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Technical Report Writing in The Maritime & Offshore Industry

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ISO 9001:2015 Certified ISO 29990:2010 Certified

ISO 29990

An Intensive 5 - Day Seminar On

Technical Report Writing

in the Maritime & Offshore Industry

09 - 13 Sep 2018, Dubai

EuroMaTech is proud to be associated with the following accreditation bodies:



The PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc
Technical Report Writing
in the Maritime & Offshore Industry


Technical Report Writing (T.R.W) should have a purpose; it is a EuroMaTech’s Technical Report Writing in the Maritime and
technique and acquired skill. To achieve your purpose you have Offshore Industries training course is designed to provide
to make sure the intended reader looks at and understands participants with the skills and knowledge to successfully deliver
what you have written, and why you have written it. You have concise technical reports. Participants will:
to make an impression by style and presentation on the ‘target’,
and that any person who accesses it understands what you have • Develop an understanding of communication constraints
written. Effective writing is writing that achieves the purpose of and demands when report writing
the writer. • Learn to optimise your report writing ability
• Recognise the keys to successful technical writing and
EuroMaTech’s Technical Report Writing in the Maritime and drafting of reports
Offshore Industries training course acquaints the participants • Understand how to apply proven techniques
with the technical report writing skills and explains how to utilize • Learn to identify and manage the risks associated with
them in the maritime, offshore, Oil/Gas and port industry sectors. poor writing skills and abilities
This comprehensive 5-day training course looks at practical and
proven techniques in project delivery written communications,
and uncovers the keys to successful technical report writing. TRAINING METHODOLOGY
Delegates attending EuroMaTech’s Technical Report Writing in EuroMaTech’s Technical Report Writing in the Maritime and
the Maritime and Offshore Industries training course will develop Offshore Industries training course will incorporate both
the following competencies: theory and skill training components, utilizing both traditional
lectures, as well as hands-on exercises, group discussions and
• Ensure the thoughts of the writer become the desired case studies. Led by a highly experienced and skilled Offshore
actions of the reader Oil and Gas Project Manager, and a world leading specialist in
• Remove the misunderstandings of complex and technical Marine Engineering, this course provides delegates an in-depth
language constraints in the Maritime, Offshore, Oil/Gas, understanding of approaches to Technical Report Writing in the
Petrochemical and Port industries maritime, oil/gas, offshore and Port Infrastructure engineering
• Provide techniques that master effective written industry.
• Advanced skills and processes to successfully submit
effective and efficient technical reports PROGRAMME SUMMARY
EuroMaTech’s Technical Report Writing in the Maritime and
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Offshore Industries training course demonstrates the current
ineffectiveness and cost to businesses that do not equip
If you are engaged in the maritime, oil/gas industry or are a themselves with the necessary and effective Technical Report
project manager or planning to become one, then it is important Writing skills and procedures and project management
for you to learn the fundamentals of Technical Report Writing. resources. Challenging Tutored Marked Assignments, and in-
EuroMaTech’s Technical Report Writing in the Maritime and depth Case Studies are presented to delegates for the duration.
Offshore Industries training course is designed for those with The trainer uses factual case studies and exercises along the way
little, or a basic level of understanding in these techniques. The to cement participants’ newly acquired skills, and helps them
training course is tailored for all personnel who are exposed to, apply them to real situations. Equally as important, a look at the
involved in or responsible for the successful delivery of maritime mind-set of project managers, and marine engineers is given
and offshore projects, but will greatly benefit: through the discussions; thus giving participants an additional
boost in anticipating potential problems and correcting them
• Non-Technical Professionals beforehand.
• Project Engineers & Planners
• Project Management Professionals
• Cost Estimators
• Asset Managers
In-House Training
• Quality Assurance Professionals
EuroMaTech is capable of conducting this training
• Contracts & Procurement Professionals
• Discipline Engineers programme exclusively for your delegates. Please e-mail
• Technical Assistants us on for further information
and/or to receive a comprehensive proposal.

Middle East Office : Telephone : +971 4 4571 800 | Fax : +971 4 4571 801 | e-mail: |
ISO 9001:2015 Certified ISO 29990:2010 Certified

