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Marpol Annex Vi: - Regulations For The Prevention of Air Pollution From Ships Now in Force (19 March, 2005)

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Regulations for the Prevention of Air

Pollution from Ships
Now in force (19th March, 2005)
Special areas
Entry into Force
Existing ships 400GT and over are
required to be certied (IAPPC &
Supplement) no later than the rst
scheduled Dry-dock after 19th May 2005.
Note An in water survey in lieu of drydocking may be deemed the rst
scheduled docking

All new ships keel laid after 19th May 2005

Why MARPOL Annex VI?
Emission Gases from Ships
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) create Ozone
Sulphur Oxides (SOx) create acidication
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a GHG
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Hydrocarbons (HC) gas, soot and some

The concentration of the differing exhaust gases

is variable according to the engine type, engine
settings and fuel type.
There are 4 chapters in this and regulation
Ch-1 : general:
talks about applications denations,
exceptions and exemptions and equivalents.
Ch-2-surveys requirements durations issue
of certicates
Ch-3 reg for control of the foll emmision
Ch4 about the eedi reg
What does Annex VI cover?
Ozone Depleting Substances (Reg 12)
Nitrogen Oxides NOx (Reg 13)
Sulphur Oxides SOx (Reg 14)
Volatile Organic Compounds (Reg 15)
Incinerators (Reg 16)
Fuel Oil Quality (Reg 18)
Eedi reg 20-21
Seemp reg 22
Ozone Depleting Substances
Applies to all ships
Deliberate emissions are no longer permitted
HCFCs (R22) permitted until January 2020 and
all other ODS are prohibited to use
All Halons, CFCs and HCFCs are to be
documented in the IAPPC Supplement
Vessels can conrm compliance at survey by
completion of the refrigerants log book
Systems will be checked visually for good
condition and leakage free
Ods record book to be maintained
Nitrogen Oxide Emissions
This regulation shall apply to:
(i)each diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 kW which
is installed on a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2000; and
(ii)each diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 kW which
undergoes a major conversion on or after 1 January 2000.
(b)This regulation does not apply to:(i)emergency diesel engines,
engines installed in lifeboats and any device or equipment intended
to be used solely in case of emergency; and Emission level dependant
upon RPM
Require a NOx Technical File
Require a Record of Engine Parameters Form 475
Spare parts must be from Original Engine Manufacturer & stamped
with IMO I.D. number as listed in the NOx Technical File
The overhaul of NOx critical components should be carried out at a
licensed workshop and the IMO I.D. number re-stamped on the parts.
Sulphur Oxide Emissions
Maximum Sulphur content of HFO 3.5%
outside special area
Development of Sulphur Emission Control
Areas SECAs
Maximum Sulphur content in ECA 0.1%, or
any other APPROVED technology to limit
emissions to 6.0gSox/kWh
Vessels will require a procedure/statement
declaring how they intend to operate in a SECA
The rst SECA will be the Baltic Sea which
came into force on the19th May 2006
The North Sea is likely to follow in October
Volatile Organic Compounds
This is applicable only to tankers and
regulates the emission cargo vapours
If an approved VECS vapur emission
control system is tted it should be fully
The requirements for a VECS system
mirror USCG requirements
Incinerator Operation
Incinerators tted after 1st January 2000 must
be IMO Approved MEPC76(40)
Certicate of Type Approval and Instruction
book onboard
Operators to be aware of the requirements of
Annex VI & trained in the use of the incinerator
SMS Form used for this
Must be approved to burn PVCs under
MEPC.76(40) or MEPC.59(33)
Can not burn PCBs, heavy metals or
halogenated compounds
Regulation 16 - Incinerators

