Asmi-52: 2/4-Wire SHDSL Modem/Multiplexer
Asmi-52: 2/4-Wire SHDSL Modem/Multiplexer
Asmi-52: 2/4-Wire SHDSL Modem/Multiplexer
2/4-wire SHDSL Modem/Multiplexer
• Managed SHDSL modem operates over 2-wire and 4-wire lines, over any copper
• Multiplexes two data streams (E1, Ethernet, Serial) over SHDSL
• TC-PAM line coding extends the operation range up to 10 km (6.2 miles) on 24 AWG
Dedicated managed • Operates at multiple data rates between 64 kbps and 4608 kbps
SHDSL modem for • X.21, V.35, RS-530, G.703/G.704 E1/T1, and Ethernet interfaces
The following DTE interfaces are available: A 4-wire line interface modem can be User-configurable low-speed mode is
X.21, V.35, RS-530, and G.703/G.704 E1 configured to operate over 2-wire lines. available for units with serial and LAN
or T1. For LAN to-LAN connectivity using The modem uses an Embedded Operation interfaces. In this mode ASMi-52 supports
SHDSL technology, the modem supports a Channel (EOC) for controlling and 64/128 kbps (2-wire) and 128/256 kbps
built-in 10/100BaseT bridge Ethernet port monitoring the remote unit. The (4-wire) data rates when operating
with VLAN support. management channel uses SHDSL opposite devices with E1 DTE interface.
When equipped with two interfaces, the overhead bits in compliance with ITU-T The maximum data rate in the low-speed
standalone ASMi-52 units combine and G.991.2 requirements, operating without mode is 2048 kbps.
multiplex user traffic over the SHDSL link. interfering with the data transmission. Up to eight SHDSL repeaters can be
The following DTE combinations are ASMi-52 units can operate opposite installed in line to increase the operation
available: centrally located LRS-24 racks with range of E1 based modems. ASMi-52
• Serial Port (V.35, X.21, RS-530) + LAN ASMi-52CD or ASMi-52CQ cards installed provides basic management of the
(see Figure 1), or opposite a repeaters.
• E1 + LAN
DXC-8R/10A/30/30E chassis with D4SL, The minor and major alarms can be
• E1 + serial port (V.35, X.21, RS-530) D8SL cards installed. relayed to a remote alarm device via an
Note: T1 multiplexer units are not available. optional terminal block port.
Figure 1. ASMi-52 Modems Operating Opposite ASMi-52CD Cards Over 2- and 4-Wire Lines
VLAN priority enhances the QoS by ASMi-52CD contains two SHDSL modems The terminal port supports a dial-up
enabling prioritization of the LAN packet that operate over 4-wire lines. ASMi-52CQ modem connection for remote
to the DSL line according to four levels of contains four SHDSL modems that operate management of ASMi-52 over telephone
VLAN priorities. The user can enable or over 2-wire lines. lines.
disable the VLAN priority, and each VLAN ASMi-52CD and ASMi-52CQ feature SNMP management can be performed via
tag priority (0–7) can be configured to internal, external and system timing a 10/100BaseT port or a dedicated E1/T1
one of four classes of priority level. modes. timeslot.
BER test can be performed by the
Notes: When ASMi-52 is ordered only with the
multiplexer units on each serial interface. MANAGEMENT
10/100BaseT port, it is used to transfer the user
The BERT generates and receives four Supervision and configuration activities and management data.
different test patterns. are performed using an ASCII terminal, IP The comprehensive diagnostic capabilities
ASMi-52 is available as standalone plastic, hosts using the Telnet protocol, include:
metal, and metal rail-mount enclosures, Web-based ConfiguRAD, or RADview-EMS
and dual- or quad-modem cards for (Java-based, modular, client-server, • Real-time alarms to alert the user on
installation in LRS-24 racks. The plastic scalable element management system), fault conditions
and metal enclosures are also available in providing secure configuration and fault • V.54 local analog and remote digital
extended temperature versions (by special management capabilities. loopbacks
request). • SHDSL and E1/T1 statistics collection
for 15-minute and 24-hour intervals.
The ASMi-52CD and ASMi-52CQ cards
support serial, Ethernet, and E1/T1
64 7.5 4.6 — —
128 7.0 4.3 7.1 4.4
256 6.7 4.1 6.8 4.2
384 6.5 4.0 6.7 4.1
512 6.3 3.9 6.6 4.1
1024 5.3 3.3 6.0 3.7
1536 5.0 3.1 5.6 3.5
2048 4.5 2.8 4.7 2.9
2304 4.2 2.6 4.5 2.8
4096 – – 3.7 2.3
4608 – – 3.0 1.8
Note: The typical ranges are based on error-free lab tests
without noise.
ASMi-52CD/4W operates at data rates up to 4608 kbps,
depending on internal or external clock.
Data Sheet
10W max
Standalone: ASMi-52CQ:
2/4-wire SHDSL standalone modem
Internal, from internal oscillator 8.5W max
External, from attached DTE Legend
Receive, from received signal (CPE only) @ 24V for 24 VDC option
Plastic enclosure:
Note: Do not specify @ for the default VAC or
ASMi-52CD, ASMi-52CQ: Height: 4.37 cm (1.7 in)
-48 VDC option.
Internal, from internal oscillator Width: 21.7 cm (8.5 in)
External, from attached DTE Depth: 17.0 cm (6.7 in) * DTE interface:
Station, from external clock source via Weight: 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) X21 X.21 interface
LRS-24 V35 V.35 interface
Metal enclosure:
E1 E1 interface
Diagnostics Height: 4.37 cm (1.7 in)
Note: For E1 unbalanced, order cable
Local analog loopback in compliance with Width: 21.5 cm (8.4 in)
ITU V.54 Depth: 15.3 cm (6.0 in)
Remote digital loopback in compliance Weight: 0.7 kg (1.5 lb) RS530 RS-530 interface
with ITU V.54 ETH 10/100BaseT interface
Rail-mount metal enclosure:
T1 T1 interface
Performance Monitoring Height: 7.0 cm (2.7 in)
SHDSL statistics collection Width: 15.0 cm (5.9 in) # Line interface:
E1 with CRC-4 or T1 with ESF framing Depth: 16.3 cm (6.4 in) 2W 2-wire interface
(per ITU G.706) Weight: 0.75 kg (1.65 lb) 4W 4-wire interface
E1 without CRC-4 or T1 with SF framing The cards fit in a standard LRS-24 chassis % Second interface type:
(BPV) ETH 10/100BaseT interface
Compliance with G.826 (only for models with 1st E1 or
Standard temperature:
serial DTE interfaces)
Indicators 0°–50°C (32°–122°F)
V.35 V.35 interface (only for
PWR (green) – Power on Extended temperature: models with 1st E1 or serial
DATA (yellow) – Transmit data -20°–70°C (-4°–158°F) DTE interfaces)
(except E1 or T1 interface)
SYNC A/B (green/red) – Sync status of DSL Card temperature:
$ AR for 6-pin alarm relay port
line 0°–45°C (32°–113°F)
? ME for metal enclosure
E1 or T1 SYNC (red) – Loss of E1 or T1 Humidity: + Extended temperature:
sync (E1 or T1 interface only) Up to 90%, non-condensing ETR -20° to 70°C (-4° to 158°F)
AIS (yellow) – “All 1s” string is received range (according to special
(E1 or T1 interface only) request)
ALM (red) – Alarm enters the buffer
TST (red) – Test in progress
148-100-03/08 Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. © 1988–2008 RAD Data Communications Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
4-wire SHDSL rail-mount modem, 24 VDC Power cord CBL-CQ-RS530/F
power supply Converts one SCSI-68 to four female
AC/DC adapter plug (when –48 VDC is
ASMi-52/ETH/4W/ME/AR/RAIL RS-530 (DB-25) connectors
4-wire SHDSL rail-mount modem, CBL-CQ-V35/F
wide-range AC/DC power supply PLUG-DC/TB-S
Converts one SCSI-68 to four female V.35
DC adapter plug (when 24 VDC is ordered)
Note: Rail-mount versions have TB for the line (34-pin) connectors
ASMi-52CD^/*/4W/RJ-45 Converts one SCSI-68 to four female
Cables for Standalone ASMi-52
Dual-modem, 4-wire, card version for X.21 (DB-15) connectors
LRS-24 modem rack CBL-RJ45/2BNC/E1/X
Interface adapter for converting a
ASMi-52CQ^/*/2W/& Converts one DB-25 to eight male BNC
balanced E1 RJ-45 connector into a pair
Quad-modem, 2-wire, card version for coax connectors
of BNC unbalanced coaxial connectors
LRS-24 modem rack CBL-LRSI21/DB25/UB/F
Legend Converts one DB-25 to eight female BNC
Control port cable
^ Chassis type: coax connectors
F ETSI-type LRS-24 rack ASMi-52CD Cables
Rack Mount Kits
B ANSI-type LRS-24 rack CBL-SCS26/530/F
Converts one SCSI-26 to one female
* DTE interface: Kit for mounting 1 or 2 dual interface
RS-530 (DB-25) connector
X21 X.21 interface unit/s (plastic enclosure) in a 19-inch
V35 V.35 interface CBL-SCS26/X21/F rack
RS530 RS-530 interface Converts one SCSI-26 to one female X.21
ETH 10/100BaseT interface (DB-15) connector
Kit for mounting 1 or 2 units (metal
(ASMi-52CQ only) CBL-SCS26/V35/F enclosure) in a 19-inch rack
T1 T1 interface (ASMi-52CD Converts one SCSI-26 to one female V.35
only) Legend
(34-pin) connector
E1B E1 balanced interface @ Rack mount kit type:
CBL-LRSI25/DB25/UB/M P1 Mounting one unit
E1UB E1 unbalanced interface
Converts one DB-25 to four male BNC P2 Mounting two units
UTPQN IR-ETH/QN interface
coax connectors
(ASMi-52CD only) WM-35
& Line interface connector for Hardware for mounting one unit on the
ASMi-52CQ cards: wall
RJ RJ-11
TB terminal block
RJ45 RJ-45
Note: with E1 or T1 interface are available
with terminal block line connectors only.