ISO 29990


DAY 01 DAY 03
• Word choice, Accuracy and Courtesy
• The need for and the purpose of effective report writing • Sentence structure
• Understanding jargon
• Types of writing
• Be Clear. Be Concise. Be correct
• What is expected of you?
• How to engage the reader
• Edit then Edit again
• Revision
• Common elements – content, clarity, style and language
• Parallel Rules
• The offshore Oil/Gas and Maritime Industry – its special
• ‘Wordines’
needs • Consistency
• Preparation, audience general format • Copy + Paste = PLAGIARISM
• Aims, objectives, style • ‘TURNITIN’ Detection
• Information handling techniques – storage and • References, Journals and Papers
reproduction • Key Features of a Good Technical Report and how to write
• Appearance it
• Purpose and objective • Quick and easy form of communication
• Contracts • Design for selective reading
• Format • Use figures and diagrams to convey data
• Drafting and Planning • Exercise – Full Review and Case Studies of Technical
• Purpose of research and accuracy Reports from Harvard (U.K) and M.I.T Universities (U.S.A)
• The human elements
• First, second and third person DAY 04
• What is passive voice?
• Organizing information REPORT WRITING
• Time management
• Incident reports
DAY 02 •

Survey and Technical papers
Engineering Reports
• Investigation reports
• Site Visit Report
• Contents, introduction, executive summary, background, • Updates
procedures, findings, sub headings conclusion, • Laboratory Report
recommendations, reference, bibliography, appendixes • Discussion Reports
• Layout and logic • Results Report
• Font • Observation Reports
• Type • Conference Reports
• Line spacing • Power Points
• Abstracts • Experimental Reports
• Narrative • Assessment and condition reports
• Margins
• Numbers DAY 05
• Tables and figures
• Abbreviations EQUIPMENT
• Keep the word count down
• Formal language • Computer hardware and software
• Document security
• Overworked words
• Fax and emails
• ‘Wooley’ qualifiers
• The World Wide Web
• Emotional and ‘leading’ words
• Glossary of IT terms
• Tenses
• Punctuation and common mistakes
Expert Witness Testimony and Reports
• Numbering and Headings
• Illustrations and diagrams • Disclosure of reports and communications
• Critical thinking • Civil and criminal procedures for report writers
• Exercise – Submission of a full Technical Report from
Delegates and Assessment of Technical Reports

U.K. Office : Telephone +44 151 709 7100 | Fax +44 151 709 7181 | e-mail: |
Seminar Registration Details
Complete & Mail or fax to EuroMaTech at the address given below Please register me on the :

Technical Report Writing £ 09 - 13 Sep 2018, Dubai

in the Maritime & Offshore Industry


Name (Mr/Ms): .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Position: Organisation: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
City / Country: ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Telephone / Fax: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................


£ Please find enclosed a cheque made payable to EuroMaTech

£ Please invoice me
£ Please invoice my company as follows:
Contact Name: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Company Name: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Address: ....................................................................................................... ...........................................................................................................................


Documentation Hotel Accommodation

High Quality material has been prepared by the Seminar Leader for EuroMaTech has negotiated special rates for a limited number of
distribution to delegates. In addition a special note pad to facilitate
note taking will be provided. rooms in the hotel. Early registration will help to secure a room at
the reduced rate.
A Certificate of Completion will be issued to those who attend & Registration & Payment
successfully complete the programme.
Please complete the registration form on this page & return it to us
Schedule together with your cheque made payable to EuroMaTech.
07:30 – 08:30 Welcome
08:30 – 10:15 First Session For Further Information, Contact Your Nearest EuroMaTech Office:
10:15 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 – 12:15 Second Session U.K. Office
12:15 – 12:30 Coffee Break
12:30 – 14:00 Third Session 109 Mount Pleasant
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch Liverpool L3 5TF, United Kingdom
15:00 – 16:00 Open Session Telephone +44 151 709 7100 Fax +44 151 709 7181

Fees e-mail:

The Fee for the seminar, including instruction materials,
documentation, lunch, coffee/tea breaks & snack is: Middle East Office
P.O. Box 74693, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
US$ 4,750/ = per delegate
Telephone : +971 4 4571 800 Fax : +971 4 4571 801
*All Fees are subject to 5% Value Added Tax (VAT). e-mail:


Telephone: +971 4 4571800 to Fax your completed registration E-mail to us : Complete & return the booking form with cheque to:
provisionally reserve your place. form to: +971 4 4571801 or EuroMaTech P.O.Box 74693, Dubai - U.A.E.

Cancellation Policy
Request for seminar cancellation must be made in writing & received at EuroMaTech three weeks prior to the seminar date. A U.S.$250/- processing fee will be charged per
delegate for each cancellation. Thereafter, we regret that we are unable to refund any fees due, although in such cases we would be happy to welcome a colleague who would
substitute for you.

EuroMaTech reserves the right to alter the content, location of the Seminar, or the identity of the speakers in case of events beyond our control.

*VAT Announcement: The Government of UAE have introduced Value Added Tax (VAT) on goods and services from 01-January-2018. In compliance with the legislation issued
by the UAE Government, we will be applying a 5% VAT on the fees for all our programs and services offered from January 2018 as applicable and stipulated in the FTA circulars.

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