The Explorer: Meeting Dates Here Is The Complete List For The Fraternal Year
The Explorer: Meeting Dates Here Is The Complete List For The Fraternal Year
The Explorer: Meeting Dates Here Is The Complete List For The Fraternal Year
May 2011
Official Publication of Kingsway Council #3387
4202C Dundas Street West
Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 1Y6
Published the 15th day of each month Volume 50 Issue 9
Here is the complete list for the fraternal year.
Meetings will be held in our hall at
4202C Dundas Street West @ 8:00 p.m.
What follows is a list of council events. We
understand if you can not make it out to all of
MAY 24
the events, but we encourage you to attend as
JUNE 28 GENERAL MEETING many events a possible.
May we suggest you copy and place this list on the
refrigerator or on your desk so you don’t forget when
there is a meeting. All members are welcomed to at-
tend both types of meetings. DATE EVENT
Third Degree
Fourth Degree
Knights of Columbus
Kingsway Council
As we near the end of this
fraternal year, we should all
reflect on what we have
done as a council, as a FROM THE DESK OF THE EDITOR...
Knight, and as a Catholic
We have marked our 60th anniversary,
We appreciate your feedback. If you have a
and continue to carry on the work that
our founding members started over 60 comment or a suggested topic, please contact:
years ago. Kingsway council is known
in our community, in our Churches and
throughout the Knights of Columbus and Knights of Columbus
that is because of each one of us who has
given of their time and service. Kingsway Council #3387
Hats off to each one of you, and let us 4202C Dundas Street West
continue proudly serving our Churches
and community through the rest of this Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 1Y6
fraternal year, and into the next. We still
have a number of events coming up, and
look forward to seeing each one of you E-mail:
at them. God bless you and your fami- Fraternally yours,
Danny Franchi, P.G.K., F.S., Editor
Vivat Jesus
Paul Bryce
Deputy Grand Knight
Celebrating 60 years of service to
Church and community
The events below are not council related and were put together by all the weekly bul letins.
When a flood hit, a Christian
man stood on his car and said
Hope for Children Foundation is a supported I’m waiting for the Lord to help
Catholic Children’s Aid Society charity. me. The water rose and he
Kingsway as well as several other councils climbed on the balcony of a
and the Hope for Children have worked hand
in hand on many different projects is the past.
house. A boat came by and he
One that we have continued to work on is the said, go on I’m waiting for the
charity bingo to support the Knights of Co- Lord to save me. The water rose
lumbus bursary which is handed out once a and climbed on top of his house.
year. Below are the remaining bingo dates for
2011, which will held at the Keele Street Another boat came. I’m waiting
Bingo Hall. More dates will be scheduled for for the Lord he said. The water
the remaining months of 2011. Any interested rose and he’s on top the chim-
brother willing to help out please contact
Brother Sam Tassone for more information.
ney, a helicopter came, go on I’m
waiting for the Lord. The man
died, got to heaven and asked
June 03 from 18:15 to 21:15,
June 03 from 21:15 to 00:45 the Lord “where were you, I
waited?” The Lord said, “I sent
two boats and a helicopter what
more did you want.”
Our Council in Action
Please note all photos are posted on our website