Incinerators installed after 1st Jan 2000 to

meet regulations and must certied to meet
the specications in MEPC Resolution
76(40) (Appendix IV of Annex VI).
Each incinerator must have a
manufacturers operations manual.
Crew responsible for the incinerator
operation shall be trained and follow the
operations manual.
Regulation 16
Use of Incinerators
The following substances are prohibited from
Annex I, II and III cargo residues and related packing
Garbage as dened by Annex V containing heavy
Petroleum Products containing halogens.
PVC can only be incinerated in type approved
Flue gas temperatures shall be monitored and not
less than 850 deg C for continuous feed and reach
600 deg C within 5 minutes for batch feed.
Regulation 18 Fuel Oil Quality
Fuel oil shall be blends of hydrocarbons derived
from petroleum rening
Fuel oil shall be free from inorganic acid
Fuel oil shall not include any added substance
or chemical waste which either:
Jeopardises the safety of ships or adversely
affects the performance of the machinery, or
Is harmful to personnel, or
Contributes overall to additional air pollution
Regulation 18 Fuel Oil Quality
Bunker Delivery Note (BDN)
Becomes a Statutory document
Must be kept on board for 3 years for inspection and a
copy may be taken for further examination by PSC.
Must contain all data required by Appendix V
Name and IMO number of vessel
Date of Commencement of delivery
Details of fuel oil supplier
Product name, quantity , Density at 15 0C and
Sulphur content % m/m
A declaration that fuel supplied meets Regulation
14 and 18 requirements
Regulation 18 Fuel Oil Quality

Fuel Oil Sampling

A sealed sample meeting the requirements in associated
guidelines has to supplied to the ship by the bunker supplier
For each individual BDN a sample has to be taken at the
vessels bunker receiving manifold. (see procedure in
associated guidelines) ISM Manuals ??
The sample label has to be signed by both the bunker suppliers
representative and the vessels Chief Engineer.
The sample size shall be not less than 400 mls
The sample is not to be used for any commercial
The sample is to be retained on board for at least 1 year for
inspection by PSC as required
Shipboard Procedures for
BDN and Samples
Adequate bunker manifold location for
sampler attachment
External safe storage location for samples
for 1 year period
Log book for sample retention and
custody transfer
Safe storage for BDNs and other
documents relating to bunkering onboard
A new chapter 4 for MARPOL Annex VI requirements for technical
and operational measures to improve the energy efciency of
international shipping.
New regulations aimed at improving the energy efciency of
international shipping entered into force on 1 January 2013.
They add a new chapter 4 Regulations on energy efciency for
ships to
MARPOL Annex VI, to make mandatory the Energy Efciency
Design Index
(EEDI), for new ships, and the Ship Energy Efciency
Management Plan
(SEEMP) for all ships.
The regulations apply to all ships of 400 gross
tonnage andabove. However, under regulation
19, the Administration may waive the
requirements for new ships up to a maximum
of 4 years.
EEDIis a number accounting for
theamountof CO2 generated per
tonne-mile of cargo carried. A higher
EEDI indicates a lessenergy
efcientship (by design)
Purpose of the EEDI
The Energy Efciency Design Index for
new ships creates a strong incentive
for further improvements in
shipsfuel consumption.
Regulation20:-Attained Energy Efciency Design Index (Attained EEDI)
The actual EEDI of a vessel is called the attained EEDI and its calculated
based on guideline published by IMO.

The attained EEDI shall be calculated for:

each new ship;
each new ship which has undergone a major conversion; and
each new or existing ship which has undergone a major conversion, that is
so extensive that the ship is regarded by the Administration as a newly
constructed ship.
The attained EEDI shall be specic to each ship and shall indicate the
estimated performance of the ship in terms of energy efciency,
The EEDI technical le that contains the information necessary for the
calculation of the attained EEDI and that shows the process of calculation.

The attained EEDI shall beveried, based on the EEDI technical le, either
by the Administration or by any organisation duly authorised by it.
The attained EEDI shall be calculated taking into account guidelines
developed by the (IMO)Organisation RESOLUTION MEPC.212(63).
The attained ship Energy Efciency Design Index (EEDI) is a measure of
ships energy efciency(g/t*nm).
The EEDI provides a specic gure for an individual ship design expressed in grams of CO2
per ships capacity mile and a smaller EEDI value indicate a moreEnergy efcientship.

