterile Pharmaceutical Products,
4. PIC/S Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products, 15th Jan 02
5. MCA Rules and Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors, 2002.
6. AS/NZS ISO14644.1:2002 : Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments – Part 1:
Classification and air cleanliness
7. AS/NZS 14644.2:2002 : Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments – Part 2:
Specifications for testing and monitoring to prove continued compliance with ISO 14644.1
8. AS/NZS ISO 14644.4:2002 : Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments – Part 4:
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Design, construction and start-up
9. ISO EN 14644.5:2004, Cleanrooms and Associated Controlled Environments – Part 5:
Cleanroom Operations.
10. ISO 14644-7:2004 : Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 7:
Separative devices (clean air hoods, gloveboxes, isolators and mini-environments)
11. AS/NZS 4273(INT):1995A1 : Guidelines for the design, installation and use of
pharmaceutical isolators.
12. Pharmaceutical Isolators, 1st edition, 2004.
13. ISPE Baseline Guide Volume 3, Sterile Manufacturing Facilities
14. ISPE Baseline Guide Volume 4, Water and Steam Systems
15. ISPE Baseline Guide Volume 5, Commissioning and Qualification
16. BS 5295 Environmental Cleanliness in Enclosed Spaces
17. European Pharmacopeia
18. British Pharmacopeia
19. The Quality Assurance of Aseptic Preparation Services, 3rd edition, 2001.
20. Good Automated Manufacturing Practice.
21. Good Laboratory Practice.
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6.1 Introduction
The pharmacy produces and issues a large number of products to in-patients,, out-patients and
other group hospitals/clinics.
This VMP applies to all production processes in the pharmacy.

6.2 Product Groups

Products with similar characteristics and/or manufacturing processes have been placed into seven
groups. A general process flow diagram (PFD) has been generated for each group (found in
Annex A). Where significant differences occur within a group, these are identified in sub-sections
within the PFD for the group.
The seven product groups are:
 Cytotoxics (dispensed, unlicensed manufacture)
 TPN (dispensed, unlicensed)
 CIVA (dispensed, unlicensed)
 Terminally sterilised products (licensed manufacture)
 Non-Sterile Products (unlicensed manufacture)
 Repacking (dispensed)
 Other (unlicensed manufacture)
Please refer to schedule of products, product group descriptions and associated process flow
charts located in appendix A.
Whenever new products are to be processed by the pharmacy, then each will be assessed for
inclusion into an existing group. Where this is inappropriate, e.g. a significant new process is
introduced, then a new group will be added, with supporting PFD and process descriptions.

6.3 Processes
For each product group, the manufacturing processes and the specific equipment utilised will be
described in detail. Specifically, these will include all processes critical to product quality.
Processes that involve ‘standard’ operation of equipment, e.g. weighing of product materials, may
be simply listed and referenced to appropriate equipment SOPs.

6.4 Product Storage and Distribution

Generally for compounded products, product storage time is relatively short, as most products are
manufactured to meet prescription orders and in some cases have a short shelf life. When batch
production is employed, batch size is managed to meet anticipated short-term demand and hence
avoid the need for long-term storage. Batch products with a prolonged expiry, raw materials and
repacked products will be stored in a quarantine area before release for use, which will be a
designated site in the cold room or storage area that is inaccessible.
Products will be stored within a dedicated storage area. Where necessary, products will be stored
in refrigerators or a cold room.
There is a paper system for Inventory control.
Products are delivered by a variety of routes dependant upon product and intended use.
Generally they will be delivered in small lots, carried by hand, trolley, etc. to the end user.
Returnable cold boxes will be used when a cold chain delivery is required.
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Note: All drawings referenced in this section are located in Appendix C.

7.1 Site Location

The new pharmacy is located on the site of the __________________. Its position with respect to
other facilities on the same site is shown on layout drawing no. _____________.

7.2 Facility Design and Layout.

The facility consists of a _________________. Please refer to drawing no. _____________.
The facility contains the production area. This is divided into 2 discrete clean room production
suites termed zones 1, 2 and 3 according to the HVAC zoning.
 Zone 1 _____________.
Please refer to drawing no. _____________.
There is a walk-on ceiling level above the clean rooms within which piped services, HVAC ducting
and electrical services are located.
The plant room within which equipment such as Air Handling Units (AHUs), Water for Injections
(WFI) generation, storage and circulation equipment, clean steam generator and control panels is
situated in _____________. Please refer to drawing no. _____________.

7.3 Production Suites

7.3.1 Zone 1, Non-Sterile Manufacturing

All rooms classified GMP grade D. Please refer to schedule of room data sheets located in
Appendix C. Served by HVAC zone 1. Please refer to drawing no. _____________.
Processes undertaken in this area include:
 Non-sterile manufacture of creams, ointments, suppositories, oral suspensions, oral
liquids and capsules.
 Extemporaneous preparation of creams, ointments and oral suspensions
Please refer to process flow diagrams located in Appendix A.
The zone is divided into 3 discrete areas and accessed by dedicated personnel change airlock
number _______.:
 Hazardous non-sterile product manufacture, including Dithranol/Coal Tar, flammables
and cytotoxics.
 Prep 1, 2 and 3. Non-sterile product manufacture (non-hazardous).
 Equipment and bottle wash area. Pass boxes provide access for materials to local
storage areas within preparation areas.
Please refer to typical personnel, material, product and waste flow diagrams located in Appendix

7.3.2 Zone 2, Preparation of Cytotoxic and Parental Nutrition Products

Rooms classified EU grades B, C and D served by HVAC zone 2. Additionally there is a small
equipment store. Please refer to schedule of room data sheets located in Appendix C, and to
drawing no. _____________.
Processes undertaken in this area include:
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 Aseptic dispensing of parenteral nutrition products and aseptic dispensing of other

parenteral items.
 Aseptic dispensing of cytotoxic chemotherapy
 Aseptic manufacture of cytotoxic chemotherapy
Please refer to process flow diagrams located in Appendix A.
The zone is divided into 4 discrete areas:
 Grade D cytotoxic compounding area. Accessed by dedicated personnel change airlock
number _______. Compounding of Cytotoxic products in grade A isolator.
 Grade D cytotoxic materials disinfection and final check area, access……etc..
 Grade D check and disinfection area, serving grade B compounding room. Personnel
access via …….. Materials access via corridor and trolley transfer airlock.
 Grade B area for compounding of Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) products in grade A
laminar flow cabinet. Personnel access via cascading grade B change. Materials access
via hatch.
Please refer to typical personnel, material, product and waste flow diagrams located in Appendix
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8.1 Impact Assessment

In order to simplify the validation and minimise unnecessary qualification activities, an Impact
Assessment (IA) exercise will be carried out, following an approved procedure. This will
encompass all equipment and services installed within the facility. It will define the validation
requirements for equipment and services that are found to be critical to product quality and risk to
It is expected that equipment and services that are deemed non-critical will be installed, operated
and maintained subject to Good Engineering Practice (GEP).
Data from the IA should be used to provide information for use in the qualification protocols, such
as critical instrument listings and acceptance criteria.
IA will be considered for any change to established equipment and/or services in order to help
define validation or re-validation requirements.
Validation activities appropriate to the equipment and services may be considered at IA.
The location of the IA results will be recorded and the data entered in a validation matrix attached
to this VMP in appendix B.

8.2 Risk Assessment

Appropriate Risk Assessments (RAs) will be carried out to identify and challenge all installation,
operation, cleaning and maintenance processes.
Processes that are identified as critical to product quality and risk to patient will be subject to
Process Validation.
Some processes may be identified as hazardous with respect to Health, Safety and Environmental
(HS&E) considerations. In such cases, appropriate HS&E activities will be carried out. Generally
this activity is outside the scope of this document. It is recognised, however, that some hazardous
processes will involve validatable processes, items of validatable equipment and/or services.
Where it is logical to do so, the qualification protocols may include HS&E tests. A simple example
of this is the qualification of operation of emergency stops.
Data from the RA should be used to provide information for use in the operation and maintenance
SOPs. These must include sufficient information to ensure that HS&E requirements are satisfied.
Data from the RA should be used to provide information for use in the qualification protocols, such
as critical instrument operational limits and acceptance criteria.
RA will be completed for any change to established processes.

8.3 Validation Matrix

A comprehensive list of equipment, services and processes will be generated from IA and RA
results. Appropriate validation activities from, but not limited to, the listings in section 9.1 will be
entered against all validatable entries to create a matrix of validation activities. This matrix will be
attached to this VMP in appendix B and updated as necessary through the life-cycle of the facility.
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Validation activities will be carried out in accordance with this Validation Master Plan and the
completed documentation will be indexed in the Validation History Files.

9.1 Validation Activities

All prospective and concurrent validation activities will be performed according to previously
agreed protocols. Any retrospective validation activities will comprise of a review and collation of
existing data to demonstrate conformance to predetermined acceptance criteria. Details of the
specific tests and methodology that will be used to determine validation compliance will be found
in the validation protocols for each item.
In most cases, the protocols for major new equipment will be produced and executed by the
equipment suppliers, with review of the documentation and witnessing of the practical activities
being performed by RVI or their agents. RVI will, however, produce ‘header’ protocols that will
verify that protocols produced and executed by others conform to the requirements defined in this

9.1.1 User Requirement Specification (URS)

An approved statement of the users' requirements in terms of function, throughput, operatability

and applicable local standards must be obtained for each new item.

9.1.2 Technical Specification

An approved document translating the URS into a specification detailing how the requirements are
to be achieved. Together with the URS, this will provide the objectives and acceptance criteria for
the subsequent validation protocols.

9.1.3 Impact Assessment

The criticality of systems, equipment and components with respect to product quality will be
assessed using appropriate tools such as Impact Assessment (as described in the ISPE
Baseline Guide, Commissioning and Qualification).
Appropriately qualified personnel will conduct the assessments. The results will be formally
recorded and approved and will be used to provide information for the generation of appropriate
validation protocols and qualification tests within the validation protocols.
Subsequent activities e.g. cGMP Review will focus on the systems and equipment defined as
critical and having a direct impact on product quality.

9.1.4 Design Review/Qualification

A review of the developed designs will be performed for critical or bespoke items to ensure:
 Compliance with the User’s Requirement
 Compliance of design details with cGMP requirements
 Practical validation tests will be possible
The findings of the Design Reviews will be recorded in written reports, which will be included in the
validation report, together with a record of any follow-up actions.

9.1.5 Factory Acceptance Tests

Some items of new or refurbished equipment may be subject to acceptance tests at the supplier's
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premises. The data gained may be referenced in subsequent validation documentation provided
 These tests are pre-approved by the VSC
 Witnessed by the VSC or their agents
 Critical instruments are calibrated to appropriate standards
 The equipment is not dismantled for transport to site
 The manufacturer can certify that no subsequent changes have been made to the
construction or control systems. Summary reports of the Factory Acceptance Tests and
any follow up actions will be included in the validation documentation.

9.1.6 Commissioning

Relevant items will be fully commissioned prior to Installation Qualification. This is to ensure as a
 That all items of equipment, utilities and processes are safe to validate.
 All mechanical assembly and pre-qualification checks have been completed.
 Items of equipment, utilities and processes have been operated and shown to be fully
 Documentation is completed and provided.
Commissioning records may form part of the qualification data to support the validation study
provided that they are traceable and have been audited by appropriate members of the VSC and
prepared by appropriately qualified personnel nominated by the VSC.

9.1.7 Installation Qualification

Installation Qualification (IQ) of items will be carried out to ensure that as a minimum:
 The installation has been carried out according to specification and design intentions.
 A record of the principal features of the item and its components as installed is available.
 There is sufficient information available to enable the item to be operated and maintained
safely, effectively and consistently.
Each protocol will contain a rationale stating the validation requirements for the item of
equipment/system and will challenge items such as: materials of construction, lubrication, spare
parts, change parts, calibration, operations and maintenance manuals, training and standard
operating procedures.
If specified, the item or system shall be subjected to a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) at the
vendors works before executing of IQ.

9.1.8 Calibration

All instruments deemed critical for product quality or safety must be calibrated according to
approved Standard Operating Procedures before commencing Operational Qualification of that
item. Generally this will be verified at IQ stage.
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9.1.9 Operational Qualification

Operational Qualification (OQ) test methodology will encompass testing, as close as possible to
production conditions, and where practical, “worst case” conditions.
The Operational Qualification will be carried out to determine as a minimum that:
 All critical instruments have been calibrated to allow subsequent validation work to be
performed safely and with repeatable results.
 The facility environments can be controlled in accordance with their specification.
 Each item of process equipment operates as specified throughout its anticipated
operating range.
 Each utility operates reliably as specified.
Each protocol will contain a rationale stating the validation requirements and methodology for the
item of equipment/system. The protocol will use commissioning documentation wherever possible
to prove the equipment/system meets the criteria set out for it. At this stage it will also be ensured
that draft standard operating and maintenance SOPs and training programmes identified in the
installation qualification documents are in place.
If specified, the item or system shall be subjected to a Site Acceptance Test (SAT) before
executing of OQ. Verified results from the SAT may be used to complete OQ tests where
Before setting the item or system in motion, the following will be necessary:
 The required SOPs (usually manufacturer’s operating instructions) necessary for the safe
operation of the item or system will have been identified.
 Site pressure testing will have been completed and documented.
 Correct personal protection equipment and training in its use will have been provided.
 HS&E risk assessments and method statements will have been completed where

9.1.10 Standard Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) must be in place to enable the items and systems to be
operated consistently as intended during Performance Qualification testing. These may include,
but are not limited to:
 Operation
 Cleaning
 Testing
 Sampling
 Maintenance
 Calibration
 Production processes
 QA/QC/Monitoring
 Training
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9.1.11 Performance Qualification

Performance Qualification (PQ) test methodology will encompass testing as close as possible to
production conditions, and where practical, “worst case” conditions.
Performance Qualification will determine whether the items, either in isolation or in combination
with other items, can process defined standard loads or batches of a representative product,
placebo, components or packaging consistently and repeatably to specification when operated
according to approved procedures and under normal production conditions.

9.1.12 Combined Qualifications (I/OQ & O/PQ)

In the case of items which are of simple construction and have few functions, Installation
Qualification checks and Operational Qualification tests (I/OQ) may be described in combined
Installation and Operational Qualification protocols. Similarly, Operational Qualification tests and
Performance Qualification (O/PQ) tests may be described in combined protocols.
The resulting protocols may be as brief as is necessary to adequately verify all aspects that impact
upon product quality.
Examples of equipment for which I/OQ may be appropriate are simple mobile vessels, balances,
suppository moulds, measuring glassware, etc.
Examples of equipment for which O/PQ might be appropriate are fridges, mixers, cooling coil, etc.

9.1.13 Process Validation (PV)

The purpose of process validation is to provide documented evidence that the process and facility
can consistently produce product that will satisfy a predetermined quality standard and comply
with the relative Regulatory Standards and, if applicable, meet or exceed previous recorded
quality levels.
PV requires three consecutive product batches to meet all acceptance criteria for in-process and
product testing and will involve enhanced sampling and testing using validated methods.
Any changes to equipment and/or systems critical to product quality will require PV to be
New products/processes will be subject to PV.

9.1.14 Cleaning Validation

Cleaning validation, which will be controlled through a separate validation plan (please refer to
Annex 1 of this document), will provide documented evidence that a cleaning procedure is
effective in reducing, to pre-defined maximum allowable limits, all chemical and microbiological
contamination from an item of equipment or a manufacturing area following processing. The
means of evaluating the effectiveness of cleaning will involve sampling cleaned and sanitised
surfaces and verifying the absence of product residues, cleaning residues and bacterial
The installation and mechanical functionality of cleaning equipment and clean in place (CIP)
systems will be covered by equipment IQ and OQ protocols. The term cleaning validation is to be
used to describe the analytical investigation and subsequent verification of a cleaning procedure
or cycle. The cleaning validation protocols should reference background documentation relating
to the rationale for “worst case” testing, where this is proposed. It should also explain the
development of the acceptance criteria, including chemical and microbial specifications, limits of
detection and the selection of sampling methods.
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Particular note will be taken of the requirements of section 3.6 of the “Rules and Guidance for
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Distributors, 2002”, where potent or sensitising products such
as penicillins or cephalosporins are to be processed.

9.1.15 Analytical Method and Laboratory Equipment Validation

Analytical method validation and the associated laboratory equipment qualification, which will be
the subject of a separate validation plan, (please refer to Annex 2 of this document), provide
documented evidence that test methods are effective, reproducible and repeatable. The validation
protocols should reference background documentation relating to the rationale for the
determination of limits of detection and method sensitivity.
Validation of the analytical methods will be a pre-requisite for any analytical testing associated
with, for example, QC checks and cleaning validation assessments. It should be demonstrated
that the laboratory activities meet the requirements of GLP.

9.1.16 Product Storage and Distribution Validation

It is recognised that there is a very diverse requirement for storage and distribution due to:
 The large number of products.
 The limited shelf life of some products.
 The temperature sensitivity of some products.
 The requirement to manufacture ‘on demand’ to meet specific patients’ needs.
 The economic need to produce maximum batch size wherever possible.
The storage and distribution processes will be controlled by appropriate SOPs and validated
where necessary. Appropriate RAs will be conducted to focus the validation activity upon those
products that are particularly susceptible to environmental conditions during storage and
distribution and have limited shelf life. The validation protocol(s) will be designed to verify that the
product(s) are maintained at specified environmental conditions during storage and during
distribution to the patient.
The point at which the responsibility for the product passes from the Pharmacy to intermediate
agents or the end user should be clearly defined. It will be verified that products are only delivered
to recognised persons or organisations who have the appropriate facilities and understanding to
maintain product quality.

9.1.17 Relocated Equipment

A significant number of existing equipment items will be transferred to the new facility from other
pharmacies. All aspects of the relocation will be effectively managed and controlled by means of
an equipment re-location procedure. The procedure will, as a minimum, control all aspects of the
re-location that may impact upon cGMP. The procedure will include a model document that can
be adapted to suit all types of equipment. It should be completed in sufficient detail to ensure that
any required retrospective validation can be completed successfully.
The evidence of validation and associated documentation that exists for relocated equipment
should be reviewed and the scope of the validation exercise subsequently defined.
The relocated equipment will be subject to the IA procedure as defined in section 9.1.3. Where
the equipment is deemed to be of direct impact, then it will be subject to the same qualification
process as new items. However, it is recognised that the quantity and/or quality of the supporting
documentation may be limited. In such cases, the criticality of components should be taken into
consideration and steps taken to establish documented evidence that cGMP requirements are
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satisfied. The methodology used should be described in the rationale section of the respective
qualification protocols.
Typical activities may include:
 Non-destructive testing to establish nature of product contact materials.
 Review of process and batch data to provide appropriate OQ and PQ acceptance criteria.
 Modification of existing SOPs to reflect use of the equipment in the new facility, with
subsequent testing using the modified SOPs.
 Review of maintenance records to establish planned maintenance programme.
 Re-calibration of critical instruments.
 Annotated digital photography of equipment to provide pictorial evidence of component
layout and identification.
 Tagging of components.
 Review of training records to establish re-training requirements.
A copy of the equipment re-location procedure and model document will be placed in Appendix B.

9.1.18 Computer Validation Testing

Only to be included if any items of equipment have a programmable logic controller (plc).

9.2 Validation Reports

At the end of any validation activity a validation report will be completed. This report will
summarise the results of the validation activity and highlight any issues such as deviations that
have arisen. The purpose of the report is to enable others, e.g. licensing inspectors, to understand
the key aspects of the activity without having to read sometimes extremely lengthy documents.

9.3 Validation History File

The Validation History File will contain all relevant documentation associated with the design,
construction, installation, commissioning and operation of the facility, equipment and services. All
qualification activities will challenge this documentation for cGMP compliance.
The documentation will be held in a secure location with controlled access. It will be stored in an
orderly manner, supported by an effective indexing system, e.g. a searchable database, allowing
prompt retrieval of any document.
Simplified History Files will be maintained for no impact and non-GMP systems and equipment in
line with GEP expectations.
A master Validation History File document list will be placed in Appendix B of this document.
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10.1 VMP Revisions

During the course of the facility validation lifecycle, this Validation Master Plan and its annexes
may be subject to amendment. Details of the amendments with reasons will be recorded in
section 1.0, Revision History, and the revised VMP re-approved by the signing of a revised cover

10.2 Change Control Initiation

At an appropriate stage, e.g. completion of detailed design, the design will be approved by
completion and approval of a cGMP Review. Following approval of the cGMP Review, the design
will be ‘fixed’ and any subsequent significant changes will be controlled by the use of an
appropriate change control procedure.

10.3 Definition of Change

The objective is to minimise the quantity of documentation whilst retaining the audit trail of
validation activities, hence the impact of proposed changes on the validation process will be
assessed. Techniques such risk assessment, impact assessment, etc will be used as appropriate.
Generally, indications of significant changes will be, but are not limited to:
 Direct impact on product
 Indirect impact on product
 Changes required to test methods and/or acceptance criteria of protocols
 Test data in validation reports will require revision.
 cGMP and/or regulatory requirements have been compromised.
Some examples of significant Changes:
 Specification of critical instruments.
 Product contact materials of construction.
 Replacement of critical instrument after IQ and before OQ
 Acceptance criteria for a critical process have been re-defined.

10.4 Change Control Procedure

The Change Control Procedure(s) will be approved by the VSC prior to use and will define as a
 The proposer of the change.
 Equipment/systems affected by the change.
 Validation protocols/reports affected by the change.
 Validation support documentation affected by the change.
The proposer of the change will be responsible for:
 Obtaining all the necessary approvals prior to carrying out the change.
 Managing the activities necessary to expedite the change
 Obtaining the necessary approvals of the completed change.
The Change Control may logically include other non-validation data such as budget approvals and
HS&E implications.
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It is a requirement of cGMP that an effective quality management system (QMS) is in place. This
QMS will provide the basis for all SOPs that are utilised within the facility.
The VMP will support and be referenced from a QMS established for the Pharmacy.
It is the responsibility of the QA/QC Department to assure the maintenance of cGMP standards,
as described by the VMP, for the all processes associated with the manufacture and/or dispensing
of the products described in Appendix A.
The VMP and associated documents will be updated as necessary to include any new product or
process. Any new product or process will be subject to IA and/or RA as appropriate to define the
appropriate activities necessary to maintain the required quality standards and cGMP compliance.
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It is a requirement of cGMP that effective operating procedures are in place for all equipment,
systems and processes that may have an effect upon product quality and that they are followed
The validation activities (program and protocols) will ensure that these procedures are in place
and approved.
A schedule of all standard operating procedures shall be prepared and maintained to support the
facility during its life cycle.
Appropriate procedures will be qualified during OQ and PQ validations.
A list of all operating procedures will be indexed or referenced in Appendix B.
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It is a requirement of cGMP that effective preventative maintenance procedures are in place and
are followed correctly.
The validation activities will ensure that these procedures are developed and approved. The
procedures will apply to all equipment and systems that may have a direct or indirect impact upon
product quality.
Maintenance activities will be scheduled such that the minimum requirements for maintenance are
met and will be integrated with production activities.
Only approved methods and materials will be used during maintenance activities.
A schedule of all maintenance procedures shall be prepared and maintained to support the facility
during its life cycle. Appropriate procedures will be cross-referenced in the validation protocols
A list of all maintenance procedures will be indexed or referenced in Appendix B.
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It may be necessary to place certain equipment and systems into logical groups termed work
packages, particularly during design, installation and commissioning phases of the new facility.
A schedule of work packages will be placed in appendix B.
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Date: Revision 01

Procedures for the training of personnel will be established. These procedures will ensure that:
 The appropriate level of training and education is provided for all personnel employed
within the facility.
 Training records are established and maintained for all personnel employed within the
The training will be referenced to all the SOPs identified or referenced in Appendix B.
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16.1 Protocol Responsibility

It is recognised that there will be protocols addressing a diverse range of equipment and systems.
Each protocol and its associated report will be assigned to a relevantly qualified person (the
document ‘sponsor’). Typically the document ‘sponsor’ will be the author of the protocol. He/she
will be responsible for:
 Ensuring that appropriate protocol/report approvers are nominated.
 Authorising each page of protocol after approval.
 Checking and approving each completed report test page and completion of test
progress checklist.
 Completion of summary report.
 Ensuring that any deviations are progressed (in conjunction with validation manager).
 Presentation of report for interim and final approvals.

16.2 Approval of Protocols and Reports

In order to expedite the approval process, the following guidelines may be applied:
 The number of reviewers will be kept to the minimum necessary to ensure that critical
aspects of document content are covered.
 The document ‘sponsor’ will ensure that copies of the document are distributed to all
 Copies of the document will be reviewed simultaneously by all reviewers. Each reviewer
will only comment on items relevant his/her particular expertise.
 After a predefined time, say 5 working days, the comments will be collated by the
sponsor who, within a further predefined time, will resolve conflicting comments and
amend the document. The document will be re-issued with appropriate revision number
for approval.

16.3 Approval Of Validation Documentation

Validation support documentation will be provided in accordance with history file indexes prepared
specifically for each system, equipment item groups, work packages, etc. The history file indexes
will define responsibility for supply and expected delivery schedule for the individual documents.
On receipt, the documents will be reviewed for content by appropriate members of the VSC or by
suitably qualified personnel nominated by the VSC. If the content is satisfactory, the documents
will be placed in the validation history file.
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Appendix A


cGMP Impact Assessment

Product List

Process Flow Diagrams

Product, Material, Personnel, Waste Flow Diagrams

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Appendix B


Equipment List

Validation Matrix

Validation/Project Stage Relationship

Operation SOP Schedule

Maintenance SOP Schedule

Master Validation History File Index.

Equipment Relocation Control Procedure

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Appendix C


Drawing Schedule


Room Data Sheets

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Appendix D


Validation/Project Activities Relationship Chart

Validation Activity Plan

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