The EEDI is calculated using the following simplied formula:

CO2 Emission
EEDI =-------------------------------
Transport Work

EEDI is a ship's carbon dioxide output divided by its cargo-carrying capacity.

Power Specic Consumption Carbon Conversion

Capacity Speed
TheCO2 emissionrepresents totalCO2 emissionfrom combustion of fuel at design stage ,
including propulsion and auxiliary engine taking into account the carbon content of the fuel
in question
Transport workis calculated by multiplying the ships capacity as designed with ships
design speed measured at max design load condition.

In the equation above, the EEDI is a value calculated taking design values as parameters,
and it expresses theCO2 emissionreduction potential. EEDI is required to satisfy the IMO
standard value for new ships to be built and is being introduced in phases as regulatory
These ships will be required to have an International Energy Efciency Certicate (IEEC).
The Required EEDI shall be applied for ship which falls into one of
the categories dened in MARPOLAnnex6 Regulation 2.25 to 2.31
and to which MARPOLAnnex6 Chapter 4 is applicable.For each:
new ship;
new ship which has undergone a major conversion; and
new or existing ship which has undergone a major conversion that
is so extensive that the ship is regarded by the Administration as a
newly constructed ship
A ships attained EEDI must be equal to or less than the required
EEDI for that ship type and size, which will be afunctionof
thereference line valueand areduction factor Xi.e
Attained EEDI Required EEDI

Required EEDI= (1-X/100) Reference line value ,where X

is the reduction factor.
Reference lines have been developed by the IMO for a number
of ship types
The reference lines are ship specic and dependent on ship
type and size.
The reference line value is formulated as
Reference line value = a (100% deadweight)

i.e. Reference line value = a b

where "a" and "c" are parameters given in Table 2 of

MarpolAnnexVI , Chapter 20 determined from the regression
curve t and b is the deadweight.
FOR CONTAINER a=174.22 b=dead wt of ship c=0,201
Now we are in phase 1- jan -2015 dec 2019 max eedi- 10%
The SEEMP establishes a mechanism for operators to improve
the energy efciency of ships. Regulation 22 requires ships to keep
on board a ship specic Ship Energy Efciency Management Plan
Ship energy efciency management plan (SEEMP) is an operational
measure that establishes a mechanism to assist a shipping company
and/or a ship to improve the energy efciency of its ship operation
in a cost effective manner. The success can be achieved by steps:-
- Like otimised fuel consumption
- Slow steaming
- Optimising in ac and refer
- Use of less consumtion lites
- Using cheap fuels
- Etc etc

The IMO has set target for the reduction of GHG emission in different
phases. The CO2 reduction level for rst phase is set to 10% and it
will be tightened every 5years.IMO has set reduction rates until the
period 2025 to 2030 when a 30% reduction is mandated for most ship
types calculated from a baseline representing the average
Certicates issued under this
EIAPP Certicate (MARPOL VI and NOx
Technical Code) for marine diesel engines
(issued after nal examination and approval)
issued when compliance with reg 13 of this
Reg 5surveys
Initiail survey
Renewal survey-5yrs
Intermediate survey +- 3months of 2nd or
3rd anniv
Annual survey +- 3 months of aniv date
Port State Control and Annex VI
The following are items that may lead to the detention of
a ship for Annex VI:-
Sulphur content of any fuel used on board exceeding
4.5% - Checked by bunker delivery notes.
Non-compliance with the requirements of operating
within a SECA Check changeover records
The ships staff or crew being unfamiliar with the
operational procedures required by Annex VI
ISM and Annex VI

Implementation of the refrigerant log book and procedures for

handling refrigerants
Documenting maintenance to NOx critical components in the
Record of Engine Parameters (Form 475)
Approved spare parts supply
Procedures in place for using the VECS system when required
by the terminal.
Incinerator operator training in place
Garbage segregation policy to prevent prohibited substances
from being incinerated
Bunker Delivery Notes and statutory fuel samples retained for
required periods and a tracking system in place to follow
bunkering history
A procedure for operation in a SECA